bmma session adr2013 benoit

10 lundis pour rattraper le train du digital Direct marketing at digital age Benoît De Nayer [email protected] Albert Derasse [email protected]

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Direct marketing at digital age

Benoît De Nayer [email protected]

Albert Derasse [email protected]

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• Introduction : the state of the e-mail market

• How to design good e-mails

• Enhance the ROI of your campaigns by improving relevance

• E-CRM & Digital enable a Customer Centric Approach

• Business Case


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Of e-mail and Zombies : a living dead

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Rumors of e-mail’s death

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Rumors of e-mail’s death...are greatly exaggerated

(worlwide stats)

e-mail Statistics Report, 2010

Editor: Sara Radicati, PhD

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Use of e-mail vs other on-line media

99 94


40 38

Has a website Use e-mail Marketing

Use Social Media Use Mobile Marketing


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Reasons for using e-mail Marketing

Reduced cost of contact

Easy to set up Easy to integrate with other media

High ROI










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Typology of e-mail marketing uses

Newsletters Trafic building on website

Lead generation Transactionnal e-mails











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Share of marketing budget invested in e-mail (in% of total marketing budget)

61% 17%


3% 2%


2% 2%









More than 89

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digital • It is right to copy : inspire yourself of other

newsletters in your business area

• Create low-fidelity prototypes with paper and pencils or a wireframing software: place text and image blocks on your drawing

• Do not forget to place e-mail “essential add-ons” : pre-header, header, footer…

• Circulate your drawings among colleagues and gather feedback from users

• Only then, ask a Web designer to create a working prototype

Great e-mail designs start with a good process

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• An e-mail is not a website : some web conventions do not work in an e-mail

• Remember the fold (depends from the mail reader) : place you Call to Action in the most visible part of your e-mail

• Images are blocked by default on many e-mail readers: design your mail so that it will display correctly even with images off

• Limit the size of banners

• Position your images in order to create a rythm in your design

• Use bullet points and paragraphs to structure text

Design Constraints

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Keep the Image / Text balance

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• Maybe the most important part of your E-mail – Drives Opening Rates and has a important impact on spam scores

• Make your point in less than 50 characters :

– Depending of your e-mail reader, it is possible than more than 50 characters are allowed so, bring the most important aspects in the first part of the subject line.

– Do not repeat the name of the sender in the subject line (already in the From) – Avoid to break In the middle of a word or an idea

• State clearly what’s in it for the reader – Be short and relevant – Do not overstate the real interest of the mail

• Use A/B testing: – Test different wordings – Use different metrics (opening rates, click-through, final conversion).

Subject lines

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• Pre-sells the CTA -> increases the opening rate • Increases the visibility of online version • Increases the visibility on mobile readers • Increases deliverability scores • Serves as reminder in the mailbox

Importance of the pre-header

Ontdek in deze nieuwbrief, in ons eerste artikel, onze postbatibouw lenteactie! Dacht ook u dat een sleutel-op-de-deur

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Call to Actions (CTA)

• “Click here” is not a CTA : be clear on what the consumer will

get by clicking : ex: “buy now”, “get your free copy here” • Location, Location, Location : place the CTA before the fold

• Have at least a TEXT version of your CTA in case images are not


• Font Size : put the CTA in bold letters so that it is clearly legible

• Replicate the same CTA at various places in your copy and offer alternative CTA

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Call to Actions Examples

Primary CTA Primary CTA

Alternative CTA

Repeat CTA Alternative



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e-mail Add-ons Mandatory:


Disclaimer/privacy statement

Contact link

Nice to have

Library of previous newsletters

Table of contents


Profile update form

Preference Center


Forward to a Friend

Share on your networks

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Opt-in procedures : show what people will receive

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Opt-in procedures : engage subscribers immediately after opt-in

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Preferences Center

• A preferences Center allows to segment your list based on readers interests

• Process must be straightforward

• The “preference” center page must be accessible from every mail

• Add a “snooze” function to allow your contacts to temporarely modify their preferences as they can change over time.

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Unsubscribe procedures

• Good unsubscribe procedures are key to your reputation and deliverability : you must facilitate unsubscribing to avoid that people declare your mails as spam.

• Gold rule : KISS (Keep it Simple and …) : the process must be straightforward. Ex: do not require a password to unsubscribes

• Make your unsubscribe link visible : put in in the pre-header if you have problems of e-mail reputation

• Act first, ask after: if you want to ask you subscribers to tell the reasons of your unsubscription, do it only after having registered their unsubscription.

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Test, test, test….

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Integrate User Generated content


• To create a sense of community with your subscribers add reactions coming from your comment forms or from social networks

• This type of content must be curated to avoid negative impact of some comments.

• Be cautious not to select only overly positive comments.

• Add a possibility to comment these comments

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• Introduction : the state of the e-mail market

• How to design good e-mails

• Enhance the ROI of your campaigns by improving relevance

• E-CRM & Digital enable a Customer Centric Approach

• Business Case


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e-mail relevance becomes a vital issue

What’s in a word? Relevance is easier to define by its contrary : irrelevance

As their inbox are flooded by irrelevant e-mails, people tend to consider messages as spam because:

The timing of the message is not adapted

The frequency of the message is too high

The content is not differentiated

The design does not fit the browser or the device (iphone...) specificities

In short : the future of mass e-mailing is not too rosy. But its siblings have good chances to survive.

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Relevance...Beyond Deliverability

• Relevance is NOT – A synonym of deliverability – A technological-only


• Even if you manage to put 100% of your message in your readers mailboxes, you still have an issue with relevance

• However improving relevance is a key element to better deliverability

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If you don’t tackle irrelevance, someone will do it

• People who consider your e-mails as irrelevant are more susceptible to declare your mail as spam to their ISP

• Internet Service Providers track the opening rates of your mails. Low opening rates influence your spam scores. It can lead to blacklisting.

«Because at the end of the day, the goal is to have marketers send messages that consumers want. At the end of the day, it really becomes a lot less about permission, and more about what consumers are asking for.»

Charles Stiles, AOL’s postmatser, in DMNEWS, october 30

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How to improve relevance?

– Opt-in procedures

– Segmentation an personalisation

– Lifecycle management

– Triggered campaigns

– Testing and measurement

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Segmentation and personalisation

• Problem : – Less than 20% of marketeers use segmentation because of

• limited creative ressources (70%) • lack of data (50%) • lack of time (50%)

• Consequence: – Mass e-mailing still prevails – People consider mails as «bulk mail» and unsubscribe or report as spam

• Solution :

– Segment your database at registration moment – Enrich your database with surveys – Track what customers do

• Links click history • Web analytics • Buying habits • ...

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Enrich your database with customer feedback and surveys

• Consumers are generally willing to share their feedback about your messages, so it is advisable to regularely ask them questions.

• Add a quick link to a feedback form.

• Reward feedback with feedback : if you change something on the basis of users feedback, do not hesitate to tell them.

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• Enrich your databases with information on your customers habits

– Clicked links history

– Survey participations

– Web analytics data

– Buying history

– Social Network activity

– ...

Track what customers do

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Example of segmentation patterns

• Explicit preferences and interests : the most obvious and underused way to segment.

• Implicit preferences based on open rate and click through rate : give a score to links in your e-mails and segment accordingly

• Prospects vs Clients : nothing is a counterproductive as sending the same message to prospects and clients containing better deals that what the former client got.

• Time preferences segmentation : people tend to open their e-mails at a given time. It is wise to follow the same pattern. For example : phone users tend to read their e-mails in the morning, Ipad users read their e-mails in front of TV in the evening.

• Acquisition channels : people coming from a call centre or co-registration must be treated differently than people who have opted in on your site...

• Geography : people receive specific offers targeted to their region.

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Example of geographic / time segmentation

• Customers receive an offer that is tailored to the weather predictions in their city

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Lifecycle management

• Lifecycle-based e-mail campaigns can create important touch points that will keep customer engaged and enable to achieve a lasting relationship.

• Welcome programs.

• First-time buyer programs.

• Loyalty programs.

• Ambassador programs.

• Re-activation programs.

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Example of a lifecycle management program

Customer buys product

Post purchase Satisfaction Survey

Lifecycle Management

Cross- sell offer

Warrantee renewal offer

Replacement offer

- 4 m - 2m TD Day 0 Day 7 +1 Month +2 Years +5 years

Acquistion Management

First web visit

Interaction & call to action

Event Capture DB enrichment

Relationship Scenario

Campaign Creation & sending




Coupon scanning



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Triggered campaigns/ Marketing Automation

• Triggered e-mail are the most susceptible to be considered as relevant by the addressee as they closely follow the user status.

• Key success factors :

– Use with care. Be certain to recognize where it’s appropriate to create trigger based campaigns and where there may be little benefit.

– Set Frequency Limits. Don’t send too often, but do not under-send. When was the last time the customer or prospect received something from you?

– Think customer first. Don’t be fooled by the capabilities of your marketing automation tool.

– Keep it simple and manageable. It is unlikely that the campaign will immediately deliver results. Be prepared to polish your work over time.

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Testing and measurement

• Use control groups. Take a small group of profiles who will not be affected by the relevance improvement. Monitor the difference between this group and the groups on which you test your relevance improvement strategies.

• Don’t test too many (max 3) variables to avoid any risk of confusion and non representative numbers.

• Be systematic. Test every message you send to your audience. You can use automated split testing mechanisms.

• Keep track of your experiments. Information gathered through testing can help you setting the blueprints for future successful campaigns.

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• Benchmarks : interesting numbers from the field

• Tips for better e-mail Design

• Enhance the ROI of your campaigns by improving relevance

• E-CRM & Digital enables a Customer Centric Approach

• Business Case