brazil localization guide

7/22/2019 Brazil Localization Guide 1/225 EHP4 for SAP ERP 6.0 March 2010 English Sales and Distribution (105) SAP AG Dietmar-Ho-Allee 16 6!1!0 "all#orf German$ %&il#ing %loc' (onfig&ration G&i#e

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EHP4 for SAP ERP6.0

March 2010


Sales and Distribution(105)

SAP AGDietmar-Ho-Allee 166!1!0 "all#orf German$

%&il#ing %loc' (onfig&ration G&i#e

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SAP Best Practices Sales an# Distri)&tion *10+, (onfig&ration G&i#e


(o$right 200/ SAP AG. All rights resere#.

o art of this &)lication ma$ )e rero#&ce# or transmitte# in an$ form or for an$ &roseitho&t the e3ress ermission of SAP AG. he information containe# herein ma$ )echange# itho&t rior notice.

Some softare ro#&cts mar'ete# )$ SAP AG an# its #istri)&tors contain rorietar$ softarecomonents of other softare en#ors.

Microsoft5 "in#os5 E3cel5 &tloo'5 an# PoerPoint are registere# tra#emar's of Microsoft(ororation.

7%M5 D%25 D%2 8niersal Data)ase5 S925 Parallel S$sle35 M:S9ESA5 A7;5 S9<!05 AS94005S9<!05 S94005 iSeries5 Series5 3Series5 =Series5 S$stem i5 S$stem i+5 S$stem 5 S$stem+5 S$stem 35 S$stem =5 S$stem =!5 =9S5 A>P5 7ntelligent Miner5 "e)Shere5 etfinit$5ioli5 7nformi35 i+9S5 P"ER5 P"ER+5 P"ER+?5 enPoer an# PoerP( aretra#emar's or registere# tra#emar's of 7%M (ororation.

 A#o)e5 the A#o)e logo5 Acro)at5 PostScrit5 an# Rea#er are either tra#emar's or registere#tra#emar's of A#o)e S$stems 7ncororate# in the 8nite# States an#9or other co&ntries.

racle is a registere# tra#emar' of racle (ororation.

87;5 ;9en5 S>915 an# Motif are registere# tra#emar's of the en Gro&.

(itri35 7(A5 Program eigh)orhoo#5 Meta>rame5 "in>rame5 :i#eo>rame5 an# M&lti"in aretra#emar's or registere# tra#emar's of (itri3 S$stems5 7nc.

HM@5 ;M@5 ;HM@ an# "<( are tra#emar's or registere# tra#emar's of "<(5 "orl#"i#e "e) (onsorti&m5 Massach&setts 7nstit&te of echnolog$.

Baa is a registere# tra#emar' of S&n Micros$stems5 7nc.

BaaScrit is a registere# tra#emar' of S&n Micros$stems5 7nc.5 &se# &n#er license fortechnolog$ inente# an# imlemente# )$ etscae.

SAP5 R9<5 3As5 3A5 SAP et"eaer5 D&et5 PartnerE#ge5 %$Design5 SAP %&siness%$Design5 an# other SAP ro#&cts an# serices mentione# herein as ell as their resectielogos are tra#emar's or registere# tra#emar's of SAP AG in German$ an# in seeral otherco&ntries all oer the orl#. All other ro#&ct an# serice names mentione# are thetra#emar's of their resectie comanies. Data containe# in this #oc&ment seresinformational &roses onl$. ational ro#&ct secifications ma$ ar$.

hese materials are s&)Cect to change itho&t notice. hese materials are roi#e# )$ SAP AG an# its affiliate# comanies *SAP Gro&, for informational &roses onl$5 itho&treresentation or arrant$ of an$ 'in#5 an# SAP Gro& shall not )e lia)le for errors oromissions ith resect to the materials. he onl$ arranties for SAP Gro& ro#&cts an#serices are those that are set forth in the e3ress arrant$ statements accoman$ing s&chro#&cts an# serices5 if an$. othing herein sho&l# )e constr&e# as constit&ting ana##itional arrant$.

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SAP Best Practices Sales an# Distri)&tion *10+, (onfig&ration G&i#e


Icon Meaning



ote or i



Typographic Conventions

Type Style Description

Example text  "or#s or characters that aear on the screen. hese incl&#e fiel#names5 screen titles5 &sh)&ttons as ell as men& names5 aths an#otions.

(ross-references to other #oc&mentation.

Example text Emhasi=e# or#s or hrases in )o#$ te3t5 titles of grahics an# ta)les.

E;AMP@E E; ames of elements in the s$stem. hese incl&#e reort names5rogram names5 transaction co#es5 ta)le names5 an# in#ii#&al 'e$

or#s of a rogramming lang&age5 hen s&rro&n#e# )$ )o#$ te3t5 fore3amle5 SE@E( an# 7(@8DE.

Example text Screen o&t&t. his incl&#es file an# #irector$ names an# their aths5messages5 so&rce co#e5 names of aria)les an# arameters as ell asnames of installation5 &gra#e an# #ata)ase tools.

EXAMPLE TEXT e$s on the 'e$)oar#5 for e3amle5 f&nction 'e$s *s&ch as F2, or theENTER 'e$.

Example text E3act &ser entr$. hese are or#s or characters that $o& enter in thes$stem e3actl$ as the$ aear in the #oc&mentation.

 <Example text>  :aria)le &ser entr$. Pointe# )rac'ets in#icate that $o& relace theseor#s an# characters ith aroriate entries.


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SAP Best Practices Sales an# Distri)&tion *10+, (onfig&ration G&i#e

ContentSales an# Distri)&tion...............................................................................................................!

P&rose..................................................................................................................................... !


2.1 PrereF&isites....................................................................................................................!(onfig&ration.............................................................................................................................!

r#er Sche#&ling ..................................................................................................................!

Defining >loats *Sche#&ling Margin e$,...........................................................................!

SD %&siness Partner (onfig&ration ....................................................................................10

(&stomer (ontrol.............................................................................................................10

Setting 8 Partner Determination Acco&nt Gro&s - >&nction Assignment ................10

Defining (&stomer Acco&nt Gro& for D8MM (&stomer...........................................11

Partner Determination Proce#&re Assignment.............................................................1+

(&stomer Master Data ....................................................................................................16

Defining @egal Stat&ses................................................................................................16

Defining (&stomer Gro&s...........................................................................................16

Defining Sales Districts.................................................................................................1

(&stomer Hierarchies .....................................................................................................1/

 Assigning Sales Areas to (&stomer Hierarch$ $es .................................................1/

 Alloe# Acco&nt Gro& Assignments for (&stomer Hierarchies..................................1/

@ogistics E3ec&tion..............................................................................................................1!

@E Shiment (ost...........................................................................................................1!

Defining an# Assigning Shiing $e Proce#&re Gro&.............................................1!

 Assigning P&rchasing Data..........................................................................................20

@E Ro&tes.......................................................................................................................20

Defining Shiing $es...............................................................................................20 Assigning ransortation Ione to Shiing Point.........................................................21

@E Pac'aging..................................................................................................................21

Defining Pac'aging Material $es..............................................................................21

Defining Material Gro& for Pac'aging Materials.........................................................22

Defining Alloe# Pac'aging Materials .........................................................................2<

 Assign Shiing Points................................................................................................2+

@E Delieries...................................................................................................................26

Defining Delier$ $es................................................................................................26

 Assignment of @ist Profile to Delier$ Scenario............................................................2/

Pricing.................................................................................................................................2/Defining (on#ition a)les................................................................................................2/

Defining Access SeF&ences............................................................................................2!

(on#ition $es...............................................................................................................2!

Defining an# Assigning Pricing Proce#&re.......................................................................<0

Defining Pricing Proce#&re Determination.......................................................................<1

Defining Doc&ment Pricing Proce#&re.............................................................................<1

 Acco&nt Determination........................................................................................................ <2

Materials Acco&nt Assignment Gro&.............................................................................<2

(&stomers Acco&nt Assignment Gro&..........................................................................<2

Defining Acco&nt Determination Proce#&re.....................................................................<<Defa&lt :al&es for Acco&nt Gro& for (&stomer (reation................................................<<

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SAP Best Practices Sales an# Distri)&tion *10+, (onfig&ration G&i#e

Defining Acco&nt e$s.....................................................................................................<4

 Assigning G9@ Acco&nts...................................................................................................... <4

(ash Acco&nt Determination...........................................................................................42

 Aaila)ilit$ (hec'................................................................................................................ 42

 Aaila)ilit$ (hec' Define (hec'ing Gro&s....................................................................42

Defining Material %loc' for ther 8sers...........................................................................4< Aaila)ilit$ (hec' Defining (hec'ing Gro&s Defa&lt :al&e...........................................44

(arr$ing &t (ontrol for Aaila)ilit$ (hec'......................................................................44

 Aaila)ilit$ (hec' against Pro#&ct Allocation Maintaining Proce#&re.............................4+

 Aaila)ilit$ (hec' against Pro#&ct Allocation Defining )Cect........................................46

 Aaila)ilit$ (hec' against Pro#&ct Allocation Secif$ing Hierarch$................................4

 Aaila)ilit$ (hec' against Pro#&ct Allocation Defining (ons&mtion Perio#s........... .... .4

 Aaila)ilit$ (hec' against Pro#&ct Allocation (ontrolling Pro#&ct Allocation..................4/

Defining >lo Accor#ing to ReF&irement (ategor$.........................................................4!

&t&t (ontrol.....................................................................................................................4!

Maintaining &t&t Proce#&re.........................................................................................4!&t&t (ontrol J Sales Doc&ments.....................................................................................+0

Maintaining &t&t $es &t&t $es.........................................................................+0

Maintaining &t&t $es Message $es.....................................................................+1

&t&t (ontrol J Shiing ..................................................................................................+2

Maintaining &t&t $es................................................................................................+2

 Assigning &t&t Determination Proce#&res ..................................................................+<

Maintaining &t&t $es - Partner >&nction...................................................................+<

&t&t (ontrol J %illing .......................................................................................................+4

Maintaining &t&t $es................................................................................................+4

 Assigning &t&t Determination Proce#&res...................................................................++SD &t&t Determination - %illing Partner >&nctions.......................................................++

Defining Print Parameters....................................................................................................+6

Defining Print Parameters Sales rgani=ation.................................................................+6

Defining Print Parameters Shiing.................................................................................+

&t&t (ontrol J Pic'ing SD................................................................................................+/

&t&t Determination for Pic'ing @ist...............................................................................+/

Maintaining Print Parameter for SD Pic'ing.....................................................................+/

Pro#&ct Secific Settings.....................................................................................................+!

Maintaining Proce#&re Determination in %ac'gro&n# for Pro#&ct Proosal.....................+!

Maintaining Proce#&re Determination nline for Pro#&ct Proosal.................................60

 Assigning Doc&ment Proce#&re to Sales Doc&ment $e...............................................60

Defining 7tem (ategor$ Gro&s...........................................................................................61

Determining Actie Receia)les er 7tem (ategor$............................................................61

(hanging controlla)le error messages shiing rocessing................................................62

Sales r#er Processing 7.....................................................................................................62

Defining &m)er Ranges for Sales Doc&ments...............................................................62

Defining Sales Doc&ment $es......................................................................................6<

Sales rgani=ations - Assigning r#er $e...................................................................64

Diisions )$ Sales rg - Assign r#er $e....................................................................6+

Distri)&tion )$ Sales rg - Assign r#er $e................................................................6+

 Assigning Sales Area to Sales Doc&ment $es.............................................................66 Assigning Sales Area to (re#it (ontrol Area................................................................... 6

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SAP Best Practices Sales an# Distri)&tion *10+, (onfig&ration G&i#e

Defining Releant 7tem (ategories..................................................................................6/

Defining 7ncomleteness Proce#&res..............................................................................6/

 Assigning 7ncomleteness Proce#&res............................................................................6!

Defining an# Assigning e3t Determination Proce#&res..................................................6!

 Assigning Material Determination Proce#&res to Sales Doc&ment $es.......................0

Don Pa$ment (onfig&ration..............................................................................................0Defining %illing Plan $es..............................................................................................0

Date categor$...................................................................................................................1

Defining an# Assigning 7tem (ategor$ %A..................................................................1

Defining 7tem (ategories for Delieries...............................................................................2

 Assigning 7tem (ategories................................................................................................... <

(o$ing (ontrol Sales Doc&ment to %illing Doc&ment.......................................................<

Secif$ing (o$ (ontrols for Delieries..............................................................................4

Determination of reF&irement t$es &sing transaction.........................................................+

Defining Delier$ 7tem (ategor$......................................................................................6

Defining an# Assigning e3t Determination Proce#&res..................................................6S7S (onfig&ration................................................................................................................

S7S Hea#er (onfig&ration................................................................................................

 S7S 7tem (onfig&ration..................................................................................................../

 Actiate S7S 7nfo Str&ct&res.........................................................................................!

@E &t&t (ontrol................................................................................................................/0

Maintaining o&t&t #etermination roce#&res for o&t)o&n# #elieries............................./0

Maintaining &t&t Determination Proce#&re for Shiing 8nits - (ontrol....................../0

Sales r#er Processing 77..................................................................................................../1

Maintaining (o$ (ontrol for Sales Doc&ments *K,....................................................../1

 Assigning 7tem (ategories............................................................................................... /<Defining 7tem (ategories................................................................................................../<

Setting & Partner Determination Proce#&re Assignment for 7tem categories................./4

Maintaining 7tem (ategor$ Assign e3t Determination Proce#&re.................................../+

 Assigning 7ncomleteness Proce#&res............................................................................/6

Maintaining (o$ing (ontrol Delier$ Doc&ment to %illing Doc&ment............................./6

<.4PREPARE SD %RAI7@7A @(A@7IA7 *0<+,......................................................//

SD %7@@7G.....................................................................................................................//

%illing Doc&ment $es...............................................................................................//

SD SA@ES D(8MES...............................................................................................!1

7ncomletion @og .......................................................................... !1

Maintain Sales r#er $es ...........................................................!4

 Assign Sales Area o Sales Doc&ment $es *%R,...................................................101

 Assign Price Proce#&re to %illing t$e ..........................................102

 Assign 7ncomletion Proce#&res >or Sales Doc&ment $e ....... ..10<

SD SA@ES D(8ME 7EM (AEGR7ES..............................................................104

Define 7tem (ategories for sales or#er ................................................104

 Assign 7tem categories ................................................................. 10/

Define 7tem (ategories for Delier$ ...............................................10!

Defining 7tem (ategor$ Determination in Delieries...................................................111

 Assign Sche#&le @ine ....................................................................112

SD @(A@7IA7 %RAI7@ ASS7G >.....................................................................114 Assign ota >iscal to Sales r#er..............................................................................114

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SAP Best Practices Sales an# Distri)&tion *10+, (onfig&ration G&i#e

Maintain Sales Doc&ment 7tem (ategor$...................................................................114

Maintain %illing $es.................................................................................................116

Maintain %illing Doc&ment 7tem (ategor$...................................................................11

Maintain A&tomatic ota >iscal e3ts........................................................................11/

Define %ra=ilian a3 Regions an# Assign to Geograh. Regions...............................120

SD (o$ control for #oc&ments.....................................................................................120Maintain (o$ (ontrol %illing to Sales Doc&ment......................................................120

Maintain (o$ (ontrol Sales Doc&ment to Delier$...................................................124

Maintain (o$ (ontrol Sales Doc&ment to %illing......................................................12

Maintain (o$ (ontrol Delier$ to %illing....................................................................12!

Maintain (o$ (ontrol Sales Doc. to Sales Doc........................................................1<1

SD A;%RA J @ocali=ation %ra=il.....................................................................................1<2

SD A;%RA - @(A@7IA7 %RAI7@ - PAR 1........................................................1<2

>iel# (atalog..............................................................................................................1<2

Define SeF&ence for SD a3 (o#e Determination.....................................................1<+

 Define (&stomer Gro&s for S&)ri) (alc&lation.....................................................1<6Define Access SeF&ences..........................................................................................1<

SD A;%RA - @(A@7IA7 %RAI7@ - PAR 2........................................................14

Define An# Assign Pricing Proce#&re.........................................................................14

Define (on#ition $es..............................................................................................1+<

SD A;%RA - @(A@7IA7 %RAI7@ - PAR <........................................................1+

 Assign (on#ition $es to 7nternal (o#es for a3 (on#itions....................................1+

 Assign (on#ition a)les to a3 a)les......................................................................160

 Assign (on#ition $e to "ithhol#ing a3 $e........................................................161

a3 (o#es SD............................................................................................................162

a3 (o#es MM9>7.......................................................................................................164Define fficial (ollection (o#es.................................................................................16+

Ma SD a3 :al&es to ota >iscal >iel#s..................................................................166

Secial (on#itions for Pricing.....................................................................................16

Define SeF&ence for a3 @a Determination.............................................................16/

SA@ES D(8MES %RAI7@7A @([email protected]/

 Assign &t&t Determination Proce#&res.................................................................. 16/

Define an# Assign Acco&nt e$s...............................................................................16!

 Assign Doc&ment Proce#&re for Pro#&ct Proosal to Sales Doc&ment.....................10

Define 7n#&str$ Sector for (&stomers.........................................................................10

Define Shiing (on#itions )$ Sales Doc&ment $e...............................................11

Pricing Proce#&res Determination in Sales Docs..........................................................11

(alc&lation Proce#&res for (% (alc&lation .................................................................1<

 Assign %&siness Area to Plant9:al&ation Area an# Diision..........................................1<

Define "ich a3es are incl&#e# in SD Price (on#itions................................................14

 Assign ota >iscal to Sales r#er................................................................................1+

DE>7E A; RE@E:A( > MASER RE(RDS..................................................1+

 DE>7E A; RE@E:A( > MASER RE(RDS - (&stomer...........................1+

 DE>7E A; RE@E:A( > MASER RE(RDS - Material..............................1+

MA8A@ A(7:77ES.......................................................................................................16

 Actiation of a3 (o#es................................................................................................. 16

Maintain Secific a3 $e 7(M..................................................................................1/MASER DAA.....................................................................................................................1/

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SAP Best Practices Sales an# Distri)&tion *10+, (onfig&ration G&i#e

(reate &t&t a3 Recor# *7%R;,.................................................................................1/

(reate 7nitial a3 Rates 100L...................................................................................... 1!

(reate 7nitial %ase Rates 100L.....................................................................................1!

(reate 7nitial %ase Rates 100L.....................................................................................1/0

ota >iscal (on#ition Recor#s.......................................................................................1/0

(reate 7nitial P7S a3 Rate.............................................................................................1/0(reate 7nitial (>7S a3 Rate.....................................................................................1/1

%RAI7@7A @(A@7IA7.................................................................................................1/2

ota >iscal Electronic *>-e,.............................................................................................1/2




Define >orms - >-e......................................................................................................1/2

Define &m)er Gro&s - >-e.......................................................................................1/2

(on#ition t$es for &t&t Determination J>-e...........................................................1/<

(on#ition t$es for ota >iscal Parallel Process *tional,.......................................1/4Maintain &m)er Ranges for >-e................................................................................1/+

 Assign &m)ering an# Printing Parameters J >-e......................................................1/+

&t&t Determination Proce#&re...................................................................................1/6

(reate (on#ition Recor# - >-e....................................................................................1/

Define ota >iscal $es...............................................................................................1/

Define > $e Re#etermination for Goo#s Moements...............................................1!<

Defining %&siness Places...............................................................................................1!4

Defining > $e Re#etermination er %&siness Place................................................1!+

 Assign ;M@ :ersion to Region......................................................................................1!+

Defining SE>AI Stat&s (o#es ......................................................................................1!6Defining (ancellation Reasons......................................................................................20<

Defining 7P7 a3 Sit&ations.............................................................................................204

Defining P7S a3 Sit&ations...........................................................................................20+

Defining (>7S a3 Sit&ations ...................................................................................206

Defining 7P7 a3 @as ...................................................................................................20

Defining P7S a3 @as...................................................................................................210

Defining (>7S a3 @as ..........................................................................................214

Maintain a3 @a P7S9(>7S......................................................................................21

Maintain a3 @a P7S9(>7S SD................................................................................21!

Defining Screen (ontrol Gro&s....................................................................................220

 Assigning Screen (ontrol Gro&.................................................................................... 221

(% Maing of S&)ri %ase Re#&ction....................................................................222

 (reate e (on#itions for MM an# SD.....................................................................222

 Maintain (alc&lation Proce#&re A;%RA 9 :A%RA................................................222

 (reate e 7nternal (o#es.......................................................................................22<

 Assing 7nternal (o#es to (on#itions..........................................................................224

Defining a3 B&ris#iction (o#es ....................................................................................224

 Assigning Postal (o#es to a3 B&ris#iction (o#es .......................................................224

(ontingenc$ R&les for Plant...........................................................................................224

 Aen#i3............................................................................................................................... 22+

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SAP Best Practices Sales an# Distri)&tion *10+, (onfig&ration G&i#e

Sales and Distribution

Purposehis config&ration g&i#e roi#es the information $o& nee# to set & the config&ration of this)&il#ing )loc' man&all$.

7f $o& #o not ant to config&re man&all$ an# refer an a&tomate# installation rocess &singthe SAP %est Practices 7nstallation Assistant an# other tools5 refer to the SAP Best PracticesQuick Guide.


!1 Prere"uisites%efore $o& start installing this )&il#ing )loc'5 $o& m&st install rereF&isite )&il#ing )loc's. >ormore information5 see the %&il#ing %loc' PrereF&isite Matri3 for %aseline. he matri3 *anE3cel file, is lin'e# on the sol&tions D:D9e)site in one of the folloing to locations

• (ontent @i)rar$

• Site Ma


$rder Scheduling

De#ining %loats (Scheduling Margin &ey)

'sehe &rose of this ste is to #efine the sche#&ling margin 'e$.

Procedure(arr$ o&t the folloing stes

1. Access the actiit$ &sing one of the folloing naigation otions

IM Menu Production → Shop Floor Control → Operations → Scheduling

→ Deine Scheduling !argin "e# 

Menu IM Produ$%o & Controle de produ$%o & Opera$'es &

Programa$%o & Deinir cha(e de hori)onte

Transaction Code SP$

2. n the Change *ie+ ,!argins or scheduling- O(er(ie+ screen5 choose /e+ Entries.

<. Ma'e the folloing entries

Plant &ey *a+e 1 $peningPeriod

%loat ,#terProduction

%loat -e#oreProduction


1000 000 (entro 1 000 000 000 000

1000 001 (entro 1 010 001 002 00+

1100 000 (entro 2 000 000 000 000

1100 001 (entro 2 010 001 002 00+

4. (hoose Sae.

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SAP Best Practices Sales an# Distri)&tion *10+, (onfig&ration G&i#e

SD -usiness Partner Con#iguration

Custo+er Control

Setting 'p Partner Deter+ination. ,ccount roups / %unction

,ssign+ent'se7n this actiit$5 $o& #efine the r&les that sho&l# )e &se# to erform a&tomatic artner#etermination.

Procedure(arr$ o&t the folloing stes

1. Access the actiit$ &sing one of the folloing naigation otions

IM Menu Sales and Distri0ution → Basic Functions → Partner

Determination → Set up Partner Determination

Menu IM *endas e distri0ui$%o Fun$'es 01sicas Determina$%o de

 parceiro Deinir determina$%o do parceiro

Transaction Code SM *c&stomi=ing o)Cect :(NPARN8,

2. 7n the (hoose Actiit$ #ialog )o35 #o&)le-clic' Set 8 Partner Determination for(&stomer Master.

<. n the (hange :ie OPartner Determination Proce#&res erie screen5 #o&)le-clic' Acco&nt Gro&s J >&nction Assignment.

4. (hoose e Entries.

+. 7n the Acco&nt Gro&s J >&nction Assignment ta)le5 enter the folloing #ata

Partn!%unct ,ccount rp

1% %01

1( %01

1D %01

1D 000<

 AA %01

SP %01

 A" %01

%P %01

%P 000<

P %01

P 000<

S% %01

S %01

SH %01

SH %:(

SP %E(SP %A(

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SAP Best Practices Sales an# Distri)&tion *10+, (onfig&ration G&i#e

Partn!%unct ,ccount rp

%P %E(

P %E(

SH %E(

%P %A(

P %A(

SH %A(

SP %P(

%P %P(

P %P(

SH %P(

1% %0<

1( %0<

1D %0<

 AA %0<

SP %0<

 A" %0<

%P %0<

P %0<

S% %0<S %0<

SH %0<

6. (hoose Sa(e2 then choose Back .

De#ining Custo+er ,ccount roup #or D'MM2 Custo+er 

'sehis actiit$ #efines the c&stomer acco&nt gro& for the D8MM c&stomer.

Procedure(arr$ o&t the folloing stes

1. Access the actiit$ &sing one of the folloing naigation otions

IM Menu 3ogistics→ General → Business Partner → Customers → Control

→ Deine Account Groups and Field Selection or Customers

Menu IM 3og4stica geral Parceiro de neg5cios Clientes Controle Deinir grupos de contas e sele$%o de campos clientes

Transaction Code $3T0

2. n the Change *ie+ ,Customer Account Groups- O(er(ie+  screen5 choose /e+ Entries.<. n the /e+ Entries Details o Added Entries screen5 ma'e the folloing entries

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SAP Best Practices Sales an# Distri)&tion *10+, (onfig&ration G&i#e

%ield *a+e 'ser ,ction and 3alues

 Account Group %P( D&mm$ c&stomer 

/um0er range ;;

Centr6extDetPrc  01

6extDetProc SD 01

Cust.pric.proc. 1

Partner DetermProced   AG

Deault SP  (hec'e#

4. Do&)le-clic' the General Data te3t5 an# e3an# the Field Status Group.

+. n the !aintain Field Status Group O(er(ie+  screen5 set the ra#io )&ttons in each gro&as follos

%ield *a+e 3alues

roup Address

Suppress Search term %5 Street +5 %&il#ings5 (oman$ ostal co#e5(omments5 Regional str&ct&re gro&ing5 Se35 Date of )irth5 Maritalstat&s5 Aca#emic title5 ame refi35 2. aca#emic title5 2n# refi35ame at %irth5 ic'name5 ame affi35 7nitials5 (o&ntr$ for format5>ormat name5 Alternatie lace of resi#ence5 P.. )o3 itho&tn&m)er5 P )o3 co&ntr$5 P %o3 Region5 ame >ormatting58n#eliera)le Street5 8n#eliera)le Post)o3

7e8. Entr#  ame 19@ast name5 Search erm A5 Postal co#e5 cit$5

Opt. Entr#  Mar' the rest otional

Displa#  9A

roup Communication

Suppress Mo)ile elehone

7e8. Entr#  9A

Opt. Entr#  Mar' the rest otional

Displa#  9A

roup Control 

Suppress Reference acco&nt gro& *A,5 %&siness Place5 a3 $e5 a3categories.

7e8. Entr#  9A

Opt. Entr#  Mar' the rest otional

Displa#  9A

roup Marketing 

Suppress 9A

7e8. Entr#  9A

Opt. Entr#  Mar' all otional

Displa#  9A

roup Payment Transactions

Suppress 9A

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%ield *a+e 3alues

7e8. Entr#  9A

Opt. Entr#  Mar' all otional

Displa#  9A

roup Unloading points

Suppress 9A

7e8. Entr#  9A

Opt. Entr#  Mar' all otional

Displa#  9A

roup Contact person

Suppress 9A

7e8. Entr#  9A

Opt. Entr#  Mar' all otional

Displa#  9A

roup Foreign Trade

Suppress 9A

7e8. Entr#  9A

Opt. Entr#  Mar' all otional

Displa#  9A

6. (hoose Sa(e an# then choose Back .

. Select the Compan# code data te3t an# then e3an# Field Status Group.

/. n the !aintain Field Status Group O(er(ie+  screen5 set the ra#io )&ttons in each gro&as follos

%ield *a+e 3alues

roup Account Management 

Suppress Personnel n&m)er5 Gross income ta35 :al&e a#C&stment 'e$

7e8. Entr#  9A

Opt. Entr#  Mar' the rest otional

Displa#  9A

roup Payment transactions

Suppress (re#it memo terms of a$ment5 Diff. Pa$er in #oc&ment5 Accts rec)lele#ging in#.

7e8. Entr#  9A

Opt. Entr#  Mar' the rest otional

Displa#  9A

roup Correspondence

Suppress 9A

7e8. Entr#  9A

Opt. Entr#  Mar' the rest otional

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%ield *a+e 3alues

Displa#  9A

roup Insurance

Suppress 9A

7e8. Entr#  9A

Opt. Entr#  Mar' all otional

Displa#  9A

roup W/holding ta data! "/h ta # 

Suppress "ithhol#ing ta3 co#e *2,5 "ithhol#ing ta3 n&m)er5 "ithhol#ing ta3 t$es

7e8. Entr#  9A

Opt. Entr#  "9hol#.ta3 #e#&ction5 9h ta3 2

Displa#  9A

!. (hoose Sa(e an# then choose Back .

10. Select the Sales data te3t an# then e xpand Field Status Group.

11. n the !aintain Field Status Group O(er(ie+  screen5 set the ra#io )&ttons in each gro&as follos

%ield *a+e 3alues

roup Sales

Suppress 9A7e8. Entr#  Pricing roce#&re5 (&rrenc$

Opt. Entr#  Mar' the rest otional

Displa#  9A

roup Shipping 

Suppress Rail secifications

7e8. Entr#  9A

Opt. Entr#  Mar' the rest otional

Displa#  9A

roup Billing 

Suppress He#ging an# cre#it contr. Area

7e8. Entr#  a3es an# licenses

Opt. Entr#  Mar' the rest otional

Displa#  9A

roup Partner usage

Suppress 9A

7e8. Entr#  9A

Opt. Entr#  Mar' all otional

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%ield *a+e 3alues

Displa#  9A

roup $ocuments

Suppress 9A

7e8. Entr#  9A

Opt. Entr#  Mar' all otional

Displa#  9A

12. (hoose Sa(e an# then choose Back .

Partner Deter+ination Procedure ,ssign+ent

'sehis actiit$ ill assign the acco&nt gro&s to the artner #etermination roce#&re.

Procedure(arr$ o&t the folloing stes

1. Access the actiit$ &sing one of the folloing naigation otions

IM Menu Sales and Distri0ution → !aster Data → Business Partners → 

Customers→ Customer 9ierarch# → Set Partner Determination

or 9ierarch# Categories

Menu IM *endas e distri0ui$%o Fun$'es 01sicas Determina$%o de

 parceiro Deinir determina$%o do parceiro

Transaction Code SM *c&stomi=ing o)Cect :(NPARN8,

2. (hoose Set :p Partner Determination or Customer !aster .

<. n the Partner Determination Procedures O(er(ie+  screen an# choose PartnerDetermination Procedure Assignment O(er(ie+ .

4. n the Partner Determination Procedure Assignment O(er(ie+ screen ma'e thefolloing assignments

roup Description PartnerDeter+inationProcedure


%01 Sol#-to art$ AG Sol#-o Part$

%02 (&stomer *e3t.n&m)erassgnmnt,

 AG Sol#-o Part$

%0< Sol#-to art$ Demo*int.&m).,

 AG Sol#-o Part$

%A( Affiliate# (omanies -%P

 AG Sol#-o Part$

%E( E3ort (&stomers -%P

 AG Sol#-o Part$

%( ne-time c&st.


 AG Sol#-o Part$

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roup Description PartnerDeter+inationProcedure


%P( D&mm$ c&stomer AG Sol#-o Part$

%:( :en#orNA "E Shi-to art$+. (hoose Sa(e an# then choose Back .

Custo+er Master Data

De#ining 4egal Statuses

'sehis actiit$ ill #efine the ossi)le )&siness forms hich a c&stomer can hae *for e3amle5cororation or limite# lia)ilit$ coman$,. o& secif$ the )&siness form in the general #ata ofthe c&stomer master recor# as art of the mar'eting information *hich secifies a )&sinessform for all sales areas,.

Procedure(arr$ o&t the folloing stes

1. Access the actiit$ &sing one of the folloing naigation otions

IM Menu Sales and Distri0ution → !aster Data → Business Partners→ 

Customers→ !arketing → Deine 3egal Statuses

Menu IM *endas e distri0ui$%o Dados mestre Parceiro neg5cios 

Clientes !arketing Deinir tipo de sociedade

Transaction Code $3

2. n the Change *ie+ ,3egal Status ;Customer !aster<- O(er(ie+  screen5 choose /e+Entries.

<. n the /e+ Entries O(er(ie+ o Added Entries screen5 enter the folloing #ata

4egal Status Description

01 @egal stat&s 01

06 @t#

0 7nc

10 (or

4. (hoose Sa(e an# then choose Back .

De#ining Custo+er roups


7n this men& otion5 $o& #efine the c&stomer gro&s to hich a c&stomer can )elong. o&secif$ the c&stomer gro& for sales #ata in the c&stomer master recor# foreach sales area. he SAP s$stem coies this secification a&tomaticall$into the sales #oc&ments at hea#er an# item leel. Here5 $o& ill fin# thec&stomer gro& on the #etail screen for general )&siness #ata.

Procedure(arr$ o&t the folloing stes

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1. Access the actiit$ &sing one of the folloing naigation otions

IM Menu Sales and Distri0ution → !aster Data → Business Partners → 

Customers→ Sales → Deine Customer Groups

Menu IM *endas e distri0ui$%o Dados mestre Parceiro neg5cios 

Clientes *enda Deinir grupos de clientesTransaction Code $3S6

2. n the Change *ie+ ,Customer groups- O(er(ie+  screen5 choose /e+ Entries.

<. n the /e+ Entries O(er(ie+ o Added Entries screen5 enter the folloing #ata

Cgrp *a+e

01 7n#&str$

02 Retail

0< "holl$-one# s&)si#.

04 Partl$ one# s&)si#.0+ (ometition

06 P&)lic sector  

0 Priate c&stomer  

0/ "holesale

4. (hoose Sa(e an# then choose Back .

De#ining Sales Districts

'se7n this men& otion5 $o& #efine the sales #istricts in hich the c&stomers s&)si#iaries can )elocate#. o& secif$ the sales #istricts for the sales #ata in the c&stomer master recor# foreach sales area.

Procedure1. Access the actiit$ &sing one of the folloing naigation otions

IM Menu Sales and Distri0ution → !aster Data → Business Partners → 

Customers→ Sales → Deine Sales Districts 

Menu IM *endas e distri0ui$%o Dados mestreParceiro neg5cios

Clientes *enda Deinir regi%o de (endas

Transaction Code $30

2. n the Change *ie+ ,Customers Sales Districts- O(er(ie+  screen5 choose /e+ Entries.

<. n the /e+ Entries O(er(ie+ o Added Entries screen5 enter the folloing #ata

Sales district District na+e

000001 orthern %ra=il

000002 So&thern %ra=il

00000< So&theastern %ra=il

000004 ortheastern %ra=il

00000+ (entral "est %ra=il

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4. (hoose Sa(e an# then choose Back .

Custo+er 7ierarchies

,ssigning Sales ,reas to Custo+er 7ierarchy Types

'sehis actiit$ ill assign sales areas to each other5 hich allos $o& to #etermine hether asales area &ses its on c&stomer hierarchies or shares one ith another sales area.

Procedure(arr$ o&t the folloing stes

1. Access the actiit$ &sing one of the folloing naigation otions

IM Menu Sales and Distri0ution → !aster Data → Business Partners → 

Customers→ Customer 9ierarch# → Assign Sales Areas

Menu IM *endas e distri0ui$%o Dados mestreParceiro neg5cios

Clientes *enda Atuali)ar campos de reser(a no mestre decliente

Transaction Code $37

2. n the Change *ie+ ,Customer 9ierarch# Allo+ed Sales Area Assignments- O(er(ie+  screen5 choose /e+ Entries.

<. n the /e+ Entries O(er(ie+ o Added Entries screen5 ma'e the folloing entries.

CustType Sales $rg! Distr!Chl Division 7g4vSls$rg 74DstrCh 7g4vDivis!

 A 1000 10 10 1000 10 10

4. (hoose Sa(e an# then choose Back .

,llo8ed ,ccount roup ,ssign+ents #or Custo+er7ierarchies

'sehis actiit$ ill assign the ossi)le higher-leel acco&nt gro&s to the acco&nt gro&sermitte# for each c&stomer hierarch$ t$e. herefore5 )oth the ali# acco&nt gro&s for eachhierarch$ t$e are #efine# an# the higher-leel acco&nt gro&s of the ali# acco&nt gro&s.his ill reent the s$stem assigning a shi-to art$ a)oe a sol#-to art$.

Procedure(arr$ o&t the folloing stes

1. Access the actiit$ &sing one of the folloing naigation otions

IM Menu Sales and Distri0ution → !aster Data → Business Partners → 

Customers→ Customer 9ierarch# → Assign Account Groups

Menu IM *endas e distri0ui$%o Dados mestre Parceiro neg5cios 

Clientes 9ierar8uia clientes Atri0uir grupos contas

Transaction Code $37

2. n the Change (ie+ ,Allo+ed Acct. Grp Assign. For Cust. 9ier.- O(er(ie+  screen5

choose /e+ Entries.<. n the /e+ Entries O(er(ie+ o Added Entries screen5 enter the folloing #ata

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Cust7Type ,cct roup 7g 4v ,cct r  

 A 0001 0012

 A %01 %01

 A %01 000<

 A %01 %02

 A 0012 0012

 A 0012 000<

 A 000< 000<

 A %02 %01

 A %02 0012

 A %02 000<

 A %02 %02

 A %01 0012

 A 000< 0012

4. (hoose Sa(e an# then choose Back .

4ogistics 9:ecution

49. Ship+ent Cost

De#ining and ,ssigning Shipping Type Procedure roup

'sehis actiit$ #efines the ricing roce#&re. o& also assign transactions to the ricingroce#&re transactions )$ #efining the folloing #een#encies for

Procedure(arr$ o&t the folloing stes

1. Access the actiit$ &sing one of the folloing naigation otions

IM Menu 3ogistics Execution → 6ransportation → Shipment Costs → 

Pricing→ Pricing Control → Deine and Assign Pricing


Menu IM 3ogistics Execution  6ransporte Custos de rete  

Determina$%o do pre$o Controle da determina$%o de pre$o  Deinir e atri0uir es8uemas de c1lculo

Transaction Code T;<

2. Do&)le-clic' Deine and assign shipping t#pe procedure group.

<. (hoose /e+ Entries5 an# enter the folloing #ata

%ield *a+e Description 'ser action and values Co++ent

Ship6#pGrp 000+

Description  Air 

4. (hoose Sa(e an# then choose Back .+. Do&)le-clic' Dialog Str&ct&re Assign shipping t#pe procedure group.

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6. 7n the => Airplane ro5 in the Shp6#p Grp ro5 enter ===> %

. (hoose Sa(e an# then choose Back .

,ssigning Purchasing Data

'se>or settlement5 $o& m&st assign the organi=ational &nits in the shiment to the releantorgani=ational &nits in &rchasing. hese settings are necessar$ for creating accr&als. heaccr&als are oste# &sing serice entr$ sheets. he &rchasing organi=ational &nits arenee#e# for serice roc&rement.

Procedure(arr$ o&t the folloing stes

1. Access the actiit$ &sing one of the folloing naigation otions

IM Menu 3ogistics Execution → 6ransportation → Shipment Costs → 

Settlement→ Assign Purchasing Data

Menu IM 3ogistics Execution  6ransporte Custos de rete  

3i8uida$%o  Atri0uir dados de compras

Transaction Code SM0 *(&stomi=ing )Cect :N:>P,

2. (hoose /e+ Entries5 then maintain the folloing #ata

TPPt SCTy P$rg Pr Plnt

1000 0001 1000 100 1000

<. (hoose Sa(e an# then choose Back .

49. outes

De#ining Shipping Types

'se7n this actiit$5 $o& #efine the shiing t$es in com)ination ith the mo#e of transort.

Procedure(arr$ o&t the folloing stes

1. Access the actiit$ &sing one of the folloing naigation otions

IM Menu Sales and Distri0ution → Basic Functions → 7outes → Deine

7outes→ Deine Shipping 6#pes

Menu IM *endas e distri0ui$%o Fun$'es 01sicas ?tiner1rios Deini$%o de itiner1rios

Transaction Code SM0 *(&stomi=ing )Cect :N1<N(M,

2. (hoose /e+ Entries5 then maintain the folloing #ata

PT Description MdTr StP

0+ Airlane 0+ 000+

<. (hoose Sa(e an# then choose Back .

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SAP Best Practices Sales an# Distri)&tion *10+, (onfig&ration G&i#e

,ssigning Transportation =one to Shipping Point

'se7n this ste $o& assign the ransortation Ione to the Shiing Point.

Procedure1. Access the actiit$ &sing one of the folloing naigation otions

IM Menu 3ogistic Execution Q Shipping @ Basic Shipping Functions@ 7outes @ 7oute Determination @ !aintain Countr# and6ransportation one For Shipping Point 

Menu IM 3ogistics Execution  Expedi$%o  Bases   ?tiner1rios

Determina$%o de itiner1rios   Atuali)ar pa4s e )ona detransporte para local de expedi$%o

Transaction Code SP7O / SM30 ;Customi)ing O0ect *6*S67F<

2. Ma'e the folloing entries

ShPt Ctry =one

1000 %R %R00040000

100R %R %R00010000

1100 %R %R00040000

110R %R %R00040000

<. Sae $o&r entries.

49. Pac>aging

De#ining Pac>aging Material Types


he ac'aging material t$e com)ines ac'aging materials into gro&s an# containsessential control feat&res hich al$ to the correson#ing shiingmaterials. "hen $o& secif$ a shiing material t$e in the material masterrecor#5 each shiing material is assigne# to a shiing material t$e.

 Procedure(arr$ o&t the folloing stes

1. Access the actiit$ &sing one of the folloing naigation otions

IM Menu 3ogistics General → 9andling :nit !anagement → Basics → 

Deine Packaging !aterial 6#pes

Menu IM 3og4stica geral Administra$%o de unidades comerciais  BasesDeinir tipos de meios auxiliares de expedi$%o

Transaction Code 37,

2. (hoose /e+ Entries5 then maintain the folloing #ata

Pac>ag!+at type



Sort Plantdeter+in!





%0! 000001 MA@% 0000 A ( % 01

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Pac>ag!+at type



Sort Plantdeter+in!







000001 MA@% 0000 A ( % 01 02


000001 MA@% 0000 A ( % 01 02

%12(he-Pallets 192

000001 MA@% 0000 % D % 01 02

%1<an' lorr$

0000 % A % 01 02

%14(he-Pallets 194

000001 MA@% 0000 % D % 01 02


000001 MA@% 0000 % ( % 01


000001 MA@% 0000 % D % 01 02


000001 MA@% 0000 A ( % 01 02

000< Shi 0000 A A % 01 02

%04r&c' 0000 A A % 01 02


000001 MA@% 0000 % ( % 01 02


000001 MA@% 0000 % ( % 01 02

%0 %o3 000001 MA@% 0000 % ( % 01 02


0000 A % % 01 02

<. (hoose Sa(e an# then choose Back .

De#ining Material roup #or Pac>aging Materials

'se7n this men& otion5 $o& #efine material gro&ings ac'aging materials5 ith hich materialsthat are to )e ac'e# into similar ac'aging materials are gro&e# together. he materialgro&ing for ac'aging materials is entere# in the material master recor# of the shiingmaterial.

Procedure(arr$ o&t the folloing stes

1. Access the actiit$ &sing one of the folloing naigation otions

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IM Menu 3ogistics General → 9andling :nit !anagement → Basics → 

Deine !aterial Group or Packaging !aterials

Menu IM 3og4stica geral Administra$%o de unidades comerciais  

Bases  Deinir grupo de materiais pmeios auxiliares deexpedi$%o

Transaction Code SM0 *(&stomi=ing )Cect :N:EGR,

2. (hoose /e+ Entries5 then maintain the folloing #ata

rPMt Description

%01 Pallets

%02 (ontainer  

%0< (ase

%04 (ar# %o3

%0+ %&l' goo#s

%06 Single arts

%0 Small ac'e# art

%0/ @oose liF&i# ro#

%0! Reefer cargo

%10 r&c'

%12 (he-Pallets 192

%14 (he-Pallets 194

<. (hoose Sa(e an# then choose Back .

De#ining ,llo8ed Pac>aging Materials

'se"hen $o& ac' materials or han#ling &nits5 the s$stem chec's if the ac'aging materials forthe han#ling &nit *to hich the items are to )e ac'e#, are alloe# for ac'ing. %$ assigningac'aging material t$es to the material gro&s for ac'aging materials5 $o& #efine hichac'aging materials are alloe# for ac'ing. %$ assigning shiing material t$es to materialgro&s for shiing materials5 $o& #efine hich shiing materials are alloe# for ac'ing.

Procedure(arr$ o&t the folloing stes

1. Access the actiit$ &sing one of the folloing naigation otions

IM Menu 3ogistics General → 9andling :nit !anagement → Basics → 

Deine Allo+ed Packaging !aterials

Menu IM 3og4stica geral Administra$%o de unidades comerciais  

Bases  Determinar materiais de em0alagem permitidos

Transaction Code SM0 *(&stomi=ing )Cect :NER:H,

2. (hoose /e+ Entries an# maintain the folloing #ata

Mat rp PM P>gMtlType

%01 0001

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Mat rp PM P>gMtlType

%01 %04

%01 %0/

%02 0002

%02 000<

%02 %04

%02 %0/

%0< 0001

%0< 0002

%0< %04

%0< %06

%0< %0/

%04 0001

%04 0002

%04 %04

%04 %0+

%04 %0/

%0+ 000<

%0+ %04

%0+ %0/%06 0002

%06 %06

%06 %0

%0 %0+

%0 %06

%0 %0

%0/ %0!

%0/ %1+%0! %10

%0! %11

%10 %04

%12 %04

%12 %0/

%12 %12

%14 %04

%14 %0/%14 %14

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<. (hoose Sa(e an# then choose Back .

 ,ssign Shipping Points

'se7n this men& otion5 $o& allocate the shiing oints to the #esire# com)inations of shiing

con#ition an# loa#ing gro& for each lant.

Procedure1. Access the actiit$ &sing one of the folloing naigation otions

IM Menu 3ogistics Execution → Shipping → Basic Shipping Functions

→  Shipping Point and Goods 7ecei(ing Point Determination

→ Assign Shipping Points

Menu IM 3ogistics Execution  Expedi$%o  Determina$%o de local

de expedi$%odpto.entrada mercadorias  Atri0uir locais deexpedi$%o

Transaction Code SM30 ;Customi)ing O0ect *6*S6<

2. (hoose /e+ Entries5 then maintain the folloing #ata

SC 4rp Plnt PrShP

01 0001 1000 1000

01 0001 1000 1000

01 0001 1000 1000

01 0001 1000 1000

01 0001 1000 1000

01 0002 1000 1000

01 0002 1000 1000

02 0002 1000 1000

02 0002 1000 1000

02 0002 1000 1000

02 000< 1000 1000

02 000< 1000 1000

02 000< 1000 1000

0< 000< 1000 1000

0< 000< 1000 1000

0< 0001 1100 1100

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SAP Best Practices Sales an# Distri)&tion *10+, (onfig&ration G&i#e

SC 4rp Plnt PrShP

0< 0001 1100 1100

0< 0001 1100 1100

04 0001 1100 1100

04 0001 1100 1100

04 0001 1100 110R

04 0002 1100 1100

04 0002 1100 1100

RE 0002 1100 1100

RE 0002 1100 1100

RE 0002 1100 1100

RE 000< 1100 1100

RE 000< 1100 1100

RE 000< 1000 1000

RE 000< 1000 1000

(hoose Sa(e an# then choose Back .

49. Deliveries

De#ining Delivery Types


7n this men& otion $o& #efine $o&r #elier$ t$es hich reresent the #ifferent )&sinesstransactions in shiing.

Procedure(arr$ o&t the folloing stes

1. Access the actiit$ &sing one of the folloing naigation otions

IM Menu 3ogistics Execution → Shipping → Deli(eries → Deine Deli(er#


Menu IM 3ogistics Execution  Expedi$%o Fornecimentos Deinirtipos de remessa

Transaction Code 034&

2. (hoose /e+ Entries5 then maintain the folloing #ata

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%ield *a+e Description 'ser action and values *otes

Deli(er# t#pe @> Delier$

Document cat. B Delier$

/7 int. assgt  1

/o.range.ext  1/



Order re8uired  Sales or#er reF&ire#

Deautl ord. 6#. D@ r#er $e Sche#



Stor.loc.rule MA@A

OutputDetProc  :10000

6extDetermProc  02

Output 6#pe %@1

 Application :2

7oute determin. e ro&te #etermination ithchec'

PartnDetProc  @>

Distr0tn !ode Distri)&tion at Delier$

Screen se8.grp @>

Displa# range  All items

%ield *a+e Description 'ser action and values *otes

Deli(er# t#pe @ 7ntPlant Stoc' Del$

Document cat. B Delier$

/7 int. assgt  1

/o.range.ext  1/



Order re8uired  P&rchase or#er reF&ire#

Deautl ord. 6#. D@ r#er $eSche#



Stor.loc.rule MA@A

OutputDetProc  :10000

6extDetermProc  02

Output 6#pe @D00 Application :2

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SAP Best Practices Sales an# Distri)&tion *10+, (onfig&ration G&i#e

7oute determin. o ne ro&te #etermination

PartnDetProc  @>

Distr0tn !ode Distri)&tion control )$ areho&sen&m)er 

Screen se8.grp @>Displa# range  All items

<. (hoose Sa(e an# then choose Back .

,ssign+ent o# 4ist Pro#ile to Delivery Scenario

'sehis actiit$ ill assign a @ist Profile to a Delier$ (reation rofile.

Procedure(arr$ o&t the folloing stes

1. Access the actiit$ &sing one of the folloing naigation otions

IM Menu 3ogistics Execution → Shipping → orklists → Assignment o

3ist Proile to Deli(er# Scenario

Menu IM 3ogistics Execution → Expedi$%o → 3istas de tra0alho

→ Atri0ui$%o dos peris da lista aos cen1rios de ornecimento

Transaction Code SM0 (Customizing Objet !"T#$%!&

2. (hoose /e+ Entries.

<. Ma'e the folloing entries

Scenario Description Pro#ilena+e

Selection screen Dlv creationpro#ile

+00A Sche#&le )ac'gro&n#rocessing

+001 + - Sche#&le )atch Co)sitho&t ta)


4. (hoose Sa(e.


De#ining Condition Tables

'se7n this 7MG actiit$5 $o& #efine rice #een#encies. o& can ma'e rices5 s&rcharges5 an##isco&nts #een#ent on almost all the fiel#s in a #oc&ment. o& #efine these #een#encies&sing the con#ition ta)les. 7n a con#ition ta)le5 $o& #efine the com)ination of fiel#s for hich$o& can create con#ition recor#s.

Procedure(arr$ o&t the folloing stes

1. Access the actiit$ &sing one of the folloing naigation otions

IM Menu Sales and Distri0ution → Basic Functions → Pricing → Pricing

Control → Deine Condition 6a0les

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SAP Best Practices Sales an# Distri)&tion *10+, (onfig&ration G&i#e

IM Menu *endas e distri0ui$%o Fun$'es 01sicas Determina$%o do

 pre$o Controle da determina$%o de pre$o  Deinir ta0elas decondi$'es

Transaction Code SM0 *(&stomi=ing o)Cect ::N6/1>N:A,

2. 7f ta)le /<0 #oes not e3ist on the Choose Acti(it#  #ialog )o35 #o&)le-clic' Createcondition ta0les5 an# go to the ne3t ste. 7f ta)le /<0 #oes e3ist5 #o&)le-clic' Changecondition ta0les.

<. 7n the 6a0le fiel#5 enter HI= 5 an# choose Enter .

4. 7n the Field Catlg  col&mn5 locate Sales Organi)ation an# #o&)le-clic' it. he fiel# iscoie# to the Selected ields col&mn.

+. (hoose Generate.

6. (hoose Sa(e. Do not erform an$ other stes in this tas'.

De#ining ,ccess Se"uences


his actiit$ #efines access seF&ences. he access seF&ence is a search strateg$ hich theSAP S$stem &ses to search for con#ition recor#s ali# for a con#ition t$e.>or e3amle5 $o& can #efine for a rice that the SAP S$stem first searchesfor a c&stomer-secific rice an# then for a rice list rice.

 Procedure(arr$ o&t the folloing stes

1. Access the actiit$ &sing one of the folloing naigation otions

IM Menu Sales and Distri0ution → Basic Functions → Pricing → PricingControl → Deine Access Se8uences

Menu IM *endas e distri0ui$%o Fun$'es 01sicas Determina$%o do

 pre$o Controle da determina$%o de pre$o  Deinir se8JKnciasde acesso

Transaction Code SM *ith (&stomi=ing o)Cect ::(N6/2N:A,

2. Do&)le-clic' !aintain Access Se8uences. Accet the arning #ialog )o3.

<. (hoose /e+ Entries.

4. Enter the folloing #ata

%ield *a+e Description 'ser action and values *otes

 AcS8 %20

Description Sales rgani=ation

+. (hoose Sa(e an# then choose Back .

Condition Types

'sehis actiit$ ill #efine con#ition t$es. Price elements are reresente# in the SAP s$stem )$con#ition t$es. Price elements can )e5 for e3amle5 rices5 s&rcharges5 #isco&nts5 ta3es or5

freight5 an# are store# in the s$stem in con#ition recor#s. o& can5 for e3amle5 #efinehether a #isco&nt is calc&late# as a ercentage or a fi3e# amo&nt &sing the con#ition t$e.

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SAP Best Practices Sales an# Distri)&tion *10+, (onfig&ration G&i#e

o& secif$ an access seF&ence in eer$ con#ition t$e. h&s5 $o& #efine hich fiel#s theSAP s$stem chec's hen searching for a ali# con#ition recor#.

Procedure(arr$ o&t the folloing stes

1. Access the actiit$ &sing one of the folloing naigation otionsIM Menu Sales and Distri0ution → Basic Functions → Pricing → Pricing

Control → Deine Condition 6#pes 

Menu IM *endas e distri0ui$%o Fun$'es 01sicas Determina$%o do

 pre$o Controle da determina$%o de pre$o  Deinir tipos decondi$%o

Transaction Code S M30 *(&stomi=ing )Cect ::N6/+AN:A,

2. n the Choose Acti(it#  #ialog )o35 #o&)le-clic' !aintain Condition 6#pes.

<. n the (hange :ie O(on#itions (on#ition $es erie screen5 choose /e+

Entries.4. Enter the folloing #ata

%ield *a+e Description 'ser action and values *otes

Condit.6#pe %<0 100L #isco&nt

 Access Se8 %20

Cond.class  A

Calculat.t#pe  A

Plus!inus ;

!anual entriesD

?tem condition (hec'e#

 Amountpercent  (hec'e#

Delete (hec'e#

Delete r. DB Do not #elete *Set the #eletion flag onl$,

Scale Basis %

+. (hoose Sa(e an# then choose Back .

De#ining and ,ssigning Pricing Procedure

'se7n this actiit$5 $o& #efine the ricing roce#&re &se#.

 Procedure(arr$ o&t the folloing stes

1. Access the actiit$ &sing one of the folloing naigation otions

IM Menu Sales and Distri0ution → Basic Functions → Pricing → Pricing

Control→ Deine and Assign Pricing Procedures

IM Menu *endas e distri0ui$%o Fun$'es 01sicas Determina$%o do

 pre$o Controle da determina$%o de pre$o  Deinir e atri0uires8uemas de c1lculo

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SAP Best Practices Sales an# Distri)&tion *10+, (onfig&ration G&i#e

Transaction Code SPRO

2. 7n the Choose Acti(it#  #ialog )o35 choose !aintain Pricing Procedures.

<. n the Change *ie+ ,Procedures- O(er(ie+ screen5 select the entr$ for roce#&reR:AA01 an# choose Cop# AsL

4. errite the roce#&re name ith %AA01 an# choose Enter .+. 7n the #ialog )o35 choose cop# all .

6. (hoose Sa(e an# then choose Back .

De#ining Pricing Procedure Deter+ination

'se7n this actiit$5 $o& #efine ho the ricing roce#&re is #etermine#.

 Procedure(arr$ o&t the folloing stes

1. Access the actiit$ &sing one of the folloing naigation otions

IM Menu Sales and Distri0ution → Basic Functions → Pricing → Pricing

Control → Deine and Assign Pricing Procedures

Menu IM *endas e distri0ui$%o Fun$'es 01sicas Determina$%o do

 pre$o Controle da determina$%o de pre$o  Deinir e atri0uires8uemas de c1lculo

Transaction Code $3&&

2. 7n the Choose Acti(it#  #ialog )o35 choose Deine Pricing Procedure Determination.

<. n the Change *ie+ ,Pricing Procedures Determination in Sales Docs.- O(er(ie+

screen5 ma'e the folloing entriesSales$rg!

DChl Division DoPr CuPP PriPr! CTyp

1000 10 10 A 1 %A001 PR00

1000 10 10 A 2 %A001 PR00

1100 10 10 % 1 %A001 PR00

4. (hoose Sa(e an# then choose Back .

De#ining Docu+ent Pricing Procedure

'se7n this actiit$5 $o& #efine the #oc&ment ricing roce#&re I *cre#it memo,.

 Procedure(arr$ o&t the folloing stes

1. Access the actiit$ &sing one of the folloing naigation otions

IM Menu Sales and Distri0ution → Basic Functions → Pricing → Pricing

Control → Deine and Assign Pricing Procedures

Menu IM *endas e distri0ui$%o Fun$'es 01sicas Determina$%o do

 pre$o Controle da determina$%o de pre$o  Deinir e atri0uir

es8uemas de c1lculo

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SAP Best Practices Sales an# Distri)&tion *10+, (onfig&ration G&i#e

Transaction Code SP7O S!I= ;Customi)ing O0ect *6*"*<

2. 7n the Choose Acti(it#  #ialog )o35 choose Deine Document Pricing Procedure.

<. n the Change *ie+ ,Pricing Procedures 6ransaction.- O(er(ie+ screen5 choose /e+Entries an# ma'e the folloing entries

Docu+ent Pricing Procedure Description

(re#it memo

M (onsignment 7ss&e

S Serices

4. (hoose Sa(e an# then choose Back .

,ccount Deter+ination

Materials. ,ccount ,ssign+ent roup

'sehis actiit$ #efines acco&nt #etermination #een#encies for materials.

Procedure(arr$ o&t the folloing stes

1. Access the actiit$ &sing one of the folloing naigation otions

IM Menu Sales and Distri0ution → Basic Functions → Account Assignment

Costing→ 7e(enue Account Determination → Check !aster Data

7ele(ant or Account Assignment 

Menu IM *endas e distri0ui$%o Fun$'es 01sicas 

Class.cont10ilc1lculo de custos Determina$%o da conta de

receita  *eriicar dados mestre rele(antes para classiica$%ocont10il 

Transaction Code SPR 9 :+

2. Do&)le-clic' !aterials Account Assignment Groups.

<. (hoose /e+ Entries5 then maintain the folloing #ata

,ccount ,ssign+ent roup Description

0< >inishe# Pro#&cts

1 Serice Proi#er  

2 Ret&rna)le Goo#s

4. (hoose Sa(e an# then choose Back .

Custo+ers. ,ccount ,ssign+ent roup

'sehis actiit$ #efines acco&nt #etermination #een#encies for c&stomers.


(arr$ o&t the folloing stes1. Access the actiit$ &sing one of the folloing naigation otions

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SAP Best Practices Sales an# Distri)&tion *10+, (onfig&ration G&i#e

IM Menu Sales and Distri0ution → Basic Functions → Account Assignment

Costing→ 7e(enue Account Determination → Check !aster Data

7ele(ant or Account Assignment 

Menu IM *endas e distri0ui$%o Fun$'es 01sicas Class.cont10ilc1lculo

de custos Determina$%o da conta de receita  *eriicar dados

mestre rele(antes para classiica$%o cont10il 

Transaction Code $3&?

2. Do&)le-clic' Customers  Account Assignment Groups.

<. (hoose /e+ Entries5 then maintain the folloing #ata

,ccount ,ssign+ent roup Description

04 Dom.Re. itho&t (

4. (hoose Sa(e an# then choose Back .

De#ining ,ccount Deter+ination Procedure

'sehis actiit$ ill #efine $o&r acco&nt #etermination roce#&res an# allocate them to the )illingt$es.

Procedure(arr$ o&t the folloing stes

1. Access the actiit$ &sing one of the folloing naigation otions

IM Menu Sales and Distri0ution → Basic Functions → Account Assignment

Costing→ 7e(enue Account Determination → Deine and Assign Account Determination Procedure

Menu IM *endas e distri0ui$%o Fun$'es 01sicas Class.cont10ilc1lculo

de custos Determina$%o da conta de receita  Deinir e atri0uires8uemas de determina$%o de contas

Transaction Code SM *(&stomi=ing )Cect ::(N6/<N;;N:(,

2. Do&)le-clic' Deine Account Determination Procedure.

<. Select the ro "OF?== Account Determination an# then #o&)le-clic' Control Data.

4. (hoose /e+ Entries5 then maintain the folloing #ata

Step Cntr CTyp e"uire+t

10 1 >7

10 2 > 2

+. (hoose Sa(e an# then choose Back .

De#ault 3alues #or ,ccount roup #or Custo+er Creation

'sehis actiit$ ill assign #efa&lt al&es for acco&nt gro& for a ret&rns c&stomer creation.

Procedure(arr$ o&t the folloing stes

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SAP Best Practices Sales an# Distri)&tion *10+, (onfig&ration G&i#e

1. Access the actiit$ &sing one of the folloing naigation otions

IM Menu !aterials !anagement → Purchasing → *endor !aster → 

Deault (alues or account group or customer creation

Menu IM  Administra$%o de materiais Compras !estre

ornecedores  *alores propostos para grupo de contas para

cria$%o cliente

Transaction Code SM0 (Customizing Object V_T077K_W)

2. (hoose /e+ Entries.

<. Ma'e the folloing entries

roup De#ault #or Cust!,cct!roup

RED 000<

4. (hoose Sa(e.

De#ining ,ccount &eys

'seo& #efine $o&r acco&nt 'e$s in this men& otion an# allocate them to the con#ition t$es inthe ricing roce#&res.

Procedure(arr$ o&t the folloing stes

1. Access the actiit$ &sing one of the folloing naigation otions

IM Menu Sales and Distri0ution → Basic Functions → Account

 AssignmentCosting → 7e(enue Account Determination → Deine

and Assign Account "e#s

Menu IM :en#as e #istri)&io >&nTes )Usicas (lass.contU)il9cUlc&lo#e c&stos Determinao #a conta #e receita  Definir e atri)&irchae #e conta

Transaction Code SM0 *(&stomi=ing )Cect ::N6/N:1,

2. Do&)le-clic' Deine Account "e# .

<. (hoose /e+ Entries5 then maintain the folloing #ata

,ccount &ey *a+e

%1 ERS material rel.

%2 ERS c&stomer rel.%< roision f. freight

%S (&stomer #isco&nts

(> (ofins Proision

PS P7S Proision

ID: Ret&rns

4. (hoose Sa(e an# then choose Back .

,ssigning @4 ,ccounts

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SAP Best Practices Sales an# Distri)&tion *10+, (onfig&ration G&i#e

'sehis actiit$ ill allocate G9@ acco&nts for reen&e acco&nt #etermination. o& hae to ma'ethe allocation for eer$ access seF&ence $o& hae #efine# )eforehan#.


(arr$ o&t the folloing stes1. Access the actiit$ &sing one of the folloing naigation otions

IM Menu Sales and Distri0ution → Basic Functions → Account

 AssignmentCosting → 7e(enue Account Determination → Assign

G3 Accounts

Menu IM *endas e distri0ui$%o Fun$'es 01sicas Class.cont10ilc1lculo

de custos Determina$%o da conta de receita  Atri0uir contas do7a)%o

Transaction Code 3&$,

2. n the Assign G3 Accounts screen5 #o&)le-clic' 6a0le M.<. n the Change *ie+ ,Cust Grp!aterialGrpAcct"e#- O(er(ie+  screen5 choose /e+


4. Maintain the folloing #ata

,pp CndTy! Ch,c S$rg! ,, ,, ,ct&y @4 acct Provision acc!

: >7 00+0 1000 01 01 ER@ 0000<11000

: >7 00+0 1000 01 01 ERS 00004<1101

: >7 00+0 1000 01 01 ID: 0000<21000 0000<21000

: >7 00+0 1000 01 02 ER@ 0000<12000

: >7 00+0 1000 01 02 ERS 00004<1101

: >7 00+0 1000 01 02 ID: 0000<21000 0000<21000

: >7 00+0 1000 01 0< ER@ 0000<11000

: >7 00+0 1000 01 1 %R7 0000<2<200

: >7 00+0 1000 01 1 ER@ 0000<12000

: >7 00+0 1000 01 1 ERS 00004<1101

: >7 00+0 1000 01 1 "< 0000<2<200

: >7 00+0 1000 01 1 G1 00004<1101

: >7 00+0 1000 02 01 ER@ 0000<11000

: >7 00+0 1000 02 01 ID: 0000<21000 0000<21000

: >7 00+0 1000 02 02 ER@ 0000<11000

: >7 00+0 1000 02 02 ID: 0000<21000 0000<21000

: >7 00+0 1000 02 0< ER@ 0000<1<000

: >7 00+0 1000 02 1 %R7 0000<2<200

: >7 00+0 1000 02 1 ER@ 0000<1<000

: >7 00+0 1000 02 1 ERS 00004<1101

: >7 00+0 1000 02 1 "< 0000<2<200

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,pp CndTy! Ch,c S$rg! ,, ,, ,ct&y @4 acct Provision acc!

: >7 00+0 1000 02 1 G1 00004<1101

: >7 00+0 1000 0< 01 ER@ 0000<11000

: >7 00+0 1000 0< 01 ID: 0000<21000 0000<21000

: >7 00+0 1000 0< 02 ER@ 0000<11000

: >7 00+0 1000 0< 02 ID: 0000<21000 0000<21000

: >7 00+0 1000 0< 0< ER@ 0000<11000

: >7 00+0 1000 0< 1 ER@ 0000<12000

: > 00+0 1000 01 01 ER@ 0000<11000

: > 00+0 1000 01 02 ER@ 0000<12000

: > 00+0 1000 01 0< ER@ 0000<11000

: > 00+0 1000 01 1 %R7 0000<2<200

: > 00+0 1000 01 1 ER@ 0000<12000

: > 00+0 1000 01 1 ERS 00004<1101

: > 00+0 1000 01 1 "< 0000<2<200

: > 00+0 1000 01 1 G1 00004<1101

: > 00+0 1000 02 01 ER@ 0000<11000

: > 00+0 1000 02 02 ER@ 0000<12000

: > 00+0 1000 02 0< ER@ 0000<1<000

: > 00+0 1000 02 1 %R7 0000<2<200

: > 00+0 1000 02 1 ER@ 0000<1<000: > 00+0 1000 02 1 ERS 00004<1101

: > 00+0 1000 02 1 "< 0000<2<200

: > 00+0 1000 02 1 G1 00004<1101

: > 00+0 1000 0< 01 ER@ 0000<11000

: > 00+0 1000 0< 02 ER@ 0000<12000

: > 00+0 1000 0< 0< ER@ 0000<11000

: > 00+0 1000 0< 1 ER@ 0000<12000

: >7 00+0 1010 01 01 ER@ 0000<11000: >7 00+0 1010 01 01 ERS 00004<1101

: >7 00+0 1010 01 01 ID: 0000<21000 0000<21000

: >7 00+0 1010 01 02 ER@ 0000<12000

: >7 00+0 1010 01 02 ERS 00004<1101

: >7 00+0 1010 01 02 ID: 0000<21000 0000<21000

: >7 00+0 1000 01 0< ER@ 0000<11000

: >7 00+0 1010 01 1 %R7 0000<2<200

: >7 00+0 1010 01 1 ER@ 0000<12000: >7 00+0 1010 01 1 ERS 00004<1101

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,pp CndTy! Ch,c S$rg! ,, ,, ,ct&y @4 acct Provision acc!

: >7 00+0 1010 01 1 "< 0000<2<200

: >7 00+0 1010 01 1 G1 00004<1101

: >7 00+0 1010 02 01 ER@ 0000<11000

: >7 00+0 1010 02 01 ID: 0000<21000 0000<21000

: >7 00+0 1010 02 02 ER@ 0000<11000

: >7 00+0 1010 02 02 ID: 0000<21000 0000<21000

: >7 00+0 1010 02 0< ER@ 0000<1<000

: >7 00+0 1010 02 1 %R7 0000<2<200

: >7 00+0 1010 02 1 ER@ 0000<1<000

: >7 00+0 1010 02 1 ERS 00004<1101

: >7 00+0 1010 02 1 "< 0000<2<200

: >7 00+0 1010 02 1 G1 00004<1101

: >7 00+0 1010 0< 01 ER@ 0000<11000

: >7 00+0 1010 0< 01 ID: 0000<21000 0000<21000

: >7 00+0 1010 0< 02 ER@ 0000<11000

: >7 00+0 1010 0< 02 ID: 0000<21000 0000<21000

: >7 00+0 1010 0< 0< ER@ 0000<11000

: >7 00+0 1010 0< 1 ER@ 0000<12000

: > 00+0 1010 01 01 ER@ 0000<11000

: > 00+0 1010 01 02 ER@ 0000<12000: > 00+0 1010 01 0< ER@ 0000<11000

: > 00+0 1010 01 1 %R7 0000<2<200

: > 00+0 1010 01 1 ER@ 0000<12000

: > 00+0 1010 01 1 ERS 00004<1101

: > 00+0 1010 01 1 "< 0000<2<200

: > 00+0 1010 01 1 G1 00004<1101

: > 00+0 1010 02 01 ER@ 0000<11000

: > 00+0 1010 02 02 ER@ 0000<12000: > 00+0 1010 02 0< ER@ 0000<1<000

: > 00+0 1010 02 1 %R7 0000<2<200

: > 00+0 1010 02 1 ER@ 0000<1<000

: > 00+0 1010 02 1 ERS 00004<1101

: > 00+0 1010 02 1 "< 0000<2<200

: > 00+0 1010 02 1 G1 00004<1101

: > 00+0 1010 0< 01 ER@ 0000<11000

: > 00+0 1010 0< 02 ER@ 0000<12000: > 00+0 1010 0< 0< ER@ 0000<11000

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,pp CndTy! Ch,c S$rg! ,, ,, ,ct&y @4 acct Provision acc!

: > 00+0 1010 0< 1 ER@ 0000<12000

+. (hoose Sa(e an# then choose Back .

6. Reeat stes 2 to + for a)le 2 ith the folloing #ata

,pp CndTy! Ch,c S$rg! ,, ,ct&y @4 acct Provision acc!

: >7 00+0 1000 01 ER@ 0000<11000

: >7 00+0 1000 01 ERS 00004<1101

: >7 00+0 1000 02 ER@ 0000<11000

: >7 00+0 1000 02 ERS 00004<1101

: > 00+0 1000 01 ER@ 0000<11000

: > 00+0 1000 01 ERS 0000<12000

: > 00+0 1000 02 ER@ 0000<11000

: > 00+0 1000 02 ERS 0000<12000

: >7 00+0 1010 01 ER@ 0000<11000

: >7 00+0 1010 01 ERS 00004<1101

: >7 00+0 1010 02 ER@ 0000<11000

: >7 00+0 1010 02 ERS 00004<1101

: > 00+0 1010 01 ER@ 0000<11000

: > 00+0 1010 01 ERS 0000<12000

: > 00+0 1010 02 ER@ 0000<11000

: > 00+0 1010 02 ERS 0000<12000

. Reeat stes 2 to + for a)le < ith the folloing #ata

,pp CndTy! Ch,c S$rg! ,, ,ct&y @4 acct Provision acc!

: >7 00+0 1000 01 ER@ 0000<11000

: >7 00+0 1000 01 ERS 00004<1101

: >7 00+0 1000 01 G1 00004<1101

: >7 00+0 1000 02 ER@ 0000<12000

: >7 00+0 1000 02 ERS 00004<1101

: >7 00+0 1000 0< G1 00004<1101

: > 00+0 1000 01 ER@ 0000<11000

: > 00+0 1000 01 ERS 0000<12000

: > 00+0 1000 02 ER@ 0000<11000

: > 00+0 1000 02 ERS 0000<12000

/. Reeat stes 2 to + for a)le 4 ith the folloing #ata

,pp CndTy! Ch,c S$rg! @4 acct Provision acc!

: >7 00+0 1000 0000<2<200

!. Reeat stes 2 to + for a)le + ith the folloing #ata

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,pp CndTy! Ch,c S$rg! ,ct&y @4 acct Provision acc!

: >7 00+0 1000 %R7 <2<100

: >7 00+0 1000 %RB <2<000

: >7 00+0 1000 (> 21<400 <2<400

: >7 00+0 1000 ER% +12<00 21+600

: >7 00+0 1000 ER@ <12000

: >7 00+0 1000 ERS 4<1101

: >7 00+0 1000 ER8 +12<00 21+600

: >7 00+0 1000 7SS 11+00

: >7 00+0 1000 M"1 21<100

: >7 00+0 1000 M"2 21<000

: >7 00+0 1000 M"< 21<000

: >7 00+0 1000 M"4 21<200

: >7 00+0 1000 P7S 21<<00 <2<<00

: >7 00+0 1000 "< <2<200

: >7 00+0 1000 (> 21<400 <2<400

: >7 00+0 1000 PS 21<<00 <2<<00

: >7 00+0 1000 ID: <21000 <21000

: >7 00+0 1000 (> 21<400 <2<400

: >7 00+0 1000 P7S 21<<00 <2<<00

: > 00+0 1000 %R7 <2<100: > 00+0 1000 (> 21<400 <2<400

: > 00+0 1000 ER@ <11000

: > 00+0 1000 ERS 4<1101

: > 00+0 1000 7SS 11+00

: > 00+0 1000 M"1 21<100

: > 00+0 1000 M"2 21<000

: > 00+0 1000 M"< 21<000

: > 00+0 1000 M"4 21<200: > 00+0 1000 P7S 21<<00 <2<<00

: > 00+0 1000 "< <2<200

: > 00+0 1000 (> 21<400 <2<400

: > 00+0 1000 PS 21<<00 <2<<00

: > 00+0 1000 (> 21<400 <2<400

: > 00+0 1000 P7S 21<<00 <2<<00

: >7 00+0 1010 %R7 <2<100

: >7 00+0 1010 %RB <2<000: >7 00+0 1010 (> 21<400 <2<400

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,pp CndTy! Ch,c S$rg! ,ct&y @4 acct Provision acc!

: >7 00+0 1010 ER% +12<00 21+600

: >7 00+0 1010 ER@ <12000

: >7 00+0 1010 ERS 4<1101

: >7 00+0 1010 ER8 +12<00 21+600

: >7 00+0 1010 7SS 11+00

: >7 00+0 1010 M"1 21<100

: >7 00+0 1010 M"2 21<000

: >7 00+0 1010 M"< 21<000

: >7 00+0 1010 M"4 21<200

: >7 00+0 1010 P7S 21<<00 <2<<00

: >7 00+0 1010 "< <2<200

: >7 00+0 1010 (> 21<400 <2<400

: >7 00+0 1010 PS 21<<00 <2<<00

: >7 00+0 1010 ID: <21000 <21000

: >7 00+0 1010 (> 21<400 <2<400

: >7 00+0 1010 P7S 21<<00 <2<<00

: > 00+0 1010 %R7 <2<100

: > 00+0 1010 (> 21<400 <2<400

: > 00+0 1010 ER@ <11000

: > 00+0 1010 ERS 4<1101: > 00+0 1010 7SS 11+00

: > 00+0 1010 M"1 21<100

: > 00+0 1010 M"2 21<000

: > 00+0 1010 M"< 21<000

: > 00+0 1010 M"4 21<200

: > 00+0 1010 P7S 21<<00 <2<<00

: > 00+0 1010 "< <2<200

: > 00+0 1010 (> 21<400 <2<400: > 00+0 1010 PS 21<<00 <2<<00

: > 00+0 1010 (> 21<400 <2<400

: > 00+0 1010 P7S 21<<00 <2<<00

10. Reeat stes 2 to + for a)le 6 ith the folloing #ata

,pp CndTy! Ch,c S$rg! , , ,ct&y ItCat @4 acct Provisionacc!

: >7 00+0 1000 01 01 ER@ %% 11+00

: >7 00+0 1000 01 01 ER@ GRA 214!01

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,pp CndTy! Ch,c S$rg! , , ,ct&y ItCat @4 acct Provisionacc!

: >7 00+0 1000 01 02 ER@ %% 11+00

: >7 00+0 1000 01 02 ER@ GRA 214!01

: >7 00+0 1000 01 0< ER@ %% 11+00: >7 00+0 1000 01 0< ER@ GRA 214!01

: >7 00+0 1000 01 1 ER@ %% 11+00

: >7 00+0 1000 01 1 ER@ GRA 214!01

: >7 00+0 1000 02 01 ER@ %% 11+00

: >7 00+0 1000 02 01 ER@ GRA 214!01

: >7 00+0 1000 02 02 ER@ %% 11+00

: >7 00+0 1000 02 02 ER@ GRA 214!01

: >7 00+0 1000 02 0< ER@ %% 11+00: >7 00+0 1000 02 0< ER@ GRA 214!01

: >7 00+0 1000 02 1 ER@ %% 11+00

: >7 00+0 1000 02 1 ER@ GRA 214!01

: >7 00+0 1000 0< 01 ER@ %% 11+00

: >7 00+0 1000 0< 01 ER@ GRA 214!01

: >7 00+0 1000 0< 02 ER@ %% 11+00

: >7 00+0 1000 0< 02 ER@ GRA 214!01

: >7 00+0 1000 0< 0< ER@ %% 11+00

: >7 00+0 1000 0< 0< ER@ GRA 214!01

: >7 00+0 1010 01 01 ER@ %% 11+00

: >7 00+0 1010 01 01 ER@ GRA 214!01

: >7 00+0 1010 01 02 ER@ %% 11+00

: >7 00+0 1010 01 02 ER@ GRA 214!01

: >7 00+0 1010 01 0< ER@ %% 11+00

: >7 00+0 1010 01 0< ER@ GRA 214!01

: >7 00+0 1010 01 1 ER@ %% 11+00

: >7 00+0 1010 01 1 ER@ GRA 214!01

: >7 00+0 1010 02 01 ER@ %% 11+00

: >7 00+0 1010 02 01 ER@ GRA 214!01

: >7 00+0 1010 02 02 ER@ %% 11+00

: >7 00+0 1010 02 02 ER@ GRA 214!01

: >7 00+0 1010 02 0< ER@ %% 11+00

: >7 00+0 1010 02 0< ER@ GRA 214!01

: >7 00+0 1010 02 1 ER@ %% 11+00

: >7 00+0 1010 02 1 ER@ GRA 214!01

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,pp CndTy! Ch,c S$rg! , , ,ct&y ItCat @4 acct Provisionacc!

: >7 00+0 1010 0< 01 ER@ %% 11+00

: >7 00+0 1010 0< 01 ER@ GRA 214!01

: >7 00+0 1010 0< 02 ER@ %% 11+00: >7 00+0 1010 0< 02 ER@ GRA 214!01

: >7 00+0 1010 0< 0< ER@ %% 11+00

: >7 00+0 1010 0< 0< ER@ GRA 214!01

11. (hoose Sa(e an# then choose Back .

Cash ,ccount Deter+ination

'sehis actiit$ ill #efine Assing G3 Account .

Procedure(arr$ o&t the folloing stes

1. Access the actiit$ &sing one of the folloing naigation otions

IM Menu Sales and Distri0ution → Basic Functions → Account

 AssignmentCosting → Cash Account Determination→ Assign G3


Menu IM *endas e distri0ui$%o

 Fun$'es 01sicas

 Class.cont10ilc1lculo de custos Determina$%o da conta de

caixa Atri0uir contas do 7a)%o

Transaction Code $377

2. n the Assign G3 Accounts screen5 #o&)le-clic' 6a0le I ;>=N<.

<. n the change ie ,Sales org.?tem cat.- erie scren5 choose ne entries

,pp CndTy! Ch,c S$rg! ItCat @4 acct Provision acc!

:( (ASH 00+0 1000 %% 11+00

:( (ASH 00+0 1000 GRA 214!01

4. (hoose Sa(e an# then choose Back.

,vailability Chec>

,vailability Chec>. De#ine Chec>ing roups

'sehis actiit$ ill #efine chec'ing gro&s ith hich $o& secif$ the t$e of reF&irementsrecor#s that the s$stem ill create hen rocessing sales or#ers or #elieries. Sales or#erreF&irements an# #elier$ reF&irements can )e controlle# searatel$.

Procedure(arr$ o&t the folloing stes

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SAP Best Practices Sales an# Distri)&tion *10+, (onfig&ration G&i#e

+. Access the actiit$ &sing one of the folloing naigation otions

IM Menu Sales and Distri0ution → Basic Functions → A(aila0ilit# Check

and 6ranser o 7e8uirements → A(aila0ilit# Check → A(aila0ilit#

Check ith A6P 3ogic or Against Planning → Deine Checking


Menu IM *endas e distri0ui$%o Fun$'es 01sicas *eriica$%o de

disponi0ilidades e transerKncia necessidades *eriica$%o de

disponi0ilidade  *eri.disponi0ilidade seg.l5gica A6P em rela$%o

 plan.prel. Deinir grupos de controle

Transaction Code $3=

6. (hoose /e+ Entries.

. Enter the folloing #ata

,v Description TotalSales TotDlve"s ,ccu+ esponse

01 Dail$ reF&irements % % <

02 7n#ii#. ReF&irements A A <

2 7n#ii#.reF&irements A A <

/. (hoose Sa(e an# then choose Back .

De#ining Material -loc> #or $ther 'sers

'se7n this 7MG actiit$ $o& #efine for each chec'ing gro& an# initiator hether the materialmaster recor# sho&l# )e )loc'e# for other or#ers #&ring the aaila)ilit$ chec'. 7f it is )loc'e#5

$o& cannot create to or#ers for the same material at the same time.

Procedure(arr$ o&t the folloing stes

1. Access the actiit$ &sing one of the folloing naigation otions

IM Menu Sales and Distri0ution → Basic Functions → A(aila0ilit# Check and

6ranser o 7e8uirements → A(aila0ilit# Check → A(aila0ilit# Check

ith A6P 3ogic or Against Planning → Deine !aterial Block or

Others :sers

Menu IM *endas e distri0ui$%o Fun$'es 01sicas *eriica$%o de

disponi0ilidades e transerKncia necessidades *eriica$%o dedisponi0ilidade  *eri.disponi0ilidade seg.l5gica A6P em rela$%o

 plan.prel. Determinar 0lo8ueio de material para outros usu1rios

Transaction Code SM0 *:NM:>P,

2. (hoose /e+ Entries.

<. Enter the folloing #ata

,v Description Initiator -loc>

2 7n#ii#.reF&irements A ;

2 7n#ii#.reF&irements % ;

2 7n#ii#.reF&irements (

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SAP Best Practices Sales an# Distri)&tion *10+, (onfig&ration G&i#e

4. (hoose Sa(e an# then choose Back .

,vailability Chec>. De#ining Chec>ing roups De#ault 3alue

'sehis actiit$ ill #efine the chec'ing gro& that the s$stem rooses hen $o& create a nematerial master recor#. o& can oerrite the #efa&lt al&e for the chec'ing gro& in thematerial master recor#.

Procedure(arr$ o&t the folloing stes

1. Access the actiit$ &sing one of the folloing naigation otions

IM Menu Sales and Distri0ution → Basic Functions → A(aila0ilit# Check and

6ranser o 7e8uirements → A(aila0ilit# Check → A(aila0ilit# Check

ith A6P 3ogic or Against Planning → Deine Checking Groups

Deault *alueMenu IM *endas e distri0ui$%o Fun$'es 01sicas *eriica$%o de

disponi0ilidades e transerKncia necessidades *eriica$%o de

disponi0ilidade  *eri.disponi0ilidade seg.l5gica A6P em rela$%o

 plan.prel. Determinar 0lo8ueio de material para outros usu1rios

Transaction Code SM0 *(&stomi=ing )Cect :NM:>8,

2. (hoose /e+ Entries.

<. Enter the folloing #ata

Material Type Plant ,vailability Chec>

>ER 1000 2>ER 1100 2

HA"A 1000 2

HA"A 1100 2

@E7H 1000 2

@E7H 1100 2

:ERP 1000 2

:ERP 1100 2

4. (hoose Sa(e an# then choose Back .

Carrying $ut Control #or ,vailability Chec>

'sehis actiit$ ill #efine chec'ing r&les for the aaila)ilit$ chec' an# allocate them to achec'ing gro&.

Procedure(arr$ o&t the folloing stes

1. Access the actiit$ &sing one of the folloing naigation otions

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SAP Best Practices Sales an# Distri)&tion *10+, (onfig&ration G&i#e

IM Menu Sales and Distri0ution → Basic Functions → A(aila0ilit# Check

and 6ranser o 7e8uirements → A(aila0ilit# Check → A(aila0ilit#

Check ith A6P 3ogic or Against Planning → Carr# out Control

For A(aila0ilit# Check 

Menu IM Fun$'es 01sicas *eriica$%o de disponi0ilidades e

transerKncia necessidades *eriica$%o de disponi0ilidade  

*eri.disponi0ilidade seg.l5gica A6P em rela$%o plan.prel.  Executar controle da (eriica$%o de disponi0ilidades

Transaction Code $3=6

2. (o$ the folloing chec'ing r&les *(Rl, from chec'ing gro& *aail, 01 to chec'ing gro&2

,vail Cl

2 01

2 0<

2 A

2 AE

2 AK

2 A:

2 A"

2 %

2 %E

2 %K

2 %:

2 %"

2 PM

2 PP

2 PS

2 RP

2 RS


2 P

<. (hoose Sa(e

4. (hoose /e+ Entries.

,vailability Chec> against Product ,llocation. MaintainingProcedure

'sehis actiit$ #efines the ro#&ct allocation #etermination roce#&re for the aaila)ilit$ chec'against ro#&ct allocations.

Procedure(arr$ o&t the folloing stes

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SAP Best Practices Sales an# Distri)&tion *10+, (onfig&ration G&i#e

1. Access the actiit$ &sing one of the folloing naigation otions

IM Menu Sales and Distri0ution → Basic Functions → A(aila0ilit# Check and

6ranser o 7e8uirements → A(aila0ilit# Check → A(aila0ilit# Check

 Against Product Allocation→ !aintain Procedure

Menu IM *endas e distri0ui$%o Fun$'es 01sicas *eriica$%o dedisponi0ilidades e transerKncia necessidades *eriica$%o de

disponi0ilidade  *eriica$%o de disponi0ilidade em rela$%o a

contingentes  Atuali)ar es8uema

Transaction Code $31=

2. n the Change *ie+ ,Product Allocation Deinition o Procedure- O(er(ie+  screen5choose /e+ Entries.

<. n the /e+ Entries O(er(ie+ o Added Entries screen5 enter the folloing #ata

%ield *a+e Description 'ser action and values *otes

Product Allocation 001

Description Pro#. Alloc. Scheme

4. (hoose Sa(e an# then choose Back .

,vailability Chec> against Product ,llocation. De#ining $bAect

'sehis actiit$ ill #efine the ro#&ct allocation o)Cect. his ro#&ct allocation o)Cect is theo)Cect in the ro#&ct allocation #etermination roce#&re. his is )eca&se ro#&ct allocationsare store# in the lanning hierarch$ )$ o)Cect.

Procedure(arr$ o&t the folloing stes

1. Access the actiit$ &sing one of the folloing naigation otions

IM Menu Sales and Distri0ution → Basic Functions → A(aila0ilit# Check and

6ranser o 7e8uirements → A(aila0ilit# Check → A(aila0ilit# Check

 Against Product Allocation→ Deine O0ect 

Menu IM *endas e distri0ui$%o Fun$'es 01sicas *eriica$%o de

disponi0ilidades e transerKncia necessidades *eriica$%o de

disponi0ilidade  *eriica$%o de disponi0ilidade em rela$%o a


 Deinir o0etoTransaction Code SM0 *(&stomi=ing )Cect :N1!0,

2. (hoose /e+ Entries.

<. Enter the folloing #ata

%ield *a+e Description 'ser action and values *otes

O0ect  001

Description SD Pro#. Alloc.

4. (hoose Sa(e an# then choose Back .

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SAP Best Practices Sales an# Distri)&tion *10+, (onfig&ration G&i#e

,vailability Chec> against Product ,llocation. Speci#ying7ierarchy

'sehis actiit$ assigns an info str&ct&re to each of the ro#&ct allocation #etermination

roce#&res. o& can #isla$ the s&ita)le statistical str&ct&res.

Procedure(arr$ o&t the folloing stes

1. Access the actiit$ &sing one of the folloing naigation otions

IM Menu Sales and Distri0ution → Basic Functions → A(aila0ilit# Check and

6ranser o 7e8uirements → A(aila0ilit# Check → A(aila0ilit# Check

 Against Product Allocation→ Speci# 9ierarch# 

Menu IM *endas e distri0ui$%o Fun$'es 01sicas *eriica$%o de

disponi0ilidades e transerKncia necessidades *eriica$%o de

disponi0ilidade  *eriica$%o de disponi0ilidade em rela$%o acontingentes  Determinar hierar8uia

Transaction Code $3=

2. n the Change *ie+ ,SD Product Allocation Planning Structure- O(er(ie+  screen5choose /e+ Entries.

<. n the /e+ Entries O(er(ie+ o Added Entries screen5 enter the folloing #ata

%ield *a+e Description 'ser action and values *otes

Procedure 001 Pro#. Alloc. Scheme


Step /ame Pro#. Alloc. Stes

?no Struct. S140

!ask  V

4. (hoose Sa(e an# then choose Back .

,vailability Chec> against Product ,llocation. De#iningConsu+ption Periods


"hen $o& hae #efine# a ro#&ct allocation #etermination roce#&re5 $o& can also #efine*ast an# f&t&re, cons&mtion erio#s for ro#&ct allocation F&antities.

Procedure(arr$ o&t the folloing stes

1. Access the actiit$ &sing one of the folloing naigation otions

IM Menu Sales and Distri0ution → Basic Functions → A(aila0ilit# Check and

6ranser o 7e8uirements → A(aila0ilit# Check → A(aila0ilit# Check

 Against Product Allocation→ Deine Consumption Periods 

Menu IM *endas e distri0ui$%o Fun$'es 01sicas *eriica$%o de

disponi0ilidades e transerKncia necessidades *eriica$%o de

disponi0ilidade  *eriica$%o de disponi0ilidade em rela$%o a

contingentes  Deinir inter(alos de compensa$%o

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SAP Best Practices Sales an# Distri)&tion *10+, (onfig&ration G&i#e

Transaction Code SM0 *(&stomi=ing )Cect :N1!0:,

2. (hoose /e+ Entries.

<. Enter the folloing #ata

%ield *a+e Description 'ser action and values *otes

?no structure S140

B+d cons <

F+d cons 2

Period  M

4. (hoose Sa(e an# then choose Back .

,vailability Chec> against Product ,llocation. ControllingProduct ,llocation

'sehis actiit$ ill assign one or seeral o)Cects ith #ifferent ali#it$ erio#s to the ro#&ctallocation #etermination roce#&res. he ali#it$ erio#s cannot oerla.

Procedure(arr$ o&t the folloing stes

1. Access the actiit$ &sing one of the folloing naigation otions

IM Menu Sales and Distri0ution → Basic Functions → A(aila0ilit# Check and

6ranser o 7e8uirements → A(aila0ilit# Check → A(aila0ilit# Check

 Against Product Allocation→ Control Product Allocation 

Menu IM *endas e distri0ui$%o Fun$'es 01sicas *eriica$%o dedisponi0ilidades e transerKncia necessidades *eriica$%o de

disponi0ilidade  *eriica$%o de disponi0ilidade em rela$%o a

contingentes  Controle da aloca$%o de produtos

Transaction Code $3=

2. n the Determine ork Area Entr#  #ialog )o35 in Product Allocation5 enter 001 thenchoose Continue.

<. (hoose /e+ Entries.

4. Enter the folloing #ata

%ield *a+e Description 'ser action and values *otes

Step 0

?no structure S140

O0ect  001 SD Pro#. Alloc

*alid to 129<192!!!

 Acti(e (hec'e#

Con(ersion actor  1.000

+. (hoose Sa(e an# then choose Back .

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SAP Best Practices Sales an# Distri)&tion *10+, (onfig&ration G&i#e

De#ining %lo8 ,ccording to e"uire+ent Category

'sehis actiit$ ill #etermine hether the s$stem sho&l# r&n an aaila)ilit$ chec' for ro#&ctallocations or not. o& can #etermine this in each reF&irements class.

Procedure(arr$ o&t the folloing stes

1. Access the actiit$ &sing one of the folloing naigation otions

IM Menu Sales and Distri0ution → Basic Functions → A(aila0ilit# Check and

6ranser o 7e8uirements → A(aila0ilit# Check → A(aila0ilit# Check

 Against Product Allocation→ Deine Flo+ According to

7e8uirement Categor#  

Menu IM *endas e distri0ui$%o Fun$'es 01sicas *eriica$%o de

disponi0ilidades e transerKncia necessidades *eriica$%o de


 *eriica$%o de disponi0ilidade em rela$%o acontingentes  Deinir processo por ctg.necessidade

Transaction Code $3=0

2. n the Change *ie+ ,A(aila0ilit# and 6ranser o 7e8uirements 0# 7e8. 6#pe- O(er(ie+screen5 maintain the folloing entries

e"Cl ,vC " ,ll!

011 ; ; ;

0<0 ; ; ;

0<1 ; ; ;

041 ; ; ;

<. (hoose Sa(e an# then choose Back .

$utput Control

Maintaining $utput Procedure

'sehis actiit$ #efines o&t&t #etermination for #oc&ments.

Procedure(arr$ o&t the folloing stes

1. Access the actiit$ &sing one of the folloing naigation otions

IM Menu Sales and Distri0ution → Basic Functions → Output Control → 

Output Determination → Output Determination :sing the Condition

6echni8ue → !aintain Output Determination or Billing Documents

→ !aintain Output Determination Procedure

Menu IM *endas e distri0ui$%o Fun$'es 01sicas Controle de

mensagens  Determina$%o de mensagens Determina$%o de

mensagem (ia tcnica de condi$'es Atuali)ar determina$%o de

mensagens para docs. aturamento  Atuali)ar es8uema demensagens

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SAP Best Practices Sales an# Distri)&tion *10+, (onfig&ration G&i#e

Transaction Code SM *(&stomi=ing )Cect ::(N6/<N;;N:<,

2. (hoose /e+ Entries.

<. 7n the Procedure col&mn5 enter *M==== 5 an# in the Description col&mn5 enter BillingOutput .

4. (hoose Sa(e.+. Select the ro $o& C&st create#5 an# #o&)le-clic' Control Data.

6. (hoose /e+ Entries5 then maintain the folloing #ata

Step Cntr CTyp Description e"uire+t Manual only

010 01 RD00 7noice 0

. (hoose Sa(e an# then choose Back  tice.

$utput Control B Sales Docu+ents

Maintaining $utput Types. $utput Types

'sehe &rose of this actiit$ is to maintain o&t&t t$es.

Procedure(arr$ o&t the folloing stes

1. Access the actiit$ &sing one of the folloing naigation otions

IM Menu Sales and Distri0ution W Basic Functions W Output Control W WOutput Determination W Output Determination :sing theCondition 6echni8ue W !aintain Output Determination or

Sales Documents W !aintain Output 6#pes

Menu IM *endas e distri0ui$%o Fun$'es 01sicas Controle de

mensagens  Determina$%o de mensagens Determina$%o

de mensagem (ia tcnica de condi$'es  Atuali)ar

determina$%o de mensagens para docs. aturamento   Atuali)ar tipos de mensagem

Transaction Code &/'( 

2. n the Displa# *ie+- Output 6#pes- O(er(ie+ screen5 select Entr#  an# choose !ail 6itleand 6exts.

4anguage &ey ,ppl


$utput Type Docu+ent title

P :1 A>00 io acesso 9arXmetros #e imresso eroosta

P :1 A00 Acesso ara arXmetros #e imresso eroosta

P :1 %A00 io #e acesso 9arXmetros imresso eroosta

<. n the oerie screen5 #o&)le-(lic' &t&t t$es AF== A/==  an# BA==  an# enter thefolloing al&es

Partial $utput 1 #ro+ o# the table &)T*+,B-

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'sage ,pplication $utput type ,ccess


*a+e PrntPara+trcriteria

% :1 A>00 000< 7nF&ir$ 1

% :1 A00 0002 K&otation 1

% :1 %A00 0004 r#er(onfirmation


Partial $utput #ro+ o# the table &)T*+,B.












1 ; 1 1 SP

1 ; 1 SDK8A 1 SP


4. (hoose Sa(e.

esulthe o&t&t t$es are create#.

Maintaining $utput Types. Message Types

'sehe &rose of this actiit$ is to create message t$e.

Procedure(arr$ o&t the folloing stes

1. Access the actiit$ &sing one of the folloing naigation otions

IM Menu Sales and Distri0ution → Basic Functions → Output Control → 

→ Output Determination → Output Determination :sing the

Condition 6echni8ue → !aintain Output Determination or

Sales Documents → !aintain Output 6#pes

Transaction Code S  M30 ;Customi)ing O0ect */6/AP/<

2. Select Output6#pe an# choose Partner unctions from the Dialog Structure.

<. Maintain the folloing al&es *&t&t a)le :NAP,

,pplication $utput Type Trans+issionMediu+

Partner %unction

:1 A>00 1 SP

:1 A>00 2 SP

:1 A00 1 SP

:1 A00 2 SP

:1 A00 6 SP

:1 %A00 1 SP

:1 %A00 2 SP

:1 %A00 6 SP

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,pplication $utput Type Trans+issionMediu+

Partner %unction

:1 %A00 A SP

4. (hoose Sa(e.

esulthe message t$es are create#.

$utput Control B Shipping

Maintaining $utput Types

'sehe &rose of this actiit$ is to maintain o&t&t t$es.

Procedure(arr$ o&t the folloing stes

1. Access the actiit$ &sing one of the folloing naigation otions

IM Menu 3ogistics Execution → Shipping → Basic Shipping Functions →

Output Control → Output Determination → !aintain Output

Determination or Out0ound Deli(eries →!aintain Output


Menu IM 3ogistics Execution & Expedi$%o & Bases & Controle demensagens & Determina$%o de mensagens & Atuali)ardetermina$%o de mensagens para entregas & Atuali)ar tiposde mensagem

Transaction Code &/'.

2. n the Displa# *ie+- Output 6#pes- O(er(ie+ screen5 select Entr#  an# choose !ail 6itleand 6exts.

<. Enter the folloing al&es. &t&t a)le *6/A6?


,ppln $utput Type Docu+ent title

E :2 @D00 Access $e for Print Parameter an# Proosal

P :2 %@1 io #e acesso 9arXmetros imresso eroosta

4. (hoose Sa(e.+. n the Displa# *ie+- Output 6#pes- O(er(ie+  screen5 enter the folloing al&es. Partial

&t&t 1 from 2 of the ta)le *6H>B

'sage ,pplication $utput type ,ccess


*a+e PrntPara+trcriteria

% :2 @D00 0012 Delier$ ote +

% :2 %@1 0012 %ill of @a#ing +

Partial &t&t 2 from 2 of the ta)le *6H>B

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< ; 1 SDDE@E 1 SH

< ; 1 SDDE@E 1 SH

6. (hoose Sa(e.

esulthe o&t&t t$es are create#.

,ssigning $utput Deter+ination Procedures

'sehe &rose of this actiit$ is to assign o&t&t #etermination roce#&res.

Procedure(arr$ o&t the folloing stes

1. Access the actiit$ &sing one of the folloing naigation otions

IM Menu 3ogistics Execution → Shipping → Basic Shipping Functions →

Output Control → Output Determination → !aintain Output

Determination or Out0ound Deli(eries → Assign Output

Determination Procedures

IM Menu 3ogistics Execution & Expedi$%o & Bases & Controle demensagens & Determina$%o de mensagens & Atuali)ardetermina$%o de mensagens para entregas & Atri0uir

es8uema de mensagem

Transaction Code &/0

2. 7n the Choose Acti(it#  #ialog )o35 select Assign deli(eries ;header< an# choose Enter .

<. n the Change *ie+-  Deli(er# 6#pes Output Determination ProcedureO(er(ie+ screen5 enter the folloing al&es. &t&t a)le *6*A"/AC 

Sales Docu+entType

,ppln $utput deter+!proc! $utput Type

@> :2 :10000 %@1

@R :2 :10000 %@1

4. (hoose Sa(e.

esulthe o&t&t #etermination roce#&res are assigne#.

Maintaining $utput Types / Partner %unction

'sehe &rose of this actiit$ is to create message t$e.

Procedure(arr$ o&t the folloing stes

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1. Access the actiit$ &sing one of the folloing naigation otions

IM Menu 3ogistics Execution → Shipping → Basic Shipping Functions →

Output Control → Output Determination → !aintain Output

Determination or Out0ound Deli(eries → !aintain Output


Menu IM 3ogistics Execution & Expedi$%o & Bases & Controle demensagens & Determina$%o de mensagens & Atuali)ardetermina$%o de mensagens para entregas & Atuali)ar tiposde mensagem

Transaction Code &/'.

2. n the Change *ie+ ,Output 6#pes- O(er(ie+  screen5 choose the Output6#pe an##o&)le-clic' Partner Functions from the Dialog Structure.

<. Enter the folloing al&es. &t&t a)le */6/AP/

,pplication $utput Type Trans+ission


Partner %unction

:2 %@1 1 SH

:2 %@1 2 SH

4. (hoose Sa(e.

esulthe message t$es are create#.

$utput Control B -illing

Maintaining $utput Types'sehe &rose of this actiit$ is to maintain o&t&t t$es.

Procedure(arr$ o&t the folloing stes

1. Access the actiit$ &sing one of the folloing naigation otions

IM Menu Sales and Distri0ution → Billing → ?ntercompan# Billing → 

 Automatic Posting to *endor Account ;SAPED?<

Menu IM *endas e distri0ui$%o & Faturamento & Faturamento interno &

3an$amento autom1tico na parte do ornecedor (ia SAPED? 

Transaction Code & /40 

2. (hoose Actiit$ !aintain output t#pes

<. n the Displa# *ie+- Output 6#pes O(er(ie+ screen5 select Entr#  an# choose !ail 6itleand 6exts.

4. Enter the folloing al&es. &t&t a)le *6/A6? 


,ppln $utput Type Docu+ent title

P :< RD00 io #e acesso 9arXmetros imresso eroosta

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+. (hoose Sa(e.

6. Enter the folloing al&es. Partial &t&t 1 from 2 of the ta)le *6H>B

'sage ,pplication $utput type ,ccess


*a+e PrntPara+trcriteria

% :< RD00 0002 7noice 1Partial &t&t 2 from 2 of the ta)le *6H>B












1 ; 1 SD7:7(E 1 %P

. (hoose Sa(e.

esulthe o&t&t t$es are create#.

,ssigning $utput Deter+ination Procedures

'sehis actiit$ #efines o&t&t #etermination roce#&res for #oc&ments.

Procedure(arr$ o&t the folloing stes

1. Access the actiit$ &sing one of the folloing naigation otions

IM Menu Sales and Distri0ution → Billing → Billing Documents → Deine

Billing 6#pes

Menu IM *endas e distri0ui$%o Faturamento Documentos de

aturamento  Deinir tipo de documento de aturamento

Transaction Code 3$%,

2. n the Choose Acti(it#  screen select Deine Billing 6#pes.

<. (hoose the releant )illing t$e an# ma'e the folloing entries

-illing Type $utput deter+!proc! ,pplication $utput Type

>1 :10000 :< RD00

>2 :10000 :< RD00

>AI :10000 :< RD00

4. (hoose Sa(e an# then choose Back.

SD $utput Deter+ination / -illing Partner %unctions

'sehe &rose of this actiit$ is to create message t$es.

Procedure(arr$ o&t the folloing stes

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1. Access the actiit$ &sing one of the folloing naigation otions

IM Menu Sales and Distri0ution → Basic Functions → Output Control → 

→ Output Determination → Output Determination :sing the

Condition 6echni8ue → !aintain Output Determination or

Billing Documents → Assign Output 6#pes to Partner Functions

Menu IM *endas e distri0ui$%o & Dados mestre & Fun$'es 01sicas &Determina$%o de mensagens & Determina$%o de mensagem(ia tcnica de condi$'es & Atuali)ar determina$%o demensagens para docs.aturamento & Atri0uir mensagens Rsun$'es do parceiro

Transaction Code SM'(  ;Customi)ing O0ect **6/AP/*I<

2. n the Change *ie+ Output Control Output B# Partner Function O(er(ie+  screen5choose /e+ Entries an# ma'e the folloing entries

,pplication $utput Type Trans+issionMediu+

Partner %unction

:< RD00 1 SH:< RD00 2 SH

:< RD00 6 SH

:< RD00 A SH

<. (hoose Sa(e.

esulthe message t$es are create#.

De#ining Print Para+eters

De#ining Print Para+eters Sales $rganiation

'se7n this ste5 $o& #efine the rint arameters for sales5 shiing5 )illing5 transortation an#sales actiit$ o&t&t5 for e3amle. his is #een#ent on a re#efine# 'e$.

Procedure(arr$ o&t the folloing stes

1. Access the actiit$ &sing one of the folloing naigation otions

IM Menu Sales and Distri0ution → Basic Functions → Output Control → 

Deine Print Parameters

Menu IM *endas e distri0ui$%o & Fun$'es 01sicas & Controle demensagens & Deinir parmetros de impress%o

Transaction Code 3P01

2. n the Print Parameters screen5 locate an# #o&)le-clic' ?n8uir# ;AF==<.

<. (hoose /e+ Entries an# maintain the folloing #ata

S$rg $utput Device *a+e Su##i:1

Su##i: I++ediate elease

1000 @P01 *or @(@ or @7S1S A>00 S@7(7AYZ (hec'e#

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S$rg $utput Device *a+e Su##i:1

Su##i: I++ediate elease

other rinter,

4. (hoose Sa(e an# then choose Back .

+. Reeat stes 2 to 4 for the folloing #ata

CTyp S$rg! $utput Device *a+e Su##i:1

Su##i: I++ediateelease

 A00 1000 @P01 *or @(@ or otherrinter,

@7S1S A00 (AYZ ;

%A00 1000 @P01 *or @(@ or otherrinter,

@7S1S %A00 (>7RMAYZ ;

00 1000 @P01 *or @(@ or otherrinter,

@7S1S 00 (RA ;

@P00 1000 @P01 *or @(@ or other



RD00 1000 @P01 *or @(@ or otherrinter,

@7S1S @01 >A8RA ;

RD0< 1000 @P01 *or @(@ or otherrinter,

@7S1S A>00 :EDA [ :7S

RDES 1000 @P01 *or @(@ or otherrinter,

@7S1S @01 >A8RA DR

De#ining Print Para+eters Shipping

'se7n this ste5 $o& set the o&t&t arameters. he con#ition t$es set for the o&t&t#etermination5 hich the s$stem can fin# a&tomaticall$5 aear &n#er the categor$ Shipping .Per con#ition t$e5 $o& secif$ - #een#ing on hich o&t&t location in the con#ition t$e isset as a rint arameter - one or seeral locations an# #etermine an o&t&t #eice as ell assome arameters for the rinto&t er con#ition t$e an# osition.

Procedure(arr$ o&t the folloing stes

1. Access the actiit$ &sing one of the folloing naigation otions

IM Menu 3ogistics Execution→


 Basic Shipping Functions→

 Output Control → Deine print parameters shipping 

Menu IM 3ogistics Execution & Expedi$%o & Bases & Controle demensagens & Deinir parmetros impress%o expedi$%o

Transaction Code 3P01S7P

2. n the Print Parameters screen5 locate an# #o&)le-clic' Deli(er# /ote ;3D==<.

<. (hoose /e+ Entries an# maintain the folloing #ata


$utput Device *a+e Su##i:1


I++ediate elease

1000 @P01 *or @(@ orother rinter,

@7S1S @D00 @7E>ER ;

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4. (hoose Sa(e an# then choose Back .

$utput Control B Pic>ing SD

$utput Deter+ination #or Pic>ing 4ist'sehis actiit$ ill #efine the settings for SD ic'ing itho&t @ean "M.

>or f&rther #etails regar#ing the o&t&t c&stomi=ing for SD ic'ing *9o lean "M,refer to SS note 14+1<6.

Procedure(arr$ o&t the folloing stes

1. Access the actiit$ &se the folloing naigation

Transaction Code $34T

2. Ma'e the folloing entries *for shiing oint 10005 100R5 1100 an# 110R, on theChange *ie+ ,Organi)ational :nit Shipping Pts. Print Picking 3st- O(er(ie+  screen.

%ield *a+e 'ser action and values *ote

Out. E00

3ng  P

/o. 1

6ime <

!ed  1<. Sae $o&r entries.

4. (hoose Back ;FI<.

esult&t&t #etermination for SD ic'ing has )een set &.

Maintaining Print Para+eter #or SD Pic>ing


his actiit$ ill #efine rint arameters for SD ic'ing itho&t @ean "M.

>or f&rther #etails regar#ing the o&t&t c&stomi=ing for SD ic'ing *9o lean "M,refer to OSS note MT>MI .

Procedure(arr$ o&t the folloing stes

1. Access the actiit$ &se the folloing naigation

IM Menu 3ogistics Execution → Shipping → Basic Shipping Functions →

Output Control → Deine print parameters shipping 

Menu IM 3ogistics Execution & Expedi$%o & Bases & Controle demensagens & Deinir parmetros impress%o expedi$%o

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Transaction Code 3P01S7P

2. n the Print Parameters *ie+ choose Shipping Spec.Case;;*T<.

<. n the Print Parameters *ie+ dou0leclic' Picking 3ist ;E"==<.

4. n the Change *ie+ ,Print Parameters or Shipping Point- O(er(ie+  screen5 choose/e+  entries.

+. Ma'e the folloing entries

%ield *a+e 'ser action and values *ote

Shipping Point  1000

OutputDe(ice @P01 Select s&ita)le #eice

/ame @7S1S

SuixM E00

SuixN  @7SA P7(7

Print immed. Selecte#

6. Sae $o&r entries.. Reeat ste 4 an# + for shiing oint M==7 MM==  an# MM=7.

/. (hoose Back ;FI<.

esulthe rint arameters for SD ic'ing hae )een set &.

Product Speci#ic Settings

Maintaining Procedure Deter+ination in -ac>ground #or

Product Proposal

'sehis actiit$ ill #etermine the ro#&ct roosal roce#&re for )ac'gro&n# rocessing.

Procedure(arr$ o&t the folloing stes

1. Access the actiit$ &sing one of the folloing naigation otions

IM Menu Sales and Distri0ution → Basic Functions → D#namic Product

Proposal → !aintain Procedure Determination ;in Background< or

Product Proposal Menu IM *endas e distri0ui$%o Fun$'es 01sicas Proposta de produto

dinmica Atuali)ar determina$%o de es8uemas ;0ackground< pproposta de produto

Transaction Code SM0 *(&stomi=ing )Cect :NP:S%,

2. (hoose /e+ Entries5 then maintain the folloing #ata

S$rg! DChl Dv PPCustProc PPPr  

1000 01 01 A A00001

<. (hoose Sa(e an# then choose Back .

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Maintaining Procedure Deter+ination $nline #or ProductProposal

'sehis actiit$ ill #etermine the ro#&ct roosal roce#&re for )ac'gro&n# rocessing.

Procedure(arr$ o&t the folloing stes

1. Access the actiit$ &sing one of the folloing naigation otions

IM Menu Sales and Distri0ution → Basic Functions → D#namic Product

Proposal → !aintain Procedure Determination ;Online< or Product


Menu IM *endas e distri0ui$%o  Fun$'es 01sicas  Proposta de produto

dinmica Atuali)ar determina$%o de es8uemas ;online< pproposta de produto

Transaction Code SM0 *(&stomi=ing )Cect :NP:S,

2. (hoose /e+ Entries5 then maintain the folloing #ata

S$rg! DChl Dv S$##! Srp PPCustProc PPDoPr PPPr  

1000 10 10 100 100 A A A00001

<. (hoose Sa(e an# then choose Back .

,ssigning Docu+ent Procedure to Sales Docu+ent Type


his actiit$ ill assign the #oc&ment #etermination roce#&re for the ro#&ct roosal to thein#ii#&al sales #oc&ment t$es.

Procedure(arr$ o&t the folloing stes

1. Access the actiit$ &sing one of the folloing naigation otions

IM Menu Sales and Distri0ution → Basic Functions → D#namic Product

Proposal → Assign Document Procedure or Product Proposal to

Sales Document 6#pe

Menu IM *endas e distri0ui$%o Fun$'es 01sicas Proposta de produtodinmica Atri0uir es8.documentos aos tipos dedocumentos de (endas

Transaction Code SM0 *(&stomi=ing )Cect :N:ANP:,

2. (hoose /e+ Entries5 then maintain the folloing #ata

SaTy Description PP DocProc

K K&otation A

S R&sh r#er A

R Stan#ar# r#er A

<. (hoose Sa(e an# then choose Back .

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SAP Best Practices Sales an# Distri)&tion *10+, (onfig&ration G&i#e

De#ining Ite+ Category roups

'se8sing the item categor$ gro&5 $o& gro& together #ifferent material t$es for item categor$#etermination from the SD ie. >or eer$ material t$e5 $o& can #efine a #efa&lt item

categor$ gro& hich is roose# )$ the SAP S$stem hen $o& create a material masterrecor#.

Procedure(arr$ o&t the folloing stes

1. Access the actiit$ &sing one of the folloing naigation otions

IM Menu Sales and Distri0ution → Sales → Sales Documents → Sales

Document ?tem → Deine ?tem Categor# Groups

Menu IM *endas e distri0ui$%o *enda Documentos de (endas ?tem

do documento de (endas  Deinir categorias de item

Transaction Code SM0 *(&stomi=ing )Cect :NPM,

2. (hoose /e+ Entries5 then maintain the folloing #ata

ItCr Description

%01 (re#it memo

%02 Ret. Pac'. Delier$

%0< Ret&rna)le ac'aging

%0! Stan#ar# 9o )atch

%> Hea#er config.

%P (omonent

%ER Serice 9SD-or#er  

%@E Serice 9o Delier$

%E Serice 9o ProCect

%EP Serice 9 roCect

%R Stoc' or# <r# art$ *. S,

%A Stoc' or# <r# art$ *9o S,

%8 %o&ght-7n

<. (hoose Sa(e an# then choose Back .

Deter+ining ,ctive eceivables per Ite+ Category

'sehis actiit$ ill actiate the cre#it management f&nctionalit$ )$ sales item categor$.

Procedure(arr$ o&t the folloing stes

1. Access the actiit$ &sing one of the folloing naigation otions

IM Menu Sales and Distri0ution → Basic Functions→ Credit!anagement7isk !anagement → Credit !anagement7isk

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!anagement Settings → Determine Acti(e 7ecei(a0les Per ?tem


Menu IM *endas e distri0ui$%o Fun$'es 01sicas Adm.crditoriscos 

Op$'es preliminares para a adm.crditoadm.riscos  Deinircrdito ati(o por ctg.item

Transaction Code SM0 (Customizing )Cect :N:APNRE,

2. n the ro ith ?tCa of 6A/ 5 select the Credit acti(e chec')o3.

<. (hoose Sa(e.

Changing controllable error +essages shippingprocessing

'sehis actiit$ ill change the t$e for a s$stem message rocesse# #&ring the #elier$


Procedure(arr$ o&t the folloing stes

1. Access the actiit$ &se the folloing naigation

IM Menu 3ogistics Execution   Shipping S#stem !odiicationsSpeci# Characteristics or S#stem !essages

Menu IM 3ogistics Execution  Expedi$%o  Adapta$'es do sistema

 Determinar caracter4sticas para mensagens do sistema

Transaction Code $3M1

2. (hange message @ :8 01< accor#ing to the ta)le )elo on the Change *ie+,Controlla0le Error !essages Shipping Processing- O(er(ie+  screen.

%ield *a+e 'ser action and values *ote

6#pe "

<. Sae $o&r entries.

4. (hoose Back ;FI<.

esultMessage =MI has )een change#.

Sales $rder Processing I

De#ining *u+ber anges #or Sales Docu+ents

'se7n this men& otion5 $o& #efine the n&m)er interals of the n&m)er ranges for sales#oc&ments.


(arr$ o&t the folloing stes1. Access the actiit$ &sing one of the folloing naigation otions

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IM Menu Sales and Distri0ution → Sales → Sales Documents → Sales

Document 9eader → Deine /um0er 7anges or Sales Documents

Menu IM *endas e distri0ui$%o & *enda & Documentos de (endas &

Ca0e$alho de documento de (endas Deinir inter(alos denumera$%o para docs.(endas

Transaction Code 3*01

2. (hoose Change ?nter(als.

<. (hoose ?nsert ?nter(al 5 then maintain the folloing #ata

*o %ro+ nu+ber To nu+ber Current nu+ber 9:t

!0 R0001 R!!!! ;

4. (hoose Sa(e an# then choose Back  tice.

De#ining Sales Docu+ent Types

'sehis actiit$ ill #efine settings for sales #oc&ment t$es.

Procedure(arr$ o&t the folloing stes

1. Access the actiit$ &sing one of the folloing naigation otions

IM Menu Sales and Distri0ution → Sales → Sales Documents → Sales

Document 9eader → Deine Sales Document 6#pes

Menu IM *endas e distri0ui$%o & *enda & Documentos de (endas &Ca0e$alho de documento de (endas & Deinir tipos de


Transaction Code 3$3?

2. (hoose /e+ Entries.

<. Ma'e the folloing entries

Sales Docu+ent Type %RE %>D GRA

SD docu+ent categ! H 7 7

*u+ber range B internalassign+ent

1< 01 01

*u+ber range B e:ternal


14 02 02

Ite+ nu+ber incre+ent 000010 000010 000010

Sub/ite+ incre+ent 000010 000010 000010

e#erence +andatory M

Chec> division 2

Chec> credit li+it D

Ite+ division ;

ead in#o record ; ; ;

$utput application :1 :1 :1Screen Se"uence roup RE RE A8

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SAP Best Practices Sales an# Distri)&tion *10+, (onfig&ration G&i#e

Inco+pl!proced! 14 G

Transaction roup 0 0 0

Doc!Pric!Procedure  A ( A

Display ange 8A@@ 8A@@ 8A@@

%Code #or overv! Scr! 8ER1 8ER1 8ER1

Prod,ttr!+essages  A

Delivery type @R @> @>

Shipping conditions RE 01

Delivery/related billing type GRA

$rder/rel!bill!type GRA

Interco+p!bill!type 7G 7:

-illing bloc>

CndType line ite+s E02

-illing plan type

Pay+t guarant! proc! 01 01

Pay+t card plan type 0< 0<

Chec>ing group 01 01

Propose Delivery Date ; ; ;

-illing re"uest DR

Subse"!order type SD

4. (hoose Sa(e.

+. (hoose Back .

Sales $rganiations / ,ssigning $rder Type

'se7n this men& otion5 $o& #efine the n&m)er interals of the n&m)er ranges for sales#oc&ments.

Procedure(arr$ o&t the folloing stes

1. Access the actiit$ &sing one of the folloing naigation otions

IM Menu Sales and Distri0ution → Sales → Sales Documents → Sales

Documents 9eader → Assign Sales Area 6o Sales Document


Menu IM *endas e distri0ui$%o & *enda & Documentos de (endas &Ca0e$alho de documento de (endas & Atri0uir 1rea de (endas atipos de documento de (endas

Transaction Code $3,$

2. 7n the Choose Acti(it#  #ialog )o35 choose Com0ine Sales Organi)ations.

<. n the Change *ie+ Sales Organi)ations Assign Order 6#pe O(er(ie+  screen5 ma'ethe folloing entries

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SAP Best Practices Sales an# Distri)&tion *10+, (onfig&ration G&i#e

Sales $rganiation e#erence Sales $rganiation

1000 1000

1100 1100

4. (hoose Sa(e an# then choose Back .

Divisions by Sales $rg / ,ssign $rder Type

'se7n this men& otion5 $o& #efine the n&m)er interals of the n&m)er ranges for sales#oc&ments.

Procedure(arr$ o&t the folloing stes

1. Access the actiit$ &sing one of the folloing naigation otions

IM Menu Sales and Distri0ution → Sales → Sales Documents → Sales

Documents 9eader → Assign Sales Area 6o Sales Document


Menu IM *endas e distri0ui$%o & *enda & Documentos de (endas &Ca0e$alho de documento de (endas & Atri0uir 1rea de (endas atipos de documento de (endas

Transaction Code $3,*

2. 7n the Choose Acti(it#  #ialog )o35 choose Com0ine Di(isions.

<. n the Change *ie+ Di(isions 0# SalesOrg Assign Order 6#pe- O(er(ie+  screen5ma'e the folloing entries

Sales $rganiation e#erence Division

1000 10

1000 20

1100 10

1100 20

4. (hoose Sa(e an# then choose Back .

Distribution by Sales $rg / ,ssign $rder Type

'se7n this men& otion5 $o& #efine the n&m)er interals of the n&m)er ranges for sales#oc&ments.

Procedure(arr$ o&t the folloing stes

1. Access the actiit$ &sing one of the folloing naigation otions

IM Menu Sales and Distri0ution → Sales → Sales Documents → Sales

Documents 9eader → Assign Sales Area 6o Sales Document


Menu IM *endas e distri0ui$%o & *enda & Documentos de (endas &

Ca0e$alho de documento de (endas & Atri0uir 1rea de (endas atipos de documento de (endas

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Transaction Code $3,M

2. 7n the Choose Acti(it#  #ialog )o35 choose Com0ine Distri0ution Channels.

<. n the Change *ie+ Distri0ution 0# Sales Org Assign Order 6#pe- O(er(ie+  screen5ma'e the folloing entries

Sales $rganiation e#erence Distribution Channel

1000 10

1000 20

1000 <0

1100 10

1100 20

1100 <0

4. (hoose Sa(e an# then choose Back .

,ssigning Sales ,rea to Sales Docu+ent Types


7n this men& otion5 $o& allocate the alloe# order types to each sales area.

Procedure(arr$ o&t the folloing stes

1. Access the actiit$ &sing one of the folloing naigation otions

IM Menu Sales and Distri0ution → Sales → Sales Documents → Sales

Documents 9eader → Assign Sales Area 6o Sales Document


Menu IM *endas e distri0ui$%o & *enda & Documentos de (endas &Ca0e$alho de documento de (endas & Atri0uir 1rea de (endas atipos de documento de (endas

Transaction Code SM0 *(&stomi=ing )Cect :N:AI,

2. 7n the Choose Acti(it#  #ialog )o35 choose Assign sales order t#pes permitted or salesareas.

<. n the Change *ie+ Sales Documents. Allo+ed Order 6#pes per Sales Org. O(er(ie+  screen5 choose /e+ Entries an# ma'e the folloing entries

e#erence Sales$rganiation

e#erence DistributionChannel

e#erence Division Sales Docu+entType

1000 10 10 K

1000 10 10 (R

1000 10 10 DR

1000 10 10 R

1000 10 10 R

1000 10 10 7

1000 10 10 %

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SAP Best Practices Sales an# Distri)&tion *10+, (onfig&ration G&i#e

e#erence Sales$rganiation

e#erence DistributionChannel

e#erence Division Sales Docu+entType

1000 10 10 E

1000 10 10 R1000 10 10 (K

1100 10 10 K

1100 10 10 (R

1100 10 10 DR

1100 10 10 R

1100 10 10 R

1100 10 10 7

1100 10 10 %1100 10 10 E

1100 10 10 R

1100 10 10 (K

4. (hoose Sa(e an# then choose Back .

,ssigning Sales ,rea to Credit Control ,rea


his actiit$ ill assign a sales area to a cre#it control area.

Procedure(arr$ o&t the folloing stes

1. Access the actiit$ &sing one of the folloing naigation otions

IM Menu Enterprise Structure →  Assignment  → Sales and  Distri0ution →  Assign sales area to credit control area

Menu IM Estrutura do empreendimento & Atri0ui$%o & *endas edistri0ui$%o & Atri0uir 1rea de (endas R 1rea de controle de crdito

Transaction Code SM0 *(&stomi=ing )Cect :N:AN%,

2. n the Change *ie+ ,Sales Area Allocation to Credit Control Area- O(er(ie+  screenma'e the folloing entries in ro ((Ar

S$rg! DChl D3 CC,r  

1000 10 10 1000

1000 20 10 1000

1000 <0 10 1000

1100 10 10 1000

1100 20 10 1000

1100 <0 10 1000<. (hoose Sa(e.

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SAP Best Practices Sales an# Distri)&tion *10+, (onfig&ration G&i#e

De#ining elevant Ite+ Categories

'sehis actiit$ ill mar' item categories releant for ic'ing.

Procedure(arr$ o&t the folloing stes

1. Access the actiit$ &sing one of the folloing naigation otions

IM Menu 3ogistics Execution → Shipping → Picking → Deine 7ele(ant

?tem Categories

Menu IM 3ogistics Execution & Expedi$%o & Picking & Determinar tiposde item rele(antes

Transaction Code SM0 (Customizing Objet !"T!LP"'OM&

2. >or the ro ith the ?tCa of 6AC 5 select the 7ele(ant or Picking  chec')o3.

<. (hoose Sa(e.

De#ining Inco+pleteness Procedures

'sehis actiit$ ill #efine 7ncomleteness Proce#&res.

Procedure(arr$ o&t the folloing stes

1. Access the actiit$ &sing one of the folloing naigation otions

IM Menu Sales and Distri0ution → Basic Functions → 3og o ?ncomplete?tems → Deine ?ncompleteness Procedures

Menu IM *endas e distri0ui$%o & Fun$'es 01sicas & Dadosincompletos & Deinir es8uemas de dados incompletos

Transaction Code $3,

2. Select the ro ith Group 9  an# then #o&)le-clic' Procedures.

<. (hoose Displa#→ Change.

4. (hoose /e+ Entries.

+. Ma'e the folloing entries

%ield *a+e Description 'ser action and values *ote

?nProc  1

Description Min.#elier$ item

6. (hoose Sa(e.

. Select the UM ro an# then #o&)le-clic' Fields.

/. (hoose /e+ Entries.

!. Ma'e the folloing entries

Tables %ield na+e Screen Status roup

:+08( %RE> (HSPN D/

:+08( :P7 P7:N D/

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SAP Best Practices Sales an# Distri)&tion *10+, (onfig&ration G&i#e

10. (hoose Sa(e.

,ssigning Inco+pleteness Procedures

'sehis actiit$ ill assign incomleteness roce#&res to #elier$ item categories.

Procedure(arr$ o&t the folloing stes

1. Access the actiit$ &sing one of the folloing naigation otions

IM Menu 3ogistics Execution → Shipping → Basic Shipping Functions →

?ncompletion Control or Deli(eries → Assign ?ncompleteness


Menu IM 3ogistics Execution & Expedi$%o & Bases & Controle de dadosincompletos para ornecimentos & Atri0uir es8uemas de dadosincompletos

Transaction Code S M30 (Customizing Objet !"T!LP"!!&

2. Do&)le-clic' Assign incompletion orms to the deli(er# item t#pes.

<. (hoose /e+ Entries.

4. Ma'e the folloing entries

Ite+ category Inco+pletion procedure

D@P 1

+. (hoose Sa(e.

De#ining and ,ssigning Te:t Deter+ination Procedures

'sehe te3t t$es of a te3t o)Cect are gro&e# together in te3t #etermination roce#&res. o&assign a te3t #etermination roce#&re &sing certain 'e$s5 for e3amle5 acco&nt gro&c&stomer or sales #oc&ment t$e.

Procedure(arr$ o&t the folloing stes

1. Access the actiit$ &sing one of the folloing naigation otions

IM Menu Sales and Distri0ution → Basic Functions → 6ext Control → 

Deine and Assign 6ext Determination Procedures

Menu IM *endas e distri0ui$%o → Fun$'es 01sicas →  Controle de texto → Deinir e atri0uir

es8uemas de texto

Transaction Code 3$T*

2. 7n the e3t o)Cect ane5 select 9eader  ra#io &n#er Deli(er#  an# choose Change.

<. 7n the Dialog Structure ane5 #o&)le-clic' 6ext procedure assignment .

4. 7n the 73 ro5 ma'e the folloing entries

Delivery typ Te:tDeter+Procedure Description

R@ 02 Ret&rns *P&r.r#.,

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+. (hoose Sa(e.

6. (hoose Back tice.

. 7n the 6ext o0ect  ane5 select ?tem ra#io &n#er Deli(er#  an# choose Change.

/. 7n the Dialog Structure ane5 #o&)le-clic' 6ext procedure assignment .

!. 7n the73/ 

 ro5 ma'e the folloing entries

Ite+ category Te:tDeter+Procedure Description

R@ 02 Ret&rns or#er  

10. (hoose Sa(e.

11. (hoose Back tice.

,ssigning Material Deter+ination Procedures to SalesDocu+ent Types


his actiit$ ill assign material #etermination roce#&res to sales #oc&ment t$es.

Procedure(arr$ o&t the folloing stes

1. Access the actiit$ &sing one of the folloing naigation otions

IM Menu Sales and Distri0ution → Basic Functions → !aterial

Determination → Assign Procedures 6o Sales Document


Menu IM *endas e distri0ui$%o Fun$'es 01sicas Determina$%o de

material  Atri0uir es8uemas aos tipos de doc.(endas

Transaction Code $312. >or sales #oc&ment t$e O7 5 enter the material #etermination rocedure A====M.

<. (hoose Sa(e.

esulthe material #etermination roce#&re is assigne#.

Do8n Pay+ent Con#iguration

De#ining -illing Plan Types

'sehis actiit$ ill #efine a )illing t$e for milestone )illing.

Procedure(arr$ o&t the folloing stes

1. Access the actiit$ &sing one of the folloing naigation otions

IM Menu Sales and Distri0ution → Billing → Billing Plan → Deine Billing

Plan 6#pes

Menu IM *endas e distri0ui$%o Faturamento  Programa de

aturamento  Deinir tipo de programa de aturamento

Transaction Code $3-$

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2. n the Choose Acti(it#  screen choose !aintain 0illing plan t#pes or milestone 0illing .

<. (hoose /e+ Entries.

4. Ma'e the folloing entries

-illing PlanType

Start Date Date Category $nline $rder %Code/$vervScrn

1 01 04 ; 000<

+. (hoose Sa(e.

Date category

'se7n this actiit$ $o& maintain #ate categories for the )illing lan t$es.

Procedure(arr$ o&t the folloing stes

1. Access the actiit$ &sing one of the folloing naigation otions

IM Menu Sales and Distri0ution → Billing → Billing Plan → Deine and

 Assign Date Categories

Menu IM *endas e distri0ui$%o Faturamento Programa de

aturamento  Deinir denomina$'es da data

Transaction Code $3-E

2. n the Choose Acti(it#  screen choose !aintain Date Categor# or Billing Plan 6#pe .

<. (hoose /e+ Entries.

4. Ma'e the folloing entries





Te:t Date


Te:t -illing








1 01 Milestone)illing

000< (ontract(oncl&sion

1 02

1 02 (losing7noice

000/ (losing7noice

< 02

1 0< Dona$mentreF&est*roc.,

000! DonPa$ment

4 02 >AI

1 04 Dona$mentreF&est*amo&nt,

000! Dona$ment

+ 0 02 >AI

+. Choose Sa(e.

De#ining and ,ssigning Ite+ Category 2-,$

'sehis actiit$ ill #efine an# assign item categor$ %A


(arr$ o&t the folloing stes

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1. Access the actiit$ &sing one of the folloing naigation otions

IM Menu Sales and Distri0ution → Sales → Sales Documents → Sales

Document ?tem → Deine ?tem Categories

Menu IM *endas e distri0ui$%o *enda Documentos de (endas 

?tem do documento de (endas  Deinir categorias de item

Transaction Code 3$3<

2. (hoose /e+ Entries.

<. Ma'e the folloing entries

Ite+ category %A Milestone-%ill.Plan

-illing elevance 7

-illing Plan Type 1

Pricing ;

-usiness ite+ Selecte#

Sched!4ine ,llo8ed Selecte#

Fght@3ol!elevant Selecte#

Deter+ine Cost Selecte#

Inco+pletion procedure 20


Te:tDeter+Procedure 01

Ite+ Cat!Stats!roup 1

Screen Se"!rp

4. (hoose Sa(e.

+. (hoose Back .

De#ining Ite+ Categories #or Deliveries

'se7n this men& otion $o& #efine $o&r item categories for #elieries.

Procedure(arr$ o&t the folloing stes

1. Access the actiit$ &sing one of the folloing naigation otionsIM Menu 3ogistic Execution → Shipping → Deli(eries → Deine ?tem

Categories or Deli(eries

Menu IM 3ogistics Execution  Expedi$%o Fornecimentos Deinirtipos de item para ornecimentos

Transaction Code 034P

2. (hoose /e+ Entries.

<. Ma'e the folloing entries


Doc!Categ! Mat!no!G0Gallo8ed Ite+Cat!stat!group

%A B ; 1

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SAP Best Practices Sales an# Distri)&tion *10+, (onfig&ration G&i#e

Chec>"uantity 0

Chec>+ini+u+ "ty

Chec> overdelivery elevant #orpic>ing


 A A A ; ;


,uto -atch Deter+ination

; ;

4. (hoose Sa(e.

,ssigning Ite+ Categories

'sehis actiit$ ill assign item categories to sales #oc&ments.

Procedure(arr$ o&t the folloing stes

1. Access the actiit$ &sing one of the folloing naigation otions

IM Menu Sales and Distri0ution → Sales → Sales Documents → Sales

Document ?tem → Assign ?tem Categories

Menu IM *endas e distri0ui$%o *enda Documentos de (endas 

?tem do documento de (endas  Deinir categorias de item

Transaction Code SM0 *(&stomi=ing )Cect :N1/4,

2. (hoose /e+ Entries.

<. Ma'e the folloing entries












4. (hoose Sa(e.

Copying Control. Sales Docu+ent to -illing Docu+ent


his actiit$ ill #efine co$ing control logic from Sales Doc&ment t$es to %illing $es.

Procedure(arr$ o&t the folloing stes

1. Access the actiit$ &se the folloing naigation

IM Menu Sales and Distri0ution → Billing → Billing Documents → 

!aintain Cop#ing Control or Billing Documents → Cop#ing

Control Sales Document to Billing Document 

Men& 7MG *endas e distri0ui$%o Faturamento Documentos de

aturamento  Atuali)ar controle de c5pia para

docs.aturamento  Controle de c5pia doc.(endas   doc.aturamento

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SAP Best Practices Sales an# Distri)&tion *10+, (onfig&ration G&i#e

Transaction Code &TFA

2. n the Displa# *ie+ 9eader O(er(ie+  screen5 choose Displa# VW Change.

<. Select a com)ination of target )illing t$e an# so&rce sales #oc&ment t$e.

4. 7n the Dialog Structure screen area5 #o&)le-clic' ?tem.

+. (hoose /e+ Entries.

6. Ma'e the folloing entries


SourceSales DocType







>2 SA %A 02< 000 A ? G

>+ AA %A 00/ 000 ( G

>+ A %A 00/ 000 ( G

>+ A: %A 00/ 000 ( G

>+ SA %A 00/ 000 ( G

>AI A %A 020 000 A ? G

>AI A: %A 020 000 A ? G

>AI SA %A 020 000 A ? G

>1 AA %A 002 001 ( ? (

>1 A %A 002 001 ( ? (

>1 A: %A 002 001 ( ? (

>1 SA %A 002 001 ( ? (

>2 AA %A 002 000 A ? G

>2 A %A 02< 000 A ?

>2 A: %A 02< 000 A ?

. (hoose Sa(e.

/. (hoose Back .

Speci#ying Copy Controls #or Deliveries

'sehis actiit$ ill co$ controls.

Procedure(arr$ o&t the folloing stes

1. Access the actiit$ &sing one of the folloing naigation otions

IM Menu 3ogistics Execution → Shipping → Cop#ing Control → Speci#

Cop# Control or Deli(eries

Menu IM 3ogistics Execution  Expedi$%o Controle de c5pia Determinar controle de c5pia para ornecimentos

Transaction Code 3T4,

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SAP Best Practices Sales an# Distri)&tion *10+, (onfig&ration G&i#e

2. n the Displa# *ie+ 9eader O(er(ie+  screen5 choose Displa# VW Change.

<. Select the reF&ire# com)inations of so&rce sales #oc&ment t$e an# #elier$ t$e.Do&)le-clic' ?tem in the Dialog Structure ane.

4. (hoose /e+ Entries.

+. Ma'e the folloing entries



Ite+Cat $rderre"uire+ents






R B> %A 101 101 2 ; ?

 AA @> %A 101 101 2 ; ?

(H @> %A 101 101 2 ; ?

R @> %A 101 101 2 ; ?

A: @> %A 101 101 2 ; ?

SA @> %A 101 101 2 ; ?

6. (hoose Sa(e.

. (hoose Back .

esult(ontrols are coie#.

Deter+ination o# re"uire+ent types using transaction

'se7n this actiit$ $o& #etermine the relation )eteen item categor$ an# reF&irement t$e.

Procedure(arr$ o&t the folloing stes

1. Access the actiit$ &sing one of the folloing naigation otions

IM Menu 3ogistic Executions → Shipping → Basic Shipping Functions→

 A(aila0ilit# Check and 6ranser o 7e8uirements→ 6ranser o

7e8uirements → Determination o 7e8uirement 6#pes using


Menu IM 3ogistics Execution  Expedi$%o Bases 

6rans.necessidades  Determina$%o do tipo de necessidade

atra(s da opera$%oTransaction Code SM0 (Custo+iing $bAect 3;T39P=;3)

2. n the Change *ie+ ,Assignment o 7e8uirement 6#pes to 6ransaction- O(er(ie+screen5 choose /e+ Entries.

<. n the /e+ Entries Details o Added Entries screen5 enter the al&es shon )elo.

%ield *a+e Description 'ser action and values Co++ent

?tem categor#  YBAO

!7P 6p#e

7e8mts t#pe E


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SAP Best Practices Sales an# Distri)&tion *10+, (onfig&ration G&i#e

4. Sae $o&r settings.

+. (hoose Back ;FI< tice.

De#ining Delivery Ite+ Category

'sehis actiit$ ill #efine the #elier$ item categor$ %A.

Procedure(arr$ o&t the folloing stes

1. Access the actiit$ &sing one of the folloing naigation otions

IM Menu 3ogistics Execution → Shipping → Deli(eries → Deine ?tem

Categories or Deli(eries

Menu IM 3ogistics Execution  Expedi$%o Fornecimentos Deinirtipos de item para ornecimentos

Transaction Code $34P

2. (hoose /e+ Entries.

<. Ma'e the folloing entries

%ield *a+e Description 'ser action and values Co++ent

?tem Categor#  %A

Document cat  B Delier$

! allo+ed  ;

? 1

Check 8uantit# =   A ote a)o&t the sit&ation

Check minimum 8t#   A ote a)o&t the sit&ation

Check o(erdeli(er#   A ote a)o&t the sit&ation

7ele(ant or picking  Selecte#

St3ocation re8uired  Selecte#

Determine S3oc  Selecte#

 AutoBatchDeterm Selecte#

4. (hoose Sa(e.

+. (hoose Back .

esulthe #elier$ item categor$ is #efine#.

De#ining and ,ssigning Te:t Deter+ination Procedures

'sehe te3t t$es of a te3t o)Cect are gro&e# together in te3t #etermination roce#&res. o&assign a te3t #etermination roce#&re &sing certain 'e$s5 for e3amle5 acco&nt gro&c&stomer or sales #oc&ment t$e.

Procedure(arr$ o&t the folloing stes

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SAP Best Practices Sales an# Distri)&tion *10+, (onfig&ration G&i#e

1. Access the actiit$ &sing one of the folloing naigation otions

IM Menu Sales and Distri0ution → Basic Functions → 6ext Control → 

Deine and Assign 6ext Determination Procedures

Menu IM M.M.M.M *endas e distri0ui$%o →  Fun$'es 01sicas →  

Controle de texto →  Deinir e atri0uir es8uemas de


Transaction Code 3$T N

2. 7n the e3t o)Cect ane5 select ?tem ra#io &n#er Deli(er#  an# choose Change.

<. 7n the Dialog Structure ane5 #o&)le-clic' 6ext procedure assignment .

4. 7n the UBAO ro5 ma'e the folloing entries

Ite+ Cat Te:tDeter+Procedure Description

%A 02 Stan#ar# 7tem 7M

+. (hoose Sa(e.

6. (hoose Back tice.

SIS Con#iguration

SIS 7eader Con#iguration

'sehis actiit$ ill ma'e the necessar$ settings at the hea#er leel for Sales 7nformation S$stemsettings

Procedure(arr$ o&t the folloing stes

1. Access the actiit$ &sing one of the folloing naigation otions

IM Menu 3ogistics General → 3ogistics ?normation S#stem ;3?S< → 

3ogistics Data arehouse → :pdating → :pdating Control → 

Settings Sales → :pdate Group → Assign :pdate Group at

9eader 3e(el 

Men& 7MG 3og4stica geral Sistema de inorma$%o para log4stica ;S?3<

 3ogistics Data arehouse  Controle da atuali)a$%o  

Conigura$'es *endas Grupo de atuali)a$%o Atri0uirgrupo de atuali)a$%o a n4(el de ca0e$alho

Transaction Code $3$

2. (hoose /e+ Entries.

<. Ma'e the folloing entries

%ield *a+e 'ser action and values

Sales Org  1000

Dist Channel  10

Di(ision 10

Customer Stats Group 1

StatGrpSales Doc  01

:pdate Group 000001

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4. (hoose Sa(e.

+. (hoose Back .

6. Reeat stes 2 to +5 &sing a StatGrpSalesDoc  of 0 an# an :pdate Group of 00000!

 SIS Ite+ Con#iguration

'se7n this actiit$5 $o& ma'e all the necessar$ settings at item leel for the Sales 7nformationS$stem.

Procedure(arr$ o&t the folloing stes

1. Access the actiit$ &sing one of the folloing naigation otions

IM Menu 3ogistics→ General → 3ogistics ?normation S#stem ;3?S< → 

3ogistics Data arehouse → :pdating → :pdating Control → 

Settings Sales → :pdate Group → Assign :pdate Group at

?tem 3e(el 

Menu IM 3og4stica geral Sistema de inorma$%o para log4stica ;S?3<

 3ogistics Data arehouse  Controle da atuali)a$%o  

Conigura$'es *endas Grupo de atuali)a$%o Atri0uirgrupo de atuali)a$%o a n4(el de item

Transaction Code $3P

2. (hoose /e+ Entries.

<. Ma'e the folloing entries

%ield *a+e 'ser action and values

Sales Org  1000 *1100,

Dist Channel  10

Di(ision 10

Customer Stats Group 1

CustGroup!aterial  1

StatGrpSales Doc  01

StatGrpDocument?tm 1

:pdate Group 000001

4. (hoose Sa(e.

+. (hoose Back .

6. Reeat stes 2 to +5 &sing the folloing #ata

%ield *a+e $ne T8o Three

Sales Org  1000 *1100, 1000 *1100, 1000 *1100,

Dist Channel  10 10 10

Di(ision 10 10 10

Customer Stats Group 1 1 1

CustGroup!aterial  1 1 1

StatGrpSales Doc  01 02 02

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%ield *a+e $ne T8o Three

StatGrpDocument?tm 02 01 02

:pdate Group 000002 000001 000002

 ,ctivate SIS In#o Structures

'se7n this actiit$5 $o& actiate the Sales 7nfo Str&ct&res.

Procedure1. Access the actiit$ &sing one of the folloing naigation otions

IM Menu 3ogistics General →  3ogistics ?normation S#stem ;3?S< →

3ogistics Data arehouse → :pdating → :pdating Control →

 Acti(ate :pdate

Menu IM 3og4stica geral  3ogistics Data arehouse  Atuali)a$%o

Controle da atuali)a$%o Ati(ar atuali)a$%o

Transaction Code SPRO / OMO1

2. 7n the Choose Acti(it#  #ialog )o35 #o&)le-clic' Sales an# Distri)&tion.

<. Do&)le-clic' on 7nfo Str&ct&re S001.

4. n the Parameters #ialog )o35 ma'e the folloing entries

%ield na+e 'ser action and values

7nfoStrc S001

Perio# slit Posting erio#

>iscal $ear ariant 4

8#ating As$nchrono&s &#ating *2,

+. (hoose Continue.

6. Reeat stes < to +5 &sing the folloing #ata

%ield na+e S00 S00

7nfoStrc S00< S004

Perio# slit Posting erio# Posting erio#

>iscal $ear ariant 4 4

8#ating As$nchrono&s &#ating *2, As$nchrono&s &#ating *2,

. (hoose Sa(e.

/. (hoose %ac'.

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SAP Best Practices Sales an# Distri)&tion *10+, (onfig&ration G&i#e

49 $utput Control

Maintaining output deter+ination procedures #or outbounddeliveries

'sehis actiit$ #efines o&t&t #etermination roce#&res for #oc&ments.

Procedure(arr$ o&t the folloing stes

1. Access the actiit$ &sing one of the folloing naigation otions

IM Menu 3ogistics Execution → Shipping → Basic Shipping Functions→ 

Output Control → Output Determination → !aintain Output

Determination or Out0ound Deli(eries → !aintain Output

Determination Procedure

Menu IM 3ogistics Execution  Bases Controle de mensagens 

Determina$%o de mensagens Atuali)ar determina$%o de

mensagens para entregas Atuali)ar es8uema de mensagens

Transaction Code SM *(&stomi=ing )Cect ::(N6/<N;;N:2,

2. Highlight the ro containing *M==== 9eader Output  an# then #o&)le-clic' Control data.

<. (hoose /e+ Entries5 an# maintain the folloing #ata

Step Cntr Ctyp e"uire+ent

10 1 @D00 1

<0 0 "MA <2

+0 1 %@1 1

4. (hoose Sa(e an# then choose Back .

Maintaining $utput Deter+ination Procedure #or Shipping'nits / Control

'se7n this actiit$5 $o& maintain the o&t&t #etermination roce#&re for shiing &nits.

Procedure(arr$ o&t the folloing stes

1. Access the actiit$ &sing one of the folloing naigation otions

IM Menu 3ogistics General → 9andling :nit !anagement → Output → 

!aintain Output Determination or 9andling :nits → !aintain

Output Determination Procedure

Menu IM 3og4stica geral Administra$%o de unidades comerciais  

!ensagens  Atuali)ar determina$%o de mensagens para

unidades comerciais Atuali)ar es8uema de mensagens

Transaction Code SM *(&stomi=ing )Cect ::(N6/<N;;N:6,

2. (hoose /e+ Entries5 then maintain the folloing #ata

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%ield *a+e Description 'ser action and values *otes

Procedure 000001

Descript. Stan#ar#

<. (hoose Sa(e.

4. Highlight the ro $o& C&st create# an# then #o&)le-clic' Control Data.

+. (hoose /e+ Entries5 then maintain the folloing #ata

Step Cntr Ctyp e"uire+ent

10 <0 MA@%

6. (hoose Sa(e an# then choose Back .

Sales $rder Processing II

Maintaining Copy Control #or Sales Docu+ents (T)

'se7n this actiit$5 $o& maintain the co$ control for sales #oc&ment t$e K.

Procedure(arr$ o&t the folloing stes

1. Access the actiit$ &sing one of the folloing naigation otions

IM Menu Sales and Distri0ution → Sales → !aintain Cop# Control or

Sales Documents

Menu IM *endas e distri0ui$%o *enda Atuali)ar controle de c5pia para docs.(endas

Transaction Code 3T,,

2. Do&)le-clic' Cop#ing Control Sales Document to Sales Document .

<. (hoose Displa#→ Change.

4. (hoose /e+ Entries.

+. Ma'e the folloing entries

Target SalesDocType K

%ro+ SalesDocType K

Copying re"uire+ents 001

Data trans#er 3-,& 0+1Data trans#er 3-&D 101

Data trans#er 3-P, 001

Copy Ite+ *u+ber  Selecte#

6. (hoose Sa(e.

. (hoose Back .

/. Select the ro $o& C&st create# an# then in the Dialog Structure ane5 #o&)le-clic' ?tem.

!. (hoose /e+ Entries.

10. Ma'e the folloing entries

Ite+CatProposal  AG

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Ite+ Category  AG

Copying e"+ts <01

Data #er 3-,P 1+1

Data #er 3-&D 102

Data #er 3-P, 002

Data #er %P4, 2+1

Copy Sched 4ines ;

'pdate Doc %lo8 ;

Pos!@neg! "uantity ?

Pricing type D

11. (hoose Sa(e.

12. (hoose Back tice.

1<. Select the ro $o& C&st create# an# then in the Dialog Structure ane5 #o&)le-clic'Schedule 3ine.

14. (hoose /e+ Entries.

1+. Ma'e the folloing entries

Schd4neCatProposal %

Sched!4ine Cat! %

DataT 201

Copying e"uire+ents +01

16. (hoose Sa(e.

1. (hoose Back .1/. Reeat these stes for the folloing information

Target SalesDocType K

%ro+ SalesDocType 7

Copying re"uire+ents 001

Data trans#er 3-,& 0+1

Data trans#er 3-&D 101

Data trans#er 3-P, 001

Copy Ite+ *u+ber  Selecte#

Proposed ite+ cat  AG( AG AG

Ite+ category  A>( A> A> A>; A>;

Copying e"+ts <01 <01 <01 <01 <01

Data #er 3-,P 1+1 1+1 1+1 1+1 1+1

Data #er 3-&D 102 102 102 102 102

Data #er 3-P, 002 002 002 002 002

Data #er %P4, 2+1 2+1 2+1 2+1 2+1Copy Sched l4ines ; ; ; ;

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'pdate Doc %lo8 ; ; ; ; ;

Pos!@neg! "uantity ? ? ? ? ?

Pricing type % % D D %

Sched!4ine Cat!  A %P

DataT 201 201

Copying e"uire+ents +01 +01

,ssigning Ite+ Categories

'sehis actiit$ ill assign item categories to sales #oc&ments.


(arr$ o&t the folloing stes1. Access the actiit$ &sing one of the folloing naigation otions

IM Menu Sales and Distri0ution → Sales → Sales Documents → Sales

Document ?tem → Assign ?tem Categories

Menu IM *endas e distri0ui$%o *enda Documentos de (endas 

?tem do documento de (endas  Deinir categorias de item

Transaction Code SM0 *(&stomi=ing )Cect :N1/4,

2. (hoose /e+ Entries.

<. Ma'e the folloing entries












7 %A A>

4. (hoose Sa(e.

De#ining Ite+ Categories

'sehis actiit$ ill #efine item categories.

Procedure(arr$ o&t the folloing stes

1. Access the actiit$ &sing one of the folloing naigation otions

IM Menu Sales and Distri0ution → Sales → Sales Documents → Sales

Document ?tem → Deine ?tem Categories

Menu IM *endas e distri0ui$%o *enda Documentos de (endas 

?tem do documento de (endas  Deinir categorias de item

Transaction Code 3$3<

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2. (hoose /e+ Entries.

<. Ma'e the folloing entries







Deter+ine Cost


ScreenSe"!r p


%1 % ; ; ; ; ;

%2 > ; ; ; ; ; ;

%01 ; ;

%0+ ; ; ; ; ;

%A% A ; ; ; ; ; E

%A 7 1 ; ; ; ; ;

Ite+ category Description

%1 <r# Part$ ith S%2 <r# Part$ 9o S

%01 Ret. Pac'aging #el.

%0+ %atch Slit 7tem

%A% %o&ght-7n 7tem

%A >ree of (harge 7tem

4. (hoose Sa(e.

+. (hoose  Back .

Setting up Partner Deter+ination Procedure ,ssign+ent #orIte+ categories


7n this actiit$5 $o& #efine the r&les that sho&l# )e &se# to erform a&tomatic artner#etermination.

Procedure(arr$ o&t the folloing stes

1. Access the actiit$ &sing one of the folloing naigation otions

IM Menu Sales and Distri0ution → Basic Functions → Partner

Determination → Set :p Partner Determination

Menu IM *endas e distri0ui$%o Fun$'es 01sicas Determina$%o de

 parceiro Deinir determina$%o do parceiro

Transaction Code SM (Custo+iing $bAect 3C;TP,;3P)

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2. n the Choose Acti(it# screen choose Set :p Partner Determination or Sales Document?tem.

<. n the Change *ie+ ,Partner Determination Procedures- O(er(ie+ screen select *Stan#ar# item,.

4. >rom the #ialog str&ct&re on the left of the screen5 choose Partner DeterminationProcedure Assignment .

+. Ma'e the folloing assignments

Ite+ category Description






Maintaining Ite+ Category ,ssign Te:t Deter+inationProcedure

'se7n this actiit$5 $o& assign the te3t #etermination roce#&re to item categories.

 Procedure(arr$ o&t the folloing stes

1. Access the actiit$ &sing one of the folloing naigation otions

IM Menu Sales and Distri0ution → Basic Functions → 6ext Control → 

Deine and Assign 6ext Determination Procedures

Menu IM *endas e distri0ui$%o →Fun$'es 01sicas

→Controle de texto → Deinir e atri0uir es8uemas

de texto

Transaction Code 3$T*

2. n the Customi)ing 6ext Determination screen5 select Sales Document ?tem an#choose Change.

<. >rom the #ialog str&ct&re on the left of the screen5 choose 6ext procedure assignment .

4. Ma'e the folloing assignments.

Ite+ category Te:tDeter+Procedure

%1 01

%2 01


%0+ 01

%A% 01

%A 01

+. (hoose Sa(e.

esulthe te3t #etermination roce#&re is assigne#.

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,ssigning Inco+pleteness Procedures

'se7n this actiit$5 $o& assign incomleteness roce#&res to item categories.

 Procedure(arr$ o&t the folloing stes

1. Access the actiit$ &sing one of the folloing naigation otions

IM Menu Sales and Distri0ution → Basic Functions → 3og o

incomplete item l → Assign ?ncompleteness Procedures

Men& 7MG *endas e distri0ui$%o Fun$'es 01sicas Dados

incompletos  Atri0uir es8uemas de dados incompletos

Transaction Code 3'P

2. n the Choose Acti(it# screen choose Assign procedures to the item categories.<. Ma'e the folloing assignments.

Ite+ category Inco+pletion procedure

%1 2/

%2 2/


%0+ 20

%A% 2/

Maintaining Copying Control Delivery Docu+ent to -illingDocu+ent

'se7n this actiit$ $o& secif$ co$ controls.

Procedure1. Access the actiit$ &sing one of the folloing naigation otions

IM Menu Sales and Distri0ution → Billing → Billing Documents → 

!aintain Cop#ing Control For Billing Documents

Men& 7MG *endas e distri0ui$%o Faturamento Documentos de

aturamento  Atuali)ar controle de c5pia paradocs.aturamento

Transaction Code  VT"#

2. (hoose Cop#ing Control Deli(er# document to 0illing document  in the #ialog )o3 Choose Acti(it# .

<. n the Change *ie+ ,9eader- O(er(ie+  screen5 mar' the releant lines ith )illing t$ean# #elier$ t$e in the #ialog )o3 9eader .

4. Ma'e the folloing entries

Target -ill Type%ro+Delivery



Copying re"uire+ents

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>2 @> 00<

>/ @> 00!

+. Select the releant com)inations an# #o&)le clic' on ?tem in the Dialog Structure.

6. n the Change *ie+ ,?tem- O(er(ie+  screen ma'e the folloing entries

Target Bill Type y From $eli1ery Type Ite+ Category -ill ty 3-&@3-P

>2 @> A G 001

>2 @> A G

>2 @> AK G

>/ @> A D 001

>/ @> A D

>/ @> AK D

 ote that the %illing F&antit$ is set to G *(&m&latie )atch F&antit$ min&sinoice# F&antit$, to allo the )illing of )atch slit items.

. Sae $o&r settings.

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! P9P,9 SD -,=I4I,* 4$C,4I=,TI$* ($05)

SD -I44I*

-illing. Docu+ent Types

'sehe &rose of this actiit$ is to #efine )illing t$es.

Procedure1.   Access the actiit$ &sing one of the folloing naigation otions

IM MenuSales and Distri0ution →  Billing   →  Billing Documents  →  Deine

Billing 6#pes

Menu IM*endas e distri0ui$%o →  >at&ramento →  Documentos de

aturamento → Deinir tipo de documento de aturamento

Transaction Code SPRO / VOFA 

2. 7n the #ialog )o35 choose the actiit$ Deine Billing 6#pes.

<. n the Change *ie+ ,Deine Billing 6#pes- O(er(ie+  screen5 choose /e+ Entries.

4. Ma'e the folloing entries

-illing Type Description

>2% ota >iscal>A A#ance 7noice %R>AR >&t. Del$ 7noice %R>( > (onsign.7ss&e

>(R > (onsign.>ill-&>S > for Shi >% > ransfer  G2% (re#it Memo %R@2% De)it Memo %RRE% (r. Ret&rns %R7: 7ntercoman$ %illing %R

4. n the Change *ie+ ,Deine Billing 6#pes- Details screen5 ma'e the entries

&m)er s$stems

-illing Type *o! ange int! ,ssgn! Ite+ no! incre+ent

>2% 1!

>A 1!

>AR 1!

>( 1!

>(R 1!

>S 1!

>% 1!

G2% 1!

@2% 1! 1

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-illing Type *o! ange int! ,ssgn! Ite+ no! incre+ent

RE% 1!

7: 1!

General (ontrol-illingType

SD doc!Cat!



Stat! Inv!4isttype

el! %orrebate

$ther #ields

>2% M ; @R ; leae )lan'

>A M ; @R ; leae )lan'

>AR M ; @R ; leae )lan'

>( M ; @R ; leae )lan'

>(R M ; @R ; leae )lan'

>S M ; @R ; leae )lan'>% M ; @R ; leae )lan'

G2% ; @G ; leae )lan'

@2% P ; @R ; leae )lan'

RE% ; ; @G ; leae )lan'

7: 7 ; @R ; leae )lan'


-illing Type Canc! -illing type $ther #ields

>2% S1 leae )lan'

>A S1

>AR S1

>( S1

>(R S1

>S S1

>% S1

G2% S2

@2% S1

RE% S2

7: 7:S

 Acco&nt assignment9ricing

-illing Type ,cct!Deter+!Proc ,cct!det!pay!cards Doc!pric!procedure

$ther #ields

>2% >700 A00001 A leae )lan'

>A >700 A00001 E leae )lan'

>AR >700 A00001 > leae )lan'

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-illing Type ,cct!Deter+!Proc ,cct!det!pay!cards Doc!pric!procedure

$ther #ields

>( >700 A00001 M leae )lan'

>(R >700 A00001 leae )lan'

>S >700 A00001 A leae )lan'>% >700 A00001 A leae )lan'

G2% >700 A00001 leae )lan'

@2% >700 A00001 leae )lan'

RE% >700 A00001 leae )lan'

7: >700 A00001 7 leae )lan'


   -   i   l   l   i  n  g   T  y  p  e

   $  u   t  p  u   t   d  e   t  e

  r  + !

   P  r  o  c  e   d !

   ,  p  p   l   i  c  a   t

   i  o  n

   $  u   t  p  u   t   t  y  p  e

   7  e  a   d !   P  a  r   t  n !

   I   t  e  +  p  a  r   t  n !

   T  e  :   t   d  e   t  e

  r  +

   P  r  o  c  e   d

   T  e  :   t   d  e

   t !

   P  r  o  c  e   d !   I   t  e  +

   D  e   l   i  v  e  r  y   t  e  :   t

   $   t   h  e  r   #   i  e

   l   d  s

>2% :10000 :< RD00 > >P 0< 04 leae)lan'

>A :10000 :< RD00 > >P 0< 04 leae)lan'

>AR :10000 :< RD00 > >P 0< 04 ; leae)lan'

>( :10000 :< RD00 > >P 0< 04 leae)lan'

>(R :10000 :< RD00 > >P 0< 04 leae)lan'

>S :10000 :< RD00 > >P 0< 04 leae)lan'

>% :10000 :< RD00 > >P 0< 04 leae)lan'

G2% :10000 :< RD00 > >P 0< 04 leae)lan'

@2% :10000 :< RD00 > >P 0< 04 leae)lan'

RE% :10000 :< RD00 > >P 0< 04 leae)lan'

7: :10000 :< RD00 > >P 0< 04 leae)lan'

+. (hoose Sa(e.

6. (hoose %ac'.

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SAP Best Practices Sales an# Distri)&tion *10+, (onfig&ration G&i#e

SD S,49S D$C'M9*TS

Inco+pletion 4og


7n this 7MG actiit$5 $o& #efine the incomleteness roce#&res that sho&l# al$ to theario&s incomleteness o)Cects.

Procedure1. Access the actiit$ &sing the folloing naigation otions

IM MenuConiguration→  Sales and Distri0ution  Basic Functions →  3og o

?ncomplete 6erms →  Deine ?ncompletion Procedures

Menu IMConiguration →   *endas e distri0ui$%o   Fun$'es 01sicas →

Dados incompletos →  Deinir es8uemas de dados incompletos

Transaction Code OVA2

2. Select A Sales Hea#er5 an# #o&)le clic' on Proce#&res.

<. Select (hange *(trl ? >4,5 then e Entries *>+,5 an# enter the folloing entries

In Procedure Description

11 Stan#ar# r#er 12 &tline Agreement14 (re#it Memo1+ De)it MemoB( r#er ith (&st. >BH Ret&rn ith (&st. >

BP RP Ret. . (&st. >BK RP Ret. . n >BS r#er f. > Sim. >t

4. Select each one of the entries a)oe an# #o&)le clic' on >iel#s. Enter the folloingentries


Table %ield *a+e Status group Send 8arning Screen Process!Se"!

11 :%A A8DA 1 A8 011 :%A "AER < A8 011 :%D %SD 1 ; %ES 0

11 :%D 7(1 4 DE< 011 :%D PRSD 4 A8 011 :%D IERM < ; DE< 012 :%A A8DA 1 A8 012 :%A G8E%G 4 ; A8 012 :%A G8EE 4 ; A8 012 :%A :S%ED 2 DE2 012 :%A "AER 4 A8 012 :%D %SD 1 %ES 012 :%D 7(1 4 DE< 012 :%D 8RS < A8 012 :%D PRSD 4 A8 0

12 :%D IERM 4 DE< 014 :%A A8DA 1 A8 0

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SAP Best Practices Sales an# Distri)&tion *10+, (onfig&ration G&i#e


Table %ield *a+e Status group Send 8arning Screen Process!Se"!

14 :%A A8GR8 < ; A8 014 :%A "AER < A8 014 :%D 8RS < A8 014 :%D PRSD < A8 01+ :%A A8DA 1 A8 01+ :%A A8GR8 4 A8 01+ :%A "AER < A8 01+ :%D PRSD < A8 01+ :%D IERM < DE< 0B( :%A A8DA 1 A8 0B( :%A "AER < A8 0B( :%A ;%@R 2 %8( 0B( :%D %SD 1 ; %ES 0B( :%D 7(1 4 DE< 0B( :%D PRSD 4 A8 0

B( :%D IERM < ; DE< 0BH :%A A8DA 1 A8 0BH :%A "AER < A8 0BH :%A ;%@R 2 %8( 0BH :%D %SD 1 ; %ES 0BH :%D 7(1 4 DE< 0BH :%D PRSD 4 A8 0BH :%D IERM < ; DE< 0BP :%A A8DA 1 A8 0BP :%A "AER < A8 0BP :%A ;%@R 2 %8( 0BP :%D %SD 1 ; %ES 0

BP :%D 7(1 4 DE< 0BP :%D PRSD 4 A8 0BP :%D IERM < ; DE< 0BK :%A A8DA 1 A8 0BK :%A "AER < A8 0BK :%A ;%@R 2 %8( 0BK :%D %SD 1 ; %ES 0BK :%D 7(1 4 DE< 0BK :%D PRSD 4 A8 0BK :%D IERM < ; DE< 0BS :%A A8DA 1 A8 0

BS :%A "AER < A8 0BS :%D %SD 1 ; %ES 0BS :%D 7(1 4 DE< 0BS :%D PRSD 4 A8 0BS :%D IERM < ; DE< 0

+. (hoose Sa(e.

6. Select % Sales 7tem5 an# #o&)le clic' on Proce#&res.

. Select (hange *(trl ? >4,5 then e Entries *>+,5 an# enter the folloing entries

In Procedure Description

%1 Stan#ar# 7tem %R

%2 >ree of (harge %R%< :al&e 7tem %R%( (ons.9Pac'aging %R

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SAP Best Practices Sales an# Distri)&tion *10+, (onfig&ration G&i#e

In Procedure Description

% hir#-Part$ 7tem %R

/. Select each one of the entries a)oe an# #o&)le clic' on >iel#s. Enter the folloingentries


Table %ield *a+e Status group Send 8arning Screen Process!Se"!

%1 :%AP AIS 4 P 0%1 :%AP AR; 4 PA8 0%1 :%AP %RGE" 4 PDE2 0%1 :%AP BN1%(>P < P@D 0%1 :%AP BN1%A;@"1 < P@D 0%1 :%AP BN1%A;@"2 < P@D 0%1 :%AP BN1%;SD( < P@D 0%1 :%AP "MEG 4 ; PA8 10%1 :%AP E"R 4 P 0%1 :%AP GE" 4 PDE2 0

%1 :%AP %BR 1 P 0%1 :%AP PRS 6 P 0%1 :%AP E(HS 2 PE> 0%1 :%AP :SE@ 2 PDE2 0%1 :%AP "ERS 2 PDE2 20%1 :%D 7(1 4 PDE< 0%1 :%D PRSD 4 PA8 0%1 :%D IERM 4 PDE< 0%2 :%AP AIS 4 P 0%2 :%AP AR; < PA8 0%2 :%AP %RGE" 1 PDE2 0%2 :%AP BN1%(>P < P@D 0%2 :%AP BN1%A;@"1 < P@D 0%2 :%AP BN1%A;@"2 < P@D 0%2 :%AP BN1%;SD( < P@D 0%2 :%AP "MEG 2 PA8 0%2 :%AP PRS 6 P 0%2 :%AP E(HS 2 PE> 0%2 :%AP :SE@ 2 PDE2 0%2 :%AP "ERS 4 PDE2 0%< :%AP AR; 4 PA8 0%< :%AP BN1%;SD( < P@D 0%< :%AP PRS 4 P 0

%< :%AP "ERS 2 PDE2 0%< :%D PRSD 4 PA8 0%< :%D IERM 4 PDE< 0%( :%AP AIS 4 P 0%( :%AP AR; 4 PA8 0%( :%AP %RGE" 4 PDE2 0%( :%AP BN1%(>P < P@D 0%( :%AP BN1%A;@"1 < P@D 0%( :%AP BN1%A;@"2 < P@D 0%( :%AP BN1%;SD( < P@D 0%( :%AP "MEG 4 ; PA8 10%( :%AP E"R 4 P 0

%( :%AP GE" 4 PDE2 0%( :%AP %BR 1 P 0

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Table %ield *a+e Status group Send 8arning Screen Process!Se"!

%( :%AP PRS 6 P 0%( :%AP E(HS 2 PE> 0%( :%AP :SE@ 2 PDE2 0%( :%AP "ERS 2 PDE2 20%( :%D 7(1 4 PDE< 0%( :%D PRSD 4 PA8 0%( :%D IERM 4 PDE< 0% :%AP AR; 4 PA8 0% :%AP BN1%(>P < P@D 0% :%AP BN1%A;@"1 < P@D 0% :%AP BN1%A;@"2 < P@D 0% :%AP BN1%;SD( < P@D 0% :%AP PRS 4 P 0% :%AP "ERS 2 PDE2 0% :%D PRSD 4 PA8 0

% :%D IERM 4 PDE< 0

Maintain Sales $rder Types

'sehe sales #oc&ments t$es reresent the #ifferent )&siness transactions in Sales an#erform a central controlling f&nction for the entire sales or#er rocess.

Procedure1. Access the actiit$ )$ the folloing naigation an# note the correson#ing %(-Set

IM Menu Sales and Distri0ution   Sales   Sales Documents   SalesDocument 9eader Deine Sales Document 6#pes

Menu IM*endas e distri0ui$%o   *enda   Documentos de (endas

Ca0e$alho de documento de (endas Deinir tipos de doc.(endas

Transaction Code *O*H 

2. n screen !odiicar (is%o ,Atuali)a$%o dos tipos de ordem S4ntese -  chec' the salesor#ers t$es config&rations an# change them if necessar$.

TipoD3 Deno+inaJKo

(% Sche#. Agreement %R

(R% (re#it Memo ReF. %R

(;% (orr. f. Error %R

D@% Del$ 9o r#er %R

DR% De)it Memo ReF. %R

D;% De)it Memo ReF. %R

%% (onsignment 7ss&e %R

E% (onsignment Sales %R

@A% Ret. Pac'. Pic'& %R

R% Stan#ar# r#er %RA

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SAP Best Practices Sales an# Distri)&tion *10+, (onfig&ration G&i#e

TipoD3 Deno+inaJKo

R(M Rem.9cta.e or#.merc

R(S Rem.9 cta. siml.f.

RE% Ret&rns (&stomer >

R% Ret&rns n >

:DR :en#a a r#em %R

:E> >&t&re Dl$ Sales

:E>R >&t&re Dl$ Shiment

( K&otation %R


Sales Doc Type SD docu+ent categ $ther #ieldsL

(% E )lan'

(R% )lan'

(;% )lan'

D@% ( )lan'

DR% @ )lan'

D;% @ )lan'

%% ( )lan'

E% ( )lan'

@A% ( )lan'

R% ( )lan'

R(M ( )lan'

R(S @ )lan'

RE% H )lan'

R% H )lan'

:DR ( )lan'

:E> @ )lan'

:E>R ( )lan'

( % )lan'

 &m)er s$stems

Sales DocType

Internal range 9:ternal range Ite+ incre+ent Sub/ite+ incre+ent

(% 0 0/ 10 10

(R% 1< 14 10 10

(;% 1< 14 10 10

D@% 01 02 10 10

DR% 1+ 16 10 10

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SAP Best Practices Sales an# Distri)&tion *10+, (onfig&ration G&i#e

Sales DocType

Internal range 9:ternal range Ite+ incre+ent Sub/ite+ incre+ent

D;% 1+ 16 10 10

%% 01 0/ 10 10

E% 01 0/ 10 10@A% 1< 14 10 10

R% 01 02 10 10

R(M 01 02 10 10

R(S 1+ 16 10 10

RE% 1< 14 10 10

R% 1< 14 10 10

:DR 01 02 10 10

:E> 1+ 16 10 10

:E>R 01 02 10 10

( 0+ !0 10 10

General (ontrol

   S  a   l  e  s   D  o  c

   T  y  p  e

   )  e   # !

   M  a  n   d  a   t  o  r  y

   C   h  e  c   >

   d   i  v   i  s   i  o  n

   P  r  o   b  a   b   i !

   C   h  e  c   >  c  r  e   d   i   t

   l   i  +   i   t

   C  r  e   d   i   t  g  r  o  u  p

   $  u   t  p  u   t

  a  p  p   l   i  c !

   I   t  e  +   d   i  v   i  s   i  o  n

   )  e  a   d   i  n   #  o  /

  r  e  c  o  r   d

   $   t   h  e  r   #   i  e   l   d  s

(% 100 A :1 ; )lan'(R% M 100 :1 ; )lan'

(;% M 100 :1 ; )lan'

D@% 100 :1 ; )lan'

DR% M 0 :1 ; )lan'

D;% M 0 :1 ; )lan'

%% 1 100 ( :1 ; )lan'

E% M 1 100 :1 ; )lan'

@A% M 100 :1 ; )lan'

R% 2 100 :1 ; ; )lan'

R(M 2 100 :1 ; ; )lan'

R(S M 0 :1 ; )lan'

RE% M 100 :1 ; )lan'

R% M 100 :1 ; )lan'

:DR 2 100 :1 ; ; )lan'

:E> 0 :1 ; )lan'

:E>R M 2 100 01 :1 ; ; )lan'

( 00 :1 ; )lan'

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ransaction >lo

   S  a   l  e  s   D  o  c

   T  y  p  e

   S  c  r  e  e  n  s  e  " !


  r  o  u  p

   I  n  c  o  +  p   l !

   P  r  o  c  e   d  u !

   T  r  a  n

  s  a  c   t   i  o  n


  r  o  u  p

   D  o  c !  p  r   i  c

  p  r  o

  c  e   d  u  r  e

   D   i  s  p   l  a  y


  a  n  g  e

   %  c  o   d  e   #  o  r

  o  v  e  r  v !   S  c  r


  u   t   l   i  n  e

  a  g  r

  +   t  +  e  s

   P  r

  o   d   ,   t   t  r


  e  s  s  a  g

   $   t   h  e  r   #   i  e   l   d  s

(% @P 12 < A 8A@@ 8ER2 )lan'

(R% GA 14 0 A 8A@@ 8ER2 )lan'

(;% GA 14 0 A 8A@@ 8ER2 )lan'

D@% A8 0 A 8A@@ 8ER2 )lan'

DR% GA 1+ 0 A 8A@@ 8ER2 )lan'

D;% GA 1+ 0 A 8A@@ 8ER2 )lan'

%% A8 0 8A@@ 8ER2 )lan'

E% A8 11 0 M 8A@@ 8ER1 )lan'

@A% A8 0 A 8A@@ 8ER1 )lan'

R% A8 11 0 A 8A@@ 8ER1 A )lan'

R(M A8 B( 0 A 8A@@ 8ER1 A )lan'

R(S GA BS 0 A 8A@@ 8ER1 )lan'

RE% RE BH 0 A 8A@@ 8ER1 )lan'

R% RE 14 0 A 8A@@ 8ER1 )lan'

:DR A8 11 0 A 8A@@ 8ER1 A )lan'

:E> GA BS 0 E 8A@@ 8ER2 )lan':E>R A8 11 0 > 8A@@ 8ER1 A )lan'

( A8 10 2 A 8A@@ 8ER2 )lan'

Sce#&ling Agreement

Sales $rder Type ,ll %ieldsL

(% )lan'

(R% )lan'

(;% )lan'

D@% )lan'

DR% )lan'

D;% )lan'

%% )lan'

E% )lan'

@A% )lan'

R% )lan'

R(M )lan'

@A% )lan'

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SAP Best Practices Sales an# Distri)&tion *10+, (onfig&ration G&i#e

Sales $rder Type ,ll %ieldsL

RE% )lan'

R% )lan'

:DR )lan'

:E> )lan'

:E>R )lan'

( )lan'


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SAP Best Practices Sales an# Distri)&tion *10+, (onfig&ration G&i#e


   S  a   l  e  s   D  o  c   T  y  p  e

   D   l  v  /  r  e   l   b   i   l   l   i  n  g   t  y  p  e

   $  r   d  e  r  /  r  e   l   b   i   l   l   i  n  g   t  y  p


   I  n   t  e  r  o  +  p !   b   i   l   l !   t  y  p  e

   -   i   l   l   i  n  g  p   l  a  n   t  y  p  e

   -   i   l   l   i  n  g   b   l  o  c   >

   C  n   d   T  y  p  e   l   i  n  e   i   t  e  +  s

   -   i   l   l   i  n  g  p   l  a  n   t  y  p  e

   P  a  y  +   t  g  u  a  r  a  n   t !   P  r  o


   P  a  y  +   t  c  a  r   d  p   l  a  n   t  y  p  e

   C   h  e  c   >   i  n  g  g  r  o  u  p

   $   t   h  e  r   #   i  e   l   d  s

(% >2% )lan'

(R% G2% 0/ 02 01 0< 01 )lan'

(;% G2% 0/ 02 01 0< 01 )lan'

D@% >% >% 7: )lan'

DR% @2% 7: 0! E01 02 01 0< 01 )lan'

D;% @2% 7: 0! E01 02 01 0< 01 )lan'

%% >(R >(R )lan'

E% >( >( 7: )lan'

@A% RE% RE% )lan'

R% >2% >2% 7: E02 01 0< 01 )lan'

R(M >S >S 7: E02 01 0< 01 )lan'

R(S >2% 7: E01 02 01 0< 01 )lan'

SAP AGPage !! of 22+

Sales $rderType

Delivery Type Shippingconditions


$ther #ieldsL

(% @> )lan'

(R% )lan'

(;% )lan'

D@% )lan'

DR% )lan'

D;% )lan'

%% @> )lan'

E% @> )lan'

@A% @R )lan'

R% @> 01 )lan'

R(M @> )lan'RE% @R )lan'

R% @R )lan'

:DR @> )lan'

:E> )lan'

:E>R @> )lan'

( @> 01 )lan'

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SAP Best Practices Sales an# Distri)&tion *10+, (onfig&ration G&i#e

   S  a   l  e  s   D  o  c

   T  y  p  e

   D   l  v  /  r  e   l   b   i   l   l   i  n  g

   t  y  p  e

   $  r   d  e  r  /  r  e   l

   b   i   l   l   i  n  g   t  y  p  e

   I  n   t  e  r  o  +  p !   b   i   l   l !   t  y

  p  e

   -   i   l   l   i  n  g  p   l  a  n

   t  y  p  e

   -   i   l   l   i  n  g   b   l  o  c   >

   C  n   d   T  y  p  e   l   i  n  e

   i   t  e  +  s

   -   i   l   l   i  n  g  p   l  a  n

   t  y  p  e

   P  a  y  +   t

  g  u  a  r  a  n   t !   P  r  o  c

   P  a  y  +   t  c  a  r   d

  p   l  a  n   t  y  p  e

   C   h  e  c   >   i  n  g

  g  r  o  u  p

   $   t   h  e  r   #   i  e   l   d  s

RE% RE% RE% 7G 0/ 01 0< 01 )lan'

R% RE% RE% 7G 0/ 01 0< 01 )lan'

:DR >2% >2% 7: E02 01 0< 01 )lan'

:E> >A >A 7: E01 02 01 0< 01 )lan'

:E>R >AR >AR 7: E02 01 0< 01 )lan'

( >2% >2% 01 0< 01 )lan'

ReF&este# #elier$ #ate9&rchase or#er #ate

Sales $rder Type Propose del! Date Date Type $ther #ieldsL(% ; )lan'

(R% ; )lan'

(;% ; )lan'

D@% ; )lan'

DR% ; )lan'

D;% ; )lan'

%% ; )lan'

E% ; )lan'

@A% ; )lan'

R% ; )lan'

R(M ; )lan'

R(S ; )lan'

RE% ; )lan'

R% ; )lan'

:DR ; )lan'

:E> ; )lan'

:E>R ; )lan'

( ; )lan'


Tipo$rd -illing re"uest Subs!order type $ther #ields

(% )lan'

(R% )lan'

(;% )lan'

D@% )lan'

DR% )lan'

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SAP Best Practices Sales an# Distri)&tion *10+, (onfig&ration G&i#e

Tipo$rd -illing re"uest Subs!order type $ther #ields

D;% )lan'

%% )lan'

E% )lan'

@A% )lan'

R% )lan'

R(M )lan'

R(S )lan'

RE% )lan'

R% SD )lan'

:DR DR SD )lan'

:E> )lan'

:E>R )lan'( )lan'

. (hoose Sa(e.

/. (hoose Back .

,ssign Sales ,rea To Sales Docu+ent Types (-)


7n this men& otion5 $o& allocate the alloe# or#er t$es to each sales area.

Procedure1. Access the actiit$ &sing one of the folloing naigation otions

IM Menu Sales and Distri0ution  Sales Sales Documents Sales

Documents 9eader   Assign Sales Area 6o SalesDocument 6#pes

Menu IM *endas e distri0ui$%o & *enda & Documentos de (endas &Ca0e$alho de documento de (endas & Atri0uir 1rea de(endas a tipos de documento de (endas

Transaction Code SP7O S!I= ;Customi)ing O0ect *6*A"<

2. 7n the Choose Acti(it#  #ialog )o35 choose Assign sales order t#pes permitted orsales areas.

<. n the Change *ie+ Sales Documents. Allo+ed Order 6#pes per Sales Org.O(er(ie+  screen5 choose /e+ Entries an# ma'e the folloing entries

e#erence Sales$rganiation

e#erence DistributionChannel

e#erence Division Sales Docu+entType

1000 10 10 K

1000 10 10 (%

1000 10 10 R%1000 10 10 R(M

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SAP Best Practices Sales an# Distri)&tion *10+, (onfig&ration G&i#e

e#erence Sales$rganiation

e#erence DistributionChannel

e#erence Division Sales Docu+entType

1000 10 10 R(S

1000 10 10 RE%1000 10 10 R%

1000 10 10 :DR

1000 10 10 :E>

1000 10 10 :E>R

1000 10 10 (R%

1000 10 10 (;%

1000 10 10 D@%

1000 10 10 DR%1000 10 10 D;%

1000 10 10 %%

1000 10 10 E%

1000 10 10 @A%

1000 10 10 (

4. (hoose Sa(e an# then choose Back .

,ssign Price Procedure to -illing type'se

o& #efine the ricing roce#&res in this ste. 7n a##ition5 $o& assign the ricing roce#&resto the transactions )$ #efining the folloing #een#encies

• (&stomer 

• Sales #oc&ment t$e

• Sales area

 Procedure1. o carr$ o&t the actiit$5 choose one of the folloing naigation otions

IM MenuSales and Distri0ution  !aster Data  Basic Functions Pricing

 Pricing Control  Deine And Assign Pricing Procedures

Menu IM*endas e Distri0ui$%o →  *enda →  Documentos de (endas →   ?tem

do documento de (enda →  Deinir categorias de item

Transaction Code SP7O

2. n screen !odiicar (is%o ,Billing 6#pes Billing Procedures - O(er(ie+ ma'e thefolloing entries

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-illing Type Doc!Pric!Procedure

>2% A>A E

>AR >>( M

>(R >S A>% AG2%@2%RE%7: 7

+. (hoose Sa(e.

6. (hoose Back .

,ssign Inco+pletion Procedures %or Sales Docu+ent Type


7n this ste5 $o& assign roce#&res to the #ifferent incomleteness o)Cects.

 Procedure1. o carr$ o&t the actiit$5 choose one of the folloing naigation otions

IM MenuSales and Distri0ution  Basic Functions  3og o ?ncomplete ?tems

 Assign ?ncompleteness Procedures

Menu IM*endas e Distri0ui$%o  Fun$'es 01sicas  Dados incompletos

 Atri0uir es8uemas de dados incompletos

Transaction Code SP7O

2. Do&)le clic' in Assign roce#&res to the sales #oc&ment t$es

n screen !odiicar (is%o ,Error 3ogs or Sales Documents 9eader O(er(ie+-  ma'e thefolloing entries

Sales Doc Type Procedure

(% 12(R% 14

(;% 14D@%DR% 1+D;% 1+%%E% 11@A%R% 11R(M B(R(S BSRE% BHR% 14

:DR 11:E> BS

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Sales Doc Type Procedure

:E>R 11( 10

<. (hoose Sa(e.

4. (hoose Back .

SD S,49S D$C'M9*T IT9M C,T9$I9S

De#ine Ite+ Categories #or sales order


7n this ste5 $o& assign roce#&res to the #ifferent incomleteness o)Cects.

 Procedure1. o carr$ o&t the actiit$5 choose one of the folloing naigation otions

IM MenuSales and Distri0ution   Sales   Sales Documents   Sales

Document ?tem  Deine ?tem Categories

Menu IM*endas e distri0ui$%o   *enda  Documentos de (endas   ?tem

do documento de (endas e distri0ui$%o  Deinir categorias de item

Transaction Code SP7O *O*Y 

Ite+ Category Description

%% (onsignment >ill-&E% (onsignment 7ss&e@A% RP Pic'& %ra=il@%@ RP Pic'& stat. >@P% Sche#.Agreem.7tem %R@% S.Stoc'ransf.7tm%RR%% S 7tem %atch %RR% S 7tem %R%% S 7tem %atch %R%D Dienstleist&ng %R

%@ RP Shiment %R%@@ RP Statistic %ra=il% S 7tem %R%@ (onsignment >ill-&%S 7tem rem. a terc. %R%; on Stoc' 7tem %R

A >ree of (harge 7tem

%&siness Data

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SAP Best Practices Sales an# Distri)&tion *10+, (onfig&ration G&i#e

   I   t  e  +   C  a   t  e  g  o  r  y

   S  p  e  c   i  a   l  s   t  o  c   >

   -   i   l   l  r  e   l  e  v  a  n

   P  r   i  c   i  n  g

  s   t  a   t   i  s   t   i  c  a   l

   -  u  s   i  n  e  s  s   i   t  e  +

   S  c   h  e   d !   4   i  n  e

  a   l   l  o  8  e   d

   )  e   t  u  r  n  s


  g   h   t   @   3  o   l !  r  e   l  e  v  a

  n  c  e

   C  r  e   d   i   t  a  c   t

   D  e   t  e  r  +   C  o  s   t

   $   t   h  e  r  s

%% A ; ; ; ; %lan'

E% " A ; ; ; ; ; ; %lan'

@A% % ; ; ; ; ; %lan'

@%@ % ; ; ; ; ; ; %lan'

@P% A ; ; ; ; ; ; %lan'

@% B ; ; ; %lan'

R%% % ; ; ; ; ; %lan'

R% % ; ; ; ; ; %lan'

%% A ; ; ; ; ; %lan'

%D % ; ; ; ; %lan'

%@ A ; ; ; ; %lan'

%@@ A ; ; ; ; ; %lan'

% A ; ; ; ; ; %lan'

%@ A ; ; ; ; ; %lan'

%S > ; ; ; ; ; ; %lan'

%; A ; ; ; ; ; %lan'

A A ; ; ; ; %lan'

General (ontrol

Ite+ category ,ll #ields

%% %lan'

E% %lan'

@A% %lan'

@%@ %lan'

@P% %lan'@% %lan'

R%% %lan'

R% %lan'

%% %lan'

%D %lan'

%@ %lan'

%@@ %lan'

% %lan'

%@ %lan'

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Ite+ category ,ll #ields

%S %lan'

%; %lan'

A %lan'

ransaction >lo

It+ Cat Inco+plproced

Partner DetProcedure

Te:t DetProcedure

It+ catstatus grp

Scr se"grp


%% %( 01 %lan'

E% %1 01 %lan'

@A% %< 01 %lan'

@%@ %< 01 %lan'

@P% 22 01 1 %lan'@% 20 01 1 %lan'

R%% %1 01 2 %lan'

R% %1 01 2 %lan'

%% %1 01 1 %lan'

%D %< 01 1 %lan'

%@ %< 01 %lan'

%@@ %< 01 %lan'

% %1 % 01 1 %lan'

%@ %lan'

%S % 01 1 %lan'

%; 2+ 01 1 %lan'

A 24 01 1 %lan'

%ill of material 9 config&ration

Ite+ Category ,ll #ields

%% %lan'

E% %lan'@A% %lan'

@%@ %lan'

@P% %lan'

@% %lan'

R%% %lan'

R% %lan'

%% %lan'

%D %lan'

%@ %lan'

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Ite+ Category ,ll #ields

%@@ %lan'

% %lan'

%@ %lan'

%S %lan'

%; %lan'

A %lan'

:al&e (ontract

Ite+ Category ,ll #ields

%% %lan'

E% %lan'

@A% %lan'

@%@ %lan'

@P% %lan'

@% %lan'

R%% %lan'

R% %lan'

%% %lan'

%D %lan'

%@ %lan'

%@@ %lan'

% %lan'

%@ %lan'

%S %lan'

%; %lan'

A %lan'

Serice Management

Ite+ Category ,ll #ields%% %lan'

E% %lan'

@A% %lan'

@%@ %lan'

@P% %lan'

@% %lan'

R%% %lan'

R% %lan'

%% %lan'

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Ite+ Category ,ll #ields

%D %lan'

%@ %lan'

%@@ %lan'

% %lan'

%@ %lan'

%S %lan'

%; %lan'

A %lan'

(ontrol of Reso&rce-relate# )illing an# creation of F&otations

Ite+ Category ,ll #ields

%% %lan'

E% %lan'

@A% %lan'

@%@ %lan'

@P% %lan'

@% %lan'

R%% %lan'

R% %lan'

%% %lan'

%D %lan'

%@ %lan'

%@@ %lan'

% %lan'

%@ %lan'

%S %lan'

%; %lan'

A %lan'

2. (hoose Sa(e.

<. (hoose Back .

,ssign Ite+ categories

'seHere $o& can secif$ hich item categories the s$stem rooses #&ring #oc&mentrocessing for each sales #oc&ment t$e an# item categor$ gro&.


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SAP Best Practices Sales an# Distri)&tion *10+, (onfig&ration G&i#e

1. Access the actiit$ )$ the folloing naigation an# note the correson#ing %(-Set

IM Menu*endas e Distri0ui$%o →  *enda →  Documentos de (endas →   ?tem

do documento de (enda →  Atri0uir categorias de item

Menu IMSales and Distri0ution   Sales   Sales Documents   Sales

Documents  Assign ?tem CategoriesTransaction Code SP7O

2. n screen !odiicar (is%o ,?tem Categor# AssignmentO(er(ie+ - chec' the folloingentries an# change them if necessar$

Sales DocType

It+ Categ!roup

'sage 7igh levelIte+ Cat!

De#aultIte+ Cat!

Manual Ite+cat!1

Manual Ite+cat!

%% RM %%E% RM E%@A% @E7H @A% @A%@A% @E7H R% @A% R%

@A% :ERP @A% R%R% D7E %DR% @E7H %@@ %R% @E7H %; %@@ %R% @E7S %DR% RM % AR% RM % AR% RM >REE %R% RM >REE % AR(M @E7H %@@ %R(M @E7S %D A"R(M RM %@R(M RM A AR(M :ERP %@@ %@ %@R(M :ERP % %@ %@R(S @E7S %D A"R(S RM @2RE% @E7H @%@ @A%RE% @E7H R% @%@ @A%RE% RM R%R% @E7H @%@ @A%R% @E7H R% @%@ @A%R% RM R%

:DR RM %S A:E> @E7H @2S %@@:E> @E7S %D A":E> RM @2:E> :ERP @2 %@:E>R D7E %; A":E>R @E7H %@@ %:E>R @E7S %D A":E>R RM %

De#ine Ite+ Categories #or Delivery


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SAP Best Practices Sales an# Distri)&tion *10+, (onfig&ration G&i#e

7n this men& otion $o& #efine $o&r item categories for #elieries. 7n connection ith the#elier$ t$es5 the$ reresent the #ifferent )&siness transactions in the SAP S$stem.

Procedure1. o carr$ o&t the actiit$5 choose one of the folloing naigation otions

IM Menu3ogistics Execution   Shipping   Deli(eries   Deine ?temCategories or Deli(eries

Menu IM3ogistics Execution   Expedi$%o   Fornecimentos  Deinir tiposde item para ornecimentos

Transaction Code SP7O

2. n screen !odiicar (is%o ,Deli(er# ?tem categories - O(er(ie+  ma'e the folloingentries


Ite+ Category Docu+ent!Category

Mat! *r 0 allo8 Ite+ cat! Stat! group St>! Deter+! rule

%% B ; 1E% B@A% B 1@%@ B 1@P% B@% B 1R%% R% %% B ;%@ B 1

%@@ B 1% B ;%@ B%PS B 1%; B



Chec>"uantity 0

Chec>+ini+un "ty


,vail C> $## ounding

%% A A AE% A A A

@A% A A A@%@ A A A@P% A A@% AR%% AR% A%% A A A%@ A A A%@@ A A% A A%@%PS%; A A

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SAP Best Practices Sales an# Distri)&tion *10+, (onfig&ration G&i#e

"areho&se control an# ac'ing

Ite+ Category elevant #orpic>ing



,uto! -atchdeter+


%% ; ; ; ; )lan'E% ; ; ; )lan'

@A% ; ; )lan'@%@ ; ; )lan'@P% ; ; ; )lan'@% ; ; ; )lan'R%% ; ; )lan'R% ; ; )lan'%% ; ; ; ; )lan'%@ ; ; ; )lan'%@@ ; ; ; )lan'% ; ; ; ; )lan'%@ ; )lan'

%PS ; ; ; )lan'%; )lan'

ransaction >lo

Ite+ Category Te:t Deter+! proced Standard te:t

%% 02E% 02@A%@%@@P%@% 02

R%%R%%%%@%@@% 02%@%PS%;

De#ining Ite+ Category Deter+ination in Deliveries

'sehis ste #efines item categor$ #etermination in #elieries.

Procedure Access the actiit$ &sing one of the folloing naigation otions

IM Menu3ogistics Execution W Shipping W Deli(eries W Deine ?tem Categor#Determination in Deli(eries

Men IM3ogistics Execution W Expedici5n W Entregas W Deinir tipos de posici5n para entregas

Transaction Code =MHT

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SAP Best Practices Sales an# Distri)&tion *10+, (onfig&ration G&i#e

n the Change *ie+ ,Deli(er# item categor# determination- O(er(ie+ screen5 choose /e+Entries.

Ma'e the folloing entries

DlvT ITC 'sg! IT743 ITMC

@> RM A

@> RM (HSP @ @

@> RM PA( D@


@( 0001 : @(

@( ER@A (HSP @(

@( @EER : @(8

@( @EER : @(G @(I

@( RM 8@

@( RM (HSP @(

@( RM : @(

@( :ERP D@;

@( :@@ : @(G

(hoose Sa(e .

(hoose Back .

,ssign Schedule 4ine

'sehe &rose of this tas' is to assign sche#&le line categories.

Procedure1. Access the actiit$ &sing one of the folloing naigation otions

IM MenuSales and Distri0ution →  Sales → Sales Documents →  Schedule

3ines → Assign Schedule 3ine Categories

Menu IM*endas e distri0ui$%o →  *enda →  Documentos de (endas →

Di(is'es da remessa → Atri0uir categorias de di(is'es de remessa

Transaction Code SPRO 

2. n the Change *ie+ ,Assign Schedule 3ine Categories- O(er(ie+  screen5 choose /e+Entries.

<. Ma'e the folloing entries

Ite+ Category MP Type Prop!sched! line categ! Man!sched! line categ!

%% E1 E0%% D E0%% :% E0%% :M E0%% :: E0E% (1 (0

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Ite+ Category MP Type Prop!sched! line categ! Man!sched! line categ!

E% D (0E% :% (0E% :M (0E% :: (0

@A% >< >2@A% D >2@A% :% >2@A% :M >2@A% :: >2@%@ >< >2@%@ D >2@%@ :% >2@%@ :M >2@%@ :: >2@P% (P@P% D (

@P% :% (:@P% :M (:@P% :: (:@% R%% DR% D%% (P (%% D (%% P1 (P (%% P2 (P (%% :% (:%% :M (:%% :: (:%D (P%@ E< E2%@ D E2%@ :% E2%@ :M E2%@ :: E2%@@ E< E2%@@ D E2%@@ :% E2%@@ :M E2

%@@ :: E2•

% (P (

% D (% P1 (P (% P2 (P (% :% (:% :M (:% :: (:%@ (P (%@ D (

%@ P1 (P (%@ P2 (P (

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SAP Best Practices Sales an# Distri)&tion *10+, (onfig&ration G&i#e

Ite+ Category MP Type Prop!sched! line categ! Man!sched! line categ!

%@ :% (:%@ :M (:%@ :: (:%PS PP

%PS D P%; (;

SD 4$C,4I=,TI$* -,=I4 ,SSI* *%

,ssign *ota %iscal to Sales $rder 


Here5 $o& can assign nota fiscal t$es to sales #oc&ment t$es.

Procedure1. Access the actiit$ &sing the folloing naigation otions

IM MenuSales and Distri0ution  Billing  Billing Documents   Countr#

speciic Features  Countr#speciic Features or Bra)il  Speci#/ota Fiscal Categor# 

Menu IM

*endas e distri0ui$%o  Faturamento   Documentos de

aturamento  Caracter4sticas especiais do pa4s   Propriedades

espec4icas de pa4s Brasil  Determinar tipo nota iscal 

Transaction Code SPRO 

2. Enter the folloing #ata

Sales Doc Type *% Type

(% 1(% 1(R% <(;% <D@% 1DR% 2D;% 2%% 1E% 1

@A% +R% 1R(M 1R(S 1RE% 4R% +:DR 1:E> 1:E>R 1

Maintain Sales Docu+ent Ite+ Category'se

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SAP Best Practices Sales an# Distri)&tion *10+, (onfig&ration G&i#e

7n this actiit$5 $o& assign an item t$e an# a main artner f&nction *for e3amle5 shi-toart$, to a com)ination of sales or#er t$e an# item categor$.

o& can also assign SD ta3 co#es an# secif$ hether the s$stem is to calc&late statisticall$the 7(MS an# 7P7 ta3es.

Procedure1. Access the actiit$ &sing the folloing naigation otions

IM MenuSales and Distri0ution   Billing   Billing Documents   Countr#

speciic Features Countr#speciic Features or Bra)il  !aintainSales Document ?tem Categor# 

IM Menu

*endas e distri0ui$%o   Faturamento   Documentos de

aturamento   Caracter4sticas especiais do pa4s   Propriedades

espec4icas de pa4s Brasil  Atuali)ar ctg.item doc.(endas

Transaction Code SPRO 

Enter the folloing #ata









IPIstat IPI 4a8





(% @P% 1 RE 7(0 7P0(% %% 1 RE(% %@@ 21 RE (0 7(4 ; 7P1(R% G2 1 RE 7(0 7P0(R% G2" 1 RE 7(0 7P0(;% %% 1 RE

(;% %D 1 RE 7! 7(0 7P0(;% % 1 RE 7(0 7P0D@% @2 1 RE 7(0 7P0D@% @2" 1 RED@% @( 2 RE 7(0 7P0D@% @% 1 REDR% @2 1 RE 7(0 7P0DR% @2" 1 RE 7(0 7P0D;% @2 1 RED;% @2" 1 RED;% %% 1 RE 7(0 7P0D;% %D 1 RE 7! 7(0 7P0

D;% % 1 RE 7(0 7P0%% %% +2 RE 7(0 7P0E% E% +1 RE 7< ; 7(4 ; 7P1@A% @A% 21 RE (0 7(4 ; 7P1R% A 1 RE 7(0 7P0R% APS 1 RE 7(0 7P0R% %% 1 RE 7< 7(0 7P0R% %D S 2 RE I! 7(0 7P0 7S0 (01 P01  R% %@@ 21 RE (0 7(4 ; 7P1R% % 1 RE 7< 7(0 7P0R% %; 1 RER(M %% 6< "E 70 ; ;R(M %@@ 21 "E 70 ;R(M %@ 6< "E 70 ; ;

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IPIstat IPI 4a8





R(S @2 62 "E 70R(S R%% 62 RE 7< 7(0 7P0

RE% @%@ 21 RE (0 ;RE% R%% 1 RERE% R% 1 RERE% RE 1 RER% @%@ 21 RE (0 ; 7P1R% R%% 1 RER% R% 1 RER% RE 1 RE:DR %S 61 "E:E> @2 41 RE 7< ; 7(4 7P0:E>R %% 42 "E 70 7(0 ; 7P1:E>R % 42 "E 7(0 ; 7P1

Maintain -illing Types


7n this actiit$5 $o& secif$

• "hich )illing t$es the s$stem is to create a nota iscal  for 

• "hich artner f&nctions an# hich man&al te3ts aear in the nota iscal 

Procedure1. Access the actiit$ &sing the folloing naigation otions

IM Menu

?!G →  Sales and Distri0ution   Billing   Billing Documents

Countr#speciic Features Countr#speciic Features or Bra)il !aintain Billing 6#pes

Menu IM

?!G →  *endas e distri0ui$%o   Faturamento  Documentos de

aturamento   Caracter4sticas especiais do pa4s   Propriedades

espec4icas de pa4s Brasil   Atuali)ar tipos documento deaturamento

Transaction Code SPRO 

Enter the folloing #ata

-illing Type *%relevance

Main partnerid

Te:t idheader 


Te:t idlines


>2% ; "E 4 4>A ; RE 4 4>AR ; "E 4 4>( ; RE 4 4>(R ; "E 4 4

>S ; "E 4 4>% ; "E 4 4

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G2% ; "E 4 4@2% ; RE 4 4RE% ; RE 4 4S1 ; "E 4 47: ; RE 4 4

Maintain -illing Docu+ent Ite+ Category


Here5 $o& can #efine hether a com)ination of )illing t$e an# sales item categor$ is notafiscal releant.

Procedure1. Access the actiit$ &sing the folloing naigation otions

IM MenuSales and Distri0ution   Billing   Billing Documents   Countr#speciic Features Countr#speciic Features or Bra)il  !aintainBilling Document ?tem Categor# 

Menu IM

*endas e distri0ui$%o   Faturamento   Documentos de

aturamento  Caracter4sticas especiais do pa4s   Propriedades

espec4icas de pa4s Brasil  Atuali)ar ctg.item de aturamento

Transaction Code SPRO 

Enter the folloing #ata

-illing Type Ite+ Category *% relevance

>2% @2 ;

>2% @P% ;>2% A ;>2% A ;>2% APS ;>2% %% ;>2% %D ;>2% %@ ;>2% %@@ ;>2% % ;>2% %@ ;>2% %S ;>A @2 ;

>AR % ;>( E% ;>(R %% ;>S %% ;>S %@@ ;>S %@ ;>% @( ;>% @% ;G2% G2 ;G2% G2" ;@2% @2 ;

@2% @2" ;RE% @A% ;

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SAP Best Practices Sales an# Distri)&tion *10+, (onfig&ration G&i#e

-illing Type Ite+ Category *% relevance

RE% @%@ ;RE% R%% ;RE% R% ;RE% RE ;S1 G2 ;S1 G2" ;S1 %% ;S1 E% ;S1 @2 ;S1 @2" ;S1 @P% ;S1 @% ;S1 %% ;S1 %D ;S1 %@ ;S1 %@@ ;

S1 % ;S1 %@ ;S1 %S ;

Maintain ,uto+atic *ota %iscal Te:ts


Here5 $o& can assign nota fiscal hea#er te3ts to sales or#er t$es.

Procedure1. Access the actiit$ &sing the folloing naigation otions

IM MenuCrossApplication Components  General Application Functions

/ota Fiscal   Sales and Distri0ution Billing Documents

!aintain Automatic /ota Fiscal 9eader 6exts

Menu IM

Componentes (1lidos para (1rias aplica$'es  Fun$'es gerais de

aplica$%o  /ota iscal  *endas e distri0ui$%o documentos de

aturamento  Atuali)ar textos de ca0e$alho nota iscal autom1ticos

Transaction Code SPRO 

Enter the folloing #ata

Sales Doc Type Se"! no #or te:t Te:t ,rgu+ent

(% 10 Sche#&ling Agreement n&m)er \ S(HDAGRN(;% 10 E3change Rate \ (8RRNRAED;% 10 E3change Rate \ (8RRNRAE

E% 10Simles >at&ramento #e merca#oria em(onsignao

R% 10 E3change Rate \ (8RRNRAER(M 10 Merca#oria F&e lhe foi en#i#a or \ %7@@NR(M 20 (onforme nota fiscal \ >NRE>

R(M <0 Do \ DAENRE>R(S 10 Merca#oria F&e tem si#o remeti#a ao

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#estinatarioR(S 20 ota fiscal acima referi#aR(S <0 #estinatUrio ] \ SH7PNRE% 10 r#er Reason \ RDNREASR% 10 E3change Rate \ RDNREAS

:DR 10Goo#s ill )e sent #irectl$ )$ \ on o&re3ense :EDR

:E> 10Sem alor ara acomanhar o ro#&to -Merca#oria

:E>R 10Sem alor ara acomanhar o ro#&to -Merca#oria

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De#ine -railian Ta: egions and ,ssign to eograph!egions

'seHere5 $o& can assign ta3 regions for the co&ntr$.

Procedure2. Access the actiit$ &sing the folloing naigation otions

IM MenuFinancial Accounting ;/e+< Financial Accounting Glo0al Settings

;/e+< 6ax on SalesPurchases Basic Settings Bra)il DeineBra)ilian 6ax 7egions and Assign to Geograph. 7egions

Menu IMConta0ilidade inanceira ;n(.< Conigura$'es glo0ais conta0ilidade

inanceira ;no(o<




Deinir regi'esiscais do Brasil e atri0uir regi'es geogr1icas

Transaction Code SPRO 

Enter the folloing #ata

Country Ta: region Ta: egionDescription

egion Description Ta:/%ree =one

%R ;E >oreign tra#e - E8 ;

%R ;; >oreign tra#e - 8S ;

%R I> Iona >ranca Mana&s AM Ama=on ;

(hoose Sae.

SD Copy control #or docu+ents

Maintain Copy Control -illing to Sales Docu+ent

'se6he purpose o this acti(it# is to deine the cop# control or the 0illing t#pe to in(oice the pallets not returned 0ased on customers in(oice.

Procedure1. Access the actiit$ &sing the folloing naigation otions

IM MenuSales and Distri0ution →  Sales →  !aintain Cop# Control or Sales


Menu IM*endas e distri0ui$%o   *enda  Documentos de (endas Atuali)ar controle de c5pia para docs.(endas

Transaction Code VTAF 

2. Select Cop#ing Control Billing Document to Sales Document an# maintain #ata as

follos on the screen 9eader O(er(ie+ 

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SAP Best Practices Sales an# Distri)&tion *10+, (onfig&ration G&i#e

Target Sales Docu+ent Type Source -illing Type

(R% (re#it Memo %R >2% ota >iscal

<. Select screen 9eader Details an# ma'e the folloing entries

Description 3alue

arget sls #oc. t$e (R%

Ref.)illing #oc.t$e >2%

(o$ing reF&irements 021

Data transfer :%A 0+<

Data transfer :%D 10<

Data transfer :%PA 00<

(o$ item n&m)er ;
























(R% >2% @P% G2 <0< 1+< 104 004 D ; )lan'

(R% >2% %@@ @%@ <0< 1+< 104 004 D ; )lan'

(R% >2% A G2 <02 1+< 104 004 D ; )lan'

(R% >2% A; G2; <0< 1+< 104 004 D ; )lan'

(R% >2% %% G2 <02 1+< 104 004 D ; )lan'

(R% >2% %D G2 <0< 1+< 104 004 D ; )lan'

(R% >2% % G2 <0< 1+< 104 004 D ; )lan'

(R% >2% %@ G2 <0< 1+< 104 004 D ; )lan'

(R% >2% %S G2 <0< 1+< 104 004 D ; )lan'

(R% >2% %; G2" <0< 1+< 104 004 D ; )lan'

4. Reeat stes 2 to < ith the folloing #ata

Target sls doc!type

DR% (;% D;% E% R(S RE% R% :E>R


>2% >2% >2% >(R >S >2% >2% >A


021 021 021 021 021 021 021 021

Data trans#er3-,&

0+< 0+< 0+< 0+< 0+< 0+< 0+< 0+<

Data trans#er3-&D

10< 10< 10< 10< 10< 10< 10< 10<

Data trans#er3-P,

00< 00< 00< 00< 00< 00< 00< 00<

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Copy ite+nu+ber

; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
























(;% >2% @P% G2 <0< 1+< 104 004 D ; )lan'

(;% >2% A G2 <02 1+< 104 004 D ; )lan'

(;% >2% A; G2; <0< 1+< 104 004 D ; )lan'

(;% >2% %% G2 <02 1+< 104 004 D ; )lan'

(;% >2% %D G2 <0< 1+< 104 004 D ; )lan'

(;% >2% % G2 <0< 1+< 104 004 D ; )lan'

(;% >2% %@ G2 <0< 1+< 104 004 D ; )lan'

(;% >2% %S G2 <0< 1+< 104 004 D ; )lan'

(;% >2% %; G2" <0< 1+< 104 004 D ; )lan'

DR% >2% %% G2 <02 1+< 104 004 D ; )lan'

DR% >2% %D G2 <0< 1+< 104 004 D ; )lan'

DR% >2% % G2 <0< 1+< 104 004 D ; )lan'

DR% >2% %@ G2 <0< 1+< 104 004 D ; )lan'

DR% >2% %S G2 <0< 1+< 104 004 D ; )lan'

DR% >2% %; G2" <0< 1+< 104 004 D ; )lan'

DR% >2% %@@ @%@ <0< 1+< 104 004 D ; )lan'

DR% >2% @P% G2 <02 1+< 104 004 D ; )lan'

DR% >2% A G2 <0< 1+< 104 004 D ; )lan'

DR% >2% A; G2 <0< 1+< 104 004 D ; )lan'

D;% >2% @P% G2 <0< 1+< 104 004 D ; )lan'

D;% >2% A G2 <02 1+< 104 004 D ; )lan'

D;% >2% A; G2; <0< 1+< 104 004 D ; )lan'

D;% >2% %% G2 <02 1+< 104 004 D ; )lan'D;% >2% %D G2 <0< 1+< 104 004 D ; )lan'

D;% >2% % G2 <0< 1+< 104 004 D ; )lan'

D;% >2% %@ G2 <0< 1+< 104 004 D ; )lan'

D;% >2% %S G2 <0< 1+< 104 004 D ; )lan'

D;% >2% %; G2" <0< 1+< 104 004 D ; )lan'

E% >(R %% E% <0< 1+< 104 004 % ; )lan'

E% >(R @P% G2 <0< 1+< 104 004 D ; )lan'

E% >(R A G2 <02 1+< 104 004 D ; )lan'E% >(R A; G2; <0< 1+< 104 004 D ; )lan'

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E% >(R %% G2 <0< 1+< 104 004 D ; )lan'

E% >(R %D G2 <0< 1+< 104 004 D ; )lan'

E% >(R % G2 <0< 1+< 104 004 D ; )lan'

E% >(R %@ G2 <0< 1+< 104 004 D ; )lan'

E% >(R %S G2 <0< 1+< 104 004 D ; )lan'

E% >(R %; G2" <0< 1+< 104 004 D ; )lan'

R(S >S @P% G2 <0< 1+< 104 004 D ; )lan'

R(S >S A G2 <02 1+< 104 004 D ; )lan'

R(S >S A; G2; <0< 1+< 104 004 D ; )lan'

R(S >S %% G2 <0< 1+< 104 004 D ; )lan'

R(S >S %D G2 <0< 1+< 104 004 D ; )lan'

R(S >S % G2 <0< 1+< 104 004 D ; )lan'

R(S >S %@ @2 <0< 1+< 104 004 D ; )lan'

R(S >S %S G2 <0< 1+< 104 004 D ; )lan'

R(S >S %; G2" <0< 1+< 104 004 D ; )lan'

RE% >2% @P% G2 <0< 1+< 104 004 D ; )lan'

RE% >2% A G2 <02 1+< 104 004 D ; )lan'

RE% >2% A; G2; <0< 1+< 104 004 D ; )lan'RE% >2% %% R%% <02 1+< 104 004 D ; )lan'

RE% >2% %D R% <0< 1+< 104 004 D ; )lan'

RE% >2% %@@ @%@ <0< 1+< 104 004 D ; )lan'

RE% >2% % R% <0< 1+< 104 004 D ; )lan'

RE% >2% %1 R% <0< 1+< 104 004 D ; )lan'

RE% >2% %2 R% <0< 1+< 104 004 D ; )lan'

RE% >2% %@ G2 <0< 1+< 104 004 D ; )lan'

RE% >2% %S G2 <0< 1+< 104 004 D ; )lan'

RE% >2% %; G2" <0< 1+< 104 004 D ; )lan'

R% >2% @2 % <0< 1+< 104 004 D ; )lan'

R% >2% @P% G2 <0< 1+< 104 004 D ; )lan'

R% >2% A G2 <02 1+< 104 004 D ; )lan'

R% >2% A; G2; <0< 1+< 104 004 D ; )lan'

R% >2% %% R%% <02 1+< 104 004 D ; )lan'

R% >2% %D R% <0< 1+< 104 004 D ; )lan'

R% >2% %1 R% <0< 1+< 104 004 D ; )lan'

R% >2% %2 R% <0< 1+< 104 004 D ; )lan'

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R% >2% %@@ @%@ <0< 1+< 104 004 D ; )lan'

R% >2% % R% <0< 1+< 104 004 D ; )lan'

R% >2% %@ G2 <0< 1+< 104 004 D ; )lan'

R% >2% %S G2 <0< 1+< 104 004 D ; )lan'

R% >2% %; G2" <0< 1+< 104 004 D ; )lan'

:E>R >A @2 % <0< 1+< 104 004 % ; )lan'

:E>R >A @2S %@@ <0< 1+< 104 004 % ; )lan'

:E>R >A @P% G2 <0< 1+< 104 004 D ; )lan'

:E>R >A A G2 <02 1+< 104 004 D ; )lan'

:E>R >A A; G2; <0< 1+< 104 004 D ; )lan'

:E>R >A %% G2 <0< 1+< 104 004 D ; )lan'

:E>R >A %D G2 <0< 1+< 104 004 D ; )lan'

:E>R >A % G2 <0< 1+< 104 004 D ; )lan'

:E>R >A %@ G2 <0< 1+< 104 004 D ; )lan'

:E>R >A %S G2 <0< 1+< 104 004 D ; )lan'

:E>R >A %; G2" <0< 1+< 104 004 D ; )lan'

Maintain Copy Control Sales Docu+ent to Delivery

'sehe &rose of this actiit$ is to #efine (o$ (ontrol of secial sales or#er t$e to Delier$ forallets ret&rn.

Procedure1. Access the actiit$ &sing the folloing naigation otions

IM Menu3ogistics Execution →  Shipping →  Cop#ing Control →  Speci#

Cop# Control or Deli(er# 

Menu IM 3ogistics Execution Expedi$%o  Controle de c5pia Determinarcontrole de c5pia para ornecimentos

Transaction Code VTLA 

2. Maintain #ata as follos on the screen 9eader O(er(ie+ 

Target Delivery Type Source Sales Docu+ent Type

@> Delier$ R% Stan#ar# r#er %RA

<. Select screen 9eader Details an# ma'e the folloing entries

Description 3aluearget #elier$ t$e @>

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So&rce sls #oc. t$e R%

r#er reF&irements 001

(om)ination reF&irmt 0+1

Data transfer :%A 001

4. Select the folloing arget an# So&rce Sales Doc&ment an# choose the ?tem O(er(ie+  screen to entr$ a##itional 7tem (ategories.

Target Delivery Docu+ent Source sls doc!

@> &t)o&n# Delier$ R% Stan#ar# r#er %RA

Ite+ Category Description

% S 7tem %R

$rder re"uire+ents 101

Ite+ data 101

Ite+ 9:t! Syste+ 0

-usiness data 2

'pdate #lo8 ;

Pos!@neg! "uantity ?

+. Reeat stes 2 to < ith the folloing #ata

Target delivery type @> @> @> @> @R @R

Source sls doc! type %% E% R(M :E>R RE% R%

$rder re"uire+ents 001 001 001 001 001 001Co+bination re"uir+t 0+1 0+1 0+1 0+1 0+1 0+1

Data trans#er 3-,& 001 001 001 001 001 001












@> %% % 101 101 0 2 ; ?

@> %% %@ 101 101 0 2 ; ?

@> %% %PS 101 110 0 0 ; ?

@> %% %; 102 101 0 2 ; ?

@> %% %% 101 101 0 2 ; ?

@> %% A 101 101 0 2 ; ?

@> %% A; 102 101 0 2 ; ?

@> %% %% 101 101 0 2 ; ?

@> %% %@ 101 101 0 2 ; ?

@> %% %@@ 101 101 0 2 ; ?

@> E% %% 101 101 0 2 ; ?@> E% E% 101 101 0 2 ; ?

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@> E% A 101 101 0 2 ; ?

@> E% A; 102 101 0 2 ; ?

@> E% %% 101 101 0 2 ; ?

@> E% %@ 101 101 0 2 ; ?

@> E% %@@ 101 101 0 2 ; ?

@> E% % 101 101 0 2 ; ?

@> E% %@ 101 101 0 2 ; ?

@> E% %PS 101 110 0 0 ; ?

@> E% %; 102 101 0 2 ; ?

@> R% %% 101 101 0 2 ; ?

@> R% %% 101 101 0 2 ; ?

@> R% A 101 101 0 2 ; ?

@> R% A; 101 101 0 2 ; ?

@> R% %@ 101 101 0 2 ; ?

@> R% %@@ 101 101 0 2 ; ?

@> R% %@ 101 101 0 2 ; ?

@> R% %PS 101 110 0 0 ; ?

@> R% %; 102 101 0 2 ; ?

@> R(M %% 101 101 0 2 ; ?

@> R(M A 101 101 0 2 ; ?

@> R(M A; 102 101 0 2 ; ?

@> R(M %% 101 101 0 2 ; ?

@> R(M %@ 101 101 0 2 ; ?

@> R(M %@@ 101 101 0 2 ; ?

@> R(M % 101 101 0 2 ; ?

@> R(M %@ 101 101 0 2 ; ?

@> R(M %PS 101 110 0 0 ; ?@> R(M %; 102 101 0 2 ; ?

@R RE% @A% 101 101 0 2 ; ?

@R RE% @%@ 101 101 0 2 ; ?

@R RE% R%% 101 101 0 2 ; ?

@R RE% R% 101 101 0 2 ; ?

@R RE% RE; 102 101 0 2 ; ?

@R R% @A% 101 101 0 2 ; ?

@R R% @%@ 101 101 0 2 ; ?

@R R% R%% 101 101 0 2 ; ?

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@R R% R% 101 101 0 2 ; ?

@R R% RE; 102 101 0 2 ; ?

@> :E>R %% 101 101 0 2 ; ?

@> :E>R A 101 101 0 2 ; ?

@> :E>R A; 102 101 0 2 ; ?

@> :E>R %% 101 101 0 2 ; ?

@> :E>R %@ 101 101 0 2 ; ?

@> :E>R %@@ 101 101 0 2 ; ?

@> :E>R % 101 101 0 2 ; ?

@> :E>R %@ 101 101 0 2 ; ?

@> :E>R %PS 101 110 0 0 ; ?

@> :E>R %; 102 101 0 2 ; ?

Maintain Copy Control Sales Docu+ent to -illing

'seo& can secif$ for a artic&lar )illing t$e hat #oc&ment t$e is to )e assigne# to coie#reference #oc&ments an# hich item categories are to )e coie#.

o& m&st also ma'e secifications for co$ing reF&irements an# transferring #ata5 as ell asF&antit$ an# al&e &#ates in #oc&ment flo. Do this for each co$ing roce#&re at hea#eran# item leel on the aroriate #etail screen.

Procedure1. Access the actiit$ )$ the folloing naigation an# note the correson#ing %(-Set

IM MenuSales and Distri0ution →   Billing →   Billing Documents →   !aintain

Cop#ing Control For Billing Documents

Menu IM

*endas e distri0ui$%o →   Faturamento →   Documentos de

aturamento →  Atuali)ar controle de c5pia para docs.aturamento →

Controle de c5pia doc.(endas   doc.aturamento

Transaction Code *6FA

2. n screen !odiicar (is%o ,Ca0e$alho s4ntese- ma'e the folloing entries


Targ bil Source Sales$rder 


Copy ite+ nu+ber $ther #ields!!!

G2% (;% 001 ; )lan'

@2% D;% 001 ; )lan'

RE% RE% 001 ; )lan'

RE% R% 001 ; )lan'

G2% (R% 001 ; )lan'

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Targ bil Source Sales$rder 


Copy ite+ nu+ber $ther #ields!!!

@2% DR% 001 ; )lan'

>2% R% 001 ; )lan'

>2% R(S 001 ; )lan'>A :E> 001 ; )lan'


Tar g bil






3-& @






Pricing type


G2% (R% G2 002 00< A ? D )lan'

G2% (R% G2; 002 002 A ? D )lan'

G2% (R% G2" 002 002 A ? D )lan'

@2% DR% G2 002 002 A ? D )lan'

@2% DR% G2; 002 002 A ? D )lan'

@2% DR% @2 002 00< A ? D )lan'

@2% DR% @2" 002 00< A ? D )lan'

>2% R% %D 002 00< A ? G )lan'

>2% R% %S 02/ 000 > ? G )lan'

>2% R(S G2 002 002 A ? D )lan'

>2% R(S G2; 002 002 A ? D )lan'>2% R(S @2 002 002 A ? D )lan'

>2% R(S @2" 002 002 A ? D )lan'

>A :E> G2 002 002 A ? D )lan'

>A :E> @2 002 00< A ? D )lan'

>A :E> @2S 002 00< A ? D )lan'

>A :E> @2" 002 002 A ? D )lan'

G2% (;% G2 002 00< A ? D )lan'

G2% (;% G2; 002 002 A ? D )lan'G2% (;% G2" 002 002 A ? D )lan'

@2% D;% G2 002 002 A ? D )lan'

@2% D;% G2; 002 002 A ? D )lan'

@2% D;% @2 002 00< A ? D )lan'

@2% D;% @2" 002 002 A ? D )lan'

RE% RE% @%@ 002 00< A ? D )lan'

RE% RE% R%% 002 002 A ? D )lan'

RE% RE% R% 002 002 A ? D )lan'

RE% RE% RE 002 002 A ? D )lan'

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Tar g bil






3-& @






Pricing type



RE% R% @%@ 002 00< A ? D )lan'

RE% R% R%% 002 002 A ? D )lan'

RE% R% R% 002 002 A ? D )lan'

RE% R% RE;

002 002 A ? D )lan'

Maintain Copy Control Delivery to -illing


7n this men& otion5 $o& #efine control #ata for the #oc&ment flo of )illing #oc&ments.o& can secif$ for a artic&lar )illing t$e hat #oc&ment t$e is to )e assigne# to coie#reference #oc&ments an# hich item categories are to )e coie#.

o& m&st also ma'e secifications for co$ing reF&irements an# transferring #ata5 as ell asF&antit$ an# al&e &#ates in #oc&ment flo. Do this for each co$ing roce#&re at hea#eran# item leel on the aroriate #etail screen.

Procedure1. Access the actiit$ )$ the folloing naigation an# note the correson#ing %(-Set

IM MenuSales and Distri0ution →   Billing →   Billing Documents →   !aintain

Cop#ing Control For Billing Documents

Menu IM

*endas e distri0ui$%o →   Faturamento →   Documentos de

aturamento →  Atuali)ar controle de c5pia para docs.aturamento →

Controle de c5pia nota de remessa W doc.aturamento

Transaction Code *6F3

2. n screen !odiicar (is%o ,Ca0e$alho s4ntese- ma'e the folloing entries








Copy ite+nu+ber 

>2% @> 00< E A ;

>AR @> 00< E A ;

>( @> 00< E A ;

>(R @> 00< E A ;

RE% @R 014 ;


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>2% @> D@ 004 ^001 % ? % )lan'

>2% @> E% 004 ^001 % ? G )lan'

>2% @> @P% 004 ^001 % ? G )lan'

>2% @> A; 004 ^00< G ? G )lan'

>2% @> %% 004 ^00 % ? G )lan'

>2% @> % 004 ^00< G ? G )lan'

>2% @> %; 004 ^001 G ? G )lan'

>2% @> A 004 ^00< G ? G )lan'

>2% @> %@ 004 ^00 % ? G )lan'

>2% @> %A 004 ^00< G ? G )lan'

>AR @> D@ 004 ^001 % ? % )lan'

>AR @> E% 004 ^001 % ? G )lan'

>AR @> @P% 004 ^001 % ? G )lan'

>AR @> A 004 ^001 % ? G )lan'

>AR @> A; 004 ^001 % ? G )lan'

>AR @> %% 004 ^00 % ? G )lan'

>AR @> %@@ 004 ^00< G ? G )lan'

>AR @> % 004 ^00< G ? G )lan'>AR @> %@ 004 ^00 % ? G )lan'

>AR @> %; 004 ^001 G ? G )lan'

>( @> D@ 004 ^001 % ? % )lan'

>( @> E% 004 ^00< G ? G )lan'

>( @> @P% 004 ^001 % ? G )lan'

>( @> A 004 ^001 % ? G )lan'

>( @> A; 004 ^001 % ? G )lan'

>( @> %% 004 ^00 % ? G )lan'

>( @> % 004 ^00 % ? G )lan'

>( @> %@ 004 ^00 % ? G )lan'

>( @> %; 004 ^001 G ? G )lan'

>(R @> D@ 004 ^001 % ? % )lan'

>(R @> %% 004 ^00< G ? G )lan'

>(R @> E% 004 ^001 % ? G )lan'

>(R @> @P% 004 ^001 % ? G )lan'

>(R @> A 004 ^001 % ? G )lan'

>(R @> A; 004 ^001 % ? G )lan'

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>(R @> %% 004 ^00 % ? G )lan'

>(R @> % 004 ^00 % ? G )lan'

>(R @> %@ 004 ^00 % ? G )lan'

>(R @> %; 004 ^001 G ? G )lan'

>2% @> %@@ 004 ^00< G ? % )lan'

esult After these config&ration all rereF&isites for (o$ing (ontrol for %illing Doc&mentmaintenance are comlete#.

Maintain Copy Control Sales Doc! to Sales Doc!

'sehe &rose of this actiit$ is #efine control #ata for the #oc&ment flo of Sales Doc&ment.

Procedure1. Access the actiit$ &sing one of the folloing naigation otions

IM MenuSales and Distri0ution → Sales → !aintain Cop# Control or Sales


Menu IM*endas e distri0ui$%o → *enda → Atuali)ar controle de c5pia para


Transaction Code VTAA 

2. (o$ing (ontrol Sales Doc&ment to Sales Doc&ment

<. n the Change *ie+ ,9eader- O(er(ie+ screen5 clic' on the /e+ entries.

4. n the /e+s Entries Detail o Added Entries screen5 an# ma'e the folloing entries

%ield na+e 'ser action and values

arget SalesDoc R% *Stan#ar# r#er %RA,

>rom SalesDoc $ ( *K&otation %R,

Data *1, 0+1

Data *2, 101

Data *<, 001

(o$ing reF&irement 001

(o$ item n&m)er ;

(omlete reference %lan'

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+. Do&)le clic' on ?tem fol#er. n the Change *ie+ ,?tem- O(er(ie+ screen5 clic' on the/e+ entries.

%ield na+e 'ser action and values

7tem (ategor$ % *S 7tem %R,

Data *1, 1+1Data *2, 102

Data *<, 002

>P@A 2+1

(o$ing reF&irements <01

(o$ sche#&le lines ;

8#ate #oc&ment flo ;

Pricing t$e A

SD T,-, B 4ocaliation -rail

SD T,-, / 4$C,4I=,TI$* -,=I4 / P,T 1

%ield Catalog

'se%efore $o& create a ne con#ition ta)le5 $o& sho&l# chec' hether the fiel#s liste# in the fiel# catalogmeet $o&r reF&irements. 7f $o& reF&ire a fiel# in ricing hich is not inten#e# for this &sage in thestan#ar# s$stem5 $o& m&st enter it in the fiel# catalog. o& can onl$ enter fiel#s from ta)les MG5M or MP.

Procedure1. Access the actiit$ &sing one of the folloing naigation otions

IM MenuSales and Distri0ution   Basic Functions   Pricing   Pricing

Control   Deine Condition 6a0les   Create condition ta0les Conditions Allo+ed ields

Menu IM*endas e distri0ui$%o   Fun$'es 01sicas   Determina$%o do

 pre$o Determina$%o do pre$o  Deinir ta0elas de condi$'es Condi$'es Campos permitidos

Transaction Code SP7O

2. (hoose Enter.

<. n the (hange :ie O>iel# (atalog *Pricing Sales9Distri)&tion, erie screen enterthe folloing #ata



 A8%E@ A8GR8

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4. (hoose Sa(e.

esulthe fiel# catalog is no aaila)le.

De#ine Se"uence #or SD Ta: Code Deter+ination


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SAP Best Practices Sales an# Distri)&tion *10+, (onfig&ration G&i#e

7n Sales and Distri0ution *SD,5 the s$stem #eries the ta3 co#e from either the item categor$or the c&stomer-material info recor#.he &rose of this actiit$ is to #efine the seF&ence inhich the s$stem accesses these so&rces.


1. Access the actiit$ &sing one of the folloing naigation otions

IM Menu

Financial Accounting ;/e+<  Financial Accounting Basic Settings

;/e+< 6ax on SalesPurchases  Calculation  Settings or 6ax

Calculation in Bra)il   Deine Se8uence or SD 6ax CodeDetermination

Menu IM

Conta0ilidade inanceira ;no(o<   Conigura$'es glo0ais

conta0ilidade inanceira ;no(o<   ?*A   C1lculo  Op$'es para

c1lculo de impostos no Brasil  Deinir se8JKncia da determina$%odo c5d.imposto SD

Transaction Code SP7O

2. n the Change *ie+ , Se8uence or tax code determination- O(er(ie+ ma'e thefolloing entries

Se"! in ta: code deter+ination Source #or ta: code deter+ination

1 1 (&stomer Material 7nformation2 0 7tem (ategor$ a)le

<. (hoose Sa(e.

4. he message O(on#itions recor#s sae# aears.

esulthe seF&ence for ta3 co#e #etermination is no aaila)le.


De#ine Custo+er roups #or SubTrib Calculation

'sehis actiit$ ill #efine ,Deine Customer Groups or Su06ri0 Calculation- .

Procedure(arr$ o&t the folloing stes

+. Access the actiit$ &sing one of the folloing naigation otions

IM Menu

Financial Accounting ;/e+<  Financial Accounting Basic Settings

;/e+< 6ax on SalesPurchases  Calculation  Settings or 6ax

Calculation in Bra)il   Deine Customer Groups or Su06ri0Calculation

Menu IM

Conta0ilidade inanceira ;no(o<   Conigura$'es glo0ais

conta0ilidade inanceira ;no(o<   ?*A   C1lculo  Op$'es para

c1lculo de impostos no Brasil  Deinir grupos de clientes parac1lculo su0.tri0.

Transaction Code SP7O

6. n the Change *ie+ , Customer Groups or Su0stitui$%o 6ri0ut1ria- O(er(ie+ ma'e thefolloing entries

Sub! Trib! roup *a+e Sub! Trib! 9:!

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SAP Best Practices Sales an# Distri)&tion *10+, (onfig&ration G&i#e

001 S&).ri). Gr&o 1002 S&).ri). Gr&o 200< S&).ri). Gr&o <; S&).ri). e3emt ;

De#ine ,ccess Se"uences


7 this 7MG actiit$ $o& #efine the access seF&ences for con#ition t$es that ill )e &se# inricing roce#&res. he access seF&ence is a search strateg$ hich the SAP S$stem &ses tosearch for con#ition recor#s ali# for a con#ition t$e.

Procedure1. Access the actiit$ &sing one of the folloing naigation otions

IM Menu Sales and Distri0ution   Basic Functions   Pricing Control Deine Access Se8uences

Menu IM*endas e distri0ui$%o   Fun$'es 01sicas   Determina$%o do

 pre$o Controle da determina$%o de pre$o 

Transaction Code SP7O

2. n the Change *ie+ , Se8uence or tax code determination- O(er(ie+ ma'e thefolloing entries

-C$. -rail C$%I*S

Step Tab! e"! 9:cl! %ield ,ssign+ent

(on#ition 79 Doc.Str&c. Doc.>iel# (onstant

+ <46 0 ;  A@AD _ %R


DE2 _ ;

DE< _ ;

A;GR8P _ +

1+ <46  A@AD _ %R


DE2 _ ;

DE< _ ;

A;GR8P _ 1+

/! <46 0 ;  A@AD _ %R

DE1   ;

DE2 _ ;

DE< _ ;

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Step Tab! e"! 9:cl! %ield ,ssign+ent

(on#ition 79 Doc.Str&c. Doc.>iel# (onstant

A;GR8P _ /!

DI- . -rail Ta:es Due

Step Tab! e"! 9:cl! %ield ,ssign+ent

(on#ition 79 Doc.Str&c. Doc.>iel# (onstant

10+ 2!1 ;  A@AD _ %R

BN1%;SD(   MP BN1%;SD(

IC4F. -rail C$%I*S

Step Tab! e"! 9:cl! %ield ,ssign+ent

(on#ition 79 Doc.Str&c. Doc.>iel# (onstant

+ </2 0 ;  A@AD _ %R

D(P 0




DE2 _ ;

DE< _ ;

A;GR8P _ +

10 </2  A@AD _ %R

D(P 0




DE2   MP SE8(

DE< _ ;

A;GR8P _ 10

1+ </2  A@AD _ %R

D(P 0



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Step Tab! e"! 9:cl! %ield ,ssign+ent

(on#ition 79 Doc.Str&c. Doc.>iel# (onstant


DE2 _ ;DE< _ ;

A;GR8P _ 1+

/! </2  A@AD _ %R

D(P 0





DE< _ ;

A;GR8P _ 1+

!/ </2  A@AD _ %R

D(P 0




DE2 _ ;

DE< _ ;

A;GR8P _ !/

!! 2!1 ;  A@AD _ %R

M"S   M M"SI

ISS1. -rail ISS at service provider 

Step Tab! e"! 9:cl! %ield ,ssign+ent

(on#ition 79 Doc.Str&c. Doc.>iel# (onstant

+ 601 0 ;  A@AD _ %R

;B(D _ MP @(NPR


DE2 _ ;

DE< _ ;

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SAP Best Practices Sales an# Distri)&tion *10+, (onfig&ration G&i#e

Step Tab! e"! 9:cl! %ield ,ssign+ent

(on#ition 79 Doc.Str&c. Doc.>iel# (onstant

A;GR8P _ +

!! <!2 0 ;  A@AD _ %R

ISS . -rail ISS 8h! Serv! Provided

Step Tab! e"! 9:cl! %ield ,ssign+ent

(on#ition 79 Doc.Str&c. Doc.>iel# (onstant

+ 601 0 ;  A@AD _ %R

;B(D _ MP @(NSE


DE2 _ ;

DE< _ ;

A;GR8P _ +

!! <!2 0 ;  A@AD _ %R

-FT . -rail F7T

Step Tab! e"! 9:cl! %ield ,ssign+ent

(on#ition 79 Doc.Str&c. Doc.>iel# (onstant

+ <46 0 ;  A@AD _ %R


DE2 _ ;

DE< _ ;

A;GR8P _ +

DI- . -rail Ta:es Due

Step Tab! e"! 9:cl! %ield ,ssign+ent

(on#ition 79 Doc.Str&c. Doc.>iel# (onstant

10+ 2!1 ;  A@AD _ %R

BN1%;SD(   MP BN1%;SD(

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SAP Best Practices Sales an# Distri)&tion *10+, (onfig&ration G&i#e

I- B -rail. 100N o##set

Ste a). ReF. E3cl. >iel# Assignment

Condition I@$ Doc!Struc! Doc!%ield Constant

1 <!0 0 ;  A@AD _ %R

I- B -rail 9:t! Ta: Det!

Step Tab! e"! 9:cl! %ield ,ssign+ent

(on#ition 79 Doc.Str&c. Doc.>iel# (onstant

1 002 ;  A@AD   M A@AD

A;1   M A;1

A;M1   MP A;M1

ICC- B -. ICMS $##setting 9ntry

Step Tab! e"! 9:cl! %ield ,ssign+ent

(on#ition 79 Doc.Str&c. Doc.>iel# (onstant

10 <4! 0 ;  A@AD _ %R



20 <!2 0 ;  A@AD _ %R

IC-S B -. ICMS Ta: -ase 3al

Step Tab! e"! 9:cl! %ield ,ssign+ent

(on#ition 79 Doc.Str&c. Doc.>iel# (onstant

1 <41 ;  A@AD   M A@AD

A;<   M A;<

+ </2 0 ;  A@AD _ %R

D(P _ 0




DE2 _ ;

DE< _ ;

A;GR8P _ +

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Step Tab! e"! 9:cl! %ield ,ssign+ent

(on#ition 79 Doc.Str&c. Doc.>iel# (onstant

!/ </2 0 ;  A@AD _ %R

D(P _ 0



DE1 _ ;

DE2 _ ;

DE< _ ;

A;GR8P _ !/

!! <!2 0 ;  A@AD _ %R

IC3, B -. ICMS Ta: ates

Step Tab! e"! 9:cl! %ield ,ssign+ent

(on#ition 79 Doc.Str&c. Doc.>iel# (onstant

+ </2 0 ;  A@AD _ %R

D(P _ 0





DE< _ ;

A;GR8P _ +

!/ </2 0 ;  A@AD _ %R

D(P _ 0



DE1 _ ;

DE2 _ ;

DE< _ ;

A;GR8P _ !/

!! <!2 0 ;  A@AD _ %R

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SAP Best Practices Sales an# Distri)&tion *10+, (onfig&ration G&i#e

ICC B -. Custo+er ICMS 9:e+pt

Step Tab! e"! 9:cl! %ield ,ssign+ent

(on#ition 79 Doc.Str&c. Doc.>iel# (onstant

1 <41 0 ; A@AD   M A@AD

A;<   M A;<

IP-S B -. IPI Ta: -ase 3alue

Step Tab! e"! 9:cl! %ield ,ssign+ent

(on#ition 79 Doc.Str&c. Doc.>iel# (onstant

1 2!< 0 ;  A@AD _ %R

A;2   M A;2

+ <46 0 ;  A@AD _ %R


DE2 _ ;

DE< _ ;

A;GR8P _ +

! <46 0 ;  A@AD _ %R

DE1   MP SE8(

DE2 _ ;

DE< _ ;A;GR8P _ !

!! <!2 0 ;  A@AD _ %R

IP4F B -. IPI Ta: 4a8s

Step Tab! e"! 9:cl! %ield ,ssign+ent

(on#ition 79 Doc.Str&c. Doc.>iel# (onstant

1 2!< 0 ;  A@AD _ %R

A;2   M A;2

+ <46 0 ;  A@AD _ %R


DE2 _ ;

DE< _ ;

A;GR8P _ +

! <46 0 ;  A@AD _ %R

DE1   MP SE8(DE2 _ ;

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Step Tab! e"! 9:cl! %ield ,ssign+ent

(on#ition 79 Doc.Str&c. Doc.>iel# (onstant

DE< _ ;

A;GR8P _ !

!/ <46 0 ;  A@AD _ %R

DE1 _ ;

DE2 _ ;

DE< _ ;

A;GR8P _ !/

!! 00< 0 ;  A@AD _ %R


IP3, B -. IPI Ta: ates

Step Tab! e"! 9:cl! %ield ,ssign+ent

(on#ition 79 Doc.Str&c. Doc.>iel# (onstant

1 2!< 0 ;  A@AD _ %R

A;2   M A;2

+ <46 0 ;  A@AD _ %R


DE2 _ ;

DE< _ ;

A;GR8P _ +

!/ <46 0 ;  A@AD _ %R

DE1   MP SE8(

DE2 _ ;

DE< _ ;

A;GR8P _ !/

!! <!2 0 ;  A@AD _ %R

IPC B -. Custo+er IPI 9:e+pt

Step Tab! e"! 9:cl! %ield ,ssign+ent

(on#ition 79 Doc.Str&c. Doc.>iel# (onstant

1 2!< 0 ;  A@AD   M A@AD

A;2   M A;2

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SAP Best Practices Sales an# Distri)&tion *10+, (onfig&ration G&i#e

ISTC B -. ICMS ates #or Subtrib

Step Tab! e"! 9:cl! %ield ,ssign+ent

(on#ition 79 Doc.Str&c. Doc.>iel# (onstant

+ </2 0 ; A@AD _ %R

D(P _ 0




DE2 _ ;

DE< _ ;

A;GR8P _ +

!/ </2 0 ;  A@AD _ %R

D(P _ 0



DE1 _ ;

DE2 _ ;

DE< _ ;

A;GR8P _ !/

!! <!2 0 ;  A@AD _ %R

ISTI B -. ICMS ate #or S!T

Step Tab! e"! 9:cl! %ield ,ssign+ent

(on#ition 79 Doc.Str&c. Doc.>iel# (onstant

+ </2 16< ;  A@AD _ %R

D(P _ 0




DE2 _ ;

DE< _ ;

A;GR8P _ +

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SAP Best Practices Sales an# Distri)&tion *10+, (onfig&ration G&i#e

IST3 B -. Subtrib Surcharge

Step Tab! e"! 9:cl! %ield ,ssign+ent

(on#ition 79 Doc.Str&c. Doc.>iel# (onstant

+ </2 0 ; A@AD _ %R



;S8%   M ;S8%


DE2 _ ;

DE< _ ;

A;GR8P _ +

!/ </2 0 ;  A@AD _ %R



;S8%   M ;S8%

DE1 _ ;

DE2 _ ;

DE< _ ;

A;GR8P _ !/

IS3, B -. ISS Ta: ates

Step Tab! e"! 9:cl! %ield ,ssign+ent

(on#ition 79 Doc.Str&c. Doc.>iel# (onstant

1 121 0 ;  A@AD _ %R


+ <4 0 ;  A@AD _ %R





DE< _ ;

A;GR8P _ +

!! <!2 0 ;  A@AD _ %R

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SAP Best Practices Sales an# Distri)&tion *10+, (onfig&ration G&i#e

I=$% B =ona %ranca

Step Tab! e"! 9:cl! %ield ,ssign+ent

(on#ition 79 Doc.Str&c. Doc.>iel# (onstant

+ <!4 0 ; A@AD _ %R


<. (hoose Sa(e.

SD T,-, / 4$C,4I=,TI$* -,=I4 / P,T

De#ine ,nd ,ssign Pricing Procedure


7n the ricing roce#&re5 $o& #efine hich con#ition t$es sho&l# )e ta'en into acco&nt an# in hichseF&ence. D&ring ricing5 the SAP S$stem a&tomaticall$ #etermines hich ricing roce#&re is ali# fora )&siness transaction an# it ta'es the con#ition t$es containe# in it into acco&nt one after the other.

Procedure1. Access the actiit$ &sing one of the folloing naigation otions

IM MenuSales and Distri0ution   Basic Functions   Pricing   Pricing

Control  Deine And Assign Pricing Procedures  !aintain PricingProcedure

Menu IM

*endas e distri0ui$%o  Fun$'es 01sicas  Determina$%o do

 pre$o  Controle da determina$%o de pre$o  Deinir e atri0uir

es8uemas de c1lculo Atuali)ar Es8uemas de C1lculo de Custos

Transaction Code SP7O

2. n the Change *ie+ ,Procedures- O(er(ie+ (hoose /e+ Entr# 

<. "rite the roce#&re name ith R:A%RA an# choose Enter then enter the folloing #ata

Step Cntr CTyp Description %ro+ To Man! e"t SubTo Stat ,ltCTy ,ltC-3 ,ct&y

001 00 000 000 000 ; 000 00000 00 :A00 :ariant Price 000 000 002 000 00000/ 00 E01 Act&al (osts 000 000 ; 002 % 000 000

010 01 PR00 Price 000 000 002 000 000010 01 IP%0 Price 9o a3es 000 000 002 000 000010 02 IP%1 Price?7SS 000 000 002 000 000010 0< IP%2 Price?P7S?(> 000 000 002 000 000010 04 IP%< Price?7SS?P7S?(>000 000 002 000 00004+ 00 000 000 000 000 000

50 0 ,01 N Disc!#ro+ ross ? 000 00 000 9S

50 1 ,00 N Discount #ro+ *et ? 000 00 000 9S

50 C00 uantity Discount ? 000 00 000 9S

50 -00 Discount (3alue) ? 000 00 000 9S

50 2IPC Consign! %ill 'p 5 00 9S

51 2-01 Special Surcharge 00 9S

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SAP Best Practices Sales an# Distri)&tion *10+, (onfig&ration G&i#e

Step Cntr CTyp Description %ro+ To Man! e"t SubTo Stat ,ltCTy ,ltC-3 ,ct&y

0 ebate -asis

1!/ 00 000 000 000 000 000

166 DT eneral Ta:ability 10

200 00 D7(M Dei#o 7(MS 000 000 000 ; 000 160201 00 7(:A 7(MS a3 Rate 000 000 000 ; 000 160202 00 7(%S 7(MS a3 %ase 000 000 000 ; 000 16020< 00 7(% %R 7(MS other

)ase000 000 000 ; 000 160

204 00 7(0; %R 7(MS 0 e3cemt000 000 000 ; 000 16020+ 00 7100 %R 7(MS

(onenio100000 000 000 ; 000 160

206 00 7(@" %R 7(MS @a 000 000 000 ; 000 16020 00 7S7( 7(MS S> _ S 000 000 000 ; 000 16020/ 00 7SD 7(MS Rate S..

sec.000 000 000 ; 000 160

20! 00 7(;( 000 000 000 ; 000 160210 00 D7I> Iona >ranca 000 000 000 ; 000 160220 00 D7(> Dei#o 7(MS >reight 000 000 000 ; 000 160221 00 7(>R %R 7(MS on freight 000 000 000 ; 000 1602<0 00 D7S7 Dei#o 7(MS s97P7 000 000 000 ; 000 160240 00 D7P7 %R Dei#o 7P7 000 000 000 ; 000 160241 00 7P:A 7P7 a3 Rate 000 000 000 ; 000 160242 00 7P%S 7P7 a3 %ase 000 000 000 ; 000 16024< 00 7P% %R 7P7 other )ase 000 000 000 ; 000 160244 00 7P7P %R 7P7 Pa&ta 000 000 000 ; 000 16024+ 00 7P0; %R 7P7 0 e3cemt 000 000 000 ; 000 160246 00 7P@" %R 7P7 @a 000 000 000 ; 000 16024 00 7P;( 000 000 000 ; 000 1602+0 00 D(> (>7S D&e 000 000 000 ; 000 1602+1 00 %(1 (>7S Rate 000 000 000 ; 000 1602+2 00 %(2 (>7S %ase 000 000 000 ; 000 1602+< 00 %(P (>7S Pa&ta

 Amo&nt000 000 000 ; 000 000

2++ 00 DP7S P7S D&e 000 000 000 ; 000 1602+6 00 %P71 P7S Rate 000 000 000 ; 000 1602+ 00 %P72 P7S %ase 000 000 000 ; 000 1602+/ 00 %P7P P7S Pa&ta Amo&nt 000 000 000 ; 000 000260 00 D7SS Dei#o 7SS 000 000 000 ; 000 160261 7S:A %R 7SS amo&nt 16026+ 00 7SS e 2004 001 000 000 ; 000 000

266 00 7S:% 7SS Rate at Proi#er 000 000 000 ; 000 16026 00 7S:( 7SS %ase at Proi#er 000 000 000 ; 000 16026/ 00 7S:D 7SS @a at Proi#er 000 000 000 ; 000 16026! 7S:E 7P7 from SD ; 16020 00 7S:> 7SS a3loc at Pro. 000 000 000 ; 000 16021 00 7S:G 7SS "H at Pro. 000 000 000 ; 000 16022 00 7S:H 7SS Min."H at

Pro.000 000 000 ; 000 160

2< 00 7S: 7SS Rate at Serice 000 000 000 ; 000 16024 00 7S: 7SS %ase at Serice 000 000 000 ; 000 1602+ 00 7S:P 7SS @a at Serice 000 000 000 ; 000 1602 00 7S:R 7SS @a at Serice 000 000 000 ; 000 160

2/ 00 7S:S 7SS @a at Serice 000 000 000 ; 000 1602! 00 7S: 7SS @a at Serice 000 000 000 ; 000 160

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SAP Best Practices Sales an# Distri)&tion *10+, (onfig&ration G&i#e

Step Cntr CTyp Description %ro+ To Man! e"t SubTo Stat ,ltCTy ,ltC-3 ,ct&y

2/0 00 DS8% 000 000 000 ; 000 1602/1 00 7SS %ra=il S.. s&rcharg 000 000 000 ; 000 1602/2 00 7S %R S&).ri)

S&r$e000 000 000 ; 000 160

2/< 00 7SM %R S&).ri) MinPric000 000 000 ; 000 1602/4 00 7S> %R S&).ri) >i3Pric 000 000 000 ; 000 1602/+ 00 7S% %ra=il S.. re#. )as 000 000 000 ; 000 1602/6 00 7S2 %R S&).ri) %ase 2 000 000 000 ; 000 1602/ 00 7S( S.. 7(MS %asRe# 000 000 000 ; 000 1602// 00 7S S&)tri).Minr.>actor 000 000 000 ; 000 1602/! 00 7S7 S.. Min.%ef.S&rch. 000 000 000 ; 000 1602!0 00 DS8> 000 000 000 ; 000 1602!1 %(P ;<00 00 7(M7 Price?a3 *for >, 000 000 002 <20 002 ER@<10 00 001 000 000 ; 000 000<20 00 004 Material 000 000 002 000 000 ERS

<21 00 00 (&stomer Disco&nt 000 000 002 000 000 ERS<22 00 00+ (&stomer9Material 000 000 002 000 000 ERS<2+ 00 G<1 Pro#&ct Disco&nt 000 000 002 000 000 G1<26 00 %S1 Pro#&ct Disco&nt 000 000 002 000 000 G1<2! 00 (&stomer9Material <20 <2/ 000 000 000400 00 >00 >reight 000 000 002 000 000 ER>

566 00 ,=F DonPa$.9Settlement

000 000 002 ; 4/ 000

600 00 7%R; %ra=il a3 (alc. <00 +!/ 000 ; <20 000610 00 %;10 %R 7(MS ormal

%ase000 000 000 ; <20 000

612 00 %;11 %R 7(MS E3cl&#e%ase

000 000 000 ; <20 000

614 00 %;12 %R 7(MS ther%ase

000 000 000 ; <20 000

616 00 %;1< %R 7(MS Amo&nt 000 000 000 1 <20 000 M"261 00 %;I> 000 000 ; 000 1 <20 000 M"S61/ 00 %;14 %R 7(MS >reight

%ase000 000 000 ; <20 000

620 00 %;1+ %R7(MS >reight Amnt.

000 000 000 1 <20 000 M"<

622 00 %;16 %R 7(MS Rate 000 000 000 ; <20 000624 00 %;20 %R 7P7 ormal %ase 000 000 000 ; <20 000626 00 %;21 %R 7P7 E3cl&#e %ase 000 000 000 ; <20 00062/ 00 %;22 %R 7P7 ther %ase 000 000 000 ; <20 000

6<0 00 %;2< %R 7P7 Amo&nt 000 000 000 1 <20 000 M"16<2 00 %;24 %R 7P7 ffset %ase 000 000 000 ; <20 0006<4 00 %;2+ %R 7P7 ffset

 Amo&nt6<0 6<0 000 ; <20 000 %RB

6<6 00 %;40 %R S&)ri) %ase 000 000 000 ; <20 0006</ 00 %;41 %R S&)ri) Amo&nt 000 000 000 <20 000 M"<640 00 %;42 %R S&)ri) >r. %ase 000 000 000 ; <20 000642 00 %;4< %R S&)ri) >r. Amnt 000 000 000 <20 000 M"<644 00 %;44 %RS&)ri) > Rate 000 000 000 ; <20 00064+ %;4+ %RS&)ri) >

%asre#1; <20

646 00 %;+0 %R 7SS %ase 000 000 000 ; <20 000

64 %;46 %RS&)ri) >%asre#2

; <20

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Step Cntr CTyp Description %ro+ To Man! e"t SubTo Stat ,ltCTy ,ltC-3 ,ct&y

6+0 00 %;PA 000 000 000 1 <20 000 M"16+2 00 %;60 %R 7SS %ase Pro. 000 000 000 ; <20 0006+< 00 %;61 %R 7SS E3%ase

Pro.000 000 000 ; <20 000

6+4 00 %;64 %R 7SS " %asePro 000 000 000 ; <20 000

6++ 00 %;6+ %R 7SS "E3%asePro

000 000 000 ; <20 000

6+6 00 %;6A %R 7SS %ase Ser 000 000 000 ; <20 0006+ 00 %;6% %R 7SS E3%ase Ser000 000 000 ; <20 0006+/ 00 %;6E %R 7SS " %ase

Ser000 000 000 ; <20 000

6+! 00 %;6> %R 7SS "E3%aseSer

000 000 000 ; <20 000

660 00 %;+1 %R 7SS Amo&nt 000 000 000 1 <20 000 M"4661 00 %;62 %R 7SS Amo&nt

Pro.000 000 000 1 <20 000 M"4

662 00 %;6< %R 7SS "Amo&ntPro

000 000 000 1 <20 000 M"4

66< 00 %;6( %R 7SS Amo&nt Ser000 000 000 1 <20 000 M"4664 00 %;6D %R 7SS "Amo&nt

Ser000 000 000 1 <20 000 M"4

66+ 00 %;6 %R 7SS ffset 37ncl 660 664 000 1 000 000 7SS666 00 %;0 %R (>7S %ase 000 000 000 ; <20 00066 00 %;1 %R (>7S

E3cl%ase000 000 000 ; <20 000

66/ 00 %;2 %R (>7S Amo&nt 000 000 000 1 <20 000 (>66! 00 %;P %R (>7S

Pa&taAmnt000 000 000 ; <20 000

62 00 %; %R (>7Sff37ncl

66/ 66/ 000 1 000 000 (>

6+ 00 %;/0 %R P7S %ase 000 000 000 ; <20 0006 00 %;/1 %R P7S E3cl.%ase 000 000 000 ; <20 0006! 00 %;/2 %R P7S Amo&nt 000 000 000 <20 000 P7S6/0 00 %;/P %R P7S Pa&ta

 Amo&nt000 000 000 ; <20 000

6/< 00 %;/ %R P7S ff.37ncl 6! 6! 000 000 000 P7S00 00 ``` a3 (o#e

(on#itions ```001 000 000 000 000

02 00 7P7< 7P7 from SD 001 000 ; 000 ; 000 00004 00 7(M< 7(MS from SD 001 000 ; 000 ; 000 000

06 00 7(S< S&).ri). from SD 001 000 ; 000 ; 000 0000/ 00 7SS< 7SS from SD 001 000 ; 000 ; 000 00010 00 7(I> 7(MS Re *I.>.,-

S001 000 ; 000 ; 000 000

12 00 7>R< 7(MS on freight SD 001 000 ; 000 ; 000 00014 00 7>S< 7(MS S freight &t 001 000 ; 000 ; 000 0001+ 01 7SSA 7SS at Proi#er 001 000 ; 000 ; 000 0001+ 02 7SS% 7SS "H at Proi#er 001 000 ; 000 ; 000 0001+ 0< 7SS( 7SS "H ff. Pro. 001 000 ; 000 ; 000 0001+ 04 7SSD 7SS "H Again

Pro.001 000 ; 000 ; 000 000

1+ 0+ 7SSE 7SS at Ser. @oc. 001 000 ; 000 ; 000 000

1+ 06 7SS> 7SS "H atSer.@oc. 660 664 ; 000 ; 000 000 "<1+ 0 7SSG 7SS "H ff. 001 000 ; 000 ; 000 000

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Step Cntr CTyp Description %ro+ To Man! e"t SubTo Stat ,ltCTy ,ltC-3 ,ct&y

Sr@oc1+ 0/ 7SSH 7SS "H Again

Sr@oc001 000 ; 000 ; 000 000

1! 00 oal a3 02 1/ 000 000 000

20 00 7(M 7(MS offset 616 000 000 000 000 %R7<0 00 7P7 %R 7P7 S&rcharge 6<0 6<0 ER@40 00 D7>> Ro&n#ing ff 000 000 01< 016 004 ERS+0 00 000 000 000 004 000/00 00 S (ash Disco&nt 000 000 00! ; 000 011/10 00 :PRS 7nternal rice 000 000 004 % ; 000 000/20 00 E02 (alc&late# costs 000 000 ; % ;/<0 00 E0< (alc&late# shi.cost ; ;/!! 00 "7HH@D7G

A;ES GRSS001 000 000 ; 000 000

!00 00 "GE( %R General "H(o#e

000 000 164 ; 000 000

!01 00 "P7( %R P7S "H (o#e 000 000 164 ; 000 000!02 00 "(( %R (>7S "H(o#e

000 000 164 ; 000 000

!0< 00 "(S( %R (S@@ "H (o#e000 000 164 ; 000 000!04 00 "7R( %R 7R "H (o#e 000 000 164 ; 000 000!0+ 00 "7S( %R 7SS "H (o#e 000 000 164 ; 000 000!06 00 7G"6 General"H (o#e

acc&000 000 164 ; 000 000

!0 00 7P"6 P7S "H (o#e acc& 000 000 164 ; 000 000!0/ 7("6 (>7S "H (o#e

acc&000 000 164 ; 000 000

!0! 00 7S"6 (S@@ "H (o#eacc&

000 000 164 ; 000 000

!10 00 7R"6 7R "H (o#e acc& 000 000 164 ; 000 000!11 00 %R 7SS "H (o#e 1 ;!12 00 D"H "H D&e 000 000 000 ; 000 160!1< 00 %"+1 "H Acc. >lag 2 ; 160!14 00 %;" %R "H %ase

 Amo&nt000 000 000 ; !00 00+

!1+ 00 %;"A %R "H Acc %ase Amt

000 000 000 ; !01 00+

!16 00 %"01 "H (oll. (o#eGen.

001 000 000 ; 000 000

!1 00 %"02 "H Rate Gen. 000 000 000 ; 000 00+!20 00 %"11 "H (oll.(o#e P7S 001 000 000 ; 000 000

!21 00 %"12 "H Rate P7S 000 000 000 000 00+!2+ 00 %"21 "H (oll.(o#e

(>7S001 000 000 ; 000 000

!26 00 %"22 "H Rate (>7S 000 000 000 000 00+!<0 00 %"<1 "H (oll.(o#e

(S@@001 000 000 ; 000 000

!<1 00 %"<2 "H Rate (S@@ 000 000 000 ; 000 00+!<+ 00 %"41 "H (oll.(o#e 7R 001 000 000 ; 000 000!<6 00 %"42 "H Rate 7R 000 000 000 000 00+!40 00 7GE" General "H !16 000 !00 "G<

!41 00 7GEK General "H - Acc&m.

!16 000 !01 "G+

!42 00 %GEI %R General "H off  !40 !41 000 000 164 "G4

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SAP Best Practices Sales an# Distri)&tion *10+, (onfig&ration G&i#e

Step Cntr CTyp Description %ro+ To Man! e"t SubTo Stat ,ltCTy ,ltC-3 ,ct&y

!4+ 00 7PS" P7S "H !21 000 000 !00 000 "P<

!46 00 7PSK P7S "H - Acc&m. !21 000 000 !01 000 "P+

!4 00 %PSI %R P7S "H ffset !4+ !46 000 000 164 "P4

!+0 00 7(" (>7S "H !26 000 000 !00 000 "(<

!+1 00 7(K (>7S "H - Acc&m.

!26 000 !01 000 "(+

!+< 00 %(I %R (>7S "Hoffset

!+0 !+1 000 164 "(4

!++ 00 7(S" (S@@ "H !<1 000 !00 000 "S<

!+6 00 7(SK (S@@ "H SDffset

!<1 000 !01 000 "S+

!+ 00 %(SI %R (S@@ "H


!++ !+6 000 164 "S4

!60 00 77R" 7R "H !16 000 !00 000 "7<

!61 00 77RK 7R "H SD - Acc&m.

!<6 000 !01 000 "7+

!62 00 %7RI %R 7R "H offset !60 !61 000 164 "74

!!0 00 R100 100L #isco&nt 600 600 0++ 000 02/ ERS!!! 00 %700 D&mm$ on-

Statistic.001 000 ; 000 ; 000 000

4. (hoose Sae an# then choose %ac'.

+. 7n the (hoose Actiit$ #ialog )o35 choose Maintain Pricing Proce#&res.

6. n the (hange :ie OProce#&res erie screen5 select the entr$ for roce#&reR:A%RA an# choose (o$ As

. errite the roce#&re name ith :A%RA an# choose Enter.

/. 7n the #ialog )o35 choose co$ all.

!. (hoose Sae an# then choose %ac'.

10. n the Change *ie+ ,Procedures- O(er(ie+ (hoose /e+ Entr# 

11. "rite the roce#&re name ith R:A%R2 an# choose Enter then enter the folloing #ata

Step Cntr Ctyp Description %ro+ To Man! e"t SubTo Stat ,ltCTy ,ltC-3 ,ct&y

< 3,00 3ariant Price

10 1 =P-0 Price 8@o Ta:es

10 =P-1 PriceHISS

10 =P- PriceHPISHC$%

10 =P- PriceHISSHPISHC$%

0 1 ,00 N Discount #ro+ *et

0 -00 Discount (3alue)

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Step Cntr Ctyp Description %ro+ To Man! e"t SubTo Stat ,ltCTy ,ltC-3 ,ct&y

0 C00 uantity Discount

0 D00 Feight Discount

De#ine Condition Types


7n this 7MG actiit$ $o& #efine the con#ition t$es that ill )e &se# in ricing roce#&res.

Procedure1. Access the actiit$ &sing one of the folloing naigation otions

IM MenuSales and Distri0ution   Basic Functions   Pricing Control

Deine Condition 6#pes

Menu IM*endas e distri0ui$%o   Fun$'es 01sicas   Determina$%o do

 pre$o   Controle da determina$%o de pre$o   Deinir tipos decondi$%o

Transaction Code SP7O

2. n the Change *ie+ , ConditionsCondition 6#pes- O(er(ie+ ma'e the folloingentries

Ctyp *a+e ,cS" CalTy CdCat CCl #CTy ap

%700 D&mm$ on-Statistic. 7%R; A D D 7%R; :

%;10 %R 7(MS ormal %ase % 1 A

%;11 %R 7(MS E3cl&#e %ase % 1 A

%;12 %R 7(MS ther %ase % 1 A%;1< %R 7(MS Amo&nt 7%R; % D D 7%R; :

%;14 %R 7(MS >reight %ase % 1 A

%;1+ %R 7(MS >reight Amnt. 7%R; % D D 7%R; :

%;16 %R 7(MS Rate % 1 A

%;20 %R 7P7 ormal %ase % 1 A

%;21 %R 7P7 E3cl&#e %ase % 1 A

%;22 %R 7P7 ther %ase % 1 A

%;2< %R 7P7 Amo&nt 7%R; % D D 7%R; :

%;40 %R S&)ri) %ase % 1 A

%;41 %R S&)ri) Amo&nt 7%R; % D D 7%R; :

%;42 %R S&)ri) >r. %ase % 1 A%;4< %R S&)ri) >r. Amnt 7%R; % D D 7%R; :

%;44 %RS&)ri) > Rate % 1 A

%;+0 %R 7SS %ase % 1 A

%;+1 %R 7SS Amo&nt 7%R; % D D 7%R; :

%;PA %R 7P7 Pa&ta Amo&nt % 1 A

%;I> %R 7(MS Iona >ranca 7%R; A D D

D7(> Dei#o 7(MS >reight D7%R A D D

D7(M Dei#o 7(MS D7%R A D D

D7P7 %R Dei#o 7P7 D7%R A D D

D7S7 Dei#o 7(MS s97P7 D7%R A D D

D7SS Dei#o 7SS D7%R A D D

D7I> Iona >ranca 7I> A 1 D 7(I> :DS8% Dei#o S&) ri) D7%R A D D

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Ctyp *a+e ,cS" CalTy CdCat CCl #CTy ap

DS8> Dei#o S&)ri) >r. D7%R A D D

7%R; %ra=il ta3 calc. 7%R; A 1 D

7(0; %R 7(MS 0 e3cemt D7%R A D D

7(%S 7(MS a3 %ase 7(%S A D D

7((% %R 7(MS com.)ase 7((% A D D

7((; %R 7(MS com.e3cmt 7((% A D D

7(>R %R 7(MS on freight 7(:A A D D

7(@" %R 7(MS @a 7(@" A D D

7(M< 7(MS from SD A 1 D

7(M7 Price?a3 *for >, ( %

7(M 7(MS offset 7%RR A H A

7(% %R 7(MS other )ase 7(:A A D D

7(K (>7S "H - Acc&m. 7%R; A D D 7%R; :

7(S< S&).ri). from SD A 1 D

7(S 7SS offset 7%RR A H A

7(SK (S@@ "H SD ffset 7%R; A D D 7%R; :

7(:A 7(MS a3 Rate 7(:A A D D7(;( %R (&st 7(MS E3emt 7(;( A D A

7(I> 7(MS Disc. Iona >r. 7I> A 1 D

7>R< 7(MS on freight SD A 1 D

7>S< 7(MS S freight SD A 1 D

7P0; %R 7P7 0 e3cemt D7%R A D D

7P%S 7P7 a3 %ase 7P%S A D D

7P7< 7P7 from SD A 1 D

7P7P %R 7P7 Pa&ta 7P:A A D D

7P@" %R 7P7 @a 7P@" A D D

7P% %R 7P7 other )ase 7P:A A D D

7P:A 7P7 a3 Rate 7P:A A D D

7P;( %R (&st 7P7 E3emt 7P;( A D A7S7( 7(MS Rate S>_S 7S( A D D 7(:A :

7SS< 7SS from SD A 1 D

7S2 %R S&).ri) 2 7S: A D D

7S% S&). ri) %ase :al&e 7S: A D D

7S( S&)tri). %ase re#&ct 7S: A D D

7SD 7(MS Rate for S.. 7S7 A D D

7S> %R S&).ri) >i3Pric 7S: ( D D

7S7 S.. Min.%ef.S&rch. 7S: A D D

7SM %R S&).ri) MinPric 7S: ( D D

7S S&)tri).Minr.>actor 7S: A A

7SS S&)tri) S&rcharge 7S: A D D7S %R S&).ri) S&r$e 7S: A D D

7S:A %R 7SS amo&nt 7S:A A D D7(< (>7S from SD   MWST  A 1 D7("< (>7S "ithhol#ing a3SD   MWST  A 1 D7G"< General "H SD   MWST  A 1 D7PS< P7S ormal a3   MWST  A 1 D7PSK P7S "H - Acc&m.   IBRX  A D D 7%R; :7P"< P7S "H SD   MWST  A 1 D7R"< 7R "ithhol#ing a3SD   MWST  A 1 D7SA< 7SS at Proi#er SD   MWST  A 1 D7S%< 7SS "H at Proi#er SD   MWST  A 1 D

7SE< 7SS at Serice @oc SD   MWST  A 1 D7S>< 7SS "H at Serice @oc SD   MWST  A 1 D

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Ctyp *a+e ,cS" CalTy CdCat CCl #CTy ap

7SSA 7SS at Proi#er     MWST  A 1 D7SS% 7SS "H at Proi#er    MWST  A 1 D7SS( 7SS "H ff. Pro.   MWST  A 1 D7SSD 7SS "H Again Pro.   MWST  A 1 D7SSE 7SS at Ser.@oc.   MWST  A 1 D7SSG 7SS "H ff. Sr@oc   MWST  A 1 D7SSH 7SS "H Again Sr@oc   MWST  A 1 D7SS> 7SS "H at Ser.@oc.   IBRX  A D D 7%R; :7(" (>7S "H IBRX  A D D 7%R; :7GE" General "H IBRX  A D D 7%R; :7PS" P7S "H IBRX  A D D 7%R; :77RK 7R "H SD - Acc&m.   IBRX  A D D 7%R; :77R" 7R "H IBRX  A D D 7%R; :7(S" (S@@ "H IBRX  A D D 7%R; :7S"< (S@@ "ithhol#ing a3 SD   MWST  A 1 D7(I< (>7S "H SD ffset   IBRR  A 1 D   ICMO :

7GI< General "H SD ffset   IBRR  A 1 D   ICMO :7PI< P7S "H SD ffset   IBRR  A 1 D   ICMO :7RI< 7R "H SD ffset   IBRR  A 1 D   ICMO :7SI< (S@@ "H SD ffset   IBRR  A 1 D   ICMO :7(2 (>7S ffset SD   IBRR  A A   ICMO :7PS2 P7S ffset SD   IBRR  A A   ICMO :%GEI %R General "H off     IBRX  A D D 7%R; :%PSI %R P7S "H ffset   IBRX  A D D 7%R; :%(I %R (>7S "H offset   IBRX  A D D 7%R; :%(SI %R (S@@ "H offset   IBRX  A D D 7%R; :%7RI %R 7R "H offset   IBRX  A D D 7%R; :7("4 (>7S "H co#e   IBRX  A D D   IBRX :

7P"4 P7S "H co#e   IBRX  A D D   IBRX :7S"4 (S@@ "H co#e   IBRX  A D D   IBRX :7R"4 7R "H co#e   IBRX  A D D   IBRX :7G"4 General "H co#e   IBRX  A D D   IBRX :D(> (>7S D&e D7%R  A D D  

DP7S P7S D&e D7%R  A D D  

D"H "H D&e D7%R  A D D  

%(1 (>7S Rate %R( A D D  

%(2 (>7S %ase %R( A D D  

%(P (>7S Pa&ta Amo&nt %R( ( D D  

7S:% 7SS Rate at Pro. 7SS1 A D D  

7S:( 7SS %ase at Pro. 7SS1 AD


7S:D 7SS @a at Pro. 7SS1 A D D  

7S:> 7SS a3loc at Pro. 7SS1 A D D  

7S:G 7SS "H at Pro. 7SS1 A D D  

7S:H 7SS Min "H at Pro. 7SS1 % D D  

7S: 7SS Rate at Ser. 7SS2 A D D 7S:% :7S: 7SS %ase at Ser. 7SS2 A D D 7S:( :7S:P 7SS @a at Ser. 7SS2 A D D 7S:D :7S:K 7SS 7ns.(al at Ser. 7SS2 A D D 7S:E :7S:R 7SS a3loc at Ser. 7SS2 A D D 7S:> :7S:S 7SS "H at Ser. 7SS2 A D D 7S:G :7S: 7SS Min "H at Ser. 7SS2 % D D 7S:H :

%P71 P7S Rate %RP7 A D D%P72 P7S %ase %RP7 A D D

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Ctyp *a+e ,cS" CalTy CdCat CCl #CTy ap

%P7P P7S Pa&ta Amo&nt %RP7 ( D %

%"01 "H (oll.(o#e Gen. %R" A D D

%"02 "H Rate Gen. %R" A D D

%"11 "H (oll.(o#e P7S %R" A D D

%"12 "H Rate P7S %R" A D D

%"21 "H (oll.(o#e (>7S %R" A D D

%"22 "H Rate (>7S %R" A D D

%"<1 "H (oll.(o#e (S@@ %R" A D D

%"<2 "H Rate (S@@ %R" A D D

%"41 "H (oll.(o#e 7R %R" A D D

%"42 "H Rate 7R %R" A D D

%;60 %R 7SS %ase Pro % 1  A

%;61 %R 7SS E3%ase Pro % 1  A

%;62 %R 7SS Amo&nt Pro % 1  A

%;6< %R 7SS "Amo&nt Pro % 1  A

%;64 %R 7SS " %ase Pro % 1  A

%;6+ %R 7SS " E3%as Pro % 1  A%;6A %R 7SS %ase Ser % 1  A

%;6% %R 7SS E3%ase Ser % 1  A

%;6( %R 7SS Amo&nt Ser % 1  A

%;6D %R 7SS "Amo&nt Ser % 1  A

%;6E %R 7SS " %ase Ser % 1  A

%;6> %R 7SS " E3%as Ser % 1  A

%;6 %R 7SS ffset 37ncl IBRR  A A ICMO  :%;0 %R (>7S %ase % 1  A

%;1 %R (>7S E3cl. %ase % 1  A

%;2 %R (>7S Amo&nt 7%R; % D D 7%R; :%; %R (>7S ff.37ncl 7%RR A    A 7(M :

%;P %R (>7S Pa&ta Amt. % 1  A%;/0 %R P7S %ase % 1  A

%;/1 %R P7S E3cl. %ase % 1  A

%;/2 %R P7S Amo&nt 7%R; % D D 7%R; :%;/ %R P7S ff.37ncl 7%RR A    A 7(M :%;/P %R P7S Pa&ta Amo&nt % 1 AIP%0 Price 9o a3es   PR00 ( H %

IP%1 Price?7SS   PR00 ( H %

IP%2 Price?P7S?(>   PR00 ( H %

IP%< Price?7SS?P7S?(>   PR00 ( H %

SE( S&rcharge e3t. (osts   K004  A D  A

DG; General a3a)ilit$   IBRX  A D D 7%R; :%;2+ %R 7P7 offset mont.   IBRR  A H  A 7(M :7P( (onsign. >ill 8 A A

7P7 %R 7P7 S&rcharge   IBRR  A A

"(( %R (>7S "H (o#e   J1AG  A D "

"(> %R (>7S "H (o#e   IBRR  A "

"(S( %R (S@@ "H (o#e   J1AG  A D "

"GE( %R General "H (o#e   J1AG  A D "

"P7( %R P7S "H (o#e   J1AG  A D "

"P7S %R P7S "H (o#e   IBRR  A "

"7R( %R 7R "H (o#e   J1AG  A D "

"7S( %R 7SS "H (o#e   J1AG  A D "

7("+ (>7S "H SD J Acc  MWST

 A 1 D7G"+ General "H SD J Acc   MWST  A 1 D

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Ctyp *a+e ,cS" CalTy CdCat CCl #CTy ap

7P"+ P7S "H SD - Acc&m.   MWST  A 1 D

7R"+ 7R "H SD - Acc&m   MWST  A 1 D

7S"+ (S@@ "H SD - Acc&m.   MWST  A 1 D

7("6 (>7S "H (o#e acc&   J1AG  A D "

7G"6 General"H (o#e acc&   J1AG  A D "

7P"6 P7S "H (o#e acc&   J1AG  A D "

7R"6 7R "H (o#e acc&   J1AG  A D "

7S"6 (S@@ "H (o#e acc&   J1AG  A D "

%"+1 "H Acc. >lag BRWT  A D D

%;"A %R "H Acc %ase Amt   DIBR  A D D

%;" %R "H %ase Amo&nt   DIBR  A D D"H :

SD T,-, / 4$C,4I=,TI$* -,=I4 / P,T

,ssign Condition Types to Internal Codes #or Ta: Conditions

7n this 7MG actiit$5 $o& can assign con#ition t$es to internal co#es for ta3 con#itions!

Procedure1. Access the actiit$ &sing one of the folloing naigation otions

IM Menu

Financial Accounting   Financial Accounting Glo0al Settings

6ax on SalesPurchases  Basic Settings  Bra)il   Condition

Based 6ax Calculation  Assign Condition 6#pes to ?nternal Codesor 6ax Conditions

Menu IM

Conta0ilidade inanceiraConigura$%o conta0ilidade

inanceira?*ABrasil C1lculo de imposto 0aseado em

condi$'es Atri0uir tipos de condi$'es a c5ds.internos paracondi$'es de impostos

Transaction Code SP7O

2. n the Change *ie+ !ap ,?nternal Codes or 6ax Conditions to Conditon 6#pes-O(er(ie+ ma'e the folloing entries

Internal TC Code ,pplication Condition Type

(A@(8@AEN7(@N2D : 7%R;(A@(8@AENA; : 7(M7(>7S%ASE : %(2(>7S@A" ; %@((>7S@A" :(>7SPA8A : %(P(>7SRAE : %(17(MS%ASE : 7(%S7(MS(MP%ASE : 7((%7(MS(MPE;EMP : 7((;7(MS(:100 : 71007(MS(8SE;EMP : 7(;(7(MS>RE7GH : 7(>R7(MS@A" : 7(@"7(MS8@@E;EMP : 7(0;7(MSHER : 7(%

7(MSRAE : 7(:A7(MSRAEN7RA : 7S7(

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Internal TC Code ,pplication Condition Type

7(MSS8%R7% : 7SD7P7%ASE : 7P%S7P7(8SE;EMP : 7P;(7P7@A" : 7P@"7P78@@E;EMP : 7P0;7P7HER : 7P%7P7PA8A : 7P7P7P7RAE : 7P:A7SS%ASENPR : 7S:(7SS%ASENSE : 7S:7SS@A"NPR : 7S:D7SS@A"NSE : 7S:P7SSM7:A@"NPR : 7S:H7SSM7:A@"NSE : 7S:7SSRAE : 7S:A7SSRAENPR : 7S:%

7SSRAENSE : 7S:7SSA;RE@@(NPR : 7S:>7SSA;RE@@(NSE : 7S:R7SS"7HH@DNPR : 7S:G7SS"7HH@DNSE : 7S:S>N(>7SNAM8 : %;2>N(>7SN%ASE : %;0>N(>7SNE%AS : %;1>N(>7SN>>SE : %;>N(>7SNPA8ANRAE : %;P>N7(MSNAM8 : %;1<>N7(MSNE%AS : %;11

>N7(MSN>RE7GHNAM8 : %;1+>N7(MSN>RE7GHN%ASE : %;14>N7(MSN%AS : %;10>N7(MSN%AS : %;12>N7(MSNRAE : %;16>N7(MSNIA>RA(A : %;I>>N7P7NAM8 : %;2<>N7P7NE%AS : %;21>N7P7N%AS : %;20>N7P7N%AS : %;22>N7P7N>>SENAM8 : %;2+

>N7P7N>>SEN%ASE : %;24>N7P7NPA8ANRAE : %;PA>N7SSNAM8 : %;+1>N7SSNAM8NPR: : %;62>N7SSNAM8NSER: : %;6(>N7SSN%ASE : %;+0>N7SSNE%ASNPR: : %;61>N7SSNE%ASNSER: : %;6%>N7SSN%ASNPR: : %;60>N7SSN%ASNSER: : %;6A>N7SSN>>SES : %;6>N7SSN"AM8NPR: : %;6<

>N7SSN"AM8NSER: : %;6D>N7SSN"NE%ASNPR: : %;6+

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Internal TC Code ,pplication Condition Type

>N7SSN"NE%ASNSER: : %;6>>N7SSN"N%ASNPR: : %;64>N7SSN"N%ASNSER: : %;6E>NP7SNAM8 : %;/2>NP7SN%ASE : %;/0>NP7SNE%AS : %;/1>NP7SN>>SE : %;/>NP7SNPA8ANRAE : %;/P>NS8%R7%NAM8 : %;41>NS8%R7%N%ASE : %;40>NS8%R7%N>RAE : %;44>NS8%N>RE7GHNAM8 : %;4<>NS8%N>RE7GHN%ASE : %;42P7S%ASE : %P72P7S@A" ; %@P7P7S@A" :

P7SPA8A : %P7PP7SRAE : %P71S8%R7%%ASE1 : 7S%S8%R7%%ASE2 : 7S2S8%R7%>7;PR7(E : 7S>S8%R7%7(MS : 7S(S8%R7%M7>A(R : 7SS8%R7%M7PR7(E : 7SMS8%R7%S8R(HARGE : 7SSS8%R7%S8R(H7 : 7S7S8%R7%S8RPE : 7SA;>REEREG7 : D7I>

;SD((>7S : D(>;SD(7(MS : D7(M;SD(7(MS>RE7GH : D7(>;SD(7D8S : D7S7;SD(7P7 : D7P7;SD(7SS : D7SS;SD(P7S : DP7S;SD(S8%R7% : DS8%;SD(S8%R7%>RE7GH : DS8>;SD("H : D"H;SDA;ES : DG;

"H(@@N(>7S ; %"21"H(@@N(>7S : %"21"H(@@N(S@@ ; %"<1"H(@@N(S@@ : %"<1"H(@@NGE ; %"01"H(@@NGE : %"01"H(@@N7R ; %"41"H(@@N7R : %"41"H(@@NP7S ; %"11"H(@@NP7S : %"11"HRAEN(>7S ; %"22"HRAEN(>7S : %"22

"HRAEN(S@@ ; %"<2"HRAEN(S@@ : %"<2

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Internal TC Code ,pplication Condition Type

"HRAENGE ; %"02"HRAENGE : %"02"HRAEN7R ; %"42"HRAEN7R : %"42"HRAENP7S ; %"12"HRAENP7S : %"12"HNA((8M8@A7 ; %"+1"HNA((8M8@A7 : %"+1"HNA(7:EN(>7S : "(("HNA(7:EN(>7SNA(( : 7("6"HNA(7:EN(S@@ : "(S("HNA(7:EN(S@@NA(( : 7S"6"HNA(7:ENGE : "GE("HNA(7:ENGENA(( : 7G"6"HNA(7:EN7R : "7R("HNA(7:EN7RNA(( : 7R"6

"HNA(7:ENP7S : "P7("HNA(7:ENP7SNA(( : 7P"6

,ssign Condition Tables to Ta: Tables


7n this 7MG actiit$5 $o& assign con#ition ta)les to %ra=ilian ta3 ta)les.


1. Access the actiit$ &sing one of the folloing naigation otions

IM Menu

Financial Accounting Financial Accounting Glo0al Settings  6ax

on SalesPurchases Basic Settings  Bra)il  ConditionBased

6ax Calculation Assign Condition 6a0les to 6ax 6a0les

Menu IMConta0ilidade inanceira  Conigura$%o conta0ilidade inanceira

?*A   Brasil   C1lculo de imposto 0aseado em condi$'es  Atri0uir ta0elas de controle a ta0elas de impostos

Transaction Code SP7O

2. n the Change *ie+ , !ap 6ax rate ta0les to Condition 6a0les- O(er(ie+ ma'e thefolloing entries

Table *a+e Ta: roup Cond! Table

BN1%A;(DE: 0 <BN1%REG; 0 <!4BN1%;(71 0 <4!BN1%;(> 0 <46BN1%;(> 10 <46BN1%;(> 1+ <46BN1%;(> 20 <46BN1%;(> 2+ <46BN1%;(> <0 <46BN1%;(> /! <46

BN1%;DE> 0 <!2BN1%;7(1 0 </2

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Table *a+e Ta: roup Cond! Table

BN1%;7(2 0 </2BN1%;7(< 1+ </2BN1%;7(< 20 </2BN1%;7(< 2+ </2BN1%;7(< <0 </2BN1%;7(< /! </2BN1%;7P1 0 <46BN1%;7P2 0 <46BN1%;7P< 1+ <46BN1%;7P< 20 <46BN1%;7P< 2+ <46BN1%;7P< <0 <46BN1%;7P< /! <46BN1%;7S1 0 121BN1%;7SS 10 601BN1%;7SS 1+ 601

BN1%;7SS 20 601BN1%;7SS 2+ 601BN1%;7SS <0 601BN1%;7SS /! 601BN1%;P7S 10 <46BN1%;P7S 1+ <46BN1%;P7S 20 <46BN1%;P7S 2+ <46BN1%;P7S <0 <46BN1%;P7S /! <46BN1%;SD( 0 2!1BN1%;S1 0 <4/

BN1%;S2 0 <4/BN1%;S< 1+ <4/BN1%;S< 20 <4/BN1%;S< 2+ <4/BN1%;S< <0 <4/BN1%;S< /! <4/BN1%;"7H 10 <46BN1%;"7H 1+ <46BN1%;"7H 20 <46BN1%;"7H 2+ <46BN1%;"7H <0 <46

BN1%;"7H /! <46

,ssign Condition Type to Fithholding Ta: Type


o& onl$ nee# to carr$ o&t the folloing actiit$ if $o& are imlementing >7 together ith SD. Assign the correson#ing ithhol#ing ta3 con#ition t$es to all ithhol#ing ta3 t$es.

Procedure1. Access the actiit$ &sing one of the folloing naigation otions

IM Menu Financial Accounting   Financial Accounting Glo0al Settings

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ithholding 6ax   Extended ithholding 6ax   Calculation

ithholding 6ax 6#pe  Assign Condition 6#pe to ithholding 6ax6#pe

Menu IMConta0ilidade inanceira  Conigura$%o conta0ilidade inanceira

?*A   Brasil   C1lculo de imposto 0aseado em condi$'es

 Atri0uir ta0elas de controle a ta0elas de impostos

Transaction Code SP7O

(o&ntr$ e$ _ %R

n the Change *ie+ , ithholding tax t#pes condition t#pe- O(er(ie+ ma'e the folloingentries

F7T Type *a+e Condition Type

(P (>7S at Pa$ment "((

PP P7S at Pa$ment "P7(

SP (S@@ at Pa$ment "(S(

RP 7R at Pa$ment "7R(GP General "H *P7S9(>9(S@@97R, at


(A (ofins no agamento - Ac&m&la#o 7("6

GA General "H Pa$ment - Ac&m&la#o 7G"6

PA P7S no agamento - Ac&m&la#o 7P"6

RA 7R at Pa$ment *Acc&, 7R"6

SA (S@@ no Pagamento - Ac&m&la#o 7S"6

7( 7RR> for nat&ral ersons *(P>,

7> >&nr&ral7 7SS

7P >(PS

7R 7RR> for comanies

7S 7SS

7" 7SS "H "7S(

;; (ofins no agamento - Ac&m&la#o

Ta: Codes SD


7n this 7MG actiit$5 $o& maintain secial ta3 co#es for %ra=ilian ta3 rocessing in Sales andDistri0ution *SD,. "hen $o& enter a sales or#er5 $o& nee# to enter the SD ta3 co#e er lineitem5 hich the s$stem &ses to #etermine hich ta3es are to )e calc&late# &sing hichcalc&lation r&les.

 Procedure1.Access the actiit$ &sing one of the folloing naigation otions

IM Menu

Financial Accounting Financial Accounting Basic Settings  6ax

on SalesPurchases Calculation  Settings or 6ax Calculation in

Bra)il Deine SD 6ax Codes

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Menu IM

Conta0ilidade inanceira ;no(o<   Conigura$'es glo0ais

conta0ilidade inanceira ;no(o<   ?*A   C1lculo  Op$'es para

c1lculo de impostos no Brasil  Deinir c5digo de imposto SD

Transaction Code SPR

(o&ntr$ e$ _ %Rn the Change *ie+ ,SD 6ax Codes- O(er(ie+ ma'e the folloing entries

Ta: Code Description

%1 Stoc' ransfer for s&). tri).(0 (ons&mtion o a3(1 (ons&mtion 7(MS(2 (ons&mtion 7(MS?S..?7(MS (oml.(< (ons&mtion7(MS?7P7(4 (ons&mtion7(MS?7P7?S..(+ (ons&mtion7P7( Stoc' ransfer for cons&mtion70 7n#&striali=ationo a371 7n#&striali=ation7(MS72 7n#&striali=ation 7(MS ? S..7< 7n#&striali=ation7(MS?7P774 7n#&striali=ation 7(MS ? 7P7 ? S..7+ 7n#&striali=ation7P77! Serices"0 (ons&mtion o a3"1 (ons&mtion 7(MS"2 (ons&mtion 7(MS ? S.."< (ons&mtion 7(MS ? 7P7"4 (ons&mtion 7(MS ? 7P7 ? S..

"+ (ons&mtion 7P7G 7n#&striali=ation 7(MS ? 7P7I0 7n#&striali=ation o a3I1 7n#&striali=ation 7(MSI2 7n#&striali=ation 7(MS ? S..I< 7n#&striali=ation 7(MS ? 7P7I4 7n#&striali=ation 7(MS ? 7P7 ? S..I+ 7n#&striali=ation 7P7I! Serices

n the Change *ie+ ,SD 6ax Codes-Details ma'e the folloing entries

Ta: Code Ind ConsCalcICMS













%1 ; ; ; ;

(0 ;

(1 ; ; ; ; ;

(2 ; ; ; ; ; ;

(< ; ; ; ; ; ;

(4 ; ; ; ; ; ; ;

(+ ; ; ; ; ;

( ; ; ;

70 ;

71 ; ; ; ; ;72 ; ; ; ; ; ;

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Ta: Code Ind ConsCalcICMS











7< ; ; ; ; ; ;

74 ; ; ; ; ; ; ;

7+ ; ; ; ; ;

7! ; ; ; ; ;

"0 ; ; ;

"1 ; ;

"2 ; ; ;

"< ; ; ;

"4 ; ; ; ;

"+ ; ; ; ; ;

G ; ; ; ; ;

I0 ;

I1 ; ;

I2 ; ; ;

I< ; ; ;I4 ; ; ; ;

I+ ; ;

I! ; ; ;

Ta: Codes MM@%I


7n this 7MG actiit$5 $o& maintain the ta3 co#es &se# for calc&lating %ra=ilian ta3es in Financial Accounting  *>7, an# !aterials !anagement  *MM,.

 Procedure1. Access the actiit$ &sing one of the folloing naigation otions

IM Menu

Financial Accounting ;/e+<  Financial Accounting Basic Settings

;/e+<  6ax on SalesPurchases  Calculation  Settings or 6ax

Calculation in Bra)il  Deine F?!! 6ax Codes

Menu IM

Conta0ilidade inanceira ;no(o<   Conigura$'es glo0ais

conta0ilidade inanceira ;no(o<   ?*A  C1lculo   Op$'es para

c1lculo de impostos no Brasil  Deinir c5digo de imposto F?!! 

Transaction Code SP7O

n the Determine "or' AreaEntr$ screen entr$ the al&e A;%RA

n the Change *ie+ , !aintain6ax Codes- O(er(ie+ ma'e the folloing entriesTa:Code

Description Typ 'sage Service





TC at


 A0 &t. 7n#&st. 7(MS &t. a3 Pro#.9Sales 7(4 7P1 70 70

 A1 &t. 7n#&st. 7(MS &t. a3 Pro#.9Sales 7(0 7P1 71 71

 A<&t. 7n#&st. 7(MS ?7P7 &t. a3 Pro#.9Sales 7(0 7P0 7< 7<

(0 7n. (ons. o ta3 7n. a3 (ons&mt. 7(4 7P1

(17n. (ons. 7(MS ?(om7(MS 7n. a3 (ons&mt. 7(0 7P1

(27n. (ons&mtion 7(MS? (om7(MS ? S.. 7n. a3 (ons&mt. 7(0 7P1

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(<7n. (ons. 7(MS ?(om7(MS ? 7P7 7n. a3 (ons&mt. 7(0 7P0

(47n. (ons. 7(MS ?(om7(MS ? S.. ? 7P7 7n. a3 (ons&mt. 7(0 7P0

(+ 7n. (ons. 7P7 7n. a3 (ons&mt. 7(4 7P2

70 7n. 7n#&st. o ta3 7n. a3 Pro#.9Sales 7(4 7P1

71 7n. 7n#&st. 7(MS 7n. a3 Pro#.9Sales 7(0 7P172 7n. 7n#&st. 7(MS ? S.. 7n. a3 Pro#.9Sales 7(1 7P1

7< 7n. 7n#&st. 7(MS ? 7P7 7n. a3 Pro#.9Sales 7(0 7P0

747n. 7n#&st. 7(MS ? S..? 7P7 7n. a3 Pro#.9Sales 7(1 7P1

7+ 7n. 7n#&st. 7P7 7n. a3 Pro#.9Sales 7(4 7P0

767n. 7n#&st. 7(MS ? 7P7Reselling 7n. a3 Pro#.9Sales 7(0 7P0

77n. 7n#&st. 7(MS ? S..? 7P7 Reselling 7n. a3 Pro#.9Sales 7(0 7P0

7! 7n. 7SS 7n. a3 ; 7SS 7SS

S0 &t&t SD ta3 o ta3 &t. a3 Pro#.9Sales 7(4 7P1


&t&t SD ta3

7(MS97P79S&).ri). &t. a3 Pro#.9Sales 7(1 7P0

SE&t&t SD a3 e3emttransactions &t. a3 Pro#.9Sales 7(4 7P1

S7 &t&t SD ta3 7SS &t. a3 7SS 7SS

SI&t&t SD ta3 7(MSIona >ranca &t. a3 Pro#.9Sales 7(1 7P0


7n#&striali=ation nl$7(MS-P7S9(>7S#e#&cti)le 7n. a3 Pro#.9Sales 7(0 7P1


7n#&striali=ation7(MS97P79P7S9(>7S#e#&cti)le 7n. a3 Pro#.9Sales 7(0 7P0


7n#&striali=ation 7(MS-P7S9(>7S non

#e#&cti)le 7n. a3 Pro#.9Sales 7(0 7P1


7n#&striali=ation7(MS97P79P7S9(>7S#e#&ct 7n. a3 Pro#.9Sales 7(0 7P0

De#ine $##icial Collection Codes


7n this 7MG actiit$5 $o& #efine official collection co#es for calc&lating ithhol#ing ta3 in %ra=il.

 Procedure1. Access the actiit$ &sing one of the folloing naigation otions

IM Menu

Financial Accounting   Financial Accounting Glo0al Settings

ithholding 6ax   Extended ithholding 6ax   Calculation

Bra)il Deine Oicial Collection Codes

Menu IM

Conta0ilidade inanceira Conigura$%o conta0ilidade inanceira

?mposto retido na onte ;?7F< ?mposto retido na onte ampliado

C1lculo Brasil  Deinir cha(es de co0ran$a oiciais

Transaction Code SP7O

(o&ntr$ e$ _ %R

n the Change *ie+ , Deine ithholding 6ax "e#- O(er(ie+ ma'e the folloing entries

$##icial code Description

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+!+2 P7S 9 (>7S 9 (S@@ 456+L+!60 (>7S <500L+!! P7S 056+L+!/ (S@@ 1500L622/ (S@@62<0 P7S624< (>7S62+6 7R10/ 7R

Map SD Ta: 3alues to *ota %iscal %ields


7n this 7MG actiit$5 $o& ma SD ta3 al&es to nota fiscal fiel#s.

 Procedure1. Access the actiit$ &sing one of the folloing naigation otions

IM Menu

Financial Accounting Financial Accounting Glo0al Settings  6ax

on SalesPurchases Basic Settings  Bra)il  ConditionBased

6ax Calculation !ap SD 6ax *alues to /ota Fiscal Fields

Menu IM

Conta0ilidade inanceira  Conigura$%o conta0ilidade inanceira

?*A   Conigura$'es glo0ais   Brasil   C1lculo de imposto

0aseado em condi$'es  !apear (alores iscais SD para camposda /ota Fiscal 

Transaction Code SP7O

2. 8sage _ A5 Alication _ : an# Pricing Proce#&re _ R:A%RA

<. n the (hange :ie O SD a3 (on#itions in ota >iscal fiel#s erie ma'e thefolloing entries

T:Ty Ta:ate

Map Pautaate

Map Ta:,+ount

Map Total-ase

Map Ta:-ase

Map 9:!-ase

Map $ther-ase

Map F7TCode

IC$* %(1 1 %;P 0 %;2 0 %;0 0 %;0 0 0 0

IC$F %"22 1 0 7(" 0 %;" 0 %;" 0 0 0 %"21

ICSF %"<2 1 0 7(S" 0 %;" 0 %;" 0 0 0 %"<1

I9F %"02 1 0 7GE" 0 %;" 0 %;" 0 0 0 %"01

IIF %"42 1 0 77R" 0 %;" 0 %;" 0 0 0 %"41

IPS* %P71 1 %;/P 0 %;/2 0 %;/0 0 %;/0 0 0 0

IPSF %"12 1 0 7PS" 0 %;" 0 %;" 0 0 0 %"11

ISS, 7S:% 1 0 %;62 0 %;60 0 %;60 0 %;61 0 0

ISS- 7S:% 1 0 %;6< 0 %;64 0 %;64 0 %;6+ 0 0

ISS9 7S: 1 0 %;6( 0 %;6A 0 %;6A 0 %;6% 0 0

ISS% 7S: 1 0 %;6D 0 %;6E 0 %;6E 0 %;6> 0 0

ICM 7(:A 1 0 %;1< 0 %;10 0 %;10 0 %;11 0 %;12 0

ICS %;44 0 0 %;41 0 %;40 0 %;40 0 0 0

IC=% %;16 0 0 %;I> 0 0 0 %;11 0 %;12 0

I% %;16 0 0 %;1+ 0 %;14 0 %;14 0 0 0

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I%S %;44 0 0 %;4< 0 %;42 0 %;42 0 0 0

IPI 7P:A 1 %;PA 0 %;2< 0 %;20 0 %;20 0 %;21 0 %;22 0

ISS 7S:A 1 0 %;+1 0 %;+0 0 %;+0 0 0 0

IC$ %"22 1 0 7(K 0 %;"A 0 %;"A 0 %"21

ICS %"<2 1 0 7(SK 0 %;"A 0 %;"A 0 %"<1

I9 %"02 1 0 7GEK 0 %;"A 0 %;"A 0 %"01

II %"42 1 0 77RK 0 %;"A 0 %;"A 0 %"41

IPS %"12 1 0 7PSK 0 %;"A 0 %;"A 0 %"11

4. Reeat ste 2 an# < for Pricing Proce#&re :A%RA.

Special Conditions #or Pricing

'se7n this 7MG actiit$5 $o& maintain secial ricing con#itions for &se in Sales an# Distri)&tion


Procedure1. Access the actiit$ &sing one of the folloing naigation otions

IM MenuSales and Distri0ution   Billing   Billing Documents   Countr#

speciic Features Countr#speciic Features or Bra)il  SpecialConditions For Pricing 

Menu IM

Faturamento   Documentos de aturamento   Caracter4sticas

especiais do pa4s  Propriedades espec4icas de pa4s Brasil Condi$'es especiais de determina$%o de pre$o

Transaction Code SP7O

2. 8sage _ A5 Alication _ : an# Pricing Proce#&re _ R:A%RA

<. n the Change *ie+ , SD Amount6ranser rom pricing to /otas Fiscais- O(er(ie+ma'e the folloing entries

Cond Type *% 3alue IPI e:cl ST Mod! ST #reight

%;I> 1 Disco&nt

7(M7 + :al&e an# Price

004 1 Disco&nt ;

00+ 1 Disco&nt ;

00 1 Disco&nt ;

>00 2 >reight ; ? S )ase ;

4. Reeat ste 2 an# < for Pricing Proce#&re :A%RA.

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De#ine Se"uence #or Ta: 4a8 Deter+ination

'seHere $o& can #efine hat is the access seF&ence for a3 @as.

Procedure1. Access the actiit$ )$ the folloing naigation an# note the correson#ing %(-Set

IM MenuFinancial Accounting Financial Accounting Glo0al Settings  6ax

on SalesPurchases Basic Settings  Bra)il  Deine Se8uenceor SD 6ax 3a+ Determination

Menu IM

Conta0ilidade inanceira ;no(o<   Conigura$'es glo0ais

conta0ilidade inanceira ;no(o<   ?*A   Conigs.glo0ais  Brasil

 Deinir se8JKncia da determina$%o da lei tri0ut1ria SD

Transaction Code SP7O

2. n screen Change *ie+ ,Se8uence or tax la+ determination-  ma'e the folloingentries

Se"uOncia na det! 4ei#iscal

%onte para deter+inaJKo lei #iscal

1 0 a3 E3cetion a)les

2 1 7tem (ategor$ a)le

< 2 (&stomer Master  

S,49S D$C'M9*TS -,=I4I,* 4$C,4I=,TI$*

,ssign $utput Deter+ination Procedures


7n this men& otion5 assign o&t&t #etermination roce#&res to the #oc&ments.

o& ma$ also secif$ an o&t&t t$e hich is to )e #isla$e# hen the releant #oc&ment is#isla$e# or change#.

Procedure1. Access the actiit$ )$ the folloing naigation an# note the correson#ing %(-Set

IM Menu

Sales and Distri0ution   Basic Functions   Output Control

Output Determination  Output Determination :sing the Condition

6echni8ue  !aintain Output Determination or Sales Documents

 Assign Output Determination Procedures

Menu IM

*endas e distri0ui$%o   Fun$'es 01sicas   Controle de

mensagens   Determina$%o de mensagens   Determina$%o de

mensagem (ia tcnica de condi$'es  Atuali)ar determina$%o de

mensagens para docs.(endas Atri0uir es8uema de mensagem

Transaction Code SP7O

2. n screen Change *ie+ ,Sales Document 6#pes Output Determination-O(er(ie+ ma'e the folloing entries

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Doc Type ,pplication $utput Proced $utput Type

(% :1 :0000 @P00(R% :1 :10000 %A00(;% :1D@%DR% :1 :10000 %A00D;%%% :1 :10000 %A00E% :1 :10000 %A00@A% :1 :10000 %A00R% :1 :10000 %A00R(M :1 :10000 %A00R(S :1 :10000 %A00RE% :1R% :1:DR :1 :10000 %A00:E> :1 :10000 %A00

:E>R :1 :10000 %A00( :1 :06000 A00

De#ine and ,ssign ,ccount &eys


o& #efine $o&r acco&nt 'e$s in this men& otion an# allocate them to the con#ition t$es inthe ricing roce#&res.

Procedure1. Access the actiit$ )$ the folloing naigation an# note the correson#ing %(-Set

IM MenuSales and Distri0ution  Basic Functions  Account

 AssignmentCosting   7e(enue Account Determination  Deine And Assign Account "e#s

Menu IM

*endas e Distri0ui$%o →  Fun$'es B1sicas →  Class.cont10ilc1lculo

de custos →   Det.conta de receita →   Deinir e atri0uir cha(e de


Transaction Code SP7O

2. (hoose Deinir cha(e de conta.

<. n screen (hange :ie ,Account "e#, O(er(ie+ ma'e the folloing entries

Chave de Conta Deno+inaJKo

(> ProisTes (ofins

PS ProisTes P7S

ID: Deol&o

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SAP Best Practices Sales an# Distri)&tion *10+, (onfig&ration G&i#e

,ssign Docu+ent Procedure #or Product Proposal to SalesDocu+ent


7n this 7MG actiit$5 $o& assign the #oc&ment #etermination roce#&re for the ro#&ctroosal to the in#ii#&al sales #oc&ment t$es.

Procedure1. Access the actiit$ )$ the folloing naigation an# note the correson#ing %(-Set

IM MenuSales and Distri0ution   Basic Functions D#namic Product

Proposal   Assign Document Procedure or Product Proposal toSales Document 6#pes

Menu IM*endas e distri0ui$%o  Fun$'es 01sicas  Proposta de produto

dinmica   Atri0uir es8.documentos aos tipos de

documentos de (endasTransaction Code SP7O

2. n the !odiicar (is%o ,Documentos de (endas tipos proposta de produto- screen5choose Entradas no(as an# enter the folloing #ata

TpD3 Deno+inaJKo 9sDocPp

( K&otation A

R% Stan#ar# r#er %R A

( K&otation %R A

De#ine Industry Sector #or Custo+ers


7n this men& otion5 $o& #efine the in#&str$ sectors a c&stomer can )elong to.

Procedure1. Access the actiit$ )$ the folloing naigation an# note the correson#ing %(-Set

IM MenuSales and Distri0ution  !aster Data  Business Partners

Customers !arketing  Deine ?ndustr# Sector For Customers

Menu IM*endas e distri0ui$%o  Dados mestre  Parceiro neg5cios

Clientes !arketing  Deinir setor industrial do cliente

Transaction Code SP7O

2. n the (hange :ie ,?ndustr# "e#s- O(er(ie+ 5 choose e Entries an# enter thefolloing #ata

Industry Description

1 "holesale

2 Retail< 7n#&str$

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SAP Best Practices Sales an# Distri)&tion *10+, (onfig&ration G&i#e

De#ine Shipping Conditions by Sales Docu+ent Type


7n this men& otion5 $o& can secif$ a shiing con#ition for in#ii#&al sales #oc&ment t$es.

Procedure1. Access the actiit$ )$ the folloing naigation an# note the correson#ing %(-Set

IM Menu3ogistics Execution  Shipping   Basic Shipping Functions

Shipping Point and Goods 7ecei(ing Point Determination  DeineShipping Conditions 0# Sales Document 6#pe

Menu IM3ogistics Execution   Expedi$%o Bases Determina$%o de local

de expedi$%odpto.entrada mercadorias  Deinir condi$%o deexpedi$%o por tipo documento de (endas

Transaction Code SP7O

2. n the (hange :ie ,Sales Document 6#pes Shipping Conditions- O(er(ie+ 5 choosee Entries an# enter the folloing #ata

Doc Type Shipping Conditions

%: 02












DR%R% 01





Pricing Procedures. Deter+ination in Sales Docs!


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o& #efine the ricing roce#&res in this ste. 7n a##ition5 $o& assign the ricing roce#&resto the transactions )$ #efining the folloing #een#encies

• (&stomer • Sales #oc&ment t$e

• Sales area

7n the ricing roce#&re5 $o& #efine hich con#ition t$es sho&l# )e ta'en into acco&nt an# inhich seF&ence. D&ring ricing5 the SAP S$stem a&tomaticall$ #etermines hich ricingroce#&re is ali# for a )&siness transaction an# it ta'es the con#ition t$es containe# in itinto acco&nt one after the other.

Procedure1. Access the actiit$ )$ the folloing naigation an# note the correson#ing %(-Set

IM Menu

Sales and Distri0ution  Sales  Sales Documents  Contracts

*alue Contract  Deine And Assign Pricing Procedure For *alueContract 

Menu IM*endas e distri0ui$%o   *enda   Documentos de (endas

Contratos   Contrato em (alor  Deinir e ordenar es8uema dec1lculo para contrato em (alor 

Transaction Code SP7O

2. (hoose the Assing Pricing Proce#&re otion.

<. n the (hange :ie ,Pricing ProcedureDetermination in Sales Docs- O(er(ie+ 5 enterthe folloing #ata



Division DocPricProc

Custo+erPric Proc



1000 10 10  A 1 :A%RA PR00

1000 10 10  A 2 :A%RA PR00

1000 10 10 % 1 R:"7A1

1000 10 10 ( 1 R:(A01

1000 10 10 ( 2 R:(A02

1000 10 10 D 1 :A%RA PR00

1000 10 10 D 2 :A%RA PR00

1000 10 10 @ 1 R:@%00 :PRS

1000 10 10 P 1 :PPS1 PR00

1000 10 10 P 2 :PPS1 PR00

1000 10 10 R 1 :A%RA E01

1000 10 10 R 2 :A%RA E01

1000 10 10 S 1 :A%RA PR00

1000 10 10 S 2 :A%RA PR00

1000 10 10 : 1 :A%RA E01

1000 10 10 : 2 :A%RA E01

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1000 10 10 " 1 PSER02

1000 10 10 " 2 PSER02

1000 10 10 ; 1 "MP001

1000 10 10 1 "0001 "00

1000 10 10 2 "0001 "00

1100 10 10  A 1 :A%RA PR00

Calculation Procedures #or C-T Calculation

'sehe s$stem nee#s to i#entif$ hether in the c&rrentl$ rocesse# calc&lation roce#&re the ta3calc&lation is con#ition-)ase# or not. his is necessar$ to either call the classical5 e3ternal ta3calc&lation or the ne ta3 calc&lation in con#ition al&e form&la <20. >or this reason5 $o&secif$ the calc&lation roce#&re for (% in the ne 7MG actiit$.

Procedure1. Access the actiit$ as follos

IM Menu Financial Accounting ;/e+<  Financial Accounting Basic Settings

;/e+<   6ax on SalesPurchases   Basic Settings   Bra)il

ConditionBased 6ax Calculation  Speci# Calculation Proceduresor ConditionBased 6ax Calculation

Menu IM Conta0ilidade inanceira ;no(o<   Conigura$'es glo0ais

conta0ilidade inanceira ;no(o<   ?*A   Conigs.glo0ais Brasil

 C1lculo de imposto 0aseado em condi$'es  ?ndicar es8uemasde c1lculo pc1lculo de imposto 0aseado em condi$'es

Transaction Code SP7O

2. Ma'e the folloing entries

Determine +ork area entr#

'sage ,pplication

 A :

Calculation Procedures or Condition Based 6ax Calculation

Procedure C-T ,ct! Description

:A%RA ; St# Pricing J R:A%RA J %R

,ssign -usiness ,rea to Plant@3aluation ,rea and Division


7n this ste $o& assign the lant 9 al&ation area an# #iision com)ination to a )&siness areato ena)le a&tomatic )&siness area acco&nt assignment.


1. Access the actiit$ &sing the folloing naigation otions

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SAP Best Practices Sales an# Distri)&tion *10+, (onfig&ration G&i#e

IM MenuEnterprise Structure Assignment  3ogistics General   AssignBusiness Area to Plant*aluation Area and Di(ision

Menu IMEstrutura do empreendimento   Atri0ui$%o   3og4stica geral   Atri0uir centroarea a(alia$%o setor ati(idade  di(is%o

Transaction CodeSPRO 

2. (lic' in the )&tton OPlant9al&ation area J #iision

<. (lic' in the )&tton Oe Entries an# create the folloing entries

Plnt Dv *a+e -us, Description

1000 10 Pro#&ct Diision 10

1100 10 Pro#&ct Diision 10

4. Sae $o&r settings.

De#ine Fich Ta:es are included in SD Price Conditions


7n this 7MG actiit$5 $o& #efine hich ta3es are incl&#e# in hich rices.

Procedure1. Access the actiit$ )$ the folloing naigation an# note the correson#ing %(-Set

IM MenuFinancial Accounting Financial Accounting Glo0al Settings  6ax

on SalesPurchases Basic Settings  Bra)il Deine +ich taxesare included in SD price conditions

Menu IM

Conta0ilidade inanceira ;no(o<   Conigura$'es glo0ais

conta0ilidade inanceira ;no(o<   ?*A   Conigs.glo0ais  Brasil

  Deine 8uais impostos est%o contidos em condi$'es pdetermina$%o pre$os SD

Transaction Code SP7O

2. n screen ODetermine "or' Area Entr$  ma'e the folloing entries Alication _ : an#Pricing Proce#&re _ :A%RA

<. n screen Change *ie+ ,Groups o Bra)ilian 6axes in SD Price Conditions-  ma'e thefolloing entries

C Type roupPR00 (>7PR00 7SSPPR00 7SSSPR00 P7SIP%1 7SSPIP%1 7SSSIP%2 (>7IP%2 P7SIP%< (>7IP%< 7SSPIP%< 7SSSIP%< P7S

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SAP Best Practices Sales an# Distri)&tion *10+, (onfig&ration G&i#e

,ssign *ota %iscal to Sales $rder 


Here5 $o& can assign nota fiscal t$es to sales #oc&ment t$es.

Procedure1. Access the actiit$ &sing the folloing naigation otions

IM MenuSales and Distri0ution   Billing   Billing Documents   Countr#

speciic Features  Countr#speciic Features or Bra)il  Speci#/ota Fiscal Categor# 

Menu IM

*endas e distri0ui$%o  Faturamento   Documentos de

aturamento  Caracter4sticas especiais do pa4s   Propriedades

espec4icas de pa4s Brasil  Determinar tipo nota iscal 

Transaction Code SP7O

2. Enter the folloing #ata

Sales Doc Type *% Type

( 1

D9%I*9 T, 9493,*C2 $% M,ST9 9C$DS

 D9%I*9 T, 9493,*C2 $% M,ST9 9C$DS / Custo+er 


Here5 $o& can assign nota fiscal t$es to sales #oc&ment t$es.

Procedure1. Access the actiit$ &sing the folloing naigation otions

IM MenuSales and Distri0ution  Basic Functions   6axes   Deine 6ax7ele(anc# O !aster 7ecords

Menu IM*endas e distri0ui$%o   Fun$'es 01sicas   ?mpostos   Deinirrele(ncia para impostos dos registros mestre

Transaction Code SPRO 

2. (hoose (&stomer a3es.

<. Enter the folloing #ata

Ta: category Ta: classi#ication Description

7%R; 0 ot ta3a)le

7%R; 1 ormal ta3es

7%R; 2 Iona >ranca - 7(MS

 D9%I*9 T, 9493,*C2 $% M,ST9 9C$DS / Material


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Here5 $o& can assign nota fiscal t$es to sales #oc&ment t$es.

Procedure4. Access the actiit$ &sing the folloing naigation otions

IM Menu

Sales and Distri0ution  Basic Functions   6axes   Deine 6ax

7ele(anc# O !aster 7ecords

Menu IM*endas e distri0ui$%o   Fun$'es 01sicas   ?mpostos   Deinirrele(ncia para impostos dos registros mestre

Transaction Code SPRO 

+. (hoose Material a3es.

6. Enter the folloing #ata

Ta: category Ta: classi#ication Description



7%R; 2 7SS

M,*',4 ,CTI3ITI9S

,ctivation o# Ta: Codes


"ith this ste $o& ill actiate the (on#ition $es nee#e# for each a3 (o#e config&re# )$ reio&sa&tomate# c&stomi=ing.


he a3 co#es ere create# )$ reio&s actiation stes.


1. Access the actiit$ &sing one of the folloing naigation otions

IM Menu

?!G  Financial Accounting ;/e+<  Financial Accounting Glo0al

Settings ;/e+<

  6ax on SalesPurchases


Settings or 6ax Calculation in Bra)il  Access 6ax !anagerZsorkplace

Menu IM

?!G   Conta0ilidade inanceira ;n(.<   Conigura$'es glo0ais

conta0ilidade inanceira ;no(o<   ?*A   C1lculo  Op$'es para

c1lculo de impostos no Brasil  Chamar 6ax Administration 6ool 

Transaction Code [MB6A\ 

2. 7f the (o&ntr$ #ialog )o3 aears5 select %R. 7f not5 chec' if %R as alrea#$ selecte# forthis &ser *men& a3 (alc&lation -b ther (o&ntr$,

<. n a3 Managers "or'lace screen5 ress )&tton Maintain MM a3 co#es *Shift ? >4,an# select roce#&re A;%RA ress dEnterb.

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SAP Best Practices Sales an# Distri)&tion *10+, (onfig&ration G&i#e

4. Select the a3 co#e line to maintain *e.g. A1,5 ress )&tton !aintain 6ax codeConditions *(trl ? ><,.

+. Select the actiation flag *first c ol&mn, for each releant con#ition for this a3 co#e *e.g.7P705 7(M<,.

6. Go Back *><, an# Sa(e *(trl ? S,.

. E3ec&te the stes < to + for each a3 co#e in#icate# )elo an# resectie (on#ition$es

Ta: Code Cond! Types

 A0 7(M05 7P70

 A1 7P705 7(M<

 A< 7P7<5 7(M<

(0 7P705 7(M0

(1 7P705 7(M25 7(P5 7(;(2 7P705 7(M25 7(S25 7(P5 7(;

(< 7P725 7(M25 7(P5 7(;

(4 7P725 7(M25 7(S25 7(P5 7(;

(+ 7(M05 7P72

70 7P705 7(M0

71 7P705 7(M1

72 7P705 7(M15 7(S1

7< 7P715 7P745 7(M1

74 7P715 7P745 7(M15 7(S1

7+ 7(M05 7P715 7P74

76 7(M15 7P72

7 7(M15 7(S15 7P72

7! 7SS<

+ 7P715 7(M15 7P15 7(1

6 7P1(5 7(1(

S0 7P705 7(M0

SD 7P7<5 7(M<5 7(S<

SE 7P705 7(M0

S7 7SS<

SI 7(M<5 7(S<5 7(I>

1 7P705 7(M15 7(>5 7P7S5 7(:5 7(S5 7(85 7(A5 7PS:5 7PSS5 7PS85 7PSA

< 7P715 7P745 7(M15 7(>5 7P7S5 7(:5 7(S5 7(85 7(A5 7PS:5 7PSS5 7PS85 7PSA

I1 7P705 7(M15 7(5 7(5 7PS5 7PS

I< 7P715 7P745 7(M15 7(5 7(5 7PS5 7PS

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SAP Best Practices Sales an# Distri)&tion *10+, (onfig&ration G&i#e

Maintain Speci#ic Ta: Type ICM$


"ith this actiit$ $o& ill chec'5 an# maintain if necessar$5 the ta3 t$e 7(M.


1. Access the actiit$ &sing one of the folloing naigation otions

IM Menu

?!G  Financial Accounting ;/e+<  Financial Accounting Glo0al

Settings ;/e+<   6ax on SalesPurchases   Calculation

Settings or 6ax Calculation in Bra)il  Access 6ax !anagerZsorkplace

Menu IM

?!G   Conta0ilidade inanceira ;n(.<   Conigura$'es glo0ais

conta0ilidade inanceira ;no(o<   ?*A   C1lculo  Op$'es para

c1lculo de impostos no Brasil  Chamar 6ax Administration 6ool 

Transaction Code [MB6A\ 

2. 7f the (o&ntr$ #ialog )o3 aears5 select %R. 7f not5 chec' if %R as alrea#$ selecte# forthis &ser *men& 6ax Calculation W Other Countr# ,

<. Select the men& (on#ition Setup W 6ax 6#pes.

4. n the (hange :ie a3 $es erie screen chec' if e3ist an entr$ for ta3 t$e7(M *"AR7G this 'e$ en#s ith letter an# not n&m)er =ero,.

+. 7f the entr$ e3ists5 select it an# ress Delete *Shift ? >2,. Sa(e *(trl ? S, $o&r action.

6. n the Promt for a "or')ench reF&est screen5 accet the s&ggeste# for roCectactiation or create a ne one.

M,ST9 D,T,

Create $utput Ta: ecord (I-)

'sehe &rose of this actiit$ is to maintain the con#ition recor#s to #etermine the A; (o#e in

sales or#ers rocessing.

Procedure1. Access the actiit$ &sing one of the folloing naigation otions

IM MenuSAP menu 3ogistics Sales and Distri0ution  !aster Data

Conditions Select :sing Condition 6#pe  *"MM Create

Menu IM!enu SAP 3og4stica  *endas e distri0ui$%o  Dados mestre

Condi$'es  Sele$%o (ia tipo de condi$%o   Criar 

Transaction Code *"MM

2. Enter 7%R; in the con#ition t$e fiel# in the Create Condition 7ecords screen.

<. n the (reate %ra=il a3 (alc. (on#ition *7%R;, >ast Entr$  ma'e the folloing entries

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SAP Best Practices Sales an# Distri)&tion *10+, (onfig&ration G&i#e

Country Cust Ta: Class Mat! Ta: Class ,+ount Ta: Code

%R 0 1 05000 S0%R 0 2 05000 S0%R 1 1 1005000 SD%R 1 2 1005000 S7

%R 2 1 1005000 SI%R 2 2 1005000 S7

Create Initial Ta: ates 100N

'sehe &rose of this actiit$ is to maintain the initial con#ition recor#s for %ra=il.

Procedure1. Access the actiit$ &sing one of the folloing naigation otions

Transaction Code 3&15

2. n the (reate (on#ition Recor#s screen ma'e the folloing entries

Cond! Type Table Country ,+ount

7(M <!0 %R 100-7(S <!0 %R 100-7P7( <!0 %R 1007P7 <!0 %R 100-

<. ote that the entries are is time-in#een#ent5 meaning the$ are ali# &ntil 0190192!!!5 fore3amle.

4. (hoose Sa(e.+. (hoose %ac'

Create Initial -ase ates 100N

'sehe &rose of this actiit$ is to maintain the initial con#ition recor#s for %ra=il.

Procedure1. Access the actiit$ &sing one of the folloing naigation otions

Transaction Code  VK1$

2. n the (reate (on#ition Recor#s screen ma'e the folloing entries

Cond! Type Table Country ,+ount 3alid %ro+ 3alid To

7(%S <!2 %R 100 019019200/ <191292!!!7P%S <!2 %R 100 019019200/ <191292!!!

<. (hoose Sa(e.

4. (hoose %ac'.

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SAP Best Practices Sales an# Distri)&tion *10+, (onfig&ration G&i#e

Create Initial -ase ates 100N

'sehe &rose of this actiit$ is to maintain the initial con#ition recor#s for %ra=il.

Procedure+. Access the actiit$ &sing one of the folloing naigation otions

Transaction Code F*MM

6. n the (reate (on#ition Recor#s screen ma'e the folloing entries

Cond! Type Country ,+ount 3alid %ro+ 3alid To

%;" %R 100 019019200/ <191292!!!

%7(6 %R 100 019019200/ <191292!!!

. (hoose Sa(e.

/. (hoose %ac'

*ota %iscal Condition ecords

'sehe &rose of this actiit$ is to maintain the ota >iscal (on#ition Recor#s for %ra=il.

Procedure1. Access the actiit$ &sing one of the folloing naigation otions

Transaction Code [MBG

2. n the (hange &t&t J (on#ition Recor#s ota >iscal screen ma'e the folloingentries5 selecting (hoose (on#ition a)les for &t&t ota >iscal 'e$ com)ination.







*r! o#+essag



>01 1000 1000 >01 @(@ P 1>01 1000 1100 >01 @(@ P 1>02 1000 1000 >02 @(@ P 1>02 1000 1100 >02 @(@ P 1

<. (hoose Sa(e.

4. (hoose %ac'

Create Initial PIS Ta: ate

'sehe &rose of this actiit$ is to maintain the con#ition recor# for P7S a3 Rate %ra=il.

Procedure1. Access the actiit$ &sing one of the folloing naigation otions

IM Menu Financial Accounting ;/e+<   Financial Accounting Glo0alSettings ;/e+<  6ax on SalesPurchases   Calculation

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SAP Best Practices Sales an# Distri)&tion *10+, (onfig&ration G&i#e

Settings or 6ax Calculation in Bra)il  Access 6ax !anagerZsorkplace

Menu IM

Conta0ilidade inanceira ;n(.<   Conigura$'es glo0ais

conta0ilidade inanceira ;no(o<   ?*A  C1lculo  Op$'es

 para c1lculo de impostos no Brasil   Chamar 6ax

 Administration 6ool 

Transaction Code [MB6A\ 

2. n the a3 Managers "or' Place screen choose Maintain P7S :al&es otion an# entr$the al&es

Country &ey Ta: roup

%R /!

<. n the (hange :ie Oa3 (alc&lationP7S erie screen entr$ the al&es

Create Initial C$%I*S Ta: ate

'sehe &rose of this actiit$ is to maintain the con#ition recor# for P7S a3 Rate %ra=il.

Procedure1. Access the actiit$ &sing one of the folloing naigation otions

IM Menu

?!G   Financial Accounting ;/e+<   Financial Accounting

Glo0al Settings ;/e+<   6ax on SalesPurchases Calculation  Settings or 6ax Calculation in Bra)il  Access6ax !anagerZs orkplace

Menu IM

?!G   Conta0ilidade inanceira ;n(.<   Conigura$'es

glo0ais conta0ilidade inanceira ;no(o<   ?*A   C1lculo

Op$'es para c1lculo de impostos no Brasil   Chamar 6ax Administration 6ool 

Transaction Code [MB6A\ 

2. n the a3 Managers "or' Place screen choose Maintain (>7S :al&es otion an#entr$ the al&es

Country &ey Ta: roup

%R /!

<. n the (hange :ie Oa3 (alc&lation(>7S erie screen entr$ the al&es

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3alid %ro+ 3alid To Ta: ate Ta: -ase

01.01.200+ <1.12.2!!! 156+ 100

3alid %ro+ 3alid To Ta: ate Ta: -ase

01.01.200+ <1.12.2!!! 560 100

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SAP Best Practices Sales an# Distri)&tion *10+, (onfig&ration G&i#e

-,=I4I,* 4$C,4I=,TI$*

*ota %iscal 9lectronic (*%/e)

Purposehis section of the config&ration g&i#e roi#es the information $o& nee# to set & theconfig&ration of >-e.

7f $o& #o not ant to config&re man&all$ an# refer an a&tomate# installation rocess &singthe SAP %est Practices 7nstallation Assistant an# other tools5 refer to the SAP %est PracticesK&ic' G&i#e.


es%efore $o& start installing this scenario5 $o& m&st install rereF&isite )&il#ing )loc's. >or moreinformation5 see the  %&il#ing %loc' PrereF&isites Matri3 for SAP %est Practices %aselinePac'age.

De#ine %or+s / *%/e

Procedure1. Access the actiit$ &sing one of the folloing naigation otions

IM Menu CrossApplication Components W  General ApplicationFunctions W /ota iscal W Output W Deine Forms

Menu IM Componentes (1lidos para (1rias aplica$'es & Fun$'esgerais de aplica$%o & /ota iscal & Sa4da & Deinirormul1rios

Transaction Code SP7O

2. n the Change *ie+ ,Forms- O(er(ie+ screen5 choose /e+ entries  an# enter theal&es shon )elo

%or+ %or+ description

*%55 ota >iscal Eletronica

<. (hoose Sa(e.

4. (hoose Back  *><,.

De#ine *u+ber roups / *%/e

Procedure1. Access the actiit$ &sing one of the folloing naigation otions

IM Menu CrossApplication Components W  General ApplicationFunctions W /ota iscal W Output W Deine /um0er Groups

Menu IM Componentes (1lidos para (1rias aplica$'es & Fun$'es

gerais de aplica$%o & /ota iscal & Sa4da & Deinir grupos den]s

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Transaction Code SP7O

2. n the /e+ Entries O(er(ie+ o Added Entries screen5 choose /e+ entries an# enterthe al&es shon )elo

*% nu+ber group Description100099 1000 J 7ncomming >-e

10009S 1000 J &tgoing >-e

110099 1100 J 7ncomming >-e

11009S 1100 J &tgoing >-e

101099 1010 J 7ncomming >-e

10109S 1010 J &tgoing >-e

<. (hoose Sa(e.

4. (hoose Back  *><,.

Condition types #or $utput Deter+ination B*%/e

Procedure1. Access the actiit$ &sing one of the folloing naigation otions

IM Menu CrossApplication Components W  General ApplicationFunctions W /ota iscal W Output Determination & Condition6#pes

Menu IM Componentes (1lidos para (1rias aplica$'es & Fun$'esgerais de aplica$%o & /ota iscal & Determina$%o da sa4da &

6ipos de condi$%oTransaction Code SP7O

2. n the Change *ie+ ,Output 6#pes- O(er(ie+ screen5 choose Displa# W Change;Ctrl^FM< then choose /e+ Entries.

<. n the /e+ Entries Details o Added Entries enter the folloing al&es

%ield na+e Description 'ser action and values Co++ent

&t&t t$e >++

Descrition >orm 1 - >e

2eneral data

 Access seF&ence 0001 Access to con#itions ; J flag

Partner-in#e. &t&t ; J flag

$e3ault 1alues

Disatch time 1 J Sen# ith erio#icall$ sch.

ransmission Me#i&m 1 J Print o&t&t

Storage system

Storage Mo#e 1 J Print onl$

Doc&ment t$e MM7A>7SPartner-in#e. &t&t ; J flag

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4. Do&)le-clic' on !ail title and texts to chec' if hae information a)o&t e-mails.

+. (hoose Processing routines an# choose /e+ Entries.

6. n the /e+ Entries details o Added Entries5 enter the folloing al&es

%ield na+e Description 'ser action and values Co++ent

ransm. Me#i&m 1 J Print o&t&t

Processing 0

Program I>ENPR7NDA>E

>orm Ro&tine ER

PD>9Smartform >orm IN>DA>ENPRRA7NSAP his smart form ill )e#efine# from thecoman$.

>orm $e 1 - Smart>orm

. (hoose Enter.

/. (hoose Partner Function to see the c&stomi=ing.

!. (hoose Sa(e.

10. (hoose Back.

Condition types #or *ota %iscal Parallel Process ($ptional)

'sehis actiit$ m&st )e c&stomi=e# if the coman$ &ses ota >iscal Parallel Process. hisc&stomi=ing it is not necessar$ to create an o)Cect.

Procedure1. Access the actiit$ &sing one of the folloing naigation otions

IM Menu CrossApplication Components W  General ApplicationFunctions W /ota iscal W Output Determination & Condition6#pes

Menu IM Componentes (1lidos para (1rias aplica$'es & Fun$'esgerais de aplica$%o & /ota iscal & Determina$%o da sa4da &6ipos de condi$%o

Transaction Code SP7O

2. n the Change *ie+ ,Output 6#pes- O(er(ie+ screen5 choose Displa# W Change;Ctrl^FM< then choose Output t#pe /F=M an# chose ith #o&)le-clic' Processing routines.

<. n the Change (ie+ ,Processing routines- Details5 enter the folloing al&es

%ield na+e Description 'ser action and values Co++ent

Processing 0

Program BN1%>PR

>orm Ro&tine ER

PD>9Smartform >orm IN>DA>ENPRRA7NSAP his smart form ill )e#efine# from the

coman$.>orm BN1%AN>7S(A@

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%ield na+e Description 'ser action and values Co++ent

Processing # 

Program BN1%>E;M@8PARA@@E@

>orm Ro&tine ER


Processing '

Program I>ENPR7NDA>E

>orm Ro&tine ER


4. (hoose Enter.

+. (hoose Sa(e.

Maintain *u+ber anges #or *%/eProcedure1. Access the actiit$ &sing one of the folloing naigation otions

IM Menu CrossApplication Components W  General ApplicationFunctions W /ota iscal W Electronic /otas Fisca4s ;/Fe< &!aintain /um0er 7anges or /Fe

Menu IM Componentes (1lidos para (1rias aplica$'es & Fun$'esgerais de aplica$%o & /ota iscal & /otas iscais eletr_nicas;/Fe<& Atuali)ar inter(alos de numera$%o para /Fe

Transaction Code SP7O

2. n the /ota iscal Electronica /um0er screen5 on the fiel# /F num0er group insertM===ES an# choose Change inter(als.

<. 7nsert the interals F7O! /:!BE7 ========M 6O /:!BE7`````````.

4. (hoose Sa(e an# reeat the stes ith Group MM==ES and M=M=ES.

+. (hoose Back 6+ice.

,ssign *u+bering and Printing Para+eters B *%/e

Procedure1. Access the actiit$ &sing one of the folloing naigation otions

IM Menu CrossApplication Components W  General ApplicationFunctions W /ota iscal W  Output & Assign /um0ering andPrinting Parameters

Menu IM Componentes (1lidos para (1rias aplica$'es & Fun$'esgerais de aplica$%o & /ota iscal & Sa4da & Atri0uir parKmetros de numera$%o e impress%o

Transaction Code SP7O

2. n the Change *ie+ ,General Print Parameters- O(er(ie+ screen5 select /e+ entries.

<. n the /e+ Entries Details o Added Entries screen5 enter #e folloing al&es

%ield na+e Description 'ser action and values Co++ent

(oman$ (o#e 1000%&siness Place 0001

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%ield na+e Description 'ser action and values Co++ent

ota >iscal >orm >++ ota >iscal Electronic

2eneral $ata

> &m)ers 1000ES

Series 1

@ines hea#.msg 12

7tem lines

Printer @(@


o. Range o. 01

&m)ering (ontin. ;

&t&t Deice @(@

R>( (all 1

&m)ering5 R>( call an# #ata )ase &#ate in the same @8". 8se for create >-e n&m)er a&tomaticall$.

1 &m)ering \ R>( is triggere# ia the Monitor Reort* B1%>E,. 8sing )&tton


2 &m)ering in Monitor Reort - R>( ia )atch reort.

< &m)ering an# R>( are triggere# in the )atch reort BN1%R>(%.

4. (hoose Sa(e.

+. E3ec&te the stes < an# 4 &sing another %&siness Place *i.e. 0002,.6. (hoose Back.

$utput Deter+ination Procedure1. Access the actiit$ &sing one of the folloing naigation otions

IM Menu CrossApplication Components W  General ApplicationFunctions W  /ota iscal W  Output Determination & OutputDetermination Procedure

Menu IM Componentes (1lidos para (1rias aplica$'es & Fun$'esgerais de aplica$%o & /ota iscal & Determina$%o da sa4da &

Es8uema de mensagensTransaction Code SP7O

2. n the Change *ie+ ,Procedures- O(er(ie+ screen5 mar' /F===M an# choose ith#o&)le-clic' Control data.

<. n the Change *ie+ ,Control data- O(er(ie+ screen5 choose /e+ Entries.

4. n the /e+ Entries O(er(ie+ o Added Entries screen5 enter the folloing al&es

%ield na+e Description 'ser action and values Co++ent

Ste <0

(o&nter 1

($ (o&nter $e >++ >orm 1 J >-e

+. (hoose Sa(e.

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6. (hoose Back.

Create Condition ecord / *%/e

Procedure1. Access the actiit$ &sing one of the folloing naigation otions

IM Menu CrossApplication Components W  General ApplicationFunctions W  /ota iscal W  Output & Condition 7ecords &Create

Menu IM Componentes (1lidos para (1rias aplica$'es & Fun$'esgerais de aplica$%o & /ota iscal & Sa4da & 7egistroscondi$%o & Criar 

Transaction Code SP7O

2. n the Create Output Condition 7ecords /ota iscal screen5 enter ith the &t&t $e/F>> an# choose Enter.

<. n the o-& "e# Com0ination select Condition ta0les or Output /ota Fiscal an#choose Enter.

4. n the Create Condition 7ecords ;Form M< Fast Entr# screen5 enter the folloing al&es

%ield na+e Description 'ser action and values Co++ent

(oman$ (o#e 1000

%&siness Place 0001

> >orm >++ ota >iscal Electronica

+. (hoose Enter.

6. (hoose Communication or select #o&)le-clic' on /F Form.

. n the Create Condition 7ecords ;Form M< Communication screen5 enter the folloingal&es

%ield na+e Description 'ser action and values Co++ent

&t&t Deice i.e. @(@

Print 7mme#iatel$ ; J >lag

SAP coer age Do ot Print

Storage Mo#e 1 J Print nl$

/. (hoose Sa(e.

!. (hoose Back 6+ice.

10. Reeat this roce#&re for %&siness Place 0002 an# for %&siness Place 000< J (oman$(o#e 1010.

De#ine *ota %iscal Types

Procedure1. Access the actiit$ &sing one of the folloing naigation otions

IM Menu CrossApplication Components W  General ApplicationFunctions W /ota iscal W Deine /ota Fiscal 6#pes

Menu IM Componentes (1lidos para (1rias aplica$'es & Fun$'es

gerais de aplica$%o & /ota iscal & Deinir tipos de nota iscal Transaction Code SP7O

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2. n the Change *ie+ ,/ota Fiscal 6#pes- O(er(ie+ screen5 choose /e+ Entries to #efinethe folloing ota >iscal $es

7f $o& hae an$ co#e create# )efore5 lease &se another co#e5 these co#es are C&st s&ggestions to create a ota fiscal categor$.

*% Category 4ang Description

=% E (ancel &tgoing #irection *A, J >-e

P (ancelamento sa#a *A, - >-e

%ield na+e Description 'ser action and values Co++ent

Electronic > ; J >lag

Doc&ment $e + (ancel

Direction of Moement &tgoing

<. (hoose Sa(e.

4. (hoose /e+ Entries to enter the folloing al&es

*% Category 4ang Description

 27 E (ancel 7ncoming #irection *A, J >-e

P (ancelamento entra#a *A, - >-e

%ield na+e Description 'ser action and values Co++ent

Electronic > ; J >lag

Doc&ment $e + (ancel

Direction of Moement 7ncoming

+. (hoose Sa(e.

6. (hoose /e+ Entries to enter the folloing al&es*% Category 4ang Description

=, E ota >iscal &tgoing J >-e

P ota >iscal sa#a - >-e

%ield na+e Description 'ser action and values Co++ent

Electronic > ; J >lag

> cancel t$e I> - (ancel &tgoing#irection *A,

Doc&ment $e 1 ota >iscal

Direction of Moement &tgoing

6ther ta7

ota >iscal form >++ - ota >iscalElectronica

ota >iscal mo#el ++ ota >iscal J Mo#el ++

. (hoose Sa(e.

/. (hoose /e+ Entries to enter the folloing al&es

*% Category 4ang Description

=- E ota >iscal (omlementar of &tgoing

P (omlementar nota fiscal #e sa#a - >

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*% Category 4ang Description

%ield na+e Description 'ser action and values Co++ent

Electronic > ; J >lag

> cancel t$e I> - (ancel &tgoing

#irection *A,Doc&ment $e 2 (omlementar  

Direction of Moement &tgoing

6ther ta7

ota >iscal form >++ - ota >iscalElectronica

ota >iscal mo#el ++ ota >iscal J Mo#el ++

!. (hoose Sa(e.

10. (hoose /e+ Entries to enter the folloing al&es

*% Category 4ang Description

=C E ota >iscal (orrection of &tgoing J >-e

P (orreo #e nota fiscal #e sa#a - >-E

%ield na+e Description 'ser action and values Co++ent

Electronic > ; J >lag

> cancel t$e I> - (ancel &tgoing#irection *A,

Doc&ment $e < (orrection

Direction of Moement &tgoing

11. (hoose Sa(e.

12. (hoose /e+ Entries to enter the folloing al&es

*% Category 4ang Description

=D E ota >iscal Ret&rn of &tgoing J >-e

P Deol&o > #e sa#a - >-E

%ield na+e Description 'ser action and values Co++ent

Electronic > ; J >lag

> cancel t$e H - (ancel 7ncoming#irection *A,

Doc&ment $e 6 Ret&rn

Direction of Moement 7ncoming

6ther ta7

ota >iscal mo#el ++ ota >iscal J Mo#el ++

1<. (hoose Sa(e.

14. (hoose /e+ Entries to enter the folloing al&es

*% Category 4ang Description

=9 E ota >iscal Ret&rn of &tgoing *Entra#a, J >-e

P Deol&o > #e sa#a *entra#a, - >-e

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*% Category 4ang Description

%ield na+e Description 'ser action and values Co++ent

ota >iscal Entra#a ; J >lag

Electronic > ; J >lag

> cancel t$e H - (ancel 7ncoming#irection *A,

Doc&ment $e 6 Ret&rn

Direction of Moement 7ncoming

6ther ta7

ota >iscal form >++ - ota >iscalElectronica

ota >iscal mo#el ++ ota >iscal J Mo#el ++

1+. (hoose Sa(e.

16. (hoose /e+ Entries to enter the folloing al&es

*% Category 4ang Description

 2, E ota >iscal 7ncoming J >-e

P ota fiscal entra#a - >-e

%ield na+e Description 'ser action and values Co++ent

Electronic > ; J >lag

> cancel t$e H - (ancel 7ncoming#irection *A,

Doc&ment $e 1 ota >iscal

Direction of Moement 7ncoming

> artner f&nction @> J :en#or  

> artner t$e : J :en#or  

6ther ta7

ota >iscal mo#el ++ ota >iscal J Mo#el ++

1. (hoose Sa(e.

1/. (hoose /e+ Entries to enter the folloing al&es

*% Category 4ang Description

 2- E ota >iscal Ret&rn of 7ncoming J >-eP Deol&o *sa#a, > entra#a - >-e

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*% Category 4ang Description

%ield na+e Description 'ser action and values Co++ent

Electronic > ; J >lag

> cancel t$e I> - (ancel &tgoing

#irection *A,Doc&ment $e 6 Ret&rn

Direction of Moement &tgoing

> artner f&nction @> J :en#or  

> artner t$e : J :en#or  

e3t 'e$ RE8 - Ret&rn te3t for 7P7

6ther ta7

ota >iscal form >++ - ota >iscalElectronica

ota >iscal mo#el ++ ota >iscal J Mo#el ++

1!. (hoose Sa(e.

20. (hoose /e+ Entries to enter the folloing al&es

*% Category 4ang Description

 2C E ota >iscal 7ss&e J >-e

P ota fiscal sa#a #e merca#orias - >-e

%ield na+e Description 'ser action and values Co++ent

Electronic > ; J >lag

> cancel t$e I> - (ancel &tgoing#irection *A,

Doc&ment $e 1 ota >iscal

Direction of Moement &tgoing

6ther ta7

ota >iscal form >++ - ota >iscalElectronica

ota >iscal mo#el ++ ota >iscal J Mo#el ++

21. (hoose Sa(e.

22. (hoose /e+ Entries to enter the folloing al&es

*% Category 4ang Description

 2D E ota >iscal Ret&rn of 7ss&e J >-e

P Deol&o > 9sa#a merca#. - >-e

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*% Category 4ang Description

%ield na+e Description 'ser action and values Co++ent

Electronic > ; J >lag

> cancel t$e H - (ancel 7ncoming

#irection *A,Doc&ment $e 6 Ret&rn

Direction of Moement 7ncoming

6ther ta7

ota >iscal mo#el ++ ota >iscal J Mo#el ++

2<. (hoose Sa(e.

24. (hoose /e+ Entries to enter the folloing al&es

*% Category 4ang Description

 29 E ota >iscal Receit J >-e

P ota fiscal entra#a #e merca#orias->-e

%ield na+e Description 'ser action and values Co++ent

Electronic > ; J >lag

> cancel t$e H - (ancel 7ncoming#irection *A,

Doc&ment $e 1 ota >iscal

Direction of Moement 7ncoming

6ther ta7

ota >iscal mo#el ++ ota >iscal J Mo#el ++2+. (hoose Sa(e.

26. (hoose /e+ Entries to enter the folloing al&es

*% Category 4ang Description

 2% E ota >iscal Ret&rn of Receit J >-e

P Deol&o > #e entra#a merca#.- >-e

%ield na+e Description 'ser action and values Co++ent

Electronic > ; J >lag

> cancel t$e I> - (ancel &tgoing

#irection *A,Doc&ment $e 6 Ret&rn

Direction of Moement &tgoing

6ther ta7

ota >iscal form >++ - ota >iscalElectronica

ota >iscal mo#el ++ ota >iscal J Mo#el ++

2. (hoose Sa(e.

2/. (hoose /e+ Entries to enter the folloing al&es

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*% Category 4ang Description

 2 E (onsignment J >-e

P (onsignao - >-e

%ield na+e Description 'ser action and values Co++ent

Electronic > ; J >lag

> cancel t$e H - (ancel 7ncoming#irection *A,

Doc&ment $e 1 ota >iscal

Direction of Moement 7ncoming

> artner f&nction @> J :en#or  

> artner t$e : J :en#or  

> 7tem $e +1 (onsignment inoiceitem

6ther ta7

ota >iscal mo#el ++ ota >iscal J Mo#el ++

2!. (hoose Sa(e.

<0. (hoose Back .

De#ine *% Type edeter+ination #or oods Move+ents

Procedure1. Access the actiit$ &sing one of the folloing naigation otions

IM Menu CrossApplication Components & General Application Functions& /ota iscal & Electronic /otas Fisca4s ;/Fe< & Deine /F6#pe 7edetermination or Goods !o(ements

Menu IM Componentes (1lidos para (1rias aplica$'es & Fun$'es geraisde aplica$%o & /ota iscal & /otas iscais eletr_nicas ;/Fe< &Deinir redetermina$%o do tipo de /F para mo(imentos demercadorias

Transaction Code SP7O

2. n the Change *ie+ ,/Fe /F 6#pe determination or goods mo(ements- O(er(ie+screen5 choose /e+ Entries.

<. n the /e+ Entries O(er(ie+ o Added Entries screen5 enter the folloing al&es

Plant Move+ent Type *% Type 'ser Decision

+41 (

+42 D ;

+4< E ;

/21 E ;

/22 >

/<< (

/<+ E ;

/61 E ;

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Plant Move+ent Type *% Type 'ser Decision

/62 (

4. Sae $o&r entries.

+. (hoose Back.

De#ining -usiness Places

Procedure1. Access the actiit$ &sing one of the folloing naigation otions

IM Menu CrossApplication Components W General Application FunctionsW  /ota iscal W  C/P[ Business Places W  Deine BusinessPlaces

Menu IM Componentes (1lidos para (1rias aplica$'es & Fun$'es geraisde aplica$%o & /ota iscal & Filial C/P[ & Deinir locais deneg5cio

Transaction Code SP7O

2. n the o-& Determine ork Area Entr#  enter the (oman$ (o#e an# choose Enter. 

<. n the Change *ie+ ,Branch- O(er(ie+ screen5 mar' the %&siness Place on right si#e ofscreen an# then select ith #o&)le-clic' /Fe Coniguration.

4. Select /e+ Entries.

+. n the /e+ Entries Details o Added Entries screen5 enter the folloing al&es

%ield na+e Description 'ser action and values Co++ent

> mo#el ++ ota >iscal J Mo#el ++

:ali# from *i.e. 20.10.200/, dc&rrent #ateb

S$stem 7D i.e. 2 Homologation *est, o& can &se 1Pro#&ction.

SAP 3>e Actie ;

Destination i.e. S(7(@100

;M@ :ersion 1510

>e Al. :er. SAP >E 1.0

:al&e ormal 1

:al&e (onting5 2

Proc.7#entific. 0 >-e iss&e# )$contri)&tors s$stem

>or. 8> :al&e E;

>or. (M8 :al&e !!!!!!!

>or. ;M8 :al&e E;ER7R

6. (hoose Sa(e.

. Reeat stes for (oman$ (o#e 1010.

/. (hoose Back.

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De#ining *% Type edeter+ination per -usiness Place

Procedure1. Access the actiit$ &sing one of the folloing naigation otions

IM Menu CrossApplication Components & General Application

Functions & /ota iscal & Sales and Distri0ution BillingDocuments & Deine /F 6#pe 7edetermination per BusinessPlace

Menu IM Componentes (1lidos para (1rias aplica$'es & Fun$'esgerais de aplica$%o & /ota iscal & *endas e distri0ui$%o documentos de aturamento & Deinir redetermina$%o do tipode /F por local de neg5cio

Transaction Code SP7O

2. n the Change *ie+ ,/ota Fiscal 6#pe 7edetermination per Business Place- O(escreen5 choose /e+ Entries.

<. n the /e+ Entries O(er(ie+ o Added Entries enter the folloing al&es

CoCd -us! Place *T ,lt! *%T

1000 0001 1 IA

1000 0001 2 I%

1000 0001 < I(

1000 0001 4 ID

1000 0001 + IE

1000 0002 1 IA

1000 0002 2 I%

1000 0002 < I(

1000 0002 4 ID

1000 0002 + IE

1010 000< 1 IA

1010 000< 2 I%

1010 000< < I(

1010 000< 4 ID

1010 000< + IE

4. (hoose Sa(e.+. (hoose Back.

,ssign M4 3ersion to egion

Procedure1. Access the actiit$ &sing one of the folloing naigation otions

IM Menu CrossApplication Components & General ApplicationFunctions & /ota iscal & Electronic /otas Fisca4s ;/Fe< & Assign \!3 *ersion to 7egion

Menu IM Componentes (1lidos para (1rias aplica$'es & Fun$'esgerais de aplica$%o & /ota iscal & /otas iscais eletr_nicas

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;/Fe< & Atri0uir (ers%o \!3 R regi%o

Transaction Code SP7O

2. n the o-& Determine ork Area Entr#  screen insert the Countr# "e# ;B7< chooseEnter.

<. n the Change *ie+ ,/Fe *ersion o \!3 File- O(er(ie+ screen5 choose /e+ Entries.4. n the fiel# 7egion insert the state ;i.e. SP< on fiel# \!3 *ers. 7nsert the ersion of state*i.e. MM=<.

+. (hoose Sa(e.

6. (hoose Back.

De#ining S9%,= Status Codes

Procedure1. Access the actiit$ &sing one of the folloing naigation otions

IM Menu CrossApplication Components W General Application FunctionsW  /ota iscal W  Electronic /otas Fisca4s ;/Fe< W  DeineSEFA Status Codes

Menu IM Componentes (1lidos para (1rias aplica$'es & Fun$'es geraisde aplica$%o & /ota iscal & /otas iscais eletr_nicas ;/Fe< &Deinir c5digos de status SEFA 

Transaction Code SP7O

2. n the Change *ie+ ,/Fe Status Code !aintanance- O(er(ie+  screen5 choose /e+Entries.

<. n the /e+ Entries Details o Added Entries screen5 enter the folloing al&es shon)elo

Stat Code 4ang! Status Code Description

100 E

P A&tori=a#o o &so #a >-e

101 E

P (ancelamento #e >-e homologa#o

102 E

P 7n&tili=ao #e nmero homologa#o

10< E

P @ote rece)i#o com s&cesso104 E

P @ote rocessa#o

10+ E

P @ote em rocessamento

106 E

P @ote no locali=a#o

10 E

P Serio em erao

10/ E

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Stat Code 4ang! Status Code Description

P Serio Paralisa#o Momentaneamente *c&rto ra=o,

10! E

P Serio Paralisa#o sem Preiso

110 E

P 8so Denega#o

111 E

P (ons&lta ca#astro com &ma ocorrjncia

112 E

P (ons&lta ca#astro com mais #e &ma ocorrjncia

201 E

P ReCeio n&mero mU3imo #e n&merao #e >-e a in&tili=ar&ltraasso& o li

202 E

P ReCeio >alha no reconhecimento #a a&toria o& integri#a#e #oarF&io #igit

20< E

P ReCeio Emissor no ha)ilita#o ara emisso #a >-e

204 E

P ReCeio D&lici#a#e #e >-e

20+ E

P ReCeio >-e estU #enega#a na )ase #e #a#os #a SE>AI206 E

P ReCeio >-e CU estU in&tili=a#a na %ase #e #a#os #a SE>AI

20 E

P ReCeio (PB #o emitente inUli#o

20/ E

P ReCeio (PB #o #estinatUrio inUli#o

20! E

P ReCeio 7E #o emitente inUli#a210 E

P ReCeio 7E #o #estinatUrio inUli#a

211 E

P ReCeio 7E #o s&)stit&to inUli#a

212 E

P ReCeio Data #e emisso >-e osterior a #ata #e rece)imento

21< E

P ReCeio (PB-%ase #o Emitente #ifere #o (PB-%ase #o

(ertifica#o Digital

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Stat Code 4ang! Status Code Description

214 E

P ReCeio amanho #a mensagem e3ce#e& o limite esta)eleci#o

21+ E

P ReCeio >alha no schema ;M@

216 E

P ReCeio (hae #e Acesso #ifere #a ca#astra#a

21 E

P ReCeio >-e no consta na )ase #e #a#os #a SE>AI

21/ E

P ReCeio >-e CU esta cancela#a na )ase #e #a#os #a SE>AI

21! E

P ReCeio (irc&lao #a >-e erifica#a220 E

P ReCeio >-e a&tori=a#a hU mais #e 60 #ias

221 E

P ReCeio (onfirma#o o rece)imento #a >-e elo #estinatUrio

222 E

P ReCeio Protocolo #e A&tori=ao #e 8so #ifere #o ca#astra#o

22< E

P ReCeio (PB #o transmissor #o lote #ifere #o (PB #otransmissor #a cons&

224 E

P ReCeio A fai3a inicial ] maior F&e a fai3a final

22+ E

P ReCeio >alha no Schema ;M@ #a >e

226 E

P ReCeio (k#igo #a 8> #o Emitente #ierge #a 8> a&tori=a#ora

22 E

P ReCeio Erro na (hae #e Acesso - (amo 7D

22/ E

P ReCeio Data #e Emisso m&ito atrasa#a

22! E

P ReCeio 7E #o emitente no informa#a

2<0 E

P ReCeio 7E #o emitente no ca#astra#a

2<1 E

P ReCeio 7E #o emitente no inc&la#a ao (PB2<2 E

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Stat Code 4ang! Status Code Description

P ReCeio 7E #o #estinatUrio no informa#a

2<< E

P ReCeio 7E #o #estinatUrio no ca#astra#a

2<4 E

P ReCeio 7E #o #estinatUrio no inc&la#a ao (PB

2<+ E

P ReCeio 7nscrio S8>RAMA inUli#a

2<6 E

P ReCeio (hae #e Acesso com #gito erifica#or inUli#o

2< E

P ReCeio (P> #o #estinatUrio inUli#o

2</ EP ReCeio (a)ealho - :erso #o arF&io ;M@ s&erior a :erso


2<! E

P ReCeio (a)ealho - :erso #o arF&io ;M@ no s&orta#a

240 E

P ReCeio (ancelamento97n&tili=ao - 7rreg&lari#a#e >iscal #oEmitente

241 E

P ReCeio 8m nmero #a fai3a CU foi &tili=a#o242 E

P ReCeio (a)ealho - >alha no Schema ;M@

24< E

P ReCeio ;M@ Mal >orma#o

244 E

P ReCeio (PB #o (ertifica#o Digital #ifere #o (PB #a Matri= e#o (PB #o Emit

24+ E

P ReCeio (PB Emitente no ca#astra#o

246 E

P ReCeio (PB DestinatUrio no ca#astra#o

24 E

P ReCeio Sigla #a 8> #o Emitente #ierge #a 8> a&tori=a#ora

24/ E

P ReCeio 8> #o Reci)o #ierge #a 8> a&tori=a#ora

24! E

P ReCeio 8> #a (hae #e Acesso #ierge #a 8> a&tori=a#ora

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Stat Code 4ang! Status Code Description

2+0 E

P ReCeio 8> #ierge #a 8> a&tori=a#ora

2+1 E

P ReCeio 8>9M&nicio #estinatUrio no ertence a S8>RAMA

2+2 E

P ReCeio Am)iente informa#o #ierge #o Am)iente #e rece)imento

2+< E

P ReCeio Digito :erifica#or #a chae #e acesso comosta inUli#a

2+4 E

P ReCeio >-e referencia#a no informa#a ara >-ecomlementar 

2++ E

P ReCeio 7nforma#a mais #e &ma >-e referencia#a ara >-ecomlementar 

2+6 E

P ReCeio 8ma >-e #a fai3a CU estU in&tili=a#a na %ase #e #a#os#a SE>AI

2+ E

P ReCeio Solicitante no ha)ilita#o ara emisso #a >-e

2+/ E

P ReCeio (PB #a cons&lta inUli#o

2+! E

P ReCeio (PB #a cons&lta no ca#astra#o como contri)&inte na8>

260 E

P ReCeio 7E #a cons&lta inUli#a

261 E

P ReCeio 7E #a cons&lta no ca#astra#a como contri)&inte na 8>

262 E

P ReCeio 8> no fornece cons&lta or (P>26< E

P ReCeio (P> #a cons&lta inUli#o

264 E

P ReCeio (P> #a cons&lta no ca#astra#o como contri)&inte na8>

26+ E

P ReCeio Sigla #a 8> #a cons&lta #ifere #a 8> #o "e) Serice

266 E

P ReCeio S]rie &tili=a#a no ermiti#a no "e) Serice

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Stat Code 4ang! Status Code Description

26 E

P ReCeio > (omlementar referencia &ma >-e ine3istente

26/ E

P ReCeio > (omlementar referencia &ma o&tra >-e(omlementar 

26! E

P ReCeio (PB Emitente #a > (omlementar #ifere #o (PB #a> Referencia#a

20 E

P ReCeio (k#igo M&nicio #o >ato Gera#or #gito inUli#o

21 E

P ReCeio (k#igo M&nicio #o >ato Gera#or #ifere #a 8> #o

emitente22 E

P ReCeio (k#igo M&nicio #o Emitente #gito inUli#o

2< E

P ReCeio (k#igo M&nicio #o Emitente #ifere #a 8> #o emitente

24 E

P ReCeio (k#igo M&nicio #o DestinatUrio #gito inUli#o

2+ E

P ReCeio (k#igo M&nicio #o DestinatUrio #ifere #a 8> #oDestinatUrio

26 E

P ReCeio (k#igo M&nicio #o @ocal #e Retira#a #gito inUli#o

2 E

P ReCeio (k#igo M&nicio #o @ocal #e Retira#a #ifere #a 8> #o@ocal #e Retir.

2/ E

P ReCeio (k#igo M&nicio #o @ocal #e Entrega #gito inUli#o

2! EP ReCeio (k#igo M&nicio #o @ocal #e Entrega #ifere #a 8> #o

@ocal #e Entra#a

2/0 E

P ReCeio (ertif ica#o ransmissor inUli#o

2/1 E

P ReCeio (ertifica#o ransmissor Data :ali#a#e

2/2 E

P ReCeio (ertif ica#o ransmissor sem (PB

2/< E

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Stat Code 4ang! Status Code Description

P ReCeio (ertifica#o ransmissor - erro (a#eia #e (ertificao

2/4 E

P ReCeio (ertif ica#o ransmissor reoga#o

2/+ E

P ReCeio (ertifica#o ransmissor #ifere 7(P-%rasil

2/6 E

P ReCeio (ertifica#o ransmissor erro no acesso a @(R

2/ E

P ReCeio (k#igo M&nicio #o >G - 7SSK #gito inUli#o

2// E

P ReCeio (k#igo M&nicio #o >G - ransorte #gito inUli#o

2/! EP ReCeio (k#igo #a 8> informa#a #ierge #a 8> solicita#a

2!0 E

P ReCeio (ertif ica#o Assinat&ra inUli#o

2!1 E

P ReCeio (ertifica#o Assinat&ra Data :ali#a#e

2!< E

P ReCeio (ertifica#o Assinat&ra - erro (a#eia #e (ertificao

2!4 EP ReCeio (ertif ica#o Assinat&ra reoga#o

2!+ E

P ReCeio (ertifica#o Assinat&ra #ifere 7(P-%rasil

2!6 E

P ReCeio (ertifica#o Assinat&ra erro no acesso a @(R

2! E

P ReCeio Assinat&ra #ifere #o calc&la#o

2!/ E

P ReCeio Assinat&ra #ifere #o a#ro #o ProCeto

2!! E

P ReCeio ;M@ #a Urea #e ca)ealho com co#ificao #iferente #e8>-/

<01 E

P 8so Denega#o 7rreg&lari#a#e fiscal #o emitente

<02 E

P 8so Denega#o 7rreg&lari#a#e fiscal #o #estinatUrio

401 EP ReCeio (P> #o remetente inUli#o

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Stat Code 4ang! Status Code Description

402 E

P ReCeio ;M@ #a Urea #e #a#os com co#ificao #iferente #e 8>-/

40< EP ReCeio gr&o #e informaTes #a >-e a&lsa ] #e &so

e3cl&sio #o >isco

404 E

P ReCeio 8so #e refi3o #e namesace no ermiti#o

40+ E

P ReCeio (k#igo #o as #o emitente #gito inUli#o

406 E

P ReCeio (k#igo #o as #o #estinatUrio #gito inUli#o

40 E

P ReCeio (P> sk o#e ser informa#o no camo emitente ara a>-e a&lsa

!!! E

P ReCeio Erro cataloga#o *inf. msg. #e erro cat&ra#o notratamento e3ceo,

4. Sae $o&r entries.

+. (hoose Back *><,.

De#ining Cancellation easons

Procedure1. Access the actiit$ &sing one of the folloing naigation otions

IM Menu CrossApplication Components & General Application Functions& /ota iscal & Electronic /otas Fisca4s ;/Fe< & DeineCancellation 7easons

Menu IM Componentes (1lidos para (1rias aplica$'es & Fun$'es geraisde aplica$%o & /ota iscal & /otas iscais eletr_nicas ;/Fe< &Deinir moti(os de estorno

Transaction Code SP7O

2. n the Change *ie+ ,/Fe 7eason or CancelSkip- O(er(ie+   screen5 choose /e+Entries.

<. n the /e+ Entries O(er(ie+ o Added Entries screen5 enter for the al&es shon)elo

%ield na+e Description 'ser action and values Co++ent

(ancel Reason 01

@ogistic 7noice 01

Descrition ota >iscal Electronica (ancel.

4. Sae $o&r entries an# ret&rn to the Change *ie+ ,/Fe 7eason or CancelSkip-

O(er(ie+  screen.+. Reeat ste 2 to < an# enter the al&es shon )elo

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%ield na+e Description 'ser action and values Co++ent

(ancel Reason 0

@ogistic 7noice 02

Descrition ota >iscal Electronica (ancel.

(ancel Reason 0

@ogistic 7noice 0<

Descrition ota >iscal Electronica (ancel.

(ancel Reason 0

@ogistic 7noice 04

Descrition ota >iscal Electronica (ancel.

(ancel Reason 05

@ogistic 7noice 0+

Descrition ota >iscal Electronica (ancel.6. Sae $o&r entries.

. (hoose Back .

De#ining IPI Ta: Situations

Procedure1. Access the actiit$ &sing one of the folloing naigation otions

IM Menu Financial Accounting ;/e+< & Financial Accounting Glo0alSettings ;/e+< & 6ax on SalesPurchases & Basic Settings &

Bra)il & Deine ?P? 6ax Situations

Menu IM Conta0ilidade inanceira ;n(.< & Conigura$'es glo0aisconta0ilidade inanceira ;no(o< & ?*A & Conigs.glo0ais & Brasil& Deinir situa$%o iscal ?P? 

Transaction Code SP7O

2. n the Change *ie+ ,6ax situation ?P?- O(er(ie+  screen5 choose /e+ Entries.

<. n the /e+ Entries O(er(ie+ o Added Entries screen5 enter the al&es shon )elo

Ta: sit! 4ang Description

0 E 7ncoming ith 7P7 cre#it

P Entra#a com rec&erao #e cr]#ito1 E 7ncoming ith ta3 rate _ =ero

P Entra#a tri)&ta#a com alF&ota =ero

2 E 7ncoming e3emt of 7P7

P Entra#a isenta

< E 7ncoming not ta3e# )$ 7P7

P Entra#a no tri)&ta#a

4 E 7ncoming - 7P7 imm&ne

P Entra#a im&ne

+ E 7ncoming ith s&sension *ato cotee 0,

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Ta: sit! 4ang Description

P Entra#a com s&senso

4! E ther incomings

P &tras entra#as

+0 E &tgoing ta3e# )$ 7P7

P Sa#a tri)&ta#a

+1 E &tgoing 7P7 ta3 rate _ =ero

P Sa#a tri)&ta#a com alF&ota =ero

+2 E &tgoing e3emt of 7P7

P Sa#a isenta

+< E &tgoing 7P7 not ta3e#

P Sa#a no tri)&ta#a

+4 E &tgoin - 7P7 imm&neP Sa#a im&ne

++ E &tgoing 7P7 s&sension

P Sa#a com s&senso

!! E ther o&tgoings

P &tras sa#as

4. Sae $o&r entries.

+. (hoose Back .

De#ining PIS Ta: SituationsProcedure1. Access the actiit$ &sing one of the folloing naigation otions

IM Menu Financial Accounting ;/e+< & Financial Accounting Glo0alSettings ;/e+< & 6ax on SalesPurchases & Basic Settings &Bra)il & Deine P?S 6ax Situations

Menu IM Conta0ilidade inanceira ;n(.< & Conigura$'es glo0aisconta0ilidade inanceira ;no(o< & ?*A & Conigs.glo0ais & Brasil& Deinir situa$'es iscais P?S

Transaction Code SP7O

2. n the Change *ie+ ,6ax situation P?S- O(er(ie+  screen5 choose /e+ Entries.

<. n the /e+ Entries O(er(ie+ o Added Entries screen5 enter the al&es shon )elo

Ta: sit! 4ang Description

01 E a3 #&e *ta3 )ase is > total 9 normal ta3 rate 9 c&m&latie

P erao ri)&tUel *)ase cUlc_lr oer. alF.normal *c&m&la

02 E a3 #&e *ta3 )ase is > total 9 secial ta3 rate,

P erao ri)&tUel *)ase cUlc_lr oer.*aliF.#iferencia#a,,

0< E a3 #&e *ta3 )ase is F&antit$ sol# 3 rate er ro#&ct &nit,

P erao ri)&tUel *)ase cUlc_F&ant.en# ; AliF. 8n. Pro#.,

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Ta: sit! 4ang Description

04 E a3 #&e *MonofUsico 9 ta3 rate is =ero,

P erao ri)&tUel *tri)&tao monofUsica *alF&ota =ero,,

0+ E o #escrition e3ists

P Sem #escriTes

06 E a3 #&e *ta3 rate is =ero,

P erao ri)&tUel *alF&ota =ero,

0 E a3 e3emt

P erao 7senta #a (ontri)&io

0/ E a3 not #&e

P erao Sem 7nci#jncia #a (ontri)&io

0! E a3 s&sension

P erao com S&senso #a (ontri)&io!! E thers

P &tras sa#as

4. (hoose Sa(e.

+. (hoose Back.

De#ining C$%I*S Ta: Situations


1. Access the actiit$ &sing one of the folloing naigation otions

IM Menu Financial Accounting ;/e+< & Financial Accounting Glo0alSettings ;/e+< & 6ax on SalesPurchases & Basic Settings &Bra)il & Deine COF?/S 6ax Situations

Menu IM Conta0ilidade inanceira ;n(.< & Conigura$'es glo0aisconta0ilidade inanceira ;no(o< & ?*A & Conigs.glo0ais & Brasil& Deinir situa$'es iscais COF?/S

Transaction Code SP7O

2. n the Change *ie+ ,6ax situation COF?/S- O(er(ie+  screen5 choose /e+ Entries.

<. n the /e+ Entries O(er(ie+ o Added Entries screen5 enter the al&es shon )elo

Ta: sit! 4ang Description

01 E a3 #&e *ta3 )ase is > total 9 normal ta3 rate 9 c&m&latie

P erao ri)&tUel *)ase cUlc_lr oer. alF.normal *c&m&la

02 E a3 #&e *ta3 )ase is > total 9 secial ta3 rate,

P erao ri)&tUel *)ase cUlc_lr oer.*aliF.#iferencia#a,,

0< E a3 #&e *ta3 )ase is F&antit$ sol# 3 rate er ro#&ct &nit,

P erao ri)&tUel *)ase cUlc_F&ant.en# ; AliF. 8n. Pro#.,

04 E a3 #&e *MonofUsico 9 ta3 rate is =ero,

P erao ri)&tUel *tri)&tao monofUsica *alF&ota =ero,,

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Ta: sit! 4ang Description

0+ E o #escrition e3ists

P Sem #escriTes

06 E a3 #&e *ta3 rate is =ero,

P erao ri)&tUel *alF&ota =ero,

0 E a3 e3emt

P erao 7senta #a (ontri)&io

0/ E a3 not #&e

P erao Sem 7nci#jncia #a (ontri)&io

0! E a3 s&sension

P erao com S&senso #a (ontri)&io

!! E thers

P &tras eraTes

4. Sae $o&r entries.

De#ining IPI Ta: 4a8s


1. Access the actiit$ &sing one of the folloing naigation otions

IM Menu Financial Accounting ;/e+< & Financial Accounting Glo0alSettings ;/e+< & 6ax on SalesPurchases & Basic Settings &Bra)il & Deine ?P? 6ax 3a+s

Menu IM Conta0ilidade inanceira ;n(.< & Conigura$'es glo0aisconta0ilidade inanceira ;no(o< & ?*A & Conigs.glo0ais & Brasil& Deinir lei iscal ?P? 

Transaction Code SP7O

2. n the Change *ie+ ,6ax 3a+ ?P?- O(er(ie+  screen5 choose /e+ Entries.

<. n the /e+ Entries O(er(ie+ o Added Entries screen5 enter the al&es shon )elo

IPI la8 4ang Description

I00 E 7ncoming ith 7P7 cre#it

P Entra#a com rec&erao #e cr]#ito Sa#a ri)&ta#a

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IPI la8 4ang Description

%ield na+e Description 'ser action and values Co++ent

a3 Sit. 7P7 7n 0 - 7ncoming ith 7P7 cre#it

a3 Sit. 7P7 & +0 - &tgoing ta3e# )$ 7P7

4,F tab Te:ts

@ine 1 i.e. 00-7ncoming ith 7P7 cre#it 111111

@ine 2 i.e. 00-7ncoming ith 7P7 cre#it 2222222

@ine < i.e. 00-7ncoming ith 7P7 cre#it <<<<<<<<<<

@ine 4 i.e. 00-7ncoming ith 7P7 cre#it 444444444444

n the @A" ta) tests $o& ill insert the tests to )e aear on the ota >iscalElectronica5 to )e s&re hat is the right test5 $o& m&st as' $o&r finance #eartment.

4. Sae $o&r entries.

+. Reeat ste 2 to < an# enter the al&es shon )elo

IPI la8 4ang Description

I01 E 7ncoming ith ta3 rate _ =ero

P Entra#a Sa#a tri)&ta#a com alF&ota =ero

%ield na+e Description 'ser action and values Co++ent

a3 Sit. 7P7 7n 1 - 7ncoming ith ta3 rate_ =ero

a3 Sit. 7P7 & +1 - &tgoing 7P7 ta3 rate_ =ero

4,F tab Te:ts

@ine 1 i.e. 01-7ncoming ith ta3 rate _ =ero +1 -1@ine 2 i.e. 01-7ncoming ith ta3 rate _ =ero +1 -2

@ine < i.e. 01-7ncoming ith ta3 rate _ =ero +1 -<

@ine 4 i.e. 01-7ncoming ith ta3 rate _ =ero +1 -4

6. Sae $o&r entries.

. Reeat ste 2 to < an# enter the al&es shon )elo

IPI la8 4ang Description

I0 E 7ncoming e3emt of 7P7

P Entra#a Sa#a isenta%ield na+e Description 'ser action and values Co++ent

a3 Sit. 7P7 7n 2 - 7ncoming e3emt of 7P7

a3 Sit. 7P7 & +2 - &tgoing e3emt of 7P7

4,F tab Te:ts

@ine 1 i.e. 02-7ncoming e3emt of 7P7 +2 -1

@ine 2 i.e. 02-7ncoming e3emt of 7P7 +2 -2

@ine < i.e. 02-7ncoming e3emt of 7P7 +2 -<

@ine 4 i.e. 02-7ncoming e3emt of 7P7 +2 -4

/. Sae $o&r entries.

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!. Reeat ste 2 to < an# enter the al&es shon )elo

IPI la8 4ang Description

I0 E 7ncoming not ta3e# )$ 7P7

P Entra#a Sa#a no tri)&ta#a

%ield na+e Description 'ser action and values Co++ent

a3 Sit. 7P7 7n < - 7ncoming not ta3e# )$ 7P7

a3 Sit. 7P7 & +< - &tgoing 7P7 not ta3e#

4,F tab Te:ts

@ine 1 i.e. 0<-7ncoming not ta3e# )$ 7P7 +< -1

@ine 2 i.e. 0<-7ncoming not ta3e# )$ 7P7 +< -2

@ine < i.e. 0<-7ncoming not ta3e# )$ 7P7 +< -<

@ine 4 i.e. 0<-7ncoming not ta3e# )$ 7P7 +< -4

10. Sae $o&r entries.11. Reeat ste 2 to < an# enter the al&es shon )elo

IPI la8 4ang Description

I0 E 7ncoming - 7P7 imm&ne

P Entra#a Sa#a im&ne

%ield na+e Description 'ser action and values Co++ent

a3 Sit. 7P7 7n 4 - 7ncoming - 7P7 imm&ne

a3 Sit. 7P7 & +4 - &tgoin - 7P7 imm&ne

4,F tab Te:ts@ine 1 i.e. 04-7ncoming - 7P7 imm&ne +4 -1

@ine 2 i.e. 04-7ncoming - 7P7 imm&ne +4 -2

@ine < i.e. 04-7ncoming - 7P7 imm&ne +4 -<

@ine 4 i.e. 04-7ncoming - 7P7 imm&ne +4 -4

12. Sae $o&r entries.

1<. Reeat ste 2 to < an# enter the al&es shon )elo

IPI la8 4ang Description

I05 E 7ncoming ith s&sension *ato cotee 0,

P Entra#a Sa#a com s&senso

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IPI la8 4ang Description

%ield na+e Description 'ser action and values Co++ent

a3 Sit. 7P7 7n + - 7ncoming ith s&sension*ato cotee 0,

a3 Sit. 7P7 & ++ - &tgoing 7P7 s&sension4,F tab Te:ts

@ine 1 i.e. 0+ - 7ncoming ith s&sension *ato cotee 0, ++ -1

@ine 2 i.e. 0+ - 7ncoming ith s&sension *ato cotee 0, ++ -2

@ine < i.e. 0+ - 7ncoming ith s&sension *ato cotee 0, ++ -<

@ine 4 i.e. 0+ - 7ncoming ith s&sension *ato cotee 0, ++ -4

14. Sae $o&r entries.

1+. Reeat ste 2 to < an# enter the al&es shon )elo

IPI la8 4ang DescriptionI6 E ther incomings

P &tras Entra#as Sa#as

%ield na+e Description 'ser action and values Co++ent

a3 Sit. 7P7 7n 4! - ther incomings

a3 Sit. 7P7 & !! -ther o&tgoings

4,F tab Te:ts

@ine 1 i.e. 4!-ther incomings

@ine 2 i.e. )4! - line 2 _________

@ine < i.e. )4! - line < _________

@ine 4 i.e. )4! - line 4 _________

16. Sae $o&r entries.

1. (hoose Back .

De#ining PIS Ta: 4a8s


1. Access the actiit$ &sing one of the folloing naigation otionsIM Menu Financial Accounting ;/e+< & Financial Accounting Glo0al

Settings ;/e+< & 6ax on SalesPurchases & Basic Settings &Bra)il & Deine P?S 6ax 3a+s

Menu IM Conta0ilidade inanceira ;n(.< & Conigura$'es glo0aisconta0ilidade inanceira ;no(o< & ?*A & Conigs.glo0ais & Brasil& Deinir con(en$'es iscais P?S

Transaction Code SP7O

2. n the Change *ie+ ,6ax 3a+ P?S- O(er(ie+  screen5 select the otion /e+ Entries.

<. n the /e+ Entries O(er(ie+ o Added Entries screen5 enter the al&es shon )elo

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PIS la8 4ang Description

P01 E a3 D&e *)ase amo&nt _ total al&e of normal ta3 rate, _ 01

P erao ri)&tUel *)ase cUlc_lr oer. alF.normal *c&m&la

%ield na+e Description 'ser action and values Co++ent

a3 Sit. P7S 01

4,F tab Te:ts

@ine 1

@ine 2

@ine <

@ine 4

4. Sae $o&r entries.

+. Reeat ste 2 to < an# enter the al&es shon )elo

PIS la8 4ang Description

P0 E a3 D&e *)ase amo&nt _ total al&e *#if ta3 rate, _ 02

P erao ri)&tUel *)ase cUlc_lr oer.*aliF.#iferencia#a,,

%ield na+e Description 'ser action and values Co++ent

a3 Sit. P7S 02

4,F tab Te:ts

@ine 1

@ine 2

@ine <@ine 4

6. Sae $o&r entries.

. Reeat ste 2 to < an# enter the al&es shon )elo

PIS la8 4ang Description

P0 E a3 D&e *)ase amo&nt _ sale Ft$ 3 ta3 rate er )ase &ni _ 0<

P erao ri)&tUel *)ase cUlc_F&ant.en# ; AliF. 8n. Pro#.,

%ield na+e Description 'ser action and values Co++ent

a3 Sit. P7S 0<4,F tab Te:ts

@ine 1

@ine 2

@ine <

@ine 4

/. Sae $o&r entries.

!. Reeat ste 2 to < an# enter the al&es shon )elo

PIS la8 4ang Description

P0 E a3 D&e *monohasic sit&ation *ta3 rate _ =ero, _ 04

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PIS la8 4ang Description

P erao ri)&tUel *tri)&tao monofUsica *alF&ota =ero,,

%ield na+e Description 'ser action and values Co++ent

a3 Sit. P7S 04

4,F tab Te:ts

@ine 1

@ine 2

@ine <

@ine 4

10. Sae $o&r entries.

11. Reeat ste 2 to < an# enter the al&es shon )elo

PIS la8 4ang Description

P05 E o #escrition e3ists

P Sem #escriTes

%ield na+e Description 'ser action and values Co++ent

a3 Sit. P7S 0+

4,F tab Te:ts

@ine 1

@ine 2

@ine <

@ine 412. Sae $o&r entries.

1<. Reeat ste 2 to < an# enter the al&es shon )elo

PIS la8 4ang Description

P0 E a3 D&e *ta3 rate =ero, _ 06

P erao ri)&tUel *alF&ota =ero,

%ield na+e Description 'ser action and values Co++ent

a3 Sit. P7S 06

4,F tab Te:ts@ine 1

@ine 2

@ine <

@ine 4

14. Sae $o&r entries.

1+. Reeat ste 2 to < an# enter the al&es shon )elo

PIS la8 4ang Description

P0< E o a3 _ 0

P erao 7senta #a (ontri)&io

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PIS la8 4ang Description

%ield na+e Description 'ser action and values Co++ent

a3 Sit. P7S 0

4,F tab Te:ts

@ine 1

@ine 2

@ine <

@ine 4

16. Sae $o&r entries.

1. Reeat ste 2 to < an# enter the al&es shon )elo

PIS la8 4ang Description

P0? E o a3 *no 7nci#ence, _ 0/

P erao Sem 7nci#jncia #a (ontri)&io

%ield na+e Description 'ser action and values Co++ent

a3 Sit. P7S 0/

4,F tab Te:ts

@ine 1

@ine 2

@ine <

@ine 4

1/. Sae $o&r entries.1!. Reeat ste 2 to < an# enter the al&es shon )elo

PIS la8 4ang Description

P06 E o a3 *s&sension, _ 0!

P erao com S&senso #a (ontri)&io

%ield na+e Description 'ser action and values Co++ent

a3 Sit. P7S 0!

4,F tab Te:ts

@ine 1@ine 2

@ine <

@ine 4

20. Sae $o&r entries.

21. Reeat ste 2 to < an# enter the al&es shon )elo

PIS la8 4ang Description

P66 E thers _ !!

P &tras eraTes

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PIS la8 4ang Description

%ield na+e Description 'ser action and values Co++ent

a3 Sit. P7S !!

4,F tab Te:ts

@ine 1

@ine 2

@ine <

@ine 4

22. Sae $o&r entries.

2<. (hoose Back .

De#ining C$%I*S Ta: 4a8s

Procedure1. Access the actiit$ &sing one of the folloing naigation otions

IM Menu Financial Accounting ;/e+< & Financial Accounting Glo0alSettings ;/e+< & 6ax on SalesPurchases & Basic Settings &Bra)il & Deine P?S 6ax 3a+s

Menu IM Conta0ilidade inanceira ;n(.< & Conigura$'es glo0aisconta0ilidade inanceira ;no(o< & ?*A & Conigs.glo0ais & Brasil& Deinir con(en$'es iscais P?S

Transaction Code SP7O

2. n the Change *ie+ ,6ax 3a+ COF?/S- O(er(ie+  screen5 select the otion /e+ Entries.<. n the /e+ Entries O(er(ie+ o Added Entries screen5 enter the al&es shon )elo

C$%I*S la8 4ang Description

C01 E a3 D&e *)ase amo&nt _ total al&e of normal ta3 rate, _ 01

P erao ri)&tUel *)ase cUlc_lr oer. alF.normal *c&m&la

%ield na+e Description 'ser action and values Co++ent

a3 Sit. (>7S 01

4,F tab Te:ts

@ine 1

@ine 2

@ine <

@ine 4

4. Sae $o&r entries.

+. Reeat ste 2 to < an# enter the al&es shon )elo

C$%I*S la8 4ang Description

C0 E a3 D&e *)ase amo&nt _ total al&e *#if ta3 rate,, _ 02

P erao ri)&tUel *)ase cUlc_lr oer.*aliF.#iferencia#a,,

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C$%I*S la8 4ang Description

%ield na+e Description 'ser action and values Co++ent

a3 Sit. (>7S 02

4,F tab Te:ts

@ine 1

@ine 2

@ine <

@ine 4

6. Sae $o&r entries.

. Reeat ste 2 to < an# enter the al&es shon )elo

C$%I*S la8 4ang Description

C0 E a3 D&e *)ase amo&nt _ sale Ft$ 3 ta3 rate er )ase &nit _0<

P erao ri)&tUel *)ase cUlc_F&ant.en# ; AliF. 8n. Pro#.,

%ield na+e Description 'ser action and values Co++ent

a3 Sit. (>7S 0<

4,F tab Te:ts

@ine 1

@ine 2

@ine <

@ine 4

/. Sae $o&r entries.!. Reeat ste 2 to < an# enter the al&es shon )elo

C$%I*S la8 4ang Description

C0 E a3 D&e *monohasic sit&ation *ta3 rate _ =ero,, _ 04

P erao ri)&tUel *tri)&tao monofUsica *alF&ota =ero,,

%ield na+e Description 'ser action and values Co++ent

a3 Sit. (>7S 04

4,F tab Te:ts

@ine 1@ine 2

@ine <

@ine 4

10. Sae $o&r entries.

11. Reeat ste 2 to < an# enter the al&es shon )elo

C$%I*S la8 4ang Description

C05 E o #escrition e3ists 0+

P Sem #escriTes

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C$%I*S la8 4ang Description

%ield na+e Description 'ser action and values Co++ent

a3 Sit. (>7S 0+

4,F tab Te:ts

@ine 1

@ine 2

@ine <

@ine 4

12. Sae $o&r entries.

1<. Reeat ste 2 to < an# enter the al&es shon )elo

C$%I*S la8 4ang Description

C0 E a3 D&e *ta3 rate =ero, _ 06

P erao ri)&tUel *alF&ota =ero,

%ield na+e Description 'ser action and values Co++ent

a3 Sit. (>7S 06

4,F tab Te:ts

@ine 1

@ine 2

@ine <

@ine 4

14. Sae $o&r entries.1+. Reeat ste 2 to < an# enter the al&es shon )elo

C$%I*S la8 4ang Description

C0< E o a3 _ 0

P erao 7senta #a (ontri)&io

%ield na+e Description 'ser action and values Co++ent

a3 Sit. (>7S 0

4,F tab Te:ts

@ine 1@ine 2

@ine <

@ine 4

16. Sae $o&r entries.

1. Reeat ste 2 to < an# enter the al&es shon )elo

C$%I*S la8 4ang Description

C0? E o a3 *no 7nci#ence, _ 0/

P erao Sem 7nci#jncia #a (ontri)&io

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C$%I*S la8 4ang Description

%ield na+e Description 'ser action and values Co++ent

a3 Sit. (>7S 0/

4,F tab Te:ts

@ine 1

@ine 2

@ine <

@ine 4

1/. Sae $o&r entries.

1!. Reeat ste 2 to < an# enter the al&es shon )elo

C$%I*S la8 4ang Description

C06 E o a3 *s&sension,

P erao com S&senso #a (ontri)&io

%ield na+e Description 'ser action and values Co++ent

a3 Sit. (>7S 0!

4,F tab Te:ts

@ine 1

@ine 2

@ine <

@ine 4

20. Sae $o&r entries.21. Reeat ste 2 to < an# enter the al&es shon )elo

C$%I*S la8 4ang Description

C66 E thers _ !!

P &tras eraTes

%ield na+e Description 'ser action and values Co++ent

a3 Sit. (>7S !!

4,F tab Te:ts

@ine 1@ine 2

@ine <

@ine 4

22. (hoose Sa(e.

2<. (hoose Back .

Maintain Ta: 4a8 PIS@C$%I*S


2. Access the actiit$ &sing one of the folloing naigation otions

IM Menu Financial Accounting ;/e+< Financial Accounting Basic Settings ;/e+<

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SAP Best Practices Sales an# Distri)&tion *10+, (onfig&ration G&i#e

6ax on SalesPurchases  Calculation  Settings or 6ax Calculation in

Bra)il  Deine F?!! 6ax Codes

Menu IM

Conta0ilidade inanceira ;no(o<   Conigura$'es glo0ais conta0ilidade

inanceira ;no(o<  ?*A C1lculo Op$'es para c1lculo de impostos no

Brasil Deinir c5digo de imposto F?!! 

Transaction Code SP7O

<. n the Determine ork AreaEntr#  screen5 entr$ the al&e A;%RA.

4. n the Change *ie+ , !aintain6ax Codes- O(er(ie+ ma'e the folloing entries

Ta: Code Description C$%I*S 4a8 'sage

 A0 &t. 7n#&st. 7(MS (0 P0

 A1 &t. 7n#&st. 7(MS (0 P0

 A< &t. 7n#&st. 7(MS ? 7P7 (0 P0

(0 7n. (ons. o ta3 (0 P0

(1 7n. (ons. 7(MS ? (om7(MS (0 P0

(27n. (ons&mtion 7(MS ? (om7(MS ?S.. (0 P0

(< 7n. (ons. 7(MS ? (om7(MS ? 7P7 (0 P0

(4 7n. (ons. 7(MS ? (om7(MS ? S.. ? 7P7 (0 P0

(+ 7n. (ons. 7P7 (0 P0

70 7n. 7n#&st. o ta3 (0 P0

71 7n. 7n#&st. 7(MS (0 P0

72 7n. 7n#&st. 7(MS ? S.. (0 P0

7< 7n. 7n#&st. 7(MS ? 7P7 (0 P074 7n. 7n#&st. 7(MS ? S.. ? 7P7 (0 P0

7+ 7n. 7n#&st. 7P7 (0 P0

76 7n. 7n#&st. 7(MS ? 7P7 Reselling (0 P0

7 7n. 7n#&st. 7(MS ? S.. ? 7P7 Reselling (0 P0

7! 7n. 7SS (0 P0

S0 &t&t SD ta3 o ta3 (0 P0

SD &t&t SD ta3 7(MS97P79S&).ri). (0 P0

SE &t&t SD a3 e3emt transactions (0 P0

S7 &t&t SD ta3 7SS (0 P0

SI &t&t SD ta3 7(MS Iona >ranca (0 P0

17n#&striali=ation nl$ 7(MS-P7S9(>7S#e#&cti)le (01 P01

<7n#&striali=ation 7(MS97P79P7S9(>7S#e#&cti)le (01 P01

I17n#&striali=ation 7(MS-P7S9(>7S non#e#&cti)le (01 P01

I<7n#&striali=ation 7(MS97P79P7S9(>7S#e#&ct (01 P01

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Maintain Ta: 4a8 PIS@C$%I*S SD

Procedure2. Access the actiit$ &sing the folloing naigation otions

IM Menu Sales and Distri0ution


 Billing Documents

 Countr#speciicFeatures   Countr#speciic Features or Bra)il   !aintain SalesDocument ?tem Categor# 

IM Menu

*endas e distri0ui$%o   Faturamento  Documentos de aturamento

Caracter4sticas especiais do pa4s   Propriedades espec4icas de pa4s

Brasil  Atuali)ar ctg.item doc.(endas

Transaction Code SPRO 

<. Enter the folloing #ata

Sales Doc Type Ite+ category C$%I*S 4a8 PIS 4a8

CRB G2N C01 P01

CRB G2W C01 P01

DRB L2N C01 P01

DRB L2W C01 P01



















VDOR YB1 C01 P01

VDOR YB2 C01 P01

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SAP Best Practices Sales an# Distri)&tion *10+, (onfig&ration G&i#e

De#ining Screen Control roups

Procedure1. Access the actiit$ &sing one of the folloing naigation otions

IM Menu na

Menu IM na

Transaction Code S!I= 

2. n the !aintain 6a0les *ie+s ?nitial screen  on fiel# 6a0le*ie+ insert the ta)le[MBA!*.

<. (hoose !aintain if an information o-& aears5 choose Enter to confirm.

4. Mar' the Screen Control reerence n&m)er > ;i(e< an# choose Cop# asL .

+. n the Change *ie+ ,Screen control groups- Details o Selected Set  screen5 mar' the

fiel# T /ota Fiscal /um0er as Optional.

6. Descri)e the ne #escrition for this Screen (ontrol reference i.e. M Create incoming/F manuall#.

. (hoose Sa(e.

/. (hoose Back.

!. (hoose the Screen Control reerence n&m)er < ;trhee< ith #o&)le-clic'.

10. n fiel# Y` mar's as Optional.

11. (hoose Sa(e.

12. (hoose Back.

1<. (hoose the Screen Control reerence n&m)er / ;eight< ith #o&)le-clic'.

14. n fiel# Y` mar's as Optional.

1+. (hoose Sa(e.

16. (hoose Back.

1. Mar' the Screen Control reerence n&m)er ! ;nine< an# choose Cop# asL .

1/. n the Change *ie+ ,Screen control groups- Details o Selected Set  screen5 mar' thefiel# T /ota Fiscal /um0er as Optional.

1!. Descri)e the ne #escrition for this Screen (ontrol reference i.e. N Change incoming/Fe manuall#.

20. n fiel# Y` mar's as Optional.

21. (hoose Sa(e.

22. (hoose Back.

2<. Mar' the Screen Control reerence n&m)er 10 ;ten< an# choose Cop# asL .

24. n the Change *ie+ ,Screen control groups- Details o Selected Set  screen5 mar' thefiel# T /ota Fiscal /um0er as Optional.

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Descri)e the ne #escrition for this Screen (ontrol reference i.e. I Create incoming/Fe automaticall#.

2+. n fiel# Y` mar's as Optional.

26. (hoose Sa(e.

2. (hoose Back.

2/. Mar' the Screen Control reerence n&m)er / ;eight< an# choose Cop# asL .

2!. n the Change *ie+ ,Screen control groups- Details o Selected Set  screen5 mar' thefiel# T /ota Fiscal /um0er as Optional.

<0. Descri)e the ne #escrition for this Screen (ontrol reference i.e. T Change incoming/Fe automaticall#.

<1. n fiel# Y` mar's as Optional.

<2. (hoose Sa(e.

<<. (hoose Back.

,ssigning Screen Control roup

Procedure1. Access the actiit$ &sing one of the folloing naigation otions

IM Menu CrossApplication Components & General Application Functions& /ota iscal & !aintenance & Screen Control Group Assignment 

Menu IM Componentes (1lidos para (1rias aplica$'es & Fun$'es geraisde aplica$%o & /ota iscal & Atuali)a$%o & Atri0ui$%o de grupode controle de tela

Transaction Code SP7O

2. n the Change *ie+ ,Screen Control or Group Assignment- O(er(ie+  screen5 selecteer$ /F 6#pe and choose Cop# AsL

%ro+ *% Type To *% Type

1 i.e. IA

2 i.e. I%

< i.e. I(4 i.e. ID

+ i.e. IE

 A2 i.e. I>

E1 i.e. A

E4 i.e. %

G1 i.e. (

G4 i.e. D

R1 i.e. ER4 i.e. >

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%ro+ *% Type To *% Type

;2 i.e. G

 A1 i.e. H

<. (hoose Sa(e.

4. 7nsert the ne screen control reference N  to > $e UA create +ith the ield ,!anual-empt#.

+. 7nsert the ne screen control reference M to > $e UA create +ith the ield ,!anual-selected.

6. 7nsert the ne screen control reference I to > $e UE create.

. 7nsert the ne screen control reference T to > $e UE change.

/. (hoose Sa(e.

!. (hoose Back.

C-T. Mapping o# SubTrip -ase eduction

 Create *e8 Conditions #or MM and SD


1. Access the actiit$ &sing one of the folloing naigation otions

IM Menu Financial Accounting ;/e+< & Financial Accounting Glo0alSettings ;/e+< & 6ax on SalesPurchases & Calculation &Settings or 6ax Calculation in Bra)il & Access 6ax !anagerZsorkplace

Menu IM Conta0ilidade inanceira ;n(.< & Conigura$'es glo0aisconta0ilidade inanceira ;no(o< & ?*A & C1lculo & Op$'es parac1lculo de impostos no Brasil & Chamar 6ax Administration 6ool 

Transaction Code [MB6A\ 

2. n the 6ax !anagerXs orkplace Bra)il   screen5 choose to men& Condition setup

Condition t#pesCondition 6#pes !!.

<. n the Change *ie+ ,Conditions Condition 6#pes- O(er(ie+ screen5 mar' the con#itiont$e B\TT an# choose Cop# As..

Copy B8.. to B8., 9 Short tet- B:Su7Tri7 4F Basred0

Copy B8., to B8.* 9 Short tet- B:Su7Tri7 4F Basred#4. (hoose Sa(e.

+. (hoose Back.

6. E3ec&te the stes 2 to + ith Condition 6#pes SD.

 Maintain Calculation Procedure T,-, @ 23,-,


1. Access the actiit$ &sing one of the folloing naigation otions

IM Menu Financial Accounting ;/e+< & Financial Accounting Glo0al

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Settings ;/e+< & 6ax on SalesPurchases & Calculation &Settings or 6ax Calculation in Bra)il & Access 6ax !anagerZsorkplace

Menu IM Conta0ilidade inanceira ;n(.< & Conigura$'es glo0aisconta0ilidade inanceira ;no(o< & ?*A & C1lculo & Op$'es para

c1lculo de impostos no Brasil & Chamar 6ax Administration 6ool Transaction Code [MB6A\ 

2. n the 6ax !anagerXs orkplace Bra)il   screen5 choose to men& Condition setup

Condition t#pes Calc. Procedures Calc. Procedures !!.

<. n the Change *ie+ ,Procedures- O(er(ie+ screen5 select the roce#&re 6A\B7A an#select ith #o&)le-clic' Control Data on left si#e of screen.

4. n the Change *ie+ ,Control Data- O(er(ie+ screen5 create a ne con#ition B\T> asco$ from ste B\TT an# another con#ition B\T as co$ from ste B\T>.

+. Reeat the same stes for SD calc&lation ith roce#&re U*AB7A.

7f $o& hae C&st one ste aaila)le5 $o& can &se the same ste n&m)er5 i.e.64+5an# &se co&nter fiel# to &t in seF&ence5 i.e. ste 64+ co&nter 0 for %;4+ an ste64+ co&nter 1 for %;46.

6. (hoose Sa(e.

. (hoose Back.

 Create *e8 Internal Codes1. Access the actiit$ &sing one of the folloing naigation otions

IM Menu Financial Accounting ;/e+< & Financial Accounting Glo0al

Settings ;/e+< & 6ax on SalesPurchases & Calculation &Settings or 6ax Calculation in Bra)il & Access 6ax !anagerZsorkplace

Menu IM Conta0ilidade inanceira ;n(.< & Conigura$'es glo0aisconta0ilidade inanceira ;no(o< & ?*A & C1lculo & Op$'es parac1lculo de impostos no Brasil & Chamar 6ax Administration 6ool 

Transaction Code [MB6A\ 

2. n the 6ax !anagerXs orkplace Bra)il   screen5 choose to men& Condition setup

Condition t#pes Condition !apping ?nternal Codes.

<. n the Change *ie+ ,?nternal Codes or 6ax Conditions- O(er(ie+ screen5 choose /e+Entries.

4. n the /e+ Entries O(er(ie+ o Added Entries screen5 ma'e the folloing al&es )elo

Internal TC Code Description

>NS8%R7%N%ASERED1 >e#eral )ase re#&ction Rate for S&)tri)

>NS8%R7%N%ASERED2 State )ase re#&ction Rate for S&)tri)

+. (hoose Sa(e.

6. (hoose Back.

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SAP Best Practices Sales an# Distri)&tion *10+, (onfig&ration G&i#e

,ssing Internal Codes to Conditions1. Access the actiit$ &sing one of the folloing naigation otions

IM Menu Financial Accounting ;/e+< & Financial Accounting Glo0alSettings ;/e+< & 6ax on SalesPurchases & Calculation &Settings or 6ax Calculation in Bra)il & Access 6ax !anagerZs


Menu IM Conta0ilidade inanceira ;n(.< & Conigura$'es glo0aisconta0ilidade inanceira ;no(o< & ?*A & C1lculo & Op$'es parac1lculo de impostos no Brasil & Chamar 6ax Administration 6ool 

Transaction Code [MB6A\ 

2. n the 6ax !anagerXs orkplace Bra)il   screen5 choose to men& Condition setup

Condition t#pes Condition !apping Assing Conditions to ?nternal Codes.

<. n the Change *ie+ ,!ap ?nternal Codes or 6ax Conditions to Condition 6#pes- screen5choose /e+ Entries.

4. n the /e+ Entries O(er(ie+ o Added Entries screen5 ma'e the folloing al&es )elo

Internal TC Code ,pplication Condition Type

>NS8%R7%N%ASERED1 ; %;4+

>NS8%R7%N%ASERED1 : %;4+

>NS8%R7%N%ASERED2 ; %;46

>NS8%R7%N%ASERED2 : %;46

+. (hoose Sa(e.

6. (hoose Back.

De#ining Ta: Eurisdiction Codes


o c&stomi=e this ste $o& m&st &se the #oc&ment Deining 6ax [urisdiction Codes.doc 

,ssigning Postal Codes to Ta: Eurisdiction Codes


o c&stomi=e this ste $o& m&st &se the #oc&ment  Assigning Postal Codes to 6ax

[urisdiction Codes.doc 

Contingency ules #or Plant

Procedure1. Access the actiit$ &sing one of the folloing naigation otions

IM Menu /A

Menu IM /A

Transaction Code [MB/FE 

2. n the /Fe !onitor screen5 go to the to men& Contingenc# Contingenc# Bus. Pl.

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SAP Best Practices Sales an# Distri)&tion *10+, (onfig&ration G&i#e

<. n the Change (ie+ ,/Fe Contingenc# or Business Places- O(er(ie+ screen5 choose/e+ Entries.

4. here are fo&r ossi)le a$s to &t the %&siness Place &n#er contingenc$5 as folloict&re