bulletin kpan-ksam


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The Kosovo Policy Action Network is an alliance of active and equal organizations which, regardless of ethnic, religious or social affiliation, aim to represent the interests of non-majorities by advocating for policies, laws, and governmental conduct which will protect the human rights and improve the quality of life of non-majority groups. The network is composed of 80 non-majority NGOs and individuals.


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Opinions expressed in this publication do not necessarily represent the views of the United States Agency for International Development or the United States Government.

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PrOGrAm PlAtfOrm Of netwOrk


we, the kPAn members are committed to actively participate in creating a society of liberty and justice; a society in which all individuals are sovereign over their own lives everyone is free to follow his or her own system of values.we believe that respect for individual and minority rights is the essential precondition for a democratic and prosper-ous kosovo; that force, fraud and conditioning must be banished from human relationships and from the relationship between the Government and constituencies, and that only through the strict upholding of a rule of law and principle of equity can peace and prosperity be realized. consequently, we defend each person’s right to engage in any activity that is peaceful and honest, and welcome diversity in opinions, political views, ethnic affiliation, sexual orientation and religion. further, we have set forth our basic principles and enumerated various policy stands derived from those principles.these specific policies are not our goal, however. Our goal is nothing more nor less than a society of active and equal citizens who are meaningfully participate in the decision making processes, lifetime, and it is to this end that we take these stands.

StAtement Of PrIncIPleS

we, the members of the kPAn, challenge the practice of minority exclusion from the decision making processes and passive approach taken by Serbian people and minorities in kosovo in defense of their interest and respecting of hu-man and minority rights. we shall actively engage ourselves as representatives of our constituencies in the work of all stakeholders in kosovo putting the interest of our community before the personal interest. Guiding principles of our operations are consistency in our actions and beliefs, consultative decision making approach, impartiality in judgment and independence in work, solidarity within the network and towards our constituencies and persistence in spite of difficulties. we shall firmly stand behind the main principles that should not be violated by any authority in kosovo: namely, (1) the right to life as a free individual in a manner that is respectful to dignity of humankind and as a member of larger community with all specificity of the ethnic group, according to which we oppose political oppression and coercive assimilation; (2) the right to liberty of speech, according to which we oppose all attempts by all authorities in kosovo and powers from the shadow actors to abridge the freedom of speech and press, as well as censorship in any form; and (3) the right to property -- accordingly we oppose any violation of rights on private property, usurpation of households and business premises and request imposing penalty measures for perpetrators and compensation for victims.

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HUmAn rIGHtS AnD freeDOm Of mOvement

we, the members of kPAn, are committed to active engagement in achieving european standards for human and minority rights for Serbian people and minorities in kosovo. we challenge minority exclusion from decision making processes and the passive approach taken by Serbian people and minorities in kosovo in defense of their interest and respecting of human and minority rights. kPAn will work toward the following objectives: a) Improving communica-tion with security structures in kosovo, including kPS, kfOr and eUleX, through participating and contributing to work of bodies that are dealing with human and minority rights; b) collection of information on breaching of human rights, developing mechanisms for efficient monitoring of human rights violation and dissemination of information to media and public through sending press releases, statements for public and organizing conferences and open debates in the media centre; c) Implementation of advocacy actions aiming at raising attention of human and minority rights violation towards International and kosovo institutions and majority community and conducting follow up activities.

kPAn will also pursue the following human rights goals:

PerSOnAl lIberty

Individuals should be free to make choices for themselves and to accept responsibility for the consequences of the choices they make. no individual, group, or government may oppress any other individual, group, or government. Our support of an individual’s right to make choices in life does not mean that we necessarily approve or disapprove of those choices. we, the kPAn members, shall actively advocate for respecting of our individual and community rights. It is our decision to be treated either as unaffiliated individuals or as members of a specific ethnic group.

eXPreSSIOn AnD cOmmUnIcAtIOn

we support full freedom of expression and oppose censorship of or limits on that expression, including limits of access, placed by the government, international institutions or shadow powers. we favor the option of establishing kosovo-wide tv channel which will function independently from rtk and the kosovo assembly, and whose editorial policy will be independent from kosovo political structures. kPAn will continue to actively advocate for our beliefs by taking part in the Steering Group for establishing a tv station in minority languages, the Public broadcasting Oversight board and Program council.

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ecOnOmIc PrOSPerIty

we, the members of kPAn, want all members of society to have equal opportunities to achieve economic success and prosperity. Identified shortcomings of sustainable economic development in kosovo are as follows: a) lack of short term and long term strategy for economical development – to address this issue, the kPAn members will work with relevant institutions such as business chamber of kosovo and business chamber of republic of Serbia to develop such strategy; b) weak public infrastructure in kosovo Serb and minority areas – to address this issue, kPAn will conduct advocacy and public awareness campaigns towards ministries of kosovo government and donors, to improve the scope of investments in public infrastructure in kosovo Serb and minority areas and to the ministry of kosovo and metohija to enhance transparency of work and accountability of its bodies pertaining to investments in infrastructure; c) Insufficient information about funding opportunities by kosovo institutions, various programs of ministries of re-public of Serbia and International donors – members of the network will strive to become members of the committees of these respective stakeholders on issues concerning economical development and distribution of the funds. Simulta-neously, members of the network will spread information of available support to community and business entities; d) insufficient employment rate of Serbian people and minorities in kosovo in publicly owned enterprises and companies outside of the republic of Serbia system -- to address this issue, members of the kPAn will implement advocacy ac-tions towards respective kosovo authorities and international organizations to address this issue, ensuring at the same time that increased employment rate will not imply reducing of position within the economical system of republic of Serbia; e) Unresolved property issues / usurpation of business – to address this issue, members of the kPAn, particu-larly members of the committee for economical Development will implement wide scope of advocacy campaigns, in person meetings, and participate in conferences to raise this issue to the broader public and respective authorities.

QUAlIty Of lIfe

we, the members of kPAn, are not satisfied with the quality of life of Serbian and other minority communities in kosovo. consequently, don’t want to stay outside and quietly observe the disrespect of the fundamental national interests of Serbian and minority communities in kosovo. we will make due efforts to bring at the same table all stakeholders to ensure that true voice of civil society is taken into consideration and contest the practice of negotiating issues of vital importance away from the attention of community concerned. we demand the right of Serbian com-munity to attend the schools in the Serbian language, following Serbian educational curriculum and therefore we will actively oppose any attempt of using the educational curriculum to assimilate non-Albanian communities and eradi-cate signs of continues presence of Serbian and other non-majority communities, which will contribute to the image of kosovo as a truly multiethnic place which cultivate culture of dialogue and political pluralism and where different po-litical views and perspectives on history and other controversial issues are being respected. In line with the law on use of languages, we firmly stand for the protection of Serbian language and cyrillic alphabet in official use by local and central kosovo authorities and institutions. we shall demand the fulfillment of this right by taking personal examples, initiating advocacy actions towards kosovo institutions and preparation of surveys and researches. we will strongly oppose any initiative aiming at changing names of the villages and towns. we are resolutely requesting improvement of cultural activities and improvement of available facilities in Serbian and non-majority areas. we fully support open-ing of the Serbian cultural centre in Pristina and organizing activities which will promote genuine Serbian culture and links with cultural institutions from Serbia proper.

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kPAm effOrtS tO reAct In All SItUAtIOnS wHere tHe InDIvIDUAl, lOcAl Or mInOrIty cOmmUnIty, InStItU-tIOn Or relIGIOUS Object IS tHreAteneD. It emPHA-

SIzeS All vIOlAtIOn Of bASIc HUmAn rIGHtS tHrOUGH nOtIceS, APPeAlS AnD AnnOUncementS:

kosovo policy action network (kPAn) is a network of equal and active organizations that, regardless of their ethnicity, religious or social background primarily want to participate in the decision making processes within a democratic, legally regulated institutional system, with full deference to human and minority rights. more than 70 nGOs and individuals constitute this network.



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ChurCh in Samodreža deSeCrated againfriday, june the 10, 2011.

A temple dedicated to the beheading of Saint john the baptist, renowned for supposedly being the place where the army of prince lazar took their sacraments before the battle of kosovo field, and which in located in the village of Samodreža six kilometers outside of Vučitrn, was again targeted and desecrated. kPAn stresses that the Albanian community has, in the past, blocked the restoration of the church on several occa-sions, but with the help of kPAn and the members of the nGO kameni most from mitrovica, the International civil-ian office and the Vučitrn municipality, a temporary protection in the form of tin doors surrounding and protecting the church interior from litter was installed two months ago. After kameni most, an organization from mitrovica, the International civilian Office and the representatives of the Vučitrn municipality made a small headway in protecting the church in Samodreža, by cleaning the interior and in-stalling tin doors around the church interior to protect it, unidentified assailants have demolished the church again in early june 2011. they broke the doors and turned the premises into an outhouse and trash dump.

KPan strongly condemns the desecration of the church in Samodreža, a continues process which has resumed after the arrival of international troops in kosovo in 1999. when the church was set ablaze. During the march riots of 2004 the church was vandalized and that has left it in an appalling condition. the roof has collapsed, the apse over the main altar has been punched through, the window panes and the door have been broken, the bell tower and the church wall has been torn down (only the bell survives, which was moved to Zvečan) and the interior has been turned into a garbage dump and outhouse for men and cattle alike. the kosovo political action network appeals to relevant kosovo institutions, the international community and the lo-cal self-governance of the Vučitrn municipality to put the church in Samodreža under its protection as soon as possible and safeguard against future vandalism by building a protective wall and to, in cooperation with the Serbian Orthodox church and the raško-Prizrenska diocese, rebuild this holly site. We would like to remind everyone that the village of Samodreža near Vučitrn once housed around twenty Serb households that have been forcefully expelled before the conflict of 1999, as well as the fact that the last church feast (Slava) in the afore mentioned church was held as far back as 1997.

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A cOnStrUctIve DIAlOGUe IS A rOAD leADInG tO trUtH AnD A lIfe tOGetHer fOr memberS Of DIfferent etHnIc bAckGrOUnDS

tuesday, february the 22, 2011.

a national consultation on the initiative for reCom was held on February 21, 2011 in gračanica, Kosovo. the con-sultation was organized by the center for research, Documentation, and Publishing and it was attended by over 30 representatives of the “kosovo Policy Action network” (kPAn), a network of local and international organizations and individuals.

Sasa Ilic in the name of kSAm network gave its full support to the work of recOm Initiative and with his active par-ticipation in the debate contributed that other participants have clear view about the aims, responsibilities and compe-tencies of future regional commission. He still stressed that recOm should also consider all the incidents that took place before 2005.Snežana Zdravković, a representative of the association of the Families of the Kidnapped and Killed in Kosovo, stated that the organization she represented and she personally gave their full support to the creation of a regional com-mission. “Our main interest – establishing the facts about all war crimes, in particular the facts about the missing – is identical with the main interest of the Coalition”, said Snežana Zdravković.

marinko Đurić, a member of the same organization, said that “establishing the facts about the war crimes and about the victims of war crimes is a civilized way to deal with the past” and added that “we have no reason to protect anyone who acted in their own interest and committed a war crime on our behalf”.bekim blakaj from the Humanitarian law center kosovo, talked about the history of the coalition for recOm, ex-plained the course of the consultation process, the mandate of the commission, and the reasons for its creation, as well as the main goals and assignments of the future commission.

Sonja radošević, a member of the Coordination Council of the Coalition for reCom from montenegro, informed the participants about the authorizations of the future commission, the way members of the commission would be elected, how the findings of the commission were going to be processed, and what role would the commission have in criminal proceedings that might ensue after the publication of recOm’s final report. “the commission will be an extra-judicial body and it will be authorized to file a criminal complaint to a competent office of the prosecutor in order to secure the appearance of certain individuals, i.e. for possible sanctions against individuals who are invited and who refuse to appear for the purpose of giving their statement in accordance with the provisions of criminal procedure codes of member states“, explained Sonja radošević.

momčilo trajković, the initiator of the Serb-albanian reconciliation Forum, supported the creation of the regional commission and added that in its program he could find a lot that identified with his idea of the reconciliation be-tween Serbs and Albanians based on a dialogue. “the most powerful side of this process is the fact that victims are the focal point of its activity. I want to give my support and I am convinced that you will succeed simply because a society cannot succeed unless they face their past and deal with it” stated trajković.

At the end of the consultation all participants agreed that it was necessary to have meetings like that because they facilitated a constructive dialogue helping the societies move towards the truth, reconciliation and a life together.

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Seven yeArS SInce mArcH rIOtS

thursday, march the 17, 2011.

On this day marks the seventh anniversary of the largest case of violence of Albanians against the Serb population. At least a few thousand Serbs and other non-Albanian persons were displaced from kosovo during the violence perpetrated by Albanians on the 17th and 18th of march 2004., at least seven Serbian villages were torched and 30 monasteries and churches were razed to the ground; 11 churches and monasteries were damaged, along with 800 houses. 19 people were killed and 900 injured (including 65 members of international forces) in what has proven to be the worst case of ethnically motivated conflicts in kosovo since nAtO and Un took over control of the region in 1999. years. the riots also claimed 72 vehicles of the Un.

At that time, the commander of the Southern wing of nAtO, admiral Gregory jonson characterized the violence committed by Albanians as “ethnic cleansing”. kPAn would like to remind that after seven years following this terrible violence of one ethnicity over another, orga-nizers are still outside the reach of justice, and the banished Serbs are still in interim housing.

kPAn expresses its full solidarity with the victims of violence and would like to call upon those responsible to flush out organizers, in the interest of democratization and societal development.

photo: www.kosovo.net

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On kOSOvO wrOnGly mISPrInteD nAmeS On 48% trAffIc SIGnS

monday, june the 27, 2011.

“the centre for de-politicization of kosovo society” has, in cooperation with several other non-governmental orga-nizations, members of kPAn, conducted a research on the topic “Use of the Serbian language on traffic signs”. the research was conducted on the territory of the whole of kosovo, and the most mistakes were noticed in the areas of Prizren and Peć.

nebojša Simić, presenting the results of a five month long research which gathered evidence on the breach of laws concerning the use of the Serbian language, stated that in 38 municipalities 80% of all signs were researched and based on that the breaking of laws concerning this legal area was noticed.

“following the research and based on the sample of 580 documented traffic signs, we’ve arrived at the conclusion that 48% of all signs are spelled correctly, 30% are misprinted and 22% constitutes unmarked inhabited areas.” It’s obvi-ous that relevant parties haven’t done their job, especially when it comes to obeying the laws passed by the kosovo assembly. many areas that aren’t demarked can be considered erased from the vertical signalization of traffic. what’s particularly insulting is that the signs written in Serbian are often misprinted, so we have a situation where the names of some places have been completely changed,” said Simić.

this research has been implemented so as to make sure that the proper use of the Serbian language in kosovo is advo-cated in as simple and factual way as possible. the research in the form of a request was passed on a month ago to the language commission with the government of kosovo, the Office of minorities, the ministry of infrastructure and the consulting council for minorities with the president’s office in kosovo.

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ADvOcAcy cAmPAIGn fOr reStOrInG PrOPerty rIGHtS

friday, may the 06, 2011.

Owners of occupied property are running eleven-year long battle to restore their property rights. the lawlessness and corruption are prevailing in all battles so far. the week and non-efficient judicial system is falling apart due to com-plete absence of rule of law, and as such it is unable to provide proper protection before the law. these people who have illegally occupied other people’s properties are abusing the weakness of the legal system for their benefit and on detriment of real owners.

Over two hundreds of thousands refugees have left their homes in 1999. their property has been occupied. Only 25% of those have had opportunity to enter into long lasting battle to regain property rights. experiences of these people speak about attempts to regain their property as mission impossible. the work of respective institutions that have been dealing with the property rights, such as HPD and kosovo Prop-erty Agency, has been proven as inefficient and nonfunctional. Unresolved property issues, long-lasting trials before the court, forging documents and corruption were some of problems that have hindered this process. lack of politi-cal will to enforce the rule of law and subsequently fair legal system in kosovo, make resolution of property issues impossible. Perpetrators of such criminal acts are playing the main role in such environment. they are still using other people’s property without any penalties and reimbursement for victims. According to data obtained from HPD, 25360 cases have been resolved out of 29160 claims. According to data obtained from kosovo Property Agency, 13053 cases have been resolved out of 41177 claims. claimant’s experiences speak not only about inefficiency of kPA but also about something that has symptom of abusing position within this agency. mentioned resolved cases does not neces-sary mean that claimants have been able to regain their property. Decisions of the kPA, or decision of the commission are not guarantee for resolution of property issue. too many claimants who have received a positive answer confirming their ownership over the property, ordering the illegal occupant to evict the property, in fact, it has not been returned to owners. Partly as a result of connections between occupants and officials in the respective agency, and partly as a result of the tricks that occupants using to deceive these agencies in order to hamper the process and continue abusing illegally occupied property.experience shows that it is sufficient to submit any objection to kosovo Property Agency by the occupant, which does not have to be supported by any arguments or evidence, and that objection can contain something akin to the tales from 1001 nights, so that the agency “open the case” and starts the procedure to investigate claim from occupants. that procedure enables usurper to continue the abuse of property. As a follow up of filing objection from usurper, the agency re-initiates the procedure for establishing the facts by absurd objections. At the same time, usurpers are due to the complicated and inefficient bureaucratic procedures, or because of corruption, continue abusing property while legal owners were deprived of their legal and human rights, continuously suffering physical and mental torture, as well as material and financial losses.there are thousands of cases in which owners are running a hard and long lasting battle to regain their property and to receive compensation for occupied property. nGO “Avenija” and kPAn are sending an appeal to all respective institutions to comply with legal norms and prevent property abuse, which causes severe breaches of human and civil rights, violate human dignity, causing physical and material damages on legal owner’s detriment and additionally hampering interethnic relations.

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ten yeArS SInce tHe AttAck On tHe bUS Of nIS-eXPreS In lIvADIce

monday, february the 14th, 2011. A member of the kosovo Policy Action network, “the centre for Peace and tolerance”, speaking in front of the board for security and freedom of movement has held a press conference regarding the ten year anniversary of the terror-ist attack on the bus which was shuttling passengers from central Serbia to central kosovo. the attack took place in livadice near Podujevo. 11 people of Serbian nationality lost their lives, and a bigger number of passengers was injured. to this day the perpetrators haven’t been found. the speakers on the conference were živojin Jokanović, the attorney for the victims, nora ahmetaj from the Centre for research, documentation and publication and the member of the coordination council of the rekOm coalition, gordana Đorić, a passenger on the niš express bus and živojin rakočević, ana annalyst. first of all, we would like to remind everyone that the Supreme court has, in a second degree court case last year, freed florim ejupi, up until then the only man indicted for the livadice case on the grounds of a lack of evidence. eUleX re-launched the investigation, and the head of eUleX in june 2009, theo jacobs, stated the case was being handled by the people from the office of the special prosecutor for war crimes and that they don’t have the names of the suspects, but that they know that only one person couldn’t have been responsible for the attack in livadice. there are all kinds information and jurisdictions, but the suspects are either not known or are set free on the grounds of lack-ing evidence. in that sense, mr. Jokanović, the attorney for the damaged party in this case, said that the reason why ethnically motivated crimes remain unresolved is because of the inefficiency of the kosovo courts, police and relevent institutions that should handle these problems. He’s confirmed that for the attack on “nis express” bus alone no one has been indicted yet and that the case hasn’t been, and cannot be, closed, seeing as how cases such as that do not pass from memory. However, the solving of the crime is taking way too long.“livadice is a criminal act that was directed at a certain population or Serbs as the case stands. till this day no one has dealt with it with sufficient gravitas. I personally think that further pressure of all structures and forces need to be ap-plied on the international community to resolve this case”, Jokanović said.

analyst živojin rakočević said that the ten years without justice for crimes such as this represents a destructive factor for the whole of society. According to him, the key message of livadice was: “noone can protect you!”. nora Ahmetaj from the centre for research, documentation and publication said pointed at the lack od preparedness of the whole of society, lack of legislation and witness protection programs as the key reasons why this case hasn’t been solved yet. gordana Đorić, who was in the bus that day says that the not knowing who the criminal was hurts the most.the board for security and freedom of movement calls all relevant institutions that have an obligation to investigate and bring the criminals before the face of justice, to have improved cooperation so that it might be felt that the rule of law exists in this region and so that those responsible for their crimes might be made to answer for them.

the centre for Peace and tolerance will, as a part of the board for security and freedom of movement within kPAn, continue its fight for the rights of non-Albanian communities in kosovo through these kind of activities and those similar to it. the kosovo Policy Action network (kPAn) is a network of equal and active organizations, which, regardless of ethnicity, religious of social background aims to participate in the decision making process within a democratic and legally framed institutional system, with full regard to minority and human rights. the network is composed of 60 non-governmental organizations and individuals.

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kPAn OPPOSeS tHe fOrmAtIOn Of A SerbIAn cHAnnel wItHIn rtk

tuesday, may the 03rd, 2011.

the kosovo Policy Action network, regarding the International day of media freedom warns the public that in koso-vo pressure is still being exerted on the media. Also, a disproportionate segregation is being carried out against media which broadcast their program in minority languages.

It bears repeating that on the entire territory of kosovo, there is no tv or radio station which covers the entirety of kosovo with its broadcasting so the public is unaware as to why the process of creating a Serbian tv station has grinned to a halt. Another fact which speaks about the poor informational coverage is the lack of a daily newspaper in the Serbian language from kosovo.

kPAn blames the local institutions for this state of affairs, but also the representatives from the international commu-nity and points out that pressure is being exerted against editorial and media freedom in kosovo, as was the case with the show “Slobodno srpski” with Budimir ničić on the rtK channel. KPan warns that journalists and media works aren’t able to work professionally and without fear, especially when dealing with topics such as corruption, crime and war crimes. there is no language equality, not even where it’s legally guaranteed or where the language is degraded through poor translation in official papers.

the kosovo Policy Action network supports the initiative for the formation of an independent tv channel in the Ser-bian language, but opposes the idea that the channel should operate within rtk.

kPAn has, during a regular meeting, reminded everybody that according to the Ahtisari plan Serbs are guaranteed an independent tv channel which covers the entirety of kosovo and metohija, which the authorities in Priština have ac-cepted as an obligation. However, this hasn’t taken off and the Serbian community still doesn’t have its own channel.

the steering board of kPAn considers that “rtk can no longer direct this channel, because a research, done among others by the centre for Peace and tolerance, indicates that 95% of those questioned from the Serbian community do not want a new channel under the patronage of rtk”.

kPAn supports the position of the kIm journalist Association on this issue.

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mAny OrGAnIzAtIOnS wItHIn tHe netwOrk wOrk In tOUGH cOnDItIOnS, AnD tHe nUmber Of PrOjectS tHAt Are beInG ImPlementeD IS fOrGettAble. ASIDe frOm

tecHnIcAl DIffIcUltIeS, tHe lAck Of cOmPUter eQUIP-ment AnD Internet AcceSS, we AlSO fAce A SHOrtAGe

Of trAIneD AnD QUAlIfIeD PerSOnnel.kPAn HAS beGUn OrGAnIzInG trAInInGS frOm tHe

AreA Of cOmmUnIcAtIOn AnD meDIA wItH tHe GOAl Of bOOStInG ItS cAPAcItIeS. every trAInInG we’ve Or-GAnIzeD HAS HAD tHe beSt AvAIlAble trAInerS wHO

PASSeD tHeIr knOwleDGe AlOnG by emPlOyInG metH-ODS USeD In mAny OrGAnIzAtIOnS In eUrOPe AnD tHe reSt Of tHe wOrlD. tHe PUrPOSe Of tHeSe trAInInGS wAS PrImArIly tO ImPrOve tHe InternAl cOmmUnI-

cAtIOn Of OUr netwOrk, AS well AS tO ImPrOve OUr StAnDInG In tHe meDIA.


kosovo policy action network (kPAn) is a network of equal and active organizations that, regardless of their ethnicity, religious or social background primarily want to participate in the decision making processes within a democratic, legally regulated institutional system, with full deference to human and minority rights. more than 70 nGOs and individuals constitute this network.

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trAInInG: cOmmUnIcAtIOnS wItH meDIA febrUAry 28th – mArcH 03rd, 2011, mItrOvIcA

tHe trAInInG wAS HelD by tHe mrezA PrODUctIOn HOUSe frOm belGrADe. trAInerS were lIlA rADOnjIc, mAjA DIvAc AnD OljA beckOvIc.

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trAInInGS „ cOmmUnIcAtIOnS SkIllS“ AnD „ cOmmUnIcAtIOnS In cSO’S mAnAGement“ HelD In jAnUAry AnD jUne 2011 In OHrID.

trAInerS: StAnkO PevAc AnD tOmISlAv mIcOvIc

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OtHerS AbOUt kPAn

I expect that the kPAn will advocate for my rights and that my rights will be respected. I want to be able to live and move freely. I want to enjoy freedom of speech and use my language and alphabet.marija 23, К.mitrovica

I ‘d like kPAn to be more influential, transparent, visible, active and unique..Velja 22, gračanica

It is necessary for the kPAn to focus its attention to the young people and converge its activities towards creating conditions for our safer and better life. we know best what do we need, therefore we need to be consulted. we see the chance to express our opinion through the kPAn.milan 25, К.Мitrovica

I expect that the network will pay more attention to resolve problems that youth are facing with.I have many questions but I can’t find answers. for example, where should I go to study, how can i build my ca-reer, how to apply for some activities and volunteering in some organizations, where can i obtain necessary literature.. etc? nikola 25, Кosovo Polje

the civil society sector and the kPAn should be agents of positive change. changes that will improve living conditions, which will facilitate easier movement and return to cities. we need a strong and unified organi-zation that brings together non-Albanian civil society sector, which will, in the right way present our prob-lems and stands for our interests.jovana 33, Sušica

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Centar Za inFormiSanJe i SaradnJu “SourCe”, graČaniCa udruženJe žena “SaBor”, K.mitroViCa

nvO “vIktOrIjA” PlemetInAnVo “PuteVima SunCa” graČaniCa

nvO “rUkA rUcI”, UGljAre nvO “POzOvI me” k.mItrOvIcA

nvO “twInS”, rAjAnOvce nvO “nADA”, velIkO rOPOtOvO

nVo “oriJana”, SoČaniCa nVo “JeFimiJa” VeLiKa hoČa

nVo “Siga”, PeĆ nVo “Briga”, goraždeVaC

nvO “zDrAvlje” k.mIrOvIcA nvO “DeA”, k.mItrOvIcA

nVo “udruženJe StanoVniKa SeLa drenoVCa”, donJe drenoVCe nVo “udruženi”, BoSCe

nvO “nAŠ DOm”, PerkOvce nvO “IDemO PrAvO”, PlemetInA

nvO “cDcD”, bUŠnIce nVo “Božur”, BaBin moSt

nvO “OStAjte OvDe”, zUbIn POtOk nVo “Luna”, PriLužJe

nVo “Komitet žena”, ČagLaViCa nvO “IrenA” GOrnje, kUSce

nvO “vItInkA”, vItInA nVo “ĐurĐeVdan”, PreoCe

StudentSKi Centar graČaniCa, graČaniCa udruženJe PorodiCa KidnaPoVanih i neStaLih LiCa Kim, graČaniCa

POSlOvnO-SAvetODAvnI centAr mItrOvIcA Sever BoLJa BuduĆnoSt Vitina, KLoKot nvO „SrPSkO SlOvO“, lAPlje SelO

nVo „herC“ , graČaniCa nvO „AktIv“ k.mItrOvIcA

„humKoS“ LJuCKa i manJinSKa PraVa ,graČaniCa udruženJe inVaLida, graČaniCa

radio Kim ČagLaViCakAmenI mOSt k.mItrOvIcA

druŠtVo Za ogaJiVanJe goLuBoVa „ĆeLeVir“ LaPLJe SeLomediJa Centar, ČagLaViCa

kOntAkt rADIO, k.mItrOvIcA udruženJe CrnogoraCa „LoVĆen“ PriŠtina

rADIO klOkOt, klOkOt centAr zA DePOlItIzAcIjU kOSOvSkOG DrUŠtvA „cDkD“, k. kAmenIcA

centAr zA rAzvOj cIvIlnOG DrUŠtvA ccSD k. mItrOvIcA nvO GetO, lAPlje SelO

nVo KVerKuS, graČaniCamItrOvIcA ScHOOl Of HUmAn rIGHtS

K. mitroViCa nVo „Santa mariJa“, ZVeČan leGAl clInIc, k.mItrOvIcA

udruženJe Za mir KoSoVo (aFPK), K.mitroViCa nVo „oČi BuduĆnoSti“, graČaniCa

yOUtH emPOwerment center, k.mItrOvIcA omLadina JaZaS-а KoSoVo K.mitroViCa

nvO jOvAnkA, SUvO GrlO, SrbIcAKomuniKaCiJa Za raZVoJ druŠtVa (CSd), graČaniCa

nvO nIvO, k. mItrOvIcA uPž „aVeniJa“ LaPLJe SeLo

UnIjA POSlODAvAcA kOSOvA, lAPlje SelO SaVeZ udruženJa žena, graČaniCa

centAr zA mIr I tOlerAncIjU, PrIŠtInA centAr zA PrOmOcIjU I PrAvA mlADIH, nOvO brDO

InStItUt zA AnAlIzU I rAzvOj, k.mItrOvIcA nVo „BiĆe BoLJe“, graČaniCa

udruženJe CrnogoraCa KoSoVa, PriŠtina D&G SOlUtIOnS k.mItrOvIcA ženSKo PraVo, K.mitroViCanvO zDrAvlje, k.mItrOvIcA

kOlO SrPSkIH SeStArA, zUbIn POtOk nvO ekOSS, k.mItrOvIcA

OmlADInSkA InIcIjAtIvA PArteŠ, PArteŠ LePŠa BuduĆnoSt, PriLužJe

tHIrD SOcIAl centre - tSc, rAnIlUG nVo “ženSKo PraVo”, K.mitroViCa

ParohiJSKi dom, VeLiKa hoČa fUtUre wItHOUt feAr , ŠtrPce