bulgarian paratrooper camouflage frog suit coverall


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Post on 03-Jan-2016




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Page 1: Bulgarian Paratrooper Camouflage Frog Suit Coverall
Page 2: Bulgarian Paratrooper Camouflage Frog Suit Coverall

BULGARIAN PARATROOPER CAMOUFLAGE FROG SUIT COVERALL The only communist camouflage dressing used in Bulgarian army in the period '50s - '80s were this type suits, worn by paratroopers, airborne and special parts troops. This is one of the four type camouflage pattern used in Bulgarian army during the communist era. Extremely rare ever before, appearing for the first time on the market, now you have the chance to complete your collection! The costume is made of light material, wind and waterproof characteristics. The camouflage pattern is UNIQUE. It has a hood, two big pockets on the breasts, two small pockets on the waist and two bigger just under them. There is a regulation strap on the waist. The legs and sleeves ends with another regulation piece. Available Sizes: S, M, L and XL They are intended for the following height range: from 167 cm - 178 cm ( from 65 - 70 inches).

Bulgarian Camouflage History The camouflage uniforms in the Bulgarian communist army are rare to find and are intended to be used at training demonstrations by paratroopers, landing troops and some high-ranking officers. The first camouflage uniforms used in the Bulgarian communist army are the camouflage coveralls M1953 with a splinter pattern. After the Warsaw pact there occurred the necessity of modern camouflage uniform for the special forces and paratroopers. For that purpose, at the beginning of the 1960s there was sewn a very small number of camouflage uniforms like one of the jacket models we offer. The pattern is of the splinter type, and the model was employed for a short time only. In 1968 there was introduced another coveralls model intended for paratroopers, intelligence staff and border guards. This type of coveralls is characterized by the so-called “frog” pattern. At the same time there started to be employed another camouflage coveralls: with yellow (rain like) pattern, imitating the DDR uniform. These coveralls were the only available camouflage uniform up to the 1980s. In 1986, according to the army trend at the time, there was introduced a camouflage uniform of 2 parts: jacket with pants with the splinter pattern. This uniform was to serve the needs of the elite forces when necessary but it was not that widely employed in the Bulgarian communist army either. On the small labels indicating the size of the jackets one can notice sometimes the year of fabrication: 1987.