boron fibres

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  • 7/31/2019 Boron Fibres


    Boron FibresBoron Fibres

  • 7/31/2019 Boron Fibres



    Inherently brittle materialInherently brittle material

    Produced by chemical vapour depositionProduced by chemical vapour deposition High temperature processHigh temperature processLimited substrate materialsLimited substrate materials Tungsten or Carbon fibre is usedTungsten or Carbon fibre is usedItself a composite fibreItself a composite fibre

    First boron fibre obtained byFirst boron fibre obtained by WeintraubWeintraub in 1911in 1911Commercial production started during 1960Commercial production started during 1960At present, usage is very much limitedAt present, usage is very much limited

  • 7/31/2019 Boron Fibres



    Thermal decomposition of a boron hydrideThermal decomposition of a boron hydride

    Involves low temperaturesInvolves low temperatures

    CarbonCarbon--coated glass fibres can be usedcoated glass fibres can be used

    Weak due to lack of adherenceWeak due to lack of adherence

    Much less dense owing to the trapped gasesMuch less dense owing to the trapped gases

    Reduction of boron halideReduction of boron halide


    + 3H+ 3H22

    2B + 6HX2B + 6HX

    XX ClCl, Br, I, Br, I High temperature processHigh temperature process Refractory material substrateRefractory material substrate


    High & uniform quality fibresHigh & uniform quality fibres

  • 7/31/2019 Boron Fibres


    Schematic of boron

    filament production by the CVD technique

  • 7/31/2019 Boron Fibres


  • 7/31/2019 Boron Fibres


    Formation TemperatureFormation Temperature

    Below critical temperature (CT)Below critical temperature (CT)

    AmorphousAmorphousAbove CTAbove CT


    Stationary wireStationary wire

    CT is 1000CT is 1000CCMoving wireMoving wire CT is higherCT is higherCT increases with speedCT increases with speed

  • 7/31/2019 Boron Fibres


  • 7/31/2019 Boron Fibres


    Structure & MorphologyStructure & Morphology

    Structural defects & morphological irregularitiesStructural defects & morphological irregularitiesdeteriorate the mechanical propertiesdeteriorate the mechanical properties

    Depend on the conditions of depositionDepend on the conditions of depositionComposition of gases, gas dynamics, temperature,Composition of gases, gas dynamics, temperature,


    Temperature gradients & trace impurities areTemperature gradients & trace impurities areprocess irregularitiesprocess irregularities

    Greater irregularities caused byGreater irregularities caused by

    Fluctuations in electric powerFluctuations in electric powerInstability in gas flowInstability in gas flowOther operator induced variablesOther operator induced variables

  • 7/31/2019 Boron Fibres



    Depends on deposition conditionsDepends on deposition conditions

    Melt/CVD above 1300Melt/CVD above 1300CC

    --rhombohedralrhombohedralLower temperature (

  • 7/31/2019 Boron Fibres


  • 7/31/2019 Boron Fibres


  • 7/31/2019 Boron Fibres


    Barrier coatingBarrier coating

    SiC barrier coating prevents adverseSiC barrier coating prevents adverse

    reactionreactionegeg. between Al & B. between Al & B

    SiC is vapour deposited using a mixture ofSiC is vapour deposited using a mixture ofHH22

    & methyl& methyl dichlorosilanedichlorosilane

  • 7/31/2019 Boron Fibres


    Corn-cob structure of boron fibre

    Consisting of nodules separated by boundaries

    Nodule size varies during the course of fabrication

  • 7/31/2019 Boron Fibres


    Residual stressesResidual stresses

    Boron fibres have inherent residualBoron fibres have inherent residual

    stressesstressesGrowth stresses in the nodules of boronGrowth stresses in the nodules of boron

    Stresses induced by diffusion of boron into WStresses induced by diffusion of boron into Wcorecore

    Stresses generated by difference in TECStresses generated by difference in TEC

    Compressive stresses on surface due toCompressive stresses on surface due toquenching actionquenching action

  • 7/31/2019 Boron Fibres


    Residual stress pattern in boron fibre

  • 7/31/2019 Boron Fibres


    Fracture characteristicsFracture characteristics

    Brittle materialBrittle material

    distribution of strengthsdistribution of strengthsnot capable of deforming plasticallynot capable of deforming plastically

    Imperfections lead to stress concentrationsImperfections lead to stress concentrations

    Cracks originate at preexisting defectsCracks originate at preexisting defects

    located at boronlocated at boron--core interface/ surfacecore interface/ surface

    Surface defects are due to nodularSurface defects are due to nodular


  • 7/31/2019 Boron Fibres


    Radial cracks due to internal stresses

    Cracks run from within the core to just inside

    Characteristic brittlefracture of B fibre

  • 7/31/2019 Boron Fibres



    YoungYoungs modulus is 380s modulus is 380--400 GPa400 GPa

    Does not show intrinsic strength under tensileDoes not show intrinsic strength under tensileloadingloading

    Average tensile strength is 3Average tensile strength is 3--4 GPa4 GPa

    Intrinsic strength of B obtained in flexure testIntrinsic strength of B obtained in flexure test

    Strength of 14 GPa observedStrength of 14 GPa observedDensity of 100Density of 100 mm B/W fibre is 2.6 g/ccB/W fibre is 2.6 g/ccMelting point is 2040Melting point is 2040CC

    Thermal expansion coefficient is 8.3 X 10Thermal expansion coefficient is 8.3 X 10--66


  • 7/31/2019 Boron Fibres


  • 7/31/2019 Boron Fibres



    Used in a number of military aircraftsUsed in a number of military aircrafts

    FF--14, F14, F--15 and US space shuttle15 and US space shuttleUsed for stiffening golf shafts, tennisUsed for stiffening golf shafts, tennis

    rackets and bicycle framesrackets and bicycle framesOne big obstacle is high costOne big obstacle is high cost

    Higher cost is due to the costly W substrateHigher cost is due to the costly W substrate

  • 7/31/2019 Boron Fibres


    Find out the final density of B fibre of diameter 100 m deposited on

    a W fibre of diameter 12.5 m. Density values of B & W are 2.34 & 19.3 g/cm3
