breaking the computation and communication abstraction

Breaking the Computation and Communication Abstraction Barrier in Distributed Machine Learning Workloads Abhinav Jangda University of Massachusetts Amherst United States Jun Huang Microsoft Research China Guodong Liu Chinese Academy of Sciences China Amir Hossein Nodehi Sabet University of California, Riverside United States Saeed Maleki Microsoft Research United States Youshan Miao Microsoft Research China Madanlal Musuvathi Microsoft Research United States Todd Mytkowicz Microsoft Research United States Olli Sarikivi Microsoft Research United States Abstract Recent trend towards increasing large machine learning mod- els require both training and inference tasks to be distributed. Considering the huge cost of training these models, it is im- perative to unlock optimizations in computation and com- munication to obtain best performance. However, current logical separation between computation and communication kernels in deep learning frameworks misses the optimization opportunities across such barrier. Breaking this abstraction with a holistic consideration can provide many optimiza- tions to provide performance improvements in distributed workloads. Manually applying these optimizations needs modifications in underlying computation and communica- tion libraries for each scenario, which is time consuming and error-prone. Therefore, we present CoCoNet, with a DSL to express a program with both computation and communication. Co- CoNet contains several machine learning aware transforma- tions to optimize a program and a compiler to generate high performance kernels. Providing both computation and com- munication as first class constructs allows users to work on a high-level abstraction and apply powerful optimizations, such as fusion or overlapping of communication and compu- tation. CoCoNet enables us to optimize data-, model- and pipeline-parallel workloads in large language models with only a few lines of code. Experiments show CoCoNet sig- nificantly outperforms state-of-the-art distributed machine learning implementations. ACM Reference Format: Abhinav Jangda, Jun Huang, Guodong Liu, Amir Hossein Nodehi Sabet, Saeed Maleki, Youshan Miao, Madanlal Musuvathi, Todd Mytkowicz, and Olli Sarikivi. 2021. Breaking the Computation and Communication Abstraction Barrier in Distributed Machine Learning Workloads. In Proceedings of ACM Conference (Confer- ence’17). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 14 pages. hps:// 1145/nnnnnnn.nnnnnnn 1 Introduction As the trend towards larger machine-learning models con- tinue, from BERT [10] with 340 million parameters, GPT- 2[39] with 8.3 billion parameters, to GPT-3 [5] with 175 bil- lion parameters, training and inferencing computations have to be distributed. Moreover, as the computations become resource hungry, optimizing for even the last percentage can have huge benefits in terms of time, energy, and money savings [20, 41]. In machine learning systems today, computation and com- munication are treated as independent abstractions imple- mented in different libraries. For instance, computation li- braries such as cuBLAS [29] provide optimized tensor al- gebra operations, while communication libraries such as NVIDIA Collective Communication Library [32] (NCCL) pro- vide high-performance implementations of communication collectives like AllReduce. Deep learning frameworks like PyTorch [33] and Tensorflow [1] are responsible for calling computation and communication kernels from these libraries. Therefore, deep learning applications built atop of such frameworks, such as Megatron-LM [39] and GShard [21], have to invoke computation and communication operations separately. While such a separation by allows independent optimiza- tion of compute and communication kernels, breaking this abstraction boundary unlocks new optimizations that are otherwise not feasible. These optimizations include the fol- lowing. Interface optimizations eliminate a mismatch be- tween the caller and the callee of an abstraction. For ex- ample, ML model parameters are stored in non-contiguous buffers, one per neural network layer and hence, need to be copied into a single buffer before calling a collective op- eration such as AllReduce. This copy can be avoided if the communication kernel takes a list of arrays as input instead of requiring a single buffer. Fusion optimizations decreases memory bandwidth usage by generating a single kernel to arXiv:2105.05720v4 [cs.DC] 16 Nov 2021

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Page 1: Breaking the Computation and Communication Abstraction

Breaking the Computation and Communication

Abstraction Barrier in Distributed Machine Learning


Abhinav JangdaUniversity of Massachusetts Amherst

United States

Jun HuangMicrosoft Research


Guodong LiuChinese Academy of Sciences


Amir Hossein Nodehi SabetUniversity of California, Riverside

United States

Saeed MalekiMicrosoft Research

United States

Youshan MiaoMicrosoft Research


Madanlal MusuvathiMicrosoft Research

United States

Todd MytkowiczMicrosoft Research

United States

Olli SarikiviMicrosoft Research

United States


Recent trend towards increasing largemachine learningmod-els require both training and inference tasks to be distributed.Considering the huge cost of training these models, it is im-perative to unlock optimizations in computation and com-munication to obtain best performance. However, currentlogical separation between computation and communicationkernels in deep learning frameworks misses the optimizationopportunities across such barrier. Breaking this abstractionwith a holistic consideration can provide many optimiza-tions to provide performance improvements in distributedworkloads. Manually applying these optimizations needsmodifications in underlying computation and communica-tion libraries for each scenario, which is time consuming anderror-prone.Therefore, we present CoCoNet, with a DSL to express

a program with both computation and communication. Co-CoNet contains several machine learning aware transforma-tions to optimize a program and a compiler to generate highperformance kernels. Providing both computation and com-munication as first class constructs allows users to work ona high-level abstraction and apply powerful optimizations,such as fusion or overlapping of communication and compu-tation. CoCoNet enables us to optimize data-, model- andpipeline-parallel workloads in large language models withonly a few lines of code. Experiments show CoCoNet sig-nificantly outperforms state-of-the-art distributed machinelearning implementations.

ACM Reference Format:

Abhinav Jangda, Jun Huang, Guodong Liu, Amir Hossein NodehiSabet, Saeed Maleki, Youshan Miao, Madanlal Musuvathi, ToddMytkowicz, and Olli Sarikivi. 2021. Breaking the Computationand Communication Abstraction Barrier in Distributed MachineLearning Workloads. In Proceedings of ACM Conference (Confer-ence’17). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 14 pages.

1 Introduction

As the trend towards larger machine-learning models con-tinue, from BERT [10] with 340 million parameters, GPT-2 [39] with 8.3 billion parameters, to GPT-3 [5] with 175 bil-lion parameters, training and inferencing computations haveto be distributed. Moreover, as the computations becomeresource hungry, optimizing for even the last percentagecan have huge benefits in terms of time, energy, and moneysavings [20, 41].

In machine learning systems today, computation and com-munication are treated as independent abstractions imple-mented in different libraries. For instance, computation li-braries such as cuBLAS [29] provide optimized tensor al-gebra operations, while communication libraries such asNVIDIA Collective Communication Library [32] (NCCL) pro-vide high-performance implementations of communicationcollectives like AllReduce. Deep learning frameworks likePyTorch [33] and Tensorflow [1] are responsible for callingcomputation and communication kernels from these libraries.Therefore, deep learning applications built atop of suchframeworks, such as Megatron-LM [39] and GShard [21],have to invoke computation and communication operationsseparately.

While such a separation by allows independent optimiza-tion of compute and communication kernels, breaking thisabstraction boundary unlocks new optimizations that areotherwise not feasible. These optimizations include the fol-lowing. Interface optimizations eliminate a mismatch be-tween the caller and the callee of an abstraction. For ex-ample, ML model parameters are stored in non-contiguousbuffers, one per neural network layer and hence, need tobe copied into a single buffer before calling a collective op-eration such as AllReduce. This copy can be avoided if thecommunication kernel takes a list of arrays as input insteadof requiring a single buffer. Fusion optimizations decreasesmemory bandwidth usage by generating a single kernel to








] 1

6 N

ov 2


Page 2: Breaking the Computation and Communication Abstraction

B=8 B=16 B=32 B=64GEMM+AR


















es n



d to













Figure 1. Speedup of co-optimized overlapping over sequen-tial GEMM and AllReduce (for model parallel GPT-2 Modelinput matrix of [B×1024, 768] and weights of [768, 3072]) on16 Tesla V100 GPUs.

performs multiple communication and computation oper-ations. For instance, the output of an AllReduce might beused in activations like Dropout. Reorder optimizations canmove parts of the computation before or after communica-tion, thereby either distributing the computation or enablingnew fusion possibilities. Finally, pipelining optimizationsorchestrate multiple computation and communication in afine-grained manner to overlap multiple kernels. We elabo-rate on this possibility below.

In model parallelism, each layer is distributed across multi-ple GPUs [39]. Hence, the computation at each layer consistsof (distributed) matrix multiplications (GEMM) followed byAllReduce (AR). Figure 1 shows the improvement achievedby overlapping the two kernels. The idea is to slice the out-put into smaller chunks and start the AR communicationon a chunk as soon as the GEMM kernel has produced it.The key here is to schedule the GEMM kernel so that thechunks are produced in the order AR kernel requires them.For instance, in the ring algorithm for AllReduce, the 𝑛thnode sends the chunks to the next node in a order startingfrom the 𝑛th chunk. As such, the GEMM kernel on the 𝑛thnodes needs to generate the chunks in this order. To avoidkernel launch overheads, only one GEMM kernel and oneAllReduce kernel are launched. Figure 1 shows that acrossvarious batch sizes during model parallel training of the GPT-2 model, this optimization provides up to 1.36× speedup andhides 80% of the execution time of GEMM.Since manually writing these optimizations for each sce-

nario is unproductive, we show that by carefully design-ing a language for expressing combinations of compute andcommunication the benefits of existing deep learning frame-work’s abstraction can be maintained while simultaneouslyallowing a compiler to apply powerful optimizations. Tothis effect, we propose CoCoNet1 for generating highly-optimized custom computation and communication kernels.

1CoCoNet stands for "Communication and Computation optimization forneural Networks. We will make our implementation publicly available.

Figure 2 presents the overview of CoCoNet. CoCoNet in-cludes a DSL to express programs containing both computa-tion and communication primitives. Inspired by Halide [34],CoCoNet includes a scheduling language to specify an execu-tion schedule of the program using a set of transformations.CoCoNet’s auto tuner automatically applies these transfor-mations to optimize a program by breaking the communi-cation and computation boundary and hence, allows usersto quickly generate optimized implementations for specifichardware, topology, and data sizes. CoCoNet’s code genera-tor automatically generates high-performance computationand communication kernels from a program and its schedule.We used CoCoNet to optimize data parallel training, modelparallel inference, and pipeline parallel inference. CoCoNetgenerated kernels for the Adam [18] and LAMB [44] opti-mizers speeds up the training time of BERT models by upto1.68× and can train BERT 3.9 Billion parameter models usingonly data parallelism which is not possible with state of thearts. CoCoNet’s kernels for model parallelism speeds up theinference in BERT 3.9 Billion and GPT-2 8.2 Billion parametermodels by 1.51×. CoCoNet’s optimized pipeline parallelismkernels speeds up inference times in GPT-2 8.2 Billion andGPT-3 175 Billion parameter models by upto 2.45×.

2 CoCoNet DSL

CoCoNet extends data representation in existing deep learn-ing and allows expressing both computation and commu-nication in its domain specific language. Unifying the ex-pression of computation and communication for distributeddeep learning in the same DSL is the foundation to enableoptimizations across computation and communication.

2.1 Tensor Layout

CoCoNet extends the concept of tensor in deep learningframeworks from single device data into distributed forms.Besides item datatype (INT32, FP16) and shape of a tradi-tional tensor, a CoCoNet tensor also includes a descriptionof how it is distributed across a set of ranks. We followMPI [11] terminology: RANK is the process ID of a distributedprocess and GROUP is a set of concurrent distributed processes(WORLD is the GROUP that includes all processes). CoCoNetsupports dividing consecutive ranks into one or more groups.Inside a group, CoCoNet follows a single program multipledata (SPMD) paradigm where each rank in the same groupruns the same pattern but with different ID.

CoCoNet includes three distributed layouts: sliced, repli-cated, and local. A sliced tensor represents one that is equallydistributed to all the nodes in a group along specified dimen-sion with RANK identifying the slice. For example, in Figure 3,w is sliced among all ranks in WORLD in the first dimensionand in is sliced in the third dimension. A tensor can also bereplicated across all ranks in a group where it has the samevalue on each rank and it does not have a rank identifier.


Page 3: Breaking the Computation and Communication Abstraction

Compute Kernels

Communication Kernels

CoCoNET DSL CoCoNET Schedule





def MatMul (weight, bias)

def AllReduce (op, buff)

PyTorch Library


Fused Kernels Call

CoCoNET AutotunerfuseOut = fuse(drop, out)(sumRS, sumAG) = split(sum)outAG,scOut = reorder(sumAG,fuseOut)fusedAR = fuse(sumRS, scOut,outAG)

overlapOut = overlap(layer,fusedAR)

Var layer = MatMul( w, b);Var fusedAR = FusedAllReduce("+", layer);fusedAR.comp = Dropout(fuseAR)+Slice(r);Var overlapOut = Overlap(out,layer);



Tensor w, b;Var layer = MatMul( w, b);Var sum = AllReduce ("+", layer );Var drop = Dropout(sum);Var out = drop + r

Figure 2. Overview of CoCoNet’s workflow. First, a user expresses a deep learning algorithm in the DSL that contains bothcomputation (MatMul) and communication (AllReduce). Then, the autotuner applies several transformations to optimize theprogram while keeping the algorithm unchanged, such as fusing AllReduce and Dropout into FusedAllReduce and overlappingthis with MatMul. Finally, CoCoNet generates custom communication and computation code, which is available throughPyTorch.

1 Tensor w(FP16 , [H,H], Sliced (0), WORLD , RANK);2 Tensor b(FP16 , [H], Replicated , WORLD);3 Tensor in(FP16 , [B,S,H], Sliced (2), WORLD , RANK);4 Tensor r(FP16 , [B,S,H], Replicated , WORLD);56 // layer(FP16 , [B,S,H], Local , WORLD , RANK)7 Var layer = MatMul(in, w);8 // sum(FP16 , [B,S,H], Replicated , WORLD)9 Var sum = AllReduce("+", layer);10 // dropout(FP16 , [B,S,H], Replicated , WORLD)11 Var dropout = Dropout(sum + b, 0.1);12 // out(FP16 , [B,S,H], Replicated , WORLD)13 Var out = dropout + r;1415 Execute self_attention ({w,in,b,r}, {out});

Figure 3. An example program in CoCoNet.(B: batch size, S: sequence length, H: hidden dimension size)

For example the bias b and the residual connection r arereplicated as shown in Figure 3. A local tensor is one thathas equal shape on all ranks but with different values ondifferent ranks. Unlike replicated, local requires a RANK toidentify the values. For example, in Figure 3, layer is a localtensor that represents the partial result of a matrix multipli-cation (MatMul) operation. A Scalar is a zero-dimensionalTensor that represents a variable available on all ranks. Wediscuss distributed property of intermediate tensors in thenext section.

2.2 CoCoNet’s Operations

CoCoNet programs inherit the concept of data-flow graph(DFG) from existing deep learning frameworks, with opera-tions as vertices and data dependencies as edges. Moreover,each tensor has the update function that reflects the newvalues of tensor in that position in DFG.

CoCoNet operations include local computations and crossrank communications on tensors. This includes collectivecommunications such as AllReduce and AllGather, and P2P

communications like Send and Recv. CoCoNet’s local com-putation operations can be mapped to existing neural net-works operations, such as dropout and matrix multiplica-tion. A Var represents the intermediate values obtained afterperforming an operation. For instance, Figure 3 describesthe Megatron-LM [39] model parallel logic of Self-Attentionlayer in CoCoNet. In this example, the linear layer’s weight(w) and the input (in) are sliced across all ranks while thebias (b) and residual (r) are replicated on all ranks. A Var’sshape and distribution layout is implied by the operation.For example, Line 7 performs a MatMul operation on theinput and the weights of the linear layer. Since MatMul isperformed in the sliced dimension H of in and w, which Hdisappears in output and layer represent a partial resultof Matmul and is Local to each rank. AllReduce computethe sum of layer of all ranks (line 9) and get a replicatedtensor with the same full value (non-partial) on each rank.Lines 11–13 perform computations that involves adding thebias, using dropout as the activation and adding the residualof previous layer. Note that b and sum have shapes [H] and[B,S,H], respectively. sum+b in Line 11 follows PyTorch’sstandard semantics by replicating b in missing dimensionof sum. The shape and distribution property of these opera-tions are the same as sum. Finally, Execute defines the name,inputs and outputs of the program.

2.3 Fused Communication Collectives

CoCoNet enables efficient computations on the output ofcommunication by providing fused communication collec-tives, such as FusedAllReduce. Consider AllReduce in Fig-ure 3 (line 9) followed by a dropout (line 11). Due to theabstraction of communication and computation in existingdeep learning frameworks, AllReduce stored output needs tobe reloaded by the dropout kernel. FusedAllReduce avoidssuch stores and loads by directly passing output throughregisters as consecutive input. Comparing with AllReduce, aFusedAllReduce also takes computation operations (such asdropout) as extra augments. Section 5.3 discusses the imple-mentation of Fused communication collectives.


Page 4: Breaking the Computation and Communication Abstraction

2.4 Overlapping Operations

CoCoNet supports overlapping multiple dependent oper-ations using the Overlap primitive, including overlappingconsecutive communication operations, as well as overlap-ping consecutive computation and communication opera-tions such as MatMul and AllReduce in Figure 3 (line 7 andline 9). Section 5.4 discusses the implementation of this con-struct.

3 Schedules in CoCoNet

CoCoNet optimizes a user specified program in CoCoNet’sDSL by applying a sequence of transformation. We call anorder of transformation a schedule. These schedules are ap-plied by the CoCoNet’s Autotuner as shown in Figure 2.There are 5 class of transformations that CoCoNet provides.Each transformation replaces one or many source operationswith one or many target operations, while it keeps the pro-gram output unchanged. CoCoNet automatically check ifthe transformation is valid by ensuring that the dependen-cies in the DFG after applying transformation are preserved.Next, we present each transformation by applying them onthe program from Figure 3 as a running example in the orderpresented in the autotuner of Figure 2.

3.1 Fusing Computation Operations

fuse transformation fuses multiple compute operations intoa one operation. This is a well-known technique in manyframeworks.Running Example All pointwise computations in Figure 3are fused into a single computation.

fuseOut = fuse(d, out , ComputeFuse);

Figure 4 shows the equivalent CoCoNet implementation ofthis schedule in 1 . The fuseOut operation performs bothdropout and the residual addition in a single kernel andthus avoids redundant memory accesses and saves a kernellaunch.

3.2 Splitting Operations

split transformation breaks a communication collectiveinto two collectives based on two split policies:

AllReduce Split RS-AG splits anAllReduce into ReduceScat-ter to produce sliced tensors and AllGather on the slicedtensors to obtain a replicated tensor.

AllReduce Split B-R splits an AllReduce into Reduce toproduce a tensor on rank 0 and then Broadcast this tensorto all ranks in WORLD.Running Example The AllReduce in Figure 3 is split intorsSum and agSum, where the former does a ReduceScatteron layer and the later does an AllGather on rsSum.

(rsSum ,agSum) = split(layer , AllReduceSplitRSAG);

Figure 4 in 2 is the CoCoNet implementation of this sched-ule, where the input to fuseOut is replaced by agSum.

3.3 Reordering Computation and Communication

CoCoNet provides reorder transformation that reorders anoperation with AllGather or Broadcast based on two policies:

AllGather Reorder reorders AllGather with a pointwisecomputation operation. This tranformation applied changeto distribution properties which will explain in our runningexample.

Broadcast Reorder is similar to AllGather reorder exceptthat it requires a root.Running Example In Figure 3, reorder transformationchanges the program 2 to 3 by reorderingAllGather (agSum)with computation (fusedOut). This transformation performstwo changes. (i) After reordering, all input tensors in thepointwise compute operation are changed to sliced tensorsalong their first dimension. For example, after the reorder-ing transformation, r in fuseOut of 2 becomes Slice(r)in scOut in 3 with Sliced(0) ditribution property whichis the same property for Dropout and scOut. (ii) The in-put and output of the compute and AllGather operationsare exchanged. For example, in 2 , Dropout is performedon the output of AllGather (agSum) but in 3 Dropout isperformed on input of AllGather (rsSum). Also, in 3 All-Gather is performed on output of the computation (scOut).reorder transformation takes agSum, AllGather’s output,and fusedOut, dropout’s output as inputs and generates: (i)scOut, which performs sliced computations, and (ii) agOut,which gathers the result of computation.

(scOut , agOut)=reorder(agSum , fuseComp ,AllGatherReorder);

Figure 5 shows the workflow of this schedule and Figure 43 shows the equivalent CoCoNet program of this schedule.

3.4 Fusing Computation and Communication

CoCoNet provides fusedComm transformation to fuse com-munication and computation into a single operation. Weexplain this transformation for FusedAllReduce policy butthis transformation can be generalized to other fused com-munication collectives.

AllReduce FuseRS-AGThis transformation is only validwhen source operations performs ReduceScatter, sliced com-putations, and AllGather on the output of the computation.The target operation FusedAllReduce performs all three op-erations into one.Running Example From the previous schedule, we fuseoperations in FusedAllReduce that generates a single kernelfor communication and computations.

fuseAR = fuseComm(rsSum , scOut , agOut ,FusedAllReduce);


Page 5: Breaking the Computation and Communication Abstraction

layer = MM(in, w);sum = AllReduce(layer);fuseOut = Dropout(sum+b)+r;

layer = MM(in, w);rsSum = ReduceScatter(layer);scOut = Dropout(rsSum+b)+Slice(r);agOut = AllGather(scOut);

layer = MM(in, w);fusedAR = FusedAllReduce(layer);scOut = Dropout(fusedAR+b)+Slice(r);out = fuseAR.comp(scOut)

layer = MM(in, w);fuseAR = FusedAllReduce(layer);scOut = Dropout(fuseAR+b)+Slice(r);fuseOut = fuseAR.comp(scOut);out = Overlap(layer, fuseOut);




layer = MM(in, w);rsSum = ReduceScatter(layer);agSum = AllGather(rsSum);fuseOut = Dropout(agSum+b)+r;

reorderlayer = MM(in, w);sum = AllReduce(layer);d = Dropout(sum+b);out = d + r;




Figure 4. Different schedules produced by performing transformations on parallel program from Figure 3. Each schedule canbe represented as a standalone CoCoNet program. Lines in red highlights the changes on this step.

in w




in w

















in w











in w











Figure 5. Equivalent programs (from Figure 3) using AllRe-duce (on left) or using ReduceScatter + AllGather (on right).

Figure 4 shows the equivalent implementation of this sched-ule in 4 , where FusedAllReduce is used instead of AllReduce.The compmethod of fusedAR specifies the computation to befused with FusedAllReduce and returned out is the output.

3.5 Overlapping Computation and Communication

CoCoNet provides overlap transformation to overlap aseries of producer-consumer operations. This transforma-tion is used to overlap several communication operations ora computation with communication. It takes two or moreoperations as input and returns a single operation.Running Example We overlap the matrix multiplicationwith FusedAllReduce.

layerWithAR = overlap(layer , fusedAR);

Figure 4 shows the equivalent implementation of this sched-ule in 5 , where layer and fuseOut are overlapped.

3.6 Automatic Exploration of Schedules

CoCoNet’s Autotuner automatically explores the space ofall schedules by combining different transformations andvalidating each schedule. The output of the autotuner is asingle schedule consist of a series of transformations withthe best performance.

4 Optimizing Workloads with CoCoNet

1 Var avg = AllReduce("+", g);2 Var m_ = m.update(m*beta1+(1- beta1)*avg);3 Var v_ = v.update(v*beta2+(1- beta1)*avg*avg);4 Var m1 = m_/(1-beta1); v1 = v_/(1-beta2);5 Var p_ = p.update(p - lr * m1/(sqrt(v1)));67 Execute adam({g,p,v,m,lr}, {p_});

(a) Traditional implementation where tensors g is local to each rankand p,m, and v are replicated on all ranks.1 fusedComp = fuse(m_, v_, m1, v1, p_);2 (rsG , agG) = split(avg , AllReduceSplit1 );3 (scComp , agP , agM , agV) = reorder(agG , fusedComp ,4 AllGatherReorder );5 asSlice(m); asSlice(v); dead(agM); dead(agV);6 fuseAR = fuseComm(rsG , scComp , agP , FusedAllReduce );

(b) An Optimized Schedule. Tensors g is local, p is replicated on allranks, while m and v are sliced among all ranks.

Figure 6. Optimizing the model parameter update usingAdam in CoCoNet. The implementation takes four inputtensors: parameters (p), gradients (g), momentum (m), andvelocity (v).

We additionally optimize two distributed machine learn-ing workloads using CoCoNet: (i) parameter update usingAdam [18], and (ii) point-to-point communication in pipelineparallelism.Adam in Data Parallel Training: Figure 6a shows the tra-ditional implementation of parameter update using Adam.All ranks averages the gradients using AllReduce and thenperform computations to update optimizer state and modelparameters. Figure 6b presents a schedule that optimizesthis by distributing the computation on all ranks in a singlekernel. Line 1 fuses all computations in fusedComp. Line 2splits AllReduce into ReduceScatter and AllGather, such thatthe computations take output of AllGather (agG) as input.Line 3 reorders AllGather with the computations, such that,each rank performs computations on a slice of the tensors.Line 5 slices optimizer states on all ranks to decrease mem-ory usage and removes corresponding AllGather operations.Finally line 6 fuses all operations in a single kernel.Point-to-PointCommunication inPipeline Parallelism:Figure 7a shows a scenario of pipeline parallelism inMegatron-LM with two transformer layers assigned to two groups


Page 6: Breaking the Computation and Communication Abstraction




GPU (0,0)


GPU (0,1)



(a) In Megatron-LM each GPU sends redundant data.


GPU (0,0)


GPU (0,1)


GPU (1,0)

GPU (1,1)

RS, T0

RS, T0

P2P, T0

AG, T0

P2P, T0

AG, T0

RS, T1 RS, T2

RS, T1 RS, T2

P2P, T1 P2P, T2

P2P, T1 P2P, T2

AG, T1

AG, T1

AG, T2

AG, T2

(b) Communication operations can be overlapped at the granularityof each communication buffer tile of data in single kernel call.

Figure 7. Three different schedules of pipeline parallelism.

1 Var sum = AllReduce("+", in);2 Var recv = Send(sum , GroupRank(GROUP+1, RANK ));3 Var output = Dropout(recv+b,0.1) + r;45 Execute transformer ({in}, {output });

(a) Traditional implementation. Each rank of a group sends samedata to next group.1 fuseSend = fuse(recv , output );2 (rsSum , agSum) = split(sum , AllReduceSplitRSAG );3 (scSend , agOut) = reorder(fuseSend , agSum ,4 AllGatherReorder );5 overlapOut = overlap(rsSum , scSend , agOut);

(b) An Optimized Schedule. Each rank sends only a slice of data toranks in next group and all operations are overlapped.

Figure 8. Optimizing pipeline parallelism of Megatron-LM.Input tensors: layer output in, bias b, and residual r.

each with two ranks. Rank 𝑖 in group 𝑗 is shown by tuple( 𝑗, 𝑖). Each group uses model parallelism within its trans-former layer. Pipeline parallelism in Megatron-LM worksas follows. First, all ranks in the first group reduces theirinput using AllReduce to get replicated output. Each rank inthe first group sends the output to the corresponding rankin the second group using point-to-point (P2P) sends, overwhich pointwise computations are done (Line 3 in Figure 8ashows these computations which are ommitted in Figure 7for simplicity). Since the output of AllReduce in Figure 7a isreplicated, same data is send using P2P, which is redundantcommunication. We can optimize this by splitting the AllRe-duce to ReduceScatter and AllGather and reordering the P2Pswith the AllGather. Hence, the inter group communication isreduced by the group size. This can be further optimized byoverlapping all communication operations. Figure 7b showsthat if the buffers are split into multiple tiles (T0–T2 in thefigure), intra-group and inter-group communications can beoverlapped.Figure 8a is the original program, while Figure 8b opti-

mizes it by applying CoCoNet’s transformations. Lines 1

fuses the P2P send with computations. Line 2 split the AllRe-duce and reorder the returned AllGather with fused send atLine 4. Hence, P2P send and computations are performed ononly a slice of data on the next group where the AllGatheris also performed. Finally, all three new operations get over-lapped in Line 5. This overlapping can only be achieved bygenerating custom communication and computation kernels.

5 CoCoNet Implementation

CoCoNet generates both device code and host code for a pro-gram. The host code is generated by traversing the program’sDFG to add kernel calls for each operation. For pointwisecomputations that are not part of a communication primi-tive, CoCoNet generates a stand-alone CUDA kernel. Allother codegen falls into one of the categories below: i) acall to a communication collective; ii) a custom kernel thatextends a communication collective with a fused-collective(Section 5.3); and iii) a custom kernel that extends a com-munication collective with overlapping of communicationand computation kernels (Section 5.4). CoCoNet wraps gen-erated programs as custom operators and integrates theminto deep learning frameworks, so that, applications likeMegatron-LM can invoke them directly.

The following sections discuss howCoCoNet adapts NCCL,a widely-used hand-optimized high performance commu-nication library, into a runtime that can execute ii) and iii)above. NCCL is designed for single buffer tensor communi-cations and is not built to execute arbitrary computations.

5.1 NCCL Architecture

NCCL’s architecture defines four key properties: (i) topol-ogy, (ii) protocols, (iii) channels, and (iv) threads in a threadblock of the CUDA kernel. NCCL automatically sets key con-figuration values for these properties based on the size ofinput buffer, network architecture, and size of WORLD. To getgood performance, CoCoNet’s codegen must carefully re-configure these properties when extending NCCL to customcomputation. We now provide a high level overview of theseproperties.Topology NCCL create logical topologies, such as ring andtree, over the underlying interconnect network.Channels NCCL maps copies of a logical topology on theunderlying interconnect network. Each copy is called a chan-nel and is assigned to one CUDA thread block. To increaseparallelism, more channels are used as the buffer size grows.ProtocolsNCCL sends data using one of three protocols: LL,LL128, and Simple. These protocols make different trade-offs between latency and bandwidth based on the type ofinter-node synchronization used, with LL having the lowestlatency and Simple having the highest bandwidth.Number of Threads NCCL sets a fixed number of threadsfor each channel (and thread block). NCCL’s kernels have


Page 7: Breaking the Computation and Communication Abstraction

high register usage, which in practice limits the number ofthread blocks per SM to one.CoCoNet + NCCL CoCoNet modifies NCCL so it can docustom computation and overlap other kernels with commu-nication. After determining the topology, protocol, numberof channels, and number of threads, NCCL calls the CUDAkernel for the collective. Each collective communication hasthree levels of tiling due to the fine-grained parallelism ofGPUs. Data is first divided into buffer tiles equal to the sizeof the communication buffer. Each buffer tile is further di-vided among all ranks and channels to obtain chunks. Eachchannel communicates a chunk of data at a time. The threadsin channels copy elements in and out of the communicationbuffers and apply reduction operations (sum, min, max) ifneeded. The following sections goes into more detail aboutCoCoNet’s codegen.

5.2 CodeGen for Scattered Tensor Communications

In data parallelism, communication and computation occuron different layers of widely different sizes. Since deep learn-ing frameworks allocate parameters and gradients of layersin non-contiguous buffers, gradients should be copied to alarge buffer to avoid launching too many AllReduce opera-tions.CoCoNet supports generating a single kernel for opera-

tions acting on several non-contiguous tensors. This codegeneration is non-trivial because NCCL’s code makes manyassumptions of buffers being contiguous. For example, eachthread of a NCCL channel copies only a few elements in eachiteration, and hence indexing the correct tensor at the correctoffset could have significant overhead. CoCoNet solve thisproblem by first dividing each tensor into buckets of size atmost 1024 elements and then assigns buckets to warps in around-robin manner. This mechanism allows each thread toquickly find the offset in a tensor since a warp can directlyindex in its assigned bucket. CoCoNet pre-calculates thenumber of buckets that belong to the same contiguous bufferand calculates the offset for all of them once.

The process of breaking each tensor to buckets has somecompute and memory overhead. Since this bucketing is doneonly once on the CPU and training tasks run for thousands ofiterations on the same tensors, the computation overhead isnegligible. For each bucket, CoCoNet packs an 8-byte tensoraddress and a 4-byte bucket offset into the associated tensor.This requires (8 + 4) ×


1024]bytes of memory, where 𝑁 is

the number of elements in a tensor. This memory overheadis only about 0.3% ∼ 0.6% the size of the tensors.

We now compare the performance of CoCoNet scatteredtensors against contiguous tensors to show that overheadintroduced is insignificant in our implementation. The tablebelow compares the performance of Adam/LAMB optimizerswith mixed precision on 360 tensor in BERT model withelements from 1K to 31M against a single contiguous tensor

with the size equal to the sum of all tensors which is 334Melements.

Optimizer Single Tensor Scattered Tensor

Adam 33.21 ms 33.89 msLAMB 36.71 ms 37.04 ms

5.3 CodeGen for Fused Communication Collective

CoCoNet further extends the code generation described inthe previous sections to support fused communication col-lectives. To achieve this, CoCoNet extends NCCL to allowfor arbitrary pointwise computations and reductions (i.e., be-yond min, max, and sum). We inspectedmore than 10K lines ofcode in NCCL to identify where computations can be addedso that intermediate values from communication primitivescan be directly passed to the computation through registers.CoCoNet supports fusion of both pointwise operations andreductions into NCCL collectives.Each NCCL protocol utilizes a different mechanism for

communication and CoCoNet generates code for all of them.The important features of a protocol are pack type (64-bitfor LL, 128-bit for LL128 and Simple) and load/store accesspattern (shared memory for LL128, global memory for LLand Simple). CoCoNet generates templates for all elementtypes in NCCL, and dispatches accordingly at runtime. Thereare some subtleties in the code generation worth discussing:Mixed Precision When the element types of computationsand the input tensors are different,CoCoNet finds the largestelement type and based on the pack type of the protocol cal-culates how many elements can be loaded at once. All codewill then be generated to operate on this many elements.Sliced Tensor When a sliced tensor is used by a fused com-munication collective, accesses performed for each channelneed to be mapped to elements of the sliced tensor.CoCoNetgenerates code that produces this mapping. For AllGatherthe inverse mapping is also produced.Tensor Reduction To reduce a sliced tensor, each rank re-duces locally and do an AllReduce. This AllReduce reusesalready established connections among ranks in the sur-rounding communication kernel, to eliminate extra startuplatency.

5.4 Overlapping of Communication and


Overlapping consecutive dependent operations is achievedby dividing them into multiple sub-operations (data also di-vided into parts accordingly) while turning operation-leveldependency into sub-operation-level. Then we can overlapthe independent sub-operations. Existing implementationswould call a kernel for each sub-operation by dispatchinghomogeneous kernels into the same CUDA stream, and usecross-stream events to guarantee inter sub-operation depen-dencies. With number of parts increasing, its performance


Page 8: Breaking the Computation and Communication Abstraction

B0 B1 B2 B3

C0 C0 C0






1 2

B4 B5 B6 B7

C0 C0 C0 C0

AllReduce Buffer Tile 1

B4 B0 B1








B8 B9 B10 B11

AllReduce Buffer Tile 2








T =


R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7

C0 C0 C0



R1 R2 R3

(a) Workflow of overlap on rank 0. Rank 0 starts with chunk 0.

B1 B2 B3 B4

C0 C0 C0






1 2

B5 B6 B7 B0

C0 C0 C0 C0

AllReduce Buffer Tile 1

B5 B1 B2








B8 B9 B10 B11

AllReduce Buffer Tile 2








T =


R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 R0

C0 C0 C0



R2 R3 R4

(b) Workflow of overlap on rank 1. Rank 1 starts with chunk 1.

Figure 9. Workflow of CoCoNet’s overlapping of producerGEMM with a consumer AllReduce for a Float 16 matrixsize of [8192, 3072] on 8 ranks (R0 to R7) with 1 channel(C0) and 16 MB buffer size. Dimensions of each 2-D chunk(B0 to B15) is [1024, 1024]. CoCoNet’s custom AllReduceand GEMM allows better overlapping without decreasingcommunication bandwidth and the efficiency of computationkernels.

would suffer from: (i) decreasing part size leads to low com-munication bandwidth utilization and computation kernelefficiency, and (ii) more kernel launches increasing cost toset-up communication.We use GEMM and AllReduce example in Figure 9 to

explain how CoCoNet addresses this issue. First, it sched-ules the GEMM kernel (based on CUTLASS [30]) to producechunks in the same order as AllReduce consumes them. Fig-ure 9 shows the working of a ring AllReduce among 8 ranks.Here, 𝑛th rank sends chunks in a order starting from 𝑛th

chunk. Hence, GEMM kernel on 𝑛th rank produces chunksin the same order. Second, CoCoNet invokes both kernelsonly once on different streams and synchronize AllReducewith GEMM using an efficient fine-grained spin-lock on amemory buffer to ensure that AllReduce wakes up as soon asGEMM produces a chunk. Third, to provide better opportu-nities to tune tile sizes (2-dimensional) of GEMM, CoCoNetgenerates scattered AllReduce kernel that align communica-tion chunks with tile size in GEMM, while NCCL AllReduceonly supports continuous chunk (1-dimensional).The example in Figure 9 works as follows. At T= 1 , all

ranks invokes GEMM andAllReduce kernels. On rank 0, aftercomputing chunk 0, the GEMM kernel wakes the AllReduce

kernel at T= 2 , which starts communicating chunk 0. Whileon rank 1, at T= 2 the GEMM kernel wakes the AllReducekernel to communicate chunk 1. Concurrently, both GEMMkernels compute next chunks. At T= 3 , the GEMM kernelsfinishes the computation of chunk 1 on rank 0 and chunk 2 onrank 1 and wakes up the AllReduce kernel to communicatethese chunks. This process continues until all finishes.This process allows the GEMM kernel and AllReduce to

be overlapped in a fine-grained manner, which reduces thestartup latency of AllReduce. Since AllReduce communicateson the same chunk sizes, it achieves maximum communi-cation bandwidth. Furthermore, the GEMM kernel achievesmaximum efficiency because the kernel is invoked on thefull matrix size. Figure 1 shows that this pipelining providesup to 1.35× better performance and hides more than 80% ofcomputation time.

6 Evaluation

We implemented CoCoNet compiler on top of NCCL [32]and integrated with PyTorch. This section evaluates the ef-fectiveness of CoCoNet through standalone experiments aswell as end-to-end distributed deep learning scenarios usingdata parallelism, model parallelism and pipeline parallelism.Our experiments are performed on a cluster of NVIDIA

DGX-2 nodes where each node contains dual 24-core IntelXeon CPUs and 16 NVIDIA Tesla V100 (32GB) GPUs. EachGPU within a node is connected to six NVSwitches with sixNVLinks (25 GBps per NVLink). Nodes are connected with 8non-blocking EDR InfiniBand (100 Gbps) network. All nodesrun Ubuntu 18.04, CUDA 10.2, cuDNN 7.5 and PyTorch 1.5.

6.1 Data Parallel Training

In data parallelism, communication involves an AllReduceof gradients among all ranks. The output is used by theoptimizer to update the model parameters. We take twowidely-used optimizers, Adam and LAMB, to demonstratethe performance of CoCoNet by fusing the communicationwith optimization update as well as performing AllReduceon scattered tensors.

6.1.1 Standalone Experiments. We first perform stan-dalone experiments to explore different CoCoNet sched-ules over a range of input tensors from 210 to 230 elements.The autotuner generates and executes implementations withdifferent configurations, including all NCCL protocols, allchannels from 2 to 64. For each tensor, the autotuner reportsthe best average result of 1000 iterations.Baselines The baselines perform parameter update by firstdoing AllReduce over gradients and then call FusedAdam orFusedLAMB from NVIDIA Apex Library [31]. FusedAdamand FusedLAMB fuse all the parameter update computationsinto a single kernel. CoCoNet additionally provides theability to fuse such computation with the AllReduce kernel.


Page 9: Breaking the Computation and Communication Abstraction

FusedAdam and FusedAdam are written in 6.2K lines of code,while CoCoNet schedules are roughly 10 lines of code.CoCoNet Schedules The autotuner generates the follow-ing three schedules of Adam and LAMB by applying differentCoCoNet transformations for each input size and for eachinput size reports the best schedule to the user:1. AR-Opt (Opt = Adam/LAMB) refer to the traditional pa-

rameter update technique, i.e., an AllReduce over gradi-ents and then each GPU individually performs the opti-mizer computation. These schedules fuse all pointwisecomputations into a single kernel, thereby simulating thebaseline implementations of FusedAdam and FusedLambrespectively when Opt = Adam and Opt = LAMB.

2. GShard-Eq orRS-Opt-AG (Opt = Adam/LAMB) are gen-erated from AR-Opt by first splitting the AllReduce intoReduceScatter and AllGather, and then reordering All-Gather with the fused optimizer computations. Hence,these schedules distributes parameter update across allranks, similar to GShard [21] and ZeRO [35]. Since GSharddoes not support execution on GPUs, we represent thisschedule as GShard-Eq in our results.

3. fuse(RS-Opt-AG) (Opt = Adam/LAMB) are generated byfusing all stages of RS-Opt-AG into FusedAllReduce.

6.1.2 Results. Figure 10 shows the speedup of CoCoNetschedules over the baseline for several tensor sizes. Theresults shown are for Float 16 mixed-precision, and the re-sults for Float 32 are qualitatively similar. In these figures,UB represents the cost of AllReduce alone without doingany computation, and thus is the upper bound of possiblespeedups.Even though the AR-Opt schedules emulate the baseline

implementations, they are faster on smaller tensors. This isbecause the baseline implementations perform additionalpreprocessing to optimize the amount of thread-parallelismand instruction-level parallelism per invocation. While thispreprocessing cost hurts smaller tensors, its benefit showsup for larger tensors where AR-Opt performs worse.Since GShard-Eq and fuse(RS-Opt-AG) schedules distrib-

ute the optimizer computation, they perform better than thebaseline for large tensors The performance of fuse(RS-Opt-AG) shows the advantage of fusing computation and com-munication kernels as these schedules achieve near optimalspeedups for large tensors. These schedules are respectively13% and 14% faster than GShard-Eq for Adam and LAMB.

For smaller tensor sizes, the multiple kernel calls requiredfor GShard-Eq schedules significantly hurt performance. In-terestingly, fuse(RS-Opt-AG) schedules are slower than AR-Opt schedules for smaller tensor sizes though they requireone less kernel call because the fused kernels have a higherregister usage, thereby restricting the thread-level paral-lelism. This demonstrates that fusion of kernels is not alwaysa good idea.

210 212 214 216 218 220 222 224 226 228 230

# of Elements in Tensor














UB CoCoNet(AR-A) CoCoNet(fuse(RS-A-AG)) GShard-Eq

(a)Mixed-precision Adam. AR-Adam(AR-A) runs best till 216.fuse(RS-A-AG) represents fuse(RS-Adam-AG) and runs bestafter 217.

210 212 214 216 218 220 222 224 226 228 230

# of Elements in Tensor









UB CoCoNet(AR-L) CoCoNet(fuse(RS-L-AG)) GShard-Eq

(b) Mixed-precision LAMB. AR-LAMB(AR-L) runs best till 216.fuse(RS-L-AG) represents fuse(RS-LAMB-AG) and runs bestafter 217.

Figure 10. CoCoNet speedup on 256 GPUs. For each size,CoCoNet chooses the best schedules. UB (upper bound)takes AllReduce-only as max achievable speedup.

In summary, CoCoNet provides performance improve-ments over baselines including GShard with less lines of code.The AR-Opt and the fuse(RS-Opt-AG) reach close to optimalperformance for smaller and larger tensors respectively. Thisamounts to a speedup of 1.2× to 1.7× for Adam and of 1.35×to 2.0× for LAMB. There is no schedule that performs bestfor all sizes, which demonstrates the need for the autotuner.

6.1.3 Integeration with BERT. We use CoCoNet gen-erated optimizers to train three large BERT model fromNVIDIA [27]. We use mixed precision training with bothAdam with 8192 global batch size and LAMB with 65536global batch size.Baselines We consider three baselines for this experiments:

• NV BERT [27] is the NVIDIA BERT Script. It copiesgradients from each layer into a single buffer and thencalls AllReduce on the buffer. The result is copied backinto original tensors and calls either FusedAdam orFusedLAMB.


Page 10: Breaking the Computation and Communication Abstraction

• PyTorch DDP [22] stores all gradients in buckets of25MB and overlaps the AllReduce on each gradientbucket with the computation during training. Afterreducing all gradients it calls FusedAdam or Fused-LAMB.

• ZeRO [35] copies gradients into a contiguous bufferand then distributes the optimizer computation similarto RS-Opt-AG schedules above. ZeRO is written in 3kLoC, while in CoCoNet the same schedule can be rep-resented in 10 LoC. This baseline also represents thetechnique used by GShard. The ZeRO implementationof LAMB does not support distribution of optimizerstate among GPUs because LAMB involves a reduc-tion over gradients and parameters. Performing thisreduction over distributed gradients and parametersrequires significant engineering effort [7]. CoCoNet’sDSL approach generates scattered tensors implemen-tation for both Adam and LAMB automatically, whichperform these operations.

CoCoNet IntegerationWe integrated scattered tensor im-plementation of fused schedules of both Adam and LAMB,i.e., fuse(RS-Opt-AG) in PyTorch. These implementations pro-vide three benefits over the baselines: (i) the scattered ten-sor implementation avoids copying all gradients to a singlebuffer and allocating this buffer, (ii) the fused schedule per-forms best for the tensor sizes used in BERT, and (iii) thefused schedule distributes memory of optimizer state amongall GPUs.Results Table 1 shows the speedup provided by CoCoNetin training three BERT models over baselines. For Adamoptimizer CoCoNet provides speedup over all baselines intraining BERT 336M because CoCoNet’s fused schedulesperforms better than other implementations. For larger BERTmodels CoCoNet provide even higher speedup because thefused schedules decreases memory usage by distributingAdam’s state over all GPUs, which improves efficiency ofGEMM calls by enabling higher batch size per iteration. Forexample, for BERT 1.2B CoCoNet provides 1.53× speedupover NV BERT and PyTorchDDP both because of optimizedfused schedule and CoCoNet allows a batch size of 32 whileboth baselines supports a batch size of only 8. On 3.9B pa-rameter model, both baselines goes Out of Memory. SinceZeRO uses RS-Adam-AG schedule, it also supports higherbatch size. CoCoNet still gives speedup over ZeRO for BERT1.2B and 3.9B because of the advantages of scattered tensorimplementation of fused schedule.Results for LAMB are similar. CoCoNet provide signifi-

cant speedup over NV BERT, PyTorchDDP, and ZeRO. ForLAMB, the speedup over ZeRO is higher than Adam becauseZeRO does not support distribution of its implementationof LAMB optimizer state and it supports smaller batch sizesas compared to CoCoNet. For example, CoCoNet provides

upto 1.68× speedup over all baselines because it supportsbatch size of 64 while baselines can have a batch size of 8.

In summary, CoCoNet significantly improves data paral-lel training time of BERT model. CoCoNet’s schedules canbe automatically generated andCoCoNet’s scattered tensorsimplementation can support wide range of optimizers. Notonly does fusion of computation and communication leadsto performance improvement over the baselines of PyTorchDDP and ZeRO (ZeRO uses same technique as GShard), italso decreases the memory usage, which helps in increasingthe batch size to train models faster.

6.2 Model Parallelism

Megatron-LM [39] uses a model parallel approach for infer-ence and training of transformer models, such as BERT [10]and GPT-2 [5]. A transformer layer contains a self-attentionblock, and a multi-layer perceptron (MLP) block. Last fewoperations of a self-attention block are the same computa-tions as shown in Figure 3. An MLP block’s last operationsare similar to Figure 3 with the input tensor and weightsizes as [𝐵, 𝑆, 4 × 𝐻 ] and [4 × 𝐻,𝐻 ]. 𝐵, 𝑆 and 𝐻 are batchsize, sequence length and hidden size, respectively. We im-plemented both computations in CoCoNet and comparefollowing schedules:1. MM+AR+C is the baseline schedule described in Figure 3

and fuses all pointwise computations into a single kernel.2. GShard-Eq or MM+RS+C+AG uses same techniques as

GShard. It is generated fromMM+AR+C by splitting AllRe-duce into ReduceScatter and AllGather, and reorderingAllGather with computations. This schedule representsGShard in our results as GShard is not available for GPUs.

3. OL(MM,fuse(RS+C+AG) is generated fromprevious sched-ule by fusing the ReduceScatter, computation, and All-Gather into a FusedAllReduce and then overlapping itwith matrix multiplication. Autotuner returned this asbest schedule and hence represents CoCoNet in our re-sults. Since overlapping and fusion is not supported byGShard, GShard cannot represent this schedule.

ResultsWe evaluate these schedules with sizes of GPT-2 8.3Billion parameter model (i.e., 𝑆 = 1024, 𝐻 = 3072) with 16GPUs for 8 and 16 batch sizes. Figure 11 shows the times ofall schedules normalized to time of MM+AR+C. The sched-ule similar to GShard (MM+RS+C+AG) provides 1.09× to1.23× speedup by distributing computations on all ranks. Co-CoNet’s best schedule (OL(MM,fuse(RS+C+AG))) provides1.33× to 1.62× speedup over baseline and 1.21× to 1.34×over GShard schedule because it uses FusedAllReduce andoverlaps it with the matrix multiplication.

6.2.1 IntegrationwithMegatron-LM. After integratingCoCoNet’s overlap schedule inMegatron-LM, we found thatCoCoNet improved inference times of BERT 3.9 Billion pa-rameter model by 1.51× and GPT-2 8.3 Billion parameter


Page 11: Breaking the Computation and Communication Abstraction

Optimizer # of Parameters MaximumMicro Batch Size Speedup of CoCoNet over


Adam336 M 32 32 32 32 1.18× 1.22× 1.10×1.2 B 8 8 32 32 1.53× 1.52× 1.10×3.9 B OOM OOM 8 8 – – 1.22×

LAMB336M 64 64 64 128 1.20× 1.20× 1.15×1.2B 8 8 8 64 1.67× 1.68× 1.64×3.9B OOM OOM OOM 8 – – –

Table 1.Maximum Micro Batch Size supported by all implementations and speedup of CoCoNet over the baselines whentraining BERT model with three different parameter configurations using Adam and LAMB optimizer. OOM means Out ofMemory.

B=8 B=16 B=8 B=16MM+AR+C


























es n



d to



C 1.1
















[B, S, H/16] x [H/16, H] [B, S, 4*H/16] x [4*H/16, H]

AR MM C RS AG Overlap+Fuse

Figure 11. Times of three schedules of model parallel self-attention and multi-layer perceptron of GPT-2 in CoCoNetnormalized to baseline schedule (MM+AR+C) for two matrixmultiplication sizes for 16 Tesla V100 GPUs. Time spent indifferent kernels and speedup is shown for each schedule.



B=2 B=4 B=6 B=8





































es n



d to



C 4.2
























AR P2P C AG RS Overlap+Fuse

Figure 12. Times of four schedules for GPT-3 175B model inCoCoNet normalized to the baseline schedule (AR+P2P+C)for pipeline and model parallelism.

model by 1.48×. Speedups are larger than mentioned in Fig-ure 11 because unlike these schedules Megatron-LM does notfuse the pointwise computations. In summary, overlappingmatrix multiplication with FusedAllReduce that also per-forms computations significantly improves inference times.

6.3 Pipeline Parallelism

CoCoNet can optimize inference in pipeline parallelism byfusing computation and communication and overlappingmultiple communication operations (Section 4). We evaluateCoCoNet on computations ofmodel and pipeline parallelisminMegatron-LM over GPT-3 175Bmodel. A transformer layercontains several operations but the operations of interestfor this experiment are presented in Figure 8a. We evalu-ate following best performing schedules obtained by theautotuner:1. AR+P2P+C is the baseline schedule described in Fig-

ure 8a and fuses all pointwise computations.2. AR+P2P+C+AG is generated from AR+P2P+C by slicing

the output of AllReduce, performing P2P sends and com-pute on the sliced output, and AllGather to obtain finaloutput. This optimizes the Narayanan et al. [26] by slicingthe computation instead of replicating it.

3. GShard-eq or RS+P2P+C+AG is generated by splittingAllReduce into ReduceScatter and AllGather, then reorder-ing AllGather with P2P send and computation. Since thisschedule is similar to the schedule that will be generatedby GShard [21], it represents GShard-Eq in our results.

4. OL(RS+C,P2P,AG) is generated from RS+P2P+C+AG byfirst fusing computation with ReduceScatter, and thenoverlapping all three communication operations (Figure 7b).This schedule is returned by autotuner as best performingand hence, represents CoCoNet in our results.

Results Figure 12 shows the breakdown of the computa-tion/communication with one transformer layer assignedto each node. The sequence length (𝑆 = 2048) and the hid-den size (𝐻 = 12288) are of GPT-3 175B model. CoCoNet’sbest schedule OL(RS+C,P2P,AG) is 11.75×–12.21× faster thanAR+P2P+C, 2.84× faster than AR+P2P+C+AG, and 1.66×–1.72× faster than GShard (RS+P2P+C+AG). The speedupscome from: (i) sliced P2Ps reduces cross node communicationvolume, (ii) fusing all communication and computation ker-nels improves memory bandwidth utilization, and (iii) over-lapping communication in different connections (NVLinkwithin node and InfiniBand across nodes) improves network


Page 12: Breaking the Computation and Communication Abstraction

bandwidth utilization, while other schedules utilizes onestack at a time.

6.3.1 Integration with Megatron-LM. We evaluated in-ference throughput of GPT-2 8.3 Billion andGPT-3 175 Billionparametermodels by integratingCoCoNet’sOL(RS+C,P2P,AG)schedule in Megatron-LM. Below table shows the results on16 nodes with 16 GPUs per node.

Model Layersper node

Micro BatchSize Speedup

GPT-2 8.3B 5 16 1.77×GPT-3 175B 1 8 2.45×GPT-3 175B 6 2 1.33×

We changed GPT-2 layers from 72 to 80 to make it divisibleby 16 nodes. For GPT-3 we tried the 1 layer per node set-ting, which provides us with upper bound of speedup. Insummary, CoCoNet significantly outperforms Megatron-LM due to its fusion and fine-grained overlapping of multiplecommunication operations. All these optimizations were pos-sible only by breaking the computation and communicationabstraction.

7 Related Work

Optimizing Stencil Computations Prior work has pro-posed DSLs to optimize data-parallel stencil computationson CPUs, GPUs, and other accelerators. Halide [34] andFireiron [13] separate the algorithm and schedule, which de-scribes the optimizations like fusion, and loop tiling. TVM [6]extends Halide for generating optimized compute kernels.Lift [14, 40] includes a functional language and optimizesstencil computations by applying rewrite rules. None of theseworks support distributed systems. Distributed-Halide [9] ex-tends Halide with scheduling primitives that allow distribut-ing parallelizable dimensions of loops. CoCoNet extendsthis work to explicitly reason about and compose commu-nication collectives with computation, which is crucial fordistributed machine learning scenarios.Overlapping Computation and Communication Exist-ing works [2, 19, 23, 24, 42] uses either pipelined execu-tion to overlap communication and computation or non-blocking operations. Pencil [43] improves upon these worksby performing pipelining within a process and supportscomputations in multiple connected iteration spaces. Sev-eral techniques distribute tiles and automatically generatecommunication [4, 9, 37]. Basu et. al. [3] uses overlappedtiling in each process to remove communication betweenprocesses. Denis and Trahay [8] studied the efficiency ofoverlap. dCUDA [12] provides hardware supported overlap.These works for MPI+OpenMP are valid for stencil com-putations that require sends and receives to share the haloregions. However, CoCoNet supports collectives and severaltransformations that these works do not support. ACE [36]

is a novel DL collective communication accelerator to en-able overlap of communication and computation. CoCoNetsupports overlap of computation and communication or com-munication operations on GPUs and without an accelerator.DistributedNeuralNetworkTraining Several works haveimproved data parallel and model parallel techniques. Mesh-Tensorflow [38] and GShard [21] create shards of weights andmodel state that can be split among ranks. ZeRO [35] splitsweights and model state among ranks and uses ReduceScat-ter and AllGather to distribute computation. FlexFlow [16]performs operator splitting as a way to represent both data-parallelism and model-parallelism, but do not optimize com-putation with communication. CoCoNet improves on theseworks by providing a general abstraction that (i) supportscomputation and communication collectives, (ii) ensure cor-rectness, and (iii) allows the developer to explore severaloptimizations. CoCoNet also provides several optimizationsthat are possible only due to the abstraction: (i) scatteredtensors that removes extra storage and memory copy opera-tions, (ii) fusion communication collectives, and (iii) novelcommunication and computation overlapping techniques.PyTorch’s DDP [22] overlaps AllReduce of gradients with theforward and backward pass. However, unlike CoCoNet, Py-Torch’s DDP requires extra memory for overlapping, whichcan increase training time for very large models [28] and donot support slicing of optimizer parameter update that signif-icantly decreases memory usage. GPipe [15], Pipedream [25]and Narayanan et al. [26] proposed pipeline training to im-prove model parallelism, by dividing the forward and back-ward pass into several mini-batches, which are then pipelinedacross devices. vPipe [45] improves these works by providinghigher GPU utilization. CoCoNet improves on these worksby overlapping inter and intra-node communication opera-tions. BytePS [17] utilizes CPU in heterogenous clusters toimprove training, which is complementary to CoCoNet.

8 Conclusion

This paper introduced CoCoNet a language to describe dis-tributed machine learning workloads and optimize themacross computation and communication boundary. We showthat CoCoNet generated code is significantly improves sev-eral training and inference times of large language models.In future we plan to automate the optimizations throughsmart search.


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