brain-inspired robotics and neural dynamics: lecture 01 (2015)

脳脳脳脳脳脳 1 脳脳脳脳脳脳脳脳脳 脳脳脳脳脳脳脳 脳脳脳 脳脳脳脳 脳脳脳脳脳脳脳脳脳脳脳 脳脳脳脳脳 脳脳脳脳脳 Hiroaki Wagatsuma @ Kyutech 脳脳脳脳脳脳脳 脳脳脳 「」 ,4 脳 13:00 16 40 脳脳脳脳 脳6/3 脳 脳脳 脳 脳 脳脳脳脳脳脳 脳脳脳脳脳脳脳 Equations for describing biological systems, especially for non-linear phenomena

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Page 1: Brain-Inspired Robotics and Neural Dynamics: Lecture 01 (2015)

脳型知能創発1. 様々な非線形方程式、数理物理の基礎



Hiroaki Wagatsuma @ Kyutech

「脳型知能創発」 月曜3 ,4限 13:00~ 16: 40 講義室2日 時: 6/3月  我妻会 場:九州工業大学 若松キャンパス

Equations for describing biological systems, especially for non-linear phenomena

Page 2: Brain-Inspired Robotics and Neural Dynamics: Lecture 01 (2015)

様々な非線形方程式、数理物理の基礎Various non-linear equations

•現代のロボット技術 (What it can do now)

•ロボットは人と暮らせるか? (What do you want)

•ロボットに求められるもの (What is necessary)

•ロボットはどうやって作るか (How you can build, i.e. What kinds of strategies to achieve desired functions and satisfy all the requirements)

in the viewpoint of making an intelligent robot to be able to live with humans cooperatively


Page 3: Brain-Inspired Robotics and Neural Dynamics: Lecture 01 (2015)

これを「自動車」に置き換えてみると ...Try to think about CAR instead of the robot

•自動車は何のためにあるか (What is the car for)

•自動車は何ができるか (What it can do)

•自動車に求められるもの (What is appropriate)

•自動車に求められるもの (What we need)

•自動車はどうやって走るのか (How it works)

- Usability, familiarity( set the level that usual people can get accustomed)

- 安全性と信頼性 (Safety and reliability; safe for others and is not broken unexpectedly)

- メカニズムを知り、改善する (to know the mechanism and improve it )

Page 4: Brain-Inspired Robotics and Neural Dynamics: Lecture 01 (2015)

•ロボットは何のためにあるか (What for)

•ロボットは何ができるか (What it can do)

•ロボットに求められるもの (What is appropriate)

•ロボットに求められるもの (What we need)

•ロボットはどうやって賢くなるか (How it works well)

- Knowing and understanding human beings( for living together comfortably)

- 安全性と信頼性 (Safety and reliability; safe for others and is not broken unexpectedly)

- Investigate brain mechanisms such as intention, emotion and feelings. Finally we reach a way of implementation

すなわち、考えてみるべきことは ... Thus, we have to think

Page 5: Brain-Inspired Robotics and Neural Dynamics: Lecture 01 (2015)


•A substitution of human abilities (recognition, decision-making, understanding and so on) based on a specific purpose

•自動化→自律化 Automation and autonomous robot are different ( autonomous -> self discipline)

•personal memory, sympathy, awareness are necessary?

The definition of robots