building accessible user interfaces with javascript and jquery antranig basman, core framework...

Building Accessible Building Accessible User Interfaces User Interfaces with JavaScript and jQuery with JavaScript and jQuery Antranig Basman, Core Framework Architect, The Fluid Project Clayton Lewis, Professor of Computer Science, University of Colorado at Boulder

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Building Accessible User Building Accessible User InterfacesInterfaces

with JavaScript and jQuerywith JavaScript and jQuery

Antranig Basman, Core Framework Architect, The Fluid ProjectClayton Lewis, Professor of Computer Science,University of Colorado at Boulder

Our Goals•Guide to the ropes and pitfalls of

– JavaScript

– jQuery

•A special emphasis on techniques appropriate for

– Portals, Mashups and CMSs

– Designing accessible, flexible apps

• Finish by leading into the basics of Fluid Infusion

Portals, Mashups, and CMSs

•These days, diverse code and markup coexists

•Most JavaScript is written as if it owns the whole browser

•As you combine stuff, things can break

•Namespacing and privacy is essential


– Javascript 101

• 8:55 Break

– jQuery


– Accessibility Basics

• 9:55 Break

– Accessibility Nuts and Bolts

• 10:55 Break

– Web 2.0 Accessibility and ARIA

– Fluid Infusion

• 11:55 Closing

Modus Operandi

•Brief introductions, so get to know one another a little

•We’ll ask you to discuss with your neighbors from time to time

•Questions, comments, and especially arguments are urged at any time!

Javascript 101

• Everything is an “object”

• Extremely loose type system

- Only 6 types for values

- No types for references

• No classes

• Functions are first class

• Some annoying quirks

JavaScript is Different

• Netscape rushed JS to market, bugs and all, and with a shabbily motivated name

• Microsoft reverse-engineered it.

• Standards committee enforced the bugs.

• In recent years JS has become a crucial technology

• Big efforts on improved implementations have delivered huge performance gains

Super-Quick History

• Variables

• null vs. undefined

• Type coercion

• Objects and Arrays

Part 1: The Basics

•Define variables with var

•Types are not specified

var mango = "yum";

mango = 12345;

mango = false;

Defining Variables

•If you omit var, it will be defined as a global variable.

•This is accident prone; JavaScript won't warn you!

rottenTomato = "gross!"; // This is global

Defining Variables

• Numbers

– lots of precision

– no distinction between floats and ints

– NaN !== NaN

• Strings

– Unicode (mostly)

– Immutable

– No character type

Numbers and Strings

• null is the "nothing" value

• undefined is extremely nothing

– Default value for uninitialized variables

– Also the value of missing members of objects and arguments

•exception thrown when the language encounters names which are not found in any scope

– “typeof” expressions are safe and need to be used for detection here

Null vs. Undefined

Truthy and Falsey

• JavaScript does a lot of automatic type coercion

– A common case is in conditions

•Shades of true and false

•Use with care

if (x)x? thing1: thing2

Falsey Values• false

• null

• undefined

• ""

• 0 (zero)

• NaN

• Everything else is truthy. Careful...

• -1, "false", "0" are all true

Equal vs. Equivalent

•Comparisons are coercive:

1 == "1" // true

0 == false // true

Non-coercive comparison:

• 0 === false // false

• 1 !== "1" // true

• 1 === Number("1") // true

Don’t use this operator!

Use this operator!


Objects Are Containers

Don’t use this!• At their core, objects are just maps or “dictionaries”

• new Object() or {} returns an empty container of key/value pairs

• Keys can be any string, values can be anything

• Two different ways to access members:

basketOfFruit.kiwis; // dot notationbasketOfFruit["figs"]; // subscript notation

• You can add new members to any object at any time

Use this!

Use this!

Objects Are Modifiable

var basketOfFruit = {};

// New property

basketOfFruit.apples = "macintosh";

// New method = function () {

return “tasty”;


No Classes• JavaScript doesn't have any

concept of classes

• Methods (functions) are just properties in a container:

– pass them around

– modify them

– delete them

Determining Types

• JavaScript has a typeof keyword for determining type

var plum = "yum";

if (typeof plum === "string") {

alert("Plum is a String!");


typeof is Inaccurate// Inaccurate results for some built-in typestypeof({}) // 'object'typeof([]) // 'object'typeof(function() {}) // 'function'typeof(“”) // 'string'typeof(3) // 'number'typeof(false) // 'boolean'typeof(null) // 'object'typeof(undefined) // 'undefined'

Duck Typing• The best way to check for types: don’t.

• Check for behaviour:

function countChickens (flock) {if (flock.length && typeof flock.length === “number”) { //flock is ok to count.}

}: fluid.isArrayable(eggs)

• Functions are first class

• Determining types

• Understanding this

• Closures

Part 2: Functions & Scope

First Class Functions• Functions are data (variable values)

•You can assign them

•You can pass them as arguments

•You can return them as results

•You can add members to a function(!)

– convenient for managing names

Defining and Using Functions

function squeeze(aFruit) { // familiarish……}var puree = function (aFruit) { // more generally useful…};function popsicle(juiceMakerFn, fruit) {

var juice = juiceMakerFn(fruit);return freeze(juice);

}var goody = popsicle(puree, berries);var goody2 = popsicle(squeeze, berries);

What Does This Mean?

• No more anonymous inner classes!

• You can pass bits of logic around and have them be invoked later

• Callbacks are easy to write and ubiquitous

• Functions are our basic building block


Context and this

• JavaScript this pointer is wild and unpredictable

• It points to different objects depending on the context

• Subtle, confusing, and inexplicable

The Reason For This, We Will Not Discuss

• this is part of a package of language features (new, prototype, instanceof, constructor, this) which we (Fluid) do not recommend

• We will present a simpler subset of the language that lets you get all your work done

• Other dangerous features: eval, with

• Ask us in the break or afterwards if you want to know more


Coping With the Problems

• this can be confusing and unstable

• Constructor functions can accidentally clobber the global namespace

• Prototypal inheritance can easily cause existing code to break

• Can we simplify things?

Plain Old Functions & Objects

// Just use plain old functions and objects.

function orange () {

// Stable pointer to the current instance.

var that = {};

// Anything private stays inside here.

// For public methods, just add properties.

that.squeeze = function () {...}

return that;


Closures•Functions can be defined inside other


•Inner functions have access to the outer function's variables

•A closure is formed by returning the inner function from the outer function

•The inner function will still have access to all the variables from the outer function

A Simple Closure – Challenge #1

function addNumbers (a, b) { var sum = a + b; function addEmUp (c) { return sum + c; } return addEmUp;}var func = addNumbers(1, 2);

func(3); // Result is ???func(5); // Result is ???

A Simple Closurefunction addNumbers (a, b) {

var sum = a + b;

function addEmUp (c) {

return sum + c;


return addEmUp;


var add3 = addNumbers(1, 2);

// result is an “add 3” Function

add3(3); // Result is 6

add3(5); // Result is 8

Closures Simplify Event Handlers

function makeShowMessage(todaysPie) { var messageToDisplay = “Today’s Pie is: ”;

return function(event) {alert(messageToDisplay + " " + todaysPie);showPictureOfPie(, todaysPie);

}}var clickHandler = makeShowMessage(“Banana creme pie”);$(element).click(clickHandler); //attach click handler using jQuery

// Shows an alert: "Today's pie is: Banana creme pie"$(element).click(); //trigger event using jQuery

Over to Antranig

JavaScript Pitfall Challenge #2

What is wrong with the following code?

for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) { var el = elements[i]; el.addEventListener('click', function() {     doSomethingWith(i, el); });}

“Creating functions in a loop”

•A standard complaint from JSLint, a useful code quality tool

•Sometimes this is OK

• In this case it is not – the function body makes use of a variable held in the outer closure scope

•Every listener will see i as n and el as undefined

Basic Remedy #1 – extra function

•An extra function needs to be created somehow to store fixed values in a scope

•What a mess!

for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) { (function(i, el) { el.addEventListener('click', function() {     doSomethingWith(i, el); }); })(i, elements[i]);}

Basic Remedy #2 – Use Framework support for


•Note that 2 functions are still needed

$.each(elements, function(i, el) { el.addEventListener('click', function() {     doSomethingWith(i, el); }); });

fluid.each(elements, function(el, i) { el.addEventListener('click', function() {     doSomethingWith(i, el); }); });


Advanced Remedy #3 –

jQuery vectorisation

• is one of a large family of portable event binding methods provided by jQuery (mousemove, keydown, focus, etc.)

• “A jQuery” wraps some collection of DOM elements

• A jQuery be used to treat the wrapped collection homogeneously

• Changes:

– We don’t get to use the index “i” any more

– Outer function level has disappeared, replaced by magic “this”

$(elements).click(function(event) {     doSomethingWith(; }; );

Advanced Remedy #4 –


• Container is some DOM node containing the elements

• “elementSelector” is some selector (from the CSS dialect) matching the elements

• This is much more efficient, since it registers just ONE listener, no matter how many elements there are

• will differ from “this” which remains the container, but holds the element which received the event

• Takes a bit more setting up, but is worthwhile in the long run

$(container).delegate(“elementSelector”, “click”, function(event) {     doSomethingWith(; }; });


Coping With Bugs• this can be confusing and unstable

• Constructor functions can accidentally clobber the global namespace

• Prototypal inheritance can easily cause existing code to break

• Can we simplify things?

Plain Old Functions & Objects

// Just use plain old functions and objects.function orange () { // Stable pointer to the current instance. var that = {}; // Anything private stays inside here.

// For public methods, just add properties. that.squeeze = function () {...}

return that;}

Writing Collision-Free JavaScript

•Put code in a unique namespace

•Use closures for privacy

•Support more than one on the page

– Scope all variables to an instance

– Avoid hard-baking ID selectors

•Constrain selectors within a specific element

These are policies followed by Fluid Infusion

Keeping it to Ourselves

•You should take namespacing seriously

•Don’t steal global names

– JavaScript globals

– jQuery plugin names

– HTML id values

– others

•Components are carefully scoped

•Don’t expect control of the page

Start With a Unique

Namespace// Add on to the fluid object if it exists,// otherwise initialize it as an empty object.

var fluid = fluid || {};

Use Closures for Privacy

var fluid = fluid || {};(function() {

// Private stuff. function myPrivateFunction () {


// Add public stuff to your namespace.fluid.tabs = function () {

// Public creator function.};


Keep Common Aliases Private

Pass important dependencies in as an argument to the closure:

jQuery.noConflict(); // Tell jQuery to surrender $

(function ($) { // $ is now only visible in our private space.//$ === jQuery;

}) (jQuery);

//$ === undefined;

JSON syntax

•Use of {} and [],

•Equivalence of assignment and JSON forms

•A curly bracket doesn’t just mean a block

JavaScript pitfalls

•Corrupting Object.prototype and Array.prototype (or any prototypes for that matter)

•Writing for (var x in v) for an array

•Asynchrony in AJAX (Talk about promises) and jQuery.when() – single-threaded!

What is in jQuery?

Browser-independence for:

•Querying $(“a.myLinkClass”)

•Attaching events


•Manipulating markup

$(“div.myDivClass”).append(“<a href=‘#’></a>”);

•Making AJAX requests $.post(“ajax/test.html”, myPostHandler);

jQuery and jQuery UI

•jQuery: Foundational Library

– version 1.6.1

•jQuery UI: Library of plugins and widgets for jQuery

– Datepicker, Accordion, Slider, Tabs

– version 1.8.3

finding something without a framework

function stripeListElements(listID) {// get the items from the listvar myItems = getElementsByTagName("li");// skip line 0 as it's the header row for(var i = 0; i < myItems.length; i++) {

if ((count % 2) === 0) {myItems[count].className = "odd";



var myItems = jQuery('li');

finding something with jQueryfinding something with jQuery


selectors :tags: jQuery("tr")

ids: jQuery("#myId")

classes: jQuery(".myClass")

pseudo tags: jQuery("div:first")


selectors :tags: jQuery("tr")

ids: jQuery("#myId")

classes: jQuery(".myClass")

pseudo tags: jQuery("div:first")

finding something with jQueryfinding something with jQuery

} These forms as supported in CSS


more selectors = combining selectorselement by class: jQuery("li.selected");

relationships: jQuery("tbody tr:even");

children: jQuery("div > p");

siblings: jQuery("div ~ p");

etc, etc, etc...


more selectors = combining selectorselement by class: jQuery("li.selected");

relationships: jQuery("tbody tr:even");

children: jQuery("div > p");

siblings: jQuery("div ~ p");

etc, etc, etc...

finding something with jQueryfinding something with jQuery


doing something with jQuerydoing something with jQuery


doing something with jQuerydoing something with jQuery


doing something with jQuerydoing something with jQuery

function stripeListElements(listId) {jQuery('#' + listId + "


$(“li:even”, fluid.byId(listId)).addClass(“odd”)

doing something with jQuery

jQuery === $



$("<li>A new list item</li>").appendTo("#myList");

$("#myList li:last").replaceWith("<li>A new list item</li>");




$("<li>A new list item</li>").appendTo("#myList");

$("#myList li:last").replaceWith("<li>A new list item</li>");


doing something with jQuery







doing something with jQuery




}, function(){jQuery(this).removeClass("hilite");









}, function(){jQuery(this).removeClass("hilite");






Attaching events

}In real life, do these 3using CSS:It’s more performant,and more reliable


Doing things with jQuery

jQuery AJAX•Various short forms for special


– $.get(), $.post(), $.load()

•Long form allows any function in HTTP

– $.ajax()

All I/O is Asynchronous

•JavaScript’s function-oriented design makes it easy to supply callbacks

•Note, however, that browser JavaScript is single-threaded, even if multiple requests may be “in flight”

$.post('ajax/test.html', function(data) { $('.result').html(data);});

API wrinkles•Historically, short-form jQuery

AJAX didn’t supply a position for error() callbacks

– Essential in a robust application

•However, as of 1.5, jQuery AJAX API supports Promises (interesting topic)

var jqxhr = $.post("example.php", function() { console.log("success"); }).error(function() { console.log(“POST failed”);});

Loading markup•A useful shorthand API is jQuery.load()

•Example from the docs:

• In practice, don’t use id-based selectors like this!

– Violates portal-friendliness

$('#result').load(“ajax/test.html #container”, myCallback);

Put the markupin here From this URL

Select just this partof the remote document

Call this functionwhen completed

Over to Clayton

What is Accessibility?

Definitions•Accessibility is the ability of the

system to accommodate the needs of the user

•Disability is the mismatch between the user and the interface provided

•We all experience disability

•Accessible software = better software

Motivations for Accessibility

•Legislative (ADA and Section 508)

•Business and outreach (reach everyone)

•Accessible is better (for everyone)

It’s just better•“curb cut effect” -- everyone benefits

•accessible technology tends to be

– more interoperable

– easier to re-purpose

– more future-proof

– more robust

– easier to use on a variety of devices

Models for Web Accessibility

•Text-only site

•One site, accessible for all

•Adaptable and Personalizable


Models for Web Accessibility

•Text-only site-- really?

•One site, accessible for all --better

•Adaptable and Personalizable --best

W3C: Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0

• Principle 1: Perceivable - Information and user interface components must be presentable to users in ways they can perceive.

• Principle 2: Operable - User interface components and navigation must be operable.

• Principle 3: Understandable - Information and the operation of user interface must be understandable.

• Principle 4: Robust - Content must be robust enough that it can be interpreted reliably by a wide variety of user agents, including assistive technologies.

WCAG is Good Design

Perceivable•Text alternatives for:

– Images

– Time-based media


•Adaptable presentation

•Use colour and contrast effectively

•Organize content in a meaningful sequence

Searchable, readable, faster


•Content needs to work with the keyboard

•Provide enough time to read and use

•Help users to navigate, find content, and locate themselves in your siteEasier to use and interact



•Use plain language

•Define jargon and abbreviations

•Consistent and predictable user interfaces

•Help users avoid mistakesSpeaks to users on their terms; less frustrating UX


•Use valid markup and standards

•Describe the names, roles, and values of all user interface controls

Sites last longer, and are easier to repurpose

Better UsabilityDesigning for everyone

•Look at what an interaction is like for various users and contexts and then (re)envision how it could be

•start with interactions, not technology

•iterative testing

•have a wide-open community

Designing for Everyone

•Accessibility is no longer optional

•Visual design is no longer optional

•Accessibility cannot be absolutely measured

•Accessibility is a continuum

•Accessibility and Design have the same GOAL

Taking a Look at Accessibility

Testing and Checking

•Fluid UX Walkthroughs

•Evaluators: AChecker, WAVE, and more

•General principles:




Step in the shoes of your users...

• Fluid UX Walkthroughs

• Easy ways to assess usability and accessibility

• Combination heuristic evaluation and cognitive walkthrough

• Translated: a checklist with scenarios

• Anyone can do one

Simple Accessibility Evaluation

1. Try changing your font size, window size and resolution

2. Look critically at your page’s layout, structure & content

3. Use the Tab key to navigate through all controls

4. Check for alternatives to images, sound, and video

Screen Enlargement

1. Is all the text visible?

2. Does it overlap or break up in any way?

3. Are headers and labels still correctly associated?

4. Do columns shift or realign unexpectedly?

When you make things bigger or resize...

Layout and Structure

• Is the page structured into logical sections?

• Are the sections clearly labeled?

• Are there sufficient non-visual cues for site structure?

• Are there sufficient visual cues?

• Is the most important information prominent?

• Is navigation consistent from page to page?

Keyboard Navigation

• Many different types of users use the keyboard

• You probably do, too!

• Keyboard access is one-dimensional: forward & back

• Aim: Everything that works with the mouse, works with the keyboard

Keyboard Navigation Conventions

Keyboard Navigation Conventions

1. The Tab key moves focus to the next control

Keyboard Navigation Conventions

1. The Tab key moves focus to the next control

2. Shift-Tab moves focus backwards

Keyboard Navigation Conventions

1. The Tab key moves focus to the next control

2. Shift-Tab moves focus backwards

3. The Enter and Spacebar keys activate a control

Keyboard Navigation Checklist

1. Do all links, buttons, and form controls receive focus?

2. Can all controls be activated with Enter or Spacebar?

3. Are there any areas you get stuck or need the mouse?

4. Do calendar pickers and other rich widgets work?

What About Shortcuts?

• Accessibility guidelines use to suggest “access keys”

• Keyboard shortcuts bound to the alt key

• A huge source of controversy

• Bottom line: don’t add new keyboard shortcuts

Alternatives to Media

1. Do all images have meaningful, non-redundant alt text?

2. Do videos have captions? (They’re easy to add!)

3. Does audio have a transcript?

Hover your mouse over images in Internet Explorer to see alt text...

Tools for Evaluating Accessibility

Evaluation Tools

1.Static Analyzers

2.HTML and CSS


HTML & CSS Validation• Validators ensure that HTML and CSS are

to spec

• Passing doesn’t mean you’re accessible, but it’s a start




Accessibility Checkers



Accessibility Checkers


Accessibility CheckersWave

Accessibility Checkers:What They Do

• Statically analyze markup

• Specify the Guideline for Validation

• e.g. WCAG 2.0 AA

• Will alert you to in accessible markup

• e.g. missing alt text on images

Accessibility Checkers:Limitations

• No Magic

• Is the alt text meaningful?

• Static analysis

• Will javascript make it inaccessible?

• Markup based validation

• How will CSS affect the page?

Colour Validation

• View in respect to Colour Blindness

• Determine Adjustability of Colours

Colour ValidationLimitations

• Automating testing of interfaces is hard

• e.g. determining contrast levels

Is this contrast level to spec?

Design Color Scheme Early

Easier and cheaper to make good design

choices early

Colour Pickers that also measure contrast

Accessible Markup

Concepts of HTML Accessibility

•Label as much as you can

•Use semantic markup to describe your page

•Design in layers

•Textual alternatives

•Clearly delineate navigation from content

what is “alt” text?• It is read by screen readers in place of images

allowing the content and function of the image to be accessible to those with visual or certain cognitive disabilities.

• It is displayed in place of the image in user agents (browsers) that don't support the display of images or when the user has chosen not to view images.

• It provides a semantic meaning and description to images which can be read by search engines or be used to later determine the content of the image from page context alone.

The “alt” attribute•Be accurate and equivalent in presenting the same content and function as presented by the image.

•Be succinct. Typically no more than a few words are necessary.

•do NOT be redundant or provide the exact same information as text within the context.

•do NOT use the phrases "image of ..." or "graphic of ..." to describe the image. It usually apparent to the user that it is an image.

“alt” text in code

<img src="boat.gif" alt="Big Boat" />


CaptioningYouTube and beyond

•Captions are great for everyone

•They make your videos search-friendly

•YouTube Automatic Captioning

•Speech recognition: pretty awkward

•Supply a transcript: quick and reliable

•Flash has accessibility problems, but HTML 5 is coming

Video (Cont.)HTML 5

Avoiding Repetition

Avoiding Repetition

Navigation Bar

Avoiding Repetition

Navigation Bar

Main Content

Avoid Repetition

<div id="jumplinks"> <a href="#content" title="Jump to content"></a> <a href="#nav" title="Jump to navigation menu"></a></div>

<a id="nav" title="navigation menu"></a><!-- Navigation bar goes here --><a title="content area" name="content"></a><!-- Main page content goes here -->

Skip Links

Navigation Bar

Main Content

Designing Navigation

•Keep in mind that keyboard navigation is:

•not just for screen reader users

•is linear and one-dimensional

•can be slow and tedious

•Skip links should be available and visible to all

•Place them as high in the page as possible

Navigable Headings

Navigable Headings

Level One

Navigable Headings

Level One

Level Two

Navigable Headings

Level One

Level Two

Level Three Level Three

Level Three

Level Three

Level One

Level Two

Level Three Level Three

Level Three

Level Three

Navigable Headings

Level Four

Navigable Headings








Navigating Headings

Navigable Headings

<body> <h1>Fluid: Designing Software that works - For everyone.</h1>    <h2>Fluid Daily Build Resources</h2>      <div>        <div class="fl-col">          <h3>Fluid Integration Examples</h3>            <h4>uPortal Instance</h4>            <-- Content goes here --> <h4>Sakai Mock-up</h4>          </div>          <div class="fl-col">        <h3>Infrastructure</h3>            ...

Labelling Forms

Labelling Forms


Labelling Forms

Label for

Labelling Forms

<li> <label for="text-font">Font style:</label> <select id="text-font" name="text-font-selection"> <option value="serif">Serif</option> <option value="sansSerif">Sans-Serif</option> <option value="arial">Arial</option> <option value="verdana">Verdana</option> <option value="courier">Courier</option> <option value="times">Times</option> </select><li>

Label for

Grouping Forms

Field Set

Grouping Forms


Grouping Forms

Field Set

<fieldset>  <legend>Background Images</legend> <span>  <input type="radio" value="true" checked="checked" name="background-images-selection" id="background-yes">    <label for="background-yes">Yes</label>  </span> <span>  <input type="radio" value="false" name="background-images-selection" id="background-no">    <label for="background-no">No</label>    </span></fieldset>

These Features Aid Screen Reader



•Tables got a really bad rap in the ‘90s

•Deservedly so

•Use them for data, not layouts

•They can be big: summarize them

•Seriously, you don’t need them for layouts

Table Structure



Table Structure

<table summary="An editable table of student grades and instructor comments."> <thead>  <tr>    <th>Name</th>      <th abbr="I.D.”>User ID</th>      <th>Points</th>      <td>Comments</th>    </tr>  </thead>  <tbody>  <tr>    <td>Ahn, Jason</td>      <td>15234314</td>      <td><input type="text" name="points" value="87"></td>      <td>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.</td>    </tr> </tbody></table>



Break: 9:55

Web 2.0 Accessibility

What is Accessibility?

A New Definition•Accessibility is the ability of the

system to accommodate the needs of the user

•Disability is the mismatch between the user and the interface provided

•We all experience disability

•Accessible software = better software

Assistive Technologies•Present and control the user

interface in different ways

•Not just screen readers!

•Use built-in operating system APIs to understand the user interface

Screen readersScreen magnifiers

On-screen keyboards

DHTML: A New Can of Worms

•Shift from documents to applications

•Familiar a11y techniques aren’t enough

•Most DHTML is completely inaccessible

•New techniques are still being figured out

The Problem•Custom widgets often look, but

don’t act, like their counterparts on the desktop

•HTML provides only simple semantics

•Not enough information for ATs

•Dynamic updates require new design strategies to be accessible

The Solution

•Describe user interfaces with ARIA

•Add consistent keyboard controls

•Provide flexible styling and presentation

Supporting Assistive Technology

Opaque Markup// These are tabs. How would you know?<ol>

<li><a href=”#cats”>Cats</a></li> <li><a href=”#dogs”>Dogs</a></li> <li><a href=”#gators”>Gators</a></li>


<div id=”cats”>Cats meow.</div> <div id=”dogs”>Dogs bark.</div> <div id=”gators”>Gators bite.</div>


Opaque Markup: Tabs


•Accessible Rich Internet Applications

•W3C specification in the works

•Fills the semantic gaps in HTML

•Roles, states, and properties

•Live regions

Roles, States, Properties

•Roles describe widgets not present in HTML 4

•slider, menubar, tab, dialog

•Properties describe characteristics:

– draggable, hasPopup, required

•States describe what’s happening:

– busy, disabled, selected, hidden

Using ARIA// Now *these* are Tabs!<ol id=”animalTabs” role=”tablist” tabindex=”0”>

<!-- Individual Tabs shouldn’t be focusable --> <!-- We’ll focus them with JavaScript instead -->

<li role=”tab”><a href=”#” tabindex=”-1”>Cats</a></li>

<li role=”tab”><a href=”#” tabindex=”-1”>Dogs</a></li>

<li role=”tab”><a href=”#” tabindex=”-1”>Gators</a></li>

</ol><div id=”panels”>

<div role=”tabpanel” aria-labelledby=”cats”>Cats meow.</div>

<div role=”tabpanel” aria-labelledby=”dogs”>Dogs bark.</div>

<div role=”tabpanel” aria-labelledby=”gators”>Gators bite.</div>


Adding ARIA in Code

// Identify the container as a list of tabs.tabContainer.attr("role", "tablist"); // Give each tab the "tab" role.tabs.attr("role", "tab"); // Give each panel the appropriate role, panels.attr("role", "tabpanel");panels.each(function (idx, panel) { var tabForPanel = that.tabs.eq(idx); // Relate the panel to the tab that labels it. $(panel).attr("aria-labelledby", tabForPanel[0].id);});

Keyboard Accessibility

Keyboard Navigation

•Everything that works with the mouse should work with the keyboard

•... but not always in the same way

•Support familiar conventions

Keyboard Conventions

•Tab key focuses the control or widget

•Arrow keys select an item

•Enter or Spacebar activate an item

•Tab is handled by the browser. For the rest, you need to write code. A lot of code.

Keyboard a11y: Tabs

Tabindex examples<!-- Tab container should be focusable --><ol id=”animalTabs” tabindex=”0”>

<!-- Individual Tabs shouldn’t be focusable --> <!-- We’ll focus them with JavaScript instead -->

<li id=”tab1”> <a href=”#cats” tabindex=”-1”>Cats</a> </li> <li id=”tab2”> <a href=”#cats” tabindex=”-1”>Dogs</a> </li> <li id=”tab3”> <a href=”#cats” tabindex=”-1”>Alligators</a> </li>


Making Things Tabbable

// Make the tablist accessible with the Tab key.tabContainer.attr("tabindex", "0");// And take the anchors out of the Tab order.$(“a”, tabs).attr("tabindex", "-1");

•Tabindex varies subtly across browsers

•jWuery.attr() normalizes it as of 1.3

• Should be jQuery.prop() as of 1.6

•For all the gory details:


Adding the Arrow Keys

// Make each tab accessible with the left and right arrow keys.tabContainer.fluid("selectable", { selectableSelector: that.options.selectors.tabs, direction: fluid.a11y.orientation.HORIZONTAL, onSelect: function (tab) { $(tab).addClass(that.options.styles.highlighted); }, onUnselect: function (tab) { $(tab).removeClass(that.options.styles.highlighted); }});

Making Them Activatable

// Make each tab activatable with Spacebar and Enter.

tabs.fluid("activatable", function (evt) { // Your handler code here. Maybe the same as




API Reference:

Accessibility Resources


Tying it All Together

•Infusion helps you with accessibility

•Components you can really work with

•Simple structure so your code can grow

•Totally transparent, event-driven design

•Markup and models are under your control

•No inheritance or controller cruft

An Open Source Community for Inclusive Design

Fluid is much more than a software project. Fluid is culture change, best practices, a way to approach design, development, and the power therein.


•Is an open source community of

– Designers

– Developers

– Accessibility experts

•Helps other open communities

•Consists of universities, museums and individuals

What We Do•Code (examples, tools, best-


•Design (advice, tools)

•Expertise & Resources

•Teaching & Evangelism


Tangibles•core product: framework,

code, components

•project with museums: visitor experience

•project with museums: collections management

Meet Infusion

•Application framework built on top of jQuery

•The culmination of our work helping others

•Designed for usability and accessibility

•Open architecture: everything is configurable

What’s in Infusion?

•A development framework for building apps

•UI components you can reuse and adapt

•Lightweight CSS framework for styling

•Accessibility tools and plugins for jQuery

a11y: Infusion Goes Deeper

•jQuery Keyboard Navigation Plugin

•ARIA everywhere

•Everything is highly adaptable and flexible

•UI Options and the Fluid Skinning System:

– Users can customize their environment

Building Great UIs Is Hard

•Your code gets unruly as it grows

•UIs are hard to reuse or repurpose

•Design change requires big code change

•Accessibility is confusing

•Combining different code/libraries doesn’t always work

Flexible User Interfaces

•Infusion is an application framework designed to provide unprecedented flexibility while preserving interoperability.

Types of JavaScript Tools

•Foundational Toolkits

•Widget libraries

•Application Frameworks... compare and contrast

Foundational toolkits

•Totally presentation focused

•DOM manipulation

•Event binding



Dojo core

Widget Libraries

•Reusable user interface widgets

– Drag & Drop

– Tabs

– Sliders

– Accordions

jQuery UI



Application frameworks

•Model notifications “something changed here”

•Views to help keep your presentational code clean

•Data binding to sync the display with your model




The Reorderer Family

layouts grids lists



UI Options•One size doesn’t fit all

•Allows users to customize your app:

– layout

– styling

– navigation

•Uses FSS by default; can be configured to work with your own classes

Let end-users transform the content they see according to their own preferences and needs.

UI Options

UI Options: High Contrast Theme

Infusion is Different•Accessibility baked right in

•Carefully designed interactions

•Markup is in your control

•Not the same old MVC

•Supports portals, mashups and CMS’s

CSS Frameworks“If you’re going to use a framework, it should be yours; one that you’ve created. You can look at existing frameworks for ideas and hack at it. But the professionals in this room are not well served by picking up a framework and using it as-is.”

- Eric Meyer

Fluid Skinning System

•FSS is built to be hacked on

•Provides a core set of building blocks

•Reset, text, layouts, themes

•Namespaced: no conflicts with your stuff

•Themes for better legibility & readability

Links to get started



