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  • 8/10/2019 Building Climate Equity Report Summary

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    BUILDINGCLIMATE EQUITYCreating a New Approach from the Ground Up

  • 8/10/2019 Building Climate Equity Report Summary



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    THE CLIMATE ANDEQUITY CHALLENGEFor more than two decades, crafting global actionsthat all nations believe to be equitable has been a

    central challenge for international climate policy.Contentious debates over how to combat climate-change equitably, and how to equitably assess which countries are most responsible for takingaction, has slowed progress toward a global climateagreement.

    As climate impacts mount, so does the urgency ofresolving this challenge. Those least responsiblefor climate change are often the most vulnerableto changes in weather patterns, sea level rise, andother impacts, further exacerbating existing inequi-

    ties. Meanwhile, actionsboth to address climateimpacts and to reduce emissionsare intertwined with broader equity issues involving livelihoods,health, food security, and energy access.

    The urgency of the equity challenge is heightened by recent negotiations for the new internationalclimate agreement in 2015. Parties have determinedthat the agreement must be both applicable toall Parties and remain under the Convention,raising questions regarding equity that must beaddressed by global leaders if the agreement is to build consensus and ambition (UNFCCC 2011).

    A New ApproachThe World Resources Institute report, BuildingClimate Equity o ers a new approach to the chal -lenge of linking actions to combat climate change with broader equity objectives. This approachplaces the well-being of people and communitiesat the core of climate action. Starting at the groundlevel with compelling evidence from 23 countries,the report illustrates how well-designed policies

    for low-carbon development and adaptation canpromote and enhance the capabilities of the least well-o and most vulnerable. The report demon -strates that climate action and equity are integrallylinked and can be mutually supportive, and that the2015 agreement, in particular, can play a key role instrengthening those synergies. This summary givesthe highlights of the report.

    A Capabilities Approachto Climate Action

    Building Climate Equity draws on the capabilitiesapproach formulated in the development arena byeconomist Amartya Sen and philosopher MarthaNussbaum (Sen 1999; Nussbaum 2003). The capa-

    bilities approach recognizes that human well-being,and the realization of human rights, depends onaccess to a range of basic capabilities such as theopportunity to pursue a decent livelihood; to bene tfrom su cient nutrition, transport, housing, physi -cal safety, and security; and to engage in collectivedecision making.

    Climate policiesboth those reducing emissionsand those adapting and building resilience toclimate impactscan contribute to protecting andstrengthening these basic capabilities. We focuson the capabilities of the least well-o and most

    vulnerable because their capabilities are most atrisk and in need of strengthening.

    A Capabilities Approach forClimate Equity

    We propose that the international communityadopt the capabilities approach as a means ofembedding equity in climate policy. The capabilitiesapproach, as it applies to climate equity, rests ontwo interrelated pillars:

    Pillar 1. Sufcient mitigation and adaptation actare required to prevent the direct impacts of clichange from eroding the capabilities of the leastand most vulnerable, now and in the future.

    This pillar concerns the direct impacts of climatechange on peoples capabilities, particularly those ofthe most vulnerable. It includes impacts that resultfrom inadequate mitigation, insu cient adaptation,or a failure to address loss and damage caused byclimate change. Impacts on both current and futuregenerations should be considered.

    Pillar 2. Climate policies should be designed toenhance, rather than diminish, the capabilities owho are least well-off, most vulnerable, and leato represent themselves.

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    C O M M U N I T Y S C A L E

    Access toeducation



    Physicalsafety &health





    N A T I O N A L S C A L E



    Resilienceto Climate


    GovernanceCapacity &

    Social SupportStructures

    Figure 1 | Climate Action and Capabilities atMultiple Levels

    Source: Authors

    G L O B A L

    S C A L E


    InternationalInstitutions &


    This pillar addresses the e ects that climatepolicies themselves can have on human capabili-ties. Climate policies to reduce emissions or buildresilience to climate impacts can either enhance thecapabilities of the most vulnerable and least well-o , or exacerbate existing inequities and under -mine e orts in other policy arenas.

    Applying the Capabilities Approach at Multiple LevelsGrounded in an understanding of equity basedon these principles, the report examines thelinks between climate action and capabilitiesat multiple, interdependent scales as shown inFigure 1. We highlight how climate policies withincountries, including policies directed at bothlow-carbon development and resilience building,can build capabilities and enhance equity. Thereport provides recommendations about waysthat international institutions and policymakerscan support those climate policies that buildcapabilities at the national and community level.

    The report then speci cally addresses how the 2015international climate agreement can take account ofand help build capabilities. This approach enhancesthe meaning of respective capabilities within theUnited Nations Framework Convention on ClimateChanges (Convention or UNFCCC) principle of

    common-but-di erentiated responsibilities andrespective capabilities (CBDR -RC) (UNFCCC1992) (Box 1). A pragmatic and multidimensionalunderstanding of national capabilities can assistcountries in evaluating the equity of actions in the2015 agreement. However, the report does not sug-gest that capabilities become the sole framework forpursuing climate equity. Responsibility for climatechange, including historical responsibility, remainsfundamental to the equity discussion and to shap-ing global mitigation and adaptation e orts.

    To provide a framework for developing and evaluat-ing intended national contributions in the negotia-tions, the report proposes equity criteria based onnational capabilities along with emissions respon-sibility. The report then suggests how a capabilitiesapproach can focus attention on the ways in whicheach element of the 2015 agreement can build thecapabilities of countries and communities.

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    A CAPABILITIES APPROACH INACTION: EQUITABLE NATIONALAND LOCAL CLIMATE POLICIESPutting the right climate policies in placeboth forlow-carbon development and for climate adaptationand resilienceis a key step in enhancing equityand capabilities. Well-designed climate actions atthe national and community levels can protect andstrengthen capabilities (see Tables 1 and 2). Thesepolicy examples are drawn from case studies in keypolicy areas from 23 countries around the world.

    A transition to a low-carbon economy is critical toensure adequate emissions reductions necessary tostay below a 2 degree Celsius limit and protect thecapabilities of future generations. At the same time,low-carbon actions can protect or enhance capabili-ties in the near term especially for the least well-o . For example, low-carbon transport systemscan help meet mobility needs and provide health

    bene ts for the least well-o .

    In designing adaptation and resilience policies,recognizing di ering levels of vulnerability, includ -ing within countries, is important. To build long-term capabilities and enable communities to adapt,e ective policies must rst address underlying

    physical, social, and economic drivers of vulnerabil-ity. For example, providing access to credit to earlyadopters of innovative adaptation and resiliencepractices, particularly among highly vulnerablepopulations, and enabling local and indigenouspractices to be disseminated, could increase resil-ience to climate change, address a capability issue,and encourage innovation.

    Although in Tables 1 and 2 we distinguish betweenactions to promote low-carbon energy pathwaysand actions to promote climate resilience, we recog-

    nize multiple overlaps between them in policy areasranging from forest protection to urban planning.Indeed, sustainable development policies often pro-

    vide many bene ts that include not only mitigationand adaptation, but also other social, economic, andenvironmental objectives.

    To inform the interpretation of respective capaboverarching principle of CBDR-RC in the Convereport proposes a pragmatic suite of national cap

    While the capabilities of individuals and the capnations are different, they are also closely relatedcapabilities, such as the opportunity to pursue a livelihood, are shaped by social, economic, and efactors that are, in turn, shaped by national circuand policies. For example, an individuals healthinuenced by the availability of healthcare in a cemployment and livelihood opportunities are entnational economic vitality.

    We propose that the concept of respective capabwithin the principle of CBDR-RC incorporates thnational capabilities: human development, econocapacity, resilience to climate impacts including security and capacity to adapt in the face of climand governance capacity and social support strucUsing these concepts can help countries and otheand compare contributions and levels of action inand identify specic policies appropriate for partcountries. This interpretation of capabilities focuattention on the relationship between climate chadevelopment, and climate impacts, all of which athe core climate equity challenge.

    This capabilities approach should be used in conwith attention to emissions responsibility. Acknohistorical responsibility for emissions is necessarit allows the inequity of cumulative contributiongreenhouse gas concentrations to be explicitly ininto the international discussion of climate changHowever, responsibility alone cannot adequatelyeither the issues raised by inequitable climate imthe need to share the benets of climate action anhuman well-being.

    Using a capabilities approach to enhance the conrespective capabilities contributes to the interpof the wider principle of common-but-differentiaresponsibilities and respective capabilities and cacountries to address the multiple dimensions of cequity and to craft an effective 2015 agreement.


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    Figure 2 | Policy Examples Drawn from Low-Carbon Development, andAdaptation and Resilience Case Studies Globally

    Table 1 | Equitable Climate Policies to Achieve Low-Carbon Pathways


    Renewable energyaccess and deployment

    Scaling-up the use of renewable energy can improve energy security and access while avoidingas emissions, and also can offer long-term economic savings and health benets (Torres-DuqFullerton, Bruce, and Gordon 2008; Palit and Chaurey 2011; Khlin et al. 2011).

    By making nance for renewable energy accessible to marginalized and nontraditional banking poand Sullivan 2014) or by designing equitable feed-in tariffs or other mechanisms (Tongsopit 2014;

    deployment of renewable energy can enhance capabilities (Mendona, Lacey, and Hvelplund 2009Equitablecarbon pricing

    Carbon pricing schemes can incentivize emissions reductions, support energy efciency and seand protect or enhance capabilities. Progressive schemes can redirect revenues or other in-kindvulnerable populations (British Columbia 2009; California 2014).

    International and national efforts to promote carbon pricing or markets should be based on assdifferential vulnerability and include stakeholder participation to ensure monetary and nonmoto vulnerable populations.

    Fossil fuelsubsidy reform

    Reduction and eventual elimination of fossil fuel subsidies could contribute to emissions reducenergy efciency and security, and free up resources for other development priorities, all of whlong-term capabilities (Mourougane 2010; IEA 2012).

    Although subsidies often do not provide a direct benet to the poorest communities, these comthe most vulnerable to the effects of reform (Arze del Granado, Javier, Coady, and Gillinghamefforts require careful design and can include transfer mechanisms, broad public communicaticore development needs (Hassanzadeh 2012).


    Safe and affordable transport options are crucial from a capabilities perspective. Low-carbon tranhelp meet mobility needs, as well as reducing emissions, and providing health benets (United N

    Using policy and nance signals to incentivize development of public transit has been successcontexts (Road Trafc Technology n.d.).

    Community forestry Strengthening community forest management and community forest rights can help achieve emiand can also enhance capabilities (Stevens et al. 2014). Efforts to establish legal protections, supreforestation, and support community management can contribute to both climate and capabilitie

    Source: Authors

    Renewable Energy Deployment

    Carbon Pricing

    Fossil Fuel Subsidy Reform

    Low-Carbon Transportation

    Forest Management

    Adaptation and Resilience

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    Table 2 | Equitable Climate Policies to Achieve Adaptation and Resilience



    Addressing adaptation needsof the most vulnerablepopulations

    Recognizing that different levels and types of vulnerability exist, both among and within help generate equitable adaptation and resilience plans that focus on capabilities.

    Integrating assessments of climate hazards with assessments of social vulnerability can retargeted and effective policy interventions (Burton et al. 2002; Huq et al. 2003; Adger et

    Inclusive participation Enabling communities and vulnerable populations to determine effective adaptation and r

    strategies through highly participatory processes can increase their ability to take locally along-term adaptation measures that protect and enhance their social and economic opportal. 2011; Osbeck et al. 2010).

    Support for innovation Providing access to credit to early adopters of innovative adaptation and resilience practicamong highly vulnerable populations, and enabling local and indigenous practices to be dessential to mobilizing effective adaptation (UNFCCC 2013).

    National adaptation planning Prioritizing the needs of the most vulnerable in national adaptation planning, ensuring thein the planning process, and undertaking robust assessments of vulnerability that address and social and economic contexts, can all play a vital role in achieving equitable adaptatiooutcomes (UNFCCC 2013).

    Recommendations for InternationalInstitutions and PolicymakersInternational institutions and policymakers can helpenable national and local governments to undertakethe types of equitable climate policies highlightedin Tables 1 and 2. To do this, the report proposesrecommendations for a wide range of internationalinstitutions and policymakers, including multilateraland bilateral development nance institutions. Theserecommendations include the need to:

    Provide upfront investment for low-carbon path- ways and adaptation e orts that are designed toenhance equity and build capabilities, includingfor equitably designed energy policies;

    Provide technical assistance, capacity building,and guidance to enable countries to formulateand implement the types of equitable climatepolicies highlighted here;

    Ensure that nance is accessible to those whoneed it, including nontraditional banking popu-lations, to undertake innovative and locallyappropriate climate action;

    Support the implementation of before andafter vulnerability assessments and evalua-tions to identify impacts of climate action onthe capabilities of a ected groups; and

    Enable participatory planning and stakeholderengagement in the development of climate poli-cies across all sectors.

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    Potential metrics for each national capability areprovided in Table 3. Emissions responsibility wasdiscussed in Box 1.

    This framework can be incorporated in three waysto facilitate a more equitable and e ective set ofnational contributions. First, countries should inte-grate equity considerations into their national pro-cess for formulating their contributions. Second, theupfront information that countries provide with theirINDCs should include explanations or rationalesconcerning the equitability of their contributions. Along with other up-front information, countriesshould indicate the speci c criteria and factors theyuse in determining the equitability of their contribu-tion, as well as how the contribution ts into a globallevel of ambition to reduce emissions (Levin et al.2014). Finally, the international assessment of coun-

    tries contributions should include a review of equityconsiderations, including a review of speci c criteriaand factors used in the INDCs.

    The criteria proposed here will provide a perspec-tive concerning respective capabilities in termsof a range of countries, while di erences betweendeveloped and developing countries will nonethe-less remain clear. Using these criteria provides ameans to evaluate countries INDCs in terms ofthe type and levels of actions proposed, while thenegotiations should ensure that countries do not

    backslide from previous commitments. AlthoughParties may not agree in 2015 on a speci c set ofequity criteria and metrics, they should establisha technical process after 2015 that will result inan agreed, common framework for equity criteria(Ngwadla and Rajamani 2014).

    2. Include capabilities-focused policies in inationally determined contributions

    The bene t of using a capabilities approach to helpcountries identify speci c policies to include intheir INDCs is that it encourages an examinationof actual pathwaysand potential barriersforachieving equitable climate action. For instance,renewable electri cation in a country in whichcommunities have limited energy access could

    build capabilities while addressing climate change.Likewise, identifying opportunities for fossil fuelsubsidy reform, equitable carbon pricing, and com-munity forest policies, could serve both objectives.Considering INDCs in terms of countries nationalcapabilities provides countries with the opportunityto identify actions that can be undertaken withoutadditional resources, as well as further actions that

    would be possible with international support. Coun-tries that bring forward adaptation contributionsshould focus on how integrated planning processescan help build the capabilities of the most vulner-able populations.

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    Incorporate Equity and Capabilitiesacross Multiple Elements of the 2015 Agreement1. Focus adaptation and loss and damage on the

    most vulnerable populations A capabilities approach highlights the role that well-designed adaptation policies can play in pro-tecting and increasing the long-term well-being andlivelihoods of vulnerable populations. One of theprimary goals of the 2015 agreement should be tohelp vulnerable communities build their resilience by providing guidance and support on the impactsof climate change. To achieve this, the 2015 agree-ment should include a long-term adaptation goalthat focuses on the most vulnerable populationsand the need to undertake adaptation in ways thataddress their basic capabilities. The 2015 agree-ment should encourage all countries, includingdeveloped countries, to develop adaptation andresilience strategies for their most vulnerable popu-lationsemphasizing the importance of supportingparticipatory planning by vulnerable communitiesand their governments.

    Recognizing the increasing importance of loss anddamage and the need to develop a response that isrobust, consistent, and sustained, the agreementshould support the development of national lossand damage scoping studies to identify the needs ofparticularly vulnerable populations.

    2. Provide adequate and targetednance to build capabilities

    Adequate and appropriately directed nance isessential to building capabilities and enhancingequity in the 2015 agreement. To create align-ment between countries actions and nance andto strengthen capabilities, the 2015 agreementshould link nance in the post-2020 period withdeveloping countries nance and investment needsfor their national climate strategies and INDCs.

    The 2015 agreement should also provide for and welcome nancial contributions from a range ofcountries, including developing countries in a posi-tion to contribute based on their capabilities.

    To ensure that nance results in equitable outcomes,the 2015 agreement should provide guidance to theGreen Climate Fund and recommendations to otherdevelopment nance institutions that they supportthe implementation of equitable climate policies that

    build capabilities, such as policies described earlierin this report (for example, equitably designed poli-

    cies to support renewable energy). The agreementshould also encourage development nance institu -tions to ensure that nance is accessible to nontra -ditional banking populations including the poor,

    women, and other marginalized groups.

    3. Create a capacity-buildingfacility to build capabilities

    A lack of governance and technical capacity con-strains many governments from undertaking theplanning and analysis needed to take climate

    action and enhance capabilities (UNFCCC 2014a).Building the capacity of all Parties is fundamentalto both ambitious climate outcomes and humandevelopment. To prioritize capability building, the2015 agreement should create a dedicated capacity-

    building facility, which would serve as a focal pointto design, coordinate, support, and manage capacity

    building across all elements of the Convention. Thisfacility could enhance capacity for policy develop-ment, information and assessment (including of


    1. Incorporate Equity and Capabilities into INDCs Use equity considerations in formulating and

    evaluating INDCs Include specic capabilities-focused policies in

    INDCs2. Incorporate Equity and Capabilities Across the

    Elements of the 2015 Agreement Focus adaptation and loss and damage on the

    most vulnerable populations Provide adequate and targeted nance to build


    Create a capacity-building facility Develop and deploy innovative technology thatfocuses on capabilities

    Strengthen transparency and accountability witha focus on capabilities

    Establish an equitable long-term mitigation goal Establish cycles of action to strengthen


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    capabilities), institutional coordination, public par-ticipation, and e ective private sector engagement.

    4. Develop and deploy innovativetechnology that focuses on capabilities

    Technology that is accessible to, and designed

    for, the least well-o and most vulnerable will beessential to advancing low-carbon pathways andadaptation in ways that build capabilities. The 2015agreement should stress the importance of nan -cial institutions in funding research, development,and deployment of innovative technologies with aparticular focus on technologies that can build thecapabilities of the most vulnerable and least well-o(for example, technologies relevant to renewableenergy access or to climate information for small-holder farmers).

    5. Strengthen transparency andaccountability with a focus on capabilities

    Transparency and accountability are essential fora climate agreement capable of tracking progressand deepening action over time. Simultaneously,e ective transparency systems can be useful forassessing whether climate policies directly pro-

    tect and enhance capabilities within a country.Over time, common standards for all countriesshould ensure transparency and accountability,

    yet a stepwise approach can be used in the 2015agreement to reach this objective, recognizing thedi erences in countries capabilities that a ect theirability to track and report emissions, climate action,and nance. The 2015 agreement must also ensuresupport for all Parties to enhance their nationalcapabilities to be able to reach a common level oftransparency and to support participatory processesto assess the e ects of climate policies on the capa -

    bilities of the least well-o and most vulnerable.

    6. Establish an equitable long-term mitigatiIn addition to the mitigation commitments made

    by countries in their INDCs, some countries haveproposed that the 2015 agreement include a collec-tive long-term trajectory for emissions reductionsor speci c mitigation actions (UNFCCC 2014b).To be successful, long-term goalssuch as phas-ing out greenhouse gas emissions, or moving to asubstantial percentage of energy from renewablesourcesneed to address equity concerns. A long-term goal should be constructed in a way that helps

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    CAPABILITIES AND LONTERM TRANSFORMATIOThe goal of long-term transformational climatepolicy should be to protect and strengthen the

    capabilities and fundamental well-being of currentand future generations. Achieving this goal requiresa focus on underlying dynamics and drivers ofchange. It also requires us to apply new perspec-tives to existing concepts. A capabilities approacho ers guidelines for meeting the equity demandsof su cient mitigation and adaptation, while alsoidentifying speci c pathways for policy actions thatenhance well-being, especially for those who areleast well-o or most vulnerable.

    At the international level, incorporating capabili-

    ties in discussions of contributions and subsequentassessment processes will help focus attentionon the need to improve capabilities over time. Aspolicymakers and communities encounter newchallenges, a capabilities approach to climatepolicy analysis and implementation can helpkeep the long-term enhancement of human well-

    being rmly at the center of attention and buildpolitical momentum for transformation. Focusingsquarely on the goal of enhancing long-term human

    well-being encourages proactive approaches topolicymaking that promote the wider bene ts andopportunities inherent in climate action.

    We must look at familiar principles with new eyes.The discussion should not be in the abstract butrather focused on action to achieve particular out-comesin this case, to preserve and strengthen thecapabilities of people in the face of climate change.Over time, this approach will build the capabilitiesof nations, strengthening their ability to pursuestrong climate policies, and generating a globalconsensus for action.

    countries identify speci c policies and investmentsthat help build capabilities, such as increased accessto renewable energy. In addition there must berecognition that countries with di erent capabili -ties will progress toward the goal at di erent pacesand support will be needed to help those countries with lower capabilities achieve the common goal. A phased approach emphasizing technology devel-opment, cooperation, and transfer, and includingsupport for capabilities assessments, is proposed tomeet these challenges.

    7. Establish cycles of action tostrengthen capabilities

    The set of cycles envisioned in the 2015 agree-ment for strengthening action after 2015, mustincorporate equity and a focus on building capabili-ties (UNFCCC 2014b). Climate action must becomemore ambitious over time to protect the well-beingof those most vulnerable to climate change, while atthe same time becoming more aligned with path- ways that promote capabilities and enhance equity.The 2015 agreement should require the cycles tostrengthen the multiple dimensions of climateaction that a ect capabilities, including mitiga -tion, adaptation, and support (Morgan, Dagnet andTirpak 2014). The cycles should include reviews ofthe impacts of climate change on capabilities; coun-tries actions and their e ect on capabilities; the

    levels and type of mitigation and adaptation actionrequired to protect and strengthen capabilities;and an analysis of countries existing capabilitiesand the levels of nance and other support neededto build capabilities to underpin action. Each cycleshould include an analysis of how future actionscan be designed to further strengthen capabilities. As noted earlier, the formulation and assessmentof countries commitments after 2015 should beinformed by a set of equity criteria (see Figure 2),including those involving capabilities, determinedthrough a technical process in the UNFCCC.

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  • 8/10/2019 Building Climate Equity Report Summary



    ACKNOWLEDGMENTSWe would like to thank the many people who contributed tideas and discussions that have shaped the report. We greatappreciate the guidance and earlier reviews provided by JeMorgan, Manish Bapna, Heather McGray, Athena Ballestevan der Heijden, Yamide Dagnet, Helen Mountford, Peter VRanping Song, Alex Doukas, Robin King, Caleb Stevens, Mitra, Bharath Jairaj, Taryn Fransen, Free de Koning, Lily Ferzina Banaji, Rhys Gerholdt, Lawrence MacDonald, andWoldemariam.

    Special thanks go to WRIs ofce of the Vice President of S& Research, particularly Janet Ranganathan, Daryl Ditz, anMeyer, who assisted us tirelessly through the publication pFurther thanks go to Carni Klirs, Hyacinth Billings, Polly GEmily Matthews, and Mary Paden for their invaluable editodesign support.

    We are also grateful to the following external experts for shtheir expertise and feedback, though responsibility for the product rests fully with the authors and WRI: Tara Shine, LRajamani, Ana Toni, Saleemul Huq, Jose Garibaldi, Vice YJared Finnegan.

    Finally, we would like to thank Mary Robinson and the Mainson Foundation - Climate Justice for our partnership on c justice and equity issues.

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    Adopted by the Conference of the Parties. In FCCC/CP/2011/9/Add.1. Durban: UNFCCC.

    . 2013. Third Synthesis Report on Technology NeedsIdentied by Parties Not Included in Annex I to the Convention.In FCCC/SBSTA/2013/INF.7. Warsaw: UNFCCC.

    . 2014a. Synthesis Report on the Implementation of theFramework for Capacity-Building in Developing Countries. InFCCC/SBI/2014/2. Bonn, Germany: UNFCCC.

    . 2014b. Parties Views and Proposals on the Elementsfor a Draft Negotiating Text. UNFCCC.

    United Nations. 2013.Creating Universal Access to Safe, Clean and Affordable Transport. New York: United Nations.

    WRI (World Resources Institute), United Nations DevelopmentProgramme, United Nations Environment Programme, and WorldBank. 2011. World Resources 20102011: Decision Makingin a Changing ClimateAdaptation Challenges and Choices.Washington, DC: World Resources Institute.

    ABOUT THE AUTHORSSonja Klinsky is an Assistant Professor in the School of

    Sustainability at Arizona State UniversityContact: [email protected]

    David Waskow is the Director of the International Climate Iniin WRIs Climate ProgramContact: [email protected]

    Wendi Bevins contributed to the report in her capacity as aResearch Analyst in WRIs Climate ProgramContact: [email protected]

    Eliza Northrop is a Research Analyst in WRIs Climate ProgrContact: [email protected]

    Robert Kutter is a researcher, editor, and the founder of KutteConsultingContact: [email protected]

    Laura Weatherer is an Intern in WRIs Climate ProgramContact: [email protected]

    Paul Joffe is Senior Foreign Policy Counsel in WRIs ClimaProgramContact: [email protected]

    PHOTO CREDITSCover photo, Georgina Smith / CIAT; inside cover photo, TimothyMwaura; pg. 7 Julien Harneis; pg. 9 Abbie Trayler-Smith / PanosPictures / Department for International Development;

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    Copyright 2014 World Resources Institute. This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDWorks 3.0 License. To view a copy of the license, visit http://creativecommons. org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/

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  • 8/10/2019 Building Climate Equity Report Summary


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