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EMBRYOLOGY OF FLOWERINGPLANTS: Terminology and ConceptsT.B. Batygina (ed.): Komarov BotanicalInstitute, St. Petersburg, Russia


978-1-57808-188-2; 2002; 439 pages, hc;$ 143.40

The book is divided into threeparts: Flower, Anther, and Ovule.It summarizes the classical andcurrent concepts about flowergenerative organs, their structureand development, and about seedformation processes. The bookcontains ample material that can beemployed in theoretical generaliza-tions, in analyzing the distributionof features (or their uniqueness)and evolutionary transformationsof structures. This offers vastpossibilities for revising the existingand developing new classificationsand concepts.


978-1-57808-263-6; 2005; 786 pages, hc;$ 168.00

In this important work researcherswith/influenced by the Departmentof Embryology and ReproductiveBiology, Komarov Botanical Insti-tute, Russian Academy of Sciences,treat plant processes now control-lable by plant breeders due to newhypotheses, data, technologies, andmethods. Concepts covered includecritical periods of embryo develop-ment and seed genetic heterogeneity.

“Any one interested inseeds at any point fromdouble fertilization togermination will find muchuseful, new, and interestinginformation in this volume.”

— The Quarterly Review of Biology,Vol. 81, No. 3, September 2006


978-1-57808-241-4; 2003; 316 pages, pb;$ 55.40

The author offers an overview ofpollen biology and biotechnologyfor students and researchers inareas such as reproductive biology,biotechnology, aeropalynology,plant breeding, horticulture, andforestry.

“The book is primarilydesigned for teachers andstudents of pollen biologycourses.”

— Folia Geobotanica, 39/2, 2004

CONTENTS: Pollen Biology: Pollen Develop-ment; Pollen Morphology and Aeropalynology;Pollen Viability and Vigour; In Vitro PollenGermination and Pollen Tube Growth; PollenSterility; Pistil; Pollination; Pollen-pistilInteraction and Fertilization; Self-incompatibil-ity; Interspecific Incompatibility / PollenBiotechnology: Optimization of Crop Yield;Commercial Production of Hybrid Seeds;Transfer of Useful Genes to Crop Species;Induction of Haploids from Pollen Grains;Production of Other Economic Products

JOURNEY OF A SINGLECELL TO PLANTS.J. Murch: National Tropical BotanicalGarden, Kalraheo, Hawaii, USAP.K. Saxena: University of Guelph, Guelph,Ontario, Canada

978-1-57808-352-7; 2005; 384 pages, hc;$ 109.80

In plants, the ability to regenerateidentical individuals from singlecells is the basis for modernagriculture. These scientificadvancements have given usvirus-free stocks, novel germplasms,clonal propagation systems, and thecommercial introduction of difficultto propagate plant species. Thetimescale for breeding programs wasdramatically reduced as plant tissue

culture technologies were developedto shorten the time between genera-tions and reduce the number ofgenerations required for a line to bedeveloped. Without the capacity toregenerate plants, it would not havebeen possible for plant biotechnologyand genetic engineering to haveadvanced this far.This book contains detailed reviewsby the leading scientists who madethese discoveries.

CHROMOSOME BOTANYArchana Sharma and S. Sen

978-1-57808-183-7; 2002; 168 pages +5 color plates, 180 240 mm, pb; $ 54.90

The book covers both the basics ofplant chromosomes as well asadvances such as molecular charac-teristics, to give the reader anunderstanding of the chromosomeas vehicle of hereditary transmission.

CONTENTS: Chromosome structure: Physical,chemical and molecular nature of fibris,replicons, euchromatin, heterochromatin,genes with subdivisions, nuclesome, cen-tromere, telomeres, nucleolar organizingregions, repeat DNA sequences andtransposons; Cell cycle, mitosis, and meiosis;Karotype concept; Chromosomal changes andbiodiversity; Chromosome evolution ofdifferent plant groups; Chromosomes andorgan differentiation; Chromosomes anddifferentiation of sex; Nuclear DNA and plantevolution; Identification of finer segments andgene sequences in chromosomes: Bandingpattern; In situ molecular hybridization;Chromosomes as affected by physical andchemical agents in the environmentbioindicators; Future scope

Botany/ Plant Reproduction




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PLANT PHYSIOLOGYCharacteristics, Breeding, and GeneticsRamdane Dris: University of Helsinki,FinlandCatherine Barry-Ryan: University ofLimerick, Ireland

978-1-57808-240-7; 2002; 212 pages, hc;$ 76.20

This book constitutes a compilationof select articles presented at aworkshop on ‘Plant Physiology—Characteristics, Breeding andGenetics’ held in June 2001 atBabtai Horticultural ResearchInstitute, Babtai, Kaunas, Lithuania.

This book focuses on factors affect-ing physiological changes occurringduring the growth and developmentof plants with a view to cropbreeding. The book should be usefulto scientists, researchers, students, orexperts dealing with plant physiol-ogy, plant biotechnology, plantpathology, breeding, and genetics.

PHOTOSYNTHESISRegulation Under Varying LightRegimesV.S. Rama Das

978-1-57808-343-5; 2004; 206 pages, hc;$ 72.80

The book broadly reviews theresearch literature on light regula-tion in photosynthesis in higherplant systems, along with somediscussion of green algae andcyanobacterial examples whereappropriate. Chapters present therecent state of knowledge related tophotoinhibition; photoprotection;leaf heliotropism, solar tracking,and regulation of light interception,acclimation of photosynthesis tolight environment, and transgenicand biotechnological approaches.

“The present book onphotoinhibition of photosyn-thesis is informative andis available at an attrac-tive price of US$ 65.Irecommend the book to alleducational institutions,teachers and researchworkers interested inthe field.”

— Current Science, Vol. 89, No. 7,October 2005

PLANT CELL BIOLOGYWilliam V. Dashek and Marcia Harrison (eds.)

978-1-57808-376-3; 2006; 506 pages, pb*;$ 55.00

This textbook stresses on conceptsand is inquiry-oriented. To this end,there is extensive use of originalresearch literature. In addition itpresents citations and summaries ofcertain laboratory methods. Itstresses quantitative data to enhancethe student’s analytical abilities. Thevolume contains computer-spreadsheets and references to statisticalpackages, e.g. Harvard Graphicsand Statistica.

CONTENTS: Introduction: William V. Dashek;Scientific Method: William V. Dashek; BasicChemical Principles: Karen J. Brewer;Biomolecules I: Carbohydrates, Lipids,Proteins and Nucleic Acids: William V. Dashek;Biomolecules II: Biologically ImportantMolecules Other than Carbohydrates, Lipids,Proteins, and Nucleic Acids: William V. Dashek;Subcellular Organelles: Structure and Function:W.V. Dashek and T.S. Kaneko; Movement ofMolecules Across Membranes: SusannaMalmström; Mitosis in Plant Cells: VirginiaShepherd; Meiosis in Plants: Renata Sniezko;Mendelian Genetics: G.S. Miglani; ProteinSynthesis: William V. Dashek; Plant Metabo-lism — Respiration: Neil Browlby; Photosynthe-sis: J. Kenneth Hoober; Plant Hormones andSignal Transduction: Marcia Harrison

* Hardcover also available.

Botany/ Plant Biology

CELL DIAGNOSTICSImages, Biophysical and BiochemicalProcesses in AllelopathyEditors:V.V. Roshchina: Russian Academy ofSciences, Institute of Cell Biophysics,Pushchino, RussiaS.S. Narwal: CCS Haryana AgriculturalUniversity, Hisar, India

978-1-57808-510-1; July 2007; 224 pages,hc; $ 77.80

This methodology book describes therecent approaches to study suitablemodel cellular systems for analysis ofintercellular interactions, microscopicimaging of cells in the diagnostics ofplant allelopathic effects and analyticalestimation of some biochemical andbiophysical processes occurringbetween the contacting cells.

CONTENTS: Cellular Model Systems:Allelopathy and Plant Cell Diagnostics: S.S.Narwal and V.V. Roshchina; Cellular Models asBiosensors: V.V. Roshchina; Microalgae forDeterming the Effects of Allelochemicals:Claudia Ciniglia et al.; Bryophytes to TestAllelochemicals in vitro: Simonetta Giordano;New Methods of Microscopy in CellularDiagnostics: Microscopic Methods to StudyMorpho-cytological Events during the SeedGermination: Giovanni Aliotta et al.; OpticalCoherence Tomography and Optical Coher-ence Microscopy to Monitor Water Absorp-tion: V.V. Sapozhnikova et al.; OpticalCoherence Microscopy: Study of PlantSecretory Structures: V.V. Roshchina et al.;Laser-scanning Confocal Microscopy (LSCM):Study of Plant Secretory Cell: V.V. Roshchinaet al.; Luminescent Cell Analysis in Allelopa-thy: V.V. RoshchinaMethods of Analytical Biochemistry andBiophysics: Biochemical Approach to StudyOxidative Damage in Plants Exposed toAllelochemical Stress: A Case Study: RocioCruz-Ortega and Ana Luisa Anaya; Cholinest-erase as a Biosensor Reaction for NaturalAllelochemicals: Pesticides and Pharmaceuti-cals: Arkadii Yu. Budantsev and V.V. Roshchina;Methods to Study Effect of Allelochemicals onAlgae Membrane Integrity: Feng-Min Li andHong-Ying Hu; Total Phenolics and PhenolicAcids in Plants and Soils: Djurdjevic Lola etal.; Computational Methods to StudyProperties of Allelochemicals and Modellingof Molecular Interactions in Allelopathy: LoPiparo E. et al.; Allelopathic Pollen: Isolatingthe Allelopathic Effects: Stephen D. Murphy.




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PLANT ECOPHYSIOLOGYJean-Claude Leclerc: l’université deSaint-Etienne, Etienne, France

978-1-57808-247-6; 2002; 314 pages, hc;$ 75.00

In this translation of the Frenchedition (L’U. de Saint-‘etienne,1999), Leclerc (plant biology andphysiology, Jean Monnet U., SaintEtienne, France) treats the interre-lated factors that inform plants’adaptations to their environments.Applying ecophysiological principlesto identify mechanisms of dysfunc-tion in ecosystems, he presentsdata-based cases for: less stressfulgrowing methods (e.g., usingcultivars that require less water andpolluting fertilizers); confininggenetically modified organisms tothe lab; and reality-based holisticstudies.

MOLECULAR INSIGHT INPLANT BIOLOGYP. Nath & S.A. Ranade: National BotanicalResearch Institute, Lucknow, IndiaJacques-Henry Weil: Institute de BiologieMoleculaire des Plantes, Strassbourg,France

978-1-57808-187-5; 2002; 267 pages, hc;$ 95.20

Contain 21 chapters divided intothree sections: Molecular Biology andBiotechnology of Genomes; MolecularBiology and Biotechnology ofHormonal and Chemical Signalling;and Molecular Biology and Biotech-nology of Transformed Plants.

Second edition


978-1-57808-237-7; 2002; 330 pages;180 240 mm, pb; $ 49.50

“This volume is an excel-lent addition to theliterature on plant tissueculture research. The cov-erage and balance of thisbook is commendable. It iswell edited and highlyrecommended to senior andgraduate students, profes-sors, and researchers inthe fields of biology, cropproduction, plant breeding,horticulture and forestry,as well as pest managementand environmental studies.”

— The Quarterly Review of Biology,Vol. 79, June 2004

“... this book is a goodstarting text, especiallyfor students who wish tohave a general over-view...”

— Plant Cell, Tissue and OrganCulture, 77:117, 2004

CONTENTS: Introduction and Techniques:Introductory History; LaboratoryOrganisation; Media; Aseptic Manipulation /Basic Aspects: Cell Culture; CellularTotipotency; Somatic Embryogenesis /Applications to Plant Breeding: HaploidProduction; Triploid Production; In VitroPollination and Fertilization; Zygotic EmbryoCulture; Somatic Hybridisation andCybridisation; Genetic Transformation;Somaclonal and Gametoclonal VariantSelection / Application to Horticulture andForestry: Production of Disease-free Plants;Clonal Propagation / General Applications:Industrial Applications: Secondary MetaboliteProduction; Germplasm Conservation.

BIOTECHNOLOGY OFMEDICINAL PLANTSVitalizer and TherapeuticK.G. Ramawat (ed.)

978-1-57808-338-1; 2004; 316 pages, hc;$ 98.60

In recent years, there has been asurge in the demand for plant-based drugs and food additives.The use of organic fertilizers andnatural dyes is the preferredalternative. Some countries haveeven banned the use of syntheticcolorants and flavors from use forhuman consumption.

This book provides comprehensiveand useful information on themedicinal plants especially thoseused as food supplement in theform of health vitalizers andinvigorators. Separate chapters aredevoted to the medicinal values ofeach herb.

PLANT BIOTECHNOLOGYA Practical ApproachH.S. Chawla

978-1-57808-296-4; 2003; 312 pages,180 240 mm, pb; $ 44.20

Plant biotechnology has nowbecome firmly entrenched as abranch of science. Biotechnologycourses have been included in thebasic course curriculum of schoolsand universities. To understandbiotechnology, it is essential thatstudents learn elementary laboratoryprotocols on plant tissue culture andrecombinant DNA technology. Thispractical laboratory manual has beendesigned to familiarise with suchprotocols. The book describes simpleplant tissue culture protocols thatcan be performed on easily availableplant material, and also those meantfor specific materials. Worksheetshave been provided to record theresults of the experiments. Exerciseshave been linked to one another, fora better understanding of therationale for performing the exercise.

This will be a source book for theherbalists, ayurvedic practitioners,drug manufacturers, botanists,biotechnologists, pharmacologists,agriculturists, phytochemists as wellas anyone interested in medicinalplants research and biotechnology.

Botany/ Plant Biology




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MEDICINAL PLANTSChemistry and PropertiesM. Daniel

978-1-57808-395-4; 2006; 266 pages, hc;$ 66.60

In-depth knowledge of the chemis-try of medicinal plants is essentialin understanding the manifoldutilities of such plants; and toenhance our understanding of thequality of raw materials, extractsand formulations; and in marketingplant-derived drugs.

The selection of plants studied in thistreatise is based on its significance,and its representation of members ofdifferent taxonomic families as wellas of different classes (and sub-classes) of compounds. All theavailable data on the chemicalcompounds and the pharmacologicalstudies on these plants/compoundshave been incorporated. The plantsare arranged by the type and natureof chemical compounds they contain.Secondary metabolites have beenincluded in this volume due to theirgreat therapeutic role.

Translated from French

GENETIC ENGINEERING ANDBIOTECHNOLOGYConcepts, Methods and AgronomicApplicationsYves Tourte: University of Poitiers, France

978-1-57808-356-5; 2005; 210 pages, pb;$ 43.70

An overview of the principles ofgenetic engineering and biotechnol-ogy, with an emphasis on theirapplications in the field ofagronomy. In the revised edition,the author presents new applica-tions and discusses bioethics inlight of new legislation in the USand Europe. The intended audienceis students of introductory oradvanced biology, biochemistry,cellular biology and physiology,and the biology of organisms, aswell as those who plan to teach inpublic secondary schools.

CONTENTS: Introduction / Some BasicConcepts of Biology: Biology and PlantPhysiology; Agronomy; Cellular and MolecularBiology / Plant Biotechnology and GeneticEngineering: A New Science but an Old Partnerof Agriculture; In Vitro Culture; Gene Transferin Plants; Plant Biotechnology and OtherBiotechnologies /Applications of Biotechnologyand Genetic Engineering: Examples of theImpact of Biotechnology and Genetic Engineer-ing on Agronomy; Plant Biotechnology and Bio-Industries / Plant Biotechnology and Bioethics:Evaluation of Risks; Evaluation of Advantages;Regulatory Mechanisms / Conclusion: TheFuture of Biotechnology and Genetic Engineer-ing in plants / Exercises / Glossary / Index

GENETICALLY MODIFIEDORGANISMSTransgenesis in PlantsYves Tourte: Professor of Biology,University of Poitiers, France

978-1-57808-260-5; 2003; 124 pages, pb;$ 33.00

This work reviews the theoreticaland historical bases of geneticengineering, particularly in regardto genetically modified plants, anddetails techniques of creatinggenetically modified organisms. Itdescribes research programs andresults in areas such as agro-food,health, and the environment, andexamines practical, legal, andethical questions posed by societyand the responses of scientists,legislators, and industry. B&Wphotos of equipment are included.


978-1-57808-157-8; 2001; 380 pages, hc;$ 103.00

“Twenty independent researchgroups share their experi-ence in unraveling variousaspects of living systemthrough a multidisciplinaryapproach using biophysicsalong with biochemistry andmolecular biology...”

— SciTech Book News,September 2001

Plant Biology/ Botany

Second edition


978-1-57808-228-5; 2002; 562 pages, 180 240 mm, pb; $ 48.00

Review of the First Edition“... an excellent introduction ... appropriate for upper-division undergraduate andgraduate students, faculty, and many practicing plant scientists who graduatedbefore the genetic evolution.”

— CHOICE, Vol. 38,No. 3, February 2001

CONTENTS: Plant Tissue Culture: Introduction; Laboratory Organization; Nutrition Medium; Sterilization Techniques; Types of Culture; Micropropagation;Cell Suspension and Secondary Metabolites; In vitro Production of Haploids; Protoplast Isolation and Fusion; Somaclonal Variation; Germplasm Storage andCryopreservation / Genetic Material and its Organization: Genetic Material; Organization of DNA and Gene Expression / Recombinant DNA Technology:Basic Techniques; Gene Cloning-Cutting and Joining DNA Molecules; Gene Cloning-Vectors; Gene Cloning- cDNA and Genomic Cloning and Analysis ofCloned DNA Sequences; Polymerase Chain Reaction; In Vitro Mutagenesis; Transposon Genetic Elements and Gene Tagging; Gene Isolation; MolecularMarkers and Marker Assisted Selection; Gene Transfer Methods; Transgenics in Crop Improvement; Genomics, DNA Chips, and Microarrays; IntellectualProperty Rights



MOLECULAR MARKERS INPLANT GENETICS ANDBIOTECHNOLOGYDominique de Vienne (ed.): InstituteNational de la Recherche Agronomique,Versailles, France

978-1-57808-239-1; 2002; 248 pages, hc;$ 88.50

This book describes the principalmolecular marker techniques anddetails their application in differentfields. Most of the examples itpresents are drawn from plantscience, but the methods andconcepts are valid for any species.Tables, graphs, and diagramsprovide visual representations ofthe data.

“...would be useful toanyone wanting to getstarted in the science usethese techniques as aresearch tool”

— Brittonia, 56 (3), 2004

ROOT HAIRS: THE ‘GILLS’OF ROOTSDevelopment, Structure, and FunctionsV. BhaskarForeword by: Graeme P. Berlyn: YaleUniversity, USA

978-1-57808-274-2; 2003; 208 pages, hc;$ 107.50

The book covers the occurrence,life history, cytology, anatomy,morphology, and physiology ofroot hairs. It also analyses thecritical role of root hairs in thedevelopment of nodules—bothrhizobial and actinorrhizal—in theprocess of symbiotic nitrogenfixation. Less well known, but stillimportant is the role of root hairsin mycorrhizal symbioses and theirimportance for the mineral nutritionof plants.

NEUROTRANSMITTERS INPLANT LIFEV.V. Roshchina: Russian Academy ofSciences, Institute of Cell Biophysics,Moscow, Russia

978-1-57808-142-4; 2001; 292 pages, hc;$ 98.00

The book examines the functions ofthe neurotransmitters acetylcholineand biogenic amines dopamine,noradrenaline, serotonin, andhistamine in plant organisms. Alsoaddressed are how many plantreactions are sensitive to neu-rotransmitters and their significancein the field of medicine. Papers inthe collecting describe participationof the components of animalcholinergic and aminergic regula-tory systems in the functioning ofmany plant processes within andoutside the cell, from changes inion permeability of membranes,energetics, and metabolism tocomplex processes.

FLUORESCING WORLD OFPLANT SECRETING CELLSVictoria V. Roshchina: Russian Academyof Sciences, Institute of Cell Biophysics,Pushchina, Moscow, Russia

978-1-57808-515-6; January 2008;356 pages, hc; $ 88.00

The book summarizes informationon autofluorescence of plant secre-tory cells as a phenomenon and thepossibilities of the practical use oflight emission by cell biologists,biophysists, biochemists, botanistsand ecologists. The spectrum of itsreaders may include lecturers, post-graduate students, students andothers interested in biological lightemission.

FUNCTIONAL PLANT GENOMICSJ.F. Morot-Gaudry: Institut National de Re-cherche Agronomique, Versailles, FranceP Lea: Department of Biological Sciences,Lancaster University, U.K.J.F. Briat: Institut National de RechercheAgronomique, Montpellier, France

978-1-57808-506-4; June 2007; 714 pages,hc; $ 133.80

This book covers a wide area ofconcepts and methods in genomics.These range from internationalgenome sequencing projects, toinvaluable bioinformatics tools, andanalytical methods of gene expres-sion, including final metabolicproducts and their specific tissueand cellular compartmentalization.This new knowledge enablesreaders to understand the integra-tion of basic physiological functions,and developmental programs. Also,the establishment of tight relation-ships between genomics, andgenetics and plant breeding revealssynergies for exploiting molecularmarkers, for analysing geneticvariation, or for studying quantita-tive traits. The integration that isnow feasible by these new ap-proaches also effects ecophysiology,and opens up new perspectives forthe use of modelling for the studyof plant populations.

This book is intended for advancedstudents in botany and agronomy,their lecturers, and for all scientistswho wish to understand plantgenomics rapidly, in a relativelyexhaustive and synthetic form.






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Mycology-Phycology/ Botany


Phanerogams: Part A

978-1-57808-238-4; 2003; 400 pages, hc;$ 140.00

CONTENTS: Molecular Phylogenetics, Evolutionand Population Biology in Brassicaceae: MarcusKoch; Evolutionary Dynamics of Repetitive DNAFraction in Two Wild Triticeae Species:Alexander Belyayev et al.; Hybridization andEvolution of the nrITS Spacer Region: VolkerWissemann; Gene Families and their Evolutionin Angiosperms: ABC Transporter Genes inArabidopsis thaliana: H. Üner Kolukisaoglu;Cladistic Analysis of Chloroplast rbcL Gene andtrnL-trnF Intergenic Spacer Sequences inTaxaceae and Related Taxa: Ting Wang et al.;Genome Phylogenetics in Chrysanthemum sensulato: Katsuhiko Kondo et al.; Use of Repeated andCoding DNA Sequences to Study GeneticRelationships in Genus Helianthus: A. Cavalliniet al.; Cytogenetic and Molecular GeneticEvidence on Evolution of Genus Triticum:Wenguang Cao; Hybrid Introgression in Betula:Kesara Anamthawat-Jónsson; MolecularSystematics of Bryophytes in Context of LandPlant Phylogeny: Dietmar Quandt and MichaelStech; The use of in-situ Hybridization toInvestigate Plant Chromosome Diversity: PaulMaxwell Datson and Brain Grant Murray;Molecular Phylogenetic Studies in Rosaccae:Daniel Potter

Phanerogams: Part B

978-1-57808-353-4; 2005; 352 pages, hc;$ 109.80

The book examines certain funda-mental issues of genomics as wellas the phylogeny and evolution ofcertain economic and medicinalcrops. Economic crops includecoffee, coconut, and papaya;medicinals cover Artemisia andCostus; fodder and agriculturalcrops include Phleum, Lolium, andTriticale; horticultural speciesinclude Orchis and Allium; andforest plants are represented byPopulus species.

Phanerogams(Angiosperm-Dicotyledons): Part C

978-1-57808-419-7; 2006; 595 pages, hc;$ 146.70

Whereas the preceding volume inthe series focused mainly on mono-cotyledonous crop plants, this oneconcentrates on the dicotyledonsincluding legumes, fruit plants inthe species </Prunus/>, grapes,oranges, olive, and pistachio. Thevolume comprises 20 articles byinternational contributors treating

solutions of problems of phylogeny,evolution, and biodiversity in severaltaxonomic groups. They present datafrom chromosomal, molecularmarker, and related studies on therelationships between cultivated andwild species of such important foodplants as chickpea, and their stressesand diseases. Illustrations (some incolor) include plant distributionmaps and genetic sequences.

Phanerogams (Gymnosperm andAngiosperm-Monocotyledons): Part D978-1-57808-420-3; 2006; 364 pages, hc;$ 106.40

The coverage of this volume rangesfrom Cycads and Pines of Gymno-sperms to monocot genera ofsignificance in phylogeny, agri-horticulture and commerce. Theprevious volume (1C), dealt withdicot counterparts. Noteworthyfeatures of the volume includemolecular phylogeny of Cycads,correlation of genomics and microhabitat in Pinus, genome studies inoil and datepalm, correlation ofmolecular data with habit inorchids, congruence of karyotypeand molecular data in Festuca andanalysis of putative ancestors inAvena. The volume will be ofinterest to all students of genomics,phylogeny, agri-horticulture andcommercial plants.

Phanerogam–Angiosperm: Part E978-1-57808-507-1; February 2008; c.420pages, hc; $ 127.00

CONTENTS: Repetitive DNA and PlantEvolution: M. Ceccarelli et al.; Evolution andPhylogenetic Relationship of the Rice Genome:A.K. Tyagi et al.; Genome Organization andEvolution in Genus Quercus (Fagaceae):Special Attention to Two European Whiteoaks Quercus petraea (Matt.) Liebl. and Q.robur L.: Vlatka Zoldos Pecnik; Biodivesity andEvolution of Castanea: Fenny Dane and PingLang; Cytogenetic and Molecular Evidences onthe Evolutionary Relationships Among ArachisSpecies: Graciela I. Lavia et al.; Biodiversity,Genetic Enhancement and MolecularApproaches in Lentil: Michael Baum et al.;Phylogenetic Relationships of the Genus Phlox(Polemoniaceae): Comparing and CombiningData Sets from the Chloroplast Genome:Carolyn J. Ferguson et al.; Genus Silene(Caryophyllaceae) – Evolutionary Diversifica-tion and Sex Chromosome Formation: JitkaZluvova et al.; Molecular Phylogenetics ofHamamelidaceae: Evidence from DNA

Sequences of Nuclear and Chloroplast Genomes:Jianhua Li; The Potential of Molecular Analysisand Interspecific Hybridization for AzaleaPhylogenetic Research: Jan De Riek et al.;Phylogeny, Diversity and Evolution ofEucalypts: M. Byrne; Dahlia: Cytogenetics andEvolution: Brian Grant Murray

Lower Groups: Part A978-1-57808-298-8; 2004; 331 pages, hc;$ 106.40

CONTENTS: Contemporary Perspectives onFlorideophyte Red Algal Systematics(Florideophyceae, Rhodophyta): James T. Harperand Gary W. Saunders; Species Complex ofFungal Phytopathogens: Leptosphaeria Maculans:L. Biglobosa Case Study: Thierry Rouxel et al.;Molecular Phylogeny and Evolution of PowderyMildew Fungi (Erysiphales, Ascomycota),Obligate Parasites of Plants: Susumu Takamatsu;Molecular Systematics, Phylogeny, and Evolutionin Homobasidiomycota: Oyster-mushroom GenusPleurotus: Georgios I. Zervakis; Gene Diversityand Conservation in Phytopathogenic FungiRevealed by EST Sequencing Initiatives andComparative Genomics: Darren M. Soanes andNicholas J. Talbot; Functional Analysis, GenomeRedundancy, and Speciation in Yeast: DanielaDelneri; Lichens: Martin Grube; Fish ShowsStructural Differentiation between Liverwort SexChromosomes: Shigeki Nakayama et al.; Mossesand Plant Functional Genomics: Andrew J. Wood;Evolution of Organellar Transcription Machineryin Bryophytes and Vascular Plants: YukihiroKabeya and Naoki Sato

Lower Groups: Part B978-1-57808-413-5; 2006; 527 pages, hc;$ 133.80

This volume starts with a metabolicstory, namely a survey of ancientthrough modern RNA, followed bythe origins of plastids as a drivingforce for the evolution of algae, theevolution and diversity of di-noflagellates from a molecularperspective, the evolution of dia-toms, the biodiversity as well as theevolutionary genomics and system-atics of ascomycota, yeastbiodiversity and function, evolution-ary relationships among species ofthe Aspergillus subgenera Aspergil-lus and Fumigati, polymerase chainreaction-based methods in Fusariumtaxonomy, using molecular markersto study host-pathogen co-evolution,internally transcribed spaces of the18S-5.8S-26S nuclear ribosomal DNAin land plant systematics (withspecial emphasis on bryophytes),the molecular phylogeny andbiogeography of Plagiochila, andgenome studies of cactus.

PLANT GENOMEBiodiversity and EvolutionA.K. Sharma and A. Sharma (eds.)










PLANT NUTRITIONGrowth and DiagnosisEditors:Ramdane Dris: University of Helsinki,FinlandFarouk Hassan Abdelaziz: MiniaUniversity, EgyptS.M. Jain: IAEA, Vienna, Austria

978-1-57808-230-8; 2002; 324 pages, hc;$ 105.30

Contains papers presented at aworkshop on plant nutrition held atthe University of Helsinki, Finlandin December 2000. The volume’s 43contributions present worldwideresearch in the field on a wide arrayof topics, particularly revolvingaround efficient fertilizer use.Contributions focus on individualcrops or groups of crops grown forfood and renewable raw materials,with information presented on cropbiology, plant and soil analysis data,nutrient uptake and removablefigures, recommendations forfertilizer use, and current fertilizingpractices in different topical, sub-tropical, and temperate countries.


978-1-57808-416-6; 2006; 272 pages +6 color plates, hc; $ 100.20

This book addresses biochemicaland physiological roles of micronu-trients in plants and the diverseways in which they react to limita-tions in micronutrients supply,contributing to global constraintsin crop production. The book ispresented in two parts. Part I dealswith roles of micronutrients and thechanges induced in plants inresponse to their inadequate supply.Part II addresses the factors contrib-uting to micronutrients deficiency,their diagnosis, evaluation andmanagement through soil — andplant — based approaches.

“This readable book withmany tables and figures andmore than one thousandreferences can serve notonly as useful source ofinformation for researchersin the area of plant nutri-tion but also as a textbookfor advanced students.”

— Biologia Plantarum,Vol. 51, No. 2, 2006/07

BIOTECHNOLOGYSecondary MetabolitesK.G. Ramawat and J.M. Merillon (eds.)

978-1-57808-428-9; January 2007; 586 pages, hc;$ 72.80

This edition, which reflects newresearch and includes informationon fungi and lichen opens byexplaining the opportunities fornew research. Subsequent chapterscover secondary plant products innature such as alkaloids and othermetabolites, factors affecting theproduction of secondary metabo-lites, production of food additivesand insecticides, and production ofantitumor compounds, alkaloids,steroids, saponins, secondarymetabolites by bioconversion,genetic transformation, large-scaleproduction in bioreactors andproduction of ergot alkaloids. Veryinteresting chapters include thoseon lichen products, the Chineseherbal drug industry and secondarymetabolites investigated in a varietyof cultures, and the collectionconcludes with information on toolsand techniques for the study ofplant tissue culture and practicalinformation on culturing and tests.

MYCORRHIZASA Molecular AnalysisK.R. Krishna

978-1-57808-362-6; 2005; 328 pages, hc;$ 95.20

The book begins with a chapter onmolecular evolution and phylogenyof mycorrhizas. Lucid discussionson cellular physiology, moleculargenetics, and molecular regulationof nutrient exchange phenomenonin mycorrhizas form the core of thisbook. A comparative analysis of themolecular aspects of symbiosis andpathogenesis has been presented inChapter 5. It also includes certainagriculturally useful aspects ofdisease control via mycorrhizas.Discussions on recent developmentsin molecular ecology of mycorrhi-zas, including most recentlyenunciated concepts such as‘nurse functions’, ‘mycoheterotrophy’are available in chapter 6.

Transformation, transgenics andgenetic engineering of mycorrhizasis a unique and futuristic chapter.Applications of genetic engineeringof mycorrhizas, as well as recentlydeveloped techniques of genetictransformation production of viabletransgenic mycorrhizal fungi havebeen delineated in chapter 7.

It will be useful to researchers/students involved in microbiology,molecular biology, plant biology,agriculture and environment sciences.

THE DEUTEROMYCETES:MITOSPORIC FUNGIClassification and Generic KeysE. Kiffer: Université Nancy I, Vandoeuvre-lès-Nancy, Cedex, FranceM. Morelet: Institut National de la Recher-che Agronomique, Champenoux, France

978-1-57808-068-7; 2000; 300 pages, hc;$ 95.20

This work is based on the modernclassification Deuteromycetes.Barring some tropical examples, itcovers essentially genera found inthe temperate zone of the NorthenHemisphere. The book will interestmedical and veterinery mycologists,phyto-pathologists, food scientists,and ecologists.

“The book plays a pivotalrole in explainingconidiogenesis in all itsaspects....”

— Sydowia, Vol. 53 (1), 2001

“For all professionals con-cerned with identification ofmitosporic fungi and a majorresource for upper-divisionundergraduate and graduatestudents in mycology.”

— CHOICE, July 2000, Vol. 37

Botany/ Mycology




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ALLELOPATHYNew Concepts and MethodologyYoshiharu Fujii and Syuntaro Hiradate(eds.)

978-1-57808-446-3; January 2007; 398 pages,hc; $ 100.20

The principal goal of allelopathy isto foster sustainable agriculture,forestry, and environment. Theobjective is to minimize the indus-trial chemicals and to maximize theuse of natural resources locallyavailable while improving cropproductivity, forestry and theenvironment.

The technological advances made inallelopathy research in recent yearshave been created, analyzed, anddeveloped by scientific establish-ments throughout the world. Theypresent exciting and intellectuallychallenging problems which aresolvable using modern techniques.These modern and advancedtechniques as described in thechapters presented in this volumeare representative of the excitingresearch and development ap-proaches today.

NITROGEN ASSIMILATION BYPLANTSPhysiological, Biochemical, andMolecular AspectsJean-François Morot-Gaudry (ed.):INRA-Laboratoire de la Nutrition azoteédes Plantes, Versailles, France

978-1-57808-139-4; 2001; 470 pages, hc;$ 132.20

While nitrogenous fertilisers havehelped significantly in increasingthe yield of farm produce in thelast forty years, the non-assimilatednitrates which are carried bydrainage water from soils areresponsible for polluting the groundwater. Moreover, nitrates that

accumulate in harvestable vegeta-tive organs are considered to besources of potential danger forhuman health. It is, therefore,necessary to view sustained andenhanced agricultural yields inrelation to the quality of theenvironment by increasing theefficiency of nitrogen assimilationby plants.

“... This book deserves aplace in university librar-ies where plant physiologystudents can use it tosupplement plant mineralnutrition information....”

— The Quarterly Review of Biology,Vol. 77, No. 3, September 2002

ARBUSCULAR MYCORRHIZAEInteractions in Plants, Rhizosphere,and SoilsA.K. Sharma and B.N. Johri (eds.)

978-1-57808-206-3; 2002; 322 pages, hc;$ 105.30

CONTENTS: Introduction / Interactions inRhizosphere: Section Summary; Mycorrhiza—Microbe Interactions: Effect on Rhizosphere:C.K. Suresh and D.J. Bagyaraj; Interactionsbetween Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi andNon-Symbiotic Beneficial Microbiota: C. Calvetet al.; Interaction of Arbuscular Mycorrhizawith Nitrogen-fixing Bacteria: A.K. Saxenaet al.; Arbuscular-Mycorrhiza and PlantDisease: A.K. Sharma and B.N. Johri /Interactions in Soil: Section Summary;Influence of Edaphic and EnvironmentalFactors on Arbuscular Mycorrhizae: Teresa E.Pawlowska and Iris Charvat; Influence ofAdverse Soil Conditions on the Formation andFunction of Arbuscular Mycorrhiza: James A.Entry et al.; Arbuscular Mycorrhizae: MineralNutrient and Water Acquisition: R.B. Clarkand S.K. Zeto; Possible Role of ArbuscularMycorrhizal Fungi in Development of SoilStructure: J.C. Tarafdar and A.V. Rao /Interactions in Plants: Section Summary;Plant and Fungal Responses to Colonization:Reena Singh and Alok Adholeya; Cellular andMolecular Aspects: Gaspar, Moria Laura;Specificity and Compatibility in ArbuscularMycorrhizal Symbiosis: E. Dumas-Gaudot;Physiology of Nutrient Uptake by ArbuscularMycorrhizal Fungi: A.K. Sharma and B.N. Johri.

FUNGAL PROTOPLASTA Biotechnological ToolD. Lalithakumari

978-1-57808-093-9; 2000; 198 pages, pb;$ 55.40

A detailed collection of the resultsobtained during the long history ofthe fungal protoplast work that hasbeen published for different species.The overview is supplemented with

research into the improvement ofbiocontrol agents, carried out bythe authors. Besides providing anoverview of the literature, the bookalso acquaints one to practicalconditions to carry out the work.

“... a small book tightlypacked with an enormousamount of information.”

— CHOICE, July 2001,Vol. 38, No. 11

PRINCIPLES OF PLANTVIROLOGYGenome, Pathogenicity, Virus EcologyS. Astier, J. Albouy, Y. Maury, C. Robagliaand H. Lecoq (eds.)

978-1-57808-316-9; July 2007; 494 pages +8 color plates, hc; $ 100.20978-1-57808-503-3; July 2007; 494 pages +8 color plates, pb; $ 61.60

This book presents the specificcollaborations and the defensiveand counter-defensive interactionsthat govern the virus intracellularcycle and plant infection. It de-scribes the relations between thevirus and the agro-environment andpresents recent developments indiagnosis and control methods. Italso gives detailed information onplant virus evolution and taxonomy.

CONTENTS: THE VIRUS, THE CELL ANDTHE PLANT — Viral Structures; Infection ofthe Cell: Synthesis of Viral Proteins; Infectionof the Cell: Replication of the Viral NucleicAcid; Plant Virus Movement; The DefenceReaction of the Infected Plant; Resistance withHypersensitivity Reaction and ExtremeResistance; Subviral Pathogenic RNAs:Satellites and ViroidsTHE VIRUS IN THE AGRO-ENVIRON-MENT — Virus Dissemination; DiagnosticMethods; Control of Plant Viral Diseases:Prophylactic Measures; Controlling Plant ViralDiseases: Breeding for Resistant Varieties;Control of Plant Viral Diseases: GeneticEngineering for ProtectionEVOLUTION AND CLASSIFICATION OFVIRUSES — Evolution of Viruses; Classifica-tion of Plant Viruses; Viral Genera.

Mycology/ Botany




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TRENTEPOHLIALES:CEPHALEUROS, PHYCOPELTIS,AND STOMATOCHROONMorphology, Taxonomy, and EcologyRufus H. Thompson: University of Kansas,Lawrence, KS, USADaniel E. Wujek: Central MichiganUniversity, Mt. Pleasant, MI, USA

978-1-886106-83-3; 1997; 160 pages, hc;$ 104.20

The book includes descriptions andkeys to 41 species and one varietyin the three genera. Originaldescriptions with drawings andmicrographs are included; there are60 plates with 265+ illustrations.

“. . . It is a superb schol-arly publication that facili-tates the understanding ofthis specialized group ofgreen algae and should be ofgreat use to the community ofalgal scholars includingmorphologists, taxonomists,systematists and evolutionarybiologists.”

— European Journal of Phycology,Vol. 33, 1998


978-1-57808-125-7; 2000; 188 pages+18color plates, pb; $ 55.40

Describes the methods needed toobtain a pure culture of a fungusfrom a soil sample or from aninfected root. The book alsopresents the techniques and isola-tion media for a given fungus.

CONTENTS: Introduction; Isolation of SoilFungi: for What?; How to do it? / GeneralPrinciples: Extraction and Preparation ofSamples; From Soil; From Roots; IsolationTechniques; Isolation from Soil (DirectIsolation Techniques; Baiting Techniques;Direct Extraction); Isolation from Roots(Small Root Pieces; Grinding and Suspension;Baiting); Selectivity Factors (Treatment of theSoil Sample; The Technique; IncubationConditions); Culturing Techniques; Prepara-tion of the Isolation Medium (Base Elements;Principal Selectivity Factors); Sterilisation ofMedia (General Procedure; Conservation);Incubation of Petri Dishes; Purification ofIsolates / Practical Applications: BasalMedia; Techniques and Selective Media;Bibliography; Index of Organic Compounds;Index of Fungi; Index of Techniques and Media.

BIODIVERSITY OF FUNGITheir Role in Human LifeS.K. Deshmukh and M.K. Rai

978-1-57808-368-8; 2005; 476 pages, hc;$ 98.60

Examining various aspects of fungaldiversity, biologists, botanists, plantpathologists, and related scientistsdiscuss phylogeny, fungi from little-explored and extreme habitats,endophytes in tropical forests andtheir diversity and ecology; thedegradation of organopollutants byligninolytic basidiomycetes,ectomychorrizal fungi, aquaticfungi, and other fungi; the exploita-tion of filamentous fungi as ediblecrops and in health care for suchconditions as cancer and immuno-deficiency states, and the biotech-nology of Neosartorya; the evolutionof fungal diseases in ornamentalcrops and the exploitation of fungifor organic dyes; and universallyprimed PCR and fungal protoplasttechnologies and their possibleapplication in developing newanti-fungal targets.

GENETIC IMPROVEMENT OFCOTTONJohnie N. Jenkins and Sukumar Saha

. . . see Agriculture

ALGAL CULTURES, ANALOGUESOF BLOOMS AND APPLICATIONSD.V. Subba Rao (ed.): Bedford Institute ofOceanography, Dartmouth, NS, Canada

978-1-57808-393-0; 2006; 1016 pages(2 vols.), hc; $ 143.40

Comprises the latest findings onhow best algal cultures can beutilized as analogues of naturalblooms, their utility in understand-ing the ecological principles andtheir applications in biotechnology.The text provides an importantresource to ecological concepts suchas nutrient kinetics, bacterialinteractions, response and recoveryto environmental perturbations. Asampling of topics: phases, stagesand shifts in the life cycles ofmarine phytoplankton; viral infec-tion in marine eucaryotic microalgae;the trace metal composition ofmarine microalgae in cultures andnatural assemblages; mechanisticmodels of algal physiology; photo-synthetic response and acclimationof microalgae to light fluctuations;and prospects for paratransgenicapplications to commercial maricul-ture using genetically engineeredalgae. For scholars and researchersin biological oceanography as wellas other scientists, advancedundergraduate and graduate students.

“... [editor] provided a greatservice to our scientificcommunity by editing thisbook that represents anobligatory addition to thepersonal library of seniorand junior algologists.”

— Journal of Phycology, Vol. 42, 2006



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978-1-57808-325-1; 2003; 276 pages, pb;$ 39.50

Based on course notes for studentsspecializing in plant science andbiotechnology, the author hasattempted to fill the need for acomprehensive treatment of thegrowing multidisciplinary field ofbiodiversity science. Issues such asproblems in inventorying speciesand legal, ethical, and informationaspects have been covered.

CONTENTS: Biodiversity Science: Definition,Scope, and Constraints; Genetic Diversity;Species Diversity: Wild Taxa; Agrobiodiversityand Cultivated Taxa; Ecosystem Diversity;Values and Uses of Biodiversity; Loss ofBiodiversity; Conservation of Biodiversity;Management of Plant Biodiversity; Biodiversityand Biotechnology and; Biodiversity Prospect-ing and Indigenous Knowledge Systems.

FLOWERSEvolution of the Floral Architectureof AngiospermsGuillaume Tcherkez: University of Paris,France

978-1-57808-311-4; 2004; 194 pages, hc;$ 87.40

This work attempts to synthesizecurrent research on the evolution offlowers of Angiosperms. The authorhas reconciled the so-called conven-tional descriptive botanical approachwith the more recent molecularapproach, in order to more effectivelyput them in perspective. The emphasis

is on the diversity of strategies offertilization that constitutes one of thecharacteristics of Angiosperms.

“ recommended foracademic and special li-braries with related pro-gramming and research.”

— e-STREAMS,Vol. 8, No. 6/7 Index

“...a source of referencesfor more detailed study.If you are interested inflower and reproductionbiology you should havethis book directly on yourbookshelf or have it atleast in your institute/university library.”

— Folia Geobotanica,41/3, 2006


All chapters are well ar-ranged, illustrated bytables, schemes, picturesand closed by list of ref-erences. The book is pro-vided by Subject Index. Itmay be sincerely recommendedto all those who wish toget knowledge on perspec-tives, methodology of invitro conservation and cryo-preservation of specific crops.

— Biologia Plantarum,Vol. 46 (3), 2003

Volume 1: General Aspects

978-1-886106-76-5; 1997; 328 pages, hc;$ 98.60

Volume 2: Applications andLimitations

978-1-57808-055-7; 2000; 320 pages, hc;$ 98.60

Plant Geography/ Botany

TRICHOMYCETES AND OTHERFUNGAL GROUPSRobert W. Lichtwardt CommemorationVolumeJ.K. Misra: SJN University, Lucknow, IndiaBruce W. Horn: National Peanut ResearchLaboratory, Dawson, Georgia, USA

978-1-57808-132-5; 2001; 408 pages, hc;$ 111.40

The book has been divided intotwo parts. Part I comprises reviewchapters on trichomycetes-includingthe history, taxonomy, phylogeny,biogeography ultrastructure, andphysiology of trichomycetes. Part IIcomprises a composite of topics.This part begins with two chapterson insect-fungus associations (antpathogenic fungi and bark beetlegalleries) followed by a chapter onnematophagous fungi. Subsequentchapters deal with such diversemycological topics as fungal endo-phytes, endolithic micoorganisms,aquatic ascomycetes andhyphomycetes, and mushrooms.


978-1-57808-197-4; 2001; 274 pages, hc;$ 72.80

This book has been divided intotwo main parts. Part one deals withbiological features e.g. breedingpatterns and mutations, besidesdiscussing in depth poisonous,hallucinogenic, medicinal speciesand nutritional value. Part two isdevoted solely to conservation ofbiological diversity, with specialreference to mycodiversity— a fieldin which few publications areavailable for educated readers.


978-1-886106-95-6; 1997; 216 pages, hc;$ 54.90


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SYSTEMATIC BOTANY OFFLOWERING PLANTSA New Phytogenetic Approach of theAngiosperms of the Temperate andTropical RegionsR.-E. Spichiger: A l’Universite de Genéve,SwitzerlandV.V. Savolainen: Royal Botanical Garden,Kew, UKMurielle Figeat and Daniel Jeanmonod:Conservatoire et Jardin, Botanique de laVille de Genêve, Switzerland

978-1-57808-373-2; 2004; 428 pages + 16 colorplates + CD Rom, pb*; $ 65.00

This is a translation of the secondedition. It has been completelyupdated and supplemented, andenhanced by the contribution of anew author. The book follows theoverall classification of theAngiosperms Phylogeny Group(APG). It takes into account thetaxonomic positions of the secondpublication of this group of research-ers (APG II), as wells as the newconcepts discussed during theBotanical Congress of Saint Louis.Some new families have beenproposed: Droseraceae, Lythraceae,Cornaceae, Oleaceae, Gesneriaceae, andAlliaceae. Some families were com-pleted or combined.

The book includes a CD-ROMillustrating all the families describedwith photographs of selectedspecies. The CD-ROM also includesthe cumulative identification keys oforders and families, as well as twosummary tables of all the usefulplants with their use and theircommon names. A list of commonnames and their correspondingbinomials is provided for all theillustrated plants and all the usefulplants cited.

* Hardcover also available.

PLANT SYSTEMATICSAn Integrated ApproachSecond EditionGurcharan Singh: University of Delhi, India

978-1-57808-351-0; 2004; 572 pages, pb;$ 49.50978-1-57808-342-8; 2004; 572 pages; hc;$ 95.20

Includes descriptions of all majorsystems of classification, andsignificantly, also includes discus-sion on selected families of flower-ing plants. The book blends infor-mation on classical fundamentalaspects with recent developmentsespecially in the field of molecularsystematics, cladistics and computeridentification. Special attention hasbeen paid to botanical nomencla-ture, identification and phylogenyof angiosperms with numerousrelevant examples.

CONTENTS: Taxonomy and Systematics;Historical Background of Plant Classification;Botanical Nomenclature; Descriptive Terminol-ogy; Process of Identification; HierarchicalClassifications; Variation and Speciation;Taxonomic Evidence; Phenetic Methods:Taxometrics; Phylogenetic Methods: Cladistics;Phylogeny of Angiosperms; Major Systems ofClassification; Major Families of Angiosperms:Magnoliidae, Alismatidae, Liliidae,Commelinididae, RanunculidaeHamamelididae, Caryophyllidae, Rosidae,Asteridae, Lamiidae; Plant Geography.

“... Considerably expandedfrom the 1999 edition thiswell-done second edition issteeped in the traditionalapproach to taxonomy, butwith factual and conceptualupdating ....”

— CHOICE, Vol. 42, No. 8,April 2005

Botany/ Plant Geography

GENETIC DIVERSITY OFCULTIVATED TROPICALPLANTSPerla Hamon: Centre Universitaire,Nimes, FranceMarc Seguin, Xavier Perrier, and JeanChristophe Glaszmann: CIRAD,Montpellier, France

978-1-57808-264-3; 2003; 359 pages, hc;$ 89.60

Among the major questions thatarise when creating and maintaininggenetic resource collections are howto construct consensus trees orcommon minimum trees, and whatthe reliability and biological signifi-cance of such trees are. Contributorsof this volume seek answers byexamining eleven types of cropplants, selected to represent a widerange of biological types. They alsodiscuss biological and molecularmarkers, data analysis, and maxi-mizing variability. This volume wasupdated at the time of translatingfrom the French edition.

KARYOTAXONOMICAL ANALYSISIN THE UMBELLIFERAEMichael G. Pimenov et al.Edited by: Victoria C. Hollowell, MissouriBotanical Garden, Missouri, USAForeword by: Friedrich Ehrendorfer,Vienna, Austria

978-1-57808-222-3; 2002; 478 pages, hc;$ 132.20

The book is a critical Worldsummary of all karyological dataknown up-to-now for the largeangiosperm family Umbelliferae(Apiaceae, carrot family) being ofconsiderable economic value. It alsocontains analysis of these data incomparison with taxonomy.Chromosome numbers are knownfor the 1755 species distributedover the world; morphometricdata—for 341 species. Bibl. 1278.


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VASCULAR ORGANIZATIONOF ANGIOSPERMSA New VisionJean-Pierre Andre: Institut National de laRecherche Agronomique, Champenoux,France

978-1-57808-382-4; 2005; 154 pages, pb;$ 44.20

This study of plant anatomy isbased on newly available data onthe structure and spatial organiza-tion of the vascular system ofplants. For the first time, by meansof a new technique of intracellularmoulding, the vascular system canbe observed in its length.

Many examples are chosen fromamong the major groups of theplant kingdom to illustrate the vastfield of applications of histologicalmoulding: anatomical structuresthat have so far been little under-stood or unknown are describedand hypotheses relative to thecambial functioning are presented.Following a summary of basicconcepts of xylem anatomy, the textis illustrated with many diagramsand photographs of moulds madefor the most part with scanningelectron microscope.

The successive steps of the technicalimplementation of moulding, aredescribed with precision. The bookis addressed not only to scientistsand students, but also to profession-als concerned with wood, trees, andplants in general.

“... this book is recom-mended for anyone whospecializes in plantvascular development,structure, or function.The techniques describedcould also be applied in

Botany/ Plant Geography

more general ways, suchas in the study ofmutant phenotypes.”

— The Quarterly Review of Biology,Vol. 81, No. 3, September 2006


978-1-57808-430-2; 2006; 356 pages, pb;$ 61.60

All alternative systems of medicinesutilize medicinal plants for formula-tions. The present work is aimed atdocumentation of chemical composi-tion, medicinal use and moderninvestigative work on medicinalplants. As the name of the titlesuggests, the work includes raremedicinal plants used globally inmedicine.

As research is being done onmedicinal plants, more and morephytochemicals are being discov-ered. On basis of this, traditionaluses of medicinal plants are beingconfirmed. The work will be avaluable guide for practitioners ofalternative systems of medicine. Itwill be useful for phytochemists,ethnobotanists and herbal pharma-cists who will find unique dataabout less documented medicinalplants.


Volume 1: Lycopodiophyta,Juncaceae, Poaceae (Gramineae)N.N. Tzvelev (ed.)

978-1-57808-290-2; 2003; 544 pages, hc;$ 184.80

This is the first of the ten volumescovering the extensive region, thatlies at the interface of Eurasia and

America. It covers 160 families,nearly 800 genera and about 4000species. A list of families in orderof treatment is given.

KEY TO THE VASCULARPLANTS OF MONGOLIAV.I. Grubov: Komarov Botanical Institute,St. Petersburg, Russia

978-1-57808-073-1; 2001; 844 pages (2 vols.),hc; $ 201.60

Presents a key to the pteridophytes,gymnosperms, and angiospermsfound in the Mongolian People’sRepublic. The key comprises 2239species of vascular plants, relating to599 genera and 103 families. Familiesand species are arranged according toA. Engler’s system; diagnosticcharacteristics of plants are includedin the consecutive dichotomous keysfor identifying families, genera, andspecies. The region and habitat whereeach plant may be found is alsogiven. Detailed line drawings illus-trate over 1,000 plants.

ECOLOGY OF SIBERIANDWARF PINE PINUS PUMILA(PALLAS) REGEL INKAMCHATKAPeter. A. Khomentovsky (Reviewed byJerry Rehfeldt; reviewed and edited byJim Pojar)

978-1-57808-189-9; 2004; 244 pages, hc;$ 99.70

The author integrates his own fieldstudies into reports of others intothe ecology in northeast Asia andthe peninsula of the tree that wasrecognized as a separate speciesabout 140 years ago but has beenof little interest to foresters untilthe past few decades. He looks attaxonomic position, range, andrelations in the boreal forests of thenorthern hemisphere; its place inthe plant cover of the target region;its formation in Kamchatka in theLate Cenozoic; morphology andseasonal development, and thedevelopment of communities.


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Volume 1Introduction, Ferns, Bibliography978-1-57808-060-1; 1999; 198 pages, hc;$ 77.30

Volume 2Chenopodiaceae978-1-57808-087-8; 2000; 198 pages, hc;$ 73.90

Volume 3Sedges — Rushes978-1-57808-114-1; 2000; 160 pages, hc;$ 88.50

Volume 4Gramineae (Grasses)978-1-57808-115-8; 2002; 328 pages, hc;$ 107.50

Volume 5Verbenaceae — Scrophulariaceae978-1-57808-116-5; 2002; 250 pages, hc;$ 99.70

Volume 6Equisetaceae — ButomaceaeBibliography (Supplement 1)978-1-57808-117-2; 2002; 100 pages, hc;$ 61.60

Volume 7Liliaceae to Orchidaceae978-1-57808-118-9; 2003; 186 pages, hc;$ 95.20

Volume 8aLeguminosae978-1-57808-119-6; 2003; 182 pages, hc;$ 94.10

Volume 8bLegumes, Genus: Oxytropis978-1-57808-120-2; 2003; 122 pages, hc;$ 77.30

Volume 8cAstragalus L.978-1-57808-341-1; 2004; 262 pages, hc;$ 98.60

Volume 9Salicaceae — Polygonaceae978-1-57808-121-9; 2005; 207 pages, hc;$ 95.20

Volume 10Araliaceae, Umbelliferae, Cornaceae978-1-57808-122-6; 2005; 156 pages, hc;$ 86.80

“A number of species havebeen recorded in the tar-get territory for thefirst time, including8 previously unknownspecies.”

— Huntia 12(2), 2006

Volume 11978-1-57808-123-3; January 2007; 148 pages,hc; $ 76.20

Volume 12978-1-57808-441-8; February 2007; 206 pages,hc; $ 106.40

Volume 13Plumbaginaceae, Oleaceae,Buddlejaceae, Gentianaceae,Menyanthaceae, Apocynaceae,Asclepiadaceae

978-1-57808-421-0; February 2007;150 pages, hc; $ 95.20

This volume deals with leadwort(Plumbaginaceae), olive (Oleaceae),butterfly-bush (Buddlejaceae),gentian (Gentianaceae), buck-bean(Menyanthaceae), dogbane(Apocynaceae) and milkweed(Asclepiadaceae) families.

The book includes 4 plates, 5 mapsof distribution ranges.

Volume 14aCompositae (Anthemideae)

978-1-57808-422-7; February 2007;176 pages, hc; $ 98.60

This volume deals with the tribeAnthemideae of the largest familyof Compositae. The book contains6 plates, 8 maps of distributionranges.

PLANTS OF CENTRAL ASIAPlant Collections from China and MongoliaV.I. Grubov (Editor-in-Chief)

An English translation of the series prepared by the Komarov BotanicalInstitute. Covers Altai, Khangai, Kentei Ranges in the North, GreaterKhingan Range in the East, Pamir in the West, The Great Wall of China inthe Southeast, and the Himalayas in the South.The text has been update in the English edition for some of these volumes.

Botany/ Plant Geography





PINE FORESTSUtilization of its ProductsV.N. Vorob’ev (ed.)

978-1-57808-396-1; 2006; 271 pages, hc;$ 106.40

The forests of Siberian stone pine arevast and their products, includingtimber, nuts, and resin are valuableeconomically. However, managingthe forests is problematic, largely dueto questions about their morpho-physiological, ontogenetic and eco-geographic circumstances, how theyrelate to populations in and out ofthe forest, how they reproduce andhow they form resin. The authorpresents over 20 years of researchabout the Siberian stone pine,including its ecology, cone produc-tion, growth characteristics, coneyield, resin productivity, and thecone yield, growth and resin produc-tivity of the Siberian stone pineunder experiments modifying therelations between lead and root. Thebook ends with recommendations oncomprehensive commercial utilizations.

A Revised Handbook to theFLORA OF CEYLONM.D. Dassanayake (series editor)

The original work by Henry Trimenat the turn of the twentieth century,updated by A.H.G. Alston in the1930s, has been virtually unavail-able for some time. In addition,progress in the science has dictatedsignificant changes and updates. Inthis revision project sponsored bythe U. of Peradeniya and govern-ment agencies of Sri Lanka and theOverseas Development Administra-tion of the UK, contributors offerthe latest on fern allies such aspsilotaceae and isoetaceae,laptosporangiate (aquatic) fernssuch as salviniaceae andmarsileaceae, and the full range ofeusporangiate ferns.

Volume XV, Part A:Ferns and Fern-AlliesMonika Shaffer-Fehre (ed.)

978-1-57808-384-8; 2006; 209 pages, hc;$ 100.70

Volume XV, Part B:Ferns and Fern-AlliesMonika Shaffer-Fehre (ed.)

978-1-57808-410-4; 2006; 336 pages, hc;$ 100.70

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Volume 1: LycopodiaceaeHydrocharitaceae

978-1-57808-072-4; 2000; 208 pages, hc;$ 84.00

Volume 2: Poaceae (Gramineae)

978-1-57808-101-1; 2001; 372 pages, hc;$ 98.60

Volume 3: Cyperaceae

978-1-57808-102-8; 2001; 280 pages, hc;$ 93.00

Volume 4: Araceae—Orchidaceae

978-1-57808-103-5; 2001; 250 pages, hc;$ 106.40

Volume 5: Salicaceae-Amaranthaceae

978-1-57808-104-2; 2002; 316 pages, hc;$ 123.20

Volume 6: Portulacaceae—Ranunculaceae

978-1-57808-105-9; 2003; 312 pages, hc;$ 123.20

Volume 7: Berberidaceae—Grossulariaceae

978-1-57808-106-6; 2004; 323 pages, hc;$ 127.70

Volume 8: Rosaceae

978-1-57808-107-3; 2004; 208 pages, hc;$ 103.00

Volume 9: Fabaceae (Leguminosae)

978-1-57808-108-0; 2006; 286 pages, hc;$ 107.50

Volume 10: Geraniaceae —Cornaceae

978-1-57808-109-7; 2006; 326 pages, hc;$ 121.00

Volume 11: Pyrolaceae —Lamiaceae (Labiatae)

978-1-57808-110-3; 2006; 310 pages, hc;$ 117.60

Volume 12: Solanaceae —Lobeliaceae

978-1-57808-111-0; May 2007; 222 pages,hc; $ 106.40

Volume 13: Asteraceae(Compositae)

978-1-57808-112-7; September 2007; c.514pages, 16 color plates with 61 photos, hc;$ 144.00

FLORA OF SIBERIAL.I. Malyschev (Editor-in-Chief)

Botany/ Plant Geography



KOMAROVIAD.V. Geltman and A.N. Sennikov (eds.)

A periodical of the Herbarium atthe Komarov Botanical Institute ofthe Russian Academy of Sciences.

Vol. 2, 2002978-1-57808-248-3; 2002; 132 pages, pb;$ 61.60

Vol. 3, 2003978-1-57808-329-9; 2003; 138 pages, pb;$ 61.60

Principles and Practices of PlantGenomics; Volume 1GENOME MAPPINGEditors:C. Kole: Department of Horticulture, ThePennsylvania State University, USAA.G. Abbott: Department of Genetics andBiochemistry, Clemson University, SouthCarolina, USA

978-1-57808-525-5; February 2008; ca.420pages, hc; US $ 109.50

This volume briefly introduces thehistorical background and overviewon genome mapping. Chaptersdeliberating on different types ofmolecular markers, their detection,relative merits, shortcomings andapplications; types of mappingpopulations, methods of theirgeneration, applications; basicconcepts and schematic depiction ofconstruction of genetic linkagemaps; concepts and strategies ofmapping genes controlling qualita-tive and quantitative traits onframework genetic linkage maps;rationale, methodologies andimplications of comparative map-ping; principles, strategies, andoutcome of map-based cloning;overviews on the recent advanceson plant genomics and genomeinitiatives; and finally computerstrategies and software employed inplant molecular mapping andbreeding.

Alphabetical Indexes to Volumes I-XXXE.G. Bobrov and N.N. Tzvelev

978-1-57808-334-3; 2004; 254 pages, hc; $ 111.40

This volume consists mainly of separate indexes to the scientific (Latin)names of the families and the genera and species in the Flora.

OAKS OF ASIAYu.L. Menitsky

978-1-57808-229-2; 2005; 549 pages, hc; $ 140.00

Asia’s forests contain a number of oak trees (Quercus L.), which are diffi-cult to classify and describe in terms of their phylogenetic relationships,evolution, distribution according to climatic regions, ecology, and relation-ship with the oaks of the Old World. Author here offers 20 years of re-search into these questions starting with a description of the family FagaceaeDumort and a morphological and biological description of genus Quercus L.Author then turns to the systematics and geography of the oaks of Asia,their distribution and participation in the forest communities of Asia, andthe phylogenetic series of species and the evolutionary pathways of OldWorld oaks. It includes resources and an index of the Latin names ofplants.


Page 16: BOTANY - Life  · PDF filePOLLEN BIOLOGY AND BIOTECHNOLOGY K.R ... Botany/ Plant Reproduction ... INTRODUCTION TO PLANT TISSUE CULTURE M.K. Razdan 978-1