brotherhood thoughts on brotherhood by blavatsky bailey roerich hilarion steiner and manly hall

FROM THE EFFORT OF PATRICK CHOUINARD BROTHERHOOD: Thoughts on Brotherhood by Blavatsky, Bailey, Roerich, Hilarion, Steiner, and Manly Hall H.P. BLAVATSKY: If theosophy prevails in the struggle and its all-embracing philosophy strikes deep root into the minds and hearts of men; if its doctrines of reincarnation and karma, in other words, of hope and responsibility, find a home in the lives of the new generations, then, indeed, will dawn the day of joy and gladness for all who now suffer and are outcast. For rea...Continue Reading Unlike · · 12 November 2013 at 06:47 · Edited You, Christopher See, Linda Arenillas, Keithlhar Drilon Dayao and 48 otherslike this. Laura Winzeler Thank you for this compilation, Patrick Chouinard 12 November 2013 at 09:04 · Like · 1 Bonnie Orgren Yes, thank you Patrick, for this contribution. It seems possible to me that the huge number of people joining together on fb to find inspiration, guidance, further world unity on different levels have brought in with us in our soul memories' experience in many different schools or brotherhoods and are reaching out now with expanded hearts to feel our way to the synergy you have talked about. The world is now filled with many who have come back to keep expanding the will to good. Their efforts can be seen in many movements like the return to biodynamic farming, the rapid growth of organic and permaculture methods, holistic health,

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Page 1: BROTHERHOOD Thoughts on Brotherhood by Blavatsky Bailey Roerich Hilarion Steiner and Manly Hall


BROTHERHOOD: Thoughts on Brotherhood by Blavatsky, Bailey, Roerich, Hilarion, Steiner, and Manly Hall


If theosophy prevails in the struggle and its all-embracing philosophy strikes deep root into the minds and hearts of

men; if its doctrines of reincarnation and karma, in other words, of hope and responsibility, find a home in the lives

of the new generations, then, indeed, will dawn the day of joy and gladness for all who now suffer and are outcast.

For rea...Continue Reading

Unlike · · 12 November 2013 at 06:47 · Edited

You, Christopher See, Linda Arenillas, Keithlhar Drilon Dayao and 48 otherslike this.

Laura Winzeler Thank you for this compilation, Patrick Chouinard

12 November 2013 at 09:04 · Like · 1

Bonnie Orgren Yes, thank you Patrick, for this contribution. It seems possible to me that the

huge number of people joining together on fb to find inspiration, guidance, further world unity

on different levels have brought in with us in our soul memories' experience in many different

schools or brotherhoods and are reaching out now with expanded hearts to feel our way to the

synergy you have talked about. The world is now filled with many who have come back to keep

expanding the will to good. Their efforts can be seen in many movements like the return to

biodynamic farming, the rapid growth of organic and permaculture methods, holistic health,

Page 2: BROTHERHOOD Thoughts on Brotherhood by Blavatsky Bailey Roerich Hilarion Steiner and Manly Hall

cognitive therapy[ very Buddhist or science of mind] heart centered therapies, online

meditations, the list could be very long. A common theme appears to be respect for unity and the

head/heart connection. Isn't that why we are participating here?

12 November 2013 at 17:24 · Like · 6

Luis Augusto Weber Salvi There is no very positive this bias anarchist Blavatsky, distinct from

other Theosophists sought perhaps without much skill, but DK / AAB rather craved with

criterion in their prophecies and teachings. However HPB redeemed himself through works such

as "The Voice of Silence", which puts the Compassion as the "Law of laws". A world without

the participation of the humble only exists in the imagination of mystics.

12 November 2013 at 18:50 · Like · 6

Patrick Chouinard Luis, I think I know what you mean about HPB. I feel the same way (see my

post today: More Inclusiveness & Humility Needed...). I much appreciate your words about


13 November 2013 at 08:34 · Like · 2

Luis Augusto Weber Salvi Humility before Heaven, and compassion in the face of the earth

(and forgive me if Google translates poorly, he he)

13 November 2013 at 09:32 · Like · 2

Patrick Chouinard I am a messenger of Light. I am a pilgrim on the way of love.

I do not walk alone, but know myself as one with all great souls,

& one with them in service.

Their strength is mine. This strength I claim.

My strength is theirs and this I freely give.

A soul, I walk on earth. I represent the one. DK (reposted from Anna Farrell - thanks Anna!)

13 November 2013 at 11:16 · Like · 6

Page 3: BROTHERHOOD Thoughts on Brotherhood by Blavatsky Bailey Roerich Hilarion Steiner and Manly Hall

Rae Lake Yes, Patrick, aren't we all. As a messenger of Light, we don't waste our time 'fighting'

darkness. i walked out of a meeting on Sunday when the speaker was getting worked up about

winning the war against evil, etc. So boring. Evil is a characteristic of the material world of

force. It's our environment. Instead, increase the light. And so many worry about the 'increasing

influence of Satan'. What a waste of energy. Dk asked us to work entirely positive. As the light

grows we can see deeper into the problems that surround us. No biggie. I never avoid stupidity

but will walk out if it gets too enmeshed in fear and conflict symbols. It takes two to maintain

any conflict. I drop my end of the rope and poof, it's gone.

13 November 2013 at 12:22 · Like · 6

Patrick Chouinard Yes, Rae, I hear you! A focus on doom and gloom - on the darkness - is not

at all constructive, and feeds a very destructive thoughtform that we must counter with a positive

spirit: This is not the time for gloom, despair or depression. If you give way to these, you

become negative and destructive focal points in your environment. If you truly believe that the

spiritual life is fundamental in the world today, if you do believe that divinity guides the

world…and if you are convinced that the heart of humanity is sound – are these not adequately

potent ideas to hold us joyously steady? The Externalization of the Hierarchy

In this time of stress and strain, my brothers, I would remind you that there is no need for the

sense of futility or for the registration of littleness. The new groups of disciples are Seed Groups;

they are in the dark or growing stage and in the process of expansion - growing silently. This

stage is most important for, according to the healthiness of the seed and its ability to cast strong

roots downwards and to penetrate slowly and steadily upwards towards the light, so will be the

adequacy of the contribution to the New Age which is upon us. I would emphasize that fact to

you. The New Age is upon us and we are witnessing the birth pangs of the new culture and the

new civilization. DINA 1

16 November 2013 at 00:29 · Like · 5

Patrick Chouinard Rudolf Steiner: The only question now is — what are the ways and means

by which humanity may attain spirituality, that is, the overcoming of materialism, and at the

same time reach what may be called the bond of brotherhood, the expression of universal human

love. One might imagine that universal human love need only be stressed strongly enough, and

that then it must come about or that one should found Unions which aim at the goal of a

universal human love. Occultism is never of this opinion. On the contrary! The more a man

speaks of universal brotherly love and humanity, becoming in a sense intoxicated by them, the

more egotistic he becomes. For precisely as there is a lust of the senses so is there a lust of the

soul; and it is in fact a refined voluptuousness to say: “I will become morally higher and higher.”

This, to be sure, is not a thought which creates the ordinary conventional egoism, but it does lead

to a subtle form of egoism.

Page 4: BROTHERHOOD Thoughts on Brotherhood by Blavatsky Bailey Roerich Hilarion Steiner and Manly Hall

It is not by emphasising “Love,” “Sympathy,” that they are generated in the course of mankind's

evolution. Mankind will be led to that bond of brotherhood far rather through something else,

namely, through spiritual knowledge itself. There is no other means of bringing about a universal

human brotherhood than the spreading of occult knowledge through the world. One may talk

forever of Love and the Brotherhood of Man, one may found thousands of Unions; they will not

lead to the desired goal, however well intentioned they may be. The point is to use the right

means, to know how to found this bond of brotherhood. Only those whose lives are grounded in

universal occult truth, valid for all men, find themselves together in the one truth. As the sun

unites the plants which strive towards it and which yet remain individually separate, so must the

truth to which all are striving be a uniform one, then all men find themselves together. But men

must work energetically towards truth, for only then can they live together in harmony." (thank

you Joldos for sending me this important quote from Rudolf Steiner on the establishment of


17 November 2013 at 22:37 · Edited · Like · 1

Luis Augusto Weber Salvi Very important indeed, the "ideal" of "Brotherhood" has been used

so fragile and insignificant sentimental without their proper spiritual foundations, hence the

importance of the Trinity! For this, I quote one of the "pearls" of an important perennialist:

"In our day, hoping to elevate human society to the level of religious ideal, religion stoop to the

level of what is humanly accessible and reasonably achievable, but that is nothing both from the

point of view of our intelligence as integral our chances of immortality. The uniquely human, far

from being able to keep in balance, always leads to sub-human. "

Frithjof Schuon, "ON THE ANCIENT WORLD."

18 November 2013 at 01:49 · Like · 1

Oskar Holmgren great reading!

18 November 2013 at 03:04 · Like · 2

Rae Lake Patrick, got the flu so read only first few lines above. i don't think the point of life on

this planet is 'attain spirituality...overcome materialism'. That struggle, that duality, is the whole

point of us coming here. That struggle perfects us like nothing else could. Hooray for the

struggle. What we are called upon to do is to create, here and now, a culture that rejoices in light

and understanding, in love for the planet and all that is in and on it, so that in two hundred years

a civilization will emerge based on that culture, and that civilization should last until the next

millennia. So build away! oops, just realized I'm not supposed to be on this particular group any


Page 5: BROTHERHOOD Thoughts on Brotherhood by Blavatsky Bailey Roerich Hilarion Steiner and Manly Hall

19 November 2013 at 03:22 · Like · 2

Bonnie Orgren Co-creators we are.

19 November 2013 at 03:26 · Like

Giorgio Malanga FRATELLANZA : Pensieri sulla Confraternita di Helena Blavatsky , Bailey ,

Roerich , Hilarion , Steiner , e Manly Corridoio

Alte pressioni BLAVATSKY :

[ T] religione che da sola sarà convenientemente corrisponde al nostro carattere religioso innato

sarà un sistema universale di fratellanza umana sulla base della conoscenza che noi siamo

essenzialmente divino , un sistema che riscalda i nostri cuori con la consapevolezza che non c'è

nulla fuori di noi che può salvare o dannare noi, che siamo noi stessi che, solo, deve e può

operare per la nostra salvezza.

Il nostro " Dio" non è una divinità intra- comico , ma il cosmo stesso , l'anima della natura , il

suo spirito e il suo corpo, il nostro credo di essere PANTEISMO quindi trascendentale . ... La

nostra Divinità è una manifesta universale , assoluta Principio di Umanità , come in natura , lo

Spirito in entrambi essendo uno e indivisibile - da qui la vera fratellanza spirituale dell'uomo .

Con noi , l'uomo è figlio degli Dei ( non di Dio) , e l' antenato nel presente ciclo di ancora più

grandi dei, in un ciclo futuro . ( BCW 11:409-10 )

E ' onnipresente e latente nel Kosmos , infinito come se stesso . Troviamo la sua manifestazione

unica veramente attiva in tutta l'umanità , composta com'è di scintille randagi , finite nella loro

durata obiettivo , eterne nella loro essenza , uscenti da quel Cuore senza inizio né fine . Pertanto,

l'unico Dio che dobbiamo servire l'umanità , e il nostro unico culto dovrebbe essere l' amore del

nostro prossimo . ( BCW 8:88 )

[ P] er [ un teosofo ] non c'è bisogno necessariamente riconoscere l'esistenza di Dio, speciale o

una divinità . Una necessità ma adorano lo spirito della natura vivente , e cercare di identificarsi

con esso . Riverire quella Presenza , la Causa invisibile , che è ancora sempre si manifesta nei

suoi risultati incessanti , l'intangibile , onnipotente e onnipresente Proteus : indivisibile nella sua

essenza , e la forma eludendo , ma che appare sotto ogni e qualsiasi forma , che è qui e là , e

dappertutto e in nessun luogo , è tutto e niente , onnipresente ancora uno, il ripieno Essence ,

vincolante , di delimitazione , che contiene tutto, contenuto in tutti. ... [ T ] il suo riconoscimento

equivale ad ammettere che non solo l'umanità - composta com'è di migliaia di corse - ma tutto

ciò che vive e vegeta , in breve , tutto ciò che è , è fatto della stessa essenza e la sostanza , è

animata dalla stesso spirito , e che, di conseguenza , tutto in natura , sia essa fisica o morale , è

legato in solidarieta ' . ( HP Blavatsky , BCW 2:102 , 11:128 )

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24 November 2013 at 06:00 · Like · 1

Giorgio Malanga Agni Yoga :

Fratellanza 1937

Fratellanza , 5 . Se si immette un raduno di persone con le parole , amici e colleghi di lavoro , la

maggior parte guarderà con sospetto. Ma se avete il coraggio di chiamarli fratelli e sorelle , allora

molto probabilmente si sarà denunciato come aver pronunciato terms.People inammissibili volte

stabiliscono confraternite , ma tali istituzioni superficiali e pomposi non hanno nulla in comune

con la grande idea di Fratellanza . Così la gente inizia comunità , cooperative, vari sindacati e

società , ma nelle loro fondamenta non ci sarà nemmeno la fiducia semplice . Di conseguenza ,

queste strutture sono molto lontane da quella Fratellanza che sarebbe un'unione forte e salda di


Può essere che in questo momento certi cuori più fini sono già sognando la creazione di

organizzazioni in cui la fiducia sarebbe la pietra angolare . Non può essere ribadito che tutto è

male , quando l'occhio umano vede solo alcuni dei dettagli dell'epoca avvicina . Dopo i

frammenti di antichi simboli si può osservare la vitalità dei concetti di base . Proprio quando dal

punto di vista terreno tutto è stato trasgredito , può essere che allo stesso tempo sono già nati più

belle concetti.

Fratellanza , 110 . Se la sensazione superamento della Fratellanza è difficile nella condizione

terrena , tuttavia Fratellanza è interamente accessibile ad ogni mente aspiranti . Non c'è bisogno

di fare qualcosa di complicato di esso , se siete in grado di desiderare per il prossimo niente che

non vuoi per te stesso . Così, ogni giorno, in ogni attività, in ogni pensiero , uno può essere

affermato nella realizzazione di Fratellanza .

Fratellanza , 130 . Brotherhood sulla terra è impossibile! Così esclamare quelli pieni di egoismo .

Fratellanza sulla Terra è impossibile, dicono i distruttori scuri. Brotherhood sulla terra è

impossibile , sussurrare il velleitario . Così fanno molte voci cercano di negare i fondamenti

dell'Essere . Eppure , tante vere Confraternite sono esistiti in epoche diverse , e niente era in

grado di tagliare corto la loro esistenza . Se la gente non vede qualcosa , quindi per loro non

esiste . Tale ignoranza può essere tracciata dai tempi antichi fino ad oggi . Niente può costringere

un uomo a vedere se lui non vuole vedere. E ' tempo di capire che non è solo il visibile che esiste

, ma che il mondo è pieno di realtà invisibili .

Fratellanza , 176 . Si dovrebbe capire che le forze delle tenebre sono in lotta costante contro la

Fratellanza. Ogni ricordo , anche piccola , circa Fratellanza sarà violentemente assalito . Tutto

ciò che può portare alla Fratellanza sarà condannato e diffamato . Pertanto , dobbiamo stare in

guardia .

24 November 2013 at 06:01 · Like · 1

Page 7: BROTHERHOOD Thoughts on Brotherhood by Blavatsky Bailey Roerich Hilarion Steiner and Manly Hall

Giorgio Malanga ALICE BAILEY ( Il Tibetano )

Tutti i gruppi di discepoli , che lavorano dentro o fuori di un Ashram , dovrebbero essere in

stretto rapporto telepatico e, quindi, fornire un terreno di formazione per lo sviluppo di questo

tipo di sensibilità . La prima cosa che deve essere stabilito in un gruppo di discepoli è l'amore e

la fiducia , perché senza di che non vi può essere vera transfert del pensiero . Dove l'amore e la

fiducia non esistono , devono essere assolutamente e coscientemente sviluppato . ( Djwhal Khul ,

dina1 , parte V , Fase II)

Quando un membro di un gruppo , come un gruppo per la guarigione , parla dello sviluppo di

coscienza di gruppo , si riferisce al suo particolare gruppo di fratelli , e al suo gruppo di come

unità di diverse anime . Non dimenticate che tale unità è di per sé un concetto separativo dal

punto di vista del tutto più grande , ma serve una funzione utile, membri del gruppo di

formazione a pensare in termini più ampi ... Se si può davvero sentire, pensare e funzionare come

un'unica unità - diverse personalità e un'anima sola - sarà quindi relativamente facile estendere il

concetto ad una più ampia inclusività ...

I membri devono imparare a rispondere , come gruppo , per le stesse idee spirituali , mentali e

umani , e quindi altalena - come «unità telepatica " - in un treno unita di pensiero. Essi hanno ,

come gruppo , per essere preoccupato per le stesse cose che sono indicate dal l'anima del gruppo

, e non da una persona del gruppo , in quanto tende a essere il caso . Devono imparare , come

gruppo , di tenere la mente salda nella luce - la mente del gruppo , e non le loro menti


Nel usando l' immaginazione per questo scopo , dovete coltivare il potere di ignorare le forme

esteriori e di concentrarsi sulle linee interne di luce che uniscono fratello a fratello , gruppo a

gruppo , e regno in regno nell'espressione della Vita di Dio Se stesso . E ' l'immaginazione

creativa che produce un organismo integrato gruppo eterico e che consente di vedere questo

corpo gruppo di forza e di luce come una forma completa e come una espressione del gruppo di

intelligenza, volontà e lo scopo - ma non la volontà e lo scopo del mente dominante o la mente

del gruppo. Questi possono quindi lavorare sul piano fisico in giusta espressione .

Tuttavia, quando i membri del gruppo sono occupati principalmente con le proprie idee , i loro

progetti , i loro problemi , e come possono usare qualsiasi luce e la conoscenza possono essere

ricevuti , negano ogni possibilità di tale uso creativo dell'immaginazione unita . Per diventare

completamente liberi da questo richiederà molto attenta coltivazione e la dedizione per l'anima .

Perché allora è così estremamente difficile ... a lavorare insieme come gruppo ... Perché, come

individui e come gruppo sono prevalentemente personale nelle loro relazioni individuali e inter -

gruppo . Questo può manifestarsi in forti critiche di ogni altro , o di se stessi , in una sicurezza

vivida di rettitudine personale ... Come allora dovremmo procedere ? Vorrei sottolineare che

ogni membro del gruppo che , come individuo , è libero dalle debolezze di sopra della

personalità e da questi atteggiamenti , tuttavia, conosce ( e giustamente gioisce ) che partecipa ,

come membro del gruppo , in qualità di gruppo . Questa è una delle difficoltà accidentali di

lavoro di gruppo . Per partecipare e stare ancora liberi dalla debolezza , per riconoscere che i

successi o insuccessi dei singoli membri del gruppo sono del tutto la propria storia , per

Page 8: BROTHERHOOD Thoughts on Brotherhood by Blavatsky Bailey Roerich Hilarion Steiner and Manly Hall

condividere e tuttavia non essere dominata dalle potenti pensieri e le idee dei membri più potenti

del gruppo è sempre un problema .

Faccio notare questo perché , in questo prossimo età in cui il lavoro di gruppo sarà notevolmente

sviluppata , sarà di valore per capire situazioni di gruppo e problemi, e poi andare avanti per il

lavoro di gruppo insieme a quelli che sono i tuoi articoli con cui lavorare. Sarà quindi il migliore

e più saggio per esperienze passate , e fuso in gruppo attraverso la sofferenza e le limitazioni in

comune e la capacità acquisita di fallimento giustamente soddisfatte. Quindi cerchiamo ci sia

vero amore , in silenzio , senza lamentarsi , non critico e costante , essere il tuo obiettivo e la

qualità della vostra vita di gruppo . Poi , quando c'è lavoro da fare , si lavora come unità con il

cuore e la mente come uno. ( Djwhal Khul , Esoteric Healing , pp , ,355-58 )

24 November 2013 at 06:01 · Like · 1


Per non si può più raggiungere l'altezza di sviluppo a cui si aspira , da solo, di uno di un singolo

alveare di api può raggiungere la statura di un uomo da solo . Tu sei parti di un unico gruppo

Anima, come gli atomi dei vostri corpi sono una parte di voi stessi , e finché tale gruppo Anima è

frenato da una predominanza di alcuni uno o più dannosi forze , tutte le sue singole parti sono

trattenuto a poco nella misura in cui essi sono diventati responsabili per lo stesso , con " le cose

che hanno fatto o lasciato incompiuto ". Così , a poco nella misura in cui si è partecipe nel fare

sbagliato di quegli altri , unendosi con loro , countenancing loro atti malvagi , o deliberatamente

ignorando i loro effetti - solo a questo punto li stessi e posizionare sotto moderazione .

Sarete ancora chiederete al vostro disprezzo di e indifferenza per le parole di un grande Maestro ,

"L'uomo fa rete in tempo reale a se stesso da solo " , per il significato spirituale delle parole è

così ben oltre il significato materiale importanza e la veridicità da essere al di là confronto . Sia

che mai raggiungere il centro materiale del lavoro di tempio e diventare associati con i tuoi

compagni c'è o non c'è , se sei così isolato come non mai di incontrare un altro membro del

Tempio nella vostra incarnazione attuale , resta il fatto che tu sei una delle parti costituenti un

unico gruppo Anima , altrimenti non hai mai sarebbe stato spinto ad unirvi con il corpo del

Tempio , per sei stato sotto la guida di quell'anima dal momento che uno dei suoi galassia di

stelle guardato sopra la vostra prima apparizione sulla terra. ( Insegnamenti del Tempio , Amore

di ideali )

Gli uomini cercano e trovano associazione insieme con lo scopo di lavorare , per meglio sfruttare

come pure per l'aiuto e la protezione reciproca , ma più si possono mantenere le linee gerarchiche

naturali , la più pura sarà loro principi religiosi . Come molti altra metà ha detto verità , l'idea un

po ' prevalente di crescita e sviluppo individuale sta portando molte menti brillanti fuori strada.

Se Dio , l'uomo celeste , è tutto in tutto , ogni atomo di forza , la sostanza e la materia ha una sua

funzione particolare e il luogo in quella grande entità. La forza e la sostanza che funziona

naturalmente nel cuore non possono funzionare nello stomaco . Entrambi gli organi sono

altrettanto necessarie , ma non potrebbero esistere senza l'altro , e nessuno uomo una singola

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cellula del grande corpo dell'umanità possono esistere o raggiungere il massimo sviluppo

possibile prescindere dalla sua natura .

Mi riferisco al concetto sopra espresso , di sviluppo individuale alla perfezione , come una mezza

verità , perché è vero solo sul piano spirituale superiore , dove la perfetta unità nella diversità

ottiene , e dove le funzioni di coscienza senza ostacoli da tempo e spazio . Fino a quando l'uomo

può imparare ad abitare con i suoi fratelli in pace e unità sulla terra , è assolutamente impossibile

per lui a dimorare con Dio in quel cosciente at- one-ment che costituisce la perfezione ... Come

vapore compresso oltre un certo grado scoppierà a pezzi il ricettacolo che ha tenuto in sicurezza

prima di raggiungere quel grado , così la forma astrale dell'uomo possono essere scoppiare a

pezzi dalla forza incontenibile o potenza generata in quella forma dal raggiungimento

dell'illuminazione cosciente , se non di un uso universale . ( TOT , Lezione 17 )

24 November 2013 at 06:01 · Like · 1

Giorgio Malanga Rudolf Steiner :

Nelle scuole occulte , tre parole sono usate per caratterizzare il New Age , l'età del nuovo , più

tardi razza umana. Nel dominio della vita comune , la parola è "fratellanza ", l'amore fraterno .

Ecco perché la Società Teosofica ha preso Fratellanza Universale come principio fondamentale

nei suoi oggetti dichiarati , perché è lo scopo della Società Teosofica a fare i preparativi per la

vita nella sesta razza . L'uomo poi sentire felice solo quando la felicità non si acquista, a scapito

di altri . Questa è la vera moralità .

La nostra scienza è materialistica . Questo sarà diverso nella prossima sottorazza . Ci stiamo

sforzando per una diversa forma di scienza , vale a dire per " pneumatologia . " L'insegnamento

riguardante lo spirito , spirituale, sarà dominante nella nuova razza . E nella sfera della religione

principio dominante sarà qualcosa che non è possibile ancora oggi , perché l'intelletto sta nel

modo . L'uomo si è percepire l' esistenza di un mondo divino -Spirit . Questo è il principio

religioso libera della prossima gara . Fraterno , pneumatologia , Self - Autorità in materia

religiosa , questi tre principi caratterizzeranno la gara futuro che sta lentamente preparata

all'interno della nostra stessa vita . Una Corsa Settima assumerà ben diverse forme di vita , di cui

parleremo in un'altra occasione . ( Rudolf Steiner )

Quando si valutano i gruppi esoterici di questo periodo , la guida più affidabile è la loro

accettazione della responsabilità del Grande Piano . Il progresso non è ordinariamente per la

promozione della persona , ma per il dispiegamento del progetto universale . La vera scuola

esoterica lavoro ancora verso la meta del Mondo Commonwealth . Il Piano resta utopistico , e il

discepolo avanza attraverso i gradi di un legittimo avviare sistema è in fase di preparazione , non

per l'emancipazione personale , ma come uno strumento per la liberazione dei suoi simili . -

Manly P. Hall

24 November 2013 at 06:01 · Like · 1

Page 10: BROTHERHOOD Thoughts on Brotherhood by Blavatsky Bailey Roerich Hilarion Steiner and Manly Hall

Patrick Chouinard Thanks Giorgio for translating these quotes!

12 December 2013 at 22:04 · Like

Margaret Sue Turner Wright Hello Patrick Chouinard, I have been reading some of your

wonderful posts here, and wondered if you had heard of Eugene Fersen? He may have known

HPB, I have always wondered. His book, Science of Being deals with this and many similar

issues. [Not to be confused with scientology or divine science etc] Eugene was born in Russia

and known as Svetozar, the name his Mother called him and the wounded soldier/patients called

him in the war during his time of nursing to them.

18 December 2013 at 21:06 · Like

Patrick Chouinard Hi Margaret. Thank you for your kind words. I have not heard of Eugene

Fersen but I will definitely google himenjoy discovering new sources of inspiration! much love

and light to you!

19 December 2013 at 02:25 · Like · 1

Maritza Bettocchi I am very grateful and appreciate your work and good will ; )

19 December 2013 at 08:51 · Like · 2

Patrick Chouinard Wow! Thanks Martiza! I appreciate that and the joy of connecting with you


19 December 2013 at 12:31 · Edited · Like

Maritza Bettocchi : )

19 December 2013 at 10:33 · Like

Page 11: BROTHERHOOD Thoughts on Brotherhood by Blavatsky Bailey Roerich Hilarion Steiner and Manly Hall

Patrick Chouinard Working Positively: Accumulated energy cannot be annihilated, it must be

transferred to other forms, or be transformed into other modes of motion; it cannot remain for

ever inactive and yet continue to exist. It is useless to attempt to resist a passion which we cannot

control. If its accumulating energy is not led into other channels, it will grow until becomes

stronger than will, and stronger than reason. To control it, you must lead it into another and

higher channel. Thus a love for something vulgar may be changed by turning it into a love for

something high, and vice may be changed into virtue by changing its aim. Passion is blind, it

goes where it is led, and reason is a safer guide for it than the instinct. Stored up anger (or love)

will find some object upon which to spend its fury, else it may produce an explosion destructive

to its possessor; tranquility follows a storm. The ancients said that nature suffers no vacuum. We

cannot destroy or annihilate a passion. If it is driven away, another elemental influence will take

its place. We should therefore not attempt to destroy the low without putting something in its

place, but we should displace the low by the high; vice by virtue, and superstition by knowledge.

[HPB, Magic, page 126, Hartmann ]

4 January at 22:48 · Like · 2

Rae Lake Yikes, poor Patrick. Hope you aren't taking this too personally? In my opinion the

best/quickest way to counteract lower effects is SIMPLE BOREDOM. Works for me. It's an

attitude you can apply any time to any temptation.

5 January at 04:56 · Like

Patrick Chouinard Well Rae, we wouldn't be tempted if we found the objects that tempt us

boring. I think the idea put forth here by HPB is to transfer our interest or motivaton to a higher

level so that eventually these lower temptations will seem boring to us in comparison. Love ya

5 January at 07:08 · Like · 4

Rae Lake Yes, but I find we ourselves are always in total charge of our curiosity, and our

interest in things. We call the shots.

5 January at 07:59 · Like · 1

Page 12: BROTHERHOOD Thoughts on Brotherhood by Blavatsky Bailey Roerich Hilarion Steiner and Manly Hall

Christopher See wonderful Patrick Chouinard I just love the way you are able to bring the many

teachings together. Always looking forward to your posts

5 January at 14:10 · Like · 4

Rae Lake Had time to go thru your complilations. Well done, Patrick. And for many years I held

the thought in mind that only we can expell ourselves from the Light.

5 January at 23:15 · Like · 2

Patrick Chouinard Thanks Christopher and Rae, and I am happy to see you both posting here

more too. Dear Rae, I'm afraid I cannot agree - unfortunately most people are not in control or

calling the shots, not until the mental body is developed, the will, awarenes of soul-purpose,

etc...Until then the astral body is pretty much running the show and this phase is characterized by

internal conflict (opposing drives, desires, aspirations, intentions, etc). But you know all this


6 January at 08:05 · Like · 3

Brie Wilkinson The freedom to disagree! Now that's group work. In my view, right human

relations can be demonstrated beautifully when we can disagree without competition. However,

in order to do that we often need to get past our own elemental influences. Feeling those

influences with an honesty of mind can be both liberating and stablizing. It's the true practice of

taming a horse, symbolic of the personality.

8 January at 01:35 · Like · 4

Patrick Chouinard Right on Brie, and the ''elemental influences'' is usually just our pride - to be

more specific: intellectual pride.

8 January at 03:20 · Like · 3

Patrick Chouinard Where the light of truth is called in, glamor automatically disappears, even

if only for a temporary period. But, again, difficulty arises because few people care to face the

Page 13: BROTHERHOOD Thoughts on Brotherhood by Blavatsky Bailey Roerich Hilarion Steiner and Manly Hall

actual truth, for it involves eventually the abandonment of the beloved glamor and the ability to

recognize error and to admit mistakes, and this the false pride of the mind will not permit. Again,

I would assure you that humility is one of the most potent factors in releasing the illuminating

power of the "mind, as it reflects and transmits the light of the soul. The determined facing of the

factual life and the stern recognition of truth - coldly, calmly and dispassionately - will greatly

facilitate the calling in of the flood of illumination which will suffice to dispel glamor.

~ Glamor - A World Problem

8 January at 09:47 · Like · 4

Brie Wilkinson Perfect! I just have to get my elemental to agree!

8 January at 10:05 · Like · 3

Rae Lake Yup, did a tee shirt saying "ENLIGHTENMENT is the process of ceasing to be

deluded". For me, that's how it works.

8 January at 10:49 · Like · 1

Bonnie Orgren Please more excerpts from "Glamor", a major problem as people are becoming

more enamored of "mine". Thanks Patrick for that post.

8 January at 18:38 · Like · 2

Patrick Chouinard

Page 14: BROTHERHOOD Thoughts on Brotherhood by Blavatsky Bailey Roerich Hilarion Steiner and Manly Hall

Glamor - A World Problem (Alice Bailey) - Daily Quote

Glamor - A World Problem Written by: Alice Bailey (and Djwhal Khul) 'World gla...See more

Community: 524 like this.

9 January at 02:36 · Like · 1

Patrick Chouinard ''Students need to remember that devotion to the Path or to the Master is not

enough. The Great Ones are looking for intelligent cooperators and workers more that They are

looking for devotion to Their Personalities, and a student who is walking independently in the

light of his own soul is regarded by Them as a more dependable instrument than a devoted

fanatic. The light of his soul will reveal to the earnest aspirant the unity underlying all groups,

and enable him to eliminate the poison of intolerance which taints and hinders so many; it will

cause him to recognise the spiritual fundamentals which guide the steps of humanity; it will force

him to overlook the intolerance and the fanaticism and separativeness which characterise the

small mind and the beginner upon the Path, and help him so to love them that they will begin to

see more truly and enlarge their horizon; it will enable him to estimate truly the esoteric value of

service and teach him above all to practice that harmlessness which is the outstanding quality of

every son of God. A harmlessness that speaks no word that can damage another person, that

thinks no thought which could poison or produce misunderstanding, and which does no action

which could hurt the least of his brethren – this is the main virtue which will enable the esoteric

student to tread with safety the difficult path of developmen.'' AAB, Esoteric Training in the

Period of Transition

23 January at 22:45 · Like · 2

Yogi G Easyanonda SOUL infused restraint and excellence in working in groups, giving wisely

is the Path of Service Today indeed, to briefly quote: "A great safeguard for you exists

in the elimination of all personality problems—

yours or those of anyone else—

from your current meditation project;

that project you will have to set for yourself each year, and adhere to it.

Its theme must grow out of the work of unifying—

out of the work you have set yourself.

My brother, link humility with that task;

seek not to link groups with your group,

but recognise your group and all other similar groups

as parts of a worldwide spiritual movement which

(when it reaches momentum) results in unity for all.

Page 15: BROTHERHOOD Thoughts on Brotherhood by Blavatsky Bailey Roerich Hilarion Steiner and Manly Hall

A super-organisation which emphasises unity is the last thing to be desired ...."

(piscean energy 6th ray base? y.g.)

a multiplicity of living organisms

held loosely together by cooperation,

constant communication and

possessing identity of goal and of purpose

is what the world needs today....

I assign you no specific meditation. Work out your own, but let it adhere to the general concept

with which I have constantly presented all of you. You can (on your own and as an accepted

disciple) seek entrance into the life of the Ashram and thus contact me. This may take time, but

the link is strong and elastic (ponder on that term) and adherence to the rules will ensure success.

My blessing rests upon you and on your aspiration."

Discipleship in the New Age, Vol. II, Alice A. Bailey, p. 315

23 January at 23:16 · Edited · Like · 3

Patrick Chouinard Excellent quote Yogi, and very pertinent to the topic. Yes, '' super-

organizations'' (organized around a dominant personality) are the way of the past. Thanks Yogi!

There's so much practical wisdom in the DINA books isn't there? I'm finding all kinds of things

there these days that I missed before. Here is another one I love which also relates to

''brotherhood'': ''When there is evidenced a constantly critical attitude towards other workers in

the field of world service and where there is a capacity to see only selfishness and fault and to

impute wrong motives and to believe evil, then the true aspirant refuses to be swayed and goes

serenely on his way.

In the coming cycle I emphatically tell you that the true work will be carried forward (the work

of creating world unity) only by those who refuse to be separative and whose words are watched

so that no evil is spoken; these are the workers who see the divine in all and refuse to think evil

and impute evil; they work with sealed lips; they deal not with their brothers affairs, nor reveal

that which concerns them; their lives are coloured by understanding and by love; their minds are

characterised by a trained spiritual perception and that spiritual awareness which employs a keen

intellect as the corollary of a loving spirit.''

24 January at 01:35 · Like · 2

Patrick Chouinard Oops, that last quote is from A Treatise on White Magic (New Age Groups

and Training)

24 January at 01:37 · Like · 1

Page 16: BROTHERHOOD Thoughts on Brotherhood by Blavatsky Bailey Roerich Hilarion Steiner and Manly Hall

Anna Farrell What a wonderful thread-thank you all....the following extract seemed to me to

very much compliment the quote above from TWM(New Age Groups and Training)-so sharing


'The Law of Cleavages applies to the life of form as the Law of Loving Understanding applies to

the world of the Soul. As the name implies, the Law of Cleavages refers to the distinctions, the

divisions and the separations that have been part of the past Piscean Age. Necessary and

beneficial for individuation and the development of the lower concrete mind, this Law of

Cleavages now needs to be subordinated to the higher Aquarian Law of Loving Understanding

which energizes the heart center and thus seeks to unify and bring harmony out of conflict.

The Law of Loving Understanding may seem as a sentimental phrase, but it is a scientific

expression of a great evolutionary development in human consciousness. This law emphasizes

the eternal brotherhood of humanity and the relationship of all souls to the Oversoul. Writing in

Destiny of the Nations about the effect of this law on the nations of the world, the Tibetan

Master Djwhal Khul affirms the changes destined to become part of our reality in this Aquarian

Age, if humanity but hearkens to the opportunity.

"The functioning of the Law of Loving Understanding will be greatly facilitated and speeded

during the Aquarian Age….it will eventuate later in the development of a world-wide

international spirit, in the recognition of one universal faith in God and in humanity also as the

major expression of divinity upon the planet and in the transfer of the human consciousness from

the world of material things to that of the more purely psychic. This will lead in time and

inevitably to the world of spiritual realities."

As the heart centre within each human being and within the collective humanity awakens and

opens, so shall we see a demonstration of this Law of Loving Understanding on a planetary


great link..

5 - The Law of Loving Understanding

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24 January at 02:05 · Edited · Like · 3

Patrick Chouinard Love it! Thanks Linda - always deeply appreciate your contributions and

participation here.

24 January at 07:55 · Like · 1

Page 17: BROTHERHOOD Thoughts on Brotherhood by Blavatsky Bailey Roerich Hilarion Steiner and Manly Hall

Yogi G Easyanonda dear Rae Lake when in a fourth ray project, it is fun to test our emotional

balancing mechanism (breath, contemplative silence, see the ultimate divine flower yet to unfold

in all, and to sense others as the self) and know we all have been there, so when the better

judgement "clicks in" while compassionately taking in the periodic tirades of identification with

the dweller and "it's" concerns with "evil" (the hiding of the Light of the oOone), please tread

lightly away from the scene of blindness, as bystanders may accuse you of walking on water ....

people do sometimes "sleep walk and talk" until the call from within blesses them with a search

for real answers to real or imagened problems ... i weep for the children and other innocents who

partake of blindness, but i do hear, and venture to trust in the fact that great human and angelic

masters from long ago "graduated" from this school planet to become "children" in the next

school; so then i wonder if time is relative; and just being in this "big mess" must shurley mean

that we are here to test and prove awesome compassionate loving serving power ... : ) .......


24 January at 13:40 · Edited · Like · 2

Yogi G Easyanonda hmm, a new discipline for me: read all posts before playing at the

keyboard.... love you , my new virtual family circle

24 January at 13:54 · Like · 2

Yogi G Easyanonda energy follows thought

Page 18: BROTHERHOOD Thoughts on Brotherhood by Blavatsky Bailey Roerich Hilarion Steiner and Manly Hall

24 January at 15:17 · Like · 2

Patrick Chouinard Very touching Yogi. Much love

24 January at 21:01 · Like

Rae Lake Dear Yogi. Both enjoy and appreciate your comment above. Well reminded.

24 January at 22:54 · Like

Rae Lake Dear Yogi G, read your comments several times now and understand. I think there is a

sort of inflow of more experienced souls that takes place during each eon, each transitional

period between astrological ages. My thought is they come in to help poor little humanity

through this series of changes in their awareness. Consider the so-called expansion of

consciousness of several decades ago as the transition, among many but not all, as yet, from

purely nationalistic loyalties to planetary commitment. What a big change is being experienced.

But the ongoing one is from an age that began with the exploration of unknown oceans, into our

exploration next of mostly unknown solar system. Big, wonderful changes to help with, to play

with, to experience. So glad to hear from you again.

25 January at 07:46 · Like · 2

Patrick Chouinard ‘If theosophy prevailing in the struggle, its all-embracing philosophy strikes

deep root into the minds and hearts of men, if its doctrines of reincarnation and karma, in other

words, of hope and responsibility, find a home in the lives of the new generations, then, indeed,

will dawn the day of joy and gladness for all who now suffer and are outcast. For real theosophy

is ALTRUISM, and we cannot repeat it too often. It is brotherly love, mutual help, unswerving

devotion to truth. If once men do but realize that in these alone can true happiness be found, and

never in wealth, possessions, or any selfish gratification, then the dark clouds will roll away, and

a new humanity will be born upon earth. Then, the GOLDEN AGE will be there, indeed.

‘But if not, then the storm will burst, and our boasted western civilization and enlightenment will

sink in such a sea of horror that its parallel history has never yet recorded.’ (Blavatsky Collected

Writings 11:202)

‘Union is strength. It is by gathering many theosophists of the same way of thinking into one or

more groups, and making them closely united by the same magnetic bond of fraternal unity and

sympathy that the objects of mutual development and progress in theosophical thought may be

Page 19: BROTHERHOOD Thoughts on Brotherhood by Blavatsky Bailey Roerich Hilarion Steiner and Manly Hall

best achieved. . . . “[W]here two or three are gathered” in the name of the SPIRIT OF TRUTH –

there that spirit of theosophy will be in the midst of them.

‘[T]he T.S. cannot be destroyed as a body. . . . [N]either friend nor enemy can ruin that which is

doomed to exist, all the blunders of its leaders notwithstanding. That which was generated

through and founded by the “high masters” and under their authority if not their instruction –

MUST AND WILL LIVE. Each of us and all will receive his or her karma in it, but the vehicle

of theosophy will stand indestructible and undestroyed by the hand of man or fiend. . . .

‘Belief in the masters was never made an article of faith in the T.S. But for its founders, the

commands received from them when it was established have ever been sacred. And this is what

one of them wrote in a letter preserved to this day: “Theosophy must not represent merely a

collection of moral verities, a bundle of metaphysical ethics epitomized in theoretical

dissertations. Theosophy must be made practical, and has, therefore, to be disencumbered of

useless discussion . . . It has to find objective expression in an all-embracing code of life

thoroughly impregnated with its spirit – the spirit of mutual tolerance, charity and love.” ’ (BCW

7:160-1, 164-5, 169-70)

‘[T]he masters have said this is a transition age . . . We are working for the new cycles and

centuries. . . . Hence we are not working for some definite organisation of the new years to come,

but for a change in the manas and buddhi of the race.’ (LHM 2:8)

Mahatma KH: ‘The chiefs want a “brotherhood of humanity,” a real universal fraternity started;

an institution which would make itself known throughout the world and arrest the attention of the

highest minds.’ (Mahatma Letter 24)

2 February at 00:14 · Like

Morai Spring " of meaning is the antechamber to the "Circle of Liberation. This "Circle

of Liberation" is ever entered by the individual initiate, and has been down the ages, but now, for

the first time, it is being entered by humanity itself and as a whole. Humanity, entering this

circle, will be confronted by the first major lesson: the Unity of the One Life. This form of

presentation will be more easily recognised by the masses than such phrases as Brotherhood,

Relationship, Fraternity." DINA II, pg 320

2 February at 07:25 · Like

Rae Lake Yes, Morai, particularly note the lines: "Humanity, entering this circle, will be

confronted by the first major lesson: the Unity of the One Life. This form of presentation will be

more easily recognised by the masses than such phrases as Brotherhood, Relationship,

Fraternity." Absolutely agree. Personally, I try to avoid most of the esoteric terms whenever

possible. There's always more than one way to say things, even among ourselves, and simpler is

always better.

Page 20: BROTHERHOOD Thoughts on Brotherhood by Blavatsky Bailey Roerich Hilarion Steiner and Manly Hall

2 February at 09:20 · Like · 1

Rae Lake And by the way, of course, that Unity to be recognized as the One Life includes all

other Kingdoms of Nature, not just human, although it is we who must accept this unity.

2 February at 09:22 · Like · 4

Rae Lake I've always been fasinated that D.K. says the Christ had 'Kingdom consciousness'.

Always tried to emulate that possibility.

2 February at 09:40 · Like · 4

Adam Al DeFranco wow-- "kingdom consciousness."

2 February at 23:06 · Like · 1

Patrick Chouinard If there is one truth more important than another to be learned in the

consideration of the foregoing statements, it is the irrefutable fact of the brotherhood of man, and

the importance of maintaining brotherly relations with all men. You cannot injure another, no

matter what the provocation, without laying a stone in your own pathway. You cannot assist

another without clearing away some obstruction to your own development. (Hilarion, Teachings

of the Temple, The Seven Rays of Evolution)

4 February at 10:24 · Like · 6

Rae Lake “When one of you falls down he falls for those behind him, a caution against the

stumbling stone. Ay, and he falls for those ahead of him, who though faster and surer of foot, yet

removed not the stumbling stone”

Kahlil Gibran, on Crime and Punishment, The Prophet

4 February at 10:55 · Like · 5

Page 21: BROTHERHOOD Thoughts on Brotherhood by Blavatsky Bailey Roerich Hilarion Steiner and Manly Hall

Morai Spring One of my favorite Poets; thank you Rae.

4 February at 18:17 · Like · 1

Bonnie Orgren "Unity of the One Life" thank you Rae for simplicity, the contemplation of that

phrase reveals all.

4 February at 19:36 · Like

Patrick Chouinard

Why Is Group Work an Innate Characteristic of the Age of Aquarius?

Let the group know that life is one and naught can ever take or touch that life....See more

6 February at 08:46 · Like

Patrick Chouinard We live a code of criticism and condemnation with small appreciation of the

works of others. Sects and creeds build up walls about themselves, and only heroic souls in

whom spiritual perceptions are truly awake can rise above these imaginary limitations. Think

back over the books that you have read and recall how seldom it is that any writer speaks well of

another. Each man, firm in his own opinions, gives scant courtesy to the opinions of others.

There are many teachers in this world who instruct with words, but only a few who instruct with

the noble example of generous deeds.

The true purposes of mysticism are to perpetuate, interpret and apply the idealism of the race.

Men turn to religion for guidance, encouragement and solace. We want religion to stand back of

us when we try to live honest lives. We want to know that there exists somewhere in the world a

body of united people who are upholding spiritual values in a world of crumbling material

manifestations. We are all seeking inspiration. We want ideals. We want a worthy purpose to

unite us in action. We desire to establish in this vale of tears a spiritual structure which shall be

elevated above the humdrum. We want to go out into life recognizing our spiritual institutions as

oases in a desert of materialism.

Civilization is in the throes of a great reconstruction period. As never before in recorded history

men are seeking solutions to imminent and eminent problems. Church and State alike are

reaching out to grasp something that is secure, something they may cling to when the world they

have known passes into oblivion.

Page 22: BROTHERHOOD Thoughts on Brotherhood by Blavatsky Bailey Roerich Hilarion Steiner and Manly Hall

During the period of the great World War metaphysics lost a great opportunity to make a

permanent contribution to the race by allowing itself to be broken up by internal disruptions and

controversies. Organizations which should have been dedicated to the unselfish service of

mankind instead wasted their energy in vain wranglings over personal issues of little if any


Our present crisis is far greater than the World War. The whole civilized world is struggling

against selfishness and corruption. A new and great opportunity is at hand for the application of

spiritual solutions to material problems. It is the duty of all spiritually enlightened individuals to

forget all differences, sacrifice all personal ambitions, and rededicate themselves to the great

ideals which brought their various orders and societies into existence.

During the great boom period immediately preceding the present economic crisis even mystical

organizations were infected by the bacilli of wealth, personal ambition and exploitation.

Personalities eclipsed principles and individuals and organizations departed from those simple

truths which are the essentials of intelligent living. Then came the collapse. Material values

dropped like plummets to an unfathomable depth. Ambitions were scattered to the winds and the

race was confronted with problems which can only be solved through a restatement of spiritual

values and a rededication of men and organizations to principles of enlightenment and truth.

Both H.P Blavatsky and Max Heindel gave their lives in a beautiful service to the spiritual needs

of the race. Both went to early graves, broken by responsibility and persecution. Each has left as

a legacy to unborn generations a metaphysical literature which shall survive the visissitudes of


- excerpts from Manly P. Hall's introduction to Max Heindel's booklet Blavatsky and The Secret

Doctrine , little essay on H.P. Blavatsky and "The Secret Doctrine" published in 1933

7 March at 18:51 · Edited · Like · 4

Rae Lake Beautifully stated, thanks, Patrick.

7 March at 13:35 · Like · 3

Rolly Velarde Quantum physics has made us see the invincible and it is only a matter of time

that the divine wisdom taught in Theosophy and brought about by the masters through HPB will

be common knowledge. Then, Universal Brotherhood will no longer be a desperate dream as we

awaken to an inevitable reality. Your compilation and summation Patrick is indeed


7 March at 14:19 · Like · 3

Page 23: BROTHERHOOD Thoughts on Brotherhood by Blavatsky Bailey Roerich Hilarion Steiner and Manly Hall

Patrick Chouinard Hi Rolly! Great to hear from you! Your eloquent wisdom has been missed!

7 March at 18:54 · Like

Bonnie Orgren The fact that we now have the beneficent vision of quantum physics is a sign,

"as without, so within." Universal brotherhood is the dream but I wouldn't characterize it as a

"desperate dream" as if the awakening were in a future time period. It is rapidly occurring in so

many ways if we focus on how it is arising in our lives and communities. It includes all life, not

just human lives. It is our relationship to the Earth, to sustaining life; soil, water, plants, our

relationship to money and power and sharing, brotherhood is seen in the devotion of teachers,

mentors and group sharing. The children of today are "seeded" with an intrinsic recognition of it.

Wondrous times are here and will flourish with right thought and intention.

7 March at 20:28 · Like · 2

Rolly Velarde Thanks Patrick for the kind words.

7 March at 21:29 · Like · 1

Rolly Velarde And to Bonnie, thank you for your positive thought. It supplants the hopelessness

we are still experiencing in this materialistic world and affirms the progress in our spiritual

evolution. How I wish I may experience the realization of Universal Brotherhood where all of us

live in peace, love and harmony.

7 March at 22:06 · Edited · Like · 3

Bonnie Orgren Thanks Rolly, having chosen a difficult life pushes one to focus on the positive.

But seeing right human relationships arising does bring joy. I'm blessed to have grandchildren

and be able to observe their friends too, see the efforts of the local schools. There is a great focus

on community and such effort by so many people to bring about the dream.

7 March at 22:10 · Unlike · 3

Page 24: BROTHERHOOD Thoughts on Brotherhood by Blavatsky Bailey Roerich Hilarion Steiner and Manly Hall

Rolly Velarde Yes, I can also see that in our TSP where young members are increasing.

7 March at 22:13 · Like · 2

Patrick Chouinard Wonderful encouraging words Bonnie and Rolly. Love unites (wisdom sure

helps too). It seems clear to me that diversity is the way of Nature, and a good thing, but all is

moving towards a "unity-in-diversity" (Chardin's "noosphere"). Such anyway is the hope, and

since "God is One" and we are all "one in God" ("in God we live and breath and have our being"

as the apostle Paul expressed it) in essence anyway, if not yet in expression, there is reason to

hope. Having faith in that ultimate outcome (eventual unity based on love through the spiritual

growth of humanity) is very important I think, and makes a difference. We can pray and meditate

for it, and ask that we be an instrument for this unity. Operating on the assumption that we are all

inter-connected (even our very thoughts affect each other) then another very important way we

can further unity is to "think with love" and be non-separative mentally. (DK often emphasizes

the importance and impact of holding the thought-form of "we are One" in our mind and lovingly

sending that image out in meditation.) Non-separativeness extends to appreciation of differences

and tolerance, and transcending "tribalism" (us vs. them, me vs. you); love and fellowship

casting out hatred and feelings of exclusivity. There is no field with more division than religion

(interesting how there is far more unity among scientists!), so another way we can foster unity is

not only appreciating and respecting differences, but emphasizing commonalities - the "Golden

Rule" - and above all to be an example of that Rule. We are called to be channels of the unifying

power of love.

7 March at 22:30 · Edited · Unlike · 2

Rolly Velarde Picking-up from your post Patrick and collating this exerpt from an article I read,

reveals the relevance of HPB's teachings. The ancient Rishis in India thousands of years ago has

already said that energy, or soul, is separate from matter, and that the universe is made of energy

– pure energy which was there before man and other material things like the earth came along.

However at the end of the seventeenth century Newtonian physics became the corner-stone of

science, and it was based on the theory that there is only matter and nothing else – the whole

universe is a machine, made of matter, and so are we. Medical science is still stuck in the

Newtonian concept, even though the rest of science has now moved on to quantum physics.

Quantum physics says that as you go deeper and deeper into the workings of the atom, you see

that there is nothing there – just energy waves. It says an atom is actually an invisible force field,

a kind of miniature tornado, which emits waves of electrical energy.

Those energy waves can be measured and their effects seen, but they are not a material reality,

Page 25: BROTHERHOOD Thoughts on Brotherhood by Blavatsky Bailey Roerich Hilarion Steiner and Manly Hall

they have no substance because they are… well, just electricity. So science now embraces the

idea that the universe is made of energy.

7 March at 22:46 · Like · 2

Bonnie Orgren Patrick, your summations are so comprehensive and inspiring, thank you for the

expenditure of time and energy to put so much in context. I'm happy too Rolly has joined in the

dialogue. Is it possible to format comments to be more accessible? The threads get sooooo long it

almost discourages feedback. My computer is older and it takes time to scroll way down and find

the comment.

7 March at 23:06 · Like · 1

Bonnie Orgren Rolly, I think you meant to say is that the Rishis said energy or soul is not

separate from matter. The Mother saw everything as a warm golden light. Last night I was

reading and trying to understand Aurobindo's perception of the "bedrock" of matter, talking

about the supramental as the Vibration that creates and recreates "Is what can

transform the Earth....the key to the Transformation, the key to overcoming the laws of Matter by

using the Consciousness within Matter-Consciousness above is Consciousness below. Noosphere


7 March at 23:33 · Unlike · 2

Patrick Chouinard Again, a great share Rolly. I appreciate the references to physics - alas, my

head hasn't been thinking along scientific lines for a while now, so it is very refreshing and

needed! It gives an important perspective. Well, as you already said Rolly, Brotherhood (excuse

that old male-exclusive word gals!) or rather UNITY is already a fact in Nature (we are all

energetically interconnected, interdependent, etc.), just not yet in general human consciousness,

attitudes and behavior. Certainly the mental understanding of that unity, based on new scientific

knowledge, can be helpful in affirming the fact in human consciousness, but how many people

are conversant with the latest scientific breakthroughs in physics? Not many, and even those who

do know still have to overcome selfishness, self-centeredness and the pride of "my way is best;

my perspective is the right one..." etc. Nevertheless, ideas have power, and even DK says that the

coming ""world religion" (not a monolithic Church, but rather a "unity-in-diversity") will be

based on a new "mental unity" of humanity. There will be a consensus about certain

fundamentals, and the next big "discovery" for science is the fact of the SOUL. If this was

universally acknowledged, with all its implications, it would certainly have an impact. It's

already known by many scientists, but there are those who oppose its acceptance in academia.

We, however, can spread and teach these scientific breakthroughs directly (not to mention the

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Ancient Wisdom), bypassing these biased skeptics (scientific fundamentalists). This is already

being done effectively on the Internet (Youtube, etc) and this is very encouraging.

8 March at 00:08 · Unlike · 2

Rae Lake Hi, Rolly. I consider Matter to also be another form of force/energy, so there is no

separation in Life except the terms we put upon it.

8 March at 00:48 · Edited · Unlike · 3

Patrick Chouinard Bonnie, great that you bring Aurobindo in, as he has a wonderful vision and

approach to achieving "brotherhood" that parallels the Ageless Wisdom of HPB, AAB, and AY

(because he is of the same stream!). I found this excellent summary: "Sri Aurobindo did not

work for humanity on the basis of the religious ideal of human brotherhood, or equality or

liberty, but, he saw all humanity as ‘the self-same being and personality’ of the one supreme

Divine Consciousness. And for realising this vision of man and mankind and to make it not a

remote probability but an immediate possibility, Sri Aurobindo concentrated all his yogic

energies in bringing down the Dynamic Force of the Divine: the Supramental Consciousness and

Power. He believed strongly:

‘Family, nationality, humanity are Vishnu’s three strides from an isolated to a collective unity.

The first has been fulfilled, we yet strive for the perfection of the second, towards the third we

are reaching out our hands and the pioneer work is already attempted.’

But, Sri Aurobindo did not stop short with these three steps of Vishnu: he took the fourth stride –

the step from humanity to divinity. ‘Man must exceed himself if he is to fulfil himself. A new

combination has to be found for family and nationality and even humanity. That connotation, Sri

Aurobindo says, is divinity.’ (NKG 4/358)

Up until now man has been striving to raise himself both spirituality and materially through his

own imperfect ways – such as science, technology, philosophy, occultism and arts – and also

through narrow religious ideology and theology seeking help from lower powers than the Divine.

So, man’s progress has been slow, tardy and full of wars and suffering. And, at present, mankind

has reached a cul-de-sac, a crisis of consciousness. Mind is unable to extend any solution nor

solace to his war-battered psyche and his materialistic death-traps. That is why Sri Aurobindo

seeks to transcend the Mental Man and bring down the Supramental Man who alone can deliver

the suffering soul of mankind, bringing him peace and prosperity – both inner and outer.

This surpassing into the new Supramental Consciousness will not, of course involve the whole of

humanity in the beginning. It is sufficient to have the forerunners representing all nations of the

world, all cultures of the earth who would aspire and work for this new creation beyond man...

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The old world is founded on the egoism; the new creation will be founded on the soul within

man, the divine element that integrates the individual as well as unifies the universal. As this

soul–consciousness increases and takes control of man’s outer activities and the ego-centred

consciousness expressing itself in demoniac ways, the animal propensities in man will diminish

and then vanish, giving way to the New Man. As such individuals increase in every part of the

globe, a society based not only on co-operation, but on a consciousness of oneness will emerge

eliminating all suicidal competitive elements. In the long run even the nation-souls will bind

themselves in a Federation of Free Nations. (Dr. Ananda Reddy, Sri Aurobino: Pioneer of the

Universal Mind)

8 March at 03:23 · Unlike · 2

Patrick Chouinard Science, Matter, And Nature: "While science is engaged, with ample

justification, in highlighting the distinguishing characters, the 'discontinuities and discreteness of

the elements of Nature,… there is a level of reality which is continuous and yet to be grasped by

the physical senses and science.' What is this level of reality which is continuous? It is to

understand that Nature has immense potentialities; it is like a sleeping God. If awakened, it can

raise all the elements that constitute it, including man, through the different levels of existence–

material, vital, mental, and beyond, i.e., the supramental. This is possible only if we first of all

realize that beneath the diversity and uniqueness of the different elements in Nature, there is an

essential unity that not only allows for this diversity, but even supports it. Which means if the

diversity of elements in nature is fundamental, equally fundamental is the unity that runs through

these diverse elements.

One of the important assignments for the scientific man of today would be to engage in tracing

out this unity, while he is justifiably busy engaged in his methods of categorizing, classifying,

differentiating, etc. Otherwise, it is in danger of remaining just a mass of formulae, ignorant of

the foundation of being, and a poor instrument to perfect our nature or our life:

……our science itself is a construction, a mass, of formulas and devices; masterful in the

knowledge of processes and in the creation of apt machinery, but ignorant of the foundations of

the being and of World-being, it cannot perfect our nature and therefore cannot perfect our life.

Of course the larger problem remains: whether science will arrive at the ultimate truth, or any

ultimate truth. To this too, Sri Aurobindo makes a rather insightful remark:

…one might ask whether science has arrived at any ultimate truth; on the contrary, ultimate truth

even on the physical plane seems to recede as science advances.

Which makes us remember the astute remark of George Bernard Shaw: “Every true scientist is a

metaphysician,” and that of Albert Einstein: “Science without religion is lame; religion without

science is blind”. By religion, may we add, Einstein most probably meant spirituality,

compassion, morality, and the ennobling aspects of religion (not its dogmatic and fanatical

manifestations). How best to make science collaborate (if not combine) with philosophy and with

spirituality and the other ennobling aspects of religion (especially compassion and brotherhood)

is an important task before the votaries of science today.

At the same time, let us realise that Science, with its methods and approach, is the favourite

whipping boy of most philosophers. So much so, we suspect it is in danger of becoming immune

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to even philosophy's legitimate pleas. However, a happy meeting ground would be a realization

of each other's limitations and, more important, working together in an atmosphere of intellectual

integration, wherein the insights of philosophy could become heuristic and algorithmic models

for scientific experimentation. For, let's face it, if science cannot lay claim to being the sole

guardian of humanity, neither can philosophy.

This challenge and realization has to be accepted by both sides for the sake of the welfare of

society and at times for, if nothing else, its very


Humanity at the Crossroads: Does Sri Aurobindo Offer an Alternative?

In the light of Sri Aurobindo's philosophy, this paper looks into some of the pr...See more

8 March at 03:34 · Edited · Like

Patrick Chouinard Bonnie, regarding the length of this thread, all I can think of to help would

be to delete all comments not relevant to the topic of "Brotherhood". I'll see what I can do.

8 March at 03:33 · Like

Patrick Chouinard "The body of man is to be respected, made immune from violence and

outrage, and fortified by science against disease and preventable death. The life of man is to be

held sacred, preserved, strengthened, ennobled, and uplifted. The heart of man is to be held

sacred also, given scope, protected from violation, from suppression, from mechanization, freed

from belittling influences. The mind of man is to be released from all bonds, allowed freedom

and range and opportunity, given all its means of self-training and self-development and

organized in the play of its powers for the service of humanity. The challenge that Sri Aurobindo

throws to orthodox or organized religion is but appropriate: That man must be sacred to man,

regardless of all distinctions.

"A religion that uplifts man on the spiritual plane, that helps acknowledge and bind the essential

humanity across ideological/cultural/geographical boundaries, without spreading hatred or

superiority/exclusivity amongst its followers, that alone can be a true religion. Moreover, in

sustaining and perpetuating the outer symbols and structures of religion, man may forget to

resurrect the inner spiritual symbols and structures, which alone can sustain true religiosity. Such

symbols, when honestly searched for, will only lead to respect for all humans and even all living

forms. It will also forge mutual respect and understanding of the diverse religions of the world

and help generate a quest to underscore the essential spiritual unity which underlies these diverse

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religious strands.

"Also, any religion which neglects the advancement of man's spiritual quest so as to sustain its

dogmas and rituals and to command blind obedience will, in the final analysis, turn out to be

promoting a false God. Sri Aurobindo's accent on the religion of humanity is to make organized

religion beware of the dangers of fossilization...This reminds us of another great contemporary of

Sri Aurobindo, Gandhi, and what he said about the practical aspect of religion:

Religion which takes no account of practical affairs and does not help to solve them is no

religion." (Shakuntala A. Singh, Humanity at the Crossroads)

8 March at 03:52 · Edited · Like

Rae Lake Give notice if you delete thread. I will copy it because it's too interesting. What I want

to know, is there a way to pull the original poem or comment back into it's smallest first

presentation. Once I open it out I can't ever get it to close back up again. Makes thread seem ever

so much longer. I'm not complaining about the thread though.

8 March at 04:58 · Like

Steven Asia Rae no threads related to BBR are ever deleted - I don't know how to view the long

original post without opening it - sorry

8 March at 06:06 · Like

Bonnie Orgren Patrick, please don't delete anything, just wondered if different headings might

be inserted? Otherwise I'll just use my laptop more.

8 March at 06:45 · Like · 1

Bonnie Orgren Appreciate the Aurobindo information and the book title.

8 March at 06:48 · Like · 1