building the next u.s. innovation platform for research and economic development

Building the Next U.S. Innova5on Pla7orm for Research and Economic Development CASC Annual Mee+ng, Washington, DC February 29, 2012 Jim Bo@um, VP & CIO, Clemson University Dave Lambert, President & CEO, Internet2

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CASC Annual Meeting, Washington, DCFebruary 29, 2012Jim Bottum, VP & CIO, Clemson UniversityDave Lambert, President & CEO, Internet2


Page 1: Building the Next U.S. Innovation Platform for Research and Economic Development

Building  the  Next  U.S.  Innova5on  Pla7orm  for  Research  and  Economic  Development  

CASC  Annual  Mee+ng,    Washington,  DC  February  29,  2012    Jim  Bo@um,  VP  &  CIO,  Clemson  University  Dave  Lambert,  President  &  CEO,  Internet2      

Page 2: Building the Next U.S. Innovation Platform for Research and Economic Development

Building  the  Next  U.S.  Innova+on  PlaNorm  for  Research  and  Economic  Development  

2  –  3/21/12,  ©  2012  Internet2  

•  Understanding  what  enabled  innova+on  in  the  past  •  The  story  con+nues—what  enables  innova+on  

today?  •  The  next  U.S.  Innova+on  PlaNorm:  What’s  the  

vision,  and  how  do  we  build  it?  •  Building  your  piece  of  the  Innova+on  PlaNorm  


Page 3: Building the Next U.S. Innovation Platform for Research and Economic Development

•  The  research  and  educa+on  community  played  a  seminal  role  in  the  crea+on  of  the  modern  Internet  and  the  applica+ons  that  have  made  it  the  most  transforma/ve  technology  of  the  20th  and  21st  centuries  

•  34  of  these  leading  universi+es  created  Internet2  in  1996  

3  –  3/21/12,  ©  2012  Internet2  

Crea+ng  new  innova+on  opportuni+es    

begins  with  understanding  what  enabled  innova+on  in  the  past  

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Total  30-­‐year  federal  investment  to  enable  the  precursors    of  the  Internet  is  very  small…  

4  –  3/21/12,  ©  2012  Internet2  

R&E  networking  ROI  has  been  staggering  

…compared  to  the  massively  successful  Internet    businesses  it  sparked  

ß  NSFnet,  ~$75M  

ß  ARPAnet,  ~$150M  

Internet  Service  Providers,  ~$40B  

Internet  Sofware  &  Services,  ~$100B  

Network  Hardware  Vendors,  ~$100B  

ß  CSNET,  ~$5M  

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…compared  to  the  massively  successful  Internet    businesses  it  sparked  

Total  30-­‐year  federal  investment  to  enable  the  precursors    of  the  Internet  is  very  small…  

ß  NSFnet,  ~$75M  

ß  ARPAnet,  ~$150M  

Internet  Service  Providers,  ~$40B  

Internet  Sofware  &  Services,  ~$100B  

Network  Hardware  Vendors,  ~$100B  

ß  CSNET,  ~$5M  

5  –  3/21/12,  ©  2012  Internet2  

R&E  networking  ROI  has  been  staggering  

These  seminal  investments  •  Put  the  R&E  community  “way  out  in  front”  of  commercial  markets  

•  Created  a  new,  bandwidth-­‐rich  playing  field  

•  Enabled  innova+ons  that  led  to  a  global  transforma/on:  our  informa+on-­‐based  economy  

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6  –  3/21/12,  ©  2012  Internet2  

•  Many  informa+on    technologies  have  roots  on    university  campuses  

•  Personal  Ethernet  services  created  massive    campus  “innova+on  test  beds”  

•  Commercial  carriers  were  s+ll  offering  dial-­‐up  service  and  figh+ng  the  Internet  technology  vision  


Princeton  Archway,  courtesy  of  Queerbubbles,  Wikimedia  Commons  

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Center  for  Seismic  Studies  

MFS  Communica+ons  

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Despite  all  arguments,    the  Internet,  created  by    the  R&E  community,    became  the    de  facto  standard  

“this  decentralized  model  can’t  scale  or  be  manageable”  

“packet  networks  won't  be  as  reliable  as  

circuit  networks”  

Internet  Sofware  &  Services,  ~$100B  

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12  –  3/21/12,  ©  2012  Internet2  


Almost  all  early  routers  had  their  roots  in  R&E  community  

and  NSFNET’s  first  router,    the  Fuzzball,  from  

—the  Proteon,  from  

Cisco’s  first  routers,  from  

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13  –  3/21/12,  ©  2012  Internet2  


The  first  mul+-­‐protocol  routers  were  developed  

in  1981  at  

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14  –  3/21/12,  ©  2012  Internet2  


The  early  commercial  router  was  based  on  Stanford  technology,    

developed  by  

Network  Hardware  Vendors,  ~$100B  

First  customers  were  R&E  networks  

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15  –  3/21/12,  ©  2012  Internet2  





Computer    Worksta+ons  

Berkeley,  Stanford  


Security  Systems  

Univ  of  Michigan  


Social  Media  



Network  Caching  





Page 16: Building the Next U.S. Innovation Platform for Research and Economic Development

•  Innova+on  is  disrup+ve  •  R&E  innova+on  has  created  

or  re-­‐invented  many  companies  

•  Even  reluctant  companies  have  become  beneficiaries  

16  –  3/21/12,  ©  2012  Internet2  

The  crea+on  of  whole  new  markets  has  benefited—and  driven—our  economy  

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17  –  3/21/12,  ©  2012  Internet2  

The  innova/on  story  con/nues…  

What  R&E  does  today  sets  the  groundwork  for  the  next  stages  of  Internet  development  and  enables  the  economies  of  the  future  

(or  not)  

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18  –  3/21/12,  ©  2012  Internet2  

1.5 Mb – 100 Mb 100 Mb – 10 Gb 10 Gb – 1Tb Gb

Theme  in  this  era  is  investment  and  posi/oning  

for  the  future  

What  will  the  theme  of    this  era  be?  

innova/on  accelerates  R&E  out  in  front  

innova/on  slows  R&E  leadership  fades  

innova/on  opportunity  where  is  R&E?  

Theme  in  this  era  becomes  aggrega/on,  cost  savings,  efficiency,  compe//on  


Ethernet  introduced  in  



Browser  &  WWW  


Uncompressed  video   ?  




Search  Large  data  exchange  

An  observa+on   about  our  past   and  the  future  

Page 19: Building the Next U.S. Innovation Platform for Research and Economic Development

•  We  moved  the  world  from  proprietary  to  open  networking  

19  –  3/21/12,  ©  2012  Internet2  

The  R&E  community  s/ll  plays  cri+cal  role  

continue to move!

•  We  led  the  paradigm  shif  from  bandwidth  scarcity  to  bandwidth  availability  

continue to lead!

•  We  enabled  game-­‐changing  applica+ons  on  campuses  and  in  research  labs  

continue to enable!

•  We  sparked  leading  new  companies—and  en+re  industries  continue to spark!

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20  –  3/21/12,  ©  2012  Internet2  

R&E  partnerships  with  the  private  sector    s/ll  generate  economic  opportunity  

•  We  created  new  markets  by  building  networks  and  applica+ons  that  advance  the  state  of  the  art  

continue to create!

•  We  prototyped  service  technologies  that  turn  into  viable  commercial  offerings  

continue to prototype!

•  We  built  and  validated  the  early  models  and  applica+ons  that  create  demand  for  commercial  providers  

continue to build and validate!

•  We  created  and  influenced  today’s  user  and  consumer  base  are creating and influencing tomorrow’s!

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We  s+ll  can’t  predict  the  future—but  we  can  s/ll  construct  condi/ons  that  spur  innova/on  

What  enables  adop+on  and  creates  demand?  

R&E  Approach  Widespread  bandwidth  (and  applica+on)  availability  

Commercial  Approach  Limited  bandwidth  (and  applica+on)  availability  

An  innova(on  pla+orm  must  encourage    u(liza(on,  not  limit  it  

X ✓

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22  –  3/21/12,  ©  2012  Internet2  

We  s+ll  can’t  predict  the  future—but  we  can  s/ll  construct  condi/ons  that  spur  innova/on  

How  do  real  game-­‐changing  applica+ons  evolve?  

R&E  Approach  Ubiquitous  deployment  in  real  user  communi+es  

Commercial  Approach  Small  pilot  demos  with  short-­‐term  ROI  required  

Small  pilots  don’t  provide  adequate  scale    and  real-­‐world  condi(ons  required  to  fully    

test,  incubate  and  deploy  a  successful  applica(on  

X ✓

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23  –  3/21/12,  ©  2012  Internet2  

We  s+ll  can’t  predict  the  future—but  we  can  s/ll  construct  condi/ons  that  spur  innova/on  

How  can  we  ensure  that  innova+on  will  flourish?  

R&E  Approach  Give  innovators  an  environment  where  they’re  free  to  try  new,  untested,  unpopular,  ridiculously  challenging  things  

Commercial  Approach  Give  innovators  an  environment  where  they’re  limited  to  current  capabili+es,  popular  thinking,  and  warned  not  to  break  anything  

Innova(on  requires  a  big  playground  

X ✓

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24  –  3/21/12,  ©  2012  Internet2  

What  does  the    next  U.S.    Innova/on  PlaSorm  look  like?  

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25  –  3/21/12,  ©  2012  Internet2  

Innova/on  PlaSorm  vision:  

“No  barriers”  bandwidth  

Innova5on  route  •  Raw  capacity  now  

available  on  Internet2  Network  a  key  imagina+on  enabler  

•  Internet2  Network  offers  switching  costs  at  a  frac+on  of  commercial  alterna+ves  

Innova5on  roadblocks  •  Limited  capacity  a  major  

research  barrier—need  more  than  incremental  boosts  

•  IP  switching  costs  are  many  +mes  too  high  

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26  –  3/21/12,  ©  2012  Internet2  

Internet2  already  driving    the  bandwidth  innova+on  route  

•  Through  100G/8.8  terabit  Internet2  Network,  R&E  community  can  now  offer  “no  barriers”  bandwidth  to  innovators  across  the  U.S.  

•  We’re  moving  aggressively  to  realize  this  vision  at  our  leading  research  universi+es  

•  We’re  crea+ng  business  model  incen+ves  for  innova+on-­‐level  capacity  to  be  extended  deep  into  research  campuses  for  non-­‐commodity  uses  

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27  –  3/21/12,  ©  2012  Internet2  

Innova/on  PlaSorm  vision:  

Sofware-­‐defined  networking  (SDN)  

Innova5on  route  •  New  paradigm  opening  

up  network  layer  to  innova+on  

•  [New  cost  model?]  •  Hardware  can  be  

virtualized,  innovators  can  create  alterna+ve  solu+ons,  transparently  access  networking  data  

Innova5on  roadblocks  •  Proprietary  sofware  in  

routers  and  switches  •  Network  cost  model  

resembles  mainframe  cost  model  

•  Communica+ons  with  hardware  limited  by  actual,  physical,  proprietary  components  

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28  –  3/21/12,  ©  2012  Internet2  

Internet2  already  driving    the  SDN  innova+on  route  

•  Already  crea+ng  NDDI  with  partners  IU  and  Stanford.  (First  phase  underway  and  well  received.)  

•  Expanding  collabora+on  with  NSF/GENI,  who  are  crea+ng  the  regional/campus  early  adopter  community.  (GENI  plans  to  migrate  its  network  to  NDDI.)  

•  Developing  an  SDN  “applica+on  store,”  allowing  innovators  to  offer  products  on  trial  to  a  wide  user  base.  (The  same  user  base  that  jump-­‐started  the  Internet.)  

•  Coordina+ng  with  industry  partners  to  make  Internet2  viable  for  commercial  innova+ons.  

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29  –  3/21/12,  ©  2012  Internet2  

What will !U.S. innovators

do with the!next !


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30  –  3/21/12,  ©  2012  Internet2  

Internet2  R&E  Community:  already  building    the  next  U.S.  Innova+on  PlaNorm  

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31  –  3/21/12,  ©  2012  Internet2  

Internet2  R&E  Community:  already  building    the  next  U.S.  Innova+on  PlaNorm  

We’re  commiTed  to  

•  Building  a  new  $96.5  million  na+onal  network  owned  by  the  R&E  community  

•  A  new  na+onal-­‐scale  sofware  defined  networking  plaNorm  

•  Expanding  R&E  networking  capacity  to  24  +mes  current  levels  

•  Na+onal  coordina+ng  programs  in  research,  health,  educa+on  and  service  

Page 32: Building the Next U.S. Innovation Platform for Research and Economic Development

•  Will  you  be  an  innova+on  leader?  

•  Will  you  partner  with  innova+on  leaders?  

•  The  Internet2  R&E  community—helping  you  build  your  piece  of  the  innova+on  plaNorm  

•  What  can  we  build  together?  

32  –  3/21/12,  ©  2012  Internet2  

Building  your  piece  of  the    next  U.S.  Innova+on  PlaNorm  

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Thank  you.  For  more  informa+on,    visit  h@p://  

33  –  3/21/12,  ©  2012  Internet2