brand archtypes worksheet for any branding team

1=Stongly Disagree, 2=Disagree, 3=Neutral, 4=Agree, 5=Strongly Agree © Copyright 2007 Kendall Summerhawk 1 Branding with Archtypes ™ by Kendall Summerhawk Directions 1 = Strongly Disagree 2 = Disagree 3 = Neutral 4 = Agree 5 = Strongly Agree Please use ther rating scale to the right to complete the boxes on each page. Choose the rating that is closest for you. Be honest and go with the first answer that comes to you!

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Post on 17-Aug-2015




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Brand Archtypes for any branding team.


1=SLongly ulsagree, 2=ulsagree, 3=neuLral, 4=Agree, 3=SLrongly Agree CopyrlghL 2007 kendall Summerhawk18randlng wlLh ArchLypes `by kendall SummerhawkulrecLlons1 = SLrongly ulsagree2 = ulsagree3 = neuLral4 = Agree3 = SLrongly Agreelease use Lher raLlng scale Lo Lhe rlghL Lo compleLe Lhe boxes on each page. Choose Lhe raLlng LhaL ls closesL for you. 8e honesL and go wlLh Lhe flrsL answer LhaL comes Lo you! 1=SLongly ulsagree, 2=ulsagree, 3=neuLral, 4=Agree, 3=SLrongly Agree CopyrlghL 2007 kendall Summerhawk2l love Lhe ldea of Lransformlng someLhlngl ofLen feel lnsplred and have an acLlve lmaglnaLlonl belleve rules are meanL Lo be brokenCreaLlng a feellng of famlly or communlLy ls lmporLanL Lo mel belleve ln falrness and equallLyl belleve people need Lo llghLen upMy producL/servlce offers loLs of cholce and varleLyl belleve form and funcLlon go hand ln handl ofLen feel lsolaLed from oLher peoplel value glvlng Lo oLherseople's rlghLs are lmporLanL Lo meMy producL/servlce helps people feel playfulSplrlLuallLy ls a vlLal connecLlon for me ln my work and llfel en[oy Lhe creaLlve processl would raLher do someLhlng my own way Lhan be popularl flnd lL hard Lo say no Lo cllenLsMy frlends are a very lmporLanL parL of my llfel llfe Lo help people have a good Llmel love Lo reframe a slLuaLlon or offer new perspecLlvel do noL llke Lo compromlse my sLandardsMy producL/servlce sLands for someLhlng radlcal or dlfferenL lnsLead of blendlng lnklndness, carlng and compasslon are key values for mel value creaLlng connecLlon and communlLyl laugh aL Lhe ldea of followlng Lhe rulesl belleve ln serendlplLyMy producL/servlce helps cllenLs express Lhemselves ln a creaLlng wayMy producL/servlce makes people feel rebellousMy producL/servlce provldes comforL or securlLy for my cllenLsl would much raLher work LogeLher Lhan alonel value creaLlvelLy and lnnovaLlon1oLal Column 1 0 1oLal Column 4 01oLal Column 2 0 1oLal Column 3 01oLal Column 3 0 1oLal Column 6 0Croup 1 Croup 2 1=SLongly ulsagree, 2=ulsagree, 3=neuLral, 4=Agree, 3=SLrongly Agree CopyrlghL 2007 kendall Summerhawk3l llke appeallng Lo peoples' flner LasLesl value belng ln conLroll belleve ln happy endlngs l value self dlscoveryl llke feellng vlcLorlouslL's lmporLanL Lo seek Lhe LruLhCreaLlng lnLlmaLe cllenL, vendor or employee relaLlonshlps ls lmporLanL Lo meSysLems and sLrucLure are lmporLanL for geLLlng Lhlngs doneMy producL/servlce ls healLhy or good for youMy producL/servlce helps people flnd Lhelr way or learn more abouL Lhemselvesl value hard work and perseverancel belleve LhaL knowledge and wlsdom are lmporLanLl see my cllenLs as people Lo be loved or feel close LoMy producL/servlce help cllenLs feel powerful or ln chargel llke Lhlngs Lo be slmple, cheerful or upbeaLlndlvlduallLy, cholce and unlqueness are key values for meCvercomlng challenges ls moLlvaLlng Lo mel llke Lo make people Lhlnkl value worklng wlLh people on a hearL-Lo-hearL levelMy producL/servlce ls seen as a sLep above Lhe compeLlLlonMy producL/servlce creaLes a feellng of safeLy and predlcLablllLyl love explorlng new posslblllLlesl belleve ln sLandlng up for Lhe underdogMy producL/servlce helps people lnvesLlgaLe dlfferenL vlewpolnLsl en[oy helplng people feel speclal and appreclaLedl value dolng Lhe rlghL Lhlng even lf lL's noL popularlreshness, cleanllness or wholesomness are lmporLanL Lo mel Lend Lo be a loner and prefer noL Lo be parL of a group for any lengLh of LlmeAnyLhlng can be accompllshed wlLh dlsclpllne and focusl respecL ob[ecLlvlLy1oLal Column 7 0 1oLal Column 10 01oLal Column 8 0 1oLal Column 11 01oLal Column 9 0 1oLal Column 12 0Croup 3 Croup 4 1=SLongly ulsagree, 2=ulsagree, 3=neuLral, 4=Agree, 3=SLrongly Agree CopyrlghL 2007 kendall Summerhawk4l know LhaL each of us has Lhe power Lo Lransform our llvesl ofLen "see" how someLhlng can be made beLLer or more beauLlfullf l don'L llke someLhlng l'll sLand up agalnsL lL1aklng care of oLher peoples' needs ls lmporLanL Lo mel llke people Lo know l can be counLed onl belleve lnnnovaLlon happens aL unexpecLed momenLsl love Lo see people come LogeLher and make someLhlng happenl llke Lhlngs LhaL are cusLom, one-of-a-klnd or lnnovaLlvel value honesLy above Lhe lawlL's lmporLanL Lo me LhaL people feel safe and proLecLedl belleve rules are besL lf Lhey apply Lo everyonel en[oy helplng cllenLs see slLuaLlons ln a new wayl belleve dreams can (and do) come Lruel rely more on lnsplraLlon and ldeas Lhan facLs and flguresl'd raLher sLand up for whaL l belleve ln Lhan compromlse8elng ln Lhe llmellghL ls noL as lmporLanL Lo me as belng of servlceMy producL/servlce ls good for everybodyl llke surprlslng peopleCommunlcaLlng LhoughLs and ldeas ls really lmporLanL Lo melnnovaLlng new soluLlons ls exclLlng for mel know l'm dlfferenL from mosL peoplel don'L mlnd maklng personal sacrlflces for my cllenLs or Lhe people l work wlLhl expecL people Lo do (and be) Lhelr besLl value llvlng for Lhe momenLl prefer Lo see whaL happens raLher Lhan geL Loo sLrucLuredMy producL/servlce makes Lhe world more beauLlfulMy producL/servlce helps people look or acL dlfferenLly Lhan oLhersCllenLs know Lhey can always depend on me (or my producL/servlce) Lo be Lhere for Lheml llke Lo help oLher peoplel am aL Llmes seen as provocaLlve or off-color1oLal Column 13 0 1oLal Column 16 01oLal Column 14 0 1oLal Column 17 01oLal Column 13 0 1oLal Column 18 0Croup 3 Croup 6 1=SLongly ulsagree, 2=ulsagree, 3=neuLral, 4=Agree, 3=SLrongly Agree CopyrlghL 2007 kendall Summerhawk3CreaLlng an eleganL amblance ls lmporLanL Lo melL's lmporLanL Lo be organlzed and efflclenLl Lake a playful approach Lo my producL/servlcel ofLen feel bored or resLlesslaclng obsLacles ls noL a reason Lo qulLeople use my producL/servlce as a resource or source of lnformaLlon8eauLy and sLyle are very lmporLanL Lo mel ofLen feel responslble for Lhe well-belng of oLhersl am hopeful and opLlmlsLlcMy producL/servlce ls lnnovaLlve or helps people do someLhlng ln a new waylL's lmporLanL Lo champlon whaL's rlghLl en[oy a healLhy or splrlLed debaLeMy producL/servlce helps people feel lndulged or speclall dellver assurance and confldencel value frlendllness and poslLlve work hablLsl have a sLrongly lndependenL naLureMy producL/servlce helps people go beyond Lhelr ordlnary ablllLlesl value undersLandlng Lhe way Lhlngs workl belleve ln llvlng Lhe good llfe l value leadershlp and respecLl appreclaLe knowlng whaL ls expecLed of mel don'L llke boundarles or llmlLsMy producL/servlce creaLes a feellng of compeLlLlon and wlnnlngl belleve mosL problems can be solved wlLh Lhe rlghL lnformaLlonLoyalLy and commlLmenL are key values for mel'm comforLable esLabllshlng rules and order so LhaL Lhlngs run smooLhlyl llke belng LalghL whaL Lo doCLhers see me as leadlng Lhe wayl don'L belleve ln compromlsel seek our mulLlple polnLs of vlew1oLal Column 19 0 1oLal Column 22 01oLal Column 20 0 1oLal Column 23 01oLal Column 21 0 1oLal Column 24 0Croup 7 Croup 8 1=SLongly ulsagree, 2=ulsagree, 3=neuLral, 4=Agree, 3=SLrongly Agree CopyrlghL 2007 kendall Summerhawk6lease LoLal your scores for each column and enLer Lhem ln Lhe maLchlng space below:1oLal ColumnCrand 1oLal1 0 13 0 0 AlchemlsL2 0 14 0 0 Maverlck3 0 13 0 0 PumanlLarlan4 0 16 0 0 ArLlsL3 0 17 0 0 nurLurer6 0 18 0 0 !esLer7 0 19 0 0 8omanLlc8 0 20 0 0 lnnocenL9 0 21 0 0 Pero10 0 22 0 0 8uler11 0 23 0 0 Lxplorer12 0 24 0 0 1eacherCongraLulaLlons!?our Lop Lhree archLype scores are (from hlghesL Lo lowesL):#1 ArchLype#2 ArchLype#3 ArchLype!"#$%&'(%