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  • 8/2/2019 BULETIN MUTIARA SEPT 2011



    Competency Accountability Transparenc


    September 2011


    Penang as medical cityfor Asean regionPENANG Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng

    has declared that it is his aspiration todevelop and promote Penang as theMedical City for the Region.

    Mr Lim said this when addressing ahigh-profile dialogue on Penangs

    Healthcare Sector: Strategies, Synergiesand Opportunities at the Tanglin Club inSingapore on 11th August 2011.

    Mr Lim was in Singapore on 11thand12th August 2011 to attend the dia-

    logue session, and to meet with investorsinvolved in the medical and healthcaretourism industry. He was accompaniedon the trip by Island Hospital CEO DatukDr Chan Kok Ewe, InvestPenang gen-

    eral manager Loo Lee Lian , seniormanager Anna Ong, and the CMs Spe-

    cial Investment Ofcer Jeffrey Chew.Medical practitioners related health-

    care professionals and business people

    from Singapore attended the dialoguewhose purpose was to foster strongersynergistic efforts by both Singapore andPenang in the areas of medical tourism.

    The increasingly popular medical

    tourism industry is an important driverof economic growth in Penang, with thestate achieving the top place in relativelynew industry in the nation in 2010, withRM218 million, compared to RM164million in 2009, an increase of a whop-

    ping 33%.Under the Guan Eng administration,

    Penang currently commands nearly two-thirds of Malaysias total receipts formedical tourism.

    To enhance and entrench Penangslead as a key medical tourism player inMalaysia, the state would need to attractand learn from the best, such as those inSingapore.

    In his speech at the dialogue, Mr Limshared with the high-prole audience his

    vision for the healthcare industry inPenang.

    Our vision of Penang as the leading

    medical hub in Malaysia is underpinned

    by quality healthcare, managed

    costs affordable for the lower aswell as high-end segments of themarket and a pro-active govern-

    ment administration intent onmaking the stay of not just thepatients as comfortable as pos-sible under the circumstanc-es, but also relaxing for their

    family members. We intend tocombine all in one experienceof getting our ailment treatedand leaving Penang treated,rested, cured and cheerful, Mr

    Lim told the attentive audience.The Chief Minister pointed

    out that the resort nature of Pen-ang, its wonderful Unesco World

    Heritage City status, with itstantalizing old world charmsand lifestyle, and its fame as aworld-famous food paradise arecertainly an unbeatable combi-nation for any holiday goer.

    After all, Mr Lim said, YahooTravel has listed Penang as oneof the top 10 islands that onemust explore before one departs from thisEarth, and the mouth-water ing Penang

    asam laksa has been listed by CNN as theNo. 7 best food in the world.

    Having said that, Mr Lim assuredSingapore that Penang is not competingwith the republic as the lack of direct

    international ights make Penangs ap-peal regional, especially as a market closeto Thailand and northern Sumatera. Hepointed out that Penang actually comple-ments Singapore in that its direct linksallows any patient to also consider Sin-

    gapore for further treatment.Penangs dominant role in the medical

    tourism industry in Malaysia is backedup by gures. Of Malaysias total medi-cal tourism receipts in 2009 of RM288

    million, Penang contributed RM164 mil-lion or 57%. In 2010, of Malaysias totalmedical tourism receipts of RM336 mil-

    lion, Penang contributed RM218 millionor 66%.

    The Hotel Resort Insider in 2010,named Malaysia as one of the top ve

    medical tourism destinations in theworld.

    Mr Lim pointed out that the healthcareservices provided in Malaysia, which

    cover a full and extended range of sec-ondary and tertiary medical specialitiesare of equal standards, but compara-tively cheaper than in the US, Europe andother developed nations.

    Penang is more than one-and-a-halftimes the size of Singapore, with a popu-lation of 1.6 million or 30% of Singa-pores population. Penang has more thanten private hospitals, but seven special-

    ity hospitals stand out. These sevenhospitals have formed a consortiumamong themselves to jointly promotemedical tourism in Penang.

    Calling themselves the Penang HAssociation, these hospitals portr

    distinct uniqueness of commonalipurpose. Although they operate as srate entities, they are compatriopromoting the state as the destinatiochoice for medical tourism.

    Mr Lim said Penangites are kn

    for their prudence with resources, financial or people, and the PenHealth Association has adopted tqualities and has been promoting Pe

    as a medical hub, rather than promotheir individual hospital to potepatients from within the Asean regThey have been participating in shows and exhibitions outside Mala

    jointly as the Penang Health Associas an affordable and quality healthdestination.

    Chief Minister and Yang di-Pertuan Agong Tuanku Mizan Zainal Abidin during his visit toPenang at a function in Bukit Bendera recently.

    Edisi Bahasa Inggeris, Tamil dan Ci


    ITS MOJO p2

  • 8/2/2019 BULETIN MUTIARA SEPT 2011


    September 20112

    AFTER a slump, an early engine of globalisation isthriving again Aug 13th 2011 | PENANG | from TheEconomist (URL : http://www.economist.com/node/21525968) Printed with permission

    IF YOU are going to have a heart attack, have it inPenang. So one might think, to the see the hospitals inGeorge Town, the capital of this north-western Malay-sian state. Patients are ocking in. Ted Mohr, the head

    of the venerable Penang Adventist Hospital says that hewill admit 70,000 medical tourists this year. The hos-pital specialises in heart procedures and it will performroughly 23,000 of them this year, including 550 open-heart operations. Such is the demand that the hospitalis doubling its number of beds.

    Mr Mohr gives two main reasons for Penangs successwith the coronary crowd. First, it is relatively cheap. Open-heart surgery that would set you back $100,000 in Ameri-ca costs only about $10,000 in Penang. Second, Penangshospitals are as well-equipped as many in the West.

    The combination of low cost and high technology is

    the main reason why industries across the state of Pen-ang, made up of the original island and a larger bit ofthe mainland, are prospering again after more than adecade of decline. Their revival is important to Malay-sias economyPenang and the surrounding regionaccount for 21% of the countrys GDP. But the renais-sance could also have important political consequencesfor the country. Since 2008 Penang has been one of onlyfour states (out of 13) run by an opposition party. If itspoliticians can claim the credit for the recent success,that should greatly help the opposition in the next gen-eral election, expected within the year.

    Penang was founded as a free port by the British in1786. Occupying a position between India and EastAsia, the island drew merchants and middlemen keento make their fortunes. Chinese, Indians, Armenians,Arabs and more all traded alongside each other. With

    its racial and religious mix, and dedication to the pursuitof free trade, Penang was in many ways the rst custom-

    made city of globalisation.The islands fortunes sank as it lost business to its

    arch-rival, Singapore. In the post-colonial period Penangfell victim to the rise of nationalism. The regionsfreshly minted republics chose to develop their own

    ports. Penang enjoyed a revival during the1970s with the setting-up of Malaysias rst

    free-trade zone (a free port by anothername); this attracted big names in electronics,

    like Intel and Bosch, which built some of therst offshore assembly lines. But this boom

    was founded on cheap labour, and as Malay-sia became richer other emerging economies,such as China and Vietnam, drew the assem-bly work away.

    To recover its prosperity, Penang has soughtto reinvent itself. With the rise of India andChina, Penangs location again looks veryhandy to foreign companies as a place to invest, as inthe 18th century. It is relatively close to both big mar-ketsyet offers advantages that trump Asias giants.

    Penangs own Silicon Valley companies know thatthe rule of law in Malaysia gives them the sort of protec-tion for patents and intellectual property they would notenjoy in China, and an ease of doing business that they

    could not nd in India. Wages are higher than they were,but no more so nowadays than on the Chinese seaboard.The federal government has also spent liberally onbridges and the airport, making Penang better con-nected to the rest of Asia. And old George Town hasbeen smartened up, which helps to bring in foreignersto live, workand have surgery.

    The result is another boom. Last year more invest-ment poured into the state than any other in Malaysia.Scores of new electronics rms have swooped in to join

    the pioneers, along with an expanding cluster of 20 orso medical-device manufacturers. Crucially, most of thenew jobs are in research and development rather thanassembly. An American chip-designer, Altera, has a newfacility with 1,100 workers in Penang, 800 of themengineers. Its head says that almost all the engineers arelocalswhich is good for Malaysia.

    Whom to thank?

    When the Democratic Action Party won the stateslegislative assembly three years ago, it became the rst

    opposition party to triumph in Penang in more than 40years. The victory presented a direct challenge to theBarisan Nasional (BN) coalition that has ruled the

    country continuously since independence in 1Penangs new leader, Lim Guan Eng, says that theeral government has an ambivalent attitude towhim, cutting off some funding but not undermininauthority. They dont want us to get any creditthey cant afford to see us fail.

    The revival of Penang was already under way in 2but Mr Engs new policies have helped it along. He

    become the rst governor in Malaysia to open ustate tenders to competition. This has entailed dismtling the special preferences for ethnic Malays that underpinned the BNs rule since the early 1970s. was when the Malay majority institutionalised af

    tive action for themselves, to the disadvantage of etChinese (a majority in Penang), who were perceivhave got unduly rich. Mr Eng claims that by reformthe system he has ended the cronyism and corrupthat wasted money under previous regimes.

    Adapted to the national stage, such policies ctransform the way that the Malaysian federal govment conducts business. Mr Eng says that the savhe has made by ending the old systems of patronallow him to spend money on new social programinstead, such as modest handouts for the elderly. Tpolicies are popular, and the assault on corrup

    pleases foreign investors. Little wonder, then, that ang has become a political weathervane as muchlesson in economic development.

    Getting back its mojo

    Chief Minister Lim (right) and EXCO YB Abdul Malik AbulKassim explain The Economist issue during a press confere

    PENANG Chief Minister Lim Guan Enghas challenged Umno to show evidencethat The Economist was paid to writeand publish the high-prole article on

    the achievements of the Pakatan Rakyat

    state government, or shut up.Mr Lim said that unless Umno is ableto prove that the article published by thereputable international business maga-zine in its 13th August 2011 edition wasconcocted by it as a result of being paidby the state government, the seniorpartner of the Barisan Nasional standsaccused of telling vicious lies and shouldbe condemned in no uncertain terms.

    Umno had claimed that there was apayoff in relation to the article MalaysiasPenang state -- Getting back its mojo!

    On 16 August 2011 Umnos Kota

    Belud MP Abdul Rahman Dahlan hadtwitted: As usual. Must must read! RT@satD: @cmlimguaneng @limkitsianghow much u paid Economist 4 D MojoAdvertorial?

    Clearly Umno is unhappy at thepraise heaped on the Pakatan RakyatPenang state government for its successin ghting corruption and running a clean

    government as well as stressing on per-formance, productivity and prociency

    through its acclaimed open tender sys-tem, Mr Lim said in a press statement.

    This has caused a revival of Penanginto a thriving engine of globalisationthat aims to be not just a sweat-shop ofthe manufacturing sector but also asmart-shop for the services industry likemedical tourism, high-tech and knowl-

    edge based, he said.According to Mr Lim, the Pakatan

    Rakyat adoption of a successful model ofgovernance centered on a clean govern-ment and competency has allowed Pen-

    ang to attract the highest investments inits history with RM12.24 billion in 2010.He said that the concluding remarks

    by The Economist has caused muchconcern among the BN supporters --Little wonder, then, that Penang hasbecome a political weathervane as muchas a lesson in economic development.

    Mr Lim lamented that instead of try-ing to compete with Penang PakatanRakyat state government on ideas, theBN is trying to sabotage its efforts withvicious lies.

    I wish to remind the BN that the

    Pakatan Rakyat does not engage in sudishonest practices like ceratin fedegovernment leaders in buying off jonalists for favourable reviews. And everyone can be bought, certainly

    The Economist. As the most reputaeconomic magazine in the world, the Ballegations of Pakatan Rakyat buyingThe Economist, with its hight reputatihas no credibility whatsoever, Mr Lsaid.

    The Umno Kota Belud MP shoshow proof or retract his allegation aapologise for trying to undermine adiminish the hard work of 1.6 millPenangites, who in the last three yehave successfully turned around graceful decline of Penang over previous 18 years, he said.

    Prove it or shut up, Umno told

    The above article was published in The Economon Aug 13, 2011 and is reprinted with permissio

  • 8/2/2019 BULETIN MUTIARA SEPT 2011


    September 2011 3

    THE Sekolah Kebangsaan Tamil Azad used to be aderelict wooden structure at the basement of a clubbuilding. Lessons were conducted in stuffy classroomswith no window, while teachers and students had toshare several small rooms used as classrooms. There

    were time when snakes were even found to have enteredthe underground classroom, endangering the students.

    With the help from the Penang Pakatan Rakyat stategovernment, the Azad school has now been relocatedto a more pleasant and conducive venue. The Penang

    Municipal Council has granted a piece of land worthnearly RM13 million for the school to build a newbuilding. The building was funded by the Federal Gov-ernment and cost about RM1.5 million.

    The fact that these smart children today can study

    in a conducive and pleasant environment shows that the

    Penang state government can work jointly with the

    Federal Government, Chief Minister LimGuan Eng said during visit to the school.

    What was murky and ambiguous aboutthe Azad school is now made clear and

    concrete. No land was given by the previ-ous state government, but with the PakatanRakyat administration, we managed toconvert the land within four to fivemonths, Deputy Chief Minister (II) Prof

    P. Ramasamy, who accompanied Mr Limon the visit, told the press.

    Currently, the Azad school has 13rooms, of which 6 are used as classroomsto house 84 students from Standard 1 toStandard 6. The new school building

    opened in April 2011 and there are plans

    to set up a kindergarten next year.

    Derelict Tamil school resuscitatedwith RM13mil land from state

    THE atmosphere at the Grand Ballroom in Pen-angs Hotel Equatorial was lled with excite-ment and bedazzled with the glittering evening

    gowns from the VIP wives. The men weredecked in ties and formal suits.

    Protocol ofcers and security personnel werespread out to ensure proper and secure coordina-tion of the grand dinner. Press photographersand videographers armed with their cameras

    were all set for some delightful shootings.

    Sighted were the charming wives of PenangPakatan Rakyat leaders and also YB Lydia Ongin their resplendent national costumes like thekebayas and baju kurungs.

    The King and Queen descended from themagnicent staircase with the Yang di-PertuaNegeri Tun Abdul Rahman Abbas and his con-sort Toh Puan Majimor Sharif accompanied byChief Minister Lim Guan Eng and his graceful

    wife Betty Chew.The grand affair was to honour the visiting

    Yang di-Pertuan Agong Tuanku Mizan ZainalAbidin and Raja Permaisuri Agong Tuanku NurZahirah. The nations rst couple were in Penang

    from 25 to 27 June 2011 for an ofcial visit.This is the rst time the Pakatan

    Rakyat Penang state governmenthosted such a royal event.Penang is happy and honoured

    to welcome the King and Queen. Wehope this visit will strengthen therelationship between the state andthe Federal Government. This visitis historical and will remains as fond

    memories for the Penangites whohave long awaited to see the Kingand Queen in person, Chief Minis-tert Lim Guan Eng said in his wel-come speech at the dinner.

    The royal couple visited the Pen-

    ang Hill the next day. Beaming school childrenfrom the several schools around the Air Itam

    area lined the roads leading to Penang Hill, wav-ing ags to cheer the royal couple.

    Bellevue Hotel owner Datuk Lim Chong Keatshowed the royal couple around the garden. TheQueen was seen to be attracted to the rare

    plants and the exotic birds.The King, meanwhile, watched the breathtak-

    ing performance of the snake charmer perform-

    ing dangerous stunts with a cobra.Mr Lim was overheard telling the King how

    romantic it was atop the Penang Hill at nightswhen one could see the shimmering lights ofGeorge Town. All the guests were treated to adelightful tea party at the hill.

    During the royal visit, the King and Queen

    also ofciated the opening of the Maahad AlMashoor Al-Islami religious school in BalikPulau, the Al-Khamsa Endurance Club at thePenang Youth Park, and had tea at the Gover-nors ofcial residence Seri Mutiara.

    The royal visit was certainly the grandestsocial event in Penang since the Pakatan Raky-at took control of the state in March 2008.

    A royal touch in Penang

    School children lined the streets, welcoming the King andQueen.

    YB Phee Boon Poh (in purple shirt), Exco and Stateassemblyman greeting the King.

    Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng sharing a light moment withthe Governor while YB Dato Mansor Othman (Deputy ChiefMinister 1) and CM Lims wife, YB Betty Chew are all smilesafter the grand dinner with the King and Queen.

    Chief Minister Lim applauded after listening to the students reada story.

  • 8/2/2019 BULETIN MUTIARA SEPT 2011


    September 20114

    Hundreds o Penangites turned up in solidarity and support or Teoh Lee Lan, sister o Teoh BHock when she was in Penang or the orum Di manakah kebenaran? at Kompleks MasyaraPenyayang.

    State Town and Country Planning, Housing and Arts Committeechairman Wong Hon Wain (middle) inspecting the 80 units homescosting RM30,000 each at Desa Nipah, Balik Pulau.

    Multi-racial civil servants iKomtar celebrate Hari Rayand are especially happybecause they received hala month duit raya bonus minimum RM600 each, whis RM100 more than otherstates in Malaysia.

    MPPP and MPSP enorcement ofcers will be equipped withvideo cameras to document enorcement duties carried out bthe council.

    The widow o DAP stalwart P. Patto, S. Mary (in blue saree) beams with pride when the PakatanPenang State Government named a road ater her husband. Jalan P. Patto is about 700 m andlinks Jalan Mak Mandin and Jalan Bunga Tanjung 7 in Butterworth.

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    Competency Accountability Transparency
















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  • 8/2/2019 BULETIN MUTIARA SEPT 2011



    It is a historic moment or Penang when the ASEAN ag was raor the frst time at the Consulate-General o Indonesia to mark44th anniversary on 8th August, 2011.

    Baby Basil Ngui is comortable and happy in the arms o a PASmember in Balik Pulau while his mother, Yap Lee Ying (DirectorCommunications, also Chie Editor o Buletin Mutiara) was busco-ordinating a buka puasa event.

    September 16 is Malaysia Day. It is declared a public holiday rom 2010. Multi-racial childrenwaves the Malaysia ag at Komtar.

    Tak Nak Rokok is a campaign launched by Religious Aairs & DomesticTrade Committee Chairman, YB Abdul Malik Abul Kassim and YB OngChin Wen during the Karnival Pengguna at Tesco Tanjung Pinang.

    PAS deputy president Mohamad Sabu and Chie Minister Lim Guan Eng in Bayan Lepaon the frst day o Ramadhan. They were in ISA detention together. CM Lim eats withhands, without ork and spoon as he said he had practised in ISA with Mat Sabu.

  • 8/2/2019 BULETIN MUTIARA SEPT 2011


    September 20116

    IT certainly is not an easy job to be a state leader. Askrst-term state assembly member Lydia Ong how she feltwhen she was catapulted into the limelight soon afterwinning her state seat in the March 2011 general election,

    and she will tell you how terried she was initially, al-though she was elated and thrilled with her victory.

    After taking control of the state administration, ChiefMinister Lim Guan Eng appointed Ms Ong to the Pen-ang state executive council and made her take charge

    of the State Youth, Sports, Women Family and Com-munity Development portfolio,

    Ms Ong shared her experience of the initiate dra-matic change in her life and lifestyle from a simpleaverage citizen to a state legislator during a recent

    media night she hosted to thank the press people for

    their help.Ms Ong related what she went through with the groupof about 120 media prationers who attended the func-tion. She gave a heartfelt sharing of the culture shocks

    and difculties she went through, following the change

    in the state government after the Pakatan Rakyat sweptthe state during the 12th general election in March 2008.

    For nine months, I didnt even have time to return

    to my own home in Kedah. I have to rent a house inBerapit, and my staff members and I worked real hardday and night. Many people doubted us. But thanks tothe support of senior leaders, my husband and friends,I persevere, Ms Ong said.

    Though the three years have been very hard, Ms Ongsaid that after seeing the vast improvement in the stateand the enhanced lifestyle of the Penangites, the effortswere certainly rewarding.

    Ms Ong said her wish is for her children to have a

    better future and the service she had given to the peoplemade it worthwhile. She wishes that more individuals

    would rise up to contribute the nation-building process.This is the time for the people to come forth to servethe nation, Ms Ong said.

    The media night held at the Youth Park was lledwith a lot of laughter, jokes, songs and many of the

    journalists and photographers took home prizes likiPad2, coupons for hotel stays, and meal vouc

    sponsored by generous contributors.Several reporters like Mohd. Iskandar Othma

    Sinar Harian, Kow Kwan Yee of The Star, Tan Hu Cand Bryan Lai from Nanyang Siang Pau showed talent in singing. Ms Ong said the Penang state ad

    istrion should consider holding a talent night for tgifted individuals from the media.

    From ordinary citizen

    to state legislator

    YB Lydia Ong with staffs from The Star Publicatio

    THE Pakatan Rakyat Penang state governmentis going all out to promote a Cleaner GreenerPenang social culture among Penangites.

    The people-centric and people-friendly initiative

    involves the joint co-operative efforts of the state

    government, the corporate sector, and the com-munity at large.

    Several major long-term environment-friend-ly programmes like the No Plastic Bag shopping

    campaign, EM Mudball, Coastal Cleanup, Greenschool awards, No-Polystyrene, and others re-lated to the protection and preservation of theenvironment have been launched.

    On 19 July 2011, several journalists from Penang

    were presented with attractive prizes at the inaugu-ral Green Journalism awards ceremony. They arefamiliar faces in the Penang media like ChristinaChin of The Star and the team of Mohd IskandarOthman, M. Gokina and Syajaratulhuda Rosli of

    the Sinar Harian who won the rst prize of RM3,000each in the English and Bahasa Malaysia sections.

    Christina wrote a series of four stories on theturtle conservation efforts in Pantai Kerachut.She is an advocate of the green issues.

    A thrilled Christina said: In my personal capac-ity, I do what little I can -- and yes, that includesvery simple measures such as using reusable bags,turning off the fans/lights when Im not in the roomand, more importantly, as a journalist, I try to write

    about green issues that are related to the commu-nity because I think it is important that peopleknow how they can do their part to help protectand preserve their environment.

    The Sinar Harian team of Mohd Iskandar

    Othman, M. Gokina and Syajaratulhuda Rosli

    won the Excellence Award in the Bahasa Ma-laysia category. The team took two days to do

    research on the problems of littering which pol-luted the markets around George Town and thepopular seafront Gurney Drive.

    Iskandar said: Personally, I support the No-Plastic Bag campaign launched by the state

    government, and I often take my own bags whenshopping.

    Sin Chew Media Corporations Crystal Chiamand China Press Berhads Goh Wai Fongwon the Special Awards of RM1,000 each.

    The prizes were presented by Komtar state as-sembly member Ng Wei Aik, who is also the po-litical secretary to Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng.

    The Penang Pakatan Rakyat state govern-ment is committed and serious in promoting

    Penang to be a cleaner, greener state. We hopethis contest will help to generate interest andawareness amongst the journalists and at thesame time, provide education and information

    to the public, Ng said.

    Journalists to help create aCleaner Greener Penang

    The team from Sinar Harian receive the awardfrom YB Ng Wei Aik, Political Secretary toChief Minister and also state assemblyman.

    FOLLOWING the allegation thatover 1,500 permanent residents

    being allowed to register as newvoters , the Penang state govern-ment has revealed that there is ashocking sudden increase in thenumber of voters in the state to

    the tune of nearly 32,000 in thepast three months alone.

    The matter was raised at a recentpress conference held by the ChiefMinister, Lim Guan Eng, which

    was also attended by Deputy ChiefMinister (I) Mansor Othman.

    The state government at an-other press conference also re-leased worrying statistics of

    voter increase in almost everyarea of the state, which evensurprised members of the media.

    I know you are shocked withthe numbers, says Chief Min-

    ister Lim Guan Eng told themedia people.

    The increase of voters in therst quarter of 2011 alone ex-ceeds the increase in the previ-ous 33 months put together. We

    suspect there must be somet

    shy going on, Mr Lim saAccording to the statis

    3,958 voters had been addeN15 Padang Lalang; 3,178 vadded to N34 Paya Terubong

    2,531 added to N37 Batu Min the rst quarter of 2011 aAll the three state constitueare represented by state assemembers from the DAP.

    A total of 1,400 postal vhad been included into Maung, currently represente

    Abdul Malik Kassim ofPKR. Between 2008 and 2

    the Malay-majority areaseen an increase of 2,200 vo

    Curiously, the BN-held in the state only had minincrease in voters.

    According to Mr Lim, ipast, it is normal to have 10newly registered voters instate, but a threefold incris ridiculous and highly su

    cious, and raises an alarmpossible foul play.

    L-R : YB AbdMalik KassimDeputy ChiefMinister I DatMansor Othmand ChiefMinister LimGuan Eng.

    Sudden surge in number ofPenang voters

  • 8/2/2019 BULETIN MUTIARA SEPT 2011


    September 2011 7

    Taking cognizance of the efforts of the players in thestate healthcare services, Mr Lim explained that as aMedical City, not only are medical or healthcare ser-vices provided, but an extensive dimension of services

    would be involved, beginning from: ArrivalatthePenangInternationalAirportor

    any other entry point; Airporttransfertoandfromthehospitalforthe

    patient and lodging for the patients family; Treatmentinthehospital;

    Transportation for patientsfamilyfordailyhospital visits;

    Tourpackagesforpatientsfamily; Recuperationorconvalescenceeitherinthe

    hospital or at a local lodging; and

    Post-treatmentservices.Mr Lim said that to provide a complete and inter-

    dependence range of services, a coopetition (cooperativecompetition) approach is adopted to involve all relatedentitiesoftheservicesindustry.

    This means that the various sectors of the servicesindustry such as:

    Operatorsoftour&traveltrade; Hospitals; Operatorsofhotels,serviceapartmentsand

    other lodgings: Transportoperators; Restaurantsandfoodcaterers;and Otherrelatedservicesprovidershaveto

    pool their resources to make the Medical City


    dustry will response positively to the initiative of de-velopingandpromotingPenangastheMedicalCityforthe reason that the success of the Medical City will


    MrLimsaidthatbeingaMedicalCity,PenangwouldattractpatientsfromwithintheAseanregion,andevenfurther afield, to seek a holistic and cost-effective

    healthcareinthestate.The holistic healthcare approach fosters a coopera-

    tive relationship among all those who are involved, thus

    leading towards the best possible attainment of thephysical, mental, emotional, social as well as spiritual

    aspectsofhealth,MrLimsaid.The holistic approach is consistent with the rising

    demand for a wider extent of healthcare, which includenot only curing illnesses, but also encompasses educa-tion and responsibility for personal efforts towards

    achievingbalanceandwellbeing,hesaid.We certainly welcome Singapores assistance in

    contributing to the growth of the healthcare sector inPenangandIlookforwardtothedaythathealthcareservicesinPenangwillbesoughtafterbypatientsout -

    sideAsean,theChiefMinistersaid.Two other prominent persons also spoke at the



    Meanwhile, Mr Lim took the opportunity while inSingaporetovisittherepublicsEconomicDevelopmentBoardwhereoneofitsbusinessgrowththemesisinhealthcareandwellness.

    HealsovisitedtheSingaporeAerospaceManufactur-ing(SAM)facility,whichhadrecentlysetupitsavion -icsmanufacturingfacilityatthePenangScienceParkwithaninvestmentofRM200million.

    Mr Lim was also hosted to a luncheon by the Foreign



    Dr. Chua and Mr. Ahmad Shahizam.

    Level 47, Komtar

    10503 Penang

    Phone : 04-650 5468, 012-225 3080

    Fax : 04-261 5923

    Email : [email protected]

    EDITORIALEditor : Yap Lee YingAssistant Editors :

    Zuliana Aziz, Ainul Wardah Sohili

    (Bahasa Malaysia)

    Chan Lilian (English)

    Tam Poh Guek (Chinese)

    D. Bhavaneswari (Tamil)

    Writers : Izmil Amri Ismail

    Photographers : Law Suun Ting,

    Ahmad Farhan, Chan Lilian

    Graphic designer : Loo Mei Fern

    Media Consultant : Thomas Lee Seng Hock


    THEAssociationofF-ClassContractorsPenang(PERKOBF)hasdemandedthatUmnoandtheMalayNGOstakeactionagainst the racial statement made by the


    Liang has recently made an impudent andlame allegation against Chief MinisterLimGuanEngclaimingthathewasanti-

    Chinese for awarding contracts to theF-Classbumicontractors.

    The statement is baseless and malade(inbadfaith),PERKOBFpresidentTahirJalaludinHassantoldapresscon-


    Doesshenotknowwhatanopentendersystemis?Tahirasked.Tan Cheng Liang, who was ousted as

    the state assembly member for Jawi at the

    March2008generalelection,hadblamedthePakatanRakyat-ledPenangstategovernment for not awarding contracts toChinese contractors although such award-

    ing of contracts in an open tender system


    We used to go through Umno divisionleaderstogetcontractsbefore.WehadtopayaroundRM5,000toRM6,000justtobeawardedwithacontract.Iknowthis,

    Iwasoneofthevictims,Tahirsaid.The contracts given to the F-Class

    contractorswereconducted,forthersttime ever in the state history, via an open


    cusationsofcronyismandnepotism.ThePERKOBF,meanwhile,pointedout that even if the contracts were award-edtobumis,non-bumiswillstillbenet



    should stop looking for cheap publandcauseracialdisunity.Sheshouldh

    done so when she was state assemmemberofJawi,Tahirsaid.

    The press conference also sawpresenceofMohamadNursuWathe 19-year-old contractor who was h


    it is not a problem if the open tesystem empowers bumi contractors iftheyarejust19-yearold.

    Nursufi was awarded withRM731,491.90contracttobuildatstorey building for a religious scho


    Tan Cheng Liang must apologithe Chief Minister, the state governmandthebumicontractors.UmnoMalayNGOsshouldnotbekeepingssince they have been claiming themsechampionoftheMalays,Tahirsaid

    Bumi contractors want action

    against MCA

    L-R : Chie Minister Lim Guan Eng, Penang State Secretary Datuk Farizan Darus,PERKOBF president Tahir Jalaludin Hassan and Mohamad Nursuf Wahab

  • 8/2/2019 BULETIN MUTIARA SEPT 2011


    September 20118

    By Bhavanes and Chan Lilian

    Photos by Ikram Salamat

    REIGNING World SquashQueen Datuk Nicol Davidis one great Penangnite,making the state wellknown in the world of

    sports by being a constantand consistent world cham-pion in squash for nearly adecade, and she is still at it,bringing in honours and

    glory to the state and na-

    tion. And the person mostresponsible for the great achievements and successesof this plucky young lady is, without doubt, the handsthat rocked her cradle, her beloved mother Mrs AnnMarie David. Buletin Mutiara is privileged to have an

    exclusive interview with this mother par excellence.Buletin Mutiara: As a mother to a world champion,do you feel that there is something extra ordinary inyour life?Mrs David:It is really exciting and more exciting when

    people recognize me as Nicols mother. Yet, my life isstill the same. Not much different in my life. But itsreally exciting to be a mother for the world champion.BM: How did you discover Nicols talent in sports?Mrs David: She is super active when she was veryyoung. I noticed her interest and talent in sports whenshe was just ve-year old. She can play any game. She

    participated in lots of games during her schooling days.She is good at playing volleyball, and she loves swim-ming.

    [Mrs David recalled and told Buletin Mutira about

    the times when Nicol was student in Convent GreenLane and participated in school sports at the PenangCity Stadium. She (Mrs David) was the loudest cheer-leader. She said Nicol told her that she could hear hermum cheering her on from the other side of the stadium

    while she was running in competitions.]BM: Interesting. Tell us more about Nicol as a child.Mrs David: She is a very caring, loving and friendly

    person. When she was a tiny tot, sheused to invite everyone to play withher. She can easily make friend with

    anyone. She is a very loving girl.BM: How do you feel each time shecompetes in a sporting tournament?Mrs David: Of course, I get veryexcited. If the competition is in Ma-laysia, I will denitely be there to

    support and watch her play. Over thelast few years, I also started to watchher compete in world championshipmatches. So far I had watched ve

    world championships she participated

    in. I was there when Nicol won theWorld Squash Championship in HongKong in 2005.

    [Mrs David said she and her hus-band Desmond would glue them-

    selves to the computer to catch thegame via the internet when they cannot be with Nicolabroad. Mrs David said she would cheer and screamedand jumped for joy when Nicol was making good pro-gress. When the situation gets tense, Mrs David said,

    she would sit in front of the computer to watch the scorewhile she prayed and prayed hard.BM: Although Nicol seems to win most of the times,there certainly are moments of disappointments. Sure-ly, you are her great comforter. How do you play andmanage the roleMrs David: Yes. I always tell her that we cant win all

    the time. Failure make us much stronger. As long as shedid her best, that is more than enough.BM: What do you expect from Nicol?Mrs David: She has done very well, way beyond my

    expectation and my dream. I never expect anything morefrom her. I am satised with what she has achieved thus

    far. I just want her to be happy always.BM: What would you like her to be in the future?Mrs David: Be herself, I just want her to be herself.My advice to her is to be her own person, and not to

    change for anything or anyone. I also hope she will beable to see other peoples pain and help them as much

    as she can.BN: Any secret about Nicol that nobody knows?Mrs David: There is no secret about her. Everyknows almost everything about her since she is a pu

    sports personality. But then, what few poeple kabout Nicol is that she is very, very soft-hearted. always has deep feelings for others, and she is very and transparent. Both of us share with each othefeelings. She is a very understanding person. I do smy problems and feelings with her, and she also

    the same with me. She would not hide anything

    me. I am surely blessed to have her as my daught[Mrs David was a teacher. Now, at 64-year old

    continues to guide and teach the children in her chuthe Cathedral of the Holy Spirit at Jalan Besi in Pen

    The church youths love her for being the friendlying, caring maternal gure. She tirelessly contrib

    to their growth. Although she is a mother of a wchampion, Mrs David has no air and lives a simplehumble life, being dedicated to her family, church

    friends, and is a hardworking person. She is certaimother par excellence. Penang is proud to have heher world-famous daughter as its role models.]

    Meet the mum

    of a world champion

    THE Eden Handicap Service Centre inPenang has as its main objective themission to help disabled individuals tolive independent and self-reliant life with

    dignity and self-respect.Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng

    was recently invited by the non-prot

    charitable organization to launch twospecially manufactured vehicles called

    the Eden Handy-CAB, which are for thetransportation of wheelchair users.

    The two vehicles were purchased ata cost of RM95,000 for the Toyota Rac-tis and RM150,000 for the Toyota Noah.

    They were imported from Japan forwhich Approved Permits were required.The launch of the two vehicles is a

    realisation of the dream of Eden general

    manager Bertie Tye, who had perseveredin getting the vehicles into the countrydespite numerous rejections from thelicensing bodies.

    We have received a letter saying that

    the ministry would not entertain futureapplications for AP applications for suchvehicles, Tye said.

    Chief Minister Lim, however, madea pledge that if the Pakatan Rakyat takes

    over Putrajaya, such unreasonable rulewould be a thing of the past.If the Pakatan Rakyat takes over

    Putrajaya, there will be no more AP re-quirements for such vehicles. It is verycruel to subject people to so much tedi-ous processes, Mr Lim said.

    Meanwhile, 42-year-old Lim Gim

    Chye, whose legs were amputated whenhe was around 30-year old, thanked forgiving him a renewed sense of purposeafter he lost his legs. and he is now happyliving in the hostel provided by Eden and

    having a job teaching handicraft to chil-

    dren with special needs at Eden.Gim Chye said he looks forward

    using the Eden Handy-CAB becausis difcult for people to help him ou

    his wheelchair into a car, and then binto a wheelchair.

    The use of the Eden Handy-CAB

    provided free of charge to wheelchusers on a rst come rst served ba

    Priority is accorded to those who nto go for medical treatment.

    For further information, check outEden website at http://www.edenhan


    Driving to enhance dignity among the disabled

    Ann-Marie David talking

    to Buletin Mutiara.

    Dato Nicol David at The Nicol David International Squash Centre wPenang State leaders.

    P i t d b P St t G t