bulletin amsa-umi 2015/2016 2nd edition

HALT THE RISE : BEAT DIABETES Diabetes mellitus is a disease of the pancreas, an organ behind our s t o m a c h t h a t p r o d u c e s t h e insulin hormone. Insulin helps the body use food for energy. When a person has diabetes, the pancreas either cannot produce enough insulin, uses the insulin incorrectly, or both. Insulin works together with glucose (sugar) in the bloodstream to help it enter the body's cells to be burned for energy. If the insulin cannot work properly, glucose cannot enter the cells. This causes glucose levels in the blood to rise, creating a condition of high blood sugar or diabetes, and leaving the cells without fuel. The number of people living with diabetes has nearly quadrupled since 1980 to 422 million adults, with most living in developing countries. WHO is marking World Health Day, 7 April, by calling for action on diabetes. In its first “Global report on diabetes”, WHO highlights the need to step up prevention and treatment of the disease. AMSA-UMI has philosophies that are action, knowledge, friendship, and religion which the members medical students of medical faculty of UMI. So, in order to celebrate World Health Day 2016: "Halt The Rise, Beat Diabetes" that performed on Sunday, 10th April 2016 at car free day, Jendral Sudirman street. This event started from 07:00 in the early morning until 10:00 am. The purpose of this event is to give more information about Diabetes Mellitus disease to citizen for against and prevent, and also it’s an action of AMSA UMI to society. The citizen excited and get involved to success the event. The event such as medical check up and distribution of leaflets about diabetes mellitus to all visitors. This event followed by all visitors and even the governor of South Sulawesi Mr. DR. H. SYAHRUL YASIN LIMPO, SH, M.Si, MH were very enthusiastic to join this activity. The event was ended by full of fun and happiness. And hopefully this activity can be beneficial for society and AMSA-UMI also can always provide the best for the community. ARHE DISTRICT 6 Adolescent & Reproductive Health Education AMSA-Indonesia's District 6 [AMSA-UMI, Unhas, Unismuh, UHO, Untad, Unpatti, Unisa, Unsrat] presents ARHE : Adolescent & Reproductive Health Education This event programmed from AMSA-International for AMSA-Indonesia and specifically for AMSA- District 6 to do this event. AMSA-UMI is member of district 6 AMSA- Indonesia along with AMSA- University of Hasanuddin (Makassar), University of Muhammadiyah (Makassar), University of Pattimura (Ambon), University of Sam Ratulangi (Manado), University of Haluoleo (Kendari), University of Tadulako (Palu), and University of Al- Khairat (Palu). This program based on philosophy of AMSA which is action, knowledge, and friendship. In this event we had socialisation about reproduction with junior high school students and high school students in Malino. That school is SMPN 1 Tinggi Moncong and SMAN 2 Tinggi Moncong. This event started with socialisation about reproduction and we did some pre-test for students. And then there are also games for students. After that, we had a gathering in Makassar with member District 6. This event was ended by full of fun and happiness like what our friends from district 6 say "You are my brother and sister from another mother". And hopefully this activity can be beneficial for students and AMSA-Indonesia District 6 also can always provide the best for the community. AMSA-UMI AMSA (Asian Medical Students' Association) Universitas Muslim Indonesia is a non-political, non- sectarian, and non-profit external organizations in Faculty of Medicine of Universitas Muslim Indonesia. AMSA-UMI is an ocial member of AMSA Indonesia, which is also an ocial member of AMSA International. AMSA-UMI was o cially incorporated on 4 September 2004. AMSA-UMI’s activity based on three philosophy of AMSA-Indonesia and AMSA- International, which is: Knowledge, Action, and Friendship. But, AMSA-UMI has added Religious to the philosophy of AMSA-UMI itself, given the Universitas Muslim Indonesia is a Muslim university. AMSA-UMI’s structure organisation more or less the same as other universities, chaired by a Representative, and managed by General Secretary and Treasurer as well as its subordinate divisions such as Internal Aair, External Aair, Finance Department, Academic Team, Community Outreach, and Publication and Promotion. AMSA-UMI BASIC PHILOSOPHY 1. Knowledge 2. Action 3. Friendship 4. Religious

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Page 1: BULLETIN AMSA-UMI 2015/2016 2nd Edition

HALT THE RISE : BEAT DIABETESDiabetes mellitus is a disease of the pancreas, an organ b e h i n d o u r s t o m a c h t h a t p r o d u c e s t h e insulin hormone. Insulin helps the body use food for energy. When a p e r s o n h a s d i a b e t e s , t h e pancreas ei ther cannot produce enough insu l in , uses the insulin

incorrectly, or both. Insulin works together with glucose (sugar) in the bloodstream to help it enter the body's cells to be burned for energy. If the insulin cannot work properly, glucose cannot enter the cells. This causes glucose levels in the blood to rise, creating a condition of high blood sugar or diabetes, and leaving the cells without fuel.

The number of people living with diabetes has nearly quadrupled since 1980 to 422 million adults, with most living in developing countries. WHO is marking World Health Day, 7 April, by calling for action on diabetes. In its first “Global report on diabetes”, WHO highlights the need to step up prevention and treatment of the disease.

AMSA-UMI has philosophies that are action, knowledge, friendship, and religion which the members medical students of medical faculty of UMI. So, in order to celebrate World Health Day 2016: "Halt The Rise, Beat Diabetes" that performed on Sunday, 10th April 2016 at car free day, Jendral Sudirman street. This event started from 07:00 in the early morning until 10:00 am.

The purpose of this event is to give more information about Diabetes Mellitus disease to citizen for against and prevent, and also it’s an action of AMSA UMI to society. The citizen excited and get involved to success the event. The event such as medical check up and distribution of leaflets about diabetes mellitus to all visitors. This event followed by all visitors and even the governor of South Sulawesi Mr. DR. H. SYAHRUL YASIN LIMPO, SH, M.Si, MH were very enthusiastic to join this activity.

The event was ended by full of fun and happiness. And hopefully this activity can be beneficial for society and AMSA-UMI also can always provide the best for the community.

ARHE DISTRICT 6Adolescent & Reproductive Health Education

AMSA-Indonesia's District 6 [AMSA-UMI, Unhas, Unismuh, UHO, Untad, Unpatti, Unisa, Unsrat] presents ARHE : Adolescent & Reproductive Health EducationThis event programmed from AMSA-International for AMSA-Indonesia and specifically for AMSA-District 6 to do this event.AMSA-UMI is member of district 6 AMSA-Indonesia along with AMSA- University of H a s a n u d d i n ( M a k a s s a r ) , U n i v e r s i t y o f Muhammadiyah (Makassar), University of Pattimura (Ambon), University of Sam Ratulangi (Manado), University of Haluoleo (Kendari), University of Tadulako (Palu), and University of Al-Khairat (Palu).

This program based on philosophy of AMSA which is action, knowledge, and friendship. In this event we had socialisation about reproduction with junior high school students and high school students in Malino. That school is SMPN 1 Tinggi Moncong and SMAN 2 Tinggi Moncong.This event started with socialisation about reproduction and we did some pre-test for students. And then there are also games for students. After that, we had a gathering in Makassar with member District 6.

This event was ended by full of fun and happiness like what our friends from district 6 say "You are my brother and sister from another mother".

And hopefully this activity can be beneficial for students and AMSA-Indonesia District 6 also can always provide the best for the community.

AMSA-UMI AMSA (Asian Medical Students' Association) Universitas Muslim Indonesia is a non-political, non-sectarian, and non-profit external organizations in Faculty of Medicine of Universitas Muslim Indonesia. AMSA-UMI is an official member of AMSA Indonesia, which is also an official member of AMSA International.

AMSA-UMI was officially incorporated on 4 September 2004. AMSA-UMI’s activity based on three philosophy of AMSA-Indonesia and AMSA- International, which is: Knowledge, Action, and Friendship. But, AMSA-UMI has added Religious to the philosophy of AMSA-UMI itself, given the Universitas Muslim Indonesia is a Muslim university. AMSA-UMI’s structure organisation more or less the same as other universit ies, chaired by a Representative, and managed by General Secretary and Treasurer as well as its subordinate divisions such as Internal Affair, External Affair, Finance Department, Academic Team, Community Outreach, and Publication and Promotion.


1. Knowledge

2. Action

3. Friendship

4. Religious

Page 2: BULLETIN AMSA-UMI 2015/2016 2nd Edition


Sriwijaya Palembang

• INTERNATIONAL EVENTS - Asian Medical Students’ Conference (AMSC) Manila , Philippines June 28th - July 5th 2016


Upcoming Event Of AMSA-UMI (May- July): • Medical Seminar by AMSA-UMI (June, 4th 2016)• CUBE (Circumcision and Basic Examination Training )

on June 2016• HEPAR 3 on May 2016• CIRCLE on July 2016


AMSA-UMI @amsaumi

@amsaumi amsaumi.com


HEPAR 1 & 2Health , Education , Prevention and Raising


HEPAR (Hea l th , E d u c a t i o n , P reven t i on , and Raising Nutrition) part 1 from Asian Medical Students' A s s o c i a t i o n Universitas Muslim Indones ia wh ich h e l d o n F r i d a y, February 12th 2016 w i t h a t h e m e "Healthy Life for Young Generation” and 2nd HEPAR with a theme “Know

The Symptoms , Prevent Typhoid, Raise Nutrition” on Sunday,March 20th 2016 ,both taken place at Kampung Savanah.

AMSA-UMI itself is a non-profit organisation has philosophies that are action, knowledge, friendship, and religion which the members medical students of medical faculty of UMI. This event programmed 4 times or once in 2 months on this tenure and we will be cooperated with Kampung Savanah. Life with all its limitations, rickety shacks, there is no source of clean water, electricity passengers at the nearest residential homes, children drop out of school and parents must participate scavenged. That glimpse of the condition of the Kampung Savanah. In Kampung Savanah, there are some volunteers from college students in Makassar as channeling aid from the public and to assist the education of children who drop out of school environment. That's why we cooperate with the volunteers of Kampung Savanah on holding HEPAR.

The opening of the event was in Little Class in Kampung Savana from 08.30am. There are about 30 children, 3 volunteers and also members of AMSA-UMI participate in this event. After opening agenda, our member of AMSA-UMI do worming disease counselling to children and also assisted by volunteers of kampung savanah. Children were very enthusiastic in receiving materials from committee and volunteers of kampung savanah.

T o l i v e n u p t h e atmosphere, children directed to the field after the counselling to do games hand washing socialisation. Children that won the games got s o m e g i f t s f r o m committee. Last agenda of the event were distribution of dairy and snacks to children and family around. After the event, we do discussion and sharing with the volunteers of Kampung Savanah. We hope that we will keep the cooperation in build up the spirit of children of Kampung Savanah.

Ta’Lim and Dhikr On Saturday, May 21st 2 0 1 6 A M S A - U M I i n collaboration with BEM KBMFK-UMI and FORSIK FK UMI presents "Ta'lim and Dzikir Bersama" at Masjid Umar Bin Khattab. This event started 07.00 am and in this event the dean of Medical faculty of Musl im University of Indonesia Prof. dr. H.

Syarifuddin Wahid, Ph.d, Sp. PA(K), Sp. F, DFM, also the 4th vice-dean got involved. First we dhikr for our seniors who will be fighting for UKMPPD. We pray so deeply to Allah for ease them for their missions to clear UKMPPD. After that, we held ta'lim about our Prophet Muhammad SAW and Ramadhan is about to coming.This event was ended with lunch together with all participants.