bored piles specification

qDTicTF Tr-f.rnrnhl BORED PILES (Cont 'd ) . Behavlor SECTION Z 2.1 GENERAL iJ': The dravrings shcw:-_ (a) the macrnitudes and dispositions of the v'Jorriing Loads anci moments that witr l:e transmitted to the piles at trlmmed Icrre: I . (b) ah: Iel,out. types and climensicns of the pil-es which are those consldered to ;; suitablr: by the Enqj-neer having regard to. the rcquirenents of the tjor[s to Ue built upon the piles and the ground conditions revealecl by the site investigation. n.!y changcs in the rayout type a.nd dimensions of the p1-1es_nay affeit trre''i;iructural a"iign and shall only be made if agreed vrith the Enginees. 2.1.2 Sg I'ihen all Trial piles have been approved the Contract plle size and lengths sirafl be agreeil. 2.L.1 Pile Lt>ads, I,aycut and L_oad Deflection 2.I. 3 thq-Ugjn jltund Conditions f f _ tluringr the installation of the Contracr l:i:". lhu ground, condirions Drove differenr trom thosc observed in the triat piles cr those shown in the Site Tnvestiqation Report. of if such conditions are suspected the Contractor shall. vary the sizLs an(r. f engtns of the r:iles vrithtn lhe limits ugi..a--' between the Enqineer and the coni..."to, to r:nsure that the piles are capable of meeCing the recruirements of the Specitlcation. Should tl-re .Contractor conclude that he cannof rneet il:e requirements of the Specifica_ tion by constructing piles wii:hin the limits of sizes and lengths agreed he shall at once notify the ,inqiineer . $:, :

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Page 1: Bored Piles Specification

qDTicTF Tr- f . rnrnhl BORED PILES (Cont 'd ) .





The dravr ings shcw:-_

(a) the macrni tudes and disposi t ions of thev'Jorr i ing Loads anci moments that wi t r l :etransmit ted to the pi les at t r lmmedIcrre: I .

(b) ah: Ie l ,out . types and cl imensicns of thepi l -es which are those consldered to ; ;sui tablr : by the Enqj-neer having regardto. the rcquirenents of the t jor [s to Uebui l t upon the pi les and the groundcondi t ions revealecl by the s i teinvest igat ion.

n. !y changcs in the rayout type a.nd dimensionsof the p1-1es_nay af fe i t t r re ' ' i ; i ructural a" i ignand shal l only be made i f agreed vr i th theEnginees.

2.1.2 Sg

I ' ihen al l Tr ia l p i les have been approved theContract p l le s ize and lengths s i raf l beagreei l .

2.L.1 Pi le Lt>ads, I ,aycut and L_oad Def lect ion

2.I . 3 thq-Ugjn j l tund Condit ions

f f _ t lur ingr the instal lat ion of the Contracrl : i : " . lhu ground, condir ions Drove di f ferenrtrom thosc observed in the t r iat p i les crthose shown in the Si te Tnvest iqat ion Report .of i f such condi t ions are suspected theContractor shal l . vary the s izLs an(r . f engtnsof the r : i les vr i thtn lhe l imi ts ugi . .a-- 'between the Enqineer and the coni . . . " to, tor :nsure that the pi les are capable of meeCingthe recruirements of the Speci t lcat ion.

Should t l - re .Contractor conclude that hecannof rneet i l :e requirements of the Specif ica_t ion by construct ing pi les wi i :h in the l imi tsof s izes and lengths agreed he shal l at oncenotify the , inqi ineer .

$:, :

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2.2 DESIGNcll lTEF.I/\ "

2.2.1 Ul t imate Load


I ' Ihen a Tr ia l p i le test is carr ied out theUlt imate Load is def ined as th; constantload at which the Tr la l p1le cont inues tosett le at a steady rate or the ]oad at whichthe maximum sett lement_ of the pi le topdur ing one cont inuous foaaing iycf . is onetenth of the pi le base 'vrhichever lsthe lesser. When no tr ia l p i le test iscarr led cut i l re ul t lmate r ,o ia is def ined asthe i \greed C.r lculated Ult imate ioaa.

2.2.2 L.=.igg_L_""9_

The Desiqn Load is def inecl ln rerat ion to api le loaded 1n is.c lat ion, no nearby pi lesexcept those provldlng test react i in beingIoaded " .

tr,Jhen the Ult imate Load is measured. theDesign Load is the Ul t imate Load div ided bythe specl f ied Load Factor.

I '7hen trre ul t imate Load is not measured theDesign Load is the lesser of : - -

(a) the Agreed calculated ul t lmare Loadfor- the pl le div ided b,y the speci f led

. Load Factor.

(b) the A,greed carcurated ul t imate Load oft ! " -p i le base dlv ided by a Load Factorof_3.5 together wl th rhl agreedcalculated shaft adhesion.

2.2.J Load Factors

The l Load Factors isof) \

2.2.4 y/orf1ry_!,oad


S.-rf f i i

to be a mini:num

The Working Load is the Design Load modlf ledtr-r a l lo l for group Lct ion pf ie "pu"fng-o,

anyother factors. changing the ef f lc iency'of thetotal foundat ion f iom that of a sfngie-lsolated pi le.

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2.3 TnI i l I , PILES,

2.2.5 Sett lement

2.2.6 Pr:rmlssi l : Ie Overloac' l due to l . l ind

t t , Shafts -qtress

The sebt lement of a pl le shal l rnean thcvert ical mcvcment f rom the pcsi t lon beforethe conunencement of loaci lng. For a pi leuncler test the sett lernent at an\ , load( includinq zerc lord at end

" i - ; i " "Jr"g

cycle) is that at wrr lch the rate of vert icalmc.rvement bt- :comes less than sp€ci f ic :c l rate(see Appeni l i : i A). For pi les 1oaded andunlc.eded. throuqh a numh,Lr of "y; i ; ; " . i t ro_tnent stral l ] re the cumulat ive vert ical


The tr^lor\ irg Load cleflned above may beexceeded

-bV not more than 25g vrhen t l i ._character ist lc wlnci 1cad as c lef ined in Cpr t 0 is . rdded to the most adverse comntnl l ion

of character ist ic dead ancl imposer l Loar ls.


Thc al10lvab1: compressive stress on the shaftof any plre due t ; the hrorki"g- i "oo sha1l notexceed one cluarter of the spe6i i reA cubecrushing strength at Zg davl l - - - -

2 .,-3.'L 9_.,ne!gg!1gl

Trial p i les shal l be of the same maLerialsand drrven cr forrned with i r .oJJ*. prant andin the same manner as Contract p l les unlessothervr ise agreecl . Tfru-posi t ions ane Iengthsof the rr ia l p i les shal i b; - ; ; ; ; .d

wirh theEnqineer

2.3.2 Arr . rngement for Loat l ing

Detal Is , r . f the- proposecr arranc{ement for testloac1lnq sha11 l r l .subrnl t ted r . r i - f i - ,e aoprovarcf the Sry1rr:gr. n,ei i .r" instarl-arion of Trlalp l les or-EEEFassembl ies .

2.3.3 Not j_ce of Comlrencement of fnstal lat icn

sh.r l l be gr lven at least 24of thc cof iunencement c, f eachand each tcst .

The Enqineerhours nc, t iceinstal lat ion

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2.3 TRrALPILES.(Cont rd)



I f one or inore Tr ia l p i les arean instruct ion wi I I be issuedContractor to instal l and testTr ia l p i


2. 3.4 Sequence of Loacl i rg

Loadlng shal1 fo l low the test procedurespecl f ied in Anpendix B.

Thu sequence of loading shaLl be CyclesI to 5 inclusive fo l lowed by Cycle 6 whichsha1l he ei ther Incremental- lo ld ing to 2\r)esign Load or constant Rate of penetrat ionto Ul t imate Load as speci f ied in Appendix A.

2. 3.5 App-rgval of Tr i i r1 pl les

, f , - , . : , A Tr ia l p l le-wi l l be approved af terk.-- l?- j . , i cornplet lon of test loadinq i f : _

(a) the Ul t l_mate Load is equal to orgreater than the Design Loadnul t ip l ied t ry the f .oad Factor.

(b) the mater ia ls vrorkmanshlp and methodof construct ion are accepted.

f f a l l Tr ia l p i les are approved an lnstruc_t ion wi l l be issued for Lire Contractor toproceed with the instal l -at ion of theContract p i les whlch shal l be s imi lar to theTr ia l p i les or such modif led s ize (s) andlength(s) as agreed.

not approvedfor the

addi t ional

2. '4.L Instruct ion to Test

2.4.2 Select ion of p i l_e_s to be Tested

The Contractor may be instructed to tescload Contract p i les ln orcler to conf l rmthat they meet the rcquirements of thespeci f icat ion for road-defrect i -on behavior.

fhe F: l rg i leer wi l l select the pi les to becesred at ter thelr instal lat lon.

Detal ls of the proposed arrangement for testloadlng shal f b; =.r f ,* t t t "a to the Enqlneerfor approval before rhe inst i r i " t r#f f i .ntest assemblv,


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2,4 .6

2 .5 MATERIALS . 2. ,5 .1


2.4.4 Not lce of Commencement of Te,sts

The Eng-yr'rgr shall be gi-ven at l-east 24hourE-ffifdG of the commencement ofeach test .

_SSS.nce of Lcst foading

The- seouence of loading shal l be Cycles tto 3 using the test procedure srreci f iedin Appendix A.

Load Def lect ion Cr l ter ia

Contract Pl les shal l be deencd to complvwlth the requirements of the Speci f tc i t loni f : -


(a) the cumulat ive set t lement of theContract p i le at ] l t i :nes DesignLoad does not exceed one and naftt i rnes the cumulat lve set t lemenr_ ofa s i rn l lar f r la l p i le at Lr , t imesDesign Load.

(b) the residual set t lement when testload is removed is less than C"002 in.per ton of the test load or O.2S 1n.whichever - ls the lower.

Qual i ty of Mater ig ls

l 'Jhere the speci f icat ion and drawlngs al lowthe Contractor a cholce of mater la ls to beused, in the V,Ir-;rks, the materiaLs chosen andtheir proposed sources of supply shal l besubject to approval .

AI l mater ia ls shal l comply wi th theappropr iate Br j_t- i -sh Sirndard asspeci f ied or approved.


Ccncrete shaI l be made vr l th cement,aggregate anC water. I 'Jo other inguedlentswi l - l be perni t ted unless specl f led.

AI1 cement shal l be del ivered to the s i - te inscaled containers or bulk cement lorr i -es cfsui table design and shal l be stored in awaterproof shed with a raised f lcor or asi lo of an accepted type.

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2. 5 I.'IhTFRr/TLS(Cont 'd) .

2tr ,? Concretc (Cont 'd) .

Cement shal l be used in the order 1t lsr i :ceived cn si te.

Aggregates del ivered to the s i te shal l beclean and sha1l be kept f ree f romdereter ious matter. Aggregates of dr f ferenttypes and sizes s l - ra lL be stored in separatehopRers or sel f . -c l ra intng concrute paveadrt :d,s separated by div id ing vral ls.

Admixtures may be permlt ted provided thedetairs of the ad.mixture and the associatedconcrete ni ix and tr ia l resul ts are approved.

Calcium chlor ide and admixtures containlngcalc ium, chlor ide wi l l not be permit ted.

2r5"3 Concrete Mixes



The concrete shal l be a Deslgned l41x inaccordance with the recommendat ions ofc lauses 6.5 of Cp t f 0 and colrnply wi th thereguirements l1sted in Appendix B of th isspeci f icat ion.

The tr ia i rn lx desiqn ancl the resul ts of a l lprel i rn inary tests shalr be submit ted as soonas' they are avai lable and before concretework starts on s1te.

Mix proport lcns may be adjusted 1n accord,ancewlth Clause 6.7.6 of Cp l f 0 except thatapproval shal l be gained for any change lncement or the current margin"

5.4 Ready-mj-xed Concrete

Subject to apDroval for each srade ofconcrete the Contr i -c '1or rnay use ready-mixed concrete complying wlth th is Specl f ica-t lon ln the pi l lng works" Apprcval- may bewithdrawn i f thc concrete fa i ls to conr l ly .

l4 ix lng, del iveryr supply and j -ndependenttests shal l be in accordance vr i th RS 1926:1962 exccpt where directed otherwise ln th isSpeci f icat ion.

Each load shal l be accompanled by a del iverynote stampcd with the t ime of mixlng andstat lng t l ie c( , 'nsiqnee and quant i t les of theconst i tuent rnater la l_s lncJ-uding water andacidl t ives.

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2 " 5 I'IATERrALS(Cont 'd) .

5 " 5 Sampl ing and Test inq Concrete

Thc sampl ing of v lorks concrete f romdesigned nr ixes s l : raI l be ln accordance withclause 6.8.2,2 of Cp 110 except that samplesshal l be takan at the mlxer or at the pointcf cast inq as directed. At least one sampleshal l be taken on each day that ccncrete ofthe grade is used.

' Ihe workabi l i ty of each sample: shal t bechecked and shal l be wl th in the } imits givenln ippendix C. In the case cf ready rnlxedccncrete a s lump test shal l be made on eachtruck loacl pr ior to thc concrete beingplaced.

The concrete f rc,m designed mixes sha1lccmply wi t f r c lause 6.8-"2.2 of CP f 10. i \nyccncrete which does not comply wi th thesereguirements wi I l not be accepted.

5, 6 Reinf orce-ment

Relnforcement shal l be del lvered tc s i te 1na clean condl t ion and shal l be kept c leandur l -ng stor ing, f lx ing and placlng. f ts i ra l - I Lre stored on racks c lear cf the grcund.Loose rust and mi l l scale sh.el l be removedbel iore placing.

Reirr forcement shal l be bent in accordancewj- th BS 4466 to the correct shape beforef lx lng and placing. Samples for bend testsl f required wi l l be selected bv the Englneer.

l ' i telding shall be carried out only with theagreemcrr ' t of the Engineer. Weldingmater ia ls shal l conform to and weldingprocedures shal l be carr ied out in accord-ance with the appropr iate Br l t lsh Standard.Cold-worked relnforcement to ES 446L shal lnot be welded.

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2.6. I Flacinq concrete

Site mixed concrete shal ] be placed in t tsf lnal posl t icn as soon as possible, and inno casu mL\r i i than hal f an hour af ter rn lx ing,Rr:ady-mlxei l concrete shaLl be pl t rced withinthc aqrecd t ime af ter addinq water andimrnediately l t leaves th. mixing truck oragi tatc ' r .

Concrete shal l be t ransported from the mixerto the posi t lon of the pi le in such a mannerth:r t segre<lat lon of the mix does not occur.The method of p lacing shal l be such as toensure that L.he concrete in i ts f inalposlt ion ls clense i. trr( i homr:geneous. Adequateprecaut lons shal l be taken by the use of ahonper,cr by cther approved means to ensurethat the concrete is not contaminated.Concre: te shal I only be placed through vraterl f agreeC by the Engineer. t rVcrter shaLl notbe allovred to bullE-[p-6 top of tiieconcrete c lur lng the placing of ctxcrete,Any such water shalt be rt?rnoV€d beforefurther concrete is placed "

Each pl}e shal1 be concrcted in one cont ln-uous operat ion imm,. :Cietely af ter the excava_t lon'has been completed and inspected. I fth ie cont inui ty of p lacing the c6ncreEe 1sinterrupted, nc fur ther concrete shaI l beplaced unt i l agreed by the Enqineer.

nt a l l t imes when concrete is being placed asteel f ixer shal l he in cont inuous at tend:ance to adjust and correct the posl t ion ofany reinforceinent whlch may be displaced.

2.5,2 Reouired relnforcement

The rninimum relnforcement reguirements aresirown on the Drawings.

2^ 6.3 Flacinq {y lnforceTent

I ie lnforcement shal l not be placecl unt i linspected and accepted.

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2 .6 CONSTRUCTTOIJ - 2 .6 ,3GENERAI,(Cont 'd ) .

2.6 ,4

l i laci-r i re inforcem+nt (Cont!d).

Reinfcrc. :mr:nt ls shal l be suf f ic lent lyIcnq tc ensurc that they remain at theircorrect level dur lng the placlng of thecr-rncrete and the extract ion of tempcrarvl in ing tubes. Wherc the ternporary- t ln ingtubc do(. 's nct extencl to the bottom of theexcavat i -cn thc distance by which therr : infc,rcement cagc shal l Lxtencl bclovr thebottom of the temporary l in ing tubc shal lextend be:lcr,r the bottcm of the temporaryLinincl tube shal l br : 3m"

The ln in imum cover to al l re inforcementshal l not be less than that speci f led onthe drawings.

Detai ls cf the means by which theContractor plans to ensur€ the correctccver to and posi t ion of the reinforcementshaI l be agreed.


The maximurn permisslble deviat lon att r i -mmed Ievel of the centre of eachcompletec- l p i le f rom the correct centrepolnt is 75mm in any , i i rect ionf . t f ,enaxlmum permi-sslble deviat lon t f iom thevert ical at any ]eve] of a f ln lshedpi le is I in 75,

Consecut ive ! : i1es


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t-r, '2- 1-{-;

2.6 .5

Pi les shal l be formed in an order and lnslrch a manner that no damage Ls sustalnedby previcusly f ormed p j_1es.

2.6. 6 Tempr>rar l r L in ings__gt_lcasings

Temporary l in ings shal l be of qual l ty ofmater la l lenqth and thickness adequate tothe purpose r : f prevent j_ng water andunstable soi l f rcn enter ing the pi leexcavat i . )ns.

Ecah tc:mpey6ry l ining shall be straight andtrue . lnd of uni form cross sect ion th ioughout.The intcrnal surface shal l be c lban anosmooth and free from dlstort lons that mavaffect p l le integr i ty dur ing removal ofthe tcmporary l in in. l .

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2.6 CONSTRUCTIONgeneraJ.(Cont t a)

2.6.6 Temporarv Li .n ings or Casinss (Contt AJ

Temponary h-nings shal l be placedwhenever water and soi l nray enterthe pi1e excavat ions, and shal lmaintain the excavat ions to theirful l r l i mensions and ensure thatpi les are completed to their ful lcross sect ional r l ' imensions.

Each temporany l in ing shal l beremoved in the line of the pil.ein such a nanner that no damageis caused to the newly cast p i le.

Temporary c 'asings shal l beextracted whi- le the concretewj-thin them remains suff ic ient lyworkable to ensure that theconcrete is not l i f ted.

When the casing is being extracteda suff ic ient quant i ty of concreteshal l be rnaintained within i t toenslre that pressure from externalwater, dr i l l ing fJ-uid on soi l isexceeded and that the pi le isneither reduce.d in sect ion norcontanr-Lnated.

No concrete shalJ. be placed i .n the-excavat ion once the bottom of the

casing has been J- i f ted above thetop of the concretei i t shal l beplaced cont inuously as the casingi-s extracted unt i ] - the desiredhead of concrete is obtained.

Adequate precaut ions shal.J- betaken in a] . ] . cases where excessheads of rvater or dr i l l i -ng f lu idcould be caused as the casing i -swithdrawn because of the.1i splacement of water or f lu id bythe concrete as i t f lows into i tsf inal . posi t ion agaJ-nst the wal-1.of the piJ.e shaft . Where doublecasings are used in theexcavat ion, the proposed methodof working shal l be approvedo


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2,6 CONSTRUCTIONgeneral( Cont t a)

2,6.7 Concreted Level

After concret ing and removal ofal l temporary l i -nings the levelof the concrete surface ( t f reConcreted Level) shal l be asfo]. ] -ows. Tr i-mmed 1evel is theleveJ- of the head of a piJ.eafter trimrulng to remove surplusconcrete below the concretedlevel and is the level of thehead of the pi le shorv-n on thedrarv j-ngs.

i ) Fon a pi le with tr immed-level not more than 41 6t lground J-evel the concretesurface j .s to be betweenbelow 6'r and 1t 6 ' r abovetrimmed ]-eve]..

i i ) For each L0rt by whi-ch thedepth of trimmed levelexceeds 41 6n the upperlirrri-t for the concretesurface is raised above1t6' t by 2"o

i i i ) Where temporary l in ingsare used to prevent rvaterenter ing the pi l .e excavat ionthe concreted level shal]-be at least l0rr above thestanr{ ing level of groundwater.

iv) Where concnete is placedunder water or driJ.J.ingf lu id the concreted levelshal l be at least Zr abovetr immed leveln

2.6, B Backf i l l ing emptrr bor ing

Every empty boring shal l - bebackf i ] - ] -ed above concreted levelto ground J-evel not more than24 hours af ter concret ing iscompleted. The lorvest 6r of thebackf i l l . lng shal- l be wi th sandof colour contras'bing with theadjacent soi- lo

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2.6 CONSTRUCTIONgeneral(Contt 6)


2.6.9 Records

The Contractor shal l make acomplete record of each pi le.

One set of the records for a] . ] .pl les shal- l be kept on si teand be avai lable for inspect ionduring the progress of theContract .

Two signed. copies of the completerecords shal l be suppl ied to theEngineer wi-thin two weeks ofcomplet ion of s i te worksr

This sect ion of the Specif i -cat ion shal.J.apply to pi l ing operat ions in which soi lis excavated by grab or drop bucket orby mechanical . augerr

2.7.1 Use of dr i1 l ing f lu id

DriJ. l ing fJ.uid shal l be used inconjunct ion rvi th temporary casingto maintain stabi l i tv ofexcavated hole.

2.7.2 Dni l l ine F]-uj .d

The fJ-uid shal.J. be preparedssampled and tested as speci f in Appendlx C. I f testsshorv the fJ.uid does not complythe f lu id shal- l . be whol ly orpart ly replaced beforereinforcement and concrete areplaced.

2.7. J Sqrface Level of Dr i l l ine Fluid

The surface 1-evel of dr iJ- l ingf lu id shalJ. be kept at least 3 tabove the standing J.eveJ' ofgroundwatero I f this levelcannot be kept the Engineershal] . immerl i ately be inf ormedand the Contractor shal1 takemeasured to prevent col l .apse ofthe ground,


Page 13: Bored Piles Specification


2.7 DETAILS OF 2.7.6 Cleaning of Pi le BasesCONSTRUCTIONBORED PILES On complet ion of excavat i-orr ,(Contta) al l loose r l is turbed and

remoulded soi l shal l beremoved from the base of thepi le.

2.7. / Pi le Inspect ion

The Contractor shal l a l low foreach piJ.e excavat ion to beinspected by the Engineerbefore reinforcement and concreteare placed.

The Contractor shalJ. provide al1necessary faci l i t i -es to enable

. the Engi-neer to rnake theinspect ion of each pi le excavat ionincluding faci l i t ies to checkthe depth vert ical i ty and posi t ion.

2.7 . B Fi-eld Control in Construct ion

2.7,8.L Determ-inat ion of p i le lengthand founding strata of the pi les

The tenderer shal l al ] -ow j .n histender for carry ing out f ieJ-dcontrol tests for detern- iningthe length of each pi le to becast"

Any control method based soJ.elyon a qual i tat ive visualexarn-Lnat ion of the soi l samplestaken out of the boreholedur ing instal l not be accepted.

A control method in the form ofquant i- tat j -ve tests shal1 be thecr i ter ion for acceptance. Inthis respect, a preferred methodof control is the StandardPenetrat ion Test (S.P.T.) orDeep Sounding performed inaccordance with B.S.L377 or anyother equivalent quant i tat ivetest to be approved by theEngineer "


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'1 "7 uii ' t 'ArLS 0F

C(]NSTlTUCTIONtJ0tioD I ' ILts( Corr . t t d)

, .7Q'ra a / CA a L

' )1R')'a / ava-

Deterrninat ion of p iJ.e lengt l - rand founr l i ng stra 'ba of the

Should the tenderer elect touse S.P.T. as the f ie ld controltest , S.PoT. shal l be carr ied"oub a'b every 510'r j_nterval orat any change of soi l strata i fthe carry ing capaci ty of thepi le is part ia l ly based on pi leshaft resistance.

Soundness of the Cast-1n-si tuConcrete

The tenderer shal l proposemethod for checking the soundnes;of the cast- in-s i tu concrete ofthe pi- les instal .J.ed" One of thepreferred rnethod is to load. test5% of the pi- les instal led. tot l ice rvorking loado Horvever,the tenderer i .s at l j .berty topropose any ot i rer- met l - rod forchecking the sound:ress of thecast- i -n-s i tu concrete of thepi le.


Page 15: Bored Piles Specification





The test e issembly shal l be capable of thesafe appl icat ion of the fo l lowlng lc,ads.The method of concluct lng the stx ih cycle ofPreLlmlnary Fl le lo:ding ls sneci f ie&. (Tr,is incrernentar LoadinE and cRt,L is constanti iate of penetrat ion Loadirg) .



(a ) Tr ia lPi . les

Required TestCaeac l ty

qf*.,re ron,E ror, ii.Cl






(b) Cc.ntract Test capaci ty tc be I f t lmesP1les Design Loacl stated in the

[ ' i ] -e ScheduLe Appendix A

., 2 . B. 2 T-e_:!_,19 egm]:fy

Laycuts of the test assembly must beapprcved by the Enqinecr.

Thg test asse,rnbl l r shal l be constructe, j andsupporter l such that safe access to al lparts of the assembly may be maCe at aI It imes tLur inr : a test "

The force tr: lo.rd the pire shalr be provrd.ed,by jacklng aqalnst the react j .on of k lnt ledge.

I f ln the opinicn of the Encineer the s l teis such that pl l , : upl i f t caiseATy Criv lngadjacent pi les mav occur the r* .c l ion fort r ia l 1r i1e tests shal l be provlc led bytension 1; j fgs vrhich shal t bc , f r j_ven i -n anorder to be asreed wlth the Englneer.

Dr lven pi les shat l not be use- l 3s tensionni les for contract p, , i le tests.

fr r'. -- ?uc t J- I r . B1 /671 ^ TOWtrk pIL"

TTT / I {

Page 16: Bored Piles Specification



2.8 ITLE TESTASSEI4BLY1\ND TESTPR.OCEDURE(appsr.rou( A)(Cont 'd ) ,


Z " 8, . t I . I

2. 8.4.2

2.8.2 39:. ! .- l€-:g! ly (cont 'd) .

The Sul : -Contractcr shal l sutrmit completedetai ls of the test assembly he oroposesto adopt for the Encl lneeros-AccenEance.Thesa ctetairs shaf-ll-riFrfiEE a comprere rlstof al l equipment to be, usecl in the testincluding rnanufacturer 's namc anc cataroguenunrber and any other ident l f icat lon marks.

2.8 .3 ! te! !c, i of annly inq Load to the Test pi les

The test force shal l be annl ieC concentr i -cal ly to the test p i le by means of a s inglehyCraul lc jack. hthen the Ccrnstant p.ate ofPenetrai : icn test is specl f led the jack punpcapaci ty shal1 be aclequate tc maintain thereguire<1 rate of p i le movement.

The permlssible extenslon of the jack shal lbe such that for each tr ia l p l1e lhe pl tecan be moved cont lnuously and withoutrep,ackingl for a dj-stance f 5t of the testpl le base diameter. Al lovrance sha11 l : ,emarlc for " take-ul-r" cf the react icrn c- tsst- ,ml- , .1 w

pi1_C*_tgs.t_ e_rs_1bl1 s-vver!'v*i '

l:Ie a s _u.r e-me n L - _g r_*I, o a aThe'whole load shal l be measureC l :y acal ibratecl sauge cal lbrat ,ed hy an ipprorreoauthor i ty.

Vert j -cal movement shal l be measured by fourr1lal gnucre extensometers.

Th.: extensometers shal l be posi t ionedmutual ly at r ight anqles and at esualdistanct: f rom the ccntre of the tJst p i le.

The plur igers of the extensonreters shalr bearon plane glass or machined metal p latcs setIevcl .

Tc extencl the ranle of the extensometers 1, ,th lck metal or ! ; lass blocks wi th paral Ie lsurfaces shal l be prcvic lecl in suf i ic ientnunber to a] Icw cont lnuous measure.ncnts ofdef lect ion up to I 0t of the test p i lec. l ianeter.

B. ] ] I I , " 81 / 6'1 - j r lArrrr lr . i r ;rr

Page 17: Bored Piles Specification

SI ' l IC I i : ICA' I TON BORED I) ILES (Cont 'd) .

?. B. PILE TXST 2* B_-1.3ASSJ]I!$LY

A}{D T]1STPnoctrDUrdl/ lr D Drr l.Trt T1: Z' \\ (^r A! ! rv.gL rL/

(Cont ' d )

2.8'*1. t ' i

) . R q4 av. J

)Ct( lL at v. J a*

?(. \C1PaatJ.-


1:, benchmark rvhich hc-\s i tsr : f s i te con.- l i t ions shaI l

The levcl instrument anCsult r ) - le to ql iv lnq dj . rcctr .ccuracy of . 0 04 " (* .g " awith e pt ic.r l rn icrom*tcr,

IeVi :1 indcpcnJcntl -

- . , , ^ - . '1

staf f shal l i :craacl incrs to annr, , r - i q. ' - I cv. . I

and an Invar staf f )

shal l keep the t ;sts undcrcor lpe-tcDt supervis ion to t i rc

the Enoineer.

Referunce Beams and Renchmark

T'hc ref crerrce i - reams shel l L- ,c securely f ixedLr: adequatc supports , e . qt " i :o l ted r-rr welc ledto str le l stakes clr iven intcr the qround.

i rote:ct ic,n cf the Test Assenb,Iy

The ent l re mi,rasur ingr assembly shal l l :eprotr-ctet" . throu. lhout test ing against ra in,c l l rect sunl ic;ht anC any cther dlsturbancewhich coulr l af fect the rel iabl ] i tv ofreaci ing s .

A nraxinrum/minimuni thermometcr (oC) shal l i ,enr^rr i r l , . r l an. ' l f

- rmnr. f a i - t t f i : r r ,at l i nc:s sh,r I I ber{vur u !vr .urrrr>

taken at r . ,qular lntervals throuqhout t i retcst ner ic. i :@Concretr : Strenr i th

i i l t :s sclect . :C for test ing shal l not beIoaded unt i l the ccncrete strenqth is shownl- ,y cube tests ( the resul ts of which ,ere1n b.rrpretc- :C ln the rnann-r spcc i f icC ) to beat least twice the pi le stress at thegreat i :st test load ( ignor lng any reinforce-mcnt) or the pl le concrete is at l "east seven.1avs olr l whicht ,v.rr g iv. :s the lcwer per iodcf t i-mr: .

Sup( i rv i .s ion cf TesLs

Tfrc C<rrr t r , lc torcont inu. iLrs and,sat is f act j - , - r r j of

I raci l l t rcs icr thc Enl incer

- i , I l r lccessarv faci l i t ies sha]1 I e proviCeCti , . :n;rhle tht- I lnqinecr tc, t . lk t t nt l ch, :ckrsJi l in,- ,s r l r - r r inc the, p iogress of the te sts.

Page 18: Bored Piles Specification


'2 .9 " I , f L] l Ti is ' t 2 .B .5 . ,^) D ia , l Gauc, le l ic .ad inqs/,li S iltvi-D,L'yAIID 'L ig,T DiaI . lauqc rcacl ings of p i lc rnovement sh: I lI ,ROCtrDII ITJI ] :e mac, le at f reguent intervals c lur inr l each(; : tPPEl i i : A) pi le loaLin, l cvcle as agreer l vr i th the(ConL'c l ) Fn'1 i l l . " r r -

2.8.5,5 i iat_. : , f Vert ic: I l . lovcurcnt Def in inc:9.Elach incrernent of lc t36 shal l i :e malntainedunt i l tht rate of set t l rNrent does notcrcceC " 002 " in hal f an hcur rneisurer l cvera hal f hour interval- anci thc amount ofsct t lernr,nt shaII be that recorclecl vrhen thisrata= is reachec.

2. 8.5. 6 ' lc ,st Lc,e:L.Cyc. lg:_ 1 _Ic 5

Loet l inS ; ind unloacl inc_- and the taking ofl "evei rcac- l1nqs straI I ] :e made in thefc l lowing s€eu€ncu of each Test Loa, l CycIe.

( f ) T 'ake l t :vel reaJlngs of the suppcrtsc: i t i l . , reference l - :eams ani test p i l -e, l : r turn

Teet LceC Cl lcIe

CYclc C,tcfe Cycle Cycle CycIer23-1 5

( i j - ) / ippIyLoar-1 t.:q iv. , txDL DL I lxDL I \xDL I laxDl,

( i i i ) Di t t , - r lxDL r txDL I \xDL l .*xDL 2xDL

(iv) Di t t . txDL(rr) Di t tc DL

I . l i , : Dl , = De si l rn Loat- l

(v1) Take l .e l 'e l raadinqs of the supports ofof thr , : rcferencc beams an,J testrr i .Lc c latum .

(v i i ) Unloac1 i r r thrce 3pproxim.: t ; ly t rc iualStr, ,DS "

Page 19: Bored Piles Specification

SFIICII : ICATI ON I_rOi€D i . ILt : tS (Ccnt ' t r ) ,

2.,8" pfLE TI jST ISst r ,o"a" f to S (Cont,d)./TSSEI'IBLt'

fLl{D TlilLlTPiIOCEDUIIll(i\PPtrt:lDr.){ A )(conb 'd )

(v j - l i ) At zero load al lovr pl le to recoverunt i l the rate of rebouncl does norexceecl 0.05mm ln hal f an hour.

( ix) ' Ia l ie Lcvel readings of the supportsof the reference beams and testpi1 c datum.

2.8.5,7 Tcst Load Cycle 6

Incrcrnental loading ( IL )

blhcn incrernerr ta l lo.rdinq is spcci f ieC f orthr Cyclc 6 the proc! :dure shal l be asf o l - Iows: *

( i ) Take }evel readings of the supportsof the referc-nce-, beams and the testpi le daturn.

( i i ) Apply 2 t imes Design Load"

( i i i ) ipp ly ' ) , t ime s De-s 1gn Load .

( iv) arr l ly 2\ t jm.:s Desisn Load"

(v)_ Tlakc, level readings of th. : supportsof the refera,nce beams ancl the-testpi lc datum.

(vi) Unl-oad in t l . . ree approximatcly r .eualstcps "

(v i l ) At zero load al low the pi le torecovcr unt i l the rate Of raL,ounddo*s not exceed "0C2' , per hal f -hour.

(v i i - i ) t 'ake l r :Vcl readings of the supportsof t -ht : refurcnca beams and the testpi le daturn.

Constant Ratc of Penctrat ion Loadlng (CRPL).

( f l :en constant r :ate of penetrat ion loadlngls spccl f ied for the Slxth cycly, loadlngshal l be in such a manner as to malncal ,n aconst;rnt ratc of penetrat lon t i i roughout,TI-rc rate of pene trat ion 36lnn1- ' : r l qh.- ' l I h -

0.003 " per minute.

Page 20: Bored Piles Specification


?t i


j ' IUJ TtrST Z.8.5. '7;iSS]i}{BLY




T,:st Load Cycl-e 6 (Cont 'd) .

Rcadings of load and movement shal l betaken at intervals of f 5 seconcls to designLoad and thereafter at suf f ic ient f requencyto control- the rate of penatrat ion anddef ine proper ly the load-s-t t lenrent curve.The elevat ion of the datum beam suppol : tsshal l be checked L,v precise levef wi t f ,refcrence to a f ixed bench mark before theconnencement of the test and at t i rcmaximum load.

' Iest Reports

At the conclusion of work each day theContractor shal l send to thc Engincer acopy of h is dai ly record shceEl--

The Contractor shal l send to the Engineervrithin one week of the completicn-6E-EEEftest four copies of a l - l records graphs andresul- ts of laboratory and in-s l tu testsrc late:d to the lnstal lat ion and test ing ofeach pi le tested. This inf ornrat j -on shal linclude load against set t lement diaqrams.


I ' l in lmum cement content whereconcrete 1s to be placed by t ramic

l t laximum cement content

l ' laxinrum frce water/cement rat ic

i rJorkabi l i ty


The measured slump valuesshal l be wi th ln the ranqeof 6" to 8".

* l . i l4


61 5 lbr /cu . yd .

s 5 0 kglo3

Page 21: Bored Piles Specification

S[ 'LC l FI .CATIOI. ] . BORIID PILTS (Cont ud ) "

2 " t )

2 .10.

col:x3Rli'ru(iPPitNDrx(cont 'd ) .

DnII,I.,IblGI l I , .J ID


Trlal mi:<es. For each grade fcur consccut lvcbatches siral I bc made and six comnressirre strengthspecimens takcn from each batch. Two specimcnsfrom eacir batch shal l be tested af ter cur ing forj d." . rz. ' l 1. wo ;r f { - . , r - n,rr i nn €or ?B daws ,rrrd LWO af tcf,gqj /J/ug-) 'J

cur lng ln 3ny othcr , rgr- ;d reglmc for an agreedper lod. I ' lorkabi l l ty and compressive strengthtests shal l bc made as spccj- f ied. The concretewl} l l - .e accepted i f i t compl ics wi th the speci f ledconpl iance l in i ts for concrete cured ln accordancewith BS IB6I.

De:tal Is cf test procedures

Method of ass.ssment of concrete


^ -a^^AS IJb fJZO

(apprilorx F)

2. I0. I Bentoni tc

Thc qual i ty of Bentoni te suppl ied to s i tefor use in the Works shal l accord wi thSpeci f lcat ion DICP4 of the OiI Companj-esI ' tater la ls , ' issociat i -on " Eentoni te sha] l - beobtained froni an approved manufacturer andshaI l be dc, I i lzered to s i te 1n bplkcontainers or sealed bags marked with theidcnt l ty of the manufacturer " The Contrac-tor shal l - cbtain the m.ansfacturcr 's cert i f i -cate chovr i i rg the fo l lov,r ing propclr ies ofeach consignmen'c c ie l ivered to e i te.

s. (a)

I l - \ l

Apparent v iscosi t .y in cont ipoises

Gel strength range in \Tewtonsper sguare rcetre

2 " , 10,3

2. 'LO-2 Storaqe of Bentoni te

Bentoni te shal l be stored in s i los oi anaccoptcd type or in a vraterproof shedrvi th raised f loor.

}!i::i+q qf Lb'_iF

Bentoni te, c lean t lat<=,r and approvcd sl- Ia11be mixed within thc agreed proport ions inan acceptcd nannor ' to produce a dr i l l ingf l r - r id sui table to r , ra intaininq thestabi l i tv of excavat ions "

Page 22: Bored Piles Specification


) 10. Dg,ILLIi, IO.PLUX,O(APPENDIX T )(cont 'd ) .

2. j .o. , i lgnrpl ing and Test int t

Each batch of f reshly prepared or reconst i -tuted slurry shal l be sampled and testedand th: resul ts accepted befcre i t ls usedir-r excavi i t ions. The f requcncy of sanrpl ingand tcst lnr l s lurry f rom var ious parts ofthe ( jxcavat ions shal l be aqrccrd.

T-ellsThe Corrtractor shaII establ lsh a sui tablyequipped and propvr ly malntained si telaboratory and providc skl l led staf f andaII necessery anparatus to undertake thesanrpl inq . rnd te st lng.

Th.: tests glven in the fo l lowj-ng tableshal l be carr ied out in acccrCance withthe procedures given ln AFI F.P]38 SixthEdit lon . l ipr i l I97 6. Var lat ions ln testprocedure ani t .he number of tests madc oncach sample shal l be agreed.


Tests and compl lance values. for dr l l I ing f lu lCprenared f rom Bentoni te nanuf acturer l in the U. K.

Froperty Test m,=thodto be andm;.. qt t r r , r l - r r1r , a r a l - r r cJl , | - ' \ } I u uuJ

Compl iance v: IucsI leasured at 2 0oC

API R.P I 3Sect lon

lq ql lnr ! l i ; r l" - r L-

to pi le( :mn I c.

f rompl lenr i r . rt ' t r \ / r

tonl rni na


Page 23: Bored Piles Specification

S.[ 'ECII ' ICATION " BOIIED DILES (Cont ,c ' l ) .

2 " I0. n&rLl . r l , la 2 r 10.5 ISgq: (cont 'c l ) "r.'LUID(Ap'E'DIX Densi ty l {ud }ralance I Less than Less than

F) l .LOglml l . r5glml

(cont 'd) ' F lu ic l loss Lorv tcml.rera* 3 Less than Lcss thanIoss ture test 40mI 60mI(30 nln" f lu ld losstest)

Viscosi tv l {arsh cone 2 30 to 70 Lcss thanseconds 9 Lr seconds

Shear She .eromcter 2 19 to l0 l ' l / ? ^to

10N/strength ml nr '( I0 min .gerstrengt i r )

" Fann yisco* ' t 4 ^to

40N/ 4. to 4011/meter m' mz

Sand Sand screen 4 Less than Lcss thanccntent SeE 5Z I 08

pH Electr ical pH 9 . 5 to 9. 5 toIneter to 1 0. I 11 . 7BS 3445irange pH 1 tc

' r4

2. IO-6 CoTpI lance

Cumpl lance wi l l be accepted t f the const i -tu:nt mater ia ls neet L.he requiremcntsspuci f ied and thc tcst resul ts are vr i th int .hc ranges shovrn 1n the Table above or suchother ranges as are agreed.