borderline personality disorder

Borderline Personality Disorder Genetics – ADHD, Bipolar, Depression Brain abnormalities: studies have associated BPD with changes to certain parts of the brain involved in the regulation of emotion. Improper functioning of the brain chemical used to r mood may also be implicated. Distorted self-image or sense of self Extreme reactions to real or perceived abandonment Explosive emotions triggered by anxiety Highly changeable moods Impulsive and often dangerous behavior Intense and stormy relationships with friends and family Problems controlling anger elf-harming behavior or suicidal behavior and threats tress-related paranoia or dissociative symptoms. People with BPD often have difficulty accepting gray areas in life! seeing things as either white. #hey can feel distressed over minor separations from people who they feel close to! result of business trips or sudden changes of plans! for example. 80% of people with BPD develop suicidal behaviors Omega 3- mood stabilier Ps!chotherap! Parasomia Sleep Terrors leep terrors! or night terrors! occur in $% to &% of children and adults. #hey consist of arousals from de sleep and are characteri*ed by intense behavioral manifestations of fear and autonomic hyperactivity +eg! tachycardia! tachypnea! pupillary dilation! and diaphoresis,. #he episodes are associated with frightening confusion! disorientation! and amnesia following each episode. #hey may be difficult to distinguish from ot parasomnias or sleep-related epilepsy! which usually re uire P +with EE , for diagnosis. Nightmare Disorder 'ightmare disorder affects $% to /% of the general population! and up to 01% of young children. (ecurrent frightening dreams occur in (E) sleep! which often result in awa"enings and sleep disruption. Patients usua recall details of their disturbing dream on awa"ening. In adults! fre uent nightmares have been associated

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Post on 07-Oct-2015




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Borderline Personality Disorder


Genetics – ADHD, Bipolar, Depression
Brain abnormalities: studies have associated BPD with changes to certain parts of the brain
involved in the regulation of emotion. Improper functioning of the brain chemical used to regulate
mood may also be implicated.
Distorted self-image or sense of self 
Extreme reactions to real or perceived abandonment
Explosive emotions triggered by anxiety
Highly changeable moods
Intense and stormy relationships with friends and family
Problems controlling anger 
tress-related paranoia or dissociative symptoms.
People with BPD often have difficulty accepting gray areas in life! seeing things as either blac" or
white. #hey can feel distressed over minor separations from people who they feel close to! as a
result of business trips or sudden changes of plans! for example.
80% of people with BPD develop suicidal behaviors
Omega 3- mood stabilier 
Sleep Terrors
leep terrors! or night terrors! occur in $% to &% of children and adults. #hey consist of arousals from deep '(E)
sleep and are characteri*ed by intense behavioral manifestations of fear and autonomic hyperactivity +eg!
tachycardia! tachypnea! pupillary dilation! and diaphoresis,. #he episodes are associated with frightening dreams!
confusion! disorientation! and amnesia following each episode. #hey may be difficult to distinguish from other
parasomnias or sleep-related epilepsy! which usually reuire P +with EE, for diagnosis.
Nightmare Disorder 
'ightmare disorder affects $% to /% of the general population! and up to 01% of young children. (ecurrent
physical or emotional trauma! stress! and psychopathology. 'ightmares are characteri*ed by detailed recollection of
bad dreams +unli"e sleep terrors in which there is usually amnesia of the event,! and should be differentiated from
other parasomnias and nocturnal panic attac"s. 2nderlying psychological disturbances should be identified.