bounce- brand standards manual

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  • 7/30/2019 Bounce- Brand Standards Manual



    Brand Standards

  • 7/30/2019 Bounce- Brand Standards Manual



    Table of Contents

    Introduction........................................3Logo.......................................................4About the Logo...........................................5Logo Use & Misuse...................................6Logo Clearspace.........................................7

    Color Scheme.............................................8 Typefaces.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9Image Style...............................................10Image Library...........................................11Letterhead....................................12Environmental Report Cover...................13Website Homepage.................................14Vehicle Application..................................15 Tokens. .... ..... .... .... .... ..... .... .... ..... ...16Bus/Streetcar Stop..................................17

  • 7/30/2019 Bounce- Brand Standards Manual



    Lets Bounce.Ill Bounce over to you! Just a Bounce away...

    Bounce Transit is Torontos new pride and joy, so its no wonder werehearing the above statements more often. In a city like Toronto, be-ing able to get from A to B is essential. Being able to do it safely,quickly and worry-free is also essential. Thats why we work so hard

    to instill and maintain a fresh transit atmosphere of reliability,approachability and top-notch service for our customers.

    This manual is your tool kit. It is your VIP pass into the behind-the-scenes areas of Bounce Transit that show you who we are,

    what we look like, and how we present ourselves.

    This is what makes us different. This is what makes us Bounce. .

  • 7/30/2019 Bounce- Brand Standards Manual


    Our Logo

  • 7/30/2019 Bounce- Brand Standards Manual


    About Our Logo

    Whats so special about our logo?Well, a lot of thought has gone into our logo in

    order for it to reflect our core values. Its roundedcorners represent our friendliness and approach-

    ability. The connection between the u and then reflect the idea of travel. We take people

    places. And thats important to us. The slightstep upwards that the logo takes represents a

    quality of service above the rest. And finally, thebold green hue seperates us from the compiti-tion and best of all, displays our upbeat attitude

    about the work we do.

  • 7/30/2019 Bounce- Brand Standards Manual



    Logo Use & Misuse



    Our logo should never be printedin black on our signature purple.

    There is not enough contrast. Also,our logo should never be printed on

    any textures or backgrounds thatmay impair legibility.

    There are only three colors our logo shouldever be printed in. Our Lime Green, Black,or White. Our logo should never appearfilled in by pattern or gradient.The logo should never be skewed orstructrually altered. Also, it should neverappear outlined or closely boxed in.




  • 7/30/2019 Bounce- Brand Standards Manual



    Logo Clearspace

    To ensure our logo looks its best, alwaysallow it at least the minimum amount

    of clearspace. The minimum amount ofclearspace for our logo is the size of itslower case o around all four edges.

  • 7/30/2019 Bounce- Brand Standards Manual



    Colour SchemeColors

    Lime GreenPantone 382 U

    C 29M 0Y 100K 0

    R 193G 216B 47

    PurplePantone 267 U

    C 89M 100Y 0K 0

    R 73G 47B 146

    Color Policy

    These are our two signature colors. Our colors,the Lime Green and Purple, are our main col-

    ors, and the only colors that should be used torepresent us by web or print.

  • 7/30/2019 Bounce- Brand Standards Manual




    Meet Titillium.She is our one and only typeface.

    And she represents us well. Her letter-forms are as unique as they are strong,and she comes in six different weights.

    For headings, Bold weight should beused. For body text, Light weight should

    be used.




    L i g h t

    B o

    l d

  • 7/30/2019 Bounce- Brand Standards Manual



    Image Style

    Our image style directly reflects our service: bold,strong, and unique. As a part of our image style,we include two bars of color- one our Purple, andone our Lime Green. These can appear on anyedge of the page (left, right, top, bottom) and canvary in angle.The images themselves always de-pict either one or a combination of these things:

    The city of Toronto (ex: recognizable architecture) Our subways, streetcars & buses A sense of movement Roads or tracks

    These images are to be in grayscale with hight-ened contrast as well as dark vingetting of allfour corners.

    Examples can be seen on the next page.

  • 7/30/2019 Bounce- Brand Standards Manual



    Image BankHere are some examples of the types of images we

    use along with our graphic element.

  • 7/30/2019 Bounce- Brand Standards Manual




    Head Office

    172 Spadina Road

    Toront o, ON

    M3R 1B7

    General Inquiries

    [416] 462-2834

    [email protected]

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,

    Consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla feugiat quam id lectus hendrerit sceleris-

    que. Phasellus sit amet risus quam. Donec ornare tortor vel diam ornare

    viverra. Curabitur vel felis nisl, vel tincidunt justo. Cras vel cursus ipsum.

    Vestibulum ultricies imperdiet elit quis suscipit. Proin tristique, dolor porta

    bibendum adipiscing, est neque accumsan est, ut bibendum purus odio in

    massa. Aenean semper adipiscing lectus, non cursus risus fermentum eget.Curabitur ullamcorper mauris et massa dignissim sit amet laoreet nibh

    lobortis. Ut consectetur ante ut ante aliquam condimentum.

    Fusce lobortis diam sed libero tempor non hendrerit elit tincidunt. Sed sit

    amet ipsum nisl. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et

    malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Morbi dolor purus, venenatis vel

    semper nec, posuere et velit. Curabitur malesuada, felis at cursus volutpat,

    sem ante pretium turpis, at faucibus erat mauris sollicitudin felis. Fuscequam libero, pulvinar sit amet rhoncus vel, interdum vitae dolor. Nullam

    pharetra ultricies pretium. Mauris in ipsum in lacus pharetra convallis at et

    elit. Pellentesque dignissim placerat nisl vitae viverra. Donec interdum

    ullamcorper imperdiet. Praesent in ante tortor, quis porta ipsum. Mauris

    interdum orci justo, eu pharetra neque. Etiam facilisis velit ut augue vestibu-

    lum tincidunt.


  • 7/30/2019 Bounce- Brand Standards Manual



    Environmental Report Cover


    REPORT 2011

  • 7/30/2019 Bounce- Brand Standards Manual



    Website Homepage

    This is our websites homepage. It iswhere our customers can find themost current and relevant informationabout Bounce. Transit delays and ad-visories are seen in the Advisory panel,and are updated by the second. Ourroute maps and vehicle schedules arereadily available and easily accessed.Accessibility options for those withspecial needs can be accessed here aswell.

  • 7/30/2019 Bounce- Brand Standards Manual




    Our vehicles are hard to miss.

    Designed for maximum impact locatability, our fleet of vehicles are a wel-come change to whats on the road today. Their bold design encapsulates

    our unique and positive atmosphere.

  • 7/30/2019 Bounce- Brand Standards Manual



    Tokens These are our tokens. They are the most popular form of fare payment. Made

    of part recyled aluminum, and part colored plastic, they are environmentally

    friendly and are easily distinguishible from regular Canadian currency.

  • 7/30/2019 Bounce- Brand Standards Manual



    Bus/Streetcar Stops

    Our aboveground bus andstreetcar stops are visible byour 3-sided triangular signs.

    Our logo, printed large andfeaturing our bright color

    palette, is seen on the tworoad and sidewalk facing

    sides of the sign. This makesfor a bold impression andan extremely visible locatingdevice. The third panel fea-

    tures a simple, easy-to-readmap of the particular route.

    The Bus or Streetcar routenumber is also clearly visible,but we welcome our custom-

    ers to call our toll-free helpnumber if they are in need of

    further service.

  • 7/30/2019 Bounce- Brand Standards Manual



    1-888-923-6739 | [email protected]