build upn of contents

Firstly I created the page making sure it was either 3 or 4 columns because of the layout I had chosen I chose to do 3 columns this would then also be the amount of columns I had used for the double page spread.

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Post on 24-May-2015




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Page 1: Build upn of contents

Firstly I created the page making sure it was either 3 or 4 columns because of the layout I had chosen I chose to do 3 columns this would then also be the amount of columns I had used for the double page spread.

Page 2: Build upn of contents

Next I used a block colour to fill in the background, because of the genre of magazine I had chosen I decided a bright colour would make the page more appealing to the audience

Page 3: Build upn of contents

To Allow the audience to know that the contents page belongs to the magazine and links it with the front cover a smaller image of the magazine was then added to the contents page.

Page 4: Build upn of contents

Furthermore the title ‘Contents’ was added the colours changed various times to make the title go with the background colour making sure that the colours didn't clash but complimented each other

Page 5: Build upn of contents

I then added a box turning the colour blue also complimenting both the background and the title colours, also this was used to make it apparent where the reader should read to find what ‘In Every Issue’ and Also ‘In This Issue’

Page 6: Build upn of contents

I then added the text into the box, I used the white writing to make it stand out from the purple background I also used yellow to colour the page numbers I also made the text of the page numbers bigger to make them stand out

Page 7: Build upn of contents

To add onto the pictures that I uploaded onto the contents page I double clicked on the image and this text box came up and I changed the settings so that each picture had a frame around it giving the pictures more colour and adds to the contents page itself.

Page 8: Build upn of contents

I then added the first main image to the contents page to do this I drew a box and made sure it was the exact same size that the image was otherwise I would have to alter the size of the image in Photoshop I then did this for each image on the contents page. Also for each image I added a separate text box with the page number that the image was linked too, I placed the numbers in different places on each image to give the contents page variety.

Page 9: Build upn of contents

I then took the guides of my final copy of the production work of my contents page and saved it as an image.