buffy: king of the dark chapter 1

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  • 7/31/2019 Buffy: King of the Dark Chapter 1





    Kanagawa Prefecture


    March 9, 2015

    Noriko Shimura watched out the window as the lights of Yokohama proper began to

    approach. Only eight-thirty, and already the evening was a disaster. She closed her coal-darkeyes and concentrated, reaching out with her senses and trying to discern if there were any

    vampires on the train with her; but again, like the other times on this trip she had tried, she

    couldnt detect any. Which didnt mean they werent there. Takashis very clever, she mused,

    opening her eyes again and glancing around the train. Very few tourists this time of night on thisline, too. This train was for locals or kids traveling from Tokyo for an evening at the port. Which

    is good. Not as many innocent bystanders this time.She knew by the scarcity of lights that the train still had a way to go before her stop at

    Yokohama station. Fervently she hoped that Takashi hadnt gathered a group of hunters to awaither arrival there. Her left arm still hurt from the fight just after sundown, when she and Jiro had

    been ambushed by a gang of thugs on their way back to the train. Just for a day, I want to see

    Tokyo. The ginza, all the lights, all the stores... She had wheedled and cajoled her older brother

    until hed relented. I guess a night off from your patrol wont hurt us. You can tell four-eyesHaruko that well be staying in studying or something.

    Noriko shook her head. One day, damn you, Takashi. I just wanted one day to be a

    normal girl. And you took even that from me, like youve taken everything else. She balled hersmall fists, feeling the anger well up inside her. Anger is good, she told herself.Anger will hold

    you together through all this until you can figure out a way to tell Haruko what happened, untilthe two of you can organize a defense and whip up some kind of plan, stop them somehow. Thetrain hissed to a stop, the doors opening on an outdoor platform. The day had been sunny and

    mild for this time of year, but with the suns absence the air had grown chill. Noriko pulled her

    big leather coat around her tighter, fingers clutching at the large flaps on the front, folding themover so they covered her throat. Three people got on the train, she noted; an elderly couple, each

    of them inching along on canes, and a young man, maybe in his early twenties, five years or so

    older than her, his hair dyed a silvery white and green wraparound eyephones sitting on his nose.But the telltale yellow glow around the rims of the lenses gave away the fact that he was plugged

    in, and the tiny earpiece that sprouted from the frame assured Noriko that he was in contact with

    someone. The newcomer nodded his head as he glanced at her and moved to the other end of the

    car, finding a seat near the door. The train started up again, the faint whoosh of anelectromagnetic pulse accelerating the long, sleek vehicle.

    She closed her eyes and thrust her hands into her pockets, clenching them into fists,

    concentrating; her smooth forehead creased into a scowl as she reached out again with her

    senses, trying to feel whether or not the new arrival was undead. But as usual, she just couldnttell for certain. Patience, Haruko always counseled her. Your senses will catch up with the rest ofyour skills. Youre already a superb fighter and your reflexes are incredibly fast. The rest of your

    powers will reveal themselves to you when the time is right.

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    Its right, she murmured, feeling a twinge in her stomach, a slight queasy feeling that

    told her without any doubt that the white-haired male who had stepped on at the last platform,and who sat at the far end of the --

    He was gone.

    Noriko stood up swiftly, her long hair whipping about as she glanced back and forth. The

    vampire had taken the seat next to her, smiling as she made eye contact with him. Yellow eyesglared back at her through dimly lit green lenses; fangs slipped past his parted lips as he spoke,

    I have her.

    Noriko dug down in her pocket and grabbed a stick she had hidden there. She hadntbrought any stakes with her on the trip with her brother -- the stick had been an afterthought, a

    piece of a fallen tree branch that she had grabbed on her way to the train. But it fit her hand

    nicely as she brought her arm around and stabbed at his chest. The wood sank home in the deadcenter of his torso, missing his heart by an inch or so.

    The vampire grabbed her arm and tossed her across the cabin. Norikos reflexes provedfaster; she leapt up, using the momentum of the throw, and grabbed a handhold from the top rail.

    She swung her slender body around in a tight circle and released the metal grip, flying right back

    at the vampire. Quick as he was he had not prepared for that, and he failed to react as heroutstretched leg hit the shaft protruding from his chest, knocking it sideways and puncturing his

    heart. He began to swear as his body disintegrated, and Noriko reached down when he had

    vanished and retrieved his phones. She donned them and fitted the earpiece.

    Report! Takashis ugly face screamed into the lens. Oroki!

    Orokis dead, you scumbag, Noriko spat. Come and get me yourself, Takashi.

    The ugly vampires face grew more hideous as he smiled. Ah, Noriko -chan. I recognize

    your beautiful voice. So, disemboweling your brother on the street wasnt enough fun for you


    Noriko struggled to maintain her composure. Try picking on someone your own size,she snapped in reply.

    But dear Noriko, he purred. They dont make slayers in my size. So Ill have to settle

    for scrumptious little you.

    You know where to find me, she told him, almost shaking from anger and fear as shetore the glasses off and flung them across the train, cracking the lenses and shorting them out.

    *Haruko Takagi looked up as the breeze slapped against his window. By nature he had

    always possessed a cautious streak, but agreeing to become a warden to a demon-huntingteenaged girl had refined that trait into an almost preternatural sense. Noriko would occasionally

    lose her patience with him because he could spot an ambush before her, and because he always

    seemed to know where the vampires were. Haruko also prided himself on his perceptive abilities;

    without them, trying to fight vampires, hed be dead. Well, that and the kendo in high school and

    college, he reminded himself, pouring himself some green tea in a small ceramic cup that lacked

    any handle. He watched the steam curl up from the hot liquid, suddenly noticing that it had

    grown colder in his house. The wind began to stir again outside, and Haruko adjusted his glasses

    and peered over at the thermostat. Heat, he spoke. Twenty degrees. He could hear the faintwhiff of air begin to issue from a concealed vent behind a book shelf.

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    He sat back on the mat, cross-legged. Though most people his age, and even more of

    Norikos generation, had eschewed many of the traditional cultural ways, Haruko still derived agreat deal of comfort from returning to the roots of his nation. He insisted on shoji rather than

    interior doors; he would allow no western eating utensils in his home, despite Norikos protests.

    And he liked sitting on the floor. It gave him a feeling of peace, a sense of centeredness, that

    resting two feet above the ground did not. Slowly he turned the hot teacup, his fingers barelygrazing the porcelain, savoring the warmth of the material.Maybe later a dash or two of sake, he

    thought, smiling. To compliment such fine tea.

    Noriko and Jiro had given him a line about studying earlier that afternoon. Haruko hadknown at once they were lying, concocting something, but things had been quiet in Yokohama

    lately. Two weeks ago a Mohra demon had walked right up out of the water into the port and

    started tearing into the first innocent civilians he had come across. Haruko had read of howformidable the Mohra were, and how they had given themselves willingly to serve as emissaries

    of the greater darkness that always fought against the better urges of humanity. But hed alsoread that a good sharp blow to the crystal on their forehead would cut short their lives, and hed

    advised Noriko thusly. Shed been able to dispatch the Mohra quickly, before too many people

    were harmed, and Haruko had drained the demon of his magical blood. Never know when wellneed it, he realized. Mohra blood could heal almost any wound, and legend had it the blood

    could even turn the undead human again.As if they would ever crave that.But he had chosen not to say anything to Jiro and his sister because they trained and

    fought so hard that he honestly felt they deserved a day off. Jiro always put his sister first,

    always, no matter the circumstance, because he loved her implicitly and he believed in her sacredmission to rid the world of vampires. Jiro trained because he was devout; Noriko trained because

    it was her destiny. And Haruko aided them both because he knew it was the right thing to do.

    But even Watchers enjoy a night off to catch up on their reading, or watch an old movie,

    or just sit and drink tea.Flatscreen, he spoke, and the wide, slim television screen on the wall

    hummed to life. Channel fifty-two. The screen instantly changed to show a man and a womanlying on a blanket on the grass, talking, the man with an old cellular phone, the kind Haruko

    remembered from his youth. At once he identified the woman, with her flaming red mane. Ah,

    Julia Roberts, he sighed, grinning at his boyhood crush on the actress. An early one, too. With

    Richard Crenna. He frowned as Ms. Roberts took the phone away from her companion and

    hung it up, to his dismay. Haruko shook his head, knowing that hed misidentified the actor.

    Not Crenna. But Richard something. He shook his head, sipping on the tea. I knew getting the

    Classic American Movie Channel would be a good idea. Though I rarely have enough time to

    watch it. He smiled slightly as Julia and Richard-something got snuggly on the blanket, and then

    he nearly dropped his cup of tea when his front door rattled so hard that it almost splintered offits hinges. He set the tea down and rose up, swiftly, moving toward the katana that hung above

    the flatscreen. He removed it from the wall and moved toward the door, the sword in front of

    him, never wavering. He peered out the tiny window, but all he could see was a wind-whipped

    mane of black hair and skinny shoulders bundled up in leather. But decidedly female, anddecidedly a shorter woman. He took a chance and opened the door.

    Norikos eyes widened at the sword; he lowered it at once. She moved inside and closed

    the door.

    Wheres your brother? Haruko asked his charge.

    Hes dead, she whispered.

    His hand tightened on the sword. What? How?

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    She tried to look up but couldnt meet his gaze. Takashi and his men ambushed us in

    Tokyo. We got away, but they caught us at the train station. Jiro bought me time so I could

    escape. She slumped to the ground, sitting down on one of the mats. Haruko set the sword downon a low table and joined her, sitting next to her cross-legged.

    Youre sure it was Takashi?

    She nodded, still hugging herself. Im positive. I got one of his men on the train andstole his eyephones. It was Takashi.

    He knows you know its him? Haruko queried.

    Noriko nodded. He knows. He told me hes coming for me.

    The Watcher sighed. Hes been coming for you since Chelsea Moore died five months


    Noriko nodded. He wouldnt be the first vampire to have a hang up on a slayer, sheagreed.

    He knows how valuable you are, Haruko spoke. Hes no fool. The man paused. Butlets not overestimatehim, either. Youve managed to elude him and hurt his group ever since

    you were called. You can deal with him now.

    How? she croaked. Jiros dead. I feel so alone.Tentatively Haruko placed a hand on her shoulder. You have me, he assured her. I

    know Im not Jiro, Noriko-chan, but youll always have me. He squeezed her shoulder lightly.

    And there are others.

    She looked up at him, her eyes moist. Arrigato, Haruko. Arrigato. She clasped his hand

    in one of hers briefly, and then she gave him a long look. Well have to figure out what to do.

    Haruko nodded, adjusting his glasses. It certainly seems Takashi has finally made hismove. The question is, why now?

    *The vampire paced back and forth, obviously bored by being relegated to guard duty. He

    made no attempt to blend in with the crowds of shoppers and diners in the Chinatown district,

    but merely traced his steps, hands thrust into the pockets of his red jacket, sour look on his face.Occasionally he would stop and glance around, as if waiting for someone; but then he would

    resume his sentry duty. He remained completely unaware, however, that he himself was the

    target of intense scrutiny.Fifty yards away and two stories above him sat a lone watcher in the windowsill of a

    closed clothing store. The window had been propped open, and the chilly April evening air

    filtered in. The man rubbed his fingerless-gloved hands and blew on them, taking his eyes off the

    vampire for the moment and looking down at the array of equipment hed brought with him.

    Tempting to just off this guy, but then Ill never get the ones inside, and that would be a shame.

    He let out a quick breath as he checked the rifle again, making sure it had been loaded with his

    special ammunition, and swore at the breeze as it wafted in through the window. If I had a

    couple of werewolves with me, he muttered, even one, I could just break in there and bustheads. But I cant. And Im no match for a dozen vampires. Or more, he added silently.

    The pacing of the undead guardian stopped, and the door to the Silky Doll opened. Thewatcher knew it as a strip club that catered to the less reputable amongst Yokohama society, and

    it specifically welcomed vampires as part of its clientele. He couldnt imagine why anything with

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    a pulse would want to commingle with anything that didnt, but people were damned funny

    sometimes. And they always lusted after the yen. That never changed.Two other vampires exited, burly barrel chested twins with long black hair tied back in

    ponytails. Two, three more came out before he spotted Takashi himself, his hair dyed red, dimly

    lit yellow eyephones on. Takashi lacked physical impressiveness -- he couldnt have even

    reached five-five -- but he was a fast son of a bitch, and vicious. He wasnt stupid either; heddecided to stay away from Tokyo and base his center of power in Yokohama, avoiding the

    attention of the Dragons, as the Tokyo werewolf clan called itself, by staying off their turf. And

    thats how the war goes. Dodge, dodge, avoid, hope the King never b rings the circus to your


    He aimed the rifle as several more vampires exited the club, mixed men and women, all

    of them dressed in expensive silks and leathers. He closed one brown eye and sighted, the sights

    on Takashis head. Then he lowered it to the vampires heart and fired, the silencer blocking outthe noise of the teflon-coated bullet hed poured himself. Smoothed out for precision, hed alsohollowed out the tip and a shaft along the inside and replaced them with the hardest cedar he

    could find. The bullets speed would easily pierce skin and clothing; the wood would kill a

    vampire instantly.Not the size of the stake, he reflected, but where you stick it is what matters.One of the females chose that moment to move closer to Takashi; she ran a long-nailed

    set of fingers down his cheek, smiling, her fangs showing, and then the bullet hit her, by luckycoincidence passing through her back and piercing her heart. She gasped in pain and burst into

    dust. The shooter swore as the other vampires scattered, some hopping into a long Mercedes that

    idled nearby, some heading back into the bar, and some scrambling for cover, trying to sniff outtheir attacker. The shooter moved the scope quickly about the area, but Takashi had vanished.

    Probably into the car, he thought as the vehicle rumbled off.

    He slid the rifle toward one of the big twins who stood with a small submachine-gun in

    his hands, yellow eyes darting about angrily. One PUFFT of the rifle later and he exploded intoash. Still the others couldnt find him, and he could see them beginning to panic. Most of themmade a strategic retreat into the strip club; two of them took off down an adjacent alley, but one

    of them, a woman, pointed up in his general direction. He pulled the trigger again and dusted her.

    Come on up, he challenged the remaining vampires who had chosen cover outside the club.

    Come on, climb the stairs and join me up here so I can waste you in person.

    None of the vampires chose to take him up on his offer, however, and after fifteen

    minutes had passed and he sensed that Takashi would not be returning with reinforcements forhis abandoned lackeys, the shooter donned a pair of eyephones and spoke a number.

    Moments later a familiar face popped up. Geoff? the man on the other end of the phone

    wondered, his English accent impeccable. Geoff Kerwin? You hadnt reported in for so long I

    thought you were dead.

    Geoff shook his head. Nice try, Wesley. He shook his head. Im in Yokohama. Imtrying to help the slayer. Local vamp king by the name of Takashi tried to take her down tonight,

    but she escaped. I tried bagging him myself but he slipped away. Im gonna go make contactwith her now. Can you get in touch with Takagi-san and let him know Ill be there shortly? Ithink Norikos in a lot of trouble.

    Shes always in trouble, Wesley pointed out. Shes a slayer.

    Geoff nodded. Maybe. But I lost Chelsea. Im not gonna watch the next one go downtoo.

    Wesley nodded. Godspeed, then. Report in when you get the chance.

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    Geoff nodded and broke off the connection, gathering up his weapons and supplies into a

    large black canvas duffel bag and heading toward the freight elevator at the back of the building.

    *Noriko looked up from the map she and Haruko studied. We dont know where his lairis, the girl pointed out. Takashi could be hiding anywhere. Yokohamas a big city, and since

    its a port, its an ideal place for vampires to congregate, since they always travel by boat. She

    pulled her long dark hair into a ponytail. So he could have reinforcements coming, or maybe

    they just arrived. Maybe thats why hes so bold.

    Hes always been bold, Haruko pointed out, adjusting his glasses. Hes just never

    made a direct attack on you before -- certainly not one this concentrated, anyway. Its as if he

    means to kill you.

    Noriko sat back on her mat. Isnt that sorta usually the point of attacking me?

    Not always, Haruko responded. Sometimes its to test your strength, and sometimes

    its merely to see if one of his underlingscan cut it. He leaned forward, refilling the small tea

    cups. You know as well as I do he rarely involves himself in a direct assault personally. Thatswhy he always has a gang around him, and thats why theyre always armed. For a vampire king

    hes very cautious, and--A knock on the door interrupted them. Haruko gestured for Noriko to hide, and he

    retrieved the samurai sword and checked the external monitor. A boy of about fifteen or sixteen

    stood outside; for a split second he thought it was Jiro, N orikos brother, but this young man wastoo tall to be related to Noriko.Besides, Jiro is dead. Haruko opened the door a sliver and hissed,


    Takagi-san? the boy asked, bowing slightly. I came as soon as I heard about Jiro. I

    wanted to make sureNoriko was all right.

    Shes fine, the watcher assured the young man. I really think its best if you go homenow, son. Were very busy, and--

    Ko? Noriko called out from the other side of the living room.

    Nori? the boy queried back.

    So much for keeping her hidden, Haruko groused silently. He opened the door and


    The boy crossed the threshold with no problem, proving himself human. Arrigato,Takagi-san.

    Haruko gestured him inside. Before Ko had taken three steps, Noriko bounded across the

    room and into his arms, holding him tight, her lips pressed to his. Haruko raised an eyebrow.

    Maybe I dont know as much about her as I thought, he realized as the two of them kissed for a

    long moment, and then he cleared his throat. Both young people stepped back away from one

    another, Ko blushing and Noriko hanging her head low.

    I can assume he knows about your special condition, Haruko deadpanned.

    The young man, only an inch or two shorter than the watcher, turned to respond. Takagi-

    san, it is my honor to serve you, and Noriko, in any way I can. His dark eyes shone. She has

    been granted a tremendous honor, and it is too much to hope for that I be allowed to continue to

    aid her.

    Continue? Haruko wondered.

    He knows, Noriko provided needlessly, her cheeks flushing pink.

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    Takagi lived in an older neighborhood that butted up against the Minato Murai 21, some

    sort of futuristic living area designed late in the last century to reflect the tastes and the needs of

    this one. Geoff had toured it while scoping the city out on his first day; he didnt care for theattempts to be modern, himself.But then Ive always liked tradition.Hed also figured out where

    Takagis dwelling was on the same trip, thinking it would be a good thing to know just in case,

    and here again as always before, his research had paid off. But thats why Im alive when somany others are dead.

    He heard a footfall a distance behind him when he stopped to peer out of an alley at the

    mostly empty thoroughfare beyond it. At this time of night most of the shops were closed orclosing, and there would be less pedestrian traffic, at least in this neighborhood. Geoff found it

    highly unlikely that a wayward shopper stalked him; he kept his face forward, peering at the

    road, but strained his ears to hear behind him. A scrape, and another one, and he slipped a stakeinto his hand, turned, and in one quick motion, threw it.

    The vampire looked shocked for the second or so of unlife left to it; then it burst into a

    cloud of ash. I can keep this up all night, Geoff growled to himself. Takashi, youre a lot

    sloppier than I gave you credit for. I guess youve lost all your followers who had any skill.

    Geoff stepped out into the street, crossing quickly and heading the wrong way up the block to tryto confuse any followers. The last thing he intended was to lead Takashi or any of his dentally

    enhanced goons right to the slayer. Geoff stopped to peer in a noodle shop that remained open,with two customers hunched over a table near the window; then he moved on, rounding a corner

    and bumping into someone. Sumimasen, he mumbled, moving past the stranger and up the


    The stranger turned and growled, Turn around and apologize to me.

    Geoff reached in the pocket of the long drab overcoat he wore, unstoppering his last

    bottle of holy water. And not easy to get here, either. Nowhere near as much Christian clergy

    here as there is back home. He turned to face the other man, who himself stepped up out of the

    shadow. Apologize for your clumsiness, westerner, the man barked.

    I said Im sorry, Geoff reminded him. I truly am sorry if I have caused you any

    inconvenience, but Im afraid I have an appointment, and I must be going. Geoff bowed his

    head. So sorry again.

    The man crossed his arms. Not good enough.

    Itll have to be, Geoff responded.

    The mans face creased into a vampiric hunting face, yellow eyes glaring at Geoff and

    fangs just touching his lower lip. Ill decide whatneeds doing and what doesnt, yankee, thevampire hissed, coming at him.

    Hate to use this, but...Geoff splashed a liberal amount of water on the vampires face,causing the skin to bubble and smoke with an acrid stench. The vampire lurched back, and Geoff

    grabbed a stake from his belt and dusted his assailant. He quickly replaced the stake and

    stoppered the holy water, moving down the block and doubling back the correct way only after

    waiting and watching for another twenty minutes and making sure no additional vampiresfollowed him.

    The rest of the walk to Takagis took considerably longer; Geoff exercised far more

    caution in choosing his route and checking for pursuers or tails. He thought he spotted anotherone, but it turned out to be merely a young woman on her way to the noodle shop. Geoff moved

    on away from the Minato Murai and into the surrounding housing area, which, despite the

    unusual architecture, reminded him a little more of traditional American suburbia. He also found

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    the going quicker, darting from yard to yard with far more opportunities of cover. Fortunately

    apparently few homeowners in this area kept dogs, though a number of them harbored cats.Geoff had no issue with that. Cats generally avoided prowlers and even if they displayed

    curiosity, they remained quiet about it. Even one barking dog could betray his presence here and

    bring down a gang of vampires, were there any around that he hadnt spotted.

    He made it onto Takagis street when he saw at once the Watchers house was undersurveillance. A young couple up ahead strolled in the moonlight, the wind seeming to be little

    deterrent for their walk. Two more sat in a car directly across the street, checking the house

    every so often. Geoff was certain there were probably more, but he didnt know enough aboutYokohama or Japanese society in general to be able to spot every single person acting out of

    normal character.

    He fetched a mirror from his duffel bag to confirm his suspicions, a small hand mirror.The car appeared unoccupied in its reflection, and the lovers turned out to be just phantoms,

    confirming his hunch. Only four vampires? That seems a little low key to me. Geoff hopped from

    covering bush to covering house to covering automobile as deftly as he could. He preferred to

    take two of them out before the other two could respond, because even for him a four-on-one

    would be difficult.Geoff stopped at the car behind the surveillance vehicle, a recent model Honda, and

    picked the lock on the gas tank. In the old days, these things would have run on solely gas. Butespecially here in Japan newer cars were part electric and part fuel driven, and the fuel itself was

    far less flammable than old gasoline would have been. Geoff shrugged and siphoned off as much

    as his small thermos would hold. He reached in the duffel bag and withdrew a small metalcontainer of Stickum, an instant adhesive, and smeared some on the side of the thermos.

    Carefully he crept forward and silently attached the thermos to the Honda near its gas tank. Then

    he crept back into the relative cover of a large hedge that bordered the front yard of an

    immaculately kept home and pulled his rifle from his bag, assembling it quickly. He placed onenormal bullet in the chamber, third in the row of shiny metal slugs, and made sure the rest were

    wooden-core. Then he drew a bead on the couple that strolled together, arm in arm, further down

    the street.

    He targeted and fired, the gun barely making any noise. The taller of the pair, a burlymale, scattered to ashes in the breeze. The woman turned and he could see in the scope that her

    features werent Asian at all, they were Caucasian, with wide blue eyes and light colored hair, he

    couldnt be sure ofthe exact hue in the dim light. She morphed into her hunting face, but Geoffshot her before she could make a move. He edged around the border of the hedge and took aim at

    the thermos. The Honda hummed to life, lights coming on, but Geoff fired before the car could

    pull out of the parking space. The bullet punctured the thermos full of gas, igniting it, and theflame spread to the car, running down the gas tank feed to the tank itself. The car exploded with

    a hearty roar, and Geoff took advantage of the fiery distraction to race across the street and scan

    around quickly for any more vampires.

    He spotted none, so he unscrewed the rifle barrel from the stock and put both pieces away

    and very quickly made his way to Takagis house.

    Please excuse my rudeness, Geoff said when the man peeked out the crack of the door,

    but Im here to help the slayer. Wesley Wyndham-Pryce should have called you. My name is

    Geoff Kerwin.

    Haruko opened the door but pointedly did not invite him in.

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    Geoff smiled a tiny grin and stepped through the doorway. Noriko crouched along the

    stairs, stake in hand, and he spotted another young male holding a long knife, bent down behind

    a computer console. Geoff placed his bag on the floor and held his hands up. Im one of thegood guys,he said, and then he looked at Noriko. And unless Im very much mistaken, so are


    *Youre certain? Haruko queried.

    Geoff nodded, sipping on his green tea. Im afraid so, Takagi-san. The female vampire I

    shot was Anglo. Not Japanese. Takashi may have started preying on the tourist trade, but from

    what you told me, thats not his style.

    Haruko nodded, frowning. You think he is getting assistance.

    I dont think, Geoff spoke. I know. Its just a question of who might be helping him.Is it the group who attacked the previous slayer in Boston, or is this someone else?

    Noriko spoke up. Did you know her?

    Geoff glanced at the girl, so young, so thin, with features that once might have developedinto something delicate but would be forever hard, thanks to her calling. Know her? he echoed,

    the Japanese slightly foreign to his tongue.

    The previous slayer? Noriko continued.

    He nodded. Her name was Chelsea Moore. She had chestnut-brown hair and crooked

    teeth and she loved playing second base on her baseball team. And she was full of life. Geoff

    closed his eyes. Until he took that away from her.

    Noriko and the boy, Ko, looked away. Haruko leaned forward on his mat. And you think

    that group that killed Ms. Moore -- you think they will be coming after Noriko?

    I think it could be them, Geoff agreed. Its hard to say. They suffered a lot of

    casualties in Boston, but enough of them survived. He shrugged.

    But you think theyre keyed in on Noriko? Haruko pressed.

    Geoff looked at the young woman, at her small hand wrapped in the boys big paw, at her

    watcher, who wore the concern and love every good watcher felt for his charge. Like I felt for

    Chelsea,he mused. I think they are, yes. They killed her brother and they wont rest until they

    end her life.

    Noriko looked at him. What do we do? Do we fight them?

    Id love to, Geoff replied. Ive got a score to settle with those bastards. But Im notabout to throw away your life to avenge my losses.

    What about the other slayer? Haruko wondered.

    Other slayer? the boy Ko wondered. Nori told me there was only supposed to be one.

    Hush, you, Haruko chided him.

    There is only one. A long time ago there were two, but not any more. Havent been for a

    while. He shared a look with Haruko that told the man dont mention her again.

    Haruko folded his arms. What can we do? If Takashi has help, we cant fight that manyand expect to win. He glanced at Noriko. Maybe we should withdraw from here, get Noriko

    away from the massed vampires before they can strike. He looked at her. They already know

    you are here.

    I want to fight them, Noriko announced.

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    Very noble, Geoff commended her. But were trying to keep you alive, and Im afraid

    that just wont cut it. Your only choice is to run, fast and long, until youre someplace safe from

    harm for the time being. As Noriko began to protest, Geoff raised a hand. This is a fight youcannot win, Noriko. But there are alternatives to fighting.

    Avoidance, Haruko nodded in understanding. When the enemys numbers are too

    great.But where will I go? Noriko wondered. If they are following me, where can I go that

    will be safe?

    I have some ideas, Geoff replied. But lets make sure you live through the nightbefore we start pursuing any of them.

    I want to help, Ko told them, his dark eyes darting back and forth between Geoff and


    Son, I forbid this, Haruko spoke. Its far too dangerous.

    Ko stood his ground. Either way I lose Nori-chan. Either she makes it past the vampires,

    in which case I never get to see her again, or she doesnt, in which case... He frowned, unable to

    speak, and raised her hand to his lips.

    Boys got a point, and we could use the help, Geoff volunteered before Haruko couldreply. The other watcher glanced at the American.

    What did you have in mind? Haruko queried.

    Geoff jutted his chin in Kos direction. Ever light a fire before?

    The boy nodded.

    Good, Geoff commented. Thats a start. He turned to Haruko. Its not only Norikothat has to leave. If she slips through their fingers, youre the one theyre gonna come after next.I know that from experience. So youll have to leave, too. He glanced around the living room.

    Which is a shame. You have a nice place here. But theyll probably just burn it down anyway.

    Haruko frowned. You think they mean to make this final?

    Geoff shrugged. Theyre after the slayer. How much more final can it get? If they gether, they may leave us alone, but were gonna make sure that doesnt happen. And vamps dont

    deal with rejection well. The rest of them nodded.

    Geoff addressed them. First, all of you, gather up anything valuable to you. Well mail it

    to someone in the States wholl watch it for me until we can get there to retrieve it. He stood up,

    scratching at his stubble. Then, Takagi-san, you and Noriko will head out, get away from here.

    They know youre here and theyll eventually send a large force to deal with you. The boy and Iwill take the package to the post and clear a way out of here for you. He and I will go one way,

    you and Noriko the other. Take her to the air terminal -- theyll be watching there but they cant

    follow you once youre on a plane. Its too risky for them.

    Where will you be? Noriko asked.

    Well make a lot of noise and draw them away, then double back on your tail and clear

    out anyone whos still following you, Geoff told her.

    Youre making yourselves targets, Haruko realized. Drawing their attention away

    from us so Noriko can escape.

    Geoff nodded.

    And you dont expect to live, either, Haruko added silently. You are attempting to wash

    yourself of the bad karma of losing the last slayer by saving this one. Very noble, but a very good

    way to end up dead.

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    *Takashi snarled as he exited the limousine. His high-boned face had shifted to hunting

    mode a while back, when someone had started shooting his men outside the Silky Doll. Who thehell figured out a way to shoot vampires? he wondered, nodding to his hirsute bodyguard, who

    led the shorter king vampire inside a gated archway and up a long path toward the front door. Somuch exposed space, he reflected, not for the first time.A westerner, not one of us, and willing toshow off his power, his contempt for the sunlight, by living aboveground. Takashi shook his

    head as the bodyguard knocked on the door. He promised me assistance, not some backwards

    yankee or limey that Id have to train to do everything.The door opened to reveal a huge dark-skinned Kailiff demon, even taller and broader

    than Takashis bodyguard. He can come in, the big demon rumbled, his Japanese badly

    accented. You wait outside.

    The bodyguard turned to regard his master, one eyebrow raised. Takashi nodded and

    stepped past him, moving up into the house. The black doorman made a point of shutting the

    door in the other bodyguards face.

    Inside, Takashi glanced around quickly to get his surroundings. It had been quite sometime since hed been in any sort of situation that he didnt completely control, and he didnt care

    for this one all that much. But his partner, for lack of a more fitting word, was giving himconsiderable assistance, and Takashi knew better than to upset the balance just yet -- especially

    when he was on the lower end of the scale. Patience, he told himself.Discern their motives andfind a way to best them.

    Two more Kailiffs sat relaxing in easy chairs, both of them watching something on their

    eyephones, tiny images scrolling past on the tinted lenses. They barely looked up at Takashis

    arrival; he was uncertain whether they felt him no threat, or whether they were being deliberately

    rude to try and gain the advantage.It wont work. I wont let these two rattle me, no matter what.He shuffled to the middle of the room and slipped his hands in the pockets of his expensive

    Armani suit. Both of the demons wore suits, though not as nice as Takashis. He fingered his

    thumb ring inside his pocket, his only show of anxiety hidden where the guards couldnt see it.

    They tell me theres nothing good on TV here, a female voice purred as its owner

    entered the room. Entron and Akkal dont like your programming much. They dont understandwhy you people pay money to see two sweaty fat men grapple each other like lovers.

    Takashi ignored the insult as he took her in. Our culture is refined, ancient, andhonorable, and as such is a taste that some cannot acquire.

    She arched a perfect eyebrow. Are you saying my boys are stupid?

    Im saying it does not take great intellect to understand the appeal and strategy of

    sumo, Takashi responded. But if youll excuse me, I dont think you are here to talk about


    Indeed? the female asked. And why do you think I am here? She set her hands on

    slim hips.Takashi ran his dark eyes up and down her frame. She wore a long black dress that ran to

    the floor, obscuring her legs and feet. A long leather coat -- rather snug, he reflected, and also

    black -- covered the rest of her, buttoned over her stomach and revealing not only a slenderwaistline but ample, especially by Japanese standards, bosoms. Her flesh was darker than his,

    still a honey brown, and her long hair fell past her shoulders, partially obscuring one side of her


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    I was told the one who could help me capture the slayer wanted to talk to me, he

    explained. And as impressive as you are, somehow you don t strike me as someone they would

    call King.

    Im not the King, she spoke. I work for him. He was unable to make it here himself.

    We have many things to attend to besides your inability to capture one little slayer on her own.

    She has help, Takashi hissed. Someone who can shoot vampires from a greatdistance. He scowled at her. Are your followers prepared for that?

    As you see, I dont only employ vampires. The woman looked at the two demons on

    the long, low couch. They opened their jackets to reveal kevlar-mesh vests. Theyre ready, she

    informed Takashi. So tell me, she continued, what sort of help do you need? My master isinsistent on the slayer being taken alive.

    Thatll complicate things, Takashi spoke.

    Of course it will, the woman agreed. You think wed cede all of Yokohama and

    Tokyo to you if it was easy? She glared at him, golden-brown eyes flashing. My masterrewards well for those who achieve. But hes very intolerant of failure.

    I havent failed him, Takashi pointed out. I killed the slayers brother. Shes alone and

    isolated now. Shell be scared, not thinking straight. Shell run right into your arms.The woman folded her arms over her breast. She better, she growled. If you screw this

    up, Takashi, well doworse than kill you ourselves.He raised an eyebrow.

    Well throw you to the werewolves.

    *Geoff closed the door labeled PACKAGES, nodding with satisfaction as he heard the bulky

    box land on top of whatever other mail lay on the other side of the wall. Some of the post officesin Tokyo were open twenty-four hours, but not here in Yokohama. But he knew the package

    would get where it was going. He only hoped he could say the same of the slayer.

    Now where? Ko asked him.

    Now I go back and follow Noriko and Takagi-san.

    The boy frowned up at him. What about me? I thought we were going to create adiversion.

    Geoff nodded, reaching in a pocket in his vest. Thats what you were supposed to

    think. He reached over and took the boys wrist and slapped a hand cuff around it. Ko tried to

    pull away, but Geoff outmuscled him and clacked the other cuff shut around a decorative but

    substantial brass pole. And them too. Noriko has enough to worry about without dealing withyou. And if you tag along with me, youll just get killed. Here, youre some kid whose friends

    played a joke on him. The police will probably be along before morning and let you free. Theyllyell at you, maybe laugh at you, but youll be safe.

    What if the vampires come here? Im defenseless. Ko scowled up at the yankee.

    Sit still, Geoff advised him, and took the half-empty vial of holy water out of his

    jacket. He traced a circle on the ground with his finger, muttering under his breath, and sprinkled

    water in a line behind his finger. He traced the circle a second time, just to be sure, and then hehanded the empty bottle to Ko.

    What did you do? What was that? the boy wondered.

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    I put you in a protective circle. Vampires cant cross it but regular folks wont even

    notice it. Youll be safe here, kid. Uncomfortable, probably, and embarrassed, but alive.

    But I want to help! he complained.

    Geoff nodded. I know, he told the boy. But youll get yourself killed, and you might

    get me killed. This way, I know youll be okay, I dont have to look out for you, and I can

    concentrate on saving Noriko.The boy opened his mouth to protest, but Geoff cut him off. Listen, he spoke, Im the

    best bet she has to get herself out of this mess. And when she makes it to the States, Ill send

    money for you to come join her, okay? But you have to trust me and shut up and play along with

    this. Its the best thing for you, its the best thing for her, and thats what you really want, isntit?

    Ko nodded. Yes, he pouted.

    Good, Geoff nodded. Now try to get some sleep. I have a lot of work to do, so I have

    to go. He stood up, looking down at Ko. Relax, kid. Its gonna be okay.

    Ko watched the tall American as he strode out the door and into the night. Geoff checked

    the street both ways and took off on foot, heading back toward Harukos home. The walk didnt

    take him long, and as he doubled back to the house he spotted from a half block away that it wasaflame. Wow, he thought,you really cant go home again, Takagi-san. Geoff spotted a cluster of

    vampires gathered on the other side of the street, waiting for the slayer and her watcher to comeforth. You missed em, Geoff told them silently. But you can stand there all in a row for me,

    please. He reached in his bag and grabbed his rifle and sidled up behind a Mitsubishi SUV.

    Geoff aimed for a second, and PUFFT PUFFT PUFFT three vampires exploded outward, justlike that. Should have made more bullets, he reflected as he picked off another one as the

    vampires scattered.

    There you are, a voice snarled as something hard and heavy hit Geoffs shoulder. He

    dropped the gun as he fell forward, his head bumping against the back of the van before hepitched to the ground. The vampire kicked him in the side; Geoff coughed as he rolled over. The

    vampire aimed another kick, but Geoff caught his leg and twisted, breaking the ankle. The

    undead man howled in pain. Geoff rolled to his feet and drew a stake from his belt, planting it

    home in the vampires chest, and scooped up the rifle. He could see other vampires headingtoward him; he took aim and fired, disintegrating one. He bagged another, and then a third,

    before they turned tail and dove for cover.

    Getting past all of you will be fun, Geoff muttered as he glanced around, trying to seeif any of the other vampires were bold enough to advance on him. He knew Haruko would have

    taken his car, so from here Geoff knew he couldnt proceed on foot if he wanted to remain close

    to the slayer and her watcher. Theyve got a big head start, but Id bet Takagi -san will obey the

    speed limits. Geoff slid up around the side of the van and withdrew an electronic scrambler key

    from his vest. Works on American cars, he told himself, setting it over the digital lock on the

    SUVs door. With an audible click the lock tumbled, and Geoff hopped in, reaching under the

    dashboard and crossing two wires, the engine humming to life. Thank you for being so cheap,

    he muttered, and not getting voice ident. Geoff stepped on the gas and pulled away from thecurb. A vampire leapt out into the street to stop him, but Geoff merely pressed down on the

    acceleration pedal, smacking into the vampire and driving off into the night, calling up a map to

    the airport on the SUVs onboard computer and following along as best he could.

    I hope theyre doing okay, he wished silently.

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    *I dont like leaving Ko behind, Noriko commented as they drove. I get the feeling

    Kerwin-san isnt all that interested in his welfare.

    Haruko switched lanes, passing an older woman in a Hyundai. I dont know Kerwin-san

    personally, he admitted. But he was the watcher of the slayer before you, and hes beendedicated to the cause for years. Hell protect innocent life if he can. Ko will be safer with him

    than he would be with us.

    Noriko shook her head. Imiss him.Haruko looked over at the young woman, her face long. Shes already lost her brother

    tonight, and now she has to leave her whole life behind. Its not fair. Damn you, Takashi. He

    reached over and put a hand on her shoulder. I promise you once we are safely settled in the

    States, Ill send for him, if his parents will have it. Youve done without too much for too long. I

    didnt know you had a boyfriend --

    Thats because you would have stopped me if you did know, Noriko pointed out.

    True,Haruko admitted. But since you do have one, I see no reason to separate you

    two. The old stories about the One all say she became a great slayer because she had friends tocare about in her early years too. So I wont make the mistake the Council used to make and

    isolate you any more. Ill have Ko live with us, once we get ourselves situated.

    Noriko reached over and took his hand. Thank you, Haruko-san.

    He nodded, squeezing her hand, and then something hit the car with such force that it

    swerved over into the concrete median and skidded into a slide, the back end swinging aroundthe front, skewing wildly out of control. Haruko tried to right the vehicle, but the wheel was

    locked in place, and the car slid backward for several seconds before grinding to a halt. Haruko

    unbuckled himself and turned to check on Noriko.

    The young slayer had already released her seat belt and opened the door. She exited thecar and reached into the back seat through the shattered window, grabbing four stakes from the

    duffel bag full of weapons stashed there. She turned to face their attackers as they stepped out of

    their van.

    Make this easy on yourself, Nori-chan, Takashi taunted her as he stepped out from

    between two taller vampires. We want you alive. Come with us and Haruko-san doesnt have todie like your poor brother Jiro. He can just get up and walk away from here. After we have you, I

    really dont care what happens to him. He spread his arms and smiled dangerously. Just play

    nice and this will all be over.

    Bastard, Noriko spat, throwing a stake at him. One of the larger vampires stepped in

    front of him. Noriko had aimed for Takashis heart, naturally, but this man stood taller, and thestake hit him in the ribs. He grunted with the impact and pulled the wooden missile out of his


    The bitch wants to play rough, Takashi spoke. Get her, boys.

    The two big vampires were joined by a wiry female and a third male, smaller in stature,

    closer to Takashis build. They advanced as a team, the two shorter vampi res circling around

    Norikos side in an effort to block her escape. The big men came straight at her, slowly, warily,

    respectful of what a slayer could do.Haruko stepped out of the car, crossbow raised, and promptly shot the shorter male

    vampire, turning him to a cloud of dust. The other vampires turned to consider the new threat.

    Takashi instructed them, We dont need him alive. The red-haired vampire grinned and drew a

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    Glock handgun, firing quickly; Haruko took a bullet in the shoulder and slumped down behind

    the door, wincing in pain.

    Leave him alone, Noriko warned.

    I didnt bring him into this, Takashi responded. He volunteered to be a target.

    The female leapt at Noriko; the slayer shifted to face her and slipped a stake up beneath

    her outstretched arms, puncturing her stomach. Noriko pushed upward, gore covering her lowerarm as it drove deeper into the vampires body. But the stake met its target, puncturing the heart,

    and the undead female turned to ash.

    Noriko turned quickly to face the next attack, but one of the big vampires proved a shadetoo fast. He slapped a heavy blackjack against her head, the leather-covered metal making a dull

    THUNK as it connected, and the slender girl fell to the ground, unconscious.

    Takashi nodded in satisfaction. Bring her. Well take her to the Kings bitch at once. The big vampire nodded and picked up Noriko, slinging her over his shoulder like a sack

    of rice. His companion asked, What about the watcher?

    Takashi waved him off as if shooing a fly. Kill him.

    The unencumbered vampire moved toward Haruko, who still lay curled up, breathing

    raggedly, in pain. The vampire kicked the crossbow away and made his way around the opendrivers side door, stepping out into the other lane of traffic.

    The oncoming SUV sped up, smacking into him and sending him flying. The vehiclejammed on its brakes, screeching to a stop, and the door popped open. Geoff leapt out and aimed

    his rifle at the vampire carrying Noriko. As luck would have it, the vampire had slung her over

    his right shoulder, leaving his heart unprotected. Geoff squeezed off a shot, killing the vampireand turning him to dust. For a brief second Noriko seemed to hang in the air, hovering; then she

    dropped to the ground, unceremoniously. Takashi glanced at her for a moment but decided not to

    take his chances with that damned rifle. He dove for the safety of his car and gunned it into

    reverse, putting distance between Geoff and himself.

    Geoff turned to deal with the vampire hed slammed into with the SUV and found him

    still down on the ground, his neck turned at an ugly angle. The vampire yet lived, and his yellow

    eyes glared with hatred. But he lay still.

    Severed your spinal column, did I? Geoff asked, pulling a stake from his belt. Majordowner for you, he added, leaning over and staking the vampire. Then he jogged over to the stillunconscious Noriko and lifted her easily, carrying her back to the SUV and loading her inside.

    He returned to Harukos side. The watcher had gone into shock.

    Thisll be hard to explain at customs, Geoff muttered, lifting the man and carrying himto the SUV. One last trip back to the shattered car netted the two duffel bags Noriko and Haruko

    had packed to take with them, and then Geoff was off driving again, heading toward Yokohamaairport.

    *Kasinda pressed a gloved finger to her ear. Can you hold a moment? I have another call

    coming in. It might be that idiot Takashi with the slayer.

    Upon receiving an affirmative response, she pressed a tiny button on the earpiece and

    spoke, Go ahead.

    Kasinda-sama, Takashi spoke.

    The female vampire nodded. This had better be good news, Takashi.

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    Im afraid it isnt, he relayed. My humble apologies. He bowed in the direction of the

    mini-cam on the cars dashboard. Kasinda glowered, glad the eyephones didnt send back a

    responding visual signal. I failed to capture the slayer on the road. But I injured her watcher,severely, and I know where shes headed.

    And that is? Gloved fingers tapped on an expensive cherry-wood table.

    Yokohama airport. Our little girl is leaving home.Stop her, Kasinda ordered. Call whoever you have to, but stop her. Ill be sending my

    people as well.

    Theres no need for that, Takashi assured her. I have everything under control.

    You missed her three times, you moron, Kasinda hissed. Now, you may get lucky thenext time, but Im not taking any chances. And remember, if our men get her, you get nothing

    from this. That should provide you with some motivation. She paused. Alive, Takashi. Alive.

    She clicked the channel button on the earphones and spoke, Are you there?

    The voice on the other end murmured a reply.

    We have located the slayer. We should have her shortly.

    Good, the Kings basso voice hissed. I dont have to tell you what happens if we dont

    get our hands on the slayer, Kas. I need that girl. Were too far along to blow it now.Yes, my king, she agreed.

    Ill be there as soon as I can, he promised. The Dragons didnt put up much of a fight.Tokyo is ours.

    Terrific, Kasinda congratulated him.

    Just take care of your part, Kas. Everything else is coming together, he told her, and heended the connection.

    She removed the earphones and strode over to her two demon bodyguards. Round up

    everyone. And I mean everybody. Get down to the Yokohama airport and stop that bitch from

    getting on the plane. I dont care how you do it, just do it. If you can get her before that bastard

    Takashi, thatd be nice. But I dont care who nails her. Just get her. And alive, boys, dont forgetthat little detail.

    The two of them nodded and hurried away to do her bidding. Kasinda moved back into

    her private room and opened the door to the walk-in closet. Get up, she commanded theoccupant inside, who sat cross-legged, in meditation.

    The Mohra demon rose up, bowing to her.

    The slayer seeks to escape us, she told him. I want her. But she must be alive. Kill herand I will do unspeakable things to you. Understood?

    The Mohra nodded, his eyes cast down to the floor. He bowed again and stood, half bent

    over, awaiting something.Kasinda rolled her wide golden eyes and extended a gloved hand. He kissed it gently on

    the knuckles and left her at once, walking out into the dark to do her bidding.

    The vampire shook her head, long black tresses slipping back and forth over her

    shoulders. Mohra, she spat, her features wrinkling in disgust. No wonder theyre never

    leaders. They cantdo anything on their own. Too old fashioned. Too into tradition. She movedback to the walk in closet and smiled at her non-reflection in the mirror. I dont need a floor

    length to tell me I cant go slayer hunting in this dress. She unbuttoned the long black trenchcoatand cast it on the bed, stepping out of the sweeping dress and into the closet, running her fingers

    over a number of garments before choosing a practical outfit -- a snug black jumpsuit -- and

    slipping it on. She added a kevlar-weave vest and retrieved the leather coat, as it was likely to be

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    chilly tonight, and headed out the back door, toward the cars parked in the back. Kasinda chose a

    late-model Honda and revved it up. She was always happy to let others do the work for her,when she could trust them, but this time she felt her personal touch was needed. And she wanted

    to catch the slayer herself, present the young woman to the King.

    *Fortunately Haruko had packed a change of clothes with him. Geoff had parked the van

    in the daily parking lot at the air terminal, so that it would be towed in a day or two and the

    owner would get it back. Then he had attended to Harukos wound. The man had lost a fairamount of blood, but the bullet had passed out the back of his shoulder without hitting anything

    vital. It would probably hurt like hell when he woke up, but hed likely retain the use of his arm.

    No more pitching softball, though, unless hes a lefty. Geoff had mopped up and washed off the

    blood as best he could and dressed the wound. Hed put Haruko in a dark blue shirt, thankful that

    the man hadnt packed only light pastels, and from a distance he looked asleep, not wounded. He

    would pass muster so long as no one inspected him too closely. Sunglasses and an anti-toxin

    surgical mask, fortunately not uncommon in airports over here, would help hide his truecondition as well.

    Noriko seemed unhurt. Geoff had washed some grime and gore from her hands and face,and inspected the lump forming on the back of her skull. Somebody really walloped her, he

    thought, wondering if her injuries wouldnt be worse if she hadnt been a slayer. Her clothing

    had gotten dirty in the course of the nights events, but Geoff was far too modest to change them.He brushed some of her silky black hair out of her face and examined her angular, pretty

    features. Young enough to be my daughter, he thought, licking his thumb and wiping a speck of

    blood off her cheek.Hell, they all are these days. So was Chelsea. He shrugged and moved in the

    back of the SUV to gather up their things and dispose of the bloody clothes when Norikogroaned and came to.

    Where am I? she asked.

    The parking area of the Yokohama City Air Terminal, Geoff replied. From here we

    take a limo to Narita airport. But first things first. You two have to get cleaned up to travel.

    Youre not coming? Noriko wondered.

    I have my own way out of Japan, Geoff assured her. Im taken care of.

    Noriko nodded. My shirt is covered in blood.

    Geoff handed her a duffel bag. These might be Takagi-sans, but I think you ought to

    choose a shirt anyway. The less abnormal we look, the less attention we draw. The less attention,

    the quicker we get through the air terminal and move on our way to Narita.Noriko shed her oversized leather coat and stripped out of her t-shirt. Geoff pointedly

    looked away while she slipped on a pale yellow cotton shirt Haruko had packed, buttoning it up

    quickly. She donned her jacket again and removed her hair from its ponytail, shaking it out. We

    should leave as soon as we can, right? she asked.

    Geoff nodded. Ill carry him, you get the bags.

    She reached for the other duffel bag and stopped. I still think you should come with us.

    I may, Geoff admitted. I have a boat waiting for me, but I may end up taking the bigsilver bird. Well see.

    Noriko grabbed the bags and stepped outside the SUV. Geoff exited the vehicle and

    moved to the back, gently easing Haruko off the seat and supporting the mans weight. He shut

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    and locked the door, checking to make sure they had everything, and led Noriko off toward the

    signs pointing for airport shuttle service to Narita International.They made it to the elevators with no problem and stepped off a minute later onto a wide

    concourse that led to several local airlines all providing local service to the islands of Japan.

    Noriko led them toward the area marked for transportation to the much larger Tokyo-based

    airport Narita, and Geoff did his best not to let Haruko sag too much. Noriko looked oddcarrying three huge duffel bags, each one almost as big as she, but her slayer-enhanced muscles

    could easily accommodate the weight. That might call attention to her, though, Geoff realized as

    Haruko sagged against him again. Wed better stop and get some help with the bags just so she

    doesnt stick out like a sore thumb.Noriko, he spoke. She stopped and turned to look at him, one eyebrow raised, when her

    almond-shaped eyes widened and she yelped, Kerwin-san! Behind you!

    Geoff turned quickly, but Harukos dead weight slowed him, and the American nearly

    tripped and fell with the mass of the heavy body resisting his efforts. He stumbled backwards

    and to his left as he swiveled, and he looked down to see a long knife protruding from Harukos


    No! Noriko screamed. Geoff eased the body down and fell into a roll, heading for hisduffel bag full of weapons.

    A Mohra demon stood a dozen feet from them, a long tan overcoat and baseball capconcealing most of his infernal appearance. Red eyes seemed to glow in pleasure as the slayer

    gaped in horror at her watchers wounded body.

    Geoff tore open his satchel and rummaged through his belongings, coming up with a longdagger that resembled a bayonet. He rose up, blade in hand, only to see Noriko launch herself at

    the demon, her teeth clenched in anger. She belted him across the jaw, making him stagger, and

    then landed several good solid shots to his stomach. The demon backhanded her and moved to

    grab her, but Noriko gripped his arm and twisted, shattering his elbow. The demon shrugged offthe pain and came at her again, his good hand seizing her wrist in an iron grip and tossing her

    behind him. Noriko struggled to maintain her balance but fell in a heap at his feet. She kicked up

    at him savagely, her heel hitting his knee and causing it to buckle. With his bad arm he flailed

    about for support, but the shattered elbow snapped further and he fell, releasing her.

    Noriko! Geoff called out, and she glanced in his direction. He tossed her the daggerand she caught it, reversing her grip as the demon rolled into a crouch. She stabbed it in the

    shoulder, pinning it to the ground, and she glared down at the monster as he looked up at herwith fear in his eyes.

    Kasinda, he muttered, trying to rise up despite his shoulder being stuck to the floor.

    Noriko said nothing as she punched him in the head, her small fist shattering the crystal

    in the monsters forehead, killing him. He sank to the carpet, lifeless, and a moment later Geoff

    came up to her, pulling the blade out and cleaning it off on the demons overcoat.

    He looked around at the dozens of travelers, all staring mute at the spectacle of a man and

    a tiny young woman having killed someone is a very public place and swore to himself. Now

    Takashi will know where we are and where were going for sure. Narita will be swarming withvampires and well never get out of Japan. Never.

    Noriko stepped over to Harukos body, tears escaping her eyes as she knelt down next tohim, her hand touching his chin, his cheek. She bowed her head and began to weep.

    Noriko, Geoff murmured, coming over to her. We have to leave. Now.

    We cant just leave him here, she protested.

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    Geoff could hear shrill police whistles in the distance, coming closer. If we dont leave

    now, well be in jail for a very long time trying to explain what a Mohra demon is. He bent

    down and cupped her face. And I dont know what your destiny as a slayer is, but Im damnsure it isnt to spend your life incarcerated. Now come on, now, while we still have a chance to


    Mutely she allowed her body to follow his as he tugged her to her feet. They eachgrabbed a bag from the ground, leaving Harukos, and took off into the depths of the terminal

    just moments before the police arrived on the scene.

    *We could hide out until dawn, Noriko suggested.

    Geoff shook his head. Its just past midnight. Thats almost six hours away. The air

    terminal isnt that big that the vampires -- and whoever else may be helping them -- couldnt findus in that time.

    Noriko sighed, leaning back against the stall door. So what do we do? We cant run all

    night. We took to the highways and they attacked us. We know better than to try the subways.And we cant get to Narita airport because they have the doors to the limo and taxi area

    blocked. She kicked a sneaker at the tiled floor. They have us trapped.

    Geoff rearranged some of the belongings in his bag. The way I see it, we have twooptions. We can turn ourselves over to the police. That gets us out of here in one piece, but then

    we have a whole different set of problems, and were likely still in Japan come the next nightfall,

    when this all starts over again.

    Noriko thought about that option for a moment. And the other choice?

    Geoff looked up at her. We fight our way out. Now, theres too many by the staging area

    to go to Narita. Even you and I cant take out that many vampires. But we could make a breakfor the parking lot and steal a car, just drive all night, or go someplace safe, until the morning.

    And then catch a flight out of here.

    Thats betterthan giving up to the police, Noriko told him.

    Geoff nodded. Thats how I felt, but youre the slayer. Its your call.

    Im no slayer, Noriko muttered. Not like the real slayer. Not like the One.

    Geoff moved over to her, put a hand on her shoulder. Dont you go comparing yourself

    to her. Thats not fair. There was never a slayer in history like her. Thats setting the bar just a bit

    high, isnt it? And we need to be realistic right now if were gonna get out of here. He scratchedat his stubble a moment, then turned away from her and zipped up his duffel bag.

    Did you ever meet her? Noriko queried.

    Geoff stopped for a second, then glanced over his shoulder. Meet her? I knew her once,

    when I was only a few years older than you. He sighed, turning to face Noriko. She was soyoung then, so full of potential, like you. So ready to take on the world. Geoff slung the bag

    over his shoulder. But that was another place, another time, before the war. He clapped her on

    the shoulder. Come on, Noriko, lets go. Dont let an old man dwell on his past. Gotta keepfocused.

    She looked up at Geoff. Can we really make it out of here?

    Geoff stared into her dark eyes. I dont intend to die tonight. Do you?

    No, she told him.

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    Good, he confirmed, leading her out of the mens room. Now lets get down to the

    parking level.They strolled casually away from the restroom, heading in the general direction of the

    parking area. This late at night, there werent many departures, as Yokohama only serviced local

    flights, most of which had already departed by now. But Geoff and Noriko played it cool,

    chatting in low tones like travelers who had just arrived from a long trip and were headed home.Geoff thought it ironic that the large bags full of weapons -- which would have to be discarded if

    they boarded a plane -- actually helped them fit in better. Noriko tugged on his sleeve and led

    him toward the elevators. They walked slowly toward the lifts, aware that one or two peopleheaded in that direction with them. Geoff glanced at Noriko and raised an eyebrow, but she

    shook her head in the negative.Not vampires.

    Just as the doors pinged open, a policeman called out to them. You two! Hold it right


    Geoff pushed Noriko onto the elevator and joined her, pressing the parking level where

    they had left the SUV and thumbing DOOR CLOSE. But Japanese elevators being a good deal more

    user-friendly than their American counterparts, Geoff found himself face to face with the

    constable long before the doors had even begun to budge closed. Step out of the car, please,the policeman requested, brandishing a baton. The door started to slide shut, and the cop stuck

    his baton in to interrupt its progress.Without warning Noriko grabbed the baton away from him and gave him a rough push,

    sending him sprawling back across the hall into the bank of elevators there. She pushed the DOOR

    CLOSE button again and stepped back as the doors hissed shut.

    Nice work, Geoff commented.

    Noriko frowned. I hated to do that to him, butif we get caught now...

    Geoff nodded. I think you can be forgiven under the circumstances. Though it may be

    hard to get out of the country now that every cop in every airport will be looking for us.

    Didnt you say there was a boat waiting for you? Noriko asked as the elevator

    announced that they had reached their destination.

    Thats right, Geoff concurred. I guess thatll be our new plan of attack.

    Noriko nodded in agreement and the two of them looked up as the doors opened to see ahalf dozen vampires standing there, waiting to use the lift to go up into the airport. At their head

    stood Takashi.

    Everything comes to he who waits, the red-haired vampire smiled.

    *Noriko clubbed him with the baton, smacking him in the face with the wooden bar,

    knocking him backward. You killed my brother, she growled, kicking him as he staggeredback. You killed Haruko-san! Noriko swatted him in the ribs with the baton. Im gonna kill


    Takashi stepped back, one hand on his side. Dont just stand there! he bellowed at hisfollowers. Kill the gaijin and take the girl!

    Geoff staked the first vampire who approached him; then he dropped his duffel bag nearthe closing elevator doors and sent a roundhouse kick into the second vampire to engage him,

    sending the undead assailant spinning away.

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    Noriko dodged a swipe by a female with long red nails; the woman grabbed a hold of

    Norikos loose leather jacket, refusing to let her go. So the slayer broke her nose with a solid shotwith the baton and drew a stake with her other hand. In a second the female vampire was dust.

    Geoff fended off a third male who was armed with a long knife. The vampire cut at him,

    but Geoff dropped to the floor, wishing like hell he had a moment to get to his weapons in the

    bag. The vampire stabbed again, nicking Geoff on the arm. The watcher hopped up and kickedthe vampire in the head, which didnt seem to faze him. Right, Geoff growled as he landed a

    good shot at his opponents knee. The vampire limped back, but Geoff had no t ime to take

    advantage of his strike, as another attacker stepped up to take his place. This one pulled a pair ofnunchuks out and began whipping them around, closing in on Geoff. Crap, the watcher thought

    as the wooden stick whirled at him, rapping him on the shoulder. Thisll get ugly fast.

    Noriko spared a glance Geoffs way and saw that he was in trouble. She threw a stake athis attacker, killing the nunchuk-wielding vampire at once. Geoff smiled his thanks as the

    vampire disintegrated, and the man caught the sticks and chains on their way to the ground.

    Geoff had never been very skilled with nunchuks, but he found they made a nice satisfying

    crunch as he thwacked the vampire with the injured knee across the temple.

    Aside from Takashi, only three other vampires remained; the injured one Geoff accosted,and the two who leapt at Noriko at once. She rolled beneath them and came up next to Takashi;

    she slammed him in the ribs again, but he rolled with the blow and returned the favor, smackingthe slayer across the face. The other two vamps closed in on her, making sure she didnt goanywhere, while Takashi moved into a fighting stance.

    Geoff staked the injured vampire and moved to his bag. Deep in the bottom he had aceramic pistol, one that was perfect for carrying on board airplanes. Hed loaded it with sixwooden-core bullets earlier, and he pulled it out and shot one of Takashis followers, dusting the

    vamp. The other goon turned to stare at him, yellow eyes wide; he knew it was too late for him.

    Geoff shot him, evaporating him as well.

    Times up, Takashi, Geoff told him.

    Noriko shook her head. No, Kerwin-san. This ones mine. She glared at Takashi. I

    owe him for the deaths of my watcher and my brother.

    Geoff held his finger on the trigger. Even after you kill him, we may not be out of the

    woods, he reminded her. Time is not our ally, Noriko.

    I would welcome a fight with the slayer, one on one, Takashi told her. To kill a slayer

    with my bare hands would bring me great honor.Noriko raised her chin. You have no honor, you lowlife vampire scum. She looked at

    Geoff. Kill him. He doesnt deserve a death at my hands.

    Geoff nodded and fired, running Takashi through the heart and slaying him. The vampirebegan to howl his outrage when he exploded in a cloud of ash.

    Very nice, another voice spoke as the remains drifted to the ground. Geoff turnedaround, pointing the gun at a slender woman with long dark hair, wearing a black jumpsuit.

    Kerwin-san, Noriko spoke, shes one of them. An undead.Geoff fired, hitting the woman in the breast, right above her heart.

    Youll have to do better than that, Kasinda smiled.

    Go, Geoff told Noriko. He fished in his pocket and tossed her the electric skeleton key.

    Thisll open just about anything in the lot. Take something and go. Ill catch up when I can.

    Noriko looked at the lone vampire, and then at Geoff. Kerwin-san, I--

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    Go, Geoff spoke quietly. Your survival is the only thing that matters here. There are

    dozens more like me. Theres only one slayer.

    Noriko nodded. Arrigato, Kerwin-san. I will remember you.

    Geoff gave her a grin. Take care of yourself.

    Noriko took off.

    How very admirable, Kasinda teased Geoff as Noriko took off in a tiny red Nissan.Sacrificing yourself for the slayer. How noble.

    You have to kill me before its a sacrifice, Geoff told her, dropping his gun and

    rummaging in his bag for the blade hed used on the Mohra demon. And Im not gonna let that


    Kasinda put her hands on her hips. You never had a choice, watcher. She let out a shrill

    whistle, and a dozen vampires emerged from the dark corners of the garage, all of them in

    hunting face. Im not Takashi. Im not stupid. Unlike him, I have no problem letting others do

    my killing for me.

    You bitch, Geoff hissed, reaching for the pistol.

    Wont help, Kasinda informed him. Were all wearing vests.

    Geoff shot a vampire in the head. The man staggered back for a moment, holding hisforehead where the entry wound was, and pitched forward onto the concrete. I can kill you

    later, Geoff said. I only have to wound you first. He aimed at Kasinda.She dove behind a car, and the eleven vampires converged on Geoff. He fired with speed

    and precision, popping off round after round, but he knew before he had emptied the clip that he

    would never get to them all in time. He swiped a wide arc with the blade, stabbing someone, andhe kicked out savagely at another. But there were too many; hands grabbed him, wrenching away

    the dagger and then the gun, and the last thing Geoff thought of before they bit him, oddly

    enough, was the first time he had kissed Buffy Summers years ago, when her hair had been as

    bright as the sun and her smile wide and loving.Sharp teeth pierced his neck, draining his blood, and everything went dark.

    *Kasinda had double-checked with her followers, but the slayer had not attempted to

    return to the airport. Likewise the trains and subways had all been monitored. The slayer had not

    departed Yokohama. The King had called her once, eager for an update; Kasinda had stalled him,

    but he had known from the outset that she hadnt captured the slayer yet. He promised he wouldbe there imminently.

    Most of Takashis vampires -- those that remained alive -- had come over to her side and

    now worked for her. They scoured the city, searching for the slayer. The girls parents weredead, slain early in the morning by a pair of ambitious hunters hoping the slayer would have

    gone to them for solace. But so far she had not turned up anywhere, and Kasinda worried as it

    grew close to six oclock that the slayer would elude them for good in the daylight.And Gil will

    be very mad at me if I let that happen. He is so close, so close

    As Kasinda made one last sweep near the shoreline, tooling along in her Honda, she felt

    the slight tug that told her a slayer loomed nearby. She slowed the car and pulled into a parkingarea near a public beach. An old lighthouse stood at the far end of the beach, and a small area for

    picnicking had been set aside. Kasinda could see in the darkness that a lone figure stood at the

    base of the lighthouse, staring out at the sea. The building no longer functioned; it remained there

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    as a tourist trap and as a monument to the sentimentality that humans had for their past. My past

    was a hellish nightmare on a cotton plantation in South Carolina, Kasinda mused as she startedwalking toward the lighthouse, until the King rescued me.

    The slayer did not move, or run, as she approached, turning only to face her when she

    stood about twenty feet distant. The lighthouse stood on an outcropping of rock; the water

    washed into the bay, dashing itself onto a series of sharp boulders at sea level that formed theouter base of the lighthouse. The slayer stood at the edge of the outcropping, her hands resting on

    a guardrail, her face curiously peaceful.

    Slayer, Kasinda addressed her. You have the advantage over me. You know I needyou alive. So I have to hold back while you can cut loose and give vent to all your anger and


    Noriko regarded her. You killed him, didnt you?

    Kasinda nodded. Your watcher was a cunning warrior. But in the end he fell before us,

    like all humans must. Like you will.

    What will you do to me? Noriko asked.

    Kasinda took a step toward her. The King needs you. Like he needed the slayers before

    you, and the ones after you. She folded her arms. More than that I dont think you need toknow.

    Noriko considered that. She would never have bowed to you, would she, the One?

    Kasindas dark eyes narrowed. Even were she real, no, I guess not. Wedve had to killher.

    You couldnt kill the One, Noriko told her.

    The One was a myth, Kasinda responded. Besides, anything can be killed.Noriko nodded. I know. I learned that tonight when Takashi took everything I valued in

    my life away from me. She looked down at the water again. Thank you for trying, Kerwin -

    san, she said softly.

    Kasinda set her hands on her hips. Im surprised, slayer. I thought Id have to fight youand subdue you. This is very mature of you, surrendering to me.

    Go to hell, Noriko growled, drawing a long knife. I hope the next slayer does better

    than I did.

    I wouldnt count on that, a deep voice growled from behind her. Noriko swirledaround, raising the blade in her defense, her eyes wide. As she spotted the huge vampire standing

    there, her mouth drooped.

    Sire, Kasinda greeted him. I was afraid you wouldnt make it.

    You forget, slayer, we can track you just as you track us. We can sense you the same

    way. And as we get older, we can do it a lot better than you. He lashed out, grabbing her wrist

    and twisting it until she dropped the knife. Kill yourself? A novel idea, girl, but no. Ive worked

    far too hard to let that happen.

    She glared up at him. I wont giveyou the satisfaction of screaming, she hissed. Just

    kill me and get it over with.

    The King smiled at her. After you, just one more. Only one more until I realize mydestiny. He leaned in to bite her when Noriko slugged him with her free hand, the fi st slamming

    against his ear.Angered, the King grabbed her head and twisted, snapping her neck. He held her body for

    a moment and then let her drop to the ground.

    You arent going to drink from her? Kasinda wondered.

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    The King shrugged. Thats not part of the prophecy. It only says that I have to kill


    But you drank from all the others, Kasinda reminded him. Better safe than sorry.

    He nodded. I suppose youre right, he admitted, and he bent to Norikos slender frame

    and sank his fangs into her wrist.

    * * *