brochure summer 2011

company brochure Summer 2011 pts construction construction experts

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PTS Construction Company Brochure


Page 1: Brochure Summer 2011

ccoommppaannyy bbrroocchhuurreeSSuummmmeerr 22001111

ppttss ccoonnssttrruuccttiioonnccoonnssttrruuccttiioonn eexxppeerrttss

Page 2: Brochure Summer 2011

iinnttrroodduuccttiioonn ttooppttss ccoonnssttrruuccttiioonn

At PTS Construction, our services and expertise are on offer toa wide range of customers, in both public and private sectors.

We take pride in our reputation for offering quality and expertiseboth in Spain and the United Kingdom. Since 2004 we have beencommitted to building strong customer relationships based ontrust and understanding, always endeavouring to offer excellentvalue for money and a service second to none.

Our commitment extends to our people, recruiting from not onlythe local community in our home base but of our Alicante and Murcia bases.

Established 2004 in Ciudad Quesada, Spain and in 2005 be-coming PTS Construction S.L, we now have a valuable network ofexpertise and experience working with some of the most trustedand valued companies both in Spain and the United Kingdom.


Page 3: Brochure Summer 2011

ccoonnssttrruuccttiioonn eexxppeerrttss......pprriivvaattee aanndd ccoommmmeerrcciiaall



DDaammpp PPrrooooffiinnggDDeemmoolliittiioonn

EElleeccttrriiccaall WWoorrkkEExxtteennssiioonnss


PPaaiinnttiinngg PPllaasstteerriinngg PPlluummbbiinngg


RRooooffiinnggSSoouunndd PPrrooooffiinngg

We offer a wide range of services, backed up with our unrivalledknowledge and experience in the construction sector.

From day one of our existence, both management & ouremployees follow a strict code of policies to ensure that ourclients receive only the best possible workmanship and service.

Our primary services are listed on the left, and listed below arejust some of the many commercial services we offer.

Contact our staff today to discuss your personal requirements.

CCoommpplleettee aanndd ppaarrttiiaall nneeww bbuuiillddssCCoommmmeerrcciiaall sshhoopp--ffiittttiinnggRReennoovvaattiioonn pprroojjeeccttssSStteeeell EErreeccttiioonnCCoommmmeerrcciiaall DDeeccoorraattiinnggEElleeccttrriiccaall,, PPlluummbbiinngg && GGaass IInnssttaallllaattiioonn ((WWee aarree GGaass SSaaffee))


Page 4: Brochure Summer 2011

We have been a partner of the website for al-most one year and in that time, we have completed many suc-cessful projects and gained many satisfied clients.

The feedback system is a great way for any potential new clientsto see what our past customers thoughts are on our great work-manship and value.

On the left are just some of the many positive feedback com-ments we have gained. We have 100% positive feedback and intend to keep it that way!

For our clients in Alicante Spain, although at the moment, we do-not accept projects to be submitted via, howeveryou are welcome to browse our profile page and our feedbackrating. Also check out our website -


“We found PTS both professional& competent throughout. Wouldnot hesitate to recommend.

RReennoovvaattiioonn,, SSeeaattoonn CCaarreewwHHaarrttlleeppooooll,, JJaann 22001100

“Excellent service, very profes-sional from coming out to supplya quotation to finish of work.

RRooooffiinngg,, WWaasshhiinnggttoonnTTyynnee && WWeeaarr,, SSeepptt 22001100

“Excellent Communication andvery happy with the work, wouldrecommend”

DDaammpp PPrrooooffiinngg,, BBllaayyddoonnNNeewwccaassttllee,, DDeecc 22000099

FFiinndd ppttss ccoonnssttrruuccttiioonn oonn......

Page 5: Brochure Summer 2011

wwee wwoorrkk wwiitthh ttoopp ccoommppaanniieessaallll oovveerr eeuurrooppee........


QQSSDD BBuuiillddiinngg GGrroouuppRReennoovvaattiioonnss

NNeewwccaassttllee CCiittyy CCoouunncciillRReennoovvaattiioonn && BBuuiillddiinngg

DDyyssoonn LLttddHHeeaavvyy SStteeeell IInnssttaallaattiioonn

KKNNWW LLttddRReennoovvaattiioonn && BBuuiillddiinngg

EEuurroommaarriinnaaNNeeww--BBuuiilldd HHoommeess

PPaappaa JJoohhnnss ((UUKK))RRooooffiinngg && RReennoovvaattiioonnss

Page 6: Brochure Summer 2011

ppttss ccoonnssttrruuccttiioonnccoonnssttrruuccttiioonn eexxppeerrttss

AAlliiccaannttee ((SSppaaiinn)) OOffffiicceeCalle Sierra De Gata, Ciudad Quesda, RojalesTTeell:: ++3344 996666 119977 662244

email: eennqquurriieess@@ppttssccoonnssttrruuccttiioonnssll..ccoommwebsite: wwwwww..ppttssccoonnssttrruuccttiioonnssll..ccoomm

SSuunnddeerrllaanndd ((UUnniitteedd KKiinnggddoomm)) OOffffiicceeBroadsheath Terrace, SunderlandTTeell:: 00884444 880000 77554400

U.K. Site Telephone: 0077551155995555332211

ccuussttoommeerr hheellpplliinnee:: 00884444 880000 77554400