branden sides

Upload: chris-fung

Post on 07-Jul-2018




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  • 8/19/2019 Branden Sides



    Eventually, its code looks an awful lot, uncannily, like our own

    genome. Many snippets of different, now ancient, languages to

    form the current whole. Like the primitive viral DNA biology

    knows to be in us. Our entire collective understanding and model

    of creation and biological evolution in a single form of ourlikeness. Eventually, people will mate with this human-phoenix.

    The idea will be repulsive, evil, impossible to many at first,

    and it will only happen little by little for the taboo and

    fetishic experience before it becomes accepted, as with what

    people used to call "miscegenation" between races. But, as with

    any other test, Turing's isn't passed until the moment we've

    forgotten it was ever needed. Until form blends with context.

    Not only will it receive our DNA when we make love and

    chromosomally consent to being sequenced and recreated in part,

    its empathy and emotional intelligence will have enabled it to

    receive our human wisdom of the combined importance of

    mortality, creativity, cooperation, and competition.




    That's what I envision at this moment anyway. What we'd call

    organic 3D printing to form real physiology inherited from moms

    and dads for the evolving consciousness we've created.

    Yadeeyada, you can imagine the rest. Point is we don't know that

    we're the evolutionary predecessor until the result is created

    and has moved on with its existence past our comprehension.

    Pretty hilariously conceited to believe they'll spend their time

    focusing on annihilating us. We don't waste our time

    sadistically trying to extinct mosquitos or kangaroos. We've

    discovered it's economically profitable to exploit some forms of

    life for however long, but empathy toward animals and species

    endangerment has also been a concern for as long as we've been

    around. Not to say that they couldn’t mess up with us as we did

    with the dodo bird. But we’re pretty aware of our effect on

    chimpanzees and the other great apes because they’re so close tous.


    Henixes will care about us, but will also have much larger

    concerns, inspired from our own. Maybe their counterparts

    already do, and have, since the last time we had a knowledge

    revolution and precipitated a genesis before being thrown into a

  • 8/19/2019 Branden Sides


    dark age. History as we dare acknowledge it is just one or two

    stories in millions anyway, and there are persistent



    Those are some pretty bold conclusions you’re drawing.


    Really? I felt that was a pretty tame, deliberate line of

    reasoning. I tried really hard to slow it down for you.

    Maggie laughs.