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Brazosport Independent School District. Technology Plan. National Technology Plan – Executive Summary. Goals: Raise proportion of college graduates Close achievement gap Technology based assessments Collect student learning data to continually improve learning outcomes and productivity. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Brazosport Independent School District

Brazosport Independent School DistrictTechnology Plan

Good evening, and thank you for allowing me to speak at tonights Brazosport Independent School District board meeting. My goal this evening is to share with you the current state of technology at Brazoswood High School, in particular the equipment, the proposed three year plan of BISD, and compare the two to the desired technology standards as set forth in the 2010 National Education Technology Plan

1National Technology Plan Executive SummaryGoals:Raise proportion of college graduatesClose achievement gap Technology based assessmentsCollect student learning data to continually improve learning outcomes and productivity

The Obama administration has placed a high priority on empowering todays youth. With an emphasis on transforming the methodology for education, technology based learning and assessment systems will be pivotal in improving student learning2Technology Applications Educator StandardsOnline CollaborationDistrict Wide Technology TrainingVirtual SeminarsTATN StandardsSTaR Chart

Todays classroom teacher needs to strive to stay ahead of both her students and the learning curve when it pertains to technology. The state of Texas has created standards by which to measure teachers. The Technology Applications Educator Standards I-V were designed to create a base line by which teachers are measured. All current teachers should strive to meet the Technology Applications Educator Standards, I-V. The Technology Applications Teacher Network (TATN) as well as the adopted Technology Applications instructional materials assist teachers in meeting these standards.

The STaR chart is another means of assessing the technological competence of a teacher. Statewide reports are used to report on progress toward fulfilling the requirements in No Child Left Behind, Title II, Part D that all teachers should be technology literate and integrate technology across the curriculum. The legislation also requires that all students should be technology literate by the time they leave the eighth grade. If this is to occur, BISD needs to act aggressively in educating students in kindergarten through eighth grade. 3Current Technology IssuesOutdated hardwareNew software incompatible with outdated hardwareProposed bond election defeated

Currently, Brazosport ISD is operating its technology classes and checkout labs with machines purchased as early as 2002. In an effort to address technology issues, BISD convened a group of community stakeholders, which included school district administrators, campus teachers, local business leaders, and concerned parents, to map out the current 2010 2013 Three Year Technology Plan. 4BISD Three Year Technology Plan and GoalsIncrease student learning and achievement by establishing technology as an integral part of education.Provide high quality, on-going staff development opportunitiesPromote and support technology implementation for student, faculty, administrative and community useSupport integration of technology

BISDs current three year technology plan is for the years 2010 2013. It is very comprehensive, and identifies $13.745 million dollars expended on technology, which breaks down to roughly $1079 per student. There are four main objectives in the three year plan. They include 1.Increase student learning and achievement by establishing technology as an integral part of education.2. Provide high quality, on-going staff development opportunities and support to ensure integration of appropriate technology throughout all instructional programs.3. Promote and support technology implementation for student, faculty, administrative and community use to inspire continuous learning and ensure academic success for all students.4 .Support integration of technology by providing high quality internal and external connectivity and appropriate technology tools to improve communication and collaboration between and among all stakeholders.

8BISD Plan LacksIdentifiable fundingTeacher buy in incentiveParent buy inStudent buy in

Although the BISD three year technology plan sounds attainable, I believe it lacks identified funding for the plan. Bond issues are not well received, property tax values are decreasing, and tax abatements still exist for many large companies. Additionally, teacher buy in seems to be lagging behind anticipated timeframes. Courses are being offered to help teach the teacher, but they are not always well received. Additionally, since the state of Texas determined a technology credit was not required for a high school student to graduate, many students have opted to take alternative electives, so the perceived urgency to upgrade technology does not seem so great. 9

Brazosport ISD has embraced online assessments. Many of the springs End of Course Exams were completed online. The process of online assessments aligns BISD with the goals of the U S Department of Education as listed in the Executive Summary. 10

But with the age of the computers, the stability of online testing has been an issue. In addition, replacement parts for older keyboards have been difficult to locate when trying to ensure that all computers in a given lab are functioning. This springs experience with testing through Pearson was that some students were randomly locked out of their test. It is still undetermined whether the Pearson server or the BISD server was the cause of the error. 11Gradespeed Student Information System Management Tool

Gradespeed is the Districts current Student Information Management tool and it does an excellent job of keeping both parents informed, and teachers aware of a students attendance, grades in other classes, and any discipline issues the student might have been involved in. The software also includes a parent email address, if known, along with address and phone number of the students parent or guardian. This process coincides with the Executive Summary statement that every parent of a student under 18 and every student 18 or over should have the right to access the students own assessment data in the form of an electronic learning record that the student can take with them throughout his or her educational career. 12How does this Benefit the Students?If we learn by doing, why are we sitting here?Let me use the WWW Whatever, Whenever, WhereverEngage Me!

YouTube, A Vision of K-12 Students Today

Students educated in a technology rich environment will be well equipped to enter todays workforce. As the YouTube video, A Vision of K-12 Students Today states, If we learn by doing, why are we sitting here? The availability of technology to the Brazosport Independent School District student should be Whatever, whenever and wherever. Students are begging to be engaged with technology, not simply talked to. I believe in the goals of the BISD 3 year technology plan. As a technology educator, both at the student and faculty level, I will work diligently to ensure that the goals set forth do indeed come to fruition. Our district and our students cannot afford to play catch up when it pertains to competing in this global environment. 13SourcesU.S. Department of Education, Office of Educational Technology, Transforming American Education: Learning Powered by Technology, Washington, D.C., 2010. Retrieved May 8, 2011 from Texas Education Agency (August 2010). 2010 Progress Report on the Long-Range Plan for Technology, 2006-2020. Retrieved May 13, 2011 from Independent School District (2010) Brazosport ISD Technology Plan: 2010-2013. Retrieved May 13, 2011 from:

Sources (contd)bjnesbitt. A vision of K-12 Students Today. 2007, November 28. Retrieved from