brainwave user guide

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Brainwave Entrainment Audios User Guide

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Copyright © 2011 Success Vantage Pte Ltd

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Published by Greg Frost

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How It Works

What Are Brainwaves?Your brain is made up of billions of brain cells called neurons, and these neurons use electricity to

communicate with one other. A huge dose of electrical activity in the brain is then generated through

the combination of millions of neurons sending multiple signals in a split second. These can all be

detected using advanced medical equipment (such as an EEG) which measures electricity levels over

different areas of the scalp.

This combination of electrical activity of the brain is often referred to as a Brainwave Pattern.

Below is a modern EEG recording of brain activity.

The discovery of brainwaves brought about the realization that electrical activity within the brain will

change accordingly to what the person is doing. For example, the brainwave of a person wide awake isvery much different from that of a person who is sleeping. With advancements in science, better

equipment has allowed us to figure out exactly what brainwaves represent and how they can actually be

connected to a person’s health and state of mind. 

In recent years, industry experts and professionals in the areas of medicine, psychology, neurology,

mental health and self-help have begun utilizing the power of brainwave entrainment in their work with


Here is a table showcasing the known brainwave types and their associated mental states:

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A lot can be told about a person just by merely observing their brainwave patterns. For instance, people

with depression tend to produce an oversupply of slower Alpha/Theta brainwaves whilst anxious people

tend to provide an oversupply of high Beta waves.

More interestingly, not only are brainwaves representative of a person’s mental state, researchers have

found that they can be stimulated to change a person’s mental state; and even go as far to help treat a

wide variety of mental disorders. It is also proven that some types of brainwave patterns can also beused to access extraordinary or exotic experiences such as “lucid dreaming” or ultra-realistic


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What Is Brainwave Entrainment?

When the brain is given a stimulus, through the ears, eyes or other senses, it emits an electrical charge

in response, called a Cortical Evoked Response (shown below). These electrical responses travel

throughout the brain to become what you “see and hear”. This activity can be measured using sensitive

electrodes attached to the scalp.

In a nutshell, it is a rapidly growing field that involves the study of how altering brainwaves naturally can

allow people to easily enter states of increased intelligence, creativity, relaxation, pure energy and


Scientific research has revealed that many dynamic thought leaders, scholars and the most intelligent

share similar brainwave frequencies and display distinct peak brain states while engaged in mental

tasks. Now, with the wide variety of product titles available at MindMaximusTM

, you can have full access

to the cutting edge technology that some of our world’s greatest achievers know intimately.

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MindMaximusTM State-Of-The-Art 

Brainwave Technology

MindMaximusTM MAX-TREX Technology  is one of the world’s most powerful brainwave entrainment

technology and the collective result of years of research and development.

Combining relaxing music with formulaic beats, digital modulations, soundscape modifications and brain

piquing characteristics gives everyone of the MindMaximusTM

soundtracks robust brainwave guidance


MAX-TREX elevates normal music and charges them with cutting edge brainwave music to obtain the

ultimate solution – MindMaximusTM

. Listening to MindMaximusTM

channels acoustical stimulants

through the ear and into the sensory cortex, leaving repeated and distinct imprints on the brain;

creating what is called a cortical evoked response. This physiological response manifests in a wave of neural ignition and firing: a phenomenon that is called the Frequency Following Response or what is oft

referred to as Brainwave Entrainment.

With MAX-TREX, something as basic and natural as sound can be endowed with brain regulating and

performance enhancing properties. Giving us the ability to dial into the perfect mental state for any task

or action in a matter of minutes, with virtually no situational constraints.

Don’t take our word for it. News reported on 

CNN Excerpt: Brainwave training widens its role in medicine 

Biofeedback can not only help a child use brain waves they don’t usually employ, but it may also help

increase blood flow to specific parts of the brain involved with ADHD,” says Lubar. “Used with behavior

therapies that incorporate classroom and homework skills, neurofeedback can help these children

become less dependent on stimulants like Ritalin.” 

More than 700 groups nationwide are using EEG biofeedback for ADD/ADHD, according to the

Association for Applied Psychotherapy and Biofeedback, an organization of biofeedback practitioners.

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The ADHD therapists have reported that patients experienced a 60 to 80 percent significant

improvement in symptoms and much less need for medicine.

Dr. J. Alan Cook, a psychiatrist in Mt. Vernon, Washington, uses it for 25 to 35 percent of his patients,

treating such problems as depression, addiction, bipolar disorder and ADHD. “Once the training has

been completed, patients seem to retain the benefits long term,” he says.  

As scientists understand better how the brain works — or fails to work — they are finding more and

more ways it can heal itself.

Usage Instructions

To get maximum results from our products, we highly recommend that you listen to the program at

least once everyday.

Set aside a designated 30 minutes each day, listen to the program in a quiet place & keep yourself 


Make sure you are well-hydrated.

Take initial deep breaths as the session starts, and relax while you are listening to the program.

It is fine if you call asleep, you will still get benefits from the program. You may find that your conscious

mind might render random thoughts, let the thoughts go and focus on your breathing.