buddhism 1

Buddhism Buddhism

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Post on 22-Jun-2015




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Who is this…?Who is this…?

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Who is this…?Who is this…?

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… … and this…?and this…?

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WHO was Buddha?WHO was Buddha?Siddhartha Guatama Buddha

Buddha was a Hinduprince who lived in luxury and comfort inside the palace.

One day he left the palace gardens and saw an old man, a sick man, and a

dead man.

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Buddha realized….Buddha realized…. Buddha realized:


He became known as the “Enlightened One.”

He explained the 4 NOBLE TRUTHS:1. All life is full of suffering, pain, and sorrow.2. The cause of suffering is desire for things

such as riches, power and long life.3. The only cure for suffering is to overcome

desire.4. The way to overcome desire is to follow the

8-fold path.

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Human SufferingHuman SufferingCaused by one’s selfish desires for: 1. Power 2. Wealth 3. Pleasure

One can be liberated from suffering by giving up the three selfish desires, and discipline oneself.

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The Middle WayThe Middle Way

A balance or moderation of not indulging in too much

pleasure nor too much stress.

To find the “Middle Way” one must be unselfish, honest ,and fair.

Also known as the, “Eightfold Path”

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Eight Fold path- Middle Eight Fold path- Middle wayway1. Right Thought – It is natural to suffer,

but if you follow the Middle Way, it eventually ends

2. Right Intent – Be kind and good3. Right Speech – Avoid lies and gossip4. Right Action – Don’t steal or harm

others5. Right Livelihood – Reject work that

hurts others6. Right Effort – Prevent evil, do good7. Right Mindfulness – Control your

feelings and thoughts (self-control)8. Right Concentration – Practice proper


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It is important to live a moral life.

Enlightenment is achieved through meditation.

Reincarnation helps achieve nirvana.

Nirvana, is the ultimate goal….union with the universe and release from the cycle of rebirth.

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Meditation is the way of improving yourself

Do not worship many gods or one

God, instead mediate , practice self-discipline

The focusing of the mind on spiritual things.

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Today…. Today…. … there are many Buddhist monks

in Asia.

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The Dalai LamaThe Dalai Lama

… is the most famous Buddhist monk.

He has written several books and speaks all

over the world.