boy crash hollywood radial - · omr by evelyn rigsby ce writer don quinn...

cl,I II l lu I 1=111 =11 11 II 1111111111 II Blind Boy Crash Hollywood Radial Dollar a Word Man Meet Ace Writerl Don Quinn Candid Pics Blondie &Dagwod Entertain Workeii'

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Page 1: Boy Crash Hollywood Radial - · OMr By Evelyn Rigsby ce Writer Don Quinn is A Modest Man Who Has a Closet Just Like McGee's BIT HARD to pass on Fibber McGee's

cl,I II l lu I 1=111 =11 1 11 II 1111111111 II

Blind Boy Crash Hollywood Radial

Dollar a Word Man

Meet Ace Writerl Don Quinn

Candid Pics Blondie &Dagwod Entertain Workeii'

Page 2: Boy Crash Hollywood Radial - · OMr By Evelyn Rigsby ce Writer Don Quinn is A Modest Man Who Has a Closet Just Like McGee's BIT HARD to pass on Fibber McGee's

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Mrs. Sue Page, 12551 Telfair Avenue, San Fernando, Calif.

Sirs: .A woman writes that our children ...are being taught how to "strangle, stab. drown, shoot or poison a person ". I'm not

J Listen to

The Broadway

News Every day at 12 noon and Monday thru Saturday at 5 p. m., over kHJ.

13rogtelw DOWNTOWN

MAtCOIM M,.NAOnTtN, PAIE. Whore Los Angeles Shops with Confidence

SANDRA, carrying the torch for Hack, is granted freedom on bail with 9 weeks to clear herself. Can she alone expose Hoagan and his Ring in time?

LISTEN TODAY and every- day, Monday thru Friday, to radio's newest romantic - mystery, 'LADY OF THE PRESS.' Sponsored by the makers of Alka - Seltzer and One -A -Day Brand Vitamins.

4 p.m.-KNX-1010

Page Two

Loo sure just how far a small child could think through a thing, but I think that our murder mysteries prove as conclusively as possible that the cleverest of criminals make mistakes. How could anyone listen to the programs without taking ln, along with the methods, the results of the fic- tional murders. I ata a murder mystery fan. I listen to all that I possibly can, hut believe me, if it teaches me methods of murder, it teaches just as much that there are men around smarter than I to figure out the answers.

I think murder mysteries are good escape programs. What can take one's mind off the war faster than trying to figure out "whodunit "? Enough clues are given to find the answers if a person is observant and alert.

But look at your log and you will see that there is drama, music (modern and classic), comedy, news and a mind- reader on at the times that murder -mysteries are heard, so that everyone's taste can he pleased.

With a few exceptions, I listen to the

On Our Cover When zany Casa Daley guested

on the Bob Burns broadcast from the Camp Pendleton Marine Base, Burns declared, "Cass sure went for the Marines -only they were mechanized and got away." It looks as though the Arkansas Traveler didn't fare so well. Co- medienne Casa has been radio's busiest guest stur this past sea- son, and is scheduled to co -star with Charlie Ruggles on CBS' Max- well House summer show.

Publisher, Carl M. Bigsby; Managing Director, Cuibrelh Sadler ; Business Manager, Vinson Vaughan; Office Manager. Georgia F. Caywood; Editor, Evelyn Rigsby; Art Director. Allen Ricks; Log Editor. Pearl Rail; Editor - tn- the -Service, John F. Whitehead.

RADIO LIFE Is published weekly by Compton Printing Company, 1029 West Washington Blvd., Los Angeles 15. Phone RI. 5262. Postpaid Subscriptions, $2.73 per year of 52 Issus. 11.50 for it mo. Advertising rates may he had on anvil- cati -n to the Business Manager. Single copies are 5c. Unsolicited material is sent at sender's risk. Radio Life as- sumes no responsibility for same. All remittances should be by Postal Money Order. Express Money Order or Check in favor of Radio Life. Currency la sent at sender's risk. This Issue is numbered \'olurn« 9. No. 13, published for the Week of .une 4, 1944. Fintirr contents of this iaue copyrighted. 1943. Reprinting in whole or part without permission strictly prohibited. Editorial Offices, 1558 North vine street. Holly- wood 26. Telephone HEmpstead 2025. Business and Advertising Offices, 10220 Went Washington Blvd., Los Angeles. Telephone Rlchmond 5262. Entered as Second Class Matter May 8. 1942, at the Postoffice of Los Angeles, California. under the Act of March 3, 1870.

serials only because "canned" music of the kind I don't like (boogey- woogey) is the only other thing on the air during the day. I do wish stories such as "Scatter- good Haines" and "Snow Village" would come back. "Vic and Sade ", "Lorenzo Jones" and "Life Can Be Beautiful" are ut real favorites.

It's a

LIFE'S too short to dab away at painted wood- work with expensive bottled cleaners. Just wring out a big cloth in silky -soft KENU solu- tion and go over your house in a jiffy! KENU is

the modern way to save time and money.

Lightens Housework Through Chemistry


Page 3: Boy Crash Hollywood Radial - · OMr By Evelyn Rigsby ce Writer Don Quinn is A Modest Man Who Has a Closet Just Like McGee's BIT HARD to pass on Fibber McGee's

smile, "although I know I'm lucky just to have the apartment!"

Will House Hunt When he returns here with his

family, however, he hopes to locate a house in Beverly Hills. He wants his daughter to attend high school there. "She's such a bright girl," he enthused, then added, "but she's no prodigy!" ( He dislikes abnormal children with strange complexes and exaggerated ideas of their own im portance. )

His daughter sings and paints well, but does both simply for the enjoy- ment she finds in doing them," he declares.

Being an old timer of the the- atrical world (although he's only forty -five), Cantor knows show peo- ple well, and has seen personalities come and go. "You'll find it almost always true," he emphasized, "that the ones who stay on top are those who are genuinely nice people -like Bing Crosby, Jimmy Cagney and Cary Grant, who are really sweet guys."

Grant is such a sincere and humble person that, according to Cantor, he was actually hesitant about doing his recent guest spot on "Duffy's Tavern" for fear he would "spoil a swell show!

As for Ed Gardner -Charlie Cantor calls him a terrific guy. "He's 'Archie' on and off the air," Cantor relates. Charlie. on the other hand,

(Please turn to Pape 35)

Duh..Duh..Don't You Believe It; * Charlie Cantor Is No "Finnegan"

OOD ACTING," Charlie Can tor observed, "is a matter of opinion." Many a dra- matic actor, he declared further, has fooled the pub- lic for years, but a come-

dian must deliver, or else he is out! Being either a good actor or a

successful comic, however, is not Charlie Cantor's chief ambition. "My only ambition," he maintains, "is to be thought of as a nice fellow."

Heard on the airlanes currently as "Finnegan" of "Duffy's Tavern" and "Uncle Buckley" of "Life of Riley ", in addition to roles on other promi- nent Hollywood laugh shows, Cantor will soon become a permanent resi- dent of California, and local radio and movie audiences will be hearing and seeing a lot more of him. Ac- cording to present plans, he is re- turning east shortly to enjoy some golf at his favorite summer resort spot in New Hampshire, then will bring his family west before the start of the "Duffy's Tavern" movie, which will mark his film debut.

"My screen test," grins Cantor, "was like a new toy. I'm a babe in the woods where pictures are con- cerned, but I think I'm going to love doing a movie."

His career to date forms a pictur- esque patch -work pattern of every phase of show business from the very beginning - burlesque, vaude- ville, and early radio, when he pro- vided unplanned "fill -in" programs of songs, patter and piano - playing. He took time out from his theatrical career at one time, however, to try the shoe business.

Things Were Bad "It was a flop," he admits readily,

and fifteen years ago he returned to his first love, show business. But before the breaks came, Cantor con- tinued, there were two years that were plenty tough.

"In fact, things were so bad," he

STRICTLY FOR LAUGHS, Charlie Cantor pulls the bow across the back side of a bull fiddle. Now pro- viding fun for radio -dialers as -Finne- gan" ol -Dully's Tavern," Cantor For-

merly portrayed villains on "Dick Tracy" and "The Shadow."

remembered, "that one day we found a dime in front of the house and didn't know what io do with it."

Cantor speaks in continual praise of his wife, Reece, who helped him through the hard times and is, he declares, "very wonderful in every way." Obviously devoted to his wife and their fifteen -year -old daughter, the radio actor proudly displays thbir pictures in his wallet, and speaks in eager anticipation of the time when the three of them will be together again. "It's pretty lonely going home to an empty apartment every night," he states wistfully, then adds with a

Page 4: Boy Crash Hollywood Radial - · OMr By Evelyn Rigsby ce Writer Don Quinn is A Modest Man Who Has a Closet Just Like McGee's BIT HARD to pass on Fibber McGee's



By Evelyn Rigsby

ce Writer Don Quinn is A Modest Man Who Has a Closet Just Like McGee's

BIT HARD to pass on Fibber McGee's first major radio effort, due to his brief appearance on the program and the skimpy material hand- ed out. Half -hour, first

of a new series, on Tuesday nights at 10 p. m. EST, stacked up more as a slip -shod musical hour than refresh- ing down -to -earth comedy serial. Dialogue weak, with continuity brok- en up continuously by orchestrations and rural atmospheric sounds.

"Marian and Jim Jordan play the leading characters, a combo of hen- pecked husband with a wise- crack- Page Four

DON QUINN GETS AN IDEA for a Fibber McGee and Molly script. His best times to be struck by inspira- tions are while he is shaving or showering. But he plucks many successful plot ideas from ordinary things. Example: A mis- spelled sign, Roller Cannaries, resulted in recent hilarious script.

ing wife. The nickname also explains the type of humor unrolled. Femme's brogue is decidedly Irish and hus- band relays in a hinterland twang. No special reason either for this varied assortment of tongues. It is not what they say particularly, but the manner in which it is delivered. Nary a real out -and -out laugh in the lot, excepting just once in a while, a carefully prepared gag would man- age to be timed correctly. Again the script limitations hampered the duo from ever getting under way.

"Auto palaver plentiful, with fill- ing- stations, mechanics, etc., worked in the story, though it was none too

clever. Enamel talk was handled by Harlow Wilcox, who killed a few quips due to his premature laughs.

"Middle -class sound effects never struck an authentic tone. Automo- bile's chugging came over like a motorboat pulling into dock. Audi- ence laughs were frequent though the announcer's signal to give was quite evident. As it stands, program demands swifter pacing, punchier lines and more of Fibber McGee and his frau."

Today, the foregoing paragraphs bring a quiet smile to the smooth -

shaven face of clever Don Quinn. It was written nine years ago as a Variety review following Fibber Mc- Gee and Molly's air debut for John- son Wax. Quinn will readily admit that the first Wistful Vista program he wrote wasn't so hot. He remem- bers one of the NBC page boys turn- ing to another after the performance and remarking: "Did you hear that show ?"

"Yeah," grunted the second page boy. "Just another one of those things!"

How Met Jordan Ask Quinn to describe how he met

Jim Jordan and his placid smile will spread into a chuckle. He'll recall

Page 5: Boy Crash Hollywood Radial - · OMr By Evelyn Rigsby ce Writer Don Quinn is A Modest Man Who Has a Closet Just Like McGee's BIT HARD to pass on Fibber McGee's


SON OF A NEWSPAPERMAN, Quinn works best while on dead- line. He whips Wistful Vista script into shape by toiling all night long every Sunday. His wife, Edythe, an ex- newspaper writer, works straight through with Don in the cozy den of their Encino home.

he was discharged from World War I as a gunner's mate and how he took a fling at commercial art in Chicago. "I was single -sort of a boy about town -and I used to drop in evenings at the radio station. Everything was free and easy in those days, and we used to dance In the engineer's room while they were on the air.

"Well, I was dancing with one of the hostesses, when a serious look- ing fellow walked through the room. 'Who's the sour face ?' I asked.

" 'That's Jim Jordan. He's a come- dian,' she answered.

" 'The heck you say!' was my re- sponse," concludes Quinn.

"I started throwing the Jordans a joke now and then."

That was almost ten years ago. Today, as every ardent radio fan knows, the Fibber McGee and Molly show, written by Quinn, is an airlane aristocrat.

There's an alert twinkle in Don Quinn's blue eyes that shows he plucks ideas for scripts from the per- sons and things surrounding him in everyday life. Recall, if you will, a very recent program built around the departure of the McGees for the Pacific Northwest, where Fibber was to work in his cousin's cannery. The whole germ for that show sprouted one day when Quinn was driving down town via Beverly Boulevard and saw a mis- spelled bird sign: Roller Cannaries.

He also admits that shaving and showering are atmospheres conducive to idea breeding. "Whenever I get a show idea, I remember the key phrase," he said. "I have a good memory. Wouldn't h a v e a f i l e around. Don't keep any scripts. Last

WHEN WRITER GETS STUCK FOR IDEA, he turns to his wile and exclaims: "Nuts to it! Let's play some gin rummy." So thats what the Ouinns are apt to be doing along about 4 a. m. Monday morning, Edythe comfortable in her quilted robe, Don coatless and tieless.

week's scripts are 1 ?ke yesterday's newspaper."

Quinn tries to keep an idea or two ahead of his weekly air scripting. "We're four ahead now," he re- marked. "Which is the furtherest we've ever been."

How Script Develops When a likely plot idea presents

itself, Quinn and the other principals kick it around briefly until they agree it may make a good show. Be- tween Tuesday and Friday, Quinn's assistant, Phil Leslie, develops the chosen motif until he has about fif-

Q U I N N' S

HOBBY IS HIS FINE collec- tion of art (he used to be a com- mercial a r t i s t) .

Painting (above) i s Frank T e n n e y

Johnson's Across t h e Mountains. One he is holding is titled Reflec- tions..

teen or sixteen pages of script ready. Eriday, Quinn takes the material and starts whipping it into shape, but the real battle doesn't come off until Sunday.

Working at his office in his Encino home (located two blocks from the Jordans) Quinn starts about noon and writes until mid - afternoon, when he joins Jim and Marian at their home for consultation on what he has done. "My impulsiveness and Jim and Marian's conservatism make a good combination," Quinn ob-

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Page 6: Boy Crash Hollywood Radial - · OMr By Evelyn Rigsby ce Writer Don Quinn is A Modest Man Who Has a Closet Just Like McGee's BIT HARD to pass on Fibber McGee's

THE BEGINNING OF A BUSY DAY and no maid to make the bed. Domestic help being as hard to get

as it is these wartime days, actress Ona Munson herself is

. having to do all the chores in and around her nineroom Hol- lywood home.

GATHERING LEMONS from the tree in her front yard is a

happy task, since the actress is justifiably proud of the major operation she recently performed on it. Unable to find a

gardener, she quickly acquired an extensive knowledge on the care and feeding of trees and shrubs.

4,(/&z ad%#añ7Y By Delle Hunter

Actress, Write r, Rehabilitation Worker And What -Have -You, Ona Munson Becomes "Chief Cook And Bottle - Washer" As Well

Monday, 5:30 p.m. enti -K X X

UIET, uneventful days have no place in the life of Ona Munson, lovely hostess of C B S' " Open House ". She sometimes plans them, but they never happen. What is more, she seems just as happy if they don't. Miss

Munson somehow thrives on activity.

Currently, she has added rehabili- tation work to her varied pursuits. Engaged in occupational therapy among sick and wounded war vet- erans, the popular radio -film actress journeys each week to army hos- pitals in Van Nuys and San Pedro to interest the men interned there in radio -writing and blueprint - reading.

Fadio has always interested Ona from more than just an acting stand -

Page Six

point. She has produced her own programs in the past, and hopes someday to do more writing. She keeps a voluminous file of story ideas, and material on interesting characters and incidents.

The actress' interest in blueprint reading, however, is something new. It was fostered when she worked with the architect on plans for her attractive nine - room Hollywood home. She discovered then that blue- print reading was no easy accom- plishment.

"After the house was finished," she laughingly pointed out, "I found there were no doors where I thought there would be!"

Now busy completing the interior decorating in her lovely new home, Ona is really having her troubles! Domestic help being as hard to get as it is these wartime days, she is

currently having to do all the daily household tasks by herself.

Radio Life took a jaunt out to the Munson domicile to snap the accom- panying pictures, and Ona, attired in blue denim work slacks, her nose shiny with perspiration, met us with a tired sigh.

"Whew!" she grinned. "See what I mean!" We did. Ona Munson Is quite a remarkable little gal.

Ia A -1 Gardener She showed us her garden first.

Her wounded lemon tree was bearing up magnificently after its operation. The tree had been injured last Hal- lowe'en when boys in the neighbor- hood jumped up on it and broke some of its boughs, and the last time we had seen Ona, she told us that the tree was slowly bleeding to death. "I've got a major operation to per- form," she declared, after explaining that she was without a gardener. She also told us then about her thirty -seven rose bushes.

It was an outlandish number, she had been informed, to expect to care for by herself. The warnings and chafings made her all the more de- termined to have thirty -seven beau- tiful rose bushes. To prove her ear - estness, she performed the tedious task which would best insure the

Page 7: Boy Crash Hollywood Radial - · OMr By Evelyn Rigsby ce Writer Don Quinn is A Modest Man Who Has a Closet Just Like McGee's BIT HARD to pass on Fibber McGee's

GREASE -MONKEYS have gone to war, so Ona Munson makes her own mechanical adjustments. "Before the war,"

she laughs, "I didn't know the difference between a spark plug and the battery!"

plants' proper growth. She carried her tiny, three-legged milk stool, a pail of water and a bar of soap into the yard one afternoon, and meticu- lously scrubbed every leaf on her thirty -seven bushes! Today, the roses In her yard are blooming beautifully.

"I hardly know what to do with them all," Ona exclaimed with a satisfied smile. "The house is fairly bursting with flowers!"

Is Grease Monkey But all of the actress' activity

TIME OUT after a hard day's work at home. Being jack of all trades" around the house is in addition

to the actress' movie and radio career, her rehabilitation wor' with hospitalized soldiers, and her active participation it charitable and political activities. (Wooden horse is Ona' mascot, "Don, The Beach Comber-).

wasn't centered in the garden on the day of our visit. Her car was stalled in the garage, which allowed her to give a realistic demonstration of the mechanical ability she has acquired in face of the scarcity of masculine grease - monkeys.

"Before the war," she laughed, "I didn't know the difference between a spark plug and the battery!"

COOKS HAVE COME and gone at the Munson domicile, since a busy actress' hours are irregular, and meal -time falls

at odd times. Because she likes to work in the yard until dark, Ona ends up cooking dinner at eight by herself.

Cooks have come and gone at the Munson manse, Ona admits, because of her irregular hours. So the actress has been doing her own cooking, sometimes not making her evening meal until as late as eight or nine o'clock. Arriving home at the end of an exhausting day, she likes to relax first, and enjoy the outdoors until it grows dark.

(Please Turn lo Page 25)

HER HOUSE- CLEANING gets done spasmodically, de Glares Ona Munson. "Sometimes its midnight or after,'

she explains. "I'm wide awake -so off we go, my vacuum and I!" The radio star has done her own interior decorating her home is filled with decorative and exotic furnishings.

Page 8: Boy Crash Hollywood Radial - · OMr By Evelyn Rigsby ce Writer Don Quinn is A Modest Man Who Has a Closet Just Like McGee's BIT HARD to pass on Fibber McGee's

A HAPPY HOMEMAKER today, Barbara Luddy's mar- riage to CPO Ned LeFevre of the U. S. Coast Guard

represents a triumph over tragedy. A local, California girl, Barbara hopes to return west with her husband alter the war, to live in her lóvely San Fernando Valley home.

THE ACTRESS AND HER MOTHER are strikingly alike - -tiny, but bustling with energy. Daughter Barbara works

at the Chicago Servicemen's Center; mother Molly is engaged in rehabilitation activities. In photo above, taken during the radio star's vacation trip to the west cpast last year, her mother is wear- ing a Civilian Defense uniform as a Lieutenant in the Communica- tions Corps.

A Girl With Grit! Barbara Luddy's Life Has Been A Battle; Success She Enjoys Today Is Her Hard - Won Victory

By Shirley Gordon

Wednesday. 6:30 p.m. .lAstual-XJJJ

HERE IS a small attrac- tively - furnished apart -

ment in the heart of Hol- lywood, with walls that tell the gallant life story

of radio's distinguished dramatic star, Barbara Luddy -a story of love, laughter and tears that rivals any of those the actress has enacted dur- ing the seven years she has been leading lady on radio's popular "First Nighter" program.

The apartment belongs to Barbara's busy, charming mother, Molly Luddy, who has covered its walls with photo- graphic mementoes of her adored daughter's long and active career. As we sat with her and talked of the story that each photograph tells, Page Eight

Mrs. Luddy laughed at the recollec- tion of Barbara's smiling comment upon the occasion of her last sum- mer's vacation trip to the west coast. The actress had entered her mother's apartment and glanced with pleased amusement at the innumerable pho- tographic images of herself which smile down from the walls.

"Mother, my feelings are hurt!" she exclaimed with pretended dis- may. "You haven't even any picture of me in your apartment!"

Actually, the pictures in Molly Luddy's apartment show her famous daughter at almost every important stage of her life. The earliest one reveals the actress at the age of three, a chubby - cheeked smiling lit- tle girl with long curls and a big hair -bow. It was then that Barbara

Luddy gave her first professional performance, and soon became, of necessity, the sole support of her family.

Her stepfather, Dr. Newton Sproule, had established his practice in the little town of Harlet, Montana. (Bar- bara never knewther real father; he and her mother were divorced when she was still an infant.) One winter, a typhoid epidemic swept across the entire area, Barb ?ra's mother and step - father workea side by side for weeks to nurse the overflow of pa- tients, with the result that the two of them were soon bedridden by fa- tigue -the doctor overly -ill from ex- posure after having j o u r n e y e d through a wintry storm to attend the birth of a baby.

Barbara Is Bread Winner Tiny Barbara met the family emer-

gency by applying her natural flair for singing and dancing towards bringing in financial aid. She had never had a lesson in either art. She learned to lift her lyric soprano voice in song by humming melodies to the accompaniment of the family's player piano. Her dancing routines were made up of original steps she created herself under the guidance of Dr. Sproule, who considered them a form of exercise particularly beneficial to Barbara.

That brings us to another picture in Molly Luddy's treasured collec- tion-a portrait of a pretty girl in a long - skirted riding habit sitting

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RADIO: West * National and International

Tearin' Green Our calendar Isn't topsy -turvy, dear

Radio Lifers and we didn't think it was St. Patrick's Day when we sched- uled the green paper for this week's news section. The newsprint situa- tion being what it is (and please, don't ask us to go into that) this was the week we decided to use up some

lovely emerald stock that has been kicking around for months without doing anybody any good. Maybe you'll like your news section on this attractive paper, but if you don't, maybe you'll feel very smug about helping us out by reading what's on the green paper anyway, thus being loyal just when we need it most. It's just a one -time shot, anyway

..,. : rrsz:x

FLEETWOOD LAWTON (KFI, 8:15 p. m., Mon., Tues., Thurs., Fri.- Mon. -Sat., 7 a.m., KECA; 7:15 a.m., KFI) receives placque from Dr. von KleinSmid in recogni- tion of his splendid commentation and For scoring the highest Hooper rating for analysts in the West (11.0 -nearest rival, 10.7). See story in Radio West.

SOLDIERS AND SAILORS crowd around good -natured Judy Canova in the Holly- wood Canteen CBS "Judy Canova Show" broadcast as she dispenses autographs and

good cheer to the GIs. The sailor at her right hails from New Ulon, Minnesota; at her left from Oakland, Calif., in the right foreground from Philadelphia. See story in Radio West.

Piacque for Lawton Fleetwood Lawton, noted news

analyst and commentator, last week was presented with a bronze placque from the Radio Appreciation League of New York, by Dr. Rufus B. von KleinSmid, president of the University of Southern California.

In presenting the trophy in behalf of the League, Dr. Von KleinSmid said that Lawton's "interpretation of news is a shining milestone in journalistic accuracy and fairness."

The placque was awarded to Law- ton as being 1944's Most Promising Commentator.

"Fleetwood Lawton has the highest Hooper rating on the west coast and is exerting tremendous influence in the right direction," read a portion of the citation which accompanied the award.

Lawton, a graduate of Oxford Uni- versity, has been a reporter, a finan- cial editor and managing editor of newspapers around the world and was the first regularly featured radio commentator of international affairs in Latin America, speaking both in English and in Spanish. In 1931 he predicted the Japanese -United States War.

Pretty Girls We strolled over to the Hollywood

Canteen the other Tuesday to see how the soldiers liked Judy Canova. Judy's CBS radio show, "Rancho Canova," had packed up cast and crew and gone over to the canteen to do their weekly broadcasts, one for the east, one for the west.

The soldiers in the first audience were uniformly young and easy to please. They gave out with loud "yak yak's" at every line, even if it wasn't very funny. This kind of an audience is a performer's dream. It brings out the best -tht(t is the ham -in the actor's and they really put on a show.

We wandered around the big barn - like canteen listening to the dialogue of the soldiers. They talk about the darndest things. One soldier, a very young sprout with peach fuzz on his face, was looking at Judy in a very studied way, then he turned to his companion and said, "What do you think that Canova dame would look like in re ?'lar clothes ?" "I don't know," replied his pal, "she might be kinda pretty if she was slicked up. She has a nice sweet face and a pretty smile." "That sure is some get -up she has on, did you see those striped pants ?" At the thought of Judy's big bloomers showing under her pinafore, both soldiers lapsed into self -conscious snickers.

There was a nice smell drifting out from the kitchen so we sauntered out to see what was cooking. There was the Canova family practically taking over the Canteen. Mama was mak- ing sandwiches of white bread and ham, Zeke was washing dishes and Pete was carrying them, out from the counter. Anne and Judy were doing a duo piano act on the stage. Anne

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Precasts & Proviois

4?/2e /ff0//ri Sunday, June 4- William L. Shirer,

KNX, 2 :45 p.m. (15 min.) Formerly KNX, Sunday, 4:00 p.m.

Dramatic Serials Monday, June 5- "Light of the World,"

KNX, 3:30 a.m. (15 min.) Monday through Friday. This is the popu- lar daytime serial formerly titled "Kitty Foyle."

Monday, June 5- "Woman in White," KFI, 11:30 a.m. (15 min.) Monday through Friday. The popular day- time serial which left the air two years ago, will be heard again.

Monday, June 5 -"The Adventures of Tom Mix," KHJ -DLBS, 5:30 p.m. (15 min.) Monday through Friday. The life of the great cowboy star with Curly Bradley playing the title role. *

.'1I uric Monday, June 5 -"Say It With Music,"

KMPC, 9:05 a.m. (55 min.) Monday through Friday. A pleasant pro- gram of light operatic and hit show tunes.

Drama Monday, June 5- "Dateline," KNX,

8 :15 p.m. (15 min.) Dramatizations of current headlines.

Saturday, June 10 - "This Is My Story," KNX, 6:00 p.m. (30 min.) A series of dramatizations.

Tuesday, June 6 -The Story of Peni- cillin, KNX, 6:30 p.m. (30 min.) A series of dramatizations dealing with the penicillin treatment.

Commentation Monday, June 5 - William Parker,

KMPC, 8:05 a.m. (10 min.) Monday through Friday. Commentation on world, military and political affairs.

Monday, June 5 -Mary Alice Collins, KMPC, 11:05 a.m. (10 min.) A pro- gram of commentation by a Lon- don correspondent.

Monday, June 5 -Time Views the News, KECA, 1:30 p.m. (15 min.) Monday through Friday. Westbrook Van Voorhis will be the mews broad- caster.

Religion Sunday, June 4- "Highlights of the

Bible," KFI, 7 :00 a.m. (30 min.) Dr. F. K. Stamm will be the program's speaker.

Sunday, June 4 - Rabbi Magnin, KFWB, 7:30 p.m. (15 min.) Com- mon Sense Talks.

* Variety

Sunday, June 4- Gracie Fields, KFI, 5:00 p.m. (30 min.) A program marking the return to the airlanes of this popular English singing comedienne.

Sunday, June 4- "Everybody's Hour," KMPC, 6:05 p.m. (25 min.) A pro- gram of military marches and timely speeches by prominent men.

&0)0(,a-76`,P Drama

Sunday, June 4 - "Green Valley, U.S.A.," KHJ -DLBS, 2:00 p.m. (30 min.) Canada Lee will be the pro- gram's star.

Tuesday, June 6- "Everything for the Boys," KFI, 9:00 p.m. (30 min.) Jimmy Durante and Jose Iturbi will be Ronald Colman's guests.

Thursday, June 8 -Kraft Music Hall, KFI, 6 :00 p.m. (30 min.) Cecil B. DeMille will be Bing Crosby's guest.

* Music

Thursday, June 8 - "Here's to Ro- mance," KNX, 7:30 p.m. (30 min.) Joan Edwards will be Harry Cool's

. guest. Saturday, June 10- Victory Parade of

Spotlight Bands, KECA, 6:30 p.m. (30 min.) Monday through Satur- day. Louis Prima and his band will be on hand.

a-7) tap)/f? Drama

Sunday, June 4- Hollywood Radio Theater, KFI, 9:30 p.m. (30 min.) "Love Divided by Two" stars Jon Hall.

Monday, June 5 -Lux Radio Theater, KNX, 6:00 p.m. (One hour). "Jane Eyre" will star Loretta Young.

Monday, June 5- "Suspense," KNX, 9:00 p.m (30 min.) "Fugue in C

Next Week We print twelve of the "Can You

Top This ?" program's best jokes - twelve that have hit 1,000 on the laughmeter. A night -time show that is heard daytimes, is written about and illustrated with pictures of wellknown stars. "Are You Un- happy?" is title of an article about Dr. Paul Popenoe, the marriage ex- pert, and his new program on KMPC. KMTR, picturesque local station, is vivified in word and pictures. CBS' 227 -pint donation of blood for the Red Cross Bank is subject of two picture pages. "World Front Page" and Judy Ca- nova are treated in meaty articles. In addition, you'll find a page of fashions and another of news pic- tures to complete this substantial issue of June 11.

KGFJ NEWS "We certainly created a trend," says

Thelma Kirchner, personable young manager of KGFJ, "when we started news on the hour, every hour, twenty- four hours a day back in the thirties."

Recently added to KGFJ's hourly news schedule are two new "news and music" programs. One is "Headlines and Music" for Vaughn's Used Cars, at 12:00-1:00 p. m. Monday through Saturday. The other is "The Town Crier Presents," 2:00-3:00 p. m. Mon- day through Saturday. Both feature latest news flashes and hit tunes.

* * EDDIES AUTOBIOGRAPHY NBC comic Eddie Cantor has added

some new chapters to his autobiogra- phy, "My Life Is in Your Hands," and it will be reissued by Harper and Bros.

Minor" stars Ida Lupino and Vin- cent Price.

Wednesday, June 7-Star Playhouse, KFI, 3 :00 p.m. (15 min.) Monday through Friday. "Marked Woman" will star Gail Patrick in a four - week's run.

Political Sunday, June 4 - Socialist Party,

KECA, 9:30 a.m. (30 min.) The ac- ceptance speeches of the Socialist Party candidates for the presidency and vice -presidency will be heard.

* Variety

Sunday, June 4 -"The Bakers of Amer- ica Salute the Armed Forces," KFI, 5:00 p.m. (One hour) A show sa- luting our servicemen and starring such favorites as Bob Hope, Bing Crosby, Fred Allen, Judy Garland, Gracie Fields, Edgar Bergen and Charlie McCarthy, and Ray Noble's orchestra.

Page 11: Boy Crash Hollywood Radial - · OMr By Evelyn Rigsby ce Writer Don Quinn is A Modest Man Who Has a Closet Just Like McGee's BIT HARD to pass on Fibber McGee's

JUNE 4, 1944

Pretty Girls (Continsea from Page 9)

does all Judy's accompanying and ar- ranges her songs. The Canovas used to do vaudeville acts together. They were billed as the ,.Four Canovas, as Judy and Zeke, andas Judy and Anne. Still together, but Judy is the only one now in the limelight.

We stayed around after the first show to see what effect the hostesses would have on the soldiers. It was tremendous. The boys were so busy ogling the pretty girls they hardly heard the second show. To say that they were a bad audience is putting it mildly. If you heard the show over your radio, that constant buzz in the background was just the usual boy- meets -girl stuff. "What's your name ?" "Are you here every night ?" "Will you dance all the rest of the dances with me ?" "Are you in pic- tures ?" Perhaps it isn't such a good dea always to have radio shows in

e Hollywood Canteen. Not with etty girls around, anyway.

eveille for Red ',Uncle Sam dood it! The bugler's

ing his horn, and irrepressible Skelton is scheduled. to take his

w at the NBC microphone on n the following day, he'll

bl Red final b June 6. report to ~Fort MacArthur as Pvt. Richard Skelton, his induction having been postponed to allow him to com- plete his season's series of broadcasts.

The comedian will be 31 on July 18. As an entertainer in civilian life, he has staged more than 1000 shows for boys in all branches of the service.


ROMAtarof 0# K N X 8:30 Stories woven around the romantic and adven- turous atmosphere of Early California

SPonwrwd by




Script- Tease


When the gifted Negro actor, Can- ada Lee, stars on MBS's "Green Val- ley, U. S. A." program on June 4, he will play the role minus his script, memorizing his part because he feels that in this way he can give a bet- ter characterization.

Sailor Handsome Harry Babbitt, featured

vocalist of Kay Kyser's NBC "College of Musical Knowledge, ". was inducted into the Navy on May 22nd, then given a leave in order to appear with the band for a broadcast on the 24th, from Santa Ana's Navy Lighter -Than- Air Base.

Babbitt is thirty years old, married, and has two children.


WEEK For the best Gags of the Week, heard over Radio and sent Radio Life, tickets will be sent winners for admission lo radio broadcasts. Send your best gag se- lection to 1029 West Washington Boule- vard. Los Angeles.

Paul Prersman, 12901/2 Devoe Avenue, Los Angeles, Calif. Heard on the Jack Benny show: Mary (speaking of Jack's toupee):

The curl goes in front, Jack. Jack: That isn't a curl, Mary. It's

the hook you hang it up with.

Miss Louise Vallejo, 1737 Spreckles Lane, Redondo Beach, Calif. Heard on the Moore -Durante show: Garry Moore: Jimmy, we've got to

solve this murder. Jimmy Durante: Yes, you follow in

front of me.

Mrs. R. E. Talbot, 5716 Virginia A Hollywood 38, Calif. Heard on the Joan Davis show: Penny Cartwright: Well, I must

hurry along. I have a date with a certain sergeant.

Joan: Well, who ever heard of an uncertain sergeant?

Roberta McDonald, 10813 Washington Blvd., Culver City, Calif. Heard on the Fred Allen show: Allen: How do I know they are the

Quiz Kids? They might be an over- flow from Sinatra's broadcast!


K. Louis Flatau, commentator and lecturer on international affairs is heard over KMTR Monday through Friday at 5:45 p. m. Flatau escaped from France eight months after its occupation by the Nazis. He was in Italy, Germany and Spain when Mus- solini, Hitler and Franco came into power. He also was an eye- witness of the Spanish Civil War and fought for a time as a French soldier in the present war.

kial`^^ ta, from

FI When Major H. S. Turner talks

about military strategy, European topography and makes predictions about the global war, he 1s speaking from a deep, deep well of first -hand information.

His education, which I n eluded schooling in Great Britain and the United States, goes far beyond the class room and his dip- loma from the Uni- versity of Experi- ence qualifies him for the job of news analyst which he performs daily over KFI (Monday through Friday) at 9:30 a. m.

Major Turner served with the Brit- ish Army in England

and France in the first World War combining the development of elec- trical communication with Military Intelligence. He transferred to the United States Army in 1917, and, as an officer, was in the front line in France until the armistice.

As a member of Herbert Hoover's American Relief Administration, Ma- jor Turner went to the Balkan coun- tries and assisted in arranging for the feeding of the peoples of those stricken countries. For this work he was personally decorated by King Peter of Yugo- Slavfa with the order of Saint Sava.


Major Turner has traveled through- out Europe and has met and come to know many of the great men of that continent, which gives him a unique insight into the European upheavals. His travels and studies, together with a broad understanding of men and events make Major Turner one of to- day's outstanding news analysts.

Another great Bakers of America radio program is set for June 4 via KFI from 5:00 to 6:00 p. m.... great because some of the brightest names in radio are all set to take part. Imagine Bing 'Crosby and Judy Gar- land singing a duet! ... Tip -top com- edy routines by Charlie McCarthy and his stooge, Edgar Bergen ... Dry but zingy humor in the manner of and delivered in person by Fred Allen . . .

A special treat is the English music hall mannerisms of Gracie Fields.

The program is one of the biggest things each year in radio and this year is no exception. Each of the stars has promised something new and interesting in the way of material

. they want the program to be terrific because it's dedicated to oul armed forces here and abroad.


Page 12: Boy Crash Hollywood Radial - · OMr By Evelyn Rigsby ce Writer Don Quinn is A Modest Man Who Has a Closet Just Like McGee's BIT HARD to pass on Fibber McGee's

449 :.e,

SUNDAY, JUNE 4 *Indicates News Broadcasts.


Sun., 8:00 - 9:00 a.m.

KGFJ Vaughn's Used Cars

0 104- EWapsudy of the Rockies *KNX, KPAS, KFXM, KI:ER-

News. KECA- What's Your War Job? KHJ, KGB, K ','OE -- Wesley

Radio League. *KMPC -News, Maurice Jubo-

sun. KFWB -Uucie Ge and Aunt

Ge Ge *KMTR- !iews, Voice of Pro-

phecy. K KFAC-Country Church. KRKD -Ranch Program. KWKW- Gospel, Deeper Life KFVD-Tempu Tunes. KGFJ -Say It With Music.

$:15-- KFI -Book of Books. KFOX -Rev. Dean Reed.

' BGER- Kingdum Within. 2:15 -KFI -Book of Books.

KPAS -Immanuel Baptist Ch. KFXM -Sunday Concert.

2311- KFI -Waltzes America Loves. KNX -Imitation to Learning. K HJ, KGB, KFXM. 11%0E-

Voice of Prophecy. KECA -Hour of Faith. KMPC- Nesley Radio League. KFWB -Lnion Rescue Mission KMTR -W. B. Record. KWKW-k Church of the Air. KFAC- ditrolllo' Tom. KFVD, KGB- Church uf

Christ. KFOX -Bev. R. E Reid. BOER -Dr. Lowman.

5:46*HFI. KFAC, KRHD -News. BGER- Missioinary Baptist.

9 Fl- Carveth Wells. SKNX -Salt Lake Tabernacle.

*KECA, KGER-News. HHJ. KGB, K%OE -Radio

Bible Class. *KMPC -News. Dolen's Musical *KMTR -News, Swedenborg

Hour. Kl'AS -Judge P. E. Gardner. K WKW- Little Italo. KBKD- Musla Masten. KFAC -Liberal Catholic Hour KFVI)- Waltz Time. KGFJ -Your Listening Plea -

Sure. KPPC -Rev. Myron Nichols. KFXM -Muele You Lose.

2:O5 -BGER -Rev. Larrimure. w:15. -KFI- Successful Gardening.

KECA- Master Radio Canaries KMTR- Pastor Egertson. KFAC -Voice of Health. KPPC- Prelude to Worship. K(:E R -Kev. J. A. Lovell.

9 :30-KFI- Stradivari Orch. *KNX-Transatlantic Call.

KHJ. HOB, KFXM, HVOE- Lutheran Sour.

KECA --Socialist Party Ac- ceptances.

KFWB -Swing Session. *KMTR -The World 'I'on,..rrow.

K PAS- Church on Hich. KPPC -Ur. F. I'. Vueliner. HFVD- Victory Parade. BGER -Radio Revival.

9:45 -BGEII -Full Gospel.

10 *KFI -Layman's Virus of News KNX -Merry Go Round.

*KECA. KTMB -John Kennedy. Sews.

*HHJ, KGB, KFXM, KV0E- News. Glenn Hardy.

*KMPC- News. Gilbert Wales. *KF1VB, ROES, KFIIN -News.

KMTR-News, Fannie Kein- hart.

KRKD -Music Masters. It PAS-Slavic Program. KWKW- Hungarian Baptist.

10:06 -B6ER- Fullerton foursquare.

Romance of the Highways

"Unreal Realities" with Commander Scott

KHJ KYOE 10:15 A. M. Sundays

141:15-K1'1- Sunday Serenade. KHJ, KGB, KFXM, KVOE-

Romance of the Highways. KECA-Dr. Sweetland. KMPC- Samuel B. McKee. KFWB- .Swing Session. KFOX- People's Church.

Iu::Mt-KFI- Chicago Roundtable. KECA -Sammy Kaye's Sun-

day Serenade. KHJ, KGB. KFXM, KVOE-

Bobby Mulkey. KMPC -Off the Record. KPAw -Czech Polkas.

Cumberland Hour

K FOX Every Sunday

10:45.11:30 a. m.

Cumberland Pres- byterian Church

Hoover at 57th St. L. E. DUIT

KPPC- Church News. 10:45 *KNX- FAward K. Marrow.

KPPC -Tower Chimes. KFOX- Cumberland Church.

15:56- KECA- Reaerve.

-KFI -Those We Luve. KNX -Kid for Victory.

" *KECA, KFWB, KMPC -Newa. KHJ, KGB -Band Concert.

*KMPC -News, Off the Record *KMTR -News, Church of

Christ. KPAS- Church uf Open Door KFAC -Ist Methodist Church KWKW- Glendale U. B. Ch. KGFJ -Musical Gems.



Sun., 11:00 - 12:50 p.m.

KGFJ Vaughn's Used Cars

KFXM -tat Pres. Church. KPPC -Church Service, Dr,

Eugene Carson Blake. K10E- Concert Miniature. KFOX- Presbyterian Church. KGEH- Pilgrim' Hour.

11:16 -KECA- Behind the War News. KFWB -Swing Session. KFOX- Varieties. KVOE -Nord of life.

IA :30-K9'1-John Charles Thomas. *K- \X -World News Today.

KECA- Remember Hour. KHJ- Morning Melodies. K W K W- (Irgan. KFOX -1st Christian Church.

11:3.5 -KNX -Songs of America.

12 *KFI -World News Parade. KNX -N. l Philharmonic,

*HHJ. KFWB, KGEK- News. KI'XA, KFMB -Life of Riley.

*KMPC- News, Off the Record *KMTR -News. St. Brendan's.

KWKW- American Jewish Hour.

KGB. KFXM. K%h)E -This is Fort Dix.

12:03 -KG ER -Olga (:raves. MI5-KM-Parade of States.

KFWB- -Swing Session. KFAC- Tailored Melodies. KY'OE -Word of God, Rev,

Pearson. KPPC -Music of Masters,

12:$d --KFI -This Is the Army Hour. K ECA, KFMB -Hot Copy. KH.1- Quizevent, KFWB -Jean Leonard. KPAM -Dr. Corley.

*KRKD -News, Browning. KPPC- Occidental College. KGER- Trinity Holiness Ch. K GB- Styles in Melody. KFXM -Trade Wind Tavern. KVOE- Mlasiunary Alliance.

12 : 43* KPAS- News. KFOX- Jewish Church. KFXM -Remember Me.

Philharmonic. 1 KECA, KFMB -F'un Valley,

with Al Pearce. *KMPC- News, Ezra, Beverly

Hillblllles. *KFWB, KMTR, KGER -News.

KH.1, ROB. KYOE- Unsched- uled.

*KMTR -News, Pianos. KPAS-Prayer Convoy. KFAC -Victory Players. KrOX- Melody Theater. KFVD -McKee Piano. KFXM -Ave Maria Hour.

1:55 -KUER -Rev. ('has. Greene - myer.

1:15- KFWB- Speare Productions. KMTR -Betty Philips.

SUNDAY Program Highlights Morning Programs Appear In. Llghtface 'type: Afternoon and

Evening Programs Iu Boldface.

Variety 10:311 -Hockey Hall, KHJ. 3:H-America In the Alr, KNX. 4:00 -Jack Benny, KSI. 5:0-Bergen- McCarthy Show,

KFI. 5 :54 -Radio Reader's Digest.

KNX. 6:15- Chamber Music Society

Lower Basin Street, KECA 6:30 -Fred Allen. Texaco, KNX.

:30-Bob (Crosby -Les Tremayne, BFI.

8:00 -The Great Gildersleeve, KFI.

8:30- Romance of the Ranchos, KNX.

5:30 -Jack Benny, KHJ -KGB. 9:30- Hollywood Theater, KFI,

10:35- Melodies for Uncle Sam, KECA-KINK.

War 8 :O0-- What "s Your War Job.

KECA -KFMB. 12:341 -Army Hour, EH.

Drama 10:15 -Romance of the Highways.

KH.1. 11.00--Those We Love. KI "I. 3:00- Silver Theater. KNX. 4:16- Corliss Archer, KNX. 4:311 -'she Whistler. KNX. 3:110- Walter Pidgeon Show,

KN X. 5:30 -4lne Man's Family, KFI. ::00-The Weird Circle, KECA. ::30 -'flue Green Hornet, KECA.

:3U -Thin Man, KNX. 5:00 -Crime Doctor, KNX, 9:00 -"t Was There." Ii.NX. 9:04 -Deadline Drama, KECA. 9:30 -Hermit's Cave KPC. 9:30-13111 Lance, KNX.

Quis Programs 12:30- Qulseveut, KHJ.

7:511 -Take It or Lease lt, KNC. 5:311 -Quis Bids, KECA -KEMI.

Outstanding Music 9:t0-Salt Lake Tabernacle,

KNX. 9:30 -Stradivari Orch., KFI.

11:311 -John Charles Thomas. KF1 it:OO -New York Philharmonie,

KN X. 1:39 -faune That Refreshes,

KNX. I :Mt --World of Song, KECA -

KF.MB. t:W -NB4' Symphony, KFI. t:00--Family Hour, KNX. 2:30- Memory Music, T. Bacon,

KHJ. 2:30-Wheeling Steelmakers,

KFI. 6:00 -Mexican Symphony, KHJ. 8 :00- Manhattan Merry -Go-

Round. KFI. 6:30-Album of Familiar Music,

KFI. 7:00 -Hour of Charm. KF1. 5:30 -Hancock Ensemble, BMW. 5:30- Standard Symphony, KFI.

19:00- Newsical, KFX1). 19:311 -Lucky Lager Dance Time,

KFAC. 11:16 -Bridge to Dreamland,

KECA. Public Affairs

4:15-District Attorney Speaks. KMTR.

5:30- Walter Duranty, KECA - KFMB.

w0-Open Forum, KFAC 7:u0- Nation's Politics, KIIÍPC. 9:43 -Washington Inside Out,


BFVD -Moods In Music. 1:30*KFI- Highlights of Week's

News. KNX -Pause That Refreshes. KECA, KFJ1B -World of

Song. KHJ, KGB -Unscheduled. KMPC- Baseball. KMTR -Young Peoples' Ch. KWKW -Hoyes Hour. KPAS -Church in Barn,

ACTUAL RADIO Experience for Beginners Air Experience on Speare Prod.

Sun. 1:15 P. M. -KFWB Frederick H. Speare The West's Outstanding

Radio School 671 Sunset H011ywood 2325

KGFJ- Afternoon Concert. KFAC- Rhumbs Time. KFOX- %ariettes. KFVD- Hawaiiau Music. KFXM -Melody Ranch. KV0E -Grace and Light.

1:43 *KFI -Som Baiter, "Stalag Up P News.

KFOX- Sister Attie Brewer.

Hear Our Pupils Sing KFOX

Sunday, 2:15 p.m. Fric Auditions

Phone or Write CIVORU STUDIO , .,

1 664 No. Bronson -GL. 12t 3

a. KFXM -Made in Ameri KVOE -Music Enduri

2- KFI-NBC Syrup na. KNX -Family our. KECA -Mary ̂ Jmall Revue. KHJ. KGIF-- "Greco Vslley.

KM PC- Baselall. *KFWB -News. *KMTR -News. Nazarene Volo.

KPAS- Democracy's Digest. KF',ti- Editor of the Air. KGFJ -Say It with Music.


Sun., 2:00 - 3:00 p.m.

KGFJ Vaughn's Used Cars

KFOX -Rev. Hedrick. KFXM- Sabbath Harmonies. KVOE-Foursquare Church. HOER -Long Beach Band.

2:16- KFOX- Clvuru Group. KFWB -Old Fashioned Oirt.

2 :30 --KECA, 11}71111-Wheeling Musical Steelmakers.

KHJ- ylemury Music, Ted Bacon.

KFWB- What's Your Answer? KMTR-1 our Evangelist.


Lutheran Bible Hour

KMTR Da y 10:06 A.M.

KFM'- Tailured Melodies. KPAS- Burbank Foursquare. K WK W-l'an- American, KFOX -Res. Billy Adams. KF'VD -Music Bun. KFXM -Mysterious Traveler. KVOE- Bethel Tabernacle. KGB- Convair Entertains.

*BGER -News Resume, Lung Beach Band.

2 :45 *KNX- William L. Shiner. KFY"D- Colored Revue. KVDK- Treasury Salute.

X- Silver Theater. 3 B.\KFI -Catholic Hour.

KHJ, KGB, KFXM KYOK- Roosty of the A.A.F.

KECA -Radio Han of Fama.

Page 13: Boy Crash Hollywood Radial - · OMr By Evelyn Rigsby ce Writer Don Quinn is A Modest Man Who Has a Closet Just Like McGee's BIT HARD to pass on Fibber McGee's

JUNE 4, 1944 RADIO LIFE KMPC -BasebaU.

*K} WD -News. *KMTR -News, Music.

KWKW-Rev. Richey. SPAS -El Monte Nazarene

Church. HGFJ- Cranehlre Merry -Go-


Trip Around the Turn- Tables Cranshire

MERRY -GO -ROUND Sun., 3:00 - 4:00 p.m.

Golden State Dept. Store

KFVD- Popular Favorites. *KGER-News, Marvin H. Case

KFOX -Rev. Earl Ivie. 3:15-KFWB-Lest Ye Forget, with

Hal Styles. 3:30*KFI -News.

HNX- America in the Mr. *KHJ, KGB, KVO'E -Upton Close.

HMTR -Bible Treasury Hour. KPAS-Church of Christ, KFVD-Hank, Nightwatchman V' .. HWHW - Glendale Nazarene.

.FXM- Church of Christ, HGER -Full Gospel.

St45- KFI -Reports from Battle- fronts.

*K 11.1-News. KGB- Musical V. Notes. KFWB -Help Wanted.

4 HFI -Jack Benny. SAX- Unscheduled.

*HECA -News Views. KHJ, KGB, kFXM, KMPC, KVOE -Old Fashioned Revi-

val. LMPC- Baseball. KFWB -Dave ()moot.

*K.MTR -News, Music. SPAS- Alhambra Pres. Ch. KWHW -Olga Graves.

*KGER-News, Rev. R. H. Harms.

KFOX -Sunshine Pastor. 4:15 -HNX- Corliss Palmer.

KECA- Church Federation Vespers.

KFWB -Dr. Stewart P. Mac- Lennan.

K.MTR -your District Attor- ney Speaks.

4:30 -KFI -Fiteh Bandwagon. HNX -The Whistler. SECA -Ray W. Smith, Com-

mentary. *HERB- -News.

HMTR -Word of Truth. SPAS- Holliston Ave. M. E. Church.

KWKW- Hungarian Rhap- sodies.

KFVD -Tea Time Music. HGER -Colonial Tabernacle.

4:46 *KECA -Dorothy Thompson. KFWB- Stuart Hamblen. KFVD -Carter Wright. KFI- Bergen :McCarthy. KNX -Star and the 'tory,

Walter Pidgeon. KECA- Salute to Armed

Forces. HHJ, KGB- Mediation Board. KMPC- Baseball.

*KMTR -News, Church of Christ.

SPAS -Open Bible Hour. HWHW -Res, O'Huir. KFAC-Bowling News. HGFJ -Twilight Time. KFVD-Harlem Holiday. KFOX -Rev. Dilbeck. KF!CH- Fullness of Time. KVOE -Bible Fellowship

Hour. *KGER-News, Rev. Draper.

8:16 -HFAC- Christian Science. KFOX -Rev. Hale.

8:30 -KM-One Man's Family. HNX -William Winter. *A- Walter Duranty.

EFAC-Organ Recital. SPAS -Helen Markham. KWKW- Courage That Wins. HFOX- Calvary Echoes. KFX:VI -Gen. Smuts. KVOE-Of Civic Interest. SGER- Abundant Life.

5:45*KECA, HFMB -Drew Pearson. *HNX -Bob Andersen, News.


KMPC- Knights of Columbus. S:56*KNX -Ned Calmer. 6- KFI -Manhattan Merry -Go.

Round. HNX- Conrad Nagel Show.

*KECA, KFMB- Walter Wla-

KHJ, KGB- Mexico City Symphony.

*KMPC- News, Everybody's Hour.

*KFWB, KFOX -News. *K.MTR -News, Bethel Chive'.

SPAS- uLtheran Gospel Hour. HFAC -Music fur Everyone. HGFJ- Diener Concert.

*KGER-News; Rev. Burpo. KFXM- Leoaldasa Witheral. KVOE- Gospel Light.

8:15-KECA, FMB- Chamber Mu- sic Soc Lower Basin Street

KFWB -Dave Ormont. 0:30 -KFI -Albnm of Familiar

Music. HNX- Texaco Star Theater -

Fred Mien. H-MPC- Mother's Album. KFWB -- Gospel and Song. HMTR- Saviour of All. SPAS- Beyond Tomorrow. KFOX -Hal's Memory Room.

6:45 -KECA, KFMB -Jimmy Fidler. KMPC- Melody Hassell. HFAC-Bill Dehner.

*KRHD -News, Browning, KPPC-Story Hour.


REVIVAL Charles E.

Fuller, Director.

P. 0. Row 123. Los Angeles,


4:00 P. M.- Mutual Network KHJ, 930 Kilocycles. KPMC. 1500 Kiloryrles. KGB 1360 Kilocycles. KVOÉ, 1490 Kilocycles. KFXM. 1240 Kilocycles.

5:00 P. M.- Rebroadcast KPAS, 1110 Kilocycles. KPRO, 1440 Kilocycles.

10:00 P. M.- Rebroadcast. HFOX. 1280 Kilocycles. KHJ, 930 Kilocycles.

BF[ -Hour of Charm. KNX-Take It Or Leave It. KECA -Weird Circle.

*KHJ, KGB, KFXM, KVOE- Cedric Foster.

*KMPC -News, Nation's Poll - ties.

KFWB -Helen Beauchamp, Vocal.

*KMTR -News. Alvardo Ch. KI'AS -Ethel Hubler. KFAC-Open Forum. KGFJ-Programme del Oro. KFOX- Excursions In Science.

7:15 -KHJR KGB, sKFX- MediwW Hour.

KMPC -First Presbyterian Church.


James W. Bell Minister

KMPC 7:15 P. M.


FLOYD B. and

Klog's Ambassador Quartet BMTR -8:05 -9:00 P. M.

Also 10:30 -10:45 A. M. Monday through Friday

KFOX- Christina Science. KGFJ-B. a R. Cowboys. KGB -Jerry Sears.

8:05 -H.MTR -Floyd B. Johnson. HGER- Chatauqua.

8:13 *KECA -Feature Section, Pat Bishop.

*KMPC- William Parker. 8:25 -KN1 Son of the Week. 8:30 -KFI- Standard Symphony.

HNX- Romance of the Ranchos.


Jack Benny. were- Hancock Ensemble. KPPC -Word of Life. KGFJ-Step Lively. KFOX- Musical Comedy.

8:45 -HPPC- Religious News. KMPC -Fred Haney.

9 -KECA. KFMB -- Deadline Drama.

HNX -"I Was There." *RAJ, KGB, KFXM, KVOE-

News, Glenn Hardy. *KMPC -News, Organ Melodies.

KFWB -Union Rescue Mission. *KMTR -News, Pomona Church. *HGFJ -News.

SPAS KPBO -Old Fashioned Revival.

HFAC- Sunday Evening Club. *KGER-News, Bethel Church.

KFOX- County Barn Dance. 9:15*KHJ, KGB, KVOE -Rex Miller

HGFJ -Dance Rhythm. KFXM -El Patio Presents.

9:30 -K91- Hollywood Theater . KHJ, KFXM, KVOE -Human

Adventure. KNX-Adventures of BW

Lance. *KECA -News.

KMPC-Hermit's Cave, KFWB- Pacific Lutheran Hr. BMTR -Volee of Prophecy. KFAC-Musical Gems. KFOX -Rev. Paul Creviston. KGB- Something Old, Some-

thing New. HGER- Tuckin' In Hour. 9:45- KECA- Washlagtun Inside


i0 *KFI- Richfield Reporter. *KNX-Ten o'Clock Wire.

KHJ, GB KFX, HVOE- Oki Fashi

-M oned Revival.

KECA, KFMB -The Two Bells Theater.

*KMPC -News, Old Fashioned Revival.

*KFWB, SPAS -News. KPPC- Sacred Song Recital. KFOX-Swedenborg Hour,

KVOE- -Church of Christ 7:30 ---KFI -Bob Crosby -Les 3're-

mayne. ENX- Adventures of the

Thin Man KECA, KFMB -The Green

Hornet. KMPC- Victory F.O.B. KFWB -Rabbi Magaln KPAS-Church of Open Door. KWKW -Ward, Bowling. KFOX -Choir Loft. KPPC -Organ Recital .

S-SFI -The Great Gildersleeve. GP H.NX -Crime Doctor.

KECA, KFMB -- Greenfield VWage Chapel.

KHJ, KFN.M, KVOE- Caltfor- nia Melodies.

*KMPC -News, Wartime Washington Reports.

KFWB- Hollywood Presby- terian Church.

*KC LG d t KFA- Metho Church. HPPC- Sunday Evening Roar.

Good News Hour Clyde Kennedy,

Director KFWB

Sundays 10:15 P.M. After the News - The Good News Good News Center

805 N. Glendale Ave., Glendale.

KFWB -Dave Ormoot.

*H AS-V ice'of Calvary. KGFJ-Hank, Nightwatchman,

tu e a.m, *KFVD- Newsieal, 3 Hrs. *KGER-News, Della Collins.

10:15 -KFI- Chapel quartet. HNX -Public Affairs. KFWB -Good News Hour.

10:30 P. M. -KFI "Inside the News"



KMTR- Pootrelli Orch. *KFAC-News.

10:30*KFI -Inside the News (Thrifty Drug Co.).

K\iX -We Deliver the Goods.

WA, HFMB- Melodies for Uncle Sam.

SPAS -Bright Corner Church KFAC -Lucky Lager Dance

Time - *KFVD- Newsical,

KGER-L. B. Assembly of God.

10:4$ -KFI -Labor for Victory, KFWB -Vital News. HMTB- Viennese Ensemble.

ur News. 11 *KFI- Eleventh He HNX- News, KHJ, KGB, KFXM, KVOE-

Res. Percy B. Crawford. *KMPC -News, Master's Hour. *KMTR -News, Don Kay.

Orch. HFAC -Lucky Lager Danes

Time. *KFVD- Newsicai, 'tue 1 a.m.

11:15 -KFI- Pacific Story. KECA, KFMB- Bridge to

Dreamland. 11:20- HNX -Jan Garber Orch, 11:30 -RHJ- -Charlie Barnett Orch.

KFWB -Music You Desire. HMTR -The Lamplighter.

*KPAS -News. 11:45 -KFI -Music in the Night.

K.NX -Loule Armstrong. 11:55*HNX, KFWB, S.VIPC -News. KFI- Musical Eocure.

BIG BOY Forrest Lewis, who enacts

many of the character roles in CBS' "I Love a Mystery" and NBC's "Star Playhouse," has a 15- year -old son, Gene, who is a head taller than his father and weighs 110 pounds.

- 7V

FOR CHILDREN The Radio Committee of '

the Philadelphia Board of.-.: Education recently officially recommended Mutual's "Abe Lincoln Stories" (Sundays, 1:30 p.m.) for "out -of- school" listening for children from the 6th to 12th grades.

CORNY Bob White, producer of

Blue Network's "National Farm and Home Hour," is planning to raise eighty acres of corn and beans on his farm in St. Clair County, Michigan.

BLESSED EVENTS Upton Close, Mutual com-

mentator, has several new- comers .on his ranch in the valley -two litters of baby pigs and forty baby rabbits!

AUTHOA Jean Hersholt, CBS' "Dr.

Christian," is the co- - author of a new novel written around the charac- ter which he portrays each week on the air. Titled "Dr. Christian's Office," the book will be published in July.

Page 14: Boy Crash Hollywood Radial - · OMr By Evelyn Rigsby ce Writer Don Quinn is A Modest Man Who Has a Closet Just Like McGee's BIT HARD to pass on Fibber McGee's

MONDAY, JUNE 5 *Medicates News Broadcasts.

At hours where no listing Is shown for a I o c a I station, recorded m u sic has been scheduled.

SKFI -Johnny Murray. KNX -Mark Brenrmao.

*KECA- Between the Lines. KHJ, KGB, HFXM, HIDE--

Shady Valley Folks. *KMPC -News, William Parker *KMTR -News, Pastor H. O.

F. «rrtson, HFAC -Volee of Calvary.

*KPAS, &(.FJ¡ KGER, KFOX- Nesss.


KPAS 8:30 A. M. Mon., Wed., Fri.

First Mate Bob and the Good Ship Grace

KW KW-Hai McIntyre. HKKD -Morning Melodies. KFVD- Stuart Hamblen.

8:15 *KFl -T. B. Klakislon, ('um ment.

KNX -Voltant I.ady. *KECA -News.

KMPC- Market Report, Music. KFWB-Bands In Review. KMTR -Dr. A. U. Michelson. KFAC-Voice of Calvary. HWKW- Als(no Rey. KGER- Mlzppah. KGFJ- Musical Moments. KFWX -Take It Easy.

8:30 *KFI, RFA(', HRHD -News. KE('A- McNeill's Breakfast

Club. KNX-Kitty Foyle.

*KHJ -Bill Haworth, News. KMPC -lnity Daily Word. KFWB-Help Wanted.

*KFAC-News. KPAS--Hat en of Rest.

*KRKD-News Headlines. HWKW -Jaok Conner Trio. KGB KVOFrlolly Joe and

Ralph. HFXM -Sunshine Serein.

5:45- KFI -Da vid Harun. KNX -Aunt Jenny's Real Life

Stories. KH.1- Victor (.iodlahr.

*II F'WB- Nesys. KMTR-Bible Treasury. KGER -Rev. Bennington. KID X--Common Sense. KFVD -Vocal Fay writes. KGB -Les Huff Trio.

:5$- KMTR -Time Signal.

9 *KFI -News. KNX-Kate Smith.

*KH.1, Kt; it, KFXM, KV'OE- News, Bunke Carter.

HE('.4- Dorothea Ramsay, Women Who Make News.

*KM PC -News, Say It With Music.

KFWB-Dr, Reynolds. *KMTR -News, Moments With

God. KFAC-Piano Briefs. KW KW -Azusa Temple. KPAS -Polly Patterson. KRKD--Sagebrush Serenade. KFOX- Firebrands for Jesus.

*KGFJ, KG ER-News. 9:05 -KI: ER -Rev. La rrimore.

*KFI -Edward Jorgenson.


R. L. McMASTER, D.C., Ph.G., Ph.D., F.R.S.A. l London)


Evers munúne -Mon. thro Fri. KEA( at 9:15 KI. F.1 st to:15

9:15 -KFL -Woman of America. KNX -Big Sister. EHJ -Time Out.

*KE('A, KFVD -News. KFWB- Islands Songs. HFAC -Voice of Health. HGER -Dr. J. A. Lovell. HGFJ -Medical. EWEW -Cari Basat:a.

KFXM- Future Unlimited. KGB- Serenading You. 1IV0F -Bible Fellowship Hour

9:20- KFXM -tlld Family Almanac. 9:30 *KF1 -Major H. S. Turner,

Comment. KNX-Romance of Helen

Trent. KHJ, KGB. KFXM, KV0E-

Midland, U. S. A. EC A, KFMB- Breakfast at Surd'''.

*KFWB, KWKW-News. KMTR -W. B. Record. KPAS -Rodeo Rhythm. KFAC -Midmorning Serenade.

FJ -Swing Serenade. KGER -Radio Resfirol. KFVD -11r. Richardson.

9:40 -KFI -Magazine Page. 9:45 *KFI -Peter de Lima.

KNX -(Pur Gal Sunday. KHJ, KGB, KFXM- Amazing

Jennifer Logan. KFWII -- Midmorning Melodies. K5ITR- Curtis H. Springer.

*KRKD-News, Clifton. KW'KW -Dave Rose. KGER -Full Gospel. KIND-Here Comes Parade.

9:55 *KF7- News.

i0*HF7 -Larry Smith, Comment. KNX -life Can Be Beautiful.

*KECA. KFMB -Tony Morse. *KHJ. KGB, KFXM, HV'OE-

News, Glenn Hardy. *KMPC-News, Housewives'

Exchange. KFWB- Kitchen Kollege,

Chef Milani. *KMTR -News, Comment.

KPAS -Scratches and Jockeys *HGFJ, KFOX -News.

KIND- Midnsorning Serenade. KRHD-Turf Bulletins. KWKW'- Woman's World.

*KGER -News, Mission Workers.

HFXM -Waltz Time. 10:15 *K}1- Bnrritt Wheeler.

KNX -Ma Perkins. KECA, KFMB -Sweet River. KHJ KGB, KFXM, EV'(IE-

-Jack Berck. KMTR- Chicago Tabernacle.

*KPAS -News. KGFJ -Voice of Health. KRKU -Dr. Richardson. KWKW-Henry Busse. KGER-Kingdom Within. KE0X -Emma Taylor.

10:30 -KFI -Aunt Mary. *RNX- Bernadine Flynn. News.

KE('A -My True Story. KM PC -Sing With Mee.

*KFWB. KFAC -News. KMTR -Floyd B. Johnson.



si7oT64oT9oT93oTIC2oT i170 1 1240 TI334-139U T 600 710 870 980 10701110 1230 1280 1360 14301490

HGFJ -Salon Swing. [(PAS -J.' Newton Vales.

*KWKW -News. Paul Baron. KIND-Union Rescue Mission EKED -1 Solmoly Swear. KGB, KFXM, KV11F Lunch-

eon with louez. K(iER- Sunshine Pastor.

10:45 *K}7 -Art Baker, News. KNX -The Goldberg.. '

K HJ- Hartz, KM P(' -Lady of Charm. KFWB -Science of Mind. KMTR -('are of the Body. KFAC- Western Melodies. KRKD- Midnight Mluloa. KW'KW- King's Men & Mills. HI:B, KFXM, KV'OE- Womena

Jury. 10:50- KHJ -leaden of United

Nations 10:55 -KECA -fully Patterson.

i iK}1- Guiding Light. KNX -Portia Faces Life.

*KHJ-This Changing World. *KECA, HFMB- Baukhage

Talking. *KMP(' -News, Mary Alice

Collins. KFWB-Al Janis.

*KMTR -News, Dr. Louis Tallot.

KEA('-Les Adams. KPAS -Meet Priscilla Alden. HWKW-('are of the Body.

*KGB, KVOK- Cedric Postar. *HGFJ, KPAS, KIND, EGER

-News. :15 -KFI- Today's Children.

KNX -Joyce Jordan, M.D. KECA, &FMB- Mystery Chef. HHJ- Unscheduled. KMPC -Dance Parade. KGB, KVI)K -Pan Americana. HGFJ -Pot- Pourri. KFOX- Spotlight Bands.

:30-11}1-Women tu White. KNX -Young Dr. Malone. KHJ, KGIt, KFXM, Ei-OF

Skyline Serenade. H ECA- Musical Moments. KMTR- Curtis Springer.

*KPAS -Pasadena Independent. KWKW- Freddy Martin.

*KKK /. KFAC KF'UX -News. KGER- Rev. Greenemeyer.

:46-K101-Hymns of All Churches. KNX-New Adventures of

Perry Mason. *KECA, KFMB -News.

KHJ, KGB, KFXM, KI OE- Around the Town.

KPAS -Hoot's Painted Post. KWKW -Frank Sinatra.

MONDAY Program Highlights M..rntng Programs Appear to Lightface Type; Afternoon and

Evening Programs In Boldface.

Variety 8 :00-Johnny Murray, KFI. 9:00 -Kate Smith, KNX. 9:30 -Breakfast at Sardis,

RECA -KFM B. 3:10 -Smile Awhile, KGFJ. 4:30 -Andy and Virginia, ¡CIRCA-

KFMB. 6:30- Spotlight Bands, KECA-

HFM B. 7:15 -Top of the Evenfog, RICCA 7:30 -Heidt Time, HEC A. 8:13 and Abner, RECA-

HF MB. 8:30 -Gay Nineties Revue, KNX. 9:30 -Vos Pop, HNX.

War tu:50- Leaden of United Nations.

KHJ. t :45-American Women, KNX. 5:10- Sainte to the Services,

KMTR. 8:041- Reuters' News Dispatch,


Outstanding Music 4 :00-Musical Comedy, KFAC.

:30 -Volee of Firestone, KM. 7:00- Contented Program, KFI. 8 :410-Evening Concert, KFAC. 9:011 -Fred Waring, KFI. 8 :15-Music for You, KEW'S. 9:00- Telephone Hour, KF1.

Iu:00 -Lucky Lager Dance Time, KFAC.

10:00- Newsical. HFYD. IV:O0- Eastside Dance '(unite, K MS,

u:015- Claasle Hour, KECA.

Drama 9:40 -Amazing Jennifer Logan.

KHJ 3:30-Vic and Sade, KFI. 4:45 -Capt. Jack, KECA KFMIS. 5:30 -Too, MIs, KNJ. 6:00 -Lux Theater, KNX. 5:15 -Nick Carter, KHJ. tl :55- Coronet Story Teller,

KE('A-KFMB. 7:00 -Screen Guild Players, KNX 7:30- Blondie, KNX. 7:30 -Lone Ranger, KHJ. 5:01 -1 Love a Mystery. KNX. 8:011 -Sherlock Notate*, KIIJ. 8::t0- Cavalcade of America,

KF'1, 8 :30-Countersp KECA- KuMlt. 8:30 -Point Sublime, KHJ. 9:110 -Suspense, KNX. 9:341 -- Hawthorne House, KFI.

Quiz Programs 8:30 -Information Please, KFI. 7:341-Dr. 1, d., RFI.

Public d (fairs 8:19 -Hun. Jerry Voorhis, Kl'AS.

10:30 --Court of Public Opinion, KECA.

Sports- Comment 10:00 -Turf Bulletins. KRKD. 3:00 -Big League. KMPC. 5:30 -Rare Results. KRKD. It:OO- Sportstime, KM Pl. 8:06- Sparts Roundup, KMTR.

KIND-Violet Schram. KI:FJ- falling All Zones.

11 :55 *K W'K W -Nena. KJI PC-Prayer.

12 -MI-Farm Reporter. KNX -Mary Marlin.

*KH.1- Broadway News. KE('A, KF:MB- Morton Dow-

ney. *KMPC -News, Stump Us. *KMTR -Newa, Merle Lindsay

and Band. K FAC -Luncheon Concert. KPAS -Rancho 11 -10. K W KW-Heart st rings.

rKGFJ, KGB, KVOE -News. KFXM -Gen. Smuts. KRKD- Prairie Schooner. HFVD- Editor of the Air.

*HGER -News. 1390 Club. 18 :15- KFI -Ma Peri$ns.

KNX -Neighbors, Irene Beasley.

KE('A- Hollywood Star Thine. H HJ -Johnson Family. KGB -Two Keyboards. HWKW-Dr. Rickey. KIND- Luncheon Mudc. r

*KFt1X, KFXM- News. KV(IE -Hase You Read -?

14:36 -RF1- Pepper Young's Family. KNX - Bright Horizon. KECA- 10 -4-4 Ranch. &HJ- Homemakers' Club. KM PC- Dolen's Musical.

*KFWB =News. KMTR -Songs You Love. KWKW- Maurice Johnson. KG11 -Molly Morse, HFXM -Fane Front. K%OE- Luncheon Dance.

1e:45 -K1.1 -Right to Happiness. KNX -Bachelor's Children. KECA- Memories in Melody. KIWI( -AI Jars is.

*KFAC -News. HFOX- Treasury Star Parade. KIND-Violet Schrom. KGB, HFXM- Rhythm and

Romance. iKF'1- Backstage Wife. KSX- Broadway Matinee.

*KE4'A, KFMB -World Wide Review.

*KM PC-News, Today's Band. *KFWB- Today's War Moods. *KMTR -News, Treasury Songs.

K FAC -Ur. Helen Collier. *KWKW -News, Victory Band. *KGFJ, KIND, KGEH -News. *KGB -Bac kground for News.

KF :101, K', OE-Walter Comp- ton

1 :15-KFI-Stella Dallas. KHJ -Sweet and Sentimental. KE('A, KFMB -Radio Parade. KFWB-Al Jarvis. KMTR -Ur. O. M. Richardson. KFAC' -J. Newton Yates,

Organ. KWKW- Treasury Sung. KFVI) -Mouds in Music. HFXM- Salsatlun Army. KGB- Cont air Lady. KVOE- Salsation Army.

1 :45 *HNX -New s. 1:30 -KF1- Lorenzo Junes.

KNX-M astral Library. *KECA, KFMB, KPAS -News.

KH.1, KGB, KFXM, KVOE- Music for Half an Hour.

KM PI'- Family Bible. RFA('- Novel( Tunes. KWKW-Joe


*KRKD-News. Music. KI:FJ -Todd Grant. KFOX- l'hristian Science. K t:ER- George Strange.

1 :35*KECA KFMIS -Peter de Lima 1:43- KF1- S'oung Widder Brown.

KNX -Afternoon Nance. *KECA -News.

KMPC -Paul Sutton. KMTR -Win Morro. KFAC- Between the Lines. KGFJ -Let's Dream. KWKW- Pasadena Fire Dept. KPAS -Bing Sings KRKU- Singing Walters. KIND-Music City.

1:30 *KECA -Edward Jorgensou.

2 HFI -When a Girl Marries. KNX -The Open Door. KECA, KFMfWitat's Doing.

Ladies? *KHJ, KGB, HVOE -Ray

Dady, News. *KMPC-News, Swing Shift. *KMTR -News, Music.

KKKD- Concert Matinee. KFAC-Gems of Melody. & (:FJ -Town Crier Presents. KIND- Victory Parade. HWKW -Toot' Martin.

*KI;ER -News, Wilshire Broadcast Center.

Page 15: Boy Crash Hollywood Radial - · OMr By Evelyn Rigsby ce Writer Don Quinn is A Modest Man Who Has a Closet Just Like McGee's BIT HARD to pass on Fibber McGee's



Daily 2 -3 P. M. KWKW - 1430

Presented by The TROCADERO

2:15- KF1 -We Love and Learn. KNX -Pot Luck Party. KHJ, K VOF Aherdeen Rand.

*KGB. KFXM -I)nn Lee News- reel Theater.

RWKW-Glory Pleasant Trio. KGER -War Production

Training. 2:20 *KHJ- Newareel. 2:30 -KFI -Just Plain Bill.

*KECA- Behind the War News. KFWB -Hal Styles. KPAS- Slapsy Maxie's. RWKW -Free for All.

*KRKD -News. KFOX- Western Songs.

2:40*K -NX, KWKW -News. 2 :45-KFI-Front Page Farrell.

KNX- American Women. KHJ, KGB, KVOE -Radle

Pour. KECA -Frances Scully.

*RFAC, KIND-News. KRKD- Salvatore Santaella.

3 BFI -Star Playhouse. RNX -Housewives' Protective

League. *KECA -Three o'Clock News. *KHJ, KGF,1, KGER-News. *KMPC -News, Big League

Baseball. KFW'I1- Melody Matinee.

*RMTR -News, Home Front Facts.

*RPAS- Llateners' Digest. K W R W- Charioteers. RFAC- Musical Masterpieces. ERKD- Victory Queen Contest KGB, K3'OE- Prayer, Griffin

Reporting. KFXM- Prayer, Devotions. KF'V D- Popular Favorites.

3:10 -KGFJ -Smile Awhile.

SMILE -A -WHILE Variety Show!

3:10 p.m., Mon. thru Fri.

KGFJ Harry Koplan, M. C.

3:15 -KFI -Road of life. KHJ- Background for Living. KMTR -News Quiz. RPAS -Juke Box Matinee. KWRW -Don Allen. KFOX- Hawail Calls. KVOE- Treasury Salute. KGER -War Production

Training. 3:30 -KFI -Vic and Sade.

KNX -Lynn Murray's Music. KECA -Reserve. KHJ -Happy Homes, Norma

Voting. *KFWB -News.

RMTR- Pianos. *KRKD -News. Mottle. *KWKW-Off the Press.

KGB- Miracles of Faith. K VOR -Of Civic Interest. KGER -Let's Not Forget.

3:45 -EFI -Brave Tomorrow. *KNX -The World Today.

KHJ-Bill Ray Reads the Bible.

111ECA-Jay Burnett. KFWB- ,Inzz. KMTR- Sant ael la Ensemble, KGB, KVOE- .Johnson Family K WA W- Ire -('a pades.

F.XM- Htlites un Headlines. KGER-Stand By for Action.

3 :55 *KNX - Joseph Harsch.

4 KFI -Dr. Kate. KNX -lady of the Press.


News. Fulton Lewis, Jr. *KMPC -News, World of Song.

KFWB -Bert Flake. *RMTR -News, Music.

ILEAC-Musical Comedy Re- view.

KWKW -Bing Crosby. KIND-Plano Music. K GER -P. -T, News, John

Evans. 4:15 *KFI -News of the World.

*KNX -Bob Andersen, News.

KB,L KGB, KFXM, K\GE- Care and Feeding of a Hus- band.

KECA -Ruth Wentworth. KMPC- William l'arker. RMTR -Radio Newsreel, R( :FJ -Name the Tune. KWKW -faut Martin. KRKD- Movleland Quiz.

*REVD -News.


.61 ,494 a...a Andy & Virginia

4:30 P.M. KECA Lye., Monday, Wednesdoy, Friday


4:30 -KFI -Art Baker's Notebook. KNX -Open House. KECA. KFMB -Andy and

Virginia. KHJ, KGB, KVOE- Lullaby

in Rhythm. *KMPC -Gilbert Wales. *KFWB -News, Vocal Varie-

ties. KWKW -Glen Miller. KRKD -Tunes of the Day. KFXM -Dr. Philip M. Lovell. KGER- Victoria Hall Church.

4:45 -BECA- Captain Jack. KHJ, KFXM -Frolics. KMPC -It's a Dog's rife. K FWB- Stuart Hamb KGFJ-Frank Sinatra ings. KWKW-Tommy Don

*KRKD -News. KFOX -Eddie Dean.

*KGR. KVOE -W'orld's Front Page.

S *KFI -OK for Release. KNX -Galen Drake. KECA. KFMB -Terry and

the Pirates. *KHJ, KGER -News. *WRFC-News, Our Fighting

Heroes. *RMTR -News, Music.

KWKW-American Jewish Hr. KGFJ nt 5. KPAS -llncie Charlie. KRKO -Songs of the Saddle. KFOX-.Sunaldse Pastor. AGIS. KFXM, K\'OE-Chick

Carter. i:15 *KFI -Pat Bishop. News.

KNX- Sluslc Library. KECA -Dick Tracy. KIIJ, KGB, KFILM, KVOE-

Superman, KMPC -Siapsy Maxie's Mat-

inee. K.MTR- Sainte to the Services

*RFAC, KFVD -News. 5:30 --KFI -Voice of Firestone.

WIKNX-Harry Flannery. KECA, 11F/dB-Jack Arm-

strong. KHJ, KGB. KFXM, Kt OE-

Adventures of Tom Mix. RMTR -- Purin Allen. KFAC -Whoa Bill (flub. BRED -Race Results. RGER -God's Half Hour. E FVD- Evening Serenade.

i:46*KNX -News Truman Bradley. KECA, KF JH -Copt. Mid-

night. *KHJ, KGB, KFEM, KVOE-

Gordon Burke, News, KM PC-Help Wanted.

S:SM1 *ERMÁR R 'Heir Flatsn, News

E1KFI -A Song Is Born. KNX -Lux Theater.


News, Gabriel Heatter. *EMPC -News, Sportatime. *KFWB, KFOX, KGFJ, RGER

-News. *KMTR -News, Sports Roundnp

RFAC -Music for Everyone. S PAS -Hospitality House. KWKW -Italian Melodies,


MELODIES Mon. thru Sat., 6:00 -6:30 P.M.

KWKW 1430 on your dial

S:15NERJ, KGB, KFXM, KVOE -- Nick Carter.

RECA -Today In History. *KFWB -John R. Huhes,

"News and Views." RMTR- America Sings.

PAGE 15 MONDAY LOGS RPAS - ;brist Lutheran Ch. RRKD -Sweet and Lovely. KFVD -News.

6:311 -KFI- Information Please. KECA KF MB- Spotlight

Bands, KHJ, KFXM, KVOF Army

Air Forces. KMPC- Beverly Hillbillies. KFWB-America Dances. KGFJ- Dinner Concert. KWKW -Hoyes Hour. SPAS -Church of Christ. KFOX-Hat's Memory Room. KGER -Prophecy Speaks.

*KGB -Eddie Orrtdt. 6:I3 -KPAS- Townsend Plan. 6:53 --KECA, KFHB- Coronet Story

Teller. KGB -Dance Orch.

7 -KFI- Carnation Contented Hour.

KNX- Screen Guild Players. *KHJ. KGB, KFXM, KVOE-

Henry Gladstone. *KECA, KFOX, KFMII -Rsy-

mood Gram Swing, *KMPC. RMTR -News, Music. *KRBD, RPAS, KGER -News.

KFAC -Floyd A. Allen. KGFJ- Spanish Hour.

7:05 -RGER- Townsend Nat'l Re- covery Plan.

:15 *KH.1, KGB, KFXM - Lowell Thomas.

KECA -Top of the Evening. Westinghouse.

KMTR -W. B. Record. RPAS -Albie Slade. KRKD -y., Time. KFXM -Treasury Song for

Today. KVOE- Smooth Performance.

:30-KF1-Dr. 1. Q. KNX -Biondie. KECA, KFMB- Noreen Heidt

for Servicemen. KILL KGB, KFXM, KVOIS-

Iw,ne Ranger. *KFW'B -News.

KMTR -Dr. Clem Davies. KRKD -Do You Know? KFOX -Service Men's Club. KI:ER-Assembly of find.

7:13*KFWB -Major Hubert Turner, Comment.

*KFAC -News. 8 -KFI -Fre4I Waring Victory

Tune Time. KNX -1 Lose a Mystery. KECA KFMR- Watch the

World Go By. KHJ, KGB, KFXM. KVOE-

Sherlock Holmes. *KMPC -News, War Council

Quiz. *KFIVB- Reuters' News Dis-

patches. *RMTR, RPAS -News

RFAC- Evening Concert. 3:fl% -KGER -Rev. Smith.


and King's Ambassador Quartet R MTR- 8:05.9:00 P. M.

Also 10:30.10:15 A. M. Monday through Friday

RIAS -J. Frank Burke. 11:15 *BFI- Fleetwood Lawton.

KNX -Rd Sullivan Entertains. KF.('A, RFMB -Lam St Abner.

LEON LEONARD! and Warner Bros. Orchestro


Presented by

lliter¡r,111`-Kinley ea

RPAS -Hon. Jerry Voorhis. S:3ß-KFI- Cavalade of America. KNX -Gar Nineties Resue. KECA, re FMB-Counterspy. RHJ KGB, KFXM, KVOE-

Point Sublime. KMPC -I Want To Be Happy.

*KFWB-News. tt:45-KFWB--Help Wanted. 6:55 *BNX -Wallase Sterling.

gi-liFI-Telephone Hour. KNX-Suspense. KECA, KPMB -Bled Date.

*KHJ, KGB. KFXM, KVOE- News, Glenn Hardy.

*KMPC -News, Your Amerlaa Home.

KFW/I- Victory Service Men' Club.

*KMTR -News, Dr. A. Q. Michelson.

KGFJ-Rhythm and Rhyme.

Jive Sublime! RHYTHM AND

RHYME 9:00 p.m., Mon. thru Sat.

KGFJ Dodge Corner Used Cars

I( PAS-Dr. Louis Tal hot . *KGER -News, l.oc We.

9:15 *RHJ, KGB, KFXMst , KVOE- Cecil Brown. News.

RGFJ -This and That. 9:30- RF'I- Rawthorne House.

KNX- as l'op. *KILL KGB. KF'XM, KVOE-

Fulton Irwin, jr. K FWlt -l)a e Ilrnsont. RMTR -Ham and Eggs. KPAS -Lire and Health.

P:45- RF'('A- Melraty Program. KHJ, KGB. KF.C111, KY OE-

Buddy Cole at the Organ. *KFWB -Sam Italter.

KMTR -Editor'. Notebook. RPAS -Charles W. Hump.

10 *KFI- Richfield Reporter. *KNX -Ten o'Clock Wire. *KECA, KFMB-- Erskine John-

son, Hollywood Spotlight,

DANCE ;,- Tonite 10 to 12 P. M. 1.ry NI, t.ur S.nby

KFws I Aiwrl<', FINKS lands

KII.I, KGB. KFXM, 1 nsc heduled.

*K MIN -News, Rainbow Rendezvous.

KF1VIt- F :astaide Dance Tonite KFAC-Lucky Lager Dance

Time. KGFJ -Hank, Nlghewalchmsn,

'till 8 a.m. *KFVD- Newsical, 3 Hrs.

10:15 -K11- Manchester Soddy. *KNX -Commentary, William


I e,ui Prima Orch.


10:00 P.M. -KECA "Hollywood Sp ^tight"


"Inside the News" with JOHN COHSE and PETER dc LIMA


RPAS- Thrarghts in Poetry. 10:30 *KFI- Inside the News (Thrifty

Drug) KECA, Kt:MR -Court of Pub-

lic Opinion, KHJ- Johnson Family. KMPC -Modern Vocal Gems. KGB, RFX31, RVOE- Attest.

Rsg[iore *KFV'D- Newssce'.

10 :43 -KFI -1, oice of a Nation.

11 *KFI, KNX, 1111.1-News. *KECA, KEMB -News. Claude

Hour. KFWB -East side Dance

Tonite. *KMTR -News, Hal Grayson

Orch. *KFVD- Newsical.

11:15 -KFI -Jae Reirhman Oren. KHJ -Wings Over the West

Coast. KFAC -Lucky Lager Daum

Time. 11:30 -RNX -Bob Mohr Orch. KFI- Diamond Harmnnalres.

*KFVD- Newsical, 'til 1 a.m. 11:45*KHJ -New s. 11:55 *RNX, KMTR, KFWB-News.

KFI -Musical Encore,

Page 16: Boy Crash Hollywood Radial - · OMr By Evelyn Rigsby ce Writer Don Quinn is A Modest Man Who Has a Closet Just Like McGee's BIT HARD to pass on Fibber McGee's

TUESDAY, JUNE 6 *Indicates News Broadcasts.

At hours where no listing Is s h o w n for a local station, recorded m u s i c has been scheduled.

HM- Johnny Murray. go-KM-Johnny KNX-Mark Brenemau. KECA- Between the Lines. KHJ, KGB, KFNM. HYDE--

Shady Valley Folks. *KMPC-News, William Parker. *KMTR-News, Rev. H. O.

Egertaon. KFAC -Country Church of

Hollywood. *KPAS, KGFJ, KFOX. KGER-

News. HWHW -Hal McIntyre. KRHD- Morning Melodies. HFVD-- Start Hamblen.

8:15*HFI -T. B. Blakieton, Com- ment.

HNC- Valiant Lady. *KECA-News.

KMPC- Market Report, Music KFWB -Bands in Review. KMTR-Dr. A. II. Michelson. HWHW- Alvino Bey. KGFJ- Musical Moments. KFOX -Take It Easy. KGER- Mlzpah.

$:30*KFI, RFAC, KRKD-News. RECA, KFMB- McNeW's

Breakfast Club. KNX -Kitty Foyle.

*KHJ -Bill Haworth, News. KMMPC-Cnity Daily Word. KFWB -Help Wanted. HPAS -Baptist Brothers. KWKW-Morning Variety. KFOX -Dr. Lovell.

*HR1HH Senshlo Headlines.

KGB HVOE -Jolly Joe and Ralph,

6:45-KFI-David Herum. KNX-Aunt Jenny's Stories. KHJ- Victor Lindlehr.

*KFWB -News. KMTR -Bible Treasury. KGER-Rev. Bennington.


8:45 a.m., Mon. thru Fri.

KGFJ The Pep Boys

KFOX-Common Sense. KFVD -Vocal Favorites. HVOE -Bing Crosby.

8:55 -KGB, KFSM- Strictly Per- sonal.

8:58 -HMTR -Time Signal.

9 *KFI -News. KNX-Kate Smith.

*HHJ, KGB. KFXM, KVOE -' Boake Carter. News.

KECA -Art Baker. *KMPC-News, Say It With

Music. RFRB- Health Talk.

*KMTR-News, Pillared Doc- trines.

KFAC-Plano Briefs. KRKD-Sagebrush Serenade. KWKW -Arosa Temple. RPAS -Polls Patterson.

*KGER-Neu s. KFOX- Firebrands for Jesus.

8:05 *KFI -F:da and Jorgenson, Comment.

KGER-Rev. Larrimore. 11:15-KFI-Woman of America.

KNX-Big Sister. *KECA, KFVD -News.

KHJ -Time Out. KFWB- islands Songs. KGFJ- Medical. KFAC-Voice of Health. RWKW -Carl Ravazza. KGER-Res. J. A. Lovell. KGB- Shipmates. HEXIf- Future Unlimited.

8 :20- -HFX.N -Old Family Almanac. 8:30*KFI -Major H. S. Turner,

Comment. KNX-Romance of Helen

Trent. }MCA, KFMB- Breakfast at


M'IdandQ. U.S.A. * R_W B 1. KMTR-W. . Record.

KFAC-Midmorning Serenade. KPAS-Rodeo Rhythm. KGER -Radio Revival. KFVD -Dr. Richardson.

KGFJ -Swing Serenade. 9:40 -11FI- Magazine Page. 9:45 *KFI -Peter de Lima.

KNX -Oar Gal Sunday. KHJ. KGB, KFXM- Amazing

Jennifer Logan. HMTR- Curtis H. Springer. HEWS- Midmorning Melodies.

*KRKD-News, Clifton. KR KW-Dave Rose. KGER -Full Gospel. KFVD -Here Comes the

Parade. 9:55 *KF I -News.

lo *HFI -Larry Smith, Comment. KNX-Life Can Be Beautiful

*KH e,


KV0E- *HECA, KFMB -Tony Morse. *KMPC-News, Housewives'

Ezchange. *HMTR -News, Comment.

KFWB- Kitchen Kollege, Chef Milani.

HPAS -Scratches and Jockeys. KWKW- Women's World, KRKD -Turf Bulletin.

*HGER -News, Mission Work- ers.

10 :15 *KFI- Burritt Wheeler, Com- ment.

KNX-Ma Perkins. KECA, KFMB -Sweet River. KHJ, KGB, KFXM, HVOE-

Jack Berch. HMTR- Chicago Tabernacle.

*HPAS -News. SGFJ -Voice of Health. KGER. -Kingdom Within, KRKD -Dr. Richardson. KWKW-Henry Busse. KFOX -Bev. Emma Taylor.

10 :30--KFI-Aunt Mary. *KNX-Bernadine nn, News.

KECA -My True Story. KMPC-Sing With Mee.


SMTR -FiOyd B. Johnson. *KWKW-News, Paul Baron.

HPAS -J. Newton Yates. KRHD -P: T.A. KGFJ -Selon Swing. KFVD -Vnlon Rescue Mission KGB, KFXM- Luncheon with

Lopez. 10:45*KFI -Art Baker News.

KNX-The Goldbergs. KHJ, KGB, KFXMM, HVOE-

American Women's Jury. HMPC -Lady of Charm. KFWB- Sclence of Mind. HMTR -Talks and Tunes. KFAC -Western Melodies. KFOX -Al Clausen. HPAS -Hacienda Manans.


TKTTKK Kó T K XTK sTíTTíT l 1 1 1380

600 710 870 980 1070118 1230 1280 1360 1431 I

KWRW- Mille' & King's Men. KRKD- Midnight Mission.

10:55 -KECA -Buddy Twins.

11'1-Guiding Light.

KNX- Portia Faces Life. *KECA,

KFM -Baukhage

Talk KHJ -This Changing World.


KFWB -Al Jarvis. *KMTR -News, Dr. Loads

Talbot. KWKW -('are of the Body. KPAS-Meet Priscilla Alden. KFAC-Les Adams. KGB HVOE -- Cedric Foster. KFSbd- Behind the Gun.

11:15 -KPY- Today's Children. KNX-Joyce Jordan M. D. RECA, KFMB- Mystery Chef. KHJ- Strictly Personal, KMPC -Dance Parade. KGFJ -Pot -Pourri. KGB HVOE- Footlight Rhap-

KF. -Hal Bclntyre Orch. 11:30-KFI-Women In White.

KNX-Young Dr. Malone. KECA -Musical Moments. KMPC -Dance Parade. KMTH- Curtis H. Springer.

*HPAS- Pssadens Independent. *KFAC, KFOX -News. *KRKD--News, Douglas.

HWHW -Freud Martin. KGB HVOE- Skyllne Sere-

nade. KGER-Rev. Chas. Greene-

noyer. 11 :4S -KFl -Hyymmns of All Churches.

KNX-Perry Mason. *KECA, HFME -News, Ted


Around the Town. KMPC-Prayer. HPAS- Glhson's Painted Post. HWHW -Frank Sinatra. KFVD- Violet Schram.

11:55*KWKW -News.

12 HFI -Farm Reporter. KNX-Mary Marlin. *KHJ- Broadway News. RECA, HEMS -Morton Dow-

ney. *KMPC-News, Stump Us. *KMTR-News, Merle Lindsay

and Band. KPAS -Rancho 11 -10. KFAC-Luncheon Concert. KGFJ, KGER, KGB, HVOE-


TUESDAY Program Highlights Morning Programs Appear In Lightfare Tv-pe: Afternoon and

Evening Programa in Boldface.

Variety 8:00 -Johnny Murray. KF1. 0:00-Kate Smith, KNX. 9:30 -Breakfast at Sardra.

KECA -KFMB. 10:00 -Chef Millanl, KFWB. 4:30 -Art Baker's Notebook, KFI 5:30 -Date with Judy, KFI. 5:00 -Burns and Allen, KNX 6:30 -Fibber McGee and Molly,

EFL 1:30 -Spotlight Bands, RECA-

KFMB. 7:00 -Bob Hope, KFI. s:15 -Lum and Abner, SECA-

KFMB. 6:30 -Johnny Presents Glnny

Simms, KFI. 8 :30 -Duf f y's. I(EC A -KFMB. 9 :00- Everything for the Boys,

!EFL 9:00 -Let Yourself Go. RECA. 9:00 -Judy Canova Show, KHZ.

War 9:15-American Women, MM. 3:15-Out of the Shadows, SECA

Drama 6:00- Mystery Theater. KFI. 6:15 -Nick Carter, HHJ. 6:55 -- Coronet Story Teller,

HECA- KFWB. 7 :00-Norman Corwin, RNS. 7 :30-Red Skelton, HFI, 7:30 -The Shadow, KHJ.

5:00 -I Ln'e a Mystery, KNX. 8:30 -Big Town, KNX. 9:30 -Star Performance, KFI.

t0:30- Creeps by Night. RECA.

Quiz Programs 0:00 -Pay Day Quiz, KHJ -


Outstanding 21lusic 4:M0-Musical Comedy, KFAC. 3:30 -American Melody Hour.

KNX. 7 :30-Inglewood Park Concert,

KNX. 8:00 -Evening Concert. KFAC. 8 :00-Fred Waring, TEFL 1i:15-Music Iv Son, KFWB.

10:00 -Lucky Lager Dance Time, KFAC.

10:00 - Newsical, KFVD. 10:00- Eastside Dance Tonite,


Public Affairs 10 :15- Political Editor, KHJ. 10 :30-Congress Speaks, KNX.

Sports- Comment ]0:00 -Turf Bulletins, KRKD.

3:110 -Big League, KMPC. 5:30 -Race Results. KRKD. 5:00- Sportstime, KMPC. 5:05- Sports Roundup, HMTR. 7:00 -Bay Meadows, KFI%'B.

10:00 -Olympic Fights, K.MTR.

KWKW -Lunch With Moorea, KFOX -March Time. KRHD- Prairie Schooner. KFVD- Editor of the Air. KFXM -Gen. Smote.

12:15- BFI -Ma Perkins. KNX-Neighbors, Irene Bean-

y. SECA- Hollywood Star Tdma. KHJ -Johnson Family. KWKW -Dr. Rickey. KGER-1390 Club, KGB, HVOE- Palmer House Concert.

*KFXM -News. 12 :30 -KFI- Pepper Young's Family.

KNX-Bright KHJ- Homemakers' Club. KECA -Danceable Rhythms. KMPC -Dolen's MosicaL

*KFWB -News. HMTR- -Songs You Love. KFOX- Symphonlo Swing. KFVD- Violet Schram. KWKW-Dinah Shore. KGB -Molly Morse. KFXd1 -Farm Front. KVOE- Luncheon Dance.

12:15-M1-Right to Happiness. HNX -Bachelor's Children, RECA- Memories in Melody, KFWB -Al Jarvis.

*KFAC-News. KWKW-Dick McIntyre. KGB- Rhythm and Romance. KFX.M-Moods In Musle. HVOE- Smoothies. KFOX- Varieties.

1 -871-Backstage Wife. KNX- Broadway Matinee.

*KECA, KFMB- -World Rids Review.

*KMPC--News, Today's Band. *KFWB-Today's War Moods. *KMTR -News, Treasury Songs *KGFJ, KGER, KPVD

-News. *KWKW-News, KGB-Background Backggrrround

Victory - - for News.

*KFXM, KVOE- Walter Comp- ton.

KFAC -Dr. Walter Raymond. 1:15 -HFI- Stella Dallas.

KHJ -Sweet and Sentimental. RECA, KFMS -Radio Parade. KFWB -A1 Jarvis. HMTR -Dr. O. M. Richardson KWKW -Treasury Song. KGFJ -Blood Goes to War.



Tues. -Thurs. 1:15 P. M.

KGFJ Direct from Blood Bank

Kf,B, KFXM, KVOE -Open House, J. Neblett.

1:25 *KNS, KW/SW -News. 1:30-KFI- Lorenzo Jones.

KNX-Musical Library. KGB, KFXM. HVOE -Fall

Speed Ahead. H PC- Family Bible.


KFAC- Novelty Tunes. KFVD -Haws Jan Music. KWKW-Joe Reichmao. KFOS- Concert Master. KGFJ- Treasury Salute. KGER-George Strange.

1:35*HECA KFM-Peter de Lima FI 1:46 -K-% B

orme Widder Brown. KNX- Afternoon Dance.

*KECA -News. KMPC =Paul Sutton. KMTR -Win Morro. KFAC- Between the Linea. KRHD -Singing Waiters. SPAS -Bing Sings. KWKW-Boy Scouts.

KGFJ -Let's Dream. 1:50*HECA- Edward Jorgenson.

Fl -When a Girl Marries. 411-The Open Door.

*KHJ, KGB, KVOE -Ray Dady, News.

HECA HMS-What's Doing, Lades.

*KMPC -News, Swing Shift. *KMTR-News, Music.

KFAC-Gems of melody. KWKW -Tony Martin. KFOX -Organ Treasures. HELD- Concert Melodies. KFVD- Victory Parade. KGFJ -Town Crier Presents. KGER-Long Beach Band.

1.1S-KM-We Love and Learn.

Page 17: Boy Crash Hollywood Radial - · OMr By Evelyn Rigsby ce Writer Don Quinn is A Modest Man Who Has a Closet Just Like McGee's BIT HARD to pass on Fibber McGee's

JUNE 4, 1944 RADIO LIFE SNX -Pot Luck Party. SRJ, KVOE -C. S. Marine

Band. *KGB. KFXM -Don Lee News-

reel Theater. KWRW -(dory Pleasant Trio.

2:2ß *KHJ- Newsreel. 2:30 -KFI -Just Plain Bill.

*KECA-Behind the War News. KFWB -Hal Styles, KMTR-Victory House. SPAS- Slapay KWRW -Frye fer All.

*HRHD -News, RFOX -Songs of the West.

2:40 *KNX -News. t4A -SFI -Front Page Farrell.

KNX- American Women. KECA -Frances Scalp. SRKD- Salvatore Santaella. SHJ, KGB, KVOF. -Radio

Tour. *HFAC, SFVD -News.

SFI -Star Playhouse. ea RNX- Houaewires' Protective

League. *KECA -Three o'Clock News. *SMPC -News, Rig League

Baseball. KFWB -Melndy Matinee.

*KMTR -Newa. Home Front Facts. *HMS- Listeners' Digest.

K W K W- (harioteers. SFAC -Musical Masterpieces.

*RGFJ, KGER -New.. KRKD- Matinee Melodids. KGB, KVOF- Prayer, Griffin

Reporting. SFX-SM- bayer. Devotions.

3:10 -RGFJ -Smile Awhile. 3:15- SFI -Road of Life.

ERI-Ao Organ and a Voice. KECA, KFMB -Ott of the

Shadow.. RMTR- Eugenia S'lair. KWRW -Don Allen. SPAS -Juke Box Matinee. KFOX -Hawaii Calla. KVOE- Treashry Salute.

3:30- SFI -Vic and Sade. SRJ -Happy Homes, Norma

l'nona. KECA- Reserve.

*KFWB, KRRD -News. KMTR -Pianos. *HRHD- Newa Headlines.

*HWHW -Off the Press. KFOX -Help Wanted. RGF.R -Let s Not Forget. KGB-r. B. O. KVOE -Of Civic Interest.

3:48-KFI -Brave Tomorrow. *KNX-World Today, Joseph

Aarsch. RECA -.lay Burnett. Rß.1 -Rill Hay Reads the

Bible. KFWB-Jazz. KMTR- Santaella Ensemble. KWKW -Organ Interlude. KFXM- Huttes in Headlines. KGB, KVOE- Johnson Family.

4 lß'I -Dr. Rate. KNX -Lady of the Presa.

*SECA, KGER, KGFJ, AVOW -News. *KW, KGB. KFXM, KVOE- Fulton Lewis. Jr.

*SMPC -News, World of Song. KFWB-Bert Flake. *KMTR -News, Music.

SFAC- Musical Comedy Review.

KWRW -Bing Crosby. KFVD -Piano.

4:13 *KFI -World News, *KNX -Bob And , News.

HHJ, KGB. KFXM, KV0E- Care and Feeding of a Hus- band.

SECA -Ruth Wentworth.


Radio 15 NMwDAReeI

KMTR - 570

KMP('- %VMinns Parker. KFWB- Gospel and Song. *ILMTR -Radin Newsreel. *KFVD -Newa.

KGICI -Name the Tune. KWRW -Taal Martin. KRKD- Mavieland Quiz. KGER -Dr. William Evans.

4:30 -KFI -Art Baker's Notebook. SNX -.American Melody Hour. KHJ. KGB, H\'OE- Lullaby

in Rhythm. SECA -Navy Waves.

KM PC-Gilbert It aIes. KMTR--Old Age Pensions. HRED -Tunes of the Day. HWHW -Glen Miller.

*HFAC -News. KFVD -Tea Time Music. KFXM -Dr. l'hilip Lmell. KGER- Victoria Hall Church

4:13 -RA,I, KFNM- Frnlic.. KECA- Twilight Tales. KMPC -It's a Dog's Life. KFWB- Stuart Hamblen. KWRW-Tommy Dorsey. HFOX -Eddie Dean.

*HRHD -News, Browning, Kt:F.1- Frank Sinatra Sings. KGF.B -- Colonial Tabernacle. KGB. KVOF World's Front


5 *Kli -OK for Release. KNX-Galen Drake.

*KHJ- Broadway News. KECA, KFMB -Terry and the

Pirates. *KMI'C -Newa, Our Fighting

Heroes. *SMTR -News, Must,.

KWKW -American Jewish Br. KPAS -Tacle Charlie. HRHD -Songs of the Saddle. RGFJ -Jive at S. KFVD- Evening Serenade. KFOX -Sunshine Pastor.

*KGER -News, KGB. KFNM- ('hick Carter. K\'OF Variety.

8:655 -KGER-Oiga Graves. 8:13 *BFI -News rat Bishop.

KNX -Musc Library. KECA -Dirk Tracy. KH.I. KGB, KFXM. AVOW-

Superman. KMPC- Slapsy Marian

Matinee. KMTR -Dobin v tl le. U.S.A.

*HFAC, KF\D -News. 8:30 -KFI -A Date with Judy.

*KNX -Harry W. SECA, KFMB -dark Arm-

strong. SHJ. KGB, KFXM, KVOE --

Adventures of Tom Min. KMTR-Irwin Allen. KFAC -Whoa Bill Club. KRRD -Rare Resulta. KGER -God's Half Hour.

6:45 *KNX -Truman Bradley. News. KECA, KFMB- ('apt. Midnight

*KA.1, KGB. KFXM, AVOW Gordon Burke, News.

KMPC -Help Wanted. *RMTR -K. Louis Flatau. News

HRHD -Hollywood Tunesmlths 6:83 *KNX -Bill Henry.

KFI- Mystery Theater. KNX -Burns and Allen.

*HHJ, KGB. KFXM. AVOW- Gabriel Heatter.

*KECA, KFWB -Newa. *SMPC -News, Sportatime. *KMTR-News, Smoot. Roundup *KFOX, AGAR. KGFJ -News.

HFAC -Muds for Everyone. HWHW -Italian Melodies. SPAS -Future Piantate. KRRD -Early Pancette.

*KGER -News, Dr. Burp). 6:13-K I. KGB, KFXM, EVOE- Nick Carter.

*KECA -Today in History. *KFWB -John B. Hughes,

"News and View.." KMTR -America Sings. KRKD-South Sea Serenade.

*REVD-News. KGF,1- Dinner Dance. KPAS -Lincoln Ave. Pres. ('h.

6:30 -KFl- Fibber Mc(:ee and Molly KNX -C nacheduled. KECA, KFMB- Spotlight

Randa. HHJ, KFXM -American

Forum of the Air. SMPC- Beverly Hillbillies. KMTR -Boys and Girls. KFIVB- "America lianes." HWHW -Royce Hour. KPA'1- Church of Christ. KVOE- Gospel Light. KGFJ- Cowboy Tunes. KFOX -Refs Memory Room. KGER- Prophecy Speaks.

*KGB -Eddie Orrutt. 8:43 -HPAS -Townsend Plan.

KGF.1- Concert. ABED -Sweet and Lovely.

8:33 -KECA -Coronet Story Teller. lly-KFI-Boh Hope.

KNX- Columbia is Norman Corwin.

*KECA, KFMB- Raymond Gram Swing.

*KMPC, KMTR -News. Music. KFWB-Today at Bay

Meadows- Joe Hernandez. HFAC -America Waltzes. RGFJ -Spanish Floor.

*HRHD, HPAS. AGAR, SFOX -News. KVOE- Smooth Performance.

PAGE 17 TUESDAY LOGS 7:66 -SGER- Townsend Nat'l. Re-

covery Plan. 7:13*KHJ, KGB, KFXM, K\ 'OE-

Lowell Thomaa. * KEC.A, KFMB -News. KMTR -W. R. Record. KRSD -yip Time. HPAS -Albi,. Slade.

7:311 -KM-Red Skelton A Co. KNX- Inglewood Park Con - cert.

Male Quartette

DU- Tuesday, 7:30 P. M. Inglewood Park Cemetery Assn.

KECA, KFMB -Red Ryder. KHJ -The Shadow.

*B.FW1R-News. KMTR-Dr. Clem Davies. SFAC -Dr. E. J. Goodspeed. KRAD -Do You Know? SFOX- Service Men's Club. KGB, KFXM, AVOW-San

on 7:43*KFRWB -Major (Hubert Turner,

Air. Comment.

KFAC -News. 8- KFI -Fred Waring Victory

Tune Time. KNX -1 Lose s Mystery.

*SECS EMIT-Watch the World Go By.

KAJ, KFXM -Pay Day Quiz. *KMPC -News. Baseball.

from Reu- ter.'.

*KMTR-News, Grace Dotson. SFAC -Evening Concert.

*SPAS, KGER -News. KGB- Production Rhythm. AVOW -Christian Youth. KGFJ-B. A R. Cowboys.

8:08 -KPAS -.1. Frank Burke. 8:18 *KFI- Fleetwood Lawton.

SNX -John Nesbitt's Passing Parade.

SECA. HE11IB -Lum & Abner. SFWB -Music for You.

LEON LEONARD! and Warner Bros. Orchestro


Presented by


KF'OX- Adventnrea la Research.

e:30- KFI -Johnny Presents Gluey Simms.

KNX-Big Town. SECA. KFMB- Duffy's Tav-

ern. KH.1. KGB. KFXM, AVOW.-

Freedom of Opportunity, KMTR -Central Church of

Christ. *KFWB -News.

SGFJ -Dancing Rhythm. HFOX, KPAS-Judge Gardner EGER -Rev. L. Fink.

8:45 -KFWB -Help Wanted. 9 -KFI- Everything for the Boys,

Ronald Colman. KN) -Judy Canons Show. SECA -Let Yourself Go. *HMI. KGB, KFXM, RAVE-

News, Glenn Hardy. KFWB- Strollin' Tom.

*KMTR -News, Dr. A. U. Michelson.

SGF,1- Rhythm and Rhyme. 8:a; -KGER -Olga Gras es. 8:18 *HHJ, Rt.B. KFXM, StOE-

Rex Miller. SGFJ -This and That.

8:28 -SNX -Dramatic Story. 8:30 -SPI --Star Performance.



KFI 9: P.


*KILL KGB, KFXM, Sl'OE- Fallon Lewis, jr.

KNX -Edwin C. Hill. KMTR-Ham and Eggs.

6:43- KF,('A, KFMB- Melody pre. gram.

RNX- Riders of the Purple Sage.

RAJ. KGB. SFXM -Buddy Cole at Organ.

*KPWB -Sam Baiter.

10 *SFI -Richfield Reporter, *KNX -Ten o'Clock Wire.

KECA. KFMB- Erskine John. son (Thrifty Drug).

*RH.l. KGB. KFXM, KVOE- Ilr. Polyzoidea

10:00 P.M. -KECA "Hollywood Spotlight'


"Inside the News" with JOHN COHEE and PETER dc LIMA


*KMI'('-Neva Rainbow Ren- der,nus.

RFW lt-F.a.t.ide Dance T'n- nite.

Tonite 10 to 12 P. M. r.uY MI1. r,s., 5..Ir

K F W B ,,

Asvwt.: 14.10 r rtrr leads `%

*KMTR-News. Olympic Fights HFAC -Lucky Lager Danes

Time. SPAS -Civic Roundtable. SGFJ -Hank, Night Watch-

man, till 6 a.m. *KFYD- Newsical, 3 are.

10:13- K1,I -Cheque Your Music. WKNX-William

KGB. KFXM. AVOOK- lawrence Welk Orch. RlIPC- Momenta of Melndy,

16:30 -BFI- Inside News (Thrifty Drug).

KNX- Congreas Speaks. KH.l- Johnson Family. KE('A- ('reepa by Night. KMI'C -Modern \ neat Gems. *KFVD- Newalcal. KGB, KFXM, AVOE -Al

Trace. l0:45- BFI- \'oiee of s Nation.

KNX -Gayle and Charles. KH.I, KFXM. AVOW-Eddie

Ashman Orch. *KFl- Eleventh Hour News. WKNX -News, Bob Andersen. *KHJ -Newa. Music. *KECA -News. Claeslc Hoar. *KMPC -News, Dance and

Romance. KFWB- Eastside Dance To-

nite. *KMTR -Newa, Bob Brooks.

HFAC -Lucky Lager Dance Time,

SPAS -Bishop Crouch. *RFVD- Newsical.

SFI -Musical Encores. 11:13 -KFI -Joe Reichman's Blltmore

KHJ -WC.N Presents. Il:20-KNX -Jan Garber Orch. 11:311 -SFI- Pascho Orch. *KF\D- Newsleal 'till I a.m. 11:45 -ANX -Louis Armstrong Oreh. *RAJ-N ew a. 11:38 *KNX, KFWB..-News.


Ti l


Page 18: Boy Crash Hollywood Radial - · OMr By Evelyn Rigsby ce Writer Don Quinn is A Modest Man Who Has a Closet Just Like McGee's BIT HARD to pass on Fibber McGee's

WEDNESDAY, JUNE 7 *Indicato. \vws Brnndra1.

At hours where no listing is shown for a l o c a l station. recorded m u s i c has been scheduled.

8 HFhlohnny Murray. KNX -Mark Breneman.

*KECA-Between the I.ines. HHJ, KGB, KFXM, KV'OE-

Shady Valley Folks. *KMPC -News William Parker

KFWB- Breakfast Club. *KMTR -News, Pastor H. O.

Egertson. *KVAS. KGFJ. KGER, KFOX-

Newe. KRKD- Morning Melodies. KFAC -Country Church. KWKW -Hat McIntyre. KFVD- Stasrt Hamblen.


KPAS 8:30 A. M.

Mon., Wed., Fri. First Mate Bob and the

Good Ship Grace

5:56 -KGER -Soul Ps trnl. *KFOX -News.

8:15*KFI -T. R. Blakiston, Com- ment.

ANN-Valiant Lady. *KECA -News.

KMPC-Market Report, Music KMTR -DM. A. I'. Michelson. KWKW- Alvinn Rey. KGFJ- Musical Moments. KGER-Mizpah. KFOX -Dr. t.ocell.

5 :30*KFI, KFAC -News. MECA, KFMB- McNelll's

Breakfast Club. KNX-Kitty Foyle.

*KHJMPC Haworth, Dail' y Word.

KPAS -Hasen of Rest. KW KW"- Morning Variety.

*KRKD -News Headlines. KFXM- Sunshine Service. KGB KVOF Jolly Joe and

Ralph. 8 :45 -KFI -David Herum.

KNX-Aunt Jenny's Real Life Stories.

KM-Victor Lindlahr. KMTR -Bible Treasury. KFVD -Vocal Favorites. KFOX- Common Sense. KGB -Leo Huff Trio. KVOE -Bing Crosby.

R:18-KMTR-Time Signal.

Polly and Pat r ATTERSON "Household Hints-

KPAS-9:00 a. m. Monday Thru Friday

9 *KF1 -News. KNX-Kate Smith. KECA -Women Who Make

News. Dorothea Ramsay. *KHJ, KGB. KFXM, KVOE-

Boake Carter. News. *KMPC-News. Say It With

Music. *KMTR -News, Church Views

the News. KFAC -Piano Briefs. KWKW-Azusa Temple. KPAS -Polly Patterson. KRKD --- Sagebrush Serenade. KFVD -Waltz Time. KFON- Firebrands for Jesus.

*KGFJ. KGER-News. C:05- HGER -Rev. Larrimore.

*KFI -Edward Jorgensen, Comment.

9:15-K11-Woman of America. KNX -Big Sister.

*KECA, KFVD -News. KHJ-Time Out. KFAC-Voice of Health. SWKW -Carl Ray aims. KGFJ- Medical. HGER -Rev. J. A. Lovell. KFXM- Future Unlimited. KVOE -Bible Fellowship Hr.

' KGB- Serenading You. :30 *KFI -Mayor H. S. Turner..


KNX- Romanes of Helen Treat.

KHJ, KGB, KFXM, KVOE- Midland, U.S.A.

KECA KFMB- Breakfast at Sari's.

*RFW'B. KWKW -News. KMTR -W. B. Record. KFAC- Mid -Morning Serenade. KPAS -Roden Rhythm. KFVD -Dr. Richardson. KGF,1 -Swing Serenade. KGER -Radio Revival.

P:35 --KVOE -Coast huard Rand. 9:45 *KFI -Peter de Lima.

KNX -tour Gal Sunday. KHJ, KGB, KFXM, MV0E-

mazing Jennifer .tones. 1E111'11-Midmorning Melodies. KMTR-Curtis I1. Springer.

*KRKD -Neva, Clifton. KWKW -1 lave Rose. KIND-Here Comes l'erede.

9:55- KRKD -011, Oh! KH.1 -Aunt Jemima.

*KF 1 -News. *KF 1 -Larry Smith, Comment.

KNX-Life Can Be Beautiful. *KHJ. KGB, KFXM, KVOE-

News. Glenn Hardy. *KECA, RFMB -Tony Morse. *KM PC-News, Housewives'

F:vchange. KFW'B- Kitchen Kollege, Chef

Milani. *KMTR -News, Comment. *KtiFJ, KFOX -News.

K PA5-Scratches and Jockeys


HEAR PIERRE Maestro of the Chafing Dish

With Marion Lee WOMAN'S WORLD

NOW KWKW -10 A. M.

KWKW- Woman's World. KFVD- Morning Serenade. KRKD -Turf Bulletins.

*KGER -News. Mission Work- ers.

10:15 *KFI -Burritt Wheeler, Com- ment.

KNX -Ma Perkins. KECA. 15.11/111-Sweet River. KHJ, KGB, KFXM, SV'OE-

Jark Berch. KMTR -Chicago Tehernncle.

*KPAS -News.



57OT64OT79OT930T1O2OT i771 1240 1-1330T139O T 600 110 870 980 10701110 1230 128U 1360 14311490

KGFJ -Voice of Health. KRKD -Dr. Richardson. KGER- Kingdom Within. KFt)X -Rev. Emma Taylor.

10:30 -K11 -Aunt Mary. *KNX- Bernadine Flynn. News. KECA -My True Story.

*KFW'B, FAC -News. KM PC -Sing With Mee. KMTR -Floyd B. Johnson.

*KWKW -News, Paul Baron. KGFJ-Salon Music. HUAS -J. Newton Yates. KRKD- Samoiloff. KEVI)- -Union Rescue Mission. KG ER-Sunshine Pastor. K FOX -Trade Wind Tavern. KGB. KFXM -Luncheon with

Lopez. 10:45 *KFI -Art -Baker, News.

KNX -The Goldberg*. KHJ- Harts. KMPC-Lady of Charm. KFWB- ,Science of Mind. KMTR-Care of the Body. KFAC -Western Melodies. KRKD- Midnight Mission. KWKW- King's Men & Mills. KFOX -Al Clausen. KGB, KFXM, KVOE- Ameri-

can Women's Jury. 10 :Ml-KHJ-Leaders of United

Nations. 10:55*KECA -Polly l'attenon.

11 -KFI -Guiding Light. KNX -Portia Faces Life.

*KECA, KFMB- Raukhege Talking.

KH.1 -This ('hanging World. *KM PC-News. *KMTR -News, Dr. Louis

Talbot. KFWB -Al Jarvis. KFAC -Les Adams. K PAS -Meet Priscilla Alden.

*KC,FJ, KFVD, SGER -News. KWKW -('are of the Body. KFXM -Billy Mills Oreh. KGB. KVOE -4 edric Foster.

11:15 -K}1- Today's Children. KECA. KFMB- Mystery Chef. KNX -Joyce Jordan, M.D. KHJ -Unscheduled. KGB. KYOE -Songs of the

Service. KM PC-Dance Parade. KOFJ -Pot l'ourri. KFOX- Spotlight Bands. KOER -Dr. Lowman.

11:30- KFI -Women in White. KNX-Young Dr. Malone. KHJ. KGB. KFXM, ATOE-

WEDNESDAY Program Highlights Morning Programs Appear in Lightface Type; Afternoon and

Evening Programs In Boldface.

Variety 8 :00- Johnny Murray. KFI. 9 :00-Kate Smith, KNX. p:30- Breakfast at Sardi's,

KECA-KFMB. 10:00-Chef Milani. KFWB. 3 :10 -Smile Awhile, KGFJ. 4:30 -Andy and Virginia, KECA -

KFMB. 6:00 -Frank Sinatra, KNX. 6:00 -Eddie Cantor. 8:30 --dark Carson Show, KA X. 7 :00-Kay Kyser, KFI. R:15 -Lum and Abner. MECA-

KFMB. 5:30- Hildegarde, RFI. 9:00 -Allan Jones Show, KNX. 9 :30- Seramby -Araby. MCI. 9:30 -Orson Welles Almanac,

KNX. 10:00 -Hollywood Spotlight.

MECA. 11:15 -Halls of Montezuma, KHJ

War 10:50- Leaders of United Nations,

KHJ. 2 :45- American Women, KNX. 5:15- Salute to the Services,

KMTR. 8:90- Reuters' News Dispatch,

KFWB. 8 :00- Television, Test Pattern.

WRXTZ. 5:30- Television, To Keep Fit,

W'RXYZ. 9:00 -Television. Vaudeville,


Drama 9:45 -Amazing Jennifer Logan.


3:06-Star Playhouse. KFI. 6:15 -Nick Carter. KHJ. 6:35 -Mr. District Attorney, SCi 6:36 -First Nighter, KHJ. 7 :30 -Lone Ranger, KHJ -KGB-

KVOE. R :00 -I Love a Mysten.. KNX. 6:30 -Dr. Christian. J. Hersholt.

KNX. 8:30 -Bulldog Drummond. KHJ.

9 :00 -Mr. and Mrs. North, KIR.

Quiz Programs 4:45 -Capt. Jack. SECA.

Outstanding Music 4:00- Musical Comedy. KFAC. 7:05 -Great Moments in Music,

KNX. 5 :00- Evening Concert, KFAC. 8:00 -Fred Waring, KFI. 5:15 -Music for 1nu, KFWB.

15:00 -Lucky Lager Dance Time KFAC.

10:OÓ- Newsical, KFYD. 10:00- F.sstside Dance Tnnite,


Public Affairs 7:30- Report to the Nation, SNX

Sports- Comment 10:00 -Turf Bulletins, KRKD. 3:00-Big League, KMPC. 1:30 -Race Results, ARAD. e:00-Sportstime, KMPC. li:IK Sports Roundup KMTR. 7:155 ---Bay Meadows, KFWB. Rann- Ra.ehall, KMPC.

Skyline Serenade. MECA- Musical Moments. KMTR -Curtis H. Springer. KWKW- Freddy Martin. KFAC- Between the Lines. KPAS- Pa.adena Independent.

*KRKD, KFOX -News. HGER -Rev. Chas. Greene -

myer. 11.4.5 -KFI -Hymns of All Churches.

KNX-Perry Mason. *REC .*. RFMR -News, Ted

Meyers. KHJ, KGB, KFXM, KV'OE-

Around the Town. KGFJ -Calling All Zones.


Mon. -Wed. -Fri., I I :45 P.M.

KGFJ Prises la War Stamps

KPAS- Hoot's Painted Post. SWKW -Frank Sinatra. KFIi)- ',inlet Schram.

II :55 *1SW K W -News. RMPC- Prayer.

12-KFI-Farm Reporter,

KNX -Moruo Marlin. MECA, KFMB- Morton

Downey. *HHJ -Broadway News. *K111 PC-News. Stump Cs. *KMTR -News, Merle Lindsay

and Band. *KGFJ. KGB. K1 0E-News.

KFXM -Gen. Smuts. KFAC -Luneheon Concert. H PAS- Rancho 11 -10. KWKW' -Lunch With the

Moores. KRKD - Prairie Schooner, KFOX -March Time. KFVD -Editor of the Air.

*SGER -News, 1390.Clob. 12 :15-KFI-Ms Perkins.

SN N- Neighhors, Irene Beas- ley. KW- Johnson Family.

K ECA- Hollywood Star Time. KWKW -Res. Richey. KFVD- luncheon Music.

*HFOX. KFXM -News. KGB, K1 OK-Palmer House

Orch. 12:30 -K1I -Pepper Young's Family.

KNN- Bright Horizon. KECA- 10 -2-4 Ranch. KHJ- Homemakers' Chub. KMPC- Dolen's Musical.

*KFWB-News. KMTR -Songs You Love. MIA W- Maorice Johnson. KFXM -Farm Front. SVOE- Luncheon Dance. KGB -Molly Morse.

L::45 -KFI -Right to Happiness. KNX- Bachelor's Children. KECA-Memories in Melody. KFWB -Al Janis.

*KFAC -News. KFOX- Treasury Star Parade KGB. KFXM- Rhythm and

Romance. SVOE -The Smoothies.

1 -1111-Backstage Wife. KNX- Broadway Matinee.

*KECA, SFMB- World Wide Review.

*KMPC-New Toda7's oW'arsMoods.

*KM TR -News, Treasury Songs KFAC -Dr. Helen Collier.

*KW KW -News, King Rand. KFOX -Dance Time. KGB- Background for News.

*RFXM, KVOE -Walter Comp- ton.

1:15 -1EF1- Stella Dallas. RECA. KFMB -Radio Parade. KHJ -Sweel and Sentimental. KFWB -Ai .Ian is. KMTR -Dr. O. M. Richardson KFAC -J. Newton Yates,

Organ. KFVD- Moods in Musie. K W'S W'- Treasury Song. KGER- Officials on Parade. KGB- Con%air Lady. KFXM,. KVOE -Opel House,

J. Ntiblett. 1:25*KNX, HWSW -News. 1 :30-KFI-Lorenzo Jones,

KNX- Musical Library, *KFA'A. KFMR KPAS -News.

KHJ, KGB, KFXM, AVOE- Your Army Service Forces.

KMPC-Family Bible.

Page 19: Boy Crash Hollywood Radial - · OMr By Evelyn Rigsby ce Writer Don Quinn is A Modest Man Who Has a Closet Just Like McGee's BIT HARD to pass on Fibber McGee's

MAY 28, 1944

KFAC-Novelty Tunes. *KRKD -News, Music.

KWKW -log Reiehman. REVD- Hawaiian Music. KEOX- ('hristIan Science. KGFJ-Hasten the Day. HGER -George Strange.

1:35 *KECAC'HEI M -Peter de Lima 1:45 -KFI -loung Widder Brown.

KNX-Afternoon Dance. *KECA- New. KM PC-Paul Sutton. KFAC-Between the Lines. KRKD- Singing Waiters. KWKW -AI inn Rey. KGFJ -Let's Dream. KFOX- Concert Master.

1 :50*KECA-Edward Jorgenson. 01-When a Girl Marries.

KNX -The Open Door. *KHJ, KGB, RVOE -Ray

Dady. News. KECA, 11E3111- What's Doing,

Ladies. *KM P(' -News, Swing Shift. *KMTR -News, Music.

KFAC-Gems of Melody. KGFJ-Town Crier Presenta. KWKW -Tony Martin. HGER -Long Beach Band. KFVD- Victory Parade.

2:15 -KFI -We Love and Learn. KNX -Pot Luck Party. HHJ -Today on the Coast. KGB -Concert. HMTR -Win Morro. KWHW -Glory Pleasant Trio. KFOX- Public Bulletin. KVOF Service Band.

2:20 -HGER -Long Beach Band. *KHJ-Newsreel.

2:30- KFl-,lust Plain Bill. *BF,CA- Behind the War News.

KFWB-Hal Styles. HMTR- Victory House. KPAS -Sla sy Marie's. KW/ITV-Free for All.

*KRKD -News. KFOX-Songs of the West.

2:40 *KNX -New. 2:45 -KFI -Front Page Farrell.

KN X-American Women. KECA- Frances Scully. KA.I, KGB, Bt'OE-Radio

Tour. *KFAC, KFVD -News.

ERHD- Salvatore Santaella. KFI -Star Playhouse. RNX- Housewives' Protective

League. *KECA -Three o'Clock News. *KHJ, KGFJ, KGER -News. *KMPC -New, Big League

Baseball. KFWB- Melody Matinee.

*KMTR -News, Home Front Farts.

KFA('- Musieal Masterpieces. KRKD -Victor Queen Contest K WRIT-Charioteers. oteers.

*KPAS -Listeners' Digest. KGB, KVOE- Prayer, Griffin

Reporting. KFXM-Prayer, Religious

News. 3:05- HGER -Helene Smith. 3:10 -11GFJ -Smile Awhile. 3:15 -KFI -Road of Life.

KECA -Look Who's Here. HAJ -Background for Living. KPAS --Juke Box Matinee. SWBW -James Townsend. KFON- Hawali Calls. EVOE -Of Chic Interest.

3:30 -KFI -Vic and Sade. KNX-Lynn Murray's Music. KAJ -Happy Homes, Norma

Young. - RECA -R .

*KFWB -News. KMTR- Pianos.

*K RRD-News Headlines. *KWKW -Off the Press.

KGB -Voice of the Army. KFOX -Help Wanted. HGER -Lets Not Forget. KVOF Variety.

3:40- KFWB -Dr. Reynolds. 3 :45-KFI-Brave Tomorrow.

*HNX -The World Today. KECA -Jay Burnett. KHJ -Bill Hay Reads the

Bible. HMTR- Santaella Ensemble. KFVD- Rhumba Rhythm. HWHW -Ice Capades. KGB. KVOE- Johnson Fam-

ily. KFXM- Hllites in Headlines. KGER-L. B. Youth.

3 :53*KNX-Joseph Harsch. HFI -Dr. Kate. HNX -Lady of the Press.


Fulton Lewis, Jr. *KMPC -News, World of Song.

KFWB -Bert Fiske. *HMTR -News, Music.

KFAC-Musical Comedy Re- view.


*HGER -News, Dr. William Evans.

4:15 *KFI -News of the World. *HNX -Boh Andersen, News.

HAJ, KGB, RFXM, H{'OE- ('sre and Feeding of a Hue - band.

11 ECA -Ruth Wentworth. KMPC- William Parker. KFWB-Gospel and Song.

*K.MTR -Radio Newsreel. *K FI

KGFJ-Name the Tune. HWHW -Paul Martin. KRKD- Movieland Quiz. HGER -Dr. W al item.

4:30 --HFl -Art Baker's Notebook. KNX -Easy Aces. KECA -Andy and Virginia.

444494 wallt

Andy & Virginia 4 :30 P.m. KECA

Every Monday, Wednesday, Friday GAY RIB -TICKLING COMEDY

KHJ, KGB, RVOE- Lullaby in Rhythm.

KMPC-Gilbert Wales. KMTR-Old Age Pensions. KRKI -Tunes of the Day. HWHW -Glen Miller KGER-Victoria Hall Church. KFXM -Dr. Philip M. Lovell.

4:45 -KHJ, 11F/01-Frolics. RECA -Capa. Jack. KMPC It's a Dog's Life. KFWB -.Stuart Hamblen.

*KRAD -News. KGFJ-Frank Sinatra Sings. HWHW -Tommy Dorsey. KFOX- Eddie bean. Af.ER-Colonial Tabernacle.

*KGB, KVOE- World's Front Page.

S *BFI -OK for Release. KNX -Galen Drake. K ECA, KFMB -Terry and the

Pirates. *KMPC -News. Our Fighting

Heroes. *KMTR -News, Music.

K PAS -Uncle Charlie. KWKW-American Jewish Hr * KFX.M, KGER-News. KRRD -Songs of the Saddle. KGFJ -live at 5. KFVD- Evening Serenade. KFOX- Sunshine Pastor. KGB -Chick Carter. KVOE-Salute to the Services

5:05 -KGER -Olga Graves. 5:15*KFI, KFAC, KFVD -News.

RNX -Music Library. RAJ KGB, RFXM, HIVE-

Superman. KECA -Dick Tracy. KMPC- Slapsy Marie's

Matinee. KMTR-Salute to the Services

5:30 -KFI -Alvin Wilder. *RNX -Ha rry W. Flannery.

RECA, KFMB-Jack Arm- strong.

KH.1. KGB. RFXM, 11 V 0E- Ad ventures of Tom Mix.

KMTR -Irwin Allen. KFAC -Whoa Bill Club. KRKD -Race Results. KGER-God's Half Hour. KFOX -On the Bandwagon. KFTD- Evening Serenade.

5:45 *KFI -Louts Lochner. *RNX -News.

RECA, KFMB -Ca pt. Midnight *KILL KGB, KFXM, Kvo

Gordon Burke. News. KMPC -Help Wanted.

*KMTR -K. Louis Flutau, News KRKD- Hollywood Tune -

smiths 5:55 *KNX -Bill Henry. 6-K FI-Time to Smile with

Eddie Cantor. KNX -Frank Sinatra Show.


*KHJ, KGB, RFXM, HVOE- (:abriel Bretter.

*KMPC -News, Sport stime. *KMTR -News, Sports Roundup

KFAC -Music for Everyone. KRKI) -Early Dancette, KW'BIV-Italian Melodies. KPAS- Pasadena Playhouse.

0:15 -KHJ, KGB, KFXM, KVOE- Nick Carter.

*KECA -Today in History. *KFWB -John B. Huhes,

"News and Views." HMTR -America Sings. RGER -Rev. Burpo.

KFOX -Easy Listen'sg. *HFV D -News.

0 :30-KFI-Mr. District Attorney. KNX- Carson Comedy Show. RECA KFMB- Spotlight

Rands. RH.1, KGB, KFXM, KVOE-

First Nighter. KMPC -Beverly Hillbillies. KFWB- America Dances. KMTR -World Waltzes. KPAS- Church of Christ. KWEW -Hoyes Hour. KGFJ-Dinner Concert. HGER -Prophery Speaks. KFOX -Hals Memory Room.

0:45 -KRKD -Sweet and Lovely. KMTR-Bill of Rights. SPAS -Townsend Ilan. HGFJ- Concert.

B:55 -RECA, HFMB- Coronet Story. 7 -EFL -Kay Kysee's Musical

College. RNX -Great Moments in

Music. *KECA, KFMB- Raymond

Gram Swing. *KHJ, RIDE-Royal Arch

Gunnison. *KMPC, KMTR -News. Music.

KFW'B -Toda at Bay Meadows, Joe Hernandez.

RFA(' -America Waltzes. KGFJ -Spanish Hour.


KPPC-Pasadena Civic Music. KGB -Irene Dalton. KFXM -Melody Ranch.

7:05 -KGER- Townsend Nat'l Re- covery Plan.

7 :15-KECA-Top of the Evening, Westinghouse.

*KH.1, KGB, RFXM- Lowell Thomas.

HMTR -W. B. Record. ARKD -ß' Time. KPAS -Alhie Slade. HPPC -Organ Recital. KVOE -- Concert Miniature.

7:30 -KNX -Report to the Nation. RECA, Kt-MR-This Is My

Country. KHJ, KGB, KFXM, KV 0E-

Lone Ranger. *KFWB -News.

KMTR -Dr. Clem Davies. KRKD -Do You Know. KPPC -Let' Talk It Over.

7:45 *KFWB -MaJor Hubert Tanner, Comment.

*KFAC-News. 8-11}1-Fred Waring Victory

Tune Time. KNX -I Love a Mystery.

KFMB -Watch the World Go By.

KHJ -Main Line. y *KMPC-,,News. Baseball.


and King's Ambassador Quartet KMTR -8:05.9:00 P. M.

Alan IO:30 -10:41 A. M. Monday thrnnzh Friday

*KFWB- Reuters' News Dis - patch.

*KMTR -News. *KPAS, KGER -News.

KPP(' -Rev. Myron Nichols. WOXY7 Television, Test - rettern.

KFXM -Redlands University. 0:05- KIAS -,l. Frank Burke. S:15*KFI- Fleetwood Lawton.

KNX -.lohn Nesbitt's Passing Parade.

KECA, KFMB -Lunt L Abner.

LEON LEONARDI and Warner Bros. Orchestra


Presunrd by

Utter MHinley KFWB -Musie for Ton.

0:30 -KFI -Beat the Rand. KNX-Dr. Christian, Jean

Hereholt. !MCA. KFMB-My Best Girls HAJ KGB, KFX KV0E-

Bulldog Drummond.

HPPC- Occidental College. WSXyZ- Television, Keeping

Fit. 0:45 -KFWB -Help Wanted. e:55 *HNX -Wallace Sterling. is-Mr. and Mn. North.

HNX -Allan Jones, Frankie Carle Dreh.

RECA, KFMB- Dunninger, Mind Reader.

*KHJ, KGB, KFXM, EVOL- News, Glenn Hardy.

KFWB- Strollin' Tom. *KMTR -News, Dr. A. 11.

Michelson. EGFJ- Rhythm and Rhyme. W'OXYZ-Television, Tanda-

sille. 0:15 *KHJ, KGB. KFXM, KVOR-

Cecil Brown, News.

GzCaiuttGtll 74.:tcZy; THRILL TO

buff'do99 rUtilusfoad ACE - DETECTIVE ADVENTURER

WEDNESDAY 8:30 P.m. KHJ .,od DON LEE Zett...0,4

"42" NAIR OÌt.:7; 42" SHAMPOO J

0 : 30-KFI-Scramby Amby. KNX -Orson Welles Almanac.


Fulton Lewis, Jr. KMTR -Ham and Eggs.

:45-KECA, KFMB - Melody Pro. H HGB, KFXM -Buddy

Gole at Organ. KPAS- Charles W. Ramp.

10 *KFI- Richfield Reporter. *KNX -Ten o'Clock Wire. *RAJ, KGB, KFXM, KVOE-

Dr. Polrzoides.

10:00 P.M.-KECA "Hollywood Spotlight-


"Inside the News" with JOHN COHEE and PETER de LIMA


KECA-Erskine Johnson, Hol- lywood Spotlight

KFWB -Eastside Dance Tonite

DANCE Tonite l0 to 12 P. M. Avery M9, 1q, s.,a.y

KFWB/ I Na." INN, \

*HMTR -News, Bob Brooks. KFAC -Lucky Lager Danes

Time. *KFVD- Newsical 3 Hrs. KGFJ-Hank. Nllghtwatch-

man, ail 0 a.m. 10:15 -KFI -Treasury Salute.

*KNX -William Winter. KHJ, KGB, KFXM, KV0E-

Chuck Foster arch KMPC- Moments of Melody.

10:30*KFI- Inside the News( Thrifty Drug).

RECA- Freddie Martin Orchh. KNX -M. Mastro. KHJ-Johnson Family. HFWB- Eastside Dance Tonle *KFVD- Newsical. KGB, KFXM-Halls of

Montezuma. 10:43 -BFI -Voice of a Nation.

HMTR -Viennese Ensemble.

11 *BFI, HNX, HA.1 -News. *KMPC -News, Dance and Ro-

mance. KF'W'B- Eastside Dance To-

nite. *KMTR -News, Lincoln Ama-

teur Night., KFAC -Lucky Lager Dance

Time. *KF V D- Newaicnl.

KPAS- Comfort from Calvary 11:15 -HHJ -Halls of Montezuma. 11:30 -KFI- Pancho Orch.

11 XL salt a.m. :45 -HN- ouiArmsro g

11:00 *KNX, KFWB-News. KFI- Musical Encores.

Page 20: Boy Crash Hollywood Radial - · OMr By Evelyn Rigsby ce Writer Don Quinn is A Modest Man Who Has a Closet Just Like McGee's BIT HARD to pass on Fibber McGee's

THURSDAY, JUNE 8 *Indicates News Broadcasts.

At hours where no listing Is shown for a l o c a l station, recorded m u s i c has been scheduled.

KFI- Johnny Murray. et-KFI-Johnny KNX -Mark Breneman. KECA- Between the Lines. KHJ. KGB, KFNM. HVOF

Shady Valley Folks. *K51PC -Newe, William Parker *KMTR -News, Pastor H. O.


News. KRHI)- Morning Melodies. KWKW -Hsi McIntyre. KFAC - Country Church. KFVD- Staart Hamblen.

6:05- HGER -soul Patrol. 9:10 *KFI -T. B. Blakiston, Com-

ment. KNX- Valiant Lady.

*KECA -News. KM PC -Market 'Report Musie

FWB H -Bands In Review. KMTR -Dr. A. I'. Michelson. HWHW- Alvino Rey. K GFJ- Musical Moments. K G F. R -M izpah.

9:30*KFI, HRKD KFAC-News. RECA, KFSIt- McNeill

Breakfast Club. KNX-Kitty Foyle.

*HH.I -6111 Haworth. KPAS- Baptist Brothers. HMPC Dnity Dally Word. KFWB -Help Wanted. KWKW- Morning Variety. KFX.VM- Sunshine Service. KFOX -Dr. Lovell. KGB. KVOF. -Jolly Joe and

Ralph. 9:15- KFI -David 'Serum.

KNX -Aunt Jenny's Stories. KHJ- Victor Lindlehr.

*KFWB-News. S MITH-Bible Treasury. KGER -Ref. Bennineham. KFOX- Common Sense. KFVD -Vocal Favorites.

9:55 -KGB, KFXM -Strictly Per- sonal.

$:511-RMTR -TIme Signal.

9 *HF1. HGFJ, KGER -N.w.. KNX -Kate Smith.

*KHJ, KGB, KFXM, KVOF Roake Carter.

KECA -Art Raker. *HMPC News, Say It With

Music. KFR'B -Dr. Reynolds.

*KMTR -News, Faith Founda- tion.

KFAC -Plano Briefs. KWRW -Aruea Temple. 11 PAS-Polly Patterson. KRKD- Sagebrush Serenade. KFVD -Waltz Time. KFOX- Firebrands for Jesus.


L L. McMASTER, D.C., Ph.G., Ph.D., F.R.S.A. (London)

ter the McCOY HIALTH


Every KF C ato

9:15 ro *GFJ at 16:15

9:05- KG ER -Rey. Larrimore. *KFI- Edward Jorgenson,

Comment. 1:15 -BFI -Woman of America.

JINX -Big Sister. *KE('A, HFWB, KFVD -News.

KHJ -Time Out. KFWB- Island Songs. KFAC-%oIee of Health, HGFJ- Medical. HWKW -Carl Ravazea. K(.ER -Rev. J. A. Lovell. KGB- Elwood Bailey. KFXM -Future Unlimited. HVOE -Bible Fellowship Hour

9:20 -- KFXM -Old Family Almanac. 9:30*KFI -Major H. S. Turner,

Comment. KNX- Romance of Helen


Midland, C.S.A. 'MCA. KFMB- Breakfast at

Sardi'e. KMTR -W. B. Record. KPAS -Rodeo Rhythm. KFAC- Midmorning Serenade.

*KWHW -News. Date Rose. HGFJ -String Serenade.

EGER -Radio Revival. KFVD -Dr. Richardson.

9:40 -KFI -Magazine Page. 9:40 *KFI -Peter de Lima.

1/`51X -Our Gal Sunday. KRJ, KGB, KFXM, KV0E-

Amazing Jennifer .tones. ¡OMB- Midmorning Melodies. RMTR- Curtis H. Springer.

*KRIM-News, Clifton. KFVD -Here Comes Parade. HGER -Full Gospel.

9:55- KRED -Oh! Oh! KHJ -Aunt Jemima.

*KFI -News.

10 -BFI- Standard School Broad- cast.

KNX -Life ('an Be Beautiful. *KECA. KEMR -Tony Morse. *KHJ, KGB. KFXM, KVOE-

Glenn Hardy, News. *KMPC -News, Housewives'

Rechange. HFWB -Chef Milani.

*KMTR- News, Comment. KPAS -- Scratches and Jockeys HWHW- Woman's World.

*KGF.). EFOX -News. KRKD -Turf Bulletins.

*HGER ICews, Mission Work- ers.

10:15- KNX -Ma Perkins. KHJ, KGB, KFXM, HVOE-

Iack Berck. 'MCA. KFMIt -Sweet River. KMTR- Chicago Tabernacle. KGFJ-Voice of Health. RRKD -Dr. Richardson. 'MEW-Henry Russe,

*KPAS -News. KGER -Kingdom Within. KFOX -Rev. Emma Taylor.

10:30-KTI -Aunt Mary. KNX -Bernadine Flynn, News. KECA-My True Story. KHJ, KGB, KFXM, KVOE-

Luncheon With Lopez. H 31 PC -Sing With Mee.

*KFWB, KFAC -News. KMTR -Floyd B. Johnson. KGF.1 Salon Muele. RPAS-.1. Newton Yates,

Organ. *KWKW-News, Paul Baron.

KRKD -Voice of Government. KFVD- l'ninn Rescue Mission. KGFR- Sunshine Pastor.

19:45*KFI -Art Bakerr. News, KNX -The Goldberg.. HMP( -Lady of Charm. HFWB- Science of Mind. EMT R -Talks and Tunes. KFAC -Western Melodies. KWRW- acreenland Record-





KFOYTK6BT 570T640T790T930TIOZOT 110 1240 1-1330-T1390 T

600 710 870 980 10701i10 (230 1280 1360 1431 1490

RRKD- Midnight Mission. KFOX -AI Clausen. KGB, KFXM, HV GE-Ameri-

can Women's Jun. 10:35 -KECA -Buddy Twice.

11 -KF1-Guiding Light.

KNX- Portia Faces Life. *KECA, KFMB- Baukhage

Talking. HMI-This Changing World.

*HMPC -News, Looks at Books KFWB -AI Jarvis.

*KMTR -News, Dr. Louis Talbot.

KFAC-Les Adams. KPAS -Meet Priscilla Alden.

*KGFJ. EFVD, KGER -News. HWHW -Care of the Body. KFOX -This Rhythmic Age. KGB, KVOE- Cedric Foster.

11:15 -KFIL Women in White. FINN -Joyce Jordan, M.D. KHJ-Strictly Personal. ¡MCA, KF51B- Mystery Chef. HMPC -Dance Parade. KGB, EVOE -La Conga. KGFJ -Pot Pourri KFVD- Musical Revue. HWHW -Vocal Varieties.

11:30 -KFI- l.lght of the World. KNX -Young Dr. Malone. KR.1, KGB, KFXM, KY 0E-

Skyline Serenade. KECA- Musical Moments. KMTR -Curtis H. Springer. KPAS- Pasadena Independent. KWKW-Freddy Martin. EGER -Rev. Greenemeyer.

*KFAC. RRKD, KFOX -News. 11:43 -KFI- Melodies of Home.

KNX -Perry Mason. *HEC A. KFMB -News.

KH.1, KGB. KFXM, KV0E- Around the Town.

KWKW -Yank Sinatra. KFVD- Violet Schram. KPAS -Host's Painted Poet.

11 :35 *HWKW -News. KMPC- Prayer.

12- KFI-Farm Reporter. ENX -Mary, Marlin. 'MCA, KFMB- Morton

Downey. *KHJ- Brnadwat News. *KMPC -News, Stump Cs. *RMTR -News, Merle linden,

and Band. KPAS- Ranchn 11 -10. KFAC -Luncheon Concert.


KFXM -Gen. Smuts.

THURSDAY Program Highlights Morninr Progra me Appear In Light face 't'ype: Afternoon and

Eveni.:g Programs In Boldface.

l'ariety 9:00- Johnny Murray. KFL 9:00 -Kate Smith. KNX. 9:30 -Breakfast at Sard1's,

KECA -KENS. 10:00 -Chef Milani, KFWB.

4 :30 -Art Baker's Notebook. BFI.

0:60 -Kraft Music Hall, RIZ. 6:00 -Major Bowes, KNX. 6:30 -Bob Burns, BFI. 6:30-Dinah Shore. KNX. 6:30-spotlight Bands, HECA-

IsFMB, :00- Abbott A Costello, BFI.

1:00-The First Line, KNX. 1:30 -Club Good Cheer, RECA. 1 :30-Here's to Romance,

KNX. 5:15 -Lwo and Abner, HECA-

FHB. :30-Maxis House Tine, KFI

6 :30-Du bonnet Date with Cugat, KHJ.

9:00 -Three of a Rind. KNX. 10:00 -Hollywood Spotlight, ¡MCA

Drama 3:00 -Star Playhouse. KFI. 4:00 -Lady of the Press. KNX. 5:30 -Tom Mix, KHJ, 5:15 -Nick Carter. KHJ. 6:55- Coronet Story Teller,

KECA -KFMB. 5:00 -1 Love a Mystery. KNX. 5:15 -Night Editor, BFI.

he Days, KNX. 6:36-Death

9:00- Aldrich Family. BFI. 9:30- Ellery Queen, BFI.

War so :00-Housewives' Each angle.

HMPC. 2:45- Ampereican Women, KNX. 5:00- DDispateb from Reuters',

Outstanding Music 3 :00-Musical Masterpieces,

KFAC. 4:00- Musical Comedy. KFAC. 5 :00- Evening Concert, KFAC. 5:00 -Fred Waring, KFI, 0:15 -Massie for You, KFWB.

1e:00 -Lucky Lager Dance Time. KFAC.

10:00- Newsieal, KFVD. 10:00 -Esstside Dance Tonite,

KFWB. 11:30 -Classic Hour, KECA.

Public Affairs 9 :30-Citizens Forum, KNX.

10:15-Mas or Fletcher Bowron, K. 10:30 -Towwn Meeting of the Air.


Sports- Comment 10 :00 -Turf Bulletins. KR)+ I

3:00 -Big League, HMPC. 3:30 -Race Results KRKD. 0 :00- Sportstime, 5:O6-- .Sporte Roundup, KMTR. 7 :00-Bay Meadows, KFWB. 11:00--Baseball, HMPC.

HEADLINES AND MUSIC Mon. thru Sat. ss et

KGFJ Vaughn's Used Cars

HWHW -Lunch with Moores. HRKD- Prairie Schooner. KFVD -Editor of the Air. KFOX -March Time.

12:15 -KFI -Ma Perkins. KNX -Neigh bore, Irene Beas-

HECA- Hollywood Star Time. KHJ- Johnson Family.

*B Ples H , EVO - am Mouse Orch.

KWKW-Rev. Richey. 12:30-KFI-Pepper Young's Family.

KNX- Bright Horizon. KECA- Echoes of Hawaii. KHJ -Homemakers Club. KMPC- Dolen's Musical.

*KFWB -News. KMTR -Songs You Love. KWRW -Dinah Shore. KFVD -Violet Schram. EFOX -8 mphnnic Swing. KGB -Molly Morse. KFXM -Farm Front. KVOE- Luncheon Dance.

12:35 -KFI -Road to Happiness. KNX -Bachelor's Children. KECA- Memories in Meletly. KF W "113-Al Jarvis. KGB -Rhythm and Romance. KWRW -Dick McIntyre.

*KFAC -News. KFXM -Moods in Muslo. HVOE -The Smmothles.

iBFI- Backstage Wife. KNX- Broadway Matinee.

*SECA. KFMB -World Wide Review.

*KM PC-News, Today's Band. KFWB- Today's War Moods.

*KMTR -News, Te.aaury Songs *KGF.I, KFVD, HWKW,

KG F. R -News. *KFXM, KV'OE-Walter Comp-

ton. KFAC-FIRST. KFOX -Dance Time.

1:15-K11-Stella Dallas. KHJ Sweet and Sentimental. KECA -Radin Parade. KFWB -Al Jarvis. RMTR -Dr. O. M. Richardson': KFAC-J. Newton Yates,

Organ. KFVD -Moods ln Music. KGFJ-BI nod Goes to War. KGB. KFXM, HVOE -Open

Rouse, J. Neblett. 1:25*E N X -News. 1: 30- KFI -Lorenzo Jones.

KNX- Musical Library. *KECA, KFWB KPAS -News.

KHJ, KGB, 1#VOE -Fall Speed Ahead.

HM PC -Family Bible. HFAC -Novelty Tunes. H Ft' D- Hawaiian Music.

*HOED-News; Music. HWBW -Joe Reichman. KGFJ- Treasury Salute. HGER -George Strange. HFOX- Concert Master.

1:35 *KECA. KFMB -Peter de Lima 1:45 -BFI -Young Widder Brown.

KNX- Afternoon Dance. *KECA -News.

KM PC-Paul Sutton. KMTR -Win Morro. KFAC-Between the Lines. KPAS- Federated Women's

Clubs. HWKW -Lyrics with Lucile. HRKD -Singing Waiters. KGFJ-Let's Dream.

1:50*HECA- Edward Jorgensen. 412-KFI-When a Girl Marries.

KNX -The Open Door. *KHJ, KGB. KVOE -Ray

Dads,. News. 'MCA, RFMB- What's Doing,

Ladies. *KMPC-News, Swing Shift. *KMTR -News, Music.

KFAC-Gems of Melody. KGFJ-Town Crier Presents. RRKD- Concert. KWKW-Tony Martin. KFOX -Organ Treasures. KFVD- Victory Parade. KGER-Long Beach Rand.

I :15-KFI-We Love and Learn. KNX-Pot Luck Parts.

Page 21: Boy Crash Hollywood Radial - · OMr By Evelyn Rigsby ce Writer Don Quinn is A Modest Man Who Has a Closet Just Like McGee's BIT HARD to pass on Fibber McGee's


KEW, KGB, KFXM. HVOF.r II. S. Navy Band.

HMPC -Workl Library. KWKW-Glory Pleasant Trio. HFOX- Publie Bulletin.

2 :211 *HHJ- Newsreel. 2:30-KFhlust Plain Bill.

*KECA- Behind the War News. KM PC- Clinic Forum. SFWB -Hal Styles. KMTR- Victory House. KPAS- Siapsy Maxie's. KWKW-Free for All.

*HRHD, HGER -News. KFOX -Songs of the West.

2:40 *HNX -News. 1:45 -BFI -Front Page Farrell.

KNX-American Women. KECA- Frances Scully. KHJ, KGB, HVOE -Radio

Tour. *KFAC. KFVD -News.

HRHD -Salvatore Santaella.

3 KFI -Star Playhouse. KNX- Housewives' Protective

League. *KECA -Three o'Clock News. *KHJ. KGFJ, HGER -News. *KMPC -News, Big League

Baseball. KFWB-Melody Matinee.

*KMTR -News, Home Front Facts.

KFAC-Musk al Masterpieces. HPAS- Listeners' Digest. K W K W- Charioteers. KGB, KVOE- Prayer, Griffin

Reporting. KFXM- Prayer, Devotions. KRHD- Matinee Melodies.

5:1íF- HGFJ -SmIle Awhile. 3:15 -IFI -Road of Life.

KECA- Reserve. KHJ-An Organ and a Voice. KMTR- Eugenia Clair. HPAS -Juke Box Matinee. KWKW-Don Allen HFOX- Hawall Calls. KGB- Melody Memories. HVOE- Treasury Salute.

71:30 -KFI -Vie and Bade. SECA- Reserve. MU-Happy Homes. Norma

Young. *KFWB -News.

SMTR -Pianos. *KRHD -News Headlines. *KWKW -Off the Press.

KFOX -Help Wanted. KGER -Let's Not Forget. HVOE -Ot Civic Interest. HFVD- Novelty Notes.

3 :45 -BFI -Brave Tomorrow. *KNX-The World Today.

KHJ-Bill Hay Reads the Bible.

KECA -Jay Burnett. KFWB-Jazz. KMTR- Santaella Ensemble. KFVD- Rhumba Rhythm. KWKW-Organ Interlude. HFXM- Hllites in Headlines. KGB, KVOE- Johnson Family.

3:55 *KNX -Joseph Harsch.

4 HF1 -Dr. Kate. KNX -Lady of the Press.


Fulton Lewis. jr. *KMPC-News, World of Song.

KFWB -Bert P1ske. *KMTR -News, Music.

KFAC-Musical Comedy Re- view.

KWKW -Bing Crosby. *HGER -News, Dr. William

Evans. 4:15*KFI -World News.

*ENX-Bob Andersen, News. KILL KGB. KFXM, HVOE-

Care and Feeding of Hus- band.

EEC A-Ruth Wentworth. KM PC-William Parker. KFWB-Gospel and Song.

*KMTR -Radin Newsreel. *KFV D -News.

KGFJ-Name the Tune. HWHW -Paul Martin. KRHD- Mowieland Quiz. KVOE- Matinee Dance. KFOX -Dave Rose.

4 :30-KFI -Art Baker's Notebook. KNX-Mr. Keene. Tracer of

Lost Persons. KECA-Since Pearl Harbor. KHJ, KGB. KIOE- Lullaby

in Rhythm. HMPC -Gilbert Wales. KMTR -Old Age Pensions. HRHD -Tunes of the Day. KWKW -Glen Miller. KFXM -Dr. Philip Lovell. HGER -Victoria Hall Church

4:45 -KHJ , KFXM- Frolics. KECA- Twilight Tales. .

HMPC -It's a Dog's Life. KFWH- Stuart Hamblen. KWKW -Man About Town,

T. Dorsey. KGFJ -Frank Sinatra Sings.

*SRHD -News. KGB. HVOE- World's Front

Page. KFOX -Eddie Dean. HGER- Colonial Tabernacle.

5 *KFI -OK for Release. KNX-Galen Drake. KECA, KFMB -Terry and

the Pirates. *KHJ-Broadway News. *KMPC-News, Our Fighting

Heroes. *JL.ITR -News, Music.

KPAS -Uncle Charlie. HWHW- American Jewish Hr. KGF.1 -Jive at 5. SRHD- -Songs of the Saddle. KFVD- Evening Serenade.

*KG ER-News. KGB. KFXM, KVOA- -Chick

Carter. KFOX- Sunshine Pastor.

5:05- HGER -Olga Graves. 5:15 *KFI, KFVD, KFAC-News.

KNX-Music Library. KECA -Dick Tracy.

KGB. KFXM, KVOE- Superman.

HMPCSlnpsy Marie's, Matinee.

KMTR- DobinvUle, 17.1.A, 5:30 -KFI -Alvin Wilder.

*KNX-Barry W. Flannery. KECA, KFMB -Jack Arm-

strong. HHJ, KGB, KFXM, KVOE-

Adventures of Tom Mix. KMTR -Irwin Allen. KFAC-Whom Bill Club. HRHD -Race Results. HGER -God's Half Hour. KFOX -On the Band Wagon.

5:45 *KFI --Louis Lochner. *KNX-Truman Bradley.

KECA. KFMB -Copt. Mid- night.

*KHJ, KGB. KFXM, smog-- Gordon Burke. News.

KMPC-Help Wanted. *KMTR -K. Louis Matey, News

5:55 *HNX -Bill Henry. HFI -K rat t Music HeU.

liP HEX-Major Bewail Amateurs *KECA KFWR, KFOX, KOFJ,


Gabriel Heatter. *KMPC -News, Sportstime. *KMTR -News, Sports Roundup

HFAC-Music for Everyone. HWHW- Italian Melodies. HRHD -Early Dacette. HPAS- Future Pianists.

(:15 -KHJ, KGB. KFXM, EVOE- Nick Carter.

*KECA -Today In History. *HFWIS -John It. Hughes,

News and Views." KMTR- America Sings. HRHD -South Sea Serenade. HPAS- ('ailing All Americans, KGFJ-Dinner Dance. HGER -Rev. Berrpo.

*KFAC, KFVD -News. I:30- -KFI -Boh Burns.

KNX-Dinah Shore Show. HHJ- IInscheduled. 'MCA, KFMB- Spotlight

Bands. KMPC- Beserly Hillbillies. KFWB- America Dances. KMTR -World Waltzes. SPAS -Church of Christ. KGFJ-Cowboy Tunes. HWHW -Noyes Hour. HGER -Prophecy Speaks. KFOX -Hal's Memory Room.

*KGB -Eddie DrcuM. KFXM-OPA. HVOE-- Gospel Light.

0:45 -KPAS- Townsend Plan. HRHD -Sweet. and Lovely. KGB -Look Ahead, America. KFXM -High School Milites.

0:53 -KECA, HFMB -- Coronet Story Teller.

KFI- Abbott and Costello. KNX-The First Line.

*KHJ, KGB, KFXM, KVOE- Henry Gladstone.

*KECA, KFMR- Raymond Gram Swing.

KFWB -Today at Bay Meadows, Joe Hernandez.

*KMPC, KMTR -News Music. *KRAD, KGER. HFO71i -News.

KFAC-America Waltzes. KGFJ--Spanish Hour.

*HPAS -News. :05- HGER -Townsend Nat'l Re-

covery Plan. 7:15 *KECA, KERB -News.

*KHJ, KGB, KFXM-Lowell Thomas.

KMTR -W. B. Record. KRKD -3 Time. HPAS -Alble Slade. KFOX -Dr. Trotter. H O oncert Miniature.

Today. 7:30- 11CF1- Marot of Tima.

KNX-Here's to Romance. HEC A. KIWI--Red Ryder. KHJ, KFXM, HYDE-Cisco

Kid. *KFWB -News.

KMTR -Dr, Clem Da%lee. KFAC.--Dr. F. B. Fagerbarg. HRHD -Do You Know? KGB--Voice of Liberator. KGER-Major Martin Luther Thomas.

7:45 *KFWB -Major Hubert Turner, Comment.

*KFAC--News. 8-KIT-Fred Waring Victory

Tune Time. KNX -I Love Mystery.

*KECA KFMB -Watch the World Go By.

HHJ -Pick and Pat. *KMPC-News, Baseball. *KFWB- Renter.' News Dis-

patch. *KMTR -News, Gospel Herald.

The Gospel Herald

Rev. Henry Beltman, Dir. KMTR- Thurs.,

B:06 P. M.

KFAC-Evening Concert. KGFJ -B a R Cowboys. *K PAS-News. KGB-Production Rhythm. KFXM-Quartermaster

Quarter Hr. KVOE- National Editorial

Hour. s:05 -HGER -Good News.

KPAS-J. Frank Burke. e:15- KFI -Night Editor. KNX- Nesbitt's Passing Pa-

rade. KECA KFMB -Lum a Abner. KFWI -Music for You.

LEON LEONARD! and Warner Bros. Orchestra


Presented by

uttmHinley SPAS -Mary Burke King. KFXM-Mission Merry -Go-

Round. HVOE- Ministers' Hoar.

s:30 -BFI- Maxwell House Time. KNX-Death Valley Days.


Hera Is one of the most un. usual gold- mining stories the Old Ranger has ever told. Don't miss . . .

'DEATH VALLEY DAYS' KNX, 8:30.9:00 P. M.

KECA -Club Good Cheer. HHJ, KGB, KFXM -Date

with Xavier Cugat. *KFWB -News.

KPAS-Radio Gospel Hoar. HGFJ -Dance Rhythm. KFOX -Judge Gardner. HGER -Gospel Tidings. HVOE- Treasury Salute.

e :46 -HMS-Help Wanted. KMTR- Property Owners. HVOE -War of Enterprise.

5:35 *HNX -Wallace Sterling, KFI- Aldrich Family. KNX-Three of a Kind. KECA -Stop or Go, Joe E.


News, Glenn Hardy. KMPC-Baseball. KFWB- Strollin' Tom..

*AMT -Ne s, Dr. A. U.

THURSDAY LOGS KPAS-Dr. Louie Talbot. KGFJ-Rhythm and Rhyme.

5:05. -HGER -Rev. Billy Adams. KFWB-Manpower.

9:15 -SH.1, KGB, KFXM, HVOE- t Rex Miller.

KGFJ-This and That, *&FOX -News.

9:30 -KFI- Ellery Queen. KNX- Citizens' Forum.


Fulton Lewis, Jr. KMTR -Ham and Eggs. SPAS -Spotlight Stories,

9:45 -KECA, lt I''1I B- Melody Firn. gram.

CITIZENS FORUM Sparkling half hour discussion by lead ing aufhorlies on problems affecting everyone. A "must" for good citizens.



KHJ, HGB, HFXM, KVOE- Buddy Cole at the Organ.

*KkWB -Sam Baiter, *KFI- Richfield Reportar.

RECA, KFMB- Erskine John- son, Hollywood Spotlight, (Thrifty Drug).

10:00 P.M. -KECA "Hollywood Spotlight"


"Inside the News" with JOHN COHEE and PETER de LIMA


*KNX-Ten o'Clock Wits. Kea, KGB, HFXM, HVOIL-

Wings Over West Coast. *KMPC -News, Rainbow

Rendezvous. KFWB- Eastside Dance Tonite

*KMTR -News, Bob Brooks. KFAC-Lucky Lager Dance

Time. HPAS -Volee of Calvary.

*KENO- Newsicsl. 3 Hrs KGFJ-Hank, Nlghtwateémaa.

till 0 a.m. 10:15 -KFI -Ma or Bowron.

*KNX- William Winter. KM PC-Moments of Melody. 10:30*KFl- Inside the News. KNX-Riders of the Purple

Sage. EMI- Johnson Family. KECA KFMB -Town Meeting

of the Air. KFWB -Ea stelae Dance Se-

mite. HPAS -Haven of Best.

*KGB, Fraalde

Master's Orch. 10:46 -KFI -Volee of a Nation.

KNX-Gayle and Charles. HMTH- Viennese Ensemble.

11 *HF!, KNX. KHJ -Newt.

-News. *HMPC Newa, Dance and Ro- mance.

KFWB -EwMde Dance Te- nds.

DANCE Tonite 10to12P.M. t..ry Nth Gnpt S..dey

KFWB Aaw1..1, 1.3.00 .ends

*SMTR -News, Hal Grayson Orch.

KFAC-Lucky Lager Dance -Time.

HPAS- Christ Gospel. *KFVD- Newslcal:

11:15 -KFI -Joe Relehmaa's Orch. KHJ-Concert Hour.

11 :30-KFI-Pancho Orch. HNX -Louis Armstrong Orch. KMTR -The Lamplighter.

T. Yenta.

11:45* HJNewsical, till 1 a.m.

11:55 *HNX, KFWB-News. HET- Musical Encores.

Page 22: Boy Crash Hollywood Radial - · OMr By Evelyn Rigsby ce Writer Don Quinn is A Modest Man Who Has a Closet Just Like McGee's BIT HARD to pass on Fibber McGee's

FRIDAY, JUNE 9 At hours where no listing is shown for a l o c a l station, recorded m u s le has been scheduled.

*Indicates News Broadcasts.


KPAS 8:30 A. M.

Mon., Wed., Fri. First Mate Bob and the

Good Ship Grace

1(F1- Johnny Murray. KNX -Mark Rreneman.

*KECA- Between the Lines. KILL KGB, KFXM, RVOF-

Shady Valley Folks. *KMPC -News, William Parker *KMTR -News, Pastor H. O.

Egertson. *KPAS. KGFJ, KGER, MON.

News. HARD-Morning Melodies. KFAC- Country Church. KWKW- Alhamhra Baptist

Church. KFVD- Stuart Hamblen.

lí:05 -KGER -Soul Patrol. 6:15*KFI -T. B. Blaklston, Com-

ment. KNX -Valiant Lady.

*KECA -News. KMPC- Market Report, Music. KFWB -Rands in Review. KMTR -Dr. A. C. Michelson. KGFJ- Musical Moments. KGER- Mizpah, HFOX -Take It Easy.'

6:30*KFI, KFAC-News. KNX -Kitty Foyle.

*KIIJ-Bill Haworth. News. McNelll's

Breakfast Club. KMPC -Unity Daily Word. KFWB -Help Wanted. KPAS -Haven of Rest. KWRW- Morning Variety. KRKD -News Headlines. KFOX -Rev. Pail Creviston. KFXM- Sunshine Service. KGB, KVOF Jolly Joe and Ralph.

6:45-KFI -Datad Hamm. KNX-Aunt Jenny's Stories. HHJ- V'Woe l.indlahr, KMTR -Bible Treasury.

*KFWB -News. RGER -Rev. Bennington. KFOX- Common Sense. KGB -Les Huff Trio. FUND-Vocal Fat cult es. KVOE -Ring Crosby.

6:56 -KMTR -Time Signal.

9 *KFI -News, KNX -Kate Smith.

*KHJ. KGB. KFXM. HV'OE- Bnake Carter.

KECA -Women Who Make News, Dorothea Ramsay.

*KMPC -News, Say It With Music.

KFWB- Reallh Talk *HMTR -News, Bible Story Hr.

HFAC -Plano Briefs. K WMW -Azusa Temple.

*KGFJ, KGER -News. KPAS -folly Patterson. AMID-Sagebrush Serenade. KIM'S-Waltz Time. KFOX- Firebrands for Jesus.

6:05 -KGER-Rev. Larrimore. *KFI- Edwnrd Jorgenson, Comment. :15- BFI -Woman of America.

KNX-Big Sister. *KECA. KFVD -News.

K HJ -Time Out, KFWB--I stands Songs. HFAC -Voire of Health. RGFJ -Medical. KWSW-Carl Ravazza. KGER -Res. J. A. Lovell. KFXM -Future Unlimited. KGB- Serenading Ton. KVOE -Bible Fellowship Hour.

9:30*KFI -Maior H. S. Turner. Comment.

KNX--.Romance of Helen Trent.

HH.1, KGB, KFXM, HVOE- Midland, U.S.A.

SECA. KFMB- Breakfast at Sardis.

*KFWB. KW KW -News. KMTR-W. B. Record. KPAS -Rodeo Rhythm. HFAC- Mid -Morning Serenade. KGFJ -Swing Serenade.

KGER-Radin Revival. KF\'D -Ur. Richardson.

9:40 -RF7 -Magaslne Page. 9:45 *KFI -Peter de Lima.

KNX-Our Gal Sunday. KHJ, KGB, KFXM-Amazing

Jennifer Logan. KIWIS-Midmorning Melodies. KMTR -Curtis H. Springer.

*KRKD -News. Clifton. RAH W -Dave Rose. K FVIt -(sere Cornea Parade. KGF.1- Treasury Star Parade.

9:55 -KRRD -Oh!- Oh!- KH.1 -Aunt .lemima.

*KFI -News. -KFI-Tillamook Kitchen.

KNX-Life Can Be Beautiful. *KHJ. KGB, KF \M, RV'OF:

News. Glenn Hardy. *KECA, KFMII -Tony Morse. *KMPC -News, Housewives'

Exchange. KFWB --Chef Milani.

*HMTR -News, Comment. *KGFJ, KGER, KF(1X -News.

HP-AS-Scratches It Jockeys. KRRD -Turf Bulletins. KW'KW- Woman's World. KIND- Morning Serenade.

le :05 -KGER- Mission Workers. 10:15*KF1- Burritt Wheeler.

KNX -Ma Perkins. KECA, KFMB -Sweet Riser. KHJ, KGB. KFXM, KI OE-

Jack Berch. KMTR- Chlrago Tabernacle.

*KPAS--New, K GF.1 -Voice of Health. KWKW -Henry Busse. KRKD -Dr. Richardson. KFOX -Rev. Emma Taylor.

10:30 -KFI -Aunt Mary. *KNX -Bernadine Flynn, News.

KECA -My True Story. *KH,I, KFWB, KFAC -News.

KMPC-Sing With Mee. KMTR -Floyd B. Johnson. KRKD- Voice of Government. KPAS -J. Newton Yates.

*HWRW -News. Paul Baron. RGFJ -Salon Swing. K FVI) -Union Rescue Mission KGER-Sunshine Pastor. KFOX-Lon White, Organ. KGB, RFXM, KVOF Lunch-

eon with Lopez. 10:45*KFI -Art Baker. News.

KNX-The Goldberge. MU-Harts. KMPC -Lady of ('harm.




aDT6aTáoT930T1020T u 0 T 1240 T-1330T1390 T 100 710 070 900 10 70 1110 I23Q 1280 1360 1430 14911

KFWB- Science of Mind. KMTR -('are of the Body. K TAC-Western Melodies. KRKI)- Midnight Mission. K PAS- Hacienda Manama. KWKW -Mills & King's Men. KFXM -Henry King (trch. KGB, KF \M, KVOF- Ameri-

ran Women's Jury. KFOX -AI Clausen.

10:50- KHJ -Leaders of United Nations.

10:55 -KECA -folly Patterson.

11 11- Guiding Light. HNX- Portia Fares Life.

*KECA, KF:MB- Raikhage Talking.

KHJ -This Changing World. *KMPC, KIND, KGFJ, KGER

-News. KFWB -AI Jars is.

*KMTR -News, Dr. Louis Talbot.

KW KW-Care of the Body. KPAS-Meet Priscilla Alden. KFAC -Lee Adams. KGB. KV'OE -Cedric Foster.

11 :15 -BFI -Women in White. KNX -Joyce Jordan, M.D. KECA, KtMIt- Mystery Chef. KHJ- Cnsrheduled. KMPC -Dance Parade. KGB, KVOE- Qnaker City

Serenade. KFVD- Musical Revue. R(:FJ -rot Pourri. KGER -Dr. Lowman. KFOX -S otlight Bands.

11 :30-KFI-Light of the World. KNX -''hung Dr. Malone. KHJ, KGB, KFXM, K\ "OE-

Skyline Serenade. KECA- Musical Momenta. HMTR -Curtis H. Springer. KFAC- Between the Lines.

*K PAS-Pasadena Independent. KW'KW'- Freddy Martin.

*KFA('. KRKD, KFOX -News. KGER -Rev. Chas. Greene -

myer. 11:45 -BFI -Betty Crocker.

KNX-Perry Mason. KHJ, KGB. KFXM, KV'0E-

Around the Town. *KECA -Newa.

RPAS- Gibson's Painted Post. KW'KW -Frank Sinatra. KI:F.1- Calling All Tomes.

FRIDAY Program Highlights Morning Programs Appear in

Evening Progra

Variety 8:00- Johnny Murray, KFI. 9:00 -Kate Smith. KNX. 9:30 -Breakfast at Sardis.


1n:00 -Chef Milani. KFWB. 3:10 -Smile Awhile. KGFJ. 3:35 -Art Baker's Notebook, REI t:30 -Andy and Virginia. RECA. 0:00- Hollywood Showcase. KNX 0:30- People Are Funny. REI. 11:30- SppnootIight Bands. HECA-

HFMB, 7 :0- Moore- Durante Show, KNX 7:0 -Amos 'n' Andy, MI. 7:30 -Stage Door Canteen, KNX. 11:15 -tress Cloth, KNX. 5:30 -Name of That Song. RAJ. 9:10 -Kate Smith Hour. KNX. 9:0- Furlough Fun. KR. 0:30 -Joan Oasis Show, KR.

10:10 -Hollywood Spotlight. KECA 10:00 -San Quentin on the Air,


War 10:50 -Leaders of United Nations,

KHJ. 2 :41- American Women KNX. 11:01- Reuters' News Dispatch,

KFWB. 5:0 -Television, Test Pattern,

W'8X''7.. 8:30- Televiaion, late News.

¡Mn McNamara, WSXVZ. 9:00- Telesisinn, Unusual People,

W6X''y.. 11:15 -Beds for Buddies, KPAS.

Q uiz Programs 6:311 -Double or Nothing, KRJ-

DLBS. 6:01 -Quis of Two Cities, KHJ. 6:30 -It Pays To Be Ignorant.


.Ightface Type: Afternoon and ms in Boldface.

Drama 3:110 -Star Playhouse, KFI. 4:4.5 -Capt. Jack, R ECA. 0:15 -Nlrk Carter. RAJ. 6:311 -That Brewster Boy. KNX. 6:5.5 -- Coronet Story Teller,

KECA. 7:30 -iwste Ranger, HHJ -

KFXM- KGB -KVOE. 7:30- Adsentures of Nero Wolfe,

KECA -KFMB. 6:10 -I Love a Mystery KNX. 1:15 -The Parker Family.


5:30 -Gang Busters, RECA - KF$B.

9:55 -Short -Short Stories, HNX.

Outstanding Music 4:0- Musical Comedy. HFAC. 7:00 -Musical Portraits, KECA. 5:00-Fred Waring. KFI. 6:10 -Earning Concert. KFAC. 6:15 -Mash for Von. KFWR.

111:01 -Lasky Lager Dance Time, K F'A('.

10:10- Newsiral, KIND. 10:01- Eastside Dance Tonite,

R FA B. 11:05 -('lassie Hour, RECA.

Public Affairs 10:30- Chester Bowles, O.P.A.,


Sports -Comment 10.110-Turf Bulletins. KRKD. 3:00-Rig League, KMPC. 5:30 -Rare Results, KRKD. 0:06- Sports Roundup, KMTR. 7:00 -Bay Meadows, KFWB. -:30- Sports Newsreel. BFI. ÌI:00-Baaeha ll, R.Mre.

10:00- Leginn Fights, KMPC.

KFVD -Violet Schram. II :55 *K WK W-News.

KMPC- Prayer.

12 -KFI -Farm Reporter. KNX -Mary Marlin. KECA, KEMB- Morton Dow-

ney. *KHJ -Broadway News. *KMPC -News, Stump Us. *HMTR -News, Merl Lindsay

and Band. HFAC- Luncheon Concert. KPAS- Rancho 1i -10. KRKD- Prairie Schooner. KWSW -Lunch with Moores.

*KGFJ. KGB. KVOE -News. KFXM -Gen. Smuts. KFVD- Editor of the Air.

*KGER -News. 1390 Club. KFOX -March Time.

12:15- HFI -Ma Perkins. KNX-Neighbors, Irene Beas-

ley. Star Time.

KHJ -Johnson Family. KGB, KVOE -Palmer House

Orch. KWKW -Rev. Richey. REND- Luncheon Music.

*KFOX, RFXM -News. 12:30 -KFI- Pepper young's Family.

KNX- Bright Horizon. KECA- 10 -2 -4 Ranch. KHJ- Homemakers' Club. KMPC- Dolen's Musical.

*KFWB-News. KMTR -Songs You Love. KWKW- Maurice Johnson. KFOX- Symphonic Swing. KGB -Molly Morse. KFXM -Farm Report. HVOE- Luncheon Dance.

12:45 -KFI -Right to Happiness. KNX- Bachelor's Children. KECA- Memories In Melody. KFWB -AI Jars is.

*KFAC -News. KFVD -V inlet Schram. KFOX- Treasury Star Parade. KGB, KFXM- Rhythm and

Romance. KV "OE -The Smoothies.

1 KFI- Backstage Wife. KNX- Broadway Matinee.

*KECA, KFMR -World Wide Review.

*KMPC-News. Today's KFWB-Today's Moods.

*HMTR -News, Treasury Songs *KGFJ, REVD, KGER-News. *HWKW-News. King Band.

HFAC -Ralph Lowe. KGB- Background for News. HFXM, KV'OF.- Walter

Compton. 1:63 -RGER- Officials on Parade. 1:15 -KFI- Stella Dallas,

KHJ -Sweet and Sentimental. MCA-Radio Parade. KFWB -AI Jarvis HMTR -Dr. O. M. Richardson. KFAC-J. Newton 'fates,

Organ. KGB- Convair Lady. SECM, KVOE -Open House,

J. Neblett. KGFJ -Voice of the Army.

1:25*HNX -News. 1:30- KFI- Iorensa Jones.

SAX- Musical Library.

* H A, MB. AS -News. d KF

Remembrance. KMPC- Family Bible. KFA('- Novelty Tunes.

*KRKD-News, Music. KWKW -Joe Reichman. KGFJ -Let's Dream. SFOX -Christian Science. KGB. KVOE- Sentimental

Melody. ROAR- George Strange.

I:35*HECA, KFMR -Peter de Lima 1:45 -KFI -Toung Widder Brown.

KNX-Afternoon Dance. *KECA -News.

KMPC -Pana Sutton. KMTR-Win Morro. KFAC-Between the Lines. KRKD -Singing Waiters. KWHW -Red Cross.

1:50*KECA- Edward Jorgenson.

2-KR -When A Girl Marries. KNX -The Open Door. KECA -What's Min'. ladies.

*KHJ, KGB, RIVE-Ray Dady, News.

*KMPC -News, Swing Shift. *KMTR -News, Music.

HFAC -Gems of Melody. KGFJ -Town Crier Presents. KRKD- Concert Matinee. HWRW -Tony Martin. KFOX -Organ Treasures. HFV7- Victory Parada.

Page 23: Boy Crash Hollywood Radial - · OMr By Evelyn Rigsby ce Writer Don Quinn is A Modest Man Who Has a Closet Just Like McGee's BIT HARD to pass on Fibber McGee's

JUNE 4, 1944 RADIO LIFE PAGE HGER -Long Beach Band.

2:15 -KFI -We Lose and Learn. KNX -Pot Lurk l'urti. KILL KVOE -392 Army Band.

*KGB -tan Diego Journal. RF'OX -Public I(ullrtin. KN71W -Glary Pleasant Trio.

?:20- KGER -Long Beach Rand. *KHJ -Newsreel,

2:30 -KFI -lust Plain Bill. *KECA -Behlnd the War News.

KFWB-Hal Stylas. KMTR -Victory House. KPAS- Slapsy Maxie's. KWKW -Free for All. WAIN-Son of the West.

*KRIM, KGER -News. 2:40 *KN X -News. 3:45 -KM-Front Page Farrell.

KECA -Francs Sully. KNX- American Women. KHJ, KGB. KVOE -Radio

Tour. *KFAC, KI.1'D -News,

KRIM -Sall afore Santaella. 21-Star Playhouse.

KNX- Honsewises' Protective League.

*KECA -Three o'('Inck News. RGFJ, KGER -News.

*KMI'C -News, Big League Baseball.

HFWB- :Melody Matinee. *KMTR -News, Home Front

Farts. H FAC- Musical Masterpieces. *IPA'- Listener.' Digest. KWRW- Charioteers. KRKD- Victory Quern Contest REND-Popular Favorite. KGB. KS OE- Frayer, Griffin

Reporting. KFXM- Prayer, Devotions.

3:10 -KGFJ -Smile Awhile. 3:1&-KM-Road of Life.

KHJ -Background for Living. KPAS -.Juke Box Matinee. KWKW-Don Allen. KFOX- Hawaii Calls. KVOE -Of Civic Interest.

3:30 -Hi7 -Vic and Sade. H NX -Linn :hurray's Music. KECA- Reserve. KHJ-Happy Humee, Norma

Voting. *KFWB-News. KMTR-Planos. *KWKW -Off the Press.

HFVD- Novelty Notes. KRKD -News Headlines. HGER -Let'. Not Forget. KVOE- Variety.

3:45 -K il-Bra ve Tomorrow. *KNX -The World Today,

Joseph Ha rech. KHJ -Bill Hay. KECA -Jay Burnett. KFWB- .Jars. KMTR- Santaella Ensemble. KWRW -Ice Capades. HFVD- Rhumba Rhythm. KFXM- Hilites in Headlines. KGB, KVOF- ,Johnson Family HFI -Dr. Kale. HNX -Lady of the Press.


Fulton Lewis. Jr. *KMPC -News, World Of Song

KFWB -Bert. Flake. *KMTR -News. Music.

KRKD -Toast to the Town. HFAC- Musical Comedy Resift KWRW -Bing Crosby, HFVD -Piano Music.

*HGER -New., Dr. William Evans.

4:15*KF1 -News of the World.

*KHJ. KGB.VKFXM, KVOE- Care and Feeding of a Hus- band.

KECA -Ruth Wentworth. KMPC- William l'arker. KFWB-Gospel and Song. KMTR -Radio Newsreel. KGFJ -Name the Tune.

*KF1'D -News. KW'KW -Paul Martin. KKKD- Motieland Quiz.

4:311 -KFl -Art Baker's Notebook. HNX- "Friday on Broadway" KECA -Andy and Virginia. RAJ, KGB, RIVE-Lullaby

in Rhythm. IMP(- Gilbert Wales. K MTR -Old Age Pensions. KRKD -Tunes of the Day. KWKW -Glenn Miller. KFXM -Dr. Philip M. Lwrsell. KGER -Victoria Hall church.

4 :45 -KECA, KF MB -Cspt. Jack. KHJ. KFXM- Frolics. KMl'C It's a Dog's Life. KFWB-Stuart Hamblen. KGFJ -Frank Sinatra Sings. KWRW -Campus Kaleidoscope

*KRKD -News. K GB. KVOE- World's Front

Paga. KGER -Colonial Tabernacle.

r 4au94 wills 7

Andy & Virginia 4:30 P.M. KECA

Every Monday, Wednesday. Friday GAY RIB -TICKLING COMEDY

5 *KFI -OK for Release. KNX -Galen Drake. [MCA. HFMB -Terry and the

Pirates. *KHJ- Broadway News. *KMPC -News, Our Fighting

Heroes. *KMTR -News, Music.

KNEW-American Jewish Hr. [PAS -Fncle Charlie. RGFJ -Jive at 5,

*KGER, KFXM -Newp. MOLD-Songs of the Saddle. K FVI)- Evening Serenade.. KFOX- Sunshine Pastor. KGB -('hick Carter. RIVE-Salute to the Services.

3:05 -KGER -Olga (:raves. 3:13 *KF7 KIND, HFAC -News.

KNX -Music Library. KECA -Dick Trac KHJ, KGB. KFXM, KVOF

Sn rntan, KMPI.' $lapay Harde'. Mati-

nee. KMTR -Salute to the Services.

5:311- KFI -Alvin Wilder , KNX -Harr Flannery. KECA. KFMB-Jack Arm-

strong. KH,L KGB, KVOF Adven-

tures of Tom Mix, KMTR -Irwin Agen. KFAC Whoa Bill Club. KRKD -Race Results. KGER -God's Half Hour. KFOX -On the Rand Wagon.

5:15*KFI -Louis P. Lochner, Com- mentator.


Midnilght *KHJ, KGB, KFXM, KVOF

Gordon Burke, News. KMPC -Help Wanted.

*KMTR -K. Louis Finites', News KIND-Victory Parade. KRKD- Hollywood Tuneamiths KGER -tir.- Lovell.

5:55 *KNX -BBL Henry. [FI -Waltz Time. KNX- Hollywood Showcase.

*KHJ, KGB, KFNM, KVOE- Gabriel Header.


*KM PC- News, Sportatime. *KMTR -News, Sport. Roundup

KPAS -Pilgrim Inspirational Hour.

KRKD -Early Daneetie. KWKW- Italian Melodies. H FAC -Music for Everyone.

0:15 -KH,1, KGB. KFXM, KV'OF- Nick Carter.

*KECA -Today in History. KFWB -.John B. Hughes.

News and Views." KMTR -America Sings. K l'AS- W.('.T.U. RLER -Rev. Burps

*KV'OF Newa. 0:30- KF7 -People Are Funny.

KNX -That Brewster Boy. KECA KFMR- Spotlight


Double or Nothing. KMPC- Beverly Hillbillies. KFWB- "America Dances." K MTR -World Waltzes. KPAS- Church of Christ. KWKN' -Hoye.. Hour. KlF.1- Dinner Concert. KGER- Prophesy Speaks.

0:43 -KPAS- Townsend l'Ian. KRKD -Sweet and Lovely.

6:35-KECA, KFMB- Coronet Story Teller.

KF7 -Amos 'n' Andy. HNX -Moore- Durante. KECA- Musical Portraits. KHJ, HV0E -Dale Carnegie.

*KMIY', KMTR -Newa, Music. KFAC- Ameria Waltzes.


HOFFMAN & GARRETSON presented by

AUSTIN STUDIOS Friday, 7.00 to 7:15 P M

Blue Network

KFWB-Today at Ray Meadow., Joe Hernandez.

KI :F'.1- Spanish Hour. *KRKD, RF'itN, KI'AS- \Sews.

K(:R- ('nmpu. Reporter. REAM-Melody Ranch.

7:O5- HGER- Townsend Nat'l Re- covery Man.

7:15*KHJ, KGB, KFXM -Lowell Thomas.

*KECA -Tap of the Evening, Westinghouse.

KMTR -W. B. Record. ERHH -Three Quarter Time. KPAS -Alble Slade. KVOE- Concert Miniature.

7:30-KF1 -Sports Newsreel, KNX -$tage Door Canteen. KECA, KFMH- Adventnres of

Nero Wolfe. KHJ, KGB, KFXM. KVOE-

Lone Ranger. * K FW 1i -Newa.

KMTR -Dr. Clem Dasies. ERRD -Do You Know? KGER -Ft. Wayne Gospel.

7:4: -RF1- Cabbages and Kings. *KFWB -Major Hubert Turner.

S -KFI -Fred Waring Victory Tune Time.

KNX -1 love a Mystery. *KECA, KFMR -Watch the

World Go By. KHJ -Quiz of Two Cities.

*KMPC -New., Baseball. KFWB- Dispatch from Reu-



sod King's Ambassador Quartet XMTR -8 :05.9 :00 P. M.

Also 10:30 -10:45 A. M. Monday through Friday

KRKD -South Sea Serenade. WSXYZ- Television, Test Pat-

tern. *HPAS -News.

KFXM -Air Depot Presents, KVOE -The Shadow.

111:05- KGER -Aubrey Lee. KPAS -J, Frank Burke.

g:I5*K FI- Fleetwood Lawtea. KNX -Press Club. KECA, HFMB -The Parker

Family. KFWB -Music for Tou.

9:30 -KF7 -Reserve. KNX -It Pays To Be Ignorant. HHJ, KGB, KFXM. RAVE-

Name That Song. KECA, HFMB -Gang Busters.

*KFR'B -N ewe, KRKD -Merry Go Roundup. RGFJ -Dance Rhythm. KPAS -P. E. Gardner. R'aXT7 Telesieinn, Today's

Globe. Late News Flambee. KFI -Furlough Fun. KNN -Hat e Smith Hour. K A, KFMB -Meet Your

* , KGB, KFXM, KVOE- News, Glenn Hardy.

KMPC- Baseball. KFWB- Strollin' Torn.

*KMTR -News, Dr, A. II. Michelson.

KGFJ- Rhythm and Rhyme. Ki'AS -Dr. Louts T. Talbot. WBXVZ- Television, Art Ap-

preciation, 8:15*KHJ, KGB, KFXM, KVOE-

Cecil Brawn, News. KGFJ -This and That.

8 :30 -KFI -Joan Oasis Show. *KECA -News. *KHJ, KGB, KFXM, RAVE-

Fulton Lewis, Jr. KFWB-Unscheduled.

KMTR -Ham and Eggs. KPAS- Pasadena Chic Dance. 9:45- KECA -Melody Program.

KHJ, KGB, KFXM -Buddy Cole at Organ.

*RFWB -Sam Baiter. SPAS -Charles W. Hemp. 9:55- HNX -Short -Short Stories,

10 *HFl- Richfield Reporter. *KNX -Ten o'('lock Wire.

KHJ. KGB, KV0E -San Quentin on the Air.

KFXM- Sinfonielta. KECA, KFMB -Erskine John-

son, Hollywood Spotlight (Thrifty Drugs).

*HMPC -News, Legion Fights. H FWB- Eastside Dance Tente KFAC-Lucky Lager Dance

Time. *HFVD- Newaical, 3 Hrs.


DANCE Tonite 10 to 12 P. M. Ivory Mit. Irr.y/ S,nd.y

KFWB An.rl,, Finad land,

RGFJ-Hank, Nightwatchntan, tIl 0 a.m.

10:00 P.M.-KECA "Hollywood Spotlight"


"Inside the News" with JOHN COHEE and PETER de LIMA


KI'AS- Western Flit Parade. 10:111- KGER-- .Munehine Pastor. 10:15 *KF7- Manchester Roddy,

*KNX- William Winter.

The One and Only ' HANK

The Night Watchman I Sun. thru Sat.

10:00 P. M. - 6:00 A. M.

KGFJ _ _I 10:30 *KFI- Inside the News,

(Thrifty Di ursl. HNX -M. Mastro. KECA -Chester Bowles, O.P.A.

Administrator. KHJ-Johnson Family. KMTR- Charles Nash's

Esquires. 10:45 -KFI -Voice of a Nation.

KMTR -Viennese Ensemble. *K", HNX, KMTR -News. *KHJ-News, Bob Crosby Orch. *REI'A-,News, Classic Hour. *KMI'C -News. Dance and Ro-

mance. HFWB- Faatside Dance U-

nite. *KMTR -New.. Hal Grayson's

Orch. KFAC-Lucky Lager Dance

Time. *KF'V'D- Newsiral.

11:15 -KM-Joe Reichman's Oreé. HMI-Charlie Barnette' Orch. )(PAS-Beds for Buddies.

11:3.0- KNX -vlan Garber Orel. 11:30 -KM- Pancho Orch.

KNX -Louie Armstrong Oreó. KMTR -The Lamplighter,

T. Serve. KIND- Newsical. till 1 a.m.

11 :45*KHJ-News. 11:55 *HNX, HFWB -News.

KM-Musical Encores.

LETS HIMSELF Go Milton Berle, emceeing

comic of the Blue Network's "Let Yourself Go" show, is so animated during the course of his lively broadcast that he has now been equipped with a microphone strapped to his chest.

FIRST FLIGHT Joe E. Brown, star of Blue

Network's "Stop or Go" show, took his first plane flight more than thirty years ago when he was performing at a Jounty fair in Nebraska. He rode in a plane piloted by Glenn L. Martin.

Page 24: Boy Crash Hollywood Radial - · OMr By Evelyn Rigsby ce Writer Don Quinn is A Modest Man Who Has a Closet Just Like McGee's BIT HARD to pass on Fibber McGee's


RADIO LIFE LOGS are checked carefully and intelligently, item by item each neck, with program Information furnished by the aa- rions station.. They are, there- fore as accurate as is humanly passible under present shifting wartime conditions.

*Indicates Neacs Itrnndeals.

At hours where no listing Is shown for a l o c a l station. recorded m u s i c has been scheduled.

tr r

) ) \\j1 .N <




220 S. FIFTH ST. 5905 S. Vermont Ave.

8 611 -R . ae. *R5A, R(:F.1, KGER -News,

KHJ. KFXM, R\ "OE- Rainbow Hanse.

KECA -get weer the Lines. *KM P(' -News, Commentary.

KFWB-Da a e Ormont. *RMTR -Nears, Pastor H. O.

Egertson. KFAC-Country Church. HP As-Children's Bible Hour. K\% KW -Hay McIntyre. RRRD -Morning Melodies. KF\'D- Stuart Hamblen.

11:66 -K.7C -Let's Pretend. KGER-Soul Patrol.

*KFON -News. s:lb*KECA, KFMB -News.

KMPC -Market Report, Music. RFWB -Bande in Review. KMTR -Dr. A. I'. Michelson. KRKD- t'aspen Enemy. KWKW- Ala ino Rey. KGFJ- Mnsiral Moments. RGER- Mizpah.

11:39- KFI -Melody Roundup. KNX-Fashions in Rations,

Billie Burke. KECA. KF.MR- McNellI's

Breakfast Club. *KHJ, KFAC, KRKD -News.

KMPC-You Shall Have Maisie. KFOX- Varieties. KWKW -Morning Variety.

*KR D -IXowe ,


KGB -Pet Club. KFNM sunshine Sera ire. KVOE-Concert Miniature.

11545.-KHJ--Junior Army. *KFWB -News.

KFVD -V oval Varieties. KMTR -international Sunday

School. KFOX- RIng's Men.

$ :59 -KMTR -Time Signal.

9 *KFI, KGFJ, KGER -News. K!.N- Theater of Today. KECA. KFMB -Art Baker. KHJ, KGB, KFX11. KVOF

Dr. John Matthews. *KMPC--News. IsladuWSongs (


KWKW -Azusa Temple. *KMTR -News, People Are


RFAC -Piano Briefs. KFAS -P. E. Gardner. KF'OX- Firebrands for Jesus. KRKD- .Sagebrush Serenade. RF'\'D- 11 alts Time.

9:03-RGER -Ada S. Teeple. 9:15 -KF1- Consumer rime.

RECA-Federated Churches. KM PC-Frank and Ernest. RF'WB, KFAC-Civil Service

Comm. KWKW -Full Gospel.

*KFVD -News. 9:30-KFI-Pet Parade.

KNX -Stars Over Hollywood. RECA. KFMB- Breakfast at

Sardis. KHJ, KGB. KFXM, K'tOE-

Hello, Mom. RMPC- Studio Party.

*KFWB, KWKW -News. RMTR -W. B. Record. KGFJ-Swing Serenade. KF.i) -Here Cames the Pa-

rade. K}'AC- Midmorning Matinee. KGER-Radio Revival

9:4.'.- KFI -1.. A. t minty Medical \gros .

KFWB- Midmorning Melodies. KMTR-American Story Book.

*KRKI) -News. Clinton. KWIC W -base Rose. KPAS-Ware.. KGER -Full Gnepel. KGB -Red Crass Reporter.

10-KFI-Here's To Youth.

KNX- (:rand Central Station. *KH.1. KGB. KFXM, KV 0E-

News. (aeon Hardy. *RMPC -New., World Library. *K(:F.1. KI'o X, KC.F'R -News.

KFW'B- Salsat ion Army. *KMTR-News, Comment.

KPAS-Scratches A .lackeys. KWKW -Ring Crosby. KRKI) -Turf Bulletins. KFVD- Morning . de.


AI Williams. KMPC-Naomi Reynolds. KFWB- C.S.O. Grams. KMTR -Chicago Tabernacle. KFAC -L. A. Medical Assoc. KWKW-Henry Buns.. RFOX -Rev, Emma Taylor.

10 :t5 *KNX -News. to :311 -KFI- Indiana Indigo.

KNX-Morning Melodies. KECA- Western Serenade.

*KHJ. KFAC -News. KMPC- Pan -Americana. KFW R-{ arieties. RMTR--('hallenge to l oath.


76 T 600 110 870 980 1070 MO 1230 1280 1360 1431 1490

NEWS BROADCASTS Indicated by star *

in log listings.

RRRD -\ nine of Gm ernment. KPAS- Marines.

*KWKW -News, l'aul Baron. KGFJ -Salon Swing. KFVD- -rnion Rescue Mission. KGER- Sunshine l'arise. KGB, KFXM, K tE- Lunch-

eno With boner. 10 :45-KFI-War Telescope.

*KECA -News. KFWB -Dave Omani. K W'K W- Jaycee- /'rets. KFOX -Rev. Fisher.

-KFI -Here Contes the Band. C(NX -Mary Lee Taylor.

Economist. KHJ -- Clinic Foram.

*KECA -News. Women in Blue. *K31PC -News, Lean Rack and

Listen. K FMB- AI Jorais.

*KMTR -News, The Lamp- lighter.

*KGFJ, REVD. R(:ER -News. RGB- Treasury Salute. KFXM-Moods in Music. KFOX -This Rhymthic Age.

:15-K PAS- Marines. KGFJ -l'ut Pourri. KWKW-Marly Kirnel. KGER-1 enire Foursquare. KFVD- Musical Revue. KGB KFXM, KVI)E -Lanf

McIntyre. ::MF- KF1 -On Scouting Trail.

KNX -Calling Pan -America. KECA -Bobby Sherwood Orch. KMPC- Beverly Hilts High

School. RMTR -Tabernacle ('hoir.

*RI'AS- Pasadena Independent. RWRW- Freddy Martin.

*KFAC, KFOX -News. *RRRD -News, Music.

MOM-7th Day Ada rutists. KGFJ- Musketeers Theater. KGB. KFXM. KVOE (:ras

Niarlel Orch. :4:i --KNX- Treasury Star Parade.

KH.1- Service Inlimitpd. KECA -T ttenth quis.





SATURDAY Program Highlights Morning Programs Appear In Aglitter* Type : Afternoon and

Evening Programs In Boldface.

l'ariely 0:30- "Hello. Mom." KHJ. a :30- Breakfast at Par

KECA -KFMR. 5:0-Croucho Mars, KN R:041 -Barn Dance, KFI. 6:30 -Spotlight Bands, RECA-

KFMB. 6:M -Can You Top This ?. EP'1. 7:00 -Barry W'ond -retry Kelly

Show, Kil. 7 :ton- Lombardo Show. KECA. 7:15 -Lionel Rarrymnre, KNX.

:36 --Grand Ole Onry. 9:01 -Sour Hit Parade. KNX.

10:30 -Hollywood Barn Dance. E, \ N.

11 :60--Saturday Night Party, RFI.

Drama 9:(Ml- Theater of Today. KKK. 9:90 -Stars Over Hollywood.

KNX. 10:00 --Grand Central Station,

KNX. I :35-The Colonel, KNX. 6 :30-- Able'a Irish Rose, RFI. 5:35 -Inner Sanctum Mystery,


Quiz Programs I:30 -N nab Webster Says, TEFL 6:55- Coronet quirk quiz. RECA A :00-Truth or fbmMuenres,

KFI. 5:01- Thanks to the Yanks,

RN X. 9:45-Don't You Believe It, KNX

War 9:30 -Fashions In Rations,

B. 'Burke. KNX. 10:4.5 -War Telescope, KFI. 11:45- TransaGentle Quiz, KECA. 1::30 -Ted Hosing, R. 4:00- American Eagles in Brit-

ain. KH.1. 7:00 -.lnha for Heroes, KHJ.

Out' landing 2 f,,sic 4:011 -Musical Comedy. RFAI' 5:30 -Roston Pops, RECA. 6:45 -Saturday Night Serenade.

X. It 6:00 -Evening Concert. KFAC. 9:00 -Ynur Hit Parade, KNX.

10:00- lucky Lager Dance Tinse. KFAC.

10:OO- Eaetside Dance Tenue, KFWB.

Public Affairs IO :fsti- Here's to Youth. KFI. 1:15 -Rook of the Month, KGER. 3 :15- People's Platform, KNX 5::O-Courage That Wins,

K WIC W, 9:00 -Hollywood Bowl Auditions,


Sports -Comment 10:00 -Turf Bulletin. KRKD. 11:30 -din Scouting Trail, KFI. 1:15- Races, Hosing, KNX. I:15 --- Carter Handicap. KRJ. 2:15-Baseball. KMPC. i:15-Sports Revue, KNX. 5:36- -Rare Results. ERRD. 6:es- Sports Roundup. K31TR. 1:00 -Bay Meadows, KFWB.

K31 PC-This Day of War.

RWKSV -Frank Sinatra. KEY 11- \'inlet Schram. Il :56 *KWKW -New,.

12 ßF1 -Farm Reporter. RNX- Columhia's Country

Journal. *RH.1. KECA-News. *KM PC -News. Today's Band. *KMTR- Nears, Merl Lindsay

and Rand. K\VKW-Pasadena Polics. RPAS -.L Newton Tates,

Organist. KFAC-Luncheon Concert.

*RGFJ. HOER, KGB. K 'OE- News.

KFXM -Gen. Smuts. KRRD- l'ralrie Schooner. KFOX -March Time.

12:15-RH-Minstrel Melodies. Diamund Dramas. * (X. KFXM-News.

YRW -Dr. Richey. KGB, KVOF -This Is Hal-

loran. le :30-K FT- Resero e.

RNX -Ted Hosing, Visiting Hour."

RECA- Musical Toast. KHJ. KGB, RFXM, KVOE-

.lack Bundy's Carnival. KMPC- Dolen's Musica).

*KFWB -News. KWKW-Dinah Shore. KGER-Boh Carlin. REVD-Violet Schram,

1í:4S- KFWB -At Jarvis. KMTR-The Gay Family.

*KFAC-News. RWRW-Erie Andrews Trio. KGER-Manual Arts High.

1 KFI- Resers e. KNX-Report from Leads,. RHJ, KGB. KFXM, ATOE-

Unscheduled. *KECA -News, Horace Heidi

Saturday Aft. Revue. *KMPC -Newa, Unity Word. *KFWB- Today's War Moods. *KMTR, KWKW -News. Muse.

KFAC.- American Red Cress. *REVD, KGFJ, KGER -Newa.

KFON -Dance Time. I:05-KGER- Traffic Whys. I:1S -RFl- Rupert Hughes.

KNX -Ted Hosing. Races. KiLl. KGB. KVOE- Carter

Handicap. KFWB -AI .Jarvis. KGER -Book of the Month. KF\'D- Hawallao Music. KGFJ-Record Session 'till 3

p.m. r -Jerry Fields RECORD SESSION

I Sat., 1:10 - 3:00 P. M.

KGFJ (TAe 7 wentii. Pour Hour Slot

KFXM -South American Way. 1:30 -KFI -Doctors at {Var.

*RNX -News, The Colonel. RH,1. KGB, KFXM. KYOR.-

Cart Resatzo Orrh. RECA -On Stage Everybody. KMPC-Dance Time. RMTR- George Hlghley Re-

porting. RFA(' -- Gilbert A Sullivan.

*KPAS. KRKD -News. 1:45 -KRKD- Singing Waiters.

KMPC-London Column. KFAC -Between the Lines. KFVD -Vocal 'amoieties. KFOX- Concert Master.

2 KFI -]bar America. RNX- l'nscheduled. KH.I. KGB, KFNM. RVOE-

Navy Bulletin Board. *KECA -News. *KMPC. KMTR -News. Music.

KWKW-Tony Martin. RRRD -Concert. Melodies. KGER -Long Reach Band. KFOX -Organ Treasures.

Page 25: Boy Crash Hollywood Radial - · OMr By Evelyn Rigsby ce Writer Don Quinn is A Modest Man Who Has a Closet Just Like McGee's BIT HARD to pass on Fibber McGee's

JUNE 4, 1944 RADIO LIFE %: t5- KECA -M orient Serenade.

KMMPC- Baseball. &F WB- HUlbllly. KFAC-1.. A. City College. YW111W -Glory Pleasant Trio

t:30 KFI -Storie. Behind Head- liner.

KNS- Mother and Dad. KHJ, HFX.M. KVUE -Eddie

Howard Orch. &FWB- Better Speech. HMTR- Victory House. KPAM- Slapry Macie'r. HWHW-Free for All.

*KBSD -News. Murk. 2 :45- KFI -Medit at Ions.

KEC'A- Hello, Sweetheart. *KFAC, KFVD -News.

3 KFI- Vegetables for Victory. *HNX- ltuincy Howe, News.

KHJ, KVOE -Bob Strung's Uwh.

*KFWB, EGER -News. *HMTR- News, Home Frout

Facts. *KPAsI -Li ' Digest.

KFAC- MudcaI Masterpieces. &WK W- Chariot errs. KRHD- Matinee Melodies. KFOX- Rainbow Trio. HGFJ -Swing Club.

Drop a Card to SWING CLUB

Sat., 3:00 - 4:00 P. M.

KGFJ / he Twenty -four Hour Stull

KFVD- Popular Fa burlier:. EFXM- Prayer.

3:15-&Fl -I Sustain Wings. KNX- People'. Platform. &HJ -Dick Kuhn Orch. KFWB -Vocal Varieties. KWKW' -Duo Allen. £PAS --Juke Box Matinee.

3:30 -KFI -Curt Marley and Cu. &ECA- Noonday Meditations. *KWKW-Off the Press.

£MTR- Pianos. KFOX-Help Wanted.

*£RKD -News. HWHW-Off We Press. KFVD- Novelty Notes. KGER-World Wide Grace Ch. KVOE- Hawail Calla.

3:45 -®I -Art of Living. &NX -The World Today KECA, KFMB -Leon Hender-

son. *HFW'B- -News.

HMTR -Sant arils Ensemble. KWKW-Huger Hour. KGER-Ma riot: Childs.

3:55* &NZ- Aoalysi.. -ELM-American Story.

KNX -Victory, F.U.B. Detroit. KHJ, KGB, KF-YM, KVOE-

American Eagles in Britain. KECA -Hone Front.

*HMTR -News, Muck. KFWB -Bert Fisk,. £FAC- M :mica I Comedy Revi

*HGER. KGFJ, KFOX -!Mews. KFVD- Plano.

4:15 *SECA -Behind the War News. KFWB--Gospel and Sous.

*EMTH-Radio Newsreel. * KFV D- New.,

KGFJ-Saturday Afternoon Special.

&REJ)- Muvieland Quiz. KFOX-Dave Rose. KGER- Colonial Tabernacle.

4:30 -K11 -Noah Webster Says. HNX -Bill Hay. KHJ, KGB, HF'XM, KV'0E-

Flying High. KECA -Music America loves. KMPt -Waltz Time. K.MTR -Old Age Pensions. KRHD -Tunes of the Day, EWEW -Glenn Miller. EGER- Prophecy Speaks. KFOX -Congo Room. 4:45- KFWB -Stuart Hamblen. KNX -Galen Drake. &MPC -lour American Music. KGFJ-Frank Sinatra Sings. KWKW-Tummy Dorsey. HRHD -Carter Wright.

*KRHD -News. SHFI -ln the Good Old Days.

KNX -Grouch° Marc -Blue Ribbon Town rtrl WC, l .rr_CY --

*KM PC-News. Our lighting Heroes.

*K.MTR -New.. Music. KKKD- Suints uf the Saddle. KGFJ -live at 5.

JIVE AT FIVE Mon. thru Sat.

5:00 - 6:00 P. M.

KGFJ Dodge Corner Used Cars

KIND-Evening serenade. SPAS -Jun Billings. HWHW-. science of Mind. KGB- Cisco Kid. KV01' -True Detecthe Stories KFOX- Sunshine Pastor.

5:O5 -HEER -Olga Graves. 5 :15*KFI-News.

KHJ -Better Listening. RE(' A, HFMB- Western Sere-

nade. KJIPC- Slapry Marie's

Matinee. *KFAC, KFVD, KPAS -News.

!MEW-Church of Truth. KGB-- Concert. £FXIVI, SV0E- Sentiu,ental

Music. 5:30 -KF1- Traffie Tribunal.

*HNX -Harry Flannery. KECA, SF. B- Boston Pops

Orch. KHJ-Drama.

*KMTR -Irwin Allen. KRHD -Race Results. HWHW -( nity. KPAS -Biota Hour. KGER -Rev. Johnny Murdock. KFOX -On the Band Wagon. KFVU- Evening Serenade. KGB -Covenant Gospel.

5:45 *KFI -Louis Lochner, Com- meot.

*HNX -Truman Bradley. News. *KHJ, KGB, KFXM, KVOE-

(ìordon Burke, News, KMPC- Hinhop Stevens. KRHD -Hollywood Tunermiths KFV'U- Serenade.

5:55 *KNX -Ned (' aimer. KFI- National Barn Dance. HNX -Tlds Is My' Story. KIIJ. KGB, KF11- Ch Ica go Theater of the Air.

*KM PC -News, Americau Legion.

*KFWB, KGER, KGFJ. 'LEON -News. *HMTR -News, Sports Roundup

HRHD -Early Dunmire. KWKW- Italian Melodies. HPAS- Sunset Hour. KFAC -Music for Eceryune. KVOE- Dinner Dance.

S:15*SFWB -Dave Urmaut. HMTH- America Sings. HRHD -Smith sea serenade.

5:30 -EFT --Cao Lou Top 'Phis° YTS -Eleanore lima Charm

School. SECA. K FMB-Spot light

Bands. KMPC -- Challenge to Youth. KFWB- Birmingham Show SPAS- Sweet Chariot Hour. KGF.1- Dinner Concert. KWKW- Hoyes Hour. HF'OX -Hal'. Memory Room. KGER-Rev, Kula Vi inning -

ham. 0:45 -KNX -Saturday Night Sere-

nade. HIVED-Father Vaughn.

tl:55-RECA, HIMB- Coronet Quick Quiz.

7-KFI-barry Wood -Patsy Kelly KECA -Guy Lombardo Show. KHJ, HFXM, KVUE, KFOX.

KGER, KW'KVV. KGB -Jobs for Hernes, Joe Crall.

*KMPC, KMTB -News: Music. KFWB- 'rodav at Bay Mea-

dows. Joe Hernandez.





Sat. 7:00 - 7:30 P. M. Coast Federal Savings and Loan Association

KFAC -Ur. Jaute. Flfield, Jr KPAS- Nazarene Church.

*HRHD- New.. KGFJ-Spanisb Hour.

i:15 -HNX-Lionel Barrymore, Mayor of the Town.

KMTR -W. B. Record. KRKD-y Time. KVOE- R!'tythm Session.

7:30 -Ell -Grand Ole Opry, KECA, KFseu Red Ryder. KHJ, KGB, KFNM, KY0E-

Paul Winchell and Jerry Mahoney.

*KFWBB -News. HMTR -Dr. Clem Davies. HWHW -Mem:try Baseba U. KFAC -Edwin Dunning. KFOX- Soldiers of the Press. HRHD -DO Lou Hoow:. SEER- (:rover T. Owen. KGB -Man and Music.

7:45 -HNX -The Story Teller. *KFWB, KFAC -News,

KFOX -Judge Gardner. (11-Truth or Consequences.

11111 HNX -Thanks to the yanks. KHJ, KGB, HFX.M, KV0E-

Downbeat Derby. KECA, &FMB -Early Ameri-

can Dance Music. *HM PC -News, Saturday Night.

KFWB- American Sketcher. *HMTR -News, Music.

RYAS-Churches of God. KFAC- Evening Concert. KGFJ -B. a R. Boys.

*HGER -News. $:15 -KECA -This Is Hollywood,

Denny Shame. KFWB- Community Synagogue HMTR- Victory Program, KGFJ-California Engineers. KFOX- institute of Religious

Science. HVOE- George Duffy's Orch.

5:30 -KFI- Abie's Irish Rose. HNX -Inner Sanctum Mystery. KECA. HFMB- soldiers of the

(less. *KFWB -News.

KMTR -Spade C'ooley's Orch. KFOX -County Barn Dance. RYAS -Judge Gardner. KGFJ-Dancing Rhythm.

*KGB- News, Ted Lewis Orch. KVOE- -Cisco Kid.

$:45- KFWB- V'outh Speaks to Hal Styles.

*KECA -New.. 8:55 *HNX -New.. 9-1M-1-Hollywood Bowl Audi-

t ions. KNX -Your Hit Parade. KECA- Soldiers With Wings.

*KW, KGB, KFXM, HIVE-- News.

*KMPC -News, Through the Years.

KFWB- V7ctory Service Club. *HMTR -New., Dr. A. U.

Michaelson. HPAM -Dr. Louis T. Talbot. KGF.hlunior Nite Club. KFOX- Church of Christ.

9:15 -1(HJ, KGB, KVOE- Dianwuod's Hartnonalres.

*KFWB. KFOX -News. KFS.VI -Floyd B .Johnson.

1:30 -KECA, KFMB -In Grandpa's Day.

KH.1, KGB, KVOK-Lawrence Welk Orch.

KMPC Sky's the Limit. *KFWB -News.

KMTB -Haul and KGFJ -This and '('hat. KPAS -The World Today.

V:45 -KNX -Don't Von Believe It. KF- Cuueert in Rhythm. KHJ, KGB -Song, of toad

Cheer. KFWB- Desert Battalion. HPAS- Charles W. Hump. KFXM -Art Kassel Orch.


KGEH-News. *H.NX-Teo °'Clock W'ire, *SHJ, HFXII, VOF.-Dr.

Polyzoides. *HE('A, KFMB-New.. *KMPC-News. Rainbow Ren-

dezvour. KF31It-1K:,.i.ide More Tunile

DANCE Tonite 10 to 12 P. M. sesrr aa. z.,r, s.d.,

RFWB Auurtso's rtsss( MN.6

KFAC -Lucky larger bruce. KFOX- County Barn Damp. KPAS-- Cotton Top.

*KF17)- Newrical, ,i Hrs. KGFJ -Hank, Nightwatchtmaa,

till e a.m,





10:15 -SFI -The Unseen Enemy, KNX -Perry Como. KHJ. KFXM -Henry Slug's

Orch. KECA- Treasury Salute. KMTB -Pete Pontrelli Oral: lu:70-KF1- Popular Orch. KNX -Hollywood Barn Dance.

*KHJ -News. KECA -Freddy Martin Orch. KMPC -Dance and Romance. KFWB- F,astside Dance

Tonight. KMTR- ('harles Nash's

Esquires. KGB, &F'XM. KVOE -Tommy

Reynold's Ore).. *SFVD- Newrical. le :45-KHJ, KGB -Gus Aruhelm

Ore ". KMTR- Viennese Eosembls.

11 SFI- Saturday Nite Party. *JINN-News, Bob Andersen, *KHJ -News, ('harles Barnett

Orel', KE('A -Army Service Forces

Present. *KMPl' -News, Dunce and

Romance. KFW1t- Faslrlde Dance

Tonight. *KMTR -News, Hal Grayson

Orch. KFAC -Lucky Lager Danis

Time. *KFV'U- Newrical.

KPAS -Night Melodies. 11:05- KNX -Public Affairs. 11 :2O -KNX -Jan Garber larch. It ::to.- KFI -Panclio Orch.

*KECA, HPAS- -News. KHJ- Sinfonietta, HMTR -The Lamplighter,

T. Versa. *KFVD- Newrical, till 1 a.m. 11:35- HNX -Loula Armstrong Orch.

KE('A -Organ Concert. KHJ-Concert.

11:55 *HNX KFWB -News,

Never a Dull Moment (Continued from Page 7)

Her housecleaning gets done at odd hours for the same reasons. "Some- times it's midnight of after," she explained with a grin, "I'm wide awake, so off we go-my vacuum and I!"

Ona Munson's home, with its mir- rored fireplace, Dali paintings, fig- ured screens and long- tufted rugs, reflects in every corner her love of the decorative and the exotic.

Born in Portland, Oregon, the ac- tress first came to Hollywood in 1933. Her intention then was to do mu-

sisals on the screen, after her as a musical comedy star on way, during which she appe such productions as "No, No N a "Tip Toes" and "Twinkle, But movietown labeled her f matic roles so she returned to way for more experience. S

(Please turn to Pagel

career Broad-

ared in nette",

Twinkle". or dra- Broad- he' be- )


Page 26: Boy Crash Hollywood Radial - · OMr By Evelyn Rigsby ce Writer Don Quinn is A Modest Man Who Has a Closet Just Like McGee's BIT HARD to pass on Fibber McGee's


ALPHABETICAL 4 PROGRAM FINDER Note: Prourams marked with an asterisk () are of the contest. qut:, or o /ter type.

*Indicates programs of news and conlmenlation. Able 's Irish Rose KFI, 8:30 p.m. %a Abbott and Costello KFI. 7 p.m. Th Adams. Lee KFAC. 11 a.m. M -F Adventures of Bill Lance ..... _.KNX, 9:3U p.m. Mu Adventures of Nero Wolfe_... KECA, 7:30 p.m. F Adventures of Tom Mix KHJ, 5:3U p.m. M -F' Adventures of the Thin Man. KNX. 7:30 p.m. Mu Album of Familiar Music. .. KFI, 6:311 p.m. Su Alden, Priseilla.._.___.____KPAS, 11 a.m. M -F Aldrich Family

- - -- KFI, 9 p.m. Th Alien. Fred. __..___.__. KNX, 11:30 p.m. Su Allen, Irwin ..KMTR 5:30 p.m. M -Se Amazing Jennifer Logan KHJ. 9:45 a.m. M -F America Sings KMTR, 6:15 p.m. M -Ma America In the Air -KNX, 3 :30 p.m. Su Arne lean Forum of the Mr_ .KHJ. 8:30 p.m. Tu American Town Meeting of the Air._

_.KECA, 10 :30 p.m. Th American Melody Hour..._ HNX 4:30 p.m. Tu American story...___.__..._ RH. 4 p.m. Sa American Story Book....-.KMTR, 9:45 a.m. Sa American Wonaen KNX. 2:45 p.m. ML-F American Woman's Jury KGB,

KF_XM, KVOE, 10:45 a.m. M -F Amos 'a' Andy... KFI, 7 p.m. F Andy and Virginia .....KECA, 4:30 p.m. M. W. F *Andersen, Bob.. KNX, 5:45 Mu: 4:15 p.m. M -F *Art Baker. News._...___KFi 10:45 a.m. M -F Art Baker's Notebook..._.._.....KR, 4:30 p.m. M -F

KECA. 9 a.m. T, Th. Sa Arlington Time Signal.... ...KMTR, 8:58 a.m. I) Army Mr Forces Present KHJ, 8:30 p.m. M Army Services ('resent KECA, 11 p.m. Sa Armstrong, Jack.... .KECA 5:30 p.m. M -F Army Hour .BFI, 12.30 p.m. Su A Song is Born...._...___._ KFI, 6 p.m. M Aunt Jenlima _... _.KHJ, 9:55 a.m. W -F Aunt Jenny KNX, 8:45 a.m. M -F Aunt Mary _..._ KFI. 10:30 a.m. M -I, Bachelor's Children ..._._.HNX, 12:45 p.m. M -F Background for I.Iving._KHJ, 3:15 p.m. M, W, F Backstage Wife..

M KFI, 1 p.m. M -F

Back to the Bible_ KMTR. 9:15 p.m. M -Sa *Baiter, Sam....__...._.KFWB 9:45 p. m. M -F

KFI, 1:45 p.m. Su Baptist Brothers. RYAS. 8:30 a.m. T. Th Barn Dance._ . .........._- _.____ KFI, 8 p.m. Sa Barrymore. Lionel..._._ KNX, 7:15 p.m. sa Basebnll......._.._...a..... KMPC 1:30 p.m. Mu:

..... ... ......._..__.....8 p.m. Tu -Ft: 2:13 p.m. Sa Big League KMPC, 3 p.m. M -F' *iaukbage Talking KECA, KFMB. 11 a.m. M -F *Beat the Band KFI, 8:30 p.m. W Beds for Buddies. .KPAS. 11 :15 p.m. F Denny. Jack KFI, 4 p.m. Su

KHJ. 8 :30 p.m. Su Bergen- McCarthy - __-_ KFI. 6 p.m. Su Between the Unee.._._...._.....KECA. 8 a.m. M -F Bible Treasury Hour...___.KMTR 3:30 p.m. Su;

.8:45 a.m. M -F Bid for Victory KNX. 11 a.m. Su *Big Sister._._._.__.KNX 9:15 a.m. 111-F Big Town..._....__._. _...KNX. 8:30 p.m. Tu Bill Hay Reads the Bible._.. KHJ, 3:45 p.m. M -F Bill of Rights KMTR, 6:45 p.m. W Biota Hour KPAM. 5:341 0,01. Sa Birmingham Show KFWB, 0:30 p.m. Sa *Bishop, Pat._- -.K1,1, 5 :15 p.m. M -F

_.KECA, a:15 p.m. Su *}Blakiston, T. B --KFI, a :15 a.m. MA, Blip Date.._..._ KECA, 9 p.m. M Bloudie. KNX. 7 :30 p.m. M Blood Goes to War._.KGFJ, 1 :15 p.m. T, Th Blue Jacket Choir. KNX, 8 :05 a.m. Su Blue Ribbon Town, G. Marx_....KNX, 5 p.m. Sa Bob Crosby-Les Tremayne KFI, 7 :30 p.nt. Su *Roddy, Manchester ___.KFI. 10 :15 p.m. M. F Books of Banks KFI. 8:15 a.m. Su Book of the Month KGER. 1. :I5 p.m. Sa Boston Symphony _KECA. KFMB, 5 :30 p.m. Sa Bowes, Major KNX. 6 p.m. Th Bowlers Spurts Cast.- KFAC, 5 p.m. Su Bowron, Fletcher._____.._.KFI, 10:15 p.m. Th *Bradley. Truman_..KNX. 2 :30 p.m. M -Th

5 :45 p.m. M -F Brave Tomorrow KFI, 3 :45 p.m. M -F Breakfast at Mardl'a _

KECA, KFMM. 9 :30 a.m. M -Sa itreneman. Mark._ KNX, 8 a.m. M -F Brewster Boy ----- --__KNX, 6 :311 p.m. F Bridge to Dreamland.-.-.- KECA. 11 :15 p.m. Su Bright Horizon.__....._.__..BNX,, 12:30 p.m. M -F Broadway Matinee KNX I p.m. M -F *(Broadway News... KHJ 12 n M -F; 5 p.m. M -F *Brown, Cecil KHJ, 9 :i5 p.m. M, W. F Bulldog Drummond._-.KHJ, DLBS, 8 :30 p.m. W *Iturke, Cordon KHJ, 5:45 p.m. M -F *Burke. J. Frank.._..........KPAM a :4)5 p.m. M -F Burnett, Jay._..._... ....... _.._...KECA, 3:45 o.m. M -F Burns. Bob 'EFL 0:30 p.m. 7h Burns and Allen._______ KNX, 6 p.m. Tu California Flyers. KFWB 7 :30 a.m. Su Calling All Zones ..... ..KGFJ, 11 :45 a.m. M, W. F Canova (Judy) Show. _ BNX, 9 p.m. "ft Can You Top This? KFI, :30 p.m. !la Cantor. Eddie._. - ...... __._.___KFI, 0 p.m. W Captain Jack .._._.KECA, 4 :45 p.m. M_ W. Captain Midnight ._.KECA. 5 :45 p.m. M W. F Care and Feeding of Husband...__...__.

KHJ 4 :15 p.m. M -F Care of the Body _...»_.._BWKW. 1l a.m M -F Carnation Hour .KFL 7 p.m. M Carnegie, Dale. .KHJ, 7 p.m. F Carson, Jack.------ "KGB. KVOE, 9 a.m. M E * ..; .

*Carter. Hooke ...... ._.. _ . ...KHJ. Carter, Chick __.KHJ DLBS, 6 p.m. M -F Carter, Nick . KHJ, 0:15 p.m. M -F Catholic flour ......_.._......._ _.__.KFI, 3 p.m. Su Cavalcade of America KFI, 8:30 p.m. M Chapel Quartet (Pierce Bros )

_..._ KFI. 10:15 p.m. Su 'Chef Milani..._ .... _.... ... .__ KFWB, in a.m. M -F Chicago Round Table KFI, IO:M a.m. Su Chicago Theater my. KGB. KFXM, 6 a.m. Sa Children's Bible Hour..... KPAM, a a.m. Ma Christian Science..._.-_.._ KFAC, 5:15 p.m. Mu

_.... »...- _.._..KF()X, 8 p m. 1st, 3d. 5th Su; 1:30 p.m. M. W. F

Church FedeXtiou Vespers KECA, 4:15 p.m. Su Cisco Kid...» __.___ KHJ, 7:30 p.m. Th Citizens' Forum BNX, 9:30 p.m. Th Civoru Group- KFi1X, 2:15 p.m. Mu Classic Hour.___...KF.('t. 11:05 p.m. M, T, W. F

__.._.11:30 p.m. Th *Close, Upton. KILO,

KFXM. KVOE, 3:311 p.m. Mu Club Good Cheer KECA, 8:36 p.m. Th Colman. Ronald....__..._.._....... KFI, 9 p.m. Tu Collins Paling_......... KNX. 7 ;e5 a.m. M -F' Columbia's Country Journal........KNX, 12 o Ma Community Synagogue....._ HEWS. a :15 P.m. Sa Conunon Sense........ __. .. KFOX 8:45 a.m. M -F Comfort of Calvary_.._ ...............IÇPAS, 11 p.m. W Contented Hour._ »...........KFI, 7 p.m. N Curlier Archer .... .... ....._........KNX. 4 :15 p.m. Su *Coronet Quick Qu1a.._...KECA. 6 :65 p.m. Sa Coronet Story Teller....._

..KECA. KFMB. 6 :56 p.m. M -F Counterspy._ .. -. KECA. KFMB, 8 :30 p.m. M Country Church of Hollywood

._.KFAC. 8 a.m. Tu -Su County Medical Assn. M_ ..KFAC, 10:15 a.m. Sa

KFI, 9 :45 a.m. Ma Court of Public Opinion .KECA 10:30 p.m. M Cmll. Joe .._ HMI. 7 p.m. Sa Creeps by Night.._.. .KECA, 10:30 p.m. T Crime Doctor_....-..._ KNX. 8 p.m. Su Crosby, Bing KFI. 6 p.m. Th Cugat, Xavier...._ KHJ, 8:30 p.m. Th

*Dady, Bay KHJ, ..... ..KGB, KFXM. KVOE. 2 p.m. M -F

Dance Time (Lucky Lager) - KFAC, 10 p.m. M -Sa; 10 :30 p.m. Su

Dance Tonite (Eastslde Beer) _......._. ._..KFWB 10 p.m. M -Sa

Data With Judy KFI, 5:30 p.m. Tu David Herum KFI 8:45 a.m. M -F Davies, Dr. Clem...__...KMTR, 1:311 p.m. M -Sa Davis (Joan) Show.._ KFI, 9:80 p.m. F Deadline Drama....____ KECA, 9 p.m. Nu Death Valley Dqa..._.._ KNX 8 :30 p.m. Th Detroit Bible Claas_.....KGB, KVt(IE, 9 a.m. su Diamond Dramas.... KECA, 12:15 p.m. Sa District Attorney Speaks KMTR, 4:15 p.m. Su Dick Tracy. -.KECA 5 :15 p.m. M -F Uobbinvflle, U.S.A..,._._....HMTR, 5 :15 p.m. T, Th Doctore at War..._.-_..__..._ KFI, 1:3u P.m. so Don't You Believe Ii!--.....KNX, 9:45 p.m. Sa *Double or Nothing ..................... _...._..._...KHJ,

KGB, KFXM, KVOE 6 :30 p.m. I Downey. Morton_ _ »_ KELA, 12 n. M -F Drake, Oaten.....w.. »_ ..KNX, 6 p.m. M -F

_...._..........._......_.6:16 a. m.; 6 :311 a.m. M -F Dr. Chrlatian...__ ____.. KFI, 7:30 p.m. W *Dr. 1. Q ...... _..._ ........ __.. »..__. Dr. Kate..._........_.._....._. KFI. 4 p.m. M -F Dr. A. U. Michelsoo..._.BMTH, 8 :15 a.m. M -S

.....-----..... ..._.._......».... 9 p.m. Si Sa Dobonnet Date.....___._. KHJ, 8:30 p.m. Th Duffy'', Tavern -..KECA. 8:341 p.m. Tu *buranty, Walter...._......KECA, 5:30 p.m. Su Uunninger __._._.-_ KECA 9 p.m. W Easy Aces ... --.KNX. 4::50 p.m. W Editor's Notebook KMTR, 9:45 p.m. M Ellery Queen...._ KFI, 9:30 p.m. Th Evening Concert. -KFAC, i p.m. M -Sa Family Bible._ .KMPC 1 :30 p.m. M -F Family Hour... .__._KNX t p.m. Su Farm Reporter...___._ _....KFI, 12 a. M -Sa Fashions in Rations. Billie Burke_.._.. ... _

.KNX. 8 :30 a.m. Sa Federated Churches KECA, 9 :15 a.m. Sa Fibber McGee and Molly..._ KFI. 6:30 p.m. Tu **Fidler, Jimmy KECA, KFMB, 0:45 p.m. Su Fifield J. W...._ ___ _ KFAC. 7 Vm. Sa First Line .. __.. -._ KNX. ' p.m. Th First Nighter.._ ._..._.._......_- ..KHJ, 0:30 p.m. W Fitch Bandwagon.. ....._ KFI, 4 :30 p.m. Su *Flannery, Harry W.... .... KNX, 5::50 p.m. 5l -Sa *Fiatau. K. Louis KMTR. 5 :45 p.m. M -F Foreman Phillips' County Barn Dance......

...._.- .....KFVX. 9 p.m. Su: 8:30 P.m. Sa; *Foster. Cedric. -- KHJ, 7 p.m. Su

........ . . _.....D1.BM. 1 l a.m. M -F Frank and Frueat...__.... KMPC, 9 :15 a.m. Ss Free For All KWKN' 2:341 p.m. M-Sa Front Page Farrell. a ;45 p.m. M -F Furlough Fun KFI 9:00 p.m. F Fun Valley with Al Pearce _.KECA, 1 p.m. Su Gang Busters.... KECA, KFMB. 8 :30 p.m. F Gay Nineties ._ KNX, 8:30 p.m. M *Gladstone. Reury..._.KHJ. DIMS. 7 p.m, M -F Goldhergs._ .___ KNX, 10.45 a.m. M -F Good Will Hour KHJ, 7:15 p.m. Su Gospel Herald_ __.._.._...........KMTR, 8:06 p.m. Th Grand Central Station._.- .__.KNX. IO a.m. Ma Grand Ole Opry Ru 7 :30 p.m. Sa Great Gildersleeve.__.______..Kiii. I p.m. Su

Great Moments la Music......_ KNX, 7 Dm. W Green Hornet KECA 7:30 p.m, Su "Green Valley U.P.A. ".___ IiH.I. 2 p.m. Mu Greenfield Village Choir KECA, a p.m. Su Guiding I.igb(. __.KFI II a.m. M -F *Gunnison. Royal Arch..._ ... ....KHi, 7 p.m. VV -Su Hamblen, Stuart... »_._...........HFWB, 4:45 p.m. D

.... _...__..__._..._._._....KFV'U. 7:45 a.m. M -F Ham and Eggs KMTR, 9:30 p.m. M -Ma Hancock Ensemble KMI'C, 8:30 p.m. Su flank the Nlghtwatchman 'till 0 a.m..

K(.FJ. 10 p.m. D Happy Homes SHJ. 3:30 p.m. M -F *Hardy. Glenn....._ KHJ, KGB,

....__-..KVOE. 10 a.m.: 9 p.m. U *Harsch, - Joseph KNX, 3:55 p.m. M -F Harlem Amateur hour._ KMTR. 11:05 p.m. W Haven of Rest _SPAS. 8:30 a.m. M. W. F

Have Vou Read...._ KVOE It ;ii pm, M Hawaii Calla ..KHJ, DLBS, 3:30 pan. Su Hawk. Bob ........ -_-_ HNN. 8 Sa *Haworth, BIB ._.. ..KHJ, 7; 8:30 a.m. M -F

..KNX, : :tO a.m, M -F' Hawthorne House. _...KFI, 9 :30 p.m. M Huy, Bill........._. KHJ. 3:45 p.m. M -F *Hayes. Sam.._..___....._._..KF1. 7:45 a.m, M -Ma

KECA. 4 :30 p.m, Su *Heatter, GabrIel.__.KHJ¡ KGB, u p.m. M-1.

._..SHJ, KGB, 5:45 p.m. Su Heartstrings.....____-- KWKW, It n. F Heidt, Horace __ , .__.KECA. 7:30 p,m, M Hello. Mom...._. » .KHJ. 9:30 a.m. Na Hello, Sweetheart...,._ KECA, 2:45 p.m. Sa *Henry, Bill.. ..--KNX 5 :55 p.m. M-Sa Here's to Romance..____K'NX. 7::t11 p.nt. 'Ph Here's to Youth .. KF7, 111 a.m. Sa Hermit's Cave.....______..KMPC, 9:34) p.m. Su *Hill Edwin C.._....______..KNX 9 :30 p.m. Tu flit Parade..,_.._..» __._HÑX 9 P.m. Sa Hollywood howl Auditions KFL 9 p.m. Sa Hollywood Barn Daoce.___.KNX, 10 :30 P.m. Sa Hollywood Spotlight KECA. 10 p.m. 51-F Hollywood Showcase ___KNX, 6 p.m. F Hollywood Star Time KECA 12:15 p.m. M -F Hollywood Theater..._.._..._...HFI, 9 :30 p.m. Su *Homemakers Club..._ - _..KHJ 12 :30 p.m. M -F Hookey HAIL .._.íHJ t0 :30 a.m. Su Hope, Bob .....____..__.._.._......Kh1, 7 p.m. Tu Hopper, Hedda.. .._...._......_...... --....KNX, 8 p.m. F HKECA. KFMB. 12:3 pp.. Mu Hour

ot Copy m._. of Char..._._..........._ KFI. 7 p.m.

m Mu

Hour of Faith ._KECA, 8.30 a.m. Su Housrwivea' Exchange KMPC, lu a.m. M -F' *Housewives' Protective League

.._ KNX, 3 p.m. M -F *Hughes, John B KFWB. 6 :15 p.m., 12m. M -F Human Adventure KHJ, 9:30 p.m. Su *Huntley, Chet ......__KNX. 3 :55 p.m. F, Sa

._..__r..._.__ _..__ »_...._._....._._7:45 a.m. Ma 10 p.m. M -F

Hymns of All Churches .__KFI, 11:45 a.m. M-Th I Love Mystery ..-.HNX, 8 p.m. M -F Informed Democracy --SPAS 2 p.m. Su *Information l'leask.__...._ BFI 6 ::1O pm. M In Grandpa's Day ..SF.CA.

. 9::50 p.m.


Ma Inglewood Park Concert.-KNX 7.30 p.m. 'ru Inner Sanctum Mystery BNX, 8:30 p.m. Sa *inside the News (Thrifty Drug)

KFI, 10 ;30 p.m. Su- Sa International Sunday School

_. In the Good Old Days


a.m. Ma I, 5 p.m. Ma

Invitation to Learning_ KNX, 8 :30 a.m. Su I Solemnly Swear........ KRKD, 10:30 a.m. M I Sustain Wings HFi 3 :15 p.m Sa It Pays To Be Ignorant KNX. 1:311 p.m. F It's a Dog's Life ItMPI', 4:45 p.m. M -F' I Was Then. James Abbe Observes .KECA. 7 ::tu a.m, M -F' Jarvis, Al. __._. _.._.KFWB, 11 a.m. M -Ma

...... ...........__.... »_._.__..___. KHJ. 8 p.m. Sa Jobs for Heroes--_ .KHJ, 7 p.m. Sa Johnny Presents__....___.-_......KFI. 8 :30 p.m. Tu Johnson Fhmlly KGB. KVOE, 3:45 p.m. M -F

KHJ. 12:11 p.m.. 18:30 p.m M -F Johnson, Floyd B...KMTR, 8 :05 p.m. Su, M.W F

........_....... .... ....... -...._ 10 :30 a.m. M -F *Johnson, Erskine .____»KECA 10 p.m, M -F *Jorgenson. Edward KFI. 9 a.m. M -F

_..KECA. 1 :50 p.m. M. W. F Joyce Jordan__. ..KNX, 11:15 a.m. M-4, Junior Army - ..KHJ, 8:45 A.M. Sa Just Plain Bill_-_.... -KFI. 2:311 p.m. M -F Kaye, Sammy .._.. KECA, 10:30 a.m. Su *Kennedy. John..... -.KECA KFMB, le a.m. Su Kitty Foyle_ __ - .._.KNX. 8::20 a.m. M -F Kraft Music Kall..__._..._._.KFI, 6 p.m. Th Kyser. Kay .._._... KF7. 7 Dat. W Lady of the Press BNX, Iaoplighter.KMTR, 1.1130 914 ,

pTmh. FM , SF

_.... _.._.11 a.m. Sa *Lawton. Fleetwood (McMahan's) .._.._ »....

_ ..BFI. 8 :15 p.m. M. Tu Tb. F *Layman's Views of News.._..KFI. 10 a.m. Su Leaders of United Nations .._._...

...._ ............ SHJ. 10 :50 a.m. M. W, F Legion Flghta ».__ __KECA. KFMB. 10 p.m. F

KMPC. l0 p.m. F

Leon Henderson ....._KECA, 3:45 p.m. Sa Led We Foegee *FWB, 3 :16 p.m. elo Let's Pretend. _KNX 8.06 a.m. Sa *Lewis, Fulton jr___..__. ._.._KHJ, KGB,

RFXM, KVOE. 4 p.m. ti-F: 9:30 p.m. M -F

Page 27: Boy Crash Hollywood Radial - · OMr By Evelyn Rigsby ce Writer Don Quinn is A Modest Man Who Has a Closet Just Like McGee's BIT HARD to pass on Fibber McGee's

JUNE 4, 1944

Let Yourself Go _.KECA, 9 p.m. Tu Liberal Catholic Hour......_..KFAC 9 a.m. Su Lite Can Be Beautiful .KNX ie a,m, M -F Life of Riley ....__.KECA. E.FMM. 12 n. Su Lindlahr, Victor _._...KHJ. 9:45 a.m. M -F *Listener's Digest. KPAS, 3 p.m. M -Sa Listening Post MEGA, 7:45 a,m. Tu *Lochner, Louis --KFI, 9:45 p.m. W -Sa Lombardo Show. 1 I . .ECA, 7 p.m. Sa * Lone Ranger KHJ,

.KVOE. KGB. 7:30 p.m. M, W, F Look Who's Here! KECA. 3:15 p.m. W Looks at Books .., KMI'(', 11 a.m. 'lite 1.orenzo Junes .__.BFI 1:30 p.m. M -F Lower Basle Street KF41 0:15 p.m. Mu Lucky Lager Dance Time.._...KÌAC IS p.m. 11 Lum and Ahner....KECA, KFMB, 8 :1& p.m. M -Th Luncheon with lopes..._.._ ...... _ »...._..... ..KGB,

.KFXM. KVOE. 16:30 .m. M -F Lutheran Hour.... KHJ, 9:30 a.m. Su Lutheran Bible Hour KMTR, 8:05 a.m. I): Lutheran Gospel Hour ...._.SPAS e p.m. Su Lux Theater KNX. 6 p.m. M Slarl.enuan, Dr. Stewart KFWB, 4:15 p.m. Su Make Believe Ballroom..._ -KFWB, II a.m. M-Sa 'Ma Perkins..._..__.. KFI 1Y :15 p.m. M -F'

............- .. ..... _._ ... . .... KNX. 10:15 a.m. M -F Manhattan Merry -Go- Round. KFI, 6 p.m. Su March of Time..._..... ... _.._........ KFI, 7:30 p.m. Th Markets and Sports.___...KMPC 8:15 a.m. M -Sa Mary Marlin KNX 12 N, M -F Mary Small Revue..._.._....._.._.KECA, t p.m. Su Marx, Groucho..._ _.._... .KNX, 5 p.m. Ma Sisson. Perry _._.KNX 11:45 a.m. M -F' Massey, Curt C0....__ _..____.KFT, 3:30 p.ul. Se Master Radio Canaries._.....KECA, 9:15 e.ln, Su Mathews, Dr KHJ,

_KFXM, KGB, KVOE, 9 a.m. Ma Maxwell House Time ..___AFL 8:35 p.m. Th McCarthy, Charlie._._.._......___._.H)1, 8 p.m. Mu McNeill's Breakfast Club..._...._......_..__...__

KECA, HF7[B, 5:30 .m. M -Ma Mediation Board.-...._.KHJ PLBS 5 p.m. Su Meet Priscilla Alden._..._.._.'KPAS. 11 a.m. M -F Meet Tour Nary KECA. 9 p.m. F' Memory Music. T. Bacon.......JKHJ, 2 :30 p.m. Su Melodies for Uncle Sam.._.....

.............KECA. KFMB, 16:36 p.m. Su Message of Israel...- _...._..._.KECA, 7 a.m. Su Mexican Symphony KHJ, 8 p.m. Su Midland. U. M. A. KHJ 9:30 a.m. M -F' *Miller. ReL__.KHJ, KGB. 9:15 p.m. Su, T. Tut Macre -Durante. .._ ........................KNX. 7 p.m. F *Morse. Teny..._.._...KECA, KFMB, le a.m. M -F Mother and Dad -- ...._..KNX 2:30 p.m. Sa Mr. and Mrs. North..__.._....__. KlE'1 9 p.m. W Mr. District Attornry.__.___KFL 41:3e p.nt. Th 5lr. Keene «..._..._.._.SNX 4:39 p.m. Th M nrrny, Johnny .......__..._,_ KFI, M .m. M -F *Morrow, Edward...____._..KNX, 1e:45 Su Music Masten........._ KKK », 9 .m. Su Musical Comedy Revue KFAC, 4 p.m. M -Sa Musical Masterpieces KF. %C, 3 p.m. M -Sa Musical Portralts.__KECA, KFMB. 7 p.m. F Musical Toast KECA, 12:30 p.m. Sa Music For Tom__

-- KFWB, 8:15 p.m. M -F'

My Best Girls.._..__.KECA, KFMB. 8:30 p.m. W Mystery Chef..._IICA, KFMB, 11:15 a.m. M -F Mystery Theater KFI, 8 p.m. Tu My True Story_._......_...KECA, 15:36 a.m. M -F Nagel, Conrad..._..____. KNX, 6 p.m. Su National Barn Dance........._ KFI. 6 p.m. Ss Navy Bulletin Board..._ KHJ,

KFXM, KGB, KVOE, 2 p.m. Sa Navy In Review_..__.._... SEWN, s p.m. Sc Navy Waves _...KECA, KFMB 4:M: p.m. W NBC Symphony KFI 2 p.m. Su Neighbors ......._..__.......__.._.KNX 19:15 p.m. M -F New Adventures of Perry Maso....__

-______--____KNX. 11 :45 .m. M -F New Guard

» KFWB, 7:36 a.m. -Mu

New York Philharmonie..._..._.._.KNX, 12 n. Su *Newslca4 .KF VD, is p.m.-1 a.m. Su -Sa *Newsreel Theater..._......_. KHJ,

- -- ...........KFXM, KGB, KVOE, 2:15 M -F Night Editor -._ _..__._.BFI, 8:15 p.m. 'lite "Noah Webster ....... 4:30 p.m. Sa O K for Relave .... ,_._.KFI 5 p.m. M -F Old -Fashioned Revival.__.DIIC, lu p.m. Su

.....KHJ, KGB. HVOE, 4 p.m.; I0 p.m. Su - Old Age Pensions . KMTB 4:30 p.m. M -F

O'Neill, Danny HNX, 8:95 a.m. Mo One Man's Family------KFI 5:30 p.m. Su Ou Scouting Trail .BFI, I1 :30 a.m. Sr Open Door...__._,.._. .__.....KNX, t p.m. M -F Open Forum M KFAC, î p.m. Mu Open House..__.___ .KNX 4:3o p.m M Orson Welles Almanac._._..KNX, 9:30 p.m. W Our Gal Sunday ..___ KNX, 9:15 a.m. M -F Out of the Shadows..._..._.. KECA, 3:15 p.m. Tu Pacific Lutheran Hour..._.KFWB, 9:30 p.m. Su Pacifia Story_ _.___._.BFI. 11:15 p.m. Su Packard Bell Show KNX, 8 :15 F l'almolhe Party KM, 7 p.m. Sa Parade of States...--.... ._.._.KH.I. 12:15 p.m. Sa Parker Family . ..._.....KECA, KFMB, 9:15 p.m. F *Parker, William KMI'C, 8 a.m. M -F

8:15 p.m. Su Pasadena Playhouse...

-.......... p.m. W

Passing Parade.... ...... 11NX. 8:18 p.m. Tu. W, Th Pause That Refreshes. ........KNX 1:30 Su Pay Day Quiz. KHJ, KFXM. 8 p.m. Tu *Pearson, Drew KECA, KFMB, 5:45 pm. Su People Are Funny _».. KFI. 6:30 p.m. F' Pepper Young's Family_...KFI. 12::40 p.m. M -F *Peter de Lima.._._.....__..KECA 1:35 pan. M -F

.._KFI. 9:45 a.m. M -F Pet Parade

_ --AFL 9:30 a.m. Ma Pick and Pat. KHJ, 8 p.m. Th Pierre _..._._...WKW, lu a.m. W Pilgrims Hour ....._........_.._..__....KMPC. lo p.m. Su

RADIO LIFE Point Sublime......... __._ _...KHJ, 8:30 p.m. M Polly Pattersou.._._AECA, 10:56 a.m. M. W. F

RYAS, 9 a.m. .M -F *Dr. Polysoldes»MHJ, DLBS 10 p.m. M. W. Su Portia Fares LHe_._...._ .1N14, Il a.m. M -N Prayer DLBI 3 p.m. D

_......_...KMPC, ll: .m. M -Sa Press Club KNX, 8:15 F. *Pringle, Nelson....... »... __.KNX 7:45 a.m. M -F Quiz Kids. KECA, KFMB, 8:30 p.m. Su

Quiz of Two Cities......_._...__...HIJ, 8 p.m, F Races .....___...__»_.KHJ, DLBS, 1:15 p.m. Sa

KFI, 1:15 p.m. Sa KNX, 1:15 p.m. Sa

Race Kesults..µ__........._....KRKD. 5:311 p.m. M -F Radio Bible Claw...__.___.. KHJ, 9 a.m. Su Kadin Hall of Fame._ KECA, 3 p.m. Su Radio Newsreel...__._._...KMTR. 4:15 p.m. M -Sa Radio Parade KECA, 1:15 P.m. M-F. Radio Readers' Digest KNX. 8 p.m. Su Radio Tour KHJ, KGB. KVOE, 2:45 p.m. M -F Ranch 10- 2- 4 _...._.....KECA 1::30 p.m. M, W, F Ramsay. Dorothea. KLf( :A. 9 a.m. M, W, F Red Ryder._ ....... .............KE(:A, 7:30 p.m. Tu, Th, Sa *Reports from the Battlefront._........._..._.._

_....Ji101. 3:45 p.m. Su Report from London__ KNX, 1 p.m. Ma Rev. H, O. Egertson .KMTR, 10 a.m. M -Ma

9:15 a.m. Su Kexsll Show..._ HNX, 1:30 p.m. W, Th Reuters' News Dispatches _...KFWB, 8 p.m. M -F Rhapsody in the Rocldw..........KJCA, 8 a.m. Su *}Richfield Reporter.._._ BFI, 10 p.m. Su -F Right to Happiness...__.. -Z. 12:45 p.m. M -F Road of 1.1íe KFtI. 3 :15 p.m. M -F Rucking Hone Rhythms B Hookey

...... .__....__...._.._.........._XHJ 10:3e a.m Su Konlancc of Helen Trent.__.IiX, 9:30 a.m. M -F Romance of Highways...___.._. _ .....

KGB. KVOM. 10:15 a.m. Bu Romance of the Ram11011 KNX, 8:30 p.m. Mu Ruosty of the A.A.F..___._ KHJ. 3 p.m. Su Salt Lake Taberoaele.._.».__._.KNX, 9 a.m. Su Salute to Services... KMTR, 5:15 p.m. M -F Salvation Army KFWB. 9:15 a.m. Sa Salvatore Santaella.._._.KMTR 3:45 p.m. M -Sa Man Quentin on the Air KHJ. 10 p.m. k' Santaella Ensemble KKK!), 2:45 p.m. M -F Saturday Night Party BFI, 11 p.m. Sa Saturday Night Serenade KNX. 6:45 p.m. Sa Science of Mind..._.._._...KFWB 10:45 a.m. M -F' Scramby Alnby.- .--- - .-_..__..'EFl. 9:30 p.m. W Scratches a Jockeys.--KPAS, 10 a.m. M -Sa Screen Guild Players KNX, 7 p.m. M Scully, Frances .KECA, 2:45 p.m. M -F' Sewing School KHJ, 10:30 a.m. Tu Shady %alley Folks KHJ, DLI$M, 8 a.m. M -F Sherlock Holmes...., - _....._.KHJ, 8 p.m. M *Mhirer, William KNX, 2.45 p.m. Su Shore. Dinah KNX 6:30 p.m. Th Short Short Stories.......- .._.._...KNX, 9:55 p.m. F' Silver Theater._

HF1 KNX, 3 P.m. Su

Simms, GiGlow 8.30 p.m. Tu Sinatra, Frank... - KNX, ti p.m. W

...._.......KGFJ, 4:45 M -F Sinatra Frank..,- _._JKWKW, 11:45 a.m. M -F Sing with Mee. .KMP( :, :3a M -F' Skelton, Ned BFI1tl . 7:341

a.m p.. m. 1'11

Smile Awhile HGFJ, 3:10 p.m. M -F' Smith, Kate .KNX, 9 a.m. M -F

............ ..._.._. jj.K!' X, 9 m. F *Smith. tarry .KFI. 10 a.m. M -F' Soldiers With Wing..._.._ KECA, 9 p.m. Sa Songs of Faith KFAC, 6 p.m. M Songs of Good Cheer-____.KHJ, 9:45 p.m. Sa Sonia of Tomorrow..._.... »__.. K(,ER. 8:30 p.m. M Song of the Week.._ KNX, 8:25 p.m. Su Spanish Hour..._._ __.KGFJ 7 p.m. M -Sa

...__.- ..._._ KMTrl. 6 a.m. D Sports, Ted Husing..._. ...... ....KNX, 12:30 p.m. Sa Sports Newsreel. .KFI, 7:30 p.m. F' Sportstime KMPC, 6:05 p.m. M -F' Sports Roundup- .--- -_...KMTR, 6:06 p.m. M -Sa Spotlight Bands..HECA, KFMB, 6:30 p.m. M -Sa Stage Door I lanteen..._ _._._.KN X, - :10 p.m. F' Standard Symphony..._. .__.KFI, 8:30 p.m. Su Standard School Bruadcast........KFI, 10 a.m. Th Star Performance...__...._._- ..,,,KFI, 9:311 p.m. Tn 'tar and the Story ...__._ KNX, 5 pIn. Su Stars Over Hollywo KNX, 9:30 a.m. Sa Star PIayl.ouse..._......._. ___.. KFL 3 p.m. M -F St. Itrendan's Boys' Choir....KMTH, 11:05 p.m. Su Stella Dana* ....... -..__.__.._.KF1, 1:15 p.m. M -F Stuck Quotations.-.-.-...KMPC, 8.15 a.m, M -F

.................. ....._.._-- __.._...._.....KWKW, 9 a.m. M _HIIJ 2:20 p.m. M -F

Stop or Go (Joe E. Brown)... Ki:C. %. 9 p.m. 'l'h Stradivari Orchestra _....SFI. 9:30 a.m. Su Strullin' Tool..........._.._.._.... KFWB, 9 p.m. T -F

............. _.........._.._...........KFAC. 8:30 a.m. Su Styles, WI -KFWB, 2::10 p.m. M -F

..... ........_.._... ._ 3:15 p.m. Su Sullivan Entertains.. ___....._HNX, 8:15 I.". M Superman _ _ . KHJ,

KGB. KFXM, KVDE, 5:15 p.m. M -F Sunday Serenade KECA, 10:30 a.m. Su Sunrise' Salute .....KNX, 8 :30 a.m. M -Sa Suspense »_ KNX. 9 p.m. M Sweet Charlot Hour .KWKW, 5 p.m. Su

_.._.__..___. 1 pan. W -____ KPAS. 6:30 p.m. Sa

Sweet River _._ KECA, 10:16 a.m. M -F *Swing, Raymond Gram . .........._.....:. ..... _...._._

_. -.KECA, KFMB. 7 p.m. M -VS Symphony _KHJ, KGB 10 :30 p.m. M -F *Tall( It or Leave 11------KNX. -.kNX. 7 p.m. Su Taylor. Mary Lee._..._....__._»_.KNX. 11 a.m. Sa Telephone Hour....._. KFI. 9 p.m. M Television._...._ _._WBXYZ, 8, 8:30, 9 p.m. W

S. 9:30. 9 p.m. F' 10 -1-4 RancO KECA, 12:30 p.m. M. W. F Terry and the Pirates.-._._.KECA, 9 p.m. M -F


Thanks to the Yauks..._.._.._..KNX, 9 p.m. Sa Theater of Today. EtX, B sail. ila The Colonel ._ _....____....._.KNX, 1:30 p.m. Sa The Shadow 7:30 p.m. To The Story Teller w

.KNX, 7:4S p.m. Sa This Changing World.-.I111.1. 11 a.m: M -F This Is Hollywood. KK(`A 915 p m Sa This Is My Country KECA, 7:30 p.m. W This Is My Story ..._._ KNX, 6 p.m. Sa This Is the Army .KFI, 12:35 p.m. Su Thoughts in Poetry .,.__ _.....KPAS, 10:15 p.m. M *Thomas, Lowell .KHJ 1:15 p.m. M -F Thomas. John Charles.__..KJ l 11:30 a.m. Su *Thompson, Dorothy._....__.KECA 4:45 p.m. Su Those We love KFI 11 a.m. Su Three of a Kind _...KNA, 9 p.m. Th Tillamook Kitchen,._..__.._`.____.HF1 10 a.m. F Time to Smile with E. Cantor.__..KÍ'1, 0 p.m. W Time Out .... ..... ........ __.._......_..KHJ, 9:15 a.m. 51 -F Today's Children._._ KFI, 11:15 a.m. M -F' Today in History._._... ..... _ KECA 9:15 p.m. M -F *Today's War Moods KF% B 1 p.m. M -Sa Top of the Evening...KECA, 7:15 p.m. M, W, F Townsend Nat'l Recovery Plan ....... __.._. -

_._.._ _._..........__.._.......i:GER, 7:05 p.m. 11 -F _.- ....._ _._..._.... ».._.KPAS. 6:45 p.m. M -F

town Meeting _KECA, KFMB, 10:30 p.m. Tb Traffic Tribunal......- _..._... KFI, 5:30 p.m. Se Transatlantic Call...__...._ KNX, 9:30 a.m. So Transatlantic Quiz KE('A, I1í45 p.m. Sa Treasure Hour of Song.____..KHJ. 6:30 p.m. Tb Treasury Show KNX, 9 p.m. Th Truth or Consequences.-._ BFI, 8 p.m. Sa Turf Bulletins....

-...._..__ KRKD, 10 a.m. M -Sa *Turner. Major B. S..__.KFWH, 7:45 p.m. M -F BFI. 9:311 a.m. M -F

Twilight Tales ....._.._ . ...... KECA. 4:45 p.m. Tu. Tb Two Bells Theater ....... _.._. _.KECA, l0 p.m. Su Uncle Charlie ----.KPAS, S p.m. M -F Uncle Ge and Aunt Ge Ge-KFWB. B a.m. Su Union Rescue Misslou ..._.._ ........ _..._..... __._._

9:38 a.m.; 9 p.m. Su Unseen Enemy .KHJ, 10:13 p.m. Sa Unity Daily Woril KMPC. 8:30 a.m. M -F Valiant Lady ___. .KNX. 9 :15 a.m. M -F Vegetables for Victory KIl. 3 p.m. Ss Vie and Sads.._.-.KFI 3:30 p.m. M -F Visiting Hour KN L, 11:30 p.m. Sa Victory Mayen ......._....__.........KFAC, 1 p.m. Su Victory Queen Contest ....KRHD 3 p.m. M. W, F Voice of Calvary._...._..__ KPAS. 10 p.m, Tb

.... _.. »_...._. _.._.._..__ KFAC, 8 a.m. M Voice of Flre.toss_.__ _........KFI, 5:30 p.m. M Voice of Health..-_.KFAC, 9:15 a.m. Su -F

._.KGFJ, 1e:15 a.m. M -F Void of a Nation.. BFI, 10:43 p.m. M -F Voice of Propphecy... KMTB 8 a.m., 9:30 p.m. Su

KDJ, KGB. KVOE, 9:30

a.m. Su Voorhis, Hon. Jerry...__.._.._JCPAS, 8:15 p.m. M Vox Pop. --_.__._..._. -JX. 9:3u p.m. M Walls Time _.... ____» ._.KFI, 6 p.m. F Waring, Fred..._ .MFI, 8 p.m. M -F *Wales, Gllbert......._.._...KMPV, 4:30 p.m. M -Sa

.......__..-- 10:05 a.m. Su War Telescope. .._.__........._._..KFI 10:45 a.m. Sa Wartime Nutrition, MIlaal....KFV4B, 10 a.m. M -F Washington Inside Out..._KECA 9:45 p.m. Su Wateh the World Ge By._.._.KE(1A, 8 p.m. M -F W. C. T. U. ___-_-_-KPAS, 6:15 p.m. F W(:N P to KHJ, 11:15 p.m. Tu We Deliver the Goode. _HNX, 10:341 p.m. Su We Love and Learc.______.SFI, 2:15 p.m. M -F Weird Circle KECA, 7 p.m. Su Wentworth, Ruth.. - +_KECA, 4:15 p.m. M -F Wesley Radio League-- KMPC. 9:30 a.m. Su

_KHJ, KGB, KVOE, 8 a.m. Su Western Hit Parade KPAS 10 p.m. F What's Doing Ladies KECA, KFMB, : p.m. M -F What's the Name of that Song ̂ ..KHJ, 8:30 p.m. What's Tour War Job _ KECA, KFMB, 8 a.m. in *Wheeler, Burritt..._.........K:FI, 10:15 a.m. M -W;

KECA. 4:30 p.m. Tu, Th Wheeling Steelmakers,JKECA, 1:30 p.m. Su When Girl Marries _._..__._.KFI 2 p.m. M -F When Day Is Done __..._. _.KMTB. 12 N M -F Whistler, The KNX, 4 :30 p.m. Su Whoa Bill Club. KFAC. 5:30 p.m. M -F *Wilder, Alvin KFl 5:341 p.m. W, Tb, F *Williams, AI_ ....._..__._.KHJ 10:15 a.m. Sa Kimbell. Paul a Mahoney _ KHJ, 7:30 p.m. Sa *Winchell, Walter KECA, 8 p.m. Su Wings Over the World--.._-KECA, le p.m. Sa Wings Over Jordan...r.._.JKMPC 1:30 a.m. Su Wings Over the Weat..HHJ, KGB, 11:30 p.m. M

10 p.m. Tb *Winter, Wm...._.._-.KNX, 10:15 p.m. M -F

.KNX,, 9:30 p.m. W: 9 p.m. Su Woman of Aaserle& _.KF1, 9:15 a.m. M -F Women Is Blue..._.._.._.._...HECA, 11:02 a.m. Sa N',,nlen in White 11101, 11:30 a.m. M -F Women's Clubs KPAS, 1:45 p.m. Tb Womans World. ._.. KWKW, 10 a.m. M -F Women Today.- -. KFJ 9:15 a.m. Tu, Tb Women Who Make News.KEG(A B a.m. M. 9I, F Woad -Kelly Show ...... ._. ..._. .kFI, 7 p.m. Sa World's front Page News KHJ, 4:45 pan. M -F *World News Today.__. KNIt 11.30 a.m. Su *World Today.___. KNX 3.45 p.m. M -Sa *World Tomorrow KM+R 9:30 a.m. Su

-X World of Song _.HKCÁ, 1:30 p. m. Su World Wide Review KECA, 1 p.m. M -F Young Artiste' Contest.._.. »...._.BFI. 9 p.m. Sa isles, J. Newton. Organ..KPAs. 10:30 a.m. M -F

KFAC, 1:15 p.m. M -F l'uuug Dr. Malont_._, KNX, 11:30 a.m. M-F Young, Norse _.KHJ, 3:39 pan. M -F Young People's Church SHJ,

_. ._.KGB, KFTM KVOE, 11 p.m. Su .- .KMTB. 1:30 p.m. Su

Young Widder Brown...... -KFI 1:45 p.m. M -F Your All -Time Hlt Parade EFl, 5:30 p.m, F Youth Speaks ...... . »...._...... _...&FWB, 9:46 p.m. M

Page 28: Boy Crash Hollywood Radial - · OMr By Evelyn Rigsby ce Writer Don Quinn is A Modest Man Who Has a Closet Just Like McGee's BIT HARD to pass on Fibber McGee's


Dollar a Word Man (Continued from Page 5)

served. "I'm inclined to say to heck with It' when they take exception to something in the script. But Jim's ninety per cent right."

Quinn, whose father was a news- paperman, prefers to operate on deadline, so toils all night long Sun- day. His wife, Edythe, former woman's editor in the Chicago Her- ald- Examiner and social editor of the Chicago , Daily news, sits the script session out with her husband. I throw the gags at her and if they don't bounce, I change 'em," he ad- mitted

Don and his attractive, russet - haired missus, stage their writing vigil in the den of their twelve -room Encino home. Furnished with taste that is comfortably homelike rather than stiffly forbidding, the den cen- ters about Quinn's big desk and typewriter, a luxurious red leather chair and hassock which is Mrs. Quinn's favorite spot, and some of Don's cherished pieces of art.

Play Gin Rummy Sometimes the ideas spring easily

from Quinn's fertile brain and his typewriter keys click incessantly. Again, he may be stymied, when he always turns to Wife Edythe and ex- claims: "Nuts to it! Let's play some rummy for a couple of hours."

It is often half past four on Mon- day morning when they start shuffl- ing the cards. "I'm worried to death about the script being unfinished," said Mrs. Quinn. "But we like rum- my. It's almost a profession with us."

Sometime during the night -long marathon, the Quinns raid the corrt- missary for sandwiches and cokes. Don used to chain -smoke until his ashes filled a huge tray.

Monday, the cast gathers for first script reading. They are supersti- tious about strangers sitting in on this session. Too, they always sense whether or not they have a good show in the offing. "Several times when we didn't like It, we've thrown a show out as late as Monday," Don recalled. "The one we did on income tax wasn't the one we wrote the original script for. The income tax script was whipped up the day of the broadcast after the other one didn't jell."

Radio's top Crossley and Hooper program (at this writing) has a definite formula for success. "Our ideal show," said Quinn, "is when people listen, slap their knees and say: 'Remember when that same thing happened to Uncle Ed ?'

"We try for a complete lack of offensiveness and avoid incidents that will recall people's troubles. No black notes. We want fans to have a glow when the program signs off. Beyond skirting such subjects' as serious infirmities, race, religion, and so on, which simply is a matter of good taste and sound judgment, we extend the taboo to any material which strives for laughs with bitter

gibes, nasty innuendo, or aciduous comment. We can take and dish out insults, but if they're not intrinsical- ly good natured, we don't want them. Notice that no matter how disagree- able Doc Gamble and McGee may become, .Doc always leaves the Mc- Gees' house feeling friendly."

Listeners take the program so seri- ously that they write Quinn vitriolic letters if they don't like something in the script. One recent writer from what Quinn describes as "a whistle stop in Nebraska," sent him such a mean letter that he promptly sat down and answered in kind -four pages, single spaced. Back came her reply: "Thanks for your wonderful letter, and now I have convinced all my friends you were right."

Kind of Person If you should pass Don Quinn on

the boulevard, you'd probably set him down as an affluent business executive. Five feet eleven, two hun- dred pounds, the 44- year -old writer doesn't look like a harassed scripter. Nor does he look as if he's struggling with ulcers, even if he does insist he has them.

As soon as he opens his mouth, however, his flash -like, razor -sharp wit leaves the defendant hoping to prolong the conversation and saying to himself: "With a brain and humor like Don's, no wonder the McGee script sparkles."

Standing by while the Radio Life photographer caught a picture of the Quinns in their den, we were amused when Mrs. Quinn's shapely under- pinnings were the focus of the cam- era man's attention. Quinn cast an appreciative glance toward the "cheesecake" and chuckled: "I'll take a dozen of these pictures myself."

Just then the phone interrupted and Don answered it with a mock - businesslike "Skates sharpened!"

Discussing his art collection, Quinn explained that he had a running ac- count at the Biltmore Art Salon. "We don't know whether we owe them or whether they owe us," he laughed. "I have an uncomfortable feeling I owe them. I'll have to stop buying pretty soon, anyway, because we're running out of wall space ?'

He likes to dabble at an easel, a hangover from his days as commer- cial artist. "I bought all the equip- ment to paint," he said a little wist- fully, "but since I bought it, I haven't had a day to call my own." He also goes in for photography, but he's the kind who forgets to take the lens cap off the camera. Chided Mrs. Quinn at mention of the subject: "Yes, that's what happened last summer in Yosemite. He had me jumping around like a mountain goat, then none of the pictures turned out."

Quinn has written dialogue for all three of the Jordans' screen plays and shares fun screen credit with Howard Estabrook on the now- shoot- ing "Heavenly Days." "I've had a finger in all the movies," Quinn said. "Just a pinkie finger."

He protested he doesn't want to

give up radio writing for movies. "I can maintain peak enthusiasm in a script for ten days, but not for six month s. I'd get the screaming meemies," he shuddered.

Busy Mrs. Quinn, whose only household helps these days is a nurse for Nancy and the couple's three -year -old adopted son, John Louis (named after the agency executive) always finds time to come into town for the program on Tues- day night and joins Don for dinner afterward at the Derby.

During the rest of the week, when he's not working, the scripter enjoys horseback riding with his daughter, reading, and attending movie s. Asked whether he and his wife en- joy extensive social life with the Jordans, Quinn said: "They have their friends and I have mine. After all, I see them Friday, Sunday, Mon- day, and Tuesday." The Hollywood wise claim Quinn shares a third of the show's budget, the Jordans two - thirds, although the contract is only verbal.


Pleasant, unobtrusive Dòn Quinn assuredly is a typical American, un- spoiled by success and fame. Asked about some of the sure -fire gim- micks on the program he writes, he grinned and confessed: "The closet that's always falling down on Fibber wasn't planned, but I guess every home in America has one. Yes, we have one. I reach in it for a pair of shoes and nine hats fall on me!"

* * Never a Dull Moment

(Continued from Paye 23

came a stage tragedienne: then a movie "meanie ". Her best - known film role was that of "Belle Watling" in the spectacular screening of "Gone With The Wind ".

After being the buxom Belle. Ona is constantly surprising people by her actual size. She measures a mere five feet, three inches tall and weighs a feathery 98 lbs. Her hair is a very golden blonde; her eyes are very blue.

In addition to her radio and film career, her rehabilitation work and her household chores, the energetic actress is one of Hollywood's most dependable charity workers. Of late', she also aided in the registering of voters, and is currently representing radio on the advisory board' of the Democratic party.

Just recently she came forth too, with a clever idea for a new and timely radio program which will be of benefit to the gallant young vet- erans of World War II with whom she has been working at the Birm- ingham Army Hospital. It is very likely that the program will be put on the air in the near future, but probably not by Ona herself.

"I have to turn the idea over to somebody else," she told us, "There just doesn't seem to be enough time for me to do it."

We would say Miss Munson 1e

putting it mildly)

Page 29: Boy Crash Hollywood Radial - · OMr By Evelyn Rigsby ce Writer Don Quinn is A Modest Man Who Has a Closet Just Like McGee's BIT HARD to pass on Fibber McGee's

nt All Ken Baxter roved

CROSS the threshold of

j/ each heart the winds of adversity blow ...Yet, hidden w i t h i n each stricken heart, lies the power, and the faith, to chart a new course ...'

These are the words spoken each weekday morning on the NBC pro- gram "Across the Threshold ". The man who speaks them is blind.

We make that statement as a sim- ple fact, for Ken Baxter makes no more of it than that. "Yes," acknowl- edges Ken, with a ready grin, "I was born blind in one eye and I never could see out of the other."

"Across the Threshold" is not cur- rently carried locally, but Ken Bax- ter's story is one readers will never- theless want to hear. In the future too, fans may hear his voice on other shows, for he is now audition- ing for roles on several popular dra- matic programs.

For fifteen years, he has had his heart set on a career in radio. When he came to Hollywood three years ago, after doing announcing stints on Seattle, Washington and San Francisco stations, he started mak- ing the rounds along radio row, in search of someone who would have enough confidence in him to give him the opportunity to prove his ability.

But a blind man, dressed somewhat shabbily and feeling his way un- steadily with a nicked white stick, somehow did not present a promis- ing picture to the eyes of any radio producer. How could a person so badly handicapped handle a script at a radio microphone?

To R.A.T.E. So Ken Baxter eventually found himself at the switchboard of the

Radio Artists Telephone Exchange, relaying messages of radio jobs to actors much more fortunate than he.

Then one night, just a few weeks ago, John Zoller, director of "Across the Threshold," called R.A.T.E. to get in touch with an actor for a forth- coming broadcast. The blind youth at the switchboard took his call, speaking in the clear, cheerful voice that had won him many friends dur- ing his hours of duty at the Exchange switchboard. Zoller was so impressed by the voice that he immediately summoned the astonished Baxter be- fore him to audition as narrator for "Across the Threshold ".

But ?eni Wrong

When Zoller subsequently discov- ered that the young man he had talked with was blind, he did what others along the, way had failed to do. He extended his confidence to the enterprising youth.

"Before that," Ken Baxter declares, "I seemed to have two strikes against me, simply because no one had faith in my ability to do things. All I wanted was the chance to show them."

"Uncle Jack ", as he affectionately calls director Zoller, gave him that chance. Now Baxter receives the script and quickly transposes his lines into Braille for his work at the microphone. (His girl friend reads the scripts as he transposes.)

On Job Early He reports at the NBC studios each

weekday morning just a few minutes after eight o'clock to rehearse for the nine -thirty airing of "Across the Threshold ". He comes directly from the Radio Artists Telephone Ex- change where he is still working an eight -hour shift night] y, at the

switchboard that brought him the fulfillment of his life's dream.

In the hours when he is not work- ing, Ken Baxter likes to spend his time in his neat little bachelor's apartment in Hollywood, where he keeps house and does all his own cooking. His kitchen specialty is meat loaf, macaroni and cheese.

"I don't like to brag," laughs Ken, "but when it comes to meat loaf -I invented it!" When he lived at home with his father and sister, he did all the cooking for the three of them.

Record Collector His other interest is his collection

of records, ranging from popular tunes to classical melodies -but no "Malrzey Doats "! "Heaven forbid!" he laughs. "But I do like all kinds of music." His ambition is some day to announce a big Sunday symphony show.

On the subject of success, Ken Bax- ter opines: "One doesn't ever suc- ceed. There are always new things to do, and with them, new difficulties to surmount."

It was his intense love of radio that made him stick when the going was tough. "There were always other things I could do. I've been a messenger boy and have worked in a camera shop (amateur photography was once his hobby). But my heart was set on a radio job."

In spite of all his activity, and the declaration that he may get busy and paint his apartment this sum- mer, Ken Baxter stretches his arras in a yawn and concludes: "I'm really the kind of a guy who likes nothing better than to lie back in a chair, take off my shoes, and forget to do things!"

THIS LOVE OF RADIO made Ken Baxter keep plugging for a break when the going was tough. Now he is narrator on NBC's "Across the Threshold... Baxter is pictured below with the program's director, John Zolle,, and writer, lone Tollinger. Note Baxter's hand resting on his script in Braille.

Page Twenty -nine

Page 30: Boy Crash Hollywood Radial - · OMr By Evelyn Rigsby ce Writer Don Quinn is A Modest Man Who Has a Closet Just Like McGee's BIT HARD to pass on Fibber McGee's

OHOPING TO KEEP ALIVE HIS HARD -WON POPULARITY, Dennis Day cuts his last record for the duration. Scene is Studio A at

NBC; orchestra is under baton of =laude Sweeten. Day, who has attained no little lame as Jack Benny's singer as well as a

clever comedian, has entered the Navy as an ensign.

AlpJACK RICHARDSON, (foreground) Standard Radio's talent

and production manager, has had 7 years of experience in

radio, music, and recording. He is a graduate of Lehigh. w7.


Standard Radio Provides Listeners With Diversity of Numbers Ranging from Hill -Billy to Symphonic 5r AVE YOU ever stopped

to wonder where radio stations obtain the re- corded music which forms the backbone

of many an outlet's program- ming ... or to realize that practically every radio station, except the very biggest, would have to go off the air were it not for recordings?

The other day we were introduced to Standard Radio, a ten -year -old company operating in Hollywood

Page 31: Boy Crash Hollywood Radial - · OMr By Evelyn Rigsby ce Writer Don Quinn is A Modest Man Who Has a Closet Just Like McGee's BIT HARD to pass on Fibber McGee's

STANDARD RADIO DISCS, which comprise part of program- ming at KFI -KECA, KMTR, KPAS, and 357 other radio sta-

tions in the country, are cut at the local RCA plant. Here, one of the RCA employes looks for a matrix in the huge company vault.

and one of half a dozen concerns supplying recordings to radio out- lets in the United States and foreign countries. Standard Radio selects its talent, cuts records, and services 361 stations in this country. According to Its talent and production manager, Jack Richardson, Standard Radio supplies almost all key NBC and CBS stations and has a greater listening audience than both net- works combined. Locally, Standard services KFIKECA, KMTR, a n d KPAS.

Huge Library It operates by furnishing stations

subscribing to the service with an initial library of 3500 selections and subsequently releasing semi- month -

ly supplements through a two to five- year lease arrangement between the station and Standard Radio.

The music, of the best, embraces a vast field: dance, symphonic, light concert, operetta, military band, cowboy and hill -billy, harmonica, sacred and spiritual numbers, vocal and choir, to name a few. Original theme music and sound effects are also available to subscribers.

Some of the scores of artists re- cording for Standard Radio Library include Dennis Day, Henry Busse, Paul Carson, The Charioteers, Bob Crosby, Eddie Dean, Duke Ellington, Spike Jones, King's Men, Freddy Martin, Billy Mills, Robert Mitchell's Boychoir, Donald Novis, Pals of the Golden West, Dave Rose, Claude Sweeten, Earl Towner, Viennese Concert Orchestra, and the Philhar- monic Orchestra under the baton of Henry Svedrofsky.

"We have to watch trends," said Richardson. "We have to know what the listeners want. There is a swing to cowboy music at present. Then, the public's taste varies with the time of year. They like less sym

."_ ; a

RCA SHIPPING MAN closes carton on one of Standard Radio's semi- monthly releases. Boxes in the back-

ground hold a starting library of 3500 selections for a newly - subscribing station.

phony and more light music in the warm months."

Make 16 -Inch Discs Standard does its recording at

NBC and its favorite studio is A, be- cause Richardson likes its acoustic properties. The music, be it sym- phony or popular, is transcribed on 16 -inch platters. "As far as cost is concerned," said Richardson, "Den- nis Day and a 21 -piece orchestra runs about the same as a 55 -piece symphony, because any name guest like Day pulls down more money than a large assortment of non -star musicians."

The actual pressing of records for Standard Radio is done at the RCA plant off Santa Monica boulevard on Sycamore Street. Material used for these commercial discs is tough vinylite, which can't break and is extremely difficult to bend. On the huge 16 -inch platters, ten numbers of average length can be squeezed on each side, so that subscribers acquir- ing the normal quota of .80 numbers a month actually receive only eight double-faced discs, each holding ten numbers which are separated by narrow bands of blank disc. If necessary, Standard Radio makes the musical arrangements for artists recording for the company, but the usual procedure is for each band or performer to supply his own arrangements.

Richardson's Experience Richardson, a native of Chicago,

has an immensely rich back- ground of experience in musical, radio, and recording work. Thirty - nine years old, he entered radio 17 years ago immediately after his graduation from Lehigh. For a time he was an engineer, then owned a chain of music and recording stores before becoming a sales promotion

man with Philco. In 1937 he went to the Russell M. Seeds agency in Chicago and was in charge of tran- scribed programs. He started produc- ing shows like "Uncle Walter's Dog- house" and "Showboat" and lays claim to putting Red Skelton on the air for the first time. In 1942 he be- came affiliated with Hollywood's NBC as head of the radio recording division. He linked his efforts with Standard Radio last November, coin- cidentally with the lifting of the Petrillo recording ban.

Wide Popularity In addition to selecting talent and

supervising the recordings' cutting, Richardson also has the responsibi- lity of balancing monthly releases so that something in each will ap- peal to all stations and their fans. The pulling power of Standard's discs, he says, is tremendous. He knows, because musicians like Spike Jones and Hal McIntyre, whose numbers were cut and released only through Standard, have played one -

night stands in obscure places and have had fans clamor for selections which they could have heard no other way than through Standard's library.

Richardson, too, must plan the release so that all material will be fresh. The discs and filing equip- ment which comprise the company's service to stations always remain the property of Standard Radio, which calls in old recordings after they have run the race of usefulness.

"Frequently, we've had trouble with someone holding onto a favorite after we have called it in," said Richardson. "I remember one old Ted Fio Rito number which had a hot guitar part. We called it in several years ago, but it's still being played on a little station near Chicago."

Page Thirty -one

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' f,r- o . -- T -:% _.:=teAt-

1. PENNT SINGLETON, RADIO'S "BLONDIE", addr Douglas Aircraft Long Beach factory employes at their lunch

hour to spur their "Wings for Invasion" drive to build extra

C -47 Skytrain transport ships for army.


close of talk is given a "Dogwood sandwich ", hug production o

bread, luncheon meats and cheese into which he dives to delight o


Dagwood Devours One of His Famous Sandwiches, Assists Blondie in Staging a Show, Christening C -47 Skytrains

Monday. 7 :30 p.m. (:RS-6.\'X

LONDIE AND DAG - WOOD, of Monday night radio fame, were recently the honored guests of the Douglas Air c r a f t Com-

pany's Long Beach factory. They pr o v i d e d fun and frolic at the employes' lunch hour to lighten the routine and spur the aircrafters on in their "Wings for Invasion" drive

Page Thirty -two

to build many extra C -47 army Sky - trains for the impending attack on the fortress Europe.

Both Penny Singleton, who plays Blondie, and Lieut. Arthur Lake, USC GA, who is Dagwood Bumstead on the air, addressed and joked with the employes and brought many laughs with their references to the characters they have made famous on stage and screen. Lieutenant Lake, who was provided with an

honor guard of fellow members of the Coast Guard Auxiliary Reserve working at the plant, was the sur- prised recipient, also, of a huge "Dagwood Sandwich," a pre -war pro- duction requiring a loaf of bread, much lettuce and butter and many cold meat slices and pieces of cheese.

Following the lunchtime entertain- ment, Blondie and Dagwood moved over to the factory's flight apron where two huge C - 47 transports awaited their christening as "Blon- die" and "Dagwood" respectively. But when the two big ships are flying over Europe, they'll have the added protection of autographed photo- graphs of the famous team in their cabin, plus every known good luck token and prayer for safe flight which Miss Singleton and Lieutenant Lake are supplying.

Page 33: Boy Crash Hollywood Radial - · OMr By Evelyn Rigsby ce Writer Don Quinn is A Modest Man Who Has a Closet Just Like McGee's BIT HARD to pass on Fibber McGee's

3. BUMSTEADS HELP IN PREPARATION of "Wings for Invasion" testimonial book to be presented to General ''Hap" Arnold, chief of Army Air Force. Both stars, "Blondie", writer John L. Greene, and Producer Don Bernard penned messages.

4. WHILE ANXIOUS DAGWOOD LOOKS ON, Blondie christens her name -sake skytrain with a bag of confetti. Im. mediately afterward, Dagwood gave ship named after himself a vigorous send -off.

S. DAGWOOD (CENTER WITH WHITE CAP AND UNIFORM) is stopped by autograph seekers. Dagwood autographs are in special demand because he caricatures his comic -strip self each time he signs.

6. LIEUT. LAKE ( DAGWOOD) LEADS Penny Singleton (Blondie) down stair -ladder following christening and is flanked by Coast Guard Auxiliary honor guard made up of members from Douglas Long Beach plant.

Page 34: Boy Crash Hollywood Radial - · OMr By Evelyn Rigsby ce Writer Don Quinn is A Modest Man Who Has a Closet Just Like McGee's BIT HARD to pass on Fibber McGee's

LOVELY NBC ACTRESS, Vivian Fridell, is mother of a beautiful daughter, Janice.

Vivian rs heard as Mary Noble on -Backstage Wife-. 40, MARY SHIP plays Linda on new

Blue network comedy series, "My Best Girls". (KECA, Wed., 8:30 p. m.)


"RETURN OF NICK CARTER" leaturs Lon Clark in the title role and Helen

Choat as Patsy 1 KHJ, Mon. -Fri., 6:1 S p. m.l

ELVIA ALLMAN is one of Holly- wood's busiest supporting actresses

( Burns and Allen, Abbott and Costello, Moore-Durante).

Page 35: Boy Crash Hollywood Radial - · OMr By Evelyn Rigsby ce Writer Don Quinn is A Modest Man Who Has a Closet Just Like McGee's BIT HARD to pass on Fibber McGee's

a course In psychology and working in Army hospitals in the rehabilita- tion program. The actress and her mother are a great deal alike -tiny but bustling with energy. Barbara is a mere four feet, eleven inches tall.

a1- IR r,ss 4-4 < e. ay\.

A Girl With Grit! (Continued from Pose 8)

on a horse, on an old- fashioned side - saddle. It Is a photograph of Barbara taken back about 1939 when her friend, "First Nighter" Bret Mor- rison, first persuaded her to learn to ride horseback. It is a symbol of a victory.

For on March 1, 1932, a specialist had told Barbara Luddy that she would be a hopeless cripple in seven years. As a baby, she had been stricken with infantile paralysis; the disease left her limbs in constant critical danger. For that reason, in her early childhood, her stepfather had prescribed a series of exercises designed to strengthen her weakened muscles.

When Barbara was fourteen years old, the doctor who was then giving her treatments, suddenly advised that she should wear a back brace to compensate for her one weakened leg. Barbara's step -father, who by that time had become permanently bedridden and fatally ill, refused to permit the brace to be applied. The young girl was not to be committed to the life of a cripple, and Barbara herself went determinedly on with her efforts to follow a fyll and active career, stubbornly refusing to be de- feated by her physical condition.

Her singing career had been brought to an abrupt end several years before when, in the very middle of her performance at a San Diego theater, her voice suddenly failed her. Her vocal chords had been too strenuously strained by overwork. So Barbara turned to acting -in movies and on the stage.

Along Came Love Then suddenly she fell in love, seriously, with a young British actor, and the two of them made plans to wed. But before the romance cul- minated in marriage, Barbara left for a stage engagement in Australia,


When the

School Bell Rings

It's Time to Listen to THE FOURTH SESSION OF



Conducted by Sally Spinner



breaking off her betrothal to the Britisher with a straightforward apology that concealed her hidden heartache. Her doctor had advised her that she should never marry.

Today, however, there is a lovely full- length portrait of Barbara Luddy placed prominently on the radio in her mother's apartment. It is Bar- bara's wedding portrait. Taken on September 18, 1942, it records the happy day that the actress became the bride of CPO Ned LeFevre of the U. S. Coast Guard, a former NBC executive and radio actor.

There is also a smiling photo of Barbara's handsome husband in her mother's apartment along with all the others. He is a likeable - looking fair - haired fellow with laughing eyes. Mrs. Luddy declared with a smile: "If I had searched all over the world with the thought 'Now who Is the man that is nice enough for my Biddy' (her nickname for Barbara), I could never have found a finer choice than Ned. He's simply won- derful, and I just love him!"

LeFevre is at present stationed in New Orleans, Louisiana, and every weekend Barbara rushes by plane from her radio duties in Chicago to spend a few days with her husband.

The actress, with her grit and determination, h a s conquered the tragic shadow that hovered over her all the past years of her life. Today, her days are filled with hearty activ- ity. She enjoys riding horseback, ice skating, and sailing on Lake Michi- gan. She loves Chicago's lakes and parks.

Several Air Shows Her career on the airlanes has brought her nationwide acclaim; lis- teners have consistently voted her radio's No. 1 actress. Besides being

the star of Mutual's "First Nighter" show, she appears regularly on "Road of Life" and "American Women ". Since the latter show airs from 2:45 to 3:00 p.m. at one Chicago station, and the other is broadcast just fif- teen minutes later at another studio clear across town, Barbara has to have a taxi waiting to speed her from one studio to the other just in time to come in on cue.

Besides her radio roles, the actress works at the Chicago Servicemen's Center, is a member of the Board of Speakers for War Activities, and is on the Board of Directors for the Creche, in charge of the care and adoption of orphaned children.

"I don't know how that kid does it all," Mrs. Luddy exclaims with pride, and Barbara in turn writes in praise of her mother who is taking

Eastern -Columbia's "NEWSICAL TIME"

10 P.M to 1 A.M. Every Mite 3 hours of recorded light classics

NEWS FLASHES every half hour. KFVD "Center of your Dial-1020 Kt.

Both Mrs. Luddy and her farm daughter are looking forward to day when the actress and her h band will come to live in Califon Barbara has a lovely home in San Fernando Valley, with an eni separate suite of rooms designed Mrs. Luddy. Her mother doesn't prove of living with the young Fevres, but Barbara insists that mother live near her.

DUS the us nia. the ire


ap. Le- her

"Maybe she wants me to do cooking for her," Mrs. Luddy laugh She explained that her daughter cook, and well, but she has ne liked to do so. So her mother us to attend to all the culinary chor

"Since Biddy's been married, ho ever," Barbara's mother continu "She seems to love to cook. In fa

time she gets a meal, writes me a long letter, descrihi the whole dinner in detail!"

* * Not As Dumb As


her ed.

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w- ed,

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(Continued from Page 3) is no "Finnegan" away from the microphone. He has a B.A. degree, having studied his college courses at night school.

He's not strictly a comic, either, and hopes to do some straight roles in West Coast radio. He used to do all the "heavies" on the "Dick Tracy" and "The Shadow" programs, and is an accomplished dialectician.


"One time," Cantor reminisced, "a role called for a cockney accent. The other actors in the play were real Englishmen, but I turned out to be the only member of the cast who could do cockney!"

Admires Allen The popular airlane actor is an

avid radio fan himself, and par- ticularly enjoys ' Norman Corwin's dramas and Fred Allen's comedy. He has worked with Allen for years, and corresponds with the famed comedian regularly now that they are working on opposite coasts. "But I'm a talker, not a writer," Cantor complains, "so I can't begin to compete with the wonderful letters Fred writes. What a mind that man has!"

Besides listening to the radio and playing golf, Charlie Cantor enjoys attending concerts and the theater. When he returns west with his fam -

ily, he hopes to limit his radio work sufficiently to allow him to enjoy fully both the California sunshine and his wife's and daughter's corn pany He's looking forward to show ing them all the sights of our state

"After all," he commented with s smile, "if we're going to live Ir California, we want to live like Californians!"

Page 36: Boy Crash Hollywood Radial - · OMr By Evelyn Rigsby ce Writer Don Quinn is A Modest Man Who Has a Closet Just Like McGee's BIT HARD to pass on Fibber McGee's




the man whose voice is known to millions, now con-

ducts the popular "Music Box" on KMPC.

ENJOY WITH HIM ... this hour of fine music from the great Musical Shows,

Light Operas, etc. Music that has met the test of

time and continues to hold lirst place for entertain-

ment in the homes of America.