book no. 8631 enlarged b. c. designs for tatting

Book No. 8631 THIRD ENLARGED EDITION + <- i ^^ i |-'{ . B. C. DESIGNS FOR TATTING ..I Copy 1 + ^"^I THIRD ENLARGED EDITION i PublisHeJ 6>.T. BUETTNER & CO., incorporated Art Needlework Specialists :: Importers and Manufacturers ?ilk.r CHICAGO. ILLINOIS HAMBURG. GERMANY Trade Mark HUH 3 T B c PRICE 25 CENTS ' +• ?«< j

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PublisHeJ 6>.T. BUETTNER & CO., incorporated

Art Needlework Specialists :: Importers and Manufacturers






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Book No. 8631

T. B. C. Instructions and Designs



Third Enlarged Edition

Copyright 1916 by

T. Buettner & Co., Inc.

Chicago, III.

Published by

T. Buettner ^ Co., Inc.

The Art Needlework Specialists, Importers and Manufacturers


Also publishers of the following:

Book No. 8628-T. B. C. Instructions and Designs for Crocheting in Connection with Novelty Braids.

Book No. 8629 -T. B. C. Instructions and Designs for Crocheting in Connection with Coronation Cords.

Book No. 8630-T. B. C. Instructions and Designs for Crocheting Edges. Insertions, MedalUons, etc.

Book No. 2808 — T. B. C. Instructions and Designs for Hedebo Embroidery.

Book No. 5257 — T. B. C. Instructions and Designs for Irish Crochet Lace.

Book No. 8930— T. B. C. Instructions and Designs for Hardanger Embroidery.

Book No. 9002-T. B. C. Book of Insertions and Edges for Cushion Covers, Scarfs. Table Covers, etc.

Nos 9027-9028-T. B. C. Cross-Stitch Cards. Beautifully Colored. Contain assorted designs showing

proper colors for working Luncheon and Bridge Sets, Table Covers. Strips for Bedspreads, etc.





5501-3 and 5501-4 come in Cream *° ^^''^ ^"^ Linen Color Nos.

fines^line's " w^\st''^" ' ^'^^^ ''^ ^^'^^ -^ ^ sizes in Linen Color. Line 4 is

finJ,UnT, thTXid^st'^'^^ '" ^"'^^ ^"^ ^ ^-- - L-en Color. Line 1 the

from^n"?;i^£:;'Sri!>^r;:Ser^^ ^"' ' ^^^^^ ^" ^^"^ ^°1- -n^ing©CI.A427637

.AP.R II 1916




6706-1 ' .-.r. 'X-:







'VA •'A^V '4v.•fJSf*.



AU of the above are made in White. Nos. 6587 and 1906-2 are also made in

'-'"''N^.toe comes in 4 sizes, ranging from Line 1 the finest to Line 4 the widest.

No. 1906 can be had in 3 sizes. Line 1 the finest. Lme 3 the widest.

No. 704 is made in 10 sizes from Lme 15 to 47.


Figure 1.

Figure 2.

Figure 3.

Figure 4.

Figure 1—With shuttle in

right hand hold the end of

thread between the thumb andfirst finger of left hand. Laythe thread over all fingers, rais-

ing second or middle finger andbring thread back to end of

thread between thumb and first

finger; leave the thread overfingers to the left of loop, passthe shuttle through loop fromright to left and bring it outbetween loop and shuttle

thread as shown in illustration.

Figure 2—Lower second fin-

ger; stretch shuttle threadtight with a jerk and holdtight. The second or middlefinger of left hand must now beraised with the loop on it, this

forms left knot or first half of

double stitch. It is advisablefor a beginner to practice this

first movement for a time be-fore attempting the secondmovement of first stitch. Theknot is always formed with theloop thread on left hand. Thethread on the right hand,or shuttle thread, must bestretched tight when knot is

being formed. The shuttle

thread must be free to runthrough the knots made; this

is necessary to loosen or drawup rings.

Figure 3—The next move-ment or second half of first

stitch is made as follows:Leave the shuttle thread toright of loop, pass shuttle overand through loop from left toright as in illustration No. 3.

Stretch shuttle thread outtight, raise second finger of left

hand with loop on it and drawup second knot same as first

was made; this finishes first

double stitch. Now be sure

that the shuttle thread slips

freely through the knot.

Figure 4—HOW TO MAKEPICOT. Picots add a lacy ap-pearance to tatting designs andalso serve in joining different

parts of a design together. It

is not difficult to make picots

all one size after a little prac-

tice. However, beginners will

find a pin or crochet hook help-

ful to draw picots out to the

size desired. Picots are madeas follows : Make double stitch,

leave a short loop between the

first and next or second doublestitch. This, when drawn up,

forms a picot. See illustration

No. 4.


Figure 5—After the desired

amount of double stitches andpicots have been made, takeloop from left hand and drawit up with shuttle thread as in-

dicated in illustration No. 5.

This forms first ring.

Figure 6—The first quarterof the next ring is now madeof double stitches and is joined

to side picot of first ring bybringing loop thread throughpicot with a pin or crochethook and passing shuttlethrough the loop. Draw upwith second finger same as

when making other stitches.

Finish ring with double stitches

and picots same as in first ring,

and draw up.

Figure 7 — To form half

circles, scallops and straight

lines in tatting it is necessaryto use two shuttles, or a ball of

thread and one shuttle, the sec-

ond shuttle thread being usedfor scallops and straight lines.

Begin by tying both threadstogether, hold knot betweenthumb and first finger of left

hand, make rings with first

shuttle and thread exactly the

same as in previous directions,

but when a straight line, scal-

lop or half circle is to be madeuse thread of second shuttle bybringing it over the fingers of

the left hand, which are held

in same position as before, andcatching it around the little

finger. Let the shuttle hangThen with the first shuttle

make the number of stitches

required. This is called a chain.

When ready to make rings

again drop thread of secondshuttle and make loop of

thread from first shuttle overfingers of left hand as before.

Figure 5.

Figure 6.

Figure 7.


d. s.


No. 1.

Braid No. 1451-2. T. B. C. Cordonnet Special Crochet Cotton No. 50.

R. 2 d. s., p. 2 d. s., join p. of braid, 2 d. s., p. 2 d. s., turn ; r. 5 d. s., turn ;* r. 2 d. s.,

join last p. and first r. 2 d. s., join next p. of braid, 2 d. s., p. 2 d. s., turn; r. 5 d. s., turn;repeat from * the required length.

No. 2.

Braids Nos. 6649 and No. 2099/6. T. B. C. Cordonnet Special Crochet CottonNo. 50.

Row I.—Ch. 5 d. s., join to p. of braid No. 2099 6, 5 d. s., join to p. of braidNo. 6649, ch. 5 d. s., skip 3 picots of braid 2099/6, join to next one. Ch. 5 d. s., skip

3 loops of braid 6649 and join to the next. Continue the required length.

Edge.—Use shuttle thread only. Join to first picot of braid No. 2099 6, r. 4d. s. (p. 2 d. s.), 5 times, 4 d. s. ; skip 3 picots of braid No. 2099/6, join thread to thefourth; r. 4 d. s., join to last p of first r. (2 d. s. p.) 4 times, 4 d. s. Repeat.

No. 3.

Braid No. 1451-2—T. B. C. Cordonnet Special Crochet Cotton No. 50.

1st r.—3 d. s., p. 4 d. s., join to p. of braid, 4 d. s., p. 3 d. s., turn.

2nd r.—4 d. s., p. 4 d. s., turn.

3rd r.—3 d. s., join last p. of first r. 4 d. s., join next p. of braid, 4 d. s., p. 3 d. s.,



4th r.—3 d. s., join p. of second r. (2 d. s. p.) 4 times, 3 d. s., turn.

5th r.—3 d. s., join last p. of third r. 4 d. s., join next p. of braid 4 d. s., p. 3 d. s.,


6th r.—R. 4 d. s., join last p. of fourth r. 4 d. s., turn. Repeat from beginning.



No. 4.

Braid No. 6654.—T. B. C. Cordonnet Special Crochet Cotton No. 50.

Heading.—With two threads, R. (4 d. s. p.) 3 times, 4 d. s., ch. 3 d. s., p. 3 d. s.,

r. 4 d. s., join last p. of previous r., 4 d. s., join p. of first r. of braid, 4 d. s., p. 4 d. s.,

ch. 3 d. s., p. 3 d. s., make another r. and ch., then join fourth r. to second r. of braid,

and repeat from beginning.Edge.—Join threads to p. of first r. of braid, ch. 2 d. s., p. 2 d. s., p. 3 d. s., turn;

* r. 2 d. s. (p. 2 d. s.) 5 times, turn; ch. 3 d. s., p. 2 d. s., p. 2 d. s., join next r. of

braid, 2 d. s., p. 2 d. s., p. 3 d. s. Repeat from *.

No. 5.

Braid No. 5501-1.—T. B. C. Cordonnet Special Crochet Cotton No. 70, Color 352

light blue.

Edge.—Join threads to second p. of first oval of braid, * ch. 2 d. s. (p. 2 d. s.)

5 times, join fifth p. of same oval, ch. 2 d. s. (p. 2 d. s.) 3 times, turn; r. 2 d. s. (p. 2

d. s.) twice, join sixth p. of same oval, 2 d. s. (p. 2 d. s.) twice; close r. ; make an-

other r. 2 d. s. (p. 2 d. s.) twice, join first p. of second oval of braid, 2 d. s. (p. 2 d.

s.) twice, turn; r. 2 d. s. (p. 2 d. s.) 5 times, ch. 2 d. s. (p. 2 d. s.) 3 times, join second

p. of second oval; repeat from '^

Heading.—Join threads to first p. of first oval of braid, * ch. 2 d. s. (p. 2 d. s.) 7

times, join sixth p. of same oval, ch. 2 d. s. (p. 2 d. s.) 5 times, join first p. of next

oval. Repeat from '''.

No. 6.

Braid No. 6862.—T. B. C. Cordonnet Special Crochet Cotton No. 50.

Heading Row I.—Join threads to third p. of first r. of braid, ch. 4 d. s., p. 4 d. s.,

join third p. of next r. of braid, and repeat to end.

Row II.—Join threads to p. of first ch. of Row 1, ch. 4 d. s., p. 4 d. s., join p. of

next ch. and repeat to end.

Edge.—Join threads to third p. of first r. of braid, ch. 4 d. s., turn; r. 2 d. s. (p.

1 d. s.) 4 times, p. 2 d. s., turn; ch. 4 d. s., join third p. of next r. of braid and repeat

to end.


No. 7.

Braid No. 704/41.—T. B. C. Cordonnet Special Crochet Cotton No. 30 White.Heading.—Join threads to point of braid * ch. 2 d. s. (p. 2 d. s.) 3 times, turn;

r. 3 d. s. (p. 2 d. s.) 2 times, join braid between points, 2 d. s., p. 2 d. s., p. 3 d. s.,

turn; ch. 2 d. s. (p. 2 d. s.) 3 times, join next point of braid, and repeat from *.

Edge.—R. 4 d. s., join point of braid, 4 d. s. ; r. 4 d. s., join next point of braid, 4

d. s., turn; * ch. 4 d. s. (p. 2 d. s.) 4 times, turn; 1. r. 10 d. s., join where last r. wasjoined 10 d. s., turn; r. 4 d. s., p. 4 d. s., turn; ch. (2 d. s. p.) 4 times, 4 d. s., r. 4 d. s.,

join where 1. r. was joined, 4 d. s., r. 4 d. s., join next point of braid 4 d. s. Repeatfrom *.

No. 8.

Braid No. 6706-1.—T. B. C. Cordonnet Special Crochet Cotton No. 50.

Heading.—R. 4 d. s., p. 4 d. s., turn; ch. 4 d. s., p. 4 d. s., turn; r. 4 d. s., join p.

of first r. 4 d. s., turn; ch. 2 d. s. (p. 2 d. s.) 3 times, turn; r. 4 d. s., join p. of first ch.

4 d. s., turn; ch. 4 d. s., p. 4 d. s., turn; r. 4 d. s., join in same p. with last r. 4 d. s.,

turn ; ch. 2 d. s., join third p. of braid 2 d. s., p. 2 d. s., join fourth p. of braid 2 d. s.,

turn; r. 4 d. s., join p. of next to the last ch. 4 d. s., turn; ch. 4 d. s., p. 4 d. s., turn;

r. 4 d. s., join where last r was joined, 4 d. s., turn ; repeat to end.

Edge.—R. 4 d. s., join third p. of braid 4 d. s., p. 4 d. s., p. 4 d. s., turn; ch. 4 d. S.

(p. 4 d. s.) 3 times, turn ; r. 4 d. s., p. 4 d. s., join next p. of first r. 4 d. s., p. 4 d. s.,

turn; ch. 4 d. s. (p. 4 d. s.) 3 times, turn; r. 4 d. s., p. 4 d. s., join second p. of first

and second rings; 4 d. s., p. 4 d. s., turn; ch. 4 d. s. (p. 4 d. s.) 3 times, turn; r. 4d. s., p. 4 d. s., join where first three rings are joined 4 d. s., join fourth p. of braid

4 d. s., turn; ch. 4 d. s., skip one p. of braid, join to the next, 4 d. s., turn; r. 4 d. s.,

join last p. of ch. 4 d. s. (p. 4 d. s.) 2 times, turn; ch. 4 d. s., skip one p. of braid, join

the next, 4 d. s., repeat from the beginning.



No. 9.

Braid No. 6837.—T. B. C. Cordonnet Special Crochet Cotton No. 40.

Edge.—Join threads to first p. of first r. of braid; ch. 4 d. s. ; turn; r. 4 d. s. (p.

4 d. s.) 3 times, turn; ch. 5 d. s., p. 5 d. s., turn; c. 1., first r. 5 d. s., join third p. of

first r. (5 d. s. p.) twice, 5 d. s. ; second r. 5 d. s., join third p. of first r. of c. 1. (5 d.

s. p.) twice, 5 d. s.; third r. 5 d. s., join third p. of second r. (5 d. s. p.) twice, 5 d. s.,

turn; ch. 5 d. s., join p. of last ch. 5 d. s., turn; r. 4 d. s., join third p. of third r. of

c. 1. (4 d. s. p.) twice, 4 d. s., ch. 5 d. s., join third p. of second r. of braid, ch. 6 d. s.,

join second p. of third r. of braid, 6 d. s., join first p. of fourth r. of braid 4 d. s., re-

peat from beginning.Heading.—Join threads to first p. of first r. of braid, * ch. 2 d. s., p. 3 d. s., p. 2

d. s., turn; r. 6 d. s., join second p. of same r. of braid, 6 d. s., turn; ch. 2 d. s., p. 3

d. s., p. 2 d. s., join third p. of same r. of braid; ch. 2 d. s., join first p. of next r. of

braid; repeat from *.

No. 10.

Braids Nos. 5501-4 and 1451-2.—T. B. C. Cordonnet Special Crochet CottonNo. 30.

Row I.—R. 8 d. s., join around cord between ovals of braid No. 5501, 8 d. s.,

turn; ch. 5 d. s., join p. of braid No. 1451 ; 5 d. s., turn; r. 8 d. s., join second p. of

oval of braid 5501 ; 8 d. s., turn; ch. 5 d. s., skip 1 p. of braid No. 1451, join the next5 d. s., p. 6 d. s., turn ; c. 1. first r. 4 d. s., p. 4 d. s., join to fourth p. of same oval, 4 d. s.,

p. 4 d. s., second r. of c. 1. 4 d. s., join last p. of first r. 6 d. s., join around cord betweensecond and third ovals, 6 d. s., p. 4 d. s., third r. of c. 1. 4 d. s., join to last p. of secondr. 4 d. s., join to third p. of third oval, 4 d. s., p. 4 d. s., turn; ch. 6 d. s., join to p. oflast ch. 5 d. s., skip 1 p. of braid No. 1451, join to next, 5 d. s., turn; r. 8 d. s., join tofifth p. of third oval, 8 d. s., turn; ch. 5 d. s., skip 1 p. of braid No. 1451 and join thenext 5 d. s., turn; repeat from the beginning.

Edge.—With two threads ch. 8 d. s., turn ; * first r. 6 d. s., join third p. of secondoval, 6 d. s., turn; ch. 2 d. s., p. 2 d. s., p. 2 d. s., p. 2 d. s., turn; second r. 7 d. s., join

fourth p. of same oval, 7 d. s., turn; ch. (2 d. s. p.) 3 times, 2 d. s., turn; third r. 7

d. s., join to fifth p. of same oval 7 d. s., turn; ch (2 d. s. p.) 3 times, 2. d. s., fourth r.

8 d. s., join around cord between ovals 8 d. s., turn; ch. (2 d. s. p.) 3 times, 2 d. s.,

turn; fifth r. like fourth r. ch. (2 d. s. p.) 3 times, 2 d. s., turn; sixth r. like third r.

ch. (2 d. s. p.) 3 times, 2 d. s., seventh r. like second, turn, then ch. 8 d. s., join sixth

p. of oval, also first p. of next oval, ch. 8 d. s., repeat from *.


No. 11.

Braids Nos. 6706-1 and 6862. T. B. C. Cordonnet Special Crochet Cotton No. 50.

Join threads to braid No. 6706, ch. 4 d. s., p. 4d. s., p. 6 d. s., C. 1. 1st r. 4 d. s.,

p. 2 d. s., p. 2 d. s., join 3rd p. of 3rd r. of braid No. 6862, 2 d. s., p. 2 d. s., p. 4 d. s.,

2nd r. 4 d. s., join last p. of 1st r. 2 d. s., p. 2 d. s., p. 2 d. s., skip 1. r. of braid No.6862, join middle p. of next r. (2 d. s., p.) 3 times, 4 d. s., 3rd r. 4d. s., join last p.

of 2nd r. 2 d. s., p. 2 d. s., skip 1 r. of braid No. 6862, join next 2 d. s., p. 2 d. s., p.

4 d. s., turn; ch. 6 d. s., join last p. in 1st, ch. 4 d. s., p. 4 d. s., skip 2 p. of braid

No. 6706, join in the next. Ch. 4 d. s., p. 4 d. s., skip 1 r. of braid No. 6862, join

middle p. of next. Ch. 4 d. s., p. 4 d. s., skip 2 p. of braid No. 6706, join the next.

Repeat from beginning.Edge. Join threads to 3rd p. of 3rd r. of braid No. 6862. * Ch. (2 d. s., p.) 5

times, join middle p. of next r. of braid 6862, repeat from * twice. Ch. 4 d. s., p.

4 d. s., turn; r. 4 d. s., join middle p. of next r. of braid 6862. 3 d. s., join middle p.

of next r. of braid No. 6862, 3 d. s., join next r. of braid. 4 d. s., turn ; ch. 4 d. s.,

join p. of last ch. 4 d. s., join middle p. of next r. of braid 6862, repeat from 1st *.

No. 12. See page 11 for instructions.




Instructions for making No. 12 shown on page 10.

Braids Nos. 1451-2 and 6863. T. B. C. Cordonnet Special Crochet Cotton No.

Row I.—Join threads to 1st p. of bra

skip one p. of braid, join to the next an

Row II.—Join threads to 2nd p. of 1

4 d. s., join to the 5th p. of same oval. Ch.

Ch. 4 d. s. join p. of 2nd ch. of Row 1. 4 d.

join p. of 3rd ch. of Row I. 4 d. s., join to

join p. of next ch. of Row I. 4 d. s.,

6863. Ch. 4 d. s., join p. of next ch. of R4 d. s., p. 4 d. s., join 8th p. of same oval.

also 2nd p. of next oval, and repeat to end.

Edge.—Join threads to 2nd p. of 1st

1st r. 4 d. s., (p. 2 d. s.) 4 times, p. 4 d. s.,

p.) 4 times. 4 d. s., 3rd r. 4 d. s., join la

turn. Ch. 4 d. s., p. 4 d. s., join 7th p. of sa

same oval also 1st p. of next oval. 4 d. s.,

p. 4 d. s. turn. c. 1. as before joining 3rdturn. Ch. 4 d. s., p. 4 d. s., join 10th p. oturn. Ch. 4 d. s., p. 4 d. s., join to edge oc. 1. as before, turn. 4 d. s., p. 4 d. s. Rep

id No. 1451. * Ch. 5 d. s., p. 5 d. s., andd repeat from *.

St oval of braid No. 6863. Ch. 4 d. s., p.

4 d. s., p. 4 d. s. join 8th p. of same oval,

s., join last p. of same oval. Ch. 4 d. s.,

edge of cord between ovals. Ch. 4 d. s.,

join 1st p. of 2nd oval of braid No.ow I. 4 d. s., join 5th p. of same oval, ch.

4 d. s., p. 4 d. s., join 10th p. of same oval

oval. * Ch. 4 d. s., p. 4 d. s., turn. c. 1.

2nd r. 4 d. s., join last p. of 1st r. (2 d. s.,

st p. of 2nd r. (2 d. s., p.) 4 times. 4 d. s.,

me oval. 4 d. s., p. 4 d. s., join last p. of

p. 4 d. s., join 6th p. of same oval, 4 d. s.,

p. of 1st r. to 3rd p. of last r. of 1st c. 1.

f same oval. 4 d. s., p. 4 d. s., turn. c. 1.

f cord between ovals. 4 d. s., p. 4 d. s., turn.

eat from *.

No. 13.

Braid No. 5501-4. T. B. C. Cordonnet Special Crochet Cotton No. 30.

With needle and thread join the 5th p. of 1st oval to the 2nd p. of 2nd oval, onthe other side of braid join the 5th p. of 2nd oval to the 2nd p. of the 3rd oval andcontinue for a sufficient length.

Heading Row I.—Join threads to cord between 1st and 2nd ovals, ch. 3 d. s., p.

3 d. s., turn; * r. 2 d. s., (p. 2 d. s.) 7 times, turn; ch. 3 d. s., join 2nd p. of 1st oval,

3 d. s., p. 3 d. s., join 5th p. of 2nd oval, 3 d. s., turn; r. 2 d. s., (p. 2 d. s.) 7 times,turn; ch. 3 d. s., p. 3 d. s., join around cord, 3 d. s., p. 3 d. s., repeat from *.

Row II.—Ch. 3 d. s. (p. 2 d. s.) twice, p. 3 d. s., join 4th p. of r. and repeat.

Edge.—Row 1.—Ch. 3 d. s., join 5th p. of 1st oval, 3 d. s., p. 3 d. s., turn; r.

2 d. s. (p. 2 d. s.) 7 times, turn; ch. 3 d. s., p. 3 d. s., join around cord, ch. 3 d. s.,

p. 3 d. s., turn; r. 2 d. s. (p. 2 d. s.) 7 times, turn; ch. 3 d. s., join 2nd p. of 2ndoval and repeat from beginning.

Row II.—R. 5 d. s., join 4th p. of 1st r. in 1st. row of edge. 5 d. s., turn;* ch. 4 d. s. (p. 2 d. s.) 4 times, turn; r. 10 d. s., join same p. with last r. 10 d. s.,

turn; ch. (2 d. s., p.) 4 times, 4 d. s., turn; r. 5 d. s., join same p. with last two rings,

5 d. s., r. 5 d. s., join 4th p. of 2nd r. of Row I. 5 d. s., turn ; repeat from ••.



No. 14.

Braids Nos. 6587 and 5501-3 linen color. T. B. C. Cordonnet Special Crochet Cot-ton No. 70. Color, 358 Pink. Join the two braids with the first row of tatting.

Row I.—R. 8 d. s., join around cord of braid No. 5501. 8 d. s. Ch. 5 d. s., joinp. of braid No. 6587, ch. 7 d. s., p. 7 d. s., c. 1. of 3 rings. 1st r. (5 d. s. p.) 3 times,5 d. s., join 1st p. of oval of braid No. 5501, 5 d. s., p. 5 d. s., 2nd r. 5 d. s., join tolast p. of 1st r. 5 d. s., join to 4th p. of oval. 5 d. s., p. 5 d. s., join 3rd p. of second oval5 d. s., p. 5 d. s., 3rd r. 5 d. s., join last p. of second r. 5 d. s., join last p. of secondoval. (5 d. s. p.) 3 times. 5 d. s. Ch. 7 d. s., join p. of last ch. 7 d. s., skip 3 p. ofbraid No. 6587, join to 4th p. ch. 5 d. s., r. 8 d. s., join around second cord of braidNo. 5501, 8 d. s. Ch. 5 d. s., skip 1 p. of braid No. 6587, join to next ch. 5 d. s. Re-peat from beginning.

Edge.—Row I.—Join thread to second p. of oval. * Ch. 2 d. s., p. 2 d. s., join to3rd p. of oval. Ch. 2 d. s. (p. 2 d. s.) 5 times. Join to 5th p. of oval. Ch. 2 d. s.,

p. 2 d. s., join to 6th p. of oval. Ch. 5 d. s., p. 5 d. s. C. 1. 1st r. 4 d. s. (p. 2 d. s.) 4times. P. 4 d. s., 2nd r. 4 d. s., join last p. of last r. (2 d. s. p.) 4 times. 4 d. s., 3rdr. the same as 2nd; ch. 5 d. s., join p. of last ch. 5 d. s., join 1st p. of next oval; ch.2 d. s., p. 2 d. s., join 2nd p. of oval; ch. 2 d. s. (p. 2 d. s.) 5 times, join 4th p. ofova) ; ch. 2 d. s., p. 2 d. s., join to 5th p. of same oval and 2nd p. of next oval. Re-peat from *.

Row II.—Join thread to 3rd p. of 2nd ch. of 1st row. * Ch. 2 d. s. (p. 2 d. s.) 5times, join p. in next ch. ; ch. 2 d. s. (p. 2 d. s.) 5 times, join 3rd p. of 1st r. of c. I.;

ch. 2 d. s. (p. 2 d. s.) 5 times, join 3rd p. of 2nd r. of c. 1.; ch. 2 d. s. (p. 2 d. s.) 5times, join 3rd p. of 3rd r. of c. 1.; ch. 2 d. s. (p. 2 d. s.) 5 times, join p. in next ch.;ch. 2 d. s. (p. 2 d. s.) 5 times; join 3rd p. in next ch. ; ch. 2 d. s., p. 2 d. s., join 3rdp. in next ch. of 5 picots ; repeat from *.



No. 15.

Braid No. 6862. T. B. C. Cordonnet Special Crochet Cotton No. 50.

Join threads to 3rd p. of 2nd r. of braid, Row I. Ch. 7 d. s., join 3rd p. of 3rd

r. of braid, 5 d. s., p. 7 d. s., join 4th r. of braid, ch. 7 d. s., 1. p. 7 d. s., join 6th r. of

braid, 5 d. s., p. 5 d. s., join 7th r. of braid, ch. 7 d. s., join 8th r. of braid, also the

13th r. of second piece of braid, turn; ch. 7 d. s., join 12th r. of second piece of

braid, 7 d. s., join p. of 4th ch. of Row I. Ch. 7 d. s., join 10th r. of braid, 7 d. s.,

join 1. p. of 3rd ch. of Row 1. Ch. 7 d. s., join 8th r. of braid, 7 d. s., join again in 1.

P. ch. 7 d. s., join 6th r. of braid, ch. 7 d. s., join p. of 2nd ch. of Row I. Ch. 7 d. s.,

join 4th r. of braid, ch. 7 d. s., join where ch. started in 3rd r. of 1st row of

braid, skip two rings of first piece of braid, join threads to third r. and repeat. Withneedle and thread join the two pieces of braid together between scallops.

Edge.—R. 4 d. s., p. 4 d. s., join 1st r. of lower piece of braid, 4 d. s., p. 4 d. s.,

turn; * ch. 4 d. s. (p. 2 d. s.) 3 times, p. 4 d. s., turn; r. 4 d. s., join last p. of 1st

r. 4 d. s., join next r. of braid, 4 d. s., p. 4 d. s., repeat from * 9 times, then omit ch.

and make 12th r. 4 d. s., p. 4 d. s., skip two rings of braid, join the next r. 4 d. s.,

p. 4 d. s., and repeat.

Heading.—R. 4 d. s., p. 4 d. s., join 1st r. of 1st piece of braid, 4 d. s., p. 4 d. s.,

turn; r. 4 d. s. (p. 4 d. s.) 3 times, turn; * r. 4 d. s., join last p. of 1st r. 4 d. s., join

next r. of braid 4 d. s., p. 4 d. s., turn; r. 4 d. s., join last p. of 2nd r. 4 d. s. (p. 4

d. s.) 2 times, 4 d. s. Repeat from *.

:.?' < K f.

»'--^' l K < i. K^ K^ C«.. M';X i( ,»•( t;Kn,.:^

No. 16. See page 14 for instructions.



Instructions for making No. 16 shown on page 13.

Braid No. 1945. T. B. C. Cordonnet Special Crochet Cotton No. 30.

Heading.—R. 4 d. s., p. 2 d. s., p. 2 d. s., join 1st p. of braid, 2 d. s., p. 2 d. s.,

p. 4 d. s., turn; ch. 5 d. s., turn; r. 4 d. s., (p. 2 d. s.) 4 times, p. 4 d. s., turn; ch. 5 d.

s., r. 4 d. s., join last p. of 1st r. 2 d. s., p. 2 d. s., skip 2 p. of braid, join the 3rd 2

d. s., p. 2 d. s., p. 4 d. s., turn; ch. 5 d. s., r. 4 d. s., join last p. of 2nd r. (2 d. s., p.)

3 times, p. 4 d. s., ch. 5 d. s., repeat from beginning.

Edge.—R. 6 d. s., join 1st p. on the other side of braid 6 d. s., turn; ch. 7 d. s., r.

12 d. s., p. 12 d. s., turn; ch. 2 d. s. (p. 2 d. s.) 3 times, skip 2 p. of braid, join 3rd2 d. s., p. 2 d. s., skip 1 p. of braid, join 2nd. 2 d. s. (p. 2 d. s.) 3 times, join p. of last r.

ch. 2 d. s. (p. 2 d. s.) 9 times, join at base of same, r. turn; ch. 6 d. s., p. 4 d. s., turn;

r. 5 d. s., skip 1 p. of next to the last ch., join the 2nd 5 d. s., turn ; ch. 2 d. s. (p.

2 d. s.) 3 times, turn; r. 6 d. s., skip 1 p. of same ch., join to the 4th p. 6 d. s., turn;ch. 2 d. s. (p. 2 d. s.) 3 times, turn; r. 6 d. s., join 6th p. of same ch. 6 d. s., turn;ch. 2 d. s. (p. 2 d. s.) 3 times, turn; r. 5 d. s., join 8th p. of same ch. 5 d. s., turn; ch.

4 d. s., p. 6 d. s., join over p. of 1st large r. ch., 7 d. s., turn; r. 6 d. s., skip 2 p.

of braid, join the next. 6 d. s., turn; ch. 7 d. s., repeat from * and join scallops

as seen in illustration.

No. 17.

Braid No. 1906-2. T. B. C. Cordonnet Special Crochet Cotton No. 40.

Fold braid back and forth at right angles on every third oval, and tack withneedle and thread. Arrange two pieces of sufficient length. Wheels are made thus:R. 10 d. s., p. 10 d. s., turn; ch. 2 d. s. (p. 2 d. s.) 5 times, join p. of ring. R. 10d. s., p. 10 d. s., turn; ch. 2 d. s. (p. 2 d. s.) 5 times, join p. of r., repeat till there areeight rings and chain. Turn and make chains for center of wheel. Ch. 4 d. s., p.

4 d. s., join where 6th and 7th rings are joined. Ch. 4 d. s., p. 4 d. s., join where4th and 5th rings are joined. Ch. 4 d. s., p. 4 d. s., join where 2nd and 3rd ringsare joined, ch. 4 d. s., p. 4 d. s., join 1st and 8th rings together, tie and cut threads.In making these wheels join the picot of outside chains to the braid thus: 1st 4th p. to 1st fold of upper piece of braid. 2nd ch. at 2nd p. to same fold of braid,but at the other corner of the fold, leave next ch. free to be joined by 2nd wheel,



join next ch. by 3rd p. to 4th p. from 2nd fold of lower piece of braid. Join nextch. by 3rd p. to 3rd p. from where last ch. was joined. Join next ch. by 3rd p. to

4th p. from 1st fold of lower piece of braid, join next ch. by 3rd p. to 3rd p. fromwhere last ch. was joined. When making 2nd wheel join the 3rd p. of 7th ch. to

3rd p. of 3rd ch. of 1st wheel.

Heading.—Row I.—Join threads to 1st fold of braid, at 1st corner. * Ch. 3 d.

s. (p. 3 d. s.) 4 times, join 2nd corner of same fold of braid, ch. (3 d. s., p.) 4 times,

4 d. s., p. 4 d. s., turn; r. 4 d. s., p. 4 d. s., join 4th p. from corner of fold. 4 d. s., p.

4 d. s., 2nd r., 4 d. s., join last p. of 1st r., 4 d. s., skip 3 p. of braid, join to 4th 2

d. s., p. 2 d. s., join 2nd p. from fold of braid 4 d. s., p. 4 d. s., 3rd r., 4 d. s., join

last p. of 2nd r., 4 d. s., join 4th p. from where last r. was joined, 4 d. s., p. 4 d. s.


ch. 4 d. s., join last p. of ch. 4 d. s. (p. 3 d. s.) 4 times, 3 d. s., join next corner of

next fold of braid, repeat from *.

Row II.—Join threads to 1st p. of Row I. * Ch. 3 d. s.,

Row I. Join next. Repeat from *.

Edge.—R. 5 d. s., join 1st corner of fold of braid. 5 d.

2 d. s.) 5 times, r. 5 d. s., join at same place with last r. 5 d.

5 times, r. 5 d. s., join at 2nd corner of 1st fold of braid, 5 d. s., turn; ch. 2 d. s.

(p. 2 d. s.) 5 times, turn; r. 5 d. s., join at same place where last r. was joined, 5

d. s., turn; ch. 2 d. s. (p. 2 d. s.) 5 times, join 4th p. of braid from corner, 4 d. s., p.

4 d. s., c. 1., 1st r. 4 d. s., p. 4 d. s., skip 2 p. of braid, join 3rd, 4 d. s., p. 4 d. s., 2ndr., 4 d. s., join last p. of 1st r. 2 d. s., skip 2 p. of braid, join 3rd 2 d. s., p. 2 d. s.,

join 2nd p. from fold of braid, 4 d. s., p. 4 d. s., 3rd r., 4 d. s., join last p. of 2nd r.,

4 d. s., skip 2 p. of braid, join 3rd 4 d. s., p. 4 d. s., turn; ch. 4 d. s., join p. of last

ch. 4 d. s., p. 4 d. s., skip 2 p., join the 3rd, ch. (2 d. s., p.) 5 times, 2 d. s., repeatfrom beginning.

p. 3 d. s., skip 1 p. of

s., turn; ch. 2 d. s. (p.

s., ch. 2 d. s. (p. 2 d. s.)

No. 18.

Braid No. 6706-1. T. B. C. Cordonnet Special Crochet Cotton No. 50.

Row I.—R. 7 d. s., p. 7 d. s., r. 7 d. s., p. 7 d. s., make these two rings close to-gether, turn; ch. 7 d. s., join p. of braid, 7 d. s., turn; make two rings as before,turn; ch. 7 d. s., skip 1 p. of braid, join the next, 7 d. s., turn; repeat to the end.

Row II.—R. 7 d. s., join 1st r. of Row I. 7 d. s., r. 7 d. s., join 2nd r. of RowI. Turn; ch. 7 d. s., join 1st p. of 2nd piece of braid. 7 d. s., turn; r. 7 d. s., joinwhere 2nd r. was joined. 7 d. s., r. 7 d. s., join same place thus joining four ringstogether, 7 d. s., turn; repeat rings and chains to the end.

No. 19. See page 16 for instructions.



Instructions for making No. 19 shown on page 15.

Braid No. 1451-3 Linen Color. T. B. C. Cordonnet Special Crochet CottonNo. 50. Color 319, Delft Blue.

Take two pieces of braid of desired length.

Row I.—C. 1. of three rings, 1st r. 4 d. s. (p. 4 d. s.) 3 times, 2nd r. 4 d. s.,

join last p. of 1st r. 4 d. s., join 1st p. of braid, 4 d. s., p. 4 d. s., turn; 3rd r., 4 d. s.,

join last p. of 2nd r. (4 d. s. p.) 2 times, 4 d. s., turn. Ch. 4 d. s. (p. 2 d. s.) 2 times.

P. 4 d. s., turn; c. 1. 1st r. 4 d. s., p. 4 d. s., join 2nd p. of last r. of 1st. C. 1. 4 d. s.,

p. 4 d. s. ; 2nd r., 4 d. s., join 1st r. 4 d. s., skip 2 p. of braid, join the 3rd 4 d. s., p.

4 d. s. ; 3rd r., 4 d. s., join 3rd p. of 2nd r. 4 d. s., p. 4 d. s., p. 4 d. s., turn; ch. 4 d. s.

(p. 2 d. s.) 2 times, p. 4 d. s. Repeat clover leaves and chains to required length.

Row II.—Make second Row like first, using second row of braid and joiningchains by 1st and 3rd picots to 1st and 3rd picots of chains of Row I.

No. 20.

T. B. C. Cordonnet Special Crochet Cotton No. 100.

Row I.—C. 1. 1st r. 4 d. s. (p. 2 d. s.) 6 times, p. 4 d. s., turn; ch. 4 d. s., turn;2nd r. ; 4 d. s., join last p. of last r. (2 d. s., p.) 8 times, 4 d. s., turn; ch. 4 d. s.,

turn; 3rd r. ; 4 d. s., join last p. of 2nd r. (2 d. s., p.) 6 times, 4 d. s., turn; ch. 4d. s., p. 4 d. s. (p. 2 d. s.) 9 times, 4 d. s., p. 4 d. s., turn; c. 1. as before joining 1st

r. to 3rd r. of 1st c. 1. by 4th p., turn; ch. 4 d. s., join last p. of 1st long ch. (p.

2 d. s.) 9 times, 4 d. s., p. 4 d. s., turn; and repeat from beginning.Row II.—Join threads to 4th p. of 1st r. of 1st c. 1.; ch. (2 d. s., p.) 3 times,

2 d. s., join 2nd p. of 2nd r. of same c. 1. ;


ch. 4 d. s. (p. 2 d. s.) 4 times, p. 4 d. s.,

turn; r. 8 d. s., p. 8 d. s., turn; ch. 4 d. s. (p. 2 d. s.) 2 times, join 5th p. of 2nd r.

of 1st c. 1. (2 d. s., p.) 2 times, 4 d. s., turn; r. 8 d. s., join p. of last r. 8 d. s., turn;ch. 4 d. s. (p. 2 d. s.) 2 times, join 5th p. of 2nd r. of 2nd c. 1. (2 d. s., p.) 2 times,

4 d. s., turn; * r. 8 d. s., join p. of 1st r. 8 d. s., turn; ch. 4 d. s. (p. 2 d. s.) 4 times,

p. 4 d. s., turn; repeat from '' 2 times, making 5 rings; join threads at base of 1st

r., tie and cut, join threads at base of 4th r., ch. 4 d. s. (p. 2 d. s.) 4 times, p. 4d. s., join 2nd p. of last r. of same c. 1. ; ch. (2 d. s., p.) 3 times, 2 d. s., join 2nd p.

of 1st r. of next c. 1., repeat from 1st *.

No. 21.

T. B. C. Cordonnet Special Crochet Cotton No. 70, Color 319, Delft Blue.

C. 1. 1st r., 2 d. s. (p. 2 d. s.) 7 times, 2nd r., 2 d. s., join last p. of 1st r., 2 d. s.

(p. 2 d. s.) 6 times, 3rd r., 2 d. s., join last p. of 2nd r. 2 d. s. (p. 2 d. s.) 6 times.

Turn clover leaf over ch. 4 d. s. (p. 4 d. s.) 3 times, join 4th p. of 3rd r. of c. 1., ch.

4 d. s. (p. 4 d. s.) 3 times, join middle p. of 2nd r. of c. 1., s. ch. 4 d. s., repeat frombeginning, for required length, omit s. ch. after joining middle p. of 2nd r. of last

c. 1., and continue ch. around c. 1.'" ch. 4 d. s. (p. 4 d. s.) 3 times, join middle p.

of 1st r. of c. 1., ch 4 d. s. (p. 4 d. s.) 3 times, join to base of c. 1., s. ch. 4 d. s., join

middle p. of 2nd r. of next c. 1. and repeat from *.



No. 22.

T. B. C. Cordonnet Special Crochet Cotton No. 50.

R. 4 d. s. (p. 4 d. s.) 3 times, turn; r. 4 d. s. (p. 4 d. s.) 3 times, turn; ''' ch. 6

d s turn; r. 4 d. s., join last p. of 1st r., 4 d. s., p. 4 d. s., p. 4 d. s., turn; ch 4 d. s.,

ioin'last p. of 2nd r., 5 d. s. ; c. 1., 1st r. 4 d. s. (p. 2 d. s.) 4 times, p. 4 d. s.,;2nd

r. 4 d. s., join last p. of 1st r. (2 d. s., p.) 4 times, 4 d. s. ; 3rd r. like second, - ch.

(2 d. s., p.) 5 times, 2 d. s., join 3rd p. of r. of c. 1. Repeat from - twice. Ch. 2 d. s.

(p. 2 d. s.) 5 times, join at base of c. 1., ch. 5 d. s., p. 4 d. s., join at base of 3rd r.

ch. 6 d. s., turn; repeat from *..

No. 23.

s., p. 2 d. s.,

2 d. s. (p. 2

s., turn. R.

4 d. s., turn.

T. B. C. Cordonnet Special Crochet Cotton No. 50.

Fill two shuttles and tie threads together.

Row I.—* R. 4 d. s. (p. 4 d. s.) 3 times, turn. Ch. 3 d. s., p. 2 d.

p. 3 d. s., turn. * Repeat from * to * 3 times. With 2nd shuttle, r.

d. s.) 3 times. With 1st shuttle ch. 3 d. s. (p. 2 d. s.) 2 times, p. 3 d

4 d. s., join last p. of 4th r., 4 d. s., join 2nd p. of same r., 4 d. s., p.

* Ch. 3 d. s. (p. 2 d. s.) 2 times., 3 d. s., turn. R. 4 d. s., join 3rd p. of last r., 4

d. s., join 3rd p. of 3rd. r., 4 d. s., p. 4 d. s., turn. - Repeat from - to ' 2 times, turn. Ch.

4 d. s., p. 4 d. s., R. 4 d. s. (p. 4 d. s.) 3 times, turn. Ch. 3 d. s., p., join 2nd p. of next to

last ch., 2 d. s., p. 3 d. s., turn, and repeat chains and rings for entire length.

Heading.—R. 4 d. s., p. 4 d. s., join 1st p. of 1st r. of Row 1. 4 d. s., p. 4 d. s.,

turn. Ch. 4 d. s., p. 4 d. s., turn. R. 4 d. s., join last p. of 1st r. 4 d. s., join next p.

of Row I. 4 d. s., p. 4 d. s., and continue entire length.



No. 24.

T. B C Cordonnet Special Crochet Cotton No. 30.

Square Medallion.—Fill shuttle but do not break the thread.

R. 6 d. s. (p. 2 d. s.) 3 times, ch. 5 d. s., p. 3 d. s., turn ; r. 5 d. s., join last p.

of 1st r. 5 d. s., turn; ch. 2 d. s., p. 2 d. s., p. 2 d. s., p. 2 d. s., turn; r. 5 d. s., join

2nd p. of 1st r. 5 d. s., turn; ch. 3 d. s., p. 5 d, s., join 3rd p. of 1st r., continue ch.

(2 d. s., p.) 3 times, 2 d. s., let this part of ch. lay around the lower side of 1st r. op-posite where the two small rings were joined, and join it at the base of 1st r., con-

tinue ch. 4 d. s., p. 4 d. s., let this ch. lay alongside of 1st ch. and join to 1st p. of

1st ch. Ch. (2 d. s., p.) 3 times, 2 d. s., join 1st p. in 2nd ch. ch. (2 d. s., p.) 5 times,

skip 1 p. in 2nd ch. and join the next, ch. (2 d. s., p.) 3 times, 2 d. s., join p. in nextch. ch. 4 d. s., p. 4 d. s., join over 3rd p. in 1st r., repeat from the beginning 3 times,

joining p. in the outside chains, cut threads, draw one end through at base of 1st r.

and tie, draw ends to the back of work and with fine needle and thread sew themsecurely as coarse thread unties easily. Make the point below the square medallionexactly like the square till the third quarter is finished, then ch. 2 d. s., p. 2 d. s., cut

threads, draw one end through at base of 1st r. and tie. For the heading and con-

necting Row R. 2 d. s. (p. 2 d. s.) 3 times, join 4th p. of middle scallop at top of

square medallion. Ch. 2 d. s. (p. 2 d. s.) 3 times, r. as before, join middle p. of

next scallop, repeat chain and ring, join middle scallop of next ch., repeat ch. and r.,

join 2nd p. of next scallop, ch. 2 d. s. (p. 2 d. s.) 7 times, r. as before, skip one p.,

join next one in same scallop, three more chains and rings joining as before, thench. and r. which is not joined to anything ; turn work and repeat rings and chains,

joining middle p. of next three chains to middle p. of last three chains, and third

p. of next ch. to third p. of next ch. Ch. 2 d. s. (p. 2 d. s.) 4 times, and repeat frombeginning.




T. B. C. Cordonnet Special Crochet Cotton

No. 20.

Fill shuttle but do not break the thread.

Row I.—C. 1. 1st r. 4 d. s. (p. 4 d. s.) 3 times.

2nd r., 4 d. s., join last p. of 1st r., 4 d. s. (p. 4

d. s.) 2 times. 3rd r., 4 d. s., join last p. of 2nd

r., 4 d. s. (p. 4 d. s.) 2 times, turn; ch. 5 d. s., p.

3 d. s., p. 3 d. s., join 2nd p. of last r., turn; c. 1.

like 1st, joining 1st p. of 1st r., to last p. of ch.,

turn; ch. 5 d. s., join 2nd p. of 2nd r., of 1st c. 1.,

3 d. s., p. 3 d. s., join 2nd p. of 3rd r. of last c. 1.,

turn ; repeat from beginning.

Row II.—Ch. 2 d. s. (p. 2 d. s.) 3 times, join

2nd p. of 2nd r. of last c. 1., ch. 2 d. s., p. 2 d. s.,

p. 4 d. s., join middle p. of next r.'' Ch. 4 d. s.,

p. 4 d. s., join p. in middle r. of 3rd c. 1., wherech. of Row I was joined. Ch. 4 d. s., p. 4 d. s.,

join p. of last r. of same c. 1. and repeat from *

on both sides of Row I.

Row III.—With one thread r. 3 d. s., p. 3 d.

s., join 1st p. of 1st ch. of Row II. 3 d. s., p. 3 d.

s., turn; s. r. made with 1st part of double stitch,

thus: Do not draw up the stitches very close,

hold them under the thumb till 10 half d. s. are

made, then draw up and turn. R. 4 d. s., join

last p. of 1st r. 4 d. s., join next p. of same ch.

4 d. s., p. 4 d. s., turn ; s. r. as before turn, and re-

peat all around. To turn the corners, join tworings in one p. of ch.

No. 26. INSERTION. Shown on page 20.

No.T. B. C. Cordonnet Special Crochet Cotton20.

Two rows made like Row 1 of Napkin ring.

No. 25, shown on this page and joined by the

free picots makes a close solid insertion for atowel.

No. 25.



No. 26. See page 19.

No. 27.


Illustration shows exactsize when finished.

T. B. C. Cordonnet Special

Crochet Cotton No. 70.

Center r. (3 d. s., p.) 8

times, tie threads and cut.

Row I.—C. 1., 1st r., 4 d. s.

(p. 2 d. s.) 7 times, 2 d. s., 2ndr., 4 d. s., join last p. of 1st r. (2

d. s., p.) 8 times, 4 d. s., 3rd r.,

4 d. s., join last p. of 2nd r. (2d. s., p.) 6 times, 4 d. s., turn;ch. 14 d. s., join p. of center r.

14 d. s., repeat c. 1. and ch.

around center r., joining 1st

and last rings of c. 1. by mid-dle p., join last ch. at base of

1st c. 1., tie threads and cut.

Row II.—Begin with cen-

ter of small scallop. R. 2 d. s.

(p. 2 d. s.) 5 times, turn;ch. 2 d. s. (p. 2 d. s.) 3

times, turn; r. 7 d. s., join

1st p. in 1st r. 7 d. s. *Ch.2 d. s. (p. 2 d. s.) 3 times, turn; r. 7 d. s., join next p. of 1st r., repeat from * 3 times,ch. 2 d. s. (p. 2 d. s.) 3 times, join at base of 1st r., turn; ch. 2 d. s. (p. 2 d. s.) 5

times, 1st 1. r. 12 d. s., join middle p. of 2nd r. of c. 1., of Row I. 2nd 1. r., 12 d. s.,

p. 12 d. s., turn; ch. 2 d. s. (p. 2 d. s.) 9 times, begin large scallop for corner of me-dallion. C. r., 2 d. s. (p. 2 d. s.) 5 times. * Ch. 2 d. s. (p. 2 d. s.) 3 times, turn; r. 7

d. s., join 1st p. of c. r. 7 d. s., turn; * repeat from to * 4 times, ch. 2 d. s. (p. 2 d. s.)

3 times, join at base of c. r., turn; ch. 2 d. s. (p. 2 d. s.) 5 times, turn; r. 7 d. s., join

2nd p. of next to the last ch. 7 d. s., turn ; ch. 2 d. s., p. 2 d. s., join 2nd p. of nextto the last ch. of small scallop, 2 d. s., p. 2 d. s., turn ; r. 7 d. s., join 2nd p. in 3rdch. of corner scallop. 7 d. s., turn; * ch. (p. 2 d. s.) 5 times, r. 7 d. s., join 2ndp. of next ch. 7 d. s. * Repeat from * to * twice. Ch. 2 d. s. (p. 2 d. s.) 5 times,

join at base of c. r. Ch. 2 d. s. (p. 2 d. s.) 9 times, 1 r. 12 d. s., join p. of 2nd 1. r.

12 d. s., 1. r. 12 d. s., join p. of 1st 1. r. 12 d. s., ch. 2 d. s. (p. 2 d. s.) 5 times, makeanother small scallop like the 1st one, join it to large scallop. Ch. 2 d. s. (p. 2 d. s.)

6 times, join to 2nd c. 1. of Row I, 2 d. s. (p. 2 d. s.) 6 times, and repeat from begin-ning of row 3 times.


No. 27.



Illustration shows exact size when finished.

Use T. B. C. Cordonnet Special Crochet Cotton No. 30.

Center r. (2 d. s., p.) 7 times, 2 d. s., do not break thread, turn.

Row I.—S. ch. 3 d. s., turn, s. r. 4 d. s., p. 4 d. s., turn, s. ch. 3 d. s., turn; s. r.

3 d. s., p. 3 d. s., p. 3 d. s., repeat from beginning of row 3 times, join where 1st s.

ch. started, tie and cut threads. Row II.—Join threads in p.

of 1st s. r. Ch. 3

d. s., join 1st p. in

2nd s. r., ch. 7 d.

s., p. 7 d. s., turn;

r. 3 d. s. (p. 3 d.

s.) 3 times. *

Turn, ch 2 d. s., p.

3 d. s., p. 3 d. s., p.

2 d. s. ; r. 3 d. s. (p.

3 d. s.) 3 times,

turn ; ch. 7 d. s.,

join p. in next to

the last ch. 7 d. s.,

join 2nd p. in 2nds. r., ch. 3 d. s.,

join p. in 3rd s. r.,

r. 6 d. s., p. 6 d. s.,

turn, ch. 7 d. s.,

join 3rd p. of 2ndr. 7 d. s., turn; r.

6 d. s., join p. of

last r. 6 d. s.,

turn ; ch. 7 d. s.,

p. 7 d. s., join p. of

3rd s. r., turn; ch.

3 d. s., join 1st p.

of 4th s. r. ch. 7

d. s., p. 7 d. s.,

turn, r. 3 d. s., p.

3 d. s., join p. in

next to the last

ch., 3 d. s., p. 3 d.

s., repeat from * 3

times, tie and cutthread.

Row III.—Join threads in 3rd p. of 1st r. * Ch. 2 d. s. (p. 2 d. s.) 3 times. Join2nd p. of ch. between 1st and 2nd rings, repeat ch. and join p. of next r., repeat ch.and join at base of next r., repeat ch. and join p. of next r., repeat from '* around,join where 1st ch. started, tie and cut threads.

Row IV.—Join threads in same p. where Row III begun. * Ch. 6 d. s., p. 2 d. s.,

p. 2 d. s., turn; r. 5 d. s., join 2nd p. of 1st ch of Row III, 5 d. s.. turn; ch. 2 d. s.,

p. 2 d. s., p. 6 d. s., join where Row III was joined to Row II, repeat from *.

Row V.—Join threads to 2nd p. of 1st ch. of Row IV. * Ch. 5 d. s.. p. 5 d. s., join1st p. of next ch., ch. 5 d. s., p. 5 d. s., join 2nd p. of next ch. and repeat from *,.

No. 28.



No. 29.

MEDALLION.Illustration shows exact size when finished.

Use T. B. C. Cordonnet Special Crochet Cotton No. 30.

Center r. First cut a stiff piece of paper 1 inch square, with which to measurethe picots, 3 d. s., 1. p. (1 inch long) 3 d. s., 1. p. until there are 10 1. p., tie threadsand cut.

Row I.—R. 10 d. s., p. 10 d. s., turn; ch. 2 d. s., p. 2 d. s., p. 2 d. s., join 1st 1. p.

of center r. 2 d. s., p. 2 d. s., p. 2 d. s., join to p. of last r. Ch. 4 d. s., and repeatrings and chains around center r. Join last short ch. of 4 d. s., to base of 1st r.,

turn without breaking thread, ch. 5 d. s., join p. of last r. ch. 2 d. s. (p. 2 d. s.) 7

times, join at base of same r. and repeat chains around the whole row.Row II.—With one thread only, r. 4 d. s. (p. 2 d. s.) 5 times, 4 d. s., turn; s. r.

4 d. s., p. 4 d. s., turn; r. 4 d. s., join last p. of the 1st r., 2 d. s., p. 2 d. s., join 3rd

p. of ch. of Row I, 2 d. s., p. 2 d. s., p. 4 d. s., turn; r. 4 d. s., join p. of r. (2 d. s., p.)5 times, 4 d. s., turn; r. 4 d. s., join last p. of 3rd r. 2 d. s., p. 2 d. s., join 5th p. of

same ch. of Row I, 2 d. s., p. 2 d. s., p. 4 d. s., turn; r. 4 d. s., join last p. of 4th r.

4 d. s., turn ; and repeat from beginning around. Tie threads and cut.

Row III.—With two threads join at base of 1st r. of Row II, ch. 2 d. s. (p. 2 d.

S.) 3 times, join where 1st r. was joined to 4th r. of Row II. Ch. 3 d. s. (p. 2 d. s.)

3 times, turn; s. r. 4 d. s., join middle p. of 4th r. of Row II. 4 d. s., turn; s. r. 2 d. s.

(p. 2 d. s.) 3 times. Ch. (2 d. s., p.) 3 times, 3 d. s., join where 4th r. of Row II

joins 2nd s. r. of Row II ; ch. 2 d. s. (p. 2 d. s.) 3 times, join at base of 7th r. of RowII and repeat around.




Illustration shows exact size when finished.

T. B. C. Cordonnet Special Crochet Cotton No. 30 White and two shades of

No. 70 Blue.

Begin with center ring. (3 d. s. p.) 8 times. Row I. Around c. r., s. ch. 2 d. s.,

p. 2 d. s., join 1st p. of c. r., ch. 6 d. s., p. 2 d. s., p. 2 d. s., turn; r. 8 d. s., p. 8 d. s.,

turn; ch. 2 d. s. (p. 2 d. s.) 5 times, join to p. of last r., ch. 2 d. s., p. 2 d. s., p. 6 d. s.,

join to 1st p. of c. r. ; s. ch. 2 d. s., p. 2 d. s., join 2nd p. of c. r., * ch. 6 d. s., join last

p. of next to last ch., 2 d. s., p. 2 d. s., turn; r. 8 d. s., p. 8 d. s., turn; ch. 2 d. s. (p.

2 d. s.) 5 times, join p. of last r. ch. 2 d. s., p. 2 d. s., p. 6 d. s., join 2nd p. of c. r., s.

ch., join 3rd p. of c. r. Repeat from * around c. r. Join last s. ch. where 1st onestarted, join last ch. at same place, tie and cut threads.

Row II. Join threads to 4th p. of 1st scallop of Row I. 6 d. s., p. 6 d. s., turn;

c. 1., 1st r., 4 d. s. (p. 2 d. s.) 4 times, p. 4 d. s., 2nd and 3rd rings the same, except join-

ing to last p. of previous r. by 1st p., turn ; 1 ch. 6 d. s., join p. of last ch. 6 d. s., join

2nd p. of next scallop of Row I. 2 d. s. (p. 2 d. s.) 7 times, join 3rd p. of 3rd r. of

c. 1. ch. 2 d. s. (p. 2 d. s.) 7 times, join 3rd p. of next r. of c. 1. Repeat from *. Ch.2 d. s. (p. 2 d. s.) 7 times, join same p. where Row II began, turn; ch. 2 d. s. (p. 2

d. s.) 5 times, turn ; r. 5 d. s., join 2nd p. of next to the last ch. 5 d. s., turn; ch. 2 d. s.

(p. 2 d. s.) 5 times, turn; r. 4 d. s., join 4th p. in same chain. Ch. 2 d. s. (p. 2 d. s.)

5 times, turn ; r. 4 d. s., join 6th, in same ch. repeat rings and chains around c. 1. andjoin last ch. in same p. where 1st ch. of Row started, turn; ch. 2 d. s. (p. 2 d. s.) 9times, join 4th p. of next scallop of Row I and repeat from beginning of Row 3times. Tie and cut threads.

Shaded Blue Edge.—Fill shuttle with light blue thread, have the second or ball

thread, darker blue. S. r. 4 d. s., p. 4 d. s., turn; ch. 2 d. s., p. 2 d. s., join 3rd p. of

outside ch. of scallop, 2 d. s., p. 2 d. s., turn; s. r., 4 d. s., p. 4 d. s., repeat aroundjoining twice to the middle three chains of each scallop.



T B C r1'"'''^"'° ^''''''''' "^'^^ ^°^^^K TURNED.i^B. C. Cordonnet Special Crochet Cotton No. 40

threads, rnake enough wh^eels for en fre kn|th Tiji T"" '?'^f °' ^^* ^' ^'^ -"^ cutthe threads With first shuttle, make a r of 8 /I ^^^ shuttles but do not breaktie fasten threads to p. of r. just made Chi ^ r

' ?J f " ^'^^ second shut-third p. of ch., continue ch. (2 d s p ) 5 tL. ''A'

^ ^^ ''^ ^ ''""''' J°'" to wheel by(P- 2 d. s.) 6 times, p. 4 d. s ioin iLt n of I' ^ '^^ "' '^^ '• °^ ^ "ngs, each 4 d sS., join to 1st p. of last ch. (2 d s p ) 6 ?L'e's

'"•• '"^iT P" °' P^^^'°"« r. ch 4 dChange shuttles. Ch. 4 d. s p 4 d s inJn ^ ^'J°'" ^'^ P- of next ch. of wheel2d. s.) 7 times, joint middle p^of 2nd ^ o cT ch .^H

°^ '/' "- °^ '^^ ^^ '^^^h. 2 d. s (p!die p of 3rd r. of c. 1. ch. 4 d. s., p 4 d s turn r «ll'^ ^P" .' ^^ ^'^ ^ ^'™^-''' J^i" "^ d:

sTm 'f^*°P- °' ^- ^^^^ '"^d^^ch. 2 d 's (^ 2d s )

' P- ' " ' Change shuttles.

las;T' 'Ch'.-2d'^s \r2Ts'h'> ' ':'' ^'^" P- -next ch. of wheel change shitler'ch'T/''^ ^- °'


ofihecliavtag'^:;VSS ~™.,""" 'o «»« 7,h ch.

ch. "6.fy7^T':-^ ' " -; P- 8 d. ... ,„.„,

heading. 8 d t ][",Z'


-J"" P' "' '^' ' "<

.no.h.fV. si a.: Jnirr„Tc£n7T ('p""!,r?

?o7o^rtn^ri%™-p'fj"* *"'"»-

s.:fhi o? h1"°'"-- '- ipear;™:^-

Row'iTs ::c7r/.t t:J,\f„''°- '• i"'-""^ "

,»^-« .(!-^i

w^ %¥^


ri-^r^ ^^N-^^


No. 32.


Use T. B. C. Cordonnet Special Crochet Cotton No. 30.

Butterfly.—Begin with head. R. 10 d. s.l. p. 5 d. s., 1. p. 10 d. s., turn ; ch. 6 d. s., p. 6

d. s., turn; r. lid. s., join at base of 1st r., lid. s., turn; this begins upper-body. Nextbegin lower body, r. 8 d. s., p. 8 d. s., turn ; ch. 6 d. s., p. 6 d. s., join p. of last r. Ch.

6 d. s., p. 6 d. s., join at base of same r. Begin upper right wing, ch. 6 d. s., join

p. in ch. of upper body, 4 d. s., p. 4 d. s., turn, and make large d. r. for wing thus:

r. 9 d. s., p. 9 d. s., turn; ch. (Id. s., p.) 12 times, 1 d. s., join p. of r. last made,ch. (1 d. s., p.) 12 times, 1 d. s., join at base of same ring, ch. 4 d. s., p. 4 d. s., make2nd r. for wing thus: 2 d. s. (p. 2 d. s.) 11 times, turn; ch. 4 d. s. (p. 4 d. s.) 4

times, join 6th p. of last r. 4 d. s. (p. 4 d. s.) 3 times, join large d. r. over p. of inside r.

Ch. 4 d. s. (p. 4 d. s.) 2 times, join between upper and lower body. Ch. 6 d. s., join

p. of ch. in lower body and begin lower wing, large d. r., thus: r. 12 d. s., p. 12 d. s.,

turn; ch. 2 d. s. (p. 2 d. s.) 5 times, join p. of last r. 2 d. s. (p. 2 d. s.) 5 times, join

at base of r., turn; ch. 4 d. s. (p. 4 d. s.)4 times, 4 d. s. join over p of inside r. ch. 4

d. s., (p. 4 d. s.) 3 times, join last p. of upper wing, 4 d. s., join at base of d. r. ch. 6

d. s., join at lower end of lower body, turn; s. r. 4 d. s., p. 4 d. s., turn; and makelast row of lower wing, 2 d. s., p. 2 d. s., join 1st p. of lower wing * (1 d. s., p.)

5 times 1 d. s., join next p., repeat from ••• twice, 1 d. s., (p. 1 d. s.) 7 times,

join next p. 1 d. s. (p. 1 d. s.) 7 times join next p. 1 d. s. (p. 1 d. s.) 5 times,

join next p. 1 d. s. (p. 1 d. s.) 5 times, join next p. of lower wing and also

at top of d. r. of upper wing. Now finish upper wing ''1 d. s. (p. 1 d. s.) 5 times, join

next p. of upper wing, repeat from ''" twice, 1 d. s. (p. 1 d. s.) 5 times, join at top

of 2nd 1. r. of upper wing. * Ch. 1 d. s. (p. 1 d. s.) 5 times, join next p., repeat from* 5 times, 1 d. s. (p. 1 d. s.) 5 times, join at base of large d. r. 1 d. s. (p. 1 d. s.) 5


times, join last p. of upper wing, 4 d. s., pass ball of thread back of neck and shut-

tle thread in front, and finish left side of upper body, ch. 6 d. s., p. 6 d. s., join be-

tween upper and lower bodies. Make left side like right and finish at neck wherethreads are tied and cut.

INSERTION.Row I.—R. 4 d. s., p. 2 d. s., p 4 d. s.,turn; ch. 7 d. s., turn; * r. 7 d. s., p. 7 d. s.,

turn; ch. 3 d. s., join p. of upper wing, as seen in illustration, ch. 4 d. s., p. 7 d. s.,

join p. of last r. ch. 7 d. s., join at base of 1st r. ch. 7 d. s., turn; r. 4 d. s., p. 2 d. s.,

p. 4 d. s., turn; ch. 7 d. s. join p. of 2nd r., turn, repeat from *.

Row II.—Join thread to p. of 2nd ch. r. 4 d. s., p. 2 d. s., p. 4 d. s., turn ; ch. 7

d. s., join p. of next ch., turn; r. 4 d. s., p. 2 d. s., p. 4 d. s., repeat to end.

Edge.R. 4 d. s., p. 2 d. s., p. 4 d. s., turn; ch. 6 d. s., turn; '''

r. 6 d. s., p. 6 d. s., turn;

ch. 5 d. s. (p. 2 d. s.) twice, p. 5 d. s., join p. of last r. ch. 6 d. s., join at base of 1st

r. ch. 6 d. s., turn; r. 4 d. s., p. 2 d. s., p. 4 d. s., ch. 6 d. s., join p. of 2nd r. turn;repeat from •.

No. 33. CENTERPIECE. Size when finished 15 inches.

See page 27 for instructions for making.



CENTERPIECE. No. 33. Shown on page 26.

Braid No. 5501-4. T. B. C. Cordonnet Special Crochet Cotton No. 30.

Count 7 ovals of braid, cross cords and join with needle and thread.

Round Tatted MedalHon.—C. r. (3 d. s., p.) 5 times, 3 d. s., turn ; s. ch. 3 d. s.,

join 1st p. of c. r.'= Ch. 5 d. s., p. 5 d. s., turn; r. 8 d. s., join same p. 8 d. s., s. ch.

3 d. s., c. 1., 1st r. 4 d. s. (p. 2 d. s.) 4 times, p. 4 d. s., 2nd r., 4 d. s., join last p. of

1st r., 2 d. s., p. 2 d. s., join to 3rd and 4th p. of 2nd oval of circle, 2 d. s., p. 2 d. s.,

p. 4 d. s., 3rd r., 4 d. s., join 5th p. of 2nd oval (2 d. s., p.) 4 times, 4 d. s., s. ch.

3 d. s., join at top of d. r. and finish d. r. 5 d. s., p. 5 d. s., join 1st p. of c. r. ; s. ch.

3 d. s., join next p. of c. r., and repeat from * 4 times; ch. 5 d. s., p. 5 d. s., turn;r. 8 d. s., join at base of c. r. where first ch. started. 8 d. s., s. ch. 3 d. s., c. 1. as be-fore, joining 3rd p. of 1st r. to 3rd and 4th p. of last oval and 3rd p. of 3rd r. to 3rdand 4th p. of 1st oval, then make s. ch. and finish last d. r., joining thread at baseof r., tie and cut threads. Count 7 ovals of braid for scallop.

Oval Tatted Medallion.—R. 4 d. s. (p. 4 d. s.) 3 times, turn; ch. 2 d. s. (p. 2d. s.) 5 times, turn; r. 4 d. s., join last p. of 1st r. 4 d. s., join 2nd p. of 1st r. 4 d. s.,

p. 4 d. s., turn; ch. 2 d. s., p. 2 d. s., join 3rd p. of 2nd oval 4 d. s., join 4th p. of sameoval, 2 d. s., p. 2 d. s., turn; r. 4 d. s., join last p. of 2nd r. (4 d. s., p.) 2 times, 4 d.

$., turn; ch. 2 d. s. (p. 2 d. s.) 2 times, join 6th p. of same oval, turn; r. like 2nd r.,

turn; ch. 2 d. s. (p. 2 d. s.) 2 times, 2 d. s., join 1st p. of next oval, 2 d. s. (p. 2 d. s.)

2 times, turn; r. like 2nd r., turn; ch. 2 d. s. (p. 2 d. s.) twice, join 4th p. of sameoval (2 d. s., p.) 3 times, 2 d. s., turn; r. 4 d. s., join 3rd p. of last r. 4 d. s., join 2ndp. of same r. 4 d. s., p. 4 d. s., turn; r. 4 d. s., p. 4 d. s., join to 3rd and 4th p. ofnext oval, 4 d. s., p. 4 d. s., turn; ch. 2 d. s. (p. 2 d. s.) 2 times, join 3rd p. of nextoval, 2 d. s. (p. 2 d. s.) 2 times, turn; r. 4 d. s., join 3rd p. of last r. 4 d. s., join 2ndp. of last 2 rings. 4 d. s., p. 4 d. s., turn; ch. 2 d. s. (p. 2 d. s.) 2 times, join last p.of same oval, 2 d. s. (p. 2 d. s.) 2 times, turn; r. 4 d. s., join 3rd p. of last r.. 4 d. s.,

join p. of 4th r. 4 d. s., p. 4 d. s., turn; 2 d. s. (p. 2 d. s.) 2 times, join 1st p. of nextoval, 2 d. s. (p. 2 d. s.) 2 tirhes, r. like last r., join by 2nd p. to 3rd r., turn; ch. 2d. s., p. 2 d. s., join 3rd p. of same oval, 2 d. s., p. 2 d. s., join 5th p. of same oval,

2 d. s., p. 2 d. s., turn; r. like last one, joining 1st p. to 3rd p. of last r., 4 d. s., join2nd r. 4 d. s., p. 4 d. s., ch. 2 d. s. (p. 2 d. s.) 6 times, r. 4 d. s. (p. 4 d. s.) 3 times,join threads at base of 1st r., tie and cut. Alternate circle and scallop until thereare eight of each, join ends of braid with needle.

Heading.—••Make two rings close together, just alike, thus: 4 d. s. (p. 4 d. s.)

3 times, turn; ch. 2 d. s. (p. 2 d. s.) 9 times, turn; two rings as before, turn; ch. 2 d.s. (p. 2 d. s.) 4 times, join last r. of oval medallion, turn; two rings, ch. and tworings =• ch. 2 d. s. (p. 2 d. s.) 4 times, join 3rd p. from where cords are crossed,2 d. s. (p. 2 d. s.) 4 times, repeat from * then repeat from beginning of row.

Edge.—Join threads to last p. of oval next to where the cords are crossed.Ch. 2 d. s. (p. 2 d. s.) 5 times, join 1st p. of next medallion. * Ch. 2 d. s. (p. 2 d. s.)

5 times, join 3rd p. of same oval, 2 d. s., p. 2 d. s., join 4th p. of same oval, 2 d. s.

(p. 2d. s.) 5 times, join last p. of same oval, repeat from * 4 times, ch. 2 d. s., p. 2 d.

s., join 4th p. of 2nd oval of scallop and continue all around.



No. 34.

ROUND TRAY CLOTH.Size when finished 14^2 inches.

T. B. C. Cordonnet Special Crochet Cotton No. 50. One Ball each of light andmedium Blue.

Medallion.—Use dark blue on shuttle and the lighter blue on spool, r, (5 d.

s. p.) 3 times, 5 d. s. turn; ch, 4 d. s. 1. p. 4 d. s. ; c. 1. each r. 4 d. s.

(p. 2 d. s.) 5 times, 2 d. s. join at 1st p. of 2nd and 3rd rings to last p. of previousr. turn the c. 1. over and ch. (2 d. s. p.) 5 times, 2 d. s. join 3rd. p. of r. of c. 1.


ch. (2. d. s. p.) 5 times, 2 d. s. join 3rd p. of next r. of c. 1., ch. as before, join nextr., ch. as before, and join at base of c. 1.; ch. 4 d. s. 1. p. 4 d. s. join c. r. where 1st

ch. started. Ch. 5 d. s. join next p. of c. r. ch. 4 d. s. join last 1. p. 4 d. s. c. 1. as

before; ch. (2 d. s. p.) 3 times. 2 d. s. join 4th p. in last ch. of last c. 1., 2 d. s.

p. 2 d. s. join 3rd. p. of 1st. r. of c. 1.; repeat from * 3 times, continue chains

around 4th. c. 1., ch. 5 d. s. join 1st. 1. p., ch. 5 d. s. join 3rd p. of c. r., ch. 4d. s.

join where 1st ch. started from c. r., tie and cut threads.

Outside Row of Medallion.—Join threads to 2nd. p. of 2nd. ch. of c. 1., ch.

(2 d. s. p.) 5 times, 2 d. s. r. 5 d. s. join over 3rd p. of 2nd r. of c. 1., ch. (2 d. s. p.) 5

times, 2 d. s. join 4th p of next ch., ch. 3 d. s. (p. 2 d. s.) 7 times. 3

d. s. join 2nd. p. of next ch. of c. 1., and repeat from beginning around medallion.



Make c. 1. the same as in Medallion and join to a 1. ch. on one side of Me-dallion, tie and cut threads.

Border.—R. 4 d. s. (p. 2 d. s.) 4 times, p. 4 d. s., ch. 2 d. s. (p. 2 d. s.) 5 times,repeat from beginning. R. 4 d. s. (p. 2 d. s.) 4 times, p. 4 d. s., join 1st. p. in

each r. to last one in preceding r., 1. ch. (2 d. s. p.) 11 times, 4 d. s., p. 4 d. s., c. 1.

the same as in Medallion, ch. 4 d. s. join last p. in the 1. ch. 4 d. s. (p. 2 d. s.) 7

times, join to 3rd. p. in last r. of c. 1., ch. (2 d. s. p.) 5 times, 2 d. s. join to 3rd.

p. in 2nd r. of c. 1. ch. (2 d. s. p.) 5 times 2 d. s. join to 3rd p. in 3rd r. of c. 1.,

ch. (2 d. s. p.) 5 times, 2 d. s. join to 1. ch. at 10th p., this joining must be madeon the opposite side of the ch. from the p., turn work * ch. (2 d. s. p.) 5 times, 2

d. s. turn; r. 4 d. s. join 2nd p. from next to the last ch. 4 d. s. turn; ch. (2 d. s. p.) 5

times, 2 d. s. r. 4 d. s. join 4th. p. in the same ch., repeat from '•' 3 times, ch. (2 d. s.

p.) 5 times, 2 d. s. join 6th. p. turn work. ch. (2 d. s. p.) 9 times, 2 d. s. repeatfrom beginning two times. The next or 4th scallop must be joined at the 5th

p. of 1. ch. to the 3rd p. in last ch. before the extra c. 1., on side of Medallion. Join11th. p. of 1. ch. the 4th. p. of 1st. r. of c. 1. ch. 4 d. s. join 1st. p. of 2nd. r. of c. 1.,

ch. 4 d. s. p. 4 d. s. make c. 1. of scallop ch. 4 d. s. join to last p. in 1. ch. join to3rd p. in 3rd r. of c. 1., (2 d. s. p.) 7 times, 2 d. s. and finish scallop like the 1st


No. 35.

TATTING FOR NIGHT GOWN.T. B. C. Cordonnet Special Crochet Cotton No. 40.

Edging.—Fill shuttle but do not break thread. R. 4 d. s. p. 2 d. s. p. 4 d. s. p.10 d. s. turn; ch. 2 d. s. (p. 2 d. s.) 5 times, join last p. of r. and repeat from be-ginning for entire length.

Insertion.—R. 8 d. s. p. 8 d. s., turn ; ch. 4 d. s. p. 2 d. s. p 4 d. s. join p. of r.

and repeat for entire length. Without breaking thread turn and ch. 4 d. s. p. 2d. s. p. 4 d. s. p. and letting this chain lie around the other side of r. join it to p. ofnext to the last r. make another ch. the same, and join to p. of next r. and repeatfor entire length.



No. 36—Baby Cap.See page 31 for instructions for making.



No. 36.


Illustration Shows Exact Size When Finished.

T. B. C. Cordonnet Special Crochet Cotton No. 30 white.

Medallion for Back of Cap.

With shuttle thread only make c. r. (3 d. s. p.) 6 times, Row 1. around c. r.

s. r. 4 d. s. p. 4 d. s. close and join thread to next p. of c. r. repeat all around makingsix rings, tie and cut thread.

Row II.—With two threads, s. r. 4 d. s. join 1st p. of r. of Row I 4 d. s.

turn, * ch. 7 d. s. p. 3 d. s. turn; 1. r. 7 d. s. join p. of same s. r. of Row I 7 d. s.

turn ; ch. 3 d. s. p. 7 d. s. turn ; s. r. 4 d. s. join in same p. s. r. 4 d. s. join p. of

2nd r. of Row II 4 d. s. turn. Repeat from * all around.

Row III.—R. 8 d. s. p. 8 d. s. ch. 2 d. s. p. 2 d. s. p. 2 d. s. join 1st p. in R. II. 2 d.

s. p. 2 d. s. p. 2 d. s. join p. in 1st r. s. ch. 4 d. s., repeat from beginning, join last s.

ch. at base of 1st r. turn; * s. ch. 5 d. s. join p. of last r. ch. 2 d. s. (p. 2 d. s.) 7

times, join at base of r. repeat from * tie and cut threads.

Row IV.—Fill two shuttles. * r. 4 d. s. (p. 4 d. s.) 3 times, turn; ch. 3 d. s. p.

2 d. s. p. 2 d. s. p. 3 d. s. turn; repeat from * twice. With second shuttle r. 3 d. s.

p. 3 d. s. join 4th p. of 1st ch. of Row III. 3 d. s. p. 3 d. s. With first shuttle ch. 3

d. s. p. 2 d. s. p. 2 d. s. p. 3 d. s. turn ; r. 4 d. s. join 3rd p. of next to last r. 4 d. s.

join 2nd. p. of same r. 4 d. s. p. 4 d. s, turn; ch. 3 d. s. p. 2 d. s. 2 d. s. p. 3 d. s.

turn; r. 4 d. s. join 3rd p. of last r. 4 d. s. join 2nd p. of 2nd. r. 4 d. s. p. 4 d. s. turn;ch. as before turn ; r. 4 d. s. join 3rd p. o f last r. 4 d. s. (p. 4 d. s.) twice, ch. asbefore. With second shuttle r. 3 d. s. (p. 3 d. s.) 3 times. With first shuttle ch.

3 d. s. (p. 3 d. s.) 3 times, repeat from beginning of Row.Row V.—Like Row III, except outside chain of double rings is made with 5

picots only.

Row VI.—Join threads to 1st. p. of outside ch. of d. r. p. ch. of 2 d. s. (p. 1 d. s.)

12 times. 2 d. s. join last p. of same ch. p. ch. of 2 d. s. (p. 1 d. s.) 7 times, and re-

peat from beginning of Row.Rosettes.—C. r. (4 d. s. p.) 8 times, close, ch. 4 d. s. join 1st. p. of c. r. ch. 3 d. s.

p. 7 d. s. turn, r. 9 d. s. join same p. 9 d. s. turn; ch. 7 d. s. p. 3 d. s. join same p. s.

ch. 4 d. s. join next p. of c. r. ch. 3 d. s. join last p. of ch. 7 d. s. turn; r. 9 d. s. join

same p. of c. r. 9 d. s. turn; ch. 7 d. s. p 3 d. s. repeat around c. r. join threadswhere 1st ch. started, tie and cut threads.

Row I.—Tie threads to top of 1st d. r. ch. (2 d. s. p.) 5 times. 2 d. s. turn; r.

9 d. s. join where, ch. started, 9 d. s. r. 9 d. s. join top of 2nd d. r. 9 d. s. turn; ch.

2 d. s. (p. 2 d. s.) 5 times, join where last r. was joined, repeat all around.

Connect these Rosettes by Row of d. r. Then with p. chains connect Row of

rosettes to p. chains of back part of cap. Make row of p. chains around front of

cap. Fill in spaces between Row IV. and Row V. with clusters of small rings,

joined to each other by picots and to the Rows by the connecting threads.



No. 37. Boudoir Cap.

No. 38. Apron.

Above Boudoir Cap and Apron show how various articles can be decorated withsimple edges and insertions for which '^instructions are given in this book.

..'•• 32


Designs shown on the following pages are new patterns addedspecially for the Third Enlarged Edition.

No. 39.

Braid No. 6654. T. B. C. Cordonnet Special Crochet Cotton No. 50.

Heading. Row I.—With two threads join to p. of braid; ch. 3 d. s. (p. 2 d. s.)

4 times, p. 3 d. s., join p. of 2nd r. of braid ; repeat for length required.Row II.—Join threads to 3rd p. of 1st ch. of Row I. * Ch. 2 d. s. (p. 2 d. s.) 4

times, join 3rd p. of next ch. ; repeat from '''.

Edging.—Join threads to p. of 1st r. of braid; * ch. 2 d. s. (p. 2 d. s.) 3 times.

Join next p. of braid; r. 4 d. s. (p. 2 d. s.) 4 times; p. 4 d. s., repeat from '•'.

No. 40.

Braid No. 5501-4. T. B. C. Cordonnet Special Crochet Cotton No. 30 White.Row I of Center.—R. 12 d. s., p. 12 d. s., turn; ch. 2 d. s. (p. 2 d. s.) 3 times,

join 3rd p. of 1st oval of braid, 2 d. s., p. 2 d. s., join 4th p. of same oval, 2 d. s.

(p. 2 d. s.) 3 times, join p. of r. and turn ; ch. 8 d. s., turn ; r. 8 d. s., join around cord

between 1st and 2nd ovals; 8 d. s., turn; repeat from beginning.Row II.—Join threads at base of 1st r. * ch. 2 d. s. (p. 2 d. s.) 3 times, join 3rd

p. of oval of second piece of braid, 2 d. s., p. 2 d. s., join 4th p. of same oval, 2 d. s.

(p. 2 d. s.) 3 times, join p. of 1st r., turn; ch. 8 d. s., turn; r. 8 d. s., join around cord

between 1st and 2nd ovals of second piece of braid, 8 d. s., turn ; ch. 8 d. s., join at

base of next r. ; repeat from *.

Heading.—Join threads to 1st p. of 1st oval. •• Ch. 2 d. s. (p. 2 d. s.) 3 times,

join 3rd p. of oval, ch. 2 d. s. (p. 2 d. s.) 3 times, join 5th p. of oval ch. 2 d. s. (p.

2 d. s.) 3 times, turn; r. 5 d. s., join around cord, 5 d. s., turn; ch. 2 d. s. (p. 2 d. s.)

3 times, join 1st p. of next oval; repeat from *.

Edge.—Join threads to second p. of 1st oval. " Ch. 3 d. s. (p. 2 d. s.) 2 times,

p. 3 d. s., turn; r. 4 d. s., join 3rd p. of same oval, 4 d. s., r. 4 d. s., join 4th p. of sameoval, 4 d. s., turn; r. 4 d. s., p. 4 d. s., turn; ch. 3 d. s. (p. 2 d. s.) 2 times; p. 3 d. s.,

join 5th p. of oval, ch. 3 d. s. (p. 2 d. s.) 2 times, 3 d. s., join cord between 1st and2nd ovals, ch. 3 d. s. (p. 2 d. s.) 2 times, p. 3 d. s., join 2nd p. of next oval. Repeatfrom *.



No. 41.

Braid No. 5501-1. T. B. C. Cordonnet Special Crochet Cotton No. 50.

Heading. Row I.—Join threads to last p. of oval of braid. Ch. 2 d. s. (p. 2 d. s.)

5 times, join 1st p. of next oval, ch. (2 d. s., p.) 3 times, 2 d. s., join 3rd p. of sameoval, ch. 2 d. s. (p. 2 d. s.) 3 times, join last p. of same oval, also 1st p. of next oval.

Ch. 2 d. s. (p. 2 d. s.) 3 times, join 4th p. of same oval, ch. 2 d. s. (p. 2 d. s.) 3 times,join last p. of same oval ; repeat from beginning.

Row II.—Join threads to 1st p. of 2nd ch. of Row I. Ch. 2 d. s. (p. 2 d. s.) 3times, join last p. of same ch., r. 10 d. s., skip 2 ch. of 1st Row; join 1st p. of nextch. 10 d. s., turn; ch. 2 d. s. (p. 2 d. s.) 5 times, join to same p. with r. last made,ch. 2 d. s. (p. 2 d. s.) 3 times, join last p. in same ch. Ch. 2 d. s. (p. 2 d. s.) 7 times,

skip 1 ch. and join 1st p. of next ch. ; repeat from beginning.Edge.—Join threads to 4th p. of 1st oval, ch. 2 d. s. (p. 2 d. s.) 3 times, join

last p. of same oval and also 1st p. of next oval, ch. 2 d. s. (p. 2 d. s.) 3 times, join

3rd p. of same oval; ch. 2 d. s. (p. 2 d. s.) 3 times; join last p. of same oval; ch. 2 d. s.

(p. 2 d. s.) 3 times, join cord between ovals, c. 1. of 3 rings, 1st r. 4 d. s., join last p.

of last ch. (2 d. s., p.) 4 times, 4 d. s., 2nd r. 4 d. s., join last p. of 1st r. 2 d. s.

(p. 2 d. s.) 4 times; 4 d. s., 3rd r. 4 d. s., join last p. of 2nd r. 2 d. s. (p. 2 d. s.) 4 times,

4 d. s., join thread around cord, ch. 2 d. s. (p. 2 d. s.) 3 times, join 1st p. of next ovalch. 2 d. s. (p. 2 d. s.) 3 times; repeat from beginning.

No. 42.

Braid No. 5501-3. T. B. C. Cordonnet Special Crochet Cotton No. 50 White.Heading. Row I.—Join threads to 1st p. of braid. Ch. 4 d. s. (p. 4 d. s.) 3 times,

turn; r. 6 d. s., join 3rd p. of 1st oval; 6 d. s., r. 6 d. s., join 4th p. of 1st oval; 6 d. s.,

turn. Ch. 4 d. s. (p. 4 d. s.) 3 times, join 6th p. of same oval, turn. R. 6. d. s., join

around cord, 6 d. s., turn. Ch. 4 d. s., p. 2 d. s., p. 4 d. s., turn. R. 6 d. s., join aroundsame cord; 6 d. s., join 1st p. of 2nd oval, and repeat from beginning.

Row II.—Join threads to 2nd p. of 1st ch. of Row I. Ch. 5 d. s., p. 2 d. s., p.

5 d. s., join 2nd p. of next ch. and repeat.

Row III.—R. 5 d. s., join 1st p. of 1st ch. of Row II, 5 d. s., turn. Ch. 3 d. s.,

p. 3 d. s., turn. R. 5 d. s., join 2nd p. of same ch. 5 d. s., turn. Repeat.

Edge.—The edge is made same as Row I of heading.



No. 43.

Braid No. 6706-1. T. B. C. Cordonnet Special Crochet Cotton No. 50.

Edge. Row I.—Join threads to 1st p. of braid, ''•'. Ch. 9 d. s., skip 2 picots of

braid, join the next, turn; r. 4 d. s. (p. 4 d. s.) 3 times, join same p. of braid; repeat

from '^\

Row II.—Join threads to 1st p. of 1st r. of Row I. * Ch. 2 d. s. (p. 2 d. s.) 8 times,

join 3rd p. of same r., ch. 2 d. s., p. 2 d. s., join 1st p. of next r; repeat from *.

Heading. Row I.—Join threads to 1st p. of upper side of braid, * ch. 2 d. s.

(p. 2 d. s.) 5 times, skip 2 picots of braid, join to the next; repeat from * to the end.

Row II.—Join threads to 3rd p. of 1st ch. of Row I. ' Ch. 2 d. s. (p. 2 d. s.)

3 times, turn ; r. 5 d. s., join same p. of braid where ch. of Row I was joined, 6 d. s.,

turn. Ch. 2 d. s. (p. 2 d. s.) 3 times, join 3rd p. of next ch. of Row I, and repeat

from *.

No. 44.

Braid No. 6863. T. B. C. Cordonnet Special Crochet Cotton No. 30.

Row I.—R. 8 d. s., p. 8 d. s., turn ; ch. 4 d. s., p. 4 d. s., join p. of r. 4 d. s., p. 4 d. s.,

join at base of r. ; ch. 4 d. s. (p. 2 d. s.) 2 times, p. 4 d. s., turn ;

== r. 8 d. s., p. 8 d. s., turn


ch. 4 d. s., join p. of last double r. 4 d. s., join p. of last r. 4 d. s., p. 4 d. s., turn ; ch. 4

d. s. (p. 2 d. s.) 2 times, p. 4 d. s., turn; and repeat from ''.

Row II.—Join threads to top of double r. '^ ch. 4 d. s. (p. 2 d. s.) 2 times, p. 4

d. s., join top of next double r. and repeat from '^

Row III.—Join threads to 2nd p. of 1st ch. of Row II; ch. 4 d. s., p. 2 d. s., join

3rd p. of 1st oval of braid; " 2 d. s., p. 4 d. s., join 2nd p. of 2nd ch. of Row II. Ch.

4 d. s., p. 3 d. s., join 9th p. of same oval of braid. 2 d. s., p. 4 d. s., join 2nd p. of

next ch. of Row I ; ch. 4 d. s. (p. 2 d. s.) 2 times, p. 4 d. s., join 2nd p. of next ch. of

Row II ; ch. 4 d. s., p. 2 d. s., join 3rd p. of next oval of braid, repeat from *.

Row IV.—This is made on the other side of Row I, like Row III, and joins the

second piece of braid to Row I.

of 1st oval. " ch. (2 d. s., p.) 5 times, 2 d. s.,

s., p.) 5 times, 2 d. s., join 10th p. of oval. Ch.

5 d. s., join to edge of cord between ovals, 5 d. s.,

s., join 2nd p. of next oval ; repeat from *.


Edge.—Join threads to 2nd p.

join 6th p. of same oval, ch. (2 d.

(2 d. s., p.) 5 times, 2 d. s., turn; r.

turn ch. (2 d. s., p.) 5 times, 2 d.


No. 45.

T. B. C. Cordonnet Special Crochet Cotton No. 50.

Row I.—L. r., 5 d. s., p. 6 d. s., p. 6 d. s., p. 5 d. s., turn ;* eh. 4 d. s., p. 5 d. s., turn


s. r. 4 d. s., join last p. of 1. r. 4 d. s., turn ; ch. 5 d. s., turn ; s. r. 4 d. s., p. 4 d. s., turn


ch. 5 d. s., p. 4 d. s., turn, 1. r. 5 d. s., join p. in last s. r., 6 d. s., p. 6 d. s., p. 5 d. s.,

turn ; repeat from *.

Row II.—S. r. 4 d. s., join 1st p. of 1. r. 4 d. s., turn; ch. (5 d. s., p.) 2 times, 5 d. s.,

turn; s. r. 4 d. s., join last p. of 1. r. 4 d. s., turn; ch. 7 d. s. ; repeat from beginning.

Edge.—Join threads to p. of 1st ch. of Row 1. ' 5 d. s. (p. 2 d. s.) 5 times, 5 d. s.,

join p. of next ch. ; repeat from '''.

No. 46.

Braid No. 704-41. T. B. C. Cordonnet Special Crochet Cotton No. 30 White.Heading.—Join threads to 1st point of braid. Ch. 2 d. s. (p. 2 d. s.) 3 times, join

to side of braid half way from point. Ch. 5 d. s., join to side of next point of braid half

way to point. Ch. 2 d. s. (p. 2 d. s.) 3 times, join to point of braid, and repeat.

Edge.—With shuttle thread only, join thread to point of braid ; c. 1., 1st r. 4 d. s.

(p. 2 d. s.) 4 times, p. 4 d. s. ; 2nd r. like 1st joining 1st p. to last p. of 1st r. ; 3rd r.

the same. Join thread to same point of braid, turn. R. 4 d. s., join between 1st

and 2nd p. of braid, 4 d. s., turn, and repeat, join 3rd picot of 1st ring of the 2ndc. 1. to the 3rd picot of the last ring of previous c. 1.

No. 47.

Braid No. 5501-1. T. B. C. Cordonnet Special Crochet Cotton No. 70.

Row I.—Join threads to 1st p. of oval, ch. 2 d. s., join to 2nd and 3rd p. of sameoval, ch. 2 d. s., join 4th and 5th p. of same oval, ch. 2 d. s., join 6th p. of same oval,

bend cord down and pass one thread in front of and the other back of cord ; draw up

close. Ch. 2 d. s., and repeat from beginning.

Row II.—Join threads, where they were passed around cord in Row I. * Ch. 2 d.

s. (p. 2 d. s.) 3 times, turn ; r. 2 d. s., p. 2 d. s., join 1st p. on opposite side of 1st oval;2

d. s., p. 2 d. s., turn; repeat chains and rings until there is a r. joined to each p. of oval;

ch. 2 d. s. (p. 2 d. s.) 3 times; join threads across 2nd cord, and repeat from *.



No. 48.

Braid No. 5501-3. T. B. C. Cordonnet Special Crochet Cotton No. 30.

R. 6 d. s., join 1st p. of 1st oval of braid, 6 d. s., turn; ch. 5 d. s., p. 5 d. s., turn;

repeat from beginning until there is a ring joined to each p. of 1st oval, turn; ch.

5 d. s., join 1st, 2nd and 3rd picots of 2nd oval; ch. 1 d. s., join 4th, 5th and 6th

picots of same oval. Ch. 5 d. s., and repeat from the beginning, for entire length;

then finish the other side of braid same way.

No. 49.


Illustration shows exactsize when finished.

Braid No. 6654. T. B. C.

Cordonnet Special CrochetCotton No. 70.

Cut off twenty-three rings

of braid and join the two endrings together.

Center.—R. 2 d. s. (p. 2 d.

s.) 9 times. Row I. Ch. 5 d. s.,

p. 5 d. s., turn ; r. 9 d. s., join

1st p. of center r. 9 d. s., turn


ch. 5 d. s., p. 5 d. s., join 2ndp. of center ring, turn ; ch. 5

d. s., join p. of last ch. 5 d. s.,

turn; continue rings andchains around center ring.

Join last ch. where first onestarted ; tie and cut thread.

Row II.—J oin threadswhere two chains of Row I

are joined. Ch. 3 d. s., p 2

d. s., p. 2 d. s., p. 3 d. s., join

where next two chains arejoined, and continue around,join last ch. where first one started, tie and cut threads.

Row III.—Join threads of 2nd p. of 1st ch. of Row II. Ch. 2 d. s. (p. 2 d. s.)

5 times, join 2nd p. of next ch. and continue around; tie and cut threads.

Row IV.—Join threads to 3rd p. of 1st ch. of Row III. Ch. 3 d. s. (1. p. 1 d. s.)

12 times, 3 d. s., join 3rd p. of next ch. of Row III, and repeat around.Row V.—Join threads to first 6 1. p. of first ch. of Row IV. Ch. 2 d. s. (p. 2

d. s.) 2 times, join p. of braid, 2 d. s. (p. 2 d. s.) twice, join last 6 1. p. of 1st ch. ofRow IV, and repeat around.

Row VI.—Join threads to p. of braid, ch. 2 d. s. (p. 2 d. s.) 7 times, join next p.of braid and repeat around.

No. 49.



Repeat from the begin-

Use onesufficient

thread s. r.

number for

and fasten

No. 50.

Braid No. 5501-4. T. B. C. Cordonnet Special Crochet Cotton No. 40.

Row I.—Count off 6 ovals of braid. Fill shuttle but do not break thread. R. 4 d.

s., join 2nd p. of 3rd oval, 4 d. s., turn; ch. 6 d. s., p. 6 d. s., turn; r. 4 d. s., join 5th

p. of same oval; 4 d. s., close to this ring make another r. 4 d. s., join 2nd p. of 4thoval, 4 d. s., turn; ch. 6 d. s., join p. in 1st ch. 6 d. s., turn; r. 4 d. s., join 5th p. ofsame oval, 4 d. s., r. 4 d. s., join 2nd p. of 5th oval, 4 d. s., turn; ch. 6 d. s., join p. of1st ch. 6 d. s., turn ; r. 4 d. s., join 5th p. of 5th oval ; 4 d. s., r. 4 d. s., join 2nd p. of 6thoval, 4 d. s., turn; ch. 6 d. s., join p. of 1st ch. 6 d. s., turn; r. 4 d. s., join 5th p. of

6th oval, 4 d. s., cut threads and join to base of 1st r. and tie.

ning, for entire length.

Next make the small rings v^ith the long picots thus

(2 d. s., 1. p.) 9 times, 1 d. s., cut threads and tie. Makeentire length.

Cross the threads between 2nd and 3rd ovals and the 6th and 7th

with a needle and thread.

Heading. Row I.—Join threads to 4th p. of 1st oval, '' ch. 3 d. s., p. 3 d. s., join

6th p. of same oval; ch. 3 d. s., p. 3 d. s., join around cord between 1st and 2nd ovals,

ch. 3 d. s., p. 3 d. s., join around same cord, ch. 3 d. s., p. 3 d. s., join 1st p. of nextoval, ch. 3 d. s., p. 3 d. s., join 3rd p. of same oval, ch. 3 d. s., p. 3 d. s., join 5th p. of

same oval, and also the 2nd p. of next oval, ch. 3 d. s., p., join p. in last ch., ch. 3

d. s., join 4th p. of same oval, and repeat from '.

Row II.—Join threads to 1st p. of Row I. - Ch. 3 d.

repeat from '' 3 times. Ch. 3 d. s., p. 3 d. s., turn; r. 8 d. s.,

6th and 7th chains of Row I were joined, 8 d. s., turn; ch

p. and continue the entire length.

Edge. Row I.—Join threads to 5th p. of 2nd oval, ch. 2 d. s., take up a s. r.,

join to 1st 1. p. of same, ch. 2 d. s., join 6th p. of 6th oval, ch. 3 d. s., join 2nd 1. p.

of s. r., 3 d. s., join 4th p. of 6th oval, ch. 3 d. s., p. 3 d. s., join 2nd p. of 6th oval,

* ch. 3 d. s., p. 3 d. s., join around cord between 6th and 5th ovals, and repeat from '',

around the 5th and 4th ovals, then ch. 3 d. s., p. 3 d. s., join 2nd p. of 3rd oval, 3 d. s.,

p. 3 d. s., join 4th p. of same oval, ch. 3 d. s., join 1st 1. p. of 2nd s. r., 3 d. s., join

6th p. of same oval, ch. 2 d. s., join 2nd 1. p. of s. r., 2 d. s., join 2nd p. of 7th oval, ch.

s., p. 3 d. s., join next p.,

join between ovals, where. 3 d. s., p. 3 d. s., join next



3 d. s., join 3rd 1. p. of s. r. 3 d. s., join 4th p. of same oval, 3 d. s., join 4th 1. p. of

s. r. 3 d. s., join 6th p. of same oval, 2 d. s., join 1st p. of next oval, 3 d. s., join 5th

1. p. of s. r. 3 d. s., join 3rd p. of same oval, 3 d. s., join 6th 1. p. of s. r. 3 d. s., join

5th p. of same oval, 2 d. s., join 7th 1. p. of s. r. 2 d. s., join 5th p. of 6th oval in the

next scallop, 3 d. s., join 8th 1. p. of s. r. 3 d. s., join 3rd p. of same oval, 3 d. s., join

last 1. p. of s. r. and also p. of ch. between 2nd and 4th p. of 3rd oval ; 3 d. s., join

6th p. of same oval, 3 d. s., join p. in next ch. of 3rd ovcil, 3 d. s., join around cord,

3 d. s., join p. in next ch. of previous scallop and repeat from *.

Row II.—R. 5 d. s., join p. of 1st ch. below cord between 5th and 6th ovals of

1st scallop ; 5 d. s., turn ; ch. 2 d. s. (p. 2 d. s.) 5 times, turn ; repeat rings and chains

7 times, join 9th r. to p. of 9th ch. of scallop and also to 1st p. of next scallop, andcontinue chains and rings for entire length.

No. 51.

Braids Nos. 6706-4 and 6654. No. 50 T. B. C. Cordonnet Special Crochet Cotton.First make center rings of scallops; enough for entire length of edging as follows:Row I.—R. 2 d. s. (1. p. 2 d. s.) 11 times, tie and cut threads. With one thread;

s. r., 4 d. s., join 1. p. of center r., 4 d. s., join p. of 2nd r. of braid 6654, pass threadunder same r. of braid; * join to p. on opposite side; r. 4 d. s., join p. of 1st r. of

braid (2 d. s. p.) 4 times, 4 d. s., turn; r. 4 d. s., join p. of 2nd, 3rd and 4th rings of

braid, 4 d. s., turn; ' r. 4 d. s., join p. in next to last r. (2 d. s. p) 4 times, 4 d . s., turn;r. 4 d. s., join p. of next r. of braid, 4 d. s., turn ; repeat from * 2 times, joining last

s. r. to next 3 rings of braid ; pass thread under last r. of braid, join p. on the otherside; r. 4 d. s., join 1. p. of center r. 4 d. s., join thread to next r. of braid, continuearound center r. until all but one of 1. p. have been used, pass thread under last r. of

braid and repeat from *.

Row II.—With two threads join to 3rd r. of braid 6654; ch. 2 d. s., p. 2 d. s., join

p. of braid 6706. '' 2 d. s., p. 2 d. s., join next p. of same braid; ch. 2 d. s. (p. 2 d. s.)

2 times, join p. of next r. of braid 6654 "=•; ch. 2 d. s., p. 2 d. s., skip one p. of braid6706, join to the next one; ch. 2 d. s., p. 2 d. s., join next p. of same braid, ch. 2 d. s.,

p. 2 d. s., p. 2 d. s., join p. of next r. of braid 6654; repeat from •^- 3 times; ch. (2 d.

s. p.) 5 times; 4 d. s., turn; r. 4 d. s., join 11 1. p. of center r., 4 d. s., turn; ch. 4 d. s.,

join p. of last ch. ; ch. (2 d. s. p.) 4 times. Skip 2 p. of braid 6706, join to the nextone ; repeat from 1st *.

• 39


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The above, which is one of the mostpopular Boolis in our line, has beenenlarKCil to 04 pasies and coutains overSll (h'slsins f,,r Cn,, Ijctiiii; Ivljcs. Yolies,Insertions, .M.-,lalli.,iis. Caps and a greatvariet.v of otiK-r iirtkles. This is with-out question the most complete booli ofIts liind on the market.


T. B. C. Book No. 8628, each, 85c

T. B. C. Instructions and Designs torcrocheting in connection with Novelt.vBraids. The latest Lssue (which is theFourth Edition! has just been enlargedto 48 pages and contains 60 full sizepatterns for making edges and insertionsfor various purposes. If you wish tomake prett.v towel edges, get one ofthese Books.




T. B. C. Book No. 9008. each, 10c

.\fter many requests we decided toplace a "10-cent Book" on the marketand offer for your approval No, 9002, ourlatest Crochet Book, which contains illus-trations and full size details with in-struclions for making Insertions. Edgesajii! Medallions for finishing Centerpieces.Scarfs, Cushion Covers and Pillow Cases!Obtain one of these books today. We aresure y.ju will be delighted witli it.

Do your crocheting andembroidering with T. B. C.Crochet Cotton and ftUN;'*

Boil proof EmbroideryFloss. Unexcelled for qual-ity, uniformity and beautyof shades. You are notdoing your work justiceunless you use thesethreads.

Designs and Instructions for

Hardanger ^^^^ Embroidery

^^5^,.^» saris* s

T. B. C. Book No. 8930, each, 36o

Our most recent publication for doingilaidaiii;er or Norwegian Embroidery. Inlliis hook .vou will And .50 illustrations ofIleautiful Scarfs. Table Covers, Doilies.Cushion Covers, Lamp Shades, etc.—36pages in all. A "Real" Hardanger Bookin every respect. The front pages aredevoted to the various stitches for em-broidering and weaving, and in additionto the pictures of the flnished articleswe also show full size details for work-ing.



T. B. C. Book No. 8629, each. 25c

T. B. C. Instructions and Designs forcrocheting in connection with CoronationCords. Shows r,C, patterns infull size for croclielin;; Kdues. InsertionsKelts. Collars ami other useful articlesThis is the Third Edition, which is proofof its popularity.

We deal at wholesale only. Kindly obtain above books and other goods in our line from your local dealer



T. B. C. COTON PERLEHighly mercerized soft finish crochet cotton. The best for crocheting

laces for Towels and Bed Spreads, making Slippers and all those attractive

articles which it is desirable to make of a soft lustrous cotton in a varietyof beautiful shades and appropriate sizes.

No. 8.—Illustration shows exact size of ball. Made in white, pink, light

blue, delft blue, silver grey, lavender and yellow.

No. 5.—Made in 7 10 oz., balls as shown at left in thefollowing colors: white, silver grey, pink, light blue,

delft blue, lavender and yellow. Also made in 1 6 10 oz.,

balls same size as No. 3, illustrated below, in white, ecru,

silver grey, pink, light blue and delft blue.

The trade mark T. B. C.

stands for the highest

quality, best value andmost satisfactory service

in crochet cottons. The

trade mark W.^ff ^ rep-

resents the same high

standards in embroidery



No. 3.—Illustration showsexact size. Made in white,

cream, ecru, silver grey,

pink, light, delft and dark

Dlue, grey and black.




Mercerized 6 cord crochet thread made of highest

grade selected cotton—renowned for its perfect twist.

Positively unexcelled for quality, uniformity and beauty[

of shades. Regulation large size balls (7 10 oz. each.) >

While in sizei, 3, 5, 10, 15, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80 and 100Ecro " " 3, 5, 10, 15. 30, 50 and 70 \

Linen color" 3, 5, 10, 20. 30, SO and 70 \Sizes 3, 10, 30, 50 and 70 are also made in 2 shades

of pink, 2 shades of light blue, delft blue and lavender.Yellow can be had in sizes 30, 50 and 70.

SAXONIA CORDONNET CROCHET COTTONSix cord. Sizes and their respective yardages are as follows: No. 30,

50 yards in a ball—Nos. 40 and 50, 65 yards each—Nos. 60 and 70, 85 yardseach. All sizes in white, Nos. 30, 50, and 70 also made in pink, light blue,delft blue, lavender and yellow. The most economical to use for the largevariety of articles that do not require as much crochet cotton as is con-tained in the regulation large ball. Where a greater amount of cotton is

required it is most economical to buy the largest ball that is made viz, theT B. C. Cordonnet.



