brown dog 2012 appeal helping men, women and children who have cancer registered charity 1111550...

brown dog 2012 appeal Helping men, women and children who have cancer Registered Charity 1111550 INFORMATION PACK HIGH & LOW PEAK challenges

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Page 1: Brown dog 2012 appeal Helping men, women and children who have cancer  Registered Charity 1111550 INFORMATION PACK HIGH & LOW PEAK

brown dog 2012 appeal

Helping men, women and children who have cancer Charity 1111550


Page 2: Brown dog 2012 appeal Helping men, women and children who have cancer  Registered Charity 1111550 INFORMATION PACK HIGH & LOW PEAK

WelcomeFirst of all on behalf of the brown dog Trustee Board I would like to THANK YOU so much for supporting our 12th

Annual Fundraising Event – we truly hope you have a wonderful weekend up in the beautiful Peak District and that you raise as much money as you can for a fantastic cause - it’s all for kids with cancer this year, they need our help!

Hopefully this pack will tell you all you need to know, but to make sure, we want you to attend ourPre-Brief Teleconference (see details bottom right). The call will enable you to (i) check that you have taken on the challenge that best meets your own physical fitness levels (ii) check that you know where you need to be and by what time (iii) check out any other questions you may have so that you are fully understand the plans.

This teleconference is absolutely essential for people who have never done a brown dog challenge before so you know exactly how the event works – if you can’t make this date please contact one of the Trustees

As ever safety is our number one priority and everyprecaution has been taken to ensure you have anenjoyable and safe weekend.

At the end of the challenge events we have our nowfamous and very popular Dogs Dinner where wecelebrate completing the challenges and moreImportantly our fund-raising successes.

Hopefully during the weekend you will feel the warmth of the brown dog family and that will inspireyou (like many others) to come back in 2013.

See you soonMark Storer – Founder Member

Pre-Challenge teleconference

Date Monday 11 JuneTime 8pm – 9pm

What to do:Dial 0800-012-1176Key in Pin when asked – 17485908#Provide your name

Page 3: Brown dog 2012 appeal Helping men, women and children who have cancer  Registered Charity 1111550 INFORMATION PACK HIGH & LOW PEAK

1. Why we are doing this2. The 2012 Challenge team

Key Challenge Information 3. High Peak – summary of what you need to know4. Low Peak – summary of what you need to know5. Safety & Ground Support

Key Hotel & Dogs Dinner Information 6. Hotel Arrangements7. Plan8. Table Plan

Additional Information – if interested9. High Peak 10.Low Peak11. Hotel Map

Pack Content

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Please remember that our real challenge is

To raise £30,000 to fund a dedicated care room (with specialised ventilation system)

within the new children and young people’s cancer unit at Leicester Royal Infirmary

as part of the hospitals bigger “Our Space” appeal

It doesn’t matter which brown dog challenge you do in Junesuccess to brown dog is whether we raise this money

IMPORTANT REMINDER FOR CHALLENGE WEEKENDPlease remember to total up how much money you expect to raise

and pass this information to Ian AlexanderThis will enable us to

announce our pledgedachievement at the

Dogs DinnerThank You for your support

Why we are doing this?

Page 5: Brown dog 2012 appeal Helping men, women and children who have cancer  Registered Charity 1111550 INFORMATION PACK HIGH & LOW PEAK

2012 Team

PEAK CHALLENGE 2012Children & Young People’s

Cancer Unit - Leicester


Welcome to the Team!

High Peak Low Peak Ground Support

1 Ian Alexander Maxine Adams Catherine Crack2 Tash Baylis Graham Cantrill Graham Findlay3 Al Best Ruth Cantrill Ameya Gore4 Tom Bettles Sanni Chauhan Anand Gore5 Lisa Bisset Lesley Green Gez Johnson6 Ian Cheeseman Jenni Griffiths Garry Morris7 Laurence Crack Dave Hall8 Matt Crack Jennifer Halpin9 Rebecca Crack Karen Hobden

10 David Cronje Caroline Hudson11 Maria Dodson Fiona Johnston12 Martin Fitzwilliam Ian Knights13 Jane Garrington Jacqui Leech14 Anu Gore Debbie May15 James Green Karen Morris16 Martin Green Louise Morris17 Viki Green Lynn Page18 Elspeth Hardy Laura Russell19 Simon Jackson Abi Sinclair20 Graham Johnston Grace Storer21 Mark Leech Helen Storer22 Michael Leech Mark Storer23 Richard Little Shaun Tivey24 Jackie MacDonald Jack Wardle25 Kevin MacDonald Karen Wright26 Ruth Mitchell27 Chris Newman28 Richard Parkes29 Chris Pavey30 Mohammed Shaijk31 Eve Shooter32 Josh Storer33 Lewis Summerfield34 Adam Tait35 Mandy Tanner36 Eddie Timmins37 Cheryl Williams

68 team members

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HIGH PEAK Challenge



Small Bag – to put walking gear in, water and food to leave with ground support at the start. At end of bike challenge take walking gear out and put biking gear back into the bag – again leave with ground support and collect at the end of challenge back at the hotel










Cycling Shorts (padded if possible)

Trainers / cycling gloves (optional)

Brown Dog T-Shirt (provided on the day)


Helmet (Hired or your own as stated in registration)


Water Bottle / Hydration System (GS will provide extra)

Sun Cream (just in case)

Medications – Pain Killers etc.

Food & Drink

Walking Boots

Walking Shorts / Leggings

Brown Dog T-Shirt (provided on the day)


Rucksack – to carry food and drink


Hat & Gloves (hopefully will not need these)

To cycle 34 miles from Ashbourne to Bamford in the Peak District,

then walk 10 miles from Bamford towards Edale summiting on Mam Tor in 9.25 hours

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DRIVE TO START (directions provided on the day) 0850



Food & Drink (make sure you take sufficient water)

Medications – Pain Killers , Plasters etc.

Sun Cream (just in case)

Walking Boots

Walking Shorts/Leggings

Brown Dog T-Shirt (provided on the day)


Rucksack – to carry food and drink


To walk 15 miles from Ashbourne up the Tissington trail to Thorpe, then across to Ilam and up to Mildale

before turning down the beautiful Dovedale valley

before rejoining the Tissington trail back to Ashbourne


Page 8: Brown dog 2012 appeal Helping men, women and children who have cancer  Registered Charity 1111550 INFORMATION PACK HIGH & LOW PEAK

Ground SupportThe Ground Support team are a vital part of the day’s challenge. There will be a team of two, Gez Johnson and Graham Finlay, in one car for the Low Peak Challenge; and a team of four, Cathy Crack, Dr Anand Gore, Ameya Gore and Gary Morris, in three cars for the High Peak Challenge.

They will be following a series of check points at which they can meet the challengers during the route, based on where the cars can gain access.

Clothing and Footwear Changes

Space is limited in the cars but we can carry your change of footwear/clothes for the changeover from bikes to walking on the High Peak Challenge. It is essential that you place any items you need transporting in ONE BAG and LABEL it with your name – this considerably eases access and prevents loss of your items.


We will stock the cars of both challenges with bottled water which you can take on, ideally into your own containers, at the various check points. We will attempt to provide ice as well.

Spare Bikes

One car from the High Peak Challenge will carry two spare bikes for dire emergencies (hopefully we won’t need them!).

First Aid

We will carry basic first aid kits in the cars for both challenges for any minor injuries (again hopefully we won’t need them!)

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SafetyWhilst these are well organised and executed events – this is our 12th annual challenge – we are not supported by police or any other professional body, therefore the safety of everybody at all stages of the challenge is down to us all. There are a number of good practices we have learnt over the years which are laid out below which will help us maintain our excellent track record for minimal injuries over the years. On a general note each of us should remain vigilant with our fellow challengers at all stages and offer support where needed.

Routes and Approach

The routes of both challenges have been meticulously planned and a Trustee has undertaken a dry run of every stage. To keep to the schedule (driven by the timing of the Dog’s Dinner in the evening) we need to maintain a sensible pace and keep the challengers together as a group. The events are not organised as a race for individuals, our goal is to start and finish together as a group within the planned schedule. For each challenge there will be a Leader (who will always be at the head of the group), and a Backstop (who will always be at the back of the group). We will announce these individuals (who are well experienced at these roles) just before each challenge starts so you can see what they look like. Any decisions regarding any issues encountered on each of the challenges will be made the relevant Leader and Backstop.

Walking Good Practice

•Do your best to keep the Leader in sight during each stage

•The longer the stage the farther stretched out the challengers become – the Leader will stop and wait for the line to catch up from time to time – ideally if our pace is right and we are looking out for each other than these extra stops will be few and far between.

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Hotel Details & Room Arrangements2 Nights - 22 & 23 June 1 Night - 22 June 1 Night - 23 June

DOUBLE Rooms DOUBLE Rooms DOUBLE Rooms No Accommodation Required1 Catherine & Laurence Crack 12 Tom Bettles & Rebecca Crack Ruth & Graham Cantrill2 Tash Bayliss & Matt Crack Graham Findlay3 Martin & Lesley Green Caroline Hudson4 Jacqui & Mark Leech Ruth Mitchell5 Kevin & Jackie MacDonald Amand Gore6 Adam Tait & Sanni Chauhan Ameya Gore7 Fiona & Gez Johnston8 Garry & Karen Morris9 Helen & Mark Storer10 Jack Wardle & Grace Storer11 Laura Russell & Shaun Tivey

TWIN Rooms TWIN Rooms FAMILY ROOMLadies Ladies Ladies

1 Maria Dodson & Viki Green 15 Maxine Adams & Lynn Page2 Jane Garrington & Eve Shooter3 Mandy Tanner & Cheryl Williams4 Lisa Bisset & Elspeth Hardy5 Jenni Griffiths & Karen Hobden6 Abi Sinclair & Karen Wright7 Jennifer Halpin8 Debbie May & Louise Morris

Men Men Men9 Ian Alexander & Richard Little 16 Richard Parkes & Eddie Timmins10 Ian Cheeseman & Chris Pavey11 Al Best & David Cronje TWIN ROOM12 Martin Fitzwilliam & Simon Jackson 17 Josh Storer & Lewis Summerfield13 Graham Johnston & Chris Newman14 James Green & Ian Knights

SINGLE ROOM SINGLE ROOM SINGLE ROOM1 Michael Leech (under 18) 3 Anu Gore 4 Dave Hall2 Mohammed Shaijk

Postal Address:Miraj Hotel & Leisure Club

Ashbourne, Derby Road, Ashbourne, Derbyshire, DE6


Map at back of pack

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Dogs Dinner – Running Order Welcome AGM (10 mins) Introduce Fun--------------- Meal--------------- Reflection on the day Share some successes Awards Raffle 2012 Appeal Announce pledged money raised Close

Dress Code – ‘smart-casual’

Key Objective – To Celebrate & Have Fun!!!

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Dogs Dinner – Table PlanTable 1 Table 2 Table 3 Table 4

1 Laurence Crack Dave Hall Ian Alexander Richard Parkes2 Tash Baylis Mark Storer Richard Little Eddie Timmins3 Tom Bettles Garry Morris Lisa Bisset Sanni Chauhan4 Catherine Crack Karen Morris Maria Dodson Jacqui Leech5 Matt Crack Helen Storer Elspeth Hardy Mark Leech6 Rebecca Crack Josh Storer Mandy Tanner Michael Leech7 Lewis Summerfield Cheryl Williams Adam Tait8 Mohammed Shaijk

Table 5 Table 6 Table 7 Table 81 Grace Storer Fiona Johnston Ian Cheeseman Graham Cantrill2 Debbie May Gez Johnson Jane Garrington Ruth Cantrill3 Laura Russell Maxine Adams Jenni Griffiths James Green4 Abi Sinclair Caroline Hudson Karen Hobden Lesley Green5 Shaun Tivey Graham Findlay Ian Knights Martin Green6 Jack Wardle Jennifer Halpin Louise Morris Viki Green7 Karen Wright Ruth Mitchell Chris Pavey Jackie MacDonald8 Lynn Page Eve Shooter Kevin MacDonald

Table 91 Al Best2 David Cronje3 Martin Fitzwilliam4 Ameya Gore5 Anand Gore6 Anu Gore7 Simon Jackson8 Graham Johnston9 Chris Newman

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More Information Outstanding questions, tips for the day and more information will be

provided at thePre-Briefing Teleconference on 11th June – 8-9pm – please attend!

Also you can contact anyone on the brown dog Trustee Board – details on next page


For more information on the brown dog charity please look at our web site

On our web site you will also see links to our Facebook page where some of our members share information

in a more informative manner (and Twitter @cancerbrowndog)

Also every few months we issue our charity magazine “Newshound” on our web-site which provides an update

on what’s going on.

Hopefully through the above communication channels all your questions will be answered and you will join

The challenge in June with your eyes clearly open, in terms of understanding what you have taken on.

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More Information – Contact a Trustee

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Thank You for supporting us

By supporting brown dog you will make a real difference to people who are fighting cancer.

This year it will be children who will benefit

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Additional Information

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High Peak ChallengeTo cycle 34 miles from Ashbourne to Bamford in the Peak District,

then walk 10 miles from Bamford towards Edale summiting on Mam Tor

in 9.25 hours

Cycle from Miraj Hotel to start of Tissington Trail = <1mile (10 mins) Cycle up Trail to Hurdlow = 17 miles (2 hours) Cycle from trail to Monyash = 0.5 mile (5 mins) Cycle from Monyash to Bamford Station = 16 miles (2hours)

Total Cycle Time = 4 hours 15 mins plus 30 min break = 4.45 hours

Change over Time = app ½ hour Depart Bamford Station to Win Hill = app 1 hour Win Hill to Loose Hill = app 1 ½ hour Loose Hill To Mam Tor = app 1 hour Total Walk time = 4 hours plus ½ hour break = 4 ½ Hours Total

Total Challenge Time = 9.25 + 0.75 hour coach back to Ashbourne) = 10 hours

Map of Tissington Trail from Ashbourne to Hurdlow.

Dist = 15.75 miles or 1 hour 45 mins

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LOW PEAK ChallengeTo walk 15 miles from Ashbourne up the Tissington trail to Thorpe, then across to Ilam and up to Mildale

before turning down the beautiful Dovedale valley before rejoining the Tissington trail back to Ashbourne


Tissington Trail

Dovedale valley



DoevdaleCar Park


We will need 6 cars on the day to transport everyone to the start.

Please have change for the Car parkWhich is at the southern end of the Tissington


1.5 Start to Dovedale Car Park

2 Doevdale to Milldale

0.5 Lunch at Milldale

1 Milldale to Dovedale Stepping Stones

2 Dovedale Stepping Stones to Finish





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Low Peak – Starting Point Start at car park on Mapleton road – start of Tissington Trail – then walk up hill away from Ashbourne (and the tunnel) along the trail


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Hotel Map


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Hotel Map