bradesco foundation from mobility and collaboration to social networks – a path based on...

Bradesco Foundation From mobility and collaboration to social networks – a path based on partnerships

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Page 1: Bradesco Foundation From mobility and collaboration to social networks – a path based on partnerships

Bradesco Foundation From mobility and collaboration

to social networks – a path basedon partnerships

Page 2: Bradesco Foundation From mobility and collaboration to social networks – a path based on partnerships

A non-profit institution founded in 1956by Mr. Amador Aguiar to provide Educationand Vocational training for children, teenagers and adults in poor communities throughout Brazil.

Bradesco Foundation

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• 40 schools

• 108,231 students

Kindergarten 488

Elementary 33,311

High School and Professional Education 17,046

Young People and Adult Education 21,705

Basic Professional Education 35,681


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• Free Education

• Learning Materials

• Uniform

• Dental Care

• Meals

• ICTs Skills Development

Students are offered

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Learning contextualized to local characteristics

Learning contents focused on competencies and employability

Teaching/learning based on constructivism and constructionism

Basic Concepts

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Present all over the Country

26 States

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Canuanã, TO*

Bodoquena, MS*

Boarding Schools

* Farm Schools

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Jardim Conceição – São Paulo (15th march, 2004)Total Area: 7,517.75 m7,517.75 m22/80,920.38 ft/80,920.38 ft22

Built Area: 6,102.88 m6,102.88 m22/65,690.85 ft/65,690.85 ft22

The Newest School

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Jardim Conceição - Surroundings

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Total ..............................................2,738

Teachers .........................................1,152

Pedagogical Coordinators..................... 113

Administration – Educational Center...... 231

Administration - Schools...................1,242

Bradesco Foundation Team

Source: November, 2007

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Operational Expenses105 million dollars funded by a portfolio composedof shares of the financial conglomerated leaded by Bradesco, the largest bank in Latin America

Special ProjectsFunded, totally or partially, by Bradesco Foundation and/or partners

Financial Resources 2007

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A center devoted to the:

• Technology projects and best practices for education and social inclusion

• Diffusion of innovation to the entire educational community (internal and external)

Bradesco Institute of Technology (BIT)

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Social Inclusion

Bradesco Institute of Technology (BIT)


IT Skills Developmen




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Technology Groups

• Bank of the Future • School of the Future• Social Inclusion Network • Mobile Learning• Open Source for Teaching

and Learning• Educational Games• IT Skills Certification

Bradesco Institute of Technology (BIT)

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Successful long-term partnerships enabled by an innovative governance model for education, banking and social inclusion using ICTs.

Bradesco Institute of Technology (BIT)

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Teacher training and learning objects(LO) development

Microsoft Center

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IP Telephony and Cisco Technology Certification

CISCO Center

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IBM Center – IT Security Projects

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Project 1Digital Inclusion Centers (CIDs)

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CID is a pioneering initiative to promote social inclusion by using information technology as a tool for citizenship.

Digital Inclusion Center (CID)

2007 – 100 CIDs2008 – 1,000 CIDs

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Digital Inclusion Centerin a Native Community

Javaes CommunityTocantins State

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Project 2Intel Computer Clubhouse

Jardim Conceição Community – São Paulo State

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Computer Smithsonian Awards 1999: Projects for Human Development

Project 3Computers for Blind and VisuallyImpaired People

8,313 people served (since Sep. 1998)

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SoutheastSoutheast Osasco, SP (3)Lapa, SPBIT, SP (Campinas)Campinas, SP Rio de Janeiro, RJ Marília, SP Itajubá, MG São João del Rei, MG Registro, SP Vila Velha, ES

SouthSouthGravataí, RS Paranavaí, PR Rosário do Sul, RS Bagé, RS

Project 4CISCO Academies in Brazil

NorthNorthManaus, AM Rio Branco, AC Paragominas, PA Cacoal, RO

CenterCenterAparecida de Goiânia, GO Ceilândia, DF Bodoquena, MS

NortheastNortheast Jaboatão, PE Teresina, PI Garanhuns, PE Irecê, BA Maceió, AL Natal, RN João Pessoa, PB Própria, SE

31 academies and 15,715 graduated students

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Project 5PDAs in the ClassroomCollaboration and Mobility

PDAs for Faculties Support

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PDAs in the Classroom

PUC University (Chile) Partnership

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Project 6Intel Teach

1,367 Master Teachers54,986 Teachers Trained

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Project 7Intel Learn Program

• Implemented in 90 CIDs/CTCs and Bradesco Foundation schools

• 24,741 learners

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• 150,000 students in basic education (complementary lessons) and technical courses.

• Partnership with Docent, SumTotal, Micropower, ABAN/India, Questionmark, Cisco, NIIT/India, Positivo, Educomp/India and Microsoft.

Project 8Virtual School (e-Learning Portal)

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Media Lab – MIT – PartnershipDigital Nations and Digital LifeConsortiums (Learning Hubs and Lifelong Kindergarten Projects) - The City That We Want - Scratch - D-Lab - Low Cost Robotics

Project 9Media Lab – MIT Projects

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Mobility, collaboration, teamworking, social networks and critical thinking will be the main characteristicsof the learning environments required by the digital native generation.

Project 10The Classroom of the Future1 to 1 Computer Project

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The Classmate PC® is being extensively used to transform the classroom in a collaborative learning environment; reaching the level of 1 to 1 computeris a short-term goal.

The Classroom of the Future

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The Classroom of the Future

Intel Partnership

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Project 11Educa+ação Project (Vale do Ribeira)

• Action to improve the results of Publica Schools • 8 towns• US$ 1 Million of investment until 2008 (didactic books, pedagogic materials for teacher training)• 59% of literate children from 6 to 8 years old - 2nd semester 2007• Drop Out Rate: 1,2% (per year).

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Project 12Educational Portals

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Projects 2008 - 2009

• Virtual School (elearning Portal) – Second Life • Podcasting for teacher training• IP Telephony in the Classrooms (540) – Cisco Partnership• Online games for Education (Korean partnership)• Mobile games (Indian Partnership)• 1,000 Digital Inclusion Centers (Social Inclusion Network)

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Brazil is a very large country,with large social diversity,

we love what we doand we warmly welcome

new partnerships for educationand social inclusion projects.

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Nivaldo T. MarcussoNivaldo T. MarcussoCIOCIO

[email protected]