brochure design tips that work

Brochure design tips that work An impactful brochure clearly and concisely reflects your business’s vision and how you plan to add value to your customer’s investments. Conversely, shabby brochures would drive away prospects to your adversaries’ camps. Before detailing how to create a brochure, let us see what it actually is how much importance it holds. Brochure is leaflet shaped and carries useful information about any product, service, firm, promotion or event. The single sheeted can be bi/ tri folded or c/ z folded. In this digital era, many question the relevance of brochures. This is baseless as brochures with professional designs upon strategic market deployment can still nurture quality leads. Imagine attending a trade fair where you get to rub shoulders with visionary businessmen from your professional backdrop. You try to exchange meaningful information about your operational policies, product strategies, service range etc. but after conclusion of the fair, it is your company’s leaflets that would remind them of your professional identity. You can articulate points that give you edge over competitors. Tips for designing rocking brochure A persuasive brochure raises reader’s awareness level, and makes your company appear authoritative and credible before them to extract favourable pecuniary action. Most graphic designers grapple with elegant creation. 15 tips discussed below would empower anyone to create cogent brochures for impactful brand promotion: 1. Have a clearly defined objective

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Page 1: Brochure design tips that work

Brochure design tips that work An impactful brochure clearly and concisely reflects your business’s vision and how you plan to add value to your customer’s investments. Conversely, shabby brochures would drive away prospects to your adversaries’ camps. Before detailing how to create a brochure, let us see what it actually is how much importance it holds.

Brochure is leaflet shaped and carries useful information about any product, service, firm, promotion or event. The single sheeted can be bi/ tri folded or c/ z folded.

In this digital era, many question the relevance of brochures. This is baseless as brochures with professional designs upon strategic market deployment can still nurture quality leads.

Imagine attending a trade fair where you get to rub shoulders with visionary businessmen from your professional backdrop. You try to exchange meaningful information about your operational policies, product strategies, service range etc. but after conclusion of the fair, it is your company’s leaflets that would remind them of your professional identity. You can articulate points that give you edge over competitors.

Tips for designing rocking brochure

A persuasive brochure raises reader’s awareness level, and makes your company appear authoritative and credible before them to extract favourable pecuniary action. Most graphic designers grapple with elegant creation.

15 tips discussed below would empower anyone to create cogent brochures for impactful brand promotion:

1. Have a clearly defined objective

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The efficacy of any attractive brochure design owes it to your clear perception of the reason for which the brochure is being prepared i.e. to promote any event or for marketing a product/service or for fundraising or other purpose.

Collect optimal information so as to strategically plan brochure’s design. You need to appreciate the fact that everything published in the leaflet would strengthen your communication channel with potential customers. However, it is important to be very careful while putting in the information.

2. Learn more about your customers.

Brochure is meant for sending across specialized information to targeted leads. This calls for understanding their temperaments so as to cater to them likewise. If your target is diners then theme must pivot on gourmet delicacies. Brochure’s efficacy is dependent on the accuracy with which targets’ requirements and expectations are captured and reflected. Interact with salespersons and consumers to understand their needs and make the best brochure design that measure up to these.

3. Blend creativity with uniqueness

Out of the box designs will hone your competitive edge and help you make unique representation of your plans. Non-imitative and distinctive design would ring a bell in customers and make your brochure shine brightly among hordes of other leaflets. This will also reinforce your brand’s identity.

Page 3: Brochure design tips that work

4. Consciously use fonts

As the project takes off, it’s common to be swayed by an overpowering urge to use an array of fonts. It may amuse you to see the leaflet embellished with varied fonts; however prospects may find this distractive.

Consciously exercise your discretion when choosing fonts. It is preferable to adhere to the signature font of your brand, if any. Keep the font same for the entire leaflet and opt for variants at few locations to accentuate vital points. This is in fact one of the basic brochure design tips.

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5. Strike your target upfront

Remember that brochure differs from book. It is not the appropriate platform to showcase the entire array of your company’s accomplishments. Neither it is desirable that you rattle about the efficacy of your products/ services in the brochure. Rambling about your achievements and products would cloy readers and drive them away. In the midst of these, the central theme would fail to attract attention.

Laser target the idea that you want readers to know about. This will serve the purpose better.

6. Refrain from using complex jargons

Complicated verbiage would diminish your credibility quotient. Difficult words don’t impress readers’ rather alienate you from prospective buyers. Your central message gets veiled behind abstruse words. Plain English is the best choice. Most of the companies offering professional brochure design services have also in-house copywriters or freelancers associated with them who know to jot down the right mix of words to make the material remarkably effective.

7. Keep the design audience oriented

In an attempt to be too reader friendly, most designers fall prey to the trap of incomprehensible designs. Priorities fail to take precedence in a jumbled mass.

From the designer’s perspective, you need to empathize with your organic targets. If a particular design element disgusts you but goes down well with the brand’s audience, incorporate the same. Your aim is to appeal to the pecuniary senses of the readers.

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8. Have a killer headline in place

Headline should intuitively convey the leaflet’s purpose to the readers at the first glance i.e. what the advertisement is about and how users stand to benefit from it. Keep company information away from headline. Company info should be highlighted in strategic corner along the brochure’s body.

9. Have a spirited call to action

Efforts invested in meticulously designing would go in vain without call-to-action. Ornate brochures designed by a typical graphic design firm are not the guarantee of extracting a purchase from the targeted audiences. Readers have to be galvanized to take action in your favour or contact you.

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10. Keep the colour combination strategic

Avoid glaring colours. Keep in perspective the previous response of niche audiences to particular colours. Use subtle colours that would instinctively appeal to readers. Choose colours that soothe the eyes both during day and night. Use signature colours of your brand and experiment with successful hues and shades. There is no harm in being creative but be cautious.

11. Print on superior quality paper

Choose durable paper that offers smooth feel upon touching. Glossy paper may be expensive than flimsy one but it conveys strong statement of your brand’s consumer consciousness. They feel valued and this is important for enhancing customer loyalty.

12. Use images suitably

Picture less brochure is bland and dry. Audiences love to be impressed visually; it’s their basic instinct and people are becoming more visual nowadays. Plain, insipid text is unattractive; heighten the intrigue quotient with alluring and appealing images. Pictures should be consistent with the leaflet’s central theme. Relevant images render the brochure user-friendly. Shun generic pictures, instead invest on paid ones. Alternatively, have a photo shoot arranged to capture stunning HD images. The investment would never go futile and its worthy for the time and effort taken.

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13. Provide adequate information for contacting you

Brochure is published to allow interested prospects contact you to get product/ service related estimates and subsequently place orders. This makes it imperative to have the company’s contact information displayed at position which would effortlessly catch the sight of audiences. Contact information to be included comprises of contact address, website, email, social media address, and QR code. Most of the professional companies offering brochure design services take care of all these incorporations.

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14. Have multiple designs ready for deployment

Allow your creative juices to flow optimally and have multiple designs prepared for the same project. All released brochures shouldn’t be the same. Organic traffic seeks change and gets influenced by it. A number of designs would take the market by storm. Prospects can now exercise their options to choose designs that complement their tastes.

15. Render the brochure a treasurable asset

Go for a design that would not lose relevance soon. Keep in mind that trends keep on changing. Stress on paper quality, proper fonts, alluring colours, and value augmenting content. The design should have its own distinctive feel and value proposition which would promote retention.

Cool templates to crank up your brochure project

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There are many pre-designed templates available free of cost. You may think of saving time by opting for adequate colour combinations, types and layouts easily. However, uniqueness is what customers love. Also using templates restrict you in many ways and the intended ideas may fail to propagate in the way you want. Savings done initially can pave way for huge losses.

The information shared above would develop in you the necessary confidence in your abilities to design cutting edge brochures. By taking into perspective the tips discussed over here, you can surely design brochures that would have hordes of traffic pouring in for your brand’s offerings.

For more tips on graphic design including brochure and catalogue, logo, magazine, illustration, cover, poster, banner, flyer design visit: