body fat .docx

Burn fat ,control Body Fat Planning…燃燒脂肪.降低體脂率全計劃 慢性病、體型走樣、肝功能指數升高 A chronic illness figure to lose shape raise of liver function. Nearly age of 30,or over 30 is it found that your weight have changing,,and your body shape also starting to changing Fat on !ip , sto"ach statrting thic#en , loose and you will get fatty day after day, anf your face will loo# sli", eyelid to cave in and s#in starting loose.$ven ur weight didn%t changing a lot but your body shape was changing day by day. "iddle&aged got big sto"ach,hip loose , waist loose, thigh drowned fle'ibility , ar" to change unwanted fat.(his is because of your body fat,wanna get bac# your body shape,then you have to start ta#e your action in all around your body. 接近 30、或! 30 "#$%$&'()*" +,-./0123"4456789:;<=>?@=!AB CDED"脂肪&'/F/G/HI8JK>"2LMNOPQ RSTUMNVWXYZ[\4H]^_性, `a;bc8de"%edf"%f>g +h"ij,kl/1mnop"qr*"2Usstu!vw"/0g JoxyzCD{|}~HI;•,_性、‚)ƒ="„4……† ‡ˆ‰Š‹Œ$*23"脂肪ŽB ‘’“”M"樣,–—˜™š脂肪&'› 體脂肪B )hat is Body fat Before that all people *ust thin#ing that + having ideal weight so never worried about the fatty proble",now day weight cannot to be "a#e sure you are healthy, for now day B- FA( was a i"portant thing for you to thin#ing. Body fat won%t effect your outloo#h becourse it%s deep inside your body. /o body fat "easure tool is the best to help you deter"ine body fat inside your body. +f body fat nerve is higher that "ean it%s easy to let u get sic#. Body fat "easure is following theory of electrical i"pedance hu"an body, using lower power to testing,because body fat won%t effect by electric,and hu"an body 01 is can accept lower elcrtic,if the electric level high "ean body fat was a lot deep inside body.Body fat is can%t see or fwlt with our eyes,the "ain point have body fat it%s because didn%t do e'ercise and the food have ta#en. 1

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Post on 07-Aug-2018




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Burn fat ,control Body Fat Planning…燃燒脂肪.降低體脂率全計劃


A chronic illness ,figure to lose shape, raise of liver function.

Nearly age of 30,or over 30 is it found that your weight have changing,,and your body

shape also starting to changing Fat on !ip , sto"ach statrting thic#en , loose and you

will get fatty day after day, anf your face will loo# sli", eyelid to cave in and s#in

starting loose.$ven ur weight didn%t changing a lot but your body shape was changing day

by day. "iddle&aged got big sto"ach,hip loose , waist loose, thigh drowned fle'ibility ,

ar" to change unwanted fat.(his is because of your body fat,wanna get bac# your body

shape,then you have to start ta#e your action in all around your body.

接近 30、或! 30"#,$%$&'()*"










)hat is Body fat

Before that all people *ust thin#ing that + having ideal weight so never worried about

the fatty proble",now day weight cannot to be "a#e sure you are healthy, for now day B-

FA( was a i"portant thing for you to thin#ing. Body fat won%t effect your outloo#h

becourse it%s deep inside your body. /o body fat "easure tool is the best to help you

deter"ine body fat inside your body. +f body fat nerve is higher that "ean it%s easy to

let u get sic#. Body fat "easure is following theory of electrical i"pedance hu"an body,using lower power to testing,because body fat won%t effect by electric,and hu"an body

01 is can accept lower elcrtic,if the electric level high "ean body fat was a lot deep

inside body.Body fat is can%t see or fwlt with our eyes,the "ain point have body fat

it%s because didn%t do e'ercise and the food have ta#en.


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¬%$®¯°±²³"´?¤¥,)µ8體脂肪率>2Body fat¶$·¸¹º»¼½¾高、能¿ÀÁ








因»a體äåJ"體脂肪$%í電",R其他非體脂肪D分k 0%»水分$‡ž通電",如果電阻愈






體 率$慢性病"指¤

1 of body fat is the co rse getting sic#ness.

nce you have found body fat is too high, that "ean you have to chec#ing blood

pressure,sugar level ,livel function ect,trying to founding the best way to reduce your

weight,control your food potion and do so"e e'ercise.




Now day B4+ *ust only can helping you calculated your ideal weight , the accurate is using

45+ to testing your liver function .

高FG指‚,øH體脂肪率^õ7計I B4+"ü式2JI‚,K能透¼L"MÙÚ¯,û¼¥"$Ø


+f Body Fat higher day after day ,liver function also will beca"e wea# and will get sic#,

6 starting "aybe *ust abbreviation of fiber , if still didn%t get the true treat"ent

it%s will beca"e cirrhosis7. No any "edicine will i"prove the 8iver fat unless -+$(.


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B4+ too higher "ean defect by body fat

B4+ we usual using still can test body fat inside our body.



Related Between BMI AND DEAD, at America have do a lot experiment , and it’s proving that this 2 was

related. hen BMI index on 22 ! this is health" index # this gro$p people was %ar %rom heart attac& and

the other sic&ness. 'hat wh" health o%%ice was s$pport people mantian BMI index (etween )*+22. 'he

%ormat to calc$lated BMI was eas", $st $sing "o$r EI-' and EI-'.BMI index i% drop on 2/ doctor

will advise "o$ to diet .Eas" wa" $st "o$ was over weight that mean "o$r BMI index was over 22. $nless

the" are athlete !weight o% their m$scle# and %or someone who are in ideal weight not mean the" are

sa%e o% BMI index.

B4+!{|率"ÉÊ,}~¬•ËF"€,¹‚ƒ‚„&½ƒ$kÛÜ"É…†其JP†‚,當 B4+指數‡ˆ 99NûÁÂ"¤¥úS^,Š‹a$‰Š4‹ê病、慢性病ûŒ"Ž†

因,u‘BC’K?§8:;9<>E動,Ñ–$` B4+“B :;” 9<[,óô內"–—,˜!‡ž™&°±š›,Þ能œÁÂ3"žŸ†


B4+¡ 9<"a,體脂率¢6–高,T£œ¤病¥?Îìp°†




"etabolis" and age to assu"e inverse ratio ,to let body fat drop you shouldbe diet and not lose weight=


«ÐÁÂ"aŒO¬,脂率®%$?¯°±"Ɔ²¯"²i³³XƆ*"2脂肪×´"ϵ†¶性ÁÂ"脂率$ 9:&9<1,·性$ :<&:1,%¸u¹º¯aŒk23


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  :> 通¸Ä*Í




ž -ecrease Body Fat Percentage /tep :


ê4¨ë4$ϬÐ"ìÐÌí³³*îïðBÎV4、¬4†低脂ññòÑËó,ôõ、;ô¨ëÏÑ$kö"ϬÐÌí†6:7 ¸òa‡žKk :01"Mò÷øùÌ2ϬÐ,1$如果*‘úû脂肪,æ¯Ïµì升ª 9?&301†697


ž -ecrease Body Fat Percentage /tep 9

*ÛìO¬,*依«ÛììÐ脂肪†?‹a相信½脂或低脂Ä*–$ó"Ä*†ó›,低脂Ä*确实$,1$K*¸确Ä*ââN$",*‡能ã•错"S†*ÛìðB*ØìÐ脂肪†ìÐ脂肪N%饱¨脂肪,欧米伽 3¨ @S ‡ž促进脂肪燃ܨ新陈\谢637



ž -ecrease Body Fat Percentage /tep 3


W @012XY"能¯Ìí†×žRu¹‘?‹其他Zõ›†à水0Aj[\†æTüõ]^"_`‰理$c*kabìÎ低à水0AjÄ*N;c$º 0.<?#g+分d :gà水0AjS,R*"2进入分n脂肪"ef†«^*Î?b高à水0AjÄ*,R新陈\谢加g†如果Sk0?b高à水0AjÄ*,*"新陈\谢ãh-†6<7


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iA"âjA入†ékà水0AjN糙米、ôõ、lmS‡žn3op[HÎN?@ÌÔ%œCZqÎS†Rr°à水0AjîïKst^Άá*"2还ÅÆ‚uâ,r°à水0AjNÏ如5S‡ž¹äåQ5原,R%$脂肪†637 其他âv–ûóGÎ!†

ž -ecrease Body Fat Percentage /tep <




ž -ecrease Body Fat Percentage /tep ?

‘ΆÁÂ2脂肪D新陈\谢,’其$*ͪû^ ?&:0“N9.3&<.?#gS"âv†Q!‚新陈\谢,*Ûì%”Ά1$慢&g*‡能ÓÔ¸ºbîïÎ ?&@


á*?ÈÎ小;"âv,*"2?ȗݘ™š,®Ã%燃Ü脂肪†æç,*›3%ã·¸ :001感ªœ|†×žºb‡žÎ ?&@,./ž¸;加a小Ά‘õ$?ç",1$lŸÐÞkö!†6@7


ž -ecrease Body Fat Percentage /tep @







D  9> 通¸ÅÆÍ2-  肪


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ž -ecrease Body Fat Percentage /tep



¾¿<、ÀÁ¨ÂÆKìæTÅÆ能R*"ŠÄÂÐÞ:Þk´,0–$úÐ"†ž -ecrease Body Fat Percentage /tep ;



ž -ecrease Body Fat Percentage /tep




其他aÔ,îïô全分Ù"âj•æa+,Nk³Åƨ´¯stS†还kaPQ如lÅÆîï,ËD*"ø¼NìÍ轻+Bk³ÅÆìõS†?‹aÔSÇö,ï‹•–J!† 6;7 其他Ôõ÷B*PQø¿ûAi–ø¿•³³æ‹Ôõèkìp†

ž -ecrease Body Fat Percentage /tep :0

Yù高强¾júst†高强¾júst如µûü?ↀ¨†æTüõ‡žÞý"âjù燃ÜWÞF"脂肪,;ŸŒþâÿ†Xã刻—升*"新陈\谢,®[^?ÈB–高ef³³Ñ^燃öîÕæ¯词–$æ¿Ì"†67 מ*即使KÅÆ! :?分钟,ÑSk问题†

高强¾jústSk/须遵守"õ则,K$低强¾-Ž¨高强¾-Ž[j[\即‡†举¯µ<B¸¹机3走?分钟,紧接& 30秒"急gŽ刺†Ïµ,ËD*23†

ž -ecrease Body Fat Percentage /tep ::6

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ž -ecrease Body Fat Percentage /tep :9

õ"¯æ †*"2Ûì"êÌ‚¸òÅφ€¨†,?n3"êD &;小â"aÞÿ#±†原因D*"$š†*‡žï‡能ÎÐÁÂ,1$*ðñ%!*"$š


ž -ecrease Body Fat Percentage /tep :3


¶性ºb* 3升水N./*jJ"水S c6:07 ®Ãì*1水g?51水·"‡ž6小â!把*"新陈\谢—升3`7†6::7

ž -ecrease Body Fat Percentage /tep :<

锻炼[H*89†€¨†,89因能刺$:zö;,q加<3=š水À†<3=šž<3=Ž"ü式¨>,®Ãã?2@A信¢,R2Ù'分n脂肪ÝB†«^æ‹脂肪¹/放4CJ,燃ÜDï† 6:97如果*‘ìÌÌæ…*$³kö,0–锻炼H*589›†


ž -ecrease Body Fat Percentage /tep :?ÁÂL式Í°†如果*M!?¯ÑNpÕ,0O…%$ÁÂ"ü式†½¾*$PQR*还$%Îå?T*j,如果%$‡BŠ",‡能Œ%'ó†*‡能[HÑ!n¸?‹S+"Ë果,0$因Q#ÈTU新陈\谢,û^2½õVB!†×žÁÂL式Í°†BÁÂ,ÁÂW;†


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?AÁÂ"¶性通òk 9:&9<1"脂肪,ª 3:1Ñ$‡ž接X"†…D·性,iY"脂率$ :<&:1,高ª 9?1Ñ$‡ž"†º¯aŒk/ì"脂肪水ÀN·性Ï–低S†a$%‡能Sk脂肪"† 6:37 מ숉-¿…*ÌÔ$ûó",žD-¿$>实‡ž»ª"†

ž -ecrease Body Fat Percentage /tep :@

Å؈TZ[\¯*"2脂肪†\¯脂率"üõk¡¸oT,%¸%$×k"üõŒ?È :001]确†ìÍ?7^{\¯*"2脂肪NÖÈ?3、;ý^、锻炼HS_`ˆT%Íüõ†


Bod" %at percentage is the percentage o% "o$r weight that is made $p o% %at. It consists o% (oth storage

(od" %at and essential (od" %at. 'here are several wa"s to calc$late "o$r (od" %at percentage,

incl$ding (ioelectrical impedance anal"sis, s&in%old methods and other anthropometric methods, or

methods involving the circ$m%erence o% vario$s (od" parts. ere0s a method to calc$late "o$r (od" %at

$sing onl" "o$r scale and a calc$lator.

Step 1: Know the recommended body fat percentile ranges

'he %irst step in (eginning the process o% $nderstanding how to calc$late "o$r ideal (od" %at is to

consider varia(les s$ch as (od" t"pe, heredit", age, activit" and gender. 1or instance, health" (od" %at

percentage ranges %or women tend to (e higher than those %or men, as women need more (od" %at. A

certain amo$nt o% %at is important %or (odil" %$nctions. It reg$lates "o$r (od" temperat$re, c$shions

organs and tiss$es and is the main %orm o% "o$r (od"’s energ" storage. o it0s important that "o$ don0t

have either too m$ch or too little (od" %at. Ma"o 3linic sta%%, as well as other health pro%essionals, list

the %ollowing age+ad$sted (od" %at percentile recommendations4


25+/5 "rs old4 6nder%at4 $nder 2) percent, ealth"4 2)+77 percent, 8verweight4 77+79 percent,

8(ese4 8ver 79 percent

/)+:5 "rs old4 6nder%at4 $nder 27 percent, ealth"4 27+7; percent, 8verweight 4 7;+/5 percent8(ese4 over /5 percent

:)+<9 "rs old4 6nder%at4 $nder 2/ percent, ealth"4 7:+/2 percent, 8verweight4 7:+/2 percent,

8(ese4 over /2 percent



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25+/5 "rs old4 6nder%at4 $nder * percent, ealth"4 *+)9 percent, 8verweight4 )9+2; percent,

8(ese4 over 2; percent

/)+:5 "rs old4 6nder%at4 $nder )) percent, ealth"4 ))+22 percent, 8verweight4 22+2< percent,

8(ese4 over 2< percent

:)+<9 "rs old4 6nder%at4 $nder )7 percent, ealth"4 )7+2; percent, 8verweight4 2;+75 percent,

8(ese4 over 75 percent

Step 2: Weigh yourself 

8(tain as acc$rate a (od" weight as possi(le. Di%%erent scales o%ten give di%%erent n$m(ers, and

depending on the time o% da" "o$ weigh "o$rsel%, "o$r n$m(ers ma" var". 'r" weighing "o$rsel% on the

same scale at approximatel" the same time o% da" over a %ew da"s to get an average o% "o$r (od"


Step 3: Calculate your body mass index !M"#

=o$ can easil" calc$late "o$r BMI  (" dividing "o$r weight in po$nds (" "o$r height in inches s>$ared,

and then m$ltipl"ing (" a conversion %actor o% <57. 6sing the example o% a );5+po$nd person who is

%ive %eet %ive inches !or :; inches#, the calc$lation wo$ld loo& li&e this4 ?);5 @ !:;# x <57 C 2/.9:

Step $: Calculate your body fat percentage

According to a st$d" p$(lished in the British Journal of Nutrition in )99), i% "o$ are an ad$lt, "o$r

percentage o% (od" %at can (e estimated as acc$ratel" as with s&in%old meas$rements and (ioelectrical

tests $sing the %ollowing gender+(ased %orm$las in con$nction with "o$r BMI. 'his calc$lation has (een

shown to slightl" overestimate (od" %at percentage in people who are ver" overweight. 'a&e "o$r BMI

res$lt %rom tep 7 and pl$g it into the appropriate %orm$la (elow to calc$late "o$r (od" %at



!).25 x BMI# !5.27 x Age# + ;./ C Bod" 1at ercentage


!).25 x BMI# !5.27 x Age# + ):.2 C Bod" 1at ercentage

Step %: Compare your body fat percentage to the percentiles listed in

Step 1

'a&e a moment to compare the res$lt "o$ got in tep / to the (od" %at percentiles in tep ). 3omparing

"o$r res$lts with these n$m(ers sho$ld give "o$ a good indication o% how close or how %ar "o$ ma" (e

%rom "o$r ideal (od" %at percentage.

 Track Your Body Fat


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When you begin a new tne!! "rogra# or increa!e the inten!ity o$ your

!e!!ion! in the gy#% chance! are you&re 'o!ing $at but gaining #u!c'e% !ay!

Fabio (o#ana% )*% e+erci!e "hy!io'ogi!t with the ,#erican (ounci' on

-+erci!e. ,nd% a! you know% #u!c'e beat! $at $or #any rea!on!. /)u!c'e

u!e! #ore ca'orie!% e0en at re!t% !o you gain the "otentia' to boo!t your

re!ting #etabo'ic rate% !ay! anet Wa'berg ankin% h% "ro$e!!or in the

e"art#ent o$ u#an utrition% Food! and -+erci!e at irginia Tech. /,nd#u!c'e! he'" u! "er$or# better% i$ we&re co#"eting or u!t want to be ab'e

to 'a!t through our workout or e+erci!e c'a!!.

 You !hou'dn&t ditch #ea!ure#ent! a'together% howe0er. :n!tead% !"ort!

nutritioni!t! and trainer! urge acti0e wo#en to con!ider where their $at i!

!tored. That&! becau!e wo#en can be /!kinny $at% a""earing to be hea'thy

ba!ed on weight and height a'one% but "o!!e!!ing "ocket! o$ $at in targeted

area! that "ut! the# at higher ri!k $or certain hea'th condition!.

,bdo#ina' $at% $or e+a#"'e% i! increa!ing'y 'inked to #etabo'ic !yndro#e

and heart di!ea!e; wo#en who!e wai!t! are 35 inche! or #ore ha0e a

higher ri!k o$ hea'th "rob'e#! than tho!e with !#a''er wai!t!% no #atter

how #uch they weigh. ,nd a ani!h !tudy in (ircu'ation $ound that e+tra

body $at in wo#en&! hi"! can increa!e the ri!k o$ 0enou! thro#boe#bo'i!#%

or dangerou! b'ood c'ot! in the 0ein!.

*o it&! i#"ortant to con!ider your o0era'' body $at% and where it #ight be

'anding. Though there&! no !uch thing a! !"ot reduction% targeted training

can he'" decrea!e your body $at and increa!e your #u!c'e < 'eading to a

'eaner 'ooking body. /educing your o0era'' body $at through #ethod! o$

re!i!tance training and cardio are the be!t way! to change your body

co#"o!ition%= !ay! >ue0edo.

ew techno'ogy i! i#"ro0ing the accuracy o$ o0era'' body $at

#ea!ure#ent!. Wo#en !eeking o"ti#a' tne!! 'e0e'! !hou'd ai# $or about

16 to 25 "ercent body $at% !ay! ?ath'een @aAua'e% h% ath'etic trainer atBridgewater *tate (o''ege in )a!!achu!ett!. Though tne!! co#"etitor!

#ay ai# $or 'ower 'e0e'!% anything be'ow 15 "ercent !i#"'y can&t be

!u!tained $or the 'ong ter# without hea'th ri!k!.

*o i$ you need a way to gauge your t "rogre!! by !eeing a change in

nu#ber!% check u" on your body $at in!tead o$ the !ca'e. ,nd !o#e o$ the


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!i#"'e!t techniAue!% $ro# 'ooking in the #irror to Ci""ing u" your ean!% wi''

$urther he'" #a" your !ucce!! and boo!t your condence a! you !hed $at%

bui'd #u!c'e and get on the way to reaching a'' your goa'!.

 You need at 'ea!t three "ercent $at on your body u!t to 'i0e% e+"'ain!

?ath'een @aAua'e% h% ath'etic trainer at Bridgewater *tate (o''ege in

)a!!achu!ett!. ro" be'ow 15 "ercent $or a 'ong ti#e% and you ri!k 'o!ingyour "eriod% de0e'o"ing o!teo"oro!i! and !uDering genera' $atigue. =, body<

$at "ercentage that&! too 'ow can be har#$u' to your hea'th and we''<being%=

@aAua'e !ay!. For hea'thy body<$at "ercentage range! ba!ed on your tne!!

'e0e'% $o''ow the!e gui'de'ine!E

 To" ath'ete!E 15 to 2

Fit wo#enE 21 to 24

ea'thyGacce"tab'eE 25 to 32

H0erweightE 33 "'u!

5 -!!entia'! $or ea'thy Fat @o!!

?ee" your body $at in check with the!e H+ygen<a""ro0ed !trategie!E

*trength train. ,dding weight! into your routine not on'y #ake! you

!tronger and 'eaner% it a'!o increa!e! your #etabo'i!# and he'"! you burn

#ore $at.

-at c'ean $ood!% !uch a! who'e grain!. , 29 !tudy in the ourna' o$

utrition $ound that "eo"'e who con!u#e the highe!t a#ount! o$ who'e

grain! ha0e 2.4 'e!! body $at than tho!e who eat the 'ea!t.

onIt $orget the cardio. Try adding one<#inute inter0a'! into your "rogra#

to u" your energy and b'a!t $at.

'an 0e to !i+ #ea'! a day in!tead o$ three 'arge one!% and ne0er !ki"


Ji0e it !o#e ti#e. >uick re!u't! u!ua''y donIt 'a!t% !o go with the !'ow<and<

!teady a""roach to reach your goa'!% and !tay 'ean.

Many things play a role in a person's body composition, including gender, diet, fitness level, genetics

and activity level. When evaluating body fat, it is important to remember that it's not only high levels of


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fat that can be a risk, but also levels that are too low. The optimal level of body fat isn't always the

lowest and varies with each individual.

LowThis classification usually encompasses elite female athletes. For women ages 19 to 29,

anything under 19 percent is considered low. Women ages 30 to 39 should be under 21 percent,

while women in their 0s should be under 2 percent to be classified as low body fat. Women!0 years old and older who are less than 2" percent body fat are included in the low body fat

category. #a$ing too little body fat could impact muscle function and other body systems.

Healthy%ost women who e&ercise regularly and are in good condition are included in the 'healthy'

 body fat range. Women ages 19 to 29 whose body fat is between 19 to 22 percent are included

in the healthy range. (lso included are women ages 30 to 39 with body fat between 20 to 2

 percent. Women in their 0s with body fat between 23 percent and 2) percent, and women !0

and older with body fat from 2) to 31 percent are well within the healthy range of body fat.

How Much at is !"#

The $merican %ouncil on &ercise provides the following ranges for body(fat percentage)

Women Men

&ssential fat *+(*- (-

 $thletes *(+- /(*0-

itness *(- *(*1-

 $cceptable 2(0*- *3(2-

!bese 0- plus /- plus

Are You Calling Me FAT?

,t 'ea!t thatI! what con0entiona' #edicine te''! #e. But thereI! #ore to the


)o!t doctor! u!e your body #a!! inde+ KB):L to deter#ine i$ youIre

underweight% nor#a'% o0erweight or obe!e. The B): i! a chart that #ea!ure!


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your height% weight% and age and !how! you a !tandardiCed "ercentage o$

body $at.

But the B): i! #ea!uring the wrong thing. :t #ea!ure! #u!c'e and $at. Thi!

can #i!'ead you and #ake you think youIre obe!e.

, re'iab'e way to nd out i$ youIre at a natura' weight i! to #ea!ure body

co#"o!ition. Thi! te!t co#"are! the a#ount o$ $at to #u!c'e% water% and

bone! $or accurate re!u't!.

: #ay be o0erweight on the B): !ca'e% but #y rea' body $at "ercentage i!

23 "ercent M we'' within the t range $or body co#"o!ition. K*ee chart


 The B): a'!o #ake! underweight #i!take!. : ha0e c'ient! who in!i!t theyIre

nor#a' and t becau!e the B): te''! the# !o. ,nd their con0entiona' doctor!

agree. Then : a!k the# i$ they know their body co#"o!ition. The an!wer i!a'#o!t a'way! no.

When : #ea!ure% : nd #any o$ #y "atient! are not a! /hea'thy a! they


When : !ee c'ient! in #y !tudio% : u!e good o'd<$a!hioned ca'i"er! to

#ea!ure #y c'ientI! body co#"o!ition. : 'ike thi! #ethod becau!e itI!

accurate% ea!y% and $a!t. You can do thi! at ho#e on your own. :$ youId 'ike%

you can get the !a#e ca'i"er! : u!e here.

 ThereI! an e0en #ore dangerou! Naw in the B):E :t canIt #ea!ure dead'y

0i!cera' $at. Thi! ty"e o$ $at co''ect! in your abdo#ina' ca0ity and !urround!

your organ!% re!tricting the#. i!cera' $at a'!o i! a ha0en $or to+in! that

cannot be c'eaned by the 'i0er% which then contribute! to heart di!ea!e%

diabete!% and cancer.1

, wai!t circu#$erence te!t i! a !i#"'e way to !ee i$ youIre at ri!k $or ha0ing

0i!cera' $at. u!t wra" a Ne+ib'e #ea!uring ta"e around the !#a''e!t "art o$your wai!t. Then nd your nu#ber on the chart be'ow. By knowing where

you !tand and taking action% youIre he'"ing "re0ent dead'y !ickne!! and



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:(* here in orthern :re'and i! !u""orting a new "ub'ic in$or#ation

ca#"aign to tack'e o0erweight and obe!ity by the ub'ic ea'th ,gency


 The ca#"aign i! taking two #ain a""roache!E

1. e'"ing "eo"'e to identi$y whether they are inching toward! bad hea'th

by being o0erweight or obe!e.

2. HDering ad0ice on !#a'' !te"! that they can take to he'" reduce their

wai!t !iCe.