brand awareness -€¦ · brand awareness a workbook for branding get clear on...

BRAND AWARENESS A WORKBOOK FOR BRANDING Get clear on your brand’s voice, mission, + vision. Start attracting the clients YOU want!

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Post on 09-Oct-2020




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Page 1: BRAND AWARENESS -€¦ · BRAND AWARENESS A WORKBOOK FOR BRANDING Get clear on your brand’s voice, mission, + vision. Start attracting the clients YOU want! Your


Get clear on your brand’s voice, mission, + vision.

Start attracting the clients YOU want!

Page 2: BRAND AWARENESS -€¦ · BRAND AWARENESS A WORKBOOK FOR BRANDING Get clear on your brand’s voice, mission, + vision. Start attracting the clients YOU want! Your

Your brand is unique. My job is to help

you unleash its shear

awesomeness and allow its true colors

to shine. Our goal is to show whomever

your brand comes into contact with all

these unique

factors and keep them hooked on YOU.

To create a cohesive, purposeful brand,

you need to first get clear on WHAT you want to achieve, HOW you would like your brand to be seen and felt; WHAT the experience is that you’re trying to

create and WHO your customer is.

Most people make the mistake of

jumping straight to the visuals before

planning the WHAT, HOW, and, WHO, and WHY of the matter.

I made this workbook with the

intention to help you get clear on your

ideal clients, your brand

personality and to better understand

what’s behind your customer’s buying


Not every question in this workbook may

apply to your situation, but try re-wording

the ones that you feel don’t to make them

applicable to you and answer the best way

you can. These questions are designed to

help you connect with your ideal client and

to make them feel great about your brand.

All of this is in an effort to build a trust-fac-

tor that is so important when it comes to

the buying-process -- specifically when it comes to purchasing in the online world.

I’m Vanessa - Web Designer & BrandSpecialist at New Love Design, Co.

I spent a few years of my own building my design busi-

ness and was shocked at how much noise there was in

the online world when trying to start a brand.

Everyone has an opinion; it seemed if I were to open my

front door, I could throw a rock and hit a designer and

the more I looked the more everything started looking

the same.

When I started I was overwhelmed. Advice was pour-ing in; Pinterest should have been shut down and I had

skills gaps I needed to overcome. I didn’t know where to


Luckily, I’ve always been good with tech – but I knew

not everyone would be in the same situation. I decided

I wanted to use my skills to help other creatives to get

their businesses set up in a professional way.

Three years later, I’ve designed over 50 websites and

brands helping entrepreneurs and small business owners

gain more time and confidence to grow their brands and live the self-employed life they were seeking.

After years of working for other people and helping them climb their own ladders, I decided

it was time for a change.

Page 4: BRAND AWARENESS -€¦ · BRAND AWARENESS A WORKBOOK FOR BRANDING Get clear on your brand’s voice, mission, + vision. Start attracting the clients YOU want! Your

1. If you had to explain to a stranger in one sentence what it is that you do, what would that sen-tence sound like?

2. What story is your brand telling now? What story do you want it to tell?

3. What do you think is it’s most compelling and unique selling point? What sets it apart from ev-eryone else?

4. What is the purpose of your business?

5. Does your business serve as an expert in any service?

Page 5: BRAND AWARENESS -€¦ · BRAND AWARENESS A WORKBOOK FOR BRANDING Get clear on your brand’s voice, mission, + vision. Start attracting the clients YOU want! Your



First, let’s talk about what your business your business is about and what drives you to move forward even during those tough times. We will also research the key areas of your unique business offerings.

Taking enough time to understand what business you’re in and get clear on what you’d like to

achieve is very important.

So often though, this step is skipped. You can’t create a

strategy for branding if you don’t understand your service or

product well enough.

Different businesses need different strategies to attract ideal

customers and succeed.

Page 6: BRAND AWARENESS -€¦ · BRAND AWARENESS A WORKBOOK FOR BRANDING Get clear on your brand’s voice, mission, + vision. Start attracting the clients YOU want! Your

Let’s dive into the nitty gritty of your

brand and business. The reason why your

business exists and solves these particu-

lar problems is one of the first things you need to get clear on.

When you understand these things well, you can better craft the perfect message

and back it up with the most powerful

visuals that set the right tone, the right

concept, and the the clearest

perception before you even say a word.

*Purposeful and strategic brands are

crafted this way ... let yours be one of


Why do you do what you do? Why do you want to solve this exact problem your customer is having? Most importantly ... why does your customer care about this problem, too?



Photo by Mauve Sullivan. ©2017.

Page 7: BRAND AWARENESS -€¦ · BRAND AWARENESS A WORKBOOK FOR BRANDING Get clear on your brand’s voice, mission, + vision. Start attracting the clients YOU want! Your

1. Why do you think what your business does is important?

2. Why do your customers care about what you do?

3. What do you want people to feel while working with you? Interacting with your shop?

4. Who are your competitors?

5. What do you think they are doing right?

Page 8: BRAND AWARENESS -€¦ · BRAND AWARENESS A WORKBOOK FOR BRANDING Get clear on your brand’s voice, mission, + vision. Start attracting the clients YOU want! Your



How does your business deliver what it promises every time? How is your business different from its competitors? How do you want people to feel when they interact with your brand?

This part is meant to help you understand the way you deliver on your business promise so you can better understand the experience people are having when interacting with your brand.

From there, you can use visuals to set expectations and emphasize how amazing your offer really is. It’s all about giving your customer’s clients/ a taste of what they will be getting when buying from you.

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You can then easily imagine the way they look, speak and act. This will give you an idea of what sort of messaging suits them, what kind of people they would attract and how they would make them feel.

Tip:Tip: Your brand doesn’t need to be you. Your brand can be anybody. Have a persona you liked to try on? An Alter ego that only comes out after hours?

When you have a personality representing your brand, your brand begins building trust. When you have that, selling is easy.

Let’s talk about your brand and it’s personality. If your brand were a person -- how would they walk, talk, dress, and act? What kind of friend would they be? How would they influence people and around them?

People buy from people or brands that are personable and relatable. It’s a lot easier to determine your brand’s key features if you think about as if it were a person.

Page 10: BRAND AWARENESS -€¦ · BRAND AWARENESS A WORKBOOK FOR BRANDING Get clear on your brand’s voice, mission, + vision. Start attracting the clients YOU want! Your

1. If your brand were a celebrity person, who would it be? Why?

2. What do you want people to say about yout brand persona when you’re not in the room?

3. How does your brand persona influence others? How do you wish it would and/or make them feel?

4. What type of clothes does your brand persona wear?

5. Choose six (6) keywords that best describe your brand persona.

Page 11: BRAND AWARENESS -€¦ · BRAND AWARENESS A WORKBOOK FOR BRANDING Get clear on your brand’s voice, mission, + vision. Start attracting the clients YOU want! Your

6. Who is your ideal client?

7. Where are they? Which social platforms do they use? Where can you find them?

8. What results are they looking for from you?

9. What are the buying?

10. What do they value?

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You can’t appeal to everyone, so now is the time to get FOCUSED. In this section we will delve deep into who is your ideal client and how you will attract them to your business.

There is always a temptation to try to connect with as many people as possible.

The truth is, the more you generalize, the more you dilute your brand and your message. It ends up not appealing to anyone.

People don’t relate to it because it never touches their specific problem, or doesn’t speak to their heart.

I don’t want that for your brand!

Photo by Raya on Assignment ©2019

Page 13: BRAND AWARENESS -€¦ · BRAND AWARENESS A WORKBOOK FOR BRANDING Get clear on your brand’s voice, mission, + vision. Start attracting the clients YOU want! Your

1. What offends them?

2. How do you want them to feel about you?

3. What feeling attracts people to your business?

4. What feeling keeps people engaged in your business?

5. How much money are people prepared to spend with your business?

Page 14: BRAND AWARENESS -€¦ · BRAND AWARENESS A WORKBOOK FOR BRANDING Get clear on your brand’s voice, mission, + vision. Start attracting the clients YOU want! Your

6. If they were to recommend your business to their friends, what would they say?

7. What is their biggest objection before buying from you?

8. How commited are they to change their situtation and/or solve their problem?

9. Are they actively looking for business like yours?

10. What would you like people to say about your business when referring you to others?

Page 15: BRAND AWARENESS -€¦ · BRAND AWARENESS A WORKBOOK FOR BRANDING Get clear on your brand’s voice, mission, + vision. Start attracting the clients YOU want! Your


Ready for the fun part? Knowing who your client is and what feelings you want to evoke brings us to finding the visuals which represent that. Then we can upload the moodboard you get to create on the next page!

Page 16: BRAND AWARENESS -€¦ · BRAND AWARENESS A WORKBOOK FOR BRANDING Get clear on your brand’s voice, mission, + vision. Start attracting the clients YOU want! Your

Insert your inspiration moodboard below

Page 17: BRAND AWARENESS -€¦ · BRAND AWARENESS A WORKBOOK FOR BRANDING Get clear on your brand’s voice, mission, + vision. Start attracting the clients YOU want! Your

You made it!You’ve done an AMAZING job working your way through this workbook. I can guarantee you that by taking this step, you’re already so much farther ahead of many others. You have truly taken a step closer to the success you are looking for.

It’s my belief that every brand, small or large, is truly unique and that your brand is one of those treasures that with the right guidance, will far surpass the goals you lay before it. Whether you see it or not, your brand can change someone’s life, bring a smile to someone’s face and most importantly, bring abundance to your soul.

Which, by the way, have I told you how de-serving you are of that?

Want even more?more?

Head on over to my shop to snag yourself a copy of my Content Planning e-Guide to learn more about content writing and the

basics of web planning.

Get the e-book!Get the e-book!