bridge and structural engineering services

Bridge and Structural Engineering Services Proposal Provisions March 30, 2012 The City of Rochester, through its Bureau of Architecture and Engineering, seeks to retain a professional design firm to provide engineering, design and project resident representative services for Bridge and Structural Engineering Services. To aid in the development of a proposal, the following material is attached to this solicitation: Draft Scope of Services, Schedule, Program Overview, Bridge Inventory, and Inspection Flow Sheets. Your proposal shall be limited to 20 pages (max) and contain the following items: 1. Program schedule; 2. Personnel hours, per phase (1-6). Provide subtotals for each phase; For the purpose of this proposal assume that 6 Detailed (Biennial Level) City Bridge Inspections, 10 Cursory City Bridge Inspections, Executive Summaries, Misc. Reports, Coordination, Database Management, and the preparation and inspection of an Annual Bridge Maintenance Contract will be required. Assume the construction project will have a $200,000 value with 6 month duration. 3. Project team with resumes of key personnel; 4. Approach to the work, familiarity with the City of Rochester’s bridge and structural components, project sites and scope of work. 5. Prior bridge inspection and design experience, prior experience in bridge management systems (BMS), past performance with the City of Rochester, general understanding of the City of Rochester’s Bridge Program and the required procedures. A general understanding of the City of Rochester’s Bridge and Street Maintenance Programs. 6. Basic Services Fee for: a) Individual phases (1-6) identified in the scope of services subtotaled to provide a not to exceed fee. For the purpose of this proposal assume that 6 Detailed (Biennial Level) City Bridge Inspections, 10 Cursory City Bridge Inspections, Executive Summaries, Misc. Reports, Coordination, Database Management, and the preparation and inspection of an Annual Bridge Maintenance Contract will be required. Assume the construction project will have a $200,000 value with a 6 month duration. Bureau of Architecture and Engineering Department of Environmental Services City Hall Room 300B, 30 Church Street Rochester, New York 14614-1290

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Page 1: Bridge and Structural Engineering Services

Bridge and Structural Engineering Services

Proposal Provisions

March 30, 2012 The City of Rochester, through its Bureau of Architecture and Engineering, seeks to retain a professional design firm to provide engineering, design and project resident representative services for Bridge and Structural Engineering Services. To aid in the development of a proposal, the following material is attached to this solicitation: Draft Scope of Services, Schedule, Program Overview, Bridge Inventory, and Inspection Flow Sheets. Your proposal shall be limited to 20 pages (max) and contain the following items: 1. Program schedule; 2. Personnel hours, per phase (1-6). Provide subtotals for each phase; For the purpose of this proposal assume that 6 Detailed (Biennial Level) City Bridge Inspections, 10 Cursory City Bridge Inspections, Executive Summaries, Misc. Reports, Coordination, Database Management, and the preparation and inspection of an Annual Bridge Maintenance Contract will be required. Assume the construction project will have a $200,000 value with 6 month duration. 3. Project team with resumes of key personnel; 4. Approach to the work, familiarity with the City of Rochester’s bridge and structural components, project sites and scope of work. 5. Prior bridge inspection and design experience, prior experience in bridge management systems (BMS), past performance with the City of Rochester, general understanding of the City of Rochester’s Bridge Program and the required procedures. A general understanding of the City of Rochester’s Bridge and Street Maintenance Programs. 6. Basic Services Fee for: a) Individual phases (1-6) identified in the scope of services subtotaled to provide a not to exceed fee. For the purpose of this proposal assume that 6 Detailed (Biennial Level) City Bridge Inspections, 10 Cursory City Bridge Inspections, Executive Summaries, Misc. Reports, Coordination, Database Management, and the preparation and inspection of an Annual Bridge Maintenance Contract will be required. Assume the construction project will have a $200,000 value with a 6 month duration.

Bureau of Architecture

and Engineering

Department of Environmental Services City Hall Room 300B, 30 Church Street Rochester, New York 14614-1290

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The not-to-exceed fee should be presented on a "cost times multiplier" basis, indicating the multiplier. The consultant shall supply a 2012-2013 salary rate structure for City of Rochester work and the cost times multiplier. 7. Direct reimbursable expenses - a not-to-exceed fee should be identified for the following expenses: a) Reproduction, drawings, photographs, and printing (for Maintenance contract); b) Misc. And Disposable supplies; c) Sub consultants; and Rental equipment, if required d) Environmental Analysis, investigations and reports, if required Please return five copies of your proposal to the following individual by Friday, April; 20, 2012: Thomas C. Hack, P.E , Sr Structural Engineer City of Rochester City Hall, Room 300B 30 Church Street Rochester, New York 14614 General Information a. Deadlines or timeframes may be altered by the City as necessary. This RFP may be withdrawn by the City for any reason and that the City shall have no liability for any costs incurred in preparing a proposal

b. Materials submitted with the proposal shall become the property of the City and that if any proprietary information is submitted with the proposal it must be clearly identified and a request to keep such information confidential must be submitted

c. The selection of a consultant is within the City’s sole discretion, no reasons for rejection or acceptance of proposals are required to be given.

d. There are no pre-proposal conferences or meetings scheduled for interested consultants

e. Questions must be submitted in writing (preferably e-mail). All questions and our responses will be shared with all who have indicated an intent to submit a proposal and have provided an e-mail address f. City contact person for this RFP is as shown below. Only the named person below should be contacted in regards to this proposal Thomas C. Hack, P.E , Senior Structural Engineer City of Rochester City Hall, Room 300B 30 Church Street Rochester, New York 14614 (585) 428-6852 [email protected]

James R. McIntosh, P.E., City Engineer

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A. General Description

The City of Rochester intends to engage the services of a CONSULTANT to complete Bridge and Structural Engineering Services. The scope of work is as defined in the Description of Professional Services. The primary goal of the Bridge and Engineering Services is to assist the City in conducting and maintaining its current Bridge Program. It is the intent of the City of Rochester to engage the services of a CONSULTANT to complete Bridge and Structural Engineering Services for a one year term agreement and extend said agreement through annual amendments, based upon the satisfactory performance of the consultant, to a maximum of five (5) years.

The City wholly owns forty-one (41) bridges and ten (10) tunnels, out of these fifty-one structures the City wholly maintains forty-seven (47) and partially maintains four (4). Twelve (12) of these structures span the Genesee River. The City also has secondary maintenance responsibilities for an additional nineteen (19) bridges/tunnels owned by NYSDOT. In all, the City’s Bridge Program has either primary or secondary maintenance responsibilities for 70 structures. The total replacement value of these structures is in the range of 150 million dollars. The overall goal of the City of Rochester’s Bridge Program is to ensure public safety through an aggressive program aimed at improving the city’s bridges/tunnels, and preserving its investment in these structures through committed bridge maintenance funds. The average funding level for the Annual Bridge Maintenance Contract is approximately $250,000.

B. Policy and Procedures

1. Bridge/Tunnel inspections, designs, construction reviews, structural analysis, contract preparation and all miscellaneous bridge and tunnel structural services shall be progressed using the current versions of the following documents as guidelines:

• City of Rochester Standard Construction Contract Documents, Nov. 1, 1991 • City of Rochester Instructions to Design Professionals Regarding Preparation of

Construction Contract Documents, March 1992, as amended • City of Rochester Standards for Work in the Public Right-of-Way; • City of Rochester Areaway Policy • NYSDOT Bridge Inspection Manual • NYSDOT Standard Specifications for Construction and Materials • NYSDOT Highway Design Manual - Volumes 1 and 2 • NYSDOT Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices • NYSDOT Policy on Geometrics of Structure • NYSDOT Standard Specifications for Highway Bridges • NYSDOT Standard Details for Highway Bridges • Bridge Design Drawings (BDD) Sheets • ADA Accessibility Guidelines for Buildings and Facilities

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2. Structural services rendered under this agreement that do not fit into the general bridge and

tunnel category as defined by AASHTO and NYSDOT shall be inspected, designed, analyzed and reviewed in accordance to the current versions of the City of Rochester Charter and Code, and the New York State Codes, Rules and Regulations (NYCRR) Part 600, Chapter I - State Uniform Fire Prevention and Building Code.

3. Work under this agreement shall be divided into six phases, the work involved under each phase does not generally follow in sequential order: Phase 1 - Annual Bridge Inspections Phase 2 - Annual Bridge Maintenance Contract Preparation Phase 3 - RPR Services for Annual Bridge Maintenance Contract Phase 4 - Coordination and Administration Phase 5 - Inventory and Database Management Phase 6 - Miscellaneous Structural Services


A. Basic Services

1. Annual Bridge Inspections The CONSULTANT shall perform annual bridge inspections of all City bridges and supplement those conducted by the NYSDOT on a biennial basis.

An integral segment of the City of Rochester’s Bridge Maintenance and Rehabilitation Program is the annual bridge inspections. It is from these inspections that areas of concern are identified, whether safety or structural, and information is collected to update the database. From the data gathered, the City Street Maintenance work is derived, the Annual Maintenance Contract scope is developed and the Five-year Maintenance Plan is updated.

At the conclusion of each year’s Inspection Program, an executive summary report of conditions at each site shall be prepared for submission to the City Engineer.

a. Inspection Levels

Following is a description of the various levels of inspections to be performed. (1) Cursory Inspection

The purpose of this level of inspection is to provide a cursory overall review of the bridge condition. This level has further been broken down into State inspected and Non-State inspected bridges.

(a) State Inspected Bridges

Under the NYSDOT Inspection Program, these bridges are inspected on a biennial basis. A copy of the detailed inspection reports are sent to the City for review.

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These reports will be reviewed by the both the City Engineer and the CONSULTANT to identify areas of structural or safety concerns and possible maintenance work. In addition, the CONSULTANT shall visit each bridge site to further review only those items receiving a rating of 4 or below. The City Engineer may determine that some items rated 4 or below may not significantly affect the load carrying capacity or safety of the bridge. Therefore, some bridges may not require a site visit at all. These bridges may be omitted from the cursory inspection schedule. From these site visits, remedial action (if required) to address the problem will be developed by the CONSULTANT. The CONSULTANT shall provide photographic documentation and a brief report narrative for these inspections.

(b) Non-State Inspected Bridges

All bridges owned by the City but not inspected by NYSDOT, including pedestrian bridges maintained by the Bureau of Parks and Water Bureau bridges (Upland Bridges), shall receive a cursory inspection by the CONSULTANT. Skyways, tunnels and structures under the responsibility of the Municipal Facilities Division are not part of this inspection program. The purpose of these inspections is to identify potential safety and/or structural concerns and possible maintenance work. The CONSULTANT shall review items appearing on a checklist and provide photographic documentation and a brief report narrative only for conditions noted to have changed significantly from the previous inspection.

(2) Detailed (Biennial Level) City Inspections

The CONSULTANT shall complete a detailed inspection (Biennial Level) on all City-owned non-State inspected bridges, which are maintained by the City. The purpose of this level of inspection is to obtain a thorough review of the bridge’s condition and identify maintenance concerns. The inspection will be similar in scope and documentation to a NYSDOT Biennial Inspection.

b. Frequency of City Inspections

The following criteria has been established in the City of Rochester’s Bridge Procedures Manual for the frequency of the cursory and detailed (biennial level) inspections. The CONSULTANT shall follow this Inspection frequency. (See Appendix)

1. Cursory Inspections

In general, for NYSDOT inspected bridges and St. Paul Street over Conrail, a cursory inspection shall be performed on the year following a biennial inspection. Exceptions to this rule are as follows:

a. Review of the biennial inspection report reveals no items with a rating of 4 or

below. A cursory inspection shall not be performed.

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b. A bridge has special access requirements (i.e. Andrews Street over Genesee

River requires a snooper to inspect the arch spans). Cursory inspections for these bridges shall be coordinated with the NYSDOT biennial inspections. (Note: A listing of special access bridges with description is included in Appendix A).

c. A bridge receives an interim inspection by NYSDOT. These bridges shall receive

a cursory inspection every year. 2. Detailed (Biennial Level) City Inspections

For all pedestrian bridges and the Upland Bridges, a detailed biennial level inspection shall be performed every five years.

For St. Paul Street over Conrail, a heavily traveled vehicular carrying bridge, a detailed biennial level inspection shall be performed every two years.

for the remaining City-owned non-State inspected bridges, which are maintained by the City, a cursory inspection will be performed every year except the year following a detailed inspection is completed. The only exception would be a bridge that received a rating of 4 or below for a bridge element during the detailed inspection. In this case, a cursory inspection would be performed every year if the down rated item was of structural or safety concern.

c. Inspection Schedule

The CONSULTANT shall forward the annual inspection program to the City for approval in early February. In order to develop the program, the NYSDOT biennial reports shall be reviewed and appropriate information such as inspection date, type of inspection and elements rated below a 4 entered into the database. In late January, the annual inspection program shall be developed by the CONSULTANT after reviewing the Database based on the inspection frequencies stated above. At this time, the biennial and detailed reports of those bridges with an item rated 4 or below will be reviewed and a decision will be made by the City on which bridges will receive a site cursory inspection based on the significance of the down rated item. Since NYSDOT Reports may be received up to April, the inspection program may need to be updated frequently. The CONSULTANT shall complete the cursory and detailed inspections during the months of April and May. The Executive Summary (see below) of bridges inspected shall be prepared during the month of May and submitted to the City Engineer in early June. Those special access bridges which require coordination with NYSDOT shall be scheduled in conjunction with the NYSDOT biennial or interim inspection and therefore, may not be inspected by the time the Executive Summary is submitted for that year. These bridges will be included in the following year’s Executive Summary.

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d. Inspection Reports and Executive Summary

Each level of inspection requires its own level of report, indicative of the detail nature of the inspection. The cursory report is a very general report used only for those bridges requiring a site visit. Accompanying photos to the report may be taken if required. The CONSULTANT shall furnish to the City one (1) copy of the inspection reports, photographs, executive summaries and any miscellaneous documentation. The CONSULTANT shall keep and maintain the reports in a notebook by the year they were performed.

The detailed inspection report shall be the same form as is used for a NYSDOT Biennial Report. The CONSULTANT shall prepare all detailed reports in the same format as a NYSDOT Biennial Report

If during either a cursory or detailed inspection, the subject bridge is in a condition to warrant a load, closing or clearance the CONSULTANT shall immediately notify the City Engineer

At the conclusion of the annual inspections, an Executive Summary shall be prepared for submission to the City Engineer (See Appendix A). Only those bridges for which a cursory or detailed inspection has been performed since the previous year’s Executive Summary will be include in the current year’s Executive Summary. Included in the summary will be a description of the bridge type, present condition, repairs required, as well as the NYSDOT general recommendation, if applicable, and date last inspected (see Appendix A). At the conclusion of the executive summary shall be a cross-referenced sheet of the remedial repairs required, categorized into City Street Maintenance Division Work, CIP, Five-Year Program or other work tasks.

e. City Street Maintenance Division Work

Throughout the year the need for bridge repairs will be identified. This happens frequently around the time of the City’s Bridge Inspection Program and NYSDOT’s Biennial Inspection Program. In fact, one of the byproducts of the City’s Inspection Program is a list of repairs to be performed by the Street Maintenance Division such as crack-seal, asphalt patching, bridge scupper cleaning and deck/grating repair. The CONSULTANT shall furnish to the City Engineer a list of the street maintenance work items as soon as possible after a bridge is inspected. The City Engineer will contact and coordinate the work through the Street Maintenance Division.

2. Annual Bridge Maintenance Contract Preparation The CONSULTANT shall design and prepare plans, specifications and estimates for the Annual Bridge Maintenance contract.

After the annual City bridge inspections are completed, the bridge(s) to receive maintenance repairs for the following year are chosen. The bridges are chosen in conjunction with the development of the Five Year Program.

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The CONSULTANT shall assist the City in selecting the bridges to receive maintenance work by considering the following items:

a) the urgency of the repairs required; and b) the impact of deferring maintenance work; and c) the estimated cost of the repairs; and d) the economies of scale by lumping major materials together. Recommendations by the CONSULTANT are subject to the approval of the City Engineer. The City shall supply the CONSULTANT with the amount budgeted to the Annual Bridge Maintenance Contract. The CONSULTANT’s construction cost estimate should be in the area of approximately 75-80% of the budgeted amount for the year, with the extra to be allotted for contingency, RPR Services, Testing, RPR Services Agreement, etc.

The CONSULTANT shall prepare the contract drawings and specifications, based upon site visit, The CONSULTANT shall measure quantities of repairs, develop repair details, and provide cost estimates. The CONSULTANT shall begin work on this portion of the project during the beginning of September, with the draft PS&E set for submittal to the City for review in early December. The preparation of the drawings and specifications shall be consistent with standard City contracts. The special specifications follow the same format as and often reference the NYSDOT Standard Construction Specifications.

Prior to initiating work on the Annual Bridge Maintenance contract, the CONSULTANT shall submit to the City Engineer for approval the following: a) Submit a cost proposal for preparing the Annual Bridge Maintenance Contract. The cost proposal shall include the cost to provide site inspection, complete design, detailed construction plans, cost estimates, contract proposal books, specifications, bid documents, and award recommendations. It is assumed that 2 sets of review documents will be required and 20 sets of the final bid package will be needed. The preparation of the contract drawing, specifications and contract proposal book shall begin as soon as the City Engineer authorizes the work to commence. This work shall begin in September with a draft PS&E set of documents (2 ea) submitted for the City’s review in early December. The final PS&E set shall be submitted in early January (20 sets). Upon approval of the cost proposal by the City Engineer for the Annual Bridge Maintenance contract, the CONSULTANT, at a minimum, shall initiate the following: 1. Coordinate with the City Engineering Structural Unit to obtain the

project code; planning, bidding and award dates and times; and area prevailing wage rates.

2. Alert the DEC to the location and scope of work to find out what permits,

if any, are required.

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3. Prepare a "Short Environmental Assessment Form" for the Department

of Environmental Services (a copy is included in Appendix D). 4. Coordination and review by any and all utilities. 5. Maintenance and protection of traffic (MPT) must be reviewed by

Monroe County Traffic. MPT drawings shall be forwarded to Monroe County (Attn: Terry Rice) and revised per County comments. Final MPT drawings must be reviewed and endorsed by the Traffic Control Board (TCB).

6. Coordination as needed with the New York State Department of

Transportation, the New York State Thruway Authority - Canal Corporation, Rochester and Southern RR Corporation, and the Consolidated Rail Corporation (CSXT).

7. If work is to be performed over Conrail tracks, a Railroad Services

Agreement between the City of Rochester and Conrail must be obtained. This is to be arranged by the CONSULTANT. The review process by Conrail is lengthy, so the required information must be forwarded to Conrail as early as possible.

For maintenance, replacement or rehabilitation contracts prepared for the City by the CONSULTANT under the Bridge and Structural Engineering Services Agreement Annual Maintenance Contract, the CONSULTANT shall provide the following to the City upon project close out: 1. As-Built Drawings (Mylar and Digital Format) 2. Inspection Reports 3. Material Certifications 4. Design Calculations (if applicable)

3. RPR Services for Annual Bridge Maintenance Contract

The CONSULTANT shall furnish during the construction period, a Resident Project Representative. The Resident Project Representative may or may not be full time, staffing will be dependent on the complexities, difficulty and extent of the construction activity occurring. The CONSULTANT shall brief the City on a bi-weekly basis of pending construction activities and expected difficulties, The City will review the expected Resident Project Representative hours and staffing ahead of time, and if found appropriate, grant authorization. Resident Project Representation work shall be performed under the supervision of a New York State licensed professional engineer of the Consultant. The qualifications of all Consultant personnel doing work under this Agreement shall be subject to the review and approval of the City. The CONSULTANT shall report regularly to the City on the progress and quality of the work. The CONSULTANT shall conduct on-site observations of the general progress of the work and shall consult with the City and the contractor giving opinions, suggestions, and recommendations, based on the Consultant's observations, as to any defects or deficiencies in the contractor's work.

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The CONSULTANT shall perform technical inspection as directed by the supervising engineer in general furtherance of the duties set forth below. The specific duties of the Resident Project Representative shall include, but not be limited to, the following: 1. Record Assembly a. A list of the Contractor's suppliers and subcontractors. b. A record of field samples and field samples c. A complete set of contract documents with all revisions and agenda. d. Shop drawing, submittal logs and a complete set of approved shop drawings. e. A complete set of all correspondence and written records regarding the project. f. Copies of all guarantees, certifications and operation manuals for the project. g. A copy of all project schedules of all contractors as amended. h. A filed and labeled set of preconstruction and construction photographs. 2. Observation a. On-site observations of the work in progress. b. Attend and chair pre-construction conferences and job meetings c. Consult with the City prior to and observe all on-site tests. d. Observe such off-site operations as directed by the City. e. Observe that all permits and licenses which are necessary have been obtained. f. Conduct a final inspection of the project 3. Liaison a. Transmit to the contractor the Designer's interpretation of the contract. b. Transmit all modifications to drawings for creation of a set of as-built drawings. c. Coordinate and monitor all material testing d. Coordinate work with construction that is occurring on other adjacent projects e. Receive from the Contractor weekly certified payroll records. 4. Construction Review a. Construction schedules from each contractor. b. Payment requisitions from each contractor for each fiscal share of the project. c. Requests of the Contractor for interpretation of the Contract Documents. d. Claims by each contractor. e. Contractor requests regarding proposed changes to the contract documents. f. Change orders including recommendations g. Construction schedules and proposed work locations of any contractor. 5. Record Creation - The Consultant shall create and maintain the project records. Upon completion of the project the Consultant shall deliver a bound, categorized set of these records which shall include the following: a. A list of all required permits, licenses, reviews and approvals b. A daily diary or log book c. Weekly and monthly reports d. Monthly progress payments (and final payment) e. Change Orders as required on forms approved by the City.

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f. All modifications to construction schedules for the project. g. Minutes of all meetings. h. A final punch list of all items which remain incomplete i. A guarantee punch list j. Marked up prints, drawings and other data indicating all modifications k. Labeled pre-construction and construction photographs. l. Project unit quantities apportioned by final share m. Water service and sewer lateral tap cards n. All permits of any contractor doing work within the Project limits Project Completion Following satisfaction of punch list items, the CONSULTANT shall submit a statement that the work has been completed in accordance with the contract and subcontract(s), the final design and construction specifications, and all permit requirements. The completion statement must be prepared and/or certified by a licensed professional engineer, architect or landscape architect. Unless otherwise specified during project scoping, the CONSUTLANT shall submit three sets of As-Built Plans, certified by a licensed professional engineer, architect or landscape architect as applicable.

4. Coordination and Administration The CONSULTANT shall conduct monthly meeting for the purpose of coordination, strategic planning, funding and budgetary monitoring, and overall administration continuity of the program. These meeting shall provide continuous updates regarding the bridge inspections, schedules, maintenance contracts, budget, Coordination, inventory database, street maintenance work, and long term program development.

The CONSULTANT shall assist the city in the coordination of the City’s five-year Bridge Maintenance Program and provide input into the City’s five-year Capital Improvement Program. The Majority of the work associated with the Five-year Bridge Maintenance Program and the five-year Capital Improvement Program will be completed by the City using inspection input and cost estimates supplied by the CONSULTANT. The CONSULTANT shall assist the City in the Coordination with the City’s Street Maintenance Division for the annual repairs to the Bridges and/or tunnels. Coordinate activities with the City through monthly progress meetings with the City’s Structural Engineer and staff. Monitor the operating budget for the Bridge and Structural Engineering Services Agreement and prepare monthly budget reports.

a. Program Development

Program Development consists of three work products: Five-Year Maintenance Program; Life Cycle Plan; and Capital Improvement Program. The City will be completing the majority of the work associated with the Development of these Programs. The CONSULTANT shall supply the City with inspection information, reports, cost estimates and preliminary project scoping, as needed.

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b. Five-Year Program Using data collected from the annual cursory and detailed inspections, including a review of the NYSDOT Biennial Inspection Reports, The CONSULTANT shall assist the City in developing, updating and formulating its comprehensive five-year bridge maintenance program. Bridges requiring maintenance are prioritized and assigned an urgency based on the type of deficiencies requiring work, the impacts of deferring maintenance from one or more years on the remaining life of the structure and other considerations including the estimated cost of maintenance work. The work product is an itemized listing of the proposed work with an accompanying Engineer’s Estimate, organized by bridge and year. The Five-Year Program is a guide for preparing the Annual Maintenance Contracts and is to be used as a tool for assuring the availability of funding for the necessary work. (see Appendix A). The majority of the work under the Five-Year Program will be completed by the City with inspection and cost estimate input obtained from the CONSULTANT. c. Life Cycle Plan

Certain instances arise when it is necessary to develop a Life Cycle Plan of an existing bridge. The CONSULTANT shall, when authorized by the City Engineer, prepare a Life Cycle Analysis as needed. Example of circumstances when this may be authorized would include CIP submissions or preparation of a Project Initiation Report (PIR) and/or Initial Project Proposal (IPP).

Among the many factors to be considered while developing a Life Cycle Plan include the following: 1. Present condition of bridge and bridge elements 2. Life cycle expectancy of individual bridge elements 3. Life cycle expectancy of various bridge repairs (i.e. paint systems, joint systems, deck

sealers, etc.) 4. Present worth costs of repair/replacement items d. Capital Improvement Program (CIP)

The CONSULTANT shall assist and aid the City in completing the following activities for the CIP process:

1. Aid in the assignment of projects to the (T-7) program. 2. Define the "scope of construction" and prepare a detailed cost estimate for the

projects assigned to the (T-7) program. 3. Assist the City with the "Construction Scope", Cost Estimate, and all necessary

information to complete the CIP Project Request Form.

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5. Inventory and Database Management The CONSULTANT shall assist and aid the City in maintaining the bridge files and inventory

database of all City owned or maintained bridges, including tunnels and pedestrian skyways. The CONSULTANT shall retrieve all available files and Database information from the City’s

current Structural/Bridge Engineering CONSULTANT. These files and database records shall be retrieved and transported by the CONSULTANT to a storage area that is convenient, easily accessible, and secure to both the City and the CONSULTANT. The CONSULTANT shall provide for the complete protection and safety of these file.

The file system provides the means of tracking the recent history of the structures, including NYSDOT issued structural or safety flags, Work Order Requests, inspection reports, etc.

The microfilm records contain as-built drawings of bridges under the jurisdiction of the City

Engineer including the original construction drawings and any rehabilitation. The City Bridge Database is the primary vehicle for maintaining up-to-date records of all vehicle and pedestrian bridges, tunnels, skyways, etc. within the City’s boundaries. Data on these structures, such as load postings, current flags and overhead clearances, is quickly and easily accessible via the City Bridge Database.

a. Record Maintenance The CONSULTANT shall be responsible for supplying accurate and up-to-date records of all bridges for which the City has any ownership or maintenance responsibility. These records consists of Inspections (NYSDOT and City), NYSDOT Flag Notifications, Load Rating, Street Maintenance Division Work Requests, Correspondence, Special Investigations, Maintenance Jurisdiction, Executive Summaries, Cursory Reports, Detailed Inspection Reports, Photographs, Correspondences, and Program Development Items. These records will be retained by both the City and the CONSULTANT, with one (1) copy being submitted to the City and one (1) copy being inserted into the Bridge File to be held by the CONSULTANT. The CONSULTANT shall be responsible for the setting up and maintaining a separate set of local files. All data relevant to the safe transportation of vehicular or pedestrian traffic and maintenance or rehabilitation shall be kept. The CONSULTANT shall also maintain files on all tunnels in the City of Rochester. The majority of City-owned or maintained tunnels do not fall under the jurisdiction of the Bureau of Engineering (most downtown tunnels are under the jurisdiction of the Architectural Services Facilities Bureau).Included in the files is all correspondence, inspections, special structural investigations, etc. pertaining to these tunnels. b. Files

The file system can be compared to NYSDOT’s BIN folder system. All information pertaining to the structural condition and load carrying capacity of the bridge, maintenance responsibilities, flag information, safety concerns, etc. should be kept in the file section for that structure.

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Each bridge for which the City is the primary owner or has shared maintenance responsibilities is included in the file system. Other bridges, tunnels or skyways for which any work has been performed under the Bridge and Structural Engineering Services Agreement Annual Maintenance Contract shall also be included in the file system.

The CONSULTANT shall keep and maintain separate files for each structure not otherwise filed above for which a special structural investigation has been performed. Each file shall contain all information concerning the structural investigation including the special investigations request form, authorization to proceed, any design calculations, field notes, correspondence, etc. c. City Bridge Inventory Database and Maintenance

The purpose of the City Bridge Database is to provide the City Engineer with fingertip access to all available information on each structure under the City Engineer’s responsibility. The City Bridge Program is currently supporting two bridge database programs. The City is in the process of transferring the various bridge database records from a Microsoft Access platform to Cartagraph BridgeView. Cartagraph Bridgeview is a proprietary product licensed to the City of Rochester and it’s consultant. The CONSULTANT shall be responsible for retrieve and maintaining both the Mircosoft Access platform and Cartagraph Bridge View.

d. Software Enhancements The Consultant shall review, assess, evaluate the City’s current Bridge Management System (BMS) for potential areas of software upgrade. The City currently utilizes a system that combines database programs running on MS Access and Cartagrapgh BridgeView. The Consultant shall recommend upgrades to the BMS system that will fully integrate with the City’s current ESRI Inc. product line. The Consultant shall review and assess the City’s current inventory of computer hardware, software, and geographic data for capturing, managing, analyzing, and displaying all forms of geographically referenced information, and offer recommendations for upgrades to the system to support BMS planning needs. The Consultant shall consider the strategic purposes of the Bridge Management System and determine based on discussions with the City and other agencies the following: plan of activities required and final end products, technology requirements, scope of the system, data design and model, system requirements, an implementation plan. The Consultant shall recommend and implement both the IT infrastructure and GIS platform that provides all the capabilities necessary to support the City’s Bridge Management System. At a minimum, the following shall be incorporated: a) Geographic database to store and manage all geographic objects b) A Web-based network for distributed geographic information management and sharing c) Desktop and server applications

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d) Data compilation e) Information query f) Spatial analysis and geoprocessing g) Cartographic production h) Image visualization and exploitation i) GIS data management

Inspection Schedule. As discussed in the Annual Bridge Inspections section of this scope of services, an inspection schedule must be developed and approved on a yearly basis. A query has been developed to search the active database for those bridges which meet the inspection frequency criteria detailed in the City of Rochester’s Bridge Procedures Manual. The results of the inspection schedule query can then be printed via the inspection schedule report. An example of this report is included in Appendix A. The CONSULTANT shall be responsible for maintaining the database. Information received by the CONSULTANT will require updating the database.

Periodically, the City’s Senior Structural Engineer and/or the City Engineer may request a disk copy of the current bridge database.

6. Misc. Structural Services

Situations may arise in which the City Engineer requests the CONSULTANT perform a special

investigation under the Bridge and Structural Engineering Services Agreement. For these situations, the CONSULTANT will receive a "Special Investigations Request Form" from the City Engineer. The CONSULTANT shall complete the bottom portion of the request form, including the estimated costs, and return to the City Engineer. The CONSULTANT shall proceed with the investigation only when authorized by the City Engineer.

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SCHEDULE 1. It is assumed that the CONSULTANT shall schedule his activities in general conformance to the attached schedule. Some minor revisions to this schedule may be warranted and should be discussed in the Consultant’s approach to the Program. The general schedule calls for the following activities: July 2012 Development of continuous three-year work cycle identifying specific

elements to be used in the year-to- year Annual Maintenance Program. (ie: year one -painting: year 2 - concrete repairs; year three - joint work; etc) Generate, track and monitor work orders. Administrate and staff RPR phase services for 2012 Annual Bridge Maintenance Contract Aug 2012 Coordination and assistance with targeted candidates for NYSDOT Transportation Improvement plan (TIP) and City’s Capital Improvement Program (CIP). Continue to administrate and staff RPR phase services for 2012 Annual Bridge Maintenance Contract Sept 2012 Submittal of cost proposal for the preparation of the 2013 Annual Bridge Maintenance Contract. Begin to develop the 2013 Annual Bridge Maintenance Contract. Continue to administrate and staff RPR phase services for 2012 Annual Bridge Maintenance Contract Oct 2012 to Preliminary and final design, detailing and development of Annual Bridge Dec 2012 Maintenance plans and contract books Jan 2013 Final design and development of Annual Bridge Maintenance plans and contract

books, Selections of Candidates for Bridge / Tunnel Inspections for 2013 program year.

Feb 2013 Bidding and Award Phase of the Annual Bridge Maintenance contract. Final Bridge/ Tunnel Inspection list March 2013 Coordination for April / May Inspections April 2013 Bridge / Tunnel Inspections May 2013 Submittal of Bridge Inspection Executive summaries, Administrate and staff RPR phase services for Annual Bridge Maintenance Contract June 2013 Selection of Candidates for inclusion in the 2014 Annual Bridge Maintenance Contract. Continue with Administrate and staffing of RPR phase services for Annual Bridge Maintenance Contract

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Inspection Flow Sheets

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Bridge Inventory

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City of Rochester Bridge Inventory

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Page 23: Bridge and Structural Engineering Services


Program Overview

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