bsap esn healthcare international law school ministry mba students women in the academy graduate...

Download BSAP ESN Healthcare International Law School Ministry MBA Students Women in the Academy Graduate Student Ministry Exploring the websites of GFM, BSAP,

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Graduate Student Ministries ALL of our ministries overlap in the graduate student body: – Composed of and interacting with many races and ethnicities – Entering healthcare, MBA, law, and other specialized schools – Taught by faculty, often in communities together – Seeking mentors and professionals in their fields – Considering academia as vocation through ESN


BSAP ESN Healthcare International Law School Ministry MBA Students Women in the Academy Graduate Student Ministry Exploring the websites of GFM, BSAP, and ISM Where do grad students fit in? Graduate Student Ministry is a part of ALL of our focused ministries. BSAP ESN Healthcare International Law School Ministry MBA Students Women in the Academy Graduate Student Ministries ALL of our ministries overlap in the graduate student body: Composed of and interacting with many races and ethnicities Entering healthcare, MBA, law, and other specialized schools Taught by faculty, often in communities together Seeking mentors and professionals in their fields Considering academia as vocation through ESN Finding Graduate Student Ministries Find us under Our Ministries. Find GSM under Our Ministries. Grad Student Ministry Homepage or you can explore from here. Explore here About Grad Student Ministries Share our heart with students, faculty and donors. The Four Ministry Commitments can also be found via a link on the GSM Home Page. Get Involved for Grad Students This Get Involved page is devoted to our student chapters and ESN. Staff opportunities may be found under Get Involved on the main GFM home page. Grad Student Resources This resource Beginning Well has been at the top of the most viewed resources since the site launched. Finding the GFM-ISM homepage International Student Ministry is on two menus on the GFM homepage. GFM International Student Ministry Page This is an introduction page. A link to the ISM website leads grads and faculty exploring this page to more resources. The GFM menu ISM Hosts a GFM Page While many ISM resources are applicable, these are of particular interest to grad students and faculty. ISM Resources for GFM Integrating Internationals into Your Chapter is recommended reading! GFM International Student Ministry Did you know InterVarsity serves students and faculty from at least 56 countries? Did you know Michael Gehrling has taken on a new role as Director of International Graduate and Faculty Ministries? Did you know International students in GFM chapters can apply for scholarships to attend Urbana? There is also a special ISM track. Finding International Student Ministries from GFM Or you can click here. You can find it under Our Ministries here. BSAP Home This is the primary menu we will explore. Explore Gatherings You will find both upcoming and past events. To navigate without going back home, you can use this menu. BSAP Conference 2015 Share this event with your colleagues, students, faculty, and staff Explore Vision Explore On Campus Explore Ministry Partners Click here to see bios. Explore Resources Where do I fit in? Visitand register to attend our upcoming conference. Share our online resources with your students and faculty. Pray for all of GFM to participate in our ministry to Black Scholars and Professionals.