borderland 2 unofficial online play guide

Tutorial to play online for Borderland 2 Jimbo Edition

Upload: renagates

Post on 26-Nov-2015




4 download


Borderland 2


  • Tutorial to play online for Borderland 2 Jimbo Edition

  • Through Steam

    1. Install Steam (with the file which can be found into the folder #JIMBO of the game installer or using the installer itself). Then, create a user if you dont have any. Log in and wait until Steam gets updated. Finally, close it. 2. Install the game as administrator (because the installer uses the Windows registry to know where the source folder is) to any folder. Make sure you choose to install the Steam version (you can also select it later with options.cmd). It will be only possible if Steam is installed in the computer.

  • Configure the online part

    At the moment of writing these lines, we can play online using several appid:204260 or one of a game you own. The desired appid can be selected (a)at theinstaller or (b)using the file options.cmd (images below). Server and client haveto use the same appid.

    Remember that to be able to play online, every player must have the Steam version active. To do that, execute options.cmd. If you see non-Steam version, choose the 3th option to change to Steam version.

  • Finally, Play!

    1. Launch Steam and log in. It is recommended to use a fake account.

    2. If we do not have any, we have to add friends to your Steam user, who will be mostly those we will be able to share the game with. If you ignore how to do it, use Google to find a tutorial.

    3. We will launch the game from the file Borderlands2.exe or Launcher.exe.

  • 4. Inside the game, click on network options and then on one among the three first options, depending on what we want.

    5. The server can create the game by clicking on continue (it will appear if there are any saved game in the computer) or new game and the clients will be able to join the game, or it can invite them from the main menu before starting the game.

  • A Steam menu with our friends will pop up. We invite them.

    If we have friends who have also loaded the game, we will see them at the main menu and it will be possible to invite them clicking on their names.

  • In any case, when the friend has joined the game, we will be ready to play.

  • 5. The client has several ways to JOIN THE GAME: either through the menu that is opened pressing the keys shift + tab, where we will see the invitation sent by the server, which we have to accept

    Or, without being invited, clicking on a friends name and later on Join Game.

  • Or using the game menus to find the match the server is hosting.

  • If we used matchmaking, well select our character and click on Play.

    If we connected to a friend at the main menu, just wait until he starts the game.

  • Without Steam

    What we have seen until now is only needed if we want to use Steam to play.However, it is also possible to play without Steam, but we will need a programlike Hamachi, Evolve or Tunngle to be able to host/join a cooperative game.The last one is the most common, so we will use it in this tutorial.

    1. Install the game as administrator (because the installer uses the Windows registry to know where the source folder is) to any folder. Make sure you choose toinstall the non-Steam version (you can also select it later with options.cmd). It will be the only possible option if Steam is not installed in the computer.

    2. Install Tunngle, register a user, log in, look for a Borderlands 2 network and join it.

  • 3. Launch the game with administrator privileges, click on network options and then on LAN.

    4. To host a game click on continue (it will appear if there are any saved game in the computer) or new game. To join, click on find games.

  • Saved games

    The saved games are stored in c:\Users\USERNAME\Documents\My Games\Borderlands 2\WillowGame\SaveData\XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX. The X are anumber the game will assign us, so it is necessary to launch it at least once forthe appropriate folder to be created.

    Combine different audio and text

    If we wanted to play hearing the Spanish voices of the game and using English subtitles, we have to do two things:

    1. To have installed the Spanish voices (folders Spanish(Spain), like the one inside WillowGame\CookedPCConsole).

    2. To edit the file WillowEngine.ini, which is in c:\Users\USERNAME\Documents\My Games\Borderlands 2\WillowGame\Config,

    and to change the line WwiseLanguageEquivalent_INT=English(US) to WwiseLanguageEquivalent_INT=Spanish(Spain).