brand identity


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Post on 10-Jul-2015




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Page 1: Brand identity

Brand Establishment

Ben Devenish

Page 2: Brand identity


Page 3: Brand identity


Page 4: Brand identity


The first thing that points to brand identity within our between our 3 products is the main actor. The protagonist (Jake Ambrose) features in all 3 of our products and he is essential to the product and establishing the brand identity. He stands out in all 3 of the products and in the poster, magazine and trailer he is always wearing similar clothing that further enhances his image. His typical clothing is the hoodie, tracksuit bottoms and Air Nike trainers.

Page 5: Brand identity


The text style used across all 3 products is very similar, it isn’t directly the same but we felt that the similar text styles would be noticeable enough to still establish a brand and carry the brand. For example you can see the text between the poster and magazine is almost identical, which still helps establish a brand. Some of these similarities include the grey/ white colours used in the text and the fact that all the text is big, blocky and bold. This is a connotation of action film text, which we decided to conform too.

Page 6: Brand identity

BackgroundThe background looks at the brand established between the magazine and the poster. We used the same background for both products and we felt that this can help make the product stand out, the only difference Is the filter we used, however the background is recognizably the same. It looks street and fits into our action drama genre. It also helps carry the brand because if you take away our main actor and just leave the wall, people would still be able to connect the wall to Ninth Street Anarchy which means the wall plays a part in establishing the brand and is therefore an important aspect of the brand.