brochure pwc honours master

PwC Honours Master Accounting, Auditing & Control PwC Honours Master © 2012 PricewaterhouseCoopers B.V. (KvK 3412089) Alle rechten voorbehouden. Tijdens je studie heb je een schat aan kennis opgedaan, je bent ambitieus en nu wil je aan de slag. Bij ons kun je al je kwaliteiten volop ontwikkelen. Je ideeën zijn meer dan welkom Ook wij zijn ambitieus. We willen op de gebieden Audit & Assurance, Tax & Human Resource Services, Advisory en Compliance Services de beste oplossingen bedenken voor onze klanten. Dat kan alleen als onze mensen verschillende invalshoeken hebben. Dus maakt het minder uit wat je gestudeerd hebt. Het gaat om je ideeën. Blijf je ontwikkelen Je krijgt op dag één een coach, werkt samen in teams met inspirerende collega’s en volgt opleidingen. Zo ontdek je waar je kracht ligt. Je kunt switchen tussen sectoren, bijvoorbeeld tussen beursgenoteerde ondernemingen en de overheid. Je kunt ook van PwC-vestiging veranderen, binnen Nederland of over de grens. Pak de ruimte die je krijgt Je gaat bij ons aan de slag in een open kennisorganisatie. We werken met passie en een gezonde dosis lef; zijn open, integer en eerlijk. Het gaat er bij ons informeel aan toe. Je initiatieven zijn welkom. Je start je carrière vliegend, ontwikkelt je volop en haalt het beste in jezelf naar boven. Want daar worden onze klanten, wij én jij beter van. Soms hou je alle opties open Soms weet je direct waar je aan de slag wilt Kom verder op Erasmus Brochure PwC Honours Master.indd 2-3 30-05-12 13:23

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PwC Honours Master

© 2012 PricewaterhouseCoopers B.V. (KvK 3412089) Alle rechten voorbehouden.

Tijdens je studie heb je een schat aan kennis opgedaan, je bent ambitieus en nu wil je aan de slag. Bij ons kun je al je kwaliteiten volop ontwikkelen.

Je ideeën zijn meer dan welkom Ook wij zijn ambitieus. We willen op de gebieden Audit & Assurance, Tax & Human Resource Services, Advisory en Compliance Services de beste oplossingen bedenken voor onze klanten. Dat kan alleen als onze mensen verschillende invalshoeken hebben. Dus maakt het minder uit wat je gestudeerd hebt. Het gaat om je ideeën.

Blijf je ontwikkelen Je krijgt op dag één een coach, werkt samen in teams met inspirerende collega’s en volgt opleidingen. Zo ontdek je waar je kracht ligt. Je kunt switchen tussen sectoren, bijvoorbeeld tussen beursgenoteerde ondernemingen en de overheid. Je kunt ook van PwC-vestiging veranderen, binnen Nederland of over de grens.

Pak de ruimte die je krijgt Je gaat bij ons aan de slag in een open kennisorganisatie. We werken met passie en een gezonde dosis lef; zijn open, integer en eerlijk. Het gaat er bij ons informeel aan toe. Je initiatieven zijn welkom. Je start je carrière vliegend, ontwikkelt je volop en haalt het beste in jezelf naar boven. Want daar worden onze klanten, wij én jij beter van.

Soms hou je alle opties openSoms weet je direct waar je aan de slag wilt

Kom verder op

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Page 2: Brochure PwC honours master

The PwC Honours Master provides you with a competitive edge to your resume.

The Master is characterized by a unique combination of theory and practice

in accounting, auditing and control. A strong basis in finance is added as an

extra feature to further enhance your career opportunities. The programme is

developed in close cooperation with PwC and includes significant interaction

with the business community through guest speakers, projects with

practitioners, business games, drinks, and internship opportunities.

The programme is of high academic standards that are recognized both

nationally and internationally. The Honours Master facilitates students’

admittance without any deficiencies to the post initial education for Certified

Public Accountant (CPA; in Dutch: register accountant [RA]) or Certified

Controller (in Dutch: register controller [RC]). The Master will continuously

accommodate the developments in the field and the demands of professional

organizations, to guarantee a state-of-the-art education. You are not required

to work for PwC upon completion of the programme. If you wish so, you will

need to apply to PwC for a graduate position.

ACADEMIC FIELDThe Honours Master covers all aspects of reporting relevant and reliable

financial information to internal and external stakeholders. It also deepens your

understanding of advanced valuation methods. You will get familiarized with

techniques and theoretical frameworks that enable you to think independently

and critically about how auditing and control are practiced. The academic staff

of the ESE, involved with the honours master, has substantial professional

accounting and business experience along with excellent teaching credentials,

permitting them to share their “real-life” experiences and bring real world

perspective into the classroom.

CURRICULUMAs an Honours Master student, you will attend the core curriculum in a

special Honours Master group, thus enhancing the class experience. The core

courses, a seminar, and a Master’s thesis are distributed over five blocks of

eight weeks. The core courses help you to get acquainted with a wide range of

topics that are essential for accounting, auditing & control, and provide a solid

background for attending the seminars. The last two blocks of the programme

are devoted to the Master’s thesis. The thesis is written individually under

close supervision by one of our academic staff members. Additionally, each

student in the Honours Master will be assigned a coach by either the Erasmus

School of Economics or PwC, who will facilitate you in managing study and

career (not necessarily with PwC) throughout the year. This will include help

with successfully completing the Master’s thesis. If possible, PwC will provide

opportunities to combine the master thesis with an internship.

The curriculum further includes two unique courses that are only open to

Honours Master students. The first course is an in-house course at PwC

that will provide practical perspectives on risk and control. You will visit real

companies and explore how these companies manage risks with respect to

fraud, acquisitions, treasury and internal controls. The second course focuses

on the increasing need for accountants and auditors to understand valuations.

Accountants and auditors are often involved in complex transactions that

require fair value measurements of, for example, businesses, brand names,

customer relationships, technology, financial instruments and employee share

options. For today’s practitioners it is imperative to have an understanding

of the rationale of these transactions and the valuation models applied. The

course focuses on providing students the knowledge and skills to work with

these models.

PwCHonours Master

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EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIESPwC will organize numerous extracurricular activities that are aimed

at learning, team building, meeting practitioners and having fun. These

activities will include a kick-off event, the “best student award”, an

international business game, the celebration of the successful completion

of the Master, and numerous opportunities to get acquainted with practice.

CAREER PROSPECTSThis is an exciting time to pursue a career in the accounting profession.

There has never been a greater need for thought leadership combined with

hands-on knowledge. The Honours Master will prepare excellent students

that are ready for an exciting career at the most inspiring organisations.

CAREER PAThS InCLUDE• Chartered Accountant (RA, CPA)

• Chartered Controller (RC)

• Management Consultant

• Financial Economical Expert

STAFFThe staff of the Honours Class Accounting consists of:

• Prof. J.C.A. Gortemaker RA

• Prof. Dr V.S. Maas

• Prof. Dr M. Pronk

• Dr L. Dai

• Dr C.D. Knoops

• Dr F. Lamp

• Dr D. Veenman


Entry requirements

Applicants for the Msc in Economics & Business programmes should

hold a university Bachelor’s Degree that our Examination Board considers

equivalent to a Bachelor of Science diploma in Economics & Business

from Erasmus School of Economics. Furthermore, for international

students fluency in spoken and written English, assessed by a TOEFL- or

IELTS-test, is required. Applicants who do not meet the above-mentioned

requirements can be considered by the Examination Board for admission

to a one year Pre-Master’s programme.

Students who want to apply for this Honours Master have to apply by

means of the following procedure.

1. The student has to send his/her application, including curriculum and

a letter of motivation to R. Van der Wal before half of September.

2. After your application you will be admitted for an online assessment.

3. Based on the assessment, an interview with the selection board will

be scheduled. A representative of PwC will take part in this interview.

4. Based on the results of this interview you will be invited for a second

interview with two representatives of PwC.

5. At the end of October you will be notified if you are admitted for the

Honours Master.

6. You will be admitted to the Honours Master, conditional upon being

admitted to the master.

Start and Duration

The Master’s specialization Accounting, Auditing & Control starts in

September and lasts one year (60 ECTS credits). The specialization is

taught in English. The kick-off event will be held in the last week of August.


Master of Science in Economics & Business, specialization Accounting,

Auditing and Control. You will receive a PwC Honours Master Certificate,

provided by the Erasmus School of Economics.

Further information

Contact: Drs R. van der Wal RA Phone: +31 10 4081330/4081332

Email: [email protected] Website:

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