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  • 8/3/2019 BMG Benchmark


    White Paper

  • 8/3/2019 BMG Benchmark


    Business Model Benchmark

    Business Model GenerationThe benchmark report is a comparison of the

    performance of a company business model1

    based on the CANVAS from the Business

    Model Generation (sterwalder and Pigneur,


    1. Value Proposition

    . The CANVAS contains nine building


    2. Customer Segments3. Customer Relationships4. Channels5. Key activities6. Key resources7. Partners8. Cost structure9. Revenue streams

    The BMG Benchmark compares two

    evaluations of the business model from acompany based on the SWOT analysis3. To

    be able to understand and get full insight

    of this benchmark an explanation of the

    CANVAS and evaluation is necessary prior

    to look at the actual benchmark. With the

    support of the CANVAS an overview of the

    business model is obtained on one page.

    Each building block is described and

    together they form the logical structure of

    the business model and how theorganisation is making money. This is a

    blueprint for the strategy of the company

    and with the canvas on a large paper it

    gives a common language (Soley 2010)4

    and understanding how the business

    model works.


    Within the canvas the structure for therevenues of the company are made clear.

    Based on the value proposition the customeris willing to pay for the benefits they obtain

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    form the organisation. In the structure of the

    earnings it is also possible that organisations

    give something for free to the customers in

    order to receive revenues for other services or

    products. For example Google gives away

    many software tools for free and still have

    great earnings by advertisements, ad-words

    and so on. See Figure1Canvas.

    Business Model EvaluationDiscussing the building blocks gives the

    employees of the company, management and

    subordinates, a common language to have a

    mutual understanding of the business model.

    Once the canvas is finished or there is an

    existing canvas the quality of the business

    model must be evaluated. Each year

    management and employees should take a

    look at their business model and evaluate to

    see if the rapidly changing circumstances on

    the market (van der Zee 2000)5 and within the

    company dont lead to bottlenecks in the

    business model. A comprehensive set of

    questions is the base of the SWOT analysis

    that is used to analyse the strengths and

    weaknesses of a company and analyses the

    opportunities and threats from the market.

    For most businesspeople and researchers the

    SWOT is a familiar tool to work with and will

    lead to a full understanding of the evaluation.

    Although there is a kind of resistance6

    Company Evaluation

    that the

    SWOT is a too open tool to analyse the

    different processes of an organisation. With

    the use of the canvas this cannot be an issue

    anymore because of the focus on the nine

    building blocks.

    Based on the SWOT analysis the results are

    placed in a graphical overview and remember

    that one picture7

    Figure 2 Evaluation from the


    says more than a thousand

    words. The bar graph of the evaluation is

    shown in

    . For each of the nine building blocks

    a bar is shown for strengths and weaknesses

    in blue or in red, a green bar is shown for the

    opportunities and a yellow bar is shown for

    the threats. The fourth bar in purple shows

    the average of the strengths, weaknesses,opportunities and threats.

    Figure 2 Evaluation from the company

    The average will be used in the graph at the

    moment two evaluations are compared with

    each other and is the results of the

    combination from strength or weakness with












    Partners Activit ies Resources Value proposition Customer


    Ch an ne ls Cu st om er


    Cost structure Revenu streams

    Strength or weakness




  • 8/3/2019 BMG Benchmark



    the opportunities and lowered with the result

    of the threats.

    When the company has a strength the bar is

    above zero and is blue. When the company

    has a weakness the bar is below zero and red.

    The bars for opportunities and threats are all

    from zero till five. The higher the bar the

    better the strength or opportunity and the

    stronger the threat. The lower the bar how

    stronger the weakness and how lower the

    opportunity or threat. The bar for the average

    is purple when the score is above zero and

    also red if it is below zero.

    This evaluation concerns a company in the

    manufacture of machinery and equipment.

    This evaluation is based on the input of the

    managing director of this company. What can

    we see in this evaluation? First of all two

    weaknesses being key resources and channels.

    Furthermore there are many opportunities

    that can be helpful to improve the business

    model. Looking at value proposition and

    revenue streams it shows that for both

    strength is low and that threats are imminent.

    The company can, based on this evaluation,

    improve on key resources and improve the

    cost structure. Making use of the

    opportunities at the customer segments will

    improve the strength of the revenue streams.

    Research Evaluation

    Till so far a common analysis of the evaluation

    by the company. The next step concerns the

    evaluation by the researchers. The same set of

    questions has been answered by the

    researchers based on the facts the found from

    the company itself and the market results.

    Looking at Figure 3 Evaluation by researchers

    it clearly shows a difference on the different

    building blocks with the evaluation of the


    Figure 3 Evaluation by researchers

    We can now look at both evaluations and try

    to analyse the differences of the nine building

    blocks. This will take a lot of time and

    mistakes are easily made. Therefore the best

    solution is to make an new graph in which wecan compare the two evaluations in one

    picture. Therefore I have developed the

    Business Model Comparison.












    Partners Activit ies Resources Value proposition Customer


    Ch an nel s Cu st om er


    Cost structure Revenu streams

    Strength or weakness




  • 8/3/2019 BMG Benchmark



    Business Model ComparisonTo be able to get a clear overview of the

    differences of both evaluations the graphs are

    matched in a new overview that shows the

    results of both evaluations. With this

    comparison of the evaluations the graph

    clearly shows where the company and the

    researchers have a different opinion. The

    managing director of the company based on

    his feeling8

    researchers based on the facts from the

    internal analysis of the company and external

    analysis of the market. This results in the

    graph of

    and knowledge of the company

    and the

    Figure 4 Comparison Company and

    Research where the results of the company

    are shown trough the dark purple bar, the

    results of the researchers are shown in light

    purple and the differences between the two

    are shown in the yellow bar.

    Figure 4 Comparison Company and Research

    When both purple bars are close together

    there is almost no difference between the

    opinion of the company and that of the

    researchers. However we still have to take

    into account that a high score is good and a

    low score is bad. If the score of the company is

    lower than the score of the researchers the

    company underestimates the quality of that

    building block. If the score of the company is

    higher than that of the researchers the

    company overestimates itself. The longer the

    length of the yellow bar the greater the

    difference between the view of the company

    and that of the researchers. In the above

    example of the company in the manufacturing

    of machinery and equipment I will discuss the

    nine building blocks separately and after that

    an overall conclusion.

    1. Partners.Both evaluations are close together so

    there is a mutual understanding

    concerning the quality of therelationship with the partners. The

    score is just over three and that

    means an above average score which

    is good. However this does not mean

    that nothing has to be done. There is

    always a possibility to improve. It only

    shows that the priority is not at this

    building block.

    2. Key activities.Although the score of both

    evaluations are almost the same it












    Part ner s Activitie s Re sour ce s Value proposition Custom er


    Channels Customer segments Cost structure Revenu streams Average Company

    Average Research


    The higher the differnce

    bar, the more there is a

    difference between

    Company and research.

    A difference higher thanzero means that the

    Company is


    A difference lower than

    zero means that the

    Company is


  • 8/3/2019 BMG Benchmark



    clearly shows a far less score than the

    partners. Fortunately the score is still

    above zero but not as good as it

    should be. This building block has a

    higher priority than the Partners

    building block.

    3. Key resources.The company scored the recourses

    still as a strength but a very low one.

    From the research point of view the

    strength is much higher resulting in a

    difference according to the yellow bar.

    The score on the difference is below

    zero which means that the company

    underestimates the quality of theresources. This building block

    therefore has a low priority.

    4. Value proposition.This building block shows almost the

    same score on the difference however

    the scores of the company and the

    researchers are higher than with the

    key resources. As the value

    proposition building block is one of

    the most important building blocksthis score should be a signal for the

    company to have a better

    understanding of its value proposition

    towards its customers.

    5. Customer relationships.With the customer relationship

    building block the company is

    overestimating itself to a large extend.

    Based on the results from the

    research it shows a weakness where

    the company thinks it is doing a good

    job and sees this as a strength. This

    building block has the highest score

    on the difference and that means that

    this building block must have the

    highest priority.

    6. Channels.The large difference in the score

    between the company and theresearchers in this building block

    means that the company has no good

    idea how customers are reached and

    products are delivered. The risk with

    this score is that management focuses

    on improving channels, spent a lot of

    time, money and resources and only

    will improve a little bit.

    7. Customer segments.Although researchers see it is no

    weakness but still a strength the

    company thinks the segmentation is

    good. The risk here is that the

    company positions itself not quite

    right towards the segments in the

    target group and therefore can loserevenues. This building block has the

    second highest priority.

    8. Cost structure.The cost structure appears to be in

    better shape than the company

    thinks. Starting cost saving programs

    will not have the expected results and

    can end in demotivated employees.

    9. Revenue streams.The company also thinks that revenuestreams are a weakness and therefore

    will focus to find more revenue

    streams or even increase prices.

    According to the research this is not

    really necessary because the revenue

    streams are still a strength.

    Conclusion of the comparison.

    Based on the feeling of the company

    management will focus on improvements onchannels, cost structure and revenue streams.

    This will result in cost saving programs;

    increase of prices and improvement of

    channels which is in contrast with the cost

    savings programs. This is a wrong strategyfor

    the company to follow.

    The best strategyfor this company is, looking

    at the situation based on the evaluation of the

    researchers, focussing on customerrelationships9 and customer segments10.

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    Improving the way the company cares about

    the relations with is customers will make sure

    that revenues are more sustainable and

    predictable. A better focus on segmentation

    will position the company on a more focussed

    way at the target groups11 so that the

    customers better understand the value

    proposition and therefore earlier will buy form

    the company. Another advantage is the

    positioning of the company towards its

    competitors. Customers can see more clearly

    the added value of the company compared

    with that of the competitors.

    In this way the overall integrity of the business

    model will be improved, management is

    focussing on the real subjects that are

    important in the decision making12



    and employees are not demotivated because

    of cost savings. This all will result in a strong

    and healthy company with a solid customer


    Thus far the evaluation of the business model

    was based on the feeling of the company and

    on facts that researchers found at the

    company and on the market. This gives

    valuable information to improve the current

    business model. Another way of looking at the

    business model is benchmarking, Lankfoord



    . A benchmark is reference to the

    quality of performance of another company

    based on the same set of criteria. In this case

    the evaluation of a company can be

    benchmarked against a database that includes

    many evaluations. The company can see in

    this way how the performance is of the

    company compared to the companies in the

    benchmark. Selections can be made to

    compare with all the companies in the

    benchmark, or only the companies from thesame industry, or the companies from the

    same country or the evaluations from the

    companies alone or from the researchers

    alone, or a combination from the earlier

    mentioned possibilities. It is even possible to

    have an incompany benchmark where the

    evaluations of employees are benchmarked

    against each other.

    Figure 5 Benchmark the same company iscompared with all the companies in the


    Figure 5 Benchmark

    If the evaluations from both company and

    researchers are available it is best to take the












    Partners Key activities Key Resources Value Proposition Customer Relations Channels Customer


    Cost Revenu str eams




    The higher the differnce

    bar, the more there is a

    difference between

    Company and research.

    A difference higher than

    zero means that the

    Company is

    overestimating itself.

    A difference lower than

    zero means that the

    Company isunderestimatingitself.

  • 8/3/2019 BMG Benchmark



    evaluation of the researchers because this is

    based on facts and will therefore be closer to


    1. Partners.The score of the partners is almost thesame. The company score a bit less

    than the total score. A little

    improvement is necessary.

    2. Key activities.The company scores a bit higher than

    the total of the other companies.

    However the score is still not that high

    but it is not a high priority.

    3. A pretty high score on key resourcesand also higher than the companies in

    the database. If time and resources

    are available improvement here can

    be done. Also not a high priority.

    4. A very high score on valueproposition. One of the most

    important building blocks with a high

    score and better than the rest of the

    benchmark. Pay attention to make

    sure that the score remains at thislevel.

    5. The customer relation score is belowzero so a weakness. A large difference

    with the benchmark and also a

    negative score as we see on the

    yellow bar. Improvement of the

    relationships with customers has the

    highest priority of all.

    6. The score on channels is a little betterthan the benchmark. Though thescore can be higher.

    7. Together with customer relations thecustomer segments are the highest

    priority. When a company doesnt

    have a good segmentation the

    marketing effort the company invest

    in the segments are not really

    focussed and will not have the proper

    message to the customer who will not

    go for this company.

    8. Costs are still better than the rest ofthe companies in the benchmark.

    However there is still improvement


    9. Although revenues are better than thebenchmark this building block can

    even be better by improving customer

    relations and customer segments.

    Conclusion of the benchmark.

    Focus on the two most important building

    blocks being customer relations and customer

    segmentation and this company will even do

    better than it already does compared with the

    rest of the companies in the benchmark. Afterimproving these two building blocks it is

    important for the company to remain there

    where they are and improve partners,

    channels and key activities in that order.

    Overall conclusion.

    Both the Business Model Comparison and the

    Business Model Benchmark show a strong

    focus on two building blocks CustomerSegmentation and Customer Relationship.

    That means the first focus for improvement is

    first to start with segmentation and then

    decide how to maintain the relations with the

    customers in the different segments. To build

    a comprehensive strategy for these two

    building blocks we will have to look deeper at

    the evaluation of these building blocks.

    StrategySegmentation14 is a well known subject to

    divide customers with the same needs in one

    segment to be able to set up a proper

    marketing mix11 for each segment. But first we

    will have a closer look at the building block in

    more detail. The first one we look at is the

    customer segments building block. The graph

    shows clearly that acquisition of new

    customers is a weakness of the company that

    has to be strengthened because the

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    opportunities show a possible growth in

    customers. The second building block we look

    at is the customer relation building block. The

    switching costs bar is zero so it is easy for

    customers to switch to another supplier.

    The second important issue is the strength of

    the brand. This is rather low and improvement

    should take place. Furthermore there are

    three important opportunities that will lead to

    better customer relationships. By improving

    and tightening customer relationships and

    leave the unprofitable customers, a better

    customer relationship will be achieved.

    So the final overall strategy consists of the

    following activities:

    1. Focus on customer segments by:o Acquisition of new customers;o Use the opportunity of growth

    in customers.

    2. Focus on customer relationships by:o Strengthen your brand;o Use the opportunities of

    tighten your relations with


    o Look for better way to higherswitching cost

    Final conclusionBased on the evaluation with the Business

    Model Generation the strategy of thecompany is changed from a risky strategy of a

    cost saving program and increasing prices to a

    strategy of connecting more to customers and

    to raise the customer intimacy. As a result the

    risk of customers going to the competition is

    lower and better relationships will lead to a

    sustainable customer base.

  • 8/3/2019 BMG Benchmark





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