bulletin 141212

Fearlessly the truth Rural areas: FREE Platteland: GRATIS 12 December 2014 015 307 7248 R4 www.bulletin.us.com Bulletin @laeveldbulletin Unicorn Primary School’s outstanding Grade 7 pupil in 2014 is Lara Dando, who took a wheel- barrow full of awards during the school’s prize giving. Lara received the Dux trophy for the top academic achievement (average of 87%), the Blight Trophy for Economics (91%), the Peter Williams Trophy for Mathematics (89%), the Fay Trophy for Natural Sciences (88%), the Jeffe Williams Trophy for English (86%), the Unicorn Award for Social Sciences (86%), the SAVF award for Afrikaans (89%) and the Westfalia Tritech Science Trophy. Dr Theo de Jager is dié week tot president van PAFO (Pan African Farmers’ Organisa- tion) verkies. Lees verder op bladsye 3 & 7 oor die nuwe voorste landbouleier in Af- rika (44 lande is lede van PAFO). Die SA Vrouefederasie in Tzaneen het hul jaarlikse Kerspartytjie vir die kinders in die federasie se kleuterskool gehou en vir 83 kinders ‘n opwindende ogend verseker. Heerlike eet- en drinkgoed is vir die kinders voorgesit en vir middagete is spesiale hoender- frikkadelbroodjies bedien. Die kinders het lekker in die swembad baljaar en daar was ook ‘n glybaan en springkasteel wat hulle baie geniet het. Groot opgewondenheid het geheers toe Kersvader met ‘n brandweerwa opgedaag het. Die skool bedank almal wat bygedra het tot ‘n suksesvolle partytjie. Patience is now the keyword for electricity consumers in Tzaneen. The distances between Tzaneen and, for example, Haenertsburg and Letsitele make life very difficult for the Greater Tzaneen Municipality’s electrical department. Furthermore, it is not simply a maer of flicking a central switch on or off somewhere on a switch board in Tzaneen— electricians have to travel to sub-stations to switch the power on and off (which is bad for the equipment and needs to be done with careful consideration). The biggest problem thus far is Eskom’s unreliable announcements of times when shedding should be introduced in an area, as well as confirming the relevant stage of urgency (one of three stages that are used to classify the urgency of the need to save electricity). It has already happened that Eskom went from one stage to the next within minutes aſter the completion of the initial shedding cycle. This would have the effect that people could be “punished” twice in a short period of time. The Bulletin asked Mr Pierre van den Heever, the GTM’s director of the electricity department, to explain to us what happens when they have to introduce load-shedding. It is a rather complicated and technical procedure that is difficult to explain in laymen’s terms. The GTM has compiled a schedule, but, because Eskom’s operational schedules change ever so oſten, it is actually not of much use. Klagtes teen nog twee regspraktyke of prokureurs van twee praktyke in Tzaneen is beslis opgestel en sou beslis kort voor of na ons druktyd by die Prokureursorde van die Noordelike Provinsies ingehandig gewees het. So is dit aan die Bulletin bevestig. Maar vanweë die spertyd vir die druk van die koerant kon ons nie betyds ‘n navraag na die Orde deurkry nie. ‘n Skriſtelike navraag is opgestel en ons sal hopelik betyds terug- voer van die Orde kry om volgende week die jongste drama te rapporteer. Regsake sloer nog BE PATIENT • Load-shedding in Tzaneen •

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Community Newspaper covering the Tzaneen area in the Limpopo Province, South Africa.


Page 1: Bulletin 141212

Fear less l y the t r u th Rura

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as: F


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12 December 2014 015 307 7248 R4www.bulletin.us.com Bulletin @laeveldbulletin

Unicorn Primary School’s outstanding Grade 7 pupil in 2014 is Lara Dando, who took a wheel-barrow full of awards during the school’s prize giving. Lara received the Dux trophy for the top academic achievement (average of 87%), the Blight Trophy for Economics (91%), the Peter

Williams Trophy for Mathematics (89%), the Fay Trophy for Natural Sciences (88%), the Jeffe Williams Trophy for English (86%), the Unicorn Award for Social Sciences (86%), the SAVF award for Afrikaans (89%) and the Westfalia

Tritech Science Trophy.

Dr Theo de Jager is dié week tot president van PAFO (Pan African Farmers’ Organisa-tion) verkies. Lees verder op bladsye 3 & 7 oor die nuwe voorste landbouleier in Af-

rika (44 lande is lede van PAFO).

Die SA Vrouefederasie in Tzaneen het hul jaarlikse Kerspartytjie vir die kinders in die federasie se kleuterskool gehou en vir 83 kinders ‘n opwindende ogend verseker. Heerlike eet- en drinkgoed is vir die kinders voorgesit en vir middagete is spesiale hoender-frikkadelbroodjies bedien. Die kinders het lekker in die swembad baljaar en daar was ook ‘n glybaan en springkasteel wat hulle baie geniet het. Groot opgewondenheid het geheers toe Kersvader met ‘n brandweerwa opgedaag het. Die skool bedank almal wat bygedra het tot

‘n suksesvolle partytjie.

Patience is now the keyword for electricity consumers in Tzaneen. The distances between Tzaneen and, for example, Haenertsburg and Letsitele make life very diffi cult for the Greater Tzaneen Municipality’s electrical department.

Furthermore, it is not simply a matt er of fl icking a central switch on or off somewhere on a switch board in Tzaneen— electricians have to travel to sub-stations to switch the power on and off (which is bad for the equipment and needs to be done with careful consideration).

The biggest problem thus far is Eskom’s unreliable announcements of times when shedding should be introduced in an area, as well as confi rming the relevant stage of urgency (one of three stages that are used to classify the urgency of the need to save

electricity). It has already happened that Eskom

went from one stage to the next within minutes aft er the completion of the initial shedding cycle. This would have the eff ect that people could be “punished” twice in a short period of time.

The Bulletin asked Mr Pierre van den Heever, the GTM’s director of the electricity department, to explain to us what happens when they have to introduce load-shedding.

It is a rather complicated and technical procedure that is diffi cult to explain in laymen’s terms.

The GTM has compiled a schedule, but, because Eskom’s operational schedules change ever so oft en, it is actually not of much use.

Klagtes teen nog twee regspraktyke of prokureurs van twee praktyke in Tzaneen is beslis opgestel en sou beslis kort voor of na ons druktyd by die Prokureursorde van die Noordelike Provinsies ingehandig gewees het. So is dit aan die Bulletin bevestig.

Maar vanweë die spertyd vir die druk van die koerant kon ons nie betyds ‘n navraag na die Orde deurkry nie. ‘n Skrift elike navraag is opgestel en ons sal hopelik betyds terug-voer van die Orde kry om volgende week die jongste drama te rapporteer.

Regsake sloer nog

BE PATIENT• Load-shedding in Tzaneen •

Page 2: Bulletin 141212

• Eskom se grootbaas het vroeër vandag gesê Eskom het “besondere bekwame” personeel en die krisis met elektrisiteitopwekking is in enkele gevalle aan menslike “swakheid” toe te skryf. Die groot probleem, sê hy, is te wyte aan Eskom se kragstasies wat oud en gedaan is. As Eskom sulke “besondere bekwame” personeel het, hoekom het hulle nie betyds deeglike onderhoud gedoen en ander maatreëls getref om die krisis te vermy nie? Of is dit ‘n onbillike vraag?

• Eskom’s big boss said earlier today that Eskom has “particularly capable” personnel and that the crisis with electricity generation is attributed to human error in very few cases. He says that the main problem rests with the fact that Eskom’s power stations are old and kaput. If Eskom is blessed with such “particularly capable“ personnel, why was the necessary and proper maintenance not done and plans made to avoid a crisis in the fi rst place? Or is this an unreasonable expectation?

2 12 December 2014 Bulletin www.bulletin.us.com Search “Bulletin” Search “Laeveldbulletin”

Leeanne Wentzel Welcome to Africa..... Nadine Henning Vermeulen Ja,nee defi nitief menslike swakheid,stem ma weer vi di anc!

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…Ja, Vlieg maak nou kla! Vir vanjaar ten minste, net voordat die skoolmeesters, skrifgeleerdes, regsgeleerdes en ander eendersdenkende eendersdenkendes dalk te opgewonde raak!

Maar nie voordat Vlieg eers gedoen het wat ‘n vlieg maar doen nie, en ‘n eier lê oor sy nuwejaarsrevolusies vir twintigvyft ien! En vanjaar het hy, noodgedwonge, baie daarvan!

Vlieg gaan ‘n kragopwekker koop, ‘n groot een. Vlieg verstaan dat Eishkom se grootbaas sê daar is nie ‘n krisis nie, net ‘n probleem. Vlieg verstaan ook dat dit nie Eishkom se skuld is nie, maar hul eenhonderdpersent-aandeelhouer, die regering, s’n. Vlieg verstaan ook dat die probleem eintlik net een is wat deur die media, waaraan Vlieg ook seker Vrydaagliks skuldig is, opgeblaas word. Nietemin, net om seker te maak gaan Vlieg een koop. Vir die krag en die onkrag, as’tware. Maar Vlieg is een van daai ouens wat glo dat jy back up nodig het vir back up. Daarom is dit ook van sy revolusies om kerse, ‘n paar nuwe blakers, ‘n primus, lampolie, ‘n paar gaslampe en ‘n klompie vuurhout j i es aan te skaf. E n brandhout te versamel. En ‘n paar groot tenks by die koöperasie, vir reserwe diesel.

Wat Vlieg by sy volgende revolusie

bring. Hy gaan daai tenks sommer sy hele agteryard vol staanmaak. Diesel gaan hy by die grootmaat aankoop en oppot, veral noudat die prys gedaal het om ons te bluff , voordat dit een van die dae weer die hoogte in skiet! Nie net vir sy kragopwekker nie,

maar ook vir sy trekker.Diesel is ook nie al wat Vlieg in die

tenks gaan opgaar nie. Vlieg hoop maar vir goeie reën in die najaar,

want die vroeëjaar was maar dusver treurig. Dan gaan hy reënwater ook opvang en bêre, want die ou pype gaan ook seker een van die dae bars net soos die ou kabels ontplof.

Onder die baie tenks is dit Vlieg se volgende nuwejaarsrevolusie dat hy die grootste septiese tenk nog onder die grond gaan grawe. Sommer groot genoeg om sy hele buurt se riool ook aan te sluit soontoe. Op

daardie manier hoef Vlieg nie elke oggend

sy skoene af te vee as as hy op die buurvrou se slagysters trap wat in die straat afvloei nie. En daardie

goed ontsier mett ertyd die hele dorp as hulle so in die slaggate dryf. Dieselfde

slaggate wat Vlieg bring by sy volgende revolusie, om sy

bakkie, four by four of te nie, in te ruil op ‘n trekker. Vlieg gaan dalk nou ‘n bietjie vroeër moet werk toe ry, maar hy behoort darem in low range op ons paaie te kan ry. Vlieg

wonder wat die e-tol is vir ‘n trekker! Hy sal uitvind!

Vlieg beplan ook om vir DSTV ‘n brief te pos om te vra dat hulle al sy kanale stop, behalwe daai een wat heeldag die sirkus op het. Die een met die narre in die rooi klere, die mak seekoeie in die duur klere, en die ringmeester met die baie onderlaag en die stem wat klink soos ‘n Doberman pincher waarvan die blaf uitgehaal is. Vlieg hoop dat die poskantoor die brief afgelewer kan kry voordat die twee wêreldbekers begin, dit wil hy tog nie sien nie, nie weer nie!

Vlieg se belangrikste nuwejaarsrevolusie is waarskynlik dat hy op die tweede Januarie al sy geld uit die bank gaan ontt rek. Vlieg is klaar besig om sy matras uit te hol om dit daarin te bêre. Vanjaar het die eerste bank sy agterent gesien, Vlieg kan net wonder watt er een volgende is; miskien is dit syne! Hulle leen mos enigiets uit vir die onkredietwaardige gepeupel terwyl die kredietwaardiges vir die gelag moet betaal. Die gelag en Vlieg se swaargesteelde belasting.

Darem het die jaar nog so ‘n paar dae oor. Vlieg behoort aan nog ‘n paar revolusies te dink, voordat die honger armoediges die oujaar uitskiet met duur Chinese vuurwerke wat Vlieg se honde so bietjie-bietjie op die stoep laat pie!

Mensig, Vlieg is mismoedig. Sy moed is vol mis. Vliegmis!

Sterkte met jou eie revolusies! En die nuwejaar s’n!Happy Vliegmis!

Die menings, uitsprake, standpunte, verwysings, komplimente, beledigings, humor, ensovoorts van Vlieg is

nie noodwendig dié van die Bulletin nie!

Die GTM se beheersentrum kan navrae oor kragonderbrekings 24 uur per dag beantwoord:

082 679 0720 | 082 679 0794015 307 8190 | 015 307 4356 (as die Telkomlyne werk).

Meld elektrisiteitsprobleme by dié nommers aan, enige tyd van die dag of die nag.

TzaneenAmbulance / Ambulans 10177 / 015 307 7077Police / Polisie 10111 / 015 306 2129Fire Brigade / Brandweer 015 307 5555 / 7000Electricity / Electrisiteit 015 307 4356/8190 a/hWater 015 307 8000/8190 a/hMunicipality / Munisipaliteit 015 307 8000Letaba Fire Protection Ass. 076 550 2260Noodnommer/Emergency nr. 076 844 1646Citizen Band Foxtrot Papa Alpha/ Letaba Fire Ops.Van Velden Hospital/Hospitaal 015 307 8800Mediclinic Tzaneen 015 306 8500Child line 0800 055 555

Letsitele / Modjadjiskloof / Mooketsi See / Sien tzaneenGiyaniAmbulance / Ambulans 015 812 1629Fire Brigade / Brandweer 015 812 0628/5030Police / Polisie 10111Hospital / Hospitaal 015 812 3251Water 015 812 0900Telekom 0800 203 951

Emergency numbers Noodnommers

Uitgewer / Redakteur Publisher / EditorFrancois Aucamp083 266 [email protected]

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Fear less l y the t r u th

Pobus/P O Box 3838, Tzaneen, 0850. Tel: 015 307 7248. Fax: 015 307 7684. Crownstraat 8 Crown Street, Tzaneen

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Copyright on advertisements, editorial material & photo’s reserved. Kopiereg op advertensies, redaksionele inhoud & foto’s word voorbehou.

Bel hier as die krag by jou lol

Vlieg praat met die Volk en krap waar dit jeuk... Vlieg is op fyndraai…Vlieg

Verspreiding | Distribution

Tzaneen •  Haenertsburg •  Modjadjikloof •  Mooketsi •  Letsitele •  Gravelotte •  Mica •  Trichardtsdal

•  Ofcolaco •  Lenyenye •   Nkowankowa •  Giyani

LiN Member

The opinions/statements made herein are that of our readers and does not necessarily refl ect the views and opinions of the Bulletin. The comments of people are given verbatim. We appeal to all who take part in the debates not to use hate-speech or to be insulting toward others.

Stand van Damme | Dam LevelsTzaneen Ebenezer Merensky Dap Naude Middel


Blyde Rivier Poort

Klaserie Tours Vergelegen Ohrigstad

78.3% 95.0% 101.2% 85.2% 46.8% 93.7% 100.5% 87.0% 100.7% 58.3%

Die senior burgers vanMacadamia Village, Pioniers, El-Natan, God’s Haven en

Goue Jare ontvang vandag gratis eksemplare van die Bulletin danksy die wellwillende borgskap van

Baie Dankie!Source: www.dwaf.gov.za | Information updated: 08/12/2014

Saterdag Sondag Maandag Dinsdag Woensdag Donderdag

Enkele donderstorms.Gedeeltelik sonskyn. Warm

Gedeeltelik sonskyn.Warm

Sterk donderstorms.Meestal bewolk. Warm

Verspeide buie. Meestal bewolk. Matig Meestal sonskyn. Matig Meestal sonskyn. Matig

21° 28° 20° 30° 21° 30° 16° 24° 17° 25° 17° 27°Sonop 05:08 Sonop 05:09 Sonop 05:09 Sonop 05:10 Sonop 05:10 Sonop 05:10

Sononder 18:44 Sononder 18:45 Sononder 18:45 Sononder 18:46 Sononder 18:46 Sononder 18:47

Humiditeit 67% Humiditeit 57% Humiditeit 71% Humiditeit 66% Humiditeit 65% Humiditeit 62%

Enkele donderstorms. Gedeeltelik sonskyn.

Donderstorms later.Meestal bewolk.

Baie warm

20° 34°Sonop 05:08

Sononder 18:44Humiditeit 47%Va


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Jaques van NiekerkGratis sonbril saam met enige voorgeskrewe bril



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buurt se riool ook aan te sluit soontoe. Op daardie manier hoef Vlieg

nie elke oggend nie elke oggend

Page 3: Bulletin 141212

3Bulletin 12 December 2014www.bulletin.us.com Search “Bulletin” Search “Laeveldbulletin”

Boere in Letsitele het dié tyd van die jaar erge las met kabel- en dieseldiewe, terwyl bosslagters tot dusver minder bedrywig was as in vorige jare.

Mnr Corrie Large, belas met veiligheid by AgriLetaba, sê dis ‘n proses wat hom jaarliks in Desember herhaal. Die oortre-ders is vermoedelik Mosambiek-se seisoenwerkers wat buit voor hulle na hul woonplekke terug-keer. Dit is veral koperkabels wat in die slag bly, terwyl diesel gesteel word om hul terugtog mee aan te pak.

Op die plaas La Cott e is ‘n transformator verlede week ge-stroop, wat ernstige kragonder-

brekings veroorsaak het. Twee beeste is ook geslag en die poli-sie het gelukkig twee mans vir die diefstal aangekeer.

Large sê verskeie sekuriteitsfi r-mas is in die gebied doenig, maar word nog deur te veel plaas-eienaars oor die hoof gesien. Hulle gebruik private mense om na hul eiendom om te sien wan-neer hulle met vakansie vertrek, sonder om oor dié mense se be-kwaamheid seker te maak.

Nog ‘n stok in die wiel is alarm-stelsels wat nie behoorlik werk nie. Hy vra dat veral boere in die omgewing eers hul alarmstelsels behoorlik moet toets, voor die vakansie aangepak word.

A sizeable community, believed to be illegal invaders, started occu-pying land between Letsitele and Mafarana. By Monday this week they had already started erecting shacks.

Bulletin was asked by communities in the area to find out what was happening, since they couldn’t get any of the local authorities (Mopani District Municipality and the Greater Tzaneen Municipality) to respond to their enquiries.

The GTM’s spokesman, Mr Neville Ndlala, told us that the GTM did not allocate any piece of land and that the land is not under the GTM’s jurisdiction. “The land in question is under the jurisdiction of the Nkuna Tribal Authority. The Royal Council is currently handling the issue, and all the legal processes will be handled through their legal representatives,” Ndlala told us.

— Elliot [email protected]

Die bespreking van twee gasteka-mers by die Highgrove Lodge in Tzaneen het verlede naweek in ‘n raserige moles ontaard, toe min-stens vyft ig mense glo “as gaste van die burgemeester” by die ka-mers opgedaag en die rustigheid ontwrig het.

Volgens lede van die herberg se

personeel het hulle geraas, gemors en drank wat hulle onwett ig op die perseel gebring het, gebruik.

Die herberg se bestuurder, mnr Frikkie van der Merwe, moes nader geroep word om die orde te herstel. Na verskeie gesprekke, waartydens van die gaste glo dreigend teenoor hom was, het die “hordes” in die

twee gastekamers stil-stil vertrek.Van der Merwe sê dit het eers ge-

beur nadat hy met die burgemeester van Tzaneen, me Dikeledi Mmetle, in gesprek getree het.

Sy personeel moes na die tyd opruim, waar drankbott els, plastiek-houers en hoenderbeentjies gestrooi gelê het.

Dr Theo de Jager van Tzaneen (Georges Valley) is nou die toplandbouleier in Ari-ka, nadat hy die afgelope week in Benin tot president van PAFO (die Pan African Farm-ers’ Organisation) — wat die georganiseerde landbou van 44 Afrika-lande as sambreelor-ganisasie saamsnoer — gekies is. Sy adjunk is mnr Ezzar A|bdelmajid van Tunisië.

De Jager was tot sowat ses weke gelede die vise-president van AgriSA en is steeds ‘n lid van die organisasie se uitvoerende hoofbestuur. Politieke waarnemers wat landbousake in SA ontleed, sê De Jager is weens boere-politiek by AgriSA uit-gestem en dat dit nog die organisasie in die hakskeen kan byt.

“Die interne magstryd wat hoofsaaklik om boer-dery-grondsake wentel, is hoegenaamd nie deur die on-

langse leiersverkiesing van AgriSA besweer nie,” word gesê.

Hulle wys ook daarop dat De Jager se ver-kiesing as president van die Afrika-organis-asie ‘n uiters gevoelige hou op die neus vir Suid-Afrika se rasbehepte politici is.

Die president van AgriSA, mnr Johannes Möller, het De Jager geluk gewens en sê De Jager se verkiesing tot president van die Afrika-organisasie bevestig die waarde wat aan boere en die gepaardgaande leierskap uit Suid-Afrika geheg word.

De Jager is ‘n oud-president van AgriLet-aba en AgriLimpopo. Hy het die afgelope jare onvermoeid gewerk om ‘n landbou-

grondplan aan die regering te kan bied en waarnemers sê sy rol in Suid-Afrika se landbou-opset is nog lank nie uitgespeel nie.

De Jager nou Afrika se top-landbouleier

Illegal squatters occupy land

Letsitele loop deur onder kabeldiewe

Hoenderbeentjies ontwrig herberg

Page 4: Bulletin 141212

Th SA government has introduced Ebola screening at the Beit Bridge border post, re-sulting in massive congestion of traffi c and long winding queues of travellers entering the country ahead of the festive season.

A spokesperson for the Department of Health in Limpopo, Mr Macks Lesufi , said that the exercise, which was introduced two weeks ago, was aimed at curbing the

possible spread of the deadly virus into SA. Ebola has so far claimed more than 6 000 lives in West Africa.

“We are entering the festive season dur-ing which we get an increase in the num-ber of travellers entering our country. We have thus introduced a screening process at all ports of entry and the travelling pub-lic should appreciate that we cannot com-

promise when it comes to health issues.”He added that they want to protect

citizens and “our department wants to ensure that all protocols are adhered to and there won’t be any shortcuts.”

Beit Bridge gets extremely busy during this time of the year as many Zimbabweans are fl ocking home ahead of the festive period.

4 12 December 2014 Bulletin www.bulletin.us.com Search “Bulletin” Search “Laeveldbulletin”

Where?Wherever you are

Who?Individuals & Families

When?Directly after a super meal from

Die Koshuys


Waar? Waar jy jou ook al mag bevind

Wie? Enkelinge & Gesinne

Wanneer? Direk na ‘n eetmaal van

Die Koshuys


Die KoshuysDie Koshuys

The Crime SceneCrime Reporter: Rethabile Maake - [email protected]

Nkowa² gang kills twoPrince Nhlangwini (42) and Nkateko Mathye (35) were allegedly brutally murdered by the now infamous Nkowankowa’s Boko Haram gang in Dan Village over the weekend. Nhlangwini was murdered when he, together with a group of men, allegedly approached the gang at a house in Dan Village to scare them off . The owner of the house allegedly went out with a gun and shot at the men. Nhlangwini was shot in the stomach. He was rushed to hospital, but later died.

Mathye was allegedly kidnapped by the group, dragged to Mokgoloboto and killed. The Police found his naked body hanging from a tree near the Mokgoloboto graveyard a few hours later. The gang allegedly accused him of showing Nhlangwini and the group of men their residence in Dan.

“We appeal to the community that no one should take justice in their own hands,” said Ritavi SAPS spokesperson, W/O Magadzi.. “We are aware of the group called Boko Haram and we are doing as much as we can to help the community,” he added.

Provincial SAPS spokesman Brig Hangwani Mulaudzi said, “We have heard about a gang

calling itself Boko Haram, but we do not have full information about the incidents that occurred as no one has yet reported them. “No one is telling us why these people are calling themselves Boko Haram and the community cannot confi rm or prove it.”

BreakthroughThe Police in Bolobedu say they have made a breakthrough in dealing with crime in the area. In the past week they received no house breaking reports. This came aft er they arrested four suspects who will be appearing soon in the Bolobedu Magistrates Court for house breaking.

Meanwhile, D/Const Jane Ngobeni of Bolobedu detectives received a token of appreciation from Police Management, aft er she had investigated a case of murder where an 89-year-old woman was killed at Mohlabaneng Village. Three suspects were found guilty and sentenced to life imprisonment.

Police o� cers arrested for corruption

Nineteen police offi cers were arrested late last week by a joint operation between members of crime intelligence and detectives that investigated the involvement of police offi cers in distributing illegal cigarett es.

National Police Commissioner Riah Phiyega joined the special task team for the arrests. “We have been working on this for nearly two years, gathering credible evidence against these offi cers,” she told the media at the Morebeng Police Station (formerly known as

Soekmekaar), where nine of the police offi cers were arrested. Six of them were from the Maleboho Police,

three from Makhado and one was from the Botlokwa Police.

The offi cers — six warrant offi cers and thirteen constables — were allegedly involved in escorting vehicles carrying illegal cigarett es from Zimbabwe in exchange for money. They allegedly demanded bribes from people smuggling illegal cigarett es into the country. Aft er receiving the bribes, the offi cers escorted the vehicle carrying illicit cigarett es, ensuring the suspects evaded arrest by other law-enforcement offi cers.

Possible charges include corruption, defeating the ends of justice and money laundering.

Mob killing at MankwengA 26-year-old man was killed during a mob-justice att ack at Mankweng Village near Mohlaba Cross, over the weekend. The 26-year-old, together with fi ve other men, allegedly robbed a couple (cash, cell phones and shoes). The couple screamed for help and community members responded in their numbers to assist. The other suspects ran away. The community allegedly assaulted the 26-year-old with various objects until he died. No arrests have been made yet. Police investigations are still underway.

In jailThe Police in Tzaneen say they have their socks pulled up this festive season. They arrested 88 people for various criminal activities over the past week: 27 people were arrested for prostitution, eighteen for contravening the Road Traffi c Act, twelve for shoplift ing, six for drinking in public, fi ve for illegal gambling, three for assault, three for theft , three for the possession of counterfeit goods, one for sexual assault and rape, two for malicious damage to property

and the rest for violation of a protection order, kidnapping, drunken driving, reckless and negligent driving, robbery, att empted murder and the possession of dagga.

Arrests in BolobeduPolice at Bolobedu arrested 62 suspects for various criminal activities over the past week: twenty people were arrested for drinking in public, twelve for assault GBH, thirteen for illegal immigration, three for assault, three for robbery, three for possession of dagga, two for business robbery and the rest for the possession of dangerous weapons, malicious damage to property, drunk driving and theft .

Maake: 34 behind barsThe Police in Maake arrested 34 people for various criminal activities over the past weekend: four people were arrested for murder, three for assault GBH, three for house breaking, four for rape, three for shoplift ing, two for theft , two for assault, two for the possession of dagga and the rest for theft out of a motor vehicle, pointing at someone with a fi rearm, malicious damage to property, perjury, stock theft , failure to pay maintenance, reckless and negligent driving, possession of stolen property, accusing someone of witchcraft and robbery.

Caught in ModjadjiskloofThe police in Modjadjiskloof arrested 35 suspects for various criminal activities over the weekend: eighteen people were arrested for contravening the Road Traffi c Act, fi ve for contravening the Liquor Act, four for possession of dagga, three for prostitution and the rest for shoplift ing, robbery and the possession of dangerous weapons.

Long queues at Beit Bridge due to Ebola

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Bulletin We support all actions aimed at combating gender-based

violence and the abuse of children

Vrydag 12 Desember 2014

Boere se prestasies‘n Boer van Tzaneen is die afgelope week deur 44 Afrika-lande se organisasies uit die georganiseerde landbou (44 AgriSA’s, kan mens maar sê) tot president van dié organisasies se sambreelorganisasie ver-kies.

Dit is die eerste keer dat ‘n Suid-Afrikaner in dié top-pos sal dien en nou die vasteland se mees invloedryke landbouleier is.

Dit volg kort op die boer van Letsitele wat onlangs as SA se Kommersiële boer van die Jaar aangewys is.

Dink mens daaraan dat een van die land se megaboerderye by Mooketsi gesetel is en kyk mens terselfdertyd na ons omgewing se absolute dominante bydrae tot die land se sitrusuitvoere, plus die sukses waarmee (benewens tamaties) met brandrissies (Peppadew), avokadopere, lietsjies, makadamianeute, piesangs, suikermielies, groenbone en bloekombome geboer word, sink die besef in dat ons omgewing se bydrae tot die spens en ekonomie van SA maklik onderskat kan word.

• ‘n Pofeet word nie in sy eie land geëer nie, lui die spreekwoord. Dit is ironies dat die man wat nou Afrika se voorste landbouleier is, onlangs deur ‘n klaarblyklike smoorgroep as AgriSA se vise-president uitgeskuif is. Die vraag is natuurlik: Gaan dié groep oorleef?

Love is ...


years of loving our community


‘n Helpende HandOp ’n koue winters-middag in Desember in Londen sit ’n ou man naby die hoek van ‘n straat op sy lae stoeltjie en bedel.

Met vingers blou van die koue, probeer hy sukkelend ’n goedkoop viool bespeel. Die vals klanke trek min aandag. Min geldstukkies beland in sy omgekeerde hoed. Die ysige wind dryf die haastige men se na hul bestemming.

Twee welge kle de mans steek egter by die ou man vas. Die een man spreek hom met ’n vreemde ak sent in gebroke Engels aan: “Jy kry maar min in, nè? Niemand wil gee nie? Kom ons máák hulle gee.”

Hy neem toe die viool by die verbaasde ou man en stem dit in. Toe die strykstok oor die snare streel, is dit of daar le we in die viool kom. Soet klanke, wonderskone musiek vul die lug. Mense kom tot stil-stand, bly staan en luister. ’n Skare ver-gader. Die straathoek verander in ’n kon-sertverhoog!

Die ou man se hoed word rond gestuur. Dit word swaar van al die muntstukke. Die vreemdeling gee die hoed vol geld en die viool aan die ou man terug. Die ou man is oorstelp van vreugde en verwondering. “Dankie! Dankie!” prewel die ou man. “Wie is u, meneer?” Die man glimlag. “My naam is Niccolo Paga nini!” (Paganini was ‘n Italiaanse vioolspeler en komponis, een van die grootstes van alle tye).

Dit was ge riefl ik binne Paganini se ver-moë om die nodige taak, wat totaal buite die ou man se vermoë was, te verrig. Ons het elkeen ver moëns wat aan ander ont-breek. Ons kry ook sulke ge leent hede om vir ander dié dinge te doen wat vir hulle onmoontlik is. Dit is ons dank off er aan God, wat vir ons die ga wes gegee het, as ons dit vrywillig en onvoorwaardelik ge-bruik, om vir iemand ’n guns te bewys.

“Ek was oë vir die blindes en voete vir die kreupeles…” (Job 29:15).

Ons Mening Die Boodskap

Why is sex work still illegal in this country?Almost every week our crime re-port, especially from Tzaneen po-lice, includes the number of pros-titutes (sex workers) arrested, who are arguably only women. There are, however, never any reports on the number of people – arguably only men – arrested for using the services of sex workers.

We live in a country where deal-ing or using illegal drugs is crimi-nal. Buying or selling stolen prop-erty is also illegal.

To be fair, the Sexual Off ences Act (as amended in 2007) does contain a clause (arguably redundant) on the criminality of buying sexual services. According to writer and sex work activist Nicolé Fick (2007), some of the aims of the clause,

amongst others, are to combat sex trade and human traffi cking in the country.

In this case, howev-er, other than that the clause has been high-ly criticised in both its aims and implementation, the Po-lice are currently also not arresting or reportedly pursuing sex buyers. At least in our area we never hear Police achievements on catching sex work clients. As Fick (2007) also state in her paper ‘Well Inten-tioned but Misguided’, “... in prac-tice, [sex work] clients are rarely arrested.” At this point, one can altogether rule out the Act’s clause of criminalising the buying of sex. The criminalisation of the sex trade is thus arguably only aimed at women – policing and regulating

the use of the female body.The debates around decriminalis-

ing the industry range from how sex workers would be able to receive pro-tection from off enders, the regulation of the industry and economic gains from the industry to some moralistic religious views on the issue. The gov-ernment, however, is arguably not intended to uphold morals values, which are at best diverse, unrepre-sentative and not agreed upon.

Through the criminalisation of buying sex, the government does also aim to protect the exploitation

of women in the indus-try as well as discour-age workers by remov-ing the demand (Fick, 2007). However, Fick (2007) notes, if fully im-plemented, the clause could at best chastise

the good natured sons of Adam from buying sex. Clients who are already breaking the law through abusive behaviour will unlikely be deterred from the trade. Hence, if implemented, the clause would still fail at protecting women from sex off enders and exploitation.

Therefore, in this case, the crimi-nalisation of sex work is in reality not helping anyone. The trade is having its way unregulated underground.

Furthermore, if anything, with re-ports of also police brutality on sex workers, one can argue the crimi-

nalisation only works to aggravate the violence against sex workers.

Sweden recently made headlines on its success in combating sex trade. According to a report by the Woman’s Justice Centre in Cali-fornia, through the country’s 1999 legislation that (1) criminalised the buying of sex and (2) decriminal-ised the selling of sex, in only fi ve years it remarkably reduced street prostitution that in just one city, the number of women selling de-creased by two thirds. The number of men buying also signifi cantly decreased by eighty percent. Hu-man traffi cking into the country is also almost completely eradicated.*N. Fick. 2007. ‘Well Intentioned but Mis-guide? Criminalising sex workers’ clients’

htt p://justicewomen.com/cj_sweden.htmlWant to speak to Joy? Call her on 015 307 7248 or e-mail her (address above)

[email protected]

For crying out loudBy Joy Mojela

Limpopo Fokus

People who work with heavy machinery on a daily basis warned that the big excavator that got stuck in the wetland next to the R71 in Tzaneen, could have found its last resting place. They were then called prophets of doom. Soon it will be a month later and the machine is still stuck in the mud. It now seems that the prophets of doom might have been truly prophetical.

Dr Jan TruterNed Herv Kerk


Wetland to become graveyard?...

Landbou kry staanplek in Limpopo

Die kernrol van landbou in die ontwikke-ling van Limpopo se ekonomie kry al meer gestalte, namate skakeling tussen rege-ringsdepartemente en AgriLimpopo groei, sê mnr Willem van Jaarsveld, die hoof- uit-voerende bestuurder van die landbou-or-ganisasie.

“Ons verstaan mekaar en het groter begrip vir die knelpunte wat groei in die verlede beperk het.”

Hy sê die onlangse spitsberaad tussen AgriLimpopo, die regeringsdepartemente en die sakesektor vir ekonomiese ontwik-keling in Limpopo het formules voortge-

bring wat groei sal stimuleer. Die belang-rikste hiervan was skool- en naskoolse

opleiding wat noodsaaklik is om die groei aan te wakker.

Van Jaarsveld het bygevoeg dat ‘n beraad oor landbouveiligheid vroeg in Januarie ge-hou word, wat ‘n wye spektum sal dek en

alle veiligheidsaspekte in die landbou op die tafel sal hê wat groter klaring vir boere se veiligheid in die provinsie kan bring.

— Louis [email protected]

Foto: Die krokodil wat die 29-jarige mnr Jacques van der Sandt op Skukuza se gholfbaan dood gebyt het.

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The Pan African Farmers’ Organizations (PAFO) is the only African organization entirely dedicated to agriculture, con-sisting of fi ve sub-regional platforms which are all found-ing members of PAFO. Dr Theo de Jager has this week been elected President of PAFO (see p 3).

The fi ve regions are SACAU (Southern Af-rican Confederation of Agricultural Unions), EAFF (East African Farmers Federation), PROPAC (Central Africa Sub-Regional Platform of Farmers’ Organisations), ROPPA (Network of Farmers’ & Agricultural Producers’ Or-ganisations of West Africa) and UMAGRI (Maghreb Farmers Union).

• SACAU has sixteen core members in twelve countries in Southern Africa: Botswana, Lesotho, Madagascar, Malawi, Namibia, Seychelles, South Africa, Swaziland, Mozambique, Tanzania, Zambia, Zimbabwe. The federation represent farmers on a voluntary basis with no political affi liations. It supports national farmers’ organiza-tions in their dialogue with national governments and other stakeholders to improve the pursuit of farmers’ well-being and promote the overall sustainability of agriculture in the region.

• EAFF was formalized in 2001. Previously (from 1994) the twelve organizations that compose the network — Burundi, Rwan-da, Kenya, Uganda, the Democratic Republic of Congo [DRC], Tanzania and Eritrea — had to collaborate and share concerns of their members to ensure food and sustainable livelihoods for fami-ly farmers, create a surplus available for export markets, create and add value to products for industrial use, generate social security and solidarity in communities and ensure equitable access to productive resources and sustainable management of natural resources.

• PROPAC was founded in 2005. It gathers national platforms of ten countries in the sub-region of Central Africa — Angola, Burundi, Cameroon, Congo Brazzaville, Democratic Republic of Congo [DRC], Gabon, Equatorial Guinea, Sao Tomé and Principe, Central African Republic and Chad ). PROPAC works at strengthening its institutional position, building the capacity of its member organisations, increase the competi-

tiveness of small-scale agriculture and promotion of specifi c interests of family farming.

• ROPPA was created in 2000 and is composed of ten countries — Benin, Burkina Faso, Côte d’Ivoire, Gambia, Guinea, Guinea -Bissau, Mali, Niger, Senegal and Togo. With the support of national networks of Liberia, Ghana and Sierra

Leone, thirteen out of the fi ft een ECOWAS countries are now members of the network. It represents some seventy million small farmers, livestock breeders and fi shermen to which

national organizations provide advice, support and other services to promote their activities and

give them more weight in the deliberations of overall policy. ROPPA aims at promoting the values of a competitive and sustainable agriculture based on family farming and production,

supporting the creation and structuring producer organisations in each country,

educating and inform agricultural socio-professional organisations by sharing the

experiences of their members and other stakeholders and promoting inter-African solidarity.

• UMAGRI was created in 1989 and is represented by Algeria, Libya, Morocco,

Mauritania and Tunisia. UMAGRI has the following objectives: the consolidation of its role in achieving complementarity be-

tween agricultural professionals in member countries, coordination and strengthening

of partnership and cooperation agreements in all areas of agricultural development,

communication, exchange of experience and consultation between the various agricultural stakeholders and providers of agricultural deve-lopment, formulation of the opinions, suggestions

and recommendations as appropriate to the de-velopment and management of the profes-sion in order to ensure the coordination and integration in all fi elds of agricultural devel-

opment in the Maghreb countries.

PAFO covers 44 African countries



São Tomé & Principe

Burundi *










UMAGRI SACAU* Member of EAFF and PROPAC | ** Member of EAFF and SACAU

Page 8: Bulletin 141212

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Construction work on Tzaneen’s Olympic size swimming bath and adjacent storm water drainage is right on schedule and is expected to be completed at the end of March next year.

The replacement of the existing storm water pipes is seen as a big improvement, as the funnel-type embankment in which the swimming bath, bowling greens and tennis courts are situated, led to fl ooding in parts of the central business district in the past.

According to Ms Xoliswa Gala, manager of parks, sports, arts and culture at the GTM, the swimming bath facility will include a kids’ pool, change rooms, ablution blocks, a ticket offi ce, a pavilion and fi xed garden furniture. It is expected to serve fi ft een percent of Tzaneen’s 490 000 residents.

The contract was awarded to Lilithalethu Trading at R11 151 728, while the rest of the budgeted R17 million will be paid to a joint venture of Rynex Consulting Engineers and GCN who were appointed as consultants for the project as well as unex-pected escalation in building costs.

Heavy machines frequented Crown Street over the past two months, where new parking bays are also built next to the swimming bath and bowling club.

Construction will be halted next week for the builders’ recess period, but will resume early next year. The project manager, Mr Jan Ludick, is positive that building will be completed at the end of March next year, as scheduled.

New swimming bath will be completed in March

LEFT: The entire swimming pool has been dug up and removed and will be re-constructed ear-

ly next year.

ABOVE RIGHT: Storm water pipes were em-bedded as deep as four meters alongside the bowls club and swimming pool


RIGHT: The swimming pool (and as a bonus the bowls club) will boast a neat parking area in

Crown Street.

Page 9: Bulletin 141212

The Mayor of the Greater Letaba Municipal-ity, Mr City Modjadji, recently cut the ribbon which marked the offi cial opening of the new premises for the Mooketsi Market.

Speaking at the event, Mr Stanford Man-thata, the Deputy Director of Marketing in the Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (DAFF,) said that the new regional fresh produce market will not only provide a much-needed link between farmers and the community, but it will also create jobs, stim-

ulate entrepreneurship and facilitate skills development.

“This state-of-the-art 3 000 m² regional market will ensure greater food security, im-proved accessibility and a much wider varie-ty of fresh produce at cheaper prices,” Man-thata said.

Mr Jaco Oosthuizen, group MD of the RSA Group, said, “It will also guarantee the sus-tainability of emerging farmers in the wider

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latest news and pictures

...continues P15

Boere se gesukkel met werk- en verblyfper-mitt e vir seisoenwerkers van buurlande is in Polokwane op die spits gedryf, met die hoop dat beter samewerking met die regering in die toekoms moontlik kan wees.

Die prosedures wat gevolg moes word was vir boere in Limpopo jare lank ‘n haakplek en groot verliese aan oeste is al hieroor gely.

‘n Slypskool is op aandrang van die depar-temente van binnelandse sake en arbeid deur AgriLimpopo aangebied, om van die pro-bleme uitgestryk te kry. Die grootste is dat boere bewys moet lewer dat hulle permitt e nodig het vir arbeid uit Zimbabwe, Botswa-na en Mosambiek, omdat plaaslike arbeid nie beskikbaar is nie. Dit is ‘n tydrowende pro-ses wat lei tot onnodige vertragings en groot skade, omdat nie betyd ge-oes kan word nie.

Die hoofb estuurder van AgriLimpopo, mnr Willem van Jaarsveld, sê ‘n spesiale werk-groep is nou aangewys om boere met die ver-skillende prosesse te help.

“Om die werkgroep behulpsaam te wees met die insameling van gegewens oor boere se ondervinding met hierdie vereistes, word alle boere in Limpopo versoek om dit op skrif te stel en as gevallestudie aan AgriLimpopo te stuur. Dit is noodsaaklik dat kontakbesonderhede die gevallestudies moet vergesel. Dit sal dan deur die werkgroep met die departemente van arbeid en binnelandse sake bespreek word, om die proses te verkort of te verbeter.”

Van Jaarsveld sê nog ‘n deurbraak tydens die slypskool is dat AgriSA en AgriLimpopo nou regstreeks kan praat met die komitee wat besluit oor hoeveel permitt e aan ‘n boer toegestaan word.

“Tot dusver het dit gebeur dat ‘n boer om permitt e vir honderd arbeiders aansoek doen, maar dié komitee besluit dan dat hy net vyft ig of twintig of selfs geen permitt e mag kry nie. Wat die kriteria vir dié besluite is, weet niemand nie.”

Hy sê die kriteria sal nou met hulle bespreek word en hulle sal ook ingelig word oor die implikasies van hul besluite vir die landbou en die ekonomie in die geheel.

Boere kan hul gevallestudies nou gerus na info@agrilimpopo stuur of die webwerf www.agrilimpopo.co.za besoek, om te sien watt er vordering gemaak word.

Agri slyp aan permitproses

Regional fresh produce market opens at Mooketsi

Ms Paulina Mokgola of the RSA Group proudly showed some of the produce to guests, during the official opening of the new fresh produce market

at Mooketsi.

Page 10: Bulletin 141212

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Page 11: Bulletin 141212

Tzaneen se spoggerige nuwe tronk is nou nog ‘n probleem vir die regering. Die hoofk ontrakteur, Keren Kula, is fi naal gelik-wideer en die bouwerk het tot stilstand ge-kom. ‘n Kontrakteur wat baie ervaring van groot bouwerk het, sê dit gaan minstens ‘n jaar neem voor die projek afgehandel kan word.

Die tronk moes al in September afgegee gewees het, nadat die oorspronklike datum hiervoor ook nie gehaal is nie.

Dit blyk dat die departement van openbare werke reeds lankal gewaarsku is oor pro-bleme met die kontrakteur, maar dat gewag is tot dit te laat was om te keer dat alles tot stilstand kom. Talle plaaslike kleiner kon-

trakteurs staar ernstige verliese in die gesig en ‘n hele paar het reeds aan die Bulletin bevestig dat hulle nooit betyds en volledig betaal is nie.

Dit is nie duidelik wanneer die openbare werke nou tenders sal vra om die bouwerk af te handel nie.• Inmiddels staan alles ook botstil in die middedorp, waar die gewese departement van binnelandse sake se geskiedkundige gebou langs die SA Polisiediens se kan-

toorkompleks gerestoureer (moes) word. Die regering is ook tydig gewaarsku dat die kontrakteur wat hulle aangestel het, geen ondervin-ding van die restou-rasie van ou geboue gehad het nie.

Belastingbetalers se geld word steeds

verkwis deur ‘n staatsdepartement wat reeds geruime tyd ‘n slegte naam weens korrupsie, begunstiging en onbeholpenheid het.

— Francois [email protected]

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Nuwe groeikrag in die makadamia- en avokadobedry-we is in die vooruitsig vir Limpopo en Mpumalanga, met die verwagting dat aanplantings in die nuwe jaar gaan gedy.

Suikerriet, lietsjies en mango’s gaan plek maak vir boorde avo’s en neute om dié twee bedrywe na nuwe hoogtes te stuur.

Dr Gerhard Nortjé, hoof van navorsing by Subtrop in Tzaneen, sê die vertroue in dié produkte het pro-dusente oorgehaal om met rasse skrede uit te brei. Dit word verwag dat avo-aanplantings met 500 hektaar per jaar gaan groei, terwyl makadamia-produsente met minstens 1 000 ha/jaar gaan groei. Dit is reeds be-kend dat SA die grootste makadamia-produsent ter wêreld is.

Nortjé sê boere se vrese oor grondverdeling en -hervorming het dermate bedaar dat daar nou eerder op uitbreiding as weerhouding gekonsentreer word, ongeag wie die grond besit. Dit is ‘n positiewe bewe-ging om produksie voorop te stel en die grondpoli-tiek agter te laat.

Hy sê groot lappe onbenutt e grond gaan ook in-gespan word vir nuwe aanplantings, wat binne ‘n paar jaar nutt ige buitelandse valuta kan voortbring.

Die makadamiaprodusente se nuwe status as top-presteerder kan nog groter blootstelling geniet, wan-neer die wêreldkongres volgende jaar in die Kruger Nasionale Park aangebied word.

Skoner geslag... Samantha de Freitas (regs) van Tzaneen is as eerste prinses en Charline Colbourn (links) is as tweede prinses in die Queen of the North-kompetisie aangewys. By hulle is Katryn Barwise (ook van Tzaneen) wat

die eienaar is van Limpopo Beauty Academy.

Spogtronk is ‘n probleem

Groeikrag wink

Page 12: Bulletin 141212







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JBPieter Botha


Agathastraat 54, Tzaneen015 307 1149

072 506 [email protected]

TZANEEN“Pouse pakkies op wiele”

“Breaktime meals on wheels”

Delivered to school

Julene: 060 406 4638

“Breaktime meals on wheels”“Breaktime meals on wheels”



e-mail: [email protected]

Business directory | Sakegids

12 12 December 2014 Bulletin www.bulletin.us.com Search “Bulletin” Search “Laeveldbulletin”

Page 13: Bulletin 141212


Notice is hereby given in terms of section 34 (1) of Act 24 of 1936 as amended that it is the intention of VAN VREDEN’S PANELBEATERS CC, Registration Number CK 1987/005674/23 to sell its business known as VAN VREDEN’S PANELBEATERS, which is being conducted at, 11 Plantation Road, VAN VREDEN’S BUILDING, OLD INDUSTRIAL SITES, TZANEEN, together with all the assets thereof after

expiry of 30 days from last publication hereof, to PETRUS HENDRIK VAN ROOYEN in his capacity as Trustee for a company to be registered which will thereafter carry on the said businesses at the same address for its own account and bene� t.

DATED AT TZANEEN on this the 28th day of NOVEMBER 2014.


LEX NUMBERI32 PEACE STREETPO BOX 242 AND 304TZANEEN, 0850REF: WFB/EM/E00561Des101___________________________


Kennis word hiermee gegee in terme van Artikel 34 (1) an Wet 24 1936 soos gewysig dat dit die voornemens is van VAN VREDEN’S PANELBEATERS BK, Registrasienommer CK 1987/005674/23 om sy

besighede bekend as VAN VREDEN’S PANELBEATERS, wat gedryf word te Plantasieweg 11, VAN VREDEN’S gebou, ou industriële gebied, Tzaneen tesame met al die bates daarvan te vervreem dertig (30) dae na laaste publikasie van hierdie kennisgewing aan PETRUS HENDRIK VAN ROOYEN in sy hoedanigheid as trustee vir ‘n maatskappy gestig te word wat daarna die genoemde besighede by dieselfde adres sal dryf vir sy

eie rekening en voordeel.

GEDATEER te TZANEEN op die 28ste dag van NOVEMBER 2014.







I, Willem Johannes Jacobsz of the � rm Omniplan CC Town Planners, being the authorized agent of the registered owner of Portion 15 of the farm Doornhoek 535-LT hereby give notice in terms of Clause 15 of the Tzaneen Town Planning Scheme, 2000, that I have

applied to the Greater Tzaneen Municipality for Special Consent for “Commercial Use” and a “Special Use” for a Vehicle Sales Lot.

Particulars of the application will lie for inspection during normal o� ce hours at the o� ces of the applicant as well as the Municipal Manager, Civic Centre, Tzaneen for a period of 28 days from 05 December 2014 (the date of the � rst publication of the notice).

Objections to or representations in respect of the application must be lodged with or made in writing to the Municipal Manager at the above address or at PO Box 24, Tzaneen, 0850, as well as with the applicant, within a period of 28 days from 05 December 2014.

Address of authorized agent: Omniplan CC, PO Box 2071, TZANEEN, 0850, Tel No (015) 307 1041. Ref No: J017Des103___________________________

Property l Eiendomme

Call Lihanie on 015 307 7248 to advertise in the property smalls

Legals l Geregtelik

To LetTe Huur

For SaleTe Koop


Meenthuis/Cluster Homes

Land/Stands Erwe


O� ce/Kantore

Te huur - KINGSPARK.Veilig & netjiese 1

slaapkamer woonstelle met oopplan sitk/kombuis,

met graniet afwerking. Dakwaaiers in sit- en slaapk.

Gesamentlike braaier & wasmasjien in sekuriteits-kompleks. Omheining met elektriese hekke. Pre-paid

kragmeters. Vanaf R 2600 pm.

Asb geen kinders of diere. Skakel HP: 082 925 2955

Mei301 ___________________________

Ruim 2 slaapkamer woonstel te huur by Strelitzia.

Geen troeteldiere. Beskikbaar vanaf 1 Januarie 2015, R4 150 (elektrisiteit uigesluit).

Skakel: 082 551 1971Nov203 ___________________________

Netjiese ruim 2 slaapkamer woonstel met duursame

afwerking, uiters ruim balkon met oopplan sit-/eetkamer

en kombuis.Deel tandem toesluit

motorhuis. Geentroeteldiere. R 3250-00

per maand water en ligte uitgesluit. Beskikbaar

1 Februarie 2015.Deposito.

Skakel Kobus 083 442 3696.Nov205 ___________________________

1slk, badkamer, oopplan kombuis/sitkamer met klein

courtyard te huurSkakel 0153077031


1 Bedroom, open plan

Meunthuis te koop - GEEN AGENTE!!! Baie netjies en

veilig, 3slaap kamers R950 000.00 “Park Lands” Kontak

Sto� el 083 981 4994Des101____________________________

3 slaapkamer, 3 1/2 badkamer, kombuis met graniet afwerking, lekker stoep en asemrowende

uitsig oor Tzaneen te huur vir R5250 water & eletrisiteit

ingesluit, 7km buite dorp.Skakel HP by 0829252955


5 slaapkamer huis, 3 badkamers, bediende

kwartiere, lapa, swembad,4 x garages en carport

R 10 000 -00 per maandKontak: 082 925 2955


Moderne 3slpkamer meenthuis

onmiddelik beskikbaar in LETSITELE.


Elzaan by 0835616062Nov302_____________________

Huise, Meenthuise, Woonstelle, Kantore, BesighedeIsabel 083 448 5171 | Annette 083 443 0328 | Kantoor: 015 307 5151

Aquapark2 slaapkamer, 1 badkamer, oopplan sitkamer,

eetkamer, kombuis, stoep , nie geskik vir ouerige mense of troeteldiere weens trappe, afdak vir

voertuig. R3 800

Aquapark Huis1 Slaapkamer, 1 badkamer met stort, oopplan

sitkamer, eetkamer, kombuis, motorhuis. R2 500

Premier Park3 Slaapkamer, 2 badkamer, oopplan sitkamer,

eetkamer, kombuis, afdak, stoorkamer, omhein.

Middelslag hondjie welkom. Braai area, loop afstand van skole en besighede. R4 950

Aquapark2 Slaapkamer, 1 vol badkamer, oopplan sitkamer, eetkamer, aparte kombuis, afdak, baie mooi uitsig

oor dam. R3 800

Fauna Park2 Slaapkamer, 1 vol badkamer, oopplan sitkamer,

eetkamer, kombuis, aparte opwas, afdak vir 2 motors, omhein, middelslag hondjie welkom. R4 200

Tarentaalrand (nuut gebou)2 Slaapkamers – R5 600 per eenheid3 Slaapkamers – R6 200 per eenheid

Aparte 2 slaapkamer R 5 000

Isabel 083 448 5171 | Annette 083 443 0328 | Kantoor: 015 307 5151Isabel 083 448 5171 | Annette 083 443 0328 | Kantoor: 015 307 5151Isabel 083 448 5171 | Annette 083 443 0328 | Kantoor: 015 307 5151Isabel 083 448 5171 | Annette 083 443 0328 | Kantoor: 015 307 5151

3 Slaapkamer, 2 badkamer, oopplan sitkamer,

Middelslag hondjie welkom. Braai area, loop

2 Slaapkamers3 Slaapkamers

13Bulletin 12 December 2014www.bulletin.us.com Search “Bulletin” Search “Laeveldbulletin”

Commercial property for sale in Tzaneen Limpopo 576

square meter under roof, well situated in old Industrial

Area in Tzaneen.Close to town and all roads

leading to and fromTzaneen CBD. 3 phase power

available, if required, and 3.3m Freezer room,

This premises can be used as a depot for feeds, salt (big

demand in Tzn) and maize meal, also for engineering

works, workshops and more.This is a good investment

as the availability of premises in Tzaneen becomes

very scarce.Selling price R2 200 000.00Feel free to contact Cassie

cell: 082 371 2177Nov401 ___________________________

Tzaneen PropertyPersonal Service in buying,

selling or rentingLooking for a house,

� at or standCall us at 015 307 4464

Nov402 ___________________________

Job Seeker l Werksoeker

My name is Sarah Mafokwane I am looking for a domestic job or general work, o� ce cleaner, lodge cleaner and sewing. I can speak English, sleep out full time or 3 days a week contact me on 073 424 4676(200)______________________________

My name is Julia Makgopa I am looking for a domestic work, o� ce cleaner, lodge cleaner, general work I can speak English I have one year experience contact me on 078 921 1290(201)______________________________

My name is Mabula Modika I am looking for a job as o� ce cleaner / tee lady or domestic worker I can look after children I have 8 years experience contact me on 072 542 2425(202)______________________________

My name is Francinah P. Nesani I am looking for a domestic work, I speak English, sleep in or out, full time or part time, I have 18 years experience. O� ce cleaner as well contact me on 073 333 8139(203)______________________________

My name is Mabyalwa C. Malatji I am looking for a domestic work, I speak Afrikaans sleep in or out contact me on 076 876 2082(204)______________________________

My name is nkhensani N.




My name is Ronnie Shikwan-bana I am looking for a job I can drive a fork lift have experience 4 years I speak English and Afrikaans con-tact me on 083 514 6619(7)________________________________

My name is Munyaradzi Macheka I am looking for a job as a bulldozer or front loader operator I can service them, I can do land cleaning, road making, plaguing � elds, I speak English contact me on 078 412 0399(8)________________________________

My name is MS Morwasehla I am looking for a job as driver I have a code 10 with PDP and 13 years experience I also have 4 years experience in wholesaling and retail (have certi� cate) contact me on 073 142 7416(9)________________________________

My name is Lucky Malatji I am looking for a driver job I have grade 12 and code 10 driver licence (experience Forms media 3 years) (Ref: Simon Resekgokga 079 904 0870) contact me on 071 195 0827(10)_______________________________

My name is Patrick Makhubela I am looking for a job as driver I have a code 14, speak English, brick layer, gardener contact me on 083 922 6005(11)_______________________________

My name is Rasekgokga A.

My name is Mankwana Thanea Modipane I am looking for a admin, cashier or receptionist work I speak English, I have matric, computer literacy, End user computer course I have a certi� cate Radio broadcast course – Damelin, full time I have a drivers licence code 10 contact me on 083 875 0426(13)_______________________________

My name is Styn Mokone I am looking for a admin work or driver work I have a code 10 licence I speak English , full time, I have a N6 business

My name is Tina M. Makwela I am looking for a cashier job or tea lady, domestic work aswell I can cook, speak English, full time, sleep out (I have experience in cooking and cleaning, Sugar Valley) contact me on 073 760 5494(92)_______________________________

My name is Sara Modiba I am looking for any general work, quali� ed Security Grade D I speak English, or domestic work contact me on 084 980 7914(93)_______________________________

My name is Prince J. Selaloke I am looking for any general or gardening work, I do roof-

ing, I speak English contact me on 079 4022550(94) _______________________________

My name is Seoki Hellen Sekokotla I am looking for a cashier work, I speak English, full time, have work experi-ence at Foodlovers Tzaneen (ref Christie Hatting 015 307 1288) contact me on 071 211 3561(95) _______________________________

My name is Hazel Mbha-lati I am looking for work as safety o� cer with Samtrack, I have grade 12 and I can speak English and have one year experience as a safety o� cer, contact me on 083 949 2320 (96) _______________________________

My name is Matome Je� ery Mphaphudi I am looking for any general work or gardening work full time or part time, I speak English, grade 10 contact me on 071 423 4183(97) _______________________________

My name is M. J. Shai I am looking for work as a builder, painter, waterproo� ng, paving, pool building, thatch roof I can speak English and Afrikaans contact me on 082 064 1055(98) _______________________________

My name is Philamon Pemba I am looking for any general work I have experience with carpentry I speak English full time or part time contact me on 063 059 6297(99) _______________________________

My name is Clarance Maake I am looking for work in the construction (building) business I have experience I speak English and I was a Shop keeper as well contact me on 079 944 8665(100) ______________________________

My name is Tsepo Rabotnata I am looking for work as a management assistant, PA, admin clerk, typist, recep-tionist I have done courses at Letaba FET College N4, N5 and N6 Management Assistant and certi� cate in computer literacy and I have a driver licence. Contact me on 073 902 2343(101)______________________________

My name is Funny Mahasha I am looking for a job as general worker, I have grade 12 and equivalent in Finance Management at Letaba FET College. Contact me on 072 744 2524(102)______________________________

My name is Glenda Ncha I am looking for work as a cashier, o� ce cleaner or domestic I speak English, full time or part time sleep in or out. Contact me on 073 273 4870(103)______________________________

My name is Mapula Johanna Mulaudzi I am looking for work as care giver for children or old age people, sleep in or out. I can speak Afrikaans & English, full time or 3 days a week. Last 7 years taking care of the old people contact me on 083 528 3845(104) ______________________________

Mashaba I am looking for domestic work I speak English sleep out or o� ce cleaner contact me on 082 819 6077 (205)______________________________

My name is Mapula Suzane Monamedi I am looking for a domestic work I can cook I speak English or Afrikaans. O� ce cleaner as well contact me on 063 447 7013(206)______________________________

My name is Matilda Ratabane I am looking for a domestic work, 5 days or 3 days I can cook, clean or look after children I speak English understand Afrikaans. Contact me on 078 4838 497(207) ______________________________

My name is Suzane Monamedi I am looking for a job a a domestic worker or any general worker. I have nine years experience and I can also look after children and I can cook sleep in or out. Contact me on 076 304 47013(208) ______________________________

My nameis Emily Modipa I am looking for domestic or general work / o� ce cleaner I can also look after children I can speak English I have six years experience in domestic work sleep in or out and I have security Grade C and Fire arm. Contact me on 079 378 9264(209) ______________________________

My name is Cathrine Mamphokoro I am looking for domestic work or any

Te huur: Groot kantoorruimte reg langs munisipale

cottage available from1 January 2015. R2 800 per

month. Water and lights included. 9 km out of town.

Contact 076 811 2190Des203____________________________

swembad bestaande uit 8 kantore en ‘n

konferensiefasiliteitmet kombuis. Lugverkoeling

in alle kantore, parkering onder skadunet vir 5

voertuie asook baie ander parkeerplek. Alarmstelsel.Huur R12,500 per maand.

Kontak persone:Bart van Zyl 0733059983

of Elsa 0829038982.Okt507____________________________

general work I can look after children I can speak English I have 1 year experience in domestic work Security Grade D and ABET Level 4 and computer literacy(210) ______________________________

My name is Martha Ntlemo I am looking for domestic work I can cook and look after chil-dren I speak English sleep out, o� ce cleaner as well contact me on 083 861 7120(211) ______________________________

My name is Matheaa Baloyi I am looking for o� ce cleaning or lodge or hotel cleaning full time I speak English (Ref: Supervisor: 060 3373133) contact me on 082 539 9020(212) ______________________________

management certi� cate con-tact me on 073 331 0775(14)_______________________________

My name is Manyike Portia I am looking for a job as receptionist, administration, I can speak English I have computer literacy, grade 12, I have 3 years experience in administration. (Ref: Mrs K. E. Phakula 015 307 345 1551) contact me on 083 954 1820 or 073 126 0400(15)_______________________________

My name is Portia Manyike I am looking for a reception-ist work, administration I can speak English I have computer literacy, Grade 12 I have 3 years experience in administration. (Ref: Mrs K. E. Phakula 015 307 345 1551) contact me on 083954 1820/073 126 0400(16)_______________________________

My name is Msilu Evans Shay I am looking for work in HR I have N4,N5,N6 I speak Eng-lish, I am computer literate I have a driver license code 10 administration work as well contact me on 078 525 3204(17)_______________________________

My name is Rostah Leng-wati I am looking for a job as administration assistant, chef, I can speak English and Afrikaans I have grade 12 and N6 in Human Resources and computer literate. I have 5 years experience as Assistant Manager BJ Centre (Ref: Johan Nemant mang.072 805 6956) contact me on 072 6112 553

Morgan I am looking for a general work or driver I have code 10 and P.D.P I can speak English and I have grade 10 and 5 year experience at Westfalia contact me on 076 861 0102(12)_______________________________

My name is Granny Koko Mathebula I am looking for work as a driver I have a code 10 with P.D.P being driving since 2005 I Speak English contact me on 071 345 0885(13)_______________________________

My name is Erasmus Mahla-tse I am looking for a driver work, code 10, I have com-puter diploma, speak English any general work contact me on 079 703 1655(14)_______________________________

Page 14: Bulletin 141212

Having a Party or Corporate Function?

What’s a party without music?

A Jukebox is the answer!

1 000’s of songs from the 60’s to the present

Easy-to-use touch interface with volume control, media library

and song searchAuto-DJ Feature – Plays music randomly when no selection is madeCompletely cashless

systemNo cut-o� time,

so you can party all night

For enquiries or bookings,

Contact Tracy 083 280 4971









2nd HAND SHOPBargains Galore

We buy, sell and pawn.Ons koop,

verkoop en pand enige iets van waarde.

Meubels, toebehore, juwele, kombuisware,

gereedskap en vele meer.Visit us at 11

Plantation Rdand get the best valuefor your money or call

015 307 1171082 472 8483



‘n Shuttle Diensbeskikbaar van

Tzaneen na Pretoria via Polokwane retoer elke Vrydag, Woensdag en


Kobus: 073 110 4180Natalie: 084 369 6293

Facebook:Tzaneng ShuttleService

Email: tzanengshuttle@yahoo.


Mille FloraVir tuininstandhouding

en tuinuitleg.skakel ons.

Jy sal verbaaswees oor die verskilwat ons aan jou tuin

kan maak.Riesl 083 407 8061

DASSRefrigeration + Air

conditioning.Speed Queen,

Whirlpool.Install Defy A/C service,

spares and repairsto all makes of

domestic appliances.11 Plantation Road.

TzaneenWe collect + deliver

015 307 1798

BlindsDIY hardware

Waterproo� ngYou pick we paint17 Skirving Street

015 307 5562/3Apr407_______________________


en NIE-ROKERS• Tyd om te ontspan en

die wonderlike, baie spesiale Kerstyd ten volle

te geniet!• Ek hoop die Desember tyd gaan vir u en u gesin

‘n tyd van vrede en vreugde wees.


Kerswense van jou plaaslike Hipnoterapeut

NOU beskikbaar by082 683 2835

MARIE HELMGeserti� seerde Hipnoterapeut(Nie - medies)

Dedam Security, Steel-works & ConstructionWe specialize in burglar proo� ng, security and access gates, palisade

fencing, electric gate and garage motors, paving

and light to medium steel and general construc-

tion. We also service and repair all makes of electric gate and garage motors.

Please contact Mike at 071 302 8909 or 082 298

5352 or dedamsteelworks@


Agri BoxKontak ons vir enige

pakmateriaal.5c Rietbokstraat

015 307 1863Danie Vaughan083 307 2076


TLB for hire 015 307 3084082 929 5109



015 307 7168Branches in Letaba Crossing

and Letsitele Open!!


Your partner in home building!

On site RepairsAir conditioner sales

ServiceFridges, Freezers, washing machines, tumble dryers,

Dishwashers, stoves087 751 2333 / 015 386 8735



Winter time is sunny timelet us do all your uphol-stery/ carpet cleaningYou know us and our

workCall Eugene or Yvonne

081 701 6151081 301 6018


Hobby PrintFor all your printing!

Full colour work, from invoice books, statements,

programmes, wedding cards, school reports, advertising

material, calendars and much more.

Contact 015 309 9382.Aug110___________________________

Adele’s Slimming ClinicBiominceur

And absolute revolution in body wrap

Slim, � rm and tone instantlyNo mess, no fuss, loose cm’sReduce cellulite, eliminate

toxinsIncrease circulation; improve

stretch mark, varicose and spider veins.015 307 2193


Sleebok015 307 6005

Granite, marble, monuments

Tombstones, vanities, kitchen tops

Mar109 ___________________________

Food Lovers MarketVir al jou alledaagse


Vars groente en vrugteBeste pryse

Kwaliteit produkteKwaliteit vleis

Verskeidenheidvoorbereide wegneem kos

Life Style CentreNov202___________________________

Integri� nFinansiële Adviseurs

Onafhanklike � nansiële dienste met integriteit.

Vir voortre� ike dienssonder onderbreking

besoek ons by ons nuweKantore te Windsor Str 4Jaco Nel 082 335 6801

Jacques Lamprecht082 469 7558

Fanie Oberholzer 082 460 4173


WE SteelRandom steel lengths

Flat and round barSquare tubing


Angle ironWelding accessories

Bolts, nuts015 307 7705


Project ServicesFor : Steel fabrication +

constructionPalisade Fencing

Water and Sewerage treat-ment

Mechanical ErectorsVentilation

CarportsGeneral welding

Alf Wandrag: 082 490 9719Email:

[email protected]___________________________

Grabba CyclesFor all your bicycle needs

visit our shop at 35 Boundary Street

[email protected]

082 449 8778Sep204____________________________

Wisani Burial Society24 hour emergency no

015 307 6240 / 083 513 4988015 307 6719

e-pos: [email protected]____________________________

Kham Avalante Travel and Tours

Arrive Safely and on TimeTzaneen to Hoedspruit R150

single R250 returnTzaneen to Phalaborwa R100

single R150 returnTzaneen to Polokwane R100

single R150 returnTzaneen to Pretoria R300

single R550 ReturnPolokwane to Pretoria R250

single R450 Return072 795 1770 087 150 1775

SMS 072 795 1770Email:khamshuttle@kgomo-




Wenkem SAMicro ElementBlaarvoeding

Na oes bederfmiddelsPlaagdoders

Citrosol wakesCor Greyling082 856 5445Steve Smuts

071 819 3269Mei206____________________________

Rymar autoGeneral car service and

repairsAuto diagnostics repair

servicesAircons carman scanner for

resettingservices lights.

Willie 082 494 7985Gideon 084 597 5940


Forum Makelaars/ Brokers

Vir al u korttermyn versekeringsbehoeftes

Lynette Marais015 307 4229 / 6157


and NON-SMOKERS• For now, relax and enjoy a wonderful,

very special Christmas season!

• I hope this December time will be full of joy and happiness for you

and your family.


Festive wishes from your local Hypnotherapist

available NOW at 082 683 2835


Hypnotherapist (Non – Medical)

The Invisible ChefWe will surprise your mouth

Birthday partiesO� ce lunches

WeddingsYear end functionsElna 083 371 9190

Cindy 079 692 1180Feb305___________________________

Premium TruckingYour premium choice in

transport.For Hire:

Front loader, ADT, Excavator,Tipper, Low bed

ALSO:River sand & Building SandStone Filling 082 659 0532

Jul210 ____________________________

SUPREME CAR WASHTotal Garage (Plantation road, Old Industrial Area) Open Mo-Fri 08:00 - 16:30 Saturdays 07:40 - 14:00 We

use only the best quality products on vehicles.Service guaranteed.

Contact: Cassie 082 371 2177Contact: Gladys: 079 845 464Okt404___________________________

King TrellisRetractable security barriers

Slam lockFree Quotations

Contact: 071 342 9241Mar204___________________________


We specialize in re� lling ink

and laser / toner cartridges.

Up to 50% savings on printer


We also � x and service printers,

PC’s and laptops.Free delivery

within 2 km radius

Shop Address:10 Morgan Street,


Matthew Theron015 307 3173

Smouskous l Classi� eds

VacanciesVakante poste



Accounting O� cer/Chartered Accountant

Tax PractitionerPosition available at a fast

growing business.Note only fully quali� ed

persons may applyExperience 3 – 4 years atleast in above mentioned

� eld required.Excellent business

opportunity for a driven person. Send CV’s to

[email protected] ___________________________We will beat

any written quote!!

24 HourEmergency Plumber

071 063 4983

Wil jy weggaan met vakansie/naweek sonder

bekommernisse:Hier is jou uitkoms:

Pas alle diere opgee kos / water

bad indien nodig;kan honde vat vir hul

oefeninge (indien verkies).Hou swembad in stand vir

tydperk.Gee tuin / grasperk water

(indien verkies) en vele meer.Wees altyd verseker van

vinnige, eerlike en kwaliteit diens . Kontak ons gerus vir

afsprake / kwotasies. Hannie 084 581 3302 /

Cassie 082 371 2177Okt403____________________________

For SaleTe Koop

Koriek beleggings:Revoluta palms:

Revoluta saailinge – R4.00, Groot moederplante –

R500.00Mandela’s gold geel

Strelitzia’s: Saad – R0.50, Saailinge – R4.00 plante

in blom – R30.00, Moeder  plante inblom – R300.00 of

(R1, kom haal self per blom)(BTW en posgeld uitgesluit)

082 466 9884Nov312___________________________

Instant LawnKitsgras van hoogstaande

gehalte.Prys R25.00 per

Vierkante meter. A� ewering ekstra

Skakel: Hennie Maartens 015 307 4562 of

073 872 8031 all ureJan512____________________________

Tafel saag te koop vir verdere informasie

En inligting.Kontak Harold Butler

078 686 8320015 307 3370


For HireTe Huur

Vervoer/TransportSteynberg Trok &


Steynberg Trok & Trekker8x8 Ton trokke te huur.R19.50/km + btw & 25

ton @R25.00/km + btw &

34m³ tipper @R30.00/km een rigting

Skakel vir Kwotasie:076 410 9503 /082 851

7139 of015 345 1192 / 084 627


Duvenhage Furniture Removals

MeubelvervoerOns verpak &

verseker landwyd .Puik diens & lae pryse.

Faks: 086 262 3152 083 252 8928



015 345 1192/084 627 0956

076 410 9503082 851 7139

Epos:[email protected]

Web: www.steynberg-meubelvervoer.com

Trailer for HireReliable trailers to carry

cars, cattle, furniture, and garden refuse etc.

083 651 0936015 306 0036

Newly built self storages with security

to let.9.18 and 32 sqm. From R250, R500, R1 000 pm

plus vat.Contact 083 265 3129

or 083 451 9557


Contact: 082 427 7647 or

083 508 9741

Oceana Tool & Plant Hire

Bull dozer, TLB’s, Excavators

Contact:Renier Kruger083 245 1031Calla Kruger

084 812 6062

Dringend benodig1 x cherry picker

1 x chipperSkakel: 073 872 8031


14 12 December 2014 Bulletin www.bulletin.us.com Search “Bulletin” Search “Laeveldbulletin”

Torga OpticalLatest Technology

Summer VisionEye Test R150

2 Complete Pairs (frame + lenses)

Single view from R950Multifocal from R2 700

015 307 2299Nov402 ___________________________

The Bargain ShopOns koop en verkoop goedere van waarde

vir kontant. We buy and sell goods of value for cash.

Electrical equipment,crockery. Furniture. Old and

new tools.Books and much more.Marinda: 083 576 7618Hennie: 083 651 0936


Smit Garrun Brokers(PTY) Ltd

Koos en Riekie Smit Makelaars Mediese fondse, korttermyn

versekeringLewensversekering, aftree beplanning

Beleggings, testamente, boedelbeplanning

Pensioen- en voorsorg fondsDood- en ongeskiktheids

versekering Aandele10 Windsor Street, Tzaneen

015 [email protected]


Maranatha PaneelkloppersVir vinnige vriendelike diensNa stampe of stote kom na

die Kundiges015 307 6960

Des204 ____________________________

Makarios Makelaarsons bied u:


pensioen fondseboedelbeplanning

mediese fondse015 307 3316015 307 6631


Van Heerden ApteekJou alles in een apteek

Life style sentrum015 307 2189


Crocodiles for AfricaAgatha Crocodile Ranch

TzaneenFeeding shows daily

9 am – 4 pmBraai facilities available

Education school [email protected]

Tel: 015 307 4398082 562 5004072 114 0132


Gail AltonaOogkundiges

Discovery Health membersGet up to 20% o� on

frame and lenses015 307 1243

12 Peace StreetDes103____________________________

Back hoe loader for hireJCB 3CX 4X4083 580 2078


Scatters, Bottles, Curtains.

All material goods.Repairs on clothing

UpholsteryHandmade unique

jewelryCell phone: reinett 072

445 8276Email: reinettbotes24@

gmail.ComAddress: box 1551,

Tzaneen. 0850No job too big or too

smallReasonable prices...

Quality quaranteed!!!

Steyn Steel TzaneenYour specialist steel supplier

Now open in TzaneenKoedoe street 18, Tzn

015 308 [email protected]


Nika @ Do Any ArtNika Leonard071 206 6758

[email protected]



Page 15: Bulletin 141212

15Bulletin 12 December 2014www.bulletin.us.com Search “Bulletin” Search “Laeveldbulletin”

Cnr Windsor & Agatha St, Tzaneen • 073 265 2650


R250 for December Holiday


Tyd: Plek: Kwaggasnek Feesterrein

Dr Jan Truter

Braaivleispakkies en afval sal te koop wees.Vure, pap en sous sal voorsien word.

Bring asseblief eie stoele saam.Kom kuier saam met mede volksgenote.



Gerrie vd Merwe 083 459 9080

Afrikaner-volksgenoot, woon een van die geloftedienste in die Letaba-omgewing op 16 Desember 2014 by!

16 Desember 2014 is Geloftedag!!

HaenertsburgTyd: Braai 10:00, Diens 11Plek: Kromdraai Lapa L 12

Prop. Chris Botha

Bring en braai na die diens. (Eie eetgerei asseblief)

Navrae: SW v d Merwe 076 458 1282


DuivelskloofTyd: 09:00

Plek: Hervormde Kerk Laeveld Ds Louis Pienaar

Braai na die diens.Kom kuier saam met volksgenote.

Navrae: Sarel Ströh 072 458 5480

FonteinplaasTyd: Ds Aubrey Hough

Bring en braai na die diens.

Navrae: Dirk Joubert 073 377 4622

09:00 vir 09:30

TzaneenTyd: 09:00

Plek: Tzaneen GeloftefeesterreinDs Richard vd Westhuizen

Na die diens word daar gesellig saam gekuier en gebraai

met interessante vertellings .Vleis, pap, potbrood en vure sal voorsien

word.Bring slegs eie eetgerei saam.

by die wa-uitstalling

Die AJV van die Geloftefeeskomitee vind na die ete plaas.

U word genooi om dit by te woon.

Navrae: Allan Campbell 083 635 1732Dawid Grobbelaar 083 306 0809

New fresh produce market opens at Mooketsiregion. They can deliver their produce personally to the new facility, their transport costs will be cheaper plus emerging farmers can learn about critical business success factors such as packaging, sizing, sorting, grading and quality control at the time of delivery. All of these factors are essential if farm-ing businesses are to become sustainable over the long-term.

“I believe this new regional market is a win-win opportu-nity for everyone in the fresh produce chain - including the consumer — and it represents a successful template that can be replicated throughout South Africa and the rest of Africa.”

Built on land owned by ZZ2, the Mooketsi Market is co-owned by FGX, ZZ2 and the RSA Group. It is RSA’s fi rst re-gional market and has a growing list of around 3 200 regis-tered buyers — predominantly from Limpopo but also from Gauteng, Mpumalanga, Mozambique, Botswana and Zimba-bwe. The facility currently handles over twenty lines in vari-

ous packaging types and will expand into a one-stop-shop for all products as demand grows.

The facility boasts six cold-rooms, each of which can run at a diff erent temperature. Trucks can deliver directly into the cold-rooms.

Employment and entrepreneurial opportunities would be signifi cant, Oosthuizen said. “A number of new jobs have al-ready been created in transport and distribution services as well as in the portering of product from the market fl oor to the loading area. With regards to the porters, the market has elected to absorb the costs of registering them and provid-ing them with all necessary equipment, which allows them to retain their day’s earnings in their entirety — a move to improve service delivery and create a symbiotic relationship between the market and the entrepreneur,” he said.

The infrastructure and information technology systems (the Refresh system which is the latest version of the Freshmark

IT system) at the new facility are identical to those in mar-kets in urban centres around SA and have been designed to streamline the transaction process.

The Market Agent, RSA is APAC-accredited, which gives producers legislative protection through the Agricultural Produce Agents Act. Producers also enjoy the unique advan-tage of cover through the RSA Group’s Fidelity Fund.

The RSA Group is the sole market agent at Mooketsi and it will be vigorously pursuing its vision of greater collaboration between industry role players in the region. “RSA will contin-ue to play a leading role in establishing a sustainable frame-work and terms of reference which builds trust and confi dence for everyone in the fresh produce industry,” Oosthuizen said.

The market is situated next to the R36. Sales hours are 05:00 to 11:00, Mondays to Fridays and 05:00 to 10:00 on Saturdays. De-liveries are received between 14:00 to 04:00 Mondays to Fridays, Saturdays from 13:00 until 16:00 and on Sundays from 18:00.

...continued from P9



Christmas craft holiday program at Letsitele library

Kersfees kuns by Letsitele Biblioteek

Dates: 11 & 12 December 2014

Time: 09:00 - 13:00

Datums: 11 & 12 Desember 2014

Tyd: 09:00 - 13:00

Parents please fetch the children in time • Ouers kom haal asseblief die kinders betydsChildren should bring own refreshments • Kinders onthou om ‘n kospakkie saam te bring

015 345 1911 • Bookings essential • Bespreek asseblief

Page 16: Bulletin 141212

12 December 2014


“Daar gaan staan en tjouk die Proteas al weer,” sê GertGrensvegter nadat die Bokke verlede Vrydagaand ons nasionale krieketspan ‘n loesing gegee het. “Hulle staan nie ‘n kat se kans volgende jaar nie!”

‘Tja, ou GG reken toe dit sal dalk beter wees as die Proteas en Bokke maar plekke ruil vir 2015 se twee Wêreldbekers — albei behoort beter te vaar in die ander se kode as wat onlangs die geval was.

Oubal noem toe dat ‘n mens dalk die wedstryd moet sien as ‘n proef om moontlikhede te ondersoek, maar hy stem nie saam met GG se siening van ‘n totale uitruil nie. Die idee om bepaalde individuele skuiwe te maak het egter meriete.

Matfi eld is ooglopend die man om die kolfwerk saam met Amla te open, sê GG. Hy het al die houe in die boek, selfs ‘n uitstekende omgekeerde veeghou. Hy hou ook van die variasie in Matfi eld se boulwerk, veral sy verrassing, die verraderlike

‘duikende volbal’.Matfi eld se veldwerk kort aandag, sê

KoosKakie. Hy vang selfs swakker op vlakskerpby as wanneer Bismarck die bal by ‘n lynstaan ingooi. Krieket sal egter perfek inpas by Matfi eld se ouderdom — Peter Kirsten het immers sy eerste toetshonderdtal aangeteken toe hy al veertig jaar oud was, so hulle frons nie oor bejaarde spelers soos in rakbie nie.

GG het dit minder snaaks gevind as toe KK daarna sê Matfi eld speel wipballe met sy kop!

ArthurIngelsman wil hê hulle moet die

“Natal boikie”, Willem Alberts, op No 7 inbring as “piensj hiett er”, maar dan moet Alberts eers ‘n kursus in ballistiek doen. Alberts moet leer dat ‘n missiel die verste trek as ‘n mens hom teen 45 grade lanseer, sê ou Al. “Bat iet ies stil iempressif toe hiet siekses horriezontillie ouwer de baunderie!”

As hy sy sin kon kry, sal Willie le Roux voortaan net vir die Proteas speel, sê KK. Hy’t teen Wallis gewys hy kan nie ‘n rakbiebal uit die lug vang nie, maar jy kan nie fout vind met sy uitstekende eenhandvangskoot op die grens nie. En so ver hy weet, kon geen ander bouler nog ooit spog met syfers van drie paaltjies vir vier lopies in twee beurte nie!

Pollie is gelukkig nutt eloos vir die Proteas, sê GG. Hy voel sterk dat Pollie nou eerder vir die Bokke heelagter moet speel na sy twee uitstekende vangskote in die buiteveld. Beter as Willie onder die hoë bal, maar ‘n Jacques Kallis is hy beslis nie.

Niemand is nie, sê Oubal, maar hy wil self

‘n paar aanbevelings maak. Jan Serfontein lyk soos ‘n gebore kolwer en hy is net die man om die Proteas se wankelende middelorde te stabiliseer. Damian de Allende kry gevaarlike laat swaai* met die bal, wat hom onspeelbaar maak, dus is hy ‘n moet as afl osbouler .

Die probleem is net dat die Bokke tans dun op senter is, wat die moontlikheid laat dat ons binnekort iets mag sien wat in jare nie gebeur het nie — ‘n dubbelkode internasionale speler, om van twee nie te praat nie!

*Oubal het intussen verneem dat daar kwaadwillige gerugte van balpeutering die rondte doen. Die Bokke se afrigter, Mark Boucher, is na bewering deur ‘n TV-span verfi lm waar hy die bal met skuurpapier dokter.

Pure suurdruiwe-laster, na Oubal se onbeskeie opinie!

People say to me, ‘Would you like to swap your life with me for 24 hours? Your life must be very strange.’ — Prins Andrew

Maak die Bokke almal Proteas!

Maak die Bokke

Ma se kind... nee, pa se kind! Shane van den Heever het aan die Fast and Wild MTB Challenge in Phalaborwa deelgeneem Sy het aan die 20 km- wedren deelgeneem. Dit was die eerste keer wat sy dié afstand in ‘n wedren afgelê het. Sy het die afstand voltooi in 1 uur 49 minute en was tweede in die kategorie vir juniors. Wat die prestasie besonder goed maak is die feit dat sy teen o.16-meisies deelge-neem het. Sy is net agt jaar oud en in gr 2 by Laerskool Tzaneen. Sy volg in haar pa, ma en ouboet se spore, want hulle is almal

kranige fietsryers.

The Duiwelskloof Bowls Club Day/Night Charity Fund Raiser in aid of the Tzaneen SPCA’s Catt ery Project att racted a total of twelve teams of Trips and two teams of Pairs (forty players in total).

The fi rst two games were played in a very spirited manner and fun was had by all. Unfortunately the delicious dinner had to be warmed up on a gas stove and eaten under candle light due to load-shedding from 18:15 to 20:15. This also delayed the evening game.

Despite this set-back, four out of the fourteen teams played the last game which also ended with a light drizzle of rain. Nonetheless everybody enjoyed this very special occasion.

Total funds raised by the club for the SPCA Catt ery Project amounted to R5 895. The club’s management thanked all those who participated and those who made donations to the event, but did not play. The support was fantastic and the funds will certainly help the SPCA’s cause.

Pieter Pilusa, promising rally driver from Tzaneen, pulled off two amazing feats. In a personal first, he was awarded with the 2014 Northern Regions Rally Championship title and also secured second place in the S1 Class during the final leg of the Northern Regional Rally circuit in Secunda. Pieter also took first place in Class E during the World of Motorsport ZA Africa Regional Rally Organization Championship at Babsfontein. His win means Pieter is now the second fastest man in this year’s Northern Region Rally Championships in the Class E division. “I worked really hard to achieve it, and I suppose doing this is in my blood,” Pilusa said of his victory. Pieter is seen

here with both his trophies next to one of his sponsors, Mr Hennie Smit, owner of Tzaneen Midas. “I would like to thank this company and all my other sponsors for all

their support,” Pieter said.

Bowling donates R6 000 to Letaba SPCA

Mr Harold Cass (Vice-President of Duiwelskloof Bowling Club), Mss Jenny Murray (Secretary of the club), Ellie Potgieter (Inspector, Letaba SPCA), Joyce Mkhonja (Kennel Manager, Letaba SPCA) and Ronel du Bruyn (Secretary, Letaba SPCA Managing Body) are seen here during the handing

over of the money to the SPCA..