books, articles, pamphlets, bibliographical notes

Books, Articles, Pamphlets, Bibliographical Notes Source: European Demographic Information Bulletin, Vol. 11, No. 1 (1980), pp. 16-44 Published by: Springer Stable URL: . Accessed: 24/06/2014 19:41 Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of the Terms & Conditions of Use, available at . . JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and facilitate new forms of scholarship. For more information about JSTOR, please contact [email protected]. . Springer is collaborating with JSTOR to digitize, preserve and extend access to European Demographic Information Bulletin. This content downloaded from on Tue, 24 Jun 2014 19:41:26 PM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions

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Books, Articles, Pamphlets, Bibliographical NotesSource: European Demographic Information Bulletin, Vol. 11, No. 1 (1980), pp. 16-44Published by: SpringerStable URL: .

Accessed: 24/06/2014 19:41

Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of the Terms & Conditions of Use, available at .

.JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range ofcontent in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and facilitate new formsof scholarship. For more information about JSTOR, please contact [email protected].


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A,1,1,79 5024

Hiorns,R.W.(ed.), Demographic patterns in developed countries,London

(Taylor and Francis Ltd.),1979,204;ISBN 0-85066-185-4.

Reviews demographic patterns of fertility,marriage and mortality, par?

ticularly in Western Europe and North America with new and improved

data,new methodology but maintaining historical perspectives.

A,1,1,79 5025

Kern,E., Die menschliche Ueberzahl und ihre Folgen. Gibt es einen Aus?

weg?, Vienna(W.Braum?ller), 1979,282,in German only.

According to the author the consequences of over-population are urbani?

zation and famines. Only a drastic reduction of the population can over?

come these dangerous consequences of over-population.

A,1,2,79 5026

Cu?nod,Ch., 'La d?mographie vue sous ses aspects historiques, statis?

tiques et politiques: quelques r?flexions', Forum Statisticum,Berne,

1979,12,11-19,summaries in English and German.

The evolution of demography and its role in policy-making.

A, 1,2,79 5027

Ehrlich,P.R.,and A.H.Ehrlich, 'What happened to the population bomb?',

Nature, New York,1979,1,2,88-92. The implications of changes in population trends since 1970.

A,1,2,79 5028

Haupt,A., 'World population growth in 1979: still soarina', Intercom,

Washington D.C.(Population Reference Bureau),1979,7,4, 1-5.

There is good news and bad news from the population fronts of the world.

The author draws a detailed picture of the new World Population Sheet.

A,1,2,79 5029

Kirk,D., 'World population and birth rate: agreements and disagreements',

Population and Develppment Review,New York,1979,5,3,387-403,tables,

notes,summaries in English,French and Spanish. 'Evaluation of estimates of population size, crude birth rates,changes

in crude birth rates, and measures of rates of population growth,made

by nine organisations for the year 1975'.

A,1,2,79 5030

Krishnan,T.N.,'The implications of slowing growth',Populi,New York

(UNFPA),1979,6,2,2-7. In the 1979 report Mr. Salas enumerated six underlying realities which

will surely determine the direction,shape and substance of population fact and policy in the decades ahead. The author of the present article

discusses the six aspects highlighted by Mr. Salas, regrouping them

into three areas: 1. demographic trends in developing countries; 2.demo?

graphic trends in developed countries; 3. the developmental approach to population policy.

A,1,2,79 5031 Rosset,E.,'The beginnings of Polish demography',Studia Demograficzne,

Warsaw,1979,54,3-37,in Polish with summaries in Russian and English. The article deals with the two initial periods of development of popu


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lation investigation in Poland (1795-1863 and 1863-1918), and research work in the first period. To elaborate the second period was more dif?

ficult because of the lack of statistical data.

A,1,2,79 5032

Rosset,E., 'The future of mankind in the eyes of pessimists', Studia

Demograficzne,Warsaw,1979, 52,3-42,in Polish,summaries in Russian and

English. In this article the author presents briefly the theoretical basis of

pessimism and catastrophism. He stresses his opinion that neither opti? mists nor pessimists can correctly guess the future and he is in favour

of requests for opposite opinions to avoid one-sidedness.

A,1,2,79 5033 United Nations,Department of International Economic and Social Affairs,

World population trends and prospects by country,1950-2000: summary re?

port of the 1978 assessment,New York,1979,98,tabl.,(Doc.ST/ESA/SER/R/33). The present work is a revision of the previous demographic assessment

of new data,studies and national estimates, available since then.

A,1,2,79 5034

Vilquin,E., La doctrine d?mographique de Platon, Louvain-La-Neuve(UCL,

D?partement de D?mographie),1979,29.(Working paper,no.72).

A,2,79 5035

Calvo,G.A., 'Optimal population and capital over time: the maximum

perspective', Review of Economic Studies, Edinburgh,1979,46,142,59-71. The author considers some theoretical aspects of optimum population.

A,2,79 5036

Heinsohn,G., R.Knieper,and O.Steiger, Menschenproduktion.Allgemeine

Bev?lkerungslehre der Neuzeit,Frankfurt a/Main(Suhrkamp Verlag),1979,

258,tables,graphs,bibliography,in German only;ISBN 3-518-10914-6.

The authors Lay the accent on the word "general" they want to say that

all known population theories have not succeeded in giving an accept?

able explanation of the population reproduction in modern times - in

Europe. See also the article in EDIB,1979,3,97-108.

A,2,79 5037

Petersen,W., Malthus, Cambridge(Harvard U.P.),1979,308;ISBN 0-674


The author presents for the general reader and the social scientist

a detailed explanation of Malthus' population theory and socio-eco?

nomic ideas.

A, 3,79 5038

Chaunu,P., Un future sans avenir.Histoire et population,Paris(Calmann

L?vy),1979,315. A rather pessimistic view on future population growth.

A,3,79 5039

Kahn,H.,World economic development,Boulder,Co.(Westview Press),1979,

550; ISBN 0-89158-392-0. The author starts from the premise that natural,social,political and

cultural forces are likely to slow the growth of population and pro?

duction long before the world encounters any fundamentally unmanage?

able problems of supply or environmental pollution.


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A,3,79 5040

Hauser,Ph.M.(ed.), World population and development. Challenges and

prospects, Syracuse N.Y.(Syracuse U.P.),1979,683,tables.,fig.,index. Foreword by Rafael M.Salas,executive director UNFPA.

In relation to the fact that 1979 marks the completion of the first de?

cade of the efforts of UNFPA to resolve world population problems, the

director has invited a number of prominent experts to review the status

of the population and development problems with which UNFPA is concern?

ed. 'All in all' according to the editor, 'the contents of this volume

constitute an inventory, and to some extent an appraisal, of the prob? lems with respect to population and development in the context of a

world comprising 'have' and 'have not' nations engaged in the tense ef?

fort to resolve pressing immediate problems while remaining aware of

the even more long-run outlook.

A,3,79 5041

Kania,T., 'Demographic elements in andragogics', Studia Demograficzne,

Warsaw,1979,54,105-115,in Polish with summaries in Russian and English. The usefulness of many particular demographic studies for the develop? ment of andragogics in particular may justify the demand for the crea?

tion of demographic andragogics in order to connect both disciplines.

A,3,79 5042

Langeney,A., 'Diversit? et histoire humaine',Population, Paris,1979,

34, 6, 985-1006,fig.,annexe,summaries in French,English and Spanish. The author concludes that any analysis of human diversity can at best

be partial or local, and any attempt at an overall historical recre?

ation of human races is out of the question.

A,3,79 5043

Th?rmer,R., 'Zur Planbarkeit und Steuerbarkeit territorialer Prozesse', Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen,Gotha/Leipzig,1979,123,3,163-176,

tables, graphs,bibliography,in German with summaries in English and


The author proceeds from the view that the structure of territorial

objects represents a complex of complicated stochastic relations among

territorial features, which can be uncovered,depicted and evaluated

with the aid of multiple correlation and regression analyses. Possibi?

lities and limitations concerning the control of population processes in low-order territories are indicated in conclusion.

A,4,79 5044

Corsa,L., and D.Oakley, Population planning, Ann Arbor(University of

Michigan Press),1979. A serious study of the nature of population growth.

A,4,79 5045

World Bank, 1979 World Bank Atlas. Population, per capita product and

growth rates, Washington D.C.,1979,23,maps.

Global maps presenting international data on population, gross nation?

al product (GNP), and per capita GNP in current U.S. dollars for most

countries of the world for 1977, and average annual growth rate of

population and per capita GNP in real terms, for the period 1970-1977.


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B,1,79 5046

Coale,A.,B.A.Anderson, and E.Harm, Human fertility in Russia since the

nineteenth century, Princeton(Princeton U.P.),1979,308,bibliography,

appendixes,index; ISBN 0-691-03122-3. The book gives a valuable description, elaborated from subnational

data sheets from the Baltic to Eastern Russia.

B,1,79 5047

Dumont,G-F., P.Chaunu,J.Legrand et A.Sauvy, La France rid?e: ?chapper ? la logique du d?clin, Paris(Librairie G?n?rale Fran?aise),1979,480.

(S?rie Pluriel le livre de Poche). A pro-natalist view on the problem of the ageing in France.

B,1,79 5048

Howell,N., Demography of the Dobe Kung, New York/London(Academic Press),

1979,389,tables,fig.,ref.,index;ISBN 0-12-357350-5. (A volume in the

Population and Social Structure Advances in Historical Demography Ser.). An empirical study of the demographic processes of the Kung, a hunt?

ing and gathering population in the Kalahari desert of Botswana. The

population presents, and this is an important result of the study, a

consistent picture of a nearly stationary population with a low level

of fertility.

B,1,79 5049

Lestaeghe,R.A.0., Demografische alternatieven voor Belgie en hun so?

ciale en economische implicaties (Demographic alternatives for Belgium and their social and economic implications),Antwerp/Amsterdam(De Sik

kel),1979,209,tabl.,fig.,notes,in Dutch only;ISBN 90-269-0472-7.(Stu?

dies en documenten 13, C.B.G.S.,Brussels). A study of the C.B.G.S. in collaboration with the working group for

demography of the Vrije Universiteit, Brussels, have tried to give ans?

wers to what alternative population developments may be possible and

what are the social and economic consequences of each of these possi? ble developments.

B,1,79 5050

Neville,R.J.W.,and C.J.0'Neill(eds.),The population of New Zealand :

interdisciplinary perspectives, Auckland(Longman Paul),1979,351,tabl.,

graphs; ISBN 0-582-71771-X.

'Rapid changes are currently taking place in the New Zealand popu? lation situation, and they affect every aspect of national life. It is

therefore imperative that they be understood and taken account of by all who are involved in the formulation of policy for New Zealand.

This book has been developed to meet this need and stresses an inter?

disciplinary approach to the subject. All chapters are consistent in

giving the historical context,examining the contemporary situation in

detail, and developing a perspective for the future*.

B,1 and 1,1,79 5051

Tittarelli,L.,Alcuni aspetti della struttura della popolazione di Pe?

rugia nel 1782 (Structural characteristics of the population of Peru?

gia, 1782) ,Perugia(lstituto di Statistica della Universit? degli Studi di Perugia),1979,162,tabl.,bibliography,in Italian with summaries in

English and French. (Quaderno N.3, Series Estratto). The study is based on the "status animarum" of the parishes.


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B,1,79 5052 The Population Research Institute;Helsinki, Yearbook of Population Re?

search in Finland,1979,Helsinki,1979,114,tables,figures,bibliography, author index;ISBN 952-9048-33-2.

From the contents:

Coale,A.J., A.Str?mer,and A.Pulkkinen, 'Reflections on the Helsinki

Conference on economic and demographic change',9-14;

Hulkko,J., 'Population development and population policy in Finland',


Riihinen,0.,A.Pulkkinen,and M.Ritamies, 'The realisation of family plan?

ning in Finland with particular reference to the development in the

1970s', 32-44, tables, figures,appendix;

Ritamies,M. 'Fertility and legal abortions',45-52,tables,fig.,ref.;

Lindgren,J.,'A new phenomenon:cohabitation outside marriage',53-57,


Turpeinen,0.,'Monthly mortality in Finland,1751-1806',58-73, tables,


Suominen,L.,'Work and the family with children in Finland',74-83,tab?

les, figures,references;

Lindgren,J.,'Ageing a demographic and economic problem', 84-90,tables,


B,1,79 5053

Verri?re,J., La population d'Irlande,The Hague(Mouton),1979,580,maps; ISBN 90-279-7582-5. Rectification EDIB,1979,4,4888.

B,2,79 5054

Craig,J.,Population density: changes and patterns',Population Trends,

London,1979,17,12-16. Inhabitants of Great Britain live at an overall density of two per? sons per hectare. But such an average conceals immense variations with?

in the country and most of the population could be said to live at much

higher densities.Changes over time and differences between the various

parts of Britain are analysed.

(Abridged from: Review of Population Reviews,1980,15,61).

B,2,79 5055

Guignon-Back,N., La situation d?mographique en 1975 et 1976,Paris(Les collections de 1'INSEE,S?ries D),1979,65,tables. Natural increase continued decreasing, the number of deaths remains

stable(560,000 in 1975,557,000 in 1976 against 553,000 in 1974 and

559,000 in 1973), and the number of births kept falling (745,000 in 1975 and 720,000 in 1976). Provisional results for 1977 point out a

slight increase in births(745,000) and a clear decrease in deaths

(536,000) which brings the natural balance to + 209,000. B,2,79 5056

Press?t,R., 'Pertes subies par la population de l'U.R.S.S.,1918-1958',

Population,Notes et Documents,Paris,1979,34,6,1147-1152,tables. From 1918 up to 1958 mortality was 42.3 millions.

B,2 and F,l,79 5057

Srb,Vl., 'Inquiry into the fertility of Czechoslovak women,1977',

Population Zpravy.Prague.1979,1/2r21-28,in Czech with summaries in

Russian and English. The inquiry carried out in the framework of the W.F.S. includes 3,044 married women aged 18-44, first marriages.


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B,2,79 5058

Veys,D., 'De ontwikkeling van de levensverwachting in Belgie'(The evo?

lution of life expectancy in Belgium),Bevolking en Gezin,Brussels/The

Hague,1979,3,283-294,tables,diagram,bibliogr.,notes,abstract in English. Since the last decades the rise of life expectancy has fallen,there can

be expected a new trend: ending of the rise and attenueing of a culmi?

nation point.

B,2,79 5059

Wynnyczuk,VI., 'International comparison of demographic development in

Europe(1970-1977)', Population Zpravy,Prague,1979,1/2,9-20,in Czech

with summaries in English and Russian.

The comparison includes all European socialist countries, and selected

capitalist countries such as Belgium,France,the Netherlands, F.R.G.,

Austria, the United Kingdom and Sweden.

B,2,79 5060

xxx, 'Huiti?me rapport sur la situation d?mographique de la France',

Population,Num?ro sp?cial,Paris,1979,34,1221-1289,tabl.,graph,cartes, summaries in French,English and Spanish. The growth rate of the population has fallen since 1975.The age distri?

bution is changing slowly.In spite of the drop in the birth rate,the

proportion of people aged 60 and over continues to decline on account

of the smaller number of births which occurred during the First World

War.The marriage rate has been declining since 1972 and the average age

at marriage is tending to rise as is the number of divorces. The regis? tration of deliberate terminations of pregnancy is very incomplete.Only

approximately half the numbers of abortions are declared.The crude death

rate rose slightly in 1978 but infant mortality continues to diminish.

Immigration was very low in 1978 and the balance of migration was virtu?

ally zero.Almost four million aliens have,however,been enumerated,with

the Portuguese being most numerous.The number of naturalizations con?

tinues to increase. (From the summary).

C,1,79 5061

Morrill,R., On the spatial organization of the landscape,Lund(CWK Glee

rup),1979,89,tables,figures,notes. The objective of this study is to determine possible forms which a

theoretical landscape might exhibit,if theories of a density decay gra?

dient of rent(and population density) with respect to the use of land

around a very large market were combined with theories of the regular

lattice pattern and hierarchical structure of central places.

C,1,79 5062

Ruppert,H., Bev?lkerungsentwicklung und Mobilit?t,Braunschweig(Wester

mann),1979,90,in German only.(Raum und Gesellschaft,Heft 2).

A study on the development of population and mobility.

D,3,79 5063

Eisner,E.(ed.), Demographische Planungsinformationen (Demographic

information for city planning and prognoses in the F.R.G.),Berlin,1979,

(Kulturbuch Verlag),1979,374, in German only.

Summarizes the methods in use in the F.R.G. for city planning and for

prognosealgorithms and projection techniques.


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D,3,79 5064

LeBras,H. et G.Tapinos, 'Perspectives ? long terme de la population

fran?aise et leurs implications ?conomiques',Population,Num?ro Sp?cial,

Paris,1979,34,1391-1451,tabl.,graph.,annexes,summary,resumen,r?sum?. These new French projections are used for a more detailed analysis of

problems considered five years ago by the French Planning Council. In

comparison with traditional projections,four new elements are found :

Fertility hypotheses, instead of extrapolating current age-specific

fertility rates towards the stable situation which they imply,a model

of family building was constructed from which stable fertility rates

were deduced. Long-term fluctuations, the alternative hypothesis of

fluctuations maintained over a long period (with periodicity varying from 33 to 100 years) has also been considered. The long term,the time

span is 100 years(2075) which shows clearly that the concern is with

analyzing long-term consequences of future developments and distin?

guishing between temporary inconveniences and long-term burdens. Modi?

fications in retirment age and in women's employment, the analysis shows the specific effects of demographic development on activity.The

study has been extended by comparing the effects with the consequences

of a general reduction in the age at retirement,and with changes in

women's activity rate. Overall, the results show considerable stability in activity rates. The dependency ratio is almost independent of age

structure,but may be considerably modified by the two institutional fac?

tors studied. (From the summary).

D,3,79 5065

Majtan,M., 'Verification of research prognostics of the trend of labour

force numbers in Czechoslovakia up to 2000', Demografie,Prague,1979,21,

4,311-320,tables,in Czech with summaries in Russian and English.

D,3,79 5066 Office of Population Censuses and Surveys, Population projections,

1977-2017, London(H.M.S.0.),1979,97.

D,3,79 5067

Plotkin,M.D.(ed.), Illustrative projections of World Population to the

21st century,Washington D.C.(Department of Commerce,Bureau of the Cen?

sus) ,1979,116.(Current Population Reports,special series,P.23,no.79).

Projection of all aspects of the population for the whole world and

for selected regions and countries.

D,3,79 5068

Szabady,E., 'Impact of demographic factors in the school system and in

the labour-force situation in 1950-2000',Demograf?a,Budapest,1979,22,

2/3,179-196,tabl.,in Hungarian with summaries in Russian and English.

Till now of the demographic factors affecting the number of population and age-structure show only the development of fertility and have not

dealt with the question of mortality which shouldn't be neglected either.

At present the development of birth numbers exerts a decisive influence

on the demographic situation,especially in the case of young people.The number of births determines basically the size of population of pre?

school and school age, the number of persons participating in education,

the possibilities of their passing through the education system, then

the taking of jobs by these persons and in general the quantitative as?

pects of the labour-force situation.


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E,1,79 5069

Borgan,0.,K.Liest^l, and P.Ebbesen, Observational plans for the ana?

lysis of disease development and cause specific mortality,Copenhagen

(Laboratory of Actuarial Mathematics),1979,71,tables,figures,references,

abstract.(Working paper no.25).

The connection between multiple decrement and Markov illness- death mod?

els is described. The efficiency of simple survival experiments is

shown to be very low, serial sacrifice experiments to be intermediate?

ly efficient, and periodic diagnosis to be almost as efficient as com?

plete observation.

E,l,79 5070

Charbonneau,H. et Rose(sous la direction de), Les grandes mortali?

t?s: ?tude m?thodologique des crises du pass?,Li?ge(0rdina ?ditions),

1979,313. (Ouvrage publi? pour l'Union International pour l'Etude Scien?

tifique de la Population).

E,l,79 5071

Hoem,J.M., Exposed-to-risk considerations based on the Balducci assump?

tion and other assumptions in the analysis of mortality,Copenhagen (La?

boratory of Actuarial Mathematics),1979,9.

According to the author the substantiation in his article is that there

can be found any reason to prefer the Balducci assumption - or the assump?

tion of a uniform distribution of deaths for the matter - to the assump?

tion of a constant force of mortality.

E,1,79 5072

Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development,Development

Centre, Ca?edo,D.A.,and D.Waltisperger, Mortality project.Annotated

bibliography on the sources of demographic data,Vol.III,Asia^aris,

1979,146. This bibliography could not be carried out by the Development Centre

alone, several research institutes have participated, and a group of

experts has also taken part in the management of the project. The an?

notated bibliography contains several hundreds of titles,but the sub?

ject is still not exhausted in this volume.

E,l,79 5073

Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development,Development

Centre, The mortality project in developing countries.Report of the

fourth expert group meeting,Paris,6-7 April 1978,Paris,1979,83,tables,

figures, annexes,bibliography. The aim of the project is to establish new life tables for Africa,Asia

and Latin America through collecting statistical information, setting

up of a mortality file,drawing up a raw data evaluation programme,study?

ing mortality country by country, and drawing up a plan for calculating the models. This Annex deals with Africa and the Near East, and com?

pletes the work of the first three stages.

E,2 and S,3,79 5074

Portugal,Instituto Nacional de Estat?stica, Estat?sticas de Sa?de,

Volume I,(Health Statistics,Volume I),Lisbon,1979,93,tables.

Medical professionals, hospitals and medical institutions, mortality, infant mortality and morbidity.


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E,2,79 5075

Troszy?ski,M.,and I.Roszkowski, 'Rates of perinatal mortality and con

ditons of new-born children by age of mother,her obstetric history and

illnesses during pregnany',Studia Demograficzne,Warsaw,1979,54,67-75,

tables,in Polish with summaries in Russian and English.

E,3,79 5076

Manly,B.F.J., 'Survival sequence of infants: a factorial analysis. A

comment', Journal of Biosocial Sciences,Cambridge,1979,11,1,105-107.

E,3,78/79 5077

Piasecki,E., 'On the seasonality of deaths of infants in Poland',Studia

Demograficzne,Warsaw,1978/79,52,73-90,tables,figures, in Polish with

summaries in Russian and English. Three aspects of infant death in Poland.

E,4,79 5078

Krishnamoorthy,S., 'Mortality level,desire for surviving son and rate

of population increase', Population Studies,London,1979,33,3,565-571,

tables,figures,summary. When the possibility of a child (son) surviving increases, couples will reduce their family size, this relates to population increase.

E,6,79 5079

Turpeinen,0.,'Causal relations between economic factors and mortality', Studia Demograficzne, Warsaw,1979,53,95-110,table, in Polish with sum?

maries in Russian and English. On the basis of the available information the author concludes that he

cannot find any causal relation between the two phenomena, mortality and economic factors.

E,7,79 5080

Groselande, al., Mortalit? r?gionale et comportements diff?rentiels:

les d?terminants de la mortalit? masculine, Louvain-La-Neuve(UCL d??

partement de D?mographie),1979,59;(working paper no.70).

E,7,79 5081

Kap?tsy,B., 'Twelve arguments against suicide and seven advices to

avoid it', Teolog?a,Budapest,1979,257-260, in Hungarian, an English version is in preparation.

F,1 and G,2,79 5082

Andorka,R.,'Birth control in the 18th and 19th centuries in some Hung? arian villages',Local Population Studies, Cambridge,1979,22,38-43. In these villages,women married young around twenty years of age,and few remained single.The data indicate all characteristics of controlled

fertility with the aim for economic and social reasons- to keep scarce

resources and to avoid pauperisation and social downgrading. Practices

of fertility control were in use in many other agrarian regions of

Europe and mostly among the land-owning classes.

F,1,79 5083

Barret,J.C.,'Duration,period and cohort measures in marital fertility',

Population et Famille,Brussels,1979,47,2,69-79,table,notes, summaries.

'The present analysis suggests that there are certain components of

marital fertility(linear trends in particular) that can be interpreted

interchangeably as either time-period or marriage cohort measures,but that after discounting these,some purely marriage cohort or time-period measures albeit smaller in magnitude can be discerned'(p.69).


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F,1 and M,2,79 5084

Berelson,B.,and Lieberson, 'Government efforts to influence fertility: the ethical issues', Population and Development Review, New York,1979,

5,5,581-613,notes,summaries in English,French and Spanish (55-756).

The authors identify and give ethical judgement about three policies

currently used by governments to intervene on fertility that have

raised ethical questions - limitations on access to modern means of

fertility control incentives and discrimination, and peer pressures

organised by the political apparatus. The authors sketch the ethical

framework within which their ethical judgements were made.

F,1,79 5085

Calot,G., 'Donn?es compar?es sur l'?volution de la f?condit? selon le

rang de naissance en Allemagne f?d?rale et en France,1950-1977',Popula?

tion,Num?ro Sp?cial,Paris,1979,34,1291-1348,tabl.,graph, notes,summaries.

The differences between French and German fertility has remained re?

markably stable from birth cohorts born around 1935(which showed an

average complete fertility of 2.6 children per woman in France,and 2.2

in the F.R.G.),and those born around 1950(respectively 2.0 and 1.6),

the fall expressed in terms of average complete fertility being in

both countries, around .6 child per woman in 15 generations - instead

of 1.0 to 1.1 on the basis of total fertility rates in 15 years.

(From the summary).

F,1,79 5086

Festy,P., 'La f?condit? en Am?rique du Nord: vingt ann?es de baisse',

Population,Paris,1979,34,4/5,767-799,tabl.,fig.,summaries in French,

English and Spanish. After dropping for 20 years, the annual fertility indices seem to

have hit the floor today in North America and even reveal the initial

sign of a pick-up.

F,l,79 5087

Finn?s,F.,and J.M.Hoem, Cohort trends in cohabitational birth inter?

vals in Denmark,1975,Copenhagen(Laboratory of Actuarial Mathematics),

1979,17,tables,figures,references,abstract,(Working paper,no. 22).

Paper presented to the Nordic Symposium at Hurdalsj^en,Norway, 13

16 June 1979. Some main results of an investigation of the cohort fertility of co?

habiting of Danish women born 1926-1955, based on data from retro?

spective interviews made in 1975. The study reveals that the recent

total fertility decline results from a strong and novel drop in

first-birth fertility.

F,1,79 5088

Hoem,J.M.,and F.Finn?s, Patterns in the Danish fertility decrease

since the end of the 1960ies,Copenhagen(Laboratory of Actuarial Math

matics), 1979,25,table,figures,references,in Danish with an English

summary,(Working paper,no.27). Presentation of the main results from an analysis of the fertility decrease since 1967 among cohabiting Danish women (living in marriage or consensual union), born in 1926-1955. Except for a slightly in?

creasing interval between the first two births, second births have

remained remarkably stable as far as the data used go.


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F,1,79 5089 Jones,E.F.,'Comparisons: the United States and Britain',International

Family Planning Perspectives,New York,1979,11,2,136-137.

Although the British fertility studies used by Cartwright are fundament?

ally different in nature from the major U.S. studies, some comparisons between the two countries are possible. Among recent mothers,aspirations for future child-bearing and patterns of contraception appear to have

followed similar trends in both countries.

F,l,79 5090

Nag,M., How modernization can also increase fertility,New York(The Popu? lation Council),1979,49,tables,notes,references,abstract.(Center for

Policy Studies,Working paper,no.49). A review of birth rate estimates for Latin America,Africa and Asia clear?

ly indicates that fertility has actually increased in a number of coun?

tries during the early stage of modernization.

F,l,79 5091

Piasecki,E., 'The frequency of twin births in Poland',Studia Demogra

ficzne,Warsaw,1979,54,53-66,tables,in Polish with summaries in Russian

and English. The frequency of twin births by age continues to decline among mothers

in towns as compared to those in villages.

F,1,79 5092

Potts,M.,and P.Selman, Society and fertility,Plymouth(Macdonald and

Evans),1979,368,charts,diagrams,illustrations;ISBN 7121-1960-4.

A study of the customs and problems attached to human fertility in the

modern world,in both advanced and primitive societies,with special em?

phasis on the demographic aspects. This includes the problems of meas?

uring human fertility,the biological and social factors which influence

reproductive behaviour and the wide range of means by which fertility can be limited.

F,1,79 5093

Saez,A., 'La f?condit? en Espagne depuis le d?but du si?cle',Population,

Paris,1979,34,6, 1007-1021,tabl.,fig.,annexe,summaries in English,Spanish and French.

The development of cohort fertility in Spain is similar to that in other

Western European countries though it occurred rather late.

F,1,79 5094

Srb,Vl., 'Fertility Survey 1977',Demografie,Prague,1979,21,4, 302-310,

tables,in Czech with summaries in Russian and English. Part IV, Population policy and women's attitudes. See also: Demosta,

1979,1,50 more tables in addition to this article were published there.

F,2,79 5095

Graff,H.J.,'Literacyfeducation and fertility,past and present: a criti?

cal review', Population and Development Review,New York(The Population

Council),1979,5,1,105-140,notes,selected bibliographical notes,abstract in English,French and Spanish (192). Conceptualization of the role of education and literacy is highly prob? lematic.The analysis presented here, leads to the plausible conclusion

that these formulations have outlived their usefulness as interpretive and explanatory modes of approach.The need for and the possibility of

a new and more critical formulation should be apparent.


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F, 2,79 5096

World Health Organisation,Service- orientated research in odolesront

fertility: report in a WHO Meeting,Copenhagen,1979,39;ISBN 92-9020

140-1. Europ-Report and Studies,no.1. Report of a meeting held in Warne

m?nde,G.D.R.,April 24-27,1978.

Discussions on the past and present state of adolescent fertility and

services available.

F,4,79 5097

Sass,L.(ed.), Abortion: freedom of choice and the right to life, New

York(Fact on File Publications),1979,200;ISBN 0-87196-366-3.

F,4,1,79 5098

Collomb,Ph., 'La diffusion des m?thodes contraceptives modernes en

France de 1971 ? 1978', Population,Paris,1979,34,6,1045-1065,tables,

notes,summaries in French,English and Spanish.

The use of modern contraceptives became much more common within the

period of eight years. The pill has spread to all social groups and

regions,but it is unlikely that there will be much further increase.

The use of IUD followed the same pattern as the pill, but it is un?

likely that the proportion using this method will be as high as that

of pill users.

F,4,1,79 5099

Leridon,H.,J-P.Sard?n,Ph.Collomb et Y.Charbit, 'La contraception en

France en 1978.Une enqu?te INED-INSEE',Population,Num?ro sp?cial,Paris,

1979, 34,1349-1390, tables,graph., summaries in French, English and Spanish.

The use of modern methods is very widespread (28 % for the pill,9 %

for the coil);however,traditional methods especially withdrawal used

by 18 % of the couples, remain important even among younger couples.

Recourse to contraception varies greatly with the number of children

already born and,to a lesser extent,with the duration of marriage.These

socio-demographic characteristics influence not only the overall level

of contraceptive use,but also the type of the method employed.

(From the summary).

F,4,1,79 5100

Potter,R.G., F.E.Kobrin,and R.L.L?ngsten, 'Evaluating acceptance strate?

gies for timing of postpartum contraception',Studies in Family Planning,

New York^The Population Council),1979,10,5,151-160,tables,references.

Also published by the East-West Population Institute,Honolulu,paper,no.

59,16,tables,references. How soon after childbirth couples should be encouraged to start contra?


F,4,1,79 5101

Potts,M.,and P.Bhiwandiwala(eds.),Birth control:an international asess

ment, Lancaster(MTP Press Ltd.),1979,305;ISBN 0-85200-222-X.

The book reviews successful, programmes,and the authors seek to create a

constructive and workable solution to the problem of birth control.

F,4,1,79 5102

Robinson,W.C., 'The cost per unit of family planning services',Journal

of Biosocial Science, Cambridge,1979,11,1,93-103.

(Pop.Index,45,title 2354).


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F,4,2,79 5103

Belsey,M.A., Y.Russell,and K.Kinnear, 'Cardiovascular disease and oral

contraceptives: a reappraisal of vital statistics data',International

Family Planning Perspectives,New York,1979,5,1,2-7,tabl.,fig.,ref.,sum. Not long ago,headlines around the world carried the news that a serious

study reported that women who had ever taken the pill increased their

risk of dying from heart attacks,strokes and other cardiovascular dis?

eases by more than four times; as a result,their overall risk of death

was said to have grown by about 40 per cent. In this article,the criti?

cal reexamination of vital statistics from 21 countries fails to find

an association between use of the pill and changes in cardiovascular

disease mortality among women of reproductive age. According the auth?

ors it seems evident that vital statistics data do not confirm the risks

of increase cardiovascular disease mortality that oral contraceptives are said to pose.

F,4,2,79 5104

Schriber,J.,The pharmaceutical industry and development of new contra?

ceptives, New York,1979,50,graphs,references.(Public issues - back?

ground note of the Population Council). This paper concentrates on the pharmaceutic industry as an essential

agent in contraceptive innovation.

F,4,2,79 5105

Tietze,Ch., 'From cardiovascular disease:another look', International

Family Planning Perspectives, New York,1979,5,1,8-12, tables, figures,

references,summary. The author points out that the decline of mortality from CVD since the

adoption of the pill has been steeper for women - in each five year

age group - than for men.

F,4,4,79 5106

Girard,A., et L.Roussel, 'F?condit? et conjoncture.Une enqu?te d'opin? ion sur la politique d?mographique', Population,Paris,1979,34,3,567

588,tables,graph,summaries in French,English and Spanish. The preliminary results of a public opinion survey undertaken by INED,

show the ideal size of family has remained stable. On the other hand,

attitudes in France towards marriage,contraception and abortion are

changing rapidly.Increasing numbers favour state intervention in popu?

lation matters.They would approve measures designed to prevent further

falls in the birth rate.However,younger people appear to take a more

Malthusian view of the situation than do their elders.

F,4,4,79 5107

Leridon,H.,'Contraceptive practice in France in 1978',International

Family Planning Perspectives,New York,1979,5,1,25-27,tables,references. A survey carried out between January and October 1978, involved 3,000 women between the ages of 20 and 44 years.The survey indicates that

the issue of contraception in France has finally been freed from tra?

ditional taboo's.The pill and the IUD are widely spread in France to?

day: 28 % of all women in the above mentioned age groups are using the pill and 9 % are using IUD.

F,4,5,79 5108

Fowkes,F.G.,J.C.Catford,and R.F.L.Logan,'Abortion and the NHS:the first

decade',British Medical Journal,London,1979,6158,217-219.

(Pop.Index,45,title 2399).


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F,4,5,79 5109

Blayo,Ch., 'Les interruptions volontaires de grossesse en France en

1976',Population, Paris,1979,34,2,307-342,tabl.,graph,annexes,summaries. The analysis of statistical data leads to the conclusion that,these data are reliable enough to permit the description of the phenomenon,

through various rates according to age,duration of marriage and length of interval since last birth.

F,4,5,79 5110

Grillmeier,G., Abortions,1978',Wirtschaft und Statistik,Wiesbaden,1979,

5,in German only. In 1978, a total of about 73,500 abortions have been reported,which is 35 per cent more than in the previous year. Of the total abortions, 77 per cent were performed in hospitals and 23 per cent in a gynaeco?

logical practice.

F,4,5,79 5111

Montanari,A., 'Alcune carratteristiche dell'abortivita:primi risultati

di una indagine sui dati di une clinica ostretica e ginecolog?a'(Some characteristics of abortion:first results of a sample inquiry on data

from an obstetrical and gynaecological clinic), Statistica,Bologna,1979,

39,2,211-240,with summaries in English and French.

(Pop.Index,1979,4,title 4437).

F,4,5,79 5112

Wynnyczuskova,H.,'Intentional abortions of young women in Czechoslova?

kia, 1958-1977',Demo^rafie,Prague,1979,21,3,218-222,tables,figures,in Czech with summaries in Russian and English. In a 20 year period approximately 120,000 intentional abortions have

been performed in a group of 19 year old or younger women.

F,5,79 5113

Butz,W.P.,and M.P.Ward, 'Will U.S. fertility remain low? A new economic

interpretation',Population and Development Review,New York,1979,5,4,

663-688,tables,figures,notes,summaries in English,French and Spanish. The conclusions in this article are that annual movements in period

fertility rates are dominated by timing considerations, that couples have recently concentrated their births into recession periods during which the cost of women's time is low,and fertility rates are likely to remain low.

F,5,79 5114

Bruce,J. et al., Contraceptives and common sense: conventional methods

reconsidered, New York(The Population Council),1979,125.

F,5 and G,2,79 5115

Haines,M.,Fertility and occupation.Population patterns in industriali?

sation, New York/London(Academic Press),1979,304,tables,bibliography,

subject index;ISBN 0-12-315550-9. (A volume in the Studies in Social

Discontinuity Series). The different demographic behaviour historically observed among coal

mining and heavy industrial populations and regions- particularly the

high fertility rate - runs counter to expectation of conventional demo?

graphic transition theory.


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F,6,79 5116

Kraus,A.,'Antipizierter Ehesegen im 19.Jahrhundert : zur Beurteilung der Illegitimit?t unter sozialgeschichtlichen Aspekten'(Anticipated matrimonial issue in the nineteenth century: review of illegitimacy seen by social-historical aspects),Vierteljahrsschrift f?r Sozial-und

Wirtschaftsgeschichte,Wiesbaden,1979,66,2,174-215,in German.

'Using data on Germany for the period 1820-1875,the author attempts to

determine the reason why illegitimacy increased until the middle of the

nineteenth century and then rapidly declined'.

G,1,79 5117

'Age at first marriage in Europe before 1850: a summary of family re?

construction data',The University of Michigan Population Studies Center,

Reprint Series,Ann Arbor,1979,153,12,tables,references.Reprinted from:

Journal of Family History,1978,3,1,23-36. This incomplete review indicates the wealth of material being produced

by the family reconstruction method and the number of substantive im?

plications that can be derived from such data reconstruction which also

may help to resolve the many debates and questions of historical demo?

graphy concerning the behaviour of the men and women of pre-industrial


G,l,79 5118

Barbara,A., 'Les march?s matrimoniaux ?trangers en France', Hommes et


'L'enracinement des ?trangers sur le sol fran?ais peut se faire par le

mariage avec un Fon?ais ou une Fan?aise.Ces mariages sont dans bien des

cas,pr?c?d?s ou suivis de la naturalisation. Ils sont donc un des fac?

teurs notables de l'?volution d?mographique du pays.Ils sont rarement

?tudi?s statistiquement.

G,1,79 5119

Carlson,E.D., 'Divorce rate fluctuation as a cohort phenomenon',Popu?

lation Studies, London,1979,33,3,523-536,tables, figures, notes,summary. As a social response to population dynamics,the current high tide of

divorce should recede as post-baby-boom gives replace to the cohorts

in chief marrying and divorcing years - the tide is already turning.

G,1,79 5120

Henry, J.Houdaille,'C?libat et ?ge au mariage aux XVII et XIX

si?cles en France,II. Age au premier mariage',Population,Paris,1979,34,

2,403-442,tabl.,graph,annexes,summaries in French,English and Spanish. For the period before 1740,it is possible to obtain information about

marriages celebrated since 1670, by referring to the nomination sample of about 40 villages which was used in the study of the population of

France.Fragmentary data relating to the period 1830-1849 were used to

link these results to those obtained from French official statistics

for the period 1853-1909.

G,1,79 5121

Hofsten,E.,'Consensual unions and their recent increase in Sweden',

Studia Demograficzne,Warsaw,1979,54,39-62, tables, in Polish with sum?

maries in Russian and English. Data presented in this article show that consensual unions have become

very common among young people in Sweden.Most important however is,that

young people have means which enable them to set up families of their

own and much earlier as in the past. 30

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G,1,80 5122

J?ckel,U.,Partnerwahl und Eheerfolg,Stuttgart(Ferdinand Enke Verlag),

1980,144,tables,illustrations;ISBN 3-432-90901-2. In German only.

This book on the choice of partners and the success of marriage is an

announced for the year 1980.

G,1,79 5123

Schoen,R. et al., 'A theoretical perspective on cohort marriage and

divorce in twentieth century Sweden',Journal of Marriage and fhe Family,


G,2,79 5124

Cartwright,A.,'Family size,contraceptive practice and fertility in?

tentions in England and Wales,1967-1975',International Family Planning

Perspectives,New York,1979,11,2,128-133,tables,references. In Britain, as in the United States over the last decade,there has been

a considerable decline in the birth rate,in average family size and in

the number of children wanted,at the same time that use of the most ef?

fective forms of contraception - the pill,the IUD and contraceptive

sterilization- and use of abortion have become more and more widespread.

G,2,79 5125

Cliquet,R.L.,and J.Balcaen,'Intelligentie,gezinsplanning en gezinsvor

ming'(Intelligence,family planning and family size),Bevolking en Gezin,

Brussels/The Hague,1979,3,311-353,tables,fig., bibliographical notes,ab? stract in English. Since the sample is not completely representative for the Flemish popu? lation as a whole,the results may not be generalized hie and nunc.Tak?

ing into account the results of the national fertility surveys,however, it is being concluded that the present results form a pr?figuration of

what is to be expected in the near future: an increasing uniformity of

the (small) family size in the large majority of the population,and the

maintenance of a relatively small number of "large families" mainly re?

stricted to couples unable to master their fertility,at least if no

compensating measures are taken.

G,2,79 5126

Doering,H.,Die wirtschaftliche und soziale Struktur der Drei-Genera?

tionen-Familie.Bisherige Entwicklung und k?nftige Gestaltungsm?glich? keiten unter bev?lkerungspolitischem Aspekt(The economic and social

structure of the three-generation-family.Development until now and

future possibilities of demographic aspects),Wiesbaden(BIB),1979,113,

tables,bibliography,appendix,in German only.(Materialien zur Bev?lke?

rungswissenschaft, 14). The three generation family and its development are the object of

this study.Besides the fact of living together under the same roof

is one of the aspects studied in this book.

G,2,79 5127

Knodel,J., 'From natural fertility to family limitation: the onset of

fertility transition in a sample of German villages',Demography,Washing ton D.C.,1979,16,4.

Utilizing data from a sample of German village genealogies,it is possi? ble to document the changes in reproductive patterns,starting in the

nineteenth century and forming the basis for the secular decline.


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G,2,79 5128

Krishnamoorthy,S.,'Family formation and the life cycle', Demography,

Washington D.C.,1979,16,1,121-129,bibliography. Mathematical expressions are developed for certain life cycles when

only the age-specific birth and death rates are known. The probability at birth that a woman will have a specified number of children and the

expected length of time spent before the first birth,between the first

and the last child,and between the last child and the time of the wo?

man's death are shown to be calculable.Expressions for the probability of at least one child outliving the mother and for the expected number

of children outliving the mother are also developed and are evaluated

for three selected countries with different birth and death rates to

show how these life cycles depend on birth and death rates.

G,2,79 5129

Miklosne,B.,'Development of the situation and role of the woman in the

family',Demografia,Budapest,1979,22,2/3,212-227,in Hungarian with sum?

maries in Russian and English. The author states that the modern socialist family is an important bas?

ic unit of society but the relatively slower change in the view concern?

ing the family still hinders at present the thinking of a great part of

people in a new socialist manner.

G,2,79 5130

Olson,D.H.(ed.), Inventory of marriage and family literature,Volume 5,

1977 and 1978,London/Beverly Hills(Sage Publications),1979,486, subject index.

This volume lists 3216 articles published in 608 journals and is index?

ed by subject,author and key words in title.

G,2,79 5131

Pirke,F.,'Geburtenr?ckgang -

Symptom f?r die Krise der Familie ?',

Politische Studien,Munich,1979,30,246,365-371. Is the decline of the birth rate symptomatic for the crisis in family life? The need for a better insight what causes the crisis and what

measures should be taken is discussed.

G,2,79 5132

Roussel,L. et O.Bourguignon, G?n?rations nouvelles et mariage traditio

nel.Enqu?te aupr?s de jeunes de 18-30 ans,Paris(P.U.F.),1979,300.(La collection 'Travaux et Documents' de l'INED, no.86.)

G,2,79 5133

Roussel,L., 'G?n?rations nouvelles et mariage traditionel.Enq?te au?

pr?s des jeunes de 18 ? 30 ans.Pr?sentation d'un cahier de l'INED',

Population,Paris,1979,34, 1,141-162,notes,summaries in French,English and Spanish. The conclusion is that we are experiencing an overall change in our

marriage system.The author attempts to define the significance of this

change and attempts to assess its ultimate consequences.

G,2,79 5134 United Nations Fund for Population Activities,On integration of family

planning with rural development,New York,1079,37,notes,appendix.(Policy

Development Studies,no.1).


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Report of a technical working group meeting held in Honolulu,February 1978. In addition to the report this volume contains as an appendix

a background paper prepared by G.D.Ness,University of Michigan,'On

integration in family planning programming' (14-36).

G,2,79 5135 Zarzyka,Z.,'Economic activities of females and income of families', Studia Demograficzne, Warsaw,1979,52,91-107,tables,in Polish with

summaries in Russian and English.

G,2,79 5136 Zeidenstein,G., 'The user perspective',People,London,1979,6,4, 31-33.

'A new awareness has been born in the minds of the population establish? ment of the need to design family planning programmes. With the perspec? tive of the user,or potential user firmly in mind'.This will be the

central theme of a world conference on:Family planning in the eighties, to be held in 1981.

H,1,79 5137 Une politique de l'immigration.Le point de la Belgique.Perspectives

socialistes,Paris,1979,44,tableau. Hommes et Migrations, dossier de la quinzaine,30?me ann?e,no.980, re?

produit de larges extraits d'une"note de documentation", un rapport d'un groupe de travail- immigr?s- de l'Institut Emile Vandervelde de


H,1,79 5138 Banning,W.R., 'International migration in western Europe:reflections on the past five years',International Labour Review,Geneva,1979,118,


As a specialist in international migration and in accordance with his

understanding, the author of this issue tries to treat in short the

question of 1) return migration;2) the new ILO conventions and recom?

mendations,^) the movement towards a New Economic Order;4) the World

Employment Conference in 1976;and 5) the growing support for the notion

that countries of origin should be compensated for the out-migration of their citizens. No attention is given to the economic favourable

aspects of out-migration,unemployment rate,remittances of the emigrants and their influence on the balance of payment

- even in times of eco?

nomic crisis,and many other aspects in favour of migration of labour.

H,1,79 5139 Banning,W.R., 'Faits et chiffres sur les migrations internationales',

Population,Notes et Documents,Paris,1979,34,6,1130-1137,tables. The author has,with all restrictions necessary, given a general im?

pression of the actual figures of the 1975 and 1977 situation.

H,1,79 5140

Castro-Almeida,C, 'Problems facing second generation migrants in

Western Europe',International Labour Review,Geneva,1979,118,6, 763

775,notes,summary. There are some four million children of migrant workers in western

Europe,nearly one million of them are of working age. Any migration

policy will have to take particular account of the options facing second generation migrants.


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H,1 and N,79 5141

Castro,L.J., and A.Rogers, Migration age patterns measurement and ana?

lysis, Laxenburg(lnternational Institute for applied System Analysis),

1979,57,tables,graph,bibliography.(Working paper 79-16).

H,1,79 5142

Courgeau,D.,'Migrants and migration',Selected Papers,Paris,1979,summa ries in English and Spanish. This article is translated from Population, 1973,1. (see:EDIB, 1973, 1548).

INED has decided to translate and publish in various languages and under

separate cover, the major articles that have been issued in the already

long history of Population from 1946 up to to-day.

H,1,79 5143

Dascher,0.,and G.Mantwill, 'Die Auswanderung nach Uebersee im 19. Jahr?

hundert - Forschungsans?tze und archivische Quellen',Der Archivar,D?ssel

dorf,1979,32,1,50-55,in German only. The articles describes overseas migration in the nineteenth century.

Archives are used and the dicovered sources are elaborated.

H,1,79 5144

Gosling,L.A.P.,and Y.C.Lim(eds.),Population redistribution:patterns,

policies and prospects,New York(UNFPA),1979,170,tables,notes.(Policy

Development Studies,no.2). The volume covers a broad range of ideas and discusses the problems involved in practical situation.(From the foreword by R.K.Salas).

H, 1,79 5145

Gustafson,M.,'Migration research and theories with special reference

to western Europe',Siirtolaisuus-Migration,Turku,1979,3,18-29, tabl.ref.

The phenomenon of migration must be seen,excepted the individual and

country level, as a class phenomenon, i.e. one has to realise the class

character of migrations.Therefore it is not right to make distinction

between indigenous and foreign workers.The author bases his opinion on

the analysis of the gains and losses of migration for sending and re?

ceiving countries.

H,1,79 5146

Hamberg, remittances by immigrants in Sweden during

the 1970s,Stockholm,1977,44.tables,notes:ISBN 91-38-05121-4.(Commission on Immigration Research,report no.9). The question of remittances by foreign workers occupies a prominent

position in international discussions of the economic effects of migra? tion of labour in Europe.

H,1,79 5147

Lamur,H.E.,and J.D.Speckmann(eds.)adaptation of migrants from the Ca?

ribbean in the European and American metropolis: a selection of papers

presented at a symposium of the 34th Annual Conference of the American

Association of Applied Anthropology,Amsterdam,March 1975, Amsterdam

(Dept. of Anthropology and non-western Sociology, and the Dept. of Ca?

ribbean Studies of the Institute of Linguistics,Leiden),1979,202.

H,1,79 ^148 Majava,A., 'Finns in Sweden,characteristics and living conditions',


Paper delivered at the international conference on the History of

Finnish immigration to North America,Toronto,November 1979.


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H,1,79 5149

Rogers,A., 'Model migration schedules:an application using data for the

Soviet Union',Canadian Studies in Population,Edmonton,1978(out end 79),

5,85-98, tables, figures, references,summary,r?sum?,abstract. 'The absence of reliable and detailed data on internal migration is a

problem that repeatedly confronts demographers and population geogra?

phers'. An application based on data for the Soviet Union illustrates

the procedure's principal arguments.

H,1,79 5150

Zubrzycki,J., 'Polish emigration to British Commonwealth countries: a

demographic survey',International Migration Review,Staten Island,1979,

13,3,649-672,tables,appendix,references. Presentation of an examination of the pattern of emigration from Poland.

A general survey up to World War II, and furthermore an examination of

the situation in each of the Commonwealth countries.

H,2,79 5151 Bueno do Prado,F.,and R.Lohrmann,Trends in the migration of trained

personnel:the Brain Drain among the developed countries,Geneva(lCEM),

1979,89,tables,fig.,r?f.,(mimeo). The main findings in the three chapters of this study outline some of

the changes international migration among developed countries have un?

dergone during the last decade.

H,3,79 5152 Courgeau,D., 'Echelle g?ographique et migrants',Canadian Studies in

Population,Edmonton,1978(out end 79),5,141-152,tables, figures,biblio?

graphy, abstract in English and French.

The author examines as an example migration in France which reveals a

structure of space that only a qualitative analysis would define with


H,3,79 5153 Fields,G.S., 'Place-to-place migration;some new evidence', Review of

Economics and Statistics,Amsterdam,1979,61,1,21-23. An economic model is described in which migration is viewed as a form

of human investment.

H,3,79 5154 Gawryszewski,A., 'The relationship between different types of migra? tion in Poland',Canadian Studies in Population,Edmonton, 1978(79),153

165, tables, figures, references, abstract in English and French.

The article reports about three recent Polish studies concerned with

the relationship between various types of movements.

H,3,79 5155 Holzer,J.Z.,'An application of component analysis to estimate potential effects of internal migration upon vital rates',Studia Demograficzne,

Warsaw,,1979,53,29-38,tables,in Polish with summaries in Russian and

English. The author states that the results of his calculations show,that the

impact of migration on vital rates was significant (period 1961-1970 and 1971-1975).


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H,3,79 5^56

Konecna,A., 'City of Prague:migration in 1961-1975',Demografie,Praguem

1979,21,2,129-138,tabl.,graphs,in Czech,summaries in Russian and English. The article makes an observation of the migratory trends in three five

year periods (1961-65, 1966-70, and 1971-75) in view of age and sex,

profession and economic activity. In conclusion the motives for migra?

tion are reviewed.

H,3,79 5157 Thomas,C, 'Internal migration in Yugoslavia, 1961-1971

' ,Tijdschrift voor

Economische en Sociale Geografie,Leiden,1979,70,3,177-181.

Using census data (1961 and 1971),the author examines trends in internal

migration between rural,urban and mixed settlements.

H,4,79 5158 Grahl-Madsen,A., 'The Boat-people: our concern',AWR-Bulletin,Vienna,


ibid.'Refugees in Orbit - some constructive proposals,AWR-Bulletin,

Vienna,1979,17,3,118-123. The present situation,which is according the author in fact amounting to a mini-war between immigration authorities of the different countries of Western Europe, is simply disgraceful.

H,4,79 5159 Haupt,A., 'World refugees.Finding no refuge',Intercom,(Population Re. ference Bureau),Washington D.C.,1979,7,6/7,15-17.

H,4,79 5160 Kornrumpf,M., In Bayern angekommen.Die Eingliederung der Vertriebenen: Zahlen - Daten -

Namen,Munich(Olzog Verlag),1979,367,tables, figures, index; ISBN 3-7892-9845-X.

The history of the the reception and the adjustment of refugees and ex?

pellees from the East of Germany in Bavaria. For the first time exact

numbers, data and names are studied extensively.

H,4,79 5161 Montero,D., Vietnamese Americans.Patterns of resettlement and socio economic adaptation in the United States,Boulder,Col.(Westview Press),

1979,218,tables,photographs,appendices,bibliography;ISBN 0-89158-264-9. At the end of 1978 more than 170,000 Indochinese refugees were resett? led in the United States.

H,6,79 5162 Delvecchio,Fr., 'Raggruppamenti dei comuni Pugliese in base a talune

variabili socio-economiche', Studi di Demografia,Bari,1979,17,5-50,

tables,charts,appendix,in Italian only.(Grouping of Apulian communi?

ties on the basis of socio-economic variables). A cluster analysis of communities and an attempt to differ between them by one or more variables.

H,6,79 5163 Fuguitt,G.V.,'Population movements and integrated rural development', Sociologia Ruralis,Assen,1979,19,2/3,99-115,ref., summaries.

The relationship between population movements and integrated rural de?

velopment -

understanding of rural-urban migration at the local and

the national level is essential for rural development planning and



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H,6,79 5164

Roberts,B.R.,'Migration,the industrial economy and collective consump? tion' , International Social Sciences Journal,Paris,1979,31,2,282-303. The interrelations between patterns of rural-urban migration, urbani?

zation and collective consumption.

1,1,79 5165

Rebaudo,D., 'Le mouvement annuel de la population fran?aise rurale de

1670 h 1740',Population, Paris,1979,34,3,587-606,tables,graph,charts,

annexes,summaries in French,English and Spanish.

Although between 1670 and 1695 the number of baptisms declined somewhat

as a result of the crises of the time, and doubtless the size of the

population also diminished a little, growth resumed again very quickly and briskly after 1695. This contradicts the pessimistic analyses which

are usually made about the period af the end of the reign of Louis XIV.

1,1,79 5166

Smith,R.M.,'Kin and neighbours in a thirteenth century Suffolk communi?

ty', Journal of Family History, Minneapolis,1979,4,2,219-256. The bulk of this article concerns an attempt to disentangle the inter?

play between kinship, residential and tenurial propinquity, and econo?

mic status in the question of an individual's social and economic re?

lations through a form of egocentric network analysis.

1,1,79 5167

Verlinden,Ch., 'Ist mittelalterliche Sklaverei ein bedeutsamer demo?

graphischer Faktor gewesen?'(Was medieval slavery a significant demo?

graphic factor?)rVierteljahrsschrift f?r Sozial-und Wirtschaftsge?

schichte, Wiesbaden, 1979,66,2,153-173,in German with an English summary. The significance of slaves as a proportion of the total population in

various medieval European countries.

1,1,79 5168

Vinovskis,M.A.(ed.), Studies in American historical demography, New

York/London(Academic Press),1979,528;ISBN 0-12-722050-X.(Studies in

Population Series). In order to bring together some of the best studies in American his?

torical demography, the editor has selected twenty-six articles from

14 different journals. The volume represents a large proportion of the

existing literature.

1,2,79 5169

Biraben,J-N.,'Essai sur l'?volution du nombre des hommes', Population,

Paris,1979,34,1,13-25,tabl.,graph.,summaries in English,French,Spanish. This essay deals with the evolution of world population since the year 400 B.C. It suggests that there have been large general movements which

have affected overall numbers. Further back in time,there have been

sudden increases at the time of major cultural changes (e.g. the begin?

ning of the Upper Palaeolithic Period around 36,000 B.C.,the neolithic

period around 5,000 B.C.,and,lastly,the industrial changes in the nine?

teenth and twentieth centuries),and these have been interspersed with

slower growth marked by smaller variations.


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1,2,79 5170

Netting,R.M., 'Household dynamics in a nineteenth century Swiss

village', Journal of Family History,Minneapolis,1979,4,1,39-58. The author compares census data with a file of all known residents in

a Swiss village,T?rbel, from 1665 to 1974 compiled from an unbroken

series of church registers,civil records kept by local officials, and

a genealogy book kept by a priest before 1850.

J,1,79 5171

Balevski,D., 'Age and sex structure of the Bulgarian population,1900

1975', Statistika,Sofia,1979,26,1,57-70,in Bulgarian with summaries in

Russian and English. The author examines the sex structure over time and the effect of the

higher male mortality and migration on the sex structure. Further he

compares the age structure and its relation to reproduction.

J,2,79 5172

Bersee,A.P.M.,'De economische positie van de bejaarden in de Verenigde

Staten'(The economic situation of the aged in the U.S.),Bevolking en

Gezin,Brussels/The Hague,1979,3,295-310,tables,bibliography,notes,ab? stract in English. The older population in the U.S. has grown rapidly in the last eight

decades,and the economic status is characterized by a high rate of


J,2,79 5173

Cutler,R.G., 'Evolution of human longevity: a critical overview',

Mechanisms of Ageing and Development,Lausanne,1979,9,3/4,337-354. Critical examination of the evolution of longevity in man and his


J,2,79 5174

Hatzold,0., 'Knaben?berschuss bei der prim?ren Sexualproportion weiter?

hin wahrscheinlich'(Surplus of boys still considered likely with the

primary sex ratio),Zeitschrift f?r Bev?lkerungswissenschaft,D?mographie,

Boppard am Rhein,1979,5,1,13-24,bibliography,summaries in German,

French and English.

J,2,79 5175

Kirkwood,T.B.L.,and R.Holliday, 'The evolution of ageing and longevity',

Proceedings of the Royal Society of London,Series B,London,1979,25,


J,2,79 5176

5trehler,B.L.,'Polygamy and the evaluation of human longevity', Mechanisms of Ageing and Development,Lausanne,1979,9,3/4,369-379. Examination of the relations between the rate of accumulation of genes

favouring longevity in man and mating practices.

J,3,79 5177

Andr?s,R.,and A.Lad?ny, An international comparative statistical ana?

lysis of highly qualified total and economically active populations,

1950-1970,Budapest(Research Centre for Pedagogy of higher education),

1979,141,tables,graphs,in Hungarian with 7 separate pages of English

translation of the table of contents,the titles of the tables, and in

the appendixes the titles of the graphs and the notes.


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J,4,79 5178

Zeidenstein,S.(guest editor),'Learning about rural women',Studies in

Family Planning,New York(The Population Council),1979,10,11/12,309

422,tables,figures. This special issue focuses on ways in which the roles and status of

rural women in different societies can be better understood. For those

concerned with family planning programmes, this special issue is intend?

ed to provide a fresh viewpoint - a perspective on the reproductive and

child-rearing function as viewed by individual women, in the context of

their lives.

J,5,79 5179

Ellemers,J.E., 'Minorities and policy-making in the Netherlands.South

Moluccans and other aliens in comparative perspective',The Netherlands

Journal of Sociology,Amsterdam,1979,15,97-122,notes.

During the past decades the Netherlands has become a fairly pluralis? tic and ethnically heterogeneous society.

J,5,79 5180

'Integration of gipsy population in Czechoslovakia',Demografie,Prague,

1979,21,4,321-342,tables,in Czech,summaries in Russian and English. Four contributions on the problem of gipsy population in present social?

ist society are treated.The gipsies or Rome people are non-integrated elements in society; the different angles of the problem as to the vol?

ume, the gipsy population in the City of Prague, various districts of

the country,and the fertility of gipsy women are reviewed.

K,1,79 5181

Cusatelli,G., 'Incremento demogr?fico e sviluppo sociale'(Demographic

growth and social development), Studi di Demografig,Bari,1979,17,51

91,tables,figures,in Italian only.

K,1,1,79 5182

Wander,H., 'Bev?lkerungs-und Wirtschaftswachstum in Entwicklungspro

zess',Beihefte zur Konjunkturpolitik.Zeitschrift f?r angewandte Wirt?

schaf tsforschunq,Berlin,1979,26f31-50,tabl.,fig.,in German only.

Principally the process of the demographic transformation and industri?

alizations in European countries shows no significant differences. In

the countries in economic development without demographic transition

no progress in economic and social conditions might be expected,however, without a rise in their way of life and modern means of production, a

demographic transition, especially the decline of fertility,has little

chances. The author states that the conditions for a good relationship between the two processes may not be so favourable in these countries

as they have been in the past in western Europe.

K,1,3,79 5183 Chesnais,J-C., 'Les cons?quences socio-?conomiques de la disparition des familles nombreuses',Revue Fran?aise des Affaires Sociales,Paris,

1979,33,1,63-85, summaries in English and Spanish. The impact of the decline in the number of families with three or more

children: financial, socio-economic and other consequences.

K, 1,3,79 5184

Fry,J.A.(ed.), Industrial democracy and labour market policy in

Sweden, Oxford(Pergamon Press),1979,210;ISBN 0-08-022462-8.


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K,1,3,79 5185

Serow,W.J., 'Economische consequenties van een aanhoudend l?ge vrucht

baarheid: implicaties voor economisch beleid en bevolkingsbeleid' (Eco?

nomie consequences of sustained low fertility implications for economic

and population policy),Bevolking en Gezin, Brussels/The Hague,1979,3,

355-378,bibliography,abstract. This paper intends to provide in short a bibliographic overview of the

economic consequences of declining rates of population growth,ultimate?

ly leading to a more or less stationary population in industrialized


L,1,79 5186

Hofsten,E., 'The influence of current demographic change in Europe on

social structures',Demogr?fia, Budapest,1979,22,2/3,239-247,notes in

Hungarian with summaries in Russian and English.

Paper presented at the Third European Population Seminar,Belgrade,

September 1978, organized by the Ekonomski Institut,Belgrade and the

European Centre for Population Studies.

L,2,79 5187

McQuillan,K., 'Common themes in Catholic and Marxist thoughts on popu? lation and development', Population and Development Review,New York,

1979,5,4,687-698,notes,summaries in English,French and Spanish. 'The Catholic church and the socialist countries of eastern Europe have

frequently found themselves on the same side in the debate on the prob? lem of population and development. The ideological basis of their re?

spective positions are examined and the impact of a changing political context on their positions is assessed'.

L,3,79 5188

Benjamin,B., 'The use of life-table methods in the prediction of

changes in the structure of the psychiatric population', World Health

Statistics Report,Geneva,1979,32/1,6-10,in English and French.

The author uses life-table methodology to compare data from a 1963

register of mentally ill patients in England and Wales with data for

1954 and 1973. Short-term projections for the psychiatric hospital

population are discussed.

L,3,79 5189 World Health Organisation, Traditional birth attendants.A field guide to their training,evaluation and articulation with health services,

Geneva,1979,109, offset publication no.44.

The guidelines presented were prepared with a view to the development of nation-wide programmes for the training, utilization, and evalua?

tion of traditional birth attendants.

L,4,79 5190 Terrenato,L.,L.Ulizzi,and A.San Martin, 'The effects of demographic transition on the opportunity for selection: changes during the last

century in Italy', Annals of Human Genetics,London,1979,42,391-399.

(Pop.Index,45,title 2730).


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M,1,79 5191

Milovanovic,R., Political rights for migrant workers,Zagreb,(Center

for Migration Studies),1979,108,bibliography,in the Yugoslav language with an extensive summary in English(90-97);ISBN 0350-3275.

At the moment the demographic,cultural and socio-economic institution?

al spheres have been most affected,however, it is very possible that in

the near future these migration flows will have their own political im?

plications. This is not so difficult to conclude if one is aware that

the migrant question provokes a strong political and economic conditio?

nally and interlinking on the one hand between countries,on the other

hand within the problem of the human rights.

M, 1,79 5192

Schnyder,S., 'Staatspolitische Aspekte der demographischen Entwicklung'

(Government policy aspects of demographic development), Forum Statis

ticum, Berne,1979,12,7-9,in German with English summary.

Causes of the lack of direct population policy measures in Switzerland.

M,1,79 5193 Van den Brekel,J.C, 'Bevolkingsbeleid.Bespreking naar aanleiding van

een door Calot aan de Luxemburgse regering aangeboden rapport'(Popu? lation policy.A review of the Calot report for the government of Lux?

emburg ),Be^oJJ<ijTO^_ej]_GezJ:n, Brussels/The Hague,1979,3,269-282,biblio?

graphy, abstract in English. The author compares the situation in the Netherlands with the pro

natalistic suggestions for Luxemburg made by Calot, and pleads for an

international,primarily inter-European co-ordination of policies and


M,2,79 5194

Maier,W., 'Fragen zu demographischen Entwicklungen in der Gegenwart',

Geburtshilfe und Frauenheilkunde,Stuttgart,1979,39,2, 134-137,in German

with summary in English. The need for, and the high costs of a pro-natalist policy, the risk of

a too high fertility rate than desirable in the F.R.G.

M,2,79 5195

Press?t,R., 'Mesures natalistes et rel?vement de la f?condit? en

Europe de l'est', Population, Paris,1979,34,3,533-548,tables,figures, summaries in French,English and Spanish. Liberal legislation relating to abortion has contributed to fertility decline in the Socialist countries of Europe. The decline has led to a

reaction on the part of the governments. This has usually taken the

form of restricting the availability of abortion and of attempting to

raise the birth rate. The relative importance of these two kinds of

measures has been different in different countries. This survey is

made easier because the action taken is normally selective, aiming at

encouraging the birth of children of a given order (most frequently the second or third child). Altogether, the effects seem to be transi?

tory and the results seem to reflect mainly an anticipation of births

rather than an increase in the completed size of the family.


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M,2,79 5196 'Romania raises birth rate by restricting abortion and birth control

access', Family Planning Perspectives,New York,1979,11,5,317-318,fig. Examination of fhe Romanian experience with abortion and by manipulat?

ing access to the means of fertility control

M,3,79 5197

Roosens,E.(ed.), 'D?sadvantages et discrimination: la question des

immigr?s en Belgique', Studi Emigrazione/Etudes Migrations,Rome,1979, Num?ro sp?cial 54,229-303,tables. This report is the work of a collective group working for four years in the frame"Cultural identity of ethnic minority groups". The editor

has co-ordinated the different contributions.

N,79 5198

Chesnais,J-Ch., 'L'effet multiplicatif de la transition d?mographique',

Population,Notes et Documents,Paris,1979,34,6,1038-1044,graphiques, tableau x.

N,79 5199

Little,R.J.A.,and Th.W.Pullum, The general linear model and direct

standardization: a comparison, The Hague/London(International Statis?

tical Institute/World Fertility Survey),1979,30,tables; Occasional

papers,no.20, reprint from: Sociological methods and research,1979,

7,4,475-501. The purpose of this article is to sharpen the distinction and to clari?

fy the relationship between the alternative ways of analysing a com?

mon data structure.

N,79 5200 Rees,P., Multistate demographic accounts,Leeds(School of Geography,

University of Leeds),1979,63. Working paper,245.

N,79 5201 Santow,G., 'Models of Dutch family building',Population Studies,

London,1979,33,1,59-78,tables,figures,summary. A micro-simulation model was developed to test the effect on fertility of the recent change in family building patteros. The result indicates

the care that must be taken in ascribing a decline in the fertility of

the early years of marriage to an overall fertility decline.

N,79 5202

Sharp,R., 'Towards a new model of development', Populi,New York(UNFPA),

1979,6,2,15-19. The author summarizes the main propositions of an alternative model

and describes the work being done along these lines by various inter?

national organizations.

N,79 5203

Suchindran,C.M.,A.S.Clague,and J.C.Ridley, 'Estimation of stochastic

variations in vital rates', Population Studies,London,1979,33,3,549

564,tables,notes summary. The natality measures studied are age-specific rates, total fertility, births per person- years lived and cumulative birth rates.


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N,79 5204

Wunsch,G., Discrimination in spatial analysis: aggregation and multi

collineary biases, Louvain-La'Neuve(UCL,D?pDrtement de D?mographie),

1979,14.Working paper,no.68.

N,79 5205

Wunsch,G., La construction de tables - types de mortalit?, Louvain-La

Neuve (UCL,Department de D?mographie),1979,14.Working paper,no.75.

P,79 5206

Chaunu,P.,A.Sauvy et G.Calot et al., Le d?fi d?mographique,Paris(Club de l'Horloge),1979,159,communications pour le colloque du 21 octobre


Q,79 5207 Centrum voor Bevolkins- en Gezinsstudien, CBGS Annual Report, Brussels,

1979,185. This report by the Belgian Population and Family Study Centre gives a brief account of the current research work and summarizes the publi? cations of the Flemish section of this Centre in 1978.

Q,79 5208

Ellemers,J.E.,and J.H.G. Vermeulen (eds.), Geselecteerde bibliografie van sociaalwetenschappelijke publicaties over ethnische minderheden in

Nederland (Selected bibliography of social-scientific publications about ethnic minorities in the Netherlands),Groningen(Sociologisch In

stituut,R.U.Groningen),1979,47. About 360 titles of mostly recent publication, the majority in Dutch, of books, articles and essays in periodicals, and conference papers.

Q,79 5209

Haberl,0.N., Bibliography of economic migration from Yugoslavia to

European countries,Zagreb(Centre for Migration Studies),1979,162,

index; in total 2200 titles in the original language, preface and

table of contents in English and German.

Books and articles published up to 1978.

Q,79 5210 International Planned Parenthood Federation, IPPF Cooperative Infor?

mation Service,August 1979, London,1979,52. 149 titles on family planning and related topics following IPPF


Q,79 5211

Press?t,R., Dictionnaire de D?mographie, Paris(Presses Universitaires

de France),1979,304.

On constate,de plus, l'omnipr?sence des probl?mes d?mographiques dans

notre monde contemporain. Ce dictionnaire, le premier du genre, se

veut le d?fenseur d'une terminologie correcte.

Q,79 5212 Population Reference Bureau,Inc., Annual report for the year ended

December 31,1978,Washington D.C.,1979, 22.

In October 1979 the P.R.B. has completed a useful and colourful half

century of service


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Q,79 5213 United Nations Fund for Population Activities, Policy Development

Studies, New York,1979,nos. 1-3 out.

This series of occasional papers seeks to explore various emerging

population issues and attempts to suggest sets of pragmatic guidelines for the development of more effective population policies. The series

is also designed to provide a forum for the assessment of policy in?

itiatives related to population within the total development frame?


Q,79 5214

Wilkinson,J.M.(ed.), Guide to populations/family planning information

sources, Clairon,Penn.(Aplic-International), 1979,50,index;ISBN 0


Entries are arranged under the rubrics of: Bibliographies and indexes; Censuses and statistics; Dictionaries and thesauri; Directories;Guides and handbooks; Periodicals and newsletters. Publishers' addresses are

appended,including names and addresses of organizations that may serve

as further sources of information.

R,79 5215 Bollettino di Demografia Storica, Rome 1979,1,55. A periodical published by the Centro di Documentazione per lo Studio

della Demografia Storica (CEDODEST) in collaboration with the Comitato

Italiano per lo Studio della Popolazione (CISP), both in Rome. The

articles are in Italian only. The editorial committee is composed by D.Demarca,Director, E.Sonnino,

L.Del Panta, and L.Tittarelli, members and C.Schiavoni, secretary.

S,4,79 5216 Netherlands Central Bureau of Statistics, Statistisch Zakboek,1979, The Hague(Governments Printers),1979,358,tables,graphs,register, in

Dutch only;ISBN 90-12-02608-3. This pocket yearbook 1979 is in its contents similar to the 1978

edition, but some not very relevant tables have been omitted.

S,5,79 5217

EUROSTAT, Labour costs in industry,Vol.4,results by region,

Luxemburg/Brussels,1979,different parts;ISBN 92-825-033-X, in Danish,

Dutch,English,French and German.


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