book vii: the birth of the tsar


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The Leftover Princess and the

Knights of the Round

Book VII: The Birth of the Tsar

Story by: Rinne Ishida

Art by: Ichiko Okiya

Translated by: CrystalHikari

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Translator’s note:

The Japanese honorifics were kept in the translation

of the dialogues of the characters to show the respect or

adoration of the characters. Footnotes were provided

upon the first appearance of the honorific in the chapter

to explain it.

Thoughts are signified by italics.

The chapter titles for this volume are all directions

used in playing music.

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Chapter III:

Lamentabile: A Pitiful Supporting Role

Leti came into the Knight King’s Study. She badly wanted

to meet a king from the past tonight.

However, this was a place the reincarnations of the

Knight King run to when they wish to escape their reality for

a while. It was possible for them to meet by chance, but to

see each other by purpose was impossible.

“I hope the next king is someone who remember Hughes

and is not just a part of their knowledge.”

She met Lion King Alexander earlier. When she told him

that Hughes had captured her, he laughed at her and made

fun of her situation, saying it was quite rare to see a monarch

held captive by his henchman.

After Alexander, she also met One-Armed King Oswald

and Gunshot King Ludger. Oswald pitied Hughes while

Ludger found him exasperating. Just like Leti, they only knew

Hughes and did not remember him.

Leti did not want to give up easily and stayed in the Study

longer than usual.

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As if in answer to her prayers, a king who remembers

Hughes came to visit, Guardian King Volker.

“Good evening, King Volker. I have met you just a few

nights ago.”

“Please forgive me, I do not remember when we met.”

“No, do not be. I know you remember too much and it

has been difficult for you.”

Volker, the king who has memories of the Knight King

and all of the reincarnations before him, kept silent and

looked down without replying to Leti.

“I am being held captive by Hughes, King Christian’s


“By Hughes? He is supposedly dead!”

“Yes, he is. But his will or his wish was too strong, so his

consciousness remained and was bound to something by

magic or maybe by a curse.”

Volker was in disbelief upon hearing this about Hughes.

His reaction looked like someone surprised at hearing news

about someone close to him.

This proved that Administrative King Karlheinz was

right. The reincarnations before Alexander did have

memories of the Knight King. They were not like Leti and

the other kings she knew who were reincarnated and leading a

new life. They were living a continuation of the life of the

Knight King – with intact memories and a new body.

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“But the present is a stage for the people living in it now.

People of the past may take notable supporting roles, but

they should never be part of the main cast. Hughes has to die

once again.”

“What is Hughes seeking after that is enough to sustain

him until your time?”

“He wants to fulfil his promise with King Christian – to

unite the world as one and make everyone live a happy and

peaceful life. But he wishes to achieve this through war.”

Hughes tried to start a war in order to confirm if August,

the Duke of Northruth, was the reincarnation of the Knight

King. It was an action he felt no ounce of remorse or regret.

“The Hughes I know dearly cherished this world. He

fought the battle against the gods alongside me because he

believed in the potential of man, that with everyone’s efforts,

a brighter future awaits.”

Hughes was truly wishing for peace. This much was clear

based on his own words and what the Knight King knows

about him.

“You told me before that man gets corrupted when he

lives for too long.”

“Ah, yes. I have lived far too long, I no longer know what

I want to do, only that my wish for peace is genuine.”

Knight King Christian longed for peace for the people of

the earth. This wish was so strong, Volker was suffering now

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due to the weight of all those memories and yet that wish for

peace still remains.

If Hughes was the same as King Volker and only his

strongest wish, his desire to give peace and joy to everyone

remained pure, then to think of war as a way to peace might

have been possible for his already twisted mind.

“I am most likely to be of similar state with Hughes. I

have lived as the Knight King for too long.”

When Volker told Leti before that he had lived long, Leti

thought he was referring to the normal lifespan of man. Now

she knew he meant it differently.

“I was never comfortable being called King Volker. I had

always felt I was continuing life as Knight King Christian.”

The Knight King’s Study was a place for the

reincarnations of the Knight King to escape reality when they

were troubled.

Leti thought that maybe the reason why Volker comes

here was not because he was worried about his country or

nation; he was worried about himself.

“I see you as someone different from King Christian.”

“I was reincarnated with his memories. I am Knight King


“Christian was never troubled about himself. He was a

god. He may think about the world and its people, but never

about himself.”

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This world has no need for gods.

The lone god that remained in this world divided his own

powers into thirteen swords and granted twelve to his most

trusted people. Finally, he altered his soul to become part of

the circle of life of humans.

“Christian’s intention was clear. He was god and became

human. On the other hand, you are troubled. You are not

sure whether you are him, or you are you.”

“Indeed,” realised Volker, “I am troubled.”

“Christian had never met me, but you have. See? You are

different persons.”

Leti was just playing with words, but it was somehow a

form of salvation for Volker.

“I, am I different from him?”

“Yes, if you think you are, then you are.”

“Can I live as Volker, as a king of one nation?”

“We are humans. The most we can do is protect our own

country within a human’s lifespan.”

A human’s life is too short to protect other countries and

the world.

“Thank you Queen Leticia. You have lifted up my spirit.”

Volker’s troubles would probably not be solved by Leti’s

play of words. But Leti hoped it was enough to give comfort

to his troubled soul.

“Forgive me, we have spoken much about myself,”

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apologised Volker and then stirred back their conversation to

Hughes. “What was it you wanted to know about Hughes?”

“I know you remember about the altar King Christian had

built to be used in a ceremony to bring back the lives of

people who died during the war. Hughes now wants to use

that forbidden magic to bring back King Christian so he

captured me with the god-killer magic circle. Is there anything

I could do to stop him?”

Volker supposedly had detailed knowledge about the god-

killer circle. He probably knows a way how to break it from

the inside.

“I do not think you have enough powers to exceed the

capacity of the altar.”

“I know. I tried and ended up going to dreamland.”

All of Leti’s magical energy was turned into chains and

she lost consciousness due to exhaustion.

“Yes, I do remember,” Volker paused to change the way

of saying it. “I know about that forbidden magic and magic

circle. To maintain the energy sustaining the circle, the

distribution of the energy should be completely equal. In

other words…”

Leti found hope in what Volker was about to say.

“…If you focus on sending energy to only one of the

chains clamped on your limbs, the circle will break. The part

where you will send energy will probably experience pain, but

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I think it is worth giving a try.”

“Thank you for telling me.”

“You do not need to thank me. One more thing,” said

Volker as he laid his hands on Leti’s shoulders. “I see your

knowledge about the Knight King is not enough and your

powers are frail. You may have overcome things before, but

make sure to remember what I will say.”

Leti nodded with a serious expression on her face.

“You are weak, young lady. Be sure to always have a

knight granted with some of your powers stay by your side.

And most importantly, be careful and do not overestimate

your own power.”

“Yes, I will,” answered Leti.

Volker was concerned about her, and his worried look

made Leti think that he was truly no one else but Solvelle’s

kind Guardian King Volker.

The parade was the grand finale of Kielf’s National

Foundation Festival.

The key person in charge of the security to ensure the

safety of everyone during the parade was suddenly changed.

The original person responsible for this was Mikhail, but was

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changed to Arthur.

“Do you not think I am the best choice for this

responsibility? Mikhail Ani’ue1, you will be at the head of the

parade while I am not participating in it,” explained Arthur

while glaring at Mikhail.

“So you choose accomplishment over showing yourself as

a part of the imperial family? But I think it is too late for you

to try and catch up with my accomplishments.”

“But still, I will try. I did let you take all the credits


For three years, Mikhail used the plans Arthur devised for

him to gain achievements that created his strong foothold

within Kielf. After Arthur pointed out this fact, Mikhail could

not say anything back.

“The security plans last year was not enough to prevent

attacks. I have changed the distribution and assignment of

our soldiers. Please confirm it once again, just to be sure.”

“That was unnecessary,” said Mikhail while reluctantly

accepting the security plan Arthur was handling him. This

action meant that he approved of changing the head of

security for the parade from him to Arthur.

1 Ani’ue: A Japanese Honorific used to address one’s older brother. Old-fashioned and formal.

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To stop the parade and to save Leti – these were the two

objectives Duke had to make a plan for and any information

that could help in his planning was highly welcome.

Valery was able to get them the security scheme for the

parade. Duke used this to come up with a plan on how they

could stop it. And while Valery is out to do his job, Duke and

Astrid talked about what they should do for Arthur.

“You can do something about that someone inside Prince

Arthur, right?” asked Duke to Astrid.

“I can, but the Sword of White Light is for purifying

curses and impurities. If they are still in possession of a body,

the body has to be burned with the fire of the Sword of

Hellfire. If we could separate the curse or impurity from the

host body, I can handle with it.”

“Burn does not mean burn until it is burnt, doesn’t it?”

“Burn until it turns into ashes. The body should be burnt

until there is no trace left of it.”

Duke shook off the terrifying image from his head and

rejected that idea.

“Is there any way to save Prince Arthur without hurting

him as the host body?”

“Without hurting him?”

“He is still the prince of a country. He may be the one at

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fault here, but if we end up taking his life with our hands, it

will not end there. It will be a dispute between Solvelle and


Astrid remembered what Duke said before about

disguising the death by drowning or to burn the body without

leaving any proof, but Duke rejected those instantly.

“With the Ghost Energy,” whispered Astrid as he recalled

what happened to him that time.

While he was possessed by the Ghost Energy, Leti drove

it out of his body by putting the Sword of White Light inside

him. After that, Leti burned the original body of the Ghost


If we save Her Highness, Prince Arthur could be knighted and

granted a Sword of Promise to save him. Astrid thought this might

be the only way to save the prince since Leti would never

burn someone to death. However, Astrid did not personally

like this way.

“I cannot drive out the person inside Prince Arthur.

Either Her Highness would use her power to expel it or that

someone goes out of the prince on its own.”

Leti was captured and they had no idea where she was.

If possible, Duke wanted to start his plan with Arthur.

“Do you think it would go out of the prince if we press a

sword on the prince’s neck and threaten to kill the prince if it

did not go out?”

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“During my time, it threatened Her Highness with my


“So it already knows we cannot do anything to a prince.

He did try to threaten General Kiriakov that way. It would

not be swayed with that kind of threat.”

That person inside Arthur took Arthur as his hostage and

was utilizing Arthur’s power and status to the fullest. It would

probably not leave Arthur’s body out if its own volition.

“Whether we will deal with it before or after saving Her

Highness, our first problem is how to capture him. Just how

strong Prince Arthur is?”

“General Kiriakov said he met the prince in a war zone.

Uprisings were happening one after the other around the

empire and there weren’t enough men to handle them. Prince

Arthur was assigned as the decorative commanding officer of

that operation. He may not be that strong.”

“I see. If he was someone with leadership skills, he would

have not been a decorative commanding officer, but simply

the commanding officer.”

Kind-hearted and gentle were the most common words

used to describe Arthur. If his skills were exactly as he

looked, a prince who is more suited to carry a pen than a

sword, then he would not be a problematic opponent.

However, they should not judge a book by its cover because

Shelan, a prince of an empire in the Far East could be

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describe in the same way, but was actually a skilled fighter.

“If we can do finish off the guards and easily capture

Prince Arthur,” started Astrid.

“Wait. What if the one possessing Prince Arthur is

skilled? We cannot easily capture him.”

Duke wanted to have at least two people to capture

Arthur, but they lacked manpower. If only they had Craig or

even Shelan.

But Astrid said there was no need to worry. “Even if

Prince Arthur is possessed by someone, it cannot go beyond

what the host body can do. Remember during my time, I was

still not able to make heavy attacks like you do.”

“Ah, now that you mention it, you did not.”

“If Prince Arthur is originally weak, then he will still be

weak even though he is possessed. If he did not undergo any

training, then even if the person inside him is a skilled fighter,

he would still not be able to move quickly.”

The sharpness of their senses would also be the same.

Duke nodded his understanding of Astrid’s explanation.

“Then is it possible to trick them?”

“Trick who?”

“The person inside Prince Arthur. Let’s try to think more

of a plan.”

They had to accomplish three things.

One, stop the parade.

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Two, save Leti.

Three, free Arthur.

These three things were entangled with the present

complicated issues surrounding Kielf, that if they try to take

out one, everything would collapse. They need to clear it out

one by one.

While Duke was busy coming up with a plan when they

go against Arthur, asking along the way for Astrid’s almost

useless opinions, Valery came back from his work.

“I have bad news. The hole in security we found at the

East Ward was cleanly closed by the new security plan. The

person inside His Highness truly knows his business.”

The weak point Valery pointed out in the security was

now reinforced with the new plan.

“Him again! He can read all of our moves!”

Arthur was always a step ahead of them and well prepared

for their every move.

Duke had to give up doing a straightforward approach

since both Leti and Craig were currently unavailable.

“Our enemy is better than us. We cannot win fair and

square. We need to pull some tricks.”

“What kind of tricks?” asked Astrid.

Duke replied with an example. “What would you do if

you were losing a game of chess?”

“I will try thinking what my next move will be,” replied

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Astrid, but since he was not good with mind games, he really

could not come up with anything specific.

“When that happens, you’ll say ‘Oops, my hand slipped,’

and then knock over the chessboard.”


“Making the game null.” Duke said this with a completely

serious expression. “Let’s not consider Prince Arthur’s

security plan. General Kiriakov can say on the day of the

parade that there were changes and bring it back to the

original plan. Changes done on the day would always cause

trouble; there will definitely be a hole in the security.”

Instead of searching for a fault in the almost perfect plan,

they should just consider it did not happen. Astrid was

amazed at Duke’s trick.

“Ah Senpai2, who were you playing with when the

chessboard was knocked over?”

Astrid was curious to know about this since he felt what

Duke shared was based on experience.

Duke just answered, “It isn’t Her Highness.”

2 Senpai: A Japanese honorific used to refer to one’s senior.

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A day before Kielf’s National Foundation Festival, the

College of Electors held their first conclave under the guise

of preparing for the upcoming festival.

“Let us commence our first conclave.”

The college does not have rank or hierarchy, so the most

senior elector, Marquis Meltzoff acted as the facilitator.

They started the conclave with an election. This first

election would serve as a way to know who the possible

candidates were.

Everyone wrote the names of their own candidates.

“We shall now tally the votes. One vote for Prince

Mikhail, one for Prince Arthur, another one for Prince


In total, there were three votes for Mikhail, two for

Arthur, one for Cyril, the heir of the Archduchy of Knyazev,

and a blank vote.

The tsar was decided if someone gets the majority of the

votes. At this point, no one had achieved it yet. Heated

discussions were a certainty for now.

“Let us start discussing our candidates while still keeping

our eyes open for others. First is Prince Mikhail,” Meltzoff

opened the floor for discussion.

“Prince Mikhail is the best choice to be the tsar because

of his lineage. He is the oldest son of His Majesty.”

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“Then we should have just made a law for the throne to

be inherited if we are to choose based on lineage. We will lose

our meaning as electors if we will choose the tsar solely based

on their family.”

“Prince Mikhail is not only a part of the imperial family.

He is highly trusted by the nobles.”

“Nobles of this dynasty, you mean. Even their trust is

quite dubious now. Have you forgotten about his plan to

attack Northruth? This was abandoned due to the military

alliance forged between Duke Northruth and Solvelle’s

Crown Princess.”

Anastasia listened intently on the opinions of those for

Mikhail and of those against him.

I was not able to choose Mikhail Onii-sama3 or Arthur.

She could have submitted a blank ballot, but that felt like

she was throwing away her responsibility as an elector. After

thinking through her choices, she voted for her cousin, Cyril.

“Prince Arthur is descended from both the present

imperial family and the previous one. If we are to unite this

divided Kielf, then he is our best choice.”

“But I do not think that will solve the real problem.

3 Onii-sama: “Onii” means older brother, “-sama” is an honorific used for a high person or someone adored

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Prince Arthur might just be swayed by the opinions of the

two parties.”

“Descended from the previous imperial family? Have you

forgotten what Lady Elenov did to the empire? Kielf might

not recover if he will do the same thing as his mother.”

The main candidates fell down to Mikhail and Arthur.

Listening closely to their opinions easily gave away who they

voted for. Anastasia and another elector was not actively

participating in the discussion; he was probably the one who

gave the blank ballot.

“Then how about Lord Cyril?”

“His skills are recognized by both parties.”

“But he is not someone fit for the crown. He is gentle and

kind. He may be an expert in providing support, but he is not

meant to lead. If we are to vote for someone to be the prime

minister, I am certain all of us would vote for him.”

Anastasia did not refute the other’s arguments. She had

the same opinion.

I understand what they are saying. I could not give my vote to

Mikhail Onii-sama or Arthur, so I had to choose from the others.

This was not how they should choose the tsar. She did

not make her vote because she thought that person is the

only one for the crown, the way how should the monarch be

chosen according to Victor.

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The first conclave ended. They have selected the main

candidates and have also discussed about the advantages and

disadvantages of each.

Anastasia, however, knew that they were just starting,

because from here on, they would need to discuss and

convene until they reach a consensus and successfully select

one person to inherit the crown.

Who would change their opinion? Who would they

choose? No one could predict the future.

“How are you feeling, Princess Anastasia? You do not

look well. How about taking some refreshments in my

room?” invited Victor who was waiting for Anastasia’s

meeting to end.

“I am sorry, but I,” hesitantly refused Anastasia.

“Shall we talk with violin and piano?”

Victor’s words sounded like he meant something else.

Anastasia pondered on what they meant and almost shouted

upon realising the meaning.

“Oh, of course. I wished to talk about that as well.”

“Shall we go then?” said Victor as he offered his arm to

escort Anastasia.

Violin and piano were the instruments Duke and Astrid

played during the little concert Leti had prepared for

Anastasia. Victor wished to talk with her about Leti’s knights

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without anyone noticing he was referring to them.

When they entered Victor’s room, Anastasia was not

surprised to see Duke and Astrid waiting for them.

“Duke, do we now have all the actors?”

“Yes. I am grateful for Your Highness’s cooperation.”

Anastasia then remembered what happened this morning

and rushed to inform Duke about it.

“Duke, Valery returned. He came to greet me this


“Yes, we were able to meet General Kiriakov safely.

Thank you very much for Your Highness’s help,” thanked

Duke and proceeded with the main agenda. “Prince Arthur

has left message – a massacre will happen at the palace at the

end of the parade tomorrow.”

Anastasia’s eyes widened at the frightful words she heard.

“A massacre? By who? For what?”

Victor replied calmly, “I see. Any other information?”

“We do not have any other details. However, we do not

think Prince Arthur would leave a meaningless message to

General Kiriakov, His Highness’s most trusted man. We are

now making preparations to stop the parade tomorrow.”

“I see, you are trying to stop a parade that is being

secured by Kielf’s military with a plan they are staking their

reputation for. Do you not think pulling this feat will be

difficult with just the two of you?”

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Duke assured Victor they were not doing this without any

plans. “General Kiriakov had agreed to help us. He gave us a

copy of the security plan for the parade and advised us to

make the attack right before the end of the parade where

seats for the noble visitors were prepared on the roadside and

most of the audience are waiting.”

This was the part of the parade where the imperial family

would be on the main road and the nobles were sitting by the

roadside as a valuable audience. With the many important

people concentrated in one area, the guards would be

confused who to prioritise. Moreover, if there would be last

minute changes to the plan before the parade, the line of

command would be unclear, making it difficult to take

immediate action.

“We also think Prince Mikhail would not stop the parade

even if an attack happens with the imperial palace right in

front of them. Now that the conclave of the electors has

started, we do not think Prince Mikhail would like to show

the electors that he is scared by a small attack.”

“Ah, I see. If the imperial family is attacked, the military

will do everything to protect them while letting the parade

continue. However, if one of their noble visitors is attacked,

they would have to stop the parade to ensure the safety of

their guests.”

“It is also written the soldier’s handbook to stop the

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parade in case of emergency.”

The security scheme prepared for the parade was mainly

for Kielf’s imperial family. The security for the noble guests

from the other countries was only written in the plan, but was

out of their consciousness. Victor agreed that stopping the

parade might be possible with this plan.

“Prince Victor, may we have your cooperation?”

“I do not mind. I only need to cry for Prince Mikhail to

save me.”

“Please discuss later on with Her Highness when we

safely stop the parade.”

Duke understood they would need to give something

back to Victor in exchange for his cooperation, however, he

was not in power to do that kind of negotiation, so he asked

Victor if he could defer their payment.

“There is no need for that. This is a chance for me to pay

back Princess Leticia.” Victor agreed to do this for free saying

he was much in Leti’s debt.

“Is Your Highness certain about this?”

“I owe her something about my fiancée. I will personally

tell Princess Leticia about it. You do not have to worry.”

Victor told Duke to proceed to his next topic.

“Princess Anastasia, we heard that Your Highness would

not be participating in the parade. If possible, we think Your

Highness should evacuate the palace once the parade starts.”

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“Ah, no. I will be part of the parade this year as one of

the imperial family. Mikhail Onii-sama told me since we need

to consider Prince Victor’s position as well.”

Then Anastasia would be safe since she would be

protected by numerous soldiers.

“But we will surely be disappointing our guests. I am

certain they wanted to see the parade ending with the flight of

the white birds.”

“Ah yes, I wanted to see that too,” agreed Victor.

The parade that would end with the flight of white birds

fluttering their white feathers with a trail of showering petals

behind them. This magical scene was so well-known even

beyond Kielf, many come just to witness it.

Indeed, many are looking forward to that. The expectation for it is

high enough that Princess Anastasia had to mention it. Prince Mikhail

would most likely wish to answer to that expectation, not just of Kielf,

but of their foreign guests as well.

Duke thought about what would happen if Mikhail lost

composure and decided to prioritise the expectation of the

guests over their safety.

Their plan was not enough to guarantee Mikhail would

select the guests’ safety over their expectation.

What would Her Highness do? She would prepare another plan.

Leti told him to consider all possibilities. If Leti were

here, Her Highness would do something to fulfil the guests’ expectation

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even if the parade was stopped.

And they were the ones to do that something with the

help of Victor and Anastasia.

Duke wracked his brain for an idea until he remembered

the opera they saw before.

“Yes! The audience will be satisfied if a scene from an

opera happens right in front of their eyes!”

It would be embarrassing, but if they pull it off, it would

excite the audience.

Duke immediately came up with the script and the cast.

“We will have a slight change in the plan. I originally had

Prince Victor act as the heroine asking for Prince Mikhail’s

help, but with this change, Prince Victor will be the prince.”

“The prince?”

“Princess Anastasia, who was supposed to be one of the

audience, will now be the princess.”

“The princess?” repeated Anastasia.

“General Kiriakov and I shall be the villains. This act

would require some effort for Prince Victor. I pray for our


Duke continued on to explain to Victor and Anastasia the

scene he wished to play.

“Duke, you are knight who excels both in the literary and

military arts, are you not?”

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“No, I am still but an inexperienced knight.”

“No,” Victor said strongly. “There is no need to be

humble right now. You are an excellent knight, are you not?”

“Yes, I am,” replied Duke with a flat tone.

“Of course you are! You are the First Knight of Solvelle’s

next queen! This is why I hate capable people! They think of

things using themselves as the standard!”

“Is there anything wrong with the plan?”

“Yes! Yes! You are expecting too much of a prince’s

equestrian skills! A prince only needs to keep his seat long

enough to ride along with his soldiers during war. And even

then there will be an attendant to look after the horse!”

“Being able to ride a horse is enough for this plan.”

“No, no, no. I am telling you this is not going to happen!

Did you think a normal prince can ride a horse without any

foothold? That is difficult! Impossible!” Victor wailed while

holding his head with both of his hands.

“Does a normal prince only rides horses with footholds?”

Astrid innocently asked the question he had in mind.

People of high status learn how to ride a horse, but riding

without any footstool was not part of the lesson.

“A prince is neither a soldier nor a knight.”

“But Prince Shelan said he can ride a horse without a


“The people of the east could definitely use magic. Yes, I

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believe they are sorcerers.”

To ride a horse without a saddle requires specialised

training and skills. This is something even Astrid or Duke

could not do. Therefore, when Victor heard about this of

Shelan, who looked like a docile creature, he came to

conclude that the gentle-looking prince could use magic.

“If Prince Shelan could do it, then Your Highness can

also do it. I will teach you the technique how to ride a horse

without any footstool. My seniors in the Order said this is a

technique that will make me popular with the ladies.”

“I think we will get along well. Shall you teach me then

how to do this trick to be popular with the ladies?”

“You go tap, tap, tap, then pull and swoosh!”

“I see you are not suited to be an instructor,” complained

Victor with Astrid’s onomatopoeic explanation.

“Build up some momentum by taking two or three

strides, pull the reigns while placing one of your foot on the

stirrup, and then widely swing the other foot to get on the


“Thank you for the interpretation, Duke. I know that, it is

common knowledge. But the problem is I cannot do it!” Victor

once again cradled his head with his hands.

Anastasia watched the scene, keeping her mouth in a thin

line to stop the smile creeping on her face.

“Princess Anastasia, will you be all right?” asked Duke.

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“Yes, I cannot ride on my own, but if there is someone to

assist me, I think I will be fine. I will do my best in playing

my role as the princess.”

In contrast to the pessimistic Victor, Anastasia was

optimistic about the plan.

“It feels strange to have my wishes come true one after

the other.”

“Wishes?” asked Victor.

“I told Leti about this before – that I wished to

experience to be loved passionately like a heroine in the

opera. Is this not exactly that?”

A princess loved with a burning passion of a prince was

the role Anastasia was going to play in this plan.

“I also always wanted to play in the concert, to have a

kind friend, to participate in the parade,” enumerated

Anastasia. “It feels like God is giving me all these so I could

leave Kielf without regrets.”

Anastasia finally felt that after the coronation, she would

leave Kielf and go to Illstra as Victor’s bride.

Duke, however, had other thoughts upon seeing

Anastasia. I can see another possibility for Princess Anastasia, a

possibility that Her Highness probably already saw, but never said a

word because of her kindness.

This was the most Duke understood. As for Kielf’s

future, he could not read that far into the future.

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The heavens paved way for the parade and blessed Kielf

with clear skies.

The parade was a ceremony to call spring. If it rained or

snowed on the day, the parade itself would continue, but the

imperial family could not open the windows of their carriages

to wave to the people.

Anastasia, together with her brother, had always watched

from the window of her room in the palace the party that

walks on the streets to welcome spring. She had always

wished to be a part of it, and this wish would come true this


“Arthur, we need to get in the carriage.”

“Ane’ue4, I will not be joining the parade. I will be

overlooking the security of the town.”

“Is that so? I can go to Mikhail Onii’sama and ask him to

let you participate in the parade.”

“It is all right. I am already glad just to see you dressed

prettily. Enjoy the parade,” smiled Arthur.

4 Ane’ue: A Japanese Honorific used to address one’s older sister. Old-fashioned and formal.

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Anastasia wanted to corner this imposter in front of her,

tell him that he was lying, that his words did not bear even an

ounce of truth in them, that he should tell her where he was

hiding Leti. She badly wanted to press him for information,

but kept herself in check. Doing so would put her into harm,

making her another person for Duke and Astrid protect and

this would reduce the people available to save Leti.

Anastasia looked down for a moment to compose herself

and then looked at Arthur with her kindest smile, “I will go

now Arthur. Be sure not to push yourself too hard. I know

you are still tired from your journey.”

Anastasia walked towards the carriage where the other

imperial siblings were waiting when Arthur suddenly grabbed

her hand.


“Ah, it is nothing. Take care too, Ane’ue.”

“Thank you. I will.”

Anastasia walked to the carriage as Arthur, or rather

Hughes sent her off with an unpleasant expression.

“You’re still struggling, eh? You’re a pain too, Arthur.”

For a moment, Arthur was able to grasp full control of his

body. He probably mustered all of his strength left to prevent

her sister from going. His will was truly strong that it took

Hughes three years to gain full control of Arthur’s body.

“There isn’t anything you can do in a blink. If there was,

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the world would have been saved a lot earlier.”

Christian would come back soon and he would fulfil his


“And finally,” whispered Hughes, his face looking

exhausted, “what a bother.”

The sound of the horn blown three times marks the start

of the parade.

The parade is led by a soldier holding the flag of the

Empire of Kielf. Immediately behind him is Kielf’s First

Prince, Prince Mikhail followed by the carriage of the other

members of the imperial family. Behind them were Kielf’s

cavalry and infantry, all marching in perfect harmony. They

were followed by the musicians.

The loud fanfare of trumpets echoed and the parade

departed from the imperial palace and went down the hill

accompanied by lively and grand tunes. The people waiting by

the roadside cheered and scattered flower petals as they see

the parade coming.

The cheers of the people bore a meaning. Spring is

coming! This oppressing winter shall pass and so does this

time of suffering.

The parade would start from the imperial palace, go

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around the capital once, and then return to the palace.

The wheel tracks and footprints that the parade leave

behind had a purpose – they were drawing the magic circle

for the forbidden spell to bring back time.

Hughes gazed at the parade from the palace as the circle

was being drawn. Everything was going according to plan. If

there was one thing he was worried about, it was the fact that

Leti’s two knights were yet to be found. They were not

discovered through the checkpoints he placed around the

main roads nor were they found staying in the empty and

vacant houses around the capital. Either they had someone

hide them while they plan Leti’s rescue or they ran away

without passing the main road and went back to Solvelle to

ask for assistance.

But it did not matter what they were up to, he was

prepared for them. He made this perfect security plan for the

parade. He even had that hole in the security as they pass by

the East Ward covered. Thanks to his flawless planning, the

parade was going on smoothly.

Ah, what a pain. How could this be this world’s empire? Their

strategies were all useless!

Hughes again looked at the parade, but his eyes were

looking somewhere further – he was reminiscing his past.

Hughes held on tightly to the amulet Knight King

Christian gave the moment before he died. He fervently

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wished not to let his life end there, that their fight was not yet

over and he was yet to fulfil his promise. His wish had been

too strong that his consciousness was transferred into the

pink diamond used in the amulet. The next thing he knew, he

was inside a box. Since then, he was held in storage in Kielf’s

imperial palace and time passed, long enough that he no

longer knew how long.

One day, the pink diamond was taken out of the vault to

be used for the imperial egg.

Hughes thought of possessing the craftsman, but decided

against it. If the diamond would be used for the imperial egg,

then it would be given to some royalty. If he were to fulfil his

promise with Christian, then possessing a royalty would

better suit his plan. He did have to save this wretched world.

“Prince Arthur,” called someone from behind.

Hughes turned around to see Arthur’s trusted servant,


“Some drunkards had caused a commotion in town and I

will go there to check the situation. I will come back quickly,

so please stay here, Your Highness.”

“Simple-minded fools running merrily. How envious. Go

and stop them before they embarrass themselves.”

Valery bowed and excused himself. He walked briskly

towards his horse he had prepared for travel. He memorised

perfectly the blocked roads after checking the report on the

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parade last year and this year’s security plan. He had mapped

carefully the shortest way to their meeting place without

encountering any possible delays.

He already gave up his act. This only means we don’t have much

time left.

Valery recalled the latest conversation he had with Arthur.

Someone took over Arthur. If he was asked when it

happened, he could not answer it. Since that someone was a

skilful actor, he could not tell anyone that Arthur was no

longer Arthur. The most he could do was to make

preparations for the prince to leave Kielf, but things

happened and here they were now.

That Arthur was not the Prince Arthur he knew.

Leti’s knight, Duke, cleared his doubts about Arthur’s

sudden change of personality. Duke’s request for his

cooperation to save Leti pushed his back. He found Leti and

Duke to be connected by a strong bond. Their good

relationship was evident to anyone who saw them; unlike him

who was not able to do anything for his master.

“General, how did it go?”

Duke and Astrid were waiting for him at their meeting

place in one of the dark alleys. He told them everything went

out smoothly and took the mask Astrid was giving him.

“I will go and do my best to act as the Kielven soldier,”

said Astrid, wearing Kielf’s military uniform and saluted the

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Kielven way.

Several platoons were called into the capital to help out in

the security of the parade. No one would be suspicious if

Astrid disguised himself as one. They would easily think he

was a part of another platoon. If ever someone would doubt

him, Valery gave him a fake name to use and pose as one of

his subordinates.

“Shall we go as well?” asked Duke to Valery. “Thank you

very much for agreeing to help and become one of the


The prince, to be played by Victor, was sitting at the

designated seat despite being worried if he could pull off the

act. The princess, to be played by Anastasia, sat on the seat by

the door of the carriage as instructed by Duke.

The main road leading back to the palace is the place

where the parade was at its most festive. Seats for valuable

guests were arranged by the road side to give them the best

view for watching the parade. Behind them were the second

floors and rooftops of some houses and shops occupied by

the normal citizens trying to get a glimpse of the parade.

Everyone was at the edge of their seats, straining their

necks anticipating the arrival of the parade.

Soon they heard the sound, the lively tune played by the

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music troupe. When they heard Mikhail approaching on his

horse, everyone cheered and flower petals stormed down.

Within the swirling petals and grand music, the members

of the imperial family smiled and waved their hands.

“Spring has finally come.”

“But it’s still cold, though it is already spring in our

calendars… and hopefully, this country too.”

A lot of people had come and go for this festival. The

merchants were so busy in selling their wares as people want

to get something special for the festival.

The festive excitement had been building up these past

days and it was now reaching its peak. The warmth of the

people’s enthusiasm might even be enough to melt the snow

hiding behind the clouds.

The most awaited event of this festival was this grandiose

parade. Due to everyone’s excitement, no one noticed the

black shadows approaching the parade of spring. When they

did notice it, the shadows could be seen clearly as black

horses. The horses ran straight along with the parade, it was

like a scene from a fairy-tale, that many thought it was a


“Why are they wearing black masks?” Someone finally

noticed something was strange.

From the back of the parade came two horses, atop each

of them was a man clad in a black cape and wearing a black

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mask. The voice of concern was drowned in the cheers at

first, but soon, everyone started growing wary of the

approaching black horses. By the time the chief of security

shouted and ordered to capture the unknown riders, the black

riders already reached the carriage of the imperial family.

The quick stomping of horse hooves alerted the imperial


“Someone!” cried Anastasia but it was drowned by the

shriek of one of her sisters.

One of the black masked man opened the door of the

carriage and grabbed Anastasia.

Now that things had gone this far, everyone now

understood what was happening.

Some unknown men were trying to attack the parade and

kidnap a princess.

The people by the roadside screamed and those who did

not understand the meaning of the screams started to panic

and run.

Soldiers were standing by waiting for orders while the

chief of security was roaring orders to stop the parade.

Amidst the chaos and confusion, the masked riders pulled

Anastasia on the horse, changed their course and dashed off.

Everyone thought the princess would be taken away by

the black men when suddenly someone from the audience

jumped off and shouted, “Bring back Princess Anastasia!”

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The First Prince of Illstra, Victor, took the sword of one

of his men who was trying to stop him. After that, he rode

onto one of the horses of the cavalry participating in the

parade. The prince took two steps then leapt on the third and

gallantly mounted on the horse; without any hesitation he

went after the mysterious men.

“Who was that?” asked someone from the crowd.

“One of the soldiers said it was Prince Victor!”

“Prince Victor? The Illstran prince who is also Princess

Anastasia’s fiancé?”

The information passed from one side to the other and

soon the people by the roadside were cheering for Victor to

safely get back his betrothed.

Victor soon caught up with the black man who had

trouble driving the horse because of Anastasia trying to fight

him out. The other masked rider attacked him, but he

blocked and swept it down with the sword he took from one

of his men.

“Prince Victor! Please go back! It is dangerous!”

“I have come to save you, Princess!”

The black rider tried to attack Victor, but he successfully

parried it. The mysterious horseman lost balance due to his

failed attack and the prince extended his hand to the princess.

Anastasia tightly grabbed Victor’s hand. Victor threw away

the sword and use his now free hand to grab Anastasia’s

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At that moment, ear-splitting cheers from the people

echoed throughout the land, and ground-shaking stomps of

congratulations surrounded the engaged couple.

“Hurry! Protect Princess Anastasia and Prince Victor!”

“Seventh Troop, go after the masked men!”

The order had finally reached the soldiers and they started

to move.

The black masked men regrettably looked back at

Anastasia, but they chose to escape.

“You did well Prince!”

“Honour to Prince Victor!”

“Please be happy with Princess Anastasia!”

The people were singing praises for Victor, the prince

who saved the princess. Everyone was now focused on the

couple and no longer on the parade. The petals prepared for

the parade were now being showered to the lead actors of the

real life opera.

“Thank you everyone,” smiled Victor without even

feeling a little bit embarrassed at the treatment they were

receiving. “It was something I ought to do.”

Anastasia, in contrast to the smiling victor, was blushing

with embarrassment, but still waved her hand to show

everyone that she was safe.

While the people were elated with what happened,

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Mikhail, who was leading the parade was still confused.

The imperial family was attacked in the middle of the

parade. Thanks to Victor’s quick action, no one was hurt.

Now, Mikhail was not sure what should be done from here.

“Your Highness, what shall we do?”

“Well, Anastasia was returned safely. Let us continue,”

started Mikhail when a young soldier came running and

shouting that he had news.

“A black masked man was found at the eastern guest

seats! Princess Anastasia’s kidnapping seemed to be a

diversion and they might attack the guests!”

“A diversion?”

This unexpected happening added more to Mikhail’s

confusion and agitated him.

Cyril went down from his seat from the guest’s box and

approached Mikhail suggesting to stop the parade. “Thanks

to Prince Victor’s gallant rescue of Princess Anastasia, the

people’s desire for a show was already satisfied. I do not think

anyone would complain about stopping the parade here.”

“Y, yes, I agree,” nodded Mikhail and turned to the

soldiers to give his order. “Everyone! We are stopping the

parade. Prioritise the safety of our guests!”

The soldiers moved immediately after hearing Mikhail’s


“Prince Mikhail, please leave the task of leading and

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guarding the guests to me and Lord Cyril. Please go to the

cathedral to assure our guests that they are safe.”

“Very well. I shall leave this to you, General Rofelling.”

As soon as the line of command was established again

and information was passed on, the soldiers who were in

standby a while ago started to move. The horses that were

stopped once again moved forward to guide the guests. The

members of the imperial family were escorted down the

carriage and lead to somewhere else safe.

Hughes, who was watching the parade from afar did not

understand what was happening.

The magic circle was about to be completed and the spell

would begin. However, the carriages stopped and their

passengers alighted. These empty carriages would not go back

to the palace’s main gate, but be brought to the east entrance

by the grooms. When that happens, the path that should have

drawn the magic circle for this forbidden spell would not be

complete, and the spell would not happen.

“Prince Arthur, we should also head to the cathedral for

your safety. I will take the responsibility of guarding Your

Highness,” said Valery with a straight face, when in fact he

was one of the people who made this parade stop.

Most likely Duke had also successfully ran away from his

pursuers and had blended into the crowd.

“Are you joking? They stopped the parade? It was this

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close! That’s why that peace idiot is nothing but a bother!”

The possibility of the Outsiders who were not fond of the

nobles and the imperial family attacking them was there. That

was why Hughes made a perfect plan to prevent those

attacks. So why did they succeed?

Hughes was shaken, and he took the action Duke

surmised he would.

“Valery! Come! We’re going back to the palace!”

Valery silently followed his master’s order.

Magical energy was whirling inside the imperial palace.

The energy that was gathered at a fast rate due to the

magic circle nearing completion and then the gravity pulling

the energy together was gone when the magic circle was not


Leti, still trapped at the basement of the palace, felt this

change in the movement of the energy and knew that

something happened outside. This was the perfect chance to

make her escape.

“If only Hughes did not come to check on me every now

and then, I would have been out of here long ago!”

An equal distribution of energy was needed to maintain

the god-killer circle. In other words, to escape from it, the

energy should be unbalanced and concentrated at one part.

In order for her to escape, Leti could not sacrifice her feet

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and her dominant right hand. This meant that the only limb

she could give up was her left hand.

She should not let Hughes know that her left hand is

injured. He should also not notice that the power in the circle

was being concentrated at one point. Leti slowly, but surely

focused her energy on her left hand until she heard the sound

of breaking chains.

“I am free!”

Leti was finally able to gain back her normal senses after

getting out of the god-killer circle that had been draining out

her magic.

“Next is this one,” said Leti as she looked at the door

leading out of the basement. “This door is opened thorugh a

special procedure.”

This was the door for the evacuation room of the imperial

family. The locks were elaborate and only the imperial family

knew the steps on how to unlock it.

I guess I have to force my way out, thought Leti as she

summoned the Sword of Iron Steel and cleanly sliced through

the sturdy lock.

Something felt different when she cut the lock. It felt like

she thrusted a fork into meringue.

The density of the magical energy here is dangerous. It can run out of

control if I use my power here.

Nothing much happened now because she used the

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Sword of Iron Steel. If she used the Sword of Great Earth to

shatter the door or the Sword of Gale Wind to slice through

the lock, she might end up having a broken palace instead of

just a broken door. The energy gathered around here had that

much power.

I should hurry. Leti climbed up the stairs while being careful

of her injured left hand. At the end of the staircase was

another door. She cut again the lock with the Sword of Iron

Steel. Upon opening the door, she was blinded by the natural

light she had not seen for a while. She shielded her eyes from

the light and looked around the room.

A small room? Some people are outside.

Leti carefully walked towards the door and strained her

ears to listen to any sound from the outside. It seemed

Hughes had already thought of the possibility of her escaping

and had stationed guards outside.

There are four guards. Can I render them unconscious without

killing them, without using my power?”

But she still had to do it. Leti gathered up her courage to

do the impossible. She was about to open the door when she

heard a familiar young voice.

“Your Highness! Please stay inside. I will take care of

them without wounding them!”

Leti let go of the doorknob upon hearing Astrid’s voice.

The guards outside shouted, “Who’s there?”

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Leti remembered about the concentrated magic energy

and shouted to warn Astrid, “Do not use your power here!”

If Astrid used the power of Sword of White Light, his

power might go awry.

Astrid heard Leti’s warning and replied that there was no

need to worry. “I do not need to use my power for something

like this.”

After Leti counted to seven, the sound of screams and the

falling bodies stopped. When she opened the door, she saw

Astrid clapping off dust on his hands and around him were

four men lying unconsciously on the floor.

Astrid was keeping his promise with Leti that he would

not kill anyone and cleaned up the four guards in a swift. The

young knight was becoming stronger.

“Your Highness, are you hurt?” Astrid approached Leti,

worriedly looking at her.

Leti noticed something different with those kind, green

eyes. Their position was different.

“Your Highness?”

Leti thought what changed and realised, “Have you grown


“Ah! Did Your Highness notice? I actually ordered my

new uniform!”

Leti realised that she had to look slightly higher to meet

Astrid’s eyes. But this was probably not the only reason, for

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today, she had felt for the first time that Astrid was reliable.

“How about Duke?”

“Senpai is somewhere near the main entrance of the

palace to capture Prince Arthur. I asked for permission to go

to Your Highness. The energy concentration inside the palace

was no longer equal and I was able to detect Your Highness’s

presence. ”

“Then we need to get to Duke, but first, I want to get out

of the palace as soon as possible.”

Even if they captured Hughes here, she would not be able

to use her power. But if they were outside, then she could use

them to some extent to render Hughes unconscious without

harming Arthur’s body.

“Do not use the Sword of White Light inside the palace.

As you have said the density of magical energy in here is

abnormal. This is all because of Hughes, a strategist from the

past who had taken control of Prince Arthur’s body.”

“Yes, Your Highness! Senpai’s strategy assumed that I

would not be able to use my powers.”


“Yes, a strategy to save Prince Arthur. We would be

forcing the person inside the prince to get out of the body.”

It seemed that Duke and Astrid were able to find out the

truth without Leti and had even come up with a way to save


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“Your Highness, please hide first because it will be

dangerous if that, ahh, Hughes, was it? We do not want him

to choose Your Highness as the next host.”

“I do not think he will. He is thinking that the Sword of

White Light is still inside me.”

“Ah, then please act like the weak princess! Senpai said

the act would be better if there is someone who would

scream and cry.”

Leti nodded without understanding what Astrid meant.

Now that she had information about the present status,

they were about to leave the room when Arthur came in.

“Princess Leticia!”

Leti turned around upon hearing Hughes.

Hughes, followed by Valery behind him, saw Astrid

wearing Kielf’s military uniform and understood immediately

what happened.

“I see even the Leftover Princess has a loyal dog.”

“Yes. Thanks to my excellent knight, capturing you is a

piece of cake. We will drag you outside the palace and purify

you with my Sword of White Light!”

“Try if you can.”

“Valery, it seems that Solvelle’s little princess is confused.

Send away that dog by her side and bring her to her room,”

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ordered Hughes to Arthur’s loyal servant.

“Your Highness, will this not result to diplomatic


“I ordered you. Do it.”

Valery followed the order of his master and took out his


Astrid stood in front of Leti as if protecting her and said,

“I will not let you. Let me warn you, I am strong.”

Hughes took a look at the four guards lying down by

Astrid’s feet. If he took them down alone and without

wounding them, then this boy was truly skilled. He decided to

just use Valery to vie some time while he calls reinforcement.

Soldiers would immediately answer his call since he was a

prince. He could just tell them that Valery was fighting

against a bandit that had infiltrated the palace.

His next problem was Christian’s reincarnation. Leti

would be quite the opponent if she uses her power. However,

she seemed to be aware about the volatile level of magic

energy in the castle and would most likely be hesitant to use

her powers. The princess without her magic is just a helpless

woman. The soldiers could deal with her, just like that


If she still did decide to use them, then he only needs to

sacrifice some of the soldiers for his safety and then use the

commotion that would happen later to escape.

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“Valery, I will call help. Buy us some time.”

Hughes had chosen to take the safe route and escape.

Valery, who was standing behind him, took two steps

forward, raised his sword and threatened Hughes by the neck.

“Valery!” cried a surprised Leti.

“Please wait!” shouted a confused Astrid. “This wasn’t

what we planned! We were not supposed to hurt Prince

Arthur, remember?”

Chills ran down the spine of Hughes when he realised

what was happening. He was confident he had considered all

of the possibilities, but he had never considered Valery

betraying Arthur as one of those.

“Let us end this here, Prince Arthur.”

“What the heck are you thinking Valery? Put that damn

sword down!”

“I am responsible for all this. I was not able to stop Your

Highness from being like this. You were not someone to use

war just to get the crown.”

“Snap out of this, Valery! Put that down!”

“No,” Valery said in a cold low voice, “I will kill Your

Highness and follow you immediately.” Valery’s eyes were

looking at somewhere far, somewhere not of this world.

Hughes desperately thought of what to do about this

situation he had not considered. He never thought that this

man whom he thought was loyal to this prince would have

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the courage to do this to his master.

“Princess Leticia, I am sorry for dragging you to Kielf’s

problems. Please tell everyone that this is all my doing.”

“Stop this! Calm down!” demanded Hughes.

“I am calm, Your Highness. Do not worry. I will not let

you feel pain. It will end in an instant.”

“STOP!” pleaded Hughes.

But Valery ignored Hughes plea and pulled his right hand.

Hughes felt the cold metal touch his skin followed by the

strong stench of blood. Soon he felt his shoulder getting wet.

He cut my neck! I’ve lost this much blood!

Blood was now flowing down his right arm and dripped

on the floor. His vision was starting to blur and a sudden

attack of dizziness stole energy from his legs. I’ll die soon! This

body will die due to blood loss!

Hughes feared he would disappear without fulfilling his

promise. But he would not be defeated. He could not let this

end here. He desperately searched for a new body; it need not

be as good as Arthur who could hear his voice. Anyone

would do.

Valery isn’t good. He is stupidly loyal and would definitely kill

himself to atone for the sin of killing the prince.

The general who was standing right behind him was not a

choice. Then he looked at the blue-faced Leti.

The Leftover Princess isn’t good too. Her Sword of White Light

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would immediately purify me. Then that means…

“Are you all right, Prince Arthur?” asked Astrid as

approached the bleeding Arthur.

Hughes settled on Astrid. He would stay in the redhead’s

body and stay low until he had completely possessed the body

right under Leti’s nose.

“Help me,” Hughes whispered as reaching out for Astrid.

Astrid grabbed Arthur’s bloody hands and told him,

“Please hang in there, Your Highness!”

Hughes chose this moment and left Arthur’s body to

transfer to Astrid’s.

Astrid felt something strange trying to enter through his

hand since he looked at it the moment Hughes tried to enter

into him.

“Ah, I forgot to introduce myself,” said Astrid as he

smirked while looking at his hand. “My name is Astrid Gall,

possessor of the Sword of White Light granted by Her

Highness, the present Knight King.”

Hughes’s mind turned blank for a moment. Wasn’t the

White Light with Leti? Had I been fooled right at the start?

Leti’s order to run did not just meant for her knights to

escape, but also for Astrid to not use his power because if he

did, he would be captured together with her and lose the only

way to defeat Hughes.

I had been fooled by that Leftover Princess!

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Hughes screamed he did not want to die yet, but no one

heard his cries.

“The evil spirit that had possessed Prince Arthur is now

gone,” smiled Astrid after sensing that the strange feeling he

had felt was no longer there.

“Is that true?”

“Yes,” answered Astrid and then waved his hand calling

Duke, “Senpai!”

Duke, who was hiding by the stairs, came out asking if it

was over. He went to Leti and asked, “Are you hurt, Your


“It is healed already, though I might have a stomach ache

tomorrow because I did my best not to laugh at that stupid


This seemed to be something to be laughed at for Leti,

but this was definitely a frightening experience for Arthur

who was possessed by Hughes.

Valery indeed cut Arthur’s neck, but it only scratched his

skin. The blood came from the Valery’s wineskin filled with

animal blood. This was used to show that Arthur was losing

blood quickly.

Their plan was truly something simple, a trick that even a

child could come up with.

“I think it will be obvious if his wound was fatal,”

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commented Leti as she remembered Hughes’s ashen face

upon seeing the blood.

“The person inside Prince Arthur is bound to Prince

Arthur’s senses. Since Prince Arthur most likely have not

much experience being cut by a sword and seeing a lot of

blood, he could ascertain if the wound was fatal or not,”

explained Astrid.

“I see. Then I am glad he took over a prince’s body.”

Leti at first thought their plan was too ambiguous, but it

was not. They had thought about it thoroughly.

Dragging Hughes out of Arthur’s body is difficult for

anyone to do aside from Leti. If that were the case, then

Duke and the others thought of a way how to make Hughes

leave the prince’s body out of his own volition.

This was their plan.

First, they need to make Arthur think he was dying.

Second, Hughes should be forced to choose Astrid,

possessor of the Sword of White Light, as the only body

available for him to transfer to. This was the reason why

Duke did not had a part in the plan right at the beginning.

Valery said that he would kill himself right after he kills

Arthur to let Hughes know that if he chose him, he would die

again soon. And since Hughes thought that Leti still had the

Sword of White Light in her, he ended up choosing Astrid,

the one who truly possessed the sword.

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“It was a good plan, put still not perfect,” said Leti to

Duke. She immediately knew that it was him who came up

with this plan. He was the only who could come up with this

almost perfect plan despite not knowing what they were

against with. He truly had skills enough for him to be

recognised as the possible next commander of the Order.

“My examiner is quite strict. Where did I get it wrong?”

“The person who possessed Prince Arthur was Hughes, a

capable strategist from antiquity. He always have a plan

prepared should his first plan fail.”

Leti went near the unconscious Arthur and looked at the

bloodied pink diamond necklace hanging on his neck.

“If you took this pendant and threw into the furnace,

your plan would have been perfect. If you were able to do

that much, I would have hired you as my strategist and no

longer as the First Seat Knight of my Knights of the Round.”

“A lady’s maid, a lover, and now a strategist. My choices

for a change of career are increasing. So, what about the


Leti took out the pendant and kept it inside her dress and

explained, “A part of Hughes’s consciousness is most likely

left in this pendant. He probably left it here in case Prince

Arthur dies.”

“Eh!” said a surprised Astrid. “Then we should throw it

into the furnace immediately!”

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This pink diamond was a part of Kielf’s national treasure

and was used to prove Arthur’s origins. Leti was a bit hesitant

about burning it into ashes, but if they were to consider the

future, it would be better to incinerate the cursed stone.

“Do you mind, Valery?”

“Please go ahead. I do not think that His would need it as

a proof of lineage after he returns back to his original self.”

Valery declared that when Arthur wakes up, he would be

going down the fight for the throne.

“I agree,” nodded Leti and in a whisper trailed on, “with

this Kielf’s future will be bright.”

But it was a future she still did not want to consider for

now and shook the thought out of her head. To make a

change of mood, she praised Valery in a bright tone, “That

was some marvellous performance. I knew you were just

acting, but I still almost believed you.”

Valery silently nodded and looked at Arthur whom he was

carrying. “I was half serious. I planned to take things into my

own hands before the coronation ceremony.”

Upon hearing this, Leti decided to give enough praise to

Duke and Astrid later for successfully being able to make

Valery cooperate with this optimistic plan since the general

had already given up all hope.

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They had successfully stopped the parade, saved Leti and

purified Hughes. They could have at least a few moments of

respite, but no, they still had a lot to do.

Valery needed to bring Arthur back to the palace without

being noticed. Astrid had to change out of the Kielven

military uniform before it causes problems and Duke

reported to Leti everything that happened since her capture.

Since all of the noble guests were evacuated to the

cathedral for safety, Leti, together with Duke, stealthily joined

the crowd and met up with Anastasia and Victor to tell them

she was safe. The two silently celebrated her safe return.

By the evening, the commotion had settled and confirmed

that it was safe for the guests to go out and finally, they were

able to take a rest.

Leti changed out of her now ruined dress and sat by the

fire. She watched the dancing flame while listening to the

calming sound of the burning wood, but her gaze was

extremely cold. She was looking at the pink diamond she held

in her hand, thinking of what to do about it.

“The rebelling relic of a strategist who had nothing else to

say but promise and peace. You were quite noisy,” said Leti

as she tightly held the pendant, raised her arm to throw it.

However, she stopped midway and glared at the fire.

She lost that glaring contest. “I am not King Christian!

Why should I feel responsible for you?”

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The strategist Hughes endured numerous years of

loneliness just to fulfil his promise with the Knight King.

This promise was probably his only solace as he waited for

the opportunity to keep it, a promise that was such a pure

thing at that time.

“Just this once. I will just try this one time,” said Leti as

she closed her eyes while holding the pendant. She let go of

her consciousness and sleep washed over her exhausted body.

Leti was standing in the Knight King’s study and the pink

diamond pendant was in her hand.

I have the pendant here created by my thoughts, but Hughes’

consciousness might be here too.

She wanted to meet a reincarnation before Alexander, a

reincarnation of the Knight King that could communicate

with Hughes as Christian.

Leti silently sat in the Study waiting for other

reincarnations to come. The first visitor who came was

Guardian King Volker.

I am not sure about this, thought Leti.

Time does not exist in the Study. She was uncertain if this

King Volker was still the one who lived as a continuation of

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Christian or as Volker himself.

Leti stood up and greeted Volker. She was not sure how

to bring up this topic about Hughes but Volker noticed it

even before she said anything about it.

“Queen Leticia, what is it I sense inside your hand?”

“Ah, this is a piece of consciousness of Hughes, King

Christian’s strategist. I brought him here so he could meet

King Christian. Please do as you see fit,” said Leti while

pushing the pendant to Volker.

Volker was uncertain what to do. “I remember you said

before that Hughes continued on living because he had not

fulfilled his promise with King Christian.”

“Yes, I did.”

“Maybe, the reason why King Christian’s memories had

continued on until this day was because he had not fulfilled

his promise with Hughes. If he was able to care for Hughes

and had told him thank you for fulfilling his promise, then

maybe this would have not happened,” said Volker and

whispered, “this needs to end.”

Volker let some of the Knight King’s power flow into the

pendant to call out the remaining consciousness of Hughes.

“It has been a while, Hughes.”


“Forgive me for letting you carry the burden of the world

all alone for a long, long time.”

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“Working alone is better for me. Besides, just hold on for

a while. I found your reincarnation. I promise to bring you

back this time!” Hughes voice sounded like he was in pain.

Volker slightly closed his eyes and slowly shook his head.

“No, Hughes. We are dead. You and I are already dead and

should go down the stage of the present time. The stage is for

those who live.”

“Huh? What’re you saying? Your puzzling manner of

speaking never change. The world is divided now! How can it

be united without you?”

“Then let it be. The people of the present are the ones

who should make ways to get their happiness. We, the people

of the past should go and sleep.”

“But we promised! It was our promise to each other!”

“A promise that you have fulfilled. Your strategy worked

and the gods had left this world. This world was able to get

out of reach of the gods’ grasps and achieved liberty. Thank

you Hughes, for fighting and protecting this world until the


“I have fulfilled my promise?”

“Yes, you have. You no longer need to do those things

you find so troublesome. You are now free.”

“It is finished?”

“Yes. Let us go now to sleep.”

“Ah. I’m tired. But make sure to wake me up when

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something happens. You know I can’t get up in the morning


“Ah, indeed you were. But do not worry. The next time

you wake up, it will be to a beautiful morning.”

Volker used the power of the Sword of White Light and

purified the last bit of consciousness Hughes had left.

Leti was probably not the only one who thought this was

the end. Volker most likely felt the same way.

“Was that rebellious act and speech of Hughes his true


“Rebellious act? That was not acting. He was just in his

rebellious age.”

“Rebellious age?” Leti’s eyes were unusually wide in

surprise as Volker revealed a shocking secret.

“Hughes died when he was fifteen. I am sure he stayed

the same way.”

“Fifteen? And he was King Christian’s strategist?”

Leti recalled Hughes’ speech and manner.

Indeed, boys of the age were difficult to handle. They

seemed to be irritated about everything and rebellious about

anything. If that were the case, he might have been adorable.

“But no, he was nothing but an annoying brat,” said Leti

and muttered that she should have punched him at least once.

“I thought King Christian was perfect, but I see he was not

good at raising children.”

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Christian probably spoiled Hughes. Hughes probably got

away with many things simply because of his skills. Leti knew

a boy of such calibre who was adored by those around him

and forgave much of what he did so the boy never matured.

“Then I truly am not Knight King Christian but Solvelle’s

King Volker. I have finally found my answer.”

Volker had always been uncertain about his identity –

whether he was Knight King Christian or the human king

Volker and now, he looked like finally had his answer.

“How did you come up with the conclusion?” asked Leti.

“My children grew up honest and obedient. Unlike King

Christian, I am a skilled at raising children.”

Leti smiled wryly at Volker’s way of conclusion and said,

“I guess you are right. King Christian was a human-loving

god and you are a child-loving parent.” And Hughes was most

likely a Knight King-loving brat.