brain link

人人人人人人人人人 Brainwave technology for every one 人人人人人 Macrotellect

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Post on 14-Aug-2015




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人人可用的脑波科技Brainwave technology for everyone


意念与机器交互 ...是人类一直以来的梦想

Brain-Computer Interface(BCI)'s been a dream of mankind for decades

人类已经无法阻止小强和人脑的连接 ...上海交大:人脑“意念控制”蟑螂实验

A BCI linking human and cockroach from SJTU(Shanghai)

Hans Berger, 汉斯 . 贝格尔1924 年记录人类第一张脑电图 EEG ( Electroencephalography )

Hans Berger, father of EEG, recording the first human brainwave diagram known as EEG in human history


•我们平均每天有 7 万个想法,每个想法会产生生物电

•大脑产生的电量在 10 到 23 瓦之间,足以点亮一个灯泡


•1924 年,汉斯 . 贝格尔第一次成功记录下脑电图( EEG )

•并将其命名 α ( Alpha )波

•Our brains have 70,000 thoughts everyday

•The total electricity of the brain is 10-23W, able to lit up a light bulb

•These electric signal changes base on brain status in regular patents

•In 1924, first human brainwave diagram (EEG) is recorded

•It was named Alpha wave

脑机接口( Brain-Computer Interface )

利用传感器和芯片算法建立大脑与计算机的联通Brain-Computer Interface is a technology that builds connection between human b

rains and computers via microchip, sensors, and electrodes

侵入式 BCIInvasive BCI

非侵入式 BCINon-invasive BCI


BCI for Consumers are now smaller, more afforable, and with better user experiences

BRAINLINK 国内首个消费级脑电波智能头箍

Brainwave technology for everyone

迄今为止最小,最精密的脑波产品The smallest and most integrated brainwave product so far

脑波科技能为我们的生活带来什么?How can brainwave products improve my daily life?

Health & Wellness: Brain Yoga 5 mins a day of minfulness Maintain a healthy habit for the brainKeep track of brainwave data from meditation

Edutainment: Brain Training with Neuro-gaming Harness the telekinetic power of your mindPlay games with mind-controlChallenges that improves focus overtime

配套 APP 应用程序Apps that helps training the brain访问以下链接了解更多:

脑力光谱™20APP 训练大脑的 7 种能力

Brainwave Spectrum20+ apps improve 7 abilities of the brain

媒体报道 & 用户反馈Media Coverage & User Feedback

民用化脑电波产品将是未来人机交互的主要方式之一。加上物联网概念和技术的发展,将 BrainLink 接入各种物联网平台,与更多的智能设备建立连接,将可以实现大脑与万物联通,配合机器学习、 AI 、算法等手段,让机器真正读懂大脑,提供更加智能的服务体验。

移动健康大数据:心理健康数据的量化 / BIG data & wearable in healthcare

智能家居:让房子读懂大脑 / Home automation: houses that understand emotions

前沿科技领域:车联网、无人机、机器人、 VR、 AR / Drones, robots, VR, AR, IOT...

大脑接入互联网:深度学习、超级人工智能 / Brain-Internet: deep learning, super AI

市场前景:脑与万物互联The Future of Brain IOT

请关注我们BrainLink :健康脑波缔造者