bollington church news october 2020 (print edition 50p ... · church news...

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Page 1: BOLLINGTON CHURCH NEWS October 2020 (Print edition 50p ... · Church News St John’s Headteacher: Mrs Melanie Walker 01625 572025 CE School

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October 2020

(Print edition 50p)

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Vicar The Revd Canon Veronica Hydon 01625 422849

[email protected]

Reader Anne Coomes 01625 571144

[email protected]

Churchwarden Christine Osbaldiston 01625 575589

[email protected]

Churchwarden Hilary Young 01625 574725

[email protected]

PCC Secretary Julie Brunt 01625 574334

[email protected]

PCC Treasurer Richard Raymond 01625 612025

[email protected]

Bollington Editorial Team: 07989 719608

Church News [email protected]

St John’s Headteacher: Mrs Melanie Walker 01625 572025

CE School [email protected]

Bollington Cross Headteacher: Mr Yenson Donbavand 01625 572138

CE School [email protected]

Electoral Roll Officer Jackie Pengelly 01625 572645

[email protected]

Children & Families Beverley Nixon 01625 500970

Worker [email protected]

Parish Giving Officer Dr Christopher Ward 01625 573892

[email protected]

Lay members of the Parochial Church Council:

Christine Osbaldiston, Hilary Young, Julie Brunt, Richard Raymond, Anne Coomes (ex officio),

Ken Bennett, Cheryl Bush, Sally Garnett, Alison Grimshaw, Beverley Nixon, Maggie O'Donnell,

Jackie Pengelly, Simon Thomas, Chris Ward, Angela Williams

Deanery Synod: Sue Berry and Anthea Wilkinson

Diocesan Synod: Beverley Nixon and Richard Raymond

The Annual Parochial Church Meeting has been postponed because of the COVID-19

emergency. It will now take place on 18 October at 10.30am. Members of the PCC,

Deanery Synod members and Churchwardens have all had their periods of office extended

accordingly (following a legal provision made by the acting Bishop of Chester).

St Oswald’s Church, Bollington Road, SK10 5EG

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Cover Comment:

Ann Stringer has entertained us on

the cover of our magazine with an

extract from John Betjeman’s

poem about a Church mouse

enjoying the riches of Harvest Festival. I’m not sure whether or not we have

any mice at St Oswald’s Church. Modern Harvest Festivals seem to bring lots of

tinned goods, so any mice would find lean pickings.

Anyway, in the Harvest month we turn our thoughts to the fact that, ultimately,

it is God who feeds us all in the animal kingdom including human beings. In the

Lord’s Prayer we ask God to give us our “Daily Bread”, and he does. But I

wonder if you have ever noticed that in conjunction with our daily bread we

ask God to forgive us our trespasses. Bread and forgiveness are joined by a

conjunction: daily bread AND forgiveness!

Thus, I believe, we depend upon God for our bodily needs (bread) and our

spiritual needs (forgiveness). And we believe he is generous with both.

Even in this terrible year, we can still thank God - for his mercy is ever faithful,

ever sure!

Roy Arnold

And from food to feedback…

It’s always good to get some of this from our readers - it proves we’ve still got some!

We’ve included some feedback in this issue from Mike Hall and Sally Garnett, who

commented on articles that appeared in the September magazine.

Please keep on sending in articles! E-mail to [email protected]


Deadline for November Magazine 12 October 2020

What can you offer in the way of an article?

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“For everything there is a season, and a time for every

purpose under heaven” (Book of Ecclesiastes, chapter 3,

verse 1).

By the time you pick up this edition of Bollington

Church News, no doubt you will have become aware

that I now feel the time has come for me to retire as

Vicar of Bollington, and the date I have set for this is 31

December 2020, that is, in three months’ time. It hasn’t

been an easy decision to make, especially in this strange period as we gradually

and cautiously emerge from lockdown, but it does seem the right thing, for me

personally as well as for the parish, at this important transition point. Looking

back into the history books of Bollington Parish, there have been very few

Vicars who have served here for as long as I have, but those who have done so

are the very first incumbent Revd George Palmer (1839 – 1852), Revd

Frederick Richardson (1856 - 1896) and of course the Vicar who was

responsible for the building of St Oswald’s Church, Revd Charles Brooke-

Gwynne (1897 – 1909). An illustrious ancestry indeed!

Some of you may

remember my induction

service over 13 years

ago at St Oswald’s

Church led by +Nigel

Stock, then the Bishop

of Stockport, on 15

March 2007. Here is a

photo of some of “the

great and the good”

who duly received a

small token of thanks for

being present: Revd

Patrick Angier (then recently appointed as Vicar of Prestbury and ex-officio

patron of the Parish of Bollington), Canon Taffy Davies (the Rural Dean at the

time), Bishop Nigel, and the Venerable Richard Gillings (Archdeacon of

Macclesfield). Looking at this picture, you’ll notice that either they are all very

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tall or I am much shorter than I think I am! And of course you will realise that

all but two of us have already retired since this photo was taken! I think the

record for being the longest serving Vicar of Bollington will forever remain

safely attributed to Revd Frederick Richardson who died in post after 40 years

here and who like Revd George Palmer (who unfortunately also died in post

but at only 38 years old) is buried in St John’s Churchyard. Sadly the only other

Vicar who died in post here, whilst a relatively young husband and father, was

Revd William David Thomas (whose cremated remains are now at rest in the

Columbarium). Part of Fr Thomas’ legacy was to inspire one particular young

teenager to think seriously about serving the Church in some small way, and

that person went on to become a much-respected Parish Priest, Diocesan

Communications Officer and a Canon of Sheffield Cathedral (none other than

our beloved Roy Arnold).

By the end of October I will have reached the exalted age of 68, God willing!

Whilst I have certainly felt as if I was in the right place serving as Vicar here in

Bollington, equally it now seems right to pass the weight of responsibility for

this “cure of souls” on to someone new. The process of selection for my

successor can begin as soon as the PCC has formally met with the present

Rural Dean, Revd Dr John Harries, who in consultation with our patron and the

present Archdeacon, the Ven. Ian Bishop, will help the PCC to draw up a person

specification and create an attractive parish profile, ready for advertising the

soon-to-be-vacant post of Vicar of Bollington, probably well before Christmas. It

will be a wrench to retire from a post I have for the most part greatly enjoyed,

but I hope I have helped to build on the good foundations of all my

predecessors and will leave the parish in excellent hands and good spirits as the

New Year unfolds. There will be plenty of time between now and then to make

our farewells properly, but suffice it to say that no-one is ever able to succeed

as Vicar of any parish without the continued selfless service and loving co-

operation of a whole congregation of people on whom the ever-changing

Christian work and witness in any place and time depends. Thank you all for

having enabled me to serve for so many years here with you in the Happy


Every blessing, Veronica

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FEEDBACK - Two readers’ responses:

How to memorise the Quarter Days

I was reading the article about Quarter Days by Dave Williams in the

September issue of the Church News and realised that it is almost sixty years

since I learnt how to work out the dates of the quarter days.

I was a clerk in the Midland Bank in Winchester. This was in the days before

computers and when we received ‘standing order’ instructions from customers

to make regular payments from their account we had to raise a diary card with

the details on it.

One day we received instructions from a farmer to make rent payments from

his account on the quarter days. I had no idea when these were and this is how

I was told to remember them.

The key date is Christmas Day, December twenty-fifth and then they are every

three months after that.

The word March has five letters so the next date is March twenty-fifth (Lady


June has four letters so the date is June twenty-fourth (Midsummer day).

And lastly September has nine letters so the final date is September twenty-

ninth (Michaelmas day).

For some reason I have never forgotten this mnemonic although I don’t think I

have ever needed to use it since that day! Mike Hall

Memories of Telford/Dawley

We enjoyed reading about Telford in the August edition of Church News as we

also have links to the new town/old villages. Mum was born and bred in

neighbouring Lilleshall with its old abbey and obelisk on the hill (now without

its lions – see picture, it takes some searching for these on the back lanes!).

My Grandma was also born and bred in Dawley, the daughter of the baker; she

would have to deliver the bread to customers before she went to school at the

turn of the century. We went to Blist’s Hill Victorian Town in Dawley, where

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Mum announced that Dawley was the place ‘where they put the pig on the wall

to watch the band go by’. Everyone turned around with the their jaw on the

floor – what????? Traditionally, Dawley residents would show their support for

The Dawley Prize Band or other civic marches by placing their pigs on their

walls. The pig also features in the dialect, with a romantic phrase apparently

being "I wudna swop thee for a big black pig!

Dawley was also the birthplace of Captain Matthew Webb, the first person to

swim the channel. Sally Garnett

A postcard showing a staged re-

enactment of the (possibly

apocryphal) Dawley Pig on the

Wall legend.

Editor (who is great-grandson of the Dawley butcher William Clayton.)

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More tales from the organ loft

Several years ago (and I have stopped

shaking now so I can relate my

experience) I was asked by my younger

son if Michael and I could get to York on a

Saturday afternoon. He had my birthday

present and it was a surprise. Dressed in

waterproofs and sturdy boots (this is

relevant) we went by train to the city and

had a good time visiting our usual haunts

before meeting with son and daughter-in-law.

We were taken to a lovely hotel on The Mount, near the famous school where

Dame Judi Dench had been a pupil, and a delightful afternoon tea was served. I

was very pleased with my surprise present and tucked in. To my further

surprise, a taxi appeared and we were invited to board. The taxi driver would

not tell me where we were going and I was quite perplexed as he drove

through the city and eventually drew up in The Minster forecourt. There we got

out and my son led the way into the transept entrance. Don't forget we were in

hiking gear!.

Evensong was just finishing and the Dean of York entered the nave, dressed in

full ceremonial vestments. It was at this point that I was told that I had

permission to play the Great Organ and I experienced stage-fright for the first

time in my life. The Master of the Music, Robert Sharpe, led me up the narrow,

twisting staircase to the mighty organ and told me that he had a meeting and

would leave me to my own devices. He lent me his music and hymn books and

switched on the console and went, so I took off my hiking boots and cagoule,

(not good for finesse) and played to my heart's content to an empty Minster. I

can assure you that it is even more huge when seen from the organ loft. It

wasn't completely empty. There were two visitors who had travelled from

Canada to hear all the organs in the Cathedrals of England. They had special

permission to stay and listen to the visiting organist. Yes, dear reader, that was


It was a special privilege to play that instrument in my beloved Minster and it

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was an extremely thoughtful present which I will always treasure, and a short

while after the experience, the organ was dismantled and sent away to be

refurbished. This was a planned procedure and nothing to do with me!!

My next present the following year, was equally nerve-wracking, but that is

another story. Jennifer Burdekin.

Stop Press!

We look forward to being able to welcome you back into church very soon!

Subject to maintaining good progress with our Building Project (see page 12),

we are now hoping to be able to open up the church again for

worship at least from October onwards! Due to Covid-19 Track & Trace

requirements and the reduction of available seating to comply with social

distancing rules, we will need to operate an advance booking system for

attendance at our Sunday services (which we anticipate as a simple said

Parish Communion at 10.30am each week). We will soon be advertising (on the

weekly sheets and on our website) the number you will need to ring to make

sure we have room for you on any given Sunday! Also this month we hope to

resume our 9.30am Thursday morning weekly Holy Communion, but you will

not need to book in advance for these, as we normally expect fewer people at

these weekday services.

If all goes well, we will celebrate Harvest Festival with Parish Communion at

10.30am on Sunday 11 October: our

chosen charity this year is Water Aid,

but non-perishable produce may be

brought for the HOPE Central

Foodbank. On the following Sunday 18

October we will hold our Annual

Parochial Meeting at 10.30am, followed

by a simple service of Holy Communion.

You will need to book in advance for

either or both of these services. Hope to

see you there!


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Brain teaser: - What do all these people have in common?

Francis Xavier (1506-1552) is regarded as one of the greatest missionaries

since Saint Paul, and was a co-founder of the Jesuits (Society of Jesus).

John Bunyan (1628-1688) was a writer and Puritan preacher, best

remembered as the author of the Christian allegory The Pilgrim’s Progress.

Simon Browne (1680-1732) was a dissenting minister who killed a

highwayman in self-defence during a violent struggle. A short time later his wife

and son died. The depression brought on by these misfortunes led him to

abandon his ministry by the end of that year.

Charles Wesley (1707-1788) was the 18th child in the family that included his

brother John Wesley. Both were ordained into the Church of England and

Charles insisted that he remained a member of this Church until his death.

John Henry Newman (1801–1890) was an English theologian and poet, first

an Anglican priest and later a Catholic priest and cardinal, who was an

important and controversial figure in the religious history of England in the 19th

century. He was canonised as a saint in the Catholic Church in 2019.

George Matheson (1842-1906) was a pastor in the Church of Scotland who

lost his sight while training for the ministry and his fiancée broke off their

engagement; he never married.

Sybil Farish Partridge (1856-1917) also known as Sister Maria Xavier was a

nun in the Convent of Notre Dame, Mount Pleasant, Liverpool.


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Changing Perspectives

That well-known hymn “Abide with me” contains the line “Change and decay in

all around I see”. How true that seems in these strange times! I think we all

look back to the not-so-distant past and think how lucky we were, when

everything seemed to go its own sweet way. But nowadays it all seems changed

- and not for the better. But the truth about the Past is just that it is the PAST!

So the only thing we are left with is the Present. As Jesus taught us: “Sufficient

unto the day is the evil thereof.” In other words: one day has enough troubles

of its own, and we can only live one day at a time because the Past is past (and

just a memory). And the Future is still to come.

So it is always TODAY which counts. And that is not an easy lesson to learn. I

know that and you know it too. So let us (at least try to) make the most of the

good things in our life - like friendship and love. Don’t watch the News too

much, but look around at what we’ve got. Our daily bread, for instance. Real

things - not just things flashing by on a TV screen. And something to look

forward to - like when we’re back together again in Church.

Until then, remember “Carpe diem” - “Seize the day.” Live one day at a time -

that is the advice from Jesus.

Roy Arnold

A strange equation: Why singing in church is the same as shouting at

the pub

How dangerous is it to sing in church, when it comes to spreading coronavirus?

About the same as it is to speak loudly in a pub. So say researchers at the

University of Bristol. They have found that speaking loudly and singing generate

about the same amounts of aerosol droplet – tiny particles of liquid – which

are thought to carry Covid-19.

Of course, the louder you sing or speak, the more the aerosol droplets

multiply. Parish Pump

Although regrettably you can’t have a glass of sherry in church at the moment, you

CAN get a pint of beer in a pub! And I think it’s your shout… Editor

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Anyone For A Cuppa?

Is that a cry that will be heard in St

Oswald’s when we re-open? Well,

yes….and no! Yes, because we will

have a new kitchen very soon and no,

be c au se unde r Gove rnmen t

restrictions, at present we are not

able to serve refreshments of any


However, the start-stop-rather-slow

Kitchen Project is finally coming to

completion. We have battled through

weather issues on the construction of

the new fire exit door to then face

the trials of the Covid pandemic with

its accompanying material supply

problems when we moved inside. Our contractors Roy C Smith of Marsden

near Huddersfield have coped with all of this and have remained cheerful and

indomitable under these most trying conditions. Significantly, as well, their

workmanship and enthusiasm for the job have remained high and we will have a

kitchen and associated works finished to a very high standard.

The old fire exit route was through the former main entrance porch and to a

door that opened inwards and down some slightly crumbly steps with a rather

wide handrail. The new fire door should make us all feel much safer. It opens

outwards with a super easy handle and the exit is down four beautiful stone

steps with non-slip treads and with a handrail on both sides.

The old door has been sealed up so we will have no more draughts. The whole

porch area is now clean and bright with a new level vinyl floor and there is a

Perspex splashback behind the new kitchen units which line two of the walls.

There is an oven with integral grill, a glass/dish washer which will wash our

mugs in a matter of seconds with very high water temperature, a sink and a

fridge with icebox. The entrance arrangement is a stable-type door with a lower

half that can be closed to allow a serving hatch to be lowered. These doors are

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made of solid light oak to match the fire door, and the detail in the frame that

we had with the old doors has been replicated with the new oak.

Other work is that the old ‘pod’ has been removed, thus opening up the back of

the church to extra light and of course extra space. This will be especially useful

in the post-Covid period when we re-open. But more exciting is the feeling that

the baptistry now sits proudly and centrally again. We are taking the

opportunity to modernise the lighting here so that it will be a fine place for

both children and adults of our parish to be baptised.

The builders have yet to install the new oak cupboards which will give us the

storage space so that we can keep the new enlarged back of church tidy and

clean. There is no doubt that these will enhance the look of our church for

years to come.

And that is not all. There will be a few other little extras that our builders are

going to do before they move out and we move in again. But we will all have to

‘wait and see’ for these…. as we will for a lovely cuppa brewed in our new


Richard Raymond

[This photo from a few

weeks ago show a work still

in progress:- Editor]

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Roy’s Round-up

I think we will all be in for a pleasant

surprise when we get back to church -

with the new kitchen, which I think will

give us much more room at the back of

the church - and includes a dishwasher and

All Mod Cons.

Angela Barter keeps in touch and is hoping

to pay us a visit soon. She has recently had

a detached retina. Her grandson James is now living at Chelford, while Alistair is

in Dublin. Angela herself lives near the glorious South Downs (which are nearly

as scenic as the Pennines near Bollington).

Elsewhere in this magazine there is a picture of a slightly bemused little girl in a

photograph taken by Frank Mayers, formerly of Shrigley Road, who was the

unofficial photographer of the Bollington scene and people. He was a bellringer

at St John’s Church and the grandfather of Nick Wright, a leading light of

Canalside Radio, broadcasting from the Clarence Mill. A mill owned by the

Swindells of Pott Hall along with other grand houses in Bollington. Their other

mill was the Adelphi (Greek for brothers).

In the dim and distant past most Bollington people worked “in the cotton”. The

“finest in the world” Sea Island cotton from America. As well as the Swindells

brothers, Thomas Oliver had the Waterhouse cotton mill - now a housing

estate. Many people of those days who were not “in the cotton” were

employed at the paper mill or at Oak Bank (calico printers). Most of this

former industry is now covered by new houses - with more to come, I think.

Meanwhile it’s not only mills disappearing. The public houses are going too. The

Queens Arms is now flats and the Red Lion is now a private house. The Oak is

shut and the latest to be turned into housing is the Crown at the bottom of

Church Street. But the Church House is still open and doing well, I believe. The

Waggon and Horses is long gone but now a new Tesco will take its place. All

part of the changing scenes of life in Bollington!

Sadly the roof of St Gregory’s Roman Catholic Church has partially fallen off

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Cartoon from Parish pump

Please consider becoming a “Friend of St Oswald’s”.

Visit our website “Giving” page: How to support us.

Any donations, large or small, will be very much appreciated!

and forecasts say it will be extremely expensive to repair. The RC Diocese of

Shrewsbury will have to decide what to do about it. As well as St Oswald’s and

the Life Church there were at least ten other churches in the Bollington area in

living memory. Could you name them all? (Answers on a beer-mat!)

Roy Arnold

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Will Your Christmas be White or Green?

It may feel that Summer has only just

turned into Autumn and that Winter is

far away, but this year has been so

strange that maybe we could look

towards Christmas as being a reminder

of all the things that are solid and good

in our lives. Whilst we may romantically

hope for a white Christmas, should we

not also be thinking about how our

Christmas activities might affect the

fragile balances of our planet and its


In the early part of the 8th century the

missionary St Boniface conferred

iconic status on the fir tree as a symbol

of Christianity over the pagan rites

that were being practised in Europe at that time. Incensed by seeing sacrifices

being offered in front of a mighty oak tree which was sacred to the god Thor, he

felled the tree. The locals were amazed not only that he himself was then not

struck down by lightning but also that, in place of the oak tree, a humble fir tree

started growing. The Christmas tree took on a religious significance and

Christians took fir trees into their homes to decorate and enjoy.

In Britain, Queen Victoria and Prince Albert popularised the Christmas tree as

an essential part of the Christmas tradition. Decorations, candles, sweets and

gifts were loaded onto the branches, and the tradition took on a secular


Nowadays, the choice of tree is enormous. Needle drop is almost a thing of the

past as the many different varieties of non-drop evergreen firs are testament.

But also we now have judgements to make about artificial trees as well. Oh, the


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I would argue that a real tree is authentic, is fun to choose, is unique in its

shape, and its irregularities and imperfections are pleasing and also it gives off an

arresting pine scent. Against this, an artificial tree is of perfect shape every time

you retrieve it from its annual storage, and it doesn’t drop any needles and you

don’t have to pay for it each year. But is that all?

If we look to the environmental parameters of both, there is a very definite

difference and it is this aspect that could influence our thinking in these times

of environmental awareness. A real tree is often grown on land where it is not

viable to grow any other crop, so it is helping to preserve farmland. The living

trees absorb CO2 whilst releasing oxygen into the atmosphere and are a

natural habitat for birds and animals. Two key facts in the decision to buy a real

Christmas tree are that the tree should come from a sustainable source where

each tree removed is replaced, and that the tree should be recycled not taken

to landfill. Assuming this, then the Carbon Trust gives a real Christmas tree a

rating of 3.5kgs CO2e.

Most artificial trees are manufactured in the Far East so transport emissions are

significantly higher. The material used is often Chinese steel and PVC, one of the

more difficult plastics to recycle. Older trees used to incorporate lead into

their branches to aid flexibility although this has now been banned by China.

The Carbon Trust estimates that an artificial tree has a carbon footprint of

40kgs CO2e.

So are you going to buy a real Christmas tree this year or will you resort to an

online purchase of an artificial tree?

Once the festivities are over, getting rid of your real tree is easy, because for the

21st consecutive year the East Cheshire Hospice Christmas Tree Collection

volunteers are already planning to run their operation again. This will mean that

your tree will be disposed of in an eco-friendly way to the benefit of our planet

and also of any of our fellow human beings who may be in need of Hospice care

all year round.

So, let’s not just dream of a White Christmas: let’s make it a Green Christmas!

Richard Raymond

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From the Parish Registers:

Interment of Ashes at Macclesfield Cemetery

14 September 2020: Olga Antonia Sherratt

If you feel you would like some extra

pastoral support whilst we all endure this

critical time of separation and isolation due

to COVID-19, please do not hesitate to

contact our Vicar Veronica, or either of our

two Churchwardens, Christine Osbaldiston

or Hilary Young, or our Reader Anne

Coomes, to talk things through in confidence.

You can find our contact details on page two

of this magazine.

Thank you…

Donation for the Kitchen Fund in Memory of

Donald Ainsworth, from Jean, Judith and Roy.

...And Farewell...

A massive Thank You to our printers, Jos and Tom at Cranmore! For

many more years than anyone can remember they have faithfully printed

Bollington Church News with such skill, goodwill and at a competitive price

(with the offer of endless mugs of coffee for all visitors) from their basement

mill premises in Macclesfield. We wish them both well in their retirement and

we will certainly miss their unfailingly reliable and friendly service.

Editorial teams past and present


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2 Rachel Mary Poulson: died 1986

Sarah Anne Wood: born 1919: died 2000

3 Amy Slater Goodwin: died 1995

5 Sheila Tarr: (baby) died 1942

Wilfred Clay

6 David Hooley: died 2008

8 Dora Hunt: died 1996

Annie Oldfield nee Ridgeway: born 1916: died 2003

11 Edward Russell Cutler: born 1930: died 2007

12 Wilfred Jackson: born 1909: died 1996

Joyce Dixon: died 2017

14 Father William David Thomas: died 1953

(Vicar of this parish 1947-1953)

15 Clifford Eli Brunt: died 2016

16 Lesley Martin

19 Mabel Tarr

22 John Lewis Whiston: born 1946: died 2009

23 Muriel Lloyd: died 2016

24 Elizabeth Woolley: died 1945

25 Anne Richards: born 1956: died 2011

26 Sarah Elizabeth Stanesby: died 1971

27 Eric Jackson: born 1918: died 2003

29 Philip King: born 1935: died 2013

30 Ralph Greenwood: died 2010

31 Edward Chadwick: died 1951

Any names of departed loved ones can be recorded in our Book of Remembrance at

St Oswald’s, whether they lived in Bollington or not. An entry costs £10. Please speak to

Ann Stringer on 01625 574325.

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RiCH Group Gets the Go-ahead

I am delighted to announce that

current guidance from the C of E

and Dept for Education means that

we will be able to re-open our RiCH

after school group again next


There will obviously be restrictions

on numbers attending and the

activities that we can run, but we

will be able to provide hospitality

and support, once again, for year 7 & 8 children in St Oswald’s. This will

hopefully include the 5 children from our regular congregation who started

High School this month.

St Oswald’s Praise & Play

Online sessions for Baby’s, Toddlers, and

their parents/carers. Every Tuesday from


Due to COVID 19, we are unable to meet in

person in the church this term. Instead, we

shall be streamlining online videos for you to

watch with your child. This will include a story,

craft activity and song time for you to join in


To find us go to the St Oswald Bollington page on Facebook.

Scroll down and join the Praise & Play Autumn Term 2020


Alternatively, follow the link from our website at

A FREE activity pack to go with the sessions is available on

request from Bev @ [email protected]

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Who is in this picture?

A clue: A faithful member of St

Oswald’s congregation. At the

time the picture was taken, she

would have been too young for

the RiCH Group!

We didn’t get any entries the last

time we posted a mystery

person’s photograph.

Perhaps that’s because there

were no prizes?

There aren't any prizes this time



The group will re-start on the first Thursday following half term week, 5th

November, from 3pm to 5pm. Children will be required to follow the same

handwashing and social distancing rules that they do at school. Refreshments

will still be provided but will be of the pre-packed variety. Games and activities

will need to be limited but we will still provide a craft activity, prayer space and

a place to sit and chat to their friends.

Numbers will be limited to 10 children per session and they will be required to

register prior to coming, using the registration form available on our church

website or from Bev @ [email protected].

Bev and the RiCH Team look forward to welcoming you.

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Please continue to support our advertisers if you can.

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YOUR Advert could be here!


01625 573817

for details

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For latest news visit our Church Website: or find us on Facebook

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Bollington Church News...

is YOUR newsletter. It depends on YOU to send in items of interest for

inclusion on its pages!

Please send in stories, reflections, reports of what’s happening, memories,

pictures, prayers…

Even if it’s in note form, the editor will try and knock it into shape!

E-mail to: [email protected]

Please send any material for the next edition by the DEADLINE (see page 3).

THANK YOU from the editorial team, on behalf of the PCC.

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Bollington Church News: Published by the PCC

Editorial Team

Revd Canon Veronica Hydon

Ann Stringer

Dave Williams

Anne Coomes

e-mail [email protected]

Treasurer and Advertising Secretary

John Rickman

Adverts: 01625 573817


Sue Whitehurst, Elaine Ward

Please send any material for the next edition by 12 October 2020

to [email protected]

We would still welcome donations specifically for the completion of our

Kitchen Development Project.

Cheques should be made payable to:

“The Anglican Parish of Bollington PCC”

with “Kitchen Project” written on the reverse.

Any surplus donations so designated will be used for general maintenance and

regular outgoings. Thank you!

Normally our back pages contain details of services and events for

the coming weeks.



St Oswald’s Church, Bollington Road, SK10 5EG