brother sharp


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Brother Sharp. Ouyang Tao(0924). Views. The photo which is popular in a Chinese online forum shows a beggar walking in the street. The man was called "Brother Sharp", bantered as the "most stylish beggar" by netizens in this online forum. @@@@Background@@@. The true ……. Who is he ? - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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The photo which is popular in a Chinese online forum shows a beggar walking in the street. The man was called "Brother Sharp", bantered as the "most stylish beggar" by netizens in this online forum.

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The true…….

•Who is he ?

• let me tell you~~

Brother sharp, real name Cheng guorong,34, a resident of Poyang county, Jiangxi province. He left home for work and lost contact with his family…….

New words :①resident ['rezidənt] n. 居民 , 常驻程序 , 居住者 , 留鸟 a. 居留的 , 定居的 住院医生 the resident physician

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Now "Brother Sharp" goes international ……

A photo of a Chinese beggar walking in the street quickly sparked heated discussion since its first appearance on Jan 30. The beggar "Brother Sharp" is claimed the most stylish beggar by netizens①. He becomes more and more famous, not only home, but abroad. On Feb. 4, his photo even showed on Britain's newspaper "The Independent". How far will "Brother Sharp" go?

New words : ① netizen n. 由 net 和 citizen 拼缀而成 , 网络公民 , 网民

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Developing …….

"The Independent" published a photo of him, and described as " a starkly handsome Chinese man walking with a model's measured

gait, and wearing a rag-tag but well co-ordinated overcoat on top

of a leather jacket. His eyes peer into the middle distance, in wh

at one fan described as 'a deep and penetrating way', and he strides confidently forward."

New words :①gait [geit] n. 步法 , 步态 vt. 训练…的步法 ②peer [piə] n. 贵族 , 同辈 , 同事 , 上院议员 v. 与…相比 , 与…匹敌 , 与…同等 ; 凝视 , 盯着看 ③penetrating [‘penitreitiŋ] a. 穿透的 , 渗透的词形变化 副 词: pen'e·trat'ing·ly

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Now ……

More and more people pay attention to the stylish beggar, and compare him with many stylish hot stars worldwide

Let’s have some picture about he …….

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PS about him…….

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Characteristic about Brother SharpCharacteristic about Brother Sharp

气场气场Charisma / vibeCharisma / vibe

注:两者都可表示不同寻常的吸引力、魅力,不过注:两者都可表示不同寻常的吸引力、魅力,不过 chcharismaarisma 常强调“领袖气质”常强调“领袖气质”

混搭混搭Mashup :mix and matchMashup :mix and match

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忧郁的眼神忧郁的眼神--The heavy-hearted expression in a person `s eyes--The heavy-hearted expression in a person `s eyes

--melancholy / sad eyes--melancholy / sad eyes

注:英文中,很少提“眼神”这个概念,一般直接用注:英文中,很少提“眼神”这个概念,一般直接用“眼睛”来表达,如:“眼睛”来表达,如: eye contact(eye contact( 眼神交流)眼神交流)

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关于“ Brother sharp” 在英文中的表达 Beggar 乞丐,为了生活乞求救济品。后来发现该词不适合犀利哥,因为

他不乞讨。 Homeless无家可归的,这里可以用,也可以用 sleeping rough 来形容 vagrant; vagabond流浪汉;露宿街头、居无定所的人。英文媒体中多用这个词来定义”


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Topic …….

How do we think about Brother Sharp?

From the newspaper……

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Amusing? Not really This spring, we consume

d Brother Sharp`s tragic life story with a sense of amusement. While consuming a story of the underdog , we also consumed our consciences. The spotlight is fading. Was it just an illusion for Brother Sharp?

--- The Beijing News

Notes: 1.a sense of amusement : 娱乐精

神。注意,在此,”娱乐“不要翻译为 entertainment 。因为后后者多指娱乐行业……而 amusement 才是”好玩、找乐子“

2. Conscience ,良知,也可以翻译为 a sense of right and wrong.

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If you come across a Brother Sharp on the street ,don’ t try to imitate or laud him , because it could hurt him. A favor that’s within your power and a smile of goodwill are what’s need most.

----Xinhua News Agency

Notes : 1.laud :热捧、赞颂 2.within sb’s power :力所能及

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Seeking pleasure at the expense of another’s dignity is anything but civilized behavior that should never be advocated in a civilized society.

----China Daily

Notes : the expense of: 在损害… .

2.Be anything but: 绝对不会是

3. dignity ['digniti] n. 尊严 , 面子 ,高贵

复 数: dignities

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Hamburger Handsome(烧饼帅哥)

Dragging our heroes out of the shadows….

Do you know he?

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Hamburger Handsome ( 烧饼帅哥)

Introduce about him…

Last March, a picture online showed a handsome man, wearing a black jacket and blue jeans , making Chinese Hamburgers, or sesame seeds cakes, at a small stall in Changsha Hunan province . People at first thought it might have been a rich man with a taste4 for a different life………

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His real life…….

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The true about him

Name :Bao Jianbin Age : 24 Purpose : To make his living from Chinese


Do you think he is handsome ?

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Candied-haw beauty( 糖葫芦西施)

How beautiful she is!

Do you know me?

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Her real life…….

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Introduce about her… She was one of the hottest topics on Xi’an Jiaotong

University’s BBS last October. She sold candid haws ,or tanghulu ,on a stick ,at the university`s south gate .

Tanghulu ( 糖葫芦)

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About her

Name : Kang Xiaohan Age : 20

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Final All of them are grass roots …… They are just want to make a living with

theses normal things Although they are handsome or beautiful

they work hard on there work ….. All of us should have conscience on them They are great ….. Let` s respect for them

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