b'nai torah congregation · 11/11/2016  · the b’nai torah house band is almost complete,...

WELCOME ka ,a SHABBAT SHALOM This bulletin is dedicated to the memory of Mildred & Abby Levine z”l Mazal Tov to our Bar Mitzvah, Dean Heller and to his parents Liat & Eric Heller MAIN SANCTUARY Mazal Tov to our Bat Mitzvah, Skylar Maklan and to her parents, Mara & David Maklan HAVURAT SHABBAT Mazal Tov to our Bar Mitzvah, Josh Kessner and to his parents Dana & Edward Kessner HAVDALAH B NAI TORAH CONGREGATION B’NAI TORAH CONGREGATION SHABBAT SERVICES PARASHAT LECH LECHA NOVEMBER 12, 2016 11 CHESHVAN 5777

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Page 1: B'nai Torah Congregation · 11/11/2016  · The B’nai Torah House Band is almost complete, but we need you! If you or someone you know is a drummer or keyboardist between the ages

Welcomeka ,a

Shabbat Shalom

This bulletin is dedicated to the memory of Mildred & Abby Levinez”l

Mazal Tov to our Bar Mitzvah, Dean Hellerand to his parents Liat & Eric Heller


Mazal Tov to our Bat Mitzvah, Skylar Maklanand to her parents, Mara & David Maklan


Mazal Tov to our Bar Mitzvah, Josh Kessnerand to his parents Dana & Edward Kessner



b’NaI toRah coNgRegatIoNShabbat SeRvIceSpARASHAT LECH LECHANoVEMBER 12, 201611 CHESHVAN 5777

Page 2: B'nai Torah Congregation · 11/11/2016  · The B’nai Torah House Band is almost complete, but we need you! If you or someone you know is a drummer or keyboardist between the ages


oUR Shabbat SeRvIceS

Service NoteS: We respectfully request that cell phoNeS Not be uSed in the building during Shabbat. please do not save seats. please refrain from chewing gum while in services. Automated External Defibrillator located in lobby by the Glassman Chapel.

paraShat lech lecha Torah: Genesis 12:1 - 13:18, p. 69Haftarah: Isaiah 40:27 - 41:16, p. 95Reader: Dean Heller

havurat Shabbat Torah Readers: Sam Hitner, Ed Levine, Howard Rabinowitz, Ira Leiderman, David Nerenberg, Skylar MaklanHaftarah: Skylar Maklan

MiNcha/Ma’ariv November 12, 5:30 p.m.

caNdle lightiNg November 18, 5:11 p.m.

kidduSh The congregation is welcome to join our kiddush after services in the Educational Social Center (ESC). NOTE: The kiddush will remain closed until services have completely finished. We appreciate your cooperation.

thank you to liat & eric heller for providing an enhanced kiddush in honor of dean’s bar Mitzvah.

Think you have what it takes to make the cut for our Hannukah edition of B’nai Torah’s GoT TalenT? If you’d like to audition, contact Lauren Berger at [email protected] or (561) 392-8566. And SAVE THE DATE for the show on tuesday, december 20th!

teeN druMMer aNd keyboard player waNted! The B’nai Torah House Band is almost complete, but we need you! If you or someone you know is a drummer or keyboardist between the ages of 12 and 18, come rock out with us! Contact Cantor Boaz at (954) 914-8735

our upcoMiNg b’Nai Mitzvah:

Joshua Klafter . . . . November 19thJacob poller . . . . November 19thSamuel Wolfe . . . . . December 3rd

Page 3: B'nai Torah Congregation · 11/11/2016  · The B’nai Torah House Band is almost complete, but we need you! If you or someone you know is a drummer or keyboardist between the ages


tlc oppoRtUNItIeS

Sunday, November 13 - 9:00 a.m.

Join us for a morning filled with opportunities

for people of all ages to MAKE A DIFFERENCE! things you can bring to Mitzvah day:

. New or gently-used: Shoes, Towels, sheets & blankets (clean please), Books, Sports equipment, Dancewear, Coats, Backpacks (any kind)

. Non-perishable food (please no glass containers). Cell phones and international pre-paid calling cards for soldiers

. Ziploc bags . Feminine hygiene products . Eyeglasses or sunglasses

. New underwear and tank tops in any size . puzzles of any kind

For more information, contact Summer Faerman at [email protected]

B’nai Torah Congregation

Mitzvah Day 2016

Page 4: B'nai Torah Congregation · 11/11/2016  · The B’nai Torah House Band is almost complete, but we need you! If you or someone you know is a drummer or keyboardist between the ages


b’NaI toRah happeNINgSclaSSic aNd exotic car Show - SuN., NoveMber 13, 10:00 a.M. - 2:00 p.M.Men’s Club of BTC proudly presents their 2nd Annual Car Show at B’nai Torah (south parking lot). Registration fee: $18. Sponsorships: $180 BTC Members/$250 Non members (includes advertising on promotional material). Live DJ! Free refreshments! Contact: David Dweck at (954) 354-1000.

havdalah live! - Saturday, NoveMber 19, 6:15 p.M.Join us for our first ever HAVDALAH LIVE at B’nai Torah! We will be broadcasting our musical Havdalah service live on facebook to share with loved ones around the

globe! Bring your family & friends and join in the fun with Cantor Boaz, Rabbi Steinhardt and the B’nai Torah Children’s Choir. Ice Cream Sandwich Social to follow. Make sure to like our page to get the feed: facebook.com/bnaitorahboca

2016 global day of JewiSh learNiNg - SuNday, NoveMber 20, 10:00 a.M. This year’s theme: under the Same Sky: “the earth is full of your creations” All ages can learn about our world and nature. feature presentations: the animal kingdom in Jewish thought - Broadcast at 10:00 a.m., with Rabbi Natan Slifkin. of land and light: a Jewish take on ethical dilemmas in international development - Broadcast at 11:00 a.m. with Dyonna Ginsburg and Yedidya Sinclair. In between and following these broadcasts, B’nai Torah congregant Ed Sopher will facilitate a discussion. Light refreshments will be provided. For more information contact Zena Gruda at [email protected].

JewiSh reNewal Shabbat ServiceS - Saturday, NoveMber 26, 9:30 a.M.Led by Amy Grossblatt pessah. Through the use of Jewish prayers, meditiation, contemplation, music and Torah study, this service will provide some sacred time for you to experience the richness of our Jewish spiritual tradition.

pto holiday boutique - friday, deceMber 2, 8:45 a.M. - 2:00 p.M. Save the date for The Ruth and Edward Taubman Early Childhood Center pTo annual holiday boutique at B’nai Torah. Clothes, jewelry, gifts and much more - get all your Hanukkah gift shopping done while helping a great cause!



Page 5: B'nai Torah Congregation · 11/11/2016  · The B’nai Torah House Band is almost complete, but we need you! If you or someone you know is a drummer or keyboardist between the ages


B’nai Torah CongregaTion

Author Forum Series2016 - 2017

To purchase tickets, please contact Lauren Berger [email protected] or (561) 392-8566 ext. 334 or register online at www.btcboca.org/AuthorForum

MiltoN viorSt: ZIoNISM: THE BIRTH AND TRANSFoRMATIoN oF AN IDEALViorst served as the Middle East correspondent for The New Yorker, and has spent decades studying Israel and the evolution of Zionism. November 16, 2016 - 7:30 p.m.

breNda JaNowitz: THE DINNER pARTY“The Dinner Party is everything a reader wants in a novel: guests with a knack for inspired conversation and family drama swirling both above and below the table. A truly entertaining read!” - Elin Hilderbrandfebruary 6, 2017 - 7:30 p.m.

kate Siegel & kiM friedMaN: MoTHER, CAN YoU NoT? Based on the wildly popular Instagram account @CrazyJewishMom, Kate Siegel’s essay collection about life with the woman who redefined the term “helicopter mom.”March 30, 2017 - 2:00 p.m.Co-sponsored with the Adolph & Rose Levis JCC.

Page 6: B'nai Torah Congregation · 11/11/2016  · The B’nai Torah House Band is almost complete, but we need you! If you or someone you know is a drummer or keyboardist between the ages


commUNIty happeNINgS

SopranoEva DemskyDanielle GellenSandra GottfriedMyrna Gross Sharon Steinberg AviGail Whiting

AltoSheila BielNina Cohenpamela Feldman Andrea Gralnick Donna GrossmanRobyn Lamp Leah LevinNaomi Lippa

TenorDaniel CaplinErick Crow Joe popperLois RaddingArlene Stolzenberg

BassEthan Cohen David Dweck Jason GoldsteinJoe Levitan Darren LittmanMack RosenbaumMark Samarel

choir director - cantor Mitchell J. Martinb’NaI toRah coNgRegatIoN choIR

Our choir benefits from the generous support of the Nathan Cummings Foundation, with the encouragement of Beatrice Cummings Mayer.

presented by the boca raton interfaith clergy association

coMMuNity iNterfaith thaNkSgiviNg Service - MoNday, NoveMber 21, 7:30 p.M. Join us at St. Gregory’s Episcopal Church (100 NE Mizner Blvd. Boca Raton, FL 33429) for our annual service of prayers, readings, and reflection led by local clergy of different faiths, including rabbi david Steinhardt, and featuring the B’nai Torah Congregational Choir. For more information, please call (561) 395-8285.

Shabbat book cartS available in the Lobby after Saturday morning services. For more information, please call (561) 392-8566 ext. 355, Mondays between 9:30 a.m. and 12:00 p.m.

Community Interfaith

Thanksgiving Service

Page 7: B'nai Torah Congregation · 11/11/2016  · The B’nai Torah House Band is almost complete, but we need you! If you or someone you know is a drummer or keyboardist between the ages


The 2017 ConCerT & CULTUrAL ArTS SerieS Lineup:January 18 - carlebach & the Symphony

January 25 - world of yiddish Song

February 8 - My life, Naftali herstik

February 22 - beau Jest (btc theater)

March 8 - Spirit in the Sky: reflections of our lives

March 22 - ahava raba: klezmer

All concerts start at 7:30 p.m.

Tickets are available online at www.btcboca.org/concertSeries2017 or by calling Elysa Stark at (561)392-8566

the SaM MaNdelkerz’l college coNNectioN at B’nai Torah Congregation will send Yom Tov packages to your College or Graduate Students 2016/2017. For details, call AviGail Whiting at (561) 392-8566 ext. 308

coNcert piaNo Needed Do you (or someone you know) have a Grand piano you are no longer using? B’nai Torah is in need of replacing our old piano. If you are interested in donating yours, or if you’d like to underwrite the purchase of one, please contact Elysa Stark at (561) 392-8566 or [email protected]

faMily proMiSe voluNteer opportuNitieS B’nai Torah, along with other Family promise congregations in our area, is helping homeless families with children. please volunteer for this mitzvah during our hosting weeks at a house in east Boca where volunteers play, dine and socialize with homeless families each evening. Volunteers are also needed to help in the Family promise office in Delray Beach and to drive the Family promise van; no special license needed. For more information, visit www.familypromisespbc.org or contact Mark Wasserman at (561) 699-5116 or [email protected]

BassEthan Cohen David Dweck Jason GoldsteinJoe Levitan Darren LittmanMack RosenbaumMark Samarel

BRAND NEW HEARING Loop DEVICES are available for your use. please ask an usher if you need assistance and be sure to return them at the conclusion of services. Additional information cards located next to the devices.

Page 8: B'nai Torah Congregation · 11/11/2016  · The B’nai Torah House Band is almost complete, but we need you! If you or someone you know is a drummer or keyboardist between the ages


MeN’S club of b’Nai torah coNgregatioNMen’s Club invites new members, volunteers and ideas for initiatives year-round. please contact larry faerman, president, at [email protected] or (561) 860-3241.

Save the date! South florida Sub-regioNal fJMc keeper of the flaMe baNquet - SuNday, NoveMber 20, 11:00 a.M. Congratulations to Robb Kantor, B’nai Torah’s FJMC Regional Keeper of the Flame Honoree and Hannah Wolf, B’nai Torah’s FJMC Youth of the Year Honoree. Robb and Hannah will be honored at Temple Beth Torah (North Miami Beach) on November 20th. please contact Larry Faerman, [email protected] or (561) 860-3241 for information on attending or to honor Robb and Hannah in the event’s tribute journal.

latkeS, vodkaS & tapaS - thurSday, deceMber 15, 7:00 - 10:00 p.M. Join us for this popular yearly event and enjoy delicious food, vodka and karaoke! More information to follow.

btc meN’S clUb

WomeN’S leagUe of btc


woMeN’S league of b’Nai torah coNgregatioN Women’s League offers a dynamic mix of activities. Women of all ages, backgrounds, religious experiences, and careers in and out of the home participate. For more information, visit our website at www.wlbtc.org or contact Joanne Shulman, WLBTC president

at (508) 789-9076 or [email protected]

torah fuNd P’ri Yadehah, from the beloved prayer Eishet Chayil, means “the fruit of her hands.” Receive the 2017/5777 Torah Fund charm/pin as a thank you gift for your donation in support of the future of Conservative/Masorti Judaism through professional education. Contact Cynthia Chiefa-

Goldstein, Torah Fund Vp, at [email protected] or (561) 910-1376.

woMeN’S league Judaica Shop hourS: Mon. - thurs. 10: 00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.; friday 10:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. For appointments please contact Robin Schwartz at (914) 329-1025 or email [email protected]. Begin your Hanukkah shopping on Mitzvah day, November 13 - 25% oF ALL pURCHASES MADE THAT DAY WILL BE DoNATED to support B’nai Torah’s TLC (Tzedakah, Learning, Chesed) program!

Page 9: B'nai Torah Congregation · 11/11/2016  · The B’nai Torah House Band is almost complete, but we need you! If you or someone you know is a drummer or keyboardist between the ages


Come for the learning. Stay for the community.

Adult Learning for The Wondering Jew

upcoMiNg adult educatioN claSSeS:

A wonderful way to learn or improve your Hebrew! instructor: heni galel . hebrew readiNg for begiNNerS i (Tuesdays 1:20 - 2:10 p.m.) . hebrew readiNg for begiNNerS ii (Tuesdays 2:20 - 3:10 p.m.) . ulpaN hebrew ii (Tuesdays 3:20 - 4:15 p.m.) (no classes Dec. 27 & Jan. 3)

fiNdiNg perSoNal MeaNiNg iN the Siddur - instructor: yardena barzilayNov. 7 - Dec. 12, Mondays, 10:00 a.m.

the Secret - instructor: cantor boaz davidoffNov. 9 - Dec. 14, Wednesdays, 11:00 a.m.

biblical heroiNeS: aNcieNt role ModelS for the ModerN woMaN - instructor: helene yentisNov. 29 - Dec. 20, Tuesdays, 11:00 a.m.

luNch & learN - every tueSday, 12:15 - 1:15 p.M.Join Rabbis, Cantors, and special guest educators for an hour of learning. All are welcome to this popular weekly class. Please bring a parve or dairy lunch.

Special luNch & learN SeSSioNS: November 15 - ed Sopher “Would the Rabbis of the Talmud Join B’nai Torah?”december 13 - JtS rabbi ed bernstein discusses his book “Love Finer Than Wine: The Writings of Matthew Eisenfeld and Sara Duker.”

For more information about the Cooperman Academy classes or future offerings, please contact zena gruda at [email protected].

the floreNce MeltoN School of adult JewiSh learNiNg at b’Nai torah our classes build Jewish literacy through a sophisticated, intellectually stimulating, text-based curriculum for students of all levels and Jewish backgrounds. please contact penina bredoff, Melton Site Director, at [email protected] for more information or visit www.events.org/Meltonbocaraton for registration and detailed class schedule, descriptions and fees.

. the holocauSt aS reflected iN diarieS aNd MeMoirS with dr. leon weissberg Beginning December 5 (10 wks), Mondays, 3:30 p.m. at B’nai Torah.

lIllIaN, phIlIp, aNd geRRy coopeRmaN academy foR adUlt JeWISh leaRNINg

Page 10: B'nai Torah Congregation · 11/11/2016  · The B’nai Torah House Band is almost complete, but we need you! If you or someone you know is a drummer or keyboardist between the ages


lIfe eveNtSyahrzeitS

Stephen Blum. . . . . . . . . . . . .11/12Harvey Feinberg . . . . . . . . . .11/12Moses Flatt . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11/12Aaron Groskopf. . . . . . . . . . .11/12Frieda Groskopf. . . . . . . . . . .11/12Yankel Groskopf . . . . . . . . . .11/12Irving Katz . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11/12Lawrence Levitt . . . . . . . . . . .11/12Dan Nagin . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11/12Edward potash. . . . . . . . . . . .11/12Edith Rawitz . . . . . . . . . . . . .11/12George Weinrub . . . . . . . . . .11/12Harry Gurevitch . . . . . . . . . . .11/13Seymour Herman . . . . . . . . . .11/13Beatrice Lavitt . . . . . . . . . . . .11/13Julius Mayer . . . . . . . . . . . . .11/13Mort Ruderman . . . . . . . . . . .11/13Manuel Steinhardt . . . . . . . . .11/13Steven Wallach . . . . . . . . . . .11/13Morris Weinstein . . . . . . . . . .11/13Ida Witkowski . . . . . . . . . . . .11/13Dale Fisher . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11/14Rachel Glickman . . . . . . . . . .11/14Lillian Halpern . . . . . . . . . . . .11/14Saul Hendel . . . . . . . . . . . . .11/14Max Hollander . . . . . . . . . . .11/14Maurice Wolder . . . . . . . . . .11/14Noah paul Cohen . . . . . . . . .11/15Shirley Friedman . . . . . . . . . .11/15Leo Goldsmith . . . . . . . . . . . .11/15Jack Kaplan. . . . . . . . . . . . . .11/15Samuel London . . . . . . . . . . .11/15Teobaldo Martinez. . . . . . . . .11/15

Leon Rudd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11/15Belle Taft. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11/15Albert Abrahams . . . . . . . . . .11/16Louis Borew. . . . . . . . . . . . . .11/16Keith Gendal . . . . . . . . . . . . .11/16Benjamin Gramerman. . . . . . .11/16Abraham Kerker . . . . . . . . . .11/16Craig Levitt . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11/16Isadore Miller . . . . . . . . . . . .11/16Sophie Ruche . . . . . . . . . . . .11/16Shifra Schwartz Ruche . . . . . .11/16Hyman Wasserman . . . . . . . .11/16Rose Flax Epstein . . . . . . . . . .11/17Felix Graber . . . . . . . . . . . . .11/17George Greenstein. . . . . . . . .11/17Charlotte Kula . . . . . . . . . . . .11/17philip Mentle . . . . . . . . . . . . .11/17Joseph Rogoff . . . . . . . . . . . .11/17Michael Silver . . . . . . . . . . . .11/17Eugene Sims . . . . . . . . . . . . .11/17Eleanor Weiner . . . . . . . . . . .11/17Myron Weingarten. . . . . . . . .11/17Beverly Bortz . . . . . . . . . . . . .11/18Julius Goldberg . . . . . . . . . . .11/18Bella Gudzenko . . . . . . . . . . .11/18Hyman Hendler . . . . . . . . . . .11/18Bette Kay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11/18Helen Field pollak . . . . . . . . .11/18Lester Rawitz . . . . . . . . . . . . .11/18Bella Rosen . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11/18Abraham Rosenthal . . . . . . . .11/18Ezra Safdia . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11/18Isadore Sherman . . . . . . . . . .11/18

Page 11: B'nai Torah Congregation · 11/11/2016  · The B’nai Torah House Band is almost complete, but we need you! If you or someone you know is a drummer or keyboardist between the ages


eIN KeloheINUEin keloheinu, Ein kadoneinu,

Ein Kemalkeinu, Ein Kemoshi’einu

Non komo muestro dio, Non komo muestro siniorNon komo muestro rey,

Non komo muestro Salvador

Mi cheloheinu, Mi chadoneinuMi ch’malkeinu, Mi ch’moshi’enu

Ken komo muestro dio, Ken komo muestro siniorKen komo muestro rey,

Ken komo muestro Salvador

Nodeh leloheinu, Nodeh ladoneinuNodeh l’malkeinu, Nodeh l’moshi’einu

Loaremos a muestro dio, Loaremos a muestro siniorLoaremos a muestro rey,

Loaremos a muestro Salvador

Baruch Eloheinu, Baruch AdoneinuBaruch Malkeinu, Baruch Moshi’einu

Bendicho muestro dio, Bendicho muestro siniorBendicho muestro rey,

Bendicho muestro Salvador

Atah hu Eloheinu, Atah hu AdoneinuAtah hu Malkeinu, Atah hu Moshi’einu

Tu el muestro dio, Tu el muestro siniorTu el muestro rey, Tu el muestro Salvador

b’Nai torah bereaveMeNt group - wedNeSdayS, 4:30 p.M. & 5:30 p.M. Led by Carla Van Walsum, these groups offer loving, compassionate support and help guide you through the grieving process. Meetings are in the Nathan Library. For more information, please contact Elaine Siegell at (561) 392-8566.

a refuah ShleiMaWe wish our friend Marvin Schachter a speedy recovery following surgery.

B’nai Torah offers beautiful and meaningful opportunities to hoNor, celebrate or MeMorialize SoMeoNe Special, such as bricks, plaques and leaves. please contact the Synagogue office for more information.

The yahrzeit candle should be lit the evening prior to the date indicated above. You

are encouraged to attend minyan both days. It is customary when observing a yahrzeit to perform an act of tzedakah in memory of our loved ones. For your convenience, an envelope is available in the Glassman Chapel which you can return to the Synagogue Office. Please join our daily morning and evening minyanim.

Page 12: B'nai Torah Congregation · 11/11/2016  · The B’nai Torah House Band is almost complete, but we need you! If you or someone you know is a drummer or keyboardist between the ages

Friday Evening, Shabbat Services5:45 p.m.: Mincha6:00 p.m.: Kabbalat Shabbat, Ma’arivEleanor & paul Weinerz”l Cultural Center Saturday Morning, Shabbat ServicesRabbi David M. SteinhardtCantor Ehud (Udi) SpielmanCantor Boaz Davidoff8:45 a.m., Main Sanctuary

Havurat Shabbat Rabbi David Englander10:00 a.m., Eleanor & paul Weinerz”l Cultural Center

Shabbat Mincha/Ma’ariv/HavdalahMincha: 5:30 p.m., Glassman Chapel

Weekday ShacharitSunday, 8:45 a.m., Glassman ChapelMonday - Friday, 8:00 a.m., Glassman Chapel

Weekday Mincha/Ma’arivSunday - Thursday, 5:30 p.m., Glassman Chapel

come WoRShIp WIth US

b’NaI toRah coNgRegatIoN offIceRS & StaffSenior Rabbi David M. Steinhardt, D.D.

Rabbi David Englander

Executive Director Rabbi Rikki Arad

Senior Cantor Ehud (Udi) Spielman

Cantor Boaz Davidoff

Mirochnick RS Education Director Cathy BerkowitzTaubman ECC Director Nancy GoldsteinB’nai Mitzvah Prog. Director Cantor paul GoldsteinDirector of Finance Sam HitnerDirector of Maintenance Francisco ValdesCommunications/Programming Dir. Rachel KaplanArt Director Claudia SternbergTzedakah Programming Director Summer FaermanChoral Director Cantor Mitch MartinProgram Coordinator Lauren BergerCultural Arts & Membership Coordinator Elysa StarkYouth Director Zack Smith

Baal Korei Joe FuchsRitual Director Julie RisiskyGabbaim Steve Ginsburg, Robb Kantor*, Bill Fine, Linda Ehrlich, Neil Friedman

b’NaI toRah coNgRegatIoN 6261 S.W. 18th Street | Boca Raton, Florida 33433

(561) 392-8566 | www.btcboca.org

President Toby Levi*

Executive Vice President Steve Ginsburg

Vice Presidents Marvin Finkelstein Jerry Budney Richard Birdie Eric Klein*

Treasurer Stan Kutlin

Secretary Marcy Kammerman

Financial Secretary Rick SchusterTrustees: Michael BerezinTerry BresnickCarmen CunhaDavid DweckShula Fleischer*Marleen Forkas*Scott Frank

Edward LevineRobert NeimanMurray RehnerJulie RisiskyCheryl RymerEd SopherArthur Stark

Women’s League President Joanne Shulman

Men’s Club President Larry Faerman

Foundation President Spencer Sax*

Synagogue Counsel Kenneth Lipman, Esq.*Ner Tamid Society Member