bourbon news. (paris, ky) 1900-11-27 [p 5] · the...

THE BOURBON NEWS PARIS KY TUESDAY NOVEMBER 27 1900 I L iTwen th Year Established 1881 at the at class man matter 124 SUJBBOXlPTlOff PR1CBB Payable in Advance bie to the order of CHAMP BRO All Clothing bought of Price Jo kept inepair free of cost for no year AJ Elk Lodge will be instituted at anville to The Fair SANTA at The Fair December 11th 12th and 13th DECEMBER 11th 12th and 18th visit Santa Claus at The Fair fri ON exhibition the entire week a grand display of flue furs at Heymans 2t CORN Highest market price paid s E F SPEARS SONS J F ANDERSON has been appointed Postmaster at Anderson vice N Caven yl CHICK PIPERS case will be heard by U Commissioner Hill at Lexing- ton Thursday MRS MILLARD F KENNEY Has pur- chased of James H Haggard a cottage on Higgins avenue for 1100 PROF OLGER of tue Georgetown College preached at the Baptist Church Sunday morning and evening THE backbone of the drouth has been not only but disintegrated dis srilxed diluted and dissipated THE Public Schools of Falmouth have closed on account of diphtheria Two deaths and several bad cases are re- ported IN the federal court at Chicago Judge Kohlsaat fined John R Toneyl000 and costs for selling oleomargarine as pure butter H f V N F hand three tur keys to ressed and shipped to Con- gressman Sguth 25 pounds eadi for Thanksgiving of Sharpsburg has received a large collection of curios from his brother Major H T Allen A now stationed in the Phillipme UyL- v IN the Court of Appeals the csseof Gartland vsi Connor was affirmed and the Northern Bank vs City of Paris appealed was dis- missed CARL CRAWFORD is running the best barber shop in the city and will con tinue to do the same An uptodate bath room and polite attendants Give me a call tf THE Ladies of the Christian Church will have their annual sale for Thanks giving on tomorrow at Harry Simons old stand Turkeys old hams cakes salads and all other good eatables can be found there Dont forget to attend RS NATHAN BAYLESS SR was operated oh for appendecitis by Sr Bicketts of Cincinnati aud Drs Roberts of this city Dr Roberts who has been in constant attendance since says she is improving nicely CAPT WILL H KIRBY one of the most popular Conductors ever found en- an L N train has engaged in the livery and transfer business at Paducah His friends and they are thousands wish him success in his new venture Miss NELLIE B BEDFORD announces in this issue her candidacy for Supt of Public Schools for Bourbon county Miss Bedford is a daughter of Capt Harry Bedford afad has had eight years experience in the school room and is reputed to bVan excellent teacher Mr Garret Worrow Davis son of former Senator Garett Davis has just published a clever Kentucky story enti- tled Hugh Darnaby which deals with affairs in Central Kentucky during the Civil War and which will be particu larly enteresting to readers in this State FD COY formerly of Louisville Iniluonjj and assets 3 owes 31- d d Kentucky baiiksand claims to have lost in Kentucky invest- ments He waa one of the of the Kentucky Union Railroad in which several of our citizens were at that tiire interested THE Flemingsburg TimesDemoctat As the ravages of the hawks go far toward keeping down the quail sup- ply in this country as well as vote one day W a hawk hunt and that suggest the first Friday in December which will be the 7th E BDUBBOllEWS Paris Ky nd NO eyear I Make alt Checks Money Orders Etc e ladies Apply 11 CLAUS 4 I der j e brpken t 1 SMJJDH has ou I b Trimbleweighjng FRANKS U S lauds iII 1 day J i n j IJ a t in York th ob 1500000 r says t f Post ofitce r TELEPHONE 2OO WAITED k vesales WANT L 4- r ALLEN s andcross appealed ry V Wallingford jas filed ti is baukmptc eta ties over on- o n prop otora suggest end ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < > Bourbon Wins At the State meeting of the Daugh- ters of the Confederacy held last week at Winchester Mrs R G Stoner elected Treasurer and Mrs Ann D Lucas Secretary Mrs R J Neelynnd Mrs H B Clay were also in attend anceMrs Stoner is a very attractive and cultured has a wide circle of acquaintances throughout the State The association honoring her with its highest office will find they were very fortunate in their selection and her ac ceptance Mrs Lucas widow Capt J W Lucas is the daughter of the late Gen Desha of county and a of Col Joseph and Capt Ben Desha deceased two gallant officers in tha famous Kentucky Orphan Brigade A bright woman with a lovely christian character The Daughters voted wisely in choosing her for this important office A Dastardly Trick Some time Sunday night a rear win dow in the Opera House was forced open and after gaining admission the person or persons went to the orchestra pit and cut the strings and otherwise mutilated the bass violin belongingj to Charles Hukill who plays in the Grand Orchestra They also destroyed the bow Manager Porter offers a reward of ten dollars for information which will lead to the conviction of the person or persons and it is to be hoped that he will succeed in locating them A Paris Girl Entered a Convent Miss Mary OConnor daughter of the late Mayor Roger OConnor has taken the cap at the Academy of Our Lady of Angels at Elmira New York This is order and is under the aus pices of the Catholic church When one takes the vows they not allowed- to go beyond the convent walls and never see any one from the outer world except those in the classrooms Miss gifted young lady Sho has writers numerous articles and poems for different magazines Bourbon Circuit Court THE Bourbon Circuit Court convened yesterday with Judge J E Cantrill and Commonwealths Attorney Robt Frank- lin on hand ready for business The following gentlemen compose the grand jury WPArdery forn Jeptha Butler John G Redmon B F Wilson John W Wright R F Adair G T Bradley Clark Nathan Goodman James Bryan Lee Beal B F Stipp A Narrow Escape Mr Clay Stone and Miss Anna Victor Mr Lee Spears and Miss Ollie Buckner narrowly escaped a serious accident while driving home from the party given by Miss Sue Buckner Friday night The night was dark and rainy and their buggies collided breaking both so they were compelled to wait in the rain until daylight to repair one of thejauggies so they could get back lo town Mr John Spears and Miss Jessie Turney had their buggy turned over the same night but luckily escaped injury Serious Accident AT Lexington Sunday night while returning from a fire and crossing the railroad track Fire Chief Georgo W Muir Fireman Frank Sutton Driver James McMurtey and Tom Cromwell a reporter were struck by the C O switch engine and all badly injured It being dark and a severe storm raging the engineer failed to hear the gong of the fire wagon Bourbon Boy Wins MR GRAHAM SMEDLEY of Millers burg Saturday won the the oratorical contest at Georgetown over six contestants Mr Smedleyis the son of J G Smed ley the wellknown dry man of Millersburg Reward I will give ten dollars reward for in formation which will lead to the con viction of the person who broke into the Grand Opera House Sunday night and destroyed the bass violin in the orchestra R S PORTER Special Turkey Trains The K O division of the L N last Week run several opecial trains loaded with turkeys the Eastern markets for Thanksgiving There was an aver jage gf ten cars per day bringing many The Coeur Commandery No 26 Paris Kentnpky unanimously elect ed Miss Lizzette Dickson daughter of Hon E M Dickson sponsor for their Commandery at the Triennial Conclave which meets in Louisville in August 1901 Insurance Paid In 1899 During the year 1809 Paris paid in premiums for fire insurance 32042 and received only 942i The balance will iroucibl bo on the other for 1900 woman of sister f s I I OConner is a 4 Newt c i I tin Q ennial- j De Lion f 114 1 was Harrison 1 a- very are newspaper medal in goods for ands dollars S onbr5e1 i Conclave ids ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > > = THE MOVING THRONG Notes About Our Guests Arrivals and Departures Society Doing Miss Clara Dawson is dangerously ill Miss Mattie Grinnan is visiting in Cynthiana Mrs Ruth Lockwood is visiting in Lexington Samuel B Rogers returned from a in West Virginia Mr Frank P Kenney and are visiting relatives in this city v Miss Ollie Buckner is ill She is threatened with pneumonia Mr Ross Williamson has returned- to Lexington after a visit in Paris Mrs Jennie Kenney Lyle has from a visit to Louisville Miss Elizabeth Hazelrigg of is the guest of Miss Kate Lucas Wallace Leer son of Mr and Mrs Stout Leer is very ill with typhoid fever Mrs Hardin Lucas left yesterday for a visit to her parents in Mason county Capt Ed Taylor representing the John Shillito Co Cincinnati was in the city Friday X Hon Charles Stoll of Lexington- was among the visiting attorneys here yesterday Duncan Bell and Sidney Clay left this morning fora hunt in Mississippi and Alabama Mrs has been very ill for several days She was some yesterday Mrs Hoffman Wood of Mt Sterling is visiting her parents Mr and Mrs H C Whaley Mr Vanmeter son and daughter of Danville are guests of Mr and Mrs John Woodford Mrs Robt Field returned to her home in St Louis yesterday after a visit to relatives in Paris Miss Mae Woodberry who has been in Paris for some time left Saturday for her home in Danville Ills Messrs Gates by Woodford and Quincy Ward will return tomorrow from a deer hunt in Michigan Mr A S J Holt of San Francisco who has been visiting his brother Ben P Holt left yesterday for his home Mrs Dr Davis Mr Davis Mr Oscar Yates of Louisville arrived last evening to attend the FrostDavis wedding Mrs R L Palmer and daughter Macievof Sturgeon Mo who has been visiting in Bourbon returned home yesterday Messrs Rl P Dow Jr and Joseph Rion of the DowHayden Grocery Co at Winchester spent Sunday in this City Mrs B Miller has been ill for the past two weeks He was taken to the Good Samaritan Hospital last Fri day Louis Lilleston who has been mak ing his hoine in Kansas City for the past three years arrived home last night Messrs Simms Wilson Thompson Tarr Douglass Thomas and Ed are on huntiug trip in Southern Mrs W H Price of Denver Col who has been the guest of Mrs John Stuart and sisters returned to her home Saturday Rev R E OByrne of the Ken tucky Childrens Home Society of Newport was a caller at THE NEWS office yesterday Mrs Ben Hardin Helm of Eliza bethtown and Mrs John S Williams of Mt Sterling are guests of Mrs R G Stoner at Oakland Mrs Leo Heyman who has been the guest of Mrs Al Greenbaum yesterday to her home in Car- lisle accompanied by Mrs Greenbaum aud daughter Dorothy who will spend the holidays in that city Miss Jesse entertained most delightfully at cards yesterday afternoon in honor of her guests Miss Victor of Cynthiaua and the Misses Gaitskill of Mt Sterling A most de licious lunch was served The first prize was won by Miss Lizzette Dick son and the booby by Miss Lizzie Woodford Miss Sue Buckner was the charm- ing hostess Friday evening vto a masquerade dance given to the New Euchre Club at the magnificent home of her father Mr Walker Buckner near this city At intermission a delightful luncheon courses was I ette iclon Spanish GSl JohnscJnr Sobftish Lass Martha Clay Oldfashioned Girl Sue Bncknet The Bride Lillian Gaitskill Not Winchester Vivian Gaitskill Not Masqued Winchester Bessie Spahr Nydia Winchester Ollie Buckner Georgia Goodwin Winter Winchester Milda McMillan College Girl Madge- Carruthers Baby Cincinnati Marie Parrish Japanese Laiy Sallie Joe Hedges Gypsy Jessie Turney Nun AnnieVictor Oldfashioned Girl Cyn thiana Mary Best Tarr College Nan Kate ucajs Colonial Dame Eddi Slurs Shepardess Ollie Butler Josihh Chas wife J JamesFerguson bet- ter R W relatives e beauti- ful i Th oll owing isn f what they n 1 Fan e Mas- que y visit re- turned Frank- fort john Bed- ford Tennessee re- turned Turn ey several serv- ed list th esta- resenta 1 l yes ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < > Allens Annie G Tarr Eccen tricity Mrs Sidney G Clay Dame Messrs Albert Hinton Hobo Wornall Negro Hinton Weary Willie Will Spahr Englishman Win- chester Clay Stone Rough Rider Oak Hinton Bohemian John Spears Monk Joe Groxton Summer Girl Winchester Clell Turney Dude Hugh Brent Dude Lee Spears Sidney Clay Confederate Officer Capt James Rogers Knight Templar Walker Buckner Clown Woodford Buckner Old Man Charles Dickson Domino Henry May Domino Aylette Buckner Roman Senator Brent Chappie J W Bacon Squire Turner Not Masqued Mt Sterling Box Party The gentlemen of the New Euchre Club entertained the lady members of the same club to a box party at the Opera House Saturday night The fol lowing constituted the party Misses Lucas Simms Eddie Spears Dickson Buckner E Woodford M Woodford Mt Sterling Tarr Graves Louise Parrish Renick Tur ney Johnson Marie Parrish Butler Brent Qlay Hedges Car ruthers Cincinnati Goodwim Spahr McMillan Victor Cynthiana and Messrs Albert Hinton William Jr Oakford Hinton Payne Wornall Turney Bacon Dickson Tucker Stone Brennan Brent May Walker Dailey Grigsby Freeman Lexington Bowman Lexington Croxton Winchester Talbott Clay Aylette WHY didnt we come here first Thats at The Fair Store often MR W J Rosshas returned to Lex- ington from Arizonia where he went several years ago for his health and will be located with the Moore School of Telegraphy Mr Ross married Miss Graham of Centerville precinct THE regular meeting of W B M will be held in the lecture room of church Friday November 30th at three- pm and on Sunday following Dec 2d in the evening they will observe C W B M day and will have an ad dress by Miss Helen E Moses from Indianapolis one of the officers of the National Board Everyone invited and Auxiliary of the county especially urged to be present As Administrator of Mrs Joanna Hanlin and agent for her heirs the un- dersigned will on Dec 7th 1900 at the Court House door in Paris Kentucky beginning about 11 oclock a m expose to public sale the follow- ing described property The real estate of decedent located on Tenth street near L N depot front- ing on said street and having thereon three dwelling houses consisting of two cottages of three rooms each and one frame twostory dwelling of seven room suited for a store The property will be offered in parcels and as a whole and the right is reserved- to reject all bids Purchasers invited to inspect the property before the day of sale TERMS Said will be sold credits of twelve months the purchaser to execute bond with good surety to be approved by the undersign- ed or the purchaser may pay cash and execute his note without surety tor the remaining twothirds in two payments of six and twelve months or he may pay all cash W O HINTON Administrator of Joanna Hanliu and Agt of her Heirs A T FoRsyjra Auctioneer Administratrixs Sale As Administratrix Samuel C Bed- ford deceased the undersigned will at his Sa e Hume Bedford urnptke in Bourbon County Kentucky bout 6 miles from on CNoDAY DECEMBER 12 1900 beginniugat ic oclock a m his ptisonal estate consist ing of uead of feeders head of fat cattle 3 calves i and calf j 90 o sheep 5 sows and 15 shoats 5 fat hogs t i sorrel horse- i mule i horrel horse 330 shocks of corn 3 stack timothy j am w I plow shoyel plows 4 pitchforks Vc- r crosscut i hempbrake 4 hand planters and hay knife- i TERMS Sums under 1000 cash over 1000 three months credit the purchaser to execute bond with be approved by the under- signed with date a 6 or purchaser may cash MRS MARY F BEDFORD Admx Samuel C Bedford McMniAN TALBOTT Attys At the same time and place I will sell one sow and 30 shoats MRS MARY F BEDFORD- A TF0kSY IH Auclr 24nov5t will Turk Swell Hinton Bu kner whats the C Seth Fri roomsone proPerty and A the e to jTr sale JJ I male haJj 2to I co t l ha s 2 s 4 s 8i Wife Ford A Martha heard jIItMsll8IQfs lire six a 9fI cattle S head f ante rl ich achine ti s raw ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < > ¬ LARGEST DRY GOODS STORE IN THE CITY in in mm u nirrcm 11 1 lit 11 linn inn iiu- uftTERS FOR j Ladies Misses and Childrens Cloaks iiiiiiiiriHiiiiniiiiiniiinttiiiii We have reduced fare J teen pieces of to 0 Cents per Yard former prices 6c and These goods are of this Falls purchase Come early aikir secure first choice HOSIERY AND mwr complete for Men Women and Children Better arly before sizes are broken OUTING CLOTH NIGHT Made just like you make them at home Just received a new line of Ladies Eiderdown Dress ingSacques See the J B CORSET It is s beauty OTJPt Your Wants In Style FOURTH MAIN STS PARIS KY If you cannot read this small print at a distance o 14 inches yeras eyesight is failing and should have immediate attention Imperial spectacles and eyeglasses have perfect lenses always perfectly contred and purest set iu frames of the highest elas ity fwd on eri i t3 of greatest with the utmost llphn sFero 9 VViot iil fian ik and lensean are scleufirtruilly fitted by 3 J lit r t i tUtj ai7r rivc ruisfaction for theft i j3 are j erfe cV cl S titeM r o ot men not know how to fit Y ux 3 adjtibVed hpectacles or pnor lenses and are tt 3roff without classed las u with either of these spectacles of a reliable Gkillfir deal jr and they will last longer without and be In end We hate engaged the services C H Bowen who will visas 61 the second andlast Tiiusrsflays of each month and invite all vo call and have their eyes examined for which there is IBSK or money refuude1- r Next visit Thursday Jan 10 1900 Hello 170 G T1C ker I j Jv Fur Muffs Neck PIeces I I D DVSS G U Zlbe nest UNDERWEARStock c straightfront 2 r Gr of ClothIngMe- ets j Quality and I PARKER J r a ff i r r t H whl do I imperfect b ofDr ourstore Jj a w tlra ate HE AD A Collar PttBS c car GARMENTS cirn rice J MES 9 1 13 t j OJ1 c range charge > > > > + 469 Paris At least ha e had trouble in keeping- a cook during the Summer Much of their worry could have been avoided however if had called call- ed DOW SPEARS We have lots of readyprepared foods and many things needing Everything- in stock is freshif we havent what you call for it only takes a moment to get it Call us WITH HER GOLDEN AND ROYAL GREET IS HERE But we have taken the hint from her advance agent and procured a large stock Fall Clothing to be sold at p piars- rices Est top Ttittrtt THE t SUITS ARE GoOd quality at io drens just the thing for school 250 to 5 Wives onor fDO SPEA I S- A fIN tJVA- U umn INGS A I I w fi r I u 1 ti had io J c kj 1 S T W 1 j I5 and 7 Ul S r J I CLOTHIER I J bi r h- c u- pI LINES coats s silk can be y 1 fromio 5 1a lIE and Boys Ghlw PRICE Co > ° > < > < > =

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Page 1: Bourbon News. (Paris, KY) 1900-11-27 [p 5] · THE BOURBON NEWS PARIS KY TUESDAY NOVEMBER 27 1900 L I ... the cap at the Academy of Our



LiTwen th Year Established 1881

at the atclass man matter


SUJBBOXlPTlOff PR1CBBPayable in Advance

bie to the order of CHAMP BRO

All Clothing bought of PriceJo kept inepair free of cost forno year

AJ Elk Lodge will be instituted at


to The Fair

SANTA at The Fair December

11th 12th and 13th

DECEMBER 11th 12th and 18th visit

Santa Claus at The Fairfri

ON exhibition the entire week a grand

display of flue furs at Heymans 2t

CORN Highest market price


J F ANDERSON has been appointed

Postmaster at Anderson vice N Caven

ylCHICK PIPERS case will be heard

by U Commissioner Hill at Lexing-

ton Thursday


chased of James H Haggard a cottage

on Higgins avenue for 1100

PROF OLGER of tue Georgetown

College preached at the Baptist ChurchSunday morning and evening

THE backbone of the drouth has beennot only but disintegrated dissrilxed diluted and dissipated

THE Public Schools of Falmouth haveclosed on account of diphtheria Two

deaths and several bad cases are re-


IN the federal court at Chicago JudgeKohlsaat fined John R Toneyl000 andcosts for selling oleomargarine as purebutter H

f V

N F hand three turkeys to ressed and shipped to Con-

gressman Sguth 25

pounds eadi for Thanksgiving

of Sharpsburg hasreceived a large collection of curiosfrom his brother Major H T Allen

A now stationed in the PhillipmeUyL-

v IN the Court of Appeals the csseofGartland vsi Connor was affirmed andthe Northern Bank vs City of Parisappealed was dis-


CARL CRAWFORD is running the bestbarber shop in the city and will con

tinue to do the same An uptodatebath room and polite attendants Giveme a call tf

THE Ladies of the Christian Churchwill have their annual sale for Thanksgiving on tomorrow at Harry Simonsold stand Turkeys old hams cakessalads and all other good eatables can befound there Dont forget to attend

RS NATHAN BAYLESS SR wasoperated oh for appendecitis by

Sr Bicketts of Cincinnati aud DrsRoberts of this cityDr Roberts who has been in constantattendance since says she is improvingnicely

CAPT WILL H KIRBY one of themost popular Conductors ever found en-

an L N train has engaged in thelivery and transfer business atPaducah His friends and they arethousands wish him success in his newventure

Miss NELLIE B BEDFORD announcesin this issue her candidacy for Suptof Public Schools for Bourbon countyMiss Bedford is a daughter of CaptHarry Bedford afad has had eight yearsexperience in the school room and isreputed to bVan excellent teacher

Mr Garret Worrow Davis son offormer Senator Garett Davis has justpublished a clever Kentucky story enti-

tled Hugh Darnaby which deals withaffairs in Central Kentucky during theCivil War and which will be particularly enteresting to readers in this State

FD COY formerly of Louisville

Iniluonjj and assets 3 owes 31-

d d Kentucky baiiksand claims tohave lost in Kentucky invest-

ments He waa one of the ofthe Kentucky Union Railroad in whichseveral of our citizens were at that tiireinterested

THE Flemingsburg TimesDemoctatAs the ravages of the hawks go

far toward keeping down the quail sup-

ply in this country as well as

vote one day W a hawk hunt andthat suggest the first Friday inDecember which will be the 7th


Paris Kynd


eyear I

Make alt Checks Money Orders Etc


ladies Apply









1SMJJDH has ou I













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Post ofitcer



WAITED k vesales






andcross appealed




jas filed ti is baukmptceta ties over on-


prop otora














Bourbon WinsAt the State meeting of the Daugh-

ters of the Confederacy held last weekat Winchester Mrs R G Stonerelected Treasurer and Mrs Ann DLucas Secretary Mrs R J NeelynndMrs H B Clay were also in attend

anceMrsStoner is a very attractive and

cultured has a wide circle ofacquaintances throughout the StateThe association honoring her with itshighest office will find they were veryfortunate in their selection and her acceptance

Mrs Lucas widow Capt J WLucas is the daughter of the late GenDesha of county and aof Col Joseph and Capt Ben Deshadeceased two gallant officers in thafamous Kentucky Orphan Brigade Abright woman with a lovely christiancharacter The Daughters voted wiselyin choosing her for this importantoffice

A Dastardly TrickSome time Sunday night a rear win

dow in the Opera House was forcedopen and after gaining admission theperson or persons went to the orchestrapit and cut the strings and otherwisemutilated the bass violin belongingj toCharles Hukill who plays in the GrandOrchestra They also destroyed thebow Manager Porter offers a rewardof ten dollars for information which willlead to the conviction of the person orpersons and it is to be hoped that hewill succeed in locating them

A Paris Girl Entered a ConventMiss Mary OConnor daughter of the

late Mayor Roger OConnor has takenthe cap at the Academy of Our Lady ofAngels at Elmira New York This is

order and is under the auspices of the Catholic church Whenone takes the vows they not allowed-to go beyond the convent walls andnever see any one from the outer worldexcept those in the classrooms Miss

gifted young lady Shohas writers numerous articles and poemsfor different magazines

Bourbon Circuit CourtTHE Bourbon Circuit Court convened

yesterday with Judge J E Cantrill andCommonwealths Attorney Robt Frank-lin on hand ready for business

The following gentlemen compose thegrand juryWPArdery forn Jeptha ButlerJohn G Redmon B F WilsonJohn W Wright R F AdairG T Bradley ClarkNathan Goodman James BryanLee Beal B F Stipp

A Narrow EscapeMr Clay Stone and Miss Anna Victor

Mr Lee Spears and Miss Ollie Bucknernarrowly escaped a serious accidentwhile driving home from the party givenby Miss Sue Buckner Friday nightThe night was dark and rainy and theirbuggies collided breaking both so theywere compelled to wait in the rain untildaylight to repair one of thejauggies sothey could get back lo town Mr JohnSpears and Miss Jessie Turney had theirbuggy turned over the same night butluckily escaped injury

Serious AccidentAT Lexington Sunday night while

returning from a fire and crossing therailroad track Fire Chief Georgo WMuir Fireman Frank Sutton DriverJames McMurtey and Tom Cromwell a

reporter were struck by theC O switch engine and all badlyinjured It being dark and a severestorm raging the engineer failed tohear the gong of the fire wagon

Bourbon Boy WinsMR GRAHAM SMEDLEY of Millers

burg Saturday won the theoratorical contest at Georgetown oversix contestants

Mr Smedleyis the son of J G Smedley the wellknown dry man ofMillersburg


I will give ten dollars reward for information which will lead to the conviction of the person who broke into theGrand Opera House Sunday night anddestroyed the bass violin in the orchestra


Special Turkey Trains

The K O division of the L N lastWeek run several opecial trains loadedwith turkeys the Eastern marketsfor Thanksgiving There was an averjage gf ten cars per day bringing many

The Coeur Commandery No26 Paris Kentnpky unanimously elected Miss Lizzette Dickson daughter ofHon E M Dickson sponsor for theirCommandery at the Triennial Conclavewhich meets in Louisville in August1901

Insurance Paid In 1899During the year 1809 Paris paid in

premiums for fire insurance 32042 andreceived only 942i The balance will

iroucibl bo on the other for 1900








OConner is a









De Lion

f114 1







medal in



ands dollars

S onbr5e1 iConclave









> > =


Notes About Our Guests Arrivals andDepartures Society Doing

Miss Clara Dawson is dangerouslyill

Miss Mattie Grinnan is visiting inCynthiana

Mrs Ruth Lockwood is visiting inLexington

Samuel B Rogers returnedfrom a in West Virginia

Mr Frank P Kenney and arevisiting relatives in this city v

Miss Ollie Buckner is ill She isthreatened with pneumonia

Mr Ross Williamson has returned-to Lexington after a visit in Paris

Mrs Jennie Kenney Lyle hasfrom a visit to Louisville

Miss Elizabeth Hazelrigg ofis the guest of Miss Kate Lucas

Wallace Leer son of Mr and MrsStout Leer is very ill with typhoidfever

Mrs Hardin Lucas left yesterdayfor a visit to her parents in Masoncounty

Capt Ed Taylor representing theJohn Shillito Co Cincinnati was in thecity Friday X

Hon Charles Stoll of Lexington-was among the visiting attorneys hereyesterday

Duncan Bell and Sidney Clay leftthis morning fora hunt in Mississippi

and AlabamaMrs has been very

ill for several days She was someyesterdayMrs Hoffman Wood of Mt Sterling

is visiting her parents Mr and MrsH C Whaley

Mr Vanmeter son and daughter ofDanville are guests of Mr and MrsJohn Woodford

Mrs Robt Field returned to herhome in St Louis yesterday after a visitto relatives in Paris

Miss Mae Woodberry who has beenin Paris for some time left Saturday forher home in Danville Ills

Messrs Gates by Woodford andQuincy Ward will return tomorrowfrom a deer hunt in Michigan

Mr A S J Holt of San Franciscowho has been visiting his brother BenP Holt left yesterday for his home

Mrs Dr Davis Mr DavisMr Oscar Yates of Louisville arrivedlast evening to attend the FrostDaviswedding

Mrs R L Palmer and daughterMacievof Sturgeon Mo who has beenvisiting in Bourbon returnedhome yesterday

Messrs Rl P Dow Jr and JosephRion of the DowHayden Grocery Coat Winchester spent Sunday in thisCity

Mrs B Miller has been ill forthe past two weeks He was taken tothe Good Samaritan Hospital last Friday

Louis Lilleston who has been making his hoine in Kansas City for thepast three years arrived home lastnight

Messrs Simms Wilson ThompsonTarr Douglass Thomas and Ed

are on huntiug trip in Southern

Mrs W H Price of Denver Colwho has been the guest of Mrs JohnStuart and sisters returned to her homeSaturday

Rev R E OByrne of the Kentucky Childrens Home Society ofNewport was a caller at THE NEWSoffice yesterday

Mrs Ben Hardin Helm of Elizabethtown and Mrs John S Williams ofMt Sterling are guests of Mrs R GStoner at Oakland

Mrs Leo Heyman who has beenthe guest of Mrs Al Greenbaum

yesterday to her home in Car-lisle accompanied by Mrs Greenbaumaud daughter Dorothy who will spendthe holidays in that city

Miss Jesse entertainedmost delightfully at cards yesterdayafternoon in honor of her guests MissVictor of Cynthiaua and the MissesGaitskill of Mt Sterling A most delicious lunch was served The firstprize was won by Miss Lizzette Dickson and the booby by Miss LizzieWoodford

Miss Sue Buckner was the charm-ing hostess Friday evening vto a

masquerade dance given to the NewEuchre Club at the magnificent home ofher father Mr Walker Buckner nearthis city At intermission a delightfulluncheon courses was

I ette iclon Spanish GSlJohnscJnr Sobftish Lass Martha

Clay Oldfashioned Girl Sue BncknetThe Bride Lillian Gaitskill Not

Winchester Vivian Gaitskill NotMasqued Winchester Bessie SpahrNydia Winchester Ollie BucknerGeorgia Goodwin Winter WinchesterMilda McMillan College Girl Madge-Carruthers Baby Cincinnati MarieParrish Japanese Laiy Sallie JoeHedges Gypsy Jessie Turney NunAnnieVictor Oldfashioned Girl Cynthiana Mary Best Tarr College NanKate ucajs Colonial Dame EddiSlurs Shepardess Ollie Butler Josihh










i Th ollowing isn fwhat they n


Fan e












Turn ey

several serv-ed list th esta-


l yes










< >

Allens Annie G Tarr Eccentricity Mrs Sidney G ClayDame

Messrs Albert Hinton HoboWornall Negro Hinton WearyWillie Will Spahr Englishman Win-chester Clay Stone Rough Rider OakHinton Bohemian John Spears MonkJoe Groxton Summer Girl WinchesterClell Turney Dude Hugh Brent DudeLee Spears Sidney Clay ConfederateOfficer Capt James Rogers KnightTemplar Walker Buckner ClownWoodford Buckner Old Man CharlesDickson Domino Henry May DominoAylette Buckner Roman SenatorBrent Chappie J W BaconSquire Turner Not Masqued MtSterling

Box Party

The gentlemen of the New EuchreClub entertained the lady members ofthe same club to a box party at theOpera House Saturday night The following constituted the party

Misses Lucas Simms Eddie SpearsDickson Buckner E Woodford MWoodford Mt Sterling TarrGraves Louise Parrish Renick Turney Johnson Marie Parrish ButlerBrent Qlay Hedges Carruthers Cincinnati GoodwimSpahr McMillan Victor Cynthianaand Messrs Albert Hinton William

Jr Oakford Hinton PayneWornall Turney Bacon DicksonTucker Stone Brennan Brent MayWalker Dailey Grigsby FreemanLexington Bowman Lexington

Croxton Winchester Talbott ClayAylette

WHY didnt we come here firstThats at The Fair Storeoften

MR W J Rosshas returned to Lex-ington from Arizonia where he wentseveral years ago for his health and willbe located with the Moore School ofTelegraphy Mr Ross married MissGraham of Centerville precinct

THE regular meeting of W BM will be held in the lecture room ofchurch Friday November 30th at three-p m and on Sunday following Dec2d in the evening they will observe CW B M day and will have an address by Miss Helen E Moses fromIndianapolis one of the officers of theNational Board Everyone invited andAuxiliary of the county especially urgedto be present

As Administrator of Mrs JoannaHanlin and agent for her heirs the un-dersigned will on

Dec 7th1900 at the Court House door in ParisKentucky beginning about 11 oclocka m expose to public sale the follow-ing described property

The real estate of decedent located onTenth street near L N depot front-ing on said street and having thereonthree dwelling houses consisting of twocottages of three rooms each and oneframe twostory dwelling of seven

room suited for a storeThe property will be offered in parcelsand as a whole and the right is reserved-to reject all bids

Purchasers invited to inspect theproperty before the day of sale

TERMS Said will be soldcredits of twelve months

the purchaser to execute bond with goodsurety to be approved by the undersign-ed or the purchaser may paycash and execute his note without suretytor the remaining twothirds in twopayments of six and twelve months orhe may pay all cash

W O HINTON Administrator ofJoanna Hanliu and Agt of her Heirs

A T FoRsyjra Auctioneer

Administratrixs Sale

As Administratrix Samuel C Bed-ford deceased the undersigned will athis Sa e Hume Bedfordurnptke in Bourbon County Kentuckybout 6 miles from on


beginniugat ic oclock a mhis ptisonal estate consist

ing ofuead of feeders

head of fat cattle3 calvesi and calf j

90 o sheep5 sows and 15 shoats5 fat hogs

ti sorrel horse-i mulei horrel horse330 shocks of corn3 stack timothyj am wI plow

shoyel plows

4 pitchforks Vc-

r crosscuti hempbrake4 hand planters and hay knife-iTERMS Sums under 1000 cash

over 1000 three months credit thepurchaser to execute bond with

be approved by the under-signed with date a 6or purchaser may cash

MRS MARY F BEDFORDAdmx Samuel C Bedford

McMniAN TALBOTT AttysAt the same time and place I will sell

one sow and 30 shoatsMRS MARY F BEDFORD-

A TF0kSY IH Auclr 24nov5t





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in in mm u nirrcm 1 1 1 lit 1 1 linn inniiu-uftTERS FOR

j Ladies Misses and Childrens CloaksiiiiiiiiriHiiiiniiiiiniiinttiiiii

We have reduced fareJ teen pieces of

to 0 Cents per Yard former prices 6 c andThese goods are of this Falls purchase Come early aikirsecure first choice

HOSIERY AND mwrcomplete for Men Women and Children Betterarly before sizes are broken

OUTING CLOTH NIGHTMade just like you make them at home

Just received a new line of Ladies Eiderdown DressingSacques

See the J B CORSET It is sbeauty


YourWants In



Ifyou cannot read this small print at a distance o 14 inches yeraseyesight is failing and should have immediate attention

Imperial spectacles and eyeglasses have perfect lenses always perfectly contred andpurest set iu frames of the highest elas ity fwd on eri i t3 of greatest

with the utmost llphn sFero 9 VViot iil fian ik and lenseanare scleufirtruilly fitted by 3 J lit r t i tUtj ai7r rivc ruisfaction for thefti j3are j erfe cV cl S titeM r o ot men not know how to fitY u x 3 adjtibVed hpectacles or pnor lenses and are tt 3roff without

classed las u with either of these spectacles of a reliable Gkillfirdeal jr and they will last longer without and be In end

We hate engaged the services C H Bowen who will visas61 the second andlast Tiiusrsflays of each month and invite

all vo call and have their eyes examined for which there is IBSKor money refuude1-

r Next visit Thursday Jan 10 1900 Hello 170

G T1CkerI


Fur Muffs Neck PIeces I


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469 ParisAt least ha e had trouble in keeping-

a cook during the Summer Much oftheir worry could have been avoidedhowever if had called call-ed DOW SPEARS We have lots ofreadyprepared foods and many thingsneeding Everything-in stock is freshif we havent whatyou call for it only takes a moment toget it Call us



But we have taken the hintfrom her advance agent andprocured a large stock FallClothing to be sold at p piars-rices Est top



GoOd quality at io

drens just thething for school

250 to 5








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coatss silk can be




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