book sefer רֶפֵס of songs shirim םי רִי ִשׁ · 2021. 1....

Book of Songs Sefer Shirim רֶ פֵ ס יםִ ירִ

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  • Book of Songs

    Sefer Shirim

    ֵסֶפר ִׁשיִרים

  • # Page 2

    Psalm/Tehillim 149

    1 Hallelujah. Sing to the LORD a new song, His praises in the congregation of the faithful. 2 Let Israel rejoice in its maker; let the children of Zion exult in their king. 3 Let them praise His name in dance; with timbrel and lyre let them chant His praises. 4 For the LORD delights in His people; He adorns the lowly with victory. 5 Let the faithful exult in glory; let them shout for joy upon their couches.

    ה ִ֗הָּל קמט ְּת� ל א ִהָּל֗תֹו ִּבְקַה֥ ׁש ְּת9 יר ָחָד֑ CDיֹהָוה ִׁש֥ Eירּו ַל ּה | ִׁש֣ ְללּוָי֨ ַה֥

    ים Eֲחִסיִד: םב Eילּו ְּבַמְלָּכ ִג֥ ּ֗יֹון ָי֘ י־ִצ9 Eיו ְּבֵנ ל ְּבֹעָׂש֑ ח ִיְׂשָרֵא֣ : ִיְׂשַמֹ֣וג Eִכּ֗נֹור ְיַזְּמרּו־ל ף ְו9 ְל֣לּו ְׁש֣מֹו ְּבָמ֑חֹול ְּבֹת֥ Eְיַה : הד Eיׁשּוָע Eים ִּב ָנִו֗ ר ֲע9 ֵא֥ ה ְיֹהָו֣ה ְּבַעּ֑מֹו ְיָפ֘ י־רֹוֶצ֣ Eִּכ : םה Eְּנ֗נּו ַעל־ִמְׁשְּכבֹוָת Eַר ים ְּבָכ֑בֹוד ְי9 : ַיְעְל֣זּו ֲחִסיִד֣

    May our hearts rejoice in songs of praise

  • # Page 3

    Contents: Page

    Adon Olam - Lord of the Universe ……………………………….... 4 Ana B’choach - Please, with Power ………………………………... 5 Lecha Dodi - Come my Beloved ……………………………………... 6 Shalom Aleichem - Greetings to You ……………….…………….. 7 Mi Shebeirach - May the One Who Blessed .………………….. 8El Na R’fa Na La …………………………………………………………….. 9 Ma Tovu - O How Good ………………………….……………………. 10 Y’did Nefesh - Beloved of The Soul …………………………….... 11 Halleluyah - Praise God ……………………………………………….. 12 Hineh Ma Tov - How Good It Is ………………..………………….. 13 Hava Nagila - Let Us Rejoice ……………………...………………... 14 Oseh Shalom - He Who Makes Peace ……….……….………... 15 Yism’chu Hashamayim - Let the Heavens be Glad ………... 15 Ha Tikvah - The Hope …………………………...…………………….. 16Hevenu Shalom Aleichem - We Bring Peace Unto You .... 17Od Avinu Chai - Our Forefathers Live On ………….........….. 17Siman Tov U'Mazal Tov - Good Joy and Good ....……..…... 18Od Yavo Shalom Aleinu - Peace Will Come to us …..…….. 19

    Page Mi Chamocha ……………………………………………………………... 19 Esa Einai - I Will Lift up my Eyes ………………………….….……. 20 Mipi El - From the mouth of God ………………………....……... 21 Shalom Rav - Grant Peace ………………………............………... 22 L'Chi Lach - Go Forth ………………………………………..….………. 23 Romemu - Exalt Ye …..……..…………………………...……..……... 24 The Dinosaur Song ...…………………………………………...………. 25 The Song of Redemption ……….....……………………..…..…….. 26 Tikkun Haklali …………………………………………………………….… 26 Mashiach! ……………………………………………………………………. 27Veshamru ……………………………………………………………………. 28Rachem – Mercy ………………………………………………………….. 29We Are a Miracle ……………………………………………………. 30, 31I Love To Hear The Shofar Blast ……………………………………. 32Shma Koleinu……………………………………………………………….. 33Ein Keloheinu ………….………………………………………………...… 34Yom Huledet Sameach: Happy Birthday Song 1…………… 35Yom Huledet Sameach: Happy Birthday Song 2…………… 36

  • # Page 4 Adon Olam Adon olam asher malach,b'terem kol y'tzir niv-ra.L'eit na'asah b'cheftzo kol,azai melech sh'mo nikra.

    V'acharei kichlot hakol,l'vado yimloch nora.V'hu hayah, v'hu hoveh,v'hu yihyeh, b'tifarah.

    V'hu echad v'ein sheni,l'hamishil lo l'hachbirah.B'li reishit b'li tachlit,v'lo haoz v'hamisra.

    V'hu eili v'chai goaliv'tsur chevli b'eit tsarah.V'hu nisi umanos li,m'nat kosi b'yom ekrah.

    B'yado afkid ruchi,b'eit ishan v'airah.V'im ruchi g'viati,Adonai li v'lo irah.

    ם ַאדֹון עֹולֲאדֹון עֹוָלם ֲאֶׁשר ָמַלְך,ְּבֶטֶרם ָּכל ְיִציר ִנְבָרא.

    ְלֵעת ַנֲעָׂשה ְבֶחְפצֹו ֹּכל,ֲאַזי ֶמֶלְך ְׁשמֹו ִנְקָרא.

    ְוַאֲחֵרי ִּכְכלֹות ַהֹּכל,ְלַבּדֹו ִיְמלֹוְך נֹוָרא.

    ְוהּוא ָהָיה, ְוהּוא ֹהֶוה,ְוהּוא ִיְהֶיה, ְּבִתְפָאָרה.

    ְוהּוא ֶאָחד ְוֵאין ֵׁשִני,ְלַהְמִׁשיל לֹו ְלַהְחִּביָרה.

    ְּבִלי ֵראִׁשית ְּבִלי ַתְכִלית,ְולֹו ָהֹעז ְוַהִּמְׂשָרה.

    ְוהּוא ֵאִלי ְוַחי ֹֹּגֲאִלי,ְוצּור ֶחְבִלי ְּבֵעת ָצָרה.

    ְוהּוא ִנִִּסי ּוָמנֹוס ִלי,ְמָנת ּכֹוִסי ְּביֹום ֶאְקָרא.

    ְּבָידֹו ַאְפִקיד רּוִחי,ְּבֵעת ִאיַׁשן ְוָאִעיָרה.

    ְוִעם רּוִחי ְֹּגִוָּיִתי, .ְיָי ִלי ְולֹא ִאיָרא

    Lord of the Universe The Lord of the Universe who reigned before anything was created When all was made by His will, Then He was acknowledged as King

    And when all shall end He still all alone shall reign He was, He is, and He shall be, in glory.

    And He is one, and there's no other to compare or join Him;Without beginning, without end, and to Him belongs all dominion and power.

    And He is our G-d, our living G-d. To Him we flee in times of grief And He is our miracle and our refuge He answers on the day that we call.

    To Him we commit our spiritsin the time of sleep and awakening And when our spirit leaves, we know, that God is with us and we shall not fear.

  • # Page 5 Portal to Creation Source of Mercy, With loving strength Untie our tangles.

    Your chanting folk Raise high, make pure Accept our song.

    Like Your own eye, Lord, keep us safe Who union seek with You!

    Cleanse and bless us Infuse us ever With loving care.

    Gracious source Of holy power! Do guide Your folk.

    Sublime and holy One, Do turn to us Of holy chant.

    Receive our prayer Do hear our cry Who secrets knows.

    Through time and space Your glory shines, Majestic One.

    Blessed is the name of His glorious kingdom forever and ever

    Ana B'choach A-na, Ana B'cho-ach g'dulat y'minkha,tatir tzerurah.

    Kabel Rinat,amkha -- sagveinu,t'hareinu,t'hareinu nora.(second time go to: Shav-a-tei-nu)

    Ana B'cho-ach.g'du-lat y'min-cha. tatir tzerurah.

    Kabel Rinat, amcha saag-veinu, t'ha-reinu no-ra.

    Na gibor-dorshei-yichudcha,k'vavat, shomreimBarchem t'harem, rachamem tzidkatkha;

    tamid gomlem,Khasin kadosh (exalt) –

    Chasin kadosh, ba'rov tucha,N'hel ada techa,Yachid ge'eh,l'amcha-p'neh,zochrei k'dushatecha,

    Shavateinu kaba'el,ush'mah – tza'akateinu,yodeah -- ta'ahlumot.

    (Chorus)(Ba-ruch shem k'vod mal-chu-to l'o-lam va-ed.)

    נא ּבֹכַח א ָאָּנא ְּבֹכַח

    ְֹּגֻדַּלת ְיִמיְנָך ַּתִּתיר ְצרּוָרה ַקֵּבל ִרַּנת ַעְּמָך ַׂשְֹּגֵבנּו

    ַטֲהֵרנּו נֹוָרא. ָנא ִגּבֹור ּדֹוְרֵׁשי ִיחּוְדָך

    ְּכָבַבת ָׁשְמֵרם ָּבְרֵכם ַטֲהֵרם ַרֲחֵמם ִצְדָקְתָך

    ָּתִמיד ָֹּגְמֵלם ֲחִסין ָקדֹוׁש ְּברֹוב טּוְכָך

    ָך Eַנֵהל ֲעָדֶת ָיִחיד ֵֹּגֶאה ְלַעְּמָך ְְּפֵנה

    ָך Eזֹוְכֵרי ְקֻדָָּׁשֶתנּו Eנּו ַקֵּבל ּוְׁשַמע ַצֲעָקֵת Eַׁשְוָעֵת

    ַע ַּתֲעֻלמֹות Eיֹוֵד

    ָּברּוְך ֵׁשם ְּכבֹוד ַמְלכּותֹו ְלעֹוָלם ָוֶעד

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    Come My Beloved Come my Beloved Friend to greet the Bride; let us welcome the Sabbath

    The One Almighty caused us to hear, “Ob serve” and “Remember” in a single utterance. Adonai is One and His Name is One for fame for glory and for praise.

    Come my Beloved Friend to greet the Bride Let us welcome the Sabbath

    Come, let us go to greet the Sabbath, for it is the source of blessing; from the outset since days of old, it was designated last in creation, first in [God’s] thought.

    Come my Beloved Friend to greet the Bride Let us welcome the Sabbath

    Sanctuary of the King, the royal city, arise; come forth from thy upheaval; for too long have you dwelt in the valley of weeping; He will show you abundant pity.

    Come my Beloved Friend to greet the Bride Let us welcome the Sabbath

    Wake up, wake up—for your light has come; arise and shine, Awaken awaken—utter a song; the glory of Adonai is revealed upon you.

    Come my Beloved Friend to greet the Bride Let us welcome the Sabbath

    (Turn to face the back of the synagogue, and recite:)

    We welcome the crown jewel of her husband; the joy of the brethren, with the rejoicing of emunah, among the virtuous people.

    (Bow to the right and left respectively while saying:)

    Come Bride, come, O Bride—The Shabbat Queen!

    Lecha Dodi Lecha dodi likrat kala p’nei Shabbat n’kabelah (x2)

    Shamor v’zachor b’dibur echad,Hishmi’anu el ha’meyuchad.Adonai echad u’shmo echadL’shem ul’tiferet v’l’tehila

    Lecha dodi likrat kala p’nei Shabbat n’kabelah

    Likrat Shabbat l’chu v’nelchaKi hi m’kor ha’brachaMe’rosh mi’kedem n’suchaSof ma’aseh b’mach’shava t’chila

    Lecha dodi likrat kala p’nei Shabbat n’kabelah

    Mikdash melech ir m’luchaKumi, tze’i mi’toch ha’hafechaRav lach shevet b’emek ha’bachaV’hu yachmol alai’yich chemla

    Lecha dodi likrat kala p’nei Shabbat n’kabelah

    Hit’oreri, hit’oreriKi va orech, kumi uriUri, uri, shir daberiK’vod Adonai alai’yich nigla

    Lecha dodi likrat kala p’nei Shabbat n’kabelah

    Bo’i v’shalom ateret ba’alaGam b’simcha uv’ tzhalaToch emunei am segula Bo’i chala, bo’i chala—Shabbat Malketa

    ה דֹוִדי כ ל�ְלָכה דֹוִדי ִלְקַראת ַּכָּלה ְְּפֵני ַׁשָּבת ְנַקְּבָלה:

    נּו ֵאל ַהְּמיָֻחד Eָׁשמֹור ְוָזכֹור ְּבִדּבּור ֶאָחד ִהְשִמיָעֶרת ְוִלְתִהָּלה: Eה' ֶאָחד ּוְשמֹו ֶאָחד ְלֵׁשם ּוְלִתְפֶא

    ְלָכה דֹוִדי ִלְקַראת ַּכָּלה ְְּפֵני ַׁשָּבת ְנַקְּבָלה:

    ִלְקַראת ַׁשָּבת ְלכּו ְוֵנְלָכה ִּכי ִהיא ְמקֹור ַהְּבָרָכהֶדם ְנסּוָכה סֹוף ַמֲעֶׂשה ְּבַמֲחָׁשָבה ְּתִחָּלה: Eֵמרֹאׁש ִמֶֶּק

    ְלָכה דֹוִדי ִלְקַראת ַּכָּלה ְְּפֵני ַׁשָּבת ְנַקְּבָלה:

    ּוִמי ְצִאי ִמּתֹוְך ַהֲהֵפָכה. Eֶלְך ִעיר ְמלּוָכה ק Eִמְקַּדׁש ֶמִיְך ֶחְמָלה: Eֶמק ַהָּבָכא ְוהּוא ַיֲחמֹול ָעַל Eֶבת ְּבֵע Eַרב ָלְך ֶׁש

    ְלָכה דֹוִדי ִלְקַראת ַּכָּלה ְְּפֵני ַׁשָּבת ְנַקְּבָלה:

    ֹוִרי Eּוִמי א E Eִהְתעֹוְרִרי ִהְתעֹוְרִרי ִּכי ָבא אֹוֵרְך קִיְך ִנְגָלה Eִרי ְּכבֹוד ְיֹהָוה ָעַל Eּוִרי ִׁשיר ַדֵּב Eּוִרי ע Eע

    ְלָכה דֹוִדי ִלְקַראת ַּכָּלה ְְּפֵני ַׁשָּבת ְנַקְּבָלה:

    ֹוִאי ְבָׁשלֹום ֲעֶטֶרת ַּבְעָלּה ַֹּגם ְּבִׂשְמָחה Eּב ְּבִרָּנה ּוְבָצֳהָלה

    ּתֹוְך ֱאמּוֵני ַעם ְסֹֻּגָּלה

    ֹוִאי ַכָּלה ַׁשָּבת ַמְלְּכָתא׃ Eֹוִאי ַכָּלה ּב Eּב

  • # Page 7Greetings to You

    Peace be with youministering angelsmessengers of the Most High

    Messengers of the King of Kingsthe Holy One, Blessed be He

    Come in peacemessengers of peacemessengers of the Most High

    Messengers of the King of Kingsthe Holy One, Blessed be He

    Bless me with peace messengers of peace messengers of the Most High

    Messengers of the King of Kingsthe Holy One, Blessed be He

    Go in peace messengers of peacemessengers of the Most High

    Messengers of the King of Kingsthe Holy One, Blessed be He

    Shalom Aleichem Shalom Aleichem Mal'achei Hasharet Mal'achai elyon Mimelech Mal'chei ham'lachim Hakadosh baruch hu

    Bo'achem l'shalom Mal'achei hashalom Mal'achai elyon Mimelech Mal'chei ham'lachim Hakadosh baruch hu

    Barchuni l'shalom Mal'achei hashalom Mal'achai elyon Mimelech Mal'chei ham'lachim Hakadosh baruch hu

    Tzeitchem l'shalom Mal'achei hashalom Mal'achai elyon Mimelech Mal'chei ham'lachim Hakadosh baruch hu

    לֹום ֲעֵליֶכם ש ָשלֹום ֲעֵליֶכם ַמְלֲאֵכי ַהָשֵרת

    ַמְלֲאֵכי ֶעְליֹון ִמֶמֶלְך ַמְלֵכי ַהְמָלִכים

    ַהָקדֹוׁש ָּברּוְך הּוא ּבֹוֲאֶכם ְלָׁשלֹום ַמְלֲאֵכי ַהָׁשלֹום

    ַמְלֲאֵכי ֶעְליֹון ִמֶמֶלְך ַמְלֵכי ַהְמָלִכים

    ַהָקדֹוׁש ָּברּוְך הּוא ָּבְרכּוִני ְלָשלֹום ַמְלֲאֵכי ַהָׁשלֹום

    ַמְלָאִכי ֶעְליֹון ִמֶמֶלְך ַמְלֵכי ַהְמָלִכים

    ַהָקדֹוׁש ָּברּוְך הּוא ֵצאְתֶכם ְלָשלֹום ַמְלֲאֵכי ַהָׁשלֹום

    ַמְלָאִכי ֶעְליֹון ִמֶמֶלְך ַמְלֵכי ַהְמָלִכים

    ַהָקדֹוׁש ָּברּוְך הּוא

  • # Page 8

    Mi Shebeirach

    Mi shebeirach avoteinuM'kor hab'racha l'imoteinuMay the source of strengthWho blessed the ones before us,Help us find the courage to make our lives a blessingand let us say


    Mi shebeirach imoteinuM'kor habrachah l'avoteinu

    Bless those in need of healing with r'fuah sh'leimahThe renewal of body, the renewal of spiritAnd let us say Amein

    Lyrics by Debbie Friedman and Drorah Setel

    ִמי ֶׁשֵּבַרְך ִמי ֶׁשֵּבַרְך ַאבֹוֵתינּו

    ְמקֹור ַהְּבָרָכה ְלִאמֹוֵתינּו


    ִּמי ֶׁשֵּבַרְך ִאמֹוֵתינּו ְמקֹור ַהְּבָרָכה ְלֲאבֹוֵתינּו

    ְרפּוָאה ְׁשֵלָמה


    May the One who blessed our fathers,Avraham, Yitshak and Ya’akovAnd our Mothers,Sarah, Rebekkah, Rachel and LeahContinue to bless those we now bring Before You and before Your Torah.

    May they thank and bless You,Our Beloved, the Healer of all flesh,And Righter of all wrongs.

    And may we say, Amen.

  • El Na R’fa Na LaBased on Numbers 12:13

    (Chorus):El na r’fa na laEl na r’fa na la

    r’fua shlema

    (Chorus)please heal our souls

    (Chorus)please heal our bodies

    (Chorus)mi sheberachAvraham v’SaraYitzchak v’RivkahYa’akov Rachel v’Leah

    (Chorus):We pray with emunah v’ahavabring hope and healing to all those in needfor we are all Adonai’s creation(Chorus)

    "I beseech you, God, please heal her.”Here Moshe prays for Miriam. In this song we pray for all those in need.

    For a complete healing/recovery

    Page 9

  • # Page 10

    ַמה ֹֹּטבּו ַמה ֹֹּטבּו ֹאָהֶליָך ַיֲעֹקב ִמְׁשְּכֹנֶתיָך, ִיְׂשָרֵאל ַמה ֹֹּטבּו ֹאָהֶליָך ַיֲעֹקב ִמְׁשְּכֹנֶתיָך, ִיְׂשָרֵאל

    Numbers 24:5

    ַוֲאִני ְּברב ַחְסְּדָך ָאבא ֵביֶתָך ֶאְׁשַּתֲחֶוה ֶאל ֵהיַכל ָקְדְׁשָך ְּבִיְרָאֶתָך

    Psalms 5:8 ַמה ֹֹּטבּו ֹאָהֶליָך ַיֲעֹקב ִמְׁשְּכֹנֶתיָך, ִיְׂשָרֵאל

    ָאַהְבִּתי ְמעון ֵּביֶתָך ּוְמקום ִמְׁשַּכן ְּכבוֶדָך ה׳ Psalms 26:8

    ַמה ֹֹּטבּו ֹאָהֶליָך ַיֲעֹקב ִמְׁשְּכֹנֶתיָך, ִיְׂשָרֵאל ַוֲאִני ֶאְׁשַּתֲחֶוה ְוֶאְכָרָעה ֶאְבְרָכה ִלְפֵני ה׳ עִׂשי

    Psalms 95:6 (adapted) ַמה ֹֹּטבּו ֹאָהֶליָך ַיֲעֹקב ִמְׁשְּכֹנֶתיָך, ִיְׂשָרֵאל

    ַוֲאִני ְתִפָּלִתי ְלָך ה׳ ֵעת ָרצֹון ֱאֹלִהים ְּבָרב ַחְסֶּדָך ֲעֵנִני ֶּבֱאֶמת ִיְׁשֶעָך

    Psalms 69:14 ַמה ֹֹּטבּו ֹאָהֶליָך ַיֲעֹקב ִמְׁשְּכֹנֶתיָך, ִיְׂשָרֵאל

    Ma Tovu Ma tovu ohalecha Ya'akovMish'k'no'techa Yisrael Ma tovu ohalecha Ya'akovMish'k'no'techa Yisrael Va'ani b'rov chas'd'cha avo veitechaEshtachaveh el heichal kod-sh'cha b'yiratecha (chorus)

    Adonai ahavti m'on beitecha u'm'kom mishkan k'vodechaVa'ani eshtachaveh v'echra'a ev'r'cha lifnei Adonai osi (chorus)

    Va'ani t'filati l'cha Adonai eit ratzonElohim b'rov chasdecha, aneini be'emet yishecha Ma tovu ohalecha Ya'akovMish'k'no'techa Yisrael

    O How Good How wondrous are your tents O Ya'akov Thy dwelling places O Y’israel It is only through Your abundant grace that we enter Your House To worship with awe in Your sacred Presence How wondrous are your tents O Ya'akov Thy dwelling places O Y’israel O Lord We love the House where You dwell and the place where Your glory dwellsWe prostrate ourselves and bow We kneel before the Lord our Maker How wondrous are your tents O Ya'akov Thy dwelling places O Y’israel To You Eternal One goes our prayers May this be a time of your favorIn Your abundant love O God answer us With the Truth of Your salvation How wondrous are your tents O Ya'akov Thy dwelling places O Y’israel

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    Beloved of The Soul

    Lover of my soul, merciful God,bring your servant close to Your will.Your servant will run like a gazelle, to prostrate before Your glory.For Your companion ship is purer than any fine taste or flavor.

    Perfe ct, pleasing, radiance of the world, my soul desires Your love.Pleas e, God, heal her now, as You show her the pleasantn ess of Your light.Now, strengthe n and heal her, and she will be for You an eternal servant.

    (Tran slation - Gabe Seed)

    Y'did Nefesh Yedid nefesh, Av harachaman (2x),

    Meshoch Avdach/ el Retzonach.

    Yarutz avdach kemo ayal,yishtachave/ mul hadarach.

    Ki ye’erav lo yedidutach, minofet tsuf/ vechol ta’am.

    יִדיד ֶנֶפשְיִדיד ֶנֶפׁש, ָאב ָהַרְחָמןְמֹשְך ַעְבְדָך ֶאל ְרצֹוֶנָך

    ָירּוץ ַעְבְדָך ְּכמֹו ַאָילִיְשַתֲחֶוה מּול ֲהָדָרְך

    ִּכי ֶיְעַרב לֹו ְיִדידּוָתְךִמּנֶפת צּוף ְוָכל ָטַעם

    ָהדּור ָנֶאה, ִזיו ָהעוָלםַנְפִשי חוַלת ַאֲהָבָתְך

    ָאָנא ֵאל ָנא, ְרָפא ָנא ָלּהְּבַהְראות ָלּה נַעם ִזיָוְך

    ָאז ִתְתֵחֵֵּזק ְוִתְתַרְֵּפאְוָהְיָתה ָלְך ִשְפַחת עוָלם

    ָוִתיק ֶיְהמּו ַרֲחֶמיָךְוחּוס ָנא ַעל ֵּבן אֹוֲהָבְךִּכי ֶזה ַּכֶמה ִנְכסף ִנְכַסףִלְראות ְּבִתְפֶאֶרת ֻעָזְךָאָנא ֵאִלי ַמְחָמד ִלִבי

    חּוסה ָנא ְוַאל ִּתְתַעָלם

    ִהָגֵלה ָנא ּוְפרׂש, ָחִביבָעַלי ֶאת ֻסַכת ְשלוֶמְךָּתִאיר ֶאֶרץ ִמְּכבֹוָדְךָנִגיָלה ְוִנְׂשְמָחה ָבְך

    ַמֵהר ָאהּוב, ִּכי ָבא מוֵעד ְוָחֵנִני ִּכיֵמי עוָלם

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    Praise God Psalm 150

    Hallelujah. Praise God in His sanctuary; praise Him in the sky, His stronghold.Praise Him for His mighty acts; praise Him for His exceeding greatness.Praise Him with blasts of the horn; praise Him with harp and lyre.Praise Him with timbrel and dance; praise Him with lute and pipe.Praise Him with resounding cymbals; praise Him with loud-clashing cymbals.Let all that breathes praise the LORD. Hallelujah.

    Halleluyah Psalm 150

    Ha-lelu Ha-leluyah Ha-lelu El bekodshoh Halleluhu birkia uzzoh Ha-leluhu bigvurotav Ha-leluhu kerov gudlo

    Ha-leluhu beteika shofar Ha-leluhu beneivel vechinor

    Ha-leluhu betoph u'machol Ha-leluhu beminim ve-ugav

    Ha-leluhu betziltzilei shama Ha-leluhu betziltzilei teru-ah

    Kol haneshama tehallel Yahh Ha-leluyah

    Kol haneshama tehallel YahhHalleluyah

    הללוי-הה קנ ְּתִהָּל֗

    ַהְללּוָי-ּה ַהְללּו ֵא-ל ְּבָקְדׁשֹו

    ַהְללּוהּו ִּבְרִקיַע ֻעֵּזֹו ַהְללּוהֹו ִבְגבּוֹרָתיו ַהְללּוהּו ְּכֹרב ֹֻּגְדלֹו

    ַהְללּוהּו ְּבֵתַקע ׁשֹוָפר ַהְללּוהּו ְּבֵנֶבל ְוִכיּנֹור ַהְללּוהּו ְּבֹתף ּוָמחֹול ַהְללּוהּו ְּבִמיִּנם ְוֻעָגו

    ַהְללּוהּו ְבִצְלְצֵלי ָׁשַמע ַהְללּוהּו ְּבִצְלְצֵלי ְתרּוָעה

    ֹּכל ַהְּנָׁשָמה ְּתַהֵּלל ָי-ּה ַהְללּוָי-ּה ֹּכל ַהְּנָׁשָמה ְּתַהֵּלל ָי-ּה ַהְללּוָי-ּה

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    How Good It Is

    How good and pleasant it isFor mishpacha to sit together

    How good and pleasant it is For mishpacha to sit together

    Chorus How good and pleasant it is For mishpacha to sit together

    Hineh Ma Tov Hineh ma tov uma na'imShevet achim gam yachad.

    Hineh ma tov uma na'imShevet achim gam yachad

    ChorusHineh ma tov lalalalala...Shevet achim gam yachad.

    ִהֵֵּנה ַמה טֹוב ִהֵּנה ַמה טֹו ּוַמה ָּנִעים

    ֶׁשֶבת ָאִחים ַֹּגם ַיַחד

    ִהֵּנה ַמה טֹו ּוַמה ָּנִעים

    ֶׁשֶבת ָאִחים ַֹּגם ַיַחד

    ִהֵּנה ַמה טֹו ֶׁשֶבת ָאִחים ַֹּגם ַיַחד

  • # Page 14

    Let Us Rejoice Let us rejoice let us rejoiceLet us rejoice and be glad

    Let us rejoice let us rejoiceLet us rejoice and be glad

    Let us sing let us singLet us sing and be glad

    Awaken awaken brethrenAwaken brethren with a cheerful heart.

    Awake my brothers awake my brothers With a happy heart

    Hava Nagila Hava nagila, hava nagilaHava nagila ve-nis'mecha

    Hava nagila, hava nagilaHava nagila ve-nis'mecha

    Hava neranena, hava neranenaHava neranena venis'mecha

    Uru, uru achimUru achim belev same'ach

    Uru aḥim, uru aḥim Be-lev sameaḥ

    הבה נגילה הבה נגילה הבה נגילה

    הבה נגילה ונשמחה הבה נגילה הבה נגילה

    הבה נגילה ונשמחה

    הבה נרננה הבה נרננה

    הבה נרננה ונשמחה

    עורו, עורו אחים עורו אחים בלב שמח

    עורו אחים, עורו אחים עורו אחים, עורו אחים

    בלב שמח

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    He Who Makes Peace

    He who makes peace in His high placesHe shall make peace upon usAnd upon all of Y’israelAnd say Amein

    Let the Heavens be Glad Let the heavens be glad Let the heavens be glad Let the heavens be glad And let the earth rejoice Let the sea roar Let the sea roar Let the sea roar And the fullness thereof And the fullness thereof

    Oseh Shalom

    Oseh shalom bimromavHu ya'aseh shalom aleynuVe'al kol yisraelVe'imru Amein

    לֹום עֹוֶֶׂשה ׁשעֹוֶׂשה ָׁשלֹום ִּבְמרֹוָמיו הּוא

    ַיֲעֶׂשה ָׁשלֹום ָעֵלינּו ְוַעל ָּכל ִיְׂשָרֵאל

    :ְוִאְמרּו ָאֵמן

    Yism'chu Hashamayim Yism'chu hashamayim Yism'chu hashamayim Yism'chu hashamayim V'tagel ha'aretz Yiram hayam Yiram hayam Yiram hayam um'lo’o um'lo’o

    ַמִים חּו ַהָּׁש מ� ִיֶׂש�ִיְׂשְמחּו ַהָָּׁשַמִים ִיְׂשְמחּו ַהָָּׁשַמִים

    ִיְׂשְמחּו ַהָָּׁשַמִיםְוָתֵגל ָהָאֶרץ ִיְרַעם ַהָּים ִיְרַעם ַהָּים

    ִיְרַעם ַהָּים ּוְמֹלאֹו


  • # Page 16

    The Hope In the Jewish heartA Jewish spirit still singsAnd the eyes look eastToward Zion Our hope is not lostOur hope of two thousand yearsTo be a free nation in our landIn the land of Zion and Jerusalem

    Ha Tikvah Kol ode balevav P'nimah -Nefesh Yehudi homiyahUlfa'atey mizrach kadimahAyin l'tzion tzofiyah

    Ode lo avdah tikvatenuHatikvah bat shnot alpayimL'hiyot am chofshi b'artzenuEretz Tzion v'Yerushalayim

    וה ַהְִּתק�ֹּכל עֹוד ַּבֵּלָבב ְְּפִניָמה

    ֶנֶפׁש ְיהּוִדי הֹוִמָּיה,ּוְלַפֲאֵתי ִמְזָרח ָקִדיָמה,

    ַעִין ְלִצּיֹון צֹוִפָּיה

    עֹוד לֹא ָאְבָדה ִּתְקָוֵתנּו ַהִּתְקָוה ַּבת ְׁשנֹות ַאְלְַּפִים ִלְהיֹות ַעם ָחְפִׁשי ְּבַאְרֵצנּו

    ֶאֶרץ ִצּיֹון ִוירּוָׁשַלִים

  • # Page 17

    We Bring Peace Unto You We bring peace unto you We bring peace unto you We bring peace unto you We bring peace peacePeace unto you

    Hevenu Shalom Aleichem Hevenu shalom aleichemHevenu shalom aleichemHevenu shalom aleichemHevenu shalom shalomShalom aleichem

    לֹום ֲעֵליֶכם ֵהֵבאנּו ׁשֵהֵבאנּו ָׁשלֹום ֲעֵליֶכםֵהֵבאנּו ָׁשלֹום ֲעֵליֶכםֵהֵבאנּו ָׁשלֹום ֲעֵליֶכם

    ֵהֵבאנּו ָׁשלֹום ָׁשלֹום ָׁשלֹום ֲעֵליֶכם

    Our Forefathers Live on

    Our Forefathers Live on Our forefathers live on Our forefathers live on Our forefathers Our forefathers Our forefathers live on The nation of Israel lives on The nation of Israel lives on The nation of Israel The nation of Israel The nation of Israel lives on

    Od Avinu Chai

    Od Avinu Chai Od avinu chai Od avinu chai Od avinu Od avinu Od avinu chai

    Am Israel chai Am Israel chai Am Israel Am Israel Am Israel chai

    עֹוד ָאִבינּו ַחי עֹוד ָאִבינּו ַחי עֹוד ָאִבינּו ַחי עֹוד ָאִבינּו עֹוד ָאִבינּו עֹוד ָאִבינּו ַחי ַעם ִיְׂ̂שָרֵאל ַחי ַעם ִיְׂ̂שָרֵאל ַחי ַעם ִיְׂ̂שָרֵאל ַעם ִיְׂ̂שָרֵאל ַעם ִיְׂ̂שָרֵאל ַחי

  • # Page 18

    Good Sign And Good Fortune Good sign and good fortuneAnd good fortune and good signGood sign and good fortuneAnd good fortuneand good sign Good sign and good fortuneAnd good fortune and good signWill come to usIt will come to us to us and to all IsraelIt will come to us to us and to all Israel


    Siman Tov U'Mazal Tov Siman tov u'mazal tovU'mazal tov v'siman tov Siman tov u'mazal tovU'mazal tov v'siman tov Siman tov u'mazal tovU'mazal tov v'siman tov Y'hey lanuY'hey lanu y'hey lanu u'l'khol Yis'ra'ielY’hey lanu y'hey lanu u'l'khol Yis'ra'iel Amein

    ן טֹוב ּוַמּזל טֹוב ִסימ ִסיָמן טֹוב ּוַמֵָּזל טֹוב

    ּוַמֵָּזל טֹוב ְוִסיָמן טֹוב ִסיָמן טֹוב ּוַמֵָּזל טֹוב

    ּוַמֵָּזל טֹוב ְוִסיָמן טֹוב ִסיָמן טֹוב ּוַמֵָּזל טֹוב

    ּוַמֵָּזל טֹוב ְוִסיָמן טֹוב ְיֵהא ָלנּו

    ְיֵהא ָלנּו ּוְלָכל ִיְׂשָרֵאל ְיֵהא ָלנּו ּוְלָכל ִיְׂשָרֵאל


  • # Page 19

    Peace Will Come to us Peace will come upon us Peace will come upon us Peace will come upon us And on everyone And on everyone Salaam On us and on everyone Salaam Salaam

    (Salaam means Shalom/peace in Arabic)

    Od Yavo Shalom Aleinu Od yavo' shalom aleinu Od yavo' shalom aleinu Od yavo' shalom aleinu

    Ve al kulam Ve al kulam

    Salaam Aleinu ve al kol ha olam Salaam Salaam

    עוד יבוא שלום עלינועוד יבוא שלום עלינועוד יבוא שלום עלינועוד יבוא שלום עלינו

    ועל כולםועל כולם

    סלאאם עלינו ועל כל העולםסלאאם סלאאם

    סלאאם עלינו ועל כל העולם סלאאם סלאאם

    Mi Chamocha

    Mi kamocha Ba'elim Adonai?Mi kamocha ne'dar bakodesh;Nora tehillot, oseh pheleh,Nora tehillot, oseh pheleh.


    Who is like unto Thee, O Lord, among the mighty?Who is like unto Thee, glorious in holiness;Fearful in praises, and doing wondrous deeds?


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    I Will Lift up my Eyes I lift my eyes up to the Mountains, From where, from where does my help come?

    I lift my eyes up to the Mountains, From where, from where does my help come?

    My help is from AdonaiMaker of the heavens and the earth!

    My help is from Adonai Maker of the heavens and the earth!

    Esa Einai Esa einai el heharimme'ayin me'ayin yavo ezri

    Esa einai el heharimme'ayin me'ayin yavo ezri Ezri me'im Adonai Oseh shamayim va'aretz Ezri me'im Adonai Oseh shamayim va'aretz

    א ֵעיַני ֶאָּׂשֶאָָּׂשא ֵעיַני ֶאל-ֶהָהִרים

    ֵמַאִין ֵמַאִין ָיבֹא ֶעְזִריֶאָָּׂשא ֵעיַני ֶאל-ֶהָהִרים ֵמַאִין ֵמַאִין ָיבֹא ֶעְזִרי

    ֶעְזִרי ֵמִעם ְיהָוה ֹעֵׂשה ָׁשַמִים ָוָאֶרץ ֶעְזִרי ֵמִעם ְיהָוה

    ֹעֵׂשה ָׁשַמִים ָוָאֶרץ

  • # Page 21

    From the mouth of God Chorus: From the mouth of God blessing for all Israel From the mouth of God blessing for all Israel

    None so mighty as our LordAnd none so blessed as Amram’s sonNothing noble like TorahNone seek its ways like Israel

    None so spendid as our LordAnd none esteemed as Amram’s sonNothing faultless like TorahNone know its ways like Israel

    None so perfect as our LordAnd none unique like Amram’s sonNothing awesome like TorahNone learn its ways like Israel

    None redeems us as our LordAnd none is just like Amram’s sonNothing holy like TorahNone keeps its ways like Israel

    Mipi El Mipi El Mipi El Y'vorach Yisrael Mipi El Mipi El Y'vorach Yisrael

    Ein Adir ka'Adonai V'ein Baruch k'ven Amram Ein G'dolah ka'Torah V'ein Dorsha k'Yisrael

    Ein Hadur ka'Adonai V'ein Vatik k'ven Amram Ein Zaca'ah ka'Torah V'ein Homda k'Yisrael

    Ein Tahor ka'Adonai V'ein Yashar k'ven Amram Ein K'vudah ka'Torah V'ein Lomda k'Yisrael

    Ein Melech ka'Adonai V'ein Navi k'ven Amram Ein S'mucha ka'Torah V'ein Ozra k'Yisrael

    Ein Podeh ka'Adonai V'ein Tzadik k'ven Amram Ein K'doshah ka'Torah V'ein Rohasha k'Yisrael

    ִמִִּפי ֵאלִמְִּפי ֵאל ִמְִּפי ֵאל ִיבֹוַרְך ִיְׂשָרֵאלִמְִּפי ֵאל ִמְִּפי ֵאל ִיבֹוַרְך ִיְׂשָרֵאל

    ֵאין ַאִּדיר ַּכה' ֲאֹדָני ְוֵאין ָּברּוְך ְּכֶבן ַעְמָרם

    ֵאין ְגדֹוָלה ַּכּתֹוָרה ְוֵאין ּדֹוְרָׁשּה ְּכִיְׂשָרֵאל

    ֵאין ָהדּור ַּכה' ֲאֹדָני ְוֵאין ָוִתיק ְּכֶבן ַעְמָרם

    ֵאין ַזָּכָאה ַּכּתֹוָרה ְוֵאין חֹוְמָדּה ְּכִיְׂשָרֵאל

    ֵאין ָטהֹור ַּכה' ֲאֹדָני ְוֵאין ָיָׁשר ְּכֶבן ַעְמָרם

    ֵאין ְּכבּוָדה ַּכּתֹוָרה ְוֵאין לֹוְמָדּה ְּכִיְׂשָרֵאל

    ֵאין ֶמֶלְך ַּכה' ֲאֹדָני ְוֵאין ָנִביא ְּכֶבן ַעְמָרם

    ֵאין ְסמּוָכה ַּכּתֹוָרה ְוֵאין עֹוְזָרּה ְּכִיְׂשָרֵאל

    ֵאין ְּפֹוֶדה ַּכה' ֲאֹדָני ְוֵאין ַצִּדיק ְּכֶבן ַעְמָרם

    ֵאין ְקדֹוָׁשה ַּכּתֹוָרה ְוֵאין רֹוֲחָׁשּה ְּכִיְׂשָרֵאל

  • # Page 22

    Grant Peace Grant abundant peace over Israel Your people forever For You are the sovereign source of all Peace. So may it be good in Your eyes to Bless Your people Israel in every season and in every hour with Your peace.

    Blessed are You Adonai Who blesses His people Israel with peace

    Shalom Rav Shalom Rav al Yisrael amchaTasim l’olam Ki atah hu Melech Adon l’chol Hashalom V’tov b’einecha l’vareich et amcha Yisrael B’chol eit uv’chol shaah Bish’lomecha

    Baruch atah Adonai Ham’vareich et amo Yisrael Basholom

    ב לֹום ר ׁשָרב ַעל ִיְׂשָרֵאל ַעְּמָך ָׁשלֹום

    ָּתִׂשים ְלעֹוָלםָאדֹון ִּכי ַאָּתה הּוא ֶמֶלְך

    ְלָכל ַהָָּׁשלֹוםיָך ְלָבֵרְך Eְוטֹוב ְּבֵעיֶנ

    ִיׁשָרֵאל ֶאת ַעְּמָך ָך Eְּבָכל ֵעת ּוְבָכל ָׁשָעה ִּבְׁשלֹוֶמ

    ָּברּוְך ַאָּתה ְיָיַהְּמָבֵרְך ֶאת ַעּמֹו ִיְׂשָרֵאל ַּבָָּׁשלֹום

  • # Page 23

    L'Chi Lach L'chi lach, to a land that I will show youLech l'cha, to a place you do not knowL'chi lach, on your journey I will bless you And (you shall be a blessing) l'chi lachAnd (you shall be a blessing) l'chi lachAnd (you shall be a blessing) l'chi lach L'chi lach, and I shall make your name greatLech l'cha, and all shall praise your nameL'chi lach, to the place that I will show you

    (L'simchat chayim) l'chi lach(L'simchat chayim) l'chi lach (L'simchat chayim) l'chi lach

    Lyrics by Debbie Friedman & Savina Teubal

    The words of the song, "L'chi Lach", recall Genesis 12:1, where God says to Abram, “Go forth to the land I will show you.”

    The Hebrew in the Torah is “Lech l’cha,” the imperative to a male to go, get going or go forth. The double form is a Biblical way of intensifying the commandand is often translated as surely.

    L’chi lach is the imperative to a female of the same words. We are thus reminded that God’s instruction to Abram wasalso to Sarai.

  • # Page 24

    Exalt (ye)

    Exalt ye the Lord our God,and prostrate yourselves at His footstool;Holy is He.

    Moses and Aaron among His priests,and Samuel among caller of His name, called to the Lord,and He answered them.

    He spoke unto them in the pillar of cloud;they kept His testimonies,and the statute that He gave them.

    O the Lord our God,Thou didst answer them;a forgiving God wast Thou unto them,though you take vengeance on their misdeeds.

    Exalt ye the Lord our God,and worshipat His holy hill;for the Lord our God is holy.


    Romemu adonai eloheinuvehishtachavu la'adom raglavkadosh hu.

    Moshe ve'Aharon becho'anav uSh'muelbekorei sh'mo kor'im el adonaive'hu ya'anam

    Be'amud anan yedaber aleihemshamru edotavvechok natan lamo.

    Adonai eloheinuata anitamel nose hayita lahemvenokem al alilotam.

    Romemu adonai eloheinuvehishtachavulehar kodshoki kadosh adonai eloheinu.

    רֹו̂ממּו רֹו̂ממּו ̂יהָוה ֱאֹלֵהינּו ̂וִהׁ̂שַּתֲחוּו ַלֲהֹדם ַר̂גָליו ָקדֹוׁש ה ̂וַאֲהֹרן oהּוא ֹמׁשֹכֲהָניו ּוׁ̂שמּוֵאל ְּ̂בֹק̂רֵאי ׁ̂שֹמו ְּ̂בֽם ל־̂יהָוה ̂ו֣הּוא ַיֲעֵנֽ oֹקִראים אם ôְּבַעּמּוד ָעָנן ̂יַדְֵּבר ֲאֵליה ק ָׁש̂מרּו ֵעֹדָתיו ̂וֹחֹ֣מו ̂יהָוה ֱאֹלֵהינּו ַתן־ָלֽ ָנֽ ַאָּתה ֲעִניָתם ֵאל ם ̂וֹנֵקם oֹנְֵׂשא ָהִייָת ָלהו̂ממּו ̂יהָוה ם ֹרֽ ַעל־ֲעִליֹלוָתֽׁ̂שַּתֲחוּו ̂לַהר ָק̂דֹׁשו ֱאֹלֵהינּו ̂וִהֽינּו רֹו̂ממּו י־ָקֹדוׁש ̂יהָוה ֱאֹלֵהֽ ִִּכֽ̂יהָוה ֱאֹלֵהינּו ̂וִהׁ̂שַּתֲחוּו ̂לַהר ָק̂דׁשֹו ִִּכי-ָקדֹוׁש ̂יהָוה ֱאֹלֵהינּו

  • # Page 25

    The Dinosaur Song For Shabbat

    There’s a dinosaur knocking at my door, knocking One Two Three, There’s a dinosaur knocking at my door and she wants to have Shabbat with me. She wants to light the candles, She wants to drink the wine, She wants to eat the Challah, She does it all the time!

    There’s a dinosaur knocking at my door, knocking One Two Three, There’s a dinosaur knocking at my door and she wants to have Shabbat with me, and you, and him, and her, and with everybody in the whole wide world!

  • The Song of Redemption

    “Na Nach Nachma Nachman Me'uman”There exists among the talmidim or students of Rebbe Nachman of Breslov those who believe that Rabbi Y'isroel Ber Odesser (AKA Saba or “Grandfather” to his talmidim; lived 1888 – October 23, 1994) was granted a special favor and an holy mission. Not all Breslovers accept this. Those who do are often referred to as “Nanachs.” Their sect is founded on a miraculous revelation to Saba known as the Petek (or “note”). Saba called this the “Song of Universal Redemption.”

    The Petek (in English) reads as follows:

    “Very hard it was for me to descend to you My precious student to tell you that I benefited Greatly from your service and upon you I said My fire will burn untilמשיח וועט קומען * Until the coming of Mashiach Be strong and brave In your service Na Nach Nachma Nachman Me'Uman

    And with this I shall reveal to you a secret and it is: Full and heaped up from line to line( פצפציה) * (Pay, Tzaddi, Pay, Tzaddi, Yud, Hay)* And with strong service you will understand it and the sign is The 17th of Tammuz they will say that you are not fasting.האש שלי תוקד עד ביאת המשיח * Do not say the name with your mouth.

    * Gematria 355 = Na Nach Nachma Nachman

    Rebbe NachmanRebbe NachmanNachman Me’uman, Nachman Me’umanRebbe Nachman Me’uman, Me’uman (repeat above)

    Nach Nach Nach Nach Nach Me’uman

    Oi! Oi! Oi! Oi! Oi! Oi! Oi! Oi!

    Rebbe NachmanNachman Me’uman, Nachman Me’umanRebbe Nachman Me’uman, Me’umanMe’uman, Me’uman (repeat above)



    Ani ma'amin,ani ma'amin be'emuno (emunah) sheleymo (sh'lemah)bevias (beviat) hamoshiach ani ma'amin.

    Ani ma'amin,ani ma'amin be'emuno (emunah) sheleymo (sh'lemah)bevias (beviat) hamoshiach ani ma'amin.

    Moshiach moshiach moshiach oyoyoyoyoyMoshiach moshiach moshiach oyoyoyoyoy (x2)

    Ve'af al pi sheyitmahmehah,Im kol zeh achakeh loachakeh lo bechol yom sheyavo.

    Ve'af al pi sheyitmahmehah,Im kol zeh achakeh loachakeh lo bechol yom sheyavo.


    I believe,I believe with complete faithin the coming of the Messiah, I believe.

    I believe,I believe with complete faithin the coming of the Messiah, I believe.

    Messiah, messiah, messiah ohohohohohMessiah, messiah, messiah ohohohohoh

    And even though he may tarry,Nonetheless I will wait for himI will wait every day for him to come.

    And even though he may tarry,Nonetheless I will wait for himI will wait every day for him to come.

    Page 27


    Veshamru bnei Yisraelet haShabatLa'asot et hashabat Ledorotam, Brit olam (2x).

    Beini uvein, bnei Yisrael,bnei Yisrael,Ot hi le'olam,

    Ki sheshet yamim,asa Adonai, asa AdonaiEt hashamaim, ve'et ha'aretz,

    Uvayom hashvi'iShavat vayinafash,Shavat vayinafash,Shavat vayinafash.

    Page 28

    And they shall keep - the children of Israel - the SabbathMake Shabbat in all generations,As an everlasting covenant.

    It shall forever be a sign,Between Me and the children of Israel

    That for six days the Lord laboredOver the heavens and the Earth,And on the seventh day,He rested and was refreshed.

  • Rachem

    Rachem Na Hashem ElokeinuRachemal Yisrael Amecha, RachemVe'al Yerushalayim Ir-echaRachem, Rachem, Rachem

    Have Mercy

    Have Mercy Hashem our G-dHave MercyOn Israel Your peopleOn Jerusalem Your cityMercy, Mercy, Mercy

    Page 29

  • Page 30 We Are a Miracle By Yaakov Shwekey

    A nation in the desert We started out as slaves Made it to the motherland, And then came the CrusadesIt's been so many years Crying so many tearsDon't you know, don't you really know?We are pushed to the ground Through our faith we are found Standing strong

    The Spanish inquisition … wanted us to bow, But our backs ain’t gonna bend Never then, and never now

    It's been so many years Crying so many tearsDon't you know, don't you really know?

    We are pushed to the ground Through our faith we are found Standing strongWe are a miracle We are a miracle

    We were chosen with love And embraced from above We are a miracle!

    Continued Next page

  • Extermination was the plan When the devil was a man Ohhh ohhhBut the few who carried on Live for millions who are gone Ohhh ohhhIt’s been so many years Crying so many tearsDon’t you know, don’t you really know?We are pushed to the ground Through our faith we are found Standing strong

    We are a miracle We are a miracleWe were chosen with love And embraced from Above We are a miracle

    Every day we fight a battle On the news we are the starsAs history repeats itself And makes us who we areHate is all around us But we’ll be here to sing our song

    We are a miracle We are a miracleWe were chosen with love And embraced from Above We are a miracle

    We are a miracle We are a miracleThrough it all we remain Who Can Explain We are a miracleThrough it all we remain Who Can Explain We are a miracle

    We Are a Miracle Continued

    Page 31

  • Page 32 I Love To Hear The Shofar Blast by Peter and Ellen Allard

    I love to hear the Shofar blast.Sometimes slow and sometimes fast.I like to hear the Shofar blast.Happy, happy, happy New Year! (x2)

    T’kiyaaaahhhhhhhh (repeat) (chorus)

    Sh’varee ee ee eem (repeat), T’kiyaaaahhhhhhhh (repeat) (chorus)

    T’ru-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-ah (repeat),Sh’varee ee ee eem (repeat),T’kiyaaaahhhhhhhh (repeat) (chorus)

    T’kiya G’dolaaaaaaaalah (repeat)T’ru-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-ah (repeat) Sh’varee ee ee eem (repeat)T’kiyaaaahhhhhhhh (repeat), (chorus)

  • Sh'ma koleinu,Adonai EloheinuCHus v'rachem – aleinu (x2)

    V'kabeil b'rachamim uv'ratzan et t'filateinuKi Eil shomei'a t'filat V'tachanunim – ata (repeat 1st verse)

    Ya la la..…

    Ooh ohh ooh….

    Hear our voice, Adonai our God; Have compassion upon us,

    And accept our prayerwith favor and mercy,

    For You are the G-d Who hears And Who prayers and supplications.

    Shma KoleinuPage 33


    Ein ke-lo-hei-nu Ein Ka-do-nei-nuEin k'mal-kei-nu Ein k'mo-shi-ei-nu

    Mi che-lo-hei-nu Mi cha-do-nei-nuMi che-mal-kei-nu Mi ch'mo-shi-ei-nu

    No-deh le-lo-hei-nu No-deh la-do-nei-nuNo-deh l'mal-kei-nu No-deh l'mo-shi-ei-nu

    Ba-ruch e-lo-hei-nu Ba-ruch a-do-nei-nuBa-ruch mal-kei-nu Ba-ruch mo-shi-ei-nu

    A-tah hu e-lo-hei-nu A-tah hu a-do-nei-nuA-ta hu mal-kei-nu A-tah hu mo-shi-ei-nu

    A-tah hu she-hik-ti-ru a-vo-tei-nul'fa-nei-cha et kto-ret ha-sa mim.


    There is none like our God, there is none like our lord,There is none like our king, there is none like our saviour.

    Who is like our God, who is like our lord,Who is like our king, who is like our saviour.

    Let us thank our God, let us thank our lord,Let us thank our king, Let us thank our saviour.

    Blessed be our God, blessed be our Lord,Blessed be our king, blessed be our savior.

    Thou art our God, thou art our Lord,Thou art our king, thou art our savior.

    Thou art the one before whom our fathersoffered the spice offering.

    Page 34

  • Yom huledet sameach,

    Yom huledet sameach

    Yom huledet sameach le'[INSERT NAME HERE]

    Yom huledet sameach

    Yom Huledet SameachHappy Birthday Song 1

    ֵמַח ,יֹום ֻהֶֶּלֶדת ָׂש�ֵמַח ,יֹום ֻהֶֶּלֶדת ָׂש�ֵמַח ְל… יֹום ֻהֶֶּלֶדת ָׂש�ֵמַח יֹום ֻהֶֶּלֶדת ָׂש�

    Page 35

  • Hayom yom huledet

    Hayom yom huledet

    Hayom yom huledet le' [INSERT NAME]

    Hayom yom huledet

    Hayom yom huledet

    Hayom yom huledet le' [INSERT NAME]

    Chag lo/la sameach

    Ve’zer lo/la pore’ach

    Hayom yom huledet le’ le' [INSERT NAME]

    Chag lo/la sameach

    Ve’zer lo/la pore’ach

    Hayom yom huledet le’ le' [INSERT NAME]

    היום יום הולדת

    היום יום הולדת

    היום יום הולדת ל…

    היום יום הולדת

    היום יום הולדת

    היום יום הולדת ל…

    חג לו שמח

    וזר לו פורח

    היום יום הולדת ל…

    חג לו שמח

    וזר לו פורח

    היום יום הולדת ל…

    Yom Huledet Sameach Happy Birthday Song 2

    Page 36

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