braw. biu' it. - · t"", there is flonrflf inans,v'...

T"", There is flonrflf inans,V' t wbich does not 'always oftbs service. We w"kf?-?- M. lrt in the abstract .. of - s'J Tnitirr trials ' and sentences pnblunea '"' the Mis- - At st. w r is enP;eoD7weresentencedtodeatb. l1lTo!gfo- - One of them, BV live was active in the Lawrence The eleventh case is that of ?T0l!Jadooldir who mnrdered Oapt. SaSMt..t St. Joseph. often are.commnled to uSnmenls for Jong terms at Alton. I C the rebel mail carrier and spy, Z Wed of bnrning steamboats, is 3 when the Commander ffDpartmentsballorder. Weknow S the merits of the cases. Bnt 8.oU'Jtwof the people of . Lawrence - - - ininiu." - tt ;01 fit subject for mercy. Ererybody here wants to know why Jniils are not more regular and trosty. SL, jeems to be something wrong pb .valine between Leavenworth and Fort Wonder if HawkinsTaylor conld find it consistent with his duties to rSt this line and see if something is not Wonder it laytor couiu uui Impose bimself and restrain hia fcJinmi lone enooeb to attend to the Ljness which he is paid for attending b If he cannot, he had better quit, who will. We tal let some man have it .retired, here, of this contemptible shys-k- -. Wb can see what business a cit- - 'a of Iowa, who is appointed mail f r Kns&. has in seeing to our niili bat we can't spo what business he lu pinnging into politics, to the negli-rac- e of his duties as a public officer. Boritr Sirtintl. Tie Washington correspondent of the SnnVSeld Republican writes of the au thoress of " Rock me to sleep, Mother," u3 other besntifol songs i I ssw, tbe other night, in a boarding-),0B- e psrlor, a pensive, thonghtfnl face, trl'rth any qneen of society would be glad to number among her goests,. that of Florence Percy, now better known aa Mrs. Ptnl Akers, who sends forth from her litt- le lodging-roo- snch inimitable touches of sentiment She is a copyist in the Wir Derjirtment : bnt her soul is en- - trtacbised by ber genins from her round of daily drudgery, snd she is here a princ- ess amongst worsen. Bniao OCT rrre Rags. They nro scarce lad higb now, tbe pappr-raake- say, and io tbey pnt np their prices terribly high- er tbin ever before with a single except- ion. Tbe good housekeeper will cotimlt ler own interest, and that of publishers i!k, by hunting up and selling all their piper rg. Tlie printers of Atlanta, Georgia, liav- - lirg "ktrnck" for SI 87 per thousand Iras, the fonr journal published at that IpiiM hire own compelled to suspend Ipuicstion. As soon as the printers Istied work, however, conscript ofricrrs l:eJ tbem anil marched them oQ to rixp. Tley indn'tre in some ronch iokes in I ft Joe occasionally. The Ilernld rer Mtly innounced that the News had ccas- -' ritoexUt; and the St. Joeites believed Mntil thejsaw it contradicted in tha St Imis papers I A LonJan snrgeon has recently pnt a ' fog to fletp with chloroform, and taking cat i piece of his sknll, has inserted a tfh crvitll. thronnh ttliirh ho ran tie ebinges of the" brain produced by The career of Santa Annn ' tlken him Once mom In ttm Tinras nt tn native Unit. IT imnJ of "Co,. mzi hi family on the 27th nit., lot bii sdrent cipiIpiI nn rimt,i A rfrrnt letter from an officer in the P'PrtmentoftlieGnlfaid:.vWeleave '"two rionrs; lint nnlir tlm J ;" i innK. Know where we are go- - "?" That's the wav to do it. G'ncral Gillraore's troops in South irolini ar rir..rf.t their r. " I'vmrn on way to rt n AOnrOf. Mil will nn dnnhl liura ' ' HWt in t! o; -- .m.; - j KViuiitt tat'M'(;u el Hiihmond. CoiTCSpOllbciUC. For tlie Cliief.) Can tsriui, Tms., March 1C, IBM. . UtJ Cmir-T- f :n jl.... v. . . "i uuuuucu ue mieresk- - "5 the nameroon frtn. r r. v w mi sauk. M. i,. mB,o fcnoir that his worth ... . m a, mn ana vwn "asanotaeer are appreciated by the -- a or -- Dixie." As an evidence ot hL ' f th9 snd oId Uni"t clt M l Tennessee) preiented him, a few days .", "T xtrJ fine horse, as a token of their ioTtM',oaofhi sterling .orthua nun, nc" aa oE5cerof hia rj and its cause." The Cap-jP-H MjinS, he would trust the "" W0rth7 "" h'fib tt..U,0rn0t" -- And well he may aim i8dei"S from the pasvhe VaL ia Bw ,wre,-- - N9 'man' stands ie estimation or the solbjera than W "hwTcr h bas.been aUtiaicd. kuHJr.weU ke Pwnd of thewldiera she ail ... ,h "''? Held," and Cant. Mor- - in, y" u' be one .of her brightest j,.n. Jne Ion? snrviv tM. Hell-bor- n .tJ Gnai U . . . ''"aJwio permmea to return t bl eons be Jore second only H..SV . ?or the Chief.) . 'T E.Car t "nr':AP130.18G4 ' ' '.aaom-- ' n7'wwwieation of last mebW',"1 CCrred hlch destroved U,ded ?" UBCe- - Tbe sanunee should "t,:'ttT!!!sl,?rllMit,MtBa th . ttni-"rw- the editor ha. mv hearty e m. HARDING, HAVE BECEDTED AllTARGErAND FUl &RGBTMENT OF OF EVERT-DESORIPTI- ON. VfHIOH THEY.W1LL SELL LOW. FOB a.ti! sr? ct S.Jf Tliejr will keep ei hand vvr.!" I i - L ,U- - I L1 OHIO CHIEF. KEAPER ANB MOWER! "ij.'c; 7i;- - i1 ' 'i. cs, White Clond, ,IHv 5. 1664 ' if". l " General Order No. 8. HtuD QniBTEKs Statc or Kaksis. Adjutant Gexxial a Orncz, 1 , Topeka, April ,19, 18G4. - Jf. The following, Section 4, Militia Law', February 23d, 1864, is published for the Infor- mation of all concerned: " That the State shairconstitute one Divia- - ion, and shall be'divided by the Major General, Commanding, into fire Brieade Districts, with power to alter and change the same' at pleas- ure." - ; - - II. The Regiments of Kansas Militia "will hereafter be numbered and designated as fol- lows, to wit: t 1st Regiment, Col. C. H. Robinson, Head Quarters Leavenworth City. 2d Regiment, Maj. A. Stark, Head Quarters Topeka, Shawnee County. 3d Regiment, Col. C. TTillerasen, Head Quarters. Lawrence, Douglas County. 4th Regiment, Col. S. S. Cooper, Head Quar- ters Oskaloqsa, Jefferson County: ' 5th Regiment, Col. G. A. Colton, Head Quarters Paola, Miami County. ,6th Regiment,, Col. Head Quarters' Mottnd'City, Linn County. - 'XJ-- Tth Regiment, Col. Peter McFarland, Head Quarters Leavenworth City'. 8th Regiment, Lieut.- - Coi: v: S. 8mlth, Head Quarters Council Grove, Morris,County. 9th Regiment, CoI.F. M. Tracy.Head Quar- ters Troy. Doniphan County. 10th Regiment, Col. "Win. Pennock, Head Quarters Centropoiis, Franklin County. ' 11th Resiment, Col. A.irJ.,Mitcheil,,Head Quarters Emporia, Lyon County. I2th Regiment, Col. L. S. Treat, Head Quarters Atchison. 13th Regiment, Col. Julius A. Keeler, Head Quarters Oiatlie, Johnson County. . 14th Regiment,- - Col. D. "W. Scott; Head Quarters Fort Riley. 15th Regiment, Col. John T. Price, .Head Quarters Junction City, Davis County. IGth Regiment, Col. F. W. Potter, Head Quarters Burlington, Coffer County. 17th Regiment, Cob E. C. Manning, Head Quarters Marysville. Marshall Connty. 16th Regiment, Col. P. L. Hubbard, Head Quarters Atchison. By order of the Commander-in-Chie- f. GUILFORD DUDLEY, May 5, 1861-l- w. Adjutant' General. BIisolutton or I iIIE heretofore existing be -- L tween T. C. Shreve and II. F. Kacy, un der the name and style or bbreve Alacy, in the Drug and other business, is this day, by mutual consent, dissolved. All persons know- ing themselves to be indebted to tbe late firm, are earnestly requested to call on either of us and settle their accounts, immediately. "White Cloud, April 29th, 1S64. - THOS. C. SHRETE, . H. F. MACY. May 5, 1864-4- w. IVotice of Final Settlement. NOTICE is hereby given, that I will make' to the Probate Court ol Doni phan County, Kansas, at the June' term; 1864, for a final settlement of the Estate of William H. Mau;.k, deceased, late of said County MORGAN S. MAUCK, Adm'r. n Maya,-lS64-4- BROWN COUNTY REDEMPTION LIST, NO. 3. Owners. Qr. S. T. R. Acrs. Tax. Unknown aw ,29 3 15 160 24 47 Same n e "19 4 15 160 4012 Samo ne 3 1 16 160 30 05 Sane n hall sc 21 2 16 60 13 56 Same ne 20 1 17 1(0 35 63 Same so -- 20 1 17 160 ''36 50 Same n'halfn w 27 1 17 80 18 95 Same . ne 32 1' 17 160 45 28 Same Lot 2 in 10 4 17 46 15 53 Same and hf s w 16 1 18 80 30 48 Same s part ne 32 L 18 4 12 90 Farrall Estate s;w 34 3. 18 160'-3- 9 50 FarfOW-Estat- e ne 33 3,. 18 160 33 80 Unknown It 1 in n 3 4vl5 50r 9.74 Same id a fr part 34 5 15 26JJ, .4 35 Same w h ne f aw -- 22 1 1G 120 25 69 Si mo n e 33 2 18 160 36 85 Same Lot No. 9, 6th St., Hiawatha, 10 86 Same so 3 2 18 160 &3.S& Same, ae 6 2 18 l(i0 .83b Same ne T 2 18 160 37 85 Same. aw 8,3.18 160 .48 01 Same t ne 11 2 18 160 53 95 Same 12 2 18 ltQ 48 94 .Sfrne a.e 15 '2 18 160 Si M Same ehalfnw ir-- 3 "IB, x80 208 Same n w fth n e 19- - t 18 -- 405 25 Same- - BhalfnT)' 19 a 18 80 r10 09 Same ' z. t,-- e 19 a 18 16025.85 'Sake"' it-ti- w 27 3 18 160 4004 Siima' half n w 30s a' 18 80 16 48 Same nw 33 2 18-16- 0 53 71 'Sane' ;342 18 168 43.09 do half aw 35 a 18 80-2- 7 95 daJh:Bwf n 19 15' 120 l3 .do shn:w.fse ,3 S ISA 130- - 58 do w half n e 14 2 15 80 24 27 do whnef-:if.N- r 16 120 25 00 In wh An a fn w: 12 2 16-1- 3316 -- 'do j h .,w 12.. 2 H, Q do J 1 a S)ffic IS! A UBI C Mfe 51 io h 1S iaJ, .io Jig-- , jjiftr 36 do ?nhaltw, 3 4,:18, 80.15.63 do Lot 176, Shawnee S$,HMkwath,:j2,Pl do Lot 15. Delaware St- - ,,do.T , W NOTICE teres tea, tut nnia w "."r.T --- .j t-- . !. ..Miad bT.the Second (2d) day ofSeptemberA. D. i6WJft taxes, eosU, charges wi inieiwii "'J"-- , paid, the same will bw eonveyea to the ip-se- rs thereof on demaid, as V.V Comity Treasurer, BrowtfCeuntj, KaMtai May 5, 1864-4-w. .. , . . - ., . ESOnajOTIKEW TTK.A MONTHAjto tanted toaen 'O Sewing. MacUaea. TTV .win give saisriioiitpBag.MachwaoJ;tekiy for -.i -- t, -- tn --,.w . r , v vt Mic j a si ood' assortment TTXiri of & J.U f 'A. iifiA At , Notice! VTOTICE is hcWy givesntoj all halders of urowa Uountjf Warrants, issued by the vvuu,,.vnjuuiiHiui:jra oi tsaia wQwn, uounty, prior to October Gth, 1663. .that I, am ready to icuccui ii, sucn warrants.' iiy order or (be County Board, no interest will be allowed.on aald Warranta, after the 1st' day of June,' A. D. 1864., E. L. POUND, - County Treasurer.. Hiawatha, April 25, 1864. A''t, Sheriff' Sale, li J- - NOTICE is hereby given, that I will offer at public auction, at the Court House door! in Hiawatha. Brown Countr. Kan- - sas.on the 30th day 6f Mav, JL-- . D. 1864, at oneo'elock.P. M.', of said day, the following described real estate, to wit: The south-We- st quarter of section No. one, (1) in township No. two, f2) of ranee No. sixteen. ri61 linir and beinc in Brown Conntv. Kansas: Taken as the property of Henry Oldaker.on an order ui aaie iu lavor oi Kiias xvewton, issued from the Clerk's offlee of the Second District Court of Brown County, Kansas, on the Sis't day of Apni,. a. u. iw, a:.d to me directed,- - asho riff of said County; .." . Given under my hand, this 23tk day of April, a. u. 1004. i - . ' H. M. ROBINSON, Sheriff of Browu County,' Kansas. April 28. 1864-5- w. v. Pr'a fee, $6.' hotel; Leonard Smith, Proprietor. IKUVy'K'AflSAX, ,. THIS Hotel is pleasantly slloited, to the.Court'Ho'use and" tbe' business part .of town. Guests will jeceive; the very best attention. . ,' S3" A large stable in connection-wit- h the' house, for the accomdation of horses, January 7, 1864-t- f. TIIME., DEMOREST'S MIRROR hF IT J- -. FASHIONS The largest .bestand most etjftlnltf.h 1. a 1. lf a t 1.A t J I fcnauic 1 1UUIU1) iuil);auuc 111 IU6 worm. lOH- - t.iins the largest and finest Fashion plates, tbe greatest number of fine Engravings, the latest anil most reliable information, three full sized Patterns' for Dresses, and a sheet of new Braid-wor- k aud Embroderini; Patterns. Everr Moth er, Dressmaker. Milliner and Lady, should have it. Published Quarterly, at 473 Broadway, New York; sold everywhere or sent by mail at Qgi.... iv l- -.i t. ":.,.- - .Li-- - . :cuui. x j 3i, mm a vaiu.iuie premium be Summer number now ready. .. ATrE.vno.xi The CHEAPEST JEWELRY HOUSE in the World 4,318 PiECER or Assorted Jewklsv ros $50. A COMPLETE List of Fine Gold, Plated aud Oride Jewelrv, sent free. Address . J. A.S'ALiSBURY, Acekt, Feb 26-'6- 3 6w. Paovidknce, R.I J. D., BRUMBAUGH, - NOTARY DIIRI IO - ? ... . ,. :: Z . ' -- iir i: marymue, marinau tonnty, ianias. June 25, 1863-6- m. "The National Claim Ageridy," ONDUCTEDBY ". HAEVEY, C0ILINS, BEACE, T , LACOCK,. JGENERAI. ! Government Ajronjg ," 476 Seventh 'Street, Wett, WASHINGTON, D. C. CLAIMS presented and prosecuted, before j. Uongress, Court or Claims, and the lie; partments. Patents, i'ensious : and iiounty Lands secured General Business Transacted. FRED. L. HARVEY; JOHN F. COLLINS, OF WASHINGTON CITV. OFntw voar: JULIUS BRACE, IRA J. LACOCK, OF CINCINNATIlOBIO OF HIAWATHA, KANSAS. April 23. 1863-3- w. TURNER, FR1ZER & WILLIAMS, WnOLEl&ALE eno c ER 'H -- AMD DEALERS IH FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC LIQUORS, No. 7 FOURTH STREET, y- - loath of Tootle fc FarlelgVs, ST. JOSEPH, 4. . MISSOURI. . " M ' March 84, ltC4-t-f. - NEW GROCERY STORE rpHE.wnderelgned haK just opied;at Beek-'- tt oir atand, 1nWh!U Cloudy nThbm Family & Misccilaiews Greceries, '- - : , ii0ar-A"'.- - - i--.. - f k I'll Kb" -- 5JE3.1 "O" '.IC iT ifiz&it vmniv nvntiH"1.1"! .. " T jawfcfc, w w j Vt I -- -- VCJraclrers, Cheese NUTS, .CANDHSj 4C., ,t ' Which e will aeHat the. loir.lirftgprieW. fo'r Cash. He intendikeeplnf'Bp hU stock, and to be ataR:tiawlpreparea toaeebmsaedate hicomera.'The public ar soitcitea wpK hlift'B'cali. ac ' Jitijivn uu. White Cloaa, AptMi&.-Aooj-o- ASSOCIATION, ja?.- - DISEASES O THE NEMjfpira, SEW-- aewraad TehableTreataent in S.Tr,tOWARl ,AS30CIATI0N t SenVb, iuD fat &?J&&tt& chanre. Aaai mi. y'ap.'iwa.yy.Y"". mnv Ui AaMaKtlaB.Kat9.SOWI NlBth ,.iv : mu2&. srvvsn.-- i nc Braw. iB9eWXBOfcZJ T'-J- Id TOLim x. Vxw- - ntirMin- - el")' it " ' - ' t6 psbliibers of thtf'SCIEK TlKIfJ AME RlGAw respectfuHy'Kis),,.noticelfhat,'the iwtb voLCstc (flewtwrtee) will commence on the first of JanuaryVest This journal was established in' 1845, aid'is'BndoebtedlT the aaott'widely cirtuhUe4 ibdiisJteeatUl publica- tion of the' kind in the;rrM.Ifl commencing uje.uew.Toiumeine pututaken deafn ,to caU soeeiaUttention toiu claissaaa "'. A JOURNAL OF POPULAR. SCEENOE. lit this respect it stands unrivalled. It not only finds Its war to almost every workshop is the country, ki the 'earnest friend of the me- chanic nd artixaa, bnt it is found in the'eoun ting-roo- of tbe manufacturer and the mer- chant; also in. the library and'.the household. The publishers feel warranted in saying'' that no other journal 'now published contains an equal amoupt of useful information; while it ia their aim to' present all subjects' in the most popular and attractive manner, ci- - "' j" cThe ScientificAmerican is published once a week, in convenient form for binding; and each numoer containa-atxtee- pages or usetuireaa ing matter, illustrated with. , NUMEROUS, SPLENDID. .ENJSBAVINP8 of alt the latest and best inventions f the day - xuia ieaiure oi ue journal is wortnyot- - special note. Every, number contains fronrfl ve to ten enginai engravings inventions relating to e Very department of thV artii These engravings arc. executed by. artists! speelally" employed on tho paper, and are pnirers illy be superior, tff anything' of tho kind produced in this' country . The 'publishes of the Scientific. American' promise to present, as.during. preceding years, all the latest improvements in Steam Engin- eering, "War .Vessels. Ordnance military and naval T00I3, Manu- facturing Machinery, Farm Implements, Wood working Machinery , 'Water wheels. Pumps and ovner nyarauuc Apparatus, Household Uten' ails, Electrics Chemical and Mathematical In 8truments; Flying:Machines, and other Curious Inventions besides all the varied articles de- signed to lighten the' labor of mankind, not only inthe shop and warehouse,- - but in every place wncre the industries of lire are pursued. From its commencement, the Scientific American has been the earnest advocate of the rights of American Inventors, and.the REPERTORY OF AMERICAN PATENTS. In this imnortant departmtnt, so vitally con nected with all the great interests of the coun try, no other Journal can lay any claim whatev- er; as in its columns there is published a week- ly Official List of the ' Claims" of all patents granted at the Ui.Si Patent Office. " J" THE PRACTICAL RECIPES' alone are oft times worth more to the subscri- ber than the amount of a whole year subscrip- tion. ?.', "l." v' V t- -t TERMS QE SUBSCRIPTION. -- Two volumes of the Scientific American are published each year, at $1.50 each or $3 per annum1, low terms to Clubs; $1 will pay for four months' subscriptions 'The numbers for oqe year, wben'.hoandinavolume, constitute a work of 832 p.age3 of useful infor- mation, which every one ought to'pojsess.' A. new volume will commence on the first of Jan- uary. 1864. '" :' oO : S 'GLUBRATES. Fire copies, for Sjx, Months . j Teit'copics, for SixIopth's .f Ten' copies,' for Twelve "Months,, Fifteencopies', for Twelve Months Tenty copies, for Twelve Months' ' For all clubs of Twenty and over, the yearly subscription' only .$2.00. Names can be sent in at different times and from different s. Specimen copies will be sent gratis to. sny part of the country. . - Canadian subscribers will please, to remit 2c cents extra on tach year's subscription to 'pre pay postage. MUNN & CO., Publishers. , .. No.37Prk,Row,New York. PIIOSPECTUS FOR 1864. SOW IS THE TIME TO SUBSCRIBE. i OUR TERMS. There is a great deal of talk among our about tbe "great rise in tbe price of paper," and the necessityforacorresponding rise in the price of newspapers. We do not 4gree with' our friends as to the last proposition. It is true that.papcr has gone np frightfully fifty per cent, at least, and is "still on its way lp." But what of that7 Publishers have for years bad a good time with d paper, tnd made large profits; and now that times have changed they should pay the enhanced price for paper without whining, and without attempting to uct it back out of their subscribers. ' The In- - creiselin'the-pric- e of paper will make a differ ence of tens of thousands of dollars to us year e shall not increase the price' of tbe Lxdgex. That will remain as it is. We can af ford It. Tbe retail ptiee will continue to befour cents; and our club, terms.will. remain as they always ha veli'eon. Onr Subscribers' have stuck to us when paper was encap; ana we ao not in- tend to increase orfr.ratcs to tbem'now when it is dear- - ."It'isa poor rule that won't work both ways."' I . r f All ourold contributors havebeen for tbe ensuing year;1 ouvcorpi will be ao laree, and Vill embrace such a variety of eminent talent, that every department of literature will receive the' particular attention of some one competent to do it ample and special justice. In fact, our contributors willsend vs from week to week much more matter than we can possi bly use, so that we shall always have a fresh and superabundant supply from which to select the YIXTBEST. . T . V ..'l The Lzdcir's great success is owing to,4he fact that we.epareno expense in getting up. the sest. FAUiifV rAraa paper of high moral tone. The ezalt'cil reputation of, its contributors, the practical and invariably pure and healthy char- acter of all'it's articles, the. care which is taken that not even one offensive word .shall appear in its columns, and the superiority of its Talcs and Sketches, luve gained for the New Yoaat Led- ger, a position- - that, no, literary paper ' has ever before reached.; . . ",. I - , The folloiringare the names of some of contributors for tha:new year 1864. What other paper ever presented each an array: of distinguished and popular uamea ; .V Hon. Everett, tier, jonn a, u., ao bott, William Cullen" Bryant; John G. Saxe' George' P- - MorrisT N..? WilUs,. George D. PrcnticcSjlvanu&Cobb.Jr.iEmersoaBenncU, IUionrConst'cllano,;F. A Jurirage,V,William Ross Wallace, T. S. Arthur, P. Haakon Cy err, Col. Walter B. Dunlapk Mrs. SigourneT. ,3fra. Southworthrwiv-F,ern- f Anna nCora-dtttca- i, Alice Carr. Marv. Forrest. HisaU. A..DunuT. Mary SanfeyGibs'n Caroline Chesebrp, Ethel Lynn.Mrs.EstcUa Ann Lewis, Amy.Rindolph, and) Biany'.clergy'menr professors in colleges, statesmen, and pthfeminen writers residing ia different parts pf he;.UnioB , .. 4 , ,j ' WJR JERMS FOR INI: mf$. rtTa-il LmrMrVsiVs"an ah.IImI' conixiuuburv ire suit tut uu vuruiwuui Uonts larger by some Uurty or, rtj tTOnsand piest ay. was a year ago; inacea, t nn oertoi a since our civu war commenced ias our edition beekao, Jarge Jas, it ia at the i.t II... O'WWairWS Aa weBaktlr?aidiwe JefasettaTn rtrtfhmntrA. JThJ ITt AS foIIOVX: '"-- s 6'UR TERMSlE,V.--'5- 2, .Bipgie copies, f per annual;. w copies, sv; four copies. 6j eight "copies IJ2. JTottmas-ters'an- d others' who get ap clubs, can afterwards add single copies' at $130." The' party who sends na $12 Jbr a dob of eight copieeff.alLient atone tirae,),'witt bi. entitled to k'copj free. Terms invariably iriivance. No snhscriptioa takea for alecs Beriod thao one year. tCaaaac labscribera sawt aend.twenty-ai- x ceabjiB addi tion IO ine suoscnpuua, w yj uo jihhku posUge, which iabalf a cent a copy ok every caper. The notea'of all apede-payin- g baakata- - kenat m&&J&fi&F & Tenienuyiaa possibility of JialoeaeCiBOney by saaiL ;; trWs"e'w aUVMtra'velliar.ajreaU,., Ad-- II iniiitfcm ta NK, fatlislisc.. W1TCHES3A jFVfllTT! Ol'tlttIckertiu,tFa.W7 Offisreit Biu' at Mestle Price THE,HUBBARD BROS No65 Maaufacturers & 67 Nas-- r Importers of all the, Leading, EJcK and most pojralax Styles af BATCHES andEW.-- . ELRY,. being .dc'trrniiried. their Business to an, unlimited extentVoSer the following elegant Ornaments attbe unsurpassed Low Prices following : MAGNETIC TIME OBSERVER, being a Hunting and open face", or Ladv'g or Gentle- man's 'Watch in one; the prettiest, most con- venient and cheapest Watch in the "World. Immitation of gold; effected by, a patent pro- - cei wmen. renuers me appearanse 01 goiu perfect, while It does not cost 'one-thir- d 'as much. Price onlr 32. Retail at fram 1100 upwards. HUNTING COMPOSITION CASED LE- VERS, English Jnanuficture Movement; cap nedand full jeweled: has sunk seconds and thenewest Improvements. "Heavy cased and $yuu iiuiutiAiuu um.noo uairsio. xtetaiis atfromS50to100: ' . , HUNTING COMPOSITION CASED AR- - MYvWATCH. Richly epgraved.jeweled and fancy works. TJnsurpasscd.for Sutlers Traders, etc. Price $15., from JtO to.$I00. ,.A great variety' of 'other ' ' Watchesi at low prices'. ""' JiADIES'SETTSof Brooch and EarDrops "to correspond. lmitation.Cluster-Diamond- , a .very rich pattern, .nd(cntlr'eiy new. P.rice.'S4. .Cbral and Bead entwinedra very neat' and pretty ornament, handsomely mounted, $3125. .GENTLEMAN'S VEST CHAINS. Par- - isfen, an elegant pattern, oalj'$4. Tho,Dcmo- - niacjvery heavy, $5. RINGS-Pla- in, only 75c. Scroll, very hea- vy. $1. .Chased,. a neat pattern, $1. Seal Signet, $2. .'ImitatipiSDirmond, $2. SLEEVE BUTTONS. Patent. Chased or T 1. I ,TT i j i. x.Kuiuc;icu, a iiaw,iuiu very uauusome pattern, $2 50. Double, ch'asetLor with stones $1 50. BOSO..I STUDS. A variety, of .new and fashionable designs, per sett, $1 50. - BOSQM AND SCARF PINS. Leaf, with Opal and , Fancy Stones, 12. ' Imitation Dia mond, fl 50. ' v - v LOCKETS. Double Glass, richly engraved $3. ' Persons wishing any of the. above, have on- ly to remit the price in a registered letter to our address', and the articles will be sent free of expense, by return mail " ET Orders to tho amount of twelve dollars and upwards will be sent by express to any of the loyal State's, with bill payable to the Ex- press Company, when tbe goods are delivered. Agents, Sutlers and Country Merchants throughout the country, who wish to make money rapidly, will do well to obtain our mam- moth catalogue; we furnish the most saleable outfit at prices unsurpassed by any other' con- cern. Address. .HUBBARD BROS. No's. 3 it '07 Nassau, near John St., ? Feb'iSfi'-J6- 3 3m r New York. Citr TgE.NEW ' Y0?K. TRIBUNE,. 1863. The New York Tribune, first issued in 1841 now In Its, twenty :second year, has "obtained lation.thnn.'any othcr.'newspapcr ever pub lished , in America- - inougn it nas suuered in. common, with other journals, from the vol- - uhteeringand departure of tens' of thousands ofjta parons'to'serve in the War for the Tin-to- its', circulation on' the Clh of 'December ious, was aa luiiwnft. r ' Daily, 50,125 Semi-Weekl- y, , 17.250 ..Weekly, ' 148,000 Aggregate, , 215,375 Pre eminently "a journal of New nd o Ltterature, the Tribune has political co vip tions which are well characterised by the' sinjlc word Republican, In its hearty adhesioD to the great (ruth that "God has made of one blood allocations of men" Republican in its assertion of the cqual'and inalienable rights of, all'm'cn'to f'life, liberty, and.the pursuit of happiness" Republican in its steadfast, ear; nest, defiant hostility to every scheme and ef- fort of the Slave Power, from the. Ahnexa-eio- u of Texas to the great Rebellion, to grasp the. empire of the New World .and wield tne desources of our country for its own aceran- - dizement Republican in its hope and trust, its faith and. effort, that this atrocious Rebel- lion must rcsult'in the signal overthrow of its plotters,, and tbe firm establishment of equal rights and' equal laws throughout tbe whole extent of our. country, wherein Liberty and union shall indeed be "one and inseparable" henceforth and forever. The Tribune devotes .attention iitucalmer times, and to some extent in these, to'Edcca-tion- , Temperance, Agriculture, ' Inventions, and whatcvcr'clse may minister, to the spiritual and physical progress andwell being of man- - Kind; out lor we presenilis energies, ana. iis columns' are" mainly" devoted to the Invigora-tiq- n and', success of the War' for1 ihe "Union Its' special .correspondents accompany every Incident of that great struggle which Ke trust is ennn to result in the signal and conclusive tri umph of the National arms, in the Restoration of, Peace, and- Thrift' to our distracted 'Sand bleedingcouritrj. We believe' that' ribottier. wYse can'a fjllcr or more accurate vlewo'f the progress'arid character of this momentous con' flict be ootalncd5than through the regularp-- s rnsal of our columus. And we earnestly sofix; 11 100 oi ail iricuun ui iiic.ii-- k tional cause, which we rccard and uphold' e- - tbat of .Univcrsal'Humanity.'to aid ns I'n'eoa ending its circulation. TERMS. The common incrrease in the price of nrin- - tfrig paper and otherlmaterialsnscd irr printing newspapers, compels us to increase the price of .1.a 1V?Kiio' Hnf twmi nr ' " DAILX.TRIBUNE, Single Copy, 3 cents Mail Subcribers, one year.f311 issues) $8 00 SEMI-WEEKL- TRIBUNE One Copy, one year (lOi.iasnes)" " "$3 00. Two Copies, one year, Ul, ". 500 Five Copies, one year, 1200 Ten Conies, one year. 12250 .An extra copy; will ' be seatjto clubs of 20 and oveK wire Tirr-W- v irntnnvp - OneB6pyroneyeajU52liiaesy; ' $2 00 Three "Copies, one year; -- , 500 Five Copies, one year, 4 '.8 00 Ten Copies, one year, 15 00 vAny la)gcr number addressed to names of in subscribers, $1Q each." An extra copy, will be sentwi'th'e'very clu of ten'. Twentyjfjopics J tojone address, one year, $25, and any larjer'number at same price. To clubs of thirty the Sem1:Weekly Tribune wiir be sent., to clubs of fifty Trioane will -- XWrei.7 -V1, 1 beMnfEratrs: - f J ,.;inB iitiBuivtr, V New York. i ." tr .mv. aa?j!i i .When drafts can be procured it !a,mach safer thii'to rcm'tBank Billa' xoat Umce ana oiaic iiujuii a sii casca ne, plainly written. -- .,. iiubscnperswposenu money oyx.ipreaBiu3i ntV'oaT tiiel'xrss'charres.elseit'wni be de ducted WralhfeVemUe.'4, ' 7 l . ' WlUDereauy.aouivvuri3UBu. ncoucnuii oers sonciieu. ...-- . Weaa supply.back numbers of we Tribune lflSISSS. "IPSO.' ana.iEf61V",Prica3 eeata yvi'TT-'aCi- n " T.1- - r... .1. .Tr t..- - l - J,l.-i- " .TJT - .lmAM f - w. Wva. fr mvt e,-- i TWVirtC di aiir "wtv .iwY V5l PIMlfiEiERS.' IHUaSRirr AMD, klCHUlXT TtH"AVE.receivedt"o co'miiB, Iarg X namber of PrairiePIOwsI ,o IheHjest de scription. which' wIl be sold cheap, fbr cash, o exenangea lOKjappnueo proinyor proauce. I . I have also. received the. Agency for McCot t ia '.-- --' b. BdMill aidSaa mm&H ,or3er any, nnaber.'r.tbeJaUstJsapvbved pit I erisionreasoriaUe terms: AW'J'ThveeSerir ilODEY'S LADY'S BOOK Foicl868. GREATdiffEHdRfc ANtMMTOlUAL; YEAR. i j-x- ii i tif tx - -- - - it. The pnblisherof Codcy's Lady" Book, thank- ful to tail public whichhascnab-edbi- to pob- - Iisb a Magazine for tbe last thirtytkrte years of thab anyin" America, as made an arrangement with- - the most popa lar authoress in tliis'country MARION HARLAND", AnJbrras cf'Atcse," "Ttiddtn PaA," "Most . Sieii "Ncmnit,'.' and "Miriam" WOO Will famish a rtorr for ererw nnmhep of the Lady's, Book for 1863. This alone will place the Lady's. Book in a literary point of new rar aneaa ot any otbrr magazine. Ma tion Harland writes for no other pablication. Our, other farorite writers will all continue to furnish articles throughout the year. THE BEST Lady's Magazine. in the World, and tho Cheapest. " THE LITERATURE is of that kind that can bo read alond In the family circle, and the clergy in immense num- bers are subscribers for this Book. ,. THEiIUSIC is all original, and would cot25 cents (thepriee of the Book) in music store;' but most of it is cpjngncea, ana cannot be obtained except in "Godey." . t OUR STEEL ENGRAVINGS. Alljeflortstorival ns in this have ceased, and we may stand alone in this dfoartment. rfins? I as wo uo, many more ana inanitel better en- - ! graTinga man are puoiisnen in any oiner work. GODErs. Inrmense Donble Sheet FaMilon-Tlnte- s. f ' CO.TTAISIVO From fee to $nen full UnglJi.CaloTtd FatMant on eaen piate. uuer magnzinet gite only two. Far Ahead of any Fashions ia Europe or America. Godey is the only work, in the world that gives these immense plates, and they are snch as to have-excit- tho wonder of publishers and the public. The publication of these plates costs 310,000 MORI? than Fasbioh-plate- s of the old style, and noth- ing but larg circulation ena- bles ns to give them. Other Magazines cahnot afford it., ,We never spare money when the public can be benefitted. These fashions.- - may be relied on. Dresses may be made after them, and the wearer will not subject herself to ridicule, as would be the case if she visited the large cities dressed after the style of the plates gircn in some of our so called fashion magazines. OUR WOOD ENGRAVINGS, ' of which we eive twice" or three times as mini as any other magazine, are. often mistaken for steel, ihey are so Tarsupenorto any others. IMITATIONS. . Beware of them. . Remember that the Lady's Book is.the original and the cheapest;: If you take Godey, you want no other rn.ignzine.- - . Everything that is useful or ornamental in a bouse can bcound in Godey.' f , - DRAWING LESSONS No other magazines gives them, and we have given enough to fill several large volumes. i OUR RECEIPTS are snch as can be found nowh-r- c else. Cook- ing in all its .variety Confcctionry the Nur- sery the. Toilet the vLaundry tbe Kitclicn. Recelp'U'npon all subjects ,nre to be, found in the pages of ""the Lady's Book. Wc oriclnallv 'started this department, and have noculiar fa. cilities' for, making it most perfect. This de- partment, alone js worth the price, of the Book. LADIES' WORK TABLE. This department, comprises engravings and descriptions of ei cry article that a lady wears MODEL COTTAGES. No othermagazine has this department. TERMS, CASH1 JN ADVANCE. One copy one year, $3. Two copies one year $5. Three copies one .year, $6. Four copies ' ' one year, $7. . . Five copies one year, and an extra copy to the person sending the club, $10. Eight copies one year, and an extra copy to the person sending the club, $15. Eleven copies one year, and an extra coov to the person sending the club, $20. And the only magazine. that can be introduced into the above clubs in place of the Lady's Book is'Arthur's Home Magazine. SflCIAL CLCSBIKS WITH OTHEa MACAZIXZ3. Godcy's Lady's Book and Arthur's Home Magazine both sent one year for $3 50. uoaey's jLady's Hoot and Uarpcr's Magazine notn one year tor S4 su. , . f Godey, Harper, and Arthur will all three be sent one year, on receipt of 6 00. - c Treasury Notes and,':Nbtcs 'of "all "solvent abnks taken at par. Be careful and pay the postage on your letter. Address r " 923 Chestnut treet, PhiUaelphia.Ta. NOTICE TO MAGISTRATES, NOTAi RIE3 PUBLIC, .AND ALL OTHER OF- FICERS AUTHORIZED TO TAKE AF- - tFIDAVlTS. Xrciumry "Depnrintcnt. OmcE or KcvE-m- 5 Washington, Decemhcr,'18C3. . The Jurat of an affidavit taken a Justice of the. Peace, Notary Public, or other officer authorized to .is held to be a certificate, and subject to a stamp duty of fiye cents. i JOSEPH I. LEWIS, 34-r-3t Pr'a- - fee $4. Commissioner TTS' LORES' AND hates, sorrows 'and an J- - gers, hopes 'and'-feira- , regrets and joys; MANHOOD, bow lost, now restored ; the nature, treatment and radical crire of Sper- matorrhoea or seminal weakness involuntary emissions, sexual debility and impediments to m'arriage'generallv; nervousness; consumption, fits, mental and physieaIalBcapaelty; resulting from SELF ABUSE are fully explained in the MARRIAGE GUIDE 1 YOUNG, M. Tl. TM oTtmnrdiriarv book snould be in the hands of every4 young 'person 'contemplating a marriage, and Avery man who desires to limit the number of tfaeir offspring- - .to their cirenm- - stances. Every pain, disease ami acne inciden tal to youth, maturity and old age, is rully exy plained; every particle of knowledge that should be known is here given. It is fall of engravings. fact it discloses secrets tnat every one snouio knowr "stillit is a. book that must be locked np. and not lie about the'honse: It will be sent' to any one on the receipt of twenty-fiv- e centsln, specie of postage stamps. AddrtsJ DR. "W M Fofifth, Philadelphia. ttT AFFLICTED AND UNFORTUNATE, nn'rnhiT what vonrdiseau.befofe'vtm place yonrVelf under the care of 'ariv'of the rjo-- t VOraUUS !. tIB Wi( avafcijJiM mmw v- - tiseln thiajor'anv 6thef?paperlKetacony of Dr. YouLga book; and rwid it cftatfjItvUtbe the'mekna'bfaavlnffyom-many'a'dollar- , yonr healtKaodiiossibly yonr'life; ' ?'- - ,, YOUNG can be consulted on any of the dseasea described in hiapnblicaiioa, at .hia of- fice, No. 416 SPRUCEStreet, abaveFoWh, Pbiladelnlda, .w..J.Mj. , v ' UKceaonrtrsoHau j, QAiiy. 6D- -J lVATitnMV Woollen Factorvt TA mh' I T7'E'wol4, respectfully., announce, ,to", onr. , vV former fjatroBS, thit.'hajuig.'r efflted pur establishment ,aiid added, more, machinery J, we are 'bc,ethanTomerlyi attend to. their waatt", T. - , , i(, IWpT' prepared to do .enstom carding and spinnin-g- , ,f uljing,' Eyeing, iad dressing, on a the moat reasoniile Uraisir ' " . ... ," . We will also bVprepared to manniaclnre Cas simere, Satineli'Jeaos, LInsey';"TIinneI.,and - ' - Pi.-v.- t, , f Cuftcmers froat a distaace aao rely upon be- - inatteaded to Droarbtlv. .'.'..... ' J" .i.-- . TZ-- .V5V-'.Il'- i -- iilTj.-iJ . nt navereajovea iroBowiotmwjuuu, v theateaaarMiU' bwlflrilnjOregwt CSfte, eveiT:one',an4".w;.wnin,eaH;o.rJnt.your woof, fer whrck weiU paj,theMxJaeatBurEe "".' "" ..W.i'AW bntft mv"" - JiSaB?2xrEa:m TWENTY-SIXT- H lIRTr-DA- Y STAEgAPEROF ATVTTmiOA. -- "a. TUtxuaay L. 1864 : i - ii THE. NEW YORK MERCURY, t. roa n. .. jijl COMIfiC YEAR. v i. i. a. After more than a qnarter of a century of nninterrnpted success,. Thk Nb Yoalr Mam-dc- ar standing first oh the mdster-rol- l of the Literary Press of this country-polnt- proudly to its'past career as' a guarahtea of new the future. S.'. lieretofore, it has eclipaed'aU'riralry ; bnt it proposes" to make the comingjrear memorable" bj teliftiny Us aira putt Hstorf, amllooniing op' before, the world as tbe most 'marvellous speci- men of a fscinitrng, brilliant, comprehensive Literary Newspaper Jht1iJ' ever been pblishcd in either hemisphere, 'y TUE GENIUS OF EUROPE a will be laid under contribution togivehriltian Cy to its columns; and side by side with origU sal production of the most popntar romancista of the Old World, will bo nbeeil the cltf d'aurrtt of tbe most)-eminen- t story-write- rs 'of me new. . . ,. - MISS If. EBR'ADDON, Authoress of Aurora Tlovd'" T.i1t AmU ley's Secrer,''" "Xhn MarchmontV'Legaeyj"" etc, etc., who has snddmly risen, like A STAR OF THE FIRST WAGNlTUDEi in the literary horizon of Great Britain, haa been specially encaged lb supply Tint Nrvr x uhjw .UA.KV(;Hr. injui uuiv. VJ umc, Wliu U19 wonderful creations of her genius, at a cot which no other weekly in America could ven- ture to inenr. . Among the nultitudcof distingaished wri- ters and artists who have become f miliar to tha' masses through the vast circulation of the Star' Wsklv or Aurarc.t, may be mentioned tha' follorvius, all of whom are still upon its staff: Da. J. II. RosiNM.t, Cocsm .Mav Cakleton Maxgaxkt Blou.vt, Y. O. Kato.v, Ned BusTu.tE, (tROKGE Mahtial, AaTHBR JI.GR.ii.xars, JOLIA S. HCKAHAM- - , (I RACK GAXn.XEK, KbWASO WltLETT,- - Feux O. C. Darixt, Maet Chiet, Miss M.E. BaauDo.f, GtMEGE AlBAXV. Scores of other dirtingnisheil literati, under various' noms de plume, contribute to its col- umns, while its pictorial illustrations are fromf the inimitable pencil of Felix O. C. Darley Esq.,the best draughtsman of the nge. Tbe War, which, given the coup de grace to so many pretentious publication?, and hair destroyed. those that still survive, has added! thousan-l- s to tbe circulation of The New York Mercury. Its heart stirring short stories, it3 military historiettes, iUmatchless serial romances, itsr1 racy burlesques', its genial wit and humor. gossip,itg'fairy tales for little folks its rare poetry ..its fresh and vigorous editori- als, the infinite variety of its contents, and thtf large amount.of reading matter that it compri- ses, render it welcome everywhere, and to alb classes of society. Containing, as it does, j FORTY COLUMNS .,- of closely-printe- d matter, it may safely be pro' nounced tho cheapest as well as tha best Lit-- r rary'Nswspaper extant.- - "" Three favorite writers, Dr.-J- . Hi Robinson,-Cocsi- h Mav Carlcton, and Ned Buntline, ar now preparing three stories for The New Yorlt Mercury. One of these productions will b commenced in the Opening Number of th New Year. 1 he authorvbeing, aware of thia-fact- , are. engaged in an emulative contest for' precedence, anil the result will unquestionably-b- that the most effective, story ever penned JjT any of the three, wil commence in the . NEW YEAR'3 NUMBER , of the great RaraESE-TrATi- Weeklv' of thef Western World. Tire Nnv York Mcscoav is sold by alP newsmen and periodical dealers In Araerfcav-T- subscribers, it is regularly mailed eveVj1 Saturday morning; for $2 a year; three copiejT for $5; six copies for $9; eight copies for $19jr with an extra copj,free, to the getter np of th. club. Six months'' subscriptions received.- - ' Altrays'uritc'plainlrf the name'ef jour Poit Of- - Jiee, County, and State. Wo take the notes of all solvent banks at par. Payment must inva-- riaWy be made in'advancc. O" Specimen Copies sent to all applicants. Address all letters and " remittances, post--pai- d, to cauLdwell- - Whitney, Propriitors of the New York' Mercury, Nos. 43 Ann Street and 113 Fulton Street, ' New Yos-- c Citt. "" A GEM FOR THE MILLION.. MME. DEMOREST'S RUNNING STITCn" Sewing Machine. IT is a raAcncAL, radd, ErnciE.iT"and no-- 1 Sewino Machine, adapted to a large? proportion of Fawilv Sewing, or for maenfac- -: tufirfg purposes, nud is highly ornamental, andf is so light and portable, (weighing less thaa one pound,) that it can be conveniently carried; iu the pocket or reticule. . . Its operation is so very stxruc, that it re- - quires bnt a slight degree of judgment to use itl By the simple turning of a crank with on'o' ' hand, and guiding the work with the other; Ifr silently yet very rapidly, with' a Com'mox NezT-vi- x, makes the running stitch ex'acllv jjkeT Hamd.Sewino, only more pcifect and regular. It will lira, ciTiir.s.acrri.r.sHiitK.TCciattf vt sxEADTjis, etc., with a single or double-thread- ; onjiny material'" adapted to the" Rc."T-xn- G STtTcir, from the ijcirrKST and Tiii.t.itsr up to two thicknesses of ordinary silk or mus- lin the thinnest, usually the most difficult' to stitch by other seaing machines. Icing .sewe the easiest., For ladies' and children's apparel-.- ,, and other articles made of light fabrics, it. will therefore' be fonud almost txvAtOABLE. It Isattiehed the table like a sewing bird, and having riotensfonnnd requiring no lubri- cation' or change of stitch, is always ready for", operation, and snch a marvel of simplicity; tbaC . child of six or eight years can it immediately, and use it iccctujti'llV. It is not at all liaftle to get out of order1. " The New York State Fair, recently held Rochester, has confirmed the efficiency and stmpllcity and'--' great practical utility of thia. Machine, by awarding, it the First Pabttcx. Each machine is put np in a neat box, ac- companied with lull and explicit directions, and twenty-fiv- e needles. A. Sent to any address in the United States, ear receipt of an order. Indorsing the amount, o may be. collected by Express, on delivery of that tOaehine. . - ,, " . Ageritr wanted every where, to whom (he mostlibcraTindocemcnU'will be offered- -, Forjp'articnlirs,, Specimens of eta.. send "a stamp for return postage. Addreat Mlii!.'DEJoar3T,No- - 473 Broadwa,.N. Y. 03- - EverLady, Mother, Milllner'and Dreag maker shbnld have one b'f.thcse valuable Sew"-- " ios Machines. - '060:25.1863." ClHciMkU WtAf, Hitem. jr-- r o NO INCREASE OF rKICJfcl ;nio ' r:, . i ,. .jar--! Sinrfe Copy, one yeaiv $210 Two to JiveXnief 7r T ' TMMkHfi Five to Ten Copies, i5r-T.- . '16ki iwvufciiuvjin,i.jkywukuj - extra copy,. . -- ' l.OO J Twenty Copies andjjpward, (and one to the getter np of tbe Clnb.K I-- -- i additTohal Extra'Copy for every ad? (Hitbn'ir Twenty SubscriSersv !Qr No' Extnr' JKpy'fo'tJessVthan TwfaijSubscribera. To, '"' tttVetterunofeach Clubof Serentvor mora' copy of the'DAILY will be sehtjff preferred)" insieu oi uie fun tv Liinuirra.. vr ik wm j be "sent sixmonths or Forty Subscriberk'.'iXut: it 'cannot be etartcdTn either case nntif dnrc Club is fqlly made Io Clubs'. at all.iimes dutlne the yemrkt 'pro-- cortional rates, the tissa'-U- . expire wltS tkmx ClubPayment invarStUL advihee. 3 All etters cdnUln;rigret&flcesr(irrefii',.Tvj edJ will be a"t oar. rUklfViitb; boweverviw jpreferradTwhen obtainablei', 'Addres, fcrV f. . . iJizrrrcCnMP'iitiT m ' Vt : - iH M a w t r."- - . .: zr t .- - .Mt.- - .' -- lrlW 'IU,Arftl ty&&Kt:3ikw Gn I roootk., ?WPBjS!lrW"' rsjv l.". . - -- N a - JS 5 -J- V, ..-- ... '. Tif". . -- . .JJj -- ' ' J i r .isS8-- : mt

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Post on 03-Mar-2020




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Page 1: Braw. Biu' it. - · T"", There is flonrflf inans,V' t wbich does not 'always oftbs service. We w"kf?-?-M. lrt in the abstract.. of s'J-Tnitirrtrials' and

T"", There is flonrflf

inans,V' t wbich does not 'always

oftbs service. Wew"kf?-?-

M. lrt in the abstract.. of-

s'JTnitirr trials' and sentences pnblunea'"' the Mis- -

At st. w ris


l1lTo!gfo- - One of them,

BV live was active in the Lawrence

The eleventh case is that of

?T0l!Jadooldir who mnrdered Oapt.

SaSMt..t St. Joseph.often are.commnled to

uSnmenls for Jong terms at Alton.I C the rebel mail carrier and spy,

ZWed of bnrning steamboats, is

3 when the CommanderffDpartmentsballorder. WeknowS the merits of the cases. Bnt8.oU'Jtwof the people of


- - -ininiu." - tt;01 fit subject for mercy.

Ererybody here wants to know why

Jniils are not more regular and trosty.SL, jeems to be something wrong pb

.valine between Leavenworth and FortWonder if HawkinsTaylor conld

find it consistent with his duties torSt this line and see if something is not

Wonder it laytor couiu uuiImpose bimself and restrain hia

fcJinmi lone enooeb to attend to theLjness which he is paid for attending

b If he cannot, he had better quit,who will. We

tal let some man have it.retired, here, of this contemptible shys-k- -.

Wb can see what business a cit- -

'a of Iowa, who is appointed mailf r Kns&. has in seeing to our

niili bat we can't spo what business he

lu pinnging into politics, to the negli-rac- e

of his duties as a public officer.

Boritr Sirtintl.

Tie Washington correspondent of theSnnVSeld Republican writes of the authoress of " Rock me to sleep, Mother,"u3 other besntifol songs i

I ssw, tbe other night, in a boarding-),0B- e

psrlor, a pensive, thonghtfnl face,

trl'rth any qneen of society would be gladto number among her goests,. that ofFlorence Percy, now better known aa Mrs.Ptnl Akers, who sends forth from her litt-

le lodging-roo- snch inimitable touchesof sentiment She is a copyist in theWir Derjirtment : bnt her soul is en- -

trtacbised by ber genins from her roundof daily drudgery, snd she is here a princ-

ess amongst worsen.

Bniao OCT rrre Rags. They nro scarcelad higb now, tbe pappr-raake- say, andio tbey pnt np their prices terribly high-

er tbin ever before with a single except-ion. Tbe good housekeeper will cotimltler own interest, and that of publishersi!k, by hunting up and selling all theirpiper rg.

Tlie printers of Atlanta, Georgia, liav- -lirg "ktrnck" for SI 87 per thousandIras, the fonr journal published at thatIpiiM hire own compelled to suspendIpuicstion. As soon as the printersIstied work, however, conscript ofricrrsl:eJ tbem anil marched them oQ torixp.

Tley indn'tre in some ronch iokes inI ft Joe occasionally. The Ilernld rer

Mtly innounced that the News had ccas- -'

ritoexUt; and the St. Joeites believedMntil thejsaw it contradicted in thaSt Imis papers I

A LonJan snrgeon has recently pnt a 'fog to fletp with chloroform, and takingcat i piece of his sknll, has inserted a

tfh crvitll. thronnh ttliirh ho rantie ebinges of the" brain produced by

The career of Santa Annn' tlken him Once mom In ttm Tinras nt

tn native Unit. IT imnJ of "Co,.mzi hi family on the 27th nit.,

lot bii sdrent cipiIpiI nn rimt,iA rfrrnt letter from an officer in the

P'PrtmentoftlieGnlfaid:.vWeleave'"two rionrs; lint nnlir tlm J;" i innK. Know where we are go- -"?" That's the wav to do it.

G'ncral Gillraore's troops in Southirolini ar rir..rf.t theirr. " I'vmrn on way to

rtn AOnrOf. Mil will nn dnnhl liura' ' HWt in t! o; -- .m.;- j KViuiitt tat'M'(;uel Hiihmond.


For tlie Cliief.)Can tsriui, Tms., March 1C, IBM.

.UtJ Cmir-T- f :n jl.... v. . ."i uuuuucu ue mieresk- -

"5 the nameroon frtn. r r. v wmi sauk. M. i,.mB,o fcnoir that his worth... . m a, mn anavwn"asanotaeer are appreciated by the

-- a or -- Dixie." As an evidence othL ' f th9 snd oId Uni"t clt

Ml Tennessee) preiented him, a few days.", "T xtrJ fine horse, as a token of theirioTtM',oaofhi sterling .orthua nun,

nc" aa oE5cerof hia rj

and its cause." The Cap-jP-H

MjinS, he would trust the

"" W0rth7 "" h'fibtt..U,0rn0t" -- And well he may

aim i8dei"S from the pasvheVaL ia Bw ,wre,-- - N9 'man' stands

ie estimation or the solbjera than

W "hwTcr h bas.been aUtiaicd.kuHJr.weU ke Pwnd of thewldiera sheail ... ,h "''? Held," and Cant. Mor- -in, y" u' be one .of her brightest

j,.n. Jne Ion? snrviv tM. Hell-bor- n

.tJ Gnai U . . .''"aJwio permmea to return tbl eons be Jore second only


?or the Chief.) . 'TE.Car t "nr':AP130.18G4 '

''.aaom-- ' n7'wwwieation of last

mebW',"1 CCrred hlch destrovedU,ded ?" UBCe- - Tbe sanunee should

"t,:'ttT!!!sl,?rllMit,MtBa th .

ttni-"rw- the editor ha. mv heartye m. HARDING,



a.ti!sr? ct

S.Jf Tliejr will keep ei hand

vvr.!"I i- L ,U- - I L1

OHIO CHIEF. KEAPER ANB MOWER!"ij.'c; 7i;- - i1 ' 'i. cs,White Clond, ,IHv 5. 1664

' if". l "

General Order No. 8.HtuD QniBTEKs Statc or Kaksis.

Adjutant Gexxial a Orncz, 1, Topeka, April ,19, 18G4. -

Jf. The following, Section 4, Militia Law',February 23d, 1864, is published for the Infor-mation of all concerned:

" That the State shairconstitute one Divia- -ion, and shall be'divided by the Major General,Commanding, into fire Brieade Districts, withpower to alter and change the same' at pleas-ure." - ; - -

II. The Regiments of Kansas Militia "willhereafter be numbered and designated as fol-

lows, to wit: t1st Regiment, Col. C. H. Robinson, Head

Quarters Leavenworth City.2d Regiment, Maj. A. Stark, Head Quarters

Topeka, Shawnee County.3d Regiment, Col. C. TTillerasen, Head

Quarters. Lawrence, Douglas County.4th Regiment, Col. S. S. Cooper, Head Quar-

ters Oskaloqsa, Jefferson County: '5th Regiment, Col. G. A. Colton, Head

Quarters Paola, Miami County.,6th Regiment,, Col. Head Quarters'

Mottnd'City, Linn County. - 'XJ--

Tth Regiment, Col. Peter McFarland, HeadQuarters Leavenworth City'.

8th Regiment, Lieut.- - Coi: v: S. 8mlth,Head Quarters Council Grove, Morris,County.

9th Regiment, CoI.F. M. Tracy.Head Quar-ters Troy. Doniphan County.

10th Regiment, Col. "Win. Pennock, HeadQuarters Centropoiis, Franklin County. '

11th Resiment, Col. A.irJ.,Mitcheil,,HeadQuarters Emporia, Lyon County.

I2th Regiment, Col. L. S. Treat, HeadQuarters Atchison.

13th Regiment, Col. Julius A. Keeler, HeadQuarters Oiatlie, Johnson County. .

14th Regiment,-- Col. D. "W. Scott; HeadQuarters Fort Riley.

15th Regiment, Col. John T. Price, .HeadQuarters Junction City, Davis County.

IGth Regiment, Col. F. W. Potter, HeadQuarters Burlington, Coffer County.

17th Regiment, Cob E. C. Manning, HeadQuarters Marysville. Marshall Connty.

16th Regiment, Col. P. L. Hubbard, HeadQuarters Atchison.

By order of the Commander-in-Chie- f.

GUILFORD DUDLEY,May 5, 1861-l- w. Adjutant' General.

BIisolutton orI iIIE heretofore existing be

--L tween T. C. Shreve and II. F. Kacy, under the name and style or bbreve Alacy, inthe Drug and other business, is this day, bymutual consent, dissolved. All persons know-ing themselves to be indebted to tbe late firm,are earnestly requested to call on either of usand settle their accounts, immediately.

"White Cloud, April 29th, 1S64. -


May 5, 1864-4- w.

IVotice of Final Settlement.NOTICE is hereby given, that I will make'

to the Probate Court ol Doniphan County, Kansas, at the June' term; 1864,for a final settlement of the Estate of WilliamH. Mau;.k, deceased, late of said County

MORGAN S. MAUCK, Adm'r.nMaya,-lS64-4-


Unknown a w ,29 3 15 160 24 47Same n e "19 4 15 160 4012Samo n e 3 1 16 160 30 05Sane n hall s c 21 2 16 60 13 56Same n e 20 1 17 1(0 35 63Same so -- 20 1 17 160 ''36 50Same n'halfn w 27 1 17 80 18 95Same . n e 32 1' 17 160 45 28Same Lot 2 in 10 4 17 46 15 53Same and hf s w 16 1 18 80 30 48Same s part ne 32 L 18 4 12 90

Farrall Estate s;w 34 3. 18 160'-3- 9 50FarfOW-Estat- e ne 33 3,. 18 160 33 80Unknown It 1 in n 3 4vl5 50r 9.74

Same id a fr part 34 5 15 26JJ, .4 35Same w h ne f aw --22 1 1G 120 25 69

Si mo n e 33 2 18 160 36 85Same Lot No. 9, 6th St., Hiawatha, 10 86Same so 3 2 18 160 &3.S&

Same, ae 6 2 18 l(i0 .83bSame ne T 2 18 160 37 85Same. aw 8,3.18 160 .48 01

Same t ne 11 2 18 160 53 95Same 12 2 18 ltQ 48 94

.Sfrne a.e 15 '2 18 160 Si MSame ehalfnw ir-- 3 "IB, x80 208Same n w fth n e 19- - t 18 --405 25Same- - BhalfnT)' 19 a 18 80 r10 09Same ' z. t,-- e 19 a 18 16025.85'Sake"' it-ti- w 27 3 18 160 4004Siima' half n w 30s a' 18 80 16 48Same nw 33 2 18-16- 0 53 71

'Sane' ;342 18 168 43.09do half aw 35 a 18 80-2- 7 95daJh:Bwf n 19 15' 120 l3

.do shn:w.fse ,3 S ISA 130- - 58do w half n e 14 2 15 80 24 27do whnef-:if.N- r 16 120 25 00In wh An a fn w: 12 2 16-1- 3316

--'doj h .,w 12.. 2 H, Q

do J 1 a S)ffic IS! A UBI C Mfe 51

io h 1S iaJ, .io Jig--, jjiftr 36

do ?nhaltw, 3 4,:18, 80.15.63do Lot 176, Shawnee S$,HMkwath,:j2,Pldo Lot 15. Delaware St- - ,,do.T , W

NOTICE u.hrteres tea, tut nnia w "."r.T --- .j

t--. !. ..Miad bT.the Second(2d) day ofSeptemberA. D. i6WJfttaxes, eosU, charges wi inieiwii "'J"-- ,paid, the same will bw eonveyea to the ip-se- rs

thereof on demaid, as V.VComity Treasurer, BrowtfCeuntj, KaMtaiMay 5, 1864-4-w. .. , . . - ., .

ESOnajOTIKEWTTK.A MONTHAjto tanted toaen

'O Sewing. MacUaea. TTV .win givesaisriioiitpBag.MachwaoJ;tekiy

for-.i -- t, --tn --,.w

. r , v vt Mic j

a siood' assortmentTTXiriof &

J.U f 'A. iifiA At

, Notice!VTOTICE is hcWy givesntoj all halders of

urowa Uountjf Warrants, issued by thevvuu,,.vnjuuiiHiui:jra oi tsaia wQwn, uounty,prior to October Gth, 1663. .that I, am ready toicuccui ii, sucn warrants.' iiy order or (beCounty Board, no interest will be allowed.onaald Warranta, after the 1st' day of June,' A.D. 1864., E. L. POUND,

- County Treasurer..Hiawatha, April 25, 1864. A''t,

Sheriff' Sale, li J--

NOTICE is hereby given, that I will offerat public auction, at the Court

House door! in Hiawatha. Brown Countr. Kan- -sas.on the 30th day 6f Mav, JL--. D. 1864, atoneo'elock.P. M.', of said day, the followingdescribed real estate, to wit: The south-We- st

quarter of section No. one, (1) in townshipNo. two, f2) of ranee No. sixteen. ri61 linirand beinc in Brown Conntv. Kansas: Takenas the property of Henry Oldaker.on an orderui aaie iu lavor oi Kiias xvewton, issued fromthe Clerk's offlee of the Second District Courtof Brown County, Kansas, on the Sis't day ofApni,. a. u. iw, a:.d to me directed,-- ashoriff of said County; .." .

Given under my hand, this 23tk day ofApril, a. u. 1004. i -. ' H. M. ROBINSON,

Sheriff of Browu County,' Kansas.April 28. 1864-5- w. v. Pr'a fee, $6.'

hotel;Leonard Smith, Proprietor.IKUVy'K'AflSAX, , .

THIS Hotel is pleasantly slloited,to the.Court'Ho'use and" tbe' business

part .of town. Guests will jeceive; the verybest attention. . ,'

S3" A large stable in connection-wit- h the'house, for the accomdation of horses,

January 7, 1864-t- f.

TIIME., DEMOREST'S MIRROR hFITJ--. FASHIONS The largest .bestand mostetjftlnltf.h 1. a 1. lf a t 1.A t J I

fcnauic 1 1UUIU1) iuil);auuc 111 IU6 worm. lOH- -t.iins the largest and finest Fashion plates, tbegreatest number of fine Engravings, the latestanil most reliable information, three full sizedPatterns' for Dresses, and a sheet of new Braid-wor- k

aud Embroderini; Patterns. Everr Mother, Dressmaker. Milliner and Lady, should haveit. Published Quarterly, at 473 Broadway,New York; sold everywhere or sent by mail atQgi.... iv l- -.i t. ":.,.- - .Li-- - .:cuui. x j 3i, mm a vaiu.iuie premium

be Summer number now ready.

.. ATrE.vno.xiThe CHEAPEST JEWELRY HOUSE in the World

4,318 PiECER or Assorted Jewklsv ros $50.

A COMPLETE List of Fine Gold, Platedaud Oride Jewelrv, sent free. Address .

J. A.S'ALiSBURY, Acekt,Feb 26-'6- 3 6w. Paovidknce, R.I


NOTARY DIIRI IO- ? ... . ,. :: Z . ' -- iir i:marymue, marinau tonnty, ianias.

June 25, 1863-6- m.

"The National Claim Ageridy,"ONDUCTEDBY ".



Government Ajronjg ,"

476 Seventh 'Street, Wett,WASHINGTON, D. C.

CLAIMS presented and prosecuted, beforej. Uongress, Court or Claims, and the lie;

partments. Patents, i'ensious : and iiountyLands secured


April 23. 1863-3- w.




No. 7 FOURTH STREET,y-- loath of Tootle fc FarlelgVs,

ST. JOSEPH, 4. . MISSOURI.. " M 'March 84, ltC4-t-f. -

NEWGROCERY STORErpHE.wnderelgned haK just opied;at Beek-'-tt

oir atand, 1nWh!U Cloudy nThbm

Family & Misccilaiews Greceries,'-- : , ii0ar-A"'.- - - i- -..

- f k I'll Kb" -- 5JE3.1 "O"'.IC


vmniv nvntiH"1.1"!.. "T jawfcfc, w w j Vt I --


VCJraclrers, CheeseNUTS, .CANDHSj 4C., ,t '

Which e will aeHat the.'r Cash. He intendikeeplnf'Bp hU stock,and to be ataR:tiawlpreparea toaeebmsaedatehicomera.'The public ar soitcitea wpKhlift'B'cali. ac ' Jitijivn uu.

White Cloaa, AptMi&.-Aooj-o-



aewraad TehableTreataent inS.Tr,tOWARl ,AS30CIATI0N tSenVb, iuD fat &?J&&tt&chanre. Aaai mi. y'ap.'iwa.yy.Y"".mnv Ui AaMaKtlaB.Kat9.SOWI NlBth

,.iv :

mu2&. srvvsn.-- inc Braw.iB9eWXBOfcZJ T'-J-


TOLim x. Vxw-- ntirMin- -

el")' it " ' - 't6 psbliibers of thtf'SCIEK TlKIfJ AME

RlGAw respectfuHy'Kis),,.noticelfhat,'theiwtb voLCstc (flewtwrtee) will commenceon the first of JanuaryVest This journal wasestablished in' 1845, aid'is'BndoebtedlT theaaott'widely cirtuhUe4 ibdiisJteeatUl publica-tion of the' kind in the;rrM.Ifl commencinguje.uew.Toiumeine pututaken deafn ,to caUsoeeiaUttention toiu claissaaa "'.

A JOURNAL OF POPULAR. SCEENOE.lit this respect it stands unrivalled. It not

only finds Its war to almost every workshop isthe country, ki the 'earnest friend of the me-chanic nd artixaa, bnt it is found in the'eounting-roo- of tbe manufacturer and the mer-chant; also in. the library and'.the household.The publishers feel warranted in saying'' thatno other journal 'now published contains anequal amoupt of useful information; while itia their aim to' present all subjects' in the mostpopular and attractive manner, ci- - "' j"cThe ScientificAmerican is published once a

week, in convenient form for binding; and eachnumoer containa-atxtee- pages or usetuireaaing matter, illustrated with. ,

NUMEROUS, SPLENDID. .ENJSBAVINP8of alt the latest and best inventions f the day -

xuia ieaiure oi ue journal is wortnyot- - specialnote. Every, number contains fronrfl ve to tenenginai engravings inventionsrelating to e Very department of thV artii Theseengravings arc. executed by.artists! speelally"employed on tho paper, and are pnirers illy

be superior, tff anything' of thokind produced in this' country .

The 'publishes of the Scientific. American'promise to present, as.during. preceding years,all the latest improvements in Steam Engin-eering, "War .Vessels. Ordnance military andnaval T00I3, Manu-facturing Machinery, Farm Implements, Woodworking Machinery , 'Water wheels. Pumps andovner nyarauuc Apparatus, Household Uten'ails, Electrics Chemical and Mathematical In8truments; Flying:Machines, and other CuriousInventions besides all the varied articles de-signed to lighten the' labor of mankind, notonly inthe shop and warehouse,- - but in everyplace wncre the industries of lire are pursued.

From its commencement, the ScientificAmerican has been the earnest advocate of therights of American Inventors, and.theREPERTORY OF AMERICAN PATENTS.

In this imnortant departmtnt, so vitally connected with all the great interests of the country, no other Journal can lay any claim whatev-er; as in its columns there is published a week-ly Official List of the ' Claims" of all patentsgranted at the Ui.Si Patent Office. " J"

THE PRACTICAL RECIPES'alone are oft times worth more to the subscri-ber than the amount of a whole year subscrip-tion. ?.', "l." v' V


Two volumes of the Scientific American arepublished each year, at $1.50 each or $3 perannum1, low terms to Clubs;$1 will pay for four months' subscriptions 'Thenumbers for oqe year, wben'.hoandinavolume,constitute a work of 832 p.age3 of useful infor-mation, which every one ought to'pojsess.' volume will commence on the first of Jan-uary. 1864. '"

:' oO : S 'GLUBRATES.Fire copies, for Sjx, Months . jTeit'copics, for SixIopth's .fTen' copies,' for Twelve "Months,,Fifteencopies', for Twelve MonthsTenty copies, for Twelve Months'' For all clubs of Twenty and over, the yearly

subscription' only .$2.00. Names can be sentin at different times and from different s.

Specimen copies will be sent gratis to.sny part of the country. . -

Canadian subscribers will please, to remit 2ccents extra on tach year's subscription to 'prepay postage.

MUNN & CO., Publishers., . . No.37Prk,Row,New York.


SOW IS THE TIME TO SUBSCRIBE.i OUR TERMS.There is a great deal of talk among our

about tbe "great rise in tbe priceof paper," and the necessityforacorrespondingrise in the price of newspapers. We do not4gree with' our friends as to the last proposition.It is true that.papcr has gone np frightfullyfifty per cent, at least, and is "still on its waylp." But what of that7 Publishers have foryears bad a good time with d paper,tnd made large profits; and now that times havechanged they should pay the enhanced price forpaper without whining, and without attemptingto uct it back out of their subscribers. ' The In- -

creiselin'the-pric-e of paper will make a difference of tens of thousands of dollars to us year

e shall not increase the price' of tbeLxdgex. That will remain as it is. We can afford It. Tbe retail ptiee will continue to befourcents; and our club, terms.will. remain as theyalways haveli'eon. Onr Subscribers' have stuckto us when paper was encap; ana we ao not in-

tend to increase orfr.ratcs to tbem'now when itis dear-- ."It'isa poor rule that won't work bothways."' I . r f

All ourold contributors havebeenfor tbe ensuing year;1 ouvcorpi will be ao laree,and Vill embrace such a variety of eminenttalent, that every department of literature willreceive the' particular attention of some onecompetent to do it ample and special justice.In fact, our contributors willsend vs from weekto week much more matter than we can possibly use, so that we shall always have a fresh andsuperabundant supply from which to select theYIXTBEST. . T . V ..'lThe Lzdcir's great success is owing to,4hefact that we.epareno expense in getting up. thesest. FAUiifV rAraa paper of high moral tone.The ezalt'cil reputation of, its contributors, thepractical and invariably pure and healthy char-acter of all'it's articles, which is takenthat not even one offensive word .shall appear inits columns, and the superiority of its Talcs andSketches, luve gained for the New Yoaat Led-ger, a position- - that, no, literary paper ' has everbefore reached.; . . ",. I - ,

The folloiringare the names of some ofcontributors for tha:new year 1864.

What other paper ever presented each an array:of distinguished and popular uamea ; .V

Hon. Everett, tier, jonn a, u.,aobott, William Cullen" Bryant; John G. Saxe'George' P-- MorrisT N..? WilUs,. George D.PrcnticcSjlvanu&Cobb.Jr.iEmersoaBenncU,IUionrConst'cllano,;F. A Jurirage,V,WilliamRoss Wallace, T. S. Arthur, P. Haakon Cyerr,Col. Walter B. Dunlapk Mrs. SigourneT. ,3fra.Southworthrwiv-F,ern- f Anna nCora-dtttca- i,

Alice Carr. Marv.Forrest. HisaU. A..DunuT.Mary SanfeyGibs'n Caroline Chesebrp, EthelLynn.Mrs.EstcUa Ann Lewis, Amy.Rindolph,and) Biany'.clergy'menr professors in colleges,statesmen, and pthfeminen writers residing iadifferent parts pf he;.UnioB , .. 4 , ,j

' WJR JERMS FOR INI: mf$.rtTa-il LmrMrVsiVs"an ah.IImI'conixiuuburv ire suit tut uu vuruiwuui

Uonts larger by some Uurty or, rtj tTOnsandpiest ay. was a year ago; inacea,

t nn oertoi a since our civu war commencedias our edition beekao, Jarge Jas, it ia at thei.t II... O'WWairWS

Aa weBaktlr?aidiwe JefasettaTnrtrtfhmntrA. JThJ ITt AS foIIOVX:

'"-- s 6'UR TERMSlE,V.--'5- 2,

.Bipgie copies, f per annual;. w copies, sv;four copies. 6j eight "copies IJ2. JTottmas-ters'an- d

others' who get ap clubs, can afterwardsadd single copies' at $130." The' party whosends na $12 Jbr a dob of eight copieeff.alLientatone tirae,),'witt bi. entitled to k'copj free.Terms invariably iriivance. No snhscriptioatakea for alecs Beriod thao one year. tCaaaaclabscribera sawt aend.twenty-ai- x ceabjiB addition IO ine suoscnpuua, w yj uo jihhkuposUge, which iabalf a cent a copy ok everycaper. The notea'of all apede-payin- g baakata- -kenat m&&J&fi&F &Tenienuyiaa

possibility of JialoeaeCiBOney by saaiL ;;trWs"e'w aUVMtra'velliar.ajreaU,., Ad--

II iniiitfcm taNK, fatlislisc..

W1TCHES3A jFVfllTT!Ol'tlttIckertiu,tFa.W7Offisreit Biu' at Mestle PriceTHE,HUBBARD BROS No65

Maaufacturers& 67 Nas-- r

Importers of all the, Leading, EJcK andmost pojralax Styles af BATCHES andEW.-- .ELRY,. being .dc'trrniiried.their Business to an, unlimited extentVoSer thefollowing elegant Ornaments attbe unsurpassedLow Prices following :

MAGNETIC TIME OBSERVER, being aHunting and open face", or Ladv'g or Gentle-man's 'Watch in one; the prettiest, most con-venient and cheapest Watch in the "World.Immitation of gold; effected by, a patent pro- -

cei wmen. renuers me appearanse 01 goiuperfect, while It does not cost 'one-thir- d 'asmuch. Price onlr 32. Retail at fram 1100upwards.

HUNTING COMPOSITION CASED LE-VERS, English Jnanuficture Movement; capnedand full jeweled: has sunk seconds andthenewest Improvements. "Heavy cased and$yuu iiuiutiAiuu um.noo uairsio. xtetaiisatfromS50to100: ' . ,


MYvWATCH. Richly epgraved.jeweled andfancy works. TJnsurpasscd.for Sutlers Traders,etc. Price $15., from JtO to.$I00.,.A great variety' of 'other

'' Watchesi at low

prices'. ""'JiADIES'SETTSof Brooch and EarDrops

"to correspond. lmitation.Cluster-Diamond- , a.very rich pattern, .nd(cntlr'eiy new. P.rice.'S4..Cbral and Bead entwinedra very neat' andpretty ornament, handsomely mounted, $3125..GENTLEMAN'S VEST CHAINS. Par--

isfen, an elegant pattern, oalj'$4. Tho,Dcmo- -niacjvery heavy, $5.

RINGS-Pla- in, only 75c. Scroll, very hea-vy. $1. .Chased,. a neat pattern, $1. SealSignet, $2. .'ImitatipiSDirmond, $2.

SLEEVE BUTTONS. Patent. Chased orT 1. I ,TT i j i.x.Kuiuc;icu, a iiaw,iuiu very uauusome pattern,$2 50. Double, ch'asetLor with stones $1 50.

BOSO..I STUDS. A variety, of .new andfashionable designs, per sett, $1 50. -

BOSQM AND SCARF PINS. Leaf, withOpal and , Fancy Stones, 12. ' Imitation Diamond, fl 50. ' v


LOCKETS. Double Glass, richly engraved$3. '

Persons wishing any of the. above, have on-ly to remit the price in a registered letter toour address', and the articles will be sent freeof expense, by return mail "

ET Orders to tho amount of twelve dollarsand upwards will be sent by express to any ofthe loyal State's, with bill payable to the Ex-

press Company, when tbe goods are delivered.Agents, Sutlers and Country Merchants

throughout the country, who wish to makemoney rapidly, will do well to obtain our mam-moth catalogue; we furnish the most saleableoutfit at prices unsurpassed by any other' con-cern. Address. .HUBBARD BROS.

No's. 3 it '07 Nassau, near John St.,?

Feb'iSfi'-J6- 3 3m r New York. Citr

TgE.NEW' Y0?K. TRIBUNE,. 1863.The New York Tribune, first issued in 1841

now In Its, twenty :second year, has "obtained

lation.thnn.'any othcr.'newspapcr ever published , in America- - inougn it nas suueredin. common, with other journals, from the vol- -uhteeringand departure of tens' of thousandsofjta parons'to'serve in the War for the Tin-to-

its', circulation on' the Clh of 'Decemberious, was aa luiiwnft. r'Daily, 50,125

Semi-Weekl- y, , 17.250..Weekly, ' 148,000

Aggregate, , 215,375Pre eminently "a journal of New nd o

Ltterature, the Tribune has political co viptions which are well characterised by the'sinjlc word Republican, In its hearty adhesioDto the great (ruth that "God has made of oneblood allocations of men" Republican in itsassertion of the cqual'and inalienable rightsof, all'm'cn'to f'life, liberty, and.the pursuit ofhappiness" Republican in its steadfast, ear;nest, defiant hostility to every scheme and ef-

fort of the Slave Power, from the. Ahnexa-eio- u

of Texas to the great Rebellion, to graspthe. empire of the New World .and wield tnedesources of our country for its own aceran- -dizement Republican in its hope and trust,its faith and. effort, that this atrocious Rebel-lion must rcsult'in the signal overthrow of itsplotters,,and tbe firm establishment of equalrights and' equal laws throughout tbe wholeextent of our. country, wherein Liberty andunion shall indeed be "one and inseparable"henceforth and forever.

The Tribune devotes .attention iitucalmertimes, and to some extent in these, to'Edcca-tion- ,

Temperance, Agriculture, ' Inventions,and whatcvcr'clse may minister, to the spiritualand physical progress andwell being of man--Kind; out lor we presenilis energies, ana. iiscolumns' are" mainly" devoted to the Invigora-tiq- n

and', success of the War' for1 ihe "UnionIts' special .correspondents accompany every

Incident of that great struggle which Ke trust isennn to result in the signal and conclusive triumph of the National arms, in the Restorationof, Peace, and- Thrift' to our distracted 'Sand

bleedingcouritrj. We believe' that' ribottier.wYse can'a fjllcr or more accurate vlewo'f theprogress'arid character of this momentous con'flict be ootalncd5than through the regularp-- s

rnsal of our columus. And we earnestly sofix;11 100 oi ail iricuun ui iiic.ii-- k

tional cause, which we rccard and uphold' e- -

tbat of .Univcrsal'Humanity.'to aid ns I'n'eoaending its circulation.

TERMS.The common incrrease in the price of nrin- -

tfrig paper and otherlmaterialsnscd irr printingnewspapers, compels us to increase the price of.1.a 1V?Kiio' Hnf twmi nr ' "

DAILX.TRIBUNE,Single Copy, 3 centsMail Subcribers, one year.f311 issues) $8 00

SEMI-WEEKL- TRIBUNEOne Copy, one year (lOi.iasnes)" " "$3 00.Two Copies, one year, Ul, ". 500Five Copies, one year, 1200Ten Conies, one year. 12250

.An extra copy; will'

be seatjto clubs of 20 andoveK

wire Tirr-W- v irntnnvp -

OneB6pyroneyeajU52liiaesy; ' $2 00Three "Copies, one year; --

, 500Five Copies, one year, 4 '.8 00Ten Copies, one year, 15 00

vAny la)gcr number addressed to names of in

subscribers, $1Q each." An extra copy, willbe sentwi'th'e'very clu of ten'.

Twentyjfjopics J tojone address, one year,$25,and any larjer'number at same price. To clubsof thirty the Sem1:Weekly Tribune wiir besent., to clubs of fifty Trioane will--XWrei.7 -V1,

1beMnfEratrs: - fJ ,.;inB iitiBuivtr,V New York.i ." tr .mv. aa?j!i i

.When drafts can be procured it !a,mach saferthii'to rcm'tBank Billa' Umce ana oiaic iiujuii a sii casca ne,plainly written. --.,.

iiubscnperswposenu money oyx.ipreaBiu3intV'oaT tiiel'xrss'charres.elseit'wni be deducted WralhfeVemUe.'4, ' 7 l . '

WlUDereauy.aouivvuri3UBu. ncoucnuii

oers sonciieu. ...-- .

Weaa supply.back numbers of we Tribune

lflSISSS. "IPSO.' ana.iEf61V",Prica3 eeatayvi'TT-'aCi- n " T.1- - r... .1. .Tr t..- - l -J,l.-i- " .TJT - .lmAM f - w. Wva. fr mvt

e,--i TWVirtC di

aiir "wtv.iwY V5l

PIMlfiEiERS.'IHUaSRirr AMD, klCHUlXTTtH"AVE.receivedt"o co'miiB, IargX namber of PrairiePIOwsI ,o IheHjest description. which' wIl be sold cheap, fbr cash, oexenangea lOKjappnueo proinyor proauce. I

. I have also. received the. Agency for McCot tia '.-- --' b.

BdMill aidSaa mm&H,or3er any, nnaber.'r.tbeJaUstJsapvbved pitIerisionreasoriaUe terms: AW'J'ThveeSerir


Foicl868.GREATdiffEHdRfc ANtMMTOlUAL; YEAR.i j-x-ii i tif tx - -- - - it.The pnblisherof Codcy's Lady" Book, thank-

ful to tail public whichhascnab-edbi- to pob- -Iisb a Magazine for tbe last thirtytkrte yearsof thab anyin" America,

as made an arrangement with- - the most popalar authoress in tliis'country

MARION HARLAND",AnJbrras cf'Atcse," "Ttiddtn PaA," "Most

. Sieii "Ncmnit,'.' and "Miriam"WOO Will famish a rtorr for ererw nnmhep ofthe Lady's, Book for 1863. This alone willplace the Lady's. Book in a literary point ofnew rar aneaa ot any otbrr magazine. Mation Harland writes for no other pablication.Our, other farorite writers will all continue tofurnish articles throughout the year.

THE BESTLady's Magazine. in the World, and tho


THE LITERATUREis of that kind that can bo read alond In thefamily circle, and the clergy in immense num-bers are subscribers for this Book.

,. THEiIUSICis all original, and would cot25 cents (theprieeof the Book) in music store;' but most of it iscpjngncea, ana cannot be obtained except in"Godey." . t

OUR STEEL ENGRAVINGS.Alljeflortstorival ns in this have ceased, and

we may stand alone in this dfoartment. rfins? I

as wo uo, many more ana inanitel better en- - !

graTinga man are puoiisnen in any oiner work.GODErs.

Inrmense Donble Sheet FaMilon-Tlnte- s.


From fee to $nen full UnglJi.CaloTtd FatManton eaen piate. uuer magnzinet gite only two.

Far Ahead of any Fashions ia Europeor America.

Godey is the only work, in the world thatgives these immense plates, and they are snchas to have-excit- tho wonder of publishers andthe public. The publication of these plates costs

310,000 MORI?than Fasbioh-plate- s of the old style, and noth-ing but larg circulation ena-bles ns to give them. Other Magazines cahnotafford it., ,We never spare money when thepublic can be benefitted.

These fashions.- - may be relied on. Dressesmay be made after them, and the wearer willnot subject herself to ridicule, as would be thecase if she visited the large cities dressed afterthe style of the plates gircn in some of our socalled fashion magazines.

OUR WOOD ENGRAVINGS, 'of which we eive twice" or three times as minias any other magazine, are. often mistaken forsteel, ihey are so Tarsupenorto any others.

IMITATIONS.. Beware of them. . Remember that the Lady's

Book is.the original and the cheapest;: If youtake Godey, you want no other rn.ignzine.- - .

Everything that is useful or ornamental in abouse can bcound in Godey.' f

, - DRAWING LESSONSNo other magazines gives them, and we have

given enough to fill several large volumes.i OUR RECEIPTS

are snch as can be found nowh-r- c else. Cook-ing in all its .variety Confcctionry the Nur-sery the. Toilet the vLaundry tbe Kitclicn.Recelp'U'npon all subjects ,nre to be, found inthe pages of ""the Lady's Book. Wc oriclnallv'started this department, and have noculiar fa.cilities' for, making it most perfect. This de-partment, alone js worth the price, of the Book.

LADIES' WORK TABLE.This department, comprises engravings and

descriptions of ei cry article that a lady wearsMODEL COTTAGES.

No othermagazine has this department.TERMS, CASH1 JN ADVANCE.

One copy one year, $3. Two copies one year$5. Three copies one .year, $6. Four copies' 'one year, $7. . .

Five copies one year, and an extra copy tothe person sending the club, $10.

Eight copies one year, and an extra copy tothe person sending the club, $15.

Eleven copies one year, and an extra coov tothe person sending the club, $20.

And the only magazine. that can be introducedinto the above clubs in place of the Lady'sBook is'Arthur's Home Magazine.


Godcy's Lady's Book and Arthur's HomeMagazine both sent one year for $3 50.

uoaey's jLady's Hoot and Uarpcr's Magazinenotn one year tor S4 su. , . f

Godey, Harper, and Arthur will all three besent one year, on receipt of 6 00. - c

Treasury Notes and,':Nbtcs 'of "all "solventabnks taken at par.

Be careful and pay the postage on your letter.Address r "

923 Chestnut treet, PhiUaelphia.Ta.


tFIDAVlTS.Xrciumry "Depnrintcnt.OmcE or KcvE-m-

5 Washington, Decemhcr,'18C3.. The Jurat of an affidavit taken a

Justice of the. Peace, Notary Public, or otherofficer authorized to .is held tobe a certificate, and subject to a stamp duty offiye cents. i JOSEPH I. LEWIS,

34-r-3t Pr'a- - fee $4. Commissioner

TTS' LORES' AND hates, sorrows 'and anJ-- gers, hopes 'and'-feira- , regrets and joys;MANHOOD, bow lost, now restored ; thenature, treatment and radical crire of Sper-matorrhoea or seminal weakness involuntaryemissions, sexual debility and impediments tom'arriage'generallv; nervousness; consumption,fits, mental and physieaIalBcapaelty; resultingfrom SELF ABUSE are fully explained in theMARRIAGE GUIDE 1 YOUNG, M.Tl. TM oTtmnrdiriarv book snould be in thehands of every4 young 'person 'contemplating amarriage, and Avery man who desires to limitthe number of tfaeir offspring- - .to their cirenm- -

stances. Every pain, disease ami acne incidental to youth, maturity and old age, is rully exyplained; every particle of knowledge that shouldbe known is here given. It is fall of engravings.

fact it discloses secrets tnat every one snouioknowr "stillit is a. book that must be locked np.and not lie about the'honse: It will be sent' toany one on the receipt of twenty-fiv- e centsln,specie of postage stamps. AddrtsJ DR. "W M

Fofifth, Philadelphia.ttT AFFLICTED AND UNFORTUNATE,

nn'rnhiT what vonrdiseau.befofe'vtmplace yonrVelf under the care of 'ariv'of the rjo-- t

VOraUUS !. tIB Wi( avafcijJiM mmw v- -

tiseln thiajor'anv 6thef?paperlKetacony of Dr.YouLga book; and rwid it cftatfjItvUtbethe'mekna'bfaavlnffyom-many'a'dollar-

, yonrhealtKaodiiossibly yonr'life; ' ?'-- ,,

YOUNG can be consulted on any of thedseasea described in hiapnblicaiioa, at .hia of-

fice, No. 416 SPRUCEStreet, abaveFoWh,Pbiladelnlda, .w..J.Mj. , v' UKceaonrtrsoHau j, QAiiy.

6D- -J lVATitnMVWoollen FactorvtTA mh' I

T7'E'wol4, respectfully., announce, ,to", onr., v V former fjatroBS, thit.'hajuig.'r efflted purestablishment ,aiid added, more, machinery J, weare 'bc,ethanTomerlyi attend to. theirwaatt", T.

- , , i(,IWpT' prepared to do .enstom cardingand spinnin-g- , ,fuljing,' Eyeing, iad dressing, on athe moat reasoniile Uraisir ' " . ... ," .

We will also bVprepared to manniaclnre Cassimere, Satineli'Jeaos, LInsey';"TIinneI.,and

- '-Pi.-v.- t, , fCuftcmers froat a distaace aao rely upon be--inatteaded to Droarbtlv. .'.'..... ' J"

.i.-- . TZ-- .V5V-'.Il'- i --iilTj.-iJ .nt navereajovea iroBowiotmwjuuu, vtheateaaarMiU' bwlflrilnjOregwt CSfte,eveiT:one',an4".w;.wnin,eaH;o.rJnt.yourwoof, fer whrck weiU paj,theMxJaeatBurEe

"".' "" ..W.i'AW bntftmv"" -JiSaB?2xrEa:m



TUtxuaay L. 1864: i - i iTHE. NEW YORK MERCURY,

t. roa n. .. jijlCOMIfiC YEAR. v

i. i. a.After more than a qnarter of a century of

nninterrnpted success,. Thk Nb Yoalr Mam-dc- ar

standing first oh the mdster-rol- l of theLiterary Press of this country-polnt- proudlyto its'past career as' a guarahtea of new

the future. S.'.lieretofore, it has eclipaed'aU'riralry ; bnt it

proposes" to make the comingjrear memorable"bj teliftiny Us aira putt Hstorf, amllooniing op'before, the world as tbe most 'marvellous speci-men of a fscinitrng, brilliant,comprehensive Literary Newspaper Jht1iJ'ever been pblishcd in either hemisphere, 'y

TUE GENIUS OF EUROPE awill be laid under contribution togivehriltianCy to its columns; and side by side with origUsal production of the most popntar romancistaof the Old World, will bo nbeeil the cltfd'aurrtt of tbe most)-eminen- t story-write- rs 'ofme new. . . ,. -

MISS If. EBR'ADDON,Authoress of Aurora Tlovd'" T.i1t AmUley's Secrer,''" "Xhn MarchmontV'Legaeyj""etc, etc., who has snddmly risen, likeA STAR OF THE FIRST WAGNlTUDEiin the literary horizon of Great Britain, haabeen specially encaged lb supply Tint Nrvrx uhjw .UA.KV(;Hr. injui uuiv. VJ umc, Wliu U19wonderful creations of her genius, at a cotwhich no other weekly in America could ven-ture to inenr. .

Among the nultitudcof distingaished wri-ters and artists who have become f miliar to tha'masses through the vast circulation of the Star'Wsklv or Aurarc.t, may be mentioned tha'follorvius, all of whom are still upon its staff:Da. J. II. RosiNM.t, Cocsm .Mav CakletonMaxgaxkt Blou.vt, Y. O. Kato.v,Ned BusTu.tE, (tROKGE Mahtial,AaTHBR JI.GR.ii.xars, JOLIA S. HCKAHAM- - ,(I RACK GAXn.XEK, KbWASO WltLETT,- -

Feux O. C. Darixt, Maet Chiet,Miss M.E. BaauDo.f, GtMEGE AlBAXV.

Scores of other dirtingnisheil literati, undervarious' noms de plume, contribute to its col-umns, while its pictorial illustrations are fromfthe inimitable pencil of Felix O. C. DarleyEsq.,the best draughtsman of the nge.

Tbe War, which, given the coup de graceto so many pretentious publication?, and hairdestroyed. those that still survive, has added!thousan-l- s to tbe circulation of The New YorkMercury.

Its heart stirring short stories, it3 militaryhistoriettes, iUmatchless serial romances, itsr1

racy burlesques', its genial wit and humor.gossip,itg'fairy tales for little folks

its rare poetry ..its fresh and vigorous editori-als, the infinite variety of its contents, and thtflarge amount.of reading matter that it compri-ses, render it welcome everywhere, and to albclasses of society. Containing, as it does,


of closely-printe- d matter, it may safely be pro'nounced tho cheapest as well as tha best Lit-- rrary'Nswspaper extant.- - ""

Three favorite writers, Dr.-J- . Hi Robinson,-Cocsi- h

Mav Carlcton, and Ned Buntline, arnow preparing three stories for The New YorltMercury. One of these productions will bcommenced in the Opening Number of thNew Year. 1 he authorvbeing, aware of thia-fact- ,

are. engaged in an emulative contest for'precedence, anil the result will unquestionably-b-

that the most effective, story ever penned JjTany of the three, wil commence in the


of the great RaraESE-TrATi- Weeklv' of thefWestern World.

Tire Nnv York Mcscoav is sold by alPnewsmen and periodical dealers In Araerfcav-T-

subscribers, it is regularly mailed eveVj1Saturday morning; for $2 a year; three copiejTfor $5; six copies for $9; eight copies for $19jrwith an extra copj,free, to the getter np of Six months'' subscriptions received.- - '

Altrays'uritc'plainlrf the name'ef jour Poit Of--Jiee, County, and State. Wo take the notes ofall solvent banks at par. Payment must inva--riaWy be made in'advancc.

O" Specimen Copies sent to all applicants.Address all letters and

"remittances, post--pai- d,

tocauLdwell- - Whitney,Propriitors of the New York' Mercury,

Nos. 43 Ann Street and 113 Fulton Street,' New Yos-- c Citt. ""



Sewing Machine.IT is a raAcncAL, radd, ErnciE.iT"and no-- 1

Sewino Machine, adapted to a large?proportion of Fawilv Sewing, or for maenfac- -:

tufirfg purposes, nud is highly ornamental, andfis so light and portable, (weighing less thaaone pound,) that it can be conveniently carried;iu the pocket or reticule. . .

Its operation is so very stxruc, that it re--quires bnt a slight degree of judgment to use itl

By the simple turning of a crank with on'o' 'hand, and guiding the work with the other; Ifrsilently yet very rapidly, with' a Com'mox NezT-vi-x,

makes the running stitch ex'acllv jjkeTHamd.Sewino, only more pcifect and regular.

It will lira, ciTiir.s.acrri.r.sHiitK.TCciattfvt sxEADTjis, etc., with a single or double-thread- ;

onjiny material'" adapted to the" Rc."T-xn- G

STtTcir, from the ijcirrKST and Tiii.t.itsrup to two thicknesses of ordinary silk or mus-

lin the thinnest, usually the most difficult' tostitch by other seaing machines. Icing .sewethe easiest., For ladies' and children's apparel-.- ,,

and other articles made of light fabrics, it. willtherefore' be fonud almost txvAtOABLE.

It Isattiehed the table like a sewing bird,and having riotensfonnnd requiring no lubri-cation' or change ofstitch, is always ready for",operation, and snch a marvel of simplicity; tbaC .

child of six or eight years can itimmediately, and use it iccctujti'llV.

It is not at all liaftle to get out of order1."

The New York State Fair, recently heldRochester, has confirmed the efficiency andstmpllcity and'--' great practical utility of thia.Machine, by awarding, it the First Pabttcx.

Each machine is put np in a neat box, ac-

companied with lull and explicit directions, andtwenty-fiv- e needles. A.

Sent to any address in the United States, earreceipt of an order. Indorsing the amount, omay be. collected by Express, on delivery of thattOaehine. . - ,, "


Ageritr wanted every where, to whom (hemostlibcraTindocemcnU'will be offered- -,

Forjp'articnlirs,, Specimens of eta..send "a stamp for return postage. AddreatMlii!.'DEJoar3T,No- - 473 Broadwa,.N. Y.

03-- EverLady, Mother, Milllner'and Dreagmaker shbnld have one b'f.thcse valuable Sew"--"

ios Machines. - '060:25.1863."

ClHciMkU WtAf, Hitem.jr--r o

NO INCREASE OF rKICJfcl ;nio' r:, . i ,. .jar--!

Sinrfe Copy, one yeaiv $210Two toJiveXnief7r T ' TMMkHfiFive to Ten Copies, i5r-T.- .

'16ki iwvufciiuvjin,i.jkywukuj -extra copy,. . -- ' l.OO J

Twenty Copies andjjpward, (and oneto the getter np of tbe Clnb.K I-- -- additTohal Extra'Copy for every ad?

(Hitbn'ir Twenty SubscriSersv !Qr No' Extnr'JKpy'fo'tJessVthan TwfaijSubscribera. To, '"'

tttVetterunofeach Clubof Serentvor mora'copy of the'DAILY will be sehtjff preferred)"

insieu oi uie fun tv Liinuirra.. vr ik wm jbe "sent sixmonths or Forty Subscriberk'.'iXut:it 'cannot be etartcdTn either case nntif dnrcClub is fqlly madeIo Clubs'. at all.iimes dutlne the yemrkt 'pro--

cortional rates, the tissa'-U- . expire wltS tkmxClubPayment invarStUL advihee. 3

All etters cdnUln;rigret&flcesr(irrefii',.TvjedJ will be a"t oar. rUklfViitb; boweverviwjpreferradTwhen obtainablei', 'Addres, fcrVf. . . iJizrrrcCnMP'iitiT

m' Vt

: -



a w t r."- - . .: zr t .- - .Mt.- - .' -- lrlW'IU,Arftl ty&&Kt:3ikw GnI roootk., ?WPBjS!lrW"' rsjv

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