bolted beam column connections topic

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  • 8/20/2019 Bolted Beam Column Connections Topic


  • 8/20/2019 Bolted Beam Column Connections Topic


    Steel Design Bolted Beam-Column Connections S.F.Stiemer

    bolted_beam_column_connections.doc 11/11/2007 page 3 of 16

    G+ H   G. H

    G$ H


    T/+'$ 1%>$3 &%- *+&$ 1%##$1'2%#

    G. H

    L U ? V W S K " T S B



    G+ H




    G 3 H


    L246 M6N F($+- 7+. K%##$1'2%#

    L246 M6M S#3 T/+'$ K%##$1'2%#

    L246 M6O ;%/'$3 ?#4/$ K%##$1'2%#

  • 8/20/2019 Bolted Beam Column Connections Topic


    Steel Design Bolted Beam-Column Connections S.F.Stiemer

    bolted_beam_column_connections.doc 11/11/2007 page 4 of 16

    G+HG. H

    G.HG + H

    G + HG3H

    G . H


    G 1 H



    L246 M6X K%/0)# 7%> F$+' K%##$1'2%#

    L246 M6Y F$+' ?#4/$ K%##$1'2%# +#3 ;02/'=0> 7$$=*'0. K%##$1'2%#

    L246 M6Y F$+' ?#4/$ K%##$1'2%# +#3 ;02/'=0> 7$$=*'0. K%##$1'2%#

    L246 M6Z P%)$#' K%##$1'2%#

  • 8/20/2019 Bolted Beam Column Connections Topic


  • 8/20/2019 Bolted Beam Column Connections Topic


  • 8/20/2019 Bolted Beam Column Connections Topic


  • 8/20/2019 Bolted Beam Column Connections Topic


  • 8/20/2019 Bolted Beam Column Connections Topic


  • 8/20/2019 Bolted Beam Column Connections Topic


    Steel Design Bolted Beam-Column Connections S.F.Stiemer

    bolted_beam_column_connections.doc 11/11/2007 page 10 of 16











    Q($-$ f- 2* +* 42,$# 2# K/+0*$ NO6NM6N6N +#3 7- 2* +* 42,$# 2#

    K/+0*$ NO6NM6N6M

    G+H ;%/'* 2# F/2>=K-2'21+/ K%##$1'2%#*6

    _$&$- '% `Na bNO6NM6M &%- 1+>+12'8 %& .%/'* 2# */2>=1-2'21+/1%##$1'2%#*6

    (2). Weld capacity

    7($ )+2# '8>$* %& :$/3* 0*$3 &%- *'-01'0-+/ *'$$/ +-$ &2//$'9 4-%%,$9 >/049 +#3 */%'6 7($ )%*' 1%))%#/8 0*$3 :$/3 2* '($ &2//$'6 L%- /24('/%+3*9 2' 2* '($ )%*' $1%#%)21+/9 .$1+0*$ /2''/$ >-$>+-+'2%# %&

    )+'$-2+/ 2* -$502-$36 L%- ($+,8 /%+3*9 4-%%,$ :$/3* +-$ '($ )%*'$&&212$#'9 .$1+0*$ '($ &0// *'-$#4'( %& '($ .+*$ )$'+/ 1+# .$%.'+2#$3 $+*2/86 D*$ %& >/04 +#3 */%' :$/3* 4$#$-+//8 2* /2)2'$3 '%*>$12+/ 1%#32'2%#* :$-$ &2//$' %- 4-%%,$ :$/3* +-$ #%' >-+1'21+/6F(%> :$/3* +-$ 0*0+//8 )%-$ $1%#%)21+/ '(+# .%/'*6 +-'* G>/+'$* %- +#4/$*H+-$ 0*0+//8 *(%> :$/3$3 '% %#$ )$).$- +#3 &2$/3 .%/'$3 '% '($%'($- %#$ '% .$ 1%##$1'$36

    L2//$' :$/3* *(%0/3 .$ 0*$3 2# +// '($ *+)>/$ 1%##$1'2%#* *(%:# 2#

    L246M6N '(-%04( L246 M6Y6 W-%%,$ :$/3* *(%0/3 .$ 0*$3 2# '($)%)$#' 1%##$1'2%#* +' .$+) &/+#4$* /%1+'2%#* +* *(%:# 2# L246 M6Z6'% %.'+2# &0// *'-$#4'( %& '($ .$+)6

    "#/8 '(-$$ '8>$* %& :%-A2#4 1%#32'2%#* %& '($ *(%> :$/3* +-$2#,%/,$3 2# '($ *+)>/$ 1%##$1'2%#*9 '($*$ +-$E

    L2//$' :$/3* &%- *($+-6 W-%%,$ :$/3* &%- '$#*2%# +#3 1%)>-$**2%##%-)+/ '% +C2* %& :$/36

    Code citation

    bNO6NO6N Q$/3* 4$#$-+/

    7($ -$*2*'+#1$ &+1'%-9 

      9 &%- :$/3$3 1%##$1'2%#* *(+// .$ '+A$# +*

    ^6Z[6bNO6NO6M6M L2//$' :$/3*

    7($ &+1'%-$3 -$*2*'+#1$ &%- *($+- +#3 '$#*2%# %- 1%)>-$**2%#=2#301$3 *($+- *(+// .$ '+A$# +* '($ /$**$- %&

    G+H &%- '($ .+*$ )$'+/

    f- g ^6Z[:?)L0 

    G.H &%- '($ :$/3 )$'+/

    f- g ^6Z[:?:h0GN6^^ i ^6Y^*2#N6YH


     g +#4/$ %& +C2* %& :$/3 :2'( '($ /2#$ %& +1'2%# %& &%-1$ G^ % &%- +/%#42'032#+/ :$/3 +#3 ]^% &%- + '-+#*,$-*$ :$/3H6

    ?) g *($+- +-$+ %& $&&$1'2,$ &0*2%# &+1$

    ?: g +-$+ %& $&&$1'2,$ :$/3 '(-%+'6

    bNO6NO6O 7$#*2%# V%-)+/ '% ?C2* %& Q$/3

    bNO6NO6O6N K%)>/$'$ j%2#' T$#$'-+'2%# W-%%,$ Q$/3 P+3$ :2'(P+'1(2#4 S/$1'-%3$*

    7($ &+1'%-$3 '$#*2/$ -$*2*'+#1$ *(+// .$ '+A$# +* '(+' %& '($ .+*$)$'+/6

    bNO6NO6X K%)>-$**2%# V%-)+/ '% ?C2* %& Q$/3

    bNO6NO6X6N K%)>/$'$ +#3 T+-'2+/ j%2#' T$#$'-+'2%# W-%%,$ Q$/39P+3$ :2'( P+'1(2#4 S/$1'-%3$*

    7($ 1%)>-$**2,$ -$*2*'+#1$ *(+// .$ '+A$# +* '(+' %& '($ $&&$1'2,$+-$+ %& .+*$ )$'+/ 2# '($ I%2#'6 L%- >+-'2+/ I%2#' >$#$'-+'2%# 4-%%,$

  • 8/20/2019 Bolted Beam Column Connections Topic


    Steel Design Bolted Beam-Column Connections S.F.Stiemer

    bolted_beam_column_connections.doc 11/11/2007 page 11 of 16

    G+H FJS?_+-' 2* 1%##$1'$3 .8 1%)>/$'$ I%2#' >$#$'-+'2%# 4-%%,$ :$/3*)+3$ :2'( )+'1(2#4 $/$1'-%3$*9 '($ :$/3* 3% #%' #$$3 '% .$1+/10/+'$36 K%)>/$'$ I%2#' >$#$'-+'2%# 4-%%,$ :$/3* +-$ 1%))%#/80*$3 2# )%)$#' 1%##$1'2%#*6

    (3). Connecting part capacity

    G+H6 L-+)$3 *($+- 1%##$1'2%#

    T%**2./$ &+2/0-$ )$1(+#2*)* %& 1%##$1'2#4 >+-'* 2# &-+)$3 *($+-1%##$1'2%#* +-$ *(%:# 2# L246 X6N6

    7($ $#3 *($+-2#4 &+2/0-$ +* *(%:# 2# G.H 2* '(+' '($ >/+'$ .$ *($+-$3%0' .$':$$# '($ $#3 &+*'$#$- +#3 '($ $#3 %& '($ >/+'$6 7(2* &+2/0-$

    L246 X6N L+2/0-$ )$1(+#2*)* %& *($+- >/+'$ %- +#4/$

    )$1(+#2*) 2* +,%23$3 .8 /2)2'2#4 '($ 32*'+#1$ .$':$$# '($1$#'$-/2#$ %& '($ .%/' +#3 '($ $#3 %& '($ >/+'$ G$#3 32*'+#1$H6

    _$&$- '% `Na bMM6O6X &%- '($ -$502-$)$#' %& )2#2)0) $#3 32*'+#1$6

    7($ -$*2*'+#1$ %& '$#*2%# +#3 *($+- ./%1A &+2/0-$ +* *(%:# 2# G1H 2*2//0*'-+'$3 2# `Na bNO6NN6

    Code citationbNO6NN 7$#*2%# +#3 F($+- ;/%1A L+2/0-$

    7($ &+1'%-$3 -$*2*'+#1$ %& + 1%##$1'$3 >+-' :(%*$ &+2/0-$ )%3$2#,%/,$* .%'( '$#*2/$ &-+1'0-$ +#3 $2'($- *($+- 82$/32#4 %- *($+-&-+1'0-$ *(+// .$ '+A$# +*

    G+H &%- 40**$' >/+'$*9 &-+)2#4 +#4/$*9 +#3 *($+- '+.*9 +#3 '($ $#3*%& '$#*2%# )$).$-*9 '($ /$**$- %&

    G2H 7-  i f-  g?#'L0 i ^6Z^?4,L8 

    G22H 7-  i f-  g?#'L0 i ^6Z^?#,L0 

    G.H &%- 1%>$3 .$+)* '($ /$**$- %&

    G2H 7-  i f-  g ^6Y^?#'L0 i ^6Z^?4,L8 

    G22H 7-  i f-  g ^6Y^?#'L0 i ^6Z^?#,L0 


    ?#' g '($ #$' +-$+ 2# '$#*2%# &%- ./%1A &+2/0-$

    ?4, g '($ 4-%** +-$+ 2# *($+- &%- ./%1A &+2/0-$?#, g '($ #$' +-$+ 2# *($+- &%- ./%1A &+2/0-$

    7($ *($+-2#4 &+2/0-$ -$*2*'+#1$ +* *(%:# 2# G+H *(%0/3 .$ '+A$#&-%) '($ *+)$ &%-)0/+$ +* '(%*$ %& '$#*2%# +#3 *($+- ./%1A &+2/0-$$C1$>' '(+' ?#' $50+/* '% R$-%6

    G.H6 F$+' +#4/$ 1%##$1'2%# +#3 .02/'=0> '$$=*'0. *$+'$3 1%##$1'2%#

  • 8/20/2019 Bolted Beam Column Connections Topic


  • 8/20/2019 Bolted Beam Column Connections Topic


    Steel Design Bolted Beam-Column Connections S.F.Stiemer

    bolted_beam_column_connections.doc 11/11/2007 page 13 of 16

    L246 X6O 7$#*2%# +#3 *($+- ./%1A &+2/0-$  %& 1%>$3 .$+)

     .$+) 2* -$301$36 7(2* 2* 3%#$ .$1+0*$ 2' 2* %.*$-,$3 2# '$*'* '(+''($ ./%1A %& )+'$-2+/ -%'+'$* +* 2' -$*2*'* '($ /%+3 +#3 '($ '$#*2/$*'-$** 2* #%' 0#2&%-) +1-%** '($ /$#4'( %& '($ #$' *$1'2%#6

    F'2&&$#$-* +-$ -$502-$3 &%- < *(+>$3 .$+) %- 1%/0)# :($# '($ &%-1$+1'2#4 %# '($ &/+#4$ $C1$$3* '($ .$+- 1+>+12'8 %& '($ :$. +* *(%:#2# '($ *+)>/$ 1%##$1'2%#*6

    ;$+-2#4 *'2&&$#$-* )+8 .$ -$502-$3 2# *$+'$3 1%##$1'2%#* +* *(%:#2# L246 M6X +#3 L246 M6Y6

    Code citation

    bNX6O6M Q$. K-2>>/2#4 +#3 l2$/32#4

    7($ &+1'%-$3 .$+-2#4 -$*2*'+#1$ %& '($ :$. *(+// .$ '+A$# +*&%//%:*E

    G+H &%- 2#'$-2%- /%+3* G1%#1$#'-+'$3 /%+3 +>>/2$3 +' + 32*'+#1$ &-%)'($ )$).$- $#3 4-$+'$- '(+# '($ )$).$- 3$>'(H9 '($ *)+//$- %&

    G2H ;-  g  .2:GV i N^'HL8 

    G22H;-  g N6XY .2:M GL8SH

    &%- $#3 -$+1'2%#*9 '($ *)+//$- %&

    G2H ;-  g  .$:GV i X'HL8 

    G22H;-  g ^6Z^ .$:M GL8SH

    :($-$ V g /$#4'( %& .$+-2#4

     .2 g ^6d^

     .$ g ^6[Y

    :($-$,$- '($ .$+-2#4 -$*2*'+#1$ %& '($ :$. 2* $C1$$3$39 .$+-2#4*'2&&$#$-* *(+// .$ 0*$3 G *$$ bNX6XH

    bNX6X ;$+-2#4 F'2&&$#$-*


    T+2-* %& .$+-2#4 *'2&&$#$-* %# '($ :$.* %& *2#4/$=:$. .$+)* +#342-3$-* *(+// .$ -$502-$3 +' >%2#'* %& 1%#1$#'-+'$3 /%+3* +#3-$+1'2%#* :($-$,$- '($ .$+-2#4 -$*2*'+#1$ %& '($ :$. 2* $C1$$3$3G*$$ bNX6O6MH6 ;$+-2#4 *'2&&$#$-* *(+// +/*% .$ -$502-$3 +' 0#&-+)$3$#3* %& *2#4/$=:$. 42-3$-* (+,2#4 :$. 3$>'(='%='(21A#$** -+'2%*4-$+'$- '(+# NN^^@L86 ;%C 42-3$-* )+8 $)>/%8 32+>(-+4)*3$*24#$3 '% +1' +* .$+-2#4 *'2&&$#$-*6


    ;$+-2#4 *'2&&$#$-* *(+// .$+- +4+2#*' '($ &/+#4$ %- &/+#4$* '(-%04(

    :(21( '($8 -$1$2,$ '($2- /%+3* +#3 *(+// $C'$#3 +>>-%C2)+'$/8 '%'($ $34$ %& '($ &/+#4$ >/+'$* %- &/+#4$ +#4/$*6 7($8 *(+// .$3$*24#$3 +* 1%/0)#* 2# +11%-3+#1$ :2'( bNO6O9 +**0)2#4 '(+' '($1%/0)# *$1'2%# 1%#*2*'* %& '($ >+2- %& *'2&&$#$-* +#3 + 1$#'-+//8/%1+'$3 *'-2> %& '($ :$. $50+/ '% #%' )%-$ '(+# MY '2)$* 2'*'(21A#$** +' '($ 2#'$-2%- *'2&&$#$-*9 %- + *'-2> $50+/ '% #%' )%-$ '(+#NM '2)$* 2'* '(21A#$** :($# '($ *'2&&$#$-* +-$ /%1+'$3 +' '($ $#3 %&'($ :$.6 7($ $&&$1'2,$ 1%/0)# /$#4'(9 kU9 *(+// .$ '+A$# +* #%'/$** '(+# '(-$$=&%0-'(* %& '($ /$#4'( %& '($ *'2&&$#$-* 2# 1+/10/+'2#4

  • 8/20/2019 Bolted Beam Column Connections Topic


    Steel Design Bolted Beam-Column Connections S.F.Stiemer

    bolted_beam_column_connections.doc 11/11/2007 page 14 of 16

    L246Y6N SC+)>/$ %& S#3 T/+'$ K%##$1'2%#

    '($ -+'2% kU@-6 "#/8 '(+' >%-'2%# %& '($ *'2&&$#$-* %0'*23$ %& '($+#4/$ &2//$' %- '($ &/+#4$='%=:$. :$/3* *(+// .$ 1%#*23$-$3 $&&$1'2,$2# .$+-2#46 ?#4/$ .$+-2#4 *'2&&$#$-* *(+// #%' .$ 1-2)>$36 ;$+-2#4*'2&&$#$-* *(+// .$ 1%##$1'$3 '% '($ :$. '% 3$,$/%> '($ &0// &%-1$-$502-$3 '% .$ 1+--2$3 .8 '($ *'2&&$#$- 2#'% '($ :$. %- ,21$ ,$-*+6

    F'2&&$#$-* &%- )%)$#' 1%##$1'2%#* +-$ -$502-$3 .8 `Na bMN6O

    Code citation

    bMN6O _$*'-+2#$3 P$).$-*

    Q($# .$+)*9 42-3$-*9 %- '-0**$* +-$ *0.I$1' '% .%'( -$+1'2%# *($+-+#3 $#3 )%)$#' 30$ '% &0// %- >+-'2+/ $#3 -$*'-+2#' %- '% 1%#'2#0%0*%- 1+#'2/$,$- 1%#*'-01'2%#9 '($2- 1%##$1'2%#* *(+// .$ 3$*24#$3 &%-'($ 1%).2#$3 $&&$1' %& *($+-9 .$#32#49 +#3 +C2+/ /%+36

    Q($# .$+)* +-$ -2423/8 &-+)$3 '% '($ &/+#4$ %& +# $31%/0)#9 *'2&&$#$-* *(+// .$ >-%,23$3 %# '($ 1%/0)# :$. 2& '($&%//%:2#4 .$+-2#4 +#3 '$#*2/$ -$*2*'+#1$* %& '($ 1%/0)# +-$$C1$$3$3E

    %>>%*2'$ '($ 1%)>-$**2%# &/+#4$ %& '($ .$+) :($#

    ;-  g  .2:1G' . i N^'1H L81 m GP&  @ 3 .H

    SC1$>' '(+' &%- )$).$-* :2'( K/+** O %- X :$.*

    ;-  g ZX^^^^ .2:1G' . i N^'1H @ G(1 @ :1H

    %>>%*2'$ '($ '$#*2%# &/+#4$ %& '($ .$+) :($#7-  g ['1

    ML81 m GP&  @ 3 .H


    :1 g '(21A#$** %& 1%/0)# :$.

    ' . g '(21A#$** %& .$+) &/+#4$

    '1 g '(21A#$** %& 1%/0)# &/+#4$

    L81 g *>$12&2$3 82$/3 >%2#' %& 1%/0)#

    3 . g 3$>'( %& .$+)

    (1 g 1/$+- 3$>'( %& 1%/0)# :$.

    7($ *'2&&$#$- %- >+2- %& *'2&&$#$-* %>>%*2'$ $2'($- .$+) &/+#4$ *(+//3$,$/%> + &%-1$ $50+/ '%

    L*' g GP&  @ 3 .H = ;-  

    F'2&&$#$-* *(+// +/*% .$ >-%,23$3 %# '($ :$. %& 1%/0)#*9 .$+)*9 %-42-3$-* 2& f-  1+/10/+'$3 &-%) bNO6X6N6M 2* $C1$$3$39 2# :(21( 1+*$'($ *'2&&$#$- %- *'2&&$#$-* *(+// '-+#*&$- + *($+- &%-1$ $50+/ '%

    f*' g f&  = ^6YY:3L8

    '( %& '($ 1%/0)#6 Q($# +# +C2+/'$#*2%# %- 1%)>-$**2%# &%-1$ 2* +1'2#4 %# '($ .$+)9 2'* $&&$1'*

    G+332'2,$ %#/8H *(+// .$ 1%#*23$-$3 2# '($ 3$*24# %& '($ *'2&&$#$-*6

    5. Connection design example (Bolted end plateconnection Formatted Spreadsheet developed)

  • 8/20/2019 Bolted Beam Column Connections Topic


    Steel Design Bolted Beam-Column Connections S.F.Stiemer

    bolted_beam_column_connections.doc 11/11/2007 page 15 of 16

    L246 Y6N *(%:* + QXN^hZ^ .$+) '% .$ 1%##$1'$3 '% '($ &/+#4$ %& +QON^hdZ 1%/0)#6 7($ &+1'%-$3 *($+- &%-1$ '% .$ '-+#*&$--$3 2*XY^kV6 ;$+) +#3 1%/0)# +-$ OY^Q *'$$/ +#3 $#3 >/+'$ :2// .$O^^Q *'$$/6 ?OMYP .%/'* +#3 SX]CC $/$1'-%3$ +-$ +,+2/+./$ &%-'($ 1%##$1'2%#6

    T+-+)$'$- %& 1%/0)# *'$$/ *$1'2%#E

    L/+#4$ '(21A#$** ' g NZ6O))

    T+-$)$'$- %& .$+) *'$$/ *$1'2%#E

    Q$. '(21A#$** : g [6[))

    Y6N K+/10/+'$ #0).$- %& .%/'* -$502-$36

    L-%) bNO6NM6N6NE ?**0)$ PM^ ?OMY .%/' :2'( '(-$+3 2#'$-1$>'$36

    #  f

    ^6Z  .   )   ? .   L0   ^6[

    XY^ N^^^

    ^6Z ̂ 6d   N   ONX   dMY   ^6[



    7+A$ Z .%/'*9 MCO

    Y6M K($1A >/+'$ .$+-2#4 -$*2*'+#1$ +' .%/' (%/$*6

    D*$ Z)) >/+'$ QON^hdZ &/+#4$ '(21A#$** 2* NZ6O n Z9 *% Z))

    $#3 >/+'$ '(21A#$** :2// 4%,$-#6

    ;- g O .- '3#  L0

      O ^6Z[   Z   M^   Z  XY^

    N^^^   ZYNkV

     nXY^kV "k ==


    Y6O K+/10/+'$ :$/3

    L2//$' :$/3 /$#4'( -$502-$3E

    ?11%-32#4 '% KF? QY]9 .%'( $#3 >/+'$ +#3 .$+) :$. '(21A#$**$*+-$ .$':$$# Z))eNM))9 )2#2)0) %& Y)) &2//$' :$/3 *2R$ 2*-$502-$36

    7-8 Y)) &2//$' :$/3 .%'( *23$* %& .$+) :$.6

    U  f

    ^6Z[   :   L0   Y

    XY^ N^^^

    ^6Z[ ^6Z[   XY^   Y   M  MMO))


    Y6X K($1A :$/3 /$#4'( -$502-$3 +11%-32#4 '% .$+) :$. *($+-E

    U  f

     :   ^6ZZ   L8

    XY^ N^^^^6] [6[   ^6ZZ   OY^



    T/0* M '2)$* :$/3 *2R$ +' *'+-' +#3 $#39 *% +' /$+*' M]N)) $#3 >/+'$/$#4'( 2* -$502-$36

    T/+'$ *2R$ +#3 (%/$ /%1+'2%#* +-$ *(%:# 2# L24 Y6N

    J%-2R%#'+/ >2'1( %& .%/' 2* '+A$# '% .$ NO^ +* 0*0+/ 4+04$6

    Y6Y K($1A .%/' >2'1( +#3 $34$ 32*'+#1$

    ;%/' >2'1( +#3 $34$ 32*'+#1$ +-$ 1($1A +11%-32#4 '% bMM6O6 "k

    Y6Z K($1A $#3 >/+'$ *($+- -$*2*'+#1$

    ?4, g ON^ C Z g NdZ^))M 

    ?#, g ?4, o O C G M^ i X H C Z g NXMd))M 

    f- g ^6ZZpp?4,pL8 g ^6ZZp^6]pNdZ^pOY^@N^^^ g Od[kV

    f- n f@M "k

    Y6[ K($1A $#3 >/+'$ '$#*2%# +#3 *($+- ./%1A -$*2*'+#1$

    ?#' g GOY o M^@M =MH p Z g NOd))M 

    ?4, g GMX^ i OYH p Z g NZY^))M

     ?#, g ?4, o GM^ i XH p M6Y p Z g NM]^))M 



    ? #' L0   ^6Z^ ? 4, L8   OMOkV   ===bNO6NNG+HG2H



    ? #' L0   ^6Z^ ? #, L0   OZ]kV   ====bNO6NNG+HG22H

    OMO n f@M "k

  • 8/20/2019 Bolted Beam Column Connections Topic


    Steel Design Bolted Beam-Column Connections S.F.Stiemer

    bolted_beam_column_connections.doc 11/11/2007 page 16 of 16

    6. Cost estimation of bolted beam-columnconnections

    7($ 1%*' %& .%/'$3 1%##$1'2%#* 2#1/03$*E

    K%*' %& )+'$-2+/E 1%##$1'2%# >+-'* G>/+'$ %- +#4/$H9 .%/'K%*' %& 1%##$1'2%# >+-'* >-$>+-+'2%#E 10' >/+'$ %- +#4/$9 >0#1( %-3-2// (%/$*

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    7($ ,%/0)$ %& )+'$-2+/ +#3 /+.%- &%- 32&&$-$#' '8>$* %& 1%##$1'2%#*1+# .$ 1+/10/+'$3 %#1$ '($ &%-1$* +-$ A#%:# +#3 '($ '8>$ %&1%##$1'2%# 2* 1(%*$#9 :(2/$ '($ -+'$* &%- '($ 2'$)* /2*'$3 +.%,$32&&$- :2'( /%1+'2%#*9 *(%>*9 2#*'+//$-*9 )+'$-2+/ >-%,23$-*9 '2)$ $'16

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    7. Conclusion

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    `Ma J+#3.%%A %& F'$$/ K%#*'-01'2%#9 Canadian institute of SteelConstruction 9 S24('( S32'2%#9 M^^X6

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