blueprint for peace in the islamic world - keshe … · blueprint for peace in the islamic world v2...

1 176 th Knowledge Seekers Workshop 0615-2017 Blueprint for Peace in the Islamic World V2 Draft Comment from transcriber Cornelius van Dorp In this workshop the Universal Council, the Earth Council, and the Keshe Foundation Core Team collaborate and make calls, statements, and letters to the Islamic world to unify in order to avoid the bloodshed and warfare that is planned for them, and in this way, they can bring peace to our world. The statement from the Earth Council is particularly powerful, and gives us excellent guidance and a way and method to bring this about. MK then elaborates and in no uncertain terms condemns all the religions, and brings it home to everybody that, as we earth-humans come to maturity, and understand the structure of our souls, as we join the Universal Community, we no longer need any priests, churches, mosques, synagogues, temples, or religions. The workshop is broken down in the headings and hyperlinks following… Content Index Background to the Blueprint for Peace in the Islamic world Update on the court case in Kortrijk A Call from the Universal Council A Statement from the Earth Council A Statement from KF Core Team We have taught enough to mature the soul of the man. What is detachment? Now you understand what it means I made man in the image of myself. Do people born into different religions have a different strength?

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176th Knowledge Seekers Workshop 0615-2017

Blueprint for Peace in the Islamic World

V2 Draft

Comment from transcriber Cornelius van Dorp

In this workshop the Universal Council, the Earth Council, and the Keshe

Foundation Core Team collaborate and make calls, statements, and letters to

the Islamic world to unify in order to avoid the bloodshed and warfare that is

planned for them, and in this way, they can bring peace to our world. The

statement from the Earth Council is particularly powerful, and gives us

excellent guidance and a way and method to bring this about. MK then

elaborates and in no uncertain terms condemns all the religions, and brings it

home to everybody that, as we earth-humans come to maturity, and

understand the structure of our souls, as we join the Universal Community,

we no longer need any priests, churches, mosques, synagogues, temples, or

religions. The workshop is broken down in the headings and hyperlinks


Content Index

Background to the Blueprint for Peace in the Islamic world

Update on the court case in Kortrijk

A Call from the Universal Council

A Statement from the Earth Council

A Statement from KF Core Team

We have taught enough to mature the soul of the man.

What is detachment?

Now you understand what it means I made man in the image of myself.

Do people born into different religions have a different strength?

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Giving money to religions is stealing from yourself

How much will we decide to give from our souls

We have finished with the teachings of the cores and GaNSes because now

we understood that teaching was to show you the existence and the creation

of the soul.

These peasants and thieves will stay in the dimensions of physicality.

Take the message of the Universal Council and the Core Team and you will

find out you will have the effect of it

A question about wormholes

A comment from a Buddhist

Can we do this without hurting others?

Jason asks if you can tell us the best way to create a vacuum.

Could you explain the real purpose of Cern and the hadron collider?

Please reflect on the work to elevate the soul of the Islamic World so they

come to understand that peace is the only option


Background to the Blueprint for Peace in the Islamic world

11:11 Mr. Keshe (K): good morning, good day to you as usual wherever

and whenever you listen to these teachings that are part of the Knowledge

Seekers Workshops and sometimes the blueprint for what is brought into the

foundation and necessary to be shared in the public so that it can change the

structure. Today as normal we have a blueprint that has come through and

we see because of the situation in the Middle East, and has been set in and

inspired by a member of the Earth Council (EC), Dr. Parviz Rashvand, who

lives in the Middle East in the mayhem that has been created.

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12:06 K: He has seen and he sees how the whole Islamic world has turned

on each other. He has made a direct explanation of the situations in the

Middle East of how Muslims have turned against each other and brothers

have turned against each other. He sees the injustice as one of the six

members of the EC who are responsible for the security and operation of this

planet. They have asked in so many ways for help in the way of how we can

change the situation that has become apparent of Muslims at each other's

throats, Jews against Muslims, Christians against Christians in all sorts of


13:10 K: The name of God has become a passage for killing. And so, we

have called this blueprint for peace in the Islamic world. In the past few

days, the members of the Core Team, the EC, and the Universal Council

(UC) met. Dr. Parviz explained what is happening and put his case to all of

them, and it was decided that a blue print for peace (would be presented)

which means you will hear new ways and new approaches, not by marching

or dividing or becoming more and more in what we had and need, but

becoming part of the whole set up of us understanding where we have gone

wrong and used the name of God in going wrong.

14:30 K: I leave it to the secretary general of the UC to take the team up; it

is their program and the program of what we hear regularly from now on,

how the executive of the KF through the ethos of peace and they see what

needs to be done. There have been daily discussions, and everything has

been set by them.

Update on the court case in Kortrijk

15:12 K: Before they start there is one point we have to clear; last week we

requested a number of KF supporters to attend the court in Kortrijk and it is

now scheduled for June 26 giving our lawyers to set out the evidence that

the court can understand. In that court, it became very clear that Mr.

Laureyssens has been part of the structure of the Belgium police and what

we call infecting the KF from the beginning. He is working in close

cooperation with the police. It was very clear that he is part of it. He has

now opened his hand. We bless your soul; you have served the foundation

well. And in that process, you are still serving the foundation well.

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16:13 K: There has been a lot of intimidation; we have a member who has

been there; about 6 or 7 people that attended. We need more people to be

there. The structure that they set up is a one-man band as Mr. Laureyssens

stood up and made a fool of himself in court, that Mr. Keshe thinks he is

above the court, above you, the judge, and he is going to destroy you and the

rest of the rubbish was more embarrassing to him by walking around with 2

police officers in the court.

16:51 K: It shows exactly…. As we said we don’t make allegations but we

leave him more room. It becomes more apparent that for years and as we

said, the courts in Italy are busy with trying the attempted murder by Mr.

Laureyssens and the attempted murder as a joint collaborator. One of the

documents that we submit to the Italian court in the coming time and we

leave it to him and bless his soul as he needs the elevation as he is still

serving us well even though he thinks he is against. He is filtering and as he

said once I am here to protect you to get rid of all the damages. He is doing

the job very well.

17:35 K: But it made clear that what we said from the beginning is correct

and he is part of the Belgian structure, and he was sent in and brought in and

the evidence in court shows clearly how he received documents from us to

write patents about knowledge he had nothing to do with it. He writes 2

patents: one for his people and one for the inventor. We received the

inventor part and the original has gone to his people, and he was brought by

this structure to the foundation. He has most probably served his people

well. But that is irrelevant; we have to be correct and stay correct and we

bless his soul that he writes more and opens up more (information) for us.

As we saw; the people who went to the court saw how closely he is

connected to the police. He has been with them all the time and been told

what to say to the judge, and trying to disturb even though he is not part of

the case. He was sitting with the lawyers of the other side. He was always

on the other side, but this time he sat openly with them. This is good for us

and for the foundation. We have a member we have been told who was

present and he wants to explain to us what happened in the court. If you are

in the background… if you would like to raise your hand?

19;25 Rick: I’ll promote him to panelist.

K: he can tell us what took place; it is the work of the state against the

scientist. That is all it is and they have shown how they operate. We will let

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him explain what happened. It is amazing and we have informed Interpol

and the International Court of Justice. It is the first time ever in the history

that police have asked for the IDs of those who go into court and they have

taken copies of it. This is how intimidating it is. It has never been heard of

that someone who goes to sit in the court have been asked for their ID. This

is how bad it is. Let them explain.

20:20 Pat: I am Patrick from Belgium. We have a group here of Keshe

followers who have a monthly meeting to talk about things we are doing.

We went with part of our group to the court on Monday and most of the

people said it was the first time they had ever gone to court as they are just

normal people. We don’t know exactly how it worked in court so we went

in to see Mr. Keshe’s lawyer. After a while they were calling for Mr.

Keshe’s lawyer. And then we wanted to go into the room where the case

would happen.

Pat: Then two guys came to us and showed us their badges. They said they

had to give our passports before we could go into the room. We thought this

was normal, so we gave them our passports. Then they took copies of them

and gave them back and we went into the court room to wait for the case.

There were other cases going on, so we said we would go outside and try to

find Mr. Keshe’s lawyer. Then we saw that people were walking in and out

of the room and nobody else had to give passports. We started realizing that

only we had to give the passports to go in the room.

23:00 Pat: It was a strange feeling… a bit weird. We noticed that people

were looking at us and watching us… the two guys who made copies of the

passports. Then we went all in together as Mr. Keshe’s lawyer said they

were going to start around 10am. We all went into the room, and then the

case started. The guys who asked for our passports came in the room and

stood behind our group. The case started. After the case, we went outside

and we asked Mr. Keshe’s lawyer if it was normal to give a passport before

we could enter the room. The lawyer seemed a bit nervous and just said this

is a special case but don’t worry about the passport. We started realizing

that they were all watching us, and they were very intimidated that we were


24:49 Pat: Mr. DL’s lawyer said to the judge that Mr. Keshe had sent his

followers into the court and his client didn’t feel good with that. We started

realizing that there was a lot of attention coming to us about what was going

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on. And that was it. We went outside and talked a bit… the whole thing

was a strange experience. Also, when we out Mr. DL took a picture of our

whole group. It was a weird situation. We were not in fear; we didn’t do

anything wrong… we were just following the case and we are not criminals.

That was it.

26:17 K: This is the intimidation which has happened with all the KF

followers. Thank you very much for being there and please go back on the

26th of June so that we see what will be decided. It is important that we

realize according to international law that this is a crime committed by the

police in the court. Intimidation in the court by the police is a criminal

offense. You saw Mr. Laureyssens with the police as we read in other

reports that we received. Am I correct?

27:22 Pat: Yes, he was standing with the two police officers after the case.

27:33 K: Thank you very much for going there. I know we have huge

numbers of supporters in Belgium who have all been intimidated. Don’t

worry; I thank you all for being there. Please go back on the 26th. We have

submitted our case in 3 courts simultaneously so that the decision of the

court in Belgium will be in line with the other two. At the moment, what we

have seen is what we said: we have never heard, even in presidential court

cases, of people’s ID being taken. When I spoke with the American lawyer

he said that when President Clinton was giving evidence, no one’s ID

documents were ever photographed. This shows the level of criminality that

they think they have the freedom to run in Belgium.

28:30 K: But as we have DL stands with the police, he works with them and

he has been part of them. He fooled us to get in (to KF) but we bless his

soul; he has done a lot of good for the foundation, and he is still doing good.

He doesn’t realize how. On the other hand, I would like to thank you and

the others for being there and please go back on the 26th to see what the

judge decides. Thank you indeed Patrick and to all the ladies and gentlemen

who were there.

29:08 K: We don’t have much to say; others have said we are ‘phobic’ but

now you understand how KF supporters in Belgium are under pressure. We

have asked for a number of governments to intervene and we will see how it

will happen. Police cannot intimidate in the court of law. It did not happen

in the Roman times, and it did not happen in the Barbarian times. It happens

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in the lowest nation police force in Belgium with intimidation, criminality

and everything else.

29:47 K: We pray and as I said we hope we raised the soul of the king of

Belgium that he does the justice to himself, the nation and the rest of the

humanity. There is a lot to gain and there is a lot to lose but the most

important we have seen from last Monday is that DL has shown his true

hand… he has been and is with the group that made the allegations. Now

there are 7 people who can give evidence in the international courts of law

that he is a collaborator and he is working for the same people. He was

brought in to infiltrate (KF) and everything else. He is clearly accused and

brought himself to handle and administer poison to kill me. The second time

he was part of the team to administer poison to kill and the third time in the

killing of Fabio.

31:00 K: We leave this case as it is when we come to June 26th. Please go

to court and don’t be intimidated. This is how they have managed to destroy

and kill many scientists. But, this is the science of man and it doesn’t belong

to one criminal who writes one patent for the scientist and another for

himself and the others. As we know, DL took one of the patents to China

called the Casmir Effect which was a copy of the KF system. Luckily

Armen was there and opened his hand.

31:31 K: He relies on the supporters to be bribed and taken down and it has

worked with all the others he has done. But this time he has to stand. We

have seen exactly the same operation as we saw with Allen Sterling. Ten

days before he was arrested and is spending life in prison, he wrote like DL

unrelentingly out of panic and desperation. Now that they know the

situation they think they are winning, but, on the other hand, there are laws

that cover humanity. They could not understand ‘don’t kill’ and the justice

of the United Nations of the world when he walked into the court. He is no

bigger or better than the king of the smallest nation of this planet.

32:22 K: We go to the main part of this teaching which is the Blueprint for

Peace in the Islamic World.

Why do we call it a blueprint? The Blueprint for Peace is important because

humanity has lost track of how to do things in the correct way. What we

have seen in the discussion of today is that we have to learn one thing. That

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is that the soul of the man is the ethos of the man, the work of the man and

the reality of the existence of the man. What we have seen in the past few

months and weeks and past times is how, by the encouragement of one

nation and one religion, the other religions are fooled and attack and destroy

each other. But the essence of the soul of the religion goes to the writing

and not to the people… the writing of the prophet…

33:40 K: As we said, the KF is establishing One Nation, One Race, One

Planet. To create one race, we have to understand the divisions within the

race. Otherwise we are white washing the truth and the problems will come

further down the line. What we see as the separation of religions in the

name of Christianity, Buddhism or whatever, is that in essence it is the path

to one person, to one entity, to one being and that is the creator. We have

chosen different paths in different ways. Some of the prophets have learned

from the others and they have added to, but all this has been for the

physicality of the man … how to conduct himself in his life, so that when he

understands the true essence of his creation he can conduct his soul


34:47 K: in so many ways when you have correct conduct you have a

correct soul and it doesn’t have much to lose. In essence of the writing by

the prophets of God, it does not matter who or what you call them, as the

time has passed different people with different ways of interest by separating

themselves have brought division. None of them has divided the book, but

they have used the book to divide the race. In Islam, there is not anything

written in the Koran by Mohammed, bless His name, that there shall be

division. Division in Islam has come by who could be benefited by what he

could do that he could exist.

35:44 K: we see many sects in Islam, Judaism, Christianity and the others.

When you look at it these divisions have come from the greed of the man

and not from the writings of the book. Therefore, what we have to do in the

Blueprint of Peace in the Islamic World is to invite the Islamic World to go

back to the writing of the book and not to the dividers of the book. Go back

to the writers of the book, and not who came first, who came second and

which way to pray, what sentences to add. If you believe in a man, you have

to believe in his work and not those who have tampered with it. We see the

Sunni sect as a major part of the structure of the writing in the Koran. They

go back historically but at the same time they made divisions themselves in

how they interpreted the writing.

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37:09 K: those of you who are not familiar with the Islamic world, we invite

you to understand that most of the Islamic world has come out of personal

vendetta and nothing else. In the division in Shia and Sunnis, Sunnis are

about 90 to 95% and Shia about 5% of the Islamic world and there are some

other divisions. The Shia sect has come out of personality where Sunni

comes from historical line. Mohammed, bless his name, has written… has

spoken his word. Then, his writing was then written some 40 years later…

as they call them Hadiths, which means these are the things that were ‘said’

by the prophet what we remember. It does not matter how they tampered

with it, they added to it, in a way. The book was written in the word of

Mohammed, bless His name.

38:08 K: Then in this point as he was alive, his descendants went the path of

the historical path. But his bloodline said no it has to go our way through

our bloodline through his children and his grandchildren and great-

grandchildren and then 11-fold, up to the 11th Imam, and then the 12th which

has gone missing and is waiting to appear as Mahdi in the coming time

when man is willing to unify his soul and his physicality together… which is

the time of now. In essence the division has come for those who follow the

family and those who follow the administrative side. When Mohammed

declared himself as a messenger of God he had his uncles with

him and those are the ones who stood by him and accepted his message.

Then when he had children his daughter married a man; the cousin who

married the daughter of the prophet claimed to be the next one in line, where

in fact in reality the uncle and the same after him stood in line next to

Mohammed… there were no sons in-laws or daughters at that time.

39:58 K: And then the grandchildren have lined up one after another as the

twelve imams. At the moment, what we see in the conflict in the Middle

East is a war within a religion where anyone who supports the family of the

prophet, the Shias, are indicted by those who go down the Islamic historical

line. But in fact, they are both wrong. Who followed does not count; what

is written counts, what is the message of the prophet is what counts. This is

the Blueprint of Peace. We invite the Islamic World to put their pens down

about ‘whom’ (and look at) what was written by Mohammed, bless His

name. And that has to become the blueprint of peace in the Islamic World.

Everyone has divided because it suited them one way or another.

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41:03 K: We see the same in Christianity. It is in the writings that were to

be carried by 72 Bishops, and so there are 72 division in Christianity too…

and more. And we use this to elevate the souls of all the Muslims on this

planet, to unify them and to come to the reality that it is the book that counts.

The writing in the book is what counts and not in how, where, and who have

divided it. The unification of the one religion is the cornerstone of the world

peace, because when they understand they are one and it’s the book that

counts and nothing else, then we achieve a major goal. This means we have

managed to elevate the soul of the Islamic world, and the ones who believe

in the path of Mohammed, bless his name, have matured to understand this


42:23 K: This is needed now. I have been invited and given clearance to go

to Iran. Yesterday I had the pleasure of being in the Iranian embassy in

Accra, and this time I don’t go to Iran as I did last time with a white ticket. I

go to Iran with the full knowledge of government. We are going there to

teach, to learn and to spread the knowledge of peace through the technology.

I invited you to court to support us and when I know the date I will invite

you to join me in Iran. Hopefully from Tehran I will fly to Saudi Arabia.

The process of peace has to come from KF. Strangely enough what we see

of the conflict in Saudi Arabia, which is created to Qatar, to Iran, and the

Middle East, and others who could use different names of Islam Have

created all names from it from terrorists, to Isis, to Muslims, to those who

wear Allah’u’Akbar, which means God is Great. All have to become one!

It is our job with the number of followers we have around the world to give

to the soul of every Muslim on this planet.

44:20 K: And the Muslims who are our followers give to the souls of

yourselves and the followers of Mohammed to elevate the soul of the totality

of the Islamic World and to understand the unity of the book and the man

and not the greed of his servants. The same message goes to the Christians.

Those of you who are Muslims or Jews, listen to the teachings. You have to

give to the Christians that they become one and go back to the essence of the

writings in the Bible of Christ, Bless his name. This time we have the same

problem with the Jews. There are many sects of the Jews. It is the job of the

Christians and the Muslims and Buddhists to give from your souls to

Christianity to become one and go back to the book.

45:17 K: This is the Blueprint for Peace and this is how we have to go.

Because when the followers of these paths of belief, and many other faiths

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we see around the world come to understand it is the book which counts and

not the followers, then in time they will come to realize that all the books are

one. And that is the true point of understanding. And in that point in

realizing all the books are one, they will realize that man is one. I made man

in the image of myself. This is the purpose of this blueprint. We hear from

the general secretary, we will hear from Their Excellencies the members of

the Earth Council and the Universal Council, from the members of the core

team and their wishes will change humanity.

46:30 K: Today is the turning point of humanity where we throw the tools of

war and aggression to the exchange for the tool of the soul of the man, to

elevate the other. A man who can give from his soul to his enemy to elevate

him to become his friend is a true man, not the man who chooses the gun

and the pain of the physicality of another. I give from my soul to the rulers

of Saudi Arabia that in the elevation of their souls they understand there is

no need to create suffering for the others whom you relied on for the growth

of your own structure.

47:33 K: Dr. Parviz, His Excellency, will explain to us the position in the

Middle East and how they are closing borders, putting people out of their

livelihood just to prove they are more powerful. My hand goes to the

Iranian government to His Excellency President Rouhani, and His

Excellency Ayatollah Khomeini, to respond to Saudi Arabia with one

thing… with the word of peace and the way we do as Iranians. Offer them

on the peace admission to Tehran, and show them the hospitality and love of

the Iranian culture, and not the name of Shia Muslim, as they are all one.

48:33 K: The response by becoming tick tacking does nothing but suffering

for the others. My advice to my government is very simple: send what we

call the rose of love to Saudi Arabia and the Persian Gulf and invite them to

the peace table and let those who were seeding the hatred amongst the man

by the name of religion because it benefits them more to be ashamed of

themselves. As I said very recently that we hear ISIS was set up by Israel

central intelligence services, and now Iran is accused of funding it. Open

up your books and what I said to our colleagues very recently if Iran is

feeding what they call this phantom organization out of nowhere that

created itself, then it must be the Iranian Jews that are doing it and not the

Islamic ones.

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49:58 K: If they can show a track of financing this organization (ISIS) then

it has to come from the Jewish accounts, and not the Iranian accounts. So

even though I come from the Iranian Jewish blood, I have one answer: Send

them the bouquet of love and gratitude, and invite the Saudi leaders and the

Emirate leaders to Tehran, not for a peace talk, but for the unification of

Islam. It takes a lot and maybe this is the last mission Ayatollah Khamenei

has to do before his cancer, which is highly advanced, takes over.

Unification of Islam through the Blueprint of Peace of the Soul of the Man is

the key to the end of wars inside any religion. It is not submission but it

shows the greatness in accepting the book, and not the followers of the book

for the greed of their time.

51:27 K: It is our job as the followers of the KF now that we understand the

soul of the man is in the center of the brain of the man, and is the dictator of

the physicality of the man, for the soul of the man to give to elevate the souls

of the others that they see the light of themselves. We see one councillor,

one member of the council for one continent, and from this we understand

the soul of the man is so strong that it can feed the whole planet. It is for us

to unite and bring this peace forward.

52:14K: Peace will not come by talking or by taking guns to fight to have

peace. When you fight to have peace, you have already lost peace. When

you have to fight for a relationship, that relationship is already lost. When

you fight and take the soul of the man… you are responsible for that soul.

The sooner the world leaders understand this; the sooner man will walk the

path of peace. When a man shoots or has to shoot another man for him to

stay alive, or to show he is more powerful, that man becomes responsible for

the soul he has taken and the souls of the children of the family of the man

he has taken. That is why we see so many soldiers who go back to the

United States become demented and crazy.

53:24 K: Because they have killed the soul, and the body, they are

responsible for the soul and their own soul cannot handle it. The world

leaders should understand this… that they cannot put souls in these

conditions for them to have a comfortable bed to sleep in, and think that they

are the rulers. When you kill in the name of the same path the giving is

much harder because it is of the same strength. Those who create closing

borders by order… they do the same. When a single child suffers because of

that closure and doesn’t see the father and doesn’t get the food and medicine

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and suffers, the pain of that soul is payable by the leaders of the nation that

has closed the border.

54:30 K: We have to understand that the game has changed and now every

man is responsible for the totality, and especially the totality of what they

have conformed and confirmed themselves to. As I said in the meeting and I

have said before now, we show our strength as the KF. Those of you who

are Jews, those of you who are Christians… at this moment we see pain in a

member of our family, which is the Islamic world. Give from your soul to

our Muslim souls that they elevate and through that we shall elevate as the

human race. The strangest thing is, when there has been conflict it has been

taken to the floor of the United Nations. But now that the conflict is inside

the Islamic World it is to the benefit of those who call themselves European

countries, and nothing is taking place (at the UN).

55:47 K: Let them fight so when they (Islamic World) divide we (European

countries) can collect the crumbs. But there shall be no fight. Write and

deliver the papers we have shown today to every embassy, ambassador,

Islamic and Christian. Ask the Christians of the world to give to the Islamic

world that they find peace through their souls and we will achieve it. The

work of the soul of the man as One Nation falls under the Universal Council

(UC). I step down and let the general secretary of the UC take over, and we

hear and we listen and we read the wishes of the different councils which

have now taken operations on this planet, and gradually will take over the

whole operation. This is where it will go; the revolution will come through

the soul of the man without a single bullet as the guns go out of existence.

Sandy, are you there to take over?

A Call from the Universal Council

56:54 Sandy: Yes I am and thank you very much.

K: Thank you for taking over.

57:05 Sandy: Thank you Mr. Keshe; I would like to describe the process that

went on to create the document you are going to hear this morning. The

process has really touched all those that were part of it and the number is

actually quite large. I would imagine just offhand there were probably 10 to

12 people involved at different times… we couldn’t get everyone together at

the same time. So, it was difficult at first to coordinate all the efforts but it

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all worked out. At first, we weren’t really sure where we were headed. The

process came clear to us and it became clear that we first needed to

understand who we were writing to. We spent a lot of time discussing

Islamic culture and heard from people in the culture, so that we could have

an understanding of the audience we were going to be addressing with these


58:23 Sandy: We certainly didn’t want to do something that would be

disrespectful to them, so we wanted to make sure we approached this in a

way that we care about you, we respect your culture, but we do want to

communicate with you. A lot of time was spent making sure that we were

truly in peace as we were addressing this letter, and that we were joining

with the Muslims and the Islamic cultures. The first letter… Rick would

you put that up so everyone can see it while I read it?

59:13 Rick: Yes, certainly, I'll get it on the screen now

59:24 The first letter was done by a collaborative effort between the Core

Team and the Earth Council. There are a lot of hours that were put into this

letter. Every word was selected very carefully to be sure that we were

giving from our soul. We appreciate the strength of our intention from our

soul; that is what we understand and know to be our power. We worked

hard to be sure that we were being correct in how we were approaching this


A Call for All Muslims and Islamic Countries Worldwide

to Unite in Peace

Brothers and Sisters,

World peace is the goal of the Keshe Foundation and associated Councils.

To this end we wish for unification and peace for all Muslims, and for the

world in general.

We recognize that when one Muslim suffers war and destruction, then all

Muslims suffer and all Humanity is affected. All life is sacred and needs to

be cared for and allowed to exist in peace and harmony.

The Keshe Foundation offers new opportunities for peace. The World Peace

Treaty is one of the most important instruments for achieving this purpose.

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It has been signed and accepted by many people and nations around the

world (a copy of the Treaty is attached).

Let us work together to achieve global peace for all Humanity.


Keshe Foundation,

Universal Council,

Earth Council,

Core Team.

01:01:28 Sandy: I’d like to say we approached this letter very generically.

We knew it would be part of a package and part of that package would be a

more formal document that we would call the Blueprint for the Islamic

countries. This actual Blueprint is something we’re going to be working on

in the coming days. This is the letter that we wanted to state with it that we

want to reach and say that we care, and we want all to know that we are all

connected. As Mr. Keshe said, this initiative started through the EC. But

then because it is directed towards the Muslims we have asked our Arabic

Language member to address this issue also.

01:02:34 Sandy: Jamila are you available? I would like her to read to you

her letter.

Rick: I’ll put up that letter now in Arabic. We have that in Arabic.

01:03:09 Sandy: Hi Jamilla, I’d like to read in your native language and the

English language if you are comfortable.

01:03:30 Jamilla reads the letter in Arabic. (1:05 minutes)

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Sandy: will you read this in English for us also?


Dear Muslim World

My heart is heavy and sad.

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Misery, conflict, injustice and suffering are the images that offend our souls,

each day.

Our silence, our divisions, our gaze diverted has enabled the shame to take


Our youth is sacrificed, abandoned to “claws” of indomitable monsters.

Our eyes have been diverted and have left Islam to become diverted.

I hear this cry of revolt, which rises in you, O my dear Muslim World, and I

understand you…

As each of the other large sacred inspirations of the world, Islam,

throughout its history, has been love, peace, justice, and beauty.

Islam has powerfully informed the human being on the path of the mystery of


Our Prophet, Mohammed (PBUH) has transmitted to us the path of peace

through the love of others. Islam, by definition is peace, and guides each of

our steps.

Beloved brothers and sisters, we remember….

Remember when we followed, without deviance, the word of Muhammad

(PBUH). Our civilization has shone by our knowledge, by our knowledge of

the Sciences, by our tolerance. The respect of the people, the love and

peace, spread across the whole of Islam, has captured our hearts on every


1438 years ago, a light of peace and respect has been given to Mohammed

(PBUH) to guide humanity.

This light grows and lives through our hearts and our acts.

Then I beg you…. Muslim World…. UNIFY for peace

Do not be misled,

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Do not let materialism dazzle you,

Do not let revenge take thee,

Do not let destruction invade you,

Let peace flood you,

Let love conquer you,

Let your soul rise,

Let us give back Islam to our children.

Then I beg you…Muslim World…UNIFY for love!

Let us open our hearts, let us open our arms, let us open our mind to each of

the messages transmitted by the sacred books, which are within Islam.

This UNITY is the gift we will be proud to offer to our children as a legacy

for a peaceful and virtuous world.

My beloved brothers and sisters, we are the light of Islam

Let us join together in the same quest, enriching each other with our

multiple cultures, so we are no longer incomplete.

With Love and Respect,


Universal Council Member for Arabic Language

Jamilla: thank you.

01:11:47 Sandy: thank you that was beautiful… we could really feel it from

your heart. You are a council member and we know our power is from

speaking from our hearts where we know our soul is expressed.

The next thing to be presented … is Lisa available?

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A Statement from the Earth Council

01:12:24 Lisa: Hi Sandy. The Earth Council would like to offer this audio

for people to understand because what we are doing here is; we are creating

a voice of peace.

01:12:48 Lisa: we stand for the souls of all the six continents, humans and

others. We hold them close and we speak as one voice for the planet. But

part of our job is also to show all of those who wish for peace how they can

help achieve it. So, we recognize the Creator within all of you and we wish

for you to recognize it in yourself as well. And so, this is how we will

become the change we want to see in the world. To this end we wish to

share a recording that we have made and we hope this will inspire you to

understand that you are the creator and you can create this peace with us.

Rick, would you please play the audio?

01:13:49 Earth Council Member: We were sitting together the other night,

the Earth Council members, and we were chatting privately about

everything that has been happening around us in the world, especially in the

region. And as EC or as UC how could we really be influencing the

situation that has been happening in the right way? We have the pure

intention of peace. Yes, we want to re-establish or help this re-establishment

of the global peace. But how are we going to do that?

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Earth Council Member: So we were talking about this idea to explore the

possibilities of I as an individual and part of this team, as a person who is

not a political person, who is not a military person, who is not a wealth

person.... how can I create these positive changes? How can I become

somebody influential in achieving good things for all the mankind?

…including myself, including my loved ones, including my family, including

my beloved country, including my countrymen and so on and so forth

because, we are all brothers and sisters living in one single home.

01:15:18 Earth Council Member: So during our talk and visualizations we

achieved something that it is good to share this with all our brothers and

sisters could come and join us online and later on with the new people who

could come and join us so that collectively we create a larger voice and we

can affect things in a better way. We then like to (go back to) the teaching of

our master, Professor Keshe, … it is not difficult to understand that we can

really do this if you just go back to the teachings as he has been generously

giving to us in the past few years. Who am I as a single human? Now we

know about the souls.

01:16:07 Earth Council Member: Now we know more and more about the

souls and we know the power of the souls. We understand the concept of

creation now. We understand energy better than ever before. We now know

how energy creates matter or turns into matter. Not only do we know this

we are also learning how to influence it and exactly get what we intend to

get. This is a major achievement and the way we are being taught to use

GaNS to resolve a cancer issue in the body of the human, we could extend

this knowledge we realize, to extend this knowledge and use it to resolve the

cancer of humanity.

01:16:56 Earth Council Member: If we go back into ourselves and if we can

connect to our own soul, and if we could start within… I start in myself… if I

tapped into my knowledge and abilities, if I connect to my own essence, then

my soul which is a field of energy and stronger than anything I can imagine

in my physicality, it becomes and it is obvious to me that this is a part of

creation. This is part of the creator and I am a part of everything, like you,

like every one of you, every single one of you.

01:17:44 Earth Council Member: So, if I am a part of everything I

understand now what this holographic nature of creation means; every

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epsilon of this magnificent creation has the information of everything that

has ever been used in it or existed in it. So, as an epsilon, or as a pixel, or

as a dot in this huge and unlimited amount of knowledge I carry the

knowledge within me. It is all about I trust in myself so that I allow this

knowledge to evolve in me.

01:18:22 Earth Council Member: So, we realize that if we could go deep

inside ourselves, if we could connect to our own selves and as close as

everything is we start elevating our own soul, we start connecting ourselves

to the flow of life. This magnificent stream of life, which passes through

me… it could enhance the quality of my field and because I am a part of

everything you are a part of me. Then I can enhance other fields around me

based on the message, the situation or the condition that this field of mine is

creating now.

01:19:03 Earth Council Member: If we become united with each other this

is called the collective consciousness. Our sound becomes stronger than

ever before; it grows exponentially. One plus one plus one is not three

anymore; it could be hundreds. So, if a certain number of the people come

together and they become united from their hearts, if they feel the connection

to their own souls, if they start elevating their individual souls and connect

them together, the energy and the information that is created is going to be

massive and strong enough to affect everything else in the world.

01:19:44 Earth Council Member: Don’t forget we have been selected for

certain qualities that have already existed in us even though we were not

aware of them. The ones who picked us to represent the responsibilities that

have been given us saw that in us. It is time for us to see that in ourselves

too. So, I choose to trust the abilities in me. I think and I believe that this

self-trust is the first key to open the door to me. I trust my abilities from now

on. I choose to open my soul and I choose to get connected to myself from

within to elevate my own soul with the purpose of creation of peace and


01:20:30 Earth Council Member: When we talk about love we talk about

consciousness. We talk about light; we talk about the creator because

everything in the universe is created based on consciousness. There is a

stream of love in everything so if I tap into that love of consciousness of

creation this opening in me is faster than ever before now because I am now

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flowing with the stream of life. I talk about love. And this time unlike other

times I don’t want to direct that love to my own self.

01:21:10 Earth Council Member: I gave an example to my colleagues the

other day in the UC chat. I said, “If I say I love fish, it's not really that I

love fish, I love myself, because I know that fish if it is part of me will serve

me. This time, differently, I want to become the magnetical force; I want to

project that love out of my heart based on the flow of the universal

consciousness and based on the flow of creation. When I tap into my own

soul to elevate my own soul first before anything, then I have something to


Earth Council Member: Then I have people, friends, colleagues and open-

minded and open-hearted people like every one of you, who are ready

consciously to give, so we get connected to each other. When we say “I”, I

am you. In quantum science, every single point could exist in different

places at different times at the same time. So, if that is true, if I am I, then I

am you at the same time and you are me. So actually, there is no “I” and

there is no “You.” It is just one single unified field.

01:22:25 Earth Council Member: We felt this the other night and we

practiced it two times. Every one of us felt incredibly wonderful. So, I

humbly ask all of you guys, brothers and sisters, who have participated in

this magnificent time in our history with the conscious awareness being put

in us, with the responsibilities given to us out of generosity and grace. We

put our hands together and we open our hearts. We try, we don’t have to

try, but without any effort we just wish and want to elevate our own souls to

raise our own consciousness first.

01:23:14 Earth Council Member: And then we connect to each other. When

I am you and you are me, we are the totality; we are everything that is. If I

as a pixel, a holographic pixel in this universe, carry the whole information

of the creation in me, then I am powerful. And I choose to trust this power

in me today and I want to trust this power in me today. And with open heart

I want to transfer and to transmit that flow of life, flow of love, flow of

consciousness and flow of light through me as a unified totality with you and

every other soul who wishes to join at any time in the past or the future, to

aim and direct to all those disconnected souls—a bunch of leaders who are

holding on to power…and the police and the military and the ones who are

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creating massive wealth for themselves and hurting every human, hurting

nature and everything that comes with it.

01:24:29 Earth Council Member: I want to aim at their disconnection and I

want to enlighten them. When I say “I”, I am talking on behalf of all the

other souls who are joining me at this moment now, to project this

magnificent light of love to all those black points of all those disconnected

souls, human-looking entities, whatever they are. I am not going to go and

fight with them.

01:25:00 Earth Council Member: I don’t want to pick another fight; I am

tired of war. I have seen it. I have seen people burning inside out—innocent

people because of chemical weapons and vicious weapons used. I have seen

children who have lost their parents when they needed them the most. It is

too hurting. I don’t want to practice that, feel that, or experience that


01:25:25 Earth Council Member: I want instead to project that beautiful

light of love and of consciousness through the stream of the creation,

through the stream of the creator itself, which is the combination of all of us

together, to point to the souls of those people who are supposed to be the

leaders supporting the people, and instead they are serving their own greed

by collecting wealth, by taking away opportunities from other people and by

creating the wars… to wish for their souls to be reconnected again, so when

the light starts to flow within them hopefully their hearts will be open and

they can see the truth this time from within, this time without any cover, and

this time the bare truth about themselves and about what they are doing and

what they can expect if they don’t change.

01:26:16 Earth Council Member: I wish and my intention is behind this wish

and includes every soul who has joined me at this moment right now, in the

future or in the past, regardless, to bless those disconnected souls to be

elevated again, to be reconnected again, to come back to the flow of the

stream of life and love into a better future with the wish for a better future

for every human to come along, so that they can share the wealth, they can

share the knowledge and we can create a better future for our next

generations to come.

01:26:58 Earth Council Member: It has all been given to us through these

few years of magnificent teaching. It has all been given to us and we have

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the resources, we have the knowledge, we understand now better than ever

before. It is I, it is you my friend; it is a combination of us together. It is

our heart. When it projects love unconditionally outward, not this time

inward, it is not about any one of us anymore.

01:27:25 Earth Council Member: It is all about our collection as humanity

to raise our souls, to raise our vibrations so that we can ultimately raise the

other vibrations who have been stuck somehow in the material world and

who have lost their hope and their security and safety, and now they are

trying to fill it with more and more money to come. If they think like that it

doesn’t matter where this money comes from. It doesn’t matter if this money

is the result of sales of weapons, wars, drugs, human trafficking, hurting,

stealing, lying—all that matters to them is the money.

01:28:04 Earth Council Member: Now we want to enlighten them to know

that they do not need that money. They can let it go; they are safe and they

will be secure. They will have a better future and all they need to do is to

allow this reconnection to happen. And with our intention for this peace,

with our intention for the beautiful things to come that will serve humanity

in the future, we have the chance to elevate their souls… let's put our hands

together right now, and let’s make this wish happen and believe in our

hearts that the moment that we are connected this wish has already


01:28:39 Earth Council Member: I see it and I know we have already

influenced everything that has happened around us. It could have been

much worse. So far, things are under control and this is our impact. It is

time now to trust our power, to know that we can do it, to know that we have

done it. Let’s open our hearts and imagine that we are all standing together

to feed each other constantly including our beloved Mother Earth and wish

for the best to come, wish for all the darkness to be removed as soon as light

has touched them and project an unlimited amount of pleasant light of

creation and love with the intention of removing any dark point that has ever

existed in the soul of any man who has been hurting the others intentionally.

Let’s pray for that and let’s believe that this has already happened.

01:29:58 Earth Council Member: Remember, I am you. It wasn’t my voice,

I didn’t’ create it; it is just streaming through me. You are me; we are each

other. There is no separation; it is just one heart, and it is just one creation.

That is the true meaning and I trust myself now with all the power that has

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ever been given to me ever, that I can do this. We can do this; we have done

it already. The more self-trust happens the better and the faster results we


01:30:40 Earth Council Member: It is very clear for me to see the future

now. I am not afraid. I am not after collecting things anymore. I am ready

to learn and I am evolving and that is the meaning of my being here. And, I

am proud of myself for reaching this point to see the truth in me, to see the

connection in me, to see the power in me. And I choose to use this power

wisely in only one purpose, and that is to serve others, and that is to become

unified with others. And I know that you felt (the) same.

01:31:25 Earth Council Member: I am proud of all of you; anybody who

listens to this; be proud of yourself. We are making a difference, an

everlasting difference in our future. We change the future; we change the

past and we are changing everything in the most beautiful way, only with

unconditional love outward with the wish that no darkness will stay in any

human soul, with the wish that this enlightenment will help us move into the

next step of our evolution. And this is with the wish that every one of you will

see each other very soon with our other brothers and sisters out there to

share the knowledge and enjoy what we have achieved.

01:32:10 Earth Council Member: God Bless our master, Mr. Keshe; we are

always proud of you. I am from the bottom of my heart with what you have

shared with humanity, we wish for your protection and your safety. We wish

that the ones who love you are all protected. Thank you for giving this

knowledge to us. Thank you for helping us to explore the truth in us. And it

is important for us to bring in more and more people so that they can start

feeling what we are feeling now. It is for them; it is for every one of us. It is

time to really elevate the soul, and this is what we are doing; we are more

powerful than we had ever thought in doing so.

01:32:57 Earth Council Member: It is all about how much I trust myself;

today I want you guys to trust this power in your hearts as much as you can.

There is nothing to hold you back. God Bless you all.

01:33:19 Sandy: Lisa is there anything else you would like to say from the


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Lisa: not at this time Sandy; I think it is the Core Team’s turn to say what

they would like to say. (1.33.33)

01:33:37 Sandy: OK… Rick, for the last part of the document would you

read that?

A Statement from KF Core Team

01:33:57 Rick: this is the statement from the KF Core Team:

The main work of the members of the Keshe Foundation Core Team is to

give unconditionally from the soul to those who need, and as much as


At this time, the Core Team gives from the soul to the Souls of all Muslims in

the world. We especially give to those souls who are suffering, and to those

who cause such suffering.

We wish to elevate souls and to enlighten.

We give from our unlimited essence, and surround with

Unconditional love.

The goal is Peace.

And there will be Peace.

Keshe Foundation Core Team

01:34:53 Rick: thank you. I’m sorry, I just realized I didn’t have the

Livestream on, so I will re-read this for the recording. (He re-reads it).

01:36:15 : Are there any Core Members, EC or UC members that would like

to speak on behalf of the letter of peace to the Muslim World? Even though I

am going to start to speak, that doesn’t mean that you can't interrupt me if

you want to say something. I just want to say that this is an ongoing process

and what you heard today was basically the first real ‘go’ at it. We have

plans to continue working on them and more documents regarding the

Blueprint as Mr. Keshe and Parviz have described. Also, we are working on

other letters to other religions or groups that need to feel and have the

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knowledge that we are praying for them and giving from our souls to them

so they can know that we are supporting them.

01:37:42 Sandy: So, with that I would like to say that this presentation with

the letter for Peace for the Muslim World from the collaborative work of the

Core Team, the EC and the UC of the KF is currently what we have to show.

Thank you so much. Is there anything else you would like me to describe,

Mr. Keshe?

We have taught enough to mature the soul of the man.

01:38:17 K: Not really; this is your job. As I said before I am handing

different parts of the KF work to the management team. This is the part that

I used to do and now it has become the responsibility of the structure which

is set up. As I said, I am retiring in every essence, because we have

taught enough to mature the soul of the man. And it is for the man to

choose the path. In time our work will show the change in the path and our

work will show how we have changed the humanity through our own work.

As we have matured in understanding more about our own soul, we find out

that it is very easy to reach other souls.

01:39:24 K: As many of you know we have a Mozhan team here that we are

trying to enlighten for them to be able to understand the work of their own

entity. In so many ways I explain to them on a frequent basis that from the

time of beginning, man always thought his ‘real’ existence was somewhere

‘out there’. In maturity of understanding more he called it a soul and in

understanding the soul he could not see that it is himself. As the man has

matured in understanding more of the science of the physicality, it is the

time and job of messengers like us to explain to the rest of humanity that the

soul of the man is within the man and not just somewhere ‘out there’.

01:40:25 K: as I said before when the first man said the earth was round you

know what they did to him. Now the message is simple; the soul of the man

is within the man, and it is so powerful that it can expand the universe.

From this we learn one thing – if as one soul we can reach the whole

dimensions of the physical entity, the soul of the man is extremely powerful

to be able to do others, to be able to change others, to be able to give that by

giving it brings balance to itself and to the others. It has been very hard for

many of us to accept that our soul is within our structure. By being ‘out’, we

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could be able to, in so many ways, blame it, use it, abuse it and the rest. But

now with the new teaching we understand that our soul is within the center

of our brain. We can locate it and place it the same as we can do with our

nose and our toes.

01:41:50 K: One of the biggest problems for man will be how can I get in

touch with it when it is already in touch with me? It is the creator of me.

How can I get in touch with my creator, which is me? This will become very

hard for a lot of people. The only thing we should understand is me, because

of me the soul exists within me. And I exist within the operation of my soul.

As one of the students said, ‘let’s turn our eyes inward and look into our

soul’. We shall see nothing as it has no dimension. It has no physicality and

its existence confirms our existence. We exist because of it and we are

created out of it.

01:42:50 K: In the teachings, we will follow one thing very easily and we

understand. In so many ways when an egg and a sperm come together each

one carries its own soul. On mixing and accepting each other’s balanced

fields but of slightly different strength, this leads to the rotation and

dynamism of the soul, and in that direction as the two souls of the sperm and

the egg in trying to catch up with each other create the motion within the

womb of the mother, they absorb more and more energy from the liquid, the

ocean of life of the mother. And as they absorb more and more energy due

to the parameters that exist within the structure of the universe they can hold

on to a certain amount and then they divide. They have to divide to be able

to hold on to what they are absorbing. And in that process as they absorb

predestined amount of what they can absorb come from the egg and the


01:44:06 K: This structure of rotation of the fields between the soul of the

egg and the soul of the sperm in dynamism of absorbing more and more

energy of the liquids of the life which is the mother’s life, it leads to division

of more, because each sac can hold one kilowatt of energy and now when it

absorbs three (kilowatts) so it has to divide into three, and so is the division

in the beginning of life. Then it comes to the point where these masses, each

carrying their own fields in the strength of the dynamism, they become like a

gel, but, all working and all dynamically field changing. And then in that

point all of them in one point release all their fields of the certain strength,

which is the common denominator between all, into the center of the whole

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structure. This is the point when the soul of the man is created and the entity

becomes one.

01:45:19 K: It is at that point where with the knowledge and information

which has come from within the sperm and the egg and from the historical

background of the two, then the bones the heart and everything else starts.

So, the soul of the man has come from the entity of physicality where itself

came from the fields of the universe itself. The physical life of the man is

the incubator of another dimension in a specific strength. Our body is a

filter for a specific strength collection of fields, which we call the soul of the


01:46:06 K: We absorb energy through it and because of it and what it gives

out we obtain and attain the physicality. If we go to the next step of

understanding that in the reduction in strength of the essence of its creation,

which is the soul of the man, the brain of the man in filtering decides the

size, the shape and the emotion and physicality of the man. If man matures

to understand to the next step of the creation, that is when we leave this

planet, amino acid is the condition of this planet. The amino acid of life on

this planet is the CH. When you go into the expanse of the universe with

higher or lower strength fields, this becomes unattainable.

What is detachment?

01:47:07 K: Many of you I teach as I teach the Mozhan’s is that we speak

about detachment. What is detachment? We call it because we are

materialistic I get rid of the metals, the gold, the house, God knows what,

and I am detached. But the true detachment comes when the man goes into

space and he finds out that even his brain, which is made of the amino acid,

becomes a part of the universal field and does not exist, and the only thing of

the man that is left is the soul of the man. In so many ways as I was

explaining in the teachings it is like when you sugar coat a pearl. What

happens when you sugar coat the pearl, and then you put it in the hot water,

the sugar goes and the pearl stays behind.

01:48:08 K: The sugar coating is the physicality of the brain of the man who

initially created the pearl itself. And now, man has to understand, in

opening of the space and deep space, when we come across a stronger field

in which the amino acid body of the man has nothing in it but just a solution

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in the illusion of existence, then we understand what even we were happy to

escape into, that we can get rid of our arms and legs, and we find out the

structure of the brain cannot exist because the mixture of the strength is

much higher. But the soul of the man exists and shall survive.

01:48:55 K: That is why man has to understand if you can extend the life

beyond the physicality of the existence, what we call the total detachment

from the physical structure, then man comes to understand the soul has a lot

of power. Now it can expand into the whole universe, as the structure of the

brain filtering does not exist, and existence of it is dictated by the restriction

of the field forces that surround it. So, the soul of the man can expand to the

universe. It is for us to be educated and if we understand this as it has been a

part of the whole work of this morning is that every soul in allowing not for

the brain of the man to be the cage of its existence it can reach every other

man’s souls and in totality it will reach humanity.

01:50:03 K: And if one understands this one can reach every man on this

planet. It is the restriction and prejudice of ourselves in our ability that

restricts us from being able to reach the others and not the reality of the

existence. It is important for us to understand physical life is nothing but a

mirage… a mirage of the imagination of the soul, which would like to

manifest itself with the dimension of the physicality of the environment we

call the Earth. If you understand and comprehend this then you understand

detachment is from the physicality of the existence, while understanding the

totality of the existence, which is the soul of the man. The past ten minutes

of teaching has taken man millions of years to comprehend, and now that the

man has matured many can understand the simple word.

Now you understand what it means I made man in the image of myself.

1.51.17 K: The work of the religion has been to hide the existence of the

soul from the vision of the man and so they have abused it. The point comes

do we need religion, or does the religion which is the unity of mankind and

the universal community become the religion of the man? We have to

understand the essence of the creation of the soul, and in the past few

minutes I have explained the mystery of existence on this planet. Now it is

for the maturity of understanding to understand and where you stop is your


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01:52:19 K: We can go into elaborating how the fields come, and what it is,

but in essence what has been said explains what every simple man can

understand. And no one can abuse him for (the) lack of not knowing what

the soul is, where its position is, and how it comes to exist. We have

explained the manual of the creation of the soul of the man, the Blueprint of

Creation on this planet and the rest of the universe.

01:53:00 K: There will come the time that many people will question their

own existence. But there will come the time when in understanding the

position and the strength of our soul we do not need to go through the

delivery of the child to the physicality, but it is much easier through the soul

of the partition. What this means is that I put part of my soul in, and you put

part of yours, and if they agree to share and to combine they create a new

soul that becomes the child of the soul. This child of the two souls will

decide in the future in how to manifest itself at the point of the physical

manifestation as he or she likes. And this has been one of the biggest

mysteries of the man. How do we come to have blue eyes, black hair, brown

skin and the rest? We always blamed it on the genes and the DNA. We

never understood it is our soul that would like to manifest itself in the

features he likes as he sees himself for the energy he needs.

01:54:25 K: now you understand what it means I made man in the image of

myself. The face of the man is the image of the soul of the man. Maybe one

understands more about the true creation. Then one should be able to get in

touch with his soul, and through it, to give and take accordingly and not to

steal but to be you, to be there to give enough that it confirms its generosity

of existence but to be prudent enough not to take more than what it needs.

Many years, many philosophers, many prophets, have tried to explain this

simple path of existence and now with the stroke of a pen from a messenger

of the universe we give it to you. It is for the man to mature.

01:55:42 K: It is for the man to understand how he has come to exist and the

life is nothing but the process of the accumulation of the given strength that

releases the confirmation of the existence in this dimension. Blessed are

those souls who understood. There is no difference in the structure of the

life of a man, an atom, the solar system, the galaxy or the universe. It is just

the strength and the amount of the content, which has given it different

dimensions, shapes, and colours. In so many ways once we know this and

we are aware of this knowledge… does the physical life need to exist the

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way it is or do we need to ‘pack our tents’ and go to a new dimension of


01:57:05 K: Physicality at this level brings many pleasures but it has caused

many harms and damages and suffering. And this is the time to stop. When

I said to you a few weeks ago that we would end the religions, now you

understand why. Because when the man comes to understand the position of

his soul, the strength of his soul, he believes in the ‘religion’ of the universe,

which is the creation of the unity of life and it does not matter in what

dimension or what position in the universe. Any questions?

01:58:00 Rick: thank you Mr. Keshe, and I will remind the people in the

Zoom they can put their hand up and I can make them a panelist.

Do people born into different religions have a different strength?

01:58:16 Azar: Good morning, Mr. Keshe. How are you?

K: Good morning Azar, I’m still alive.

Azar: that’s good Mr. Keshe; I’m very grateful that you are here. I have a

question. When you talk about being born in a different religion and you

said something about people that are born in Islam, or Judaism or

Christianity… so they have a different strength?

01:58:45 K: It is a different commitment of the soul to the path of the work

of the soul. When we accept a religion, we accept a certain path. It is very

much when you are a doctor you follow the path of medicine, when you are

an engineer you follow the path of it. When we commit our souls to a given

soul it means that soul is responsible for us. These are the captains of the

sheep. These are the captains of the spaceship and it is their responsibility to

make sure that those who have committed themselves to them stay safe.

And unfortunately, one thing never understood, many prophets of the past

abandoned ship when the time was not so good for them in their physical


01:59:42 Azar: when I was 7 years old my Grandmother wanted me to pray,

to get up at 5 in the morning and pray, and I refused to do that. And then she

used to say you need to pray because God created you. And I said I never

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asked God to create me so they can take me back! So now I understand so

my soul, when I decided to come, I decided to appear in the religion that I

am so, that is the kind of, can I call it, obligation?

02:00:16 K: Can I ask you a question Azar? …As you are brought up in the

world of the Islamic ethos, what is your understanding of the present

situation, which is the same religion used to create conflict for others to

benefit by it?

02:00:40 Azar: You see even before I knew you or anybody else the way I

felt about religion, I came to the United States in 1984, and then when I

came here it was clear to me more than ever that really, all these are man-

made. In terms of being Muslim, it was the messenger of God, Prophet

Mohammed, who came in to give us a way of life. But it doesn’t mean the

way of life is different from somebody who is Jewish or somebody who is


02:01:25 Azar: In a way, for example, it is like a family when you have 5

kids and one becomes a doctor, another becomes a butcher, another becomes

a mechanic. At the end of the day they come together, they sit down and

they have a meal. This is the same way I look at it and to me the conflict is

made by people who like to control. And also to me the government is

representative of one group who have the wealth and they want to control

the others and use the religion to control the mass of people and there is

nothing else. And that is my view.

02:02:04 K: what is interesting, very interesting, is that what we call

religion. What is religion, why have we chosen the word? Is it rightly to

deprive ourselves of collective love, or is it rightly for us to give to rob from

ourselves? It is in the writings of all the holy books: thou shall not steal.

And those who claim to be more religious steal more from themselves and

the others. I was explaining this in the past few days. You work, you work

day and night, you work 2 shifts, and at the end of the day then you go on

Sunday to the church, on Friday to the mosque, or on Saturday to the

synagogue and you put part of that money into the pocket, into the basket,

into the box of any of these paths of beliefs that you give, so you receive


02:03:50 K: But if you look at it in reality you have children, you have a

wife, you have obligations, and the money is given to the pocket for

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somebody to spend it for something else, you have stolen from the bread,

from the clothing from the man and everything else. This is because in the

society when you use the money to buy you support other lives. When you

put money in these structures, which are what I call ‘tax-free agencies called

religion’ nowadays… if you want to have the most profitable business

without paying taxes call yourself a church, a mosque or whatever. No

others look into your books. And as we always say we haven’t seen the

Bank of God where he deposits the money. The only way it gets deposited is

in the pocket of the priest, the imams and everything else and some building

to become bigger to take more.

Giving money to religions is stealing from yourself

02:04:53 K: So, in so many ways if man understands I am stealing from my

own family, food from my table and the food from the table of others that

this money can be spent on that it creates jobs. It creates comfort for the

others. So, they have made us thieves by nature from ourselves, and feeling

guilty that we have stolen from ourselves. There is a big question mark at the

moment in the Catholic in the Vatican organization. As you know, we are

close to the Vatican organization operation, and the Monsignors and the

others and you’ve seen them at some of our presentations. And the conflict

is how come the families of the priests are becoming rich? The friends and

the girl friends of the priests are becoming rich. This is because nobody

counts what goes through the purses.

02:06:00 K: And now they are trying to control what comes in and who is

stealing from what. In a way, they steal from us in the name of God and

then they steal from God in the name of themselves. There is a huge

question now about the operation of religious organizations, and the question

comes through the soul of the man. Thou shall not steal. I steal and I give

from what I have done that I hope I will be given something. If you have

created jobs by the money you put in the purse of the church, the mosque or

whatever, you would have created a market condition that it creates wealth

for the nation. This is a stagnated wealth, a stolen wealth from the nation

when you create these religious callers.

02:07:07 K: This is what we see in the Industrial Revolution and in the

industrial economic revolution. Governments do all sorts of tax fiddles to

create one or two percent tax reduction, that you have in your pocket that

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you can spend that it revives the economy. What I would like to ask is,

“how much did the building of these churches, with the money which goes

in every week and every day and becomes gold in the reserves of different

names and religions, come back to revive and create the economy?” It

comes back to create life. None of it…zero. So, we as people have created

a point of punishment for ourselves and with it we get punished.

02:08:10 K: If the government put 80% taxes on all the collections in the

churches, the mosques and the synagogues, because they have nothing else

to do and they are there for man to elevate his soul and not their pockets,

then you will see the economy will move by 2 to 5% because it is a saving

bank for the nation. Then the conditions evolve. Then you say you don’t

believe in the politicians because they steal and they are all at it, because we

have given them the chance to do so. So, the next time you go to the church,

the synagogue or the temple, and you put something inside the box, before

your hand goes in, think: this is the clothing, this is the food from the back of

my son, the table of my daughter, and the next step with it when I give them

the food the money goes to another baker, another shoe maker so that it

feeds his children. And then they feed more with that money and the rest.

02:09:26 K: The biggest crime of humanity is the establishment of the

religions to find a pocket for the man to physically steal from himself and

the mouth of his own to give. Then he receives the punishment and he waits

for it: I gave to the church and one day when I needed it did it come back?

Your market thief is already gone. You have already taken the pleasure of

the shoes that the child doesn’t have, and you had to pay for that. If the

society starts looking at the reality of how thou shall not steal but we steal

from ourselves to give to the place where ‘thou shall not steal’ is, the

punishment of the priests should be much higher than the thieves.

02:10:12 K: This is one of the reasons I say there shall be no religions called

I know prophets to come. Because the maturity of man comes; if I want to

give, I give from myself to the man who needs it. This is how it should be.

Next time you donate to an organization you decide who receives it. If you

give money to somebody to educate them or whatever that money gets used

by the school or the teachers and the teachers do the shopping and help the

children and the guy who they shopped from and the rest of it. This is the

correct way.

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02:10:57 K: I don't believe and I have never been a believer in the structure.

This was one of my biggest problems with the Bahá'í's faith—another pocket

for stealing from the soul of the man but well organized like Christianity and

Judaism and the rest. It is not that I don't believe in the existence of my soul

to be correct; it is that I could not stand the abuse of it in the name of what

does not exist. The more we get down the line, the more professional the

stealing has become under different names. Priests, Mullahs, imams, rabbis

and the rest have understood this, and understood how weak the man is in

the dimension of physicality. It is the job of the KF supporters and those

whom we enlighten and thereon is to raise the soul of the guy who needs to

give that he understands more that he is the giver.

02:12:16 K: It’s him who has to change. When you go to a small village in

Italy by the sea, a very small village, you see many churches—many

churches. This is a dilemma for me, and I have explained it many times.

The fisherman before he goes to fish gives part of his income so that he

comes back alive and safe. When he comes back he gives a little bit more

(now) that he came back safely. And it has been the tradition that when you

give God saves you and protects you on the sea. And they say the fishermen

are poor. The fishermen are poor because of their superstition in the fake

structure of the faith which does not exist in the form that it was said to

strengthen the soul of the man by the prophet. He has taken and stolen from


02:13:24 K: So now a fisherman is poor because he has put himself into that

point of giving to be stolen from. When you do a crime, you pay for the

punishment. When I walk the shores with the fishermen in Ghana none of

them are poor. They have enough to live, and none of them die. But

collectively they support and they fish. What happens after that port is what

makes the fisherman poor. This is the problem and this is where as

humanity we need to raise the soul of totality that no one falls in the traps of

a reality of churches, mosques, and temples in any shape or form. We have

to raise the soul of the man by giving so that it becomes part of it and it

doesn't get abused. When you see a child being beaten you take the mother

or the child away from it? Why don't we do that with the rest of humanity?

We are responsible now that we know. Up to now we didn't know. Now we

know we are responsible.

How much will we decide to give from our souls

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02:14:58 K: The interesting point for most of us will be how much we

decide to give from our soul. And when we have decided how much we

want to give from our soul that is the point where we have failed because we

have put the limitation, as the soul of the man has no limit. The more you

give, the more you receive, and with it the more there is to give that it gives

you the pleasure that I exist. The existence of the man should come from

giving and not taking, and at the moment it is in reverse. Taking and

holding is why humanity is 'down the chute’.

02:15:52 K: We have to follow the path of the book, which brings all the

man together as one, and not the path of the thieves of the words of the

books which makes it a priest and the rest. The sooner the man matures to

understand that his soul is within him and it is him through his soul that

decides what he gives then man reaches the point of maturity very fast.

02:16:23 K: Let me explain to you how it works for those of you who don't

understand. As you become a giver the umbrella of your soul passes the

dimension of your physicality of your brain and the body. In a sense, you

come in touch with the other souls and then you see what that soul is in need

of, and you become good at it that you know by the physicality in supporting

and in one way or another you elevate the souls to be at peace that the peace

of that soul becomes the peace of your soul. This is how it is going to work.

It is not by putting it in the bank and what I call the 'church of God', which

does not exist. We are looking for the bank called the 'bank of God’. And

we want to see which priest after every service goes up to bank there.

02:17:20 K: As I said many times, there should be 100% tax on religious

organizations because they are just a collecting point and all of it has to be

sent to spend on the society. This is how it shall be with the KF work.

Whatever comes from the effort of the man's soul, which is for the benefit of

the foundation, goes back to the society. This is how it should be and this is

how it should have been set out from the beginning. As I said to you, we are

in the Mohammed month of Ramadan. I was in Iran during the month of

Ramadan after 33 years when I was there 9 years ago.

02:18:08 K: I went home the last day of the fasting and the next day was the

celebration. I came out of the house to go to one of my relatives I saw the

whole city with tables on the street. Every corner was a table, and they were

collecting money. I said to my driver and a couple of other people what is

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going on here? What are all these tables? 'oh, he said, they are collecting

money. I asked him what for. He said it is for those who missed their

fasting or something happened in their fasting that they fasted half a day so

they pay a penalty for it. I asked where the money goes. The driver said,

'nobody knows’. It goes to the church in the name of the bank of the God

which nobody knows.

02:18:58 K: Now you can see how they have fooled the soul of the man.

You put your body in the suffering of understanding what it needs to have

from morning to night and if one day you did not do the suffering you pay

for it—to whom? To the bank of God but that God doesn't exist. It becomes

cars, vehicles, food, parties and night clubbing for those who receive it

because there is no accounting. I would like to see the bookkeeper of God.

Then we see how man has saved for thousands of years in his name. I

promise you one thing you will find out is zero.

02:19:48 K: so it is us who have to understand that we steal and with the

stealing we get stolen for punishment that we have stolen. Many, many

Jews know what they do and how they do it. Many, many Christians know

and many, many Buddhists know. But we, because of our weakness, have

closed our eyes to it.

02:20:25 K: I was in a meeting and a guy came in and he said, 'I've come to

ask for help. I have supported the path for a long time, and now I have

fallen on hard times. Can I have some help?' The head of the meeting said,

'excuse me sir we are a religious organization and we are here to take and

not to give’. I asked a question and said, 'how come when he was a good

giver there was no question? Now that he has banked with you he wants it

back. There is a question.' He said, 'Mr. Keshe you don't understand; you

are too young.' I said 'yes I have been too fooled not to see the reality’.

02:21:18 K: I walked out and never turned myself back in because I found

out the temple of God in the name of different organizations is the temple of

stealing from the soul of the man. I was in the Vatican years ago with

Carolina, and I went into a confession box. The priest ran up to me and said

no you cannot go in there! I thought… What? This is a holy place and you

can steal but nobody else can? I have prayed in every temple of life be it

Buddhism, Christianity, Muslim, Judaism, Zoroastrian and I found one

thing. They always speak about God and none of them know what God is,

that God is inside them, within them.

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02:22:18 K: We have finished with the teachings of the cores and GaNSes

because now we understood that teaching was to show you the existence and

the creation of the soul.

Now we start understanding what the purpose has been and now we start

building these reactors to fly. You understand that the reactor to fly is the

soul of the man itself. But we had to go through the path to separate and end

the dimension of physicality to the dimension of what I call the 'in-

dimensional', which has no dimension and it is the soul of the man which

decides what to be and where to be.

02:23:00 K: As I said to the students you are all happy that you can retract

your body, your physicality and go inside and then when you arrive manifest

yourself in the condition of the environment, but one thing you never

understood was that if you can retract your body because of the physicality

your brain is made of amino acid, which connects you to the earth, so ours

cannot be there too. That was a shock. But the soul created has no

dimension of the physicality and it still exists. That is why man will travel

the spans of the universe through his soul and not through his physicality for

those who mature. If you want to go from A to B with a donkey, you're quite

welcome, we have provided a donkey. If you have matured that you can ride

the bicycle then ride the bike. If you want to go in a car, the knowledge of

the car is there. If you like to go on the jumbo jet instead of waiting and

running for years, you are quite welcome too. But if you have matured now

to understand the position and the structure of the soul of the man you are

given the vehicle to travel the expanse of the universe.

02:24:18 K: I remember I was a young boy and I heard, and I watched and I

anxiously followed the first landing of the man on the moon. My father had

a very old aunt. She used to come and visit us regularly. I still remember

today as clearly as the day I saw her walking through the garden door. In

Iran, we always entered through the garden that was called in the English

word paradise because it was green with the trees and we welcome you

through the heaven to our house. I remember her walking and she was

cursing and making a special feature of biting the muscle tissues between the

index finger and the thumb and walking back and forth. She said this is a

curse; they are trying to demean Islam that the man has gone to the moon. I

said to her 'what are you talking about?'

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K: She said you know those Americans? They know the moon is holy to us

and they want to demean us. I said to my father, this woman has no

knowledge of science, does she? It is because the mullah said in the mosque

and she just repeats what she heard. As he could not understand what he

heard with the elevation of the soul of the man, he had to demean the

knowledge of the man that the man could advance and go beyond the space

of this planet.

Religion has been used in different ways by different religious leaders to

benefit the pockets of their organizations. It is the man who has to

understand that now he is the captain of the ship. He is the captain of the

ship of his own soul and his own destiny. Next time when you go to a

religious house and you put your money in your hand to put in the basket,

tell yourself one thing: I am stealing, not giving. I am stealing from the

money which belongs to my children, and the shoes I need and the rest. If I

can't give, I will reach the one of the soul that needs and I will be there.

02:26:57 K: Those of you who listened I explained this to you very recently.

When you are there to give and you are there to serve you come to do it.

Many people came to us and they don't have money for the systems we were

making and I made it for them freely. And they recovered. And the strange

thing is in the court of Kortrijk they say I am scamming. If I was

(scamming), I would not be giving my knowledge and technology freely to

humanity. And this is the dilemma at the moment in the court and the police

cannot say anything. And Mr. Laureyssens has shut up with it… He

(Keshe) is stealing but he is giving his knowledge freely. It doesn't fit, does

it? Because I gave to elevate the soul of the man to elevate it.

K: These peasants and thieves will stay in the dimensions of physicality.

We cannot be touched unless we feel it. We understand it and we can do

something about it. It is our responsibility to understand the operation of our

soul and then to understand that without others we don't exist. The

confirmation of the existence of the earth is the interaction of its fields with

the sun. Otherwise the rays of the sun will pass as they do with the rest of

the solar system. When you feel the need of a person you shall give because

you understand the correct need and you will be taken to be there because

your soul is aware of it and your physicality is just a tool.

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02:29:15 K: Sometime ago I arrived in a new city and I didn't know

anything and, as you know, I am Iranian through the blood and I am a lover

of Iranian food. Even when I was in Iran the Iranian government got fed up

with me how much I am attached to the structure of the food. And when it

was Ramadan for 30 days they made me the same food because he loves this

and he enjoys it. I like mincemeat kebabs with the rice. And wherever I go I

ask for them to go to the internet to see if there is Iranian food. Those who

have been with us in the Rome conference or whatever all know that the last

night we end up in an Iranian restaurant because it is the love I have and I


02:30:10 K: I walked into this new city and by accident I heard Farsi being

spoken. The first thing I asked is there a cerekoli (rice and meat) here? He

answered, yes that it was there and then there. I went for a long walk

looking at the city. I came to this restaurant and there was nobody else but

me and 4 other people sitting on the side. I couldn't help hearing the

conversation and it came to my understanding that two of those were a boy

and a girl who wanted to get married to confirm their love but they did not

have the money. One was the restaurant owner and one was the mediator for

the marriage that we call somebody in the new world trying to get them


02:31:15 K: In listening it became obvious that the guy had no job. The love

of the girl was so much and he said you know I heard something. You and I

don't need to pay for the food; we can sit there and say hello and it will be

cheaper. And the girl said, but we have to at least eat something. He said

the others will give it to us and we will get the bill down by so much. Then it

was discussed if they put it in the middle of the week it would be cheaper

because he was busy on the weekend. And he said no I can't do that. The

discussion was for more or less one or two Euros per person. The restaurant

owner walked away and he came back and they came to the conclusion to

have this and this and the girl was supposed to work overtime to pay for this


02:32:09 K: I said excuse me, I don't know why I have been put here but I

heard the love and I heard the suffering. I paid for the wedding. The couple

said this is impossible and we cannot do this. The restaurant owner said he

is offering what you could not do and he has come here as an angel for you.

I paid for the wedding and I walked out and left them. This is how your soul

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takes you where it should be, not in the mosque, not in the accountants of the

Bahá'í faith that they take from you and they never give –not in the church.

Your soul will bring you to where you have to give. If you believe in it, you

will live by it. This has happened to me and Carolina many times. I am sure

it has happened to some of you. The closer you come to serve then your

body takes you to the place and your physicality just walks in. If you

understand this then you understand the temple, the church, the mosque or

the synagogue is within you. It is within the church of your body within the

structure of your soul.

02:33:45 K: This is what the man has to understand; if you understand this

then in space no one can abuse you. You know everything is within you and

you have the strength to overcome and not to take. It is our responsibility

now that we have found the strength of our soul to understand that it is the

responsibility of our physicality to look after that soul as long as the soul is a

gift to our existence. The death is not the end but the beginning of the

dimensional existence and what we nourished and nurtured. The body of the

man is the incubator of the soul of the man and no more. The womb of the

mother was the incubator to create the physicality. In maturing it the

physicality of the body of the man has to let go of the soul as it matured to

exist in all dimensions of the creation.

02:35:00 K: In a way, our physical body is a transition time for the creation

and maturity of the soul and the understanding of the totality of the soul.

Why we get educated in different ways and different paths is that when we

go into the spans of the universe we will find out that we cannot be abused

as we have learned the temple of God is within God and is within us. …Any

other questions?

02:35:55 Rick: OK let me see if there are questions relevant to the


Take the message of the Universal Council and the Core Team and you will

find out you will have the effect of it

02:36:14 K: I would like to ask you as many of the KF have done before.

Take the peace message back to the embassies of the Islamic world and the

others and take the message of the Universal Council and the Core Team and

you will find out you will have the effect of it for the man to read and it will

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reach because it is done in the sincerity of the soul of the man. I cannot ask

you because it is too much to give to the physical life of the Saudi Arabian

government and the King and the rest because of the injustice to humanity.

They have to understand themselves that what is done is wrong and what is

getting done is wrong.

02:37:20 K: what they have done, you see we literally opened the hand of

the Vatican in trying to create uprisings in communist nations… communist

against communist. And the forces of ISIS were to be used to do the

mayhem. Now the Vatican has supported the others and the same people

now to move to the Middle East to create mayhem between Iran, the Islamic

World, Qatar, and the others. The guns were paid for years ago now have to

be used. Now you see suddenly we see how the same thing has popped out

with the same game, the same people.

02:38:09 K: if we managed to stop the war in China and Korea earlier, now

we can do the same here and we become the force of peace and our wish is

our command. As I said it was for the Iranian government to call the Saudi

leaders, the Persian Gulf leaders for lunch to talk peace, talk and shower

them with love and care as we do with Iranian hospitality. (obscured

sentence) We change them with the food of our soul not with anger and guns

that are paid by the Vatican.

02:39:09 K: this sudden action came out of nowhere because the guns were

supposed to be used in China. Now they have found a home for them

because the budget has to be met. I wish, and my dearest wish is, the faster

the stones of the Vatican return to the Colosseum the faster man will find

true peace because we can handle the lions in the Colosseum but we cannot

handle the thieves in the soul of the man in the name of the building. The

same goes for the Jewish group; your investment will flounder and that will

be because of the end of your state. This is because the time has come for

man to be at peace—the true peace and the understanding of the peace.

Harassment and creating fear is part of the work of the wicked and the work

of thieves.

02:40:28 K: we have seen it and we talk about Iran, Saudi Arabia and the

rest. We saw it in the court with DL and the police harassing people who

have just gone there to be observers...

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02:40:48 Rick: Mr. Keshe, your voice is breaking up. I wonder if the

microphone is OK. Is the battery OK?

K: ...people ask me why don't you stop. Can you hear me?

Rick: There was a problem with audio here – is your battery OK?

02:41:38 K: I watch that there is no stoppage in transmission and sometimes

we get a bandwidth problem. What we have to understand is the time has

come to put the guns down and time to use the weapon of the soul of the

man to elevate the king. By giving the soul of the world leaders find peace.

The time has not changed. It is the work that we have to understand and this

is what we have to go on and that is in reality and in process what needs to

be done. The whole process has become the reality of the work of the

human race and it is time for us to understand how it can be done and how it

can be corrected. We leave it to the soul of the man to do the job.

…Any other questions?

02:44:08 Dmitri: when we activate the spaceship within us and experience

4th dimension astral plane we go deep within our physicality and observe the

reflection of the universe and we enter into a wormhole which takes us to

that reality, do we, very much like a plasma reactor spaceship that creates

the magnetic gravitational fields of the destination resulting in the infinity

loop which travels down the magnetic line, is that what the soul is doing?

Does it create the magnetic gravitational fields of the destination –is that

what opens up in the wormhole?

MK drops off…

Rick: Sorry we can’t hear you there Mr. Keshe. Waiting for you to come

back on Mr. Keshe… I think he needs to re-establish the connection…

OK there is another question in the live stream about whether MK knows

about the water of Zam Zam. If we want to influence the Muslim World, can

we use the water of Zam Zam to influence change? I don't know if that is

appropriate and I have never heard about that before…. Perhaps Dmitri you

can re-ask your question and maybe we can use that to bring Mr. Keshe back


02:48:25 K: Hello… we had a total drop in all the nets.

A question about wormholes

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02:49:00 Dmitri: When we activate the spaceship within us and experience

the 4th dimension of the astral plane, we go deep inside our physicality and

we observe the reflection of the universe that we are a part of, as the whole

living organism. When we travel to the 4th dimension plane we travel down

a wormhole. My question is: there is no real choice from the mind of the

observer in that experience where the destination is? My question is very

much like a space ship that has plasma reactors and creates the magnetic

gravitational fields of the destination creating an infinity loop which it

travels down the magnetic of it? Is that what the soul is doing? Is that where

the wormhole comes from? Is the soul creating the gravitational magnetic

fields of the destination it wishes to go and that is what opens up the worm

hole the soul travels down?

02:50:34 K: what do we call a wormhole? That is the question. What do we

call a wormhole? What do you call a wormhole?

02:50:52 Dmitri: I call a wormhole a.... it's movement that even though there

is no physicality there you can still feel the movement of travel, and there is

also a small amount of vision... the vision isn't really there until you get to

the destination.

02:51:30 K: maybe the path of travel that you call the wormhole is a field

rotation that leads to this. We exist through our work and the work of our

soul in how and what we do. We exist through how we exist and do we

exist through our operation? And in so many ways we decide in how we

perceive the creation and the interaction of the operation of the soul of the

man. This is part of what we have to understand. How is the life; how is the

working and emotion and direction of the flow of life? And this is what

will affect us. Is it the way to our soul? Our soul exists without the need for

it to be imprisoned within the structure of the physicality. But at the same

time, it needs our physicality to confirm its existence where the

understanding comes from. Is this the passage between our physicality and

our soul that we call the wormhole? …Any other question?

A comment from a Buddhist

02:54:02 Rick: Yes, we do have a question from Mr. Chen…

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Chen: can you hear me? The methodology of the religion is to bind the man

to the religion, the attachment. And man is bound to religion as an

attachment. Mostly religion is the religion of the family. Someone is born

into a family that is Catholic and he is Catholic. Every nation states about

freedom and they give the freedom of religion when one is 18 years old. If

you can explain the religion, you can convince the people to unbind from the


K: I don't understand what you are talking about. Would you explain it?

Chen: the work of the religion is to attach someone to the religion.

K: yes.

Chen: mostly people are born into the religion; if he is born into the family

that is Catholic, he is Catholic. If he is born into a family that is Muslim, he

is Muslim. But everybody talks about freedom and that freedom is that he

can choose his religion at the age of 18. But can he choose his religion?

The family chooses that he keeps his religion all his life. Now it is time to

deliver to the real freedom that he can choose his religion.

K: yes.

02:56:30 Chen: one thing I want to ask you. You say matter, antimatter and

dark matter. In the physical, you see the matter but, you don't see the dark

matter. And now the soul is the same thing. The soul has consciousness and

conscious as the karma. People can see conscious and they don't know what

anti-conscious is. Nobody knows about karma. If you can teach them about

Karma, they know what they have to do.

02:57:20 K: what is karma to you?

Chen: not to me; everybody he has something in the background to be done

in this life. If you can explain rebirth, you can explain the karma.

K: yes.

Chen: Last time you said that Buddha is the big teacher of the soul. If you

know the Buddha is the master of the soul, you have to explain the live

Buddha; this is the best way.

02:58:22 K: we explain things according to the understanding of the time.

And in so many ways we have to understand that the Western world and

their understanding has never been in the emotional level where the Asian

and East Asian world has been. The Western world understands the soul,

the effect and operation of the soul in a totally different way than is done in

the cultures of the east. Buddha could reach the understanding and the

emotional state. That does not exist in the West. In the East, the man is very

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much aware of the balance in both dimensions of the physicality and the soul

we see more or less of these as we approach the Middle East.

02:59:38 K: as we come to the western world especially Western Europe

and America and the rest these things don't exist because what I call the

factor of emotion has been taken out of it and everything is financially

physical. And so many souls understand this and those on the other side of

the border of what I call the Indian border understand the other part of the

teaching that we teach, but the West does not understand it. I always say the

cultural strength of the emotion of the man has an Indian border. West

(East) of India they are very balanced in Buddhism and the rest. On the

West side of India, they become Abrahamism and the rest of it. These two

need two different ways of teaching and understanding.

03:00:40 K: In most of my teachings I try to educate the Western side to

come to the partial level of the understanding of the East side of the Indian

border. The emotion and the soul has been defined differently in the western

world. In the East, we don't have that problem because they understand the

strength and the connections. They connect with that part of the teaching.

As I said to our Knowledge Seekers and the Mozhans, half of the teaching

we do has no meaning to the people on the East because it doesn't concern

them and it is not something they have been brought up in. In the Abrahamic

side which is the Indian border, Pakistan, the Middle East, Europe and

America, it has all been touched by prejudices in the understanding of the

weakness of the man between his soul and physicality. This is something

that we have to understand.

03:02:01 Chen: Mr. Keshe, I understand what you say. It is the same way

and I agree with what you have taught us. I know it is very difficult for the

Occidental to understand the karma. But you can explain about conscious

and unconscious only. When he is conscious to do something, he is

thinking. But the unconscious he cannot control.

K: yes, let me explain conscious and unconscious in a different way.

Chen: yes …

03:02:50 K: would it be better if we redefine it and call the unconscious the

work of the soul of the man using the physicality? …because in certain point

we think, and I have explained this in teachings and nobody picks up on it, if

the soul of the man is in charge of the physicality of the man, when the soul

sees something and the physicality doesn't obey or carry out, it can interfere

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itself. You say you did it unconsciously or you did it without knowing. Or

is it part of the operation of the soul that the physicality has no control over?

If we redefine the consciousness and unconscious work is when part of the

physicality is present and unconsciousness is when the soul takes over or

takes hold or control of the work that needs to be done. In so many ways, is

it ourselves confirming the existence of the soul within us but we choose the

word unconscious?

03:04:24 Chen: yes, Mr. Keshe I know it is very difficult to explain to the

Occidental and the European. The conscious is the belief in the person now.

What he does best is in the future. Something that is past is in the past and

we cannot control them. Mostly the unconscious is controlled by emotion...

03:05:09 K: You see we can explain conscious or unconscious but now that

we understand the operation and position of the soul being the master of the

whole physicality, now we can explain very easily that we 'did this without

knowing it' or 'we did this without knowing how’. I explained this before…

when you are sitting in the car driving kilometers but you are busy with

something, so you arrive at the point of destination and I do not know how I

got there.

03:05:42 K: but have you ever stood still so that in that time the soul of the

man that understands you are busy with the physicality has taken control of

the physicality and is in charge to protect itself so it reaches there. Many

times, we have done that. We get somewhere and we don't know how we

got there because we were so busy and because the physical part of the brain

is busy with the emotions or whatever and the soul of the man, which is

responsible for its existence, takes control of the physicality to get you to

your destination.

03:06:18 Chen: I know; I understand. When you say 'but' you try to do it the


K: there are no ifs and buts; it's an understanding of the consciousness.

Chen: I understand. They have to live in the present but sometimes the

consciousness is........; like someone is angry. The anger controls them. If

people know the anger controls them, they have to be conscious when they

are angry. Now if people see when people are anxious, they can have total

control when they are anxious. This is the best way to understand the soul.

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03:08:20 K: that is the way you explain it and we have to respect it.

Chen: this is the way Buddha says it; I don't say anything. I only said what

Buddha said. We control at the present time and you control yourself. By

attachment to other emotions we become blind with our emotion. I love

someone or hate someone you will be blind.

K: it is one way to define it; we all define things according to what we

understand and we have to respect that.

Chen: I know it is very difficult to see the unconsciousness of someone and

to see our …

03:09:32 K: whether you call it conscious or unconsciousness it is the access

to our soul and the operation of our soul; this is what is important.

Chen: and one thing; you know in Asiatic education we know about three

elements that we say are the 3 jewels of the human: the first is the soul, the

second jewel is the yin and the yang, and the third is the mental. If we can

control our mind, our soul and balance them we have no diseases. The

second one: if we control the yin and yang to be equal we have no diseases.

And now you are to control and equal the matter of the body so we have no

diseases. I know because if you have the people happy when they control

their soul, their yin and yang and to control the matter like you are teaching

now. Thank you for teaching us and for giving us the third jewel to us.

K: thank you very much.

03:11:27 Chen: yesterday I have presented the way to control the yin and

yang. It is difficult for me in English, and I can explain it to the French. If

you allow me to explain in French in the public teaching, I can do that for


K: please do get in touch with the French-speaking section…

Chen: if you can control the yin and yang and balance, it the disease cannot

to everybody. I try to you and to them that I can explain to them in French.

K: go to the French Facebook and try to get our translators and then we can

bring it back in

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Chen: with the Chinese traditional there are 5 elements and it is difficult to

balance the yin and yang. Now I have found a 6th element and you can

divide 6 into 3 by 3 and balance the yin and yang easily. I am working and I

have seen the 6th element and now I want to share my experience to the

doctor. I found these things.

K: please go to the French so they can translate it and bring it to the


Can we do this without hurting others?

03:14:17 Rick: there is a question from Justin Smith. I don't know what it is

but if we have time, can we promote him?

03:14:34 Justin: good morning; I was asking about what you were talking

about the religious end of things, where in essence we are challenging the

existence of everybody that we know in their own belief systems. How

would we say in better direction, and go about without seeming arrogant and

hurting others, and begin to explain what we have more understanding of at

this point? Literally walking around and talking to people raises a bit of

concern with people at least in the conversations I have had.

K: in what level? … I don’t understand…

Justin: to explain that we are of godlike ability and are creators of our own

existence and to manifest into our existence without offending them and

telling them they have been doing everything wrong by literally dumping

money into church boxes.

03:15:47 K: the thing is, this is what I said; there are 2 ways to do it and I

explained the story about the king who dreamed he was going to die. He

brought people in to explain to him because he knew he was going to die

anyway but he wanted it confirmed in a way he could accept it. One came

and said you know the king is going to die; he just beheaded him. The guy

came and said 'long live the king' and all the rest of it. And then as usual the

life comes to an end and usually when we get to this point we have to accept

it. The king said give him whatever he wants. And they all said the same

thing but he said this didn't hurt and I understood.

03:16:40 K: we cannot go and demolish and put all things aside. We have to

be able to make people understand this is an addition. When you don't

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accept the addition, it is your lack of understanding. When we came to

Ghana with the talk with the nuclear atomic people, I always said the next

step after nuclear was the atom. Now we are all atomic nuclear plasma

physicists and it was accepted because it was an addition to their

understanding. You can't go back and say that what you did was wrong or

whatever. It is for us to explain to them that this is an addition to the

knowledge. When you say this is the other way there is a resistance, but

when there is an addition it is the judgment of, do I know more?

K: when you teach even about the soul it has to be explained as an addition

to the knowledge. Then it is for you to accept the additional knowledge.

And nobody would like to be behind. When

you tell people they are 'wrong' they are not 'wrong’. This is an addition to

the knowledge, and with it, you have to judge it. This is what I understand of

it. When people go read and understand more, then they see more and then

you have served the purpose of enlightening them to understand more.

Never tell people they are wrong. I will usually say, “you don't understand”.

But in fact, it is adding to the knowledge and accepting the expansion of the


Justin: never put a cap on it.

K: thank you very much. Any other questions or shall we call it a day?

Jason asks if you can tell us the best way to create a vacuum.

03:18:50 Rick: there are a couple of quick questions. Jason asks if you can

answer the best way to create a vacuum.

03:19:05 K: ah, this is a big scientific dilemma. What is a vacuum to me is

full of elements. A vacuum depends on what we would like to hear and

what is sweet to your ear? A room or a box is a vacuum to water but there is

still some wetness on the walls. We vacuum the box but we cannot get all

the elements out because still due to the dynamism to vacuum the whole

thing out, we have created a new cycle of interaction of fields which are

freer to exist. If any of you have worked in labs with the high vacuum

machines, you understand that there is always something coming out of this

machine. It is sucking something out but it is so tight that nothing should be

sucked out of it.

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03:20:16 K: this is because what we consider to be vacuum, there is still

field interaction between even the walls of the system and between the

system and the container you are trying to take out of. Vacuum is the

openness of the ocean of the freedom of the elements, but we still cannot

take everything out. There is still one fundamental point; no one in the

universe can be 'vacuumed' or sucked out of the magnetic gravitational field.

It is an impossibility to have a vacuum of fields. We can create maximum

vacuum of matter elements. But as we take matter elements out we create

dynamism of the fields that lead to the creation of new matters. So, if you

understand the totality the universe works on this basis. Some machines in

Europe can achieve better vacuums, but they still see the existence of matter.

03:21:36 K: This is because the fields are there. Now that you are more

educated in the GaNS and the nano-coating you see that you create a

medium of the salt and CO2 and there is no connection. But if you put a

vacuum with no liquid and you just work in the plate there is still material

produced between the two that you do not see. If you leave your bucket

empty and go, when you come back in a few week’s time you will see

materials in there even if it is dry. Because the fields are in there. There is

nowhere in the universe that can have a vacuum of the fields. We can have

near enough a vacuum of the matter state but as we suck out in one

direction, the elements that were used in the glass of the box to create the

vacuum in the top layers release themselves into it. And that is what

happens in the universe too.

03:22:33 K: or the fields come to move and they reach the creation of the

matter state. A vacuum in the fields level does not exist. In the matter state,

we can reach a certain point but it is still an impossibility and the higher you

get in the vacuum you will find the more efficient travel of the fields

because it has nothing to interact with so you see the full spectrum. I

worked many years on high vacuum machines and I understood this.

03:23:20 Rick: I was going to ask if you might consider doing more work

like that in the near future?

K: No, we have gone to the level of the soul and not the level of the matter

state. We are now teaching the Mozhans to be able to use the energies that

are within them, and to call the creation that is within them to create what

they wish. We are moving in that direction because now we can create

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matter. As I said to them very recently: they become the masters to teach

the others and in a way to guide the others how to be able to do these things

in space to create what they need and where they need. We have come from

the matter state into non-matter condition and now we have to learn how

from this non-matter condition we can create matter. We create and brought

the physicality from the sperm and the egg and we led to the creation of the


03:24:23 K: And then from that creation of the soul we dictated the shape of

what created it and now we don't go to the extent of killing but in a way the

freedom of the soul from the physicality which created it. But at the same

time in the span of the universe somewhere if a soul wants to manifest itself

in the matter state so this is what we are teaching and that is how to create

the state of matter from the soul and the energy of the soul which is the sun.

The energy in the soul of the man is much stronger than the solar system.

Our sun manages very few planets; our soul manages a huge operation, and

then you can understand the power of the soul of the man. If you look at the

structure of the solar system, you look at what you have. If you look at the

structure of the body of the man, the soul is responsible for you see how it

operates it, changes it, puts it in order. So, the compactness of it shows the

power of it. …Any other questions?

Could you explain the real purpose of Cern and the hadron collider?

03:25:26 Rick: we have Soraya who would like to ask if you could explain

the real purpose of Cern and the hadron collider?

K: Go and ask them; I never understood. The reality is that a large number

of Iranian scientists are busy there with the plasma technology and Iran is

one of the major contributors to the Cern program in the background. I

never understood why our government is spending so much money in

Europe and America, but it is good when we understand more but there is a

lot of physicality into it. It is part of the cycle of the knowledge, and we

have to learn more. The scientists as I said are the prophets of the

knowledge of the man. And each one of them brings the beauty. I never

understood why we are testing what they say they are doing. There is a lot

of work done and it creates a lot of insight to the technology of the man. I

never understood it, so I keep away from it. I don't object to it, but it is part

of the growth of the understanding of the science. Those who become very

close in the knowledge of Cern with the plasma, many of them become

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atheists. They don't believe in anything because they can't see anything.

They change; I know one or two of them. They start seeing the operation of

things that they cannot explain and they see it as a kind of creation. It is

very interesting.

03:27:45 K: We need to support this kind of research because it allows us to

understand more of the operation of the physicality side of the science. We

have to be very, very open to understand the totality; we need to understand.

Institutes like Cern are fantastic places where all of man's knowledge comes

together to share from all corners of the planet. Some of the research that

they do is nice and some of what they do is stupid but they have to have a

reason for doing it. Any other questions?

03:28:34 Rick: I think we should let you go. Sabrina has something I can

read and it is a little etheric but perhaps it needs to be said: I saw a plasma

space ship pink coloured come out of a whole grain field a couple of weeks

ago. It was not very big and I saw Mr. Keshe in the midst of the Tao; he was

of adolescent age. Is this possible? The ship is not very big, maybe a meter.

Am I going crazy or is this related to reality? I was in a very soulful

emotional state as an infant in a tree I have prayed to since 9/11/2001 for

peace on the planet. I was asking the mother of my soul about my head

which opened a collective emotional entity which was very much in pain. I

understood the whole pain was not only mine; I cried for the poverty and

fear in the men. I trembled and not only who I had been praying for since

the tragedy came out of my body and joined with Fabio's soul in the tree.

Can the plasma ship go through the planet?

K: I will leave that to you.

Rick: that was a tough one, I know.

Please reflect on the work to elevate the soul of the Islamic World so they

come to understand that peace is the only option

03:30:15 K: thank you very much for today. Please reflect on the work that

it does not matter anymore what path of belief we believe in but as a whole

we elevate the soul of the Islamic World that they come to understand that

peace is the only option and the life of the man is worth more than a few

guns. And I thank the Core Team, the UC team and I ask the world leaders

not to intervene or they would have done so by now. In a way, it is for the

councils that we have set up to start understanding their purpose and their

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work. Understanding these tests will come for them to understand their

power. Until you test it, you don't know what you carry.

03:31:48 K: When we understand that our souls are all one and in so many

ways the collective soul has the power to change a lot of things, then we

understand our call to peace is the peace for all the nations and all the

religions. Maybe next time we do what we call the Blueprint for Peace for

the Jewish. The Jews have more need for peace than anybody in the rest of

the world, so that by them coming to peace the rest of the world finds peace.

No nation or religion needs more to be elevated in the dimensions of peace

as they have been 5000 years without support. By them becoming satisfied

and elevated, the rest of humanity finds peace. Thank you very much for

today and please do not forget we need a lot of support through our souls for

every Christian, every Muslim, every Jew, every Buddhist… every path of

belief. Open your souls and when they need it they receive it. Thank you

very much.

03:33:11 Rick: thank you Mr. Keshe. Thank you everybody on the planet

for attending and those off planet as well. That ends the 176th Knowledge

Seekers Workshop of the KfSSI for Thursday, June 15, 2017.